Yo-my, or Why do they swear? Obscene language: who swears.

Perhaps this article will break some of your fashion standards and established norms...

We all know that no sooner do you go out into the street than you immediately encounter obscene (not censored) language in conversations not only among adults, but also among teenagers and children.

This is considered the norm in our society.

So why does this topic of the article sound so categorical?

Let's take a closer look...

What is a mat?

“Russian swearing (obscene language, swearing, swearing) - in Russian and languages ​​close to it - swear words and expressions, the use of which is not allowed by public morality, intended primarily to insult the addressee or negative assessments of people and phenomena"

What is degradation?

"Degradation, regression - gradual deterioration, loss of the best properties and qualities."

[Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia]

The final point of degradation is a homeless person, this is a murderer, this is death.

If you listen to what the swearing person is saying (or shouting), you will notice that he is mainly using obscenities about the genitals, functions and events. And in a negative form.

This is such a strange thing...

And this means this, from the point of view of Scientology, that this person is charged with sex, that’s for sure. What does charged mean?

“Charge is a harmful energy or force accumulated and stored in the reactive (unconscious) mind, arising from conflicts and unpleasant experiences that a person has had.”

[Scientology Dictionary - L. Ron Hubbard]

Let's now look at when a person swears.

When angry or irritated

It is not uncommon to hear a swear word from an irritated person. It happens that a person does not swear, but when he loses self-control, he begins to devalue his interlocutor by swearing.

His goal is not just to explain, his goal is TO HOOK AND BRING HIS INTERLOCER OUT OF BALANCE. This is quite easy to achieve with obscenities.

We conclude that the swear word is used WITH EVIL INTENTION.

As a rule, it is rare that anyone can resist direct name-calling and depreciation with obscenities; in response, the opponent (the one who listens to this) has a response. And so we get two swearing (crazy) people who could quite calmly discuss the issue or problem if the first one would refrain from swearing.


And as is known in Scientology, evil intentions mean that a person has committed wrongdoing in relation to another and continues to do so.

For example, a father scolds his children; first of all, he has very little responsibility for them if he already does this. Secondly, he has already committed quite a lot of offenses against them and no longer controls his negative emotions. Thirdly, he openly destroys his children (under the guise of upbringing and what they did “wrong”).

And if a person commits harmful acts, he degrades to the same extent as he commits bad things. Checkmate is destruction, and the consequence is degradation.

During conversation

There is a category of people for whom swear words are present in everyday conversation. A person cannot explain something differently because he has a narrow vocabulary (few words in his mind with which he can communicate) and he uses swear words, modifying them, to explain what he wants or sees.

MAT IS A SIGN OF LACK OF ANALYTICAL ABILITY. And the lack of analytical abilities is degradation.

It is not uncommon to hear teenagers “expressing themselves” with their peers using swear words. They think it's cool. And for any reason they devalue and discredit their own “friends”...

It is considered fashionable among them. A sharp word. But they don’t know which road they are already traveling on and in which direction...

This road is downward to a lack of mental, spiritual, and ethical abilities.

Among the homeless, alcoholics and drug addicts

If you are interested in conducting an experiment and finding out which layers of our society are “expressed” more and more constantly, go to neighborhoods with a low standard of living, where there are many homeless people, alcoholics, the unemployed, drug addicts, criminals...

The swearing doesn't stop there. Quarrels, family scandals, swearing, showdowns, and crimes also do not stop.

The mat is firmly attached to this layer of society.


If you swear and tell yourself “there’s nothing wrong”, you are deceiving yourself...

Swear words in conversation (or lack thereof) are a thermometer, an indicator of where this person is in terms of survival level, at the top (do not swear), in the middle (sometimes used in moments of strong irritation) or at the bottom (uses swear words in normal conversation).

I think this is stated clearly. If your swearing has begun to slip through your lips, it’s a reason to think about whether everything is clear with your conscience, maybe you are already destroying something (committing offenses or starting the wrong lifestyle or pursuing a non-survival line of behavior) and don’t realize it.

By the way, those “spiritual” individuals who claim spiritual development and declare this are not at all on such a path. This is a deception of you and yourself. They strive in the same direction as a homeless person swearing at his homeless friend, down to degradation.


Ethics is common sense. which is used for the survival of oneself, one's environment and other areas of life.

Therefore, think about the meaning of this article, this material is not written as “theoretical” or “for curiosity”.

It was written based on many observations, his own life and the lives of others, from different social strata of society.

And it was written in order to begin to change towards improvement and development.

Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear, identifying at least seven reasons for the popularity (or even advantages) of swearing. This:

1. Pain relief. Mat activates the body's "fight or flight" response, which is a release of adrenaline followed by a pain-relieving effect. This theory was proven experimentally: people who swore were able to keep their hands in ice water twice as long as those who did not use obscenities during the experiment. Moreover, this effect obtained from swearing is typical only for people who use it in exceptional cases, and do not use it almost always during communication. People who swear constantly are less sensitive to the effects of swear words, and therefore their body does not react to them with a surge of adrenaline.

2. Power and control. Checkmate gives a person the opportunity to feel greater power and control over a bad situation. Even if a person demonstrates this very power to himself, this is very important, because he no longer feels like a passive victim, but is ready to react and fight the current circumstances. This, in turn, can instantly boost self-esteem and self-confidence in a particular situation, as well as provide an incentive to take corrective action. Mark Twain also said: “If you're angry, count to four; if you’re very angry, curse.”

3. Nonviolent retaliation. Swear words are a weapon that a person uses to take revenge on bad people without resorting to violence. Instead of hitting someone, we vent our anger by swearing. Psychologists also draw a parallel: swearing is the same for a person as growling is for an animal. Thus, he warns the interlocutor that he should be careful, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

4. Humor. Swearing among friends is sometimes fun. In such circumstances, swearing serves as a way of liberation from normal social restrictions in the same way as a playful fight with a friend.

5. Social connections. Believe it or not, like any weapon, swearing can be used for good: if used correctly and appropriately, swearing can show others that you belong to a certain group or feel quite comfortable with members of such a group. Swearing can also demonstrate that you are open, honest and sociable.

6. Self-expression. Swear words can also indicate that the subject of our conversation is of great importance to us. Undoubtedly, a statement supported by obscenities acquires the greatest possible emotional overtones. Thus, a swear word (again, said to the point) helps to emphasize the importance of the word or phrase.

7. Physical and Mental Health: Health benefits of mating include increased blood circulation, increased endorphins, and a general sense of calm, control, and well-being. The main precondition for such advantages is the following: you need to swear extremely rarely and try not to get angry.

I do not encourage you to swear everywhere and every day. However, as practice shows, sometimes swearing can serve as an excellent tool both for improving one’s well-being and for eliminating an unpleasant or difficult situation. Therefore, use swear words, but only wisely.

I don’t see anything wrong with the swearing, which was used with some adequacy and appropriateness. Paradoxically, it brings the greatest harm only because of the radical attitude towards its use. For example, we demonstrate to children that he prohibited, not just unacceptable V cultural society, thereby forcing them to use abuse simply for the sake of self-affirmation, demonstrating their rebellion and independence. And hence the inscriptions on the walls, and the habit of using it as articles in the future.

I think that the attitude towards swearing as something special is in the same cluster of actions as superstitions, a negative attitude towards tattoos, a negative attitude towards girls in trousers. Nowadays anyone can express themselves cooler, for example using terms or funny metaphors.

people are divided into 2 categories - those who need to build boundaries, and those who need to weaken them. Depends on a person’s internal culture, his humanity, kindness, self-control, and many other things. That is, swearing should be prohibited, but some people can swear. Wisely, as written above.



These are the costs of upbringing and environment. When I fell in love with a girl who liked to throw in a couple of strong words, I also adopted this manner from her in order to talk to her on the same level. It didn’t suit me, but then when we ran away, the swearing disappeared from my life and I only remember it when I tell jokes or swear very, very strongly.

In general, it’s a disgrace that people swear in our country and don’t even realize why it’s bad...

In my opinion, this leads to a decline in culture and a departure from established norms in society. Well, let’s say you come to visit, and they give you tea in a chipped cup, and food in a plastic plate, and seat you at a wooden table covered with a speed info newspaper - I don’t think so. whatever you like. Although in terms of functionality everything is ok - everything works and performs its function.

So, when you surround yourself with beautiful things, beautiful people, you change for the better. Mat, on the other hand, allows you to move in the opposite direction: you start swearing, then drinking/smoking, then you allow yourself some more indulgences and gradually degrade... It’s clear that you won’t get there from just cursing, this is just one of the entry points...

So why choose a negative direction instead of a positive one? A person should remain a person. I don’t know how to convey this idea very clearly, but culture, like the legal field, are very fragile things that can collapse at any moment if they are not supported.

I’m not imposing it on anyone, I’m just voicing my point of view.



I assure you, this is not the case everywhere now. For example, among my acquaintances and friends, no one, not a single person, swears. And if in your environment people swear so much that it is already perceived as the norm, then it is obvious that you need to get out of it. Over time, a person himself becomes like those who are next to him, often even unnoticed by himself. So if you want to maintain the belief that swearing is abnormal, then urgently change your circle of friends.

It's understandable why people quarrel. Outlooks on life, different judgments and thoughts do not coincide. Yes, everything is different. But why do those who have two hearts beat as one quarrel? Why do we quarrel with our loved ones? Why do those who promised each other to always be together and share grief and joy argue and sometimes conflict? Why in a family, no, no, but there are clouds over the heads of lovers...

After all, at first everything seems to be perfect. No one openly shows negative character traits. He tries to please his partner, listens to his desires, knows how to not only listen, but also hear. But... a little time passes, people get used to each other and take the relationship for granted. As if it were quite natural that two people meet, fall in love, get married, start a family, and so on. People stop appreciating what fate has given them. But it really is a gift of fate to find “your” loved one at the crossroads of many roads. Someone walks, searches, wanders in the labyrinth of life, but... still remains alone. Or, having given up on everything, he connects his life with the wrong person, thinking that he will endure it and fall in love. Can't stand it. And he won't fall in love. It is torture, not life, to be under the same roof with someone to whom the heart is silent.

This is why it is so important to value relationships with loved ones. When a person realizes this, he values ​​the sun above his head, good weather in the house, so to speak, and does not find fault with trifles. He does not look for a reason for a quarrel in order to add supposed spice to the relationship. Those who think that conflicts dilute love with bright colors are mistaken, forcing them to look at their partner with different eyes. And they say, without quarreling, relationships become insipid. This is all nonsense. You can renew your feelings and emotions with positive moments and events. Make your partner's heart flutter again by doing something unpredictable and wonderful for him. Quarrels, like drops of poison, slowly but surely fill a glass, gradually poisoning family life. Having filled it to the brim, there is so little love in this glass that one wrong move and poison will pour out of the glass, destroying the former good attitude towards the partner. Emptiness. Cold. Indifference. Nothing remains in the heart anymore. (On the topic of how important it is to value your other half and not let everyday problems destroy personal happiness, I recommend article by Anastasia Gai, editor-in-chief of the website “Sunny Farts”, “How to get rid of anger and aggression? Or my new family life. (Part 1)"

Appreciate every minute spent together. Be grateful to fate that you have a loved one. After all, not everyone has such happiness. Not everyone can find their soul mate. Some people only dream about it. And you have it. And you just have to be ungrateful to then find reasons to find fault with your person, to provoke him into conflict and aggression. Fortune does not like the ungrateful and pays them in the same coin.

Developing this topic, we can add the following: people also quarrel because they begin to demand too much from their partner. Without appreciating what he does and gives, a person turns into the old woman from the fairy tale about the “Goldfish”. More more more! Everything is not enough for us. But human resources and capabilities are limited, and it is impossible to walk wider than your pants allow. Another thing is how to motivate a man to achieve high achievements! But this is a separate topic. (If it worries you at the moment, I recommend reading article “Don’t become a “mommy” for a man” . She will tell you how to behave correctly towards your chosen one so that he achieves success)

So you need to not only value the relationship, but also be grateful for what the person does for you.

Don’t forget to say a simple “thank you”, it can sometimes warm you up more than a hot radiator, and the person will want to do more and more pleasant things for you. Don’t miss every little thing, sometimes little things add up to something big and bright.

Another reason why lovers quarrel, this is a misconception that a person should feel you and know all your thoughts and desires. Here it is worth explaining the essence of the statement. Feeling means that only by looking, facial expressions and gestures can the one who loves determine the mood of his other half. Is something bothering her (him), is the person worried or, on the contrary, is he in an excellent mood? It is undoubtedly important in a family to feel each other. But not everyone can know their thoughts and desires at the moment. And not at all because the person doesn’t love you. We are not fortune tellers or clairvoyants. Well, how can you guess what’s in your beloved’s head at the moment?
This is especially common in women. Many people sulk at the other half if the man suddenly did not understand what you meant when, for example, you wanted to go to a restaurant, but remained silent and went to the cinema instead. Everything needs to be discussed. About this theme on the website "Sunny Hands" there is a good one article at Rashida Kirranova , called “The man doesn’t understand you? Say directly what you want!”

Let me give you one example from life.

March 8. My friend’s husband runs around the city for half a day, choosing gifts for relatives, employees and his beloved. Katya at this time, sitting at home, is already obviously sure that her darling will buy some kind of nonsense as usual. Sensing her tense mood, Sergei specifically called home and asked what she would like to receive as a gift? It may no longer be a surprise, but he certainly won’t goof up and anger his beloved with the “wrong” gift.

- I do not care. Buy what you see fit. I'll be happy about everything, - Katya changed her anger to mercy.

Although deep down in her heart she dreamed of receiving a bouquet of yellow tulips on March 8th. Yes, it was them, and not the usual luxurious burgundy rose that Sergei gave her from year to year. The girl decided to check how well her loved one feels. Will he think of buying her yellow tulips?!

Happy holiday, dear!– Sergei congratulated Katya, presenting her with... a burgundy rose.

- He doesn’t feel me at all
,” Katya later complained to her friend. - He doesn’t understand what I need...

Perhaps, if there were sorcerers or magicians in Sergei’s family, he would have read the information from Katya’s subconscious and given her these ill-fated tulips. But we are ordinary people. How can you read the thoughts of another when a person’s moods, as a rule, change?! Sometimes a person has not studied himself well, so what can we say about others?

The misconception that a person is obliged to read your thoughts leads not only to self-disappointment, but also to conflicts in the family. You came up with something for yourself. Your chosen one is an ordinary person, not a magician. He can sense your mood and well-being. He can also remember your wishes and dreams that you once said, and fulfill them at an unexpected moment, giving you a pleasant surprise. He can study you so well that he can predict your reaction to a specific statement, event, and so on. But knowing what you are thinking about at the moment, what you are dreaming about, is very difficult. So don't complicate your relationship yourself. Don’t invent illusory fairy tales for yourself that have nothing to do with real life. Talk to your partner, don't close the door to your inner world, let him study you well enough to read your eyes. And speak out loud about your desires. I recommend all women to study article “Don’t understand mine, yours,” or how to make a man understand you” on the “Sunny Hands” website. This is a treasure trove of valuable advice on family relationships.

One of the misconceptions is also that a person believes that since we have a family, then our loved one should do this and that. Must! Must!

Resentment arises due to failure to carry out specific actions, instructions, or requests.

- You are a man! You have to take out the trash!

- Why me? This is a woman's responsibility!

Sound familiar? And such disputes most often arise around banal, everyday things. Isn’t it better to calmly discuss all the nuances and exciting issues, so to speak, “on the shore”? No one owes nothing to nobody. People who love each other will do everything so as not to darken the mood of their other half. However, love does not accept orders and whims. She begins to rebel, kick, resist.

Resolve all issues through constructive dialogue. Talk to each other. Determine the circle of household chores that you will distribute among yourself. So that already in family life it will not be a surprise to you that your partner is not going to fulfill any specific responsibilities that, in your opinion, should fall on his shoulders. Peaceful dialogue is the key to calm family relationships. There must be compromises in any case. Since your partner is already an established adult with character, habits and outlook on life. You also have a character and to adjust your soul mate to yourself, thus breaking his personality and essence, no one gave you such a right. Negotiate, look for a middle ground, give in somewhere, and somewhere your partner will give in to you.

Among the list of reasons I described why people in love quarrel, there are no reasons such as rudeness on the part of a partner, insults, humiliation, or submission to one’s will. Because this is no longer love. This is a destructive force, dictatorship, destruction of a person’s personality. This is also a different topic and has nothing to do with the post about why lovers quarrel. Where there is strength and humiliation of a person, there is no place for love. Beats means loves, weak people came up with this idea to justify their powerlessness and low self-esteem. Those who tolerate this attitude towards themselves and do not want to change anything. (If you have low self-esteem and are struggling with it, order book by Rashid Kirranov “How to become confident in yourself in 3 months” . In it you will find exercises and tips that will help you gain long-awaited self-confidence. Order the book on the website "Sunny Hands" )

In the end, I would like to say that without quarrels, of course, it is very difficult, since we all have our own ambitions, character, and sometimes a spoiled mood, which we take out on our loved ones. But...at such moments, look around. Someone dreams of a loved one, someone cannot give birth to a child for years, someone's roof is leaking and a cold wind blows through the cracks. And some people know how to enjoy even a piece of bread. Do you still want to yell at your loved one and for you he is the worst?

It is very easy to offend a person. Darken relationships every once in a while! It is also easy to spoil what is destined for you by fate. But glue it together so that there are no marks or cracks left... Be sure to read article “Be Careful—Living Soul. Or “What will remain after you?” on the website "Sunny Hands" .

Think before you say an offensive word, put yourself in the person’s place, don’t be selfish and believe me: relationships without quarrels can also be bright and memorable. Conflicts are not a palette that should be used to dilute family life.

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova.

The common people often use swear words. This is quite common and does not cause rejection of the interlocutor. If a person grew up in this environment and got used to it, then swear words begin to fly from his lips from the time he begins to speak. Another question is what if a person grew up in an intelligent family, but then finds himself in conditions that are not particularly pleasant to him, where he experiences everyday stress. In this case, they swear more out of necessity than consciously.

Why do people swear

For example, a person serves in the army, works in law enforcement, drives a heavy vehicle, that is, every day his work involves risk and people who do not always react adequately to circumstances. In this case, in stressful situations, in difficult living conditions, he may be forced to start swearing. Then the habit is reinforced and those who swear no longer cause negativity. He himself becomes one of this team.

What are the reasons why people swear

Some believe that this is a reaction to fear, a desire to assert oneself in front of others. However, this is not always the case. Often, it’s rather an unusual environment, the inability to change something, speed up events, anger, that’s what moves a person. He is outraged and tries to speak out.

Some people believe that people who swear are people who have too little vocabulary. And again this is not true. Many famous people, including very educated ones, consider the way of expressing thoughts in this way to be normal. They even think it gives them some flair.

So, why is swearing heard more and more often:

  • People try to assert themselves this way;
  • Aggression increases, and swearing is an expression of aggression, but in a different form;
  • A person finds himself in a situation that is unusual for him, tries to defend himself, find a way out of the situation;
  • The mat helps to withstand pain, physical and mental suffering;
  • It gives control and power, helps make jokes;
  • Allows you to express yourself and even increase control, improve well-being;
  • Some people think it’s cool to swear, mostly young people, of course.
  • Checkmate is an opportunity to become oneself in a certain environment, to convey one’s thoughts that “do not get through” in other words.

These and other circumstances are increasingly introducing obscene words and expressions into life. They are already becoming part of the language, and are not even suppressed as cruelly as before. This does not mean that you need to swear, it just says that there is another way of expressing your feelings and emotions, a little different from ordinary cultural speech. It will most likely not be possible to eradicate swearing, but if it is not used in everyday life, then no one in the family will swear.