1c rarus training. Certified training center "1C-Rarus"

The modern market places high demands on the professional level of an accountant, financier, and manager both in Moscow and in the regions, because gaps in education or insufficient experience can be very costly for a company. There is always a demand from employers for highly professional accountants and managers, but not everyone can classify themselves in this category of managers. One of the ways to improve your skills is through additional education.

The most important aspect of education is knowledge of accounting programs, without which no modern enterprise can do. The software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system have become most widespread and popular. To a small extent, 1C:Enterprise 8 is taught at universities in relevant specialties. But the greatest completeness and quality of knowledge in this area can still be obtained only at the Certified Training Centers (CTC) of the 1C company.

As a rule, these are separate courses on specific software products. You can choose courses on the most common and popular software products on the platform “1C: Enterprise 8” and “1C: Enterprise 7.7” (“1C: Accounting 8”, “1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7”), and on products of a more specific focus (“1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management”), and even for industry solutions (“1C:Vehicle Management”). Courses on configuring and administering the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform are offered for programmers and system administrators.

All courses in the 1C:Enterprise 8 program system are certified by 1C: teaching methods, educational materials are certified, and the teaching staff also has the corresponding certificates for the right to teach each course. Thus, the quality of training is maintained at a very high level. Author's courses developed by Certified Training Centers (CTC) also undergo mandatory certification at 1C.

Recently, corporate training has become increasingly in demand, since it is in large companies that automation of business processes covers many departments and the issue inevitably arises of training a large number of employees using individually developed training programs, including without interruption from the work process. The CSC can take over the organization of such a training course, even on the premises of the client enterprise.

The advantages of corporate training are obvious: convenient time and place, rational use of time due to the homogeneity of the group and an individually selected program, the ability, with the help of an independent qualified specialist, to assess the need to refine the software product and make the right decision even before the start of design work.

Choosing a Certified Training Center (CTC) is a difficult and important decision. The main criteria when choosing a Training Center are, first of all, the quality of education, highly qualified teaching staff, favorable image, fame, positive reputation in relevant circles, practical experience in the development and implementation of relevant software products, modern technical and methodological base (equipped classrooms, quality of manuals, curricula and teaching technologies).

An important role is played by the territorial location of the Training Center, distance from the metro, and the size of the group. High-quality training and individual approach are possible only in small groups (no more than 10-15 people). A pleasant addition to the training course will be free coffee breaks and business lunches. Any CTC course on the 1C:Enterprise 8 system at any Certified Training Center is necessarily accompanied by the issuance of a 1C Company Certificate.

It is important that some of the courses on the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system are included in the system of special courses of the IPB of Russia:

  • Special course No. 2.6.5 Software package "1C:Enterprise 8. Salary and Personnel Management". Practical application of a typical configuration.
  • Special course No. 2.6.6 Software package "1C:Enterprise 8. Enterprise Accounting". Practical application of a typical configuration.
  • Special course No. 2.6.9 Software package "1C:Enterprise 8". Accounting and tax accounting in the program “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8”.

After completing 1C courses, specialists will be able to solve the most complex issues in their daily practice. For those who are just looking for work, there is a chance of successful employment. Improving your qualifications is especially important during a crisis and post-crisis period, when the requirements for specialists increase many times over. Increasing qualifications allows you, at a minimum, to keep your current job and apply for new, higher-paying positions.

Training Center of the company "1C-Rarus" traces its history back to 1996 and has the following statuses:

Classrooms are located in the company's office and are equipped with computer workstations, projectors, and air conditioners.

All courses on the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system are certified by 1C. Three of them (“1C:Enterprise 8. Enterprise Accounting”, “1C:Enterprise 8. Salary and Personnel Management” and “1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting and Tax Accounting in the 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8” program) were accredited by IPB of Russia and can be taken into account for the annual 40-hour advanced training to renew the certificate of a professional accountant with the issuance of the corresponding certificate of IPB of Russia.

The teachers of the Training Center are highly qualified specialists, certified by 1C and having practical experience in teaching and implementation activities. The qualifications of teachers are confirmed by certificates from the 1C company: “1C: TsSO Teacher”, “1C: Specialist”, “1C: Specialist-Consultant”, “1C: Professional”.

Theoretical courses on accounting and tax accounting are taught by certified teachers of the IPB of Russia with the title “Candidate of Economic Sciences”.

Teacher 1C-Rarus SPb


Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute.

Nadezhda has been successfully consulting and conducting courses on 1C programs for five years: Enterprise: “Accounting”, “Trade Management”, “CRM for Customer Relationship Management”, “Trade and Customer Relationship Management”, “Vehicle Management”, “ Comme il faut”, systematically improves his qualifications.

Geropharm LLC LLC "Trading House "Sparz"(training of personnel for the “Complex Automation” configuration, blocks: management of trade and warehouse operations); Akzo Nobel LLC(training of personnel of the software “Trade management and customer relations”: use of standard functionality); LLC "HR Center OZD"(training of personnel in the industry solution 1C-Rarus “Vehicle Management”: use of standard functionality).


  • "1C: Professional" for knowledge of the features and application of Enterprise Accounting "1C: Enterprise 8"
  • "1C: Professional" on knowledge of Trade Management "1C: Enterprise 8"
  • "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management." Practical application of a typical configuration


“The only smart word is a light drop that will evaporate without a trace if it does not merge with the pool of wisdom and intelligence collected in the head.”

Teacher 1C-Rarus SPb


Irkutsk State University.

Marina conducts certified courses for users both on standard 1C configurations: “1C: Salary and HR Management”, “1C: Enterprise Accounting 8”, “1C: Trade Management”, and on industry solutions 1C-Rarus, provides individual consultations to clients, systematically improves his skills.

Experience in implementing projects (consulting, IT, etc.): LLC "Trading House "Sparz"(training of personnel in the industry solution 1C-Rarus "Alfa-Auto": use of standard functionality); LLC "Trading House "Sparz"(training of personnel for the “Complex Automation” configuration, blocks: regulated personnel records, payroll calculation).


  • “1C: Professional” for knowledge of the features and application of the 1C: Enterprise Accounting program 8
  • “1C: Professional” for knowledge of the features and application of the 1C: Salary and personnel management program 8
  • Teacher certificate for using the application solution “1C: Salary and HR Management 8”
  • "1C: Specialist Consultant" on the implementation and use of the application solution "1C: Salary and HR Management 8"
  • Teacher certificate for using the application solution “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8 (Management Accounting)”
  • Teacher certificate for using the application solution “1C: Enterprise Accounting 8”
  • “1C: Professional” for knowledge of the features and application of the 1C: Trade Management program 8
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Working with the joint solution “1C:Vehicle Management”


“In my work, I consider professionalism to be the most important thing for me. I try, both in my work and in life, not to forget the following saying: “He who walks can master the road.”

"1C-Rarus" expanded its educational horizons by obtaining a certificate from the Authorized Training Center "1C-Bitrix"

The beginning of 2013 for 1C-Rarus was marked by an important event. The company's training center, which celebrated its sixteenth anniversary in 2012, became Authorized training center "1C-Bitrix". Obtaining a new status allowed us to further expand the capabilities of the center. In addition to the already existing wide selection of educational programs, students are offered various courses for users of 1C-Bitrix, a modern professional web project management system.

The 1C-Rarus training center, which has graduated over 11,000 specialists, has modern technical equipment and uses current teaching methods. Teaching Staff - leading highly qualified specialists with certificates from 1C-Bitrix with the necessary experience in teaching and practical implementation of programs. Training in knowledge and skills of working with a web project management system is carried out with the help of specialized methodological literature, developed by specialists from the 1C-Bitrix Academy. In addition to theoretical material, all courses contain many specific examples taken from the personal experience of specialists.

Creating a website is one of the most effective ways to expand your business, promoting the company's products and services to a wider range of consumers. In terms of their functionality, 1C-Bitrix software products are suitable for 95% modern projects. As a result of the training, students receive practical knowledge and useful tips on working with modern CMS, allowing them to solve current work problems. Upon completion of the courses, you will be issued certificates from the 1C-Bitrix Academy.

Online courses "1C-Rarus" - knowledge delivered to your home!

The training center of the 1C-Rarus company invites students to switch to a new form of training - online courses. The electronic form allows you to get a high-quality education, which is easy to combine with your main job and study. Online courses are most convenient for specialists living in the regions. Students save time on travel and independently choose the most comfortable conditions for training.

The Training Center of the 1C-Rarus company offers the following educational programs:

  • And many other courses on popular 1C products in a standard configuration. You can see the details in the schedule.

Based on the results of training, 1C company certificates are issued.

Industry online courses

  • “1C:Enterprise 8. Working with the joint solution “1C:Vehicle Management Standard”;
  • “Practical application of “1C:CRM KORP edition 2.0” for customer relationship management”;
  • “Practical application of “1C:CRM PROF edition 1.4” for customer relationship management”;
  • “Line of Alfa-Auto solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform”;
  • "1C-Rarus: Pharmacy Management."

Extensive experience in conducting online events allowed us to take a professional approach to organizing this form of training, provide for all the nuances and provide students with the most effective programs. The scheme of online courses allows teachers to devote a sufficient amount of time to each student, as well as provide advice on individual issues.

To consolidate and test knowledge, practical work is provided that completes the development of each new topic of the course.

The 1C-Rarus training center sets as its main goal the provision of high-quality knowledge that will help our students acquire new practical skills, expand professional competencies and improve the quality of their work.

Advantages of online courses "1C-Rarus"

  • Opportunity for on-the-job training.
  • Live communication with the teacher, the opportunity to ask any clarifying question.
  • Practitioner teachers and practical training programs certified by 1C.
  • Receiving an electronic certificate from the 1C company and teaching materials after listening to the course.
  • Uniqueness of teaching methods and materials.
  • Providing all lecture materials, as well as a computer program with educational examples.
  • The opportunity to receive quality training directly from the course developer.

Certification "1C: Professional"

The “1C: Professional” certificate is an official document confirming the ability to effectively use in one’s work the entire list of automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse, management accounting and payroll.

The certificate is issued by 1C based on the results of computer testing. Tests developed by specialists from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kiev State University and methodologists from the 1C company allow you to quickly and objectively test your knowledge of the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise program system and the features of working with them.

Certification "1C: Specialist"

Obtaining the “1C: Specialist” certificate is one of the top priorities for novice implementers, programmers and administrators of 1C programs. In order to become a certificate holder, you must pass a certification exam, demonstrating confident knowledge of the subject. The exam is carried out to check whether the level of training of programmers meets the requirements set by 1C for specialists.

Online courses 1C

This is a unique opportunity to learn from leading teachers of the 1C company right in your hometown.

On the basis of SEC 1C-Rarus, partners are trained in courses 1C: Training Center No. 1 and 1C-Training Center No. 3 online (web conferences) - broadcast of face-to-face courses.

Course participants are provided with everything they need: a program and teaching materials. The most valuable thing is that you can ask the teacher a question right during the broadcast. All students are issued a certificate from the 1C company.

Remote program maintenance is a fundamentally new approach to service provision. The main advantage of such service is that the specialist does not waste time on the road, but connects to your computer via the Internet in the shortest possible time. This allows you to quickly solve all problems related to updating 1C programs, training employees and correcting errors in the database. Using remote access to a 1C user’s computer, a specialist will perform everything necessary in the program as if he were directly at your workplace, in your office. This form of cooperation is the most economical and effective.

Check out the prices for 1C support and sign up for the necessary package of services for remote support:

Maintenance package Accompaniment conditions Minimum number of hours Price
Fast start we will fill out and customize the database for you
We'll teach you everything you need to get started
available only when purchasing the program

One-time services

opportunity to resolve the issue for little money

RUR 3,200/hour

rounding consultation time to 1 hour
Favorite client rounding consultation time to 15 minutes
The advance amount is valid for up to 6 months
shipment of documents monthly
Individual training
training is possible both from scratch and using the user’s existing information base
It is possible to adjust the training plan according to your wishes
the cost of training several users is negotiated additionally
consultations are provided unlimited

without limitation

RUB 56,000/month

the initial response time to an appeal is no more than 1 hour
package registration period is from 3 to 6 months

Let's consider the advantages of 1C remote maintenance:

  1. Speed ​​of response.

With a remote connection, the period of time from the moment of submitting an application to the start of service is minimal. Typically, the speed of response to an application varies from “instant connection” to “within a day.” While with field service you spend time coordinating the time of the visit and waiting for the specialist to arrive.

The field specialist issues an invoice to the serviced organization for each hour of his work. Most often, this means “the minimum paid time for a specialist to work.” In any case, you will pay the cost of 1 hour, even if the specialist stayed with you for 10 minutes.

In addition, the cost of remote service is much lower due to the fact that you do not pay for a specialist’s time traveling to your office and back. This is especially true when the client is located far from the office of the service company, as well as in large cities. For example, according to the largest European manufacturer of navigators, in Moscow during rush hours the delay in traffic jams is 74 minutes per hour of travel.

It turns out that the main part of the cost for services provided is not the work performed itself, but the cost of travel and time spent on the road. Conversations between the specialist and other clients on the phone while he is in your office will also be included in the bill.

By submitting an application for remote access from the company Circulation Solutions "1C-Rarus", you will receive prompt service and a direct solution to the issue!

  1. The ability to connect several specialists to solve your issue at once, which guarantees a solution to your issue and quality of service.

If solving an issue is difficult, and it is difficult for one specialist to understand it, with remote servicing it is possible to conduct a so-called “brainstorming” - simultaneous involvement of several highly qualified specialists and programmers in the discussion and solution of a difficult problem. This guarantees prompt resolution of issues of any complexity in a short time based on the experience and knowledge of the team.

The 1C-Rarus company, being a developer of software products, has a number of specialists in various fields. No question will be left unanswered!

To solve typical problems (installing updates, changing printed forms, etc.), as a rule, novice specialists come out. It is also important that when visiting a client, a specialist cannot always foresee exactly what discs, literature and materials will be needed to complete the task, and often it is necessary to spend time and money on paying for a repeated visit by a specialist.

With remote support, the specialist has at hand everything necessary to resolve the issue: the Internet, literature, the necessary software, the ability to quickly communicate with colleagues.

  1. Availability of work online.

Remote support of 1C software products is suitable for any company that has Internet access. This is absolutely safe: connection is possible only after coordination and your approval of the request for access to the computer. The specialist only sees an image of your computer screen; the data is not transmitted via the Internet and remains with you. You will be able to independently monitor the progress of work, track which windows the specialist opens and interrupt the consultant’s work at any time to make your own adjustments and comments.

Often, during the course of work, a large number of small issues arise that require an immediate response, but it is too expensive to call a specialist for them. Remote connection allows you to ask your question to a specialist at the moment it arises, without waiting for a personal meeting and without accumulating these questions until the next visit of the specialist.

How to get advice on 1C?

To quickly resolve your issue regarding working with the 1C program, fill out a request for remote 1C service, and our specialist will contact you as soon as possible.

Training course 1C: Catering 8 is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting of the activities of restaurants, cafes, catering units of hotel complexes, production and confectionery shops and other catering establishments.

During the training process, students will master a software product that provides real assistance in performing many functions performed by various employees of a public catering enterprise - technologists, cooks, production managers, calculators, storekeepers, accountants responsible for various areas of accounting.

Students are trained by specialists certified by 1C and with extensive practical experience. The GCDPO training center is an authorized training center of the 1C company.

Classes are conducted in equipped computer classes using modern computer technology. You can sign up for any training time convenient for you. For graduates who have completed 1C: Catering 8 training, our training center provides assistance and assistance in finding employment in the following specialties: accountant-calculator, accountant of public catering enterprises.

Course curriculum

1. Program settings 1C: Public catering 8

  • Getting started with the program
  • Visibility interval in logs.
  • Management of accounting results.
  • Financial reporting in the program
  • Write-off items

2. Enter information about your company (company name, INN, KPP, OGRN, current accounts, full name of director, accountant, etc.)

3. Filling out directories of the 1C program: Public catering 8

Directory of employees.

  • Unit of measurement reference
  • Directory of counterparties. (entering data on alcohol suppliers)
  • Directory of materials.
  • Reference book nomenclature: Entering standards for cost calculation.

4. Working with documents in 1C: Public catering 8

  • Receipt of goods and materials by bank transfer.
  • Entering data to generate an alcohol declaration.
  • Sale of goods and materials by bank transfer.
  • Receipt of goods and materials for cash payment through an accountable person.
  • Release of products with write-off
  • Release of products for retail sale
  • Relocation documents
  • Formation of a menu plan
  • Calculation card. Routing. The act of elaboration.
  • Technological maps for semi-finished products
  • Calorie calculation
  • Entering an inventory list and creating an inventory

5. Generating reports in 1C: Public catering 8

  • Report on the movement of goods.
  • Brand report
  • Implementation report
  • Cost report
  • Formation of an alcohol declaration
  • Calculation card.
  • Product report.