Amsterdam is the capital of which country? Travel to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Tulips, canals and windmills of Amsterdam

administrative and cultural capital of Holland. The city has a rich history and has many world-famous attractions. We have collected ten of the most striking cultural monuments that every self-respecting tourist must visit in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam has been the largest city and capital of Holland since 1814. The name of the capital means “dam on the Amstel River”, which is why the city is often called capital on the river.

Amsterdam is located in the west of the country between the Amstel and IJ rivers. The capital is connected to the North Sea by the Nordzen Canal. The city lies in a temperate climate region with significant marine influence. For the weather of the capital of the Netherlands cold winds are typical, sometimes reaching storms, and rare but heavy rains.

According to data for 2014, the population of Amsterdam is 830 thousand people. Together with the surrounding area, this figure rises to 2.4 million people.

Amsterdam is also one of the largest financial turnover centers in Europe– the city is home to a large number of banks and economic organizations, and the oldest stock exchange in Europe. The capital produces a large number of light industrial products, as well as diamond processing and cutting.

Do not forget that the city is one of the most visited tourist areas in Europe. Every year it is visited by about 4.6 million tourists, most of whom are residents of Western European countries.

Top 10 attractions in Amsterdam

In this article we have collected 10 Most Visited Attractions cities with their photos, descriptions, addresses and entry costs. We hope that our guide will help you decide where to go and what to see in the wonderful city of Amsterdam. If you try, you can see all these places in just one day!

Anne Frank House Museum

This is a memorial museum for the Jewish girl Anne Frank, who, together with her family during the Second World War, hid in the occupied city from the Nazis and kept a diary all the time. In the museum you can see photographs of the Frank family, the diary itself, documents, household items, and so on.

Address: Prinsengracht, 267.

The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in winter and until 10 p.m. in summer. The ticket price for adults is 9 euros, for children 10-17 years old - 4.5 euros, children under 10 years old are free.

Red Light District (De Wallen)

Prostitution in Holland is officially legalized - priestesses of love openly offer their services and pay taxes to the state treasury. In the block there are transparent shop windows containing girls, as well as shops with sex products.

There are several streets in Amsterdam where you can see girls in shop windows. Visiting such streets is free, but you will have to pay to communicate with a girl - from 100 to 2000 euros per hour.

Van Gogh Museum

Vincent Van Gogh lived and died in Amsterdam for a long time, and his widow donated most of his works to the museum. The museum contains more than 200 original paintings by the artist, as well as works by Monet, Gauguin, Picasso. In addition to the works themselves, here you can hear the history of the development of painting and the creative biography of Van Gogh.

Address: Museumplein, 6.

The museum is open daily - on weekdays from 9 to 18 o'clock, on weekends and holidays - from 10 to 22 o'clock. The cost of visiting with an audio guide is 22 euros, without an audio guide – 18 euros. Children under 18 years old visit free of charge.

Rembrandt House Museum (Museum Het Rembrandthuis)

The museums have restored all the furnishings of that time - furniture, household items, a workshop, and so on. The institution displays works by Rembrandt himself, as well as paintings by his mentor Lastman. Separately highlighted exhibition with the history of engraving.

Address: Jodenbreestraat, 4.

The museum is open daily from 10 to 18 hours. Admission is paid - for adults the cost is 13 euros, for children from 6 to 18 years old - 4 euros. Children under 6 years old can visit the museum free of charge.

Madame Tussauds Museum

Madame Tussauds is second most popular house of wax after London. The museum was opened in 1971, and since then the collection of figures of famous personalities has only increased. Here you can see images of Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Michael Jackson, Brad Pitt and other famous people.

Address: Dam, 20.

The museum is open to the public every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The cost of visiting is 22-23 euros for adults, 18-19 euros for children under 18 years old. Prices may vary depending on the time of ticket purchase and discount conditions.

Royal Palace (Koninklijk Paleis)

The palace was built in the 17th century for the needs of the ruling dynasty. Weddings and coronations took place in the palace, international audiences were held, and all kinds of holidays were held. The building is three-story building in the style of classicism with an outbuilding erected on top.

Address: Dam Square.

Castle open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday from 12 to 17 hours on weekdays and non-holidays. The cost of visiting is 10 euros, children under 18 years old are free.

Dam Square

This is the main square of the city, near which the main historical and cultural monuments are located. On the square Various events and ceremonial performances are often held. There is a pedestal here, symbolizing the dam and the country’s connection with the water element, the Royal Palace, the Nieuwekerk Church and others.

Address: Dam, 1012 JL.

You can get to the square by any public transport. The stop is called “Dam Square”.


This is a city park where garden art meets the naturalness of wild nature. Here you can see a perfectly trimmed lawn, a pond with birds, frolicking squirrels and other animals. Every person here can take a break from the bustle of the city and touch nature in the middle of the metropolis.

The park was built about 150 years ago. More than 9 million people visit it every year - both tourists and local residents. It is even allowed to make love in the park, but away from playgrounds and public places.

Address: Vondelpark. You can get there by trolleybus No. 1 or No. 2.

Entrance to the park is free.


Another name for Kekekofa is the Garden of Europe. This national, world-famous flower park is located in the suburbs of Amsterdam in the town of Lisse. Various types of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and other flowering plants are collected here. During the flowering period the park reminds me of a piece of paradise and attracts many tourists and locals.

Address: Stationsweg 166, 2161 AM Lisse. You can get to Lisse either by car or by electric train. Ticket prices range from 18 to 26 euros.

The park is open daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The cost of visiting the park is 16 euros for adults, for children from 4 to 18 years old - from 4 to 6 euros. Children under 4 years old have free admission.

Oude Kerk

The name literally translates as “old church.” And, indeed, the Oude Kerk represents ancient gothic church, the first building of which dates back to the 14th century. Over the following centuries, the building has grown significantly and now boasts not only its large size, but also stunning acoustics. Organ concerts are held in the temple.

Address: Oudekerksplein, 23.

The church is open to visitors daily from 10 am to 6 pm, except Sundays and church holidays. The cost of visiting is 8-9 euros. In order to climb the church bell tower you will have to pay another 6-7 euros.

Look very interesting video about the sights

Amsterdam is the city of freedom, which combines the spirit of the old city and the latest technology. Each attraction is a masterpiece that is definitely worth seeing.

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Two titles

Amsterdam is the capital of which country, Holland or the Netherlands? In fact, this is not so important, since unofficially the state is often called Holland. However, this is not entirely true. Holland is the name of several provinces of the state, but not the entire country.

World of flowers

A magnificent city - Amsterdam. Which country's capital can boast the title of tulip capital? These wonderful flowers are literally a disease for local residents and, of course, for many it is a business. But it is a business that cannot be approached without love and awe. Throughout the country, fields of stunning beauty grow during the flowering period. Multi-colored tulips bow their heads, sway in the wind and, of course, invite tourists from all over the world to admire the breathtaking spectacle. In order for the whole world to endlessly admire Dutch tulips, more and more new varieties are being developed in the country. Plain and multi-colored, large and small, classic and fringed - all these are tulips grown in Holland. More than half of the world's tulip exports come from the Netherlands.

Bicycles and cyclists

Another passion of the Dutch is bicycles. Walking through the streets of Amsterdam, you get the impression that there are far more bicycles than cars. In the suburbs of the capital, tourists rent these vehicles to enjoy the landscape and colorful fields of tulips, and the locals themselves saddle up their two-wheeled iron horses on weekdays and during well-deserved rest, going on business or for a walk. Travelers arriving from other cities and countries can rent a bike right at the airport or train station. Parking lots for this type of transport can be found throughout the city. Some were specially equipped, while others arose spontaneously.

Cultural program

Those who want to feel the culture of the country and learn a lot of new things should visit the museums of Amsterdam. Here you can find everything from classic art galleries to unique museums that have no analogues in the world. Art lovers should check out Rembrandt's house and the Van Gogh Museum, cat lovers will love the Cat Museum, and thrill-seekers will love the Torture Museum. The city has more than four hundred museums to suit every taste, even the most sophisticated. Some of them were located next to each other. This place is called Museum Square and is home to the Steidlijk Museum, the Van Gogh Museum, the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum and the Diamond Museum. And on the huge green lawn you can have a good rest between trips to cultural institutions.

Preparing for your trip

When going to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it is better to prepare for the trip in advance and listen to reviews. Amsterdam will not let you get bored, but it’s better to find out from your acquaintances, pen pals or on the Internet what you need to take with you, what the local flavor is, and think through your trip completely. In this case, only pleasant surprises await you, and unpleasant surprises will recede. Advice from experienced travelers will help you avoid unpleasant nuances and significantly save time and money.

Amsterdam is the capital of which country? We solve the issue

Now if you are asked, Amsterdam is the capital of which country, you can proudly answer that you know a lot about this city and, of course, name the country, or rather, the kingdom. A trip to the Netherlands will be peaceful and allow you to enjoy the atmosphere of modern Europe.

Amsterdam is the capital of Holland and one of the most popular destinations in Europe. This city attracts tourists not only with its ancient, stunningly beautiful architecture, but also with its atmosphere of non-stop relaxation and extraordinary relaxation. No city can boast so many different entertainment venues adjacent to unique 17th-century buildings and romantic canals.

Moreover, Amsterdam has an excellently organized urban and tourist infrastructure, which is an important factor in favor of this route. The number of hotels of different price levels, restaurants with the best European cuisine, excellent museums and other options for cultural leisure in this amazing city is simply amazing. And, of course, Amsterdam is famous for its free morals, the best nightclubs in the world and the legalization of some drugs.

Amsterdam is also the city of tulips. It is often called the most vibrant and unusual city in Europe, which is impossible to disagree with if you have been there at least once.

Climate and weather

Amsterdam is located in a temperate climate zone. The proximity of the North Sea has a significant and important influence on the weather, so northwest winds predominate here. Winter in this region is quite mild, with average temperatures hardly falling below 0 °C during the day and -5 °C at night. Frosts are quite rare. Summer is comfortable and moderately warm, not particularly hot. The average air temperature at this time is approximately +22 °C. Precipitation occurs quite often, mainly from October to March, but it is not heavy and does not last long: light drizzle or light rain.

The most pleasant time to visit Amsterdam is from late April to early May.


Amsterdam is located in the northwestern part of the Netherlands, on the coast Bay of IJsselmeer, at the mouth of a deep river Amstel. This river, which flows through the central part of the city, forms a whole network of canals, in addition, a separate canal connects the city with the North Sea. A complex system of dams and canals saves Amsterdam, and the whole of Holland, from flooding. Moreover, the canals serve not only to drain water, but also serve as transport highways, forming a separate independent system with the Amstel River.

City parks and green spaces make up only 12% of the city's total area, as the continuous urbanization of Amsterdam is gradually destroying the natural natural landscape. Although in the suburban areas there are still pine forests, as well as ash, oak, yew and beech groves, they are quite small.


Almost every old house in Amsterdam is a historical relic. For example, the famous " Tower of Tears" It was from its walls that Dutch ships set off on long voyages. And the building received its name in connection with the tearful farewells of wives to their sailor spouses.

In general, in Amsterdam there are many ancient religious buildings, of which the most notable are Southern Church(it is considered the first official Protestant church), and also Northern and Western churches. In addition to the above, he enjoys special interest and honor Old Church, located in the area Red Lanterns, which was built in honor of Saint Nicholas, protector and patron of Amsterdam.

The main historical point of the city was Central Dam Square. Opposite the palace is located National Monument, erected in memory of the victims of fascism. If we talk about the Second World War and fascism, then the apotheosis of the memory of the victims of the shameful regime in Amsterdam is Anne Frank Memorial House Museum, whose Jewish family hid from the Nazis for a long time.

Among other historically important attractions, it is worth highlighting the women's Beginok Monastery, which has now become a nursing home, Rembrandt Square with its monument to the great artist and New commodity exchange with the rehearsal base of the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra.

There are a huge number of interesting and unique museums in Amsterdam, as well as unique attractions: Amsterdam City History Museum, Rembrandt House Museum, National Vincent Van Gogh Museum And eccentric Amsterdam Sex Museum.

Certain areas of Amsterdam have special originality and value: Jewish district with its many synagogues, as well as red light district, where not only ancient buildings are located, but also numerous coffee shops, sex shops and brothels.


The most popular dish in Amsterdam, no matter how strange it may seem, is herring. Here it is eaten as fast food: cut up on a paper plate, with onions and pickles, and also in the form of a fish hot dog. In addition to various variations of herring, the daily menu of city residents also includes other fish products: flounder, eel, oysters, halibut, etc. They are boiled, fried, and salted in different ways. Most often served with boiled potatoes. By the way, despite the fact that Belarusians are considered the main lovers of potatoes, it seems that this root vegetable is the most popular in Holland. Thus, in Amsterdam, literally at every step there are tents with “ french fry» - French fries covered in mayonnaise or ketchup.

If we talk about traditional national dishes of Holland, then the main one is hotspot(hot pot) - stewed beef chunks. It is usually served with vegetable puree of onions, carrots and potatoes ( stamppot). No less popular is a dish called gutzpot- meat stew made from stewed meat, boiled potatoes, carrots and onions. And, of course, having visited Holland, you can’t help but try at least one of its high-quality cheeses.

The most common drinks are coffee, tea, milk with anise, hot chocolate and warm lemonade ( quast). And among the strong drinks, the most popular is “ Enever", the ancestor of English gin, which was invented by a Dutch doctor. Also enjoys wide fame Advocaat liqueur based on beaten eggs and cognac.


The center of Amsterdam has no shortage of hotels and hotels, but checking into an acceptable and desirable place is not so easy. Although there are many accommodation options in the city at first glance, in fact there are not enough of them for all visitors. Therefore, if you do not book a room in advance, there is a possibility of being left homeless.

Moreover, the cost of rooms even in some 4* hotels can reach 400 € for a standard room.

Entertainment and relaxation

Amsterdam is often called the Venice of the North, which is not surprising: the total length of the city’s canals is more than 100 km, and the number of bridges exceeds 1000. A romantic cruise along the city’s canals will allow you to admire the city and simply bring great pleasure.

There is also entertainment for fans of beach sports and recreation in Amsterdam. The most suitable beaches for these purposes are considered Zandvoort And IJmuiden. Fans of active pastime can also take a bike ride, as this means of transportation is very popular here.

However, real life in Amsterdam begins at night. The city is replete with an incredible number of clubs, discos and bars. These nightlife venues offer daily entertainment, concerts and themed parties. A special place in the Amsterdam entertainment industry is coffee shops, where you can legally try soft drugs, which are completely legalized in Holland.

We also recommend visiting cat boat, which has become a shelter for homeless cats, visit a diamond cutting factory, stroll through the city zoo and listen to street musicians performing on the central streets of the city.


Amsterdam is famous throughout the world for its bookstores and antique shops, as well as diamonds and original souvenirs. Although tourists are more interested in fashion clothing and shoe stores, of which there are countless. The streets are considered the most attractive places for shopping Leidsestraat, Kalverstraat and Damrak, which are simply replete with shops, forming one kind of hypermarket. These streets are pedestrianized, but you must be careful not to collide with one of the many cyclists.

Among the closed shopping complexes it is worth highlighting Magna Plaza and Kalvertoren, as well as the main department store of Amsterdam Bijenkorf. The city's most popular open market is Albert Cuyp, where you can buy everything from Dutch cheeses to clothes. The second most important market is considered Kalvertoren. It includes not only shopping arcades, but also small department stores. In addition, in Amsterdam you can find fashion boutiques, second-hand shops, flea markets, sex shops, souvenir shops and designer galleries on literally every corner. Grand sales are held here throughout the year.

If we talk about souvenirs, the most sought after and popular are cheeses, whiskey, tulip bulbs, antique wooden shoes and mill figurines. A separate article includes souvenirs on the theme of soft drugs and free love. You can find an incredible variety of them in Amsterdam: from T-shirts with appropriate inscriptions and pictures to ceramic figurines.


In Amsterdam, public transport includes trams, buses and four metro lines. The city center, where the main attractions are concentrated, is quite compact, so there is no need to use public transport at all. However, if you need to get somewhere quickly and conveniently, it is better to use the tram, which always runs strictly on schedule. Buses in Amsterdam operate both during the day and at night. A significant disadvantage of this transport is the lack of a clear schedule.

As already mentioned, Amsterdam is a very small city, so people use the metro here only if necessary to get from one area to another.

Single tickets are valid for all types of transport (bus, tram and metro). The city is divided into zones, so the fare depends on the number of zones passed (from 1.60 €). Tickets are sold from the driver and from special machines. You can buy a pass for a certain period (from 6.5 €), which will help to significantly save costs.


Amsterdam public telephones are located on every corner of the city, as well as in metro stations, some bars and the post office. Street payphones are divided into coin-operated machines and machines that operate using calling cards. The last option is more profitable. Such cards are sold in tobacco stores and post offices (from 5 €).

Mobile communications operate at frequencies of 900/1800 MHz according to the GSM standard. Therefore, you can either use roaming or purchase a local prepaid SIM card at any mobile phone store.

You can use the Internet in one of the city's many Internet cafes.


Despite its free morals, Amsterdam is a completely safe city where tourists, subject to reasonable precautions, are not in danger. For example, on the central streets of the city, even in the dark, citizens feel as if it were daytime.

However, at night we advise you to avoid unlit streets and parks on the outskirts of the city. Don’t be afraid of the local liberal order: in Amsterdam, people of unconventional orientation look and behave quite shockingly, which has long become the norm here. In addition, the sale of soft drugs has been legalized in Holland. However, for safety reasons, it is not recommended to have any contact with street vendors.

Business climate

Amsterdam is the financial capital of the Netherlands, where a huge number of the world's leading corporations and banks are concentrated. In addition, the city is home to the headquarters of such organizations as Heineken, ABN AMRO, Philips, etc. Leading enterprises in the mechanical engineering and electrical industries are also located here, and aircraft manufacturing, oil refining and the chemical industry, and diamond cutting are especially developed in Amsterdam.

The country is deservedly considered one of the centers of world trade: economic and social stability contribute. Investors from different countries successfully conduct their business here. In addition to other advantages, they are also attracted by the fact that after five years of legal stay in the country, the right to obtain citizenship appears.

Real estate

Buying property in Amsterdam is one of the most profitable investments in Europe. The continuous increase in prices for any commercial and residential real estate in the city over the past 30 years makes this purchase a more than justified investment not only for large investors, but also for individuals.

A large number of tourists come to Amsterdam solely to visit its famous coffee shops, where you can legally try marijuana and hashish. In this case, you should make sure in advance that the use of soft drugs has no contraindications for your health. In addition, before visiting coffee shops, it is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol, since alcohol intoxication can several times enhance the effect of even the weakest drugs.

It is also worth remembering that the use of even legalized drugs can have an extremely negative impact on your health, so think twice before going to coffee shop.

It is probably impossible to find a more multifaceted and unpredictable city in Europe than Amsterdam. “The capital of which country - you ask. It is the Netherlands that has this box full of surprises. On the territory, half of which is water, styles, races and eras of different historical periods of mankind comfortably come together.

A brief excursion into history

The name of the capital is translated from Dutch as “dam on the Amstel River”. The city was first mentioned in the act of Count Floris V, which spoke of the liberation of Amsterdam from the count's taxes in 1275. After just 25 years, the city acquires the status of a major trade center and port.

Amsterdam is the capital of which country, the Netherlands or Holland? There is no difference between these names, because Holland is the unofficial name of the Netherlands. The country's "golden age" began in 1648 at the end of the war for liberation from the Spanish yoke. Then the United Provinces began to be created, and the Dutch school of painting flourished, the representative of which is Rembrandt, whom the whole world knows. During its peak period, even Peter I visited it.

Amsterdam is a magnet for tourists

This city, unusual in its layout, literally cut by a system of artificial canals that are connected by 600 bridges and 70 islands, attracts millions of tourists all year round. Mahere Brug and Baluburg are the most charming bridges in the city of Amsterdam. Which country's capital, in your opinion, is one of the four magnificent European cities built on water? Of course, the capital of the Netherlands. In addition to her, the following cities received this honor: Bruges, Venice and St. Petersburg.

Life style

It is always noisy here; in a crowd it is better to keep an eye on your belongings - local pickpockets are famous for their professionalism. Amsterdam is the capital of which country? That's right, the Netherlands, which means that modern sexual trends are supported here. For example, just a few years ago, as soon as it was necessary to declare that the rights of a member of a sexual minority were being infringed, he/she would immediately be given the opportunity to obtain political asylum in Holland. Indeed, 30% of the population of Amsterdam are gay. They all live in their own separate world: they eat in gay restaurants, buy clothes in gay stores and go to gay cinemas. The Dutch treat them with respect, considering it one of the ways to show themselves. Motorists are not welcome in the city, so bicycles can be found everywhere.

What to see in Amsterdam?

The city offers a great variety of historical and cultural attractions; the museums of Amsterdam will not leave anyone indifferent. You should definitely visit the heart of the city - the Royal Palace, the Keukenhof flower park, and, of course, the Red Light District, which occupies a fairly large area and is located in the old part of the city. As reviews say, Amsterdam leaves an imprint on everyone’s heart, brings variety to life, and inspires. A trip to a romantic country with medieval castles, incomparable tulips and amazingly delicious cheeses will give you a boost of energy for the year ahead!

Amsterdam is the most beautiful and one of the most attractive cities in the world. In addition to many attractions, you can visit the Crazy Amsterdam and Alternative Amsterdam tours. Such excursions are dedicated to the informals of Amsterdam, for example, punks, hippies and others.

Theoretical excursions are supported by real practice, visiting coffee shops. This kind of excursion will cost one person two hundred euros. Arriving at Central Station, you can see the division of the city into three parts - this is traditional and real Amsterdam, tourist Amsterdam and the Red Light District.

Getting to Amsterdam

If someone likes to travel by car, then it is better to get to Amsterdam by your own car. The main thing is to enjoy this journey. The distance between Moscow and Amsterdam is 2500 kilometers. In addition, you will have to travel through several countries before reaching Holland.

Only in this case should the car be suitable for such a trip, and costs for gasoline and other issues cannot be avoided.

Therefore, flights are the fastest and most expensive way to get to Amsterdam. KLM and Aeroflot airlines provide direct and convenient flights to Amsterdam Airport. The total flight time is just under four hours. Some airlines provide connecting flights at a lower cost. Therefore, each person chooses his own way to achieve the goal.

Transport in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, the historical center, where all the main attractions are located, occupies a small space, so there is no need for public transport. But there is still a tram driving around here - this will allow you to get to the right place comfortably and quickly. Although the buses do not run according to a specific schedule, they run almost around the clock, and such buses are also comfortable. Only at night the travel cards do not work.

It is not very convenient for tourists to use the metro stations, because they are not located in the most remarkable places in Amsterdam. The same ticket is used for any type of public transport. The cost of the ticket depends on the number of zones you need to travel through. More zones - more expensive to pay. For example, the historical center is considered one zone. Inside the buses and trams you can see a map of the zones.

As a rule, tickets are sold at special machines and from drivers. An hourly ticket costs 1.6 euros, and this does not depend on the number of trips. You can also purchase a profitable strippenkaart, which differs in the number of stripes. The first zone is two stripes, while the following zones are determined by one strip.

Amsterdam climate

Amsterdam is an attractive tourist city for a large number of people. Therefore, there are no low seasons here. Perhaps in winter there are fewer tourists on the streets, of course, unless we are talking about Christmas. Since the sea is located near Amsterdam, the weather in the city is unpredictable, so locals always carry raincoats with them. Especially when using bicycles, umbrellas are very inconvenient protection from rain, so it is better to carry raincoats with you.

In spring, Amsterdam becomes amazingly beautiful, because at this time tulips bloom in endless fields. Especially on Queen's Day - April 30, the whole city dresses in orange, which is considered royal. But by the middle of the holiday, a lot of garbage accumulates in the city. On the Queen's Birthday, it's better to go for a walk around Amsterdam first thing in the morning. You should definitely go outside the city to the Kueckenhoff Tulip Park, where it becomes unusually beautiful.

The city of canals is beautiful at any time of the year, as the scenic spots are beautiful regardless of weather conditions. The warm climate and frequent rains encourage strolling through beautiful places in Amsterdam, or at least admiring the scenery from a café window.

Prices in Amsterdam

Before traveling to Amsterdam, any tourist determines the amount of cash that will be needed. Although it is difficult to name the exact amount, because you can take with you as much as you want. Although even with an abundance of money, it is necessary to find out prices in Amsterdam in advance. On average, the cost of a flight from Moscow to Amsterdam is about 470 euros. It all depends on the season. If you rent a car, it will cost at least 60 euros for 24 hours.

The main expenses are related to accommodation, so you can find cheaper hotels, but here there is quite a large choice. Also, the cost of rooms depends not only on the status of the hotel, but also on the time of booking. At the same time, rooms in good budget hotels run out very quickly.

The minimum price for a double room will be about 50-60 euros. Cheaper accommodation is provided by guesthouses and hostels. However, this question depends on the requests and wishes of the person himself.

It is difficult to say anything definite about food and nutrition. Someone can eat well for ten euros a day. But for proper nutrition in a good restaurant, you need to allocate more money. In this matter, you can focus on Moscow prices, so the minimum cost of dinner in a cafe and restaurant is twenty euros.

What to see in Amsterdam

Over 600 bridges cross Amsterdam. At the same time, Mahere Brug and Blauburg are called the most beautiful. In the city, most sightseeing starts from the water.

Here you can find buildings built in the neo-Gothic style made of red brick, an example of which is the central station. It is from the station that many canals and streets of Amsterdam radiate. Perhaps the most popular place is the Grand Canal Quarter - this is the historical center of Amsterdam.

The Grand Canal Quarter is home to the main Dam Square. In this place you can see the Royal Palace with the most interesting museum inside. Interestingly, Amsterdam has its own Freedom Monument. The construction of the New Church dates back to 1408. And of course, not a single tourist can pass by the famous one, just like in other cities.

Since the most important attractions are located in this historical center of Amsterdam, nearby you can see the Berlagi Exchange building, the Shipwrights' House, and the Amsterdam Footstock. In addition, this wonderful city is known for its theaters and museums. An equally remarkable place is the flower market, which is located in the central part of Amsterdam. Here you can buy a whole armful of the freshest tulips for just five euros.

Amsterdam establishments: clubs, museums, observation decks

It's hard to imagine Amsterdam without its vibrant nightlife. Nightclubs and discos are concentrated in three places in the city - the Rembrandplein area, Leidseplein and, of course, the Red Light District. A popular club in Amsterdam is Escape, which is one of the oldest in the city. Also, local people and tourists love to visit the Paradiso club - this place is distinguished by chic acoustics, a variety of melodies and a memorable interior.

The largest museum in the country is the National Museum Rijksmuseum, which has undergone a large-scale reconstruction. If you go to the "Masterpieces" exhibition, you can see a work of Dutch art from the 17th and 18th centuries. The collection consists of a rich collection of works by Hals, Jan Vermeer and Rembrandt, as well as other objects of historical value. Fans of the great Van Gogh can go to the Van Gogh Museum - this is a special attraction of the city. This place houses the largest collection of Van Gogh paintings.

If you go up to the Amsterdam Skylounge, it offers a beautiful view of the city from any angle. From this observation deck the entire city is visible at 360 degrees. It is noteworthy that thanks to your own bar on the terrace of the site, you can admire the beautiful view while drinking one of your favorite drinks.

Shopping in Amsterdam stores

For many years now, Amsterdam has been the capital of shopping, where there are a lot of jewelry and second-hand book stores - today this is a kind of calling card of Amsterdam. And avid shopaholics can enjoy a stroll through the city's flea market. Therefore, you can easily spend a lot of money on shopping.

The Nine Streets area is famous throughout Holland. Shopping can be fun here. Not far from Dam Square, shopping lovers can find many boutiques and shops. At the same time, between purchases you can relax in one of the many cafes with a cup of aromatic coffee.

A wide range of modern and vintage clothing is presented in the most popular retail outlets in Amsterdam. And if you go to local second-hand stores, you can find a truly rare item. Famous designer stores include Dexter Wong and Vivienne Westwood, which are located on the corner of Keizersgracht and Heudenstraat. Especially lovers of beautiful shoes can purchase interesting models.

While shopping, you should visit erotic shops and cosmetic stores, it all depends on your imagination and financial condition. Particularly attractive is Spanish faience, without which it is difficult to leave Amsterdam.

What hotels can you stay at?

Since Amsterdam is a destination for a large number of tourists, the hotel business is well developed here. In the city center there is a cozy and small Alp Hotel, it is only six hundred meters away from the Jojan area. Guests are invited to relax in a beautiful garden with a terrace, where there is also free internet. The rooms are decorated in light colors.

And some have a balcony and a hot tub. Fruit and hot drinks are provided free of charge at all times at the hotel.

The Art Dulac Hotel is located in a historic building on Haarlemmerstraat. The modern hotel is elegant and features classic extra long beds. The hotel has a restaurant decorated in soul and jazz style. On a positive note, the rooms are soundproof. The famous Anne Frank House and the Royal Palace are located next to the hotel.

Also noteworthy is the Grand Hotel Downtown, where rooms are equipped with air conditioning, modern TV and a small minibar. Some rooms allow you to spend your evenings on the terrace, looking out over panoramic views of Amsterdam. Not far from this grand hotel there are several interesting restaurants that attract the attention of most tourists.

Popular excursions for tourists

The capital of Holland has many beautiful places and historical monuments. Therefore, Amsterdam has the most interesting tourist routes. Tourists can only choose the most attractive excursion options in Amsterdam, which allows them to carefully explore the city. It is especially worth paying attention to the guide so that he knows the Russian language and all the places in the city.

This European city has a large selection of excursions. If you are getting acquainted with the city for the first time, you can go on a traditional sightseeing tour, which takes place in the historical center of Amsterdam. This place is surrounded by famous canals. By the way, the canals make up a popular tourist route, along which cruises take place, providing a special pleasure.

An excursion to the Red Light District is also offered - it is called the heart of Amsterdam itself. It is noteworthy that the excursions are conducted in Russian, which allows you to enrich yourself with information as much as possible. As a rule, excursions take place by car if they go to remote areas or on foot to local attractions. In any case, you can choose a suitable tour of Amsterdam, which will allow you to have a good and interesting time.

Restaurants worthy of tourist attention

You can buy the famous Dutch cheese in supermarkets, cheese shops and markets in Amsterdam. And the best time to eat herring is June. On almost every corner of the city there is a restaurant serving dishes of various nations, and less often - traditional Dutch cuisine.

Mostly restaurants with Asian cuisine are located on Zeedijik, this place is considered Amsterdam's Chinatown. The streets of Damstraat are for business people, there are many inexpensive cafes. It is also worth noting the national cuisine of Suriname, which is located in Albert Cuypstraat. If you plan to go to a decent restaurant, then you need to book a table in advance.

The Bussia restaurant offers excellent Italian cuisine. This place is famous for its excellent wines and romantic atmosphere, because it is located in the picturesque part of the Prinzengracht canal. A full dinner for two will cost 150-200 euros. If you want to choose from cuisines from different countries, then it is better to go to RED Amsterdam. This establishment has a wonderful atmosphere and wonderful food. And all this with fantastic service. The restaurant is especially popular among the population, so tables must be reserved in advance.