Archage description of update 2.9 read. Colonial Goods Warehouse

Update ArcheAge 2.9 does not seem large-scale at first glance, but the developers have done serious work to diversify the existing game mechanics. This time, the main changes affected equipment, PvE events, and life on the Primordial Continent.

Guilds and player factions that own territories in the north can now build a real city in their possessions. First, the town hall is erected: it is considered the center of the settlement and without it the rest of the buildings cannot be built. Next, the foundation is laid for a farm, a retail space and a warehouse - these three buildings make up the production chain: raw materials are produced on the farm, they are processed at the sales area, and the finished goods are then stored in the warehouse. Next, it needs to be sold - either in a safe way, which will bring minimal income to the guild, or in a risky way (in this case, the warehouse can be robbed by other players) - but more profitable.

Farm, warehouse and square are not the only possible buildings. On territory belonging to a faction, you can build, for example, a consulate - and get the opportunity to establish diplomatic relations (that is, declare war or truce) with system factions. Or build a treasury - in this building you can create special items, the bonuses of which strengthen the entire faction and emphasize its status.

It may seem that update 2.9 is aimed exclusively at players in large alliances. This is wrong. People who basically play in small “friendly” guilds (or generally alone) will also find something to do in the north. The fact is that many northern buildings generate income only if mercenaries work for them - that is, characters who are not in the union of the land owner.

To get a job, it is enough to take an order on the territory of the castle (complete a simple quest: kill a certain number of surrounding monsters, grow several trees, transport a certain cargo, etc.) By completing tasks, the mercenary gradually accumulates gold sovereigns - a special currency that can then be spent on purchasing unique costumes, pet equipment and other valuable items.

The more orders carried out by “outside” players in the settlement, the more income the land owner receives. Thus, the situation turns out to be beneficial for both sides: mercenaries get a way to earn guild currency (sovereigns), which they cannot get in any other way, and the owner of the land gets an additional permanent income, quite significant if there are a lot of buildings and mercenaries.

Most important decisions regarding construction are made by the faction leader: it is he who must think through where and what buildings need to be built and how to manage the received resources - distribute them to guild members or spend them on the development of the settlement. Being the leader of a large association is very difficult: in fact, this person serves as a top manager in a large organization and whether the faction will prosper or fall apart in a week largely depends on his decisions. But great responsibility also has its advantages. Only the faction leader can ride a huge wyvern and wear a special suit that weakens opponents within a radius of 18 meters. True, you will have to pay very dearly for this. For a dragon, for example, you will need to pay 1000 gold sovereigns.

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Ordinary players who are not entitled to dragons by status will also find where to spend their sovereigns. New equipment has appeared in the game - the 7th level of improvement of obsidian weapons and armor of the Predator era. This equipment is available to characters with a maximum level of 55 and is superior to existing analogues. It can be made even by someone who does not have sufficient skill in the craft, but the materials are not easy to obtain: you need to have a ready-made item for reforging, a considerable amount of sovereigns to buy resources, and a bunch of resources from rare monsters and difficult bosses.

You can also enhance your character using new “relief” engravings. Their peculiarity is that they are not destroyed even if the insertion is unsuccessful. They will, of course, be more expensive than usual, but the costs will certainly be worth it. The game also introduced a new technology for synthesizing costumes: now any player can sew a unique outfit for themselves. If previously all costumes had a fixed set of characteristics, now you can experiment and achieve those combinations that are needed specifically for your class and suit your playing style.

PvE fans will find the fourth boss in the Gardens of Pleasure - the elemental Ishtar. Having defeated him, the heroes will be able, in addition to the ingredients for the craft, to obtain fragments of weapons, which are then forged into powerful bows and axes. After the end of the battle, Gardum now appears in the Bloody Dew Gorge - a powerful monster, defeating which rewards rare materials and equipment. As for PvP, the main changes have affected the system for selecting opponents for the arena - it no longer tries to pit newcomers against veterans.

Of course, these are not all the innovations that await players in ArcheAge 2.9. The game has changed the system for creating custom factions, updated the bidding mechanism for the siege declaration, adjusted character skills, and added a built-in equipment guide that allows you to visually compare items and find out how to get this or that item. And also - two new islands have opened, where you can put up your house, plant a vegetable garden and take a break from all the fuss that accompanies the release of each update.

Today you will find a story about the most important part of update 2.9! After installing the new version, all owners of castles on the Primordial Continent will have the opportunity to build special fortifications and engage mercenaries in the work. Such interaction will be beneficial for both parties, so we recommend that you read the article even if you are not a member of a guild that has its own territory.

Where to begin?

Each community can independently decide how to equip its fortress. But the first stage for everyone will be the construction and improvement of the town hall - without it it will simply not be possible to develop your possessions. The building project is sold on Mirage for 1000 gold, and construction will require three loads of building stone and two loads each of building wood and iron. In the future, the town hall can be rebuilt into a castle, and then into a palace. Each improvement expands the list of capabilities of the owner guild: in particular, only owners of the palace will be able to found a new union of nations.

The construction of the town hall will open access to the production of materials for fortifications. In addition, it is here that you can purchase drawings of all other structures from the fortress architect, as well as construction hammers for repairing walls. Inside there is a throne room, where guild members can receive coal once every 22 hours for a quick return to the castle, as well as a warehouse, a post office, a portal to Mirage and the office of a representative of the original faction.

To obtain materials for fortifications, the Lord Protector needs to place an order for their production. The number of construction workbenches and materials that can be made on them depends on the level of construction:
  • There are 2 construction workbenches in the town hall, on which you can only create ordinary materials. The cost of the production order is 90 gold sovereigns.
  • There are 3 construction workbenches available in the castle. Together with the usual ones, you can make excellent materials for fortifications here, the cost of ordering which will also be 90 gold sovereigns.
  • There are 4 construction workbenches in the palace. Its owners have the opportunity to order the best materials for fortifications, the cost of placing an order is 100 gold sovereigns.
The quantity of materials that can be received per order depends on their quality. One workbench can produce 30 standard materials for fortifications, 3 excellent or 1 best.
Only hired workers can take part in fulfilling the order - players of level 50 and above who are members of a guild that does not own a fortress in the north. They must take the corresponding task from the fortress architect, available once a day, and then “use” the workbench (this will cost 10 work points). As a reward for their help, workers will receive one gold sovereign.

How to become a hired worker You can be hired to work in any fortress where there are active orders, regardless of relations with the faction that controls the territory. To do this, you need to purchase a rental agreement form at the guild shop (cost - 50 contribution points) and sign it with the accountant or fortress architect. The contract is valid for 7 days; you can terminate it early or be hired in another fortress no earlier than 5 days after signing.

The number of available jobs on one machine is limited: 45 people can participate in the production of ordinary and excellent materials, 50 - in the creation of the best ones. The order will be ready 20 hours after all jobs are filled.

For communities that have not founded an alliance of nations, there is another way to obtain excellent materials for fortifications. The owner of the territory can contact the ambassador of his faction (his office is located in the town hall) with a request to sign a special petition. This will take 22 hours, after which the document must be taken to the alliance outpost on the Sparkling Coast and read to the expedition commander; the player who does this will receive a load of excellent materials.

What else can be built?

A guild seeking to get maximum benefit from its holdings should not limit itself to the construction of a town hall. To ensure a convenient and complete chain of earning sovereigns, you will need to build several more structures, carefully planning which ones and how many. The functioning of buildings is closely connected, so excluding even one will result in loss of earnings.

Fortress farm

This building is intended for the production of raw materials used for the production of colonial goods - special goods that the owners of the territory can sell in their castle or in neighboring locations. The design of a small fortress farm can be purchased from the fortress architect for 100 gold, and its construction requires 3 loads of building materials for fortress structures. In the future, the building can be upgraded to a medium farm (excellent materials for fortifications x1, craft hammer x1 are required), and then to a large one (best materials for fortifications x1, craft hammer x1). The higher the level of construction, the higher the production rate of farm goods.
The tasks here are available only to hired workers. To begin execution, the player must contact the NPC accountant at the trading area and receive a recommendation token for the fortress farm. In exchange for it, you can take on several tasks, the reward for which will be “copper helmets” - a new currency received for almost all types of work in the castle. One hundred "helmets of brass" are equal to one gold sovereign.
You can purchase a hunting license from the herdsman - a task to clear the surrounding area of ​​monsters. Reward - 50 “copper helmets”.

Task list

  • You can purchase a hunting license from the herdsman - a task to clear the surrounding area of ​​monsters. Reward - 50 “copper helmets”.
  • You can buy 5 chameleon tree seedlings from the herbalist. By growing them on the Primordial Continent (in any location except Osh Castle and the Shining Coast), you will reap a harvest of 45 “copper helmets”.
  • Having bought a batch of vegetables and fruits at the farm and having a load of mineral water with you, you can sell these goods on the trading floor. The buyer will give 25 “copper helmets” for him.
  • A batch of meat sold at a farm, along with a load of smoldering logs, can be turned in at the trading area in exchange for 25 “copper helmets”.

After a worker chooses what he will do on the farm and gives his recommendation token, this type of task becomes temporarily unavailable to other players. The higher the level of the building, the shorter this period will be.

By completing tasks, mercenaries start the process of producing raw materials from the fortress farm. This is cargo that appears on sale some time after the work is completed. It can be purchased in exchange for a recommendation token and handed over to raw material processors in the trading area for 50 “copper helmets”.
From all work performed on the farm, the owners of the fortress receive income depending on the earnings of the mercenaries. So try to get people on your side!

Trade area

The retail space project costs 900 gold. The construction requires 30 materials for fortifications. There are trading shops, a post office, a warehouse, a portal to the Mirage, a castle workshop, a workshop for regional goods of the Primordial Continent, and several excellent machines (a cook's cauldron, a workbench, an alchemy table and a printing press). All this is available to any guest of the fortress, regardless of his relationship with the faction that owns the territory.

It was in the trading area that colonial goods were produced. Their creation begins immediately after the processors receive enough raw materials from the farm - i.e. 60 loads - and takes 12 hours. Members of the guild that owns the territory can pick up goods and deposit them in the warehouse of their own or a friendly fortress, receiving 22 or 44 “copper helmets”, respectively.

The Regional Goods Workshop in the Marketplace creates special cargo that can be sold to Edwin on Liberty Island during the Free Trade event. To make them you need 1 artisan certificate and 40 units of material unique to each of the 6 territories. Herb seeds, the harvest of which will provide the necessary raw materials, are sold here at a price of 1 sovereign per 10 pieces. They can only be grown in the same area where they were purchased.

The most important machine of all located on the trading area is the castle workshop, which can be used by absolutely everyone. Suits and harnesses, previously sold for sovereigns, are produced here, as well as resources for making the equipment of the “Conqueror King”. Here you can also purchase a water pump to extract mineral water and salphyria seedlings to obtain a load of smoldering logs - note that these items are useless when planted outside the Primordial Continent.

List of items in the castle workshop Items based on craft blanks (how to get them is described below in the description of the craft hall):

  • Kaor-Nord costume (craft blank x20, craft hammer x30);
  • Delphic gladiator costume (craft workpiece x20, craft hammer x30);
  • costume of the knight of the Two Crowns (craft blank x20, craft hammer x30);
  • scented soap - an item for washing suits (craft blank x10, craft hammer x10);
  • lion heart saddle (craft blank x3, craft hammer x6);
  • lionheart harness (craft blank x3, craft hammer x6);
  • lion heart shields (craft blank x3, craft hammer x6).
Products for gold sovereigns:
  • scroll of enchantment for a cloak cutter (golden sovereign x1, parchment x1, small piece of obsidian x360, hardened resin x150);
  • imperial pearls (golden sovereign x6, durable alloy x15; rainbow pearls x10);
  • flaming metal ingot (golden sovereign x18, solar metal ingot x10, anadium ingot x9, flaming wood x6);
  • flaming cloth (golden sovereign x18, impregnated cloth x10, anadium ingot x9, flaming wood x6);
  • flaming leather (golden sovereign x18, embossed leather x10, anadium ingot x9, flaming wood x6);
  • flaming boards (golden sovereign x18, flickering wood x10, anadium ingot x9, flaming wood x6);
  • water pump (golden sovereign x1) - allows you to extract mineral water, can be used up to 10 times with an interval of 10 hours;
  • salphyria seedling (golden sovereign x1) - makes it possible to receive a load of smoldering logs up to 10 times with an interval of 10 hours.

Craft Hall

The crafting hall contains almost all the necessary machines: an akhium machine, excellent tailor, leatherworker and armorer dummies, an excellent anvil, decorator's table and workbench, solar, lunar and star plasma generators, as well as a saddler's dummy and a traveling workbench. The building project costs 10,000 gold, construction requires 33 loads of excellent materials for fortifications.
Only here you can purchase craft supplies necessary to obtain costumes and harnesses. The production of blanks is carried out by artisans in the center of the craft hall. They begin work immediately after construction or after purchasing the previous finished batch. Creating blanks takes 22 hours, after which members of the guild that owns the territory can buy them: one batch contains 10 blanks and costs 10 gold sovereigns. These items are transferable, so they can be put up for auction if necessary.

Colonial Goods Warehouse

The warehouse stores colonial goods produced in the fortresses of the Primordial Continent. The owners of the castle or players who are on friendly terms with them can hand them over here, as stated above. To build it, you need a drawing worth 900 gold and 3 loads of excellent materials for fortifications.
One warehouse can hold up to 60 units of goods. Once it is full, the Lord Protector has two options to sell the cargo:
  • Entering into a secure transaction allows you to sell colonial goods for 23 gold sovereigns. The transaction will take 48 hours, after which the sovereigns will go to the treasury. During such a sale, the warehouse will be protected from robbery.
  • When concluding a risky transaction, goods can be sold much more profitably - for 69 gold sovereigns. Such a transaction takes 48 hours, and within 24 hours from the moment it begins, the warehouse can be robbed by opponents.
Any players who are at war with the owners of the fortress can commit a robbery - to do this, just get into the castle and set fire to the building. After a successful theft, the loot can be sold on Liberty Island for 5 gold, or the cargo can be dismantled for parts and received 10 sovereigns. Before this is done, the owners of the territory or their allies have the opportunity to recapture the goods and return them to the warehouse, but this will interrupt the concluded deal and it will have to be done again.


This building is intended for alliances of nations and allows you to establish diplomatic relations with system factions. His project costs 10,000 gold, and for construction you will need 10 loads of the best materials for fortifications.

After building the consulate, the faction will be able to enter into peaceful relations with the original alliances. The peace proposal could be sent on Friday; a gift containing a certain number of sovereigns must be enclosed with the letter. The decision on whether to accept the treaty is made by voting by members of the system faction's Small Council. It takes place on Saturday, the day after the peace letter was received, and the results will be announced on Sunday. In case of refusal, the ruler of the union of nations will receive back the spent gold sovereigns.

If necessary, each of the parties will be able to terminate the peace treaty before its expiration date. If the decision to start hostility is made by a union of nations, the war begins instantly. If it is nominated by the system faction, then a vote will be held the next day after a member of the Small Council proposed war.

Treasury Department

Special items are made here that only the ruler of the union of nations can use. Their bonuses can strengthen the faction, as well as emphasize its status and thereby attract new recruits.

The first of these things is the robe of the ruler of the New World. This is a special suit that weakens all enemies within a radius of 18 meters: their movement speed is reduced by 5%, and damage received increases by 3.5%. When used, the suit allows you to detect all enemies within a 12m radius who are in a state of invisibility or stealth. To make it you will need a flaming metal ingot, flaming cloth and flaming leather.

The second is a unique mount pet, a wyvern. This is a horse that has no analogues, capable of flying and gaining height, as well as inflicting siege damage on enemies. Getting a wyvern requires a lot of effort: you will have to collect more than 1000 gold sovereigns and resources from the Primordial Continent, as well as be patient. Those who manage to tame this powerful beast will be able to further enhance it by crafting a special set of harnesses.

Creation of a union of nations

In update 2.9, the mechanics of declaring a union of nations will be reworked. As before, to create your own faction you must own one of the territories on the Primordial Continent. However, the chain of quests that must be completed to declare independence will change greatly.

To create their own “state”, the guild needs to upgrade the town hall into a palace and make a load of gold shields at a special workbench for the colonists for 1000 gold sovereigns. After production, you should be careful - information about the creation of the item will be announced to the whole world.

The load of golden shields must be handed over to Agent Anders in the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp near Osh Castle. The NPC will be there every Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 21:00 Moscow time. After delivering the cargo, he will give you a task, the completion of which requires you to kill the enemy general - he appears after the destruction of the Gorn fortress in the west or east of the Shining Coast, respectively. 2 hours are given to complete.

The goal of Agent Anders' next test will be to produce the Great Royal Seal. To cope with it, you need to stock up on the following resources: 1000 units. light enchanted alloy, 1000 units. heavy enchanted alloy, 1000 bars of enchanted wood, 3000 units. plates of enchanted metal, 3000 scraps of enchanted cloth and 1000 scraps of enchanted leather. The finished seal must be taken to the castellan of your fortress to receive a declaration of independence.

The next step is to read the declaration. This can be done in the palace: the Lord Protector must be next to the throne, and the nearby guild members - at least 50 people - must simultaneously activate the “Oath” emotion. The declaration will be certified, and after this the final stage of creating the union can begin. With its help, you need to make a flag of the United Nations on the colonists’ workbench and take it to the fortress’s guard artifact.

Bidding for territory

Another important change related to the northern territories is an update to the bidding mechanics for the siege declaration. In version 2.9, the fight for the right to attack a certain fortress will be carried out blindly. Declarations will no longer be exhibited at the general auction: it will be possible to place a bid at union headquarters at special tables.

Guilds that occupy 1st to 20th place in the ranking and have at least 60 players are allowed to participate in the auction. The auction begins at 22:30 Moscow time on the Wednesday of the week for which the siege is scheduled, and lasts until 22:30 on Friday. Only the head of a guild admitted to trading can place bids; The winner will receive a declaration by mail. This is a transferable item and can be sold or given to another character.
Bidding is conducted blindly: rivals do not see each other's bids. An already placed bet can be increased, and for each increase a commission of 1000 gold will be charged.

Western mainland

  • The textures of the northern gates in Marianhold and the Fortress of the Two Crowns have been improved to make it easier for vehicles to pass through.
  • The Glacier map and terrain have been completely redesigned. Quests and daily challenges related to the Glacier are temporarily unavailable.
  • New islands have appeared in the Sea of ​​Oblivion and the Golden Sea with settlement areas intended for the construction of medium-sized houses and mansions.

Primordial Continent

  • New opportunities have been added for the development of occupied territories. Now guilds that own lands on the Primordial Continent will be able to build new useful structures: a town hall, farms, trading areas, craft halls, warehouses, a consulate and a treasury.
  • The mechanics of obtaining gold sovereigns have been updated: this currency will no longer be a unique reward available exclusively to Lord Protectors. Now all players above level 50 will be able to earn gold sovereigns.
  • The level of monsters that appear after activating sleeping guard artifacts has been increased to levels 54 and 55.
  • The number of gold sovereigns a Lord Protector receives weekly for ruling territory on the Primordial Continent has been increased to 180.
  • The command headquarters located in the Abyss and Sunny Fields were activated.
  • The volunteer recruiter in Sunny Fields has been moved to the local command headquarters.
  • Clearance orders for Ernard's Library have been removed from the game.
  • Thousand-sided diamonds can now be purchased in a special shop located on the terrace of celestial mechanics. The cost of one item is 500 Delphic stars.
  • Added daily tasks to destroy the underground fortress of Gorn and protect outposts from attacks by the Gorn army. Quests can be obtained from the head of your alliance’s expedition on the Sparkling Coast.
  • The durability of the Gorn underground fortress has been reduced by 20%, and the damage done by its defensive weapons has been increased by 65%.


  • Items can no longer be purchased with Gold Sovereigns on the Mirage.
  • Some of the items were moved to the castle workshop:

Lionheart equipment (saddle, harness and guards);
- Kaor-Nord costume, Delphic gladiator costume and Knight of the Two Crowns costume;
- scented soap.

  • Drawings of defensive structures (gates, walls, towers, etc.), as well as hammers for their repair, are now sold for gold coins. As before, they can be purchased at Mirage, as well as from the fortress architect after the construction of the fortress town hall.
  • The characteristics of the Kaor-Nord, Delphic Gladiator and Knight of the Two Crowns costumes have been increased.


Gardens of Delights

  • The limit on the number of daily completions of the Gardens of Delights has been reduced to 2 times. Additional attempts, as before, will be available if you have a Gardens of Delights scroll.
  • Pleasure Garden boss battles on Heroic difficulty will be a little easier! The approximate character equipment level required to successfully complete the Heroic difficulty of the dungeon has been reduced to 5200 (previously 6000).
  • A fourth boss has been added to the dungeon - Ishtar, a powerful water elemental captured by Antallon and imprisoned in the Gardens of Pleasure. The portal to Ishtar will open in the central square of the instance after killing the Beast, White Snake and Aria in heroic mode. To get through the portal, players need to use special keys that can be obtained from previously defeated bosses.

  • Added a quest chain related to the new boss of the Gardens of Pleasure, as well as a daily quest to kill him.
  • The skills of cannibals from the eastern swamps and northern mountains have been reworked.
  • Pleasure Garden weapons can now be upgraded to level 4.
  • Additionally, 3 new recipes for making powerful weapons that belonged to Ishtar appeared in the Epherian Crucible of Elements: a bow and one-handed axes. The materials needed to make these items have a chance to be obtained after defeating Ishtar.



The mechanics of the appearance of the Kraken have been reworked - now the monster will hunt for careless sailors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 22:00. 24 hours after its appearance, the Kraken will again disappear into the depths of the sea.


The difficulty of the fight with Gartarein has been increased.


  • The duration of the truce in Bloody Dew Gulch has been increased to 2 hours.
  • A new game event has been added - “Keeper of the Bloody Dew Gorge.” Any player, regardless of his alliance affiliation, will be able to take part in the battle with the new boss in the open world - Gardum.
  • This event begins a few minutes after the end of the Battle of Blooddew Gulch. The lake, located under the floating altar, turns purple and is filled with ominous energy. When approaching the lake, the player will be affected by the negative effect “Crimson Fog”. While this effect is active, the character loses 10% of his maximum health every second. Additionally, “Crimson Mist” prevents health restoration (applies only to characteristics, does not apply to healing skills).
  • After some time, at three points on the territory of the Gorge, where the bloody hands had previously risen, the gates of the other world open. Reinforcements of the Bloody Army are trying to break through them into the Gorge. To awaken Gardum, players will first have to fight hordes of the undead and destroy all the gates of the underworld.
  • After the gate is destroyed, a mutilated guardian, Gardum, rises from the lake. After Gardum's death, the lake is cleared of filth.
  • To successfully complete the event, you must defeat Gardum. If the allied forces fail to defeat Gardum, the lake will not be cleared and the deadly crimson mist will not clear until the next boss fight.
  • Added three daily quests related to the awakening of Gardum.



  • Vigilance cooldown has been increased to 12 seconds.
  • The minimum range of the Hammer of Wrath skill has been increased to 8 meters.


  • Power of Hypnosis no longer allows you to instantly cast Earth Grasp and does not reduce the cast time of Whispers of Terror by 0.5 seconds.
  • Illusion Defense now reduces the cast time of Earth Grasp and Whisper of Terror by 0.5 seconds.
  • Whispers of Terror cast time has been increased to 2 seconds.


  • The maximum amount of rage has been increased to 5000 units.
  • The amount of rage accumulated when taking damage has been reduced by 5 times.
  • Revenge cooldown has been reduced to 12 seconds.
  • The dependence of the damage of the “Victory Cry” skill on the amount of accumulated rage has been reduced to 60%.
  • The Wound Healing skill has been completely redesigned:

Duration reduced to 20 seconds.
- Cooldown time increased to 1 minute.
- Health recovery speed increased to 120 units per second.
- When activated, increases the amount of rage accumulated when taking damage by 5 times.

  • The dependence of health restoration on the amount of accumulated rage when using the Cry of Life skill has been reduced by 2 times.
  • Information has been added to the description of Silent Defense that the character must be equipped with a shield to use the skill.
  • "Bastion": blocking probability reduced to 15%.


  • Spirit Charge: Bonus attack speed reduced to 5%.
  • Lightning Strike damage increased. The combo effect that increased the skill's damage by 47% for each spirit charge active on the character has been removed.
  • Information has been added to the description of “Vitality” that the skill cannot be used simultaneously with “Second Wind”.
  • The skill “Spell Theft” has been reworked:

Now has a 100% chance of taking away one positive effect from the enemy and transferring it to the caster.
- Sleep duration reduced to 7 seconds.
- The combo effect that allowed a positive effect to be taken away from a slowed target with a 100% probability has been removed.
- New combo effects have been added: when used against a slowed target, it takes away an additional positive effect from it, and the duration of sleep increases by 2 seconds.


  • Revenge Time: Duration reduced to 9 seconds, cooldown reduced to 12 seconds.
  • Rebel Spirit now additionally increases attack speed and reduces skill cooldown by 5%.
  • The cooldown of Sorcerer's Wrath has been reduced to 12 seconds.
  • The Stigma effect now increases the damage of all Mysticism skills by 2% per level of effect (previously by 3%).
  • The skill “Steal Life” has received a new combo effect: the casting time of the skill is reduced by 3% for each level of the “Stigma” effect.
  • "Power of Nothingness": Now, when using "Death Shackles" against two or more opponents, the "Stigma" effect can be activated.
  • The mechanics of casting the “Chains of Death” on several opponents have been reworked (if the character has learned the “Power of Nothingness” skill): now this skill affects enemies located close to the target at which the spell is directed (previously, targets located near the caster himself were affected).

The pursuit

  • "Stunning Shot":

Damage to already stunned targets increased to 36%.
- Added a new combo effect: when using Stunning Shot against a target that is in the air, it will be knocked back and stunned. Does not apply to targets on gliders, falling targets, etc.

  • "Explosive Shot":

Added a new combo effect: if the target is in Confusion, damage is increased by 51%.

  • The “Trap” skill has been partially reworked:

The effect that reduced the damage taken by the caster by 20% for 3 seconds has been removed.
- Added an effect that reduces the evasion, parry and block rates of enemies hit by the skill by 6%.

  • The skill "Merciless Shot" has received a new combo effect: if the target is in a sleep state, it will be knocked down.
  • The Avenger's Thrill skill now deals 33% more damage to poisoned targets.


  • “Icing” has received a new combo effect: if the target hit by this skill is knocked down, it will be frozen.
  • Froststride's range has been increased to 1 meter and duration has been reduced to 9 seconds.
  • The duration of the “On the Ground” effect when hitting an enemy with the “Meteor” skill has been reduced by 0.5 seconds. Meteor also now first knocks back the target before knocking them down.
  • Ice Block effect duration reduced to 20 seconds.


  • Eviscerate no longer increases Bloodlust.
  • The maximum volume of bloodlust has been reduced to 10 units. At maximum level, Bloodlust turns into Seething Rage.
  • Using Meat Grinder while Seething Fury is active will activate the Blood Veil effect. This effect increases the damage of melee skills of the Stealth specialization by 21% for 5 seconds (does not apply to Eviscerate).
  • The dependence of the Meat Grinder's damage on the level of blood thirst has been increased by 3 times. Additionally, the first hit of the Meat Grinder briefly paralyzes the enemy.
  • When dealing a melee or ranged critical strike, Find the Gap also additionally increases attack speed and reduces cooldowns by 3%.
  • Cobra Rush now increases Bloodlust by 1. The combo effects of this skill have been reworked:

The combo effect that could knock down a target marked with Stalker's Mark has been removed.
- Removed the combo effect that increased the stun duration by 30% for targets under the influence of Mind Crush.
- Added a combo effect that increases the duration of the stun for 1 second for targets marked with the “Stalker's Mark”.
- When applied to a target marked with Stalker's Mark, the bloodlust level increases by 2 units.

  • Mark of the Stalker now reduces enemy healing susceptibility by 35% (previously reduced healing effectiveness). The damage taken by the target when Stalker's Mark dispels has been increased by 1.6 times.
  • “Elimination” now increases the level of bloodlust by 2-3 units, and when hit from the back causes a bleeding effect. The combo effects of this skill have been reworked:

Removed the combo effect that increased damage by 33% to a target suffering from bleeding.
- Added a combo effect that increases damage to a disarmed target by 42%.

  • The Agility skill now also increases attack speed and reduces skill cooldown by 5% (6% at skill level 2).
  • The dependence of the damage of “Massacre” on the level of blood thirst has been increased by 3 times.
  • Throw Dagger now increases Bloodlust by 1 for each target it hits. Added a new combo effect that increases Bloodlust by 2 points if the target is marked with Stalker's Mark.
  • Increased damage and poison duration when using Poison Arrow.


  • Jubilation: Duration reduced to 6 seconds, cooldown reduced to 12 seconds.
  • Increased the damage of Dissonance. The combo effect that increased the damage of a skill against a charmed target by 37% has been removed.
  • The Enchanting Song skill has received a new combo effect: if the target is under the influence of dissonance, the duration of the enchantment is increased by 50%.
  • Song of Healing now additionally reduces threat by 20%.


  • The cooldown time of the Quick Recovery skill has been reduced to 12 seconds.
  • The formula for calculating healing for the skill “Light and Darkness” has been changed - the base healing has been increased, and the dependence on spell power has been reduced. It also now restores 30% more health to targets affected by Gift of Life.
  • The mana cost of Generous Gift has been reduced. Now this skill cannot be applied to yourself or a teammate if his skill is in the process of recovery.
  • The “Sprouts of Life” skill has been reworked: now, when receiving damage, the health restoration effect is activated with a 25% probability, while the effect of “Sprouts of Life” dissipates.
  • Continuous Healing cooldown reduced to 10 seconds. At the same time, the mana cost and cooldown time of the skill increase with each subsequent use, up to 30 seconds.


Battle of Duskshire

It is no longer possible to summon a Postal Owl within a 5 meter radius of a destroyed Akhium Well.

Eye of the Storm

The victory standard that appears after the restoration of Isa's guiding star on the Eye of the Storm will now be available not only to the victorious faction, but also to all its allies.


  • Added the ability to hang the standard of your union on the fortress gates.
  • Fortress gates are no longer a prerequisite for increasing the defense level of a guard artifact.
  • Destroyed buildings now take 1000% more siege damage.
  • The Lord Protector costume of each territory of the Primordial Continent will now have a unique appearance. The characteristics of the suit remain the same.
  • The mechanics of bidding for the siege declaration have been updated.
  • The declaration is no longer put up at a general auction: special bidding tables have appeared at the headquarters of the unions, where the struggle will take place.
  • Guilds occupying 1st to 20th place in the ranking are allowed to participate in the auction. An additional limitation is the size of the guild - there must be at least 60 players in the guild. These requirements must be met prior to bidding.
  • Guilds belonging to the same union of nations cannot participate in the siege of each other's possessions and cannot bid for a declaration of siege of the lands belonging to them.
  • Only the head of the guild can place bets. However, the Declaration is not a personal item and the winner may sell or transfer it to another player.
  • Bidding opens at 22:30 Moscow time on the Wednesday of the week for which the siege is scheduled and lasts until 22:30 Moscow time on Friday. Guild leaders who meet the requirements to participate in the auction will receive emails reminding them about the upcoming auction.
  • The method of bidding is closed: rivals do not see each other’s bids.
  • The bet placed can be increased. For each upgrade there is an additional fee of 1000 gold coins.
  • Auction winners will receive a declaration by mail.
  • Losers will be refunded their bet amount (less commission).


  • The system for selecting opponents on battlefields has been reworked. Now, for participating in battles on the battlefield, in addition to honor points, players will receive rating points. The character's starting rating is always 4000 points. The rating is reset once a month (at midnight on the last day of the month).
  • Depending on the results on the battlefield, the player falls into one of four rating groups:
  • After a player applies to participate in a battle on the battlefield, the system begins to search for an opponent from the same rating group to which the player belongs. If such an opponent is not found within a certain time, the player will be moved to the waiting queue with an advanced search. This type of search allows you to select an opponent who is in the previous or next rating group (thus, the system cannot pit a player from rating group IV against players from I and II). If the system does not find suitable opponents, the search will fail.
  • For multi-player battlefields, the system will try to select teams consisting of fighters who have achieved approximately the same results. If the difference between the ratings of the fighters is too high, the search will also end in failure.
  • The “Use Shield” effect has been added to the “Rifleman Equipment” effect on 1x1 and 3x3 lists.
  • The “Cry of Freedom” skill no longer removes the “Weakness” and “Powerlessness” effects.


New goods have been added to the quartermaster's shop:

  • Elixir of the Righteous.
  • Badge of Courage (material needed to make elaborate relief engravings).
  • A bag of shimmering alchemy powder (material used for synthesis).


  • The number of military merits and honor points awarded for killing opponents during the war has been increased:

Military merits - 10.
- Honor points - 40.

  • The number of honor points lost if killed by an enemy during war has been increased to 10.


  • The interface and mechanics of PvP ratings have been redesigned:

A separate rating has been added for battles on 3x3 lists.
- All PvP ratings are now combined in one tab - “Battlefield”.
- New statistics have been added to the rating tables: number of kills, deaths and win percentage.
- To get into the rating table, a character must score at least 4000 points.
- The rating season ends at midnight on the last day of the month. Battles played in the next 24 hours count towards the new season.
- Rewards are sent immediately after the end of the season, and rewards are given both for results within an individual server and for place in the overall standings between servers.

  • Rewards have been updated. Depending on where a player ranks during the “season”, he will receive one of the following rewards.
    Rewards for achievements among participants from all servers:
    - 1st place: triumphant box. Contains an elixir that instantly grants 30,000 Honor and 100 pieces of Glittering Alchemy Powder.
    - 2-5 place: champion box. Contains an Elixir that instantly grants 12,000 Honor and 40 pieces of Glittering Alchemy Powder.
    - 6-20 place: veteran's box. Contains an Elixir that instantly grants 8,000 Honor and 26 pieces of Glittering Alchemy Powder.
    - 21-50 place: fighter's box. Contains an elixir that allows you to instantly gain 5000 honor points, and 16 portions of sparkling alchemical powder.
    - 51-100 place: contender's box. Contains an Elixir that instantly grants 3000 Honor and 10 pieces of Glittering Alchemy Powder.
    Rewards for achievements among participants from your server:
    - 1st place: legendary champion elixir. This elixir allows you to instantly receive 5000 honor points.
    - 2-5 place: pure champion elixir. This elixir allows you to instantly receive 4000 honor points.
    - 6-20 place: champion's strong elixir. This elixir allows you to instantly receive 3000 honor points.
    - 21-60: location: champion's simple elixir. This elixir allows you to instantly receive 2500 honor points.
    - 51-100 place: weak champion elixir. This elixir allows you to instantly receive 2000 honor points.


    • The interface of the Union of Nations has been completely redesigned:

    Improved design and information content;
    - added the ability to transfer the powers of the ruler of the union of nations to another character;
    - added a function for managing taxes through the corresponding tab (previously this function was available through the castellan of the fortress).

    • The mechanics of declaring alliances of nations have been reworked.
    • As before, you can create your own union of nations only if the guild controls one of the territories of the Primordial Continent, but that’s where the similarities end. The quest chain that started at Polytheos on Liberty Island has been removed from the game. Items previously needed to make the United Nations Flag can be disassembled into the materials that were spent to obtain them in quests. The colonists' workbench was also removed from Liberty Island and moved to the fortress palace.
    • Now the sequence of actions when declaring a union of nations will look like this:

    Build a town hall and upgrade it to a palace. This way, the owners of the fortress will have access to the colonists' workbench.
    - Make a load of golden shields at the colonists' workbench. The cost of producing the cargo is 1000 gold sovereigns, the duration of the item is 2 hours. Information about the manufacture of a given item by someone is announced to the whole world.
    - Take the cargo of golden shields to Agent Anders at the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp near Osh Castle. Anders can be found at the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 21:00 Moscow time. An alternative is to sell the cargo to smugglers for 10,000 gold coins.
    - Complete the task “International Conflict”, which is given by agent Anders. To complete it, you must kill the general of the enemy alliance. The general will come ashore after the destruction of the underground fortress of Gorn: the Nuian general will appear after the destruction of the fortress in the west of the Shining Coast, and the Harnian general will appear in the east. You have 2 hours to complete this task.
    - Complete the task of agent Anders to make the Great Royal Seal.
    - Take the Great Royal Seal to the castellan in your fortress and receive a declaration of independence from him.
    - Read the Declaration of Independence in the fortress palace. This can be done if the following conditions are met:
    a) The Lord Protector must be in close proximity to the throne in the fortress palace (the corresponding effect will be applied to him).
    b) It is necessary to activate the “Declaration of Independence” effect. This effect is activated if at least 50 subjects (members of the guild that owns the fortress) simultaneously swear allegiance to the future ruler (/Oath).
    - Using the signed Declaration of Independence, create a flag of the United Nations on the colonists' workbench.
    - Take the flag to the guard artifact of the fortress and found an alliance of nations.

    • The mechanics of concluding a peace treaty between alliances of nations and system factions have been reworked.
    • Now, after declaring an alliance of nations, by default it will be in hostile relations with all alliances, including system factions.
    • To conclude a peace agreement with one of the system factions, you first need to build a consulate building. After this, the union of nations will be able to send a peace proposal to one of the system factions. This can be done through the “Diplomacy” tab in the interface of the union of nations.
    • The peace proposal can only be sent on Friday. A modest gift of 100 gold sovereigns (as a sign of good intentions) must also be attached to the letter. If the number of subjects of a union of nations exceeds 100 people, more gold sovereigns will be required for the “gift” (the number of sovereigns increases depending on the number of subjects).
    • The decision on whether to enter into a peace treaty with the alliance of nations or not is made through a vote between members of the system faction's Small Council. Voting takes place on Saturday (the day after receiving the letter with the peace proposal). The voting results will be announced the next day (Sunday).
    • If the members of the Small Council made a positive decision, a peace treaty will be concluded between their faction and the union of nations that sent the peace proposal for a period of 7 days. If the votes are divided equally or the members of the Small Council completely ignore the vote, this will be counted as a positive decision.
    • In case of refusal to sign a peace treaty, the ruler of the union of nations will receive back the gold sovereigns spent.
    • If necessary, each of the parties will be able to terminate the peace treaty before its expiration date. This can also be done through the “Diplomacy” tab in the interface of the union of nations.
    • If the decision to end the truce is made on the side of the union of nations, war is declared instantly.
    • Systemic factions can also terminate a peace treaty prematurely. To do this, it is necessary for one of the members of the Small Council to make a proposal to declare war (through the “Diplomacy” tab in the interface of the union of nations). The day after this, a vote is taken among the members of the Small Council.

    Equipment Directory

    • Added equipment guide. The equipment directory contains information about all equipment that can be obtained in the game (with the exception of items for low-level tasks and random trophies from ordinary monsters): characteristics, method of obtaining and its rating.
    • The player's current equipment rating is also displayed on a corresponding scale, allowing them to more effectively compare equipment items.


    • Players will no longer have to keep items such as a spyglass, scuba gear and sextant with them at all times. Now, in order to gain access to the useful properties of the above items, the character will only need to use each of them once, after which they will be moved to the list of the character's general skills.
    • Additional characteristics and effects of items with zero durability will no longer work until the item is restored.
    • A new item has been added to the food and drink merchant's shop - a mint drink, which increases additional damage when fighting monsters by 5% for 30 minutes.
    • The equipment rating and characteristics of the item “Bastion of the Eternal Island” have been increased.
    • The Embossed Seafoam Earrings item has been renamed to the Shipwright's Lucky Earring. The equipment rating of the specified item has been increased.
    • The recovery time for coal from a home fire has been increased to 15 minutes.
    • The display of back-worn items now works correctly if the display of the suit is enabled at the same time.
    • The drop rates of items from the following bags and chests have been changed: Ernardian Geomancer's Bags, Ernardian Mage's Bags, Ernardian Scholar's Chest, Ernardian Geomancer's Chest, Ernardian Mage's Chest, Ernardian Tailor's Chest, Ernardian Tailor's Chest and Courtesan's Jewels.
    • A new type of wallet has been added that can be obtained from loot for killing monsters that appear after the destruction of necromancer towers on the Primordial Continent.

    Additional effects

    Additional characteristics of some obsidian weapons have been changed:

    • One-handed swords (except for swords made of distorted argenite): health increased by 1.2 times.
    • Bows (except for bows made of distorted argenite): added the “Mana Regeneration” characteristic.
    • One-handed and two-handed axes: armor penetration increased by 2 times.
    • One-handed and two-handed staves: ignoring resistance has been increased by 2 times.
    • One-Handed Bludgeon: When you use Gift of Life again, the duration of this effect stacks and can be extended up to 35 seconds.
    • One-handed blades: Spell power reduced by 5%.
    • One-handed Polearm: Healing effectiveness reduced by 5%.
    • Two-Handed Bludgeon: Bountiful Gift additionally restores an ally's health equal to double the amount of mana restored.

    Additional characteristics of some equipment sets have been changed:

    • Equipping 7 pieces of Occultist, Sorcerer, and Templar equipment now increases the character's spell power as a percentage.
    • Equipping 4 pieces of Smuggler and Gladiator gear now increases character resistance.
    • Equipping 4 pieces of Master gear now increases resistance ignore.
    • The chance and effectiveness of bypassing defenses when using two-handed weapons has been increased to 50%.


    • The Eye of Leviathan is no longer used to craft high-level equipment. Now other reagents will be used to make such items. The characteristics of equipment made according to new recipes will be slightly lower than before. All items made before the update's release will retain their characteristics.
    • New high-level equipment has been added - the equipment of the Conqueror King.
    • Reduced the amount of enchanted materials required to craft Warped and Sinister Predator gear, as well as Fortified Argenite, Tough Warped Argenite, Mirrored Argenite, and Flame Warped Argenite weapons.
    • Added 10 new cloaks that can be enhanced through synthesis. Commander's Cloaks are crafted at the Travel Workbench and can be upgraded to become Legendary Age items.
    • Added a scroll of cape cutter's enchantment, which allows you to replace one of the commander's cloak synthesis effects with another, chosen at random. This scroll can be crafted in the castle workshop.
    • Added the ability to craft a Rank XIII Necklace of Valor.
    • The rank of Necklace of Valor, which can be crafted without the risk of degrading the item's quality, has been increased to VII.
    • Also, now, after making a rank VI necklace of valor, the player will be able to choose between two branches for further improvement of this item, depending on which of them is more suitable for his class in terms of its characteristics: the fighter’s valor necklace or the healer’s valor necklace.
    • Level 1 equipment can no longer be made independently: these items are now sold in gunsmith and armorer shops.
    • The amount of materials (with the exception of straw and earthworms) obtained in greenhouses, as well as the consumption of work points for harvesting, has been increased by 1.5 times.
    • Mining mineral water and smoldering logs is no longer available if the character is carrying a load.
    • The quantity of some materials required to craft weapons of blind hatred and equipment for the nameless fortress has been changed.
    • Increased the amount of work required to craft Akhium Ingots, Prisms, and Essences from lower tier materials (example: crafting an Akhium Ingot from 5 Akhium Dust).
    • Added recipes for making a new type of engraving - relief. In case of unsuccessful application of relief engraving, the engravings already applied to the item will not be destroyed. At the same time, the likelihood of such engravings is lower, and the cost is higher than that of conventional ones.
    • Added new designs that can be obtained from dream shards. These sketches can be used to create a variety of paintings - from cute watercolor studies to epic canvases. To create future masterpieces, you need to have special drawing paper or an easel on hand, as well as paints and a brush. Recipes for making these items can be found in the craft book.


    • The amount of materials obtained from the destruction of Iramian, Ernoan, Ipherian, Delphic and Ernardian equipment of the Relic quality, Age of Wonders item, Legends Age item and Legends Age item has been increased.
    • The number of Gorni engravings that can be summed up in one cell of a backpack or warehouse has been increased to 1000 pieces.
    • Applying Ephenian prisms to items is now done through a special tab in the equipment upgrade interface.

    Synthesis of suits

    • Added a costume synthesis system similar to what is already used to enhance some cloaks.
    • Old costumes cannot be enhanced using synthesis. For this purpose, universal costumes have been introduced, the appearance of which will fully correspond to those already introduced.


    • Now, for completing story missions, the character will receive experience points.
    • Quests of the “Battle in...” category have been added to Savannah, Golden Plains and Long Spit.

    Guild shop

    • A new item has been added - a bag of shiny alchemical powder.
    • The cost of harness sets for mount pets in the guild shop has been increased to 200 contribution points.

    Housing and transport

    • Added a recipe for making a cargo tractor that can hold up to 8 loads, as well as a recipe for upgrading a cargo tractor to a double one.
    • If real estate is located on territory controlled by the enemy, it is subject to double tax (for foreign citizens).
    • Added recipes that allow you to decorate two-seater, cargo and two-seater cargo tractors with Neverine decor.
    • Added a recipe that allows you to upgrade a small tractor to a regular one.
    • Added the ability to convert a craft pavilion into a cargo warehouse. The cargo warehouse is equipped with special containers that can accommodate up to 10 cargoes, and several small rooms suitable for storing things or installing craft machines.
    • In the building redevelopment window, it became possible to learn about the properties and advantages of the new building.
    • The possibility of insuring a building before its demolition has been introduced. The corresponding function is located next to normal demolition in the building management interface. When demolishing an insured building, the player will receive not an ordinary design drawing, but a special project that does not require the consumption of materials during re-construction.
    • Added a new item - homeowner's papers. Now they will be necessary for carrying out all kinds of real estate transactions: sales, redevelopment and insurance. Items that previously performed the above functions will become useless, but they can be exchanged for the homeowner's papers:

    House mortgage - 1 set of homeowner's papers;
    - new lease agreement - 4 sets of landlord papers;
    - independent craftsman certificate - 3 sets of homeowner papers.

    • New decorative interior items have been added: 9 types of partitions, 12 types of carpets and 2 types of stairs. Recipes for making the above items can be found on Mirage.


    New achievements added:

    • [General] -> Pets. By upgrading deer, horses, lions or tare of all three colors to leaders, you will receive as a reward not only a “tick” in achievements and a gold star, but also a title corresponding to the type of pet.
    • [General] -> Other. A number of achievements have been added that allow you to get acting tutorials and master new emotions and scenes.
    • -> PvP rewards. Since Necklaces of Valor can now be upgraded to Rank XIII, the Unparalleled Valor achievement series has been expanded to include another milestone.
    • [Adventure] -> Exploration. It's time to put all the secret caves and inaccessible cliffs of the Primordial Continent on the map! And the series of achievements “Exploration...” of Nuimar, Salfimar, Sangemar, the lands of Peace, the Sunny Fields, the Abyss, the Sparkling Coast, Bloody Dew Gorge and Osh Castle will allow you to get a worthy reward for this.
    • [Adventure] -> Exploration. For fans of daily tasks, a series of achievements “Day on...” has been added, dedicated to bulletin boards. By completing 15 tasks from such boards in any area, you will earn a gold star, and by completing 45 tasks, you will also earn a title into the bargain.
    • [Adventure] -> Exploration. Achievements in the “Battle in...” series are grouped into three large groups: “Guardian of the West,” “Guardian of the East,” and “Guardian of the Islands.” For each of these global achievements, a title of the same name is awarded.
    • [Adventures] -> Battles. A new enemy has appeared in the Gardens of Pleasure - Ishtar. There are two achievements associated with it: for the first victory over the Lord of the Waters you will receive a title, and for 10 victories you will receive a figurine to decorate your home.
    • [Adventures] -> Battles. A number of achievements have been added for defeating Gardum in the Bloody Dew Gulch: “Defender of the Floating Altar”, “Guardian of the Floating Altar” and “Hero of the Floating Altar”. As a reward for them you can get gold stars.


    • A road atlas has been added to Rivergard (Inistra).
    • A wind stone has been added to the highest pillar of the Stone Forest, located in the Rumbling Passes, allowing you to quickly travel to the River Mist settlement.
    • The duration of the Narayan warrior's "Bold Taunt" has been increased to 6 seconds.
    • The Black Swan title no longer grants the ability to perform a unique dance. However, holders of this title can still learn it by completing a short series of auctioneer tasks. After this, the seductive dance, along with all other dances, will appear in the character’s general skills.
    • Information about sieges has been updated in the corresponding tab in the guild interface.
    • Added the ability to expand the backpack to 150 cells.
    • New stylish hairstyles have been added, allowing you to create more complex and creative character hair color models.
    • Gold Sovereign items have been removed from the in-game store.
    • Now buyers react to delivered goods much faster and change the offered price.
    • A new item has been added to the Blue Salt Consortium consortium shop - a pouch of shimmering alchemical powder (material used for synthesis).
    • The amount of military merit awarded through the comrade-in-arms rating system has been halved.

    Known Bugs

    • In the arena interface, instead of the honor points received for the battle, the character's current rating is displayed.
    • "Captain of the Sea of ​​Storms' Gear" and "Captain of the Tranquil Sea's Gear": When entering combat, an alert is constantly updated when the target's health level is too high.
    • There are some problems with the sailing frigate's physics model, which can result in the character falling through to the lower deck.
    • It is currently impossible to complete the achievements “I can dig, I don’t have to dig” and “I just want to stroke it.”
    • The equipment guide incorrectly states how to obtain the Noart'lair item: in fact, it can only be purchased with gold stars.
    • The description of the tractor skill “Acceleration” does not indicate the duration of the effect.
    • There is an error in the description of the Costume Cutter rune: in fact, this item can be applied to costumes of at least unusual quality.
    • There is an error in the description of the collectible sets: in fact, the sets include the design of the Golden Skybreaker glider, not the Golden Falcon glider.