White ulcer on the gum: causes, treatment, photo. Causes of ulcers on the gums of a child

Ulcers on the oral mucosa appeared in every person. As a rule, they quickly go away after rinsing with herbal decoctions or soda solution. Why does an ulcer appear on the gum, how to avoid this trouble, what could be the consequences of ulceration of the mucous membrane? Let's consider the questions in detail.

Doctors believe that the main cause of ulceration of the oral mucosa is a genetic predisposition. This explains the occurrence of thrush in newborns, when multiple pustules appear on the tongue and the inside of the cheeks. The child cannot eat due to pain.

Ulcers on the gums also appear in adults due to a decrease in the body's defenses. The following reasons can provoke ulceration:

  • taking medications that reduce saliva production;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements due to an unbalanced diet;
  • activity of fungi and pyogenic bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • allergic reaction to certain products.

The cause of ulcers can be dehydration, consumption of unwashed fruits, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, hormonal imbalance, smoking and drinking alcohol.

Important! Stress and emotional overload reduce the body's immune defense. This serves as fertile ground for the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane can be due to a blow or bite of the tongue/cheek while eating. Poor installation of dentures also leads to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria gain access to the unprotected soft tissues of the oral cavity. You can damage the mucous membrane with a toothbrush with hard bristles.

However, if there were no mechanical damage, but an ulcer appeared on the gum or tongue, you should consult a dentist. This may be a symptom of a gastrointestinal disease, in particular a stomach or intestinal ulcer.

Types of ulcerations of the oral mucosa

Pustules on the mucous membrane can have different characters and causes. Doctors distinguish several types of stomatitis:

  • aphthous;
  • ulcerative;
  • herpetiform;
  • ulcerative gingivitis.

It is characterized by the formation of grayish pustules with clear outlines. This type of pathology can take a chronic form and periodically worsen. Advanced aphthous stomatitis can torment the patient for a month. This type of pathology appears against a background of stress, hormonal imbalance, persistent constipation and reduced immunity.

Ulcerative stomatitis is an untreated form of ordinary stomatitis. Often aphthous stomatitis occurs in a latent form without the formation of pustules: instead, redness of the mucous membrane and swelling appear. The danger of an untreated form of simple stomatitis is that ulcers form not only on the surface, but penetrate deep into the soft tissues. This pathology is accompanied by fever, bleeding and general malaise. In severe cases, the lymph nodes become enlarged, which is a sign of general intoxication of the body.

The causes of herpetic stomatitis are not fully understood. Typically, this pathology is typical for young patients under 30 years of age. The disease is characterized by the appearance of small, shapeless pustules under the tongue or on the bottom of the mouth. Ulcers are treatable, but reappear after a while.

It is characterized by the formation of ulcers surrounded by necrotic mucosal tissue. This pathology appears in the absence of high-quality sanitation of the oral cavity: untreated caries, poor oral hygiene, dental plaque. Gingivitis can also be caused by a bad smoking habit, as well as reduced immunity. In some cases, the disease is a consequence of improperly installed dentures, fillings, or injury from chipped dental crowns.

Ulcer on the gum as a consequence of internal diseases

The appearance may also be a consequence of serious diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the appearance of ulcers. If you are unsure about the causes of gum ulcers, seek medical diagnosis. Ulcers that do not go away within a week, despite the measures taken, pose a health hazard.

Treatment of ulcers with medications

An ulcer on the gum can be treated independently if it appears due to mechanical stress or decreased immune defense during a cold. In other cases, it is recommended to seek medical diagnosis. With mechanical effects on the mucous membrane, dental gels, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, help well:

  • solcoseryl;
  • Cholisal;
  • instillagel;

The instructions for the gels detail the method of use. In addition to treatment with gels, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions - Forest Balm, Asepta, Lakalut-active, etc. These products help neutralize the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Folk remedies such as cauterizing pustules with brilliant green and peroxide are very painful and not always justified. These include rinsing with a solution of chlorhexidine and furatsilin.

The most painless remedy is rinsing with a soda solution, which deactivates the growth of bacteria and speeds up healing - rinse every hour. Instead of soda, use a saline solution - rinse twice a day. To soothe the mucous membrane and speed up tissue healing, take sea buckthorn or rosehip oil.

To speed up healing and not cause additional pain, it is recommended to exclude hot dishes and solid foods from the menu. While treating gum ulcers, you should drink plenty of fluids.

Treatment with herbs and oils

Herbal rinses, essential and vegetable oils have been successfully used to heal oral ulcerations. Traditional medicine has developed a special treatment regimen for pustules in the oral cavity.


Infusion of St. John's wort or calendula successfully treats and disinfects ulcers on the mucous membrane. Dry raw materials (a tablespoon) are poured with boiling water in the volume of a glass and infused. The filtered solution is used for rinsing after meals. Herbs relieve pain and relieve tissue swelling.

An infusion of chamomile relieves pain and dries out mouth ulcers. A decoction of oak bark has the same property. After rinsing, it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane with sea buckthorn oil.

Alcohol tinctures of calendula and eucalyptus have a healing effect on the mucous membrane. A teaspoon of tincture is diluted in half a cup of warm water. Propolis tincture effectively helps restore the mucous membrane.

Fresh basil and Kalanchoe leaves accelerate tissue regeneration and disinfect the mucous membranes - it is recommended to chew them after meals. Lemon effectively copes with putrefactive processes - slices are applied to the affected area, and then the mucous membrane is lubricated with honey.

Essential oils

Oil is a concentrate of healing substances of herbs and plants. The pharmacy sells cosmetic and medicinal oils - you need to buy them for medicinal purposes. Dill, tangerine and peppermint oils cope well with stomatitis. A few drops of each oil are diluted with boiled warm water and baths are made.

Another composition is lavender, tea tree, lemon and myrrh. Essential oils can be diluted in water, or applications can be made. How to treat gum ulcers with oil? For applications, the listed ingredients are diluted in peach oil or grape seed oil, soaked in a cotton pad and applied to the affected area for 10-12 minutes. Oil applications are easier to tolerate than cauterization of mucous membranes or rinsing with chlorhexidine.

Thrush and ulcers in children

The appearance of white plaque on the tongue and gums of infants is explained by imperfect immunity, which is unable to contain the activity of pathogenic bacteria. In addition to thrush, a small child may suffer from other diseases:

  • herpes virus;
  • Coxsackie virus;
  • malocclusion;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • breathing through the mouth, not the nose.

Herpes is a disease that leads to the formation of multiple ulcers on the mucous membrane. The child cannot eat and has profuse salivation. Only a doctor can help you cope with the disease. The Coxsackie virus is characterized by the spread of yellow ulcers over the entire surface of the oral mucosa.

An incorrectly formed bite provokes mechanical injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, which leads to the formation of pustules at the site of damage. A lack of vitamin C is characterized by inflammation in the gums, swelling and bleeding.

How does mouth breathing affect the formation of pustules? The habit of breathing through the mouth dries out the mucous membrane, depriving it of the protective properties of saliva. The child’s oral cavity becomes covered with pustules and becomes inflamed. It is necessary to ensure that the baby's nose is clean - then he will not breathe through his mouth.

Note! Recurrent sores on a child's gum or tongue may be a symptom of colitis.

Ulcers on the mucous membranes of a child are a common occurrence. This is due to the baby’s habit of putting dirty objects in his mouth. Check your child's oral mucosa regularly to take timely action.

Bottom line

Treatment of gum ulcers can be carried out independently only under certain conditions - injury or decreased immunity. If the ulcers have not gone away after a week, you should visit a doctor. Harmless ulcers on the mucous membrane can be symptoms of dangerous diseases of the internal organs.

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Children often develop ulcers in their mouths. Single formations indicate improper oral care. If there are many ulcers and they cause discomfort to the child, this is a sure sign of an infectious or viral lesion of the body, which requires immediate treatment.


Various factors can trigger the appearance of ulcers on a child’s gums.

The most common cause of pathology is a viral infection of the body. Most often it is herpes or stomatitis. Ulcers can also be caused by disruption of the endocrine system, weakened immunity, and hypothermia.

Sometimes the appearance of such wounds indicates a lack of vitamin C, B2, B6 or P. Pathology usually appears in the spring, after suffering a serious illness or due to poor nutrition.

Frequent consumption of sweets or sour foods can trigger the appearance of white ulcers on the gums. A common cause is injury to the mucous membrane. This can happen as a result of regular use of an electric brush, damage to the mucous membrane by fillings, dentures or other objects.


Depending on the cause that provoked the appearance of ulcers, three types of pathology are distinguished: herpes, viral and aphthous stomatitis. They not only have different origins, but also differ in symptoms and treatment methods.

Aphthous stomatitis is an inflammatory process that is chronic in nature. The pathology worsens when the immune system is weakened, after a viral infection, or when the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of white ulcers (ulcers), which are localized on the gums, inside of the cheeks and tongue.

Canker sores cause discomfort to the child, especially when chewing food or if touched. Additionally, weakness and sleep disturbance appear. The child is capricious and refuses to eat.

Children who are prone to allergies and have chronic diseases, including those of the blood and liver, are at particular risk of developing aphthous stomatitis.

Viral stomatitis occurs as a result of infection of the body by a virus. Most often this is a consequence of rubella, measles, ARVI or chickenpox. This type is characterized by the formation of a large number of white ulcers on the oral mucosa. Ulcers cause pain in the child, so he becomes moody and restless.

This is a contagious disease, therefore, to prevent its spread, it is necessary to provide the child with separate dishes, which must be scalded with boiling water after each use.

Herpes is a viral infection of the body that provokes the appearance of a large number of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips and even in the nose. The disease usually begins against the background of hypothermia or weakened immunity. The child suffers from severe pain, bad breath and increased sweating.


How to treat ulcers should be decided by the pediatrician after examining the patient and establishing the cause of the ulcers. For viral stomatitis, taking vitamin C, rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions and infusions of chamomile or calendula are recommended. The ulcers themselves are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Formations resulting from herpes infection must be lubricated with a thin layer of gel, which will be prescribed by the doctor.

If the cause of ulcers is mechanical damage, the factors causing injury should be eliminated. For example, it is worth adjusting dentures or having a tooth re-filled properly. Dentists recommend limiting the use of an electronic toothbrush.

Rinsing the mouth with a weak solution of soda, Furacilin, or a decoction of chamomile or calendula will help relieve pain and eliminate discomfort. Open wounds should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, which has an antiseptic and healing effect.

To relieve pain from the gums, local painkillers in the form of a gel or cream are used - Kalgel, Lidochlor-gel or Baby-Dent. In case of fever, it is recommended to take Paracetomol, Nurofen or Ibuprofen.

Vitamin B12 is highly effective in treating gum ulcers. A small piece of gauze is soaked in the substance and applied to the wound.

If white ulcers appear on the gums, it is necessary to provide proper care and follow the doctor’s recommendations. First of all, you should limit your contact with other children to prevent them from becoming infected. The patient must be provided with separate hygiene items and utensils.

You need to feed your baby lukewarm food, in small portions and, if possible, crushed foods. It is important to exclude spicy, salty and hot foods from your diet. They irritate the mucous membrane and cause even more discomfort. It is necessary to provide the child with plenty of warm drinks. At the end of the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you need to change your toothbrush or pacifier to a new one.


Good oral hygiene can help prevent white sores from appearing on your gums. So, it is important to wash your breasts or bottle well before each feeding, and clean your nipples and breast pump. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not put dirty objects or fingers into his mouth.

A child aged 2–6 years must be explained the need for hygiene procedures, taught how to brush his teeth correctly and change his brush regularly. Preventive dental examinations and timely treatment of dental diseases play an equally important role.

If the baby complains of pain in the mouth, and the mother discovers that the baby’s gums are bleeding or inflamed, the child should be immediately taken to the doctor. These may be symptoms of stomatitis, which often affects the gums and causes severe discomfort and pain in children.

Stomatitis on the gums causes discomfort in the child

What is this

This is the name for inflammation of the mucous membrane in a child’s mouth, which often looks like an ulcer or spot, but can also appear as pustules, blisters or plaque. If the lesion on the gum is represented by a white-yellow-gray ulcer, often the only one, such stomatitis is called aphthous. When a blistering rash appears on the gum mucosa, herpes stomatitis is often detected. White patches that are itchy and painful are most often a form of thrush.

Causes of sores on the gums

Damage to the gums by stomatitis can most often be caused by:

  • Bacterial infection. If there is not enough saliva in the child's mouth, bacteria in the mouth become active and cause a sore on the gum. In addition, their activity is associated with a weakened immune system or a course of antibiotics. Among the bacteria that cause stomatitis, staphylococci are the most common.
  • Viruses. Most often, the appearance of stomatitis can be provoked by herpes viruses.
  • Fungi. This pathogen often causes stomatitis in children under one year of age, entering the baby’s mouth from the mother, through toys or pacifiers.
  • Poor oral hygiene. Food particles remaining in the mouth are a good substrate for bacteria.
  • Trauma. The gums can be damaged by a hard object, such as a lollipop, cracker, or the sharp edge of a toy.
  • Allergies. The cause of stomatitis on the gums can be an allergen from toothpaste, medication or food.
  • A poisonous substance. The appearance of ulcers on the gums is due to varnish, paint and other harmful substances that, due to oversight, could get into the child’s mouth at an early age.

It is necessary to regularly care for your child’s oral cavity.


Elements of inflammation on a child’s gums are usually quite painful, and the mucous membrane is swollen. In addition to ulcerative lesions, blisters or plaque, the child will also have the following manifestations of stomatitis:

  • Rise in body temperature. Some children do not have this symptom, but it happens that the temperature with stomatitis can reach +40°C.
  • Refusal of food.
  • General weakness.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Bad breath.
  • Insufficient secretion of saliva or its production in excess.
  • Crying and anxiety if the disease appeared at an early age.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

What to do

If an ulcer, painful spot, rash or other symptoms of stomatitis are found on a child’s gum, you should immediately show the baby to a specialist. Since different types of stomatitis are treated differently, the doctor must determine what kind of disease the baby has developed, and only after that the disease can begin to be treated.

You can learn more about the causes of stomatitis, treatment and prevention methods in the following video. The popular doctor Komarovsky will tell you what to do if a child has stomatitis.


Only in cases where stomatitis on the gums is caused by bacteria or the herpes virus, will the doctor prescribe antibacterial or antiviral medications to eliminate the cause. For other forms of the disease, it will be treated symptomatically:

  • Anesthetize the gum mucosa. For this purpose, gels used for teething are usually used, for example, Dentinox, Kalgel or Kamistad.
  • Clean the gums with antiseptics, for example, chlorhexidine, calendula infusion, chamomile decoction, miramistin or furatsilin. The child should rinse his mouth with warm water 6 times a day and always after meals.
  • Reduce temperature if it is elevated. To do this, the child is given antipyretic drugs that are acceptable for his age.

In order to clean the mouth of a small child of plaque, you can use sterile gauze soaked in antiseptic.

  • If ulcers or rashes appear on a child’s gums, the child should be isolated from other children, since the disease can be contagious.
  • A child with stomatitis must be provided with separate hygiene items and utensils.
  • Food for a baby with stomatitis on the gums should be liquid and warm. It is important to avoid irritation of the oral mucosa, so no cold, sour, spicy or hot foods should be given to your child.
  • Give your child plenty to drink and ventilate the room regularly.
  • When your child has recovered, buy him a new toothbrush.


To prevent your child from being bothered by stomatitis on the gums, it is important:

  • Go to the dentist regularly and have your bad teeth treated.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth after meals.
  • Buy quality toothpaste.
  • Eliminate the influence of allergens on the child.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands after a walk, before eating and after using the toilet.
  • Limit sweets in your baby’s diet and give enough fruits and vegetables.
  • Strengthen the child's immune system.

The health of your gums and teeth largely depends on good nutrition. If there is insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body, ulcers that take a long time to heal may appear on the gums. An ulcer in the mouth indicates damage to the oral mucosa. The phenomenon is unpleasant and can disturb not only the patient, but also those around him, as it often causes halitosis. The cause of such defects as an ulcer on the gum can also be certain diseases, an infection that has entered the damaged area, or general diseases with a projection in this particular place. In addition, the formation of ulcers is promoted by mechanical damage to the gums, taking certain medications that cause an allergic reaction in case of a tendency to allergies.

Causes of sores on the gums

Among the reasons for the appearance of ulcers on the gums caused by diseases, several main ones can be identified.

  1. Recurrent is a chronic inflammatory disease. The main difference is the periodic appearance of aphthae on the oral mucosa - small painful ulcers that can develop into a serious ulcer if treatment is not started on time. If you do not expose the aphthae to trauma, they disappear after a week. In case of complications, treatment is delayed for up to a month, the number of ulcers may increase, leaving behind scars. They are located mainly on the hard and soft palate, tongue, buccal mucosa and lip lining. Aphthous stomatitis is promoted by nervous fatigue, menstruation, and trauma to the mucous membrane with a hard toothbrush.
  2. Hepretiform stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of numerous small ulcers. Usually appears in girls under 30 years of age. These endless ulcers look like regular herpes - without clear outlines with a gray or white base. They are localized on the gums, the back of the surface of the tongue and under it. The healing period is 6-10 days.
  3. Recurrent necrotizing periadenitis (Setton's aphthae) is manifested by the formation of a compaction in the submucosa with the subsequent formation of painful ulcers in this place with raised dense edges and the accumulation of infiltrate mixed with blood and lymph. The ulcers are located on the inside of the lips, cheeks and side of the tongue. Eating food becomes more difficult, even to the point of giving it up completely. Similar pain can be observed when talking. The disease is long-term, scarring of the ulcers takes several months.
  4. Afty Bednar. The disease has a characteristic feature in the form of traumatic erosions covered with a yellow-white coating on top. The cause of such ulcers is poor oral care. This disease is encountered exclusively in childhood. The appearance of such afts can also be caused by injury caused by damage with hard objects (hard toothbrush, children's toys) or a bite.
  5. A traumatic ulcer in the mouth appears from physical impact, hence its name. Injury occurs as a result of a bite to the mucous membrane, damage from a toothbrush. Inaccurate dental treatment, when the patient is too nervous, dental instruments or too sharp crowns can cause damage to the gums.
  6. This also includes denture ulcers that appear as a result of damage to the poorly treated surface of dentures or dentures that do not fit properly. Such ulcers may be located directly under the denture structure. If the defect is eliminated, then you can do without treatment, since traumatic ulcers are not painful and small, and the wound healing process itself takes up to two weeks. If the situation becomes more complicated, the dentist prescribes disinfectants and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  7. The cause of ulcers may be an aggressive environment in the oral cavity - exposure to acids, alkalis, and certain medications, especially if you are predisposed to allergic reactions. In the photo there is an ulcer on the gum.

Ulcers can be a manifestation of common diseases

  • Syphilis - ulcers form in all periods except incubation; painless aphthae appear in the form of a round-shaped depression with a reddish bottom, sometimes with a possible coating; Wounds heal in 3-12 weeks, leaving behind scars.
  • Tuberculosis – ulcers appear after tuberculosis microbes infect the lungs and damaged tissues of the oral cavity. First, growing tubercles with a loose, bleeding base are observed, accompanied by sharp pain.
  • Acute necrotizing gingivostomatitis causes vitamin deficiency and, associated with poor immunity, a decrease in the body's resistance and injury to the oral mucosa. The disease is common among men under 30 years of age. Symptoms include pain when eating, increased temperature and salivation. Bleeding ulcers are covered with plaque with an unpleasant odor and swelling.
  • HIV is accompanied by mouth ulcers in every third patient. Treatment is carried out by infectious disease doctors with the utmost care.

Ulcers from vitamin deficiency

When the body suffers from a deficiency of vitamin C, microcracks appear on the gums, which become easy prey for pathogenic microbes. Gradually, an ulcer appears at the site of the crack, causing itching, and it persists for quite a long time. A balanced diet with the obligatory inclusion of cheese, eggs, beef, garlic and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the menu contributes to rapid healing.

Treatment of ulcers

  1. When treating ulcers, the form of the disease and the severity of the lesion are taken into account. Both general and local treatment depend on this. For all types of stomatitis, vitamin C is additionally prescribed. To treat gum ulcers at home, they mainly use rinsing with various solutions and infusions.
  2. Aphthous ulcers are associated with endocrine system disorders, viral infections and weakened immunity. Inflamed gums and painful ulcers are treated with rinses based on calendula tincture.
  3. The most common ulcers of viral stomatitis, provoked by the Coxsackie virus, and located on the cheeks, pharynx and gums, are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Ulcers as a consequence of herpes that occur on the cheeks, gums, and oral mucosa are characterized by strong salivation, bursting blisters and painful sensations. Treatment of such ulcers is prescribed with Zavirax ointment plus regular rinsing with potassium permanganate.
  5. Traumatic ulcers, which occur due to a malocclusion, a broken tooth or an ill-fitting filling, regularly injure the gums when biting, creating conditions for the formation of ulcers - a source of infection. Treatment consists, first of all, in eliminating the root cause - restoring a broken tooth, refilling a poor-quality filling, fitting an inaccurately selected prosthesis, etc. At the same time, you can rinse your mouth with solutions of calendula or chamomile, you can use gum gel - “Solcoseryl” or “Metrogil-denta”. Here are some more recipes for solutions and infusions for rinsing gums.
  6. A solution of salt and soda. Dilute 1 tsp in two glasses of boiling water. salt and soda with the addition of 4 - 5 tablets of furatsilin.
  7. Herbal infusions of chamomile and calendula will improve microflora and dry out ulcers. After this procedure, you can treat the ulcer with sea buckthorn oil.
  8. A solution of vitamin B12 is used to treat children. Use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to treat wounds.

If the results of self-medication are not encouraging for several days, you should definitely see a dentist, since the ulcer may have a completely different origin. This means that the course of treatment will be different.

If there is an ulcer on the gum in children

The most common oral disease in children is stomatitis. It is usually caused by a virus or poor oral hygiene. Reddened sores are surrounded by swelling on the gums. Ulcers can cause bad breath.

Treating ulcers on a child’s gums is not an easy task, because explaining the rules of rinsing to a young child is not so easy. To make the child forget about his health, it is worth turning the procedure into a game.

  • If there is no fever, it is enough to rinse your mouth with a soda solution or herbal infusion. If a child has a fever, you need to urgently call a doctor, who will prescribe medications for disinfection and treatment. has several varieties, each of which requires its own approach to treatment.
  • If the child is an infant, he is placed on his side and the solution is injected using a syringe, lubricating the wound with sea buckthorn or rose hip oil after the procedure. To dry the wound and relieve inflammation. During the day, the baby’s mouth should be wiped with a cotton pad moistened with water. To avoid dehydration, your child should be given plenty of fluids.
  • Fermented milk products, as well as products containing iron, zinc, and vitamin B, help improve the health of patients with stomatitis. Solid foods that can injure problem areas should be avoided. For a child, you can grind food using a grater or a blender, since during this period it is difficult for him to chew it. If you follow all the measures, the child will quickly recover. It remains to remember about prevention - monitor the child, instilling in him hygienic skills for caring for the oral cavity, strengthen the immune system so that the disease does not remind itself again.
So, an ulcer on the gum may indicate disease or damage to soft tissues, or it may be a local manifestation of a general disease. Whenever you choose a method for treating a gum ulcer, you should consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

Ulcers on a child’s gums (stomatitis) are not a rare occurrence, and there can be many reasons for this. Perhaps the child simply put dirty hands or toys in his mouth and caused an infection. Also, ulcers on the gums can be a consequence of systemic diseases of the body. Why ulcers occur on the gums of children and what to do in this case, you will learn from the article.

  • How to treat aphthous stomatitis?
  • Viral stomatitis
  • General recommendations

Causes of ulcers on the gums of a child

The causes of ulcers on the gums can be varied: from simple lack of hygiene to serious systemic diseases of the body. Most often, the appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa in children is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Aphthous stomatitis
  2. Viral stomatitis (herpetic)
  3. Afty Bednar
  4. Injuries to the mucosa
  5. Tuberculosis
  6. Syphilis

Aphthous stomatitis (recurrent)

This is an inflammatory disease that is chronic. The main symptom is the periodic appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa (they are also called aphthae), which cause pain and discomfort in the baby while eating.

If the disease is not treated, aphtha turns into an ulcer, which then does not heal for a long time, and after treatment leaves behind a scar on the mucous membrane. Aphthae usually heal within a week and a half. But if the disease starts, the wounds can bother the baby for up to a month.

The risk group includes:

  • children prone to allergic reactions,
  • babies suffering from liver and blood diseases,
  • children with weakened immune systems,
  • babies with chronic illnesses.

The disease can begin without significant symptoms. But gradually the disease begins to manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • ulcers usually begin to appear on days 2-3,
  • there is general weakness,
  • the baby becomes very restless and capricious,
  • a child may refuse to eat due to painful sores on the mucous membrane,
  • gums may swell and bleed.

A distinctive feature of the aphthous form of stomatitis is that usually 1-2 ulcers are formed, no more.

How to treat aphthous stomatitis?

If possible, consult a doctor, since different forms of stomatitis are treated according to completely different schemes. Do not treat your baby yourself with folk remedies, as you can contribute to the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

If you notice mouth ulcers in your baby, exclude spicy, salty foods, as well as foods that can cause allergies, from your child’s menu. If your baby has taken any medications before this time, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Perhaps it was the medications that provoked the development of the disease.

Typically, aphthous stomatitis in children is treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Taking antihistamines.
  2. Local treatment of ulcers is mandatory. Depending on the stage at which the disease is, the doctor prescribes products for treating wounds. In the first days of the disease, rinsing the mouth with Miramistin helps a lot, and the gums should also be treated with a gel with an anti-inflammatory effect. After the acute stage of the disease has passed, it is necessary to treat the ulcers with healing agents.
  3. Physiotherapy.

Ultraviolet rays are very effective on aphthae.

  1. Taking local immunomodulators.
  2. Treatment of caries, removal of tartar in the dentist's office.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. If your baby already knows how to rinse his mouth, let him do this after every meal.

Viral stomatitis

The viral form of stomatitis most often develops against the background of viral infectious diseases:

  • ARVI,
  • rubella,
  • measles,
  • chickenpox.

In addition, the following unfavorable factors can contribute to the development of the disease:

  • weakened immunity,
  • injuries to the gums, tongue,
  • if the baby has been in contact with a sick adult or child,
  • poor oral hygiene,
  • antibiotic therapy.

How to treat viral stomatitis in children?

Treatment consists of the following stages:

  1. Pain therapy. These may be the following drugs:
  • Baby-Dent,
  • Kalgel,
  • Lidochlor gel.
  1. Treatment of the mucous membrane with antiviral agents:
  • Acyclovir,
  • Gerpevir,
  • Oxolinic ointment,
  • Viferon.
  1. Strengthening the immune system. Viral stomatitis is a serious test for the baby’s body. This is why it is important to take special medications to stimulate the immune system.
  2. Healing of the mucous membrane can be achieved using special regenerating gels.
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids will ensure that the infection is flushed out of the body.
  4. If your baby has a fever, use ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  1. If your baby has mouth ulcers, isolate him from other children, as the disease may be contagious.
  2. Provide your baby with separate dishes and personal hygiene items.
  3. Feed your baby warm liquid foods that do not irritate the oral mucosa.
  4. After recovery, be sure to change your child’s toothbrush.
  5. If your baby is sick, wash your breasts before each feeding.
  6. Provide your baby with plenty of warm drinks.
  7. Ventilate the nursery regularly.
  8. Strictly follow all recommendations of your doctor.

Do not buy gels and ointments on your own, even if you have heard positive reviews about them. Each type of stomatitis is treated differently.

Preventing gum ulcers

To avoid relapse, be sure to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Wash your baby's hands regularly with soap.
  2. Teach your child to brush his teeth correctly.
  3. Try to limit the amount of sweets.
  4. Give your baby enough vegetables and fruits that will saturate the body with vitamins.
  5. Pay close attention to your dental health.
  6. Strengthen your immune system: walks in the fresh air and active games will help.

Do not self-medicate.


Causes of ulcers on the gums

Among the causes of ulcers on the gums caused by diseases, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Aphthous stomatitis. Its main feature is the periodic occurrence of small ulcerations, the so-called. afts, which are characterized by pain, and if treatment is avoided, or permanent damage occurs, they develop into an ulcer. If you do not injure them, the ulcers will heal within 7 days, otherwise, healing will take a long time, and subsequently, firstly, there will be many more ulcers, and secondly, scars may remain.
  2. Herpetiform stomatitis. It usually appears in girls under 30 years of age. These countless sores look like ordinary herpes: they have no boundaries and their base is either gray or white. They heal within 6-10 days.
  3. Afty Bednar. This disease is characterized by traumatic erosions, which are covered with a yellow coating on top. It is caused by poor oral care. Only children are predisposed to this disease.

Also, the appearance of oral ulcers can be caused by trauma caused by damage from hard objects (children's toys, toothbrushes) or a bite. This also includes denture ulcers that appear as a result of damage to poorly treated surfaces of dentures, or dentures that do not correspond to the required size. If this defect is corrected, no treatment will be required and the healing process will take less than two weeks. Otherwise, the dentist may prescribe disinfectants and those that will relieve inflammation.

As stated above, ulcers can also be a manifestation of common diseases, such as:

  1. Syphilis. In all periods, with the exception of the incubation period, ulcers are observed, which usually do not cause pain. They are a round-shaped depression with a red bottom, on which plaque is possible. The wounds heal within 3 to 12 weeks. Scar formation is possible.
  2. Tuberculosis. It appears due to the entry of pulmonary tuberculosis bacteria into damaged tissues of the oral cavity. Before the appearance of ulcers, tubercles are observed, which gradually increase in size. They have a loose bottom, can bleed, and at the same time there is a sharp pain.
  3. Acute necrotizing gingivostomatitis. The reasons for the appearance of ulcers in connection with this disease are a lack of vitamins, a decrease in the body's resistance and trauma to the oral mucosa. Typically, it affects men under 30. Symptoms: pain when eating, high fever, and sometimes there is a high level of salivation. Ulcers with a bleeding bottom are covered with plaque, emit an unpleasant odor, and swelling forms around them.
  4. HIV. Ulcers are observed in approximately 1/3 of patients. Treatment is carried out taking maximum precautions by infectious disease doctors.

Treatment of ulcers

In order to heal ulcers, you need to rinse your mouth with various solutions and infusions.

  • A solution of soda and salt. To do this you need to take 1 tsp. salt and soda, add furatsilin (4-5 tablets) and dilute it with two glasses of boiling water.
  • Herbal infusions. They improve microflora and dry out ulcers. After this procedure, the ulcer must be treated with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Children are treated with a solution of vitamin B12. Wounds are treated with a cotton pad previously lowered into it.

It is also worth remembering that self-medication can lead to worse consequences, so to avoid this, the best solution to the problem is to consult a specialist doctor.

The child has

The most common oral disease in children is stomatitis. Most often, it is caused by a virus or poor hygiene. Its main symptoms are reddened ulcers surrounded by swollen gums. They are also the cause of bad breath.

Treatment of ulcers in children is a little more difficult, because how to explain to a child under 3 years old how to rinse the mouth correctly. You can translate this procedure into a playful way: this way the child will not only improve his health, but also forget about poor health.

If the child does not have a fever, it will be enough to rinse his mouth with a solution of soda or a decoction of herbs. Otherwise, you need to immediately call a doctor who will prescribe disinfectants and prescribe a special course of treatment, because stomatitis has several types, and each of them requires a different approach to treatment.

If the child is under one year old, you should lay him on his side and inject him with this solution using a syringe, and then be sure to lubricate the damaged areas with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil to dry and reduce inflammation.

Throughout the day, you should wipe the sick child’s mouth with a cotton pad, after moistening it with water. It is also very important to give your child plenty of fluids to drink to avoid dehydration. Fermented milk products also contribute to the recovery of patients with stomatitis. You should also remember about special nutrition. The diet must contain foods containing vitamin B, iron, and zinc. The food should be soft so as not to touch the diseased areas. It would be appropriate to grate food, because at this moment it is difficult for the child to chew food.

If you follow all the above tips and doctor’s recommendations, the child will suddenly be cured. But we should also not forget about prevention: you need to monitor the child’s care of his oral cavity, as well as increase his immunity, and then in the future he will get rid of the formation of ulcers in the oral cavity.


Types of ulcers or sores on the gums

The appearance of an ulcer on the gum, even in the initial stage, makes itself felt. Anyone who has encountered this problem is familiar with the symptoms:

First, swelling and swelling appear on the gum, then a small white bubble with liquid. Soon it bursts and a small ulcer appears in its place. Such manifestations most often appear on the gums, tongue, palate, cheeks and throat.

In some diseases, ulcers look different. With syphilis, these are rounded wounds with smooth, raised edges and a red bottom with a grayish coating. With necrotizing gingivostomatitis, ulcers with uneven soft edges and a greenish coating cover swollen, bleeding gums. In any case, sores in the mouth occur against the background of a weakened immune system.

Possible causes of the disease in an adult or child

Now let's look at the most common diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of wounds and cracks in the oral mucosa, especially on the gums (they are clearly visible in the photo). They can occur in both adults and children of any age. Everyone has probably experienced such symptoms at least once in their life. However, if the problem does not seem critical, it requires both specialist consultation and treatment.


Stomatitis is a lesion of the oral mucosa. Its main symptom is the presence of ulcers. After treatment, it returns periodically. It is not difficult to diagnose stomatitis: the mucous membrane in the mouth is inflamed, painful, may become covered with a white or yellowish coating, salivation becomes intense, the gums may bleed, and there is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth.

There are several types of the disease:

  • aphthous - small white ulcers (aphthous) appear on the oral mucosa, which hurt;
  • vesicular (viral) – the causative agent is a virus, the disease is contagious;
  • herpetic – provoked by the herpes virus, accompanied by fever, painful condition, gingivitis;
  • catarrhal – occurs due to poor oral hygiene (especially in children);
  • allergic – the body’s reaction to any irritant.

There are two main causes of stomatitis. They are poor oral hygiene and decreased immunity.


This diagnosis means ordinary vitamin deficiency. The body consumes more nutrients than it receives. There are no obvious symptoms, but if you look closely, you can see that the person looks tired, has become irritable and inattentive, and is eating and sleeping poorly. Hypovitaminosis causes a decrease in mental and physical performance.

Immunity weakens. The body becomes vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, as a result of which diseases such as colds and stomatitis appear.

The cause of hypovitaminosis is a poor, unbalanced diet. Solving the problem is not difficult. It is necessary to eat well and take vitamin and mineral complexes 2 times a year.

Gum injury – damage caused by a toothpick or floss

Mechanical damage also occurs frequently, especially among those who abuse hygiene and constantly use toothpicks after meals (it happens that the toothpick injures soft tissues). It is better to use dental floss, but cases where a person scratches the gum near a tooth with floss are not uncommon. Microtraumas and cuts often result in aphthae on the oral mucosa. Even more common are ordinary injuries when you accidentally bite your tongue or cheek while chewing, a dental splinter injures the mucous membrane, or it is scratched by hard food.

Injury can be thermal or chemical in nature under the influence of teeth cleaning and mouth rinsing products containing aggressive chemical components. In rare cases, this occurs due to individual intolerance to certain substances or topical medications.

Other reasons

Aphthae on the gums near the teeth appear in a number of other cases. These include:

Treatment of wounds in the mouth, although simple, still requires attention. There are two ways to influence the problem, which should preferably be combined:

  • local agents;
  • means taken orally.

In turn, both of them are of natural (traditional medicine) and chemical (pharmacy drugs) origin. In parallel with medications, immunostimulants should be taken.


Medicines intended to treat mouth ulcers can be divided into several categories. It all depends on the method of influencing the problem:

Cauterization is often used. To do this, take a solution of Furacilin or Chlorhexidine, apply it to a bandage or gauze and apply it to the sore spots. There is a known method of cauterization with iodine or brilliant green, but it is undesirable - an aggressive agent can burn the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine methods are popular for their simplicity, environmental friendliness and effectiveness, as well as cost-effectiveness and accessibility. Infusions and decoctions are made from herbs and medicinal plants to rinse the mouth. There are no strict restrictions on the time and number of rinses - even if you use such products every half hour, there will be no overdose or harm, and the wounds will heal well.

What we have in our natural first aid kit:

Another effective remedy is known. Almonds need to be grated on a fine grater and mixed with honey. This mixture is rubbed directly onto the mouth sores.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

First, try to cope with rinsing and enhanced oral hygiene. In most cases, various stomatitis is amenable to such treatment.

Such signs include increased body temperature, tearing and runny nose, severe swelling of the oral mucosa, difficulty breathing, loss of strength, indigestion, etc.

Preventive measures

To prevent an unpleasant problem, remember about prevention. It's pretty simple:

  • carefully observe oral and hand hygiene, especially before and after meals;
  • ensure hygiene for your child;
  • beware of injury to the mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • eat food warm;
  • visit your dentist regularly;
  • strengthen your immune system.


Conservative therapy for gum ulcers is carried out in several directions: eliminating the infection, alleviating the patient’s condition and strengthening his immunity. Treatment of gum ulcers resulting from such serious infections as syphilis, tuberculosis, HIV is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

For gingivitis, mainly local drugs are prescribed. It should be noted that the drug will have an effective effect only after cleaning dental plaque at the dentist. After this procedure, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

The gel has an antibacterial effect Metrogil Denta– a complex (metronidazole + chlorhexidine) agent for treating the oral cavity; it has an insufficiently high concentration (lower than therapeutic) of the antibacterial component, however, in some cases this is sufficient. The gel has no effect on pro-inflammatory mediators, just like local anesthesia.

A more effective antibacterial agent is Cholisal-gel– a combination of choline salicylate (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effect) and cetalkonium chloride (bactericidal and fungicidal). Acts instantly, inhibits the action of cyclooxygenase, a catalyst for the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. The gel can be applied to the gums two to three times during the day - before meals to relieve pain, and after meals to destroy germs and relieve inflammation. This drug is approved for use from one year of age and can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

The gums are treated twice a day after meals and hygiene procedures. First, thoroughly brush your teeth with a soft brush, trying not to injure the ulcers, then you should rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine and blot your gums with gauze or a cotton pad. The gel is applied with a clean finger not only to the front of the gum, but also to the inside. After this, you should not drink for about half an hour and eat for two or three hours. Do not spit out the saliva, but swallow it as usual.

For inflammation caused by viruses, antibacterial gels are absolutely useless. The doctor may prescribe Bonaftone ointment (0.5%), which is effective against infection with the herpes simplex virus. It blocks the processes of its development and growth. It is applied to the affected surface twice or thrice a day.

Active against herpes simplex virus, as well as adenovirus and influenza virus Tebrofen ointment. It is produced in concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5%. Depending on the severity of the process, the doctor will prescribe the required concentration and frequency of application (three to four times a day).

Herpetic stomatitis is usually accompanied by severe pain; it is recommended as an anesthetic Anesthetic ointment(active ingredient – ​​benzocaine). Superficial anesthesia occurs within a minute after application. It can be used by both adults and children from the age of two. May cause allergies, not intended for nursing mothers. Sensitivity may be impaired at the application site.

Has analgesic properties Benzydamine– a solution for rinsing the mouth, which also has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

According to practicing dentists, most stomatitis, especially in children, is an allergic reaction. Children and adults who suspect they have an allergy are prescribed antiallergic medications, for example, Fenkarol(hifenadine hydrochloride) – blocks H1 receptors and, in addition to this, stimulates the enzymatic activity of diamine oxidase, which breaks down almost a third of endogenous histamine. Surpasses classical antihistamines in activity and duration of action. It is characterized by fast action and does not cause pronounced sedation. Contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity and in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Take orally after meals: adults - three or four times a day, the daily dose should not exceed 0.2 g.

Children's dosages: under three years of age - no more than 15 mg/day in two or three doses; 3-6 years – 20 mg/day in two doses; 7-12 years – 30-45 mg/day in two or three doses; over 12 years old – 50-75 mg/day in two or three doses.

Ulcers are treated with antiseptics and local anesthesia is prescribed.

To remove bacterial plaque, which slows down the healing of ulcers, furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, and carbamide peroxide are used. To accelerate healing and activate the restoration of gum tissue, ointments with a keratoplastic effect (Solcoseryl, Methyluracil) are used.

A prerequisite for effective treatment of fusospirochetosis is scrupulous treatment of the oral cavity, including the removal of dead tissue and deposits of supra- and subgingival tartar. During the treatment, the oral cavity is rinsed with antiseptic solutions of chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and others, with special attention paid to the edge of the gums and periodontal pockets. The clinic prescribes daily applications of solutions of proteolytic enzymes, for example, Trypsin, which breaks down dead tissue and fibrinous clots, dilutes viscous secretion and exudation products, relieves inflammation. The patient can treat the gums at home Maraslavin(multicomponent antiseptic of plant origin), which, in addition, relieves pain, accelerates healing, reduces allergies and the inflammatory process. Also at home, rinsing with a warm antiseptic is recommended.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed for severe or complicated cases (ulcerative-necrotizing tonsillitis), when local procedures do not have a quick effect. Anaerobic bacteria that cause the disease, spindle bacillus and Vincent's Borelium, are destroyed with the help of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. They are sensitive to Clindamycin or Metronidazole.

According to indications, drugs to support cardiac activity, antihistamines,

Patients with Vincent gingivostomatitis undergo regular medical examinations throughout the year after treatment.

Ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis that develops due to pathologies of the hematopoietic system, scurf, mercury poisoning, is treated with systemic therapy.

When treating gum ulcers of any etiology, the patient must be prescribed vitamins: ascorbic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine and others at the doctor’s choice, which help strengthen the body’s defenses.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used in the treatment of oral inflammation. The effect of ultraviolet rays or d’Arsonval currents on aphthae is considered effective. Drug electrophoresis is used to relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

For inflammation of the gums, including purulent ones, electromagnetic fields of ultra-high and ultra-high frequencies can be used. Magnetic waves in the centimeter range are used.

Ulcerative gingivitis is treated with laser, magnetic and ultrasound therapy.

Physiotherapeutic procedures allow you to achieve a therapeutic effect faster. When used, drug exposure is minimized, thereby reducing the likelihood of side effects. Physiotherapy is generally well tolerated by patients of all ages. Although there are a number of contraindications to the use of these treatment methods, in particular, neoplasms and blood diseases, metal prostheses in the area of ​​effect. Microwave and laser therapy are prohibited for pregnant women. Physiotherapeutic procedures are not prescribed during acute illnesses and for patients with decompensated chronic pathologies.

Treatment at home

If the defect is single and is not accompanied by systemic symptoms and its origin (traumatic, allergic, consequences of infections, chronic diseases) seems obvious, you can try to get rid of the ulcer with home remedies. But at the same time, it should still be taken into account that gum tissue has good restorative abilities and, if a fairly quick positive result of the efforts made is not noticeable, you should not delay contacting the dentist. Perhaps the pathology requires a completely different treatment.

Ulcers that occur when the gums are injured by the sharp edges of an untreated tooth, a poor-quality crown and other similar reasons, first of all, require their elimination (refilling or treatment of the tooth, elimination of malocclusion, defective prosthesis).

In this case, it is necessary to rinse your mouth several times a day with infusions of medicinal herbs (calendula, sage, chamomile), and in the morning it is advisable to rinse with a disinfectant solution, for example, soda or furatsilin. And then during the day after each meal, rinse your mouth with an infusion of some herb and lubricate the ulcers with a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil. You can use Maraslavin, which is applied to the adhesions and inflamed gums in the form of lotions. Without a prescription, you can buy Metrogil-denta gel at any pharmacy, which has a moderate antimicrobial effect, to speed up healing you can use Methyluracil ointment. To reduce inflammation and disinfection, you can treat the oral cavity with Inhalipt or Lugol's solution in the form of a spray.

You can try to remove viral stomatitis with antiviral ointments, while not forgetting to rinse your mouth with antiseptics (herbal infusions, potassium permanganate solution). Use pharmaceutical preparations according to their instructions.

An antiseptic rinse solution can be prepared as follows: dissolve four or five furatsilin tablets in boiling water (0.4-0.5 l), then add a teaspoon of sea salt, stir well, when the water temperature drops to 37℃, add a teaspoon to the solution soda Rinse with a product at room temperature or lukewarm throughout the day.

Potassium permanganate can also be used as a disinfectant solution. It must be strained well to avoid undissolved grains, which can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Alternative treatment for ulcerative gingivitis involves using both pharmaceutical preparations and those prepared at home. Traditional medicine recipes can be included in medical treatment regimens for treating the oral cavity at home. It is only necessary to first consult with your doctor, since folk remedies are not always combined with medications.

To treat aphthous stomatitis, you can use the following remedy: grind a crushed nystatin tablet into powder with the contents of an ampoule of vitamin B12 for injection. Apply this mixture to the aphthae and the inflamed part of the gums. The author claims that the beneficial effects of such treatment occur almost immediately and recommends using this remedy to treat ulcers on children's gums.

For rinsing, you can use calendula tincture. Dilute in the following proportion: 25 drops of tincture per ½ glass of water. Hydrogen peroxide for rinsing is taken in the amount of a teaspoon per ½ glass of water.

Canker sores can simply be lubricated with honey if you are not allergic to this product. Honey can be used several times a day and can also be used to treat small children.

You can lubricate your gums with honey mixed with mashed almonds. The product is also effective for herpetic stomatitis.

Aphthous stomatitis can be cured quite simply by regularly rinsing your mouth with hot water. For mouth rinsing, use freshly squeezed carrot juice diluted with water, decoctions of oak bark or walnut leaves.

You can also get rid of gum ulcers using herbal treatment. For example, rinse your mouth with infusions after meals at least twice a day:

  • from cinquefoil root – brew 20g of herb in ¼ liter of boiling water, strain after two hours;
  • from elecampane herb - brew 50g of herb in ½ liter of boiling water, strain after half an hour;
  • from thyme herb - brew a tablespoon of herbal raw material in ¼ liter of boiling water, strain after half an hour.

A decoction of marigolds (calendula) is also used for rinsing, for which a tablespoon of dried flowers is brewed in ¼ liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for another ten minutes, filtered and rinsed the mouth.

You can take the remedy from freshly picked yarrow orally. The entire above-ground part of the plant is used. Grind it and squeeze out the juice, mix with honey to taste. The course of treatment is three weeks, the daily dose is three teaspoons.

However, we should not forget that treatment with folk remedies can only help in cases where gum ulceration is caused by completely harmless reasons. If ulcers appear regularly, this may indicate the presence of serious general pathologies. In this case, it is necessary to be thoroughly examined.


Homeopathic treatment, based on the activation of the body’s own defenses, is safe (with virtually no side effects) and very effective, and copes excellently with the formation of ulcers on the gums, even those caused by systemic chronic pathologies. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable; consultation with a doctor of appropriate qualifications is necessary, since effective treatment is only possible with the correct prescription of an individual homeopathic medicine. Children respond very well to homeopathic treatment.

In the treatment of ulcerative gingivitis, both constitutional remedies and those prescribed according to symptoms are used. Nux vomica (Nux vomica - emetic nut), Lycopodium (Lycopodium - moss moss), Sulfur (Sulfur - sulfur), Lachesis (Lachesis - snake venom), Tuya (Thuya), Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius solubilis - mercury) and other drugs are often used . For example, Mercurius solubilis and Hepar Sulfur can be prescribed in case of purulent ulcers, however, other properties of the drug are also taken into account when prescribing. Its action is also influenced by homeopathic dilution. Thus, high dilutions of Hepar Sulfur stop the formation of pus and have a resolving effect, while low dilutions can promote suppuration. The same drug can be used for problems with the eruption of wisdom teeth. For allergic ulcers, Apis (Apis is bee venom) is prescribed, usually in medium dilutions.

Vincent's gingivostomatitis can be successfully treated with Belladonna, Phytolacca, and Capsicum.

An individually prescribed drug can bring fairly quick relief from pain, inflammation and other discomfort, as well as help eliminate the underlying disease. But, it should be noted that despite the small doses and the absence of side effects, homeopathic medicines should not be taken on their own. If prescribed incorrectly, they can cause a number of painful symptoms.

Pharmacy homeopathic drugs can be prescribed by a dentist as a component of a therapeutic regimen or as a single drug. A drug for the treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity is Nux vomica-Homaccord. It contains four independent homeopathic remedies, each of them in several dilutions. The action of its components determines the overall therapeutic effect of the drug:

Nux vomica (Nux vomica or emetic nut) relieves inflammatory processes along the entire length of the esophageal tract from the oral cavity (gingivitis and stomatitis) to the colon and rectum of microbial and neurological etiology, as well as due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products

Bryonia (Bryonia or white step) - has analgesic properties, has an effect on the mucous membranes.

Licopodium (Lycopodium or club-shaped swimmer) – anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, including on the oral mucosa.

Colocynthis is an antispasmodic, relieves inflammation and intoxication.

Sensitization reactions to the ingredients of the drug are possible. Drops are taken a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after, diluting them in half a glass of water and drinking three times during the day at regular intervals, without immediately swallowing and keeping them in the mouth for some time. Dosage: children 0-1 year old - nine drops per day, 2-6 years old - 15 drops, patients over 6 years old - 30 drops. You can dilute a single dose of the drug in a teaspoon: children 0-1 years old - three drops, 2-6 years old - 5 drops, patients over 6 years old - 10 drops and take sublingually three times a day.

To cleanse the body, relieve intoxication and inflammation, it is taken in combination with complex homeopathic preparations Renel (in addition, enhances the analgesic effect) or Lymphomyosot (improves lymph outflow, enhances the immunostimulating effect).


Basically, ulcerative lesions of the gums are treated with conservative methods, however, with complications such as fibrous hypertrophic gingivitis, such treatment is often ineffective. Then they resort to surgical intervention. Overgrown interdental gum papillae are removed with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction). The method of diathermocoagulation is also used - cauterization of hypertrophied tissue using high-frequency alternating current.

Excision of hypertrophied interdental papillae using a surgical scalpel (gingivectomy) is practiced.

If erosive leukoplakia is diagnosed, then excision of the lesions with subsequent histology of samples of removed tissue is also recommended for the purpose of earlier detection of the malignant process.

Malignant neoplasms that appear as ulcers on the gums are subject to surgical treatment.



Various factors can trigger the appearance of ulcers on a child’s gums.

The most common cause of pathology is a viral infection of the body. Most often it is herpes or stomatitis. Ulcers can also be caused by disruption of the endocrine system, weakened immunity, and hypothermia.

Sometimes the appearance of such wounds indicates a lack of vitamin C, B2, B6 or P. Pathology usually appears in the spring, after suffering a serious illness or due to poor nutrition.

Frequent consumption of sweets or sour foods can trigger the appearance of white ulcers on the gums. A common cause is injury to the mucous membrane. This can happen as a result of regular use of an electric brush, damage to the mucous membrane by fillings, dentures or other objects.


Depending on the cause that provoked the appearance of ulcers, three types of pathology are distinguished: herpes, viral and aphthous stomatitis. They not only have different origins, but also differ in symptoms and treatment methods.

Aphthous stomatitis is an inflammatory process that is chronic in nature. The pathology worsens when the immune system is weakened, after a viral infection, or when the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of white ulcers (ulcers), which are localized on the gums, inside of the cheeks and tongue.

Canker sores cause discomfort to the child, especially when chewing food or if touched. Additionally, weakness and sleep disturbance appear. The child is capricious and refuses to eat.

Children who are prone to allergies and have chronic diseases, including those of the blood and liver, are at particular risk of developing aphthous stomatitis.

Viral stomatitis occurs as a result of infection of the body by a virus. Most often this is a consequence of rubella, measles, ARVI or chickenpox. This type is characterized by the formation of a large number of white ulcers on the oral mucosa. Ulcers cause pain in the child, so he becomes moody and restless.

This is a contagious disease, therefore, to prevent its spread, it is necessary to provide the child with separate dishes, which must be scalded with boiling water after each use.

Herpes is a viral infection of the body that provokes the appearance of a large number of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips and even in the nose. The disease usually begins against the background of hypothermia or weakened immunity. The child suffers from severe pain, bad breath and increased sweating.


How to treat ulcers should be decided by the pediatrician after examining the patient and establishing the cause of the ulcers. For viral stomatitis, taking vitamin C, rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions and infusions of chamomile or calendula are recommended. The ulcers themselves are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Formations resulting from herpes infection must be lubricated with a thin layer of gel, which will be prescribed by the doctor.

If the cause of ulcers is mechanical damage, the factors causing injury should be eliminated. For example, it is worth adjusting dentures or having a tooth re-filled properly. Dentists recommend limiting the use of an electronic toothbrush.

Rinsing the mouth with a weak solution of soda, Furacilin, or a decoction of chamomile or calendula will help relieve pain and eliminate discomfort. Open wounds should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, which has an antiseptic and healing effect.

To relieve pain from the gums, local painkillers in the form of a gel or cream are used - Kalgel, Lidochlor-gel or Baby-Dent. In case of fever, it is recommended to take Paracetomol, Nurofen or Ibuprofen.

Vitamin B12 is highly effective in treating gum ulcers. A small piece of gauze is soaked in the substance and applied to the wound.

If white ulcers appear on the child’s gums, it is necessary to provide him with proper care and follow the doctor’s recommendations. First of all, you should limit your contact with other children to prevent them from becoming infected. The patient must be provided with separate hygiene items and utensils.

You need to feed your baby lukewarm food, in small portions and, if possible, crushed foods. It is important to exclude spicy, salty and hot foods from your diet. They irritate the mucous membrane and cause even more discomfort. It is necessary to provide the child with plenty of warm drinks. At the end of the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you need to change your toothbrush or pacifier to a new one.


Good oral hygiene will help prevent white sores from appearing on your child's gums. So, it is important to wash your breasts or bottle well before each feeding, and clean your nipples and breast pump. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not put dirty objects or fingers into his mouth.

A child aged 2–6 years must be explained the need for hygiene procedures, taught how to brush his teeth correctly and change his brush regularly. Preventive dental examinations and timely treatment of dental diseases play an equally important role.

A strong immune system will help you fight the disease. To do this, you need to introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into the child’s diet, as well as carry out hardening procedures and regularly walk in the fresh air.

If ulcers appear, be sure to show your child to a doctor, who will advise how and with what to treat the wounds. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and use traditional methods without first consulting a pediatrician.