White lumps on the head. What to pay attention to

Men at any age may develop a white coating on the head of the penis, which does not always indicate the presence of a serious illness or poor personal hygiene. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in adolescents during puberty and men who are promiscuous. It’s worse when the cheesy coating on the glans and foreskin is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Surprisingly, many men delay going to the doctor for years, ignoring the problem and hoping for an independent cure.


Reasons for appearance

In 90% of cases, the reasons for the appearance of white plaque on the head and foreskin are as follows:

  1. Accumulation of smegma. This is a natural process, which in some people may either be disrupted or occur in an abnormal form. Every man has smegma, as it is responsible for moisturizing the glans penis and making it easier for the foreskin to slide over it. Smegma resembles a cheesy coating and has a sour, pungent odor. It occurs in young boys and adult men. Most often observed in adolescence during puberty. Only ignoring the rules of personal hygiene can cause an inflammatory process to begin due to the large amount of accumulated smegma.
  2. . It is not as common as in women, but it is candidiasis infection that can cause a man to develop a white coating and an unpleasant odor on his head. Candidiasis almost never manifests itself as single symptoms, so it can be observed along with white pellets on the foreskin. In rare cases, these cases may be accompanied by pain during urination. Even less commonly, candidal balanoposthitis spreads to the groin area and perianal area. Very often it can be asymptomatic for many years, so already advanced cases or recurrent balanitis are diagnosed.
  3. Gardnerella. For a long time, it was believed that gardella was found only in women suffering from bacterial vaginosis. However, it has been proven that in men gardella is also closely related, only with balanoposthitis. A distinctive feature is a white sticky coating on the coronal groove of the glans penis with a sharp, unpleasant odor and small red spots on the foreskin. Tends to heal on its own.

Sometimes white pellets on the head of the penis can be a complication of gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.

White plaque on the head in men photo

Diagnosis and treatment

On a note! Circumcision is the most effective remedy for the accumulation of white plaque on the glans and under the foreskin. It has also been proven that circumcision reduces the risk of many inflammatory processes on the penis.

A variant of the norm is the appearance of a white coating in little boys and boys during puberty. In men, smegma can only be observed if the rules of personal hygiene are ignored and the inflammatory process begins. If, with normal daily care of the penis, the cheesy coating and unpleasant odor do not go away after a week, and other symptoms such as itching or redness are added to them, then it is recommended to make an appointment with a urologist or venereologist.

To confirm the diagnosis of candidal balanoposthitis, plaque will be taken from the surface of the head for analysis. Fungi of the genus Candida are considered a conditional pathogen, so any deviations from the norm can be accompanied by inflammatory processes in both men and women. A qualified specialist will immediately recommend treatment for both sexual partners at once, since there is a high probability of relapse. Common treatment regimen:

  • Taking Diflucan 300 mg;
  • Taking Diflucan 150 mg the next day;
  • Take Diflucan 50 mg every other day.

From the first day and for two weeks, apply Clotrimazole or Nisatatin ointment. Also, white plaque from the head can be removed using the following ointments:

  • – externally 3 times a day;
  • Econazole – externally 2 times a day;
  • Ketoconazole – 2 times a day.

Systemic treatment is almost always prescribed; only local drugs are used in cases where the disease is asymptomatic and the main symptoms have appeared in the partner.

As for the treatment of smegma pellets that may appear on the head and foreskin, in most cases it is sufficient to enhance personal hygiene and preventive measures for the care of the genitals. For boys during puberty, it is recommended to wash the penis with warm water daily. In individual cases, washing the penis with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide may be effective.

We recommend not to self-medicate and at the first sign of burning, itching, redness or the appearance of a white coating and unpleasant odor on the penis, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Curing male thrush at the initial stage is not as difficult as suffering from relapses after each unprotected sexual intercourse or violation of personal hygiene rules.

Any discharge from the penis is a reason for a man to worry about his own health. In a number of different cases, a snow-white coating on the head of the penis only indicates a lack of hygiene or excessive work of the tizon glands. Another, more terrible reason lies in the activity of Candida fungi. Plaque can also appear due to other diseases.

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On the last flesh of guys there are sebaceous glands that secrete a special secretion - smegma. It consists of fats, non-pathogenic microbes, dead epithelial cells, water, antibacterial substances and protects the head of the penis from friction. The freshest smegma is transparent and moderately covers the head of the penis. After some time, this oily film turns yellow or green.

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Active secretion of smegma begins in boys during puberty and reaches its peak between 17 and 25 years. By old age, the activity of secretion decreases.

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  1. Hygiene habits. If a person does not maintain hygiene, a cheesy discharge with a nasty odor forms on the head of his penis.

  2. Phimosis is a narrowing of the last flesh, which makes it impossible to thoroughly wash the genitals.

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A huge amount of fat makes smegma a good breeding ground for microbes. Their vital activity provokes inflammatory diseases, such as balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the last flesh). In addition, there is evidence that excess smegma can lead to the development of cancerous tumors.

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  • Regular stress.

    • snow-white coating on the penis;

    • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;

    • purulent discharge.

  • washing the head and last flesh with potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, and furatsilin solution;

  • A curdled discharge, a rash and an ulcer on the penis that quickly disappears without any intervention indicate the development of syphilis. Pain and discomfort are completely absent. Despite this, urgent treatment by a dermatovenerologist is necessary.

  • Therapy for balanitis and balanoposthitis is prescribed by a urologist or dermatovenerologist. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor may prescribe:

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  • A sharp decrease in immunity, including during HIV infection. In 14–18% of healthy men, the microflora contains Candida fungi, whose vital activity is activated if the body’s protective functions deteriorate.

  • Lack of healing leads to the appearance of erosions in the inflamed areas - a typical gateway for microbes, including the human papillomavirus, which provokes the development of cancer.

  • taking antifungal drugs;

  • taking antibiotics (if a bacterial infection is attached).
  • If inflammation is advanced, circumcision may be performed. Also, excision of the foreskin is used to reduce the amount of smegma released, in other words, as a preventive measure for the development of balanitis and balanoposthitis.

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    In other cases that do not require surgical intervention, daily hygiene procedures and regular changes of underwear are sufficient prevention.

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    Candidiasis, or thrush, is a disease caused by the activity of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Male thrush is also called candidal balanitis and (or) balanoposthitis, because with all this, inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin develops. Just as with female thrush, white or light yellow discharge is observed on the mucous membranes.

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    The majority of patients with thrush are women; in men, the pathology is much less common. This is due to anatomical features: the fungus is washed out of the urethra by a stream of urine and does not have time to negatively affect the microflora. Men get sick due to:

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    1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who has vaginal candidiasis.

    • Metabolic diseases, including obesity, diabetes.

    • Chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases.

    • Hormonal disorders.

    • Incorrect use of antibiotics.

      • Frequent and sudden changes in climatic zones.

  • redness and swelling of the head and last flesh;

  • redness and hyperemia of the head and foreskin;

  • sharp-smelling discharge and cheesy coating;

  • itching of mucous membranes;

  • pain and burning during urination.
  • It must be emphasized that the area affected by candidiasis itches, which injures the mucous membranes of the penis and can lead to additional infections.

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    At the first signs of thrush, you should contact a urologist, andrologist or dermatovenerologist. In addition, it is necessary that the partner also undergo treatment, otherwise it will be impossible to completely get rid of the infection. If appropriate therapy is not carried out, the fungus will penetrate the organs of the urinary system and spread throughout the body. In turn, this will lead to infection of the mucous membranes, first of the urethra and bladder, and then of other organs.

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    1. Using cream or ointment with clotrimazole, natamycin or nystatin. The product is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day for 5-10 days. Ointments and creams suppress fungal activity and relieve itching.

    2. A single dose of 150 milligrams of Fluconazole. Less commonly, Nystatin is prescribed for two weeks, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day.

    White plaque on the head of the penis, coupled with pimples and rashes, indicates a sexually transmitted disease:

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    1. Pimples filled with fluid, a white coating on the head, itching and fever can be symptoms of genital herpes. For treatment, it is recommended to use antiviral external drugs. Therapy usually takes less than a week. Prevention of external manifestations of herpes is to strengthen the immune system - taking vitamins, healthy eating, and an active lifestyle.

    White spots on the head of the penis are a symptom of a dangerous pathology that can lead to serious consequences. If plaque appears, you should contact a urologist or dermatovenerologist.

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    White plaque on the head in men can be either a consequence of insufficient hygiene or a sign of a fungal or sexually transmitted disease.

    Problems of an intimate nature arise not only in women, but also in men. A white coating on the penis is the first symptom that there are problems in the functioning of the body of a representative of the stronger sex. White discharge is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor and redness of the groin area. Curdled discharge may simply be an “unpleasant” adventure in sexual life or a “bell” of a more serious disease.

    Causes of white plaque on the head in men

    A film on the head of the penis and a rash on the scrotum can be caused by a number of factors. The most common reasons for the formation of white matter on the head of the penis are poor personal hygiene and problems with the functioning of the secretion glands of the foreskin. But plaque can also be caused by a number of more serious problems that require attention.

    Causes related to diseases

    Curdled discharge is a favorable habitat for fungal microorganisms.

    Uncharacteristic discharge on the head of the penis may be evidence of disease. For example, white plaque under the foreskin (smegma) is a cheesy discharge that accumulates at the junction of the glans and foreskin. “Cottage cheese” does not threaten human life and health and most often occurs in adolescence in boys who have not undergone the circumcision procedure. The main problem that smegma can cause is a favorable environment for the active life of pathogenic microorganisms. White plaque on the penis can also be caused by problems in the gastrointestinal tract and the development of staphylococci and streptococci here.

    Another reason that the head becomes covered with plaque is candidiasis and various fungal infections. They not only cause discomfort and unpleasant odor, but also cause pain. Another factor that causes white plaque to appear may be an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis). In this case, we are not talking about a white coating, but about whitish pus.

    "External" reasons

    Itching of the head and white “curd” on it may appear due to long-term antibiotic therapy. Sometimes it happens that the head of the penis itches due to endocrine disorders and impaired metabolism. White plaque on the glans penis of a man can be caused by a number of factors, such as:

    • poor nutrition, unstable weather conditions and overwork reduce immunity, which provokes the development of viruses and infections;
    • nervous tension and stressful situations;
    • development of AIDS and HIV infection in the human body.

    Symptoms of thrush

    Irritation of the upper layers of the skin causes itching.

    A white film on the head or under the skin is formed due to exposure to pathogenic fungal infections. This viral disease is called thrush. It is generally accepted that this is a purely female problem, but curd deposits are also found in men. In addition to the fact that with thrush white formations appear on the head, there are a number of other symptoms that must be treated, otherwise complications will appear. Symptoms of thrush:

    • itching of the penis and the area around it, characteristic dry “flakes” during peeling;
    • redness of the head and rash in the groin area;
    • accumulations of smegma;
    • unpleasant odor;
    • feelings of discomfort during sex;
    • painful sensations when urinating.

    If not only curdled discharge and white pellets appear on the head, but also scars, pigment spots and inflamed areas, when rubbed, dandruff is formed - these are possible evidence of severe sexually transmitted diseases, which need to be combated more radically. A specialist who will prescribe the most appropriate therapy will help you get rid of symptoms and manifestations.

    Thrush in men is often called balanitis or balanoposthitis.

    Diagnosis of diseases

    Laboratory tests will help determine inflammation.

    A venereologist can determine what causes the white plaque on the head in men. The first step is to determine how much the curd plaque is associated with the immunodeficiency virus or AIDS. If this version is not confirmed, the doctor carries out a number of other diagnostic measures:

    • visual examination of the penis and groin area using a magnifying glass;
    • examination of the anus and palpation of the rectal passage;
    • blood test - helps determine the presence of infections in the body and inflammatory processes;
    • urine analysis - determines the presence of defects in the genitourinary tract;
    • Wasserman reaction analysis - detects severe forms of sexually transmitted diseases;
    • laboratory tests of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • hormonal analysis, most often prescribed to men over 45 years old;
    • blood test for sterility.

    If specialists suspect other infections, the patient may be admitted to a hospital for more detailed studies and monitoring of symptoms. Smear or semen tests may be ordered. If the patient has a regular sexual partner, he can also be involved in the examination and take the necessary tests and then prescribe treatment.

    Differential analysis

    The doctor will help determine the nature of the lesion.

    In order to determine what causes the white plaque on the penis, a differential diagnosis is most often used in medicine. The study is to determine the distinctive characteristics of symptoms. Often the symptoms of different diseases may coincide, but nuances that only a specialist can determine will help make the correct diagnosis. A differential diagnosis is also established through communication with patients: during the conversation, the doctor finds out how the problem manifests itself, when the head is covered with plaque, what the patient was sick with and what complaints there are in addition to direct manifestations.

    There are frequent cases when a white coating similar to cottage cheese can be found on the penis of men. But this symptom does not always indicate that the patient has sexually transmitted diseases. The worst thing is when the presence of plaque is accompanied by an unpleasant, sour smell. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in young people during the period of intimate maturation of a teenager, especially if the patient has indiscriminate intimate contacts. Plaque forms under the uncircumcised foreskin due to a large accumulation of bacteria released during the production of secretion - smegma. The most active period for the secretion of sebum and sexual secretion is the age of boys from 13 to 18 years.

    In exceptional cases, the appearance of white plaque may be due to the development of sexually transmitted manifestations of serious diseases, such as syphilis, which manifests itself in infection of the mucous membranes of the skin, or gonorrhea, an inflammation of the organs of the urinary system. But when these diagnoses are detected, additional symptomatic signs are also the appearance of redness of the skin of the penis.

    The manifestation of this deficiency may be due to two factors:

    • Secretion of the secretion of the sebaceous sex glands - sebum (smegma). A white film on the head may appear during the period of intimate maturation of a young male body with complete or partial neglect of the rules of personal intimate care.
    • Male thrush. The appearance of a white coating with an unpleasant sour aroma present, like cottage cheese, can be a signal that a man has candidiasis. In addition, in addition to visual signs, the patient may have severe itching, redness in the penis area, and painful sensations when going to the toilet.
    • Most often, a white coating on the head of the penis appears during long trips, when the rules of hygiene for intimate organs are not properly observed; a large amount of secreted sexual secretion - sebum - can accumulate under the skin of the uncircumcised foreskin, which can provoke a serious inflammatory process.
    • Gardnerella – changes in the microflora of the genital organs. For a long time, experts believed that this bacterial disease was diagnosed only in the female half of the population, as it was caused by changes in the vaginal microflora. But over time, scientists have discovered this disease in men. Symptoms include a white coating on the head of the penis, which is sticky and has an extremely pungent sour odor. The patient may also experience small reddish formations on the skin of the penis.
    • In some cases, the accumulation of curds can become one of the symptoms of the development of sexually transmitted diseases such as purulent inflammation of the urinary tract and an infectious disease caused by chlamydia, transmitted through sexual contact.

    Expert opinion

    Alexander Vitalievich

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    It is worth noting that doctors, as a preventive measure for many sexually transmitted diseases and to eliminate the white film on the penis, recommend circumcision of the foreskin.

    This procedure will eliminate the possibility of accumulation of sebaceous gland secretions.


    It is considered within normal limits if white spots on the penis appear during the period of active maturation, puberty of a young male body. But this symptom can also be diagnosed in mature men who ignore the rules of personal hygiene and engage in promiscuous sexual intercourse. But, if, when caring for intimate areas every day, the white film on the head does not disappear, and after it other symptoms begin to appear in the form of redness, itching or rash, you must urgently make an appointment with specialists in the field of urology and venereology, as these symptoms may be the beginning of the development of serious diseases.


    Upon completion of a visual examination of the patient’s genital organ, the doctor may refer the man to undergo basic tests. In order for the doctor to confirm the diagnosis of male thrush, a plaque smear will be taken from the skin of the head of the penis for an in-depth analysis. If the test result is positive, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for both sexual partners to prevent relapse of the disease.

    Expert opinion

    Alexander Vitalievich

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    If a specialist determines that the cause of the appearance of a cheesy white plaque is the secretion of a large amount of sebum, then the only recommendations will be personal hygiene.

    In addition to drug treatment, you can try to get rid of white plaque yourself at home. There are several ways you can do this:

    Method 1. Dilute potassium permanganate in the ratio of 2 or 3 crystals to 200 milliliters of boiled water at room temperature in a glass container, and every day treat the white plaque under the foreskin and the head of the penis several times a day (in the morning and in the evening) for 180 hours .

    But it is not always possible to purchase potassium permanganate at the pharmacy, since it is available by prescription, so you can use method 2 to remove white plaque on the penis.

    Method 2. Carefully treat the surface under the head and the entire penis while bathing with antibacterial agents. In this case, the number of showers should be at least three times per day.

    Method 3. Every day, wipe the white plaque on the glans in men with a diluted solution of chlorhexidine. This drug is an antiseptic and has been used as a disinfectant for the last sixty years. Therefore, this solution can be used for prevention, in the absence of any symptoms.

    Method 4. If a white coating appears on the head, it is necessary to take shower baths at the end of each intimate intercourse, even if it was with the use of a contraceptive in the form of a condom.

    Thus, a white coating on the penis may indicate various factors.

    When a white coating forms on the head of the penis, a man begins to feel anxious. What can this sign indicate, is it a symptom of a disease or is it just a harmless temporary phenomenon - these are just a few of the questions that arise when white pellets appear under the foreskin. Most often, their appearance is accompanied by a rash and severe itching.

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    When there is no reason to worry

    White plaque on the head and foreskin does not always indicate any pathological processes or sexually transmitted diseases. In nature, everything is provided for the normal functioning of the body, therefore, during puberty and the greatest sexual activity of a man, special glands located under the head of the penis begin to produce a secretion called smegma. This secretion is a natural lubricant that is designed to protect the penis from excessive friction. At the initial stage, it is an odorless white coating on the head, but later it appears. Smegma has the following characteristics:

    1. thick, fat-like consistency;
    2. unpleasant odor;
    3. the formation of a white coating on the glans and foreskin.

    The secretion of secretions in itself is normal, but its accumulation up to the point of plaque formation indicates insufficient intimate hygiene. This applies to a greater extent to young people of adolescence. During this period, the secretion is produced very actively, and hygiene rules are not always observed.

    Even the unpleasant sour smell of smegma does not indicate any violations. This is just one sign of a secret. However, all of the above does not mean that its accumulation can be ignored. A white coating formed due to neglect of personal hygiene can provoke the development of real problems. First of all, this relates to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    The smegma accumulated around the head and on its surface will inevitably mix with other secretions of the glands, for example, sweat. Traces of urine, sebum, and dirt may also be added there. As a result, a favorable environment is created for the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Over time, an infectious process may develop in this area, requiring full treatment.

    Therefore, until this happens, the accumulation of smegma should be removed, and this should be done regularly. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the penis every day, especially paying attention to the area around the glans. It is advisable to periodically treat the skin of the penis with weak antiseptic solutions or intimate hygiene products with an antimicrobial effect. As a last resort, you can get by with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin. Avoid excessive sweating of the intimate area; if necessary, wash the penis twice a day or more often.

    White plaque on the head of the penis in men photo

    When to worry

    Unfortunately, there are much more negative reasons why white plaque forms on the head in men. This sign is among the symptoms of several sexually transmitted diseases. It is almost impossible to independently determine from the available signs which disease is developing in each individual case. Moreover, STDs rarely occur in the singular. In most cases, they are transmitted, as they say, “in a bouquet.” The type and nature of the disease can only be determined by carrying out the necessary tests.

    Diseases, in particular sexually transmitted ones and characterized by the formation of a white coating on the head of the penis, include:

    • candidiasis;
    • balanoposthitis;
    • syphilis;
    • genital herpes;
    • chlamydia, etc.

    It is also necessary to check your HIV status and the possible development of diabetes mellitus in your body. These conditions are also related to the formation of plaque on and around the head of the penis.

    The most obvious reason why a white coating forms around the head is candidiasis or thrush. This fungal disease is more common in women, but men can also become infected with it. In this case, a characteristic white coating with a cheesy consistency appears on the surface of the head and around it, as well as on the foreskin. Also, the appearance on its surface is almost always observed. In addition, the man experiences:

    • unpleasant odor;
    • pain during sexual intercourse;
    • burning when urinating;
    • swelling of the genitals, etc.

    If it occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In this case, treatment will not take much time and will not require significant costs. However, if this is not done, the problem may worsen and provoke the development of other, much more dangerous diseases and pathological conditions.

    Plaque can form as a result of the discharge of purulent mucus characteristic of this disease. It has a glassy structure and is most noticeable in the morning immediately after sleep. In addition, a man may experience symptoms such as:

    1. low-grade fever;
    2. cloudy urine;
    3. itching when urinating;
    4. redness and swelling of the urethral opening, etc.

    These symptoms do not always occur, and when they do appear, they are often mild in nature. They bother a man most often in the morning, after which they weaken or disappear altogether. As a result, a visit to the doctor is postponed, and the disease becomes advanced. The main protection against this process is regular examination by specialized specialists and periodic testing.

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