Chest rib pain. What causes pain in the left rib under the chest and how to eliminate it? Looking for the cause of pain in the ribs

Pain in this area can be caused not only by a “bad turn”, “uncomfortable posture” or, as some like to say: “Blown...”, but such a symptom can signal diseases, many of which are very dangerous and can be fatal . The cause of discomfort can be determined by the location of the pain, so in this article we will consider in detail the question of why a rib may hurt on the right or left side, in the lower or upper part, when pressed, in movement and at rest.

Pain on the right or left when pressing

Tietze syndrome

A rare pathology characterized by the development of an aseptic inflammatory process of the right or left costal cartilages (one or more) in the area of ​​their connection with the sternum. The main indicator is local pain, which intensifies when you press on the affected area and take a deep breath. Patients note acute or increasing pain over time, most noticeable in the upper chest. As a rule, localization is observed on one side, and there is a return to the shoulder and forearm. It happens that the pain is short-term, but generally it is permanent and long-lasting and can torment a person for many years. The disease is also characterized by alternating remission and acute stages.


This is a lesion of soft tissues outside the joints with characteristic pain in the muscles and bones of the skeleton. In addition to pain, local places (points) appear on the body that have increased sensitivity to pressure and palpation.

The main symptom is pain in the bones and muscles, which spreads to different parts of the body on both sides, below and above the lower back and in the spinal column.

Often there is stiffness of the body after waking up, swelling of the arms and legs, increased muscle fatigue, as well as numbness and tingling. Signs may progress during periods of changing weather conditions, fatigue, and stress.

With this disease, the patient pays attention to various emotional disorders, which can manifest themselves in both a slight decrease in mood and anxiety or even pronounced depressive states.

    Patients also experience conditions such as:
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irritable bowel and bladder syndrome;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • joint hyperplasia syndrome;
  • functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint, etc.
  • Osteosarcoma of the ribs

    This is a malignant neoplasm arising from bone tissue. The tumor spreads rapidly, which leads to the formation of metastases in the early stages of the disease.

      The main signs of the development of osteogenic sarcoma of the ribs are:
  • mild pain in the sternum, which is sometimes accompanied by fever;
  • slight pain during inhalation/exhalation;
  • some swelling in the chest area;
  • the appearance of oiliness on the skin in the chest area, the appearance of subcutaneous vessels;
  • some limitation of costal mobility during breathing.
  • At the very beginning of the development of osteosarcoma, the symptoms are mild, however, in a short time, progression is noted.


    This is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the surface and lines the inside of the chest. Pathology has two forms - acute and chronic. The disease spreads both to one part of the chest and to both sides. The onset of pleurisy is sudden.

    The first thing the patient feels is acute pain anywhere in the sternum, while deep breaths, coughing or sneezing contribute to increased pain. As a rule, there is a sharp increase in temperature and fever.

    Due to the fact that the inflammatory process interferes with normal air circulation and also causes severe pain, the patient complains of significant difficulty breathing.

    As the disease develops, fluid collects between the layers of the pleura, which requires specialist intervention. This fluid is pumped out, which brings relief in the form of reduced pain attacks and lower blood pressure.

    Pain only on the left without pressing.


      This is an inflammation of the pancreas, the signs of which are:
  • pain in the abdomen, which can radiate to the back, as well as be localized on the left under the ribs;
  • general indicators of intoxication of the body: loss of appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills;
  • feces acquire the consistency of mush with the presence of undigested food particles in it.
  • Diseases of the duodenum

    Acute duodenitis

      This is an inflammation of the duodenum, the main symptoms of which are:
  • pain in the stomach area, radiating to the lower rib on the left;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • general weakness.
  • Duodenal bulb ulcer

    The main complaints are made about:

        • severe pain in the left side of the epigastrium, radiating to the left hypochondrium, which occurs several hours after eating;
        • pain at night, when feeling hungry;
        • heartburn;
        • “sour” belching;
        • vomiting;
        • constipation;
        • pain in the right side of the epigastrium when pressed.

    Stomach ulcer

    A common and quite dangerous condition in which the gastric mucosa becomes covered with ulcers, bringing a lot of inconvenience and suffering to the patient. As a rule, pathology develops against the background of gastritis and erosions.

    Manifestations of peptic ulcer disease include:

        • pains of various types (sharp, dull, burning, aching) in the upper abdomen, as well as those arising from a feeling of hunger, during the period of night rest;
        • feeling of fullness in the stomach, heaviness;
        • nausea, vomiting;
        • decreased appetite;
        • heartburn;
        • sudden loss of body weight.

    Every person experiences back pain in their life. You can find out why it occurs and which doctor you should contact here. And in this article we’ll talk about the causes of severe lower back pain.

    Pain only on the right side without pressing.


    Occurs due to metabolic disorders. The disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder itself, in its ducts, which can cause pain on the right side under the rib.

    But often the pathology is practically asymptomatic. Even as the disease progresses, it may not manifest itself for a long time and is diagnosed accidentally during radiography.

        • But it happens that gallstone disease manifests itself from the very beginning of development with the following symptoms:

      The movement of the formed stone along the bile ducts is indicated by subcostal pain on the right side, which often radiates to the shoulder blade or shoulder. In most cases, patients notice the onset of pain some time after eating. Nausea and profuse vomiting may occur.


          • Hepatitis is the general name for inflammatory liver diseases. There are several strains of hepatitis, which all destroy liver cells and have common symptoms in the first stages:
        • weakness and increased fatigue;
        • decreased appetite;
        • attacks of nausea;
        • heaviness, pain in the abdomen in the right side under the rib;
        • change in urine color (it becomes very dark) and foaminess;
        • stool discoloration;
        • yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin.

    Pain on both sides

    Crack in the rib

    It is determined by a violation of the integrity of the rib bone or its incomplete fracture, in which displacement of bone fragments does not occur. A crack can form due to injury or due to certain anomalies in the human body.

  • excruciating pain in the area of ​​the damaged rib, which becomes much stronger when inhaling or coughing and weakens during exhalation, so the patient especially complains about the inability to breathe deeply;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased anxiety;
  • migraine;
  • severe fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness;
  • swelling and blue discoloration of soft tissues, bruises, hemorrhage under the skin and severe swelling at the location of the affected bone.
  • Rib fracture

    With such damage, not only the bone is damaged, but also the internal organs located in the sternum area.

    The manifestation of a fracture is as follows:

    • sharp pain in the rib area from the side of the injury;
    • pale skin;
    • pain when breathing;
    • aching chest pain;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • hemoptysis;
    • general weakness;
    • dyspnea;
    • cyanosis of the skin in the affected area;
    • increase in body temperature.

    Chest trauma

    Injuries of various origins can be life-threatening, so if you receive one, immediate medical attention is necessary.

    With an open injury, the patient has a wound (for example, from a firearm, piercing objects, etc.).

  • concussions, in which there are no changes in the sternum;
  • bruises, which include bruises of soft tissues, ribs, heart, blood vessels, lungs, fractures of the chest and vertebrae of the thoracic spine;
  • compression, cases of which include, for example, traumatic suffocation, in which a person’s chest is subjected to pressure from two blunt objects from different sides.
  • Signs of closed injuries include:

        • sharp chest pain;
        • swelling at the site of the lesion;
        • blue skin (in case of a fracture);
        • difficulty breathing;
        • heartbeat disturbance;
        • increase in arterial hypotension;
        • shortness of breath;
        • tracheal displacement;
        • mediastinal shift;
        • increase in abdominal volume.
        • You can recognize the approach of a life-threatening disease by a combination of signs:
    • sharp pain when moving or breathing in any particular position;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • feeling of chest constriction;
    • discomfort in the chest.


    This is a degenerative disease of the spine, which is caused by the development of inflammation, compression, and irritation of the nerve roots. As a rule, the disease manifests itself as pain in the back, but it is not uncommon for it to appear in the ribs and sternum.

        • aching pain or discomfort in the chest and ribs, which patients themselves often describe as “a stake in the chest”;
        • increased pain when moving, hypothermia, staying in one position for a long time, or physical activity;
        • feeling of numbness in the upper extremities;
        • muscle weakness.


    Another cause of rib pain is osteoporosis, which is characterized by a significant decrease in the level of calcium in the bones and their destruction. With this pathology, both the upper and lower, right and left ribs may hurt, which signals a change in the structure of the bone, the presence of small cracks and irritation of the periosteum. Sharp pain may indicate a rib fracture. Simultaneously with the process of destruction of the ribs, a complete disruption of the skeletal system of the human body occurs.

    How to alleviate the condition?

    If sharp pain symptoms occur, which may indicate fractures and cracks of the ribs or injuries to the sternum, it is recommended to remain in bed until the patient is examined by a specialist. This is necessary to prevent possible negative consequences and complications, which, unfortunately, can result in the death of the patient.

        1. In order to alleviate the suffering of the patient, he needs to do breathing exercises.
      1. Take a deep breath. Of course, in some cases the pain will begin to intensify, but you should try, if possible, to take a very slow, deep breath and exhale as deeply as possible. You need to do this exercise every 2-3 minutes.
      2. If the injury is severe enough to cause unbearable pain, you should try to take deep breaths at least once an hour.
      3. If you can’t breathe regularly, you need to do the following exercise: take a slow breath, hold your breath and exhale. Important: each action must be performed on the count of “one... two... three... (about 3 seconds each).

    If pain in the ribs occurs, regardless of location and possible cause, you must consult a doctor! The therapist will help you decide on the choice of a specialist who can diagnose the cause of the disease, prescribe the necessary treatment and save the patient from suffering. As a rule, the patient is recommended to consult:

    Editor and expert of the site Specialization: general practitioner. More than 10 years of experience. City clinic, Smolensk. Graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I really love my profession.

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    Does it hurt on the left side of your breast? Looking for a reason

    When something hurts, it is a manifestation that there are some disturbances and malfunctions in the body. Discomfort in different places symbolizes different diseases. Knowing what causes the pain on the left side under the chest, you can quickly navigate and seek help.

    Causes and possible diseases

    Pain on the left side can be a sign of a number of diseases!

    When looking for the causes of pain on the left side, do not forget that the human body is a system, the work of all organs of which is closely interconnected. Consequently, pain on the left may occur due to disruption of other organs located on the other side.

    Nature of pain and possible diseases:

    • dull and aching pain for a long period of time may indicate the development of cardioneurosis. This is not a heart disease, so there is no point in taking Validol or Nitroglycerin. Such attacks most often occur against a background of stress or chronic fatigue. In this case, sedatives and treatment by a neurologist are required.
    • if a sharp pain occurs right under the left breast and prevents you from taking a breath, it is most likely intercostal neuralgia. It is caused by a pinched nerve. To make it easier, you need to carefully change your position - turn around or straighten up.
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most common causes of pain on the left under the chest. This could be a heart defect, an attack, the occurrence of blood clots in the pulmonary artery, an aortic aneurysm and many other pathologies
    • diseases of the stomach or spleen can cause pain on both the right and left sides under the chest. Any inflammatory process localized in the body affects nerve endings, which can cause pain

    These reasons are the most common, but besides them, there are many more abnormalities that provoke chest pain. To identify diseases and begin treatment, you need to seek help.

    Another reason that requires attention is appendicitis. There are people with organ transposition. That is, all their insides are located in a mirror image with respect to the traditional body. Accordingly, their appendicitis is on the left, and not on the right, like in ordinary people. When the appendix becomes inflamed, it begins to hurt very much. The pain may be localized to the back, leg, or up the chest.

    Dangerous symptoms when help is needed

    Does the pain last a long time? Need to undergo examination

    A medical examination must be carried out in any case if recurrent or constant pain occurs on the left side. Definitely - if there is a symptom, then there is a disturbance in the body’s functioning; almost all diseases are easier to treat in the initial stages. Then, as a rule, everything goes away without a trace and without complications.

    If the pain occurs once and quickly goes away, it may be a pinched nerve, which does not pose any threat to the body. But if a severe squeezing pain begins on the left, which makes breathing difficult and pulls the left arm and shoulder blade, in 99% it is a myocardial infarction. It most often occurs in men of any age and in older women. With such symptoms, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, take a Nitroglycerin tablet.

    Severe pain under the breasts, spreading lower to the abdomen, may indicate the appearance of a neoplasm in the gastrointestinal tract or a hernia of the diaphragm. Treatment will involve surgery, so you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

    Another disease that causes pain on the left side is cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

    Problems with the gallbladder are directly related to the functioning of the pancreas, and its pathologies can be fatal. Therefore, at the first manifestations, you need to go for a diagnosis and begin treatment. If the pain comes on suddenly and constantly increases, you need to call an ambulance, and not wait until it “goes away on its own.” Inflammatory diseases do not go away on their own. They can be slightly reduced with various medications, but recovery will require qualified medical care.

    Possible complications

    Such pain cannot be ignored, as it can be a sign of serious pathology.

    Complications can arise in the presence of any disease if measures are not taken in a timely manner. Heart diseases cannot be neglected at all, since any pathology of the cardiovascular system develops very quickly. If you do not immediately pay attention to the body’s signals in the form of pain in the left chest, a number of complications may develop.

    If the cause lies in heart disease, then its development leads to circulatory disorders, which provokes many diseases. The main factor is insufficient oxygen circulation in the body, on which the functioning of almost all organs depends. Oxygen deficiency disrupts the functioning of the liver, stomach, and endocrine system.

    When pain on the left is provoked by the pancreas, bile or gastrointestinal tract, the metabolism is disrupted.

    Cholesterol is not removed from the body and atherosclerosis begins. In addition, all organs and systems suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this can lead to the formation of gallstones, inflammation of the pancreas, or internal bleeding in the intestines. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.


    We do an ultrasound and look for the cause of the pain

    When your health condition begins to worry, you need to consult a specialist. Since pain on the left under the breast occurs as a result of many diseases, first of all, you need to visit a therapist who will conduct an examination and then write a referral to a more specialized specialist, depending on the problem.

    So, the main diagnostic methods:

    1. a survey in which the doctor verbally clarifies the time and intensity of pain, additional symptoms and the presence of chronic diseases, which are usually indicated in the patient’s card
    2. palpation is a manipulation in which the therapist feels the condition of the organs, determines whether pain occurs when pressed and evaluates the softness of the tissues
    3. hardware diagnostics are all types of examinations that are carried out using special devices. If necessary, the doctor directs the patient to have an electrocardiogram of the heart to monitor the rhythm. If pathology of the intestines, stomach or pancreas is suspected, a referral for an ultrasound or MRI is issued

    In addition to these methods, the patient must undergo blood, urine and stool tests, since the tests can fully clarify the clinical picture.

    Treatment options

    First diagnosis, then treatment!

    After the patient takes tests and undergoes all the necessary diagnostics, the doctor makes a conclusion and determines the diagnosis. In addition, he assesses the general condition of the patient and determines the method of treatment. In severe cases, it is recommended to take a course in a hospital under supervision. In addition, in critical situations, immediate surgical intervention is possible.

    Based on the general condition and test results, the doctor draws up a course of drug treatment. When treating most diseases, an integrated approach is required. If the problem lies in neuralgia, then it is necessary to take sedatives and medications that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, relaxing treatments are available. In case of heart diseases, it is necessary to stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle, improve the vascular system by thinning the blood and strengthening blood vessels. For gastrointestinal pathologies, separate treatment and procedures are prescribed, depending on the nature of the problem.

    Throughout treatment, additional medications, such as diuretics, may be prescribed to remove excess water.

    During the entire course of treatment, the specialist intensively monitors the health status to track the dynamics of changes.

    In inpatient settings, medical workers take tests and refer for procedures; during treatment at home, the doctor appoints an appointment day to examine the patient.

    Traditional medicine treatment is very popular these days, but the main thing is not to replace medications with it. Simply put, traditional medicine can be a wonderful complement to traditional treatments.

    More information about pancreatitis can be found in the video:

    While taking medications, you can drink chamomile infusions, which relieve inflammation. Sage and peppermint (if there is no heart disease) balance the functioning of the nervous system and avoid problems that provoke neuroses. You can also use herbs that have a diuretic effect (thyme, linden, St. John's wort, calendula, juniper).

    In addition to the beneficial effects, herbs can cause an allergic reaction or reverse effect. It is strictly forbidden to use unfamiliar plants on your own. It is better to consult a specialist first. For example, not all herbs are good for heart disease. Women need to be especially careful during pregnancy, as some essential oils can cause uterine tone. What causes miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in the third trimester.

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    Why might my ribs hurt? Causes of pain under the breasts in the ribs

    Thus, pain under the breasts in the ribs, characterized by the occurrence of pain in the chest area, can signal serious ailments in the body.

    Pain in the rib behind the chest, in which the source of pain can be the bony or cartilaginous part of the rib, the muscles adjacent to the ribs, or the intercostal nerve, can occur for various reasons.

    Thus, it is possible that pain is provoked by a traumatic injury to the chest due to a fall, blow or exposure to external factors:

    Fractured ribs. It is characterized by acute pain that spreads to the entire chest area and occurs when inhaling, moving or changing position;

    Bruised ribs. Acute, non-intense pain is localized at the site of damage to the muscle tissue surrounding the ribs, which can be recognized by swelling and the presence of a hematoma.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast is one of the characteristic manifestations of Tietze syndrome, in which there is inflammation of the costal cartilages attached to the sternum. Severe pain is noted in the chest area, thereby raising suspicion of angina pectoris. Additional symptoms of this disease include a spindle-shaped swelling in the area of ​​the affected costal cartilage and increased pain when pressing on the sternum. Tietze syndrome can only be diagnosed after undergoing a chest x-ray.

    Pain in the ribs under the chest can be caused by intercostal neuralgia, in which the nerves located between the ribs are pinched or irritated. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is characterized by sudden onset and intensifies with sneezing, coughing, or sudden movement.

    Pain under the breasts in the ribs can be caused by fibromyalgia - muscle pain, the causes of which are not yet fully understood. Most experts adhere to the hypothesis that pain in this disease can be a consequence of diseases accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, mental disorders and nervous strain. Pain in the chest and ribs with fibromyalgia has its own distinctive characteristics:

    Pain is noted on both the right and left sides;

    With a sudden change in weather, symptoms worsen;

    In the morning, the patient feels tightness in the chest;

    Sometimes headaches, sleep disturbances, and the development of depression are observed;

    In advanced cases, problems with movement coordination are possible.

    Pain under the breast in the ribs is also provoked by diseases of the pleura - a thin film that covers the chest cavity from the inside and the lungs from the outside, which is quite closely adjacent to the ribs. The pleura is literally permeated with many nerve endings, the irritation of which leads to the development of pain. Thus, the following main symptoms are characteristic of acute dry pleurisy:

    Severe, annoying dry cough;

    Pain in the rib area, as a rule, only on one side - left or right;

    An increase in pain with a deep breath and any sudden movements;

    Feverish state, weakness, apathy.

    Rarely, but still, pleural tumors are diagnosed - diseases, the characteristic symptom of which is constant, aching pain in the ribs, localized at the location of the tumor. With a significant size of the neoplasm, which can be either malignant or benign, additional manifestations of the disease include shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, and a bluish or, on the contrary, pale tint of the skin.

    Pain in the rib under the breast can be caused by another disease that is not often diagnosed in medicine - a herniated disc. Pain syndrome localized in the rib area has the following characteristic features:

    At first, the pain may be practically imperceptible, but after a while it becomes unbearable, significantly worsening the patient’s quality of life;

    Depending on the location of the hernia, pain can be observed only on the right or only on the left side, as well as on both sides simultaneously;

    The pain, which is sharp and stabbing in nature, intensifies with physical activity, sneezing and coughing.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal column, characterized by the development of an inflammatory process, compression and irritation of the nerve roots. Many are accustomed to the fact that this disease makes itself felt by the patient with pain in the back, but often the pain extends to the chest and ribs. At the same time, the pain syndrome is often not characterized by increased intensity, and therefore some patients simply note a feeling of discomfort in the chest area. For other people suffering from this disease, the pain, on the contrary, can be very annoying and many report feeling a “stake in the chest.”

    Pain in the ribs can also occur in women in late pregnancy. This condition, unlike all others previously discussed, is not pathological and does not pose any harm to both the mother and the baby in her womb. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant condition during pregnancy:

    Enlarged uterus. The uterus moves upward, resulting in strong pressure from the inside on the ribs, resulting in pain.

    Fetal growth. As the fetal growth increases, in the last trimester of pregnancy, the baby does not fit in the mother's belly.

    Motor activity of the fetus. The baby's legs, provided that he is presented correctly, rest against the mother's ribs, thereby causing pain.

    Treatment of pain in the ribs, the primary goal should be to identify and eliminate the causes that caused this uncomfortable condition. If the ribs are injured, in the absence of damage to the lungs and pleura, the patient is advised to rest completely and undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures.

    To make a reliable diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary with a visit to a traumatologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, surgeon, neurologist, or orthopedist. A chest x-ray, which will certainly be prescribed by a doctor, will help you get a clear picture of the state of affairs in the body. Symptomatic therapy is based on taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the cause of pain in the ribs under the chest is associated with muscle spasms, then the medical specialist will additionally prescribe antispasmodic medications.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast in the vast majority of cases (with the exception of advanced pregnancy) signals serious health problems, expressed in pathologies of the most important organs, and therefore you should not delay a visit to a specialist with this problem.

    Why does it hurt under the breast?

    Pain under the breasts can occur due to a variety of diseases.

    Our body is a single system connected, among other things, by nerves. Sensations from individual nerve endings are transmitted to the common trunk of the autonomic nervous system, and from it sometimes to another organ, so the feeling of pain under the chest on the left side is sometimes caused not by heart problems, but, for example, by gastric pathology.

    In addition, painful sensations may not be associated with individual organs at all, but may be a consequence of neurosis - a malfunction of the nervous system. But still we will try to describe the main reasons for this phenomenon.

    Cardiac dysfunction is the first thing that comes to our mind when we feel pain under the left breast, and this is a justified fear. Even the slightest spasm of the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart causes the heart muscle to suffer, and if it drags on for several minutes, a heart attack (death of myocardial cells) is inevitable. In this case, the person feels such severe pain that it is difficult for him to even breathe. It radiates to the left arm and part of the back. In this case, you need to take a nitroglycerin tablet and call an ambulance.

    In particular, the feeling of pain under the mammary glands can be caused by inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, aortic aneurysm, and pulmonary embolism. All of these diseases are dangerous and require urgent medical attention.

    It should be noted that in men, a heart attack can occur at any age, but in women - only in old age. If a representative of the fair sex does not have congenital or acquired cardiac pathologies before puberty, then she may not be afraid of heart attack, angina, ischemia and other heart problems before the onset of menopause, when the likelihood of their occurrence increases many times over. This is how nature took care of human offspring.

    The onset of early menopause (for example, due to the currently widespread weight loss disease - anorexia) also brings the time of possible heart disease closer.

    If you have pain under your left breast, the cause may be cardiac neurosis. These pains are usually dull and aching, but sometimes they are sharp and short-lived. Nitroglycerin, validol and other heart medications do not help in this case, since the heart is healthy, the reason lies in stress, depression, and overwork. The patient needs to eliminate traumatic circumstances and treatment from a neurologist.

    Intercostal neuralgia can also be a source of pain under the mammary gland on the left, which is caused by a pinched nerve root in the thoracic spine or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

    Problems with the diaphragm, stomach and spleen can also cause pain under the left breast.

    The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Sometimes a hernia forms on it, the stomach moves into the chest cavity and causes severe pain.

    In some diseases, the spleen becomes inflamed and even ruptured (for example, with infectious mononucleosis). In this case, cyanosis appears around the navel (blood accumulates there).

    Pain under the right breast, in addition to diaphragmatic hernia and intercostal neuralgia, can cause problems with the liver and gall bladder.

    Viral hepatitis is a common cause of this. Hepatitis A is easily contracted through food and water, hepatitis B is common among drug addicts and homosexuals; anyone can become infected by contact with any of them, and hepatitis C is transmitted mainly through contaminated blood.

    Cholecystitis, gallstone disease, cirrhosis are also manifested by pain on the right under the mammary gland.

    Pain under the breasts during pregnancy is usually associated with the fact that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the woman’s internal organs. So, if it hurts on the right (usually the process begins within weeks), then most likely the pressure is directed to the gallbladder or diaphragm, in this case, expectant mothers are advised not to sleep on the right side, everything will go away after childbirth.

    Acute or chronic disease of the pancreas, pancreatitis, is another possible reason for pain under the breasts. This disease is often common among alcoholics, people who abuse medications, who have undergone chemotherapy, and who abuse fatty, spicy, smoked and other harmful foods.

    The pancreas is stretched across the abdomen from right to left, therefore causing painful sensations around the abdomen. An attack of acute pancreatitis is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by aching pain under the mammary glands.

    Despite the fact that the kidneys are located at the back wall of the abdominal cavity, much lower than the chest area, the right kidney, for example, may be the reason why the right side under the chest hurts.

    A purulent-inflammatory infection or urolithiasis causes severe pain, which sometimes radiates under the right chest and into the back.

    Pain in the ribs under the chest may be a consequence of intercostal neuralgia due to compression of the nerves between the ribs or their deformation. They are caused by herniated intervertebral discs, curvature of the spine, overstrain of muscles and ligaments, and blows to the chest area.

    Another reason is rib fractures. They heal without special treatment within a few weeks, but are dangerous due to the possibility of lung damage, so if you have the slightest suspicion of such an injury, you should consult a doctor.

    It happens that the cartilaginous parts of the ribs become inflamed, this disease is called Tietze syndrome. In this case, a sharp and severe pain occurs, intensifying when pressing on the sternum.

    Aching pain under the chest often appears due to diseases of the respiratory system, for example, it is characteristic of pneumonia. Tracheitis causes pain in the left side of the chest, pleurisy and tuberculosis - on both sides. These diseases are usually quite easy to diagnose. There are effective methods for treating them.

    Severe pain under the breasts is frightening when its cause is unclear. Sometimes people, instead of undergoing a medical examination, begin to think that they are suffering from cancer. Of course, for example, stomach cancer, liver cancer, osteosarcoma or acute leukemia, cause similar sensations, but this is extremely rare. Most often the cause is intercostal neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks, hysteria. All of them are curable. So, if you are not pregnant, and after examinations by a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist and orthopedist, no diseases have been identified, you need to go to a neurologist.

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    Pain on the right under the chest is a symptom of several diseases, from harmless to quite serious. Let's figure out what is on the right side under the chest and why discomfort may occur. It is important to pay attention to the malaise in time in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage. Most diseases respond well to conservative treatment if you start therapy on time and do not put off going to the doctor for too long.

    Under the right breast are located:

    • liver
    • gallbladder
    • part of the intestine
    • part of the diaphragm

    Accordingly, acute pain under the right breast indicates a disease of one of these organs. In rare cases, pain may radiate from other organs, such as the stomach.

    What to find out first

    The first thing you need to find out:

    • Were there any injuries? The pain may be caused by a cracked rib. Any bad fall can cause bone damage.
    • Has an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the intestines, liver or gall bladder begun?

    Then you need to assess the nature of the pain and find out the location. Sometimes it may hurt under the chest, in the side, closer to the center of the chest. It is equally important to understand how severe the pain is and how often it occurs. The doctor will need this information for a more accurate and quick diagnosis.

    Although all diseases have clear symptoms, the signs of the disease manifest themselves differently in each person. Therefore, if any symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis. Often only complex examinations can reveal the true cause of the ailment. And accurate diagnosis is extremely important for correct and effective treatment.

    Why does it hurt

    There are a number of diseases that can lead to pain on the right side:

    1. Gastrointestinal diseases. Gastritis and ulcers may cause pain on the right side. Unpleasant sensations occur both in acute pathologies and in relapses of chronic diseases.
    2. Inflammation of the pancreas. It is located on the other side, but often the pain from the inflamed organ comes from an atypical place. With diseases of the pancreas, unpleasant sensations are observed under the breasts.
    3. Diseases of the respiratory system. This can be pleurisy, an acute inflammatory disease, or lung tumors, pneumonia or tuberculosis. If, in addition to pain, other lung symptoms are observed, you should immediately visit a doctor.
    4. Heart diseases. Many are sure that a heart attack is necessarily accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the heart. In fact, it can radiate to the right, to the arm, neck, jaw. Therefore, if acute pain and weakness appear, it is better to call an ambulance.
    5. Diseases of the circulatory system: acute leukemia is characterized by pain on the right side.
    6. Injuries to soft tissue or ribs. If the onset of symptoms was preceded by an injury, it is worth visiting the emergency room to make sure there are no serious injuries.
    7. Kidney diseases. The right kidney may produce similar symptoms. However, most often the pain is observed in the back. If discomfort is accompanied by water retention in the body, you need to examine the urinary system.
    8. Psychogenic disorders.
    Note! User recommendation! For the treatment and prevention of breast diseases, our readers successfully use an effective remedy to combat these ailments. Cedar resin will improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, and bee venom will relieve pain. Get rid of pain..."

    It is important to make a correct diagnosis, since pain in the right side under the breast can appear due to a variety of diseases, each of which requires its own treatment.

    How to determine the disease

    There are three main types:

    • severe aching
    • acute
    • sharp, pulling

    Other species are not usually found on the right side.

    When determining, it is important to understand that these are subjective sensations, and a doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis based on just one complaint. To diagnose, you will still have to undergo all the necessary examinations. Diagnosis is usually difficult due to the fact that patients cannot accurately describe the nature and location of discomfort. Let's figure out how to determine the cause by the nature of the unpleasant sensations. Severe pain indicates the development of a serious acute disease.

    They can be called:

    • myocardial infarction
    • perforated ulcer
    • pneumothorax

    If the symptoms are severe and there is no chronic disease that manifests itself in this way, it is recommended to call a doctor and carefully monitor your health. They often indicate mechanical injury to the ribs. If discomfort increases with movement or inhalation, this may be a sign of a fracture or crack in the ribs.

    Acute tingling sensations are characteristic of lung diseases and leukemia. It can also be used for heart problems. Aching pain is considered quite dangerous, since it usually does not cause serious inconvenience. They can appear with colds, bruises, pinched nerves, or with the development of severe pathologies. In any case, in order to understand what may be hurting, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    To establish the exact cause, a specialist needs to conduct a survey and an initial examination. And then, depending on the complaints, the following may be prescribed:

    • Laboratory research.
    • Fluorography.
    • MRI or CT.
    • Ultrasound of the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas.
    • FGS for suspected ulcers or gastritis.
    If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to combat chest pain have not been successful... Have you even read anything about medications designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because mastopathy can be fatal to humans - it can develop very quickly.
    • Frequent chest pain
    • Discomfort
    • Experiences
    • Discharge
    • Skin changes
    Surely you know these symptoms firsthand. But is it possible to defeat the infection without harming yourself? Read the article about effective, modern ways to effectively combat mastopathy and more... Read the article...

    It is important to know that diagnosis may take a long time, since this symptom is characteristic of many diseases. First, doctors try to rule out serious acute conditions, and only then begin a comprehensive examination.

    Pain under the breasts in the ribs: what does it mean?

    Any pain syndrome felt by a person causes him severe discomfort, and if the reasons for its origin are unclear, it makes him seriously think about his state of health.

    Thus, pain under the breasts in the ribs, characterized by the occurrence of pain in the chest area, can signal serious ailments in the body.

    Pain in the rib behind the chest, in which the source of pain can be the bony or cartilaginous part of the rib, the muscles adjacent to the ribs, or the intercostal nerve, can occur for various reasons.

    Thus, it is possible that pain is provoked by a traumatic injury to the chest due to a fall, blow or exposure to external factors:

    Fractured ribs. It is characterized by acute pain that spreads to the entire chest area and occurs when inhaling, moving or changing position;

    Bruised ribs. Acute, non-intense pain is localized at the site of damage to the muscle tissue surrounding the ribs, which can be recognized by swelling and the presence of a hematoma.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast is one of the characteristic manifestations of Tietze syndrome, in which there is inflammation of the costal cartilages attached to the sternum. Severe pain is noted in the chest area, thereby raising suspicion of angina pectoris. Additional symptoms of this disease include a spindle-shaped swelling in the area of ​​the affected costal cartilage and increased pain when pressing on the sternum. Tietze syndrome can only be diagnosed after undergoing a chest x-ray.

    Pain in the ribs under the chest can be caused by intercostal neuralgia, in which the nerves located between the ribs are pinched or irritated. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is characterized by sudden onset and intensifies with sneezing, coughing, or sudden movement.

    Pain under the breasts in the ribs can be caused by fibromyalgia - muscle pain, the causes of which are not yet fully understood. Most experts adhere to the hypothesis that pain in this disease can be a consequence of diseases accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, mental disorders and nervous strain. Pain in the chest and ribs with fibromyalgia has its own distinctive characteristics:

    Pain is noted on both the right and left sides;

    With a sudden change in weather, symptoms worsen;

    In the morning, the patient feels tightness in the chest;

    Sometimes headaches, sleep disturbances, and the development of depression are observed;

    In advanced cases, problems with movement coordination are possible.

    Pain under the breast in the ribs is also provoked by diseases of the pleura - a thin film that covers the chest cavity from the inside and the lungs from the outside, which is quite closely adjacent to the ribs. The pleura is literally permeated with many nerve endings, the irritation of which leads to the development of pain. Thus, the following main symptoms are characteristic of acute dry pleurisy:

    Severe, annoying dry cough;

    Pain in the rib area, as a rule, only on one side - left or right;

    An increase in pain with a deep breath and any sudden movements;

    Feverish state, weakness, apathy.

    Rarely, but still, pleural tumors are diagnosed - diseases, the characteristic symptom of which is constant, aching pain in the ribs, localized at the location of the tumor. With a significant size of the neoplasm, which can be either malignant or benign, additional manifestations of the disease include shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, and a bluish or, on the contrary, pale tint of the skin.

    Pain in the rib under the breast can be caused by another disease that is not often diagnosed in medicine - a herniated disc. Pain syndrome localized in the rib area has the following characteristic features:

    At first, the pain may be practically imperceptible, but after a while it becomes unbearable, significantly worsening the patient’s quality of life;

    Depending on the location of the hernia, pain can be observed only on the right or only on the left side, as well as on both sides simultaneously;

    The pain, which is sharp and stabbing in nature, intensifies with physical activity, sneezing and coughing.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal column, characterized by the development of an inflammatory process, compression and irritation of the nerve roots. Many are accustomed to the fact that this disease makes itself felt by the patient with pain in the back, but often the pain extends to the chest and ribs. At the same time, the pain syndrome is often not characterized by increased intensity, and therefore some patients simply note a feeling of discomfort in the chest area. For other people suffering from this disease, the pain, on the contrary, can be very annoying and many report feeling a “stake in the chest.”

    Pain in the ribs can also occur in women in late pregnancy. This condition, unlike all others previously discussed, is not pathological and does not pose any harm to both the mother and the baby in her womb. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant condition during pregnancy:

    Enlarged uterus. The uterus moves upward, resulting in strong pressure from the inside on the ribs, resulting in pain.

    Fetal growth. As the fetal growth increases, in the last trimester of pregnancy, the baby does not fit in the mother's belly.

    Motor activity of the fetus. The baby's legs, provided that he is presented correctly, rest against the mother's ribs, thereby causing pain.

    Treatment of pain in the ribs, the primary goal should be to identify and eliminate the causes that caused this uncomfortable condition. If the ribs are injured, in the absence of damage to the lungs and pleura, the patient is advised to rest completely and undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures.

    To make a reliable diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary with a visit to a traumatologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, surgeon, neurologist, or orthopedist. A chest x-ray, which will certainly be prescribed by a doctor, will help you get a clear picture of the state of affairs in the body. Symptomatic therapy is based on taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the cause of pain in the ribs under the chest is associated with muscle spasms, then the medical specialist will additionally prescribe antispasmodic medications.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast in the vast majority of cases (with the exception of advanced pregnancy) signals serious health problems, expressed in pathologies of the most important organs, and therefore you should not delay a visit to a specialist with this problem.

    Pain under the mammary gland, causes

    Every woman has definitely experienced unexplained pain under her breasts at least once. It should be understood that it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based only on symptoms and assumptions; only competent medical help can determine the root cause of pain in the chest.

    Characteristic pain under the mammary glands is often symptoms of a variety of diseases. Agree, in a single system of the human body everything is interconnected, the interconnection is carried out mainly by nerve endings. That is why the impulse from the nerve is transmitted to the center of the nervous system, where the signal of pain comes from. Often the signal can arrive in a completely different part of the body, relative to the impulse, misleading the person.

    It is important to know that the sensation of pain may not be caused by a disruption in the functioning of any organ, but, for example, by incorrect functioning of the nervous system, which arose as a result of severe neurosis.

    We propose to clarify the situation and understand what diseases lead to pain under the breasts. First, let's define the characteristic features of pain: 1. Felt under the left breast 2. Felt under the right breast 3. Pain under the mammary glands during pregnancy 4. In the rib area, located under the breast 5. Aching pain under the breast

    Now let's take a closer look at each point.

    Pain is felt under the left breast

    Many are accustomed to associate this pain with a disease of the most important organ in the human body - the heart. This is true, since even minor spasms of the heart artery, which is responsible for supplying the body with blood, lead to severe pain in the heart muscle. In case of prolonged pain, the likelihood of a heart attack increases.

    As a rule, the harbinger of a heart attack is unbearable pain, which makes it difficult to breathe. This pain may be felt in the left arm or the left side of the back. If the symptoms are identical, a nitroglycerin tablet will help you wait for an ambulance, which should be called immediately.

    Speaking about heart attack, it should be clarified that men are susceptible to this disease at any age, and women are susceptible mainly only when they are old. Probably, a heart attack after menopause is provided for by the nature and reproductive function of women, for painless bearing of offspring. There is a serious exception for women, in which a heart attack can occur at an earlier age. In case of existing congenital or acquired heart disease, up to serious pathologies. Then you should be wary that the risk of acute diseases such as ischemia, angina, heart attack and other problems of the cardiovascular system increases. Currently, the so-called “early menopause” is observed everywhere, which occurs much earlier. Early menopause is a consequence of the serious disease anorexia. Anorexia occurs in the vast majority of young girls, and the disease is rejuvenated every year. That’s why it’s so important for girls to take care of their health from a very early age. It is always easier to prevent a dangerous disease than to engage in lengthy and expensive treatment.

    Pain under the left mammary gland can be due to cardioneurosis. It is difficult to determine this pain, since there are cases of dull aching pain, as well as acute and short-term pain. A distinctive feature of cardioneurosis may be the lack of effect from taking nitroglycerin or validol, which is justified by the fact that the organ is absolutely healthy. Prolonged stress, prolonged depression or overwork can cause this disease. In this case, the cardiologist is unable to help you; you should contact a neurologist for help, and immediately eliminate all factors that are traumatic to the psyche.

    Often the cause of pain under the left breast is intercostal neuralgia. As a rule, the nerve root in the thoracic spine is pinched, as well as irritation of the intercostal nerve. Diseases of the diaphragm, stomach, and spleen can also cause pain on the left side under the chest. The formation of a hernia on the diaphragm, separating the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity, is characterized by severe pain when the stomach is displaced. A disease of the spleen or its rupture will certainly be reflected in pain on the left side; bruising may become a characteristic feature due to the accumulation of blood in the navel area.

    Painful symptoms are felt under the right breast

    The cause may also be a diaphragmatic hernia or intercostal neuralgia. In addition to these diseases, the cause may be problems with the liver and gallbladder. Often, viral hepatitis can cause pain on the right side. Hepatitis A is easy to catch through food or water. Hepatitis B is a common disease in people with drug addiction, as well as in homosexuals. Hepatitis C is transmitted exclusively through infected blood. The occurrence of cirrhosis, cholecystitis or cholelithiasis may be accompanied by pain under the right breast. Acute or chronic pancreatitis can also cause aching pain. At risk are alcoholics, people who take large amounts of medications, people who have undergone chemotherapy, as well as those who abuse fatty, spicy, and smoked foods. The location of the pancreas is just from right to left, which causes pain on the right under the mammary gland. Nausea, vomiting, general weakness of the body are symptoms of acute pancreatitis. Aching pain under the mammary gland is a sign of chronic pancreatitis.

    Pain under the mammary glands during pregnancy

    As a result of a noticeably grown uterus, there is strong pressure on the internal organs of a pregnant woman. As a rule, the gallbladder and also the diaphragm are affected first, which is why the pain is radiated to the right. To reduce pain, it is not recommended to sleep on the right side. The expectant mother must be patient a little, since all pain will disappear immediately after childbirth.

    Pain in the rib area under the breasts

    The main cause is intercostal neuralgia, which occurs when the nerve located between the ribs is compressed or deformed. Herniated intervertebral discs, scoliosis, strong and prolonged tension of muscles and ligaments, as well as the consequences of strong blows to the thoracic region lead to neuralgia. In addition, rib fractures also remain one of the main causes. The ribs grow together quite quickly, without additional medical intervention, but there remains a threat of severe damage to the lung tissue, so it is important to promptly seek help from specialists. Tietze syndrome, or inflammation of the cartilaginous part of the ribs, is quite rare, but can also cause pain on the right side. Characterized by acute pain even with slight pressure on the chest.

    Aching pain under the breasts

    Pneumonia, tracheitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy and other respiratory diseases can cause aching pain. Respiratory tract disease is quite easy to diagnose. Today, there are many ways to treat such diseases.

    Painful sensations under the mammary glands are common, many people begin to diagnose themselves with cancer, and a trip to the doctor is postponed due to the strong fear of a terrible diagnosis. But you should know that such pain is extremely rare in oncology; intercostal neuralgia, stress, and heart disease are much more common. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor; the sooner the cause is determined, the sooner and without consequences the disease will be eliminated.


    Possible causes of pain under the right breast: overview of options and diagnosis

    Pain under the right breast can occur for a number of reasons. Sometimes the provoking factors are harmless pathologies that are very easy to eliminate, but in some cases the underlying symptoms are serious diseases that require timely diagnosis.

    • 1 Main reasons
    • 2 Additional reasons
    • 3 Diagnostic methods

    Every person has experienced such a symptom as pain under the right breast at least once in their life. There may be plenty of reasons for the appearance of such sensations.

    The main factors causing pain under the right breast:

    1. Hepatic colic. Often occurs in the presence of chronic diseases of this organ. It manifests itself with the abuse of fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol. It is rarely persistent and usually goes away after normalization of nutrition. Usually not accompanied by additional symptoms.
    2. Malignant liver diseases. In this case, the pain is under the chest and radiates to the right side. Additional symptoms are characterized by bitterness in the mouth and enlarged liver. The skin and sclera of the eyes acquire a yellow tint. In addition to this, nausea, vomiting and a sharp deterioration in general health may occur.
    3. Diseases of the mammary glands. This symptom occurs in women and is a common factor that provokes pain on the right side under the breast. This symptom may be characteristic of fibrocystic mastopathy, especially if nodes appear in the right mammary gland. The pain is not intense and increases towards the beginning of menstruation. Additional signs include slight lumps in the breast tissue.
    4. Cholecystitis. Pain in the right side may be a consequence of stagnation of bile or blockage of the ducts with stones. In the first case, the discomfort is of a girdle nature, nausea and vomiting occurs, and appetite worsens. With calculous cholecystitis, when there are stones in the gall bladder, the pain is very strong.
    5. Excessive physical activity is the most harmless reason why discomfort may occur in the right side under the chest. After intense strength training, especially when it comes to lifting heavy weights, a small tear occurs, which is accompanied by similar symptoms. It usually goes away quickly after a short rest.
    6. Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys may be accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium. But in addition, there is back pain and frequent urination. At the same time, there are pains and discomfort.

    Additional reasons

    Pain on the right side can also be caused by the following reasons.

    Very often people feel pain, discomfort in the ribs or hypochondrium. And they usually don’t attach much importance to this, which is a big mistake. Pain in this area can be caused not only by “bad turn”, “uncomfortable position” or draft. Such a symptom can signal diseases, many of which are very dangerous and can be fatal. The cause of discomfort can be determined by the location of the pain, so in this article we will consider in detail the question of why a rib may hurt on the right or left side, in the lower or upper part, when pressed, in movement and at rest.

    Pain on the right or left when pressing

    A rare pathology characterized by the development of an aseptic inflammatory process of the right or left costal cartilages (one or more) in the area of ​​their connection with the sternum. The main indicator is local pain, which intensifies when you press on the affected area and take a deep breath. Patients note acute or increasing pain over time, most noticeable in the upper part of the chest. As a rule, the localization of pain is observed on one side, and there is a return to the shoulder and forearm. It happens that the pain is short-term, but mostly it is constant and long-lasting and can torment a person for many years. The disease is also characterized by alternating remission and acute stages.

    This is a lesion of soft tissues outside the joints with characteristic pain in the muscles and bones of the skeleton. In addition to pain, local places (points) appear on the body that have increased sensitivity to pressure and palpation.
    The main symptom is pain in the bones and muscles, which spreads to different parts of the body on both sides, below and above the lower back and in the spinal column.
    Body stiffness upon awakening, swelling of the arms and legs, increased muscle fatigue, as well as numbness and tingling are often noted. Signs may progress during periods of changing weather conditions, fatigue, and stress.

    Expert opinion

    Prikhodko Arkady Arkadievich

    Rheumatologist - city clinic, Moscow. Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State Medical Academy.

    Signs of this disease have been present for at least 3 months. If the pain goes away before this period, then it can be associated with a previous infectious disease, sleep disorder or stress.

    With this disease, the patient pays attention to various emotional disorders, which can manifest themselves in both a slight decrease in mood and anxiety or even pronounced depressive states.

    Ask your question to a neurologist for free

    Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

      Patients also experience conditions such as:
    • premenstrual syndrome;
    • irritable bowel and bladder syndrome;
    • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
    • mitral valve prolapse;
    • joint hypermobility syndrome;
    • functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint, etc.

    Osteosarcoma of the ribs

    This is a malignant neoplasm arising from bone tissue. The tumor spreads rapidly, which leads to the formation of metastases in the early stages of the disease.

      The main signs of the development of osteogenic sarcoma of the ribs are:
    • mild pain in the sternum, which is sometimes accompanied by fever;
    • slight pain during inhalation/exhalation;
    • some swelling in the chest area;
    • the appearance of oiliness on the skin in the chest area, the appearance of subcutaneous vessels;
    • some limitation of costal mobility during breathing.

    At the very beginning of the development of osteosarcoma, the symptoms are mild, but their progression is noted in a short time.

    Expert opinion

    Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

    Doctor - neurologist, city clinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

    Timely detection of osteogenic lung sarcoma increases the chance of recovery, while delayed diagnosis and therapy lead to death.


    This is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the surface and lines the inside of the chest. Pathology has two forms - acute and chronic. The disease spreads to both one part of the chest and both sides. The onset of pleurisy is sudden.

    The first thing the patient feels is acute pain at any point, while deep breaths, coughing or sneezing contribute to increased pain. As a rule, there is a sharp increase in temperature and fever.
    Due to the fact that the inflammatory process interferes with normal air circulation and also causes severe pain, the patient complains of significant difficulty breathing.

    As the disease develops, fluid collects between the layers of the pleura, which requires specialist intervention. This fluid is pumped out, which brings relief in the form of reduced pain attacks and lower blood pressure.

    Pain only on the left without pressing


    This is an inflammation of the pancreas, the signs of which are:

    • abdominal pain, which can radiate to the back, and also be localized on the left under the ribs;
    • general indicators of intoxication of the body: loss of appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills;
    • feces acquire the consistency of mush with the presence of undigested food particles in it.

    Diseases of the duodenum

    Acute duodenitis

    This is an inflammation of the duodenum, the main symptoms of which are:

    • pain in the stomach area, radiating to the lower rib on the left;
    • feeling of nausea;
    • vomit;
    • intestinal disorders;
    • general weakness.

    Duodenal bulb ulcer

    This is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, in which ulcerative formations are found on the mucous membrane of the organ.

    The main complaints are made about:

    • severe pain in the left side of the epigastrium, radiating to the left hypochondrium, which occurs several hours after eating;
    • pain at night, when feeling hungry;
    • heartburn;
    • “sour” belching;
    • vomiting;
    • constipation;
    • pain in the right side of the epigastrium when pressed.

    Stomach ulcer

    A common and quite dangerous condition in which the gastric mucosa becomes covered with ulcers, bringing a lot of inconvenience and suffering to the patient. As a rule, pathology develops against the background of gastritis and erosions.

    Manifestations of peptic ulcer disease include:

    • pains of various types (sharp, dull, burning, aching) in the upper abdomen, as well as those arising from a feeling of hunger, during the period of night rest;
    • feeling of fullness in the stomach, heaviness;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • decreased appetite;
    • heartburn;
    • sudden loss of body weight.

    Pain only on the right side without pressing


    Occurs due to metabolic disorders. The disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder itself, in its ducts, which can cause pain on the right side under the rib.

    But often the pathology is practically asymptomatic. Even as the disease progresses, it may not manifest itself for a long time and is diagnosed accidentally during radiography.

    But it happens that gallstone disease manifests itself from the very beginning of development with the following symptoms:

    • attacks of sharp pain under the right rib;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • bitter taste in the mouth.

    The movement of the formed stone along the bile ducts is indicated by subcostal pain on the right side, which often radiates to the shoulder blade or shoulder. In most cases, patients notice the onset of pain some time after eating. Nausea and profuse vomiting may occur.


    Hepatitis is the general name for inflammatory liver diseases. There are several strains of hepatitis, which, all as one, destroy liver cells and have common symptoms in the first stages:

    • weakness and increased fatigue;
    • decreased appetite;
    • attacks of nausea;
    • heaviness, pain in the abdomen, in the right side under the rib;
    • change in urine color (it becomes very dark) and foaminess;
    • stool discoloration;
    • yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin.

    Pain on both sides

    Crack in the rib

    It is determined by a violation of the integrity of the rib bone or its incomplete fracture, in which displacement of bone fragments does not occur. A crack can form due to injury or due to certain anomalies in the human body.

    Signs of damage include:

    • excruciating pain in the area of ​​the damaged rib, which becomes much stronger when inhaling or coughing and weakens during exhalation, so the patient especially complains about the inability to breathe deeply;
    • feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath;
    • increased anxiety;
    • migraine;
    • severe fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness;
    • swelling and blue discoloration of soft tissues, bruises, hemorrhage under the skin and severe swelling at the location of the affected bone.

    Rib fracture

    With such damage, not only the bone is damaged, but also the internal organs located in the sternum area.

    Manifestations of a rib fracture are as follows:

    • sharp pain in the rib area from the side of the injury;
    • pale skin;
    • pain when breathing;
    • aching chest pain;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • hemoptysis;
    • general weakness;
    • dyspnea;
    • cyanosis of the skin in the affected area;
    • increase in body temperature.

    A rib fracture can lead to death, so it is very important to immediately consult a specialist or call an ambulance if symptoms appear.

    Chest trauma

    Injuries of various origins can be life-threatening, so if they occur, immediate medical attention is necessary.

    Sternum injuries are divided into:

    • open (penetrating and non-penetrating)
    • closed (bruises, concussions, lung rupture).

    With an open injury, the patient has a wound (for example, from a firearm, piercing objects, etc.).

    Closed injuries are divided into:

    • concussions, in which there are no changes in the sternum;
    • bruises, which include bruises of soft tissues, ribs, heart, blood vessels, lungs, fractures of the chest and vertebrae of the thoracic spine;
    • compression, cases of which include, for example, traumatic suffocation, in which a person’s chest is subjected to pressure from two blunt objects from different sides.

    Signs of closed injuries include:

    • sharp chest pain;
    • swelling at the site of the lesion;
    • blue skin (in case of a fracture);
    • difficulty breathing;
    • heartbeat disturbance;
    • increase in arterial hypotension;
    • shortness of breath;
    • tracheal displacement;
    • mediastinal shift;
    • increase in abdominal volume.

    If the onset of pain is NOT preceded by injuries, bruises or blows, we may be talking about an impending heart attack!

    You can determine the approach of a life-threatening condition by a combination of signs:

    • sharp pain when moving or breathing in any particular position;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • feeling of chest constriction;
    • discomfort in the chest.

    If such a set of symptoms is present, call an ambulance immediately!

    This is a degenerative disease of the spine, which is caused by the development of inflammation, compression, and irritation of the nerve roots. As a rule, the disease manifests itself as pain in the back, but it is not uncommon for it to appear in the ribs and sternum.

    1. Take a deep breath. Of course, in some cases the pain will begin to intensify, but you should try, if possible, to take a very slow, deep breath and exhale as deeply as possible. You need to do this exercise every 2-3 minutes.
    2. If the injury is severe enough and brings unbearable pain, you should try to take deep breaths and exhale at least once an hour.
    3. If you can’t breathe regularly, you need to do the following exercise: take a slow breath, hold your breath and exhale. Important: each action must be performed on the count of “one... two... three...”(about 3 seconds each).

    You also need to stop smoking

    If pain in the ribs occurs, regardless of location and possible cause, need to see a doctor! The therapist will help you decide on the choice of a specialist who can diagnose the cause of the disease, prescribe the necessary treatment and save the patient from suffering. As a rule, the patient is recommended to consult:

    • orthopedist;
    • neurologist;
    • pulmonologist;
    • gastroenterologist;
    • cardiologist;
    • traumatologist.

    When something hurts, it is a manifestation that there are some disturbances and malfunctions in the body. Discomfort in different places symbolizes different diseases. Knowing what causes the pain on the left side under the chest, you can quickly navigate and seek help.

    When looking for the causes of pain on the left side, do not forget that the human body is a system, the work of all organs of which is closely interconnected. Consequently, pain on the left may occur due to disruption of other organs located on the other side.

    Nature of pain and possible diseases:

    • dull and aching pain for a long period of time may indicate the development of cardioneurosis. This is not a heart disease, so there is no point in taking Validol or Nitroglycerin. Such attacks most often occur against a background of stress or chronic fatigue. In this case, sedatives and treatment by a neurologist are required.
    • if a sharp pain occurs right under the left breast and prevents you from taking a breath, it is most likely intercostal neuralgia. It is caused by a pinched nerve. To make it easier, you need to carefully change your position - turn around or straighten up.
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most common causes of pain on the left under the chest. This could be a heart defect, an attack, the occurrence of blood clots in the pulmonary artery, an aortic aneurysm and many other pathologies
    • diseases or may cause pain, both on the right and left side under the chest. Any inflammatory process localized in the body affects nerve endings, which can cause pain

    These reasons are the most common, but besides them, there are many more abnormalities that provoke chest pain. To identify diseases and begin treatment, you need to seek help.

    Another reason that requires attention is. There are people with organ transposition. That is, all their insides are located in a mirror image with respect to the traditional body. Accordingly, their appendicitis is on the left, and not on the right, like in ordinary people. When the appendix becomes inflamed, it begins to hurt very much. The pain may be localized to the back, leg, or up the chest.

    Dangerous symptoms when help is needed

    A medical examination must be carried out in any case if recurrent or constant pain occurs on the left side. Definitely - if there is a symptom, then there is a disturbance in the body’s functioning; almost all diseases are easier to treat in the initial stages. Then, as a rule, everything goes away without a trace and without complications.

    If the pain occurs once and quickly goes away, it may be a pinched nerve, which does not pose any threat to the body. But if a severe squeezing pain begins on the left, which makes breathing difficult and pulls the left arm and shoulder blade, in 99% it is a myocardial infarction. It most often occurs in men of any age and in older women. With such symptoms, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, take a Nitroglycerin tablet.

    Severe pain under the breasts, spreading lower to the abdomen, may indicate the appearance of a tumor in the diaphragm or a hernia. Treatment will involve surgery, so you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

    Another disease that causes pain on the left side is pancreatitis.

    Problems with the gallbladder are directly related to work, and its pathologies can be fatal. Therefore, at the first manifestations, you need to go for a diagnosis and begin treatment. If the pain comes on suddenly and constantly increases, you need to call an ambulance, and not wait until it “goes away on its own.” Inflammatory diseases do not go away on their own. They can be slightly reduced with various medications, but recovery will require qualified medical care.

    Possible complications

    Complications can arise in the presence of any disease if measures are not taken in a timely manner. Heart diseases cannot be neglected at all, since any pathology of the cardiovascular system develops very quickly. If you do not immediately pay attention to the body’s signals in the form of pain in the left chest, a number of complications may develop.

    If the cause lies in heart disease, then its development leads to circulatory disorders, which provokes many diseases. The main factor is insufficient oxygen circulation in the body, on which the functioning of almost all organs depends. Oxygen deficiency disrupts the functioning of the stomach and endocrine system.

    When pain on the left is provoked by the pancreas, bile or gastrointestinal tract, the metabolism is disrupted.

    Cholesterol is not removed from the body and atherosclerosis begins. In addition, all organs and systems suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this can lead to the formation of gallstones, inflammation of the pancreas, or internal bleeding in the intestines. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.


    When your health condition begins to worry, you need to consult a specialist. Since pain on the left under the breast occurs as a result of many diseases, first of all, you need to visit a therapist who will conduct an examination and then write a referral to a more specialized specialist, depending on the problem.

    So, the main diagnostic methods:

    1. a survey in which the doctor verbally clarifies the time and intensity of pain, additional symptoms and the presence of chronic diseases, which are usually indicated in the patient’s card
    2. palpation is a manipulation in which the therapist feels the condition of the organs, determines whether pain occurs when pressed and evaluates the softness of the tissues
    3. hardware diagnostics are all types of examinations that are carried out using special devices. If necessary, the doctor directs the patient to do this to track the rhythm. If there is a suspicion of pathology of the intestines, stomach or pancreas, it issues a referral to or

    In addition to these methods, the patient must take , and , since the tests can fully clarify the clinical picture.

    Treatment options

    After the patient takes tests and undergoes all the necessary diagnostics, the doctor makes a conclusion and determines the diagnosis. In addition, he assesses the general condition of the patient and determines the method of treatment. In severe cases, it is recommended to take a course in a hospital under supervision. In addition, in critical situations, immediate surgical intervention is possible.

    Based on the general condition and test results, the doctor draws up a course of drug treatment. When treating most diseases, an integrated approach is required. If the problem lies in neuralgia, then it is necessary to take sedatives and medications that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, relaxing treatments are available. In case of heart diseases, it is necessary to stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle, improve the vascular system by thinning the blood and strengthening blood vessels. For pathologies, separate treatment and procedures are prescribed, depending on the nature of the problem.

    Throughout treatment, additional medications, such as diuretics, may be prescribed to remove excess water.

    During the entire course of treatment, the specialist intensively monitors the health status to track the dynamics of changes.

    In inpatient settings, medical workers take tests and refer for procedures; during treatment at home, the doctor appoints an appointment day to examine the patient.

    Traditional medicine treatment is very popular these days, but the main thing is not to replace medications with it. Simply put, traditional medicine can be a wonderful complement to traditional treatments.

    More information about pancreatitis can be found in the video:

    While taking medications, you can drink chamomile infusions, which relieve inflammation. Sage and peppermint (if there is no heart disease) balance the functioning of the nervous system and avoid problems that provoke neuroses. You can also use herbs that have a diuretic effect (thyme, linden, St. John's wort, calendula, juniper).

    In addition to the beneficial effects, herbs can cause an allergic reaction or reverse effect. It is strictly forbidden to use unfamiliar plants on your own. It is better to consult a specialist first. For example, not all herbs are good for heart disease. Women need to be especially careful during pregnancy, as some essential oils can cause uterine tone. What causes miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in the third trimester.

    Pain under the left breast can be a symptom of a fairly extensive list of diseases. Most people mistakenly believe that this is a manifestation of heart failure. In fact, it may cause an entirely different organ in the chest or even the abdomen. Therefore, any doctor, before drawing a conclusion about the disease, conducts a series of analyzes and tests designed to clarify the diagnosis. So why do my chest hurt?

    Heart diseases

    Following the principle of Occam's razor, the most probable reason is the true one, you should start studying the issue from the heart. It is closest to the left side of the chest, and all its diseases are accompanied by various types of pain.

    Myocardial infarction or ischemic disease

    These pathologies are characterized by severe pain reflected in the left shoulder blade or arm. In order to survive an attack of the disease, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Coronary heart disease has the same symptoms, since the flow of blood to the myocardium with this pathology almost completely stops due to the closed lumen in the vessels. This blockage occurs due to a blood clot or cholesterol plaque formed on the wall, such as the aorta.

    To relieve an attack, an antispasmodic is used, which relieves spasm from the vessel, forcing it to open; in addition, during an attack, a person is given drugs that slow down the heart rate, this is done in order to reduce the load on the heart muscles.


    Prolonged, aching and pressing pain on the left may indicate that a person has myocarditis. These symptoms include weakness, shortness of breath, and arrhythmia. This disease is extremely dangerous, so if one or more of these symptoms appears, you should contact a cardiologist.


    If there is a stabbing pain under the left breast, then most likely it is pericarditis. This is a pathology of the sac that covers the heart, in addition, it separates the heart from other organs. This is a kind of protection of the heart from physical influences.

    Pericarditis, despite the pain sensations similar to a heart attack, including reflection in the shoulder blade and arm, is still very different in symptoms. The fact is that the nature of the sensations during inflammation of the pericardium changes depending on the position of the body in space or the depth of breathing.

    The sharp pain may disappear completely when bending forward and return again when returning to an upright position. Doctors from specialized cardiology clinics will be able to correctly diagnose this disease.

    Angina pectoris

    With angina, pain under the left breast is the same as with a heart attack. However, this is caused by physical or psychological overload. Such an attack cannot last longer than 10-15 minutes. If this happens, you should call an ambulance.

    Mitral valve prolapse

    A fatal disease is mitral valve prolapse. The pathology is dangerous because it is usually asymptomatic, and a sharp pain in the left chest occurs shortly before death.

    Aortic aneurysm

    Aortic aneurysm is one of those diseases that almost always ends in death. The fact is that the aorta is the main vessel in the body, and its rupture, accompanied by severe pain and profuse bleeding into the chest cavity, leads to death. Few were able to help in such a situation.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Pain in the stomach and the organs closest to it can be reflected on the left side of the chest in both women and men. There are several diseases that cause pain.


    Many people suffer from heartburn, but not everyone knows that the symptoms of this phenomenon are almost the same as those of cardiac ischemia - aching pain, sometimes turning into an acute phase. The reflex is caused by the fact that, for a number of reasons, a lot of excess acid has accumulated in the stomach, which, rising up the esophagus, causes severe pain to a person. In addition to pain with this disease, a person experiences pressure on the sternum, difficulty swallowing, and an acidic taste.


    Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas. The chronic form of the pathology is characterized by prolonged attacks of aching pain in the left hypochondrium.

    An acute attack is characterized by severe pain not only on the left side of the body, but also almost all around the torso, under the ribs. This can be reflected under the shoulder blade and under the left collarbone.

    During such attacks, the patient may experience severe nausea and vomiting. Sometimes body temperature rises. A person in such a situation can die from painful shock, so you should call an ambulance.


    Cholecystitis and gastric ulcer have absolutely similar symptoms - aching pain that subsides or, conversely, becomes stronger. It is localized on the left side of the chest. To differentiate between the two, gastroscopy is performed to provide visual confirmation of a stomach ulcer.

    Respiratory system diseases

    The human lungs, like other organs, are susceptible to various diseases. Due to the fact that there are no nerve endings in the lungs, lung diseases are not accompanied by pain. However, if the inflammatory process occurring in the lung or bronchi is accompanied by inflammation of the pleura, the membrane of the lung, then the pain becomes quite noticeable. The pleura, unlike the lung, is supplied with an abundance of nerve fibers.

    A characteristic difference between pain caused by lung diseases is coughing.

    So here's what might be causing the pain.


    Caused by air entering the space between the pleura and the lung. In this case, the part of the chest where there is air will hurt.

    Pneumothorax occurs only as a result of physical damage to the chest, injury, fall, or a strong blow to the chest. The victim cannot breathe on his own and experiences suffocation and, as a result, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

    Only a specialist can help in such a situation; he will be able to remove air from the pleural cavity and restore breathing.

    Pulmonary embolism

    Most often, this pathology is recorded in middle-aged women; it develops against the background of regular use of contraceptive drugs in combination with smoking. The pathology is characterized by blockage of the main artery of the lung with a thrombus. Additional symptoms are suffocation, pain in the affected lung, which can be on the left, and difficulty breathing.


    If it hurts on the left side under the chest, and at the same time a person is tormented by a lung-rending cough, then most likely it is pneumonia. In addition, this disease is accompanied by fever, chills and expectoration of mucus from the lungs.

    Nervous system diseases

    Pain, like other sensations and signals, is known to be transmitted through nerves. The chest is covered with an abundance of nerves, so the occurrence of pain under the left breast may be a manifestation of a dysfunction of the nervous system.

    Parkinson's disease

    With Parkinson's disease, not only the left side of the chest can hurt, but also the left ear and left leg. And all this at the same time. Unfortunately, today the pathology cannot be fully treated.

    Intercostal neuralgia

    Sometimes people are frightened by acute pain in the left side of the chest, but this can be quite harmless intercostal neuralgia. Most often it is caused by hypothermia, stress, or simply an uncomfortable position during sleep. Such attacks usually do not require treatment and go away on their own over time.


    Sometimes the answer to the question of why there is pain in the left side under the chest is obvious and simple - a chest injury.

    The pain from the blow may come a little later, that is, the person did not notice it due to a stressful situation, for example, a car accident or an unexpected fall. Therefore, sometimes a visual examination of the chest gives a clue - as a rule, a bruise remains at the site of the injury.

    First aid

    Since chest pain on the left can be caused by a huge number of different diseases, there is no first aid method. It is impossible to provide assistance to a person without a preliminary diagnosis made by a specialist. You cannot be in a stupor; the basic rule of providing assistance to an injured person is to urgently call an ambulance. It was this action that saved many people's lives.


    You can also learn about the nature of pain in the left side of the sternum from the following video.