Pain under the left breast in the ribs. Colitis in the left side under the chest

Pain under the left breast is not a specific symptom indicating a specific disease, although it is primarily alarming about possible cardiac problems. Truly painful manifestations in the left half of the chest require careful observation, timely consultation with a doctor and diagnosis, since pain under the left breast can signal serious pathologies associated not only with the heart, but also with the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, oncological processes in the gland itself or nearby organs.

Causes of pain under the left breast

The etiological causes of pain under the left breast are varied and can be associated with diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, spleen or pancreas, with osteochondrosis, with pathological inflammatory or oncological processes in the gland itself.

The main causes of pain under the left breast:

  • Diseases of the spleen, which are characterized by radiating pain to the left upper quadrant, located under the left gland:
    • A heart attack that develops due to thrombosis or occlusion (embolism) of the splenic artery, which is one of the largest arteries of the peritoneum. Also, a heart attack can be caused by rheumatism, coronary heart disease, endocarditis, and portal hypertension.
    • Abscess or cyst of the spleen.
    • Trauma and rupture of the spleen.
    • Torsion of the legs of the spleen (wandering spleen torsion).
    • Infectious mononucleosis and splenomegaly (enlarged spleen).
  • Gastrointestinal diseases:
    • Diseases of the small intestine, which are characterized by aching, dull pain spreading to the upper left.
    • Peptic ulcer of the stomach, which is accompanied by acute pain radiating to the left.
    • Gastritis, accompanied by bursting pain, often radiating to the left upper quadrant.
    • Dyspepsia with nausea and pain that may radiate under the left breast.
    • Hernia is a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, which most often forms under the processus xiphoideus - the xiphoid process and is reflected by pain in the left side of the back, under the left breast.
    • Gastropathy of ischemic etiology with aching pain in the area of ​​the xiphoid process, upper left.
    • Oncological processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The causes of pain under the left breast may be associated with cardiac diseases:
    • Angina pectoris - angina pectoris, ischemia of the middle muscular layer of the heart, myocardium, characterized by pressing, substernal pain, often radiating to the left arm, under the chest.
    • AMI is an acute myocardial infarction accompanied by intense pain on the left side.
    • Аneurysma aortae – aortic aneurysm.
    • Pericarditis – pericarditis can manifest as pain under the left breast when it becomes acute.
    • Mitral valve prolapse, characterized by transient, aching, unexpressed pain in the left upper quadrant.
    • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spinal column, causing pain masked as symptoms of angina pectoris.
    • Intercostal neuralgia, accompanied by severe, sharp pain spreading along the nn. Intercostales - intercostal nerves.
  • VSD is vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by pain similar to the clinical picture of angina or myocardial infarction.
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases:
    • Left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, accompanied by dull, mild pain on the left side, in the back and under the chest.
    • Exudative left-sided pleurisy, manifested by increasing pain on the left side when coughing, often from the back or under the chest.
  • Cyst, abscess, fibroadenoma of the mammary gland, accompanied by pain under the breast due to occlusion of the ducts, impaired lymphatic flow.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Mammary cancer.

Symptoms of pain under the left breast

Symptoms of pain under the left breast are nonspecific and can serve as a sign of a variety of diseases that require a careful, comprehensive diagnosis. This is due to the fact that under the left breast there are the spleen, pancreas, hearts, loops of the small intestine, and many other organs innervating the left side.

According to the mechanism of development and sensations of pain, pain is divided into the following types:

  1. Somatic, peritoneal, which develop with inflammation, disruption of the integrity of the peritoneal peritoneal layer. These pains have a clear localization, are felt as sharp, acute, intensify with load, movement and may indicate a rupture or perforation.
  2. Visceral, which develop as a result of impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract (spasms, sprains). These pains are felt as spastic or dull, aching, radiating to the left or right.
  3. Irradiating, reflected, which are felt as transient, aching or shooting and are observed most often with osteochondrosis and pneumonia.
  4. Superficial, associated with diseases of the skin, muscular system (myalgia, myositis), intercostal nerves.

The following are signs of pain under the left breast:

  • Acute, dagger-like pain under the left breast, rapidly growing, unbearable, most often signals a perforation of the stomach wall, perforation of the small intestine, renal pelvis, or rupture of the spleen. This symptom requires emergency medical attention.
  • Acute pain under the left breast when taking a deep breath may indicate a violation of the integrity of nearby internal organs damaged due to injury or accident.
  • An aching, dull pain in the upper left can be a signal of a chronic inflammatory process associated with the gastrointestinal tract - pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, duodenitis.
  • Constant pressing, aching pain in the upper left quadrant is a symptom of angina pectoris, a pre-infarction condition.
  • Intense pain on the left side, which does not go away after taking cardiac medications, spreading and radiating into the arm can be a sign of a developing myocardial infarction.

The symptoms of left-sided pain localized under the breast require a thorough diagnostic examination; the sooner a person pays attention to the painful signs and consults a doctor, the more favorable the prognosis of the identified disease will be.

Aching pain under left breast

The nature of the aching pain in the upper left is most often due to chronic inflammatory processes. Aching pain under the left breast may be associated with sluggish, latent inflammation of the stomach, small intestine, and spleen. Often, aching pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting is a signal of a developing stomach ulcer. Also, dull, chronic pain can serve as a signal of coronary heart disease, angina. Often, diseases of the pancreas, which is located in the upper part of the abdominal region and directed to the left, can also manifest as aching, girdle pain. The aching sensations that appear after physical activity and psycho-emotional stress are associated with myocarditis and other cardiac pathologies. All subtle pain symptoms require consultation with a doctor and a comprehensive examination.

Sharp pain under left breast

Sharp painful sensations always require immediate relief, since delay can lead to serious, life-threatening consequences. Sharp pain under the left breast may be evidence of spasm of the coronary arteries due to coronary artery disease (coronary artery disease), aortic aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction, perforation of the wall of the stomach or small intestine, or infarction pneumonia. Sharp pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and fever, can be a manifestation of acute pancreatitis, since part of the pancreas (tail) is located just on the left side. Such sensations are figuratively called “dagger”, they are impossible to tolerate, and often they are not relieved by conventional painkillers. In addition, sharp painful sensations spreading to the left, including under the chest, may be one of the clinical manifestations of mediastinal emphysema, which “starts” with retrosternal pain and crepitus (a characteristic crunching sound inside the chest). Sharp pain requires relief and emergency medical care.

Severe pain under left breast

A severe painful symptom on the left in the upper quadrant, under the chest, is caused by irritation of the nerve endings in this area and is associated with pleurisy, acute dry pericarditis, acute left-sided pneumonia, and exacerbation of angina. Severe pain in the left breast often indicates intercostal neuralgia, which is a consequence of osteochondrosis.

In addition, severe pain under the left breast is often a symptom of PE - pulmonary embolism, which develops intensely, quickly and is characterized by retrosternal pain radiating forward. In terms of symptoms, the clinical picture of pulmonary embolism is very similar to myocardial infarction, however, thromboembolism is also accompanied by shortness of breath, hemoptysis, and loss of consciousness.

The most dangerous is severe pain under the left breast, which “starts” from the middle of the chest and spreads to the left side, under the chest, into the arm, and into the back. Most often, this is an acute myocardial infarction, which requires immediate relief and hospitalization.

Dull pain under left breast

Mild, dull pain under the left breast may be associated with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine; also dull, spreading pain may indicate a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach, small intestine. Less commonly, aching, dull pain in the left side of the sternum (under the breast) manifests itself as pancreatitis, cholecystitis in an atypical form. In addition, the feeling of dull pain is inherent in prolonged cardialgia of the vegetative type (cardialgia of the vegetative crisis). This disease is manifested by palpitations, tremors of the limbs, shortness of breath, high blood pressure and is not relieved by validol or other cardiac drugs. Dull pain under the left breast with vegetative cardialgia is relieved with sedatives. The same symptoms are characteristic of false angina, in which aching sensations appear in the middle of the chest, dull pain under the left breast. These signs are aggravated by physical activity, emotional stress, and fatigue.

The most dangerous factor that can cause dull painful sensations in the area under the breasts is oncological processes of the mammary glands. As a rule, cancer in the first stage does not manifest itself clinically; the second and subsequent stages are accompanied by increasing, dull, aching painful sensations. Therefore, all women who notice the slightest signs of pain in the chest, under the breasts, should consult a doctor as soon as possible, undergo proper diagnosis and begin treatment.

Stitching pain under left breast

A stabbing sensation in the left upper part of the body is most often not associated with cardiac pathologies and is most likely caused by muscle inflammation, neuralgia, and less commonly, angina pectoris. However, not all patients can objectively describe the nature of pain symptoms, so often stabbing pain under the left breast can be a sign of perforation of the stomach wall or damage to internal organs associated with injury, accident (stabbing sensations intensify when inhaling, bending forward). In addition, if such symptoms appear, exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spinal column, radicular syndrome, lobar pneumonia, tuberculosis, or abscess of the left lung should be excluded. It is believed that stabbing, transient pain on the left or right, under the breast, is most often associated with a reflex syndrome with intercostal neuralgia. Pain sensations are caused by irritation and pressure on the intercostal nerve roots by deformed vertebrae.

Stitching pain in the left chest area, including under the breast, may be signs of the following diseases:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Panic, hysterical states, accompanied by pseudocardialgia.
  • Thoracoalgia – pain associated with osteochondrosis.
  • Dry left-sided pleurisy.
  • Acute form of left-sided pneumonia.
  • Less commonly, diaphragmatic hernia.

Burning pain under left breast

Burning pain under the left breast is a typical sign of a developing myocardial infarction, which begins with a severe pain symptom in the chest, spreading to the back, into the shoulder blade, into the left arm, into the neck, under the left breast. In addition to burning pain, a heart attack is characterized by profuse, increased sweating, nausea, difficulty breathing, and a state close to fainting. Such signs require calling an ambulance and resuscitation measures.

In addition, burning pain under the left breast often indicates an advanced cancer process in the lungs (in the left lung). The pain in this disease is felt as constant, pressing, burning, dull, and may spread to the relatively healthy side - the right.

Diagnosis of pain under the left breast

Diagnostic measures that are suggested for nonspecific pain symptoms are always complex. Diagnosis of pain under the left breast includes the following actions by the doctor:

  • Collection of anamnesis, including hereditary history.
  • Examination - palpation of the sternum, measurement of blood pressure, pulse, temperature, checking reflexes.
  • X-ray of the chest (skeletal system, organs).
  • ECG (electrocardiogram), ultrasound of the heart.
  • Scintiography.
  • Pulmonary angiography.
  • Tomogram – CT, MRI.
  • Laboratory tests of blood, urine, and possibly exudate.

Diagnosis of pain under the left breast is impossible without the presence of a doctor; patients often try to independently differentiate the symptoms and relieve the pain symptom, this can lead to quite serious consequences, even death. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis after all the necessary examinations is the prerogative of a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist.

Treatment of pain under the left breast

Treatment of pain under the left breast depends on the diagnosis, that is, the identified disease. If a pain symptom manifests itself as acute and life-threatening, it is stopped, and then diagnostic measures and basic therapy begin.

Treatment of acute pain under the left breast also involves the following actions:

  • Exclusion of life-threatening pathology - splenic rupture, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm.
  • All patients over 40 years of age with complaints of severe left-sided pain are subject to hospitalization to reduce the risk of acute conditions.
  • Strong anesthetic analgesics (precursors, narcotic drugs) are contraindicated in cases of suspected gastrointestinal pathologies, since relief of an acute symptom can distort the overall clinical picture.
  • Strong analgesics are allowed in cases of suspected cardiac pathology, pulmonary disease, or injury.

First aid, treatment of pain under the left breast for suspected cardiac pathology consists of the following steps:

  • It is necessary to take a cardiac drug - validol, nitroglycerin (sublingual).
  • Take a horizontal position, ensure peace and quiet.
  • Observe the nature of the pain, if it does not subside, immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment for pain under the left breast associated with gastrointestinal diseases is to stop eating, then call a doctor and undergo a full gastroenterological examination. Severe, girdling, dagger-like pain on the left side requires emergency medical attention; self-medication can aggravate the course of the disease and provoke serious complications.

  1. Take cardioprotectors, cardioaspirin, as well as medications recommended by your doctor, without canceling them yourself if your condition improves symptomatically.
  2. Give up bad habits - alcohol, smoking.
  3. Maintain a reasonable, proper diet.
  4. Maintain a gentle motor regimen.
  5. Maintain a positive attitude, master self-regulation techniques, including breathing.
  6. Always carry with you specific cardiac medications that can stop an attack of pain.
  7. If pain under the left breast is associated with osteochondrosis, it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises, move, take prescribed medications, and go swimming.
  8. If the pain is associated with a disease of the mammary gland, it is necessary to regularly visit a mammologist, undergo examinations and follow all medical prescriptions, even if surgery is prescribed.

Rib pain usually refers to discomfort that occurs in the chest wall, rather than inside it. In this case, the source of discomfort is bone or cartilage tissue, adjacent muscles or nerves. Pain in the ribs can be of a different nature: it can be constant or intermittent, sudden or increasing, acute or dull. Doctors explain this diversity by a large number of underlying causes.

Pain in ribs when pressed

Sometimes an inflammatory process can occur in the cartilages that are attached to the sternum - Tietze syndrome. Pain in the ribs when pressed in this case can be quite intense and resemble symptoms of angina pectoris. In addition, attacks can occur spontaneously, without external influence. The localization of pain can be very diverse.

Tietze's disease is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • swelling in the area of ​​the inflamed costal cartilage;
  • when pressing or squeezing the sternum, the discomfort becomes stronger;
  • the first attack may develop against the background of trauma.

In any case, if discomfort in the rib area bothers you for more than three days, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. But before you go to your appointment, you can undergo a self-diagnosis on our website. It contains a simple test, by answering the questions of which you can get a preliminary diagnosis and understand which specialist you need to make an appointment with.

Often, unpleasant sensations are caused by injuries or pathologies in the thoracic spine. The most common causes of rib pain include:

Pain in the ribs, as one of the signs of neuralgia, can change its character: increase when inhaling air and exhaling it, change depending on body position or movements. Malignant bone tissue is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the chest area. There are several types of osteosarcoma. This cancer is characterized by rapid progression and a tendency to metastasize early. People of different age groups are equally susceptible to it. Pain in the ribs is also a typical symptom of pleurisy. This disease is an inflammatory process affecting the membrane in which the lungs are located. The pain in the rib area in this case is dull. In addition, this disease is accompanied by a pronounced limitation of sternum mobility.

Bone injuries

Fractures and cracks occur as a result of falls and impacts. In 15% of all cases of such injuries, it is the ribs that are affected. They usually heal without major intervention and do not require immobilization.

  • conditionally the most “harmless” is a crack or break;
  • violation of the integrity of the rib with intact periosteum;
  • a complete fracture does not in itself pose a serious threat, but debris can injure nearby internal organs.

Particularly complex fractures, called comminuted fractures, require specialist intervention - the most severe type of injury. They are accompanied by quite severe pain in the ribs when pressing or taking a deep breath. Against this background, a state of shock and various kinds of complications may occur. In addition, you should immediately contact a specialist so that he can confirm or deny the absence of lung damage.


Rib pain is just one of the symptoms of pathology. In order to get rid of it, you need to seek help from a traumatologist, neurologist or therapist. Next, you will need to undergo an examination and eliminate the disease itself. You may be prescribed one or more of the following diagnostic methods:

Basic methods for diagnosing rib pain
Diagnostic technique Time Accuracy
ECG 30 minutes 50-80%
General blood analysis 10 minutes 80-95%
Echocardiography 30 minutes 40-60%
Chest X-ray 10 minutes 50-60%

The cost of the examination ranges from 500 to 4000 rubles. After the examination, a course of therapy is prescribed.

Which specialist should I contact?

If you are experiencing pain in the ribs, then you should consult a doctor of the following specialty.

Any pain syndrome felt by a person causes him severe discomfort, and if the reasons for its origin are unclear, it makes him seriously think about his state of health.

Thus, pain under the breasts in the ribs, characterized by the occurrence of pain in the chest area, can signal serious ailments in the body.

Pain in the rib behind the chest, in which the source of pain can be the bony or cartilaginous part of the rib, muscles adjacent to the ribs, or the intercostal nerve, can arise for various reasons.

Thus, it is possible that pain is provoked by a traumatic injury to the chest due to a fall, blow or exposure to external factors:

Fractured ribs. It is characterized by acute pain that spreads to the entire chest area and occurs when inhaling, moving or changing position;

Bruised ribs. Acute, non-intense pain is localized at the site of damage to the muscle tissue surrounding the ribs, which can be recognized by swelling and the presence of a hematoma.

Pain in the ribs under the chest is one of the characteristic manifestations of Tietze syndrome, in which inflammation of the costal cartilages attached to the sternum is observed. Severe pain is noted in the chest area, thereby raising suspicion of angina pectoris. Additional symptoms of this disease include a spindle-shaped swelling in the area of ​​the affected costal cartilage and increased pain when pressing on the sternum. Tietze syndrome can only be diagnosed after undergoing a chest x-ray.

Pain in the ribs under the breasts may be caused by intercostal neuralgia, in which pinching or irritation of the nerves located between the ribs occurs. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is characterized by sudden onset and intensifies with sneezing, coughing, or sudden movement.

Pain under the breasts in the ribs may be triggered by fibromyalgia - muscle pain, the causes of which have not yet been fully understood. Most experts adhere to the hypothesis that pain in this disease can be a consequence of diseases accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, mental disorders and nervous strain. Pain in the chest and ribs with fibromyalgia has its own distinctive characteristics:

Pain is noted on both the right and left sides;

With a sudden change in weather, symptoms worsen;

In the morning, the patient feels tightness in the chest;

Sometimes headaches, sleep disturbances, and the development of depression are observed;

In advanced cases, problems with movement coordination are possible.

Pain under the breasts in the ribs They also provoke diseases of the pleura - a thin film covering the inside of the chest cavity and the outside of the lungs, which is quite closely adjacent to the ribs. The pleura is literally permeated with many nerve endings, the irritation of which leads to the development of pain. Thus, the following main symptoms are characteristic of acute dry pleurisy:

Severe, annoying dry cough;

Pain in the rib area, as a rule, only on one side - left or right;

An increase in pain with a deep breath and any sudden movements;

Feverish state, weakness, apathy.

Rarely, but still, pleural tumors are diagnosed - diseases, the characteristic symptom of which is constant, aching pain in the ribs, localized at the location of the tumor. With a significant size of the neoplasm, which can be either malignant or benign, additional manifestations of the disease include shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, and a bluish or, on the contrary, pale tint of the skin.

Pain in the rib under the breast may be triggered by another disease that is not often diagnosed in medicine - a herniated disc. Pain syndrome localized in the rib area has the following characteristic features:

At first, the pain may be practically imperceptible, but after a while it becomes unbearable, significantly worsening the patient’s quality of life;

Depending on the location of the hernia, pain can be observed only on the right or only on the left side, as well as on both sides simultaneously;

The pain, which is sharp and stabbing in nature, intensifies with physical activity, sneezing and coughing.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal column, characterized by the development of an inflammatory process, compression and irritation of the nerve roots. Many are accustomed to the fact that this disease makes itself felt by the patient with pain in the back, but often the pain extends to the chest and ribs. At the same time, the pain syndrome is often not characterized by increased intensity, and therefore some patients simply note a feeling of discomfort in the chest area. For other people suffering from this disease, the pain, on the contrary, can be very annoying and many report feeling a “stake in the chest.”

Pain in the ribs can also occur in women in late pregnancy. This condition, unlike all others previously discussed, is not pathological and does not pose any harm to both the mother and the baby in her womb. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant condition during pregnancy:

Enlarged uterus. The uterus moves upward, resulting in strong pressure from the inside on the ribs, resulting in pain.

Fetal growth. As the fetal growth increases, in the last trimester of pregnancy, the baby does not fit in the mother's belly.

Motor activity of the fetus. The baby's legs, provided that he is presented correctly, rest against the mother's ribs, thereby causing pain.

Treatment of pain in the ribs, the primary goal should be to identify and eliminate the causes that caused this uncomfortable condition. If the ribs are injured, in the absence of damage to the lungs and pleura, the patient is advised to rest completely and undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures.

To make a reliable diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary with a visit to a traumatologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, surgeon, neurologist, or orthopedist. A chest x-ray, which will certainly be prescribed by a doctor, will help you get a clear picture of the state of affairs in the body. Symptomatic therapy is based on taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the cause of pain in the ribs under the chest is associated with muscle spasms, then the medical specialist will additionally prescribe antispasmodic medications.

Pain in the ribs under the breast in the vast majority of cases (with the exception of advanced pregnancy) signals serious health problems, expressed in pathologies of the most important organs, and therefore you should not delay a visit to a specialist with this problem.

Pain under the breasts can occur in a variety of diseases.
Our body is a single system connected, among other things, by nerves. Sensations from individual nerve endings are transmitted to the common trunk of the autonomic nervous system, and from it sometimes to another organ, so the feeling of pain under the chest on the left side is sometimes caused not by heart problems, but, for example, by gastric pathology.
In addition, painful sensations may not be associated with individual organs at all, but may be a consequence of neurosis - a malfunction of the nervous system. But still we will try to describe the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Heart dysfunction is the first thing that comes to our minds when we feel pain under left breast, and this is a justified fear. Even the slightest spasm of the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart causes the heart muscle to suffer, and if it drags on for several minutes, a heart attack (death of myocardial cells) is inevitable. In this case, the person feels such severe pain that it is difficult for him to even breathe. It radiates to the left arm and part of the back. In this case, you need to take a nitroglycerin tablet and call an ambulance.

In particular, the feeling of pain under the mammary glands can be caused by inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, aortic aneurysm, and pulmonary embolism. All of these diseases are dangerous and require urgent medical attention.

It should be noted that in men, a heart attack can occur at any age, but in women - only in old age. If a representative of the fair sex does not have congenital or acquired cardiac pathologies before puberty, then she may not be afraid of heart attack, angina, ischemia and other heart problems before the onset of menopause, when the likelihood of their occurrence increases many times over. This is how nature took care of human offspring.
The onset of early menopause (for example, due to the currently widespread weight loss disease - anorexia) also brings the time of possible heart disease closer.

If you have pain under left breast, the cause may be cardioneurosis. These pains are usually dull and aching, but sometimes they are sharp and short-lived. Nitroglycerin, validol and other heart medications do not help in this case, since the heart is healthy, the reason lies in stress, depression, and overwork. The patient needs to eliminate traumatic circumstances and treatment from a neurologist.
Intercostal neuralgia can also be a source of pain under the mammary gland on the left, which is caused by a pinched nerve root in the thoracic spine or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

Problems with the diaphragm, stomach and spleen can also cause pain under the left breast.
The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Sometimes a hernia forms on it, the stomach moves into the chest cavity and causes severe pain.
In some diseases, the spleen becomes inflamed and even ruptured (for example, with infectious mononucleosis). In this case, cyanosis appears around the navel (blood accumulates there).

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Pain under right breast, in addition to diaphragmatic hernia and intercostal neuralgia, can cause problems with the liver and gall bladder.
Viral hepatitis is a common cause of this. Hepatitis A is easily contracted through food and water, hepatitis B is common among drug addicts and homosexuals; anyone can become infected by contact with any of them, and hepatitis C is transmitted mainly through contaminated blood.
Cholecystitis, gallstone disease, cirrhosis are also manifested by pain on the right under the mammary gland.

Pain under the breasts during pregnancy usually associated with the fact that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the woman’s internal organs. So, if it hurts on the right (usually the process begins at 25-30 weeks), then most likely the pressure is directed to the gallbladder or diaphragm, in this case, expectant mothers are advised not to sleep on the right side, everything will go away after childbirth.

Acute or chronic disease of the pancreas, pancreatitis, is another possible reason for pain under the breasts. This disease is often common among alcoholics, people who abuse medications, who have undergone chemotherapy, and who abuse fatty, spicy, smoked and other harmful foods.
The pancreas is stretched across the abdomen from right to left, therefore causing painful sensations around the abdomen. An attack of acute pancreatitis is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by aching pain under the mammary glands.

Despite the fact that the kidneys are located at the back wall of the abdominal cavity, much lower than the chest area, the right kidney, for example, may be the reason why the right side under the chest hurts.
A purulent-inflammatory infection or urolithiasis causes severe pain, which sometimes radiates under the right chest and into the back.

Pain in the ribs under the chest may be a consequence of intercostal neuralgia due to compression of the nerves between the ribs or their deformation. They are caused by herniated intervertebral discs, curvature of the spine, overstrain of muscles and ligaments, and blows to the chest area.
Another reason is rib fractures. They heal without special treatment within a few weeks, but are dangerous due to the possibility of lung damage, so if you have the slightest suspicion of such an injury, you should consult a doctor.
It happens that the cartilaginous parts of the ribs become inflamed, this disease is called Tietze syndrome. In this case, a sharp and severe pain occurs, intensifying when pressing on the sternum.

Women experience more and more frequent chest pain. Sometimes it is localized in the mammary gland itself, and sometimes between the breasts or under the breasts. The causes of pain on each side can be the most common. And it won't always be about diseases. Girdle pain under the breasts can also occur in the stronger half of humanity, which most likely indicates diseases of the organs that are located nearby.

Why does it hurt under the breast? This question can only be answered by a doctor who first diagnoses pain and conducts all instrumental and laboratory tests that help in identifying pathological processes in the body. The website can only give common causes of pain that occurs in a particular case. However, experts do not recommend self-medication if constant pain of various types occurs. If disease develops, it should be treated rather than ignored.

Pain on the left side

It should be remembered that nerve endings are located throughout the body. They form a single system, so it can hurt in one place, but cause pain in another. Pay attention to pain that occurs constantly, as it clearly indicates the occurrence of pathology and disease in the body. Usually, if pain occurs on the left side, then people immediately think about problems with the heart.

In principle, the heart can really give pain to the chest in various pathologies. When the heart is poorly supplied with blood, a heart attack is possible. However, this is not the only disease that can cause pain in the left chest. Get diagnosed, as heart problems are quite serious and cannot be treated on your own.

The problem may lie not only in the heart itself, but also in the aorta, cardiac muscles, cardiac artery, and even in abnormal pathology of the structure of the organ itself. In any case, all these reasons become a valid reason for hospitalization, since self-medication may lead to complications or undesirable consequences, including death.

Heart problems most often occur in men of any age. Women are still less likely to suffer from heart attacks and other heart diseases, which can only be a concern after menopause.

Problems with the myocardium can cause pain of aching, sharp, or shingling nature. Such pain intensifies after eating a lot of food, after intense physical exertion or severe emotional shock. Of course, you can relieve heart pain with the help of special medications, but if these problems arise constantly, they clearly indicate the necessary medical help.

Often pain on the left side under the chest occurs due to neuroses. If a person is constantly under stress, very nervous, worried, experiencing emotional stress and tired, then the pain can be dull, aching or briefly acute. Heart medications will not help in this case, since the pain is not caused by heart problems. Here it is necessary to provide a person with peace and protect him from stress factors, so that the pain gradually passes and health is restored.

Diseases that cause pain under the breast on the left side

Do not forget that there are other organs on the left side of the chest. Pain can radiate from other organs located in a completely different place. Thus, pain on the left under the chest can be provoked by various diseases. So, on the left side, pain occurs with diseases of the stomach, spleen or diaphragm.

  • The diaphragm separates the chest and abdominal cavities. If hernias occur in the diaphragm itself, then the stomach moves upward, which causes pain.
  • The spleen can also cause various pain sensations, including in the chest. Particularly dangerous is the situation of splenic rupture, which can happen on its own. So, if the organ that purifies the blood begins to hurt, a person experiences girdling pain, a blue navel, and an enlarged spleen.
  • The stomach always feels painful. Therefore, if any diseases begin to arise in it, a person will not be able to miss it. He will constantly feel pain of a different nature. They can especially intensify after eating. A common cause of pain is gastritis, which causes aching pain. Possibly causing nausea or vomiting. Experts recommend that you definitely diagnose the causes of stomach pain, because we can talk about the development of cancer, ulcers or an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane. Drugs for treatment are selected only after diagnosis of the disease.
  • Intercostal neuralgia can also cause pain under the left breast. In this case, we are talking about pinched nerves in the area of ​​the ribs or spine.

Pain on the right side

Quite a lot of diseases cause pain on the right side under the chest:

  1. Cirrhosis.
  2. Cholelithiasis.
  3. Cholecystitis.
  4. Viral hepatitis.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Acute and chronic diseases of the gallbladder or liver.
  7. Kidney diseases.
  8. Urolithiasis disease.
  9. Infectious diseases.
  10. Diseases that cause girdle pain.
  11. Cartilage inflammation.
  12. Problems with the respiratory system.

It should be understood that each disease has its own character, and it occurs in any area, and can be either unilateral or bilateral. It will be difficult for an ordinary person to say exactly what caused the pain. Therefore, the help of a doctor in this case will not hurt.

It is necessary to talk about oncology in rare cases, since pain is first preceded by other signs that cannot be ignored. However, it is still better to get tested to be sure.

Pain under the breasts during pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied by periodic pain in various areas. All this is due to the constant growth of the uterus and the shifting of neighboring organs. Pain can be completely natural during pregnancy. However, if a woman is worried about pain under the breasts, then she needs to consult a gynecologist.

Diseases of the biliary tract, gallbladder or chronic cholecystitis can worsen during pregnancy, causing pain. If this is the case, then the woman will complain about:

  1. Acute sharp, aching or girdling pain.
  2. Nausea and vomiting, bitterness in the mouth.
  3. Heaviness inside.
  4. Bloating.

Any chronic diseases will intensify during pregnancy, but you need to think about their treatment together with your gynecologist. Pain is also natural when the baby moves.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pain

Pain comes in a variety of forms, so you need to diagnose it by telling your doctor about your symptoms.

  • Severe, sharp and sharp pain can occur during exacerbation of diseases.
  • Stitching, dull or girdle pain often indicates heart disease, but not only that.
  • Aching pain occurs when there are problems with the respiratory system.

Pregnancy is accompanied by pain, so symptoms usually go away after childbirth. If doctors are unable to establish the cause of the pain, then we can talk about the development of depression, apathy or prolonged stress, which causes pain.


Pain indicates the appearance of disorders in the body. Some of them are self-limiting. But most often, help is needed to improve prognoses when eliminating pain.