Is it painful to do coagulation of the cervix. Cervical erosion


Radio wave coagulation is used in many branches of medicine. This non-contact method of influence is characterized by low trauma and the absence of risks in the recovery period. In modern gynecology, radio wave coagulation of the cervical part of the uterus is quite common.

The method of radio wave coagulation eliminates various pathological processes concentrated in the area of ​​the cervix. The introduction of the method of radio wave coagulation into gynecological practice has occurred relatively recently. However, for a short period of using radio wave coagulation, the method showed high efficiency in the treatment of such pathologies as erosion, papillomas, condylomas, dysplasia, polyps, leukoplakia.

After radio wave coagulation, there are no sutures, cicatricial deformation of tissues and pain, and the discharge is usually insignificant. Cauterization does not take much time and is carried out on an outpatient basis with a gynecologist. Nevertheless, there are certain indications and contraindications for the procedure, as well as the features of its implementation.

Indications and contraindications

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​considered a surgical intervention. In gynecological practice, radiocoagulation is often performed on the cervix.

It is known that the neck is the lowest part of the uterine body. The cervical part unites the vagina and uterus, which is carried out through the cervical canal.

The cervix quite often becomes the area of ​​localization of various gynecological pathologies. This is due to the peculiarities of its structure.

The cervix is ​​represented by both the vaginal and supravaginal parts. However, the visible area for the gynecologist is only that part of the mucosa that is directly adjacent to the vagina. The surface of the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​pink and smooth. The epithelium, which forms the surface of the mucosa, consists of stratified squamous cells.

Inside the cervix, a slit-like (in women giving birth) and in the form of a point (in nulliparous girls) entrance to the cervical canal is visualized. Thanks to the cervical canal, spermatozoa are promoted and the rejected endometrium exits in the form of bloody discharge from the uterine cavity. Since the vagina communicates with the uterine cavity through the cervical canal, there is a mechanism that prevents the infection from being thrown from the outside.

The cervical canal is lined from the inside with a single-layer cylindrical epithelium, which causes its velvety surface and a reddish tint. The cervical canal also contains glands that produce special mucus to protect the sterile uterine cavity from harmful microflora.

Most benign conditions of the cervix occur in the so-called transformation zone., which is characterized by the transition of one type of epithelium to another.

Most often, the pathology in which doctors have to resort to radio wave coagulation involves ectopia or pseudo-erosion. This pathological condition is characterized by the formation of a site on the vaginal part of the uterus, consisting of cylindrical cells. Such pseudo-erosion is a consequence of a violation of the integrity of the squamous epithelium and a wound that does not heal properly.

Pseudo-erosion is usually accompanied by an inflammatory process and may be a background to the development of precancerous and oncological conditions of the cervix. That is why, when such a defect is found on the cervical epithelium, experts recommend its removal, in particular, by the method of radio wave coagulation.

Radiocoagulation has practically no consequences in the form of secretions and other complications. In addition, radio wave coagulation can be used in nulliparous patients.

Experts identify the following indications for the use of radiocoagulation:

  • pseudo-erosion;
  • cicatricial deformity of the neck;
  • polyps of the cervical canal;
  • cysts of the vagina and cervix;
  • erosive ectropion;
  • some forms of endometriosis;
  • dysplasia;
  • leukoplakia;
  • hypertrophy.

Radio wave coagulation has significant advantages over other methods of cauterization. However, there are certain contraindications that make radiocoagulation impossible.

Contraindications to radio wave coagulation include:

  • acute inflammatory process;
  • oncological alertness;
  • metal implants;
  • pregnancy;
  • genital infections;
  • bleeding.

Despite the presence of certain contraindications, many of them are reversible. After the treatment or childbirth, it is possible to carry out the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The method of radiocoagulation has many advantages when compared with other cauterization tactics. Among the advantages of radio wave coagulation, doctors distinguish:

  • possibility of use in nulliparous patients;
  • absence of cicatricial deformation of the affected tissue;
  • low risk of infection and bleeding;
  • relatively short postoperative period;
  • optional use of drugs after radiocoagulation;
  • sterilization of the wound during exposure;
  • the possibility of taking material for histological examination;
  • cauterization within pathological tissues;
  • painlessness;
  • the simplicity of the method.

Since radio wave coagulation is a relatively new method, its implementation is associated with certain difficulties. The following disadvantages of radiocoagulation can be noted:

  • high price;
  • lack of equipment and qualified personnel in most medical institutions;
  • in some cases, a rather long postoperative period.

Some women may experience intense pain associated with the characteristics of the pain threshold. As a rule, the duration of the postoperative period depends on the volume of the procedure.

Carrying out and features of the postoperative period

Before the procedure, the patient must undergo an examination in order to clarify the diagnosis and exclude contraindications to the method of treatment. Diagnosis before radiocoagulation includes:

  • gynecological examination;
  • colposcopy, which is performed in both simple and advanced versions;
  • biopsy if a precancerous or malignant process is suspected;
  • smear for oncocytology;
  • PCR for sexual infections;
  • bakposev;
  • flora smear.

When sexual infections are detected and inflammation, conservative treatment is recommended.

The method of radio wave coagulation is carried out at the beginning of the cycle, after the end of menstruation. Usually, experts recommend manipulation on the fifth - tenth day of the cycle.

During radiocoagulation, exposure to high frequency electromagnetic radiation occurs. In the process of cauterization, electromagnetic rays generated by the Surgitron apparatus are directed to the pathological tissue. There is no effect on healthy mucosa.

The destruction of pathological cells occurs as a result of an increase in the temperature of the focus, which causes its evaporation. The formation of a wound or scab is completely excluded, since radio wave coagulation is a non-contact method of treating the cervix. During manipulation, the tip is inserted into the vagina, however, does not touch the mucosa.

With radiocoagulation, a kind of soldering of capillaries and sterilization of the wound occurs, which eliminates the risk of bleeding and infection in the postoperative period. Thus, after the intervention, excretion and other consequences are practically not observed.

Cauterization of erosion or excision of dysplasia is carried out after preliminary local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the intervention. If necessary, the coagulated material is sent to the laboratory for histological examination.

The postoperative period is relatively mild. After radio wave coagulation, the following may appear:

  • minor pain;
  • blood secretions;
  • abundant first after the procedure of menstruation.

In order to eliminate the consequences after radiocoagulation, it is recommended:

  • refrain from swimming in open water and visiting the sauna;
  • exclude sexual life;
  • refuse intense physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • replace the bath with a shower, and tampons with sanitary pads.

After radio wave coagulation, complications and serious consequences rarely develop. Experts recommend paying attention to the following signs, which are an indication for a visit to the doctor:

  • bloody discharge with clots;
  • unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge;
  • the duration of bleeding over three weeks;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in body temperature.

The consequences after radiocoagulation include:

  • infection;
  • bleeding;
  • narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • reproductive dysfunction.

To avoid consequences after manipulation, you should follow all the recommendations of the attending gynecologist.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common female diseases. Currently, there are many factors that predispose to the development of this pathology. We can safely say that half of the women during their lives had cervical erosion. Therefore, the relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. In this article we will tell you about the method of diagnosing erosion, and methods of its treatment.

Anatomy of the uterus

If we are talking about such an organic disease as erosion, then it is necessary to provide at least a minimum of information about the anatomy of the affected organ, its structure and position in the body. Everyone knows that the uterus is located in the pelvic cavity and is a continuation of the internal genital tract. The uterine cavity communicates with the vaginal cavity through the cervical canal, which is the median structure of the cervix. The uterus has several parts that differ in structure: the bottom, body and cervix. In the context of cervical erosion, we are interested in the structure and position of this structure relative to neighboring organs. The cervix is ​​the narrowest part of the uterus that protrudes into the vaginal cavity. Outside, the cervix is ​​covered with a multi-layered non-keratinized mucous epithelium, which has a structure similar to that of the vaginal mucosa. The middle shell is made up of muscle tissue, the main direction of the fibers is circular. Therefore, the main function of this membrane in the cervix is ​​the narrowing of the lumen of the cervical canal. In the cervical canal, the canal itself is isolated, external (on the border of the vaginal cavity and cervix) and internal pharynx (on the border of the cervix and uterine cavity).

What does the cervical mucosa look like under a microscope in normal conditions and with erosion?

Normally, the mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix is ​​covered with stratified epithelium. Under the microscope, this epithelium appears as several rows of cells containing nuclei, tightly closed both within one layer and between layers. The basal layer of the mucosa is located on the border of the muscular and mucous membranes. It is in it that epithelial cells originate. Gradually, basal cells by division give all new epithelial cells. Which, as more and more new cells are added, move outward in layers. Thanks to this continuous process, there is a continuous self-renewal of the mucosa, healing of its defects, mechanical obstruction of the penetration of infection.
The structure of the epithelium of the cervix differs significantly from the mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix. The main difference lies in the single layer of the epithelium and in the properties of the cells that make it up. These cells have a cylindrical shape (that's why the epithelium is called cylindrical). But the main feature of these cells is the synthesis of special cervical mucus, which mechanically prevents the penetration of microbes and chemicals from the vaginal cavity.

What is called erosion?

In a broad sense, erosion is a defect in the integumentary tissue called the epithelium. If we are talking about erosion of the cervix, then we mean a defect in the vaginal outer part of the cervix. With this defect, the integrity of the layers of the uterine mucosa is violated, the epithelium becomes thinner. Important in this is that the defect does not affect the basal layer - thanks to this, it is possible to restore the epithelium (regeneration). In the event that the basal layer is damaged, then this defect can be covered either by a single-layer cylindrical epithelium of the cervix (pseudo-erosion will form) or scar tissue will form in its place.

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

This method of surgical removal of ectopic epithelium is performed using a special Surgitron apparatus. After preliminary preparation, exposure to the ectopic area of ​​radio waves of a certain frequency causes a local increase in temperature in the tissues to a small depth. Thanks to this method, superficial disruption of the ectopic epithelium occurs without damaging the deep layers of the myometrium. This gentle method allows the removal of ectopic epithelium without further scarring of the treated area.

How to behave after cauterization of the cervix?

After cauterization, there is a wound on the mucous membrane of the cervix. For its optimal healing, it is necessary to create optimal conditions, functional rest, normalize the microflora, and follow the hygiene recommendations of the attending physician. In this regard, any form of genital contact should be excluded. It is necessary to take drugs that stimulate healing, antibacterial drugs and eubiotics that create optimal conditions for speedy healing.

The duration of sexual rest is determined individually. However, this period in most cases is at least 4 weeks. For a more confident determination of the timing of the recovery period, it is necessary to regularly visit the attending gynecologist and conduct an examination in the mirrors.

The duration of drug treatment is determined by the attending gynecologist individually, depending on the general condition of the patient, the cause of erosion and the dynamics of the process.

Preparation for cauterization includes several stages:

  • restoration of normal microflora of the vagina
  • research on sexually transmitted diseases.
  • in case of detection of sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment of identified infections.
  • in some cases, it makes sense to conduct a preliminary biopsy (taking a normal section of the vaginal mucosa) for subsequent microscopic examination.
  • in the case of immunodeficiency states, it is necessary to conduct a complex treatment that stimulates the protective properties of the body.

Prognosis for cervical erosion

With timely and adequate treatment, a complete cure is possible. However, in the case of progression of the disease, an increase in erosion in size, malignancy of erosion tissues, bleeding, and female infertility are possible. Therefore, the treatment of cervical erosion should not be postponed or treated as something insignificant. Be responsible for your own health.

What does cervical erosion look like?

Erosion of the cervix is ​​​​quite often discovered by chance at a routine examination with the help of mirrors at the gynecologist. The damaged area is usually rounded, bright red in color, without signs of inflammation. But there are erosions and irregular shapes. The damaged epithelium is located most often around the opening of the cervical canal. Touching this area with any instrument may cause light bleeding.

To determine the depth and extent of the lesion, the cervix is ​​stained with various dyes (3-5% acetic acid, Lugol's solution). With such staining, erosion becomes clearly visible.

What are the consequences of cauterization of the cervix?

The consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion depend on the type of cauterization. There are several types of this procedure:
  • Diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • Chemical destruction;
  • Laser therapy.
Most complications occur after diathermocoagulation(cauterization by electric current). After this intervention, a scar may form in the lower part of the cervical canal. Because of this, the cervical canal narrows, which can make it difficult for both the onset of pregnancy and the process of childbirth itself - there is a high probability of cervical rupture. Therefore, diathermocoagulation is not recommended for nulliparous or pregnant women.

Another possible consequence is the development of endometriosis - the movement of the epithelium, characteristic of the internal cavity of the uterus, to the surface of the cervix. To prevent endometriosis, it is recommended to carry out cauterization in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

After cryodestruction ( erosion by liquid nitrogen) scar tissue is not formed and the cervical canal retains its elasticity, but sometimes it can be slightly shortened. The depth of exposure to this method is limited, so cryodestruction is indicated only for superficial defects of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Irregularly shaped erosions are not treated in this way, because. nitrogen can get on healthy tissue, which is highly undesirable. The possibility of conception and successful pregnancy after cryodestruction is preserved.

Chemical degradation erosion does not entail any negative consequences, but it is able to act only on defects that are small in area. Another "inconvenience" of this procedure is the need for repeated sessions - for a complete cure, up to 3-5 procedures may be needed.

Perhaps the only method that has no side effects and contraindications is laser treatment erosion. After it, no scars remain, the depth of exposure can be set manually, healthy tissues are not damaged.

What to do if there is discharge during cervical erosion?

Nature took care of protecting the internal genital organs of a woman from various harmful factors. The stratified squamous epithelium covering the cervix and vagina normally secretes mucus, which prevents the penetration of infectious agents into the uterus and beyond.

In case of failures in the hormonal status of a woman or the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the vagina, the acid-base balance is disturbed and mucus production increases. These factors contribute to the development of cervical erosion.

Erosion on the mucous membrane of the cervix may bleed slightly. This usually happens after sexual contact or deep washing.

It should be said that spotting and leucorrhoea are not a characteristic sign of erosion. Rather, they indicate the presence of pathogenic flora in the vagina and the presence of inflammation. Therefore, these manifestations should be combated with the help of anti-inflammatory therapy - antibiotics in aerosols and ointments (Olazol, Levovinizol, Miramistin, Vaginorm C), treatment of the cervix with sea buckthorn oil or solcoseryl ointment. These measures are not a cure for erosion, they only prepare the ground for its further elimination.

What are the alternative methods of treatment of cervical erosion?

It is worth immediately warning that alternative treatment will be really effective only in cases where there is no severe inflammation and signs of cell degeneration.

Tool name How it works How to apply What result to expect
Sea buckthorn oil Accelerates tissue healing.
Tampons soaked in oil are inserted into the vagina at night for 1.5-2 weeks. You can lubricate the cervix with cotton swabs with oil.
Eucalyptus oil Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal action; accelerates the cleansing and healing of the epithelium Tampons soaked in oil are inserted into the vagina at night for 1.5-2 weeks. Before use, the oil should be diluted with a fatty base (lanolin, petroleum jelly), in a ratio of 3-5 drops of oil per 10-20 g of fat. Combine well with basil oil (1-2 drops). Normalizes microflora;
reduces discharge; reduces the activity of inflammatory processes;
deodorizes (eliminates the unpleasant smell of secretions);
increases local immunity.
eucalyptus leaves Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal action, accelerates the cleansing and healing of the epithelium Used in the form of an infusion prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. raw materials - 1 glass of water.
Put in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, strain and moisten cotton swabs with it. They can be left in the vagina all night.
With the same infusion, douching can be done twice a day, for 5-7 days.
It normalizes the flora, reduces secretions, reduces the activity of inflammatory processes, deodorizes (eliminates the unpleasant smell of secretions).
Juice and oil of aloe, Kalanchoe Antiseptic and healing action; anti-inflammatory and antiviral action;
antifungal action;
biostimulating action.
Aloe leaves (7-10 pieces) aged for 12 days in the refrigerator are peeled from the green peel (only the jelly-like part of the leaf should remain). Pour 100 ml of oil - olive, sunflower, wheat germ oil. Keep for 2 weeks in a dark cool place.
Soak a cotton swab with juice squeezed from several leaves of aloe or Kalanchoe and insert it all night into the vagina or douching.
Also soak a swab with oil and wipe the cervix with it.
Restoration of the vaginal flora, reduction of discharge, reduction of itching and soreness, rapid healing of erosion, without the formation of rough tissue.
Rosehip oil Increases local immunity; increases the rate of tissue repair;
has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Insert oil-soaked tampons twice a day into the vagina.
Oil (2-3 drops) can be mixed with a fatty base (vaseline or lanolin) - 10 g. Make balls from the mixture and insert it into the vagina, or apply it to a tampon and leave it in the vagina overnight.
Promotes rapid healing of the epithelium, without the formation of gross defects;
removes inflammation; increases local resistance to microbes and viruses.

How to treat cervical erosion at home?

Treatment of cervical erosion at home should consist of anti-inflammatory drugs, and in the future, cauterization should be considered. Erosion should not be treated with medicinal herbs: they give only a temporary improvement, but the cause of the disease (and most often it is the human papillomavirus) cannot be removed with the help of herbal remedies.

Name of the drug Main active ingredient What effect does How to apply What results to expect
Olazol Levomycetin;
Boric acid;
Sea buckthorn oil;
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.
Promotes healing of erosion.
Insert tampons soaked in the drug into the vagina up to 3-4 times a day. Before use, conduct a thorough hygiene of the intimate area. Reducing inflammation, reducing pain, itching, reducing vaginal discharge.
Levovinizole Levomycetin;
Anti-inflammatory action;
Antimicrobial action;
Promotes the healing of tissue defects.
Insert tampons soaked in the drug into the vagina up to 3 times a week at night. Reducing vaginal discharge, reducing inflammation.
Miramistin Miramistite;
Disodium salt of edetic acid.
Antiseptic action against many microbial pathogens; Antifungal action;
Destroys a viral infection of the genital organs;
Strengthens local immunity;
Promotes the fastest recovery of the epithelium.
A swab soaked in the composition is inserted into the vagina daily, the course of treatment can be up to a week. It is allowed to use during pregnancy. Anti-inflammatory effect, reduction of vaginal discharge, healing of epithelial defects, cleansing of the vaginal flora.
Vaginorm S Ascorbic acid Antiseptic action;
Increases local protective functions against microbes and viruses;
Normalizes the pH of the vagina.
The tablet should be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina. Use once a day - at night. The course of treatment is up to a week. Reuse is possible. It is allowed to use during pregnancy.
Elimination of signs of inflammation, reduction of whites, normalization of the acid-base environment in the vagina.
Solcoseryl ointment Protein free calf blood extract Accelerating the regeneration of the epithelial layer Tampons with ointment are inserted into the vagina 1-2 times a day. Healing of the damaged epithelial layer
Sea buckthorn oil A mixture of carotene and carotenoids; tocopherols; chlorophyll substances and glycerides. Accelerates tissue healing;
It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
Tampons soaked in oil are inserted into the vagina all night for 1.5-2 weeks. You can lubricate the cervix with cotton swabs with oil. Reduction of inflammation, normalization of the vaginal microflora, healing of the epithelium.

How to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous?

Women should immediately be warned: it is not worth postponing the treatment of erosion for a long time, because it can degenerate into a more serious disease. And the fact that a woman has not yet given birth or is currently pregnant is not a contraindication to treatment.

But the choice of treatment method in this case is crucial. Given that some methods of cauterization may cause undesirable consequences in the future, it is necessary to choose a method that does not affect the ability to become pregnant or give birth without problems.

The most gentle methods include chemotherapy and laser treatment. If the size of erosion is small, you can stop at the chemical method of treatment; laser therapy is suitable for eliminating defects of any depth and size.

In cases where the size of erosion is up to 2 cm, it is possible to use an alternative method of treatment - physiotherapy stimulation of healing with the help of ultraviolet rays.

If the disease is detected in a pregnant woman, cauterization of erosion can be postponed until childbirth. This is possible when the size of erosion is minimal, there are no signs of cell degeneration and inflammation. In the presence of inflammation, but with a small area of ​​​​damage, anti-inflammatory and regenerating (healing) agents are prescribed - Olazol, Levovinizol, Miramistin, Vaginorm C, sea buckthorn oil, solcoseryl ointment.

Normally, the cervix is ​​tightly closed and has a special mucus that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes directly into its cavity. Pathologies, including erosion, affecting this organ, in most cases are asymptomatic and are detected only during examinations. Conservative methods of treatment in the form of suppositories, ointments or tablets are not always successful. Therefore, in the fight against diseases of the cervix, they are more often prescribed as an option for additional therapy. The most effective method of treatment today remains cauterization (coagulation).

Diseases of the cervix - causes

Cervical diseases occur at any age, due to the negative impact of various factors:

  • hormonal failure;
  • traumatic operations (with abortive interventions or during childbirth);
  • infectious and inflammatory processes.

Under the influence of these causes, healthy cells die, a wound surface is formed, which bleeds a little.

Diseases of the cervix interfere with the onset of a healthy pregnancy, as the process of penetration of infectious agents into the uterine cavity is facilitated. In some cases, with the long-term existence of pathology and the absence of adequate treatment, malignancy occurs (the transformation of benign cells into malignant ones).

What is cervical coagulation?

Cervical coagulation is a special minimally invasive intervention, in which all actions are aimed at the formation of a blood clot that stops bleeding or destroys pathological formations on the inner surface of the organ. It is carried out in different ways, each of which has its own merits. In modern gynecological practice are used:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave vaporization;
  • cryocoagulation;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • laser vaporization.

Which specific method will be used depends to a greater extent on the equipment of the clinic, the desire of the patient and the existing contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages of coagulation

Benefits of coagulation:

  1. Basically, only affected tissues are removed, while healthy ones remain intact, with the exception of diathermocoagulation.
  2. The complicated phase of scarring, inherent in conventional surgical interventions, is practically absent during coagulation, respectively, the neck is not injured so much. This is especially important for young women who have not given birth yet.
  3. The additional sterilizing effect of coagulation prevents the penetration and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the wound.
  4. Healing is very fast.
  5. Bloody discharge after the intervention is practically absent.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • most often the high cost of procedures;
  • low prevalence of coagulation in small towns due to the lack of equipment and specialists with the necessary knowledge and experience;
  • individual characteristics of a woman's body, for example, a high pain threshold;
  • a protracted recovery period (occurs extremely rarely, for example, with electrocoagulation).

Indications and contraindications, precautions before intervention

For the procedure, there are certain indications, which include not only cervical erosion, but also a number of other serious pathologies. These include:

  • endometriosis of the cervical canal;
  • hypertrophy of the tissues of the cervix, that is, an increase in its volume due to prolapse or prolapse of the uterus;
  • polyps, papillomas and other benign formations;
  • uterine or cervical cysts.

However, in gynecology, coagulation is not always used. Sometimes this is not due to the lack of necessary equipment or specialists, but to special contraindications to such treatment. These include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence in the body of pacemakers or other foreign bodies;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes localized in the pelvis or the vulva.

To a greater extent, contraindications are temporary, and with proper preparation, restoration of indicators, coagulation can be used in the fight against gynecological pathologies.

Preparation for the procedure

Before deciding on a particular method of treatment, the doctor to whom the woman turned for help, without fail, conducts a series of examinations:

  • gynecological examination using special mirrors;
  • cytological examination of the smear (for the presence of atypical cells or other negative changes in the sample);
  • common and ;
  • coagulogram (the rate of blood clotting is determined);
  • tests for urological diseases and sexually transmitted infections.

A complete examination is necessary because it allows you to identify not only a gynecological disease, but also the most likely cause of its occurrence. The method and extent of intervention strictly depends on the severity, stage of the course of the disease and comorbidities, mainly in the gynecological sphere.

Methods for performing various types of coagulation

The technique of the procedure depends on the type of coagulation. In general, all methods are based on the exact impact on the affected area by a certain agent - a factor that destroys pathological cells. This role is played by cold, electric impulse, radio wave, laser, chemical substance.

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation), or electric cauterization

Electrocoagulation is a special method, the mechanism of action of which is based on the effect of electrical impulses on tissues. Diathermocoagulation is performed under anesthesia, as the process is quite painful. If the lesion is extensive or if there are special indications, the use of general anesthesia is recommended.

The technique of the operation is reduced to several points:

  1. The first ball (needle) electrode is brought to the neck, the second is placed under the lumbar region. The affected area is treated with saline.
  2. After turning on the device, heat is generated, with the help of which the damaged areas of the mucosa are melted. Moreover, not only altered tissues are affected, but also healthy ones. This is necessary to prevent the spread of erosion. The procedure takes no more than 40 minutes.

Manipulation is carried out in the absence of spotting (usually 4 days after the end of menstruation). Diathermocoagulation is used only for the treatment of pathologies in women who have given birth. This is due to the fact that after healing of the wound surface, a scar remains on the cervix.

Argon plasma destruction is a new method of non-contact elimination of pathologically altered tissues, the essence of which is the evaporation of cells using the energy of an electromagnetic field created by an argon plasma torch.

Radio wave coagulation

Radio wave coagulation is based on the action of special high-frequency radio waves. The gynecologist directs the electromagnetic beam directly to the pathological focus and precisely affects the affected area. Under its action, the tissues are heated, and the altered parts of the epithelium evaporate.

The radio wave method is completely harmless, because it does not require incisions and suturing. Scarring after such a procedure does not occur. And the high temperature of the acting wave helps to avoid infection with pathogenic microflora. The procedure is carried out from the 8th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

Radio wave method for the treatment of cervical erosion - video

Laser vaporization

The essence of laser coagulation lies in the fact that the laser has a targeted effect on damaged tissues, as a result of which the light energy of the beam is converted into heat. In a fraction of a second, the affected area is heated to high temperatures, which contributes to the burning out of pathologically altered cells and the disappearance of the problem. The area of ​​action of the laser is quite small, so the processes of regeneration and recovery after the procedure occur much faster than with other methods. The depth of exposure is usually no more than 5 mm, and when the pathological process spreads to the tissues of the vagina, it decreases to 1.5 mm.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. With a small area of ​​​​damage, coagulation without anesthesia is allowed - it all depends on the patient's sensitivity to pain. Its essence is:

  • removal of mucus from the cervical canal;
  • marking the affected area;
  • vaporization (cauterization with strong heating) of tissues under the control of a colposcope with a laser device;
  • conization (if indicated) - removal of a small amount of tissue of the vaginal part of the cervix for histological examination.

It is important that during laser coagulation in the cervix, the glands and ducts are destroyed. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of erosion or the occurrence of another disease.

Is it worth it to carry out laser coagulation - video

Chemical coagulation

The chemical method is one of the first in the treatment of cervical pathologies. At present, the method is rarely used. Its essence lies in the application under the control of a colposcope to a pathologically altered area of ​​a special mixture of drugs (Solkagina and Vagotil). Solkovagin and Vagotil contribute to the destruction of the superficial layer of the epithelium, which is rejected after two days. The procedure is recommended to be carried out on the 7-10th day of the cycle.


One of the common methods of influencing pathologically altered layers of the cervix is ​​cryocoagulation (the use of very low temperatures). The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. A gynecological speculum and an apparatus with a metal tip are inserted into the vagina.
  2. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area for 3-5 minutes.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the tip is carefully removed.

Under the influence of cold, cells die and are rejected. It is important that the tip completely covers the area of ​​erosion. Otherwise, complications may occur, or there will be no effect from the treatment.

Most often, anesthesia is not used. The method is used to treat small erosions. The procedure is carried out on the 6-9th day of the menstrual cycle. After the wound has healed, a scar can sometimes remain on the surface, which is provoked by excessively deep freezing of tissues.

Postoperative rehabilitation. Possible consequences and complications

After coagulation of the cervix, complications occur quite rarely. For a speedy recovery, you must follow the doctor's recommendations, then the process of tissue repair will be quick and painless.

On the first day after the procedure, there may be pain in the abdomen of a predominantly pulling nature and scanty bleeding. Such manifestations are considered normal, but with heavy discharge, you should consult a gynecologist.

Relapses are extremely rare and depend to a greater extent on the individual characteristics of the organism. Since the cervix is ​​not subjected to serious impacts and deformation during coagulation, in the future this will not be a contraindication to pregnancy. After the procedure, conception can occur in almost a month. A gynecological examination for the absence or presence of pathological changes is carried out after six months.

In the postoperative period, the tissues of the cervix are restored, which means that it is worth limiting physical activity. It is advisable to avoid conflicts or stressful situations, do not swim in pools, ponds, do not take a hot bath and do not go to the sauna. These recommendations must be followed within a month. After this time, the woman can return to her usual way of life.


Women suffering from cervical pathologies are often prescribed a coagulation method. Various diseases can be detected during colposcopy and other types of examinations. Surgical treatment is carried out using current, chemicals, laser, etc. The very concept of coagulation means a procedure by which pathological tissues on the cervix are eliminated. In this article, we will consider in detail such a method as radio wave coagulation.

What is radio wave coagulation of the cervix?

This method involves exposure to the affected area of ​​the cervix with a high frequency radio wave. At the moment, this is the most effective and safe method of treating pathologies. Of course, there is no ideal way to influence a sore neck. The method is chosen individually for each organism. The main criterion by which a woman chooses a method of influencing the affected epithelium is her desire to have children in the future.

Apparatus Surgitron

Radio wave coagulation is painless and does not affect healthy tissues located next to the affected ones. In addition to all this, this method is safe for those who plan to give birth in the future. It is for these reasons that the radio wave method for removing pathologies of the cervix is ​​the most popular compared to others.

In what cases is the operation performed?

This pathology removal method is indicated for women and girls of all ages who suffer from various pathologies. The most popular diseases of the female organs, in which radio wave coagulation is prescribed, are:

Contraindications for surgery

Of course, it is believed that radio wave coagulation is a safe method of surgical intervention. However, even this method has a number of contraindications.

  • High body temperature, which occurs due to colds, inflammation, and so on;
  • Genital tract infections. The operation is possible only after the elimination of this inflammation;
  • Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for coagulation of the cervix in any way;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • Mental illnesses such as prolonged depression, schizophrenia, etc.;
  • Menses. Surgical impact on the neck is possible only after the end of menstruation. During bleeding, any manipulations on the neck are contraindicated.
  • Chronicle of diseases of the genital organs. All these inflammations are eliminated and only then radio wave coagulation is possible.
  • Metal implants in the body. In the presence of such exposure to radio waves is prohibited.
  • Cancer. If, during a preliminary diagnosis, cancer cells were found in a woman, then the treatment with the radio wave method will be unsuccessful. In this case, other actions apply.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Before the procedure of radio wave coagulation, a thorough examination should be carried out. The purpose of such an examination is to identify all possible concomitant diseases that may serve as a contraindication to radio wave coagulation. Below is a step by step preparation.

  1. antibiotics;
  2. Antimicrobial suppositories;
  3. Antiviral tablets;
  4. Antifungal drugs.

After the course of treatment, repeated tests should be taken.

Immediately before the operation itself, the woman must independently carry out preparatory measures:

  • Refrain from intimate contact for a week;
  • In the evening, eat a light dinner, and in the morning do not have breakfast at all;
  • Sutra to conduct hygiene of the genital organs, but without the use of gels with dyes and flavors.

The order of the procedure

The time of the operation is scheduled for the period that occurs immediately after the menstruation. This is day 5-14 of the cycle.

  • The woman is placed on a chair and a gynecological speculum is inserted.
  • An anesthetic is then injected into the cervix.
  • Using a special device that emits high-frequency radio waves, they act on the affected area and cut off the clot for further histological examination.
  • The whole procedure will take 5-10 minutes. It is painless and does not require hospitalization. After the operation, the patient receives recommendations and goes home.

Since local anesthesia is used, the patient does not experience pain. Below is an image of this operation.

Recovery period

Immediately after radio wave coagulation, the woman goes home. There she should refrain from certain rules during the entire recovery period.

  • Within two weeks you can not swim in ponds, pools;
  • Do not visit saunas and baths;
  • Avoid sports that involve heavy physical exertion;
  • There should be sexual rest for about two months;
  • Do not use tampons;
  • Do not douche.

For the fastest recovery, a woman can be prescribed drugs that will support the defenses of her body. It can be vitamins and restorative agents.

Possible consequences and complications

Immediately after radio wave coagulation, the following consequences can be observed:

  • Nagging pain;
  • Bleeding or spotting that occurs a week after radio wave exposure;

If such a discharge lasts longer than 20 days, and has a strange character, then this looks like a complication that a doctor should treat. The gynecologist will prescribe suppositories and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Severe complications occur in only 1% of all cases. These include the presence of infections and heavy bleeding.

In severe situations, there is a violation of fertility. However, this only happens if the woman has had too much of her neck removed.

In some situations, a woman may experience a violation of the secretion of secreted mucus. If this happens, then the woman will be prescribed additional treatment.

Is pregnancy possible after this operation?

Radio wave coagulation is a gentle method that allows you to become pregnant in the future. It does not leave a scar on the cervix, which has a good effect on the birth process.

If there were no complications after the operation, then this will not affect the pregnancy process in any way. If complications suddenly arise, then after successful treatment, the woman will definitely be able to have children.


The price of this operation depends on the city and the clinic where radio wave coagulation will be performed. Below are three centers that perform this technique for treating the cervix.

As you can see, the method of radio wave destruction is an expensive method compared to others. But given its safety and short recovery period, a woman planning to have children will find it possible to treat the cervix using radio waves.

So, radio wave coagulation is not a painful and fairly safe method of treating cervical pathology, which is strongly recommended for young girls to choose.

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Not so long ago, while talking with a friend, they touched on the topic of erosion treatment. And I absolutely calmly spoke about the fact that “healed her in the clinic with a radio wave.” To which, in response, she also received a “wave”, only all kinds of and at times ridiculous exclamations like “Oh! Horror! This, they say, is a terrible pain! ”,“ And how will you then give birth to a second child ?!” or “This is a serious operation! How did you decide to do this?" To be honest, I didn’t have any sleepless nights, worries, Internet research on this topic. But there were none because (a) - my own sister used a similar procedure a year ago, (b) - a gynecologist, who has repeatedly proven herself to be an exceptionally competent specialist in my eyes, strongly recommended this particular method of treatment to me.

Now in order. Let's start with the diagnosis.

I was diagnosed with erosion when I, being pregnant, came to see a doctor (at that time it was a different doctor). I was told that the erosion is small, so you can safely resort to treatment after childbirth. And since at that moment I had something to occupy my head with, thoughts about erosion by themselves faded into the background, and then into the tenth plan.

After giving birth, I decided to change the gynecologist, for which there were good reasons. Now I'm seeing a wonderful specialist who was checked by my relatives, and I'm only scratching my head over why I, a bungler, didn't come to her earlier)

At the standard examination, she also informed me about the erosion (now) of medium size and suggested RADIO-WAVE COAGULATION as the most suitable method of treatment.

Stages of treatment

1. Colposcopy.

This examination is necessary so that the doctor can, as they say, check and examine erosion from all sides. So I understood from the words of my doctor. Also, at the request of the client, you can ask for an additional monitor so that you can observe the process yourself. I refused it, because, firstly, let's be honest with ourselves, if you do not have a medical education, then WHAT can you understand there? And, secondly, the least of all would give me aesthetic pleasure to look at myself from the inside ... brrrrr .... But there is a trust factor here. If you fully trust your gynecologist, then the “cartoon about your erosion” is unlikely to be of interest to you. But if you feel that everything is in order there, and there are suspicions that they are trying to “dissolve” you (and such cases, unfortunately, also occur), then it is better to observe it yourself. But first you need to delve into this issue in order to understand WHAT you see in front of you on the monitor.

2. What is the examination process itself.

You lie down (or sit down) in a gynecological chair, and the doctor installs a dilator. Slightly wider than normal. And, looking ahead, I will say that this is the most unpleasant moment of the entire procedure. Then he lubricates the place of erosion with vinegar (by the way, I was previously clarified about allergies and susceptibility to vinegar) and leaks something with some special device. I can’t describe it in any other way))) it really looks exactly like this and there are absolutely no painful sensations during colposcopy.

3. After receiving and discussing the results of colposcopy, an operation is scheduled.

Not on the same day. Here I will warn you that this is still an operation, therefore, as before any other operation, it is necessary to pass a standard set of blood tests. I had to take only a pad with me (not a daily one, but a regular one, it makes no sense to bother with postoperative pads).

And on the appointed day X, I come to the doctor, we go to the operating room, I again lie down on the gynecological chair, and the doctor again introduces the dilator. I was not offered any pain medication. Which obviously gave me confidence, because it was still scary inside. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. The doctor tells me about each of his actions, warns me what and how I should feel and urges me if it suddenly becomes very painful for me, then I don’t need to endure it, but I need to tell her right away. With these words, she moved some device closer to her, took something similar to a ballpoint pen in her hand, and the process itself began. The device emitted a nasty squeak, during which I felt a slight sipping in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. Sometimes this was accompanied by pain, on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate them at C grade. At the same time, a thin path of smoke flowed between my legs, and there was a smell of something scorched. In this case, me) That, in fact, is all. My time in the operating room was 15 minutes. This is together in dressing-undressing.

4. Postoperative period.

The doctor warned me even before the operation that after it you should not lift anything heavier than 3 kg. This is a very significant remark, because at that time my child was 4 months old, and he clearly weighed more than 3 kg) What I told the doctor about, for which I received a share of indulgence in the form of “At least the first two weeks for sure.” In this regard, I thought over the day of the operation in advance so that it coincided with the vacation of my husband, who would help me during this period (elementary, would raise the child). There is also a whole list of what not to do (a whole month):

Visit baths, saunas, swimming pools

Swim in the ponds

have sex


Use tampons

In addition, the gynecologist informed me that there would be certain discharge within 3-4 weeks. Sometimes they are plentiful, sometimes not. My discharge was a transparent yellow color with light crumbs of something black. This something is the remnants of erosion, which they “cauterized”. The discharge went on for exactly a month, but during the entire period I coped with the usual daily pads.

5. A re-examination was scheduled after 2 months. And how nice it was when, in conclusion, the gynecologist reported that there were no more signs of erosion). I exhaled with great relief. Not that this erosion bothered me in any way. Not at all, if not for the examination of the doctors, I would not even know that I have it. But knowing that you're okay is always nice.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is no need to be afraid to bring your health back to normal, especially since now we have created the most comfortable conditions for this, and doctors have enough knowledge, experience and appropriate equipment.

P.S. this awareness of the pleasant in my case cost me about 7500 rubles, including tests. I don't think it's a very high price. But still not as cheap as it could be. I did the operation in 2016 in a paid clinic in Nizhny Novgorod.