Large small lips in women. About towels and intimate hygiene products

The types of labia are completely different. This is due to the different anatomical development of the female reproductive organs. Moreover, throughout the entire life cycle, the genitourinary system undergoes many changes, both internal and external.

In the anatomical structure of the female genitourinary system, there are 2 types of labia: the labia minora and labia majora. The small ones perform the function of a tight grip around the penis during coitus. But the large lips of the female reproductive system perform a protective function, the result of which is to protect the vagina from the penetration of foreign objects and various infections.

The labia majora is a common longitudinal fold of skin, the color of which depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Doctors classify them only by external signs as follows:

  • lips of normal length and thickness;
  • asymmetrical folds;
  • underdeveloped organs.

The structure of the labia minora has much more differences. In normal condition, their thickness should not exceed 5-6 mm. In this case, the longitudinal folds of the female genital organs should immediately pass into the mucous membrane. In the clitoral area, the skin folds of the female genital organs are divided into lateral and medial crura. These legs extend into the upper and lower parts of the genitourinary system. They end at the very beginning of the vagina and at the lower commissure.

The labia minora can have completely different shapes and are divided according to the type of change that occurs to them. Among such changes, doctors distinguish elongation, protrusion, scalloping and hypertrophy of the genital folds.

Elongation is characterized by a large stretching of the skin ridges, which can exceed 60-70 mm. In normal condition, their size should be 20-30 mm. With protrusion, a rather strong protrusion of the internal folds is observed. In this condition, the labia majora are not able to fully protect the female genitourinary system.

Scalloping is observed only at the edges of the lips and is characterized by a change in their color and shape. If such changes are observed for a fairly long period of time, then the patient may experience hypertrophy of the skin ridges. As a result, large wrinkles will appear on the internal organs, and pigmentation of the skin will occur.

Reasons for changing forms

As noted above, each woman’s genitals have a completely individual shape. At the same time, doctors have not established fairly clear criteria that determine their color and shape. Although an experienced gynecologist, upon visual examination, can detect abnormal changes occurring in the vaginal organs.

Most often, such changes are the result of a hormonal imbalance in the body, resulting in an increase in the level of androgen (male sex hormone). A similar phenomenon causes polycystic ovary syndrome, increased hair growth on the extremities (arms, legs) and infertility.

Also among the reasons influencing changes in the shape of the vagina are mechanical damage (tight underwear) and heavy physical activity that affects the groin area. In addition, frequent and prolonged masturbation not only causes changes in the shape of internal organs, but also leads to other dangerous diseases.

It should be noted that there are various diets that the female sex quite often adheres to. An incorrectly selected diet can lead to a sharp change not only in the patient’s weight, but also cause damage to his internal organs.

At the same time, young girls whose age does not exceed 25 years are most at risk. This is due to the fact that the anatomical formation of their body has not yet been completely completed.

As a rule, any changes in the vaginal organs lead to problems in intimate life.

If such problems occur, you should not despair. Modern medicine allows us to solve problems with changes in the shape of skin folds using medication or plastic surgery.

Drug treatment allows you to cope with diseases only in the initial stages of their manifestations. For this, antihistamines and antiseptics (Fluconazole, Metronidazole, Doxycycline, Acyclovir, Diflucan) are used, which eliminate itching and various pain sensations. In addition, the body's hormonal levels should be restored.

This can be done with the help of a special diet, which should be rich in mint, vegetable oil and white yeast bread. In the case where the problem cannot be eliminated with medications, they resort to surgical elimination of the disease.

The labia majora are folds of skin that are located on both sides of the genital slit and their main function is to protect the vagina from the negative influence of external factors. The labia majora contain a large number of fat cells and this helps them maintain optimal temperature in the female genital organs. They also contain fatty tissue, venous plexuses and Bartholin glands. Many girls worry that the skin color of the labia majora is not the same as the rest of the skin, but this is absolutely normal, since the skin on them is often pigmented. With the onset of puberty, hair begins to grow on both the pubic area and the labia majora. The labia minora are also folds of skin that form part of the external genitalia. They are located under the labia majora. They have many nerve endings, so they are an erogenous zone. The base of the labia minora is separated by the interlabial septum from the labia majora. Also, the labia minora contains many sebaceous glands and blood vessels. Additional information about the structure of the female reproductive system is contained in the article:

Ask your question

Questions and answers on: what the labia minora look like

2012-07-17 18:29:46

Olga asks:

Good day.
1) I have a question similar to Marina’s question. Between the anus and the entrance to the vagina is a small soft (easily stretched) wrinkled darkish piece of skin. He doesn't bother me at all, but he doesn't look very good! You replied that it was a piece of hymen, but I was still a virgin. So what could it be?
2) The question is: can veins be slightly visible on the skin between the labia minora and labia majora?
3) Why is my skin on the extreme side of the labia minora a little darker and the edges seem to be uneven (well, that is, not straight, but with small indentations, like a round fence or something) maybe they are inflamed? Although there are no complaints. No pain, no discomfort.

Thank you in advance for your response!

Answers Kravchuk Inna Ivanovna:

Dear Olga. Now we invite you to an in-person consultation, during which we will comprehensively answer all your questions and, using video colposcopy, will show you how you can bring everything from a “not very” state to a “very” state. We are in a hurry to correct our mistake and are waiting for you.

2011-07-22 23:20:58

Lera asks:

Hello, I am 24 years old, I have irritation in the vaginal area (on the labia minora on the inside, at the entrance to the vagina). It itches, burns, and it’s unpleasant to go to the toilet. The roughnesses are located on both sides and look like small bubbles, and are located very close to each other, even slightly overlapping each other. There is also irritation at the entrance to the vagina. There is also white mucus like plaque. There is no smell. There is no discharge on the underwear. There is no visible swelling of the labia. It only appeared today, in one day. I have not had sexual relations for about a week, I have one partner and does not change (we are each other’s first, so I have no suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease).
Waiting for an answer, thanks in advance.

Answers Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna:

Dear Lera! From the description of your problems, this sounds very similar to genital herpes or it could also be yeast vaginitis. Both of these infections are not sexually transmitted diseases. Most often, they are in a dormant state in the body and become aggravated under certain conditions: for example, hypothermia, malnutrition, nervous stress. But, to determine the exact pathogen and prescribe treatment, an examination is necessary and smears must be taken.

2010-12-04 21:43:22

Olga asks:

Hello, I suspect thrush. Some rashes appeared on the labia minora, very small, like white dots. As many as I have observed, very rarely there appears a cheesy discharge, odorless, sometimes itching (especially during menstruation and a couple of days after). this is what it looks like
Is this thrush?

Answers Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna:

Dear Olga, according to your description, genital herpes may manifest itself this way. To establish an accurate diagnosis, an examination and tests are needed: a smear and a blood test for JgM and G for viral herpes over time.

2008-06-22 11:46:44

Anna asks:

Hello, I saw a girl’s question about the structure of the genital organs, I saw the picture, but this is not shown there. I have a question about the labia minora. I read. that they come in different sizes, that this is normal, but it still worries me. Is it normal when their size is too large... it seems to me that it does not look aesthetically pleasing. They are even slightly visible in a calm state from the labia majora. Can this be changed somehow? or should I come to terms with it? Thank you in advance.

Answers Dankovich Natalia Alexandrovna:

Indeed, every woman and girl has a unique genital structure. Therefore, there is no need to be complex, maybe this will be your advantage. If something still bothers you, today there are plastic surgery methods. You can make an appointment with me for a consultation tel. 80674058272. We will decide together what to do.

2008-03-05 17:18:28

Nick asks:

Help me please! I have a problem! Since I was 5 or 6 years old, I noticed that my genitals were not the same as those of other girls!!! My labia minora are coming out of my labia majora and sticking out! they look like one and are huge and folded. I heard that they are doing operations! But aren't there other methods besides surgery? I really want to get rid of them or at least reduce them as much as possible! I'm very excited about this! Are there any methods? maybe long-acting, but helping? maybe some compresses, or baths, ointments? Thanks in advance.

Answers Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Enlargement of the labia minora is most often congenital. An adequate method to get rid of this problem would be plastic surgery to reduce the size of the labia minora. There is no need to be afraid of it, since it is performed on an outpatient basis (no need to go to the hospital) and painlessly (with the use of painkillers). Recovery after surgery is also quite fast, since the genitals are well supplied with blood, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

2013-02-25 21:30:19

Masha asks:

Over the past 7 months I have been constantly plagued by acne on my labia.
They arise inside the labia majora, less often - inside the labia minora. Usually 3-4 at once, I’ll heal a little - and again, in a different place. Pimples are on the labia, not at the base of the vagina, and in different places. They look like a dense red base-bump and a small white head on top (it can be squeezed out if desired, but then the base still remains for another 2-3 days, and I try not to do this). Now, compared to pimples six months ago, they began to appear faster and go away faster, otherwise at the beginning there could be one pimple for 3 weeks (and it was not squeezed out).
I visited the gynecologist: cervical leukocytes were elevated to 40 (seemingly due to erosion), rod flora, STD-12 negative (including 2 herpes viruses), hospital complex - all negative, HPV all series - negative. I showed her these pimples, she said: “It’s just an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, nothing to worry about.”
But they bother me! They are ugly, unpleasant, sometimes they hurt, and most importantly, they didn’t exist before!..
I tried not to use pads, changed all my underwear to cotton, stopped playing sports, showered strictly twice a day, loose clothes, breaks from sex (in the hope that they would heal), went to the sea (what if sea water would help?). And they still arise! Help, please - where to go, what to do?.. Thank you!

Many women who are sexually active care about the aesthetic appearance of the groin area. To be attractive in this intimate area, they resort to various methods of depilation, intimate haircuts, piercings and tattoos. However, in some cases, all these tricks are not enough, since there are certain problems in the anatomical structure of the external genitalia. Women who have labia of different sizes often have serious complexes about this. They are embarrassed to wear a swimsuit during the beach season or even tight shorts or pants, and during sex they often feel constrained and embarrassed. Asymmetry of the labia is a fairly common reason for seeking qualified help from plastic surgeons.

Most often, asymmetry of the labia is congenital. The degree of its severity can be different, and if different labia do not interfere with the normal life of a woman, then this is not considered a pathological condition, but refers to the individual characteristics of the anatomical structure of the external genitalia. Trauma can also lead to a change in the size of one of the labia. Women injure their external genitalia during childbirth, during sex, during falls, and so on.

Labia piercing is one of the reasons why women have different labia. Also at risk are women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the vulva. Sometimes asymmetry can appear after sudden weight loss.

Unpleasant consequences of labia asymmetry

If a woman has labia minora or labia majora of different sizes, then in most cases this does not affect her ability to have an active sex life, conceive and bear a child. However, in some cases, asymmetry causes a number of inconveniences:

  1. The occurrence of chafing in the groin area: due to the different sizes of the labia, it is very difficult to choose suitable underwear. As a rule, folds of tissue form in the area where one labia or less is left and there is free space. Friction causes constant discomfort, which affects the psychological state of the woman, and also due to tissue trauma, there is a high risk of various infections;
  2. Inconveniences during sexual intercourse: in cases where the asymmetry is significant, this can lead to certain inconveniences during sex. And while the physical inconvenience may be very minor, the psychological stress that a woman experiences when she exposes herself in front of a sexual partner significantly reduces the quality of her sex life;
  3. Embarrassment when visiting a gynecologist or cosmetologist: for many women who have asymmetry of the labia, going to a gynecologist or cosmetologist for hair removal is accompanied by unpleasant feelings of embarrassment and shame. And although qualified specialists will never allow themselves to comment on such a condition (except if it is associated with gynecological pathology), the woman still experiences psychological discomfort;
  4. Difficulties when playing sports: a certain form of clothing for gymnastics, dancing or water aerobics emphasizes the existing asymmetry of the labia in a woman, which can negatively affect her well-being during exercise;

The main complaint among women with labia asymmetry is dissatisfaction with their appearance. Most representatives of the fair sex turn to plastic surgeons not because of physical discomfort, but in order to improve the appearance of their intimate areas.

How to solve a sensitive problem

Plastic surgeons deal with the problem of labia asymmetry. Surgery is an effective way to correct the shape and size of the labia minora or majora. Labiaplasty at the present stage is a common and fairly simple operation to perform. Most often, if the labia minora are of different sizes, then the woman decides to remove excess tissue on one of the lips. To do this, use the following methods:

  • classic linear plastic surgery of the labia minora;
  • wedge-shaped plastic surgery of the labia minora;

Performing a classic linear plastic surgery, the surgeon excises excess tissue on the labia minora along its edge. After this, the wound surface is sutured using an intradermal suture. For the suture, exclusively self-absorbable threads are used.

The wedge plastic method involves applying markings in the form of the Latin letter “V” to the labia, with its base directed towards the enlarged part of the lip. Excess tissue is removed by excision and the lip is sutured with an intradermal suture.

If a woman is faced with the problem of an increased size of one of the labia majora, then correction is carried out by removing excess fat from it. In cases where the labia majora, on the contrary, needs to be enlarged, lipofilling is used. The essence of this method is to inject the patient’s own fat or biopolymer gel into the lip tissue.

Any type of surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. If no complications arise during the operation, the woman returns home on the first day after correction of the size of the labia.

Preparation for surgery

Despite the fact that it does not apply to long and complex operations, a woman, deciding on this procedure, must undergo a certain examination of the body. Before the operation you should:

  1. Visit a gynecologist and undergo a gynecological examination with the obligatory taking of a smear for vaginal flora;
  2. You also need to do PCR tests for major sexually transmitted infections. Even if at the time of examination a woman has no complaints of itching, burning or vaginal discharge, chronic, indolent infections may be detected;
  3. Clinical blood test: to exclude anemia and signs of inflammatory reactions in the body;
  4. Clinical urine analysis: to assess kidney function and the condition of the urinary tract;
  5. Coagulogram: the most important study before any surgical intervention. The area of ​​a woman’s external genitalia has a good blood supply, so it is necessary to ensure that the blood coagulation system is in a normal state;
  6. Standard tests also include testing for hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV infection;

Contraindications for surgery

Like any surgical intervention, labiaplasty has a number of contraindications:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs;
  • The operation is not performed during menstrual bleeding;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the blood system, manifested in the form of coagulation disorders;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Any pathological conditions of the body, accompanied by fever and severe intoxication;
  • Diabetes;

It should also be borne in mind that plastic surgery is not performed on girls under 18 years of age. Exceptions are cases when asymmetry leads to permanent trauma and inflammation of the perineal tissue.

Possible complications

When deciding to undergo surgery, every woman should remember that any violation of the integrity of the tissues of our body can lead to the development of various complications:

  1. Attachment of infection: during the operation, a wound surface is formed on the labia, into which, if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate. Therefore, when choosing a clinic and a specialist to whom you will entrust the correction of your intimate areas, make sure that he is properly qualified and has all the conditions for the operation;
  2. The appearance of scars: if the sutures are applied poorly, the soft tissues may grow unevenly and form a scar;
  3. Sensitivity disorders: the labia minora are considered erogenous zones on a woman’s body, so damage to them can lead to decreased sensitivity and a decrease in the intensity of pleasant sensations during sex;
  4. Discovery of bleeding: this situation most often occurs in cases where the woman was not fully examined before the operation and her blood coagulation system pathology was not identified;

In most cases, women are satisfied with the results of labiaplasty. Complete healing of the postoperative wound occurs after 18-20 days. During this period, the woman must abstain from sexual intercourse.

Just a few decades ago, enlargement of the labia was considered a pathology, and in some cases immediate treatment was required. Currently, women pay considerable amounts of money to intentionally change the anatomy of this organ. Some do it for aesthetic purposes, and some do it to give men more pleasure.

Anatomy of the female reproductive system

So, women's are divided into external and internal. The internal ones include the vagina, uterus, ovaries and tubes. To the external ones - the labia majora and minora, as well as the clitoris and pubic area. The labia majora represent two folds of skin within which there is adipose tissue. They are quite abundantly equipped with a network of blood vessels, and are also covered with hair on the outside. All this provides a protective function - preventing infection from entering the internal organs.

At the junction of the left and right labia majora there are commissures, or commissures.

It is interesting that the hair in the pubic area is so abundant that in ancient times, when women did not wear underwear, it helped to warm the organ and protected it from negative weather conditions.

The labia minora are located parallel to the labia majora; they form the vestibule of the vagina. This organ has much less fat, but more blood vessels and nerve endings. Perhaps this is one of the most sensitive organs, which produces mucus abundantly.

Causes of labia enlargement

Many factors can affect women's health, and some make the fairer sex quite worried. After all, any changes in the intimate area always bring both physical and psychological discomfort.

Sexual intercourse

Immediately during or after sexual intercourse during a period of strong arousal, blood flow to the genital organ increases, temporary swelling occurs - an increase in the organ's size, and a large amount of sexual secretion is produced. This condition will go away 30-40 minutes after arousal on its own. It does not require any intervention.


During pregnancy, enlargement of the labia is a fairly common occurrence. This process occurs against the background of changes in the hormonal status of a woman. The amount of fatty tissue in the abdomen and genitals increases, and slight swelling is observed. Enlargement of the labia during pregnancy is temporary and most often goes away after delivery. Sometimes it can persist for the period of lactation. It is important to understand that after a natural birth, the shape of the labia may change.


Enlargement of the labia in a woman may be the result of an allergic reaction. This is possible for an intimate hygiene product or for a synthetic powder used to wash underwear. Do not forget that an allergy may be to the latex from which condoms are made, or to lubricant.

Symptoms will appear almost immediately after contact with the allergen. In this case, you should immediately use an antihistamine and consult a doctor. If you ever experience such reactions, you should avoid using products from these brands.


When the Bartholin glands become inflamed, the labia majora and minora also become enlarged. The glands are located near the entrance to the vagina, so their inflammation is most often caused by infections. In this case, both the labia and the vagina acquire a pronounced red color and swelling. A woman is worried about discomfort in the intimate area, itching, burning during urination, as well as pain during sexual intercourse.


When the microflora of the vagina changes, candida fungi begin to multiply intensively in this area, resulting in the development of thrush, which is accompanied by unbearable itching, hyperemia and enlargement of the labia. Swelling, by the way, can be aggravated by scratching. In this case, in addition to the organ increasing in size, a curd-like discharge from the vagina with a specific odor is observed.


Herpetic infections of the anogenital area can cause enlargement of the labia. In addition, herpes affects the nerve endings, which leads to prolonged and severe pain. In the genital area, against a background of inflammation and redness, bubbles with transparent or yellowish contents appear, which can open on their own to form crusts.


Vulvodynia is a disease of modern women who, in pursuit of fashion trends, prefer too narrow and tight underwear. All this leads to trauma to the labia majora, and as a result, to severe pain and enlargement.


We must not forget that taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones) and ointments can also provoke changes in the external genitalia. Enlargement of the intimate area may result from long-term use of certain medications.

Poor intimate hygiene

Insufficient hygiene, which results in the development of infectious and bacterial processes, can also cause an increase in a woman’s intimate area. The problem can be solved by following all the rules for caring for the intimate area.


The reasons for enlargement of the labia minora most often come from childhood. These may be defects in intrauterine development or consequences of childhood trauma. In adulthood, prolonged and frequent sexual intercourse can lead to enlargement of the labia minora.


Enlargement of the labia majora can occur due to injury. Often, in addition to swelling and redness, there is pain, discomfort, and bruising.


Enlargement of the labia minora and labia majora may result from the development of a formation in the anogenital area. In this case, a tumor in this area will be palpated. You should immediately consult a specialist.

Aesthetic gynecology

Today, various types of aesthetic surgery are very popular. While almost everyone knows about correction of the facial area, less is known about plastic surgery of intimate areas.

Basically, the principle of correction of all areas of the body is similar. It is necessary to choose the correct method of administering the drug and decide on the choice of the administered substance. Important! There are contraindications for aesthetic gynecology:

  • all diseases are in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • herpetic infection.

Side effects after injections

Any injection is an invasive intervention, which means there will definitely be swelling, which normally should go away after a few hours. The following adverse reactions may occur:

  • redness of the area;
  • compaction at the injection site;
  • bruise;
  • inflammation at the injection site;
  • allergic reaction to the administered substance.

Indications for intimate contouring

  1. Elimination of deformed organs or their asymmetry.
  2. Restoring tissue elasticity.
  3. Transform your appearance (in conditions where the labia minora are almost the same volume as the labia majora).
  4. Restoring shape (after childbirth, weight loss).
  5. Moisturizing the mucous membrane by activating rejuvenation processes.

Tactics of the procedure

Enlargement of the labia with filler is carried out only by a gynecologist. Before starting the procedure, you must undergo a minimum amount of general tests and wait until your menstruation ends.

The drug is administered at the following points:

  • labia majora and minora;
  • clitoris;
  • G-spot

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. After 14 days, you need to see a doctor again to evaluate the result of the work.

Seven days before the filler injection, you must completely shave your pubic area and labia. It is best to choose a time when your period has just ended. Before giving the injections, the doctor will disinfect the areas with an antiseptic.


A woman will see the effect immediately after the aesthetic plastic surgery procedure. It will last up to 12 months, then you need to inject a new portion of the drug.

Women are increasingly undergoing labia augmentation. Before and after surgery, the difference is obvious, and many people really like the result.

We cannot ignore the fact that after the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the intimate area, its sensitivity increases during intimacy. This occurs due to a tighter fit with increasing volume, as well as due to the stimulation of nerve endings by plasma.

Many women note an increase in the production of sexual secretions after the introduction of hyaluronic acid - this improves sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

History of the creation of hyaluronic acid

Back in 1934, two scientists Meyer and Palmer isolated the substance hyaluronate from the vitreous body of a mammal's eye, which later became known as hyaluronic acid. The peculiarity of the complex compound was that it bound to cellular water and prevented it from leaving the tissue. This effect is useful for preventing aging and stimulating cell renewal. Subsequently, hyaluronate began to be synthesized artificially and used in cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid is part of the fast-wearing tissues in the body: cartilage, joints, skin, eyes. In 2016, a group of scientists announced that a cure for cancer was being developed based on this substance.

Labia enlargement with hyaluronic acid

Many salons offer this procedure at varying prices. It is necessary to understand that the use of low-quality drugs, as well as the administration of the drug by a person without specialized education, is unacceptable.

Before agreeing to the procedure, make sure that the hyaluronic acid serum in this salon has a quality certificate and all expiration dates are normal. It is also necessary to clarify the education, availability of courses and work experience of the specialist performing the procedure.

The filler injection must be carried out in accordance with all standards of asepsis and antiseptics.

Currently in Russia there are only two types of fillers, Bellcontour and Reneall, which are used for transdermal administration in both cosmetology and gynecology.