The purpose of the conversation is the labor education of children in the family. Abstract: Labor education in the family

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 90 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Educator: Shkileva Margarita Grigorievna St. Petersburg 2015

The value of labor

Labor is the most important means of education, starting from preschool age; in the process, the personality of the child is formed, collective relationships are formed.

The work of preschool children is the most important means of education. The whole process of educating children in kindergarten can and should be organized in such a way that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. To treat work with love, to see joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of the creativity of the individual, his talents.

Labor has always been the basis for human life and culture.

Diligence and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood. Labor must be creative, because it is creative labor that makes a person spiritually rich.

Types of labor

Various types of labor are not the same in their pedagogical capabilities, their significance changes at a particular age stage. If, for example, self-service has a greater educational value in younger groups - it teaches children to be independent, equips them with skills to overcome difficulties, then at the senior preschool age this work does not require effort, it becomes habitual for children.

Self-service is a constant work on the cleanliness of the body, on the order of the costume, the readiness to do everything necessary for this and to do it without demands from outside, from internal need, to observe hygiene rules. It is clear that such an attitude of children to self-service work can be achieved by painstaking systematic work in kindergarten and in the family.

Self-service is the main type of work of a small child. Teaching children to dress themselves, wash themselves, eat, and put toys away after themselves formulates their independence, less dependence on an adult, self-confidence, desire and ability to overcome obstacles.

Children's labor in nature

Labor in nature is associated with expanding the horizons of children, obtaining accessible knowledge, for example, about soil, planting material, labor processes, and tools. Labor in nature contributes to the development of observation, curiosity of children, instills in them an interest in agricultural work, and respect for the people who are engaged in it. Labor in nature helps to cultivate love for it.

Manual labor - develops the constructive abilities of children, useful practical skills and orientation, forms interest in work, readiness for it, cope with it, the ability to assess one's capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, sleeker, neater).

In the process of labor, children get acquainted with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with some tools, learn to take care of materials, objects of labor, and tools.

Children by experience learn elementary ideas about the properties of various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, various things can be made from it. So learning to make useful objects from thick paper, children learn that it can be folded, cut, glued.

The joy of work is a powerful educational force. In the years of childhood, the child must deeply experience this noble feeling.

In labor, the richness of human relationships spreads. It is impossible to cultivate a love for work if the child does not feel the beauty of these relationships.

"Free labor is needed by man in itself for the development and maintenance of human dignity"

Family work

Labor is of particular importance in the process of moral education of a child. Such personal qualities as responsibility, diligence, discipline, independence and initiative are formed in labor.

The fulfillment of certain feasible labor duties contributes to the education of a child's sense of responsibility, goodwill, and responsiveness. For the formation of all these qualities in the family there are the most favorable conditions. Here, all matters and concerns are common. Joint work with parents or other family members encourages the child to help each other, to do something for everyone. Thus, he laid the foundations of the moral qualities necessary for life in society.

How to introduce a child to work?

In the family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: they cook food, clean the apartment, wash clothes, sew. Observing how adults perform these daily activities gradually helps the child understand their importance and the attitude of parents to work: mom came home from work tired, but has to cook dinner for everyone, dad goes to the grocery store. It should be remembered that children's observations can be contemplative in nature. In order for the example of family members to become a guide for action for the child, adults can accompany their work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions, try to help their parents. So gradually the child is attracted to joint work with adults.

It is also necessary for parents to remember the importance of familiarizing the child with their work in production, about what they do and what benefits they bring to people; for example, mother is a doctor, she treats the sick; dad is a teacher, he teaches children.

In the process of adult work, the child will be taught respect for the work of all people. The surrounding reality presents great opportunities for this. When walking with a child, you need to teach him to throw garbage only into the trash can, in addition, pay attention to how clean the streets are. The kid will be interested to know that the janitor monitors the cleanliness of the streets. A clean street is the result of his work. The janitor gets up before everyone else and when the children go to school in kindergarten, he is already finishing his work. Buying bread. The factory workers worked all night, and the driver managed to bring it to the store, the loaders loaded the bread, and the sellers put it on the shelves in the trading floor. Works of fiction, illustrations, paintings will help to expand the child's ideas about the work of adults.

In the family, the child is involved in daily participation in domestic work.

Children's interest in work increases significantly if its usefulness to others is obvious.

Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in the form of execution. If they are built only on orders: >, >, >, then this discourages the child from working. Therefore, an adult, for example, carpentry, not only asks to bring some tool, but also teaches the child how to use it.

When entrusting children with this or that task, adults should take into account its age-related capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, the preschooler performs it with interest.

In order for children to be able to master the correct techniques for performing a particular type of work, so that they would work willingly, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment at home.

The work of children in the family; organized by adults, brings the child together, contributes to the influence of the adult, but his interests and needs. It is especially valuable if parents are able to contribute in the process of work to the development in children of the desire for activities that are useful for the family: to do something for a younger brother, a gift for a mother, a friend, etc.

Thus, labor activity is one of the important factors in the education of the individual. The main developing function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. In addition, abilities, skills and abilities develop in the process of labor. New types of thinking are formed in labor activity. As a result of collective work, the child receives the skills of work, communication, cooperation, which improves the adaptation of the child in society.

The life of an individual family is closely connected with the life of the state as a whole. In the context of the transition of the economy to market relations and scientific and technological progress, the choice of the sphere of labor activity becomes problematic, since with the advent of market relations, a labor market has also arisen. Employers are interested in the most qualified employees capable of performing labor functions. In this situation, a very important task is labor education in the family. That is, the upbringing of diligence, responsibility, independence and the desire to work in children. Family education should consist in the gradual involvement of the child in a feasible, varied work activity. Initially, this is the simplest self-service job. Then the scope of the child's labor activities expands to helping adults with household chores. Participation in a systematic and feasible work activity will allow the child to acquire practical skills and habits, get used to frugality, and also realize their labor duties.



Educator: Emeyalnova K.S.


Labor education of children of preschool age in the family.

The life of an individual family is closely connected with the life of the state as a whole. In the context of the transition of the economy to market relations and scientific and technological progress, the choice of the sphere of labor activity becomes problematic, since with the advent of market relations, a labor market has also arisen. Employers are interested in the most qualified employees capable of performing labor functions. In this situation, a very important task is labor education in the family. That is, the upbringing of diligence, responsibility, independence and the desire to work in children. Family education should consist in the gradual involvement of the child in a feasible, varied work activity. Initially, this is the simplest self-service job. Then the scope of the child's labor activities expands to helping adults with household chores. Participation in a systematic and feasible work activity will allow the child to acquire practical skills and habits, get used to frugality, and also realize their labor duties.

In the family, children have the opportunity to observe what adults are doing: they cook food, clean the apartment, and wash clothes. It is this observation of how adults perform daily activities gradually that helps the child understand their significance. But it should be remembered that such observation can be contemplative in nature. And in order for the example of family members to become a guide to action for the child, an adult can accompany his work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they begin to ask questions and try to help. So gradually the child is attracted to joint work with adults.

Parents need to remember the importance of familiarizing the child with labor in production, about what they do and what benefits it brings to people: for example, dad is a doctor, he treats sick people, and mom is a teacher, she teaches children.

In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the child is taught respect for the work of all people. The surrounding world presents great opportunities for this. During a walk, you need to teach your child to throw garbage only in the bin, paying attention to how clean the street is. The child will be interested to know that the janitor monitors the cleanliness of the streets and the order around is the result of his work.

Works of fiction, paintings, illustrations and role-playing games will help to expand the child's ideas about the work of adults.

In the family, the child is involved in daily work. But he does not always willingly perform certain duties. In order to arouse a child's interest in work activity, it is necessary to explain the significance of the upcoming work and its result in a form accessible to his age. Children’s interest in work increases if the result and benefits are obvious to others: “It’s good that Olya cleaned the dishes, now everyone can relax after dinner.”

Even if the bookmark for books made by the child, the needle bed are imperfect, parents should appreciate his work and desire to do something for others, be sure to use this thing in everyday life.

When entrusting a child with this or that matter, it is worth considering his age capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, then the preschooler will perform it with interest. Older preschoolers should systematically take part in everyday household work (go for bread, clean tea utensils, etc.).

In order for children to master the correct techniques for performing a particular type of work, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment at home.

The joint work of adults and children brings together, helps to strengthen the influence of an adult, but taking into account the interests and needs of the child.

It is valuable if parents in the process of work will contribute to the development of the child's desire to do something useful for a loved one: to make a gift for mom, to make a toy for a younger brother, etc.

One of the tasks of parents is to educate children in a positive attitude towards any kind of work and create conditions in which children will begin to form a habit of work and develop industriousness.

Of great importance for the formation of a positive attitude to work is the situation in the family, the relationship between children and parents. In some cases, the situation in the family may be unfavorable, primarily due to the requirements that older family members place on the child, the methods of managing his work activities and the personal attitude of parents to work and household duties. In some cases, parents punish their children with labor: “Didn’t you clean the room? Wash the dishes as a sign of punishment. As a result, the child's dislike for housework increases.

In the practice of family labor education, one can observe trends in the use of punishments in labor: punishment by labor, when parents entrust the child with uninteresting, not even feasible work, and punishment by deprivation of labor. Also, negative work experience increases physical fatigue and weakens the nervous system. The penalty of deprivation of labor interrupts the formation of the habit of constantly working, and hinders the development of the desire to work.

The main methods for managing various types of child labor are:

  • We determine the purpose of labor activity;
  • We discuss with the child why this work is needed and what its significance is;
  • Learn the elements of planning your work;
  • We explain to the child how to do their job and get the result, we give advice on how best to complete the assignment;
  • Arouse interest in the work ahead and ensure that this interest does not fade away in the course of work;
  • Periodically find out what the child has already done and what else needs to be done to achieve a better result;
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to remind the child of the basic “Labor Rules”: For example, work must be done diligently, work must be completed, it is necessary to help older and younger;
  • It is necessary to encourage interest in business, diligence and independence, the desire to overcome difficulties;
  • Organize joint work with younger and older family members;
  • Check with the child the progress of work, evaluate its result. At the same time, paying special attention to the patience and independence of the child;
  • Set an example by a personal example to the child, involving him in joint work;
  • Read to the child works of art about various professions, look at illustrations and paintings. During a walk, carry out purposeful observation of how people work (janitor, seller, driver, and others);
  • Give the child the opportunity to choose and help make the right decision (for example, before going for a walk, you must finish the work you have begun).

BEFORE. Dzintere defines several types of families:
Type 1 - High family pattern.In these families there are optimal conditions for the correct labor education of children of preschool age. Parents approach the implementation of household and industrial affairs responsibly. As a rule, in such families, the child performs certain labor assignments, the promotion of which takes into account the interests of the child himself and the sequence, some time is allocated to complete the task. The experience of these families needs to be studied, although parents can independently seek help from a teacher.
Type 2 - A family with the necessary, but unstable conditions for the formation of a social orientation of labor activity.The positive side of this type of family is that parents are socially active and work quite hard, ready to help other people, while relations between family members are not negative. But due to constant employment, overload or insufficiently high level of culture of one (two) parents, their behavior and mood can change dramatically. This is what creates difficulties in relationships and negatively affects the microclimate of the family. As a rule, children do not have permanent labor duties, or their performance is poorly controlled.

Type 3 - A family where there are no conditions for the labor education of children in its social orientation, which is caused by negative relationships between adults in the family. This can be caused by a narrow range of interests of parents, negative relationships between family members and the indifference of parents to the work performed. More often in such families there are quarrels and sharp conflicts as a result of the fact that the views of older family members on life and the upbringing of children do not coincide.
Type 4 - Dysfunctional families. In this family, the social orientation is low, one (or several) family members have a negative attitude towards production work. Members of this family do not respect and do not trust each other. Often there are conflicts due to domestic problems and the upbringing of children. There are frequent cases when parents lead an idle life and do not pay due attention to the upbringing of a child. A significant part of parents do not feel their responsibility for the child, do not pay attention and time to raising the child and organizing the game, work.

Educator: Emeyalnova K.S.

In order for a person to achieve any success in life, he must be hardworking. The ability to work is not inherent in a person by nature, this skill must be formed. And the sooner the process of labor education begins, the better for the child. The most suitable period for instilling labor skills in children is the preschool period. The labor education of preschoolers sets itself the goal of teaching the child to be hardworking, instilling general labor skills in him, developing a sense of responsibility for the work performed. The process of raising a preschool child is a joint activity of a preschool institution and the family.

Caring for plants and animals is one of the methods of labor education

Importance of child labor and its types

The education of labor skills in a child is of great importance in shaping his physical and moral development. Kids, mastering different types of labor, gradually become more confident, stronger physically.

The process of labor disciplines children, develops in them a sense of responsibility for themselves and their actions.

The Importance of Work in Children's Lives

The types of labor depend on what the goal is and what the tasks of the labor process are:

  • self-service: the child must have basic labor skills for self-care;
  • household skills;
  • be able to work in nature;
  • manual labor.

Two main tasks of labor education

All types of labor are aimed at ensuring that kids can master all the features of the world around them, develop the ability to think, hone their memory, study the purpose and learn how to work with different tools, familiarize themselves with the rules for using materials. Children should master the content of the labor process on the example of adults, imitating them, adopting certain labor skills.

Mastering different types of labor, preschoolers broaden their horizons, they develop respect for elders.

Self-care: Starting at a young age, preschoolers need to develop self-care skills. But during this period, children, due to physiological characteristics, still cannot perform some actions:

  • the fingers of the kids are not yet completely obedient;
  • the sequence of performing some actions is not always remembered;
  • they have not yet formed the ability to control their will.

Work for the baby should be feasible and interesting

These moments are difficult for the child, therefore, the likelihood that they will cause denial is high. What should parents and kindergarten teachers do? Nothing special, just be patient, calm and friendly. Only such means can help the baby calmly accept requests to wash and brush his teeth in the morning, tidy up his bed, dress, undress, and clean up his toys on his own.

Self service

The means and techniques for mastering self-service actions are quite simple:

  • all procedures must be performed regularly;
  • control of actions performed by adults;
  • a requirement on the part of adults to do all work neatly, to be neat and clean.

Self-service - the first type of work

Advice to parents: an older preschooler should be introduced to school clothes, attributes, replenish the baby's vocabulary and teach accuracy in handling these items. For example, prepare clothes with your child in the evening, carefully hanging them on a high chair.

Household work

Preschoolers should learn the skills of economic activity, be able to perform household work. The child is quite capable of wiping dust on furniture, door handles. The kid should represent the content of household work. Methods of labor education allow the child in each age category to master new labor activities.

Helping parents is an example of domestic work

The means of educating the skills and abilities to perform household work are diverse: the baby can help set the table, clean up after himself, sweep the floor. In kindergarten, children are on duty, they also set the tables, water the flowers, wipe the dust on the shelves and in the lockers.

Adults need to adjust the content of work depending on belonging to the age group.

Tip: do not forget to praise the child, guide him, but in no case scold him, only then the educational goal will be fulfilled.

Labor in nature

Labor skills performed in the natural environment are excellent means of learning the beauty of one's native land, developing observation skills and improving movements. The tasks that apply to this type of labor activity are the development of volitional qualities, strength and endurance.

Cleaning the territory - work in the fresh air

What means of labor education are used in this type of labor? Children of younger preschool age can feed the fish, and for a walk - the birds. Older preschoolers can be assigned to water the flowers in a group. Parents can set similar tasks for the baby at home. If the kindergarten has a corner of nature, then the kids can provide all possible assistance in caring for pets. Also interesting are such means as growing onions or greens in a jar on the window, as well as observing and caring for plants sprouted from seeds.

Caring for vegetables is a very effective way of labor education.

Such means of cultivating love for work in nature are very effective, children become kinder, enjoy the labor process.

Manual labor

Preschoolers should be taught to work with their hands. These are various crafts, working with different types of materials. In the classroom in kindergarten, kids learn the skills of working with natural material, using various improvised means and paper in their work.

Children love to do crafts

Manual labor is designed to solve such problems as the development of perseverance, the development of a sense of aesthetics and patience.

Features of the work of preschoolers

  • Children's labor process is not aimed at creating material values.
  • By nature - educational.
  • In the process of work, children assert themselves.
  • Work is perceived by children as a game.
  • The work of preschoolers is not evaluated and its content does not include material remuneration.
  • The nature of the work of children is optional.

How to develop industriousness in kids

In order for a child to become hardworking, he must be educated. But most importantly, he should experience the joy of work.

In the form of a game, children acquire the skills and abilities to work

Child labor is notable for its peculiarity:

  • in terms of content, the work is simple;
  • actions are available;
  • connection with game processes.

If you watch the kids, you can see that the work of an adult is reflected in the game for 2-3 years. Children imitate the actions of elders. Let the child observe adults who are doing some work. Kids can wash clothes for dolls, wash soft toys, and finally tidy up in their room or in a children's corner. Children after 5-6 years old, as well as seven-year-olds, are already playing situational games. Such tools are excellent in educating labor skills.

Situational games are a fascinating method of labor education

Forms and methods of organizing the educational process

In the kindergarten group, children can perform the following work, the purpose of which is labor education:

  • Orders are the simplest methods. The child is given a specific task to complete. The system of individual orders has proven itself well.
  • Duty - kids learn to be responsible for the assigned work, to be neat and executive.
  • Common labor solves the problems of moral education. It is introduced in senior and preparatory groups.
  • Business relationships are built between preschoolers in the process of common work.

What are the main means for instilling a love of work in preschoolers?

The example of adults is the best means of labor education

Fixed assets:

  • own labor process, which is carried out by preschoolers;
  • familiarization with the process of labor activity performed by adults;
  • knowledge of the labor process through creativity and artistic development.

So, in the process of labor education, preschoolers should form the concept of the labor process. Attitude towards work and labor activity, skills to perform certain types of work, age-appropriate.

Preschool teachers and parents should act in cooperation and close cooperation.

Video. Tasks and methods of labor education in kindergarten

Anna Khramova
Labor education of preschool children in the family and in kindergarten

Children will go to kindergarten, study at school, and all the while they will acquire certain work skills.

And you have to start early. childhood, from the period when the basic moral qualities of the child are laid, when his heart is open to kindness, honesty and justice, when he learns to respect, love, and cherish.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky in the book "I give my heart to children" noted that working life during childhood- one of the important conditions for the formation of a harmonious person. It is necessary that living with childhood in labor and with difficulty, a small person felt the need for another person precisely for teamwork, for creativity. An outstanding teacher advised not to be afraid to outshine the golden sun. childhood themes that the child will difficult that he, straining his efforts, will do more than he thought he could. Having done more, the child for the first time experiences pride in himself, as if discovering new opportunities in himself, seeing himself through the eyes of other people.

So the main task families- so organize your way of life and activities of the child in family to self work had the maximum educational impact.

What does it mean to prepare a child for life?

What is the main guarantee that this life, so dear to us, will be lived beautifully, brightly, not uselessly? We probably won't be wrong if say: the main thing is to learn to love work and find a source of joy in it. Without this, there can be no success either in teaching or in future activities; without it, there is no respect for others, no self-esteem. In other words, without it there is no happiness.

The main qualities that we must educate children must be love for labor, respect for workers, willingness to perform any work necessary for society. Work should become the vital need of a small citizen.

The best age to teach a child to labor is a period of 2.5 - 3 years. At this time, the baby is actively exploring the world around him. A child of this age imitates the actions of adults with great pleasure. Therefore, the child seeks "wash the floor", "make dinner", "wash the dishes". You should not refuse the help of the child, even if at this stage he interferes, and does not help. If at this age you do not push the child away and do not send him to play, instead of helping around the house, then at the age of 5 your daughter will be able to cook a simple meal, and a four-year-old baby will be able to vacuum the room.

IN preschool four types are feasible for children of age labor.

Self-service - the formation of skills of eating, washing, undressing and dressing; development of skills to use hygiene items (toilet, handkerchief, towel, toothbrush, comb, brush for clothes and shoes, etc.); upbringing careful attitude to their things and household items.

IN kindergarten- duty in the dining room, in a green corner, etc. And it is important not to force, but to accustom the child to labor effort. Patiently, forcefully, gradually. Compulsion to labor may provoke protest. Having mastered the skills of self-service, the child not only can serve himself, but also learns to be careful.

Household labor - It is everyday labor that lays the foundation for labor education. The development of household chores in children work skills at home(wiping and washing toys, children's and doll furniture, washing doll and children's(socks, handkerchiefs, etc.) laundry, cleaning toys and putting things in order in the room, helping parents in the kitchen.

Pay attention to how, after watching mom in the kitchen, the girls in the game begin to "cook borscht" and the boys diligently "car repairs". Such play is the first school of acquisition labor skills which will be further improved.

Involving children in household chores, we develop the habit of working, and together with it we teach to take care of other people, forming noble desires. It is necessary to teach children to perform any household chores not only because we must prepare them for a future independent life. The habit and ability to do something with one's own hands will be useful to the child, whatever profession he chooses, and, in addition, they greatly contribute to his mental development.

Respect, a kind word or an encouraging smile awakens in the souls of babies an attentive and grateful attitude towards labor. Therefore, it is so important to positively evaluate even minor successes in a certain work of the child, to show the child aesthetics. labor.

Labor in nature - Labor in nature contributes to the development of observation, curiosity of children, educates they have an interest in agriculture work and respect for people who deal with them. Work in nature helps to cultivate love for it. To love nature means to recreate and increase the wealth of our Motherland, to take care of the living, to the results labor.

Along with observations the work of others, a large place is occupied by its own labor child's activity. Baby gardens have natural corners, gardens, flower beds, fruit and berry plots where children can learn work skills. Children master the simplest practical skills in handling agricultural implements, learn how to care for plants, and receive a lot of information about the growth and development of plants. In the corners of nature live guinea pigs, birds, there are aquariums with fish. All this provides an opportunity to familiarize children with the life of animals and master the skills of caring for them.

Work children in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movement, stimulates the action of various organs, strengthens the nervous system. In that labor, as in no other, mental and volitional efforts are combined.

Of great importance work in nature for the mental and sensory development of children.

Systematic collective work unites children, educates them industriousness and responsibility for the task assigned, gives them pleasure and joy.

Manual labor -“Handcraft is the material embodiment of a curious mind, ingenuity, and creative imagination. It is very important that in children's for years, each child carried out his plan with his hands. "The source of children's abilities and gifts is at their fingertips.""The more skill in child's hand the smarter the child." (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)

Independent and with the help of adults, the manufacture of paper, cardboard, natural and waste materials of the simplest items needed in everyday life and for children's games. (From empty matchboxes, packs of sweets, from tea, you can make houses, caskets, cars; pasting them with colored or wrapping paper, foil, etc.).

Various crafts made of plasticine and clay. The variety of material is diverse in our time. The stores have ready-made kits for children's creativity.

Significant interest and interest from seniors preschoolers causes openwork paper cutting. Children are happy to learn how to cut out paper folded several times, rejoice in napkins and snowflakes created by their own hands. With the help of special tools (scissors with curly edges, hole punches for cutting out finished flowers, leaves, figures, etc.), you can make blanks for applications.

Whatever work we organize with children, our main goal is to interest children, to show the feasibility of its implementation, the gradualness of actions, the aesthetic and practical value of a hand-made thing. Must form a sense of responsibility for the quality of their work and a desire to please others with it (for example, give someone a product).

(Slide view « Labor education of children in kindergarten» ).

What happens to children during labor activity?

1. In progress labor activities, the physical and mental development of children takes place, mastery of skills and abilities (the ability to work in concert, outline a sequence of actions, adjust the goal.)

2. Participation in labor activities contributes to the communication of children with peers and adults, develop individual abilities.

3. Respect is shown labor and working people, hard work must be nurtured from childhood.

Average preschool At an early age, the skills that children mastered at a younger age are improved. But much attention is paid to diligence, the ability to bring the work started to end: dress, undress, eat without being distracted. These tasks are solved more successfully with the use of playing techniques and systematic monitoring of the actions of children by adults. At this age, the child has a desire to teach a friend what he himself can do.

Tasks labor education, parents and educators.

Your child does not like work?

How to involve a child in labor.

Education industriousness for a child is a complex and multifaceted task. A child who knows how to cope with homework will more easily cope with various life tasks in the future. difficulties. Habit to labor makes the child responsible, meaningful, independent. But the lack of desire and ability to do something around the house are a sign of infantilism and selfishness.

Most Common Mistakes parents:

- Ironic, contemptuous attitude towards child labor. "Step back, you'll ruin everything", - the baby constantly hears. Irony and neglect will discourage even an adult, what can we say about a baby

The desire of parents to do everything themselves. Lack of time and unwillingness to redo the work for the child leads to the fact that parents do everything themselves - even what the baby is able to do on his own.

- accustoming to labor force. Not often, but it still happens that parents are too demanding of the child. They not only give him too much work, but also make him do everything perfectly. Many children in this situation have a completely understandable aversion to labor.

- Unwillingness of parents to help. Some parents believe that the baby should reach everything "with your own mind". Perhaps sometimes this is useful, but in most cases the child is deprived of support in the form of the experience and wisdom of adults. This leads to lagging behind peers.

What to do?

1. Do not forbid the child to help you.

On the contrary, express joy and make it clear to the child that you cannot do without his help. If you are afraid that your apartment will suffer greatly after such help, then let's do the tasks ourselves. You can ask to collect toys, wipe the dust, water the flowers, or give other simple tasks. When the child copes, be sure to praise him, even if something turned out wrong. It is clear that it is easier and faster for adults to do everything themselves, but give the child the opportunity to feel his usefulness.

2. Turn homework into a game.

If you do not want to completely discourage the child's desire to help you, do not force him. And just turn your homework into a game. There are many options. Can arrange competition: who will collect toys faster, who will wash the plate cleaner, etc. You can attach to the work toys: a mother with a hare washes the dishes, and a daughter with a bear wipes the dust. Another option is to come up with a short fairy tale about washing dishes or dusting. Perhaps you will come up with your own game. The most important thing is that the child is interested.

3. Another very important rule is to trust your child to do certain things.

Let everyone have family responsibilities will be shared. Let the baby feel like a full-fledged assistant. Let his duties include cleaning toys, watering flowers, etc. When the child sees that everyone in family performs his duties, then he realizes his importance and will not refuse to work.

4. Explain to the child what you want from him.

Many adults are used to being understood perfectly. Don't expect this from kids. If you sigh heavily and say that it’s hard for you to do everything around the house alone, don’t expect your child to guess to help you. You need to clearly articulate what kind of help you want from the child. Do not scold the child if he does not understand what you want. Try to explain again. It is very important not to raise your voice, not to speak in an orderly tone, but to calmly ask the child for specific help. It is very good if you invite the child to do something together. Can be offered to a child choice: "Are you going to wash the dishes or dust?" So that the child understands the obligation of homework, but has the right to choose.

5. Most importantly - do not forget to praise the child!

Many parents make the mistake of promising money for the work done. encouragement: wash the dishes - buy ice cream, water the flowers - let's go to the rides.

The child will quickly get used to such a scheme and will help you only for a certain reward.

It is necessary to accustom the baby to the fact that by helping you, he benefits loved ones. He should feel proud that he can independently carry out some task. Try to give your child tasks that he is better at.

6. And the last thing - do not forget that parents are always an example for children.

Notice with what emotions, words, mood you do your homework. If she disgusts you, annoys you, you show with your whole appearance how you hate washing the floor or dishes .... I doubt that the child will want to do household chores, seeing how they strain you. Try with all your appearance and behavior to arouse in the child a desire to help you. He must understand that it is interesting.

Introduce adult professions

Tasks labor education child are so versatile that their successful solution requires close cooperation and interaction between the family and the preschool institution, parents and educators.

One of the ways of spiritual enrichment of the child's personality is to get acquainted with labor of adults.

Exactly at preschool age develops an interest in labor and a desire to do good work. Therefore, it is so important that during this period the child reincarnates as a builder, teacher, doctor, architect ... And, perhaps, the best doctor is the one who is still in childhood carefully treated a kitten, a chick or a tree.

Opening the world of adult professions to children, it is desirable to form full-fledged concepts about the content, features, and social significance of the work of people of various specialties.

For example, considering the topic "My kindergarten» , tell the children about the profession of a teacher, assistant educator, cooks, janitor, nurses, laundresses, mark: if one of these people is absent, then others will not be able to do their job normally, note that work each person is intimately connected with the work of others.

And when studying the topic in kindergarten"Quietly autumn walks through the grove" provide children with information about the professions of agriculture - a livestock breeder, vegetable grower, farmer, gardener, driver, tractor driver, combine operator. When the topic is studied "In the world of transport", children learn about the profession of transport workers - motorists, railway workers, aviators. At the same time, pay attention to the stability, endurance of representatives of these professions.

On the eve of the New Year holidays (theme "The New Year walks the planet", tell the kids about the profession of postal workers - postmen, operators, sorters, telephone operators, emphasizing how much joy people get from letters and telegrams brought on time.

Subject "Golden hands of masters" introduces folk crafts - pottery, embroidery, weaving and related professions. Preschoolers learn that folk crafts are extremely diverse, multifaceted, and testify to the high spiritual culture of the people, which initially strives for beauty.

Folk crafts are part of the history of the people, the share of those traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation, and to which we must involve our children. One such example for pupils there will be a story about one of the traditional crafts - pottery. Children learn that potters make a variety of utensils for storing, preparing and serving food - pots, bowls, jugs, kegs, as well as decorative dishes, Kids toys, bricks, chimneys, sculpture. Of course, it is difficult to take children to pottery, but every adult can tell, show characteristic products and their images. At the same time, drawing the attention of girls and boys to the high professionalism of the craftsmen, to the features of the shape of products, colors, elements and compositions of the pattern.

We advise parents to support the efforts of teachers and discuss at home with the child what he learns in kindergarten. And if necessary, show him adult labor(in a shop, clinic, hairdressers, etc.).

While introducing children to labor of adults, various methods are used and tricks:

conversations about the profession;

reading fiction;

examining paintings, albums, sets of postcards about labor of adults;

meetings with people of different professions;

excursions (to the post office, library, school, shop, pharmacy, etc.);

making gifts for friends, parents, acquaintances;

production of collective works on a specific topic (to decorate corridors, group room, locker room);

inventing patterns to decorate planar images of clothes, dishes, etc.;

study of proverbs and sayings about labor;

holding quizzes like 2What? Where? When?" (ABOUT labor of adults, "Field of Dreams" (about different professions);

use of various didactic games.

Didactic games

To clarify and consolidate the ideas received by the kids in the observations of labor actions of representatives of different professions, we invite parents to play with their children. This can be done in transport or on the way to kindergarten, in the store, or even in the kitchen, preparing dinner or just in any free moment.

"What is he doing?"

Target: To form concepts about the actions of people of different professions.

What is the seller doing? (sells)

What does the teacher do(educates)

What does the chef do (cooking)


Target: To form the child's concepts of household chores. Bring up responsible attitude towards labor.

What household chores is dad best at? (Hang a picture, sharpen a knife, knock out a carpet)

What does mom do best? (Cook food, iron clothes)

What does a child do best? (Collect toys, dust, water flowers)

"Who do they work for?"

Target: Introduce children to the professions of their relatives.

What is mom's job? Dad? Grandmother? etc.

"Who will name more?"

Target: Fix the names of professions.

Those present take turns calling the profession, without repeating after others.

"Guess who?"

Target: to form children's ideas about many professions, to learn to distinguish between them. How useful are they?

Said thread: “I can sew anything your heart desires!

I can - a vest, I can - a coat, I can - a fashionable suit!

Needle protested: “And you would wear a lot,

When would I not carry you?

You only follow Me!”

I listened with a smile... (Tailor)

I'm used to waking up before sunrise.

He meets the sun first yard:

To keep our streets clean!

Working since morning...(Street cleaner)

He has a magic wand in his hands,

In a moment, she will stop all the cars!

Here he quickly raised his wand

Straightaway "Moskvich" how dug in! (Adjuster)

Where a hundred mowers went - five came out heroes:

They mow, knit at the same time and thresh for grain. (Combineer)

"Guess the profession"

Target: expand children's understanding of the profession; find out what profession you are talking about.

This man is the mistress of a wonderful palace of books. She is sincerely glad to everyone who comes to visit her. And most importantly, guests will never leave her empty-handed. She gives them interesting books to take home. After reading, they can be exchanged for others. She will always help young and adult readers to find the right book. (Librarian).

When you are hungry and come running to lunch in a group, it already smells delicious. Who is this bothered? Who prepared this delicious and fragrant dish? This is her favorite pastime, she does it with great love, that's why everyone likes food so much. For what a person does with pleasure and love brings joy not only to herself, but to everyone else. Who is this? (Cook).

And this person greets his patient with a smile, quickly drives away unbearable pain, treats all kinds of diseases. Sometime in childhood this man came to the aid of sick animals and loved ones, because he loved them very much and tried to reject the pain. And then I realized that I couldn’t live without it, so I studied for a long time and became (doctor).

When you come to kindergarten, around cleanliness, comfort, fresh air. Not a speck of dust anywhere. The floor is washed, the glass on the windows is so transparent that it is almost invisible. This person loves cleanliness and does his job with pleasure. She has a great talent for this. Whose handiwork is this? (Cleaning lady, assistant educator) .

"Profession names from A to Z"

Target: to improve the ability of children to select words (names of professions) for the given sound.

For example: A - agronomist; B - librarian; B is the driver educator; D - janitor; M - music director, masseur, nurse; C - watchman, stewardess, gardener, etc.

“What would happen if I didn’t work (electrician, driver, doctor, etc.?”

Target: to lead children to an understanding of the values ​​of any labor of people.

"What do they do with this item?"

Target: to teach children to choose words that indicate the action performed by the object and who uses this item:

Tassel - (what they do)- draw, (Who)- Artists, children.

Scissors - (what they do)- cut, (Who)- Cutters, hairdressers.

Needle - (what they do)- Sew, (Who)- Seamstresses, embroiderers.

Shovel - (what they do)- Digging (Who)- Gardeners.

Pen - (what they do)- They write (Who)- Teachers, writers, accountants.

Ax - (what they do)- Chopped (Who)- Carpenters, foresters.

Thermometer - (what they do)- Measure temperature (Who)- Doctors, forecasters.

Ruler - (what they do)- measure, (Who)- Engineers, designers, schoolchildren.

Broom - (what they do)- They sweep (Who)- Janitors, etc.

What does the subject say about itself?

Target: based on knowledge about the content and characteristics of the work of adults who produce things and everyday items, learn to evaluate its results; bring up children have a sense of gratitude to those who created such necessary things.

Rules of the game. The child takes the appropriate object and, on behalf of the object, tries to tell in an interesting way what it is, what it is made of, who made it, what this object is intended for.

Dear parents, remember that only work will help children grow up to be independent, disciplined, responsible members of our society.

Good luck to you in raising your children!


In the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the transition of the economy of our state to market relations, the choice of the sphere of labor activity becomes especially problematic. With the advent of market relations, a labor market also arises. Self-supporting state enterprises, collective farms and state farms, co-operators and tenants will employ the most qualified and capable of performing labor functions. In this situation, a very important task today is labor education in the family. That is, the upbringing of industriousness in children, the desire to work, especially in urban families, where, due to the prevailing circumstances, children, not being accustomed to work from a very early age, do not have industriousness.

The formation of students' readiness for work is an integral part of a holistic pedagogical process.

The purpose of labor education, carried out within the framework of the family and school of the Russian Federation, is to equip students with a set of certain general educational, polytechnical and general technical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to participate in productive labor, as well as to cultivate industriousness as a moral trait.

In the past, the problem of labor education was dealt with by well-known teachers, such as Jan Amos Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky.

So Jan Amos Comenius considered the school as a source of joy, light and knowledge, considered interest, including in work, one of the main ways to create this bright and joyful learning environment.

I.G. Pestalozzi saw labor education in connecting the learning process with productive labor. In his opinion, children at school spend the whole day at spinning and weaving looms; the school has a piece of land, and each child cultivates his garden beds, takes care of the animals. Children learn how to process linen and wool. During work, as well as in his free time, the teacher conducts classes with children, teaches them to read and write, count, and other vital knowledge.

Pestalozzi emphasized the importance of labor education for the formation of a person. He attached a high educational value to the work of children.

K.D. Ushinsky in his article "Labor in its mental and educational significance" points to the great role of labor in the formation of personality. He castigates idleness and highly values ​​work, saying that it is work that creates value. In work, personal qualities of a person are brought up. He noted that labor is the main factor for the physical, mental and moral improvement of a person. It is necessary for human dignity, for human freedom and happiness. Man owes his moments of high pleasure to labor. Work strengthens family life.

In 1918, documents on public education were adopted, in which the concepts of a labor school were formed. It was most fully implemented by A.S. Makarenko.

He believed that labor education is one of the main ways of personality formation. A.S. Makarenko expressed this idea in a clear and precise form:

“Proper upbringing cannot be imagined as unlabored upbringing. In educational work, work should be one of the most basic elements. Makarenko considered the participation of children in the labor affairs of the family as a necessity that the child himself should be aware of. He said that you need to make the study work as interesting as possible, and not turn this work into fun. Makarenko argued that a person who does not know how to work and treat work conscientiously causes pity and condemnation, since he always needs the services of others, without the help of others he lives slovenly, negligently. In the "Lectures on the upbringing of children" and in the "Book for parents" he gave basic recommendations on labor education in the family.

The experience of labor education in the Nikitin family is interesting. Where the upbringing in their large family took place practically: the elders were responsible for the younger ones and set an example on themselves how to work, adopting the experience of their parents. Parents were an example for their children, they gave freedom in the choice of work to children: according to their interests.

Object of study: The process of labor education.

Item: Labor education in the family.

Target: To study the pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of labor education in a modern family.


1. Determine the goals and objectives of labor education in the family.

2. Determine the forms and methods for the implementation of labor education in the modern family.

3. Describe the content of the child's interest in work in the process of labor education in the family.

4. To identify the interest in work that a child develops in a modern family.

Main part

§ 1. The task and content of labor activity in the family

The constant employment of the child, his enthusiasm for work is a reliable guarantee that he will not become an empty, worthless person.

Collective labor days of the family play an important educational role. Working together with adults allows children to learn the skills of properly organizing their workplace, rational working methods, and safety rules. You can involve children in the improvement of the apartment, creating conditions for the most complete rest. Finally, there is always a need to improve one's street, one's quarter, where one can organize collective affairs together with neighbors.

The words of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky: “Education itself, if it wishes happiness for a person, should educate him not for happiness, but sentence him to the work of life.”

Labor education in the family lays the foundation for their future righteous life in children. A person who is not accustomed to work has only one way - the search for an "easy" life. It usually ends badly. If parents want to see their child along this path, they can afford the luxury of moving away from labor education.

What parent would not be flattered by the words: "Your children are very tidy", "Your children are so well-mannered", "Your children amazingly combine loyalty and self-esteem." Who among them would not want their children to prefer sports over cigarettes, work over alcohol, strenuous self-education over wasting time.

But for this you need to work long and hard in the field of education. The most important place in family education is occupied by labor education.

The task of the labor activity of the child in the family is the development of moral, physical and mental qualities in him, the development of his personality, and familiarization with work.

The importance of labor in the moral education of the individual is exceptionally great. Many teachers associated labor activity with the development of civic consciousness, patriotic feelings, and understanding of their social duty.

One of the important qualities that should be developed and formed in a child is diligence.

industriousness- a moral quality that expresses a positive attitude towards work, manifested in labor activity, diligence and diligence of the employee. One of the means of self-assertion of personality.

Labor, practical production activities have a beneficial effect on the physical development of a person. Physiological studies show that physical labor associated with movements and muscle exercises, with exposure to fresh air, strengthens a person’s strength and health, increases his vitality.

Labor develops the mental abilities of a person, his ingenuity, creative ingenuity. Work in modern production requires broad educational and technical training, the ability to quickly master new technology, the ability to rationalize and improve labor practices.

When we talk about the system of labor education in the experience and views of A.S. Makarenko, we mean not some isolated system of ideas, but one that has grown out of the direct practice of an innovator teacher. It is also impossible to represent this system as something once and for all established and unchanged throughout all sixteen years of Makarenko's work in the colony named after M. Gorky and the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

On the experience of working in the colony, he deeply realized the harm of individual attempts that took place in the educational institutions of those years, to replace the entire diverse content of the pedagogical process with labor. A.S. Makarenko steadily strove for a scientific organization of labor.

While working in the colony, he came to the firm conviction that “the economy should be considered by us primarily as a pedagogical factor. Its success, of course, is necessary, but no more than any other phenomenon that is useful in an educational sense. Simply put, pedagogical tasks should prevail in the economy, and not narrowly economic ones.

A.S. Makarenko relatively quickly established that the participation of colonists in productive labor, even on a primitive handicraft basis, gives an immeasurably greater educational effect than self-service. "The negligible motivational value of self-service work, significant fatigue, the weak intellectual content of the work destroyed our faith in self-service already in the very first months."

A.S. Makarenko in his experience came to the organic inclusion of self-service in the system of labor education. In the experience of the colony named after M. Gorky, such important components of the labor education system as the participation of pupils in productive labor, the organization of collective self-service aimed at satisfying the diverse needs of the entire team, have been developed.

“... The assertion that no education is needed, that only work in production educates is one of the persuasive ideas that pedagogical handicrafts are so full of,” Makarenko wrote. “... Labor without the accompanying education, upbringing does not bring educational benefits, it turns out to be a neutral process.

Makarenko on the labor education of children in the family believed that even younger children should be given not one-time assignments, but permanent assignments designed for months and even years, so that children would be responsible for the work entrusted to them for a long time. Children can water the flowers in the room or in the whole apartment, set the table before dinner, look after the father's desk, clean the room, cultivate and care for a certain area of ​​the family garden or flower garden, etc.

Let us try to analyze in more detail the meaning and significance of labor education in the family.

The first thing in particular that parents should remember is the following.

Your child will be a member of a working society, therefore, his significance in this society, his value as a citizen will depend solely on how able he will take part in social work, how prepared he will be for this work. His well-being, the material standard of his life will depend on this. By nature, all people have approximately the same labor data, but in life some people know how to work better, others worse, some are only capable of the simplest work, others are more complex and, therefore, more valuable. These various working qualities are not given to a person by nature, they are brought up in him during his life and especially in his youth.

Consequently, labor training, education of the labor quality of a person is the preparation and education of not only the future good or bad citizen, but also the education of his future standard of living, his well-being.

Second: you can work out of need, out of vital necessity. In human history, in most cases, labor has always had this character of forced hard work, necessary in order not to die of hunger. But already in the old days, people tried to be not only a labor force, but also a creative force. Teaching creative work is a special task of the educator.

Creative work is possible only when a person treats work with love, when he consciously sees joy in it, understands the benefits and necessity of work, when work becomes for him the main form of manifestation of personality and talent.

Thirdly, labor effort brings up not only the working preparation of a person, but also the preparation of a comrade, that is, a correct attitude towards other people is brought up - this will already be moral preparation.

Fourth: it is wrong to think that only muscles or external qualities develop in labor education - vision, touch, fingers develop, etc. Physical development in labor, of course, is also of great importance, being an important and absolutely necessary element. But the main benefit of labor is reflected in the mental, spiritual development of a person.

Fifth: it is necessary to point out one more circumstance, labor is not only of social production importance, but is of great importance in personal life as well. We know very well how much more fun and happier people live who can do a lot, who succeed in everything and argue, who will not get lost under any circumstances, who know how to own things and command them.

Parents should think carefully about each of these circumstances. In their lives and in the lives of their acquaintances, they will at every step see confirmation of the vital importance of labor education in the family.

§2. Pedagogical conditions for improving labor education in the modern family

Labor is a conscious, expedient, creative activity of a person, aimed at satisfying his material and spiritual needs, developing his physical and spiritual essential forces, as well as moral qualities.

The content of labor consciousness is production experience: professional knowledge, skills and abilities. It also includes personal interest and enterprise, an understanding of the social significance of personal duty and the responsibility of each for the results of labor, an active and creative attitude towards it; the desire of the worker to affirm the principle of social justice; emotional, moral and aesthetic attitude to work.

A developed labor consciousness contributes to the formation of industriousness in a person, his moral traits, the ability to correlate his needs and the forms of their satisfaction with the volume and quality of personal labor.

Pedagogical condition improving labor education in the modern family is the systematic labor activity of the child at home, which will contribute to the development in the child himself of such personal qualities as responsibility, accuracy, respect for other people's work, which will develop in him labor consciousness, will contribute to the emergence of industriousness, and as a result of skills and abilities needed for future work.

The child must always face some labor task, which he is able to solve. This task can be both short-term and long-term. For example: you can instruct the child to keep cleanliness in a certain room for a long time, and how he will do it - let him decide and be responsible for the decision himself. By doing this, you will set an organizational task for him. Consequently, the more complex and independent the labor task, the better it will be pedagogically.

Diligence is the result of labor education, training and vocational guidance and acts as a personal quality that is characterized by a strong need-motivational sphere, a deep understanding of the great educational power of knowledge and persuasion labor, the ability and desire to conscientiously perform any necessary work and show strong-willed efforts in overcoming those obstacles. that are encountered in the course of work.

According to Kharlamov I.F. diligence includes the following structural moral components:

a) the need for creative labor activity and its healthy social and personal motives;

b) understanding the benefits of labor for oneself and the belief in its moral charity;

c) the availability of labor skills and skills and their continuous improvement;

d) a sufficiently strong will of the individual.

Socially useful labor forms moral traits. Labor education is one of the main ways of personality formation. A.S. Makarenko expressed this idea in a clear and precise form:

“Proper upbringing cannot be imagined as unlabored upbringing. In educational work, work should be one of the most basic elements.

The main conditions for labor education are to include children in feasible and useful work already at preschool age.

Of course, within the boundaries of the family, it is difficult to give a child such labor education, which is usually called a qualification. The family is not adapted for the formation of a good special qualification; a boy or girl will receive a qualification in some public organization: at a school, at a factory, in an institution, at courses. In no case should a family chase qualifications in one or another specialty.

But parents should not at all think that family education has nothing to do with obtaining a qualification.

It is family work training that is most important for the future qualification of a person. The child who has received a correct labor upbringing in the family will go through his special training with great success in the future.

In the same way, parents should not think that by labor we understand only physical labor, muscular work. With the development of machine production, physical labor gradually loses its former importance in human social life. A person is becoming more and more the owner of large, organized mechanical forces, now more and more is required of him not physical, but mental forces: diligence, attention, calculation, ingenuity, resourcefulness, dexterity. In their family, parents should not educate a labor force, but an intellectual, creatively thinking working person.

We should not think that labor education in the family is understood only as physical education. Labor education in the family combines both physical and mental labor. In both, the important side is, first of all, the organization of labor effort, its real human side.

§3. Participation in the labor affairs of the family as a recognized necessity

Labor education in the family is the process of involving children in various pedagogically organized types of socially useful labor in order to transfer them a minimum of production experience, labor skills and abilities, to develop their creative practical thinking, diligence and consciousness of a working person.

In the process of children's labor activity, says Makarenko, it is necessary to develop their ability to orientate themselves, plan work, take care of time, tools of production and materials, and achieve high quality work.

In order to avoid early and narrow specialization, children should be switched from one type of work to another, they should be given the opportunity to get an education and at the same time master working professions, as well as skills in organizing and managing production.

Makarenko believed that industriousness and the ability to work are not given to the child by nature, but are brought up in him. He said: “The idea of ​​a carefree childhood is alien to our society and can bring great harm to the future. Only a worker can be a citizen, this is his honor, his joy and human dignity.

In a family, work should be one of the main elements. The main thing that parents should especially remember is the following: the child will become part of a working society, therefore, his position in this society, his value as a citizen will depend on how ready he is to take part in social labor. His well-being, the material standard of his life will depend on this.

Parents should understand that every work must be creative, to teach creative work is a special task of education in the family.

Parents need to educate in labor effort not only the work preparation of children, but also the correct attitude of the child towards other people.

Parents need to be aware that in the process of labor education, the main benefit of labor is reflected in the mental, spiritual development of the child.

In labor education in the family, the child must be given a certain task, which he can solve by using this or that labor means. The child must be given some freedom in the choice of means and he must bear some responsibility for the performance of the work and for its quality. The child should take part in the labor affairs of the family, not considering it as coercion, but should understand this as a conscious necessity.

The labor participation of children in family life should begin very early. It must start in the game. The child should be shown that he is responsible for the integrity of the toys, for cleanliness and order in the place where the toys are and where he plays. This work must be put before him in the most general terms: it must be clean, it must not be sketched, poured, there must be no dust on toys. You can show him some cleaning techniques, but in general it’s good if he himself guesses that you need to have a clean rag to wipe the dust, etc.

With age, labor assignments should be complicated and removed from the game. For example: receiving newspapers and putting them in a certain place, feeding a kitten or a puppy, being in charge of order in the cupboard, being the first to answer the phone, etc.

Parents should educate in the child the ability to patiently and without whimpering do unpleasant work. Then, as the child develops, even the most unpleasant work will bring him joy, if the social value of the work is obvious to him.

§4. Stimulation of labor efforts of children by parents

For the formation of a conscientious attitude to work, stimulation of the child is of great importance.

Public recognition plays a significant role in shaping the positive attitude of students towards work. This lifts the mood of the child, reveals in him a conscious attitude towards the need to work for the common good.

The approval of adults is especially important when the child experiences inner satisfaction from the knowledge that he has succeeded in completing a work task. Equally important - if necessary - and censure. In the process of pedagogically organized labor, a correct moral and aesthetic assessment of each individual is developed.

In the conditions of a market economy with its strict requirements for the general labor and professional qualities of an employee, those who are accustomed to work conscientiously, perform any work efficiently and on time, and possess the required knowledge and skills for this, receive indisputable advantages.

The value of labor is revealed through a system of incentives. These are, firstly, material incentives that encourage a person to work as a source of consumption;

secondly, moral incentives orienting towards labor as a means of social self-affirmation, its claims to a certain social status, to the approval of the collective, society;

thirdly, creative incentives that promote interest in activities that are attractive and interesting in themselves;

fourthly, moral incentives, thanks to which a person works, creating prerequisites for the well-being of other people, society as a whole, and the spiritual development of the personality of the worker.

The most difficult question for parents is how to deal with so-called lazy children. Laziness develops in a child due to improper upbringing, when, from a very young age, parents do not educate the child with energy, do not teach him to overcome obstacles, do not arouse his interest in the family economy, do not instill in him the habit of work and the habit of those pleasures that work always delivers. There is only one way to combat laziness: gradually drawing the child into the field of work, slowly arousing his labor interest.

The quality of labor must be of the most decisive importance: high quality must always be demanded, demanded seriously. There is no need to vilify the child for poor work, shame him, reproach him. One must simply and calmly say that the work has been done unsatisfactorily, that it must be redone or corrected, or done anew. At the same time, it is never necessary to do the work for the child by the parents themselves, only in rare cases can one do such a part of the work that is clearly beyond the strength of the child. Makarenko resolutely does not recommend the use of any incentives or punishments in the field of labor. The work task and its solution should in themselves give the child such satisfaction that he feels joy. Recognition of his work as good work should be the best reward for his work. But even such verbal approval should never be abused, in particular, you should not praise the child for the work done in the presence of your acquaintances and friends. Moreover, it is not necessary to punish a child for bad work or for work not done. The most important thing in this case is to ensure that the work is still done.

In the event that the need or interest is not sufficient to make the child want to work, the method of request can be used. The request differs from other types of treatment in that it gives the child complete freedom of choice.

Request is the best and gentlest way of addressing, but one should not abuse the request either. The request form is best used in cases where you know well that the child will gladly fulfill your request. If you have any doubt about this, use the form of an ordinary assignment, calm, confident, businesslike. If, from the very young age of your child, you correctly alternate between request and assignment, and especially if you arouse the child’s personal initiative, teach him to see the need for work on his own and carry it out on his own initiative, there will no longer be any breakthroughs in your assignment. Only if you have started the business of education, you will sometimes have to resort to coercion.

Coercion can be different - from a simple repetition of an order to a repetition of a sharp and demanding one. In any case, it is never necessary to resort to physical coercion, since it is of the least benefit and arouses in the child an aversion to the labor task.

promotion - approval, gratitude, awards, expressing "+" assessment of the child's activities.

Approval is a simple form of encouragement;

Gratitude is a higher level (rewarding).

Competition - a method of directing the natural need to rivalry and priority to the education of the qualities necessary for a person and society. Efficiency is increased if the tasks are determined by the children themselves.

Punishment - This issue is still being debated. It should prevent undesirable actions, slow them down, cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people.

Types of punishment: the imposition of additional duties, the restriction of certain rights, etc.

When using punishment, one cannot humiliate a child, he must be aware of the justice of punishment.

Subjective-pragmatic method - stimulation of labor efforts to create conditions when being unworking, ill-mannered, etc. becomes unprofitable - economically unprofitable. Let the child understand that with such behavior in the future he will not be able to earn money.

§5. Interaction of school and family in solving problems of labor education

In modern conditions, it is impossible to imagine education only in a separate family - isolated from the school. It is very important to organize the process of education on the basis of interaction between the family and the school.

Labor education is the process of involving a child in various pedagogically organized types of socially useful labor in order to transfer to him a minimum of production experience, labor skills and abilities, to develop his creative practical thinking, diligence and consciousness of a working person.

Labor education also has as its task the implementation of primary vocational education and career guidance, the formation of diligence, moral traits, and an aesthetic attitude to the goals, process and results of labor.

The effectiveness of labor training, education and career guidance is increasing due to the participation of older adolescents, boys and girls in productive work.

For the purpose of labor training at school, students use the material base of student production teams, interschool CPC, training workshops, cooperative associations and contract teams. The inclusion of schoolchildren in real work is the most progressive form of labor education, which makes it possible to directly participate in the creation of material values, industrial relations and earn money to satisfy personal needs.

Labor training programs for high school students provide for a wide range of professions. The profiles of labor training are determined locally, taking into account the needs of the national economy and the availability of an educational, technical, and industrial base.

Industrial excursions are of great importance, expanding the polytechnical horizons of the children, allowing them to clarify their interests and professional inclinations, forming such a moral attitude as respect for other people's work.

Labor and initial vocational training at school is of a general educational, general developmental and polytechnical nature.

Professor Likhachev L.P. believes that the initial, independent practical production experience allows you to better understand yourself: your abilities, moral state, orientation of interests. It is a way of self-knowledge and labor hardening, it creates the basis for mastering any profession in the future.

Therefore, educators at school, as well as parents in the family, need to develop a child's moral attitude to work, an understanding of their social duty, usefulness, the need to work, develop civic consciousness, the ability to benefit themselves and people.

An important role in the interaction between the school and the family in solving the problems of labor education is played by the activity of the class teacher.

The class teacher, starting from grade 1, should build educational work based on the family, coordinating and supplementing in their actions aimed at developing the labor abilities of students, labor education in the family.

In this regard, the class teacher must have pedagogical skills in the development of labor abilities in children. For example: Visits to industrial enterprises, organized by the class teacher together with parents, the parent committee, where children will directly get acquainted with production work. Students will develop an interest in work, perhaps one of them will think about their future profession. Such interaction between the school and the family in labor education is a very effective method along with labor education in the family.

The criteria for the labor upbringing of schoolchildren are such indicators as high personal interest and labor productivity and excellent product quality, labor activity and a creative, rationalizing attitude to the labor process, labor, production, planning, technological discipline, the moral property of the individual - diligence.

Labor education in the family and school underlies the effective interaction of civic and moral education, constitutes the psychological foundation for creative activity and productivity in educational activities, in physical culture and sports, in amateur performances, in faithful service to the Motherland.


So, the study carried out within the framework of this work confirmed the relevance of the problem of labor education in labor in the family.

Labor education in the family penetrates into all phenomena of social life and must be carried out by all pedagogical means in the process of any pedagogically expedient activity with the child.

Labor is the main educator. It is necessary to help the child to see in him a source of development of his abilities and moral qualities, to prepare him for an active working and social life, for a conscious choice of profession.

In the modern family, the tasks of shaping the child's moral traits in the process of labor education should be solved.

The materials of the course work made it possible to conclude that labor education in the family is an integral system. The participation of a child in socially useful and productive work is considered in close connection with his mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education and development.

The studied material allowed us to conclude that the work of the child in the family should be properly, pedagogically expediently organized.

The child learns the surrounding reality in labor, systematizing and consolidating knowledge, he expands his horizons, becomes more diligent in his studies, begins to be interested in technology, production. All this turns work into an active incentive for obtaining new knowledge. It is necessary to try to instill in the child a moral attitude towards work, to arouse his interest in work, to achieve an awareness of the usefulness of his work for society, to help him see the prospects for its development.

In the process of labor, the child will be in contact with a team of adults, get acquainted with the leaders of production, with the life of their enterprise. Such an organization of labor education contributes to the awakening of love for work, the emergence of the need to work for the common good, the development of skills for collective activity, the emergence of a creative attitude towards

After analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, we can conclude that the moral attitude to work is expressed in concern for the interests of the whole society. Knowledge of the joy of work for people, the joy of work in a team, turns work into a need, serves as a source of the child's moral feelings.

Unity of purpose, joint work, common experiences, help from a comrade in future work in a team will bring up moral traits in the child as true friendship, understanding of the interests of the team, disinterestedness.

Labor has always been a source of beauty, labor education in the family will allow the child to directly perceive the beauty of labor, to feel its transformative power, its attractiveness. The task of labor education in the family is to make the work of the child morally significant.

It is very important to prepare a child for work in a team that unites interests, where moral features develop: friendship, mutual assistance, collective creativity in work, to establish interdependence and consistency in work, an atmosphere of high moral and material responsibility, criticism and self-criticism.

An analysis of the studied materials allows us to conclude that by self-service, a child can provide effective assistance to parents, taking on some of the household chores. This instills in the child initiative, independence in work, conscious discipline, efficiency, a sense of responsibility for the task assigned, thriftiness, and the habit of taking care of others. All these views are formed on the threshold of adolescence, playing an important role in future work.

Labor is a practical condition for the upbringing of moral qualities, a reliable man-made means of creating subtle matter - the spiritual image of a child.

In the process of formation of readiness for work, in the spiritual world of the child, the formation of socio-economic, moral, aesthetic motives for labor takes place.


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