Healing recipes of our ancestors: the benefits of burdock oil for hair, recipes for effective masks and reviews. Burdock oil for hair How long to keep burdock oil on your hair

If you decide to treat your hair with burdock oil, many questions immediately arise - how to use it, which one to choose, what to mix with, how long to keep the mask on your hair, what to wash it off with and how often to use the oil?

The recommended course of treatment consists of 10 - 12 procedures, then a break is taken for two weeks and the course of treatment is repeated. These can be various masks made from burdock oil with the addition of components necessary for your hair.

Burdock oil with added nettle
If you have weak hair and it seems to you that it is growing slowly, pay attention to burdock oil with the addition of nettle. Multivitamins and nutrients contained in nettle improve hair structure and have a strengthening effect. In combination with burdock oil, the benefits of such a mask will be enormous.


Burdock oil with propolis
Brittle, dry and damaged hair can be treated with burdock oil with propolis extract.

Burdock oil with horsetail extract
Burdock oil with horsetail extract, which contains a lot of silicon, will help stop hair loss.

Burdock oil can be mixed with aromatic oils (one or two drops of aromatic oil per tablespoon of burdock oil) and then add honey, yolk, kefir.

A very useful mask using two oils at once - castor and burdock. They are mixed in equal proportions and rubbed into the scalp.

Depending on the composition, you need to keep the mask from thirty minutes to an hour. There are recommendations to leave a burdock oil mask on all night, but this is inconvenient, and the effectiveness of such a long time has not yet been confirmed.

How to make a mask?

  • The burdock oil mask should be applied to clean hair.
  • Before applying the mask, wash your hair and dry it slightly with a towel.
  • To ensure better absorption of the oil, heat it in a water bath until warm, then gently rub it into the scalp with light movements.
  • To make it easier to distribute the mask, part your hair.
  • This massage should be done for 10 – 15 minutes. After this, use a wide-tooth comb or an old toothbrush to carefully distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair.
  • Hide your hair under a special cap or plastic bag, wrap it with a thick terry towel on top.
  • Each mask has a certain time, if it says that you need to leave it on for an hour, then after this time it needs to be washed off. Excessive zeal is not appropriate here; it will not bring any benefit.
  • It is better to wash off the mask with warm water, not hot.
  • Use an herbal shampoo suitable for your hair type.
  • To make it easier to wash off the oil from your scalp and hair, you can first wash your hair with egg yolk and then use shampoo.
  • You need to rinse your hair under running water; be sure to use a conditioner at the end of the procedure.



What is burdock oil or burdock oil?

Burdock oil is oil from the roots of burdock, better known to us as burdock. Burdock oil was used to strengthen and grow hair at home by our great-grandmothers. It has healing properties and is rich in many vitamins. The oil increases blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens hair follicles.
Chemical composition of burdock:
Burdock seeds contain 25-30% fatty oil.
Burdock roots contain fatty acids: stearic, palmitic, as well as inulin, essential oils, fatty oil, tannins, protein.
Burdock or burdock is widely used in both scientific and folk medicine, and the cosmetic industry.
Where to buy burdock oil?
You can prepare burdock oil at home, as women did in the old days, but now it’s easier to buy it at the pharmacy. It often contains various additives: herbal extracts, vitamins, ceramides. However, if you really want to, burdock oil can be easily prepared at home.
Typically, oils obtained from various parts of plants are produced by pressing.
Burdock oil is produced by the oil extraction method: burdock roots are infused with some other vegetable oil (olive, almond, sometimes sunflower, etc.)

Recipe for making burdock oil for hair:

  • grind 100 g of burdock root (the roots are very easy to dig up yourself);
  • add one glass of vegetable oil (cold-pressed olive oil is more recommended);
  • leave for two weeks at room temperature;
  • strain;
  • Store in a cool, dark place (not in the refrigerator).

What are the benefits of burdock oil for hair?

The oil increases blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens hair follicles. Helps restore metabolism.

In what cases should burdock oil be used for hair?

  • The use of burdock oil is especially effective for the treatment of dry and brittle hair, for example, after a perm or not very successful coloring.
  • This oil helps against dandruff, which is a result of dry scalp.
  • Burdock oil is recommended for restoring healthy hair after childbirth and illness.
  • Burdock oil is also used for hair loss and baldness, as a preventive measure for healthy hair growth.

How to properly make homemade masks with burdock oil for hair?

The easiest way to use burdock oil for hair treatment is in its pure form. You can apply the oil to both dirty and clean hair. Lightly moisten your hair first.
How to properly apply burdock oil to your hair?

  • Heat the burdock oil a little (it is best to do this in a water bath)
  • Using cotton swabs, burdock oil is rubbed into the scalp. Help yourself with a comb, dividing your hair into strands. distribute the oil to the hair roots and along the entire length (you can do a light scalp massage).
  • After the oil is applied, wrap your head with film and wrap it with a towel. A towel or other warm cloth is necessary to properly warm the head, which will allow the oil to be better absorbed.

How long should you leave oil on your hair?
You can keep burdock oil on your hair for an hour and a half. Sometimes it is advised to leave the oil overnight.
How to remove oil from hair?
The oil is easily washed off with regular shampoo. To successfully get rid of oil, shampoo should be applied twice.
How often to make masks with burdock oil?
This procedure is recommended no more than twice a week.


For oily scalp, using masks with oils is not recommended, otherwise you can clog the skin pores, which will lead to intense hair loss.

For more information about the use of burdock oil in masks, read the article:

“Recipes for hair masks made from burdock oil”

Regular use of burdock oil will ensure your hair looks healthy and vitality!

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand!

You might also be interested in this:

  • Burdock oil for hair growth and hair loss - masks - reviews: 90


Hello! Today I will do without photos, but they are not needed here in principle. We will talk about burdock oil. There are hundreds of conflicting reviews about it, but also hundreds of positive ones. Let's figure out how it works

It's no secret that oils are indispensable in the fight for hair restoration. But only a few get the desired result. Why is this happening?

​And all because the girls don’t know how to use it. BUT nothing, after reading this review you will achieve the desired result.

Here are detailed instructions on what to do and what not to do:

  • Burdock oil should be applied to damp hair. I take a regular water sprayer, add the volume I need and thus moisturize my hair.
  • The oil should be slightly warmed. There is an option to heat it in a water bath, but it’s time-consuming and stressful. The serving size is small, this is not economical, because everything will remain on the vessel. I set it for 30 seconds. in the microwave.

  • For the procedure, I use a syringe without a needle, this way it is easier to distribute at the roots.
  • You should definitely have a plastic bag and a warm hat. When we apply the oil, you should insulate your head well.
  • IMPORTANT: oil must be used in courses!!! You need to give your head a rest, otherwise the skin can be over-saturated and this will end badly. 15 procedures (1-2 times a week) and 3 weeks of rest. Then you can repeat.
  • IMPORTANT: Don't keep it on your head for too long. I heard from many girls that they keep it for a day, or overnight, or for several hours. You can not do it this way! Maximum 1 hour. Even 40 minutes is better. This is because oil clogs pores and is not so easy to wash out. Because of this, we read reviews that burdock oil causes hair to fall out or become too dry.

Remember these simple rules and your hair will become thicker, more beautiful and grow well. BUT for results you need systematicity and several months of your time for the first visible results.

Any modern beauty wants to have chic hair that captivates at first sight.

Our ancestors also proved the importance of natural hair care.

The older generation has a special love for burdock oil and masks that are prepared on its basis independently.

So, why did our grandmothers fall in love with this method of natural hair care and why is burdock oil useful?

This the product has unique properties, namely:

  • Launches processes designed to normalize hair metabolism;
  • Improves blood circulation in the root area of ​​the scalp, which leads to faster growth of new hairs. In addition, they grow up healthier;
  • Stops the process of excessive hair loss;
  • Allows you to provide your hair with all the necessary nutritional components;
  • It has a beneficial effect not only on the curls themselves, but even heals the entire scalp;
  • Helps eliminate the feeling of itching and dryness;
  • Has an effect aimed at eliminating foci of inflammation of the scalp;
  • Helps in solving the problem of dandruff.

These wonderful properties of burdock oil are due to its structure; it contains large quantities of vitamins of various groups that are so necessary for our body. In addition, it has a high content of protein and important mineral salts.

Indications and contraindications

Treatment of scalp hair is recommended for the following problems:

  • Slow development of new hair follicles;
  • For the prevention of baldness with heavy hair loss;
  • To eliminate dandruff, dryness and itching of the scalp;
  • Due to insufficient vitality of curls: loss of natural radiance, thinning of strands, split ends of hair;
  • For the treatment of damaged hair structure.

Despite the safety of the product, it is, of course, should not be used if an allergic reaction occurs on the components of this drug.


Many fashionistas wonder how to properly apply burdock oil to their hair? And how long should you leave on your hair to achieve the greatest effect?

This drug can be apply both pure substance and in the form of masks with other healing components. This product can also be prepared at home.

What is burdock oil made from and how to apply it? The main component is burdock roots. The rhizomes of this plant must be infused with any fatty oil.

In its pure form, this drug is applied to the entire scalp. The scalp is also treated. Leave on hair for 15 minutes to an hour.

Advice! In order for the product to be better absorbed, it is advisable to divide the hair into partings and treat each new section with oil.

The product is applied to freshly cleaned and towel-dried curls. To improve the growth of new strands, you can use a more intense analogue - burdock oil with red pepper for hair.

By having an irritating effect on the scalp, burdock oil with pepper promotes more intensive penetration of nutritional components. In addition, from the use of this drug, improvement in the condition of the hair becomes noticeable in a faster period of time.

Carefully! When using oil with pepper, a slight burning sensation is typical. If it has become unbearable, then the composition must be removed from the hair and scalp as quickly as possible.

The course of treatment is a maximum of 12 procedures in a row. You can repeat 1-2 treatments per week. If there is a need to repeat the course, this is done with a break of at least two weeks.

How to wash it out of your hair?

Each oil is known for its “bad” habit of being difficult to remove from hair. The burdock extract must be washed off using your favorite shampoo or a special cleanser. You need to choose a shampoo with a natural composition.

It is advisable to purchase such a product at a pharmacy. Shampoo with burdock oil will help your curls recover faster and gain vitality. You can prepare this composition yourself.

To do this, take 100 grams of burdock leaves, 1 liter of cold water and 1 glass of vinegar. The ingredients are mixed and simmered over low heat for two hours. The resulting broth must be filtered. After cleansing your hair, it is advisable to use a good balm.

For more intensive care of curls, it is advisable to prepare healing compositions that include burdock extract.

Hair masks

These unique compositions were very popular both in ancient times and now. They are famous for their availability, ease of preparation and high efficiency. There are a great many recipes for such compositions. Let's dwell on the most effective and useful:

Mask for intensive growth of new hair follicles

You need to mix one tablespoon each of burdock, wheat germ and chamomile oils and treat the scalp and root area with this mixture. Apply the mask 30-40 minutes before washing your hair.

Advice! To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to warm it up before applying the composition.

This video provides recipes for masks to accelerate hair growth:

Burdock oil for oily hair

For oily hair, oil is used in conjunction with egg yolk and sugar.

To create a medicinal composition, you need to mix two tablespoons of burdock oil and mustard powder, add 1 egg yolk and one tablespoon. granulated sugar.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and combine two tablespoons of water with them. Mix again. Treat the hair and scalp with this composition using a dye brush. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with your favorite shampoo.

For dry hair

To eliminate dry hair, add five drops of some essential oils (bay, ylang-ylang) to burdock, and also combine with chamomile. The scalp and the curls themselves are treated with a medicinal preparation 30-40 minutes before washing the hair.

Medicinal composition for getting rid of dandruff

To treat this disease, you need to take 50 grams of burdock oil and one head of garlic. The head is peeled and finely cut into slightly warmed oil.

The resulting mask is rubbed directly into the root area of ​​the head. Treatment is carried out within two hours. Then the composition is removed with warm water and shampoo.

Combination hair mask

This hair type combines dry ends and an oily root zone. Therefore, it is necessary to combine medicinal formulations for both types of curls. Treat the roots with a mask for oily hair, and apply a composition for dry hair to the ends.

The components of this mask are 1 tbsp oil, 1 tsp. , yolk and juice of two cloves of garlic - mix and apply for 20-25 minutes.

Wash off with shampoo, rinse better with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water), this will remove the smell of garlic.

How to treat hair loss

The composition is made from burdock oil, tincture of bitter capsicum and egg yolk. All components are thoroughly mixed.

The medicinal composition is applied to the scalp and hair along its entire length and left for one hour. Next, the composition is removed using shampoo.

Mask with burdock and castor oil

The extract from is a source of vitamins for the scalp. This component has no less remarkable effect than the burdock product.

The combination of medicinal oils allows you to quickly overcome dry and brittle hair, dandruff, itching and flaking. In addition, this mask has a more intense nourishing effect than using regular burdock oil.

Preparing the composition is extremely simple: you need to take one tablespoon of each oil and slightly increase its temperature in a water bath. Treat the scalp and each strand. All components are kept for an hour. Then it is removed from the hair using shampoo.

Described above, of course, are not the only ways to use burdock oil. In the era of advanced technology, every modern beauty can choose a mask with a healing element according to individual preferences.

Advice! Before carrying out treatment with the selected composition, you must ensure that there are no allergic reactions to its components.

Hair treatment with burdock oil can only take place if the main component is chosen correctly.

How to choose the right one

Of course, the ideal option is to prepare the oil at home using the technique described above.

If you have neither the desire nor the time to prepare the product yourself, then it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy in consultation with a qualified pharmacist.

You should not buy burdock masks, balms, shampoos in mass market stores.

They are accessible, but are not characterized by a natural composition. In such products the content of the active substance is not significant, or there is only one name for it.

When choosing an oil, you should give preference to a composition that, in addition to the main component, contains red pepper. Of course, this should be done in the absence of allergic reactions. If the scalp is highly sensitive, then it is better to choose a regular burdock extract.

Absolutely any category of the population can afford to transform their hair using this method. The cost of this drug is from 35 rubles.

An extract from burdock that contains red pepper extract will cost a little more. Its cost will be from 60 rubles.

Undoubtedly, to the question “does burdock oil help treat hair?”, the answer is yes, it helps. The main thing here is the regular use of masks based on it. It is recommended to complete the course without interrupting it.

The calling card of any girl is silky thick hair. It’s not for nothing that princesses in fairy tales had braids down to their waists. And how many beliefs are associated with women’s curls! Strands of hair were given as souvenirs to loved ones.

Hair symbolized feminine strength and magical essence. They even cooked it using hair. You need to take care of your hair with love and attention. Many people do not know how to apply burdock oil to their hair to achieve a silky effect.

Natural remedy for better results

Since ancient times, bodies have also been popular. The love for them is explained by the absence of contraindications and side effects, preservatives and other chemicals in the composition.

It's nice to nourish your own hair and skin, knowing that you are bringing only benefits. A universal remedy is burdock oil. This product should be applied to dry hair regularly to achieve a significant improvement in overall condition. The range of his actions is surprisingly wide. In particular, the oil is used for muscle pain and to improve the general condition of hair and nails. Just think, after all, all these functions are possessed by a simple extract from the True, there are nuances of collection. This burdock should not be more than two years old. The method of production processing of oil differs from simple pressing. You can call it the oil extraction method, since burdock roots are infused in some fatty vegetable oil.

Sesame, peanut, almond or just olive will do.

Cooking technology

If you make oil at home, the plant should be very young. It is advisable to prepare it between September and April. Plants with dried stems are considered “discarded”. The burdock needs to be dug up and the top cut off. Leave only the strong roots, wash them well and cut into slices. They need to be filled with oil as soon as they dry. The plant must infuse for at least 20 days. But why such difficulties if the oil is inexpensive and you can buy it at any pharmacy?! A bottle will cost you about 50 rubles, and this is far from a one-time serving. Here a completely logical question arises about how much burdock oil to apply to your hair.

With rational use, the product will last you for about a month, even if you regularly make masks for your hair and skin. If you use the oil in its pure form, then about 15 grams will be enough for you at a time. When adding to masks, reduce the dosage. By the way, in stores you can buy shampoo and cosmetics containing burdock oil. And considering that it perfectly helps in the fight against dandruff, such a purchase can save you from many problems. The scented oil can be added drop by drop to your bath to help you relax. Such ablution turns into a spa procedure, since at the same time the body is cleansed and strengthened.

Application nuances

To expect a decent effect, you need to know how to properly apply burdock oil to your hair. Don't forget that all oils have the same property - to penetrate. It takes enough time to be completely absorbed. If you apply oil to the roots of your hair, you are guaranteed the effect of an oily head. Moreover, it will be very difficult to wash off the oil from the roots.

There are no restrictions on the product. Both adults and children can use the product. With regular use, scalp irritation, dandruff and split ends disappear. So, how to apply burdock oil to your hair? It all depends on the time available. If you are in a hurry, simply rub the oil into your hair in a circular motion. Try to step back a few centimeters from the roots and be sure to distribute the product to the very ends. If you have a few hours left, then insulate your head. To do this, wrap your hair in plastic or wear a cap. Roll the towel over the top. For greater effect, you can blow warm air on your head using a hairdryer.


Remember, before applying burdock oil to your hair, that this is a caring procedure and must be carried out carefully. Apply the product to damp hair, but not to wet hair. Wash it off with shampoo. You can even use conditioner. The rinsing technique is also important - start from the roots and go to the ends. By the way, there are also secrets to application - it is better to warm the oil a little in a water bath. But don't overdo it - the hot liquid can leave burns on your scalp. The easiest way is to place the bottle of oil under running hot water and hold it for a while. The contents will become warmer and more pleasant.

On different bases

We have already said that the preparation of burdock oil can be varied. It all depends on the base used.

Actually, it is by this criterion that it is decided which hair to apply burdock oil to. When using almond, olive and other oils, the additional function of the product changes. It may be more beneficial for dry, normal or oily hair. In any case, the product has a limited shelf life; You can store the finished oil for only two months, and it is quite capricious and requires a cool, dry place for storage. And the dishes must be selected carefully - let the bottle be dark and preferably glass. If the product is purchased, then you must look at the date of manufacture. Why do you need an expired product that has probably already lost its beneficial properties? In general, making oil at home is quite simple, because you don’t have to squeeze out the burdock roots, and the product is obtained by infusing the root. So what's stopping you from repeating the process at home? After all, then you will be completely confident in the naturalness and quality of the product.

Choosing oil

If you like hiking in the forest or country house, then you can easily find burdock root yourself. Perhaps it grows in your dacha. You can also buy it at the pharmacy, but most likely in a processed form. When choosing a base oil for extraction, you can use your imagination, because there are no limits. Any liquid oil will suit you, for example, olive, sesame, almond. Do you like aromatic oils? Then try using grapeseed or jojoba oil. They are sold in cosmetic stores. By the way, the last option will be the most successful, since jojoba oil is closest in composition to sebum. By the way, in the literal sense of the word, this is not oil at all, but liquid wax. If you take it as a basis, then the very possibility of poor rinsing of the product is eliminated. Therefore, it will be more convenient to use oil.

Simple and complex ways

We have already talked about how direct oil extraction occurs. But this is a rather long process, taking at least 20 days. By the way, subsequent filtering is required before applying burdock oil to your hair. Under the influence of temperature, you can get oil much faster. Although there are antagonists of such methods, who believe that high temperatures deteriorate the quality of the product. It will only take a day to infuse the oil with crushed burdock root. And then you need to put the container on the fire or water bath and boil for at least a quarter of an hour. You should stir constantly. And now you have your finished oil. Now it would be nice to find out how to properly apply burdock oil to your hair so as not to harm, but only improve its condition. You can make many hair masks based on it. Add castor oil to the mask to improve growth. If you use henna or other heavier dyes, how much burdock oil should you apply to your hair? Add the product to the balm or to the henna itself and stir well. The mixture should be moderately oily. During absorption, the oil enhances the nutritional effect of the balm.

Making a decoction

And for those who are especially impatient, there is a way to get a ready-made oil-based decoction in order to use it as a rinse or base for natural cosmetics. To do this, burdock is poured with boiling water and wrapped in a warm cloth. The broth should cool, after which it should be strained and mixed with oil in approximately equal proportions. The mixture should infuse for about three weeks. That's it, the product is ready.

Do not forget that before applying burdock oil to your hair, it must be warmed to room temperature. There is also a quick, but rather complicated method in which the butter is cooked in the oven. You will need a roasting pot, into which chopped burdock is poured and oil is poured. You can seal it with dough. Now place the pot in the oven for three hours at 60 degrees. Afterwards the broth needs to be strained. At the same time, you can infuse and after the oil is ready, mix everything to get a mask against hair loss and graying.

Who doesn't dream of staying young? So - the secret of youth is available if you know how to apply rasp oil to your hair. By the way, this means not only the hair on the head, but also eyelashes and eyebrows. Thick eyebrows and long eyelashes are every girl's dream. But, alas, nature is not generous to everyone. So you have to get eyelash extensions and fill in your eyebrows. But our grandmothers also knew how to apply burdock oil to their hair, and more! They carefully smeared it along the entire length of the eyelashes and eyebrows, leaving it overnight. By morning, the oil was absorbed, and the eyelashes became thicker day by day.

ATTENTION: Burdock oil is an excellent natural product for luxurious hair and hair treatment at home; its use helps strengthen hair, gives it shine and silkiness.

The product is not only cosmetic, but also a medicine. Burdock oil will perfectly cope with dryness, flaking and itching of the scalp. The product will relieve discomfort, help cure seborrhea and get rid of dandruff.

Burdock oil is suitable for any hair type. The cosmetics industry produces products with the addition of chamomile, string, propolis and other beneficial ingredients. In any pharmacy you can easily choose a product that suits you personally.

Who is best suited for?

If you want to grow your hair as quickly as possible for an important event or restore it after a bad haircut, burdock oil will help! Judging by the enthusiastic reviews of some women, with its help you can add 2-4 cm of hair in a month.

Burdock oil will restore shine and silkiness to hair. A course of home cosmetic procedures will restore their beauty and strength. Expensive salon care is not required. Family budget and beauty saved!

Instructions for use

How to apply correctly and how long to keep on?

For maximum effect, you need to apply the product correctly:

  1. The first most important rule is that you need to warm it up a little before using it! It is better to do this in a water bath rather than in a microwave oven. The oil should be slightly warm and pleasant to the skin.
  2. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to apply oil to dirty hair, or whether it is better to do it on a clean head, and also how to apply it correctly: on wet or dry hair. In principle, you don’t have to wash your hair before use, but in this case the product will be less effective. In any case, it is better to slightly wet your hair before applying the oil.
  3. The important thing is how to rub the product. You need to start applying the composition from the roots. Rub it thoroughly into the skin, combining it with a light head massage. This will enhance the effect. Using a wooden comb or your hands, distribute the product over the entire surface of your hair. Pay attention to the ends. Usually half a standard tube is enough for one procedure. If you have long, thick hair, use the entire package.
  4. After applying the composition, wrap your head in polyethylene and a warm towel. Keep the mask on for at least an hour.
  5. Do I need to wash off the oil? Of course yes, and it matters how and with what to wash it off: rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo, it’s better
    - for oily curls, repeat 2-3 times if necessary.
  6. Complete the procedure with a suitable conditioner.

How many times a week should I use it?

To treat seborrhea and dandruff at home, the method of application is different: the product should be applied only to the roots of the hair. Rub it thoroughly into your scalp three times a week. Within 2-3 weeks you will notice a decrease in the amount of white flakes.

IMPORTANT: Burdock oil is effective only when used as a course! A minimum of 10 procedures are required. Then take a break of 2-3 weeks and repeat the course of treatment again. With regular and correct use, the product will restore the hair structure and increase its shine.

Can it be left overnight?

As for whether oil can be applied to the roots or just to the ends, the answer is clear: you can apply it exclusively to the ends of your hair all night. Do not leave the oil on the entire scalp overnight and don't wrap yourself in a towel!

A long-term “greenhouse effect” in combination with a greasy mask can lead to clogged pores, imbalance of the skin and the appearance of dandruff. In addition, an hour's exposure to the skin is quite enough to nourish and moisturize the scalp. Keeping the product on for more than two hours is absolutely useless.

How does this treatment affect the hair?

Burdock oil – infusion of burdock roots. It contains many useful components:

  • Fatty acid.
  • Vitamins.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Proteins.
  • Inulin.

Fatty acids nourish and saturate the hair follicles, activating them. Inulin speeds up metabolism and removes dust and dirt from the skin. Flavonoids and proteins have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamins nourish the scalp and provide proper hair care.

When used correctly, the product has a beneficial effect on hair:

  1. Helps get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp.
  2. Significantly reduces hair loss.
  3. Restores damaged structure (relevant after coloring, seaside holidays, perm, regular exposure to hair dryers and curling irons).
  4. Restores vitality, elasticity and shine.

Watch a video about the benefits of burdock oil for hair treatment and restoration:

Contraindications and side effects

Burdock oil is a natural product and has virtually no contraindications.. It should not be used only in case of individual intolerance to the components. If after use you notice that you have an alarming amount of hair loss, then, unfortunately, this natural product is not suitable for you. It also happens that manufacturers add some other potentially allergenic components to the oil (pepper, etc.), so carefully study the composition and be guided by this information.

As a side effect, increased oiliness of the scalp after using the product can be noted. This does not happen to everyone and goes away fairly quickly. In addition, the effect of it is so good that sometimes it makes you put up with even increased fat content.

Top 5 products from the best manufacturers

Let's look at several products from different brands so that you can make a choice for yourself which is better.


Burdock oil is packaged in a darkened plastic bottle of 100 ml. A distinctive feature of the product is its natural composition without preservatives and antioxidants..

The product Mirolla with red pepper is especially popular. It significantly accelerates hair growth and gives it a beautiful shine.

The cost of a tube is 80-100 rubles.


Available in opaque white plastic containers. The cap with a thin dispenser allows you to apply oil to your hair directly from the bottle, pouring it in a thin stream. It is very comfortable.

Burdock oil from Evalar is famous for its variety of additional ingredients. For example, a product with nettle strengthens hair, gives it shine, and with propolis it has a pleasant “honey” smell. The product is recommended for owners of dry, damaged and brittle hair.

A remedy with calendula and hops is an excellent remedy for baldness. It nourishes hair follicles and fights inflammation. How exactly to treat your hair is detailed in the instructions.

Numerous reviews online confirm that Evalar oil eliminates dryness and itching of the scalp, adds shine and radiance. The cost of a tube does not exceed 60 rubles.

Home doctor

The product has a natural composition, enriched with vitamins A and E. The only drawback is the not very pleasant smell of the product.

The cost of a standard bottle is no more than 60 rubles.

The tube is similar to a package of burdock oil from Evalar, only yellow. The convenient dispenser lid will keep your bathroom shelf clean.

Home doctor with red pepper

The product is quite liquid and smells nice. Helps make hair soft and manageable.

The shelf life of the product has been increased to 1.5 years; an opened tube can be stored for 12 months. This is due to the presence of artificial antioxidants in the composition.

Watch the video about burdock oil with red pepper Home Doctor:


Burdock-pepper oil called "Burdock" produced by Floresan, has a rich yellow color and oily texture, packaged in a tube with a convenient thin dispenser. It is additionally enriched with vitamin A.

The result is increased hair growth and increased density. Many people note the appearance of new hair in the form of a basal “undercoat”. And this means Floresan burdock-pepper oil awakens hair follicles.


So, we looked at what burdock oil does for hair, how often you need to use it and in what way: how to apply (smear on dry or dirty hair), how long to keep it on; We also talked about the five best products that you can use at home.

We can conclude that burdock oil is a good budget natural product for the beauty and strength of hair. The root extract of this plant and vitamins will save your curls from dandruff and add shine and strength. Arm yourself with the power of nature and be irresistible!

The effectiveness of using substances of plant origin for the treatment and care of hair and scalp has long been proven by traditional medicine. Currently, natural ingredients are included in most shampoos, conditioners, masks and other products. One of the effective remedies with a wide spectrum of action is burdock root oil (burdock oil).

To obtain this cosmetic product, an oil extraction method is used, in which the root is infused with any oil of plant origin (olive, almond or other).

Performing the procedure by a specialist

Composition and beneficial properties of burdock oil

Burdock root is a valuable source of a number of beneficial ingredients. Substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair can be divided into three groups:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E.
  • Mineral salts, iron, calcium and other substances.
  • Stearic, palmitic and other fatty acids.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the inulin contained in burdock root. This plant-derived prebiotic promotes the regeneration of scalp cells and also provides essential nutrition and hydration.

Prebiotic inulin promotes the regeneration of scalp cells

The presence of the listed substances in the preparation gives it the following properties:

  1. Improves blood circulation in the upper layer of skin and accelerates hair growth.
  2. Helps fight dandruff.
  3. It is a good prophylactic.
  4. Minimizes hair loss during pregnancy, lactation, and metabolic disorders.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and is used both for increased oily skin and for dryness and itching.
  6. You can reduce the negative effects of a hair dryer, curling iron or curling iron by providing your strands with the necessary amount of moisture and nutrients.


To add additional and enhance the existing medicinal properties, extracts of chamomile, calendula and other medicinal plants are added to the composition of burdock oil.

DIY burdock oil

It is much easier to purchase burdock oil at the nearest pharmacy, especially since its cost is quite affordable. However, in the summer you can make it with your own hands from fresh roots.

Large burdock roots must be thoroughly washed and dried. The top layer is peeled from clean roots, crushed and filled with sunflower oil in a ratio of 70 g of root per glass of oil. The mixture is left in a warm place for a day, after which it is heated over low heat for 20-25 minutes. The product is cooled and filtered.

The oil is obtained from burdock roots

Another method of preparation uses cold-pressed olive oil in the same proportions. In this case, the mixture settles for two weeks, and heating is not required.

The classic way to apply vitamin masks

Like any other drug, burdock oil can cause allergic reactions. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of product to the wrist and hold for a little longer than 15 minutes. In case of redness of the treated area, itching or other unpleasant sensations, it is worth choosing another product with similar properties.

Pharmacy packaging with additives for various purposes

Before applying to hair, cosmetologists recommend heating the oil in a water bath to 40°C. Hair should be wetted under running water and excess moisture should be removed with a towel. After this, the hair is divided into partings, the oil is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massaging movements. The product is distributed over the surface of the hair using a wide-toothed comb (if the amount applied to the skin is not enough, the tips of the comb teeth are periodically dipped into a container with oil), the amount depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

Applying burdock oil to hair

After uniform distribution over the surface of the skin and hair, a polyethylene cap is put on the head and wrapped in a towel. There are no generally accepted rules for how long you should keep burdock oil on your hair, however, with the application method described above, it is recommended to wash it off no earlier than after an hour, but no later than after three hours.

Types and recipes of masks: ways to use them

The product can be used in its pure form or with the addition of many additional ingredients. The most popular options are:

Mask for hair growth and strengthening

How to use a mask with mustard and egg against hair loss

With whipped yolk. The mixture has high nutritional properties and is applied for 45-60 minutes. Good nutrition is provided by a mask consisting of one tablespoon of honey, two egg yolks and 60 g of butter. You can determine how long to keep the hair mask on yourself, but not less than 30 minutes.

A mask with the addition of juice squeezed from a fresh onion strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Before mixing, the juice is diluted with warm water.

By adding a tablespoon of dried celandine leaves and a few aloe leaves, you get an effective dandruff remedy.

Preparing an effective scalp mask

Homemade masks with pepper for hair growth

A mixture with alcoholic pepper tincture improves blood circulation and tones the scalp, preventing hair loss. Water, oil and pepper tincture are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the scalp for no more than 30 minutes - increasing the time can lead to skin irritation.

Some tips for using burdock oil:

  • It is not necessary to wash your hair before applying, just moisturize it.
  • A slightly warmed product is better absorbed by the hair and scalp.
  • How much to apply and how long to keep burdock oil on your head depends on the specific recipe and hair type. The rule “the more the better” does not work in this case.
The oil gives hair moisture and life-giving power.
  • To determine how long to keep burdock oil on your hair, you need to experiment with time. For example, apply for one hour and see the result. If the product is used as one of the ingredients to create masks, the action time is usually within 15-60 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to immediately immerse your head with the mask applied in water. You should first apply a small amount of shampoo to your hair, moisten it a little and foam it - after this procedure it is much easier to rinse off the product.
  • To remove residual oil and give your hair extra shine after washing, you can rinse it with water and a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice.