Chechen people: culture, traditions and customs. From the history of the Chechen state and the Chechen people

The origin of any people is a complex problem, the solution of which takes decades. The problem is all the more difficult because data from only one branch of the humanities, say, data from linguistics, archeology or ethnography, taken separately, are insufficient to solve it. To the greatest extent, what has been said applies to those peoples who did not have their own written language in the historical past, to which also applies Checheno-Ingush people .
The Chechens and Ingush, like other peoples, have gone through a difficult and long path of development. This path is measured over thousands of years, and the only companion of the people, a witness to their past history that has survived to this day, is the language in which the past of the Vainakhs is imprinted.

“Language data,” says Prof. V.I. Abaev - if they are correct are interpreted, acquire , along with others evidence, great importance when deciding ethnogenetic questions." (V.I. Abaev. “Ethnogenesis of Ossetians according to language data.” Abstracts of reports of a scientific session devoted to the problem of the origin of the Ossetian people. Ordzhonikidze, 1966, p. 3). Such branches of linguistics as toponymy and ethnonymy are called upon to provide a special service in solving this problem. Dialects, in which, in preserved dead forms of language that served as a designation for objects, concepts and ideas of the people in the historical past are preserved.
Historical science does not have any convincing information about the social differentiation of Chechens and Ingush in the early and late Middle Ages. But according to some historians, the Chechens and Ingush had a clan system, almost in the 18-19 centuries. The data of language and ethnography convincingly refute these arguments as insolvent.
Since ancient times, in the Chechen and Ingush languages ​​there have been the terms ela (alla) - prince, lai - slave, yalho - hired worker, vatsarho - exploited and others who talk about the existence of princes and slaves among the Chechens and Ingush, even in the distant past.
About the existence of Christianity among the Chechens and Ingush (and Christianity as monotheistic religion cannot exist among a people with a tribal system), also testify terms denoting the attributes of this ideology, for example: kersta - Christian (cf. Russian Cross), zh1ar - cross, bibal - Bible, kils - church (cargo, eklisi) and others.
It should be remembered that in the vocabulary of a language there are no words that arose on their own, that “neither thought nor language form a special kingdom in themselves... they are only manifestations of real life.” (K. Marx, F. Engels).
In making an attempt in this article to express our thoughts on the issue of the ethnogenesis of the Chechens and Ingush, we, of course, rely mainly on language data, but at the same time, whenever possible, we use data from other related sciences.
Chechens, Ingush and Tsovo-Tushins (Batsbians), being related in language, material and spiritual culture, constitute one of the groups of the so-called Iberian-Caucasian ethnic family, which includes the autochthonous peoples of Dagestan, Georgia, Adygea, Circassia and Kabardino-Balkaria Georgians, Adygeis, Circassians, Kabardians, Avars, Dargins, Laks, Lezgins and others. Scientists include the Basques of Spain and southern France in this ethnic family.
All of these peoples are related to each other in origin and language. This means that the once united people split into several nationalities. Each with its own language and other ethnic characteristics, albeit close ones. The multilingualism of the Caucasus is a consequence of the differentiation of a single ethnic monolith, which, according to most scientists, developed in the Cis-Caucasian steppes and in Ancient Western Asia, which constituted cultural-historical commonality with the Caucasian Isthmus.
Scientists have concluded that the Caucasian ethnic community presumably formed around 5 thousand years BC. in Western Asia, begins a gradual migration movement towards the Caucasian Isthmus, to the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas. This migration flow did not subside until 2 thousand years BC. and, seeping into mountain gorges in the direction from south to north, covers the entire Caucasian region.
According to anthropologist prof. V.V. Bunak, the settlement of “the North Caucasus occurred in two streams, one moving along the western edge of the Caucasus, the other along the eastern... In the center of the Caucasus they met and formed their own unique type, found in different modifications south of the Main Caucasus Range.” (E.I. Krupnov. “Medieval Ingushetia.” M., 1971, p. 42).
This ethnic stream, representing a conglomerate of related tribal formations, with insignificant differences in language, material and spiritual culture. As the migration movement weakens (at the 3-2 thousand mark), further differentiation of ethnic units occurs and differences between once related tribes deepen. The beginning of the collapse of the single Caucasian ethnic massif into three ethnic regions should be attributed to this time - Dagestanskonakh, Kartvelian and Abkhaz-Adyghe. This conclusion is based not only on linguistic data, but also on archaeological data. By this time, the first states of the Middle East had already taken shape (Sumer, Elam, Urartu, Mitania, etc.), the languages ​​of which we find analogies in the languages ​​of the modern peoples of the Caucasus, in particular the Chechens and Ingush, as evidence of the former ethnic unity of the latter with the peoples who created these the most ancient civilizations of mankind. The legacy of this unity can also be traced in some features of the spiritual and material culture of the Chechens and other peoples of the Caucasus. The Caucasian languages ​​and culture of the peoples of the Caucasus also find analogies in the culture and language of the Hurrians, Hittites, Urartu, Albania, Greece, Etruscans and other ancient peoples and state formations. So, for example, according to the unanimous opinion of scientists, the Greeks brought the myth “About the Chained Prometheus” known to mankind from the Caucasus. And in the folklore of many peoples of the Caucasus there are legends about chained heroes with content similar to the Greek myth. Particularly striking is the Chechen version of the myth, which almost completely coincides with the Greek myth of Aeschylus' version. (See our: “The image of Prometheus in the folklore of the Chechens and Ingush.” Izvestia CHINIIIYAL, vol. 6. Grozny 1971).
“In Greek ...,” said Academician. M.Ya. Marr, - such simple words as soul, brother, sea are Japhetic (i.e. Caucasian - K.Ch.). The names of gods, heroes, villages, mountains, rivers of Greece are Japhetic" (N.Ya. Marr. Armenian culture, its roots and prehistoric connections according to linguistic data. In the collection "Language and History". M., 1936, p. 80 ).
GA. Melishvili in his work “On the History of Ancient Georgia”. (Tbilisi, 1954) localizes the supposed distant ancestors of the Vainakhs in the middle reaches of the river. Euphrates called Tsupani (2 thousand BC). According to the academician, the name Tsupani comes from the name of the supreme pagan deity of the Vainakhs Ts1u (hence the Chech. Ts1u stag, Ing. ts1u and ts1ey - holiday) (A) ni - a suffix with the meaning of place (cf. the names of the villages Ersana (Ersenoy), Gu'na (Gunoy ), Vedana (Vedeno)). As you can see, this suffix still exists in the Vainakh languages ​​in the same meaning indicated above. The stem Ts1u has no meaning, but is known as theonyms in modern Chechen and Ingush languages; in the distant past the state was called by the name of this cult.
It is known that in 783 BC. King Argishti of Urartu resettled 6,600 thousand soldiers from Tsupani and the neighboring Khate region and settled them in the Arin-Berd area, founding the city of Irpuni (present-day Yerevan). The name Arin-Berd in its entirety and the second part of the toponym Irpuni (-uni) are clearly etymologized through the Vainakh languages ​​(Arin) cf. chech-ing. arye - space, genus form. case arena (a) -spatial, -n- gender format. case, berd - shore, rock, -uni - format indicating the area (see above: Vedena, etc.). In the language of Urartu (according to Cuneiform), arin means steppe, plain, berd means fortress. Read more about the connections of the Vainakhs with Urartu below.
According to Prof. R.M. Magomedov differentiation of the Caucasian peoples already occurred in the Caucasus (between 3-2 thousand) (see R.M. Magomedov. Dagestan. Historical sketches. Makhachkala, 1975).
But if the question of the time and place of separation of the Nakh ethnic group from the general Caucasian massif is debatable, then the kinship of the culture and languages ​​of the Caucasian peoples with the culture and language of the Urartu-Hurrians is generally accepted in science.
Here is what AS writes about this. Chikobava: “It can already be assumed that certain provisions of the Urartian language are explained with the help of data from the Iberian-Caucasian languages, primarily Nakh (Chechen, Batsbi).” (A.S. Chikobava. “Problems of the relationship of Iberian-Caucasian languages.” Abstracts of reports. Makhachkala. 1965, p. 7). Similar thoughts were expressed by other venerable scientists (academician G.A. Melikishvili, professor Yu.D. Desheriev, I.M. Dyakonov, etc.). The Nakh languages ​​are currently less studied than other groups of the Iberian-Caucasian family, and their further study will bring the final solution to the problem closer. Already today it can be stated that the solution to the issue has moved forward significantly in the time that has passed since the above statements of scientists. It is not difficult to understand how promising an in-depth study of Nakh languages, especially their dialects, is.
Let us dwell on some similar points, including the Nakh and Urartian languages.
Arin-Berd (see above).
Tushpa was the name of the capital of Urartu. It is known that in ancient times the main city, the religious and cultural center of the state for many peoples, was called by the name of the supreme deity. This was the case in Urartu. And in Urartian the given name meant “city of the god Tush”, pa - city, settlement.
This name is etymologized in a similar way on the basis of the Nakh languages: Tush is one of the supreme deities of the Vainakhs during the period of paganism, later Christianity, the deity of childbirth and regenerating nature. Even in the last century, according to B. Dalgat, the Ingush performed rituals dedicated to this deity. The hoopoe is called tushol kotam or tusholig (tushola chicken) by the Ingush (l - determinant) and is considered a sacred bird by both the Chechens and the Ingush (it cannot be killed, and stones cannot be thrown at it).
A people closely related to the Chechens and Ingush living in Georgia - the Tushins - are named after this deity, since the clan, tribe and nationality in ancient times bore the name of their totem (cf. the name than the Taipa Ts1ontaroi from the name of the deity of fire Ts1u, etc.). Another component of this toponym is also clearly etymologized from the Nakh languages. Pa (phya) in ancient Nakh meant a settlement, a village, a populated area. Until now, in the closely related Tushino, in the language of the Chechens living in Georgia (Kists) and in the mountain dialects of Chechnya, a settlement is called by this word. This word is also found in many toponyms of the mountainous Checheno-Ingushetia as a relic: Pkheda, Pkhamat, Pkhaakoch, etc. “Pkhaa” was also the name of the pagan deity of the settlement, humanity among the Vainakhs. This basis is also present in the name of the god-fighter hero of Vainakh Folklore Pkh'armat, with whom we associate the famous Greek god-fighter Prometheus (see our “Image of Prometheus in the folklore of the Chechens and Ingush.” Izvestia CHI NIIIYAL vol. 4. Literary criticism Grozny, 1971).
One of the leading tribes of Urartu bore the name Biayna. The Urartians also called their country with this word, which was natural, given the fact that many peoples named the country after the name of the leading people. Compare the name of the large Chechen tribe Beni and the village of Bena. The same root is present in the toponym Beni-Vedana and in the Ingush name of one of the Georgian mountain tribes, the Mokhevs-Benii, from whom the Ingush Malsagovs are believed to originate.
In the language of Urartu, a protected fortified area, or fortress, was called khoy. In the same meaning, this word is found in Checheno-Ingush toponymy: Khoy is a village in Cheberloy, which really had strategic importance, because blocked the path to the Cheberloev basin from the side of Dagestan and the plane of Chechnya. Hence the name of the river G1oy (x-g1), flowing through the village of Goyty, the name of which (Chechen G1oyt1a) is also derived from G1oy (khoi), -t1a-postposition with the meaning of place. The fact that the Chechen version is a plural form shows that the above parallels are not a coincidence. numbers from ha - protection, -th - plurality format, and this root is found in many toponyms of Checheno-Ingushetia: Khan-Kala, Khan-Korta (Russian: Khayan-Kort), etc. Urart. Durdukka (city near Lake Urmia). It is known that in the distant past the Nakh tribes were called Dzurdzuks. The case when the names of nationalities go back to the names of localities is a common phenomenon in science. In addition, the first part of this toponym-ethnonym is found in Vainakh toponymy and anthroponymy: Dzurz-korta (locality in the Itum-kala region), korta - head, hill, hillock; Dzu'rza is a male name (Ersenoy village, Vedeno district), etc.
Urart. Tsudala (name of the City, (Chechen Ts1udala) is a compound word consisting of two components - Ts1u - the god of fire, dala - the supreme god of the pagan pantheon).
Urart. Eritna is the name of the mountain, Chech. Ertina is the name of the mountain (Vedeno district), Urart. Arzashku is the name of the area, Chech. Irzoshka (Vedeno district, near the village of Kharachoy). In Checheno-Ingush, Irzuo is a forest clearing. Here, perhaps, there is a random coincidence in the basis of this word, but such an assumption is excluded in the ending - shka, because This is a very common, living format of the directive plural in Nakh toponymy. numbers - sh (plurality format), -ka - ha - the format itself (cf. S.S. Sema1ashka, Chovkhashka, Galashka, etc.).
Different scientists at different times noted the presence on the territory of modern Armenia and in the area of ​​​​Lake Van, Urmi of numerous toponyms with repeating elements -li, -ni, -ta (see in particular GA. Khalatyan. “On some geographical names of Ancient Armenia in connection with data from Van inscriptions". VDI No. 2, 1949). These toponyms are: Tali, Ardishtikh1inili, Naksuana, Kh1aldina, Mana, Kh1itina, Abaeni, Kh1ushani, Azani, Ardini, Missita, Mista and others.
The endings present in the given toponyms coincide with similar formats of toponymic names for the territory of modern Checheno-Ingushetia, especially its mountainous strip; see accordingly:
Ch1ebil-la, nizha-la, Sa'ra-la, B1av-la, (names of villages and communities) Ersana, Gu'na, Veda-na, Belg1a-ni (ing.), Be-na, Sho'-na and other names of villages; Gikh-t1a, ​​Poy-t1a Martan-t1a, ​​Ekhash-t1a (names of villages), and others.
Outside of Checheno-Ingushetia, place names in – t1a (ta) are also noted in Tushetia (G.S.S.R.); see Etel-ta, Ts1ova-ta, Indur-ta, etc., in which the format appears more clearly - “ta” as a toponym-forming element of the Nakh languages.
In the science of language, it is customary to consider the most reliable, in the sense of the genetic relationship of languages, to be the following type of coincidence, when a number of toponyms with repeating formats from one region coincide with the same number of toponyms from another region.
There is a coincidence in Nakh and Urartian cult names of the most ancient type.
Urart. Ma is the supreme sun god. This name is noted in the same meaning in the Nakh languages, although at present it appears only as part of derivative and compound words with the meaning of the cult of the sun: malkh (lkh - determinant) - the sun, see also the toponyms m1aysta (s, ta - determinants ), malhasta (producing base “ma”); Maska - the name of the village (ma - basis, ska - determinants), maskara (b. village), Mesha-khi - river, malsag - “sun man”, hence the surname Malsagov, Muosag - the name of a person with the same meaning, etc. .
Urart. Taishebi is one of the supreme deities; Chech., Ing. Tush ((Tushol - the deity of nature and childbirth; cf. also Ing. Taishabanie - a children's game). Cases when the names of deities turn into the names of children's games are known in science; see Chech. Galg1ozhmekh lovzar - a game of towns from Gal - the name of one from the ancient sun deities).
There have also been cases of transformation of the names of deities into names of people. Thus, the name of the Urartian deity Ashura in Chechen is found as the female name Ashura, as well as Urart. Azani, Czech Aizan (laskat. Aizani), Urart. Ashtu is the name of a deity, Chech. Ashtu is a female name, Urart. Lagash, Chech. Lagash, Lakash - male name, etc. Urart, Cybele - god of spring, Chech. Kebila is a female name, Urartian. Dika is the name of a deity, Chech. dika - okay, dika is a male name. There is a transformation of toponyms into proper names: Urart. Kindari-Sangara is the name of the area, Chech. Kindar-Sangara - male names. There is overlap in other vocabulary, for example:
Urart. sure - army, Chech. sura - in the same meaning, hence the toponyms Suyr - korta, Surat1a (for more details about the word sura, see K.Z. Chokaev. “Geographical names of Checheno-Ingushetia”. Manuscript. CHINIIIYAL archive. His “Where the root of the Vainakhs leads.” Almanac "Orga", No. 2, 1968).
Urart. tires - two, Chech., Ing. shi - two,
Urart. Tish, Chech., Ing. quiet - old,
Urart. 1u - shepherd, Chech., Ing. 1у - in the same meaning,
Urart. Khaza, Chech., Ing. haza - to hear,
Urart. Ale, Chech. ala, ing. ala, dude. ala—to say; see more
Urart. Manua-s ale “Manua said”, Chech. Manua-s ale (cheb.) in the same meaning. Here, as you can see, the whole phrase coincides with grammatical indicators (format of the ergative case - s).
Lulabi is what the Urartians called their neighbors, which meant stranger, enemy. If we take into account the specific historical situation of that time, when the Urartians were subjected to constant invasions and attacks by the neighboring state of Assyria, such semantics of this word becomes understandable, since the meaning of the word changes depending on the living conditions of native speakers. In modern Chechen and Ingush this word is clearly decomposed into its component parts and has the meaning neighbors (lula - neighbor, bi - plural formant, preserved in the closely related Batsbi to this day; see bats - bi "those on the grass" from bats ( butz) - grass).
There is a convergence of grammatical forms, which is especially important when determining the genetic relationship of languages, because grammatical structure is the most stable section of a language. For example, there have been cases of coincidence of the forms of the ergative (active), genitive, dative cases of modern Nakh, on the one hand, and the Urartian language, on the other; see urar. h1aldini uli taran Sarduri-si ale. Sardur speaks to the mighty God Khald. Wed. Chech. Kh1aldina (taroyolchu) sarduras ale (cheb). The forms of the dative and active cases in these sentences coincide (-na, -s); see also: Urart. They drank the punishment of Ildaruni ni agubi; Wed Chech. Alari Ildaruni-ani agnedu. Kanad led from the Ildaruniani River. Here we have given the Chechen version only with particular regard to historical changes, omitting certain forms that were not in ancient Vainakh, in particular the postposition t1era. If we take into account all the changes, then we can accurately reproduce the Urartian version; So apari could be obtained from pili - ditch, agnedu (by discarding the formant -not- and replacing the class indicator d with b) can be restored in its previous form - agubi, etc.
In the Urartu language, scientists have discovered a plural format - azhe; Wed Chech., Ing. -ash - already in the same meaning. Such transformations among the Nakhs are legitimate, for example, yours is vazha.
In the work of M. Kagankatvatsi “History of the Agvans”, written 1300 years ago, it is said: “Uts, Sodas, Gargars are brothers and they come from a father named Ura.” Ura is the basis of the word Urartu, Uts are Udins (related to the Nakhs and other peoples of the Caucasus, but living in Azerbaijan), Sodas are apparently Sodoytsy (once a strong Chechen type, whose representatives still live in Vedeno and other regions of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; this tribe is noted in ancient Greek sources (II century AD); see about this: V.B. Vinogradov, K.Z. Chokaev. Ancient names and placements of the Vainakh tribes. News of CHINIIIYAL, vol. II. Archaeological and ethnographic collection. Grozny, 1966); The ethnonym Gargars is clearly deciphered using the Chechen language as relatives, close ones. Most scientists tend to see the Gargars as the ancestors of the Nakhs.
According to archaeological excavations carried out on the former territory of Urartu by Soviet and foreign scientists, many common points were noted in the material culture of Urartu, on the one hand, and the Nakhs, on the other.
With the archaeological study of the former territory of Urartu, as well as the folklore, language and ethnography of the Chechens and Ingush, such similarities will increase, since the kinship here is undeniable.
The state of Urartu was formed in the 9th century BC. and lasted 300 years. In the 6th century BC. e. under the blows of the states of Assyria and Media, Urartu ceased to exist as a state.
Urartu is the first state to emerge on the territory of our country. The peoples of Urartu reached a high level of development of culture, technology and economy for that time.
After the collapse of Urartu as a state, the state of Albania emerged in Transcaucasia. According to sources, the leading people in Albania were the Gargars. The dominant religion in Albania at one time was Christianity. The language of religion and schooling was the Gargar language. (See A. Shanidze “The Newly Discovered Alphabet of the Caucasian Albanians and its Importance for Science.” Izv. IYAMK. cargo branch of the ANSSSR, vol. 4, 1938, etc.).
As evidence of the presence of the distant ancestors of the Vainakhs in Transcaucasia, numerous toponyms were noted on the former territory of Albania, explained only from the Nakh and partly from the Dagestan languages ​​(see Ts1unda, Hereti, Artsakh, Artsian; cf. Chech. Ts1uonta (ra), Ertan, Erga, Ersana, Ortsakh, etc.). Toponyms explained from Nakh and Dagestan are also noted in Eastern Georgia, Khevsureti, Pshkhavia, Mokhevia, Tusheti.
For the first time, the modern ethnic name of the Chechens Nakhchi in the form of Nakhchamatyane was noted in Armenian sources of the 4th century AD. The same ethnonym is found in the “Armenian Geography” of Moses Khorensky (VII century AD), which (the ethnonym) is localized mainly in the foothill zone of the modern territory of the flat Checheno-Ingushetia (see map from the said “Geography”). However, at different times the Nakh tribes are found in the sources under different names: Sodas, Gargars, Dzurzuks, Dvals (from Dal), Nakhchamatyans, Tsanars, Gligvas, Kists, Kalkans, Michigi ((Michigizy (Chechens of Ichkeria), Shibuts (Shatois), Meredzhi (merzhoy), Chechen, Chechen, Ingush, etc.
It would be a mistake to think that the Chechens and Ingush are, so to speak, ethnically “pure” peoples, without any admixture of representatives of other nationalities. In their development, the Chechen-Ingush people have come a long way, during which, like any other people, they interbred with many peoples, as a result they absorbed many ethnic groups, but also lost some part of their ethnic group, covered by the objective process of assimilation with other peoples.
Also N.Ya. Marr wrote: “I will not hide that in the highlanders of Georgia, along with them in the Khevsurs and Pshavas, I see Georgianized Chechen tribes.” (N.Ya. Marr. “On the history of the movement of Japhetic peoples from the south to the north of the Caucasus.” Izvestia AN, 1916, No. 15, pp. 1395-1396).
At a session devoted to the problem of the origin of the Ossetian people (Ordzhonikidze, 1966), the majority of Caucasian scientists stated that the Ossetian people are “true Caucasians by origin and culture and Iranians by language.” It was noted that there was a significant percentage of the Nakh ethnic group among modern Ossetians. This is also evidenced by the toponymy of Ossetia (Ts1ush, Tsltq, Wleylam, Ts1eylon, etc.).
Among the Kumyks there are citizens who consider themselves to be of Chechen descent.
Modern Chechens and Ingush include a significant percentage of representatives of Turkic, Ossetian, Dagestan, Georgian, Mongolian, and Russian peoples. This is evidenced, again, primarily by the Chechen and Ingush languages, in which there is a significant percentage of borrowed words and grammatical forms, and folklore.

Chokaev K.Z.
Dr. Phil. sciences, professor


Based on the works of Doctor of Philology, Professor K.Z. Chokaeva; "On the origin of the Chechens and Ingush." Manuscript, Grozny, 1990, p. 1-17.
The article was written on a current topic in which, without exaggeration, all conscious people are interested. Chokaev is no stranger to historical science. His works on word formation among the Chechens provided significant assistance to ethnographers. Some of his articles directly relate to the history of the Nakhs. This article is also written at a completely scientific level and using rich and versatile information. The scientific base and field material, first introduced into scientific circulation by the author, meet the requirements of the time. This article can in no way be compared with the lightweight “scientific” works of V. Vinogradov. But the presented article, we believe, was written a long time ago and is in some ways outdated. For example, K.Z. Chokaev writes: “This process (Strengthening friendship between peoples - I.S.) acquires particular significance in the conditions of our country, when friendly ties between the peoples of the USSR in the process of building a communist society are strengthening and developing every day.”
The reviewer has edited these and other outdated expressions. I believe that the author will not object to us for such liberties on our part. We also took the risk of reducing small repetitions (pp. 6,14,15,16, etc.); pointed out the desirability of moving the links down, corrected typos (p. 7, 8), made stylistic corrections (p. 7); made a slight reduction (p. 2) and changed the title to: “On the origin of the Chechens and Ingush”, since they believed that modesty in such matters does not suit us all. Being far from Grozny, we could not coordinate our actions with the respected author and, we hope, the author will understand us. We touched very little on the author's thoughts. Our intervention does not detract from the merits of this article, and the reviewer recommends its publication in the scientific department of the journal Justice.

Ethnographer, Ph.D. Saidov I. M.

However, the origin of the Chechens continues to cause debate, although we point out that they have been the indigenous inhabitants of the Caucasus for two thousand years. But this question arises by itself even according to the Batsbiy, who say that they are fyappies from Vabua, and where is Vabua... The oral traditions of all Vainakhs say that their ancestors came from somewhere beyond the mountains and then settled from Galanchozh district. This is the history of the Chechen people in the oral tradition of the Chechens.

It is necessary to pay attention to how quite different the stories are in different Chechen communities, and this despite the fact that legends in Chechnya are usually passed on without the slightest changes. Apparently, individual communities actually had different ancestral paths, i.e. They came from different places, but all to gather in the Galanchozh region. Being descendants of the Aryans, the Chechens are truly descendants of aliens, like the Aryans themselves, whose branches came to the region of the Armenian Highlands and brought the aborigines a higher culture of their civilization. In the dialects of the Armenian language, the word arii means to come, and hajr as father and Hajrarat as the country of fathers.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge after the Great Flood, and in this world Roman (inverted) law and rulers were established, who were constantly destroying any mention of Aryan civilization and their special popular government, instead of which the dominance of new newcomers with an aggressive mentality, with a lower culture and an ugly form of minority power with a whole arsenal of suppression and subordination was established.

Only the Vainakhs, apparently thanks to the military system and strict adherence to the laws of their ancestors, were able to preserve until the 19th century moral norms and beliefs of the Aryans and the form of social structure inherited from their ancestors with popular government .

In his previous works, the author was the first to point out that the essence of the Chechen conflict lies in the clash of two different ideologies of public administration and in the special siliconity of the Chechens, who do not completely submit to any losses.

In this unequal and cruel battle that the Chechen people suffered, the Chechens themselves have changed and lost a lot over the last three centuries of what their ancestors had cherished for thousands of years.

The Sasens left their mark not only in the North Caucasus. The Sasinid dynasty in Iran, removing the “new newcomers” from power, restored Aryan moral standards and the religion of Zoroastrianism (Zero - zero, the origin of reference, aster - star, i.e. the stellar origin). In Greater Armenia, the descendants of David of Sasso bravely fought against the troops of the caliphate in the 8th-9th centuries, and the regular Turkish army and bands of Kurds in the 19th-20th centuries. As part of the Russian corps, the Chechen detachments of Taimiev (1829) and Chermoevs (1877 and 1914) stormed the Armenian city of Erzurum three times, liberating it from the Turks.

One of the modified names of the Chechens is Shasheny, in the Karabakh dialect of the Armenian language sounds like “special to the point of madness and brave to the point of madness.” And the name Tsatsane clearly indicates the peculiarity of the Chechens.

Chechen Nokhchi believe (apparently at the call of blood) Nakhchevan named by their ancestors as the settlement of Nokhchi, although the Armenians understand this name as a beautiful village. The slender, white, blue-eyed warriors on horses among the dark-skinned and short peasants were truly beautiful.

There are traces of Nokhchi in southeastern Armenia in the region of Khoy (in Iran) and Akki in western Armenia in the area between the Greater and Lesser Zab rivers south of Erzurum. It should be noted that the Chechen people and the Vainakh communities that make them up are heterogeneous and include a dozen separate branches with different dialects.

When studying Chechen society it seems that you are dealing with the descendants of the last defenders of the fortress, who gathered in the citadel from different places. Moving for various reasons, the great-ancestors of the Chechens did not go further than a thousand km from Mount Ararat, i.e. they practically remained within the region.

And the great-ancestors of the Vainakhs came from different places - some quickly and with great losses, while others gradually and more safely, for example, like the Nokhchi from Mitanni. Even if in those times (more than three thousand years ago) it was long and lasted for tens and hundreds of years. Along the way, they left the settlements they founded, and some of them moved on, moving north for a reason that is now inexplicable to us, and those who remained merged with the local population.

It is difficult to find traces of the ancestors of the Chechens because they really did not come from one place. There were no searches in the past, the Chechens themselves were content with an oral retelling of the path of their ancestors, but with Islamization there were no Vainakh storytellers left.

Nowadays, the search for traces of the great-ancestors of the Vainakhs and archaeological excavations must be carried out on the territory of as many as 8 states during the period of the end of the second millennium BC.

The arrival of former Aryan guards in separate detachments with families and households in the Galanchozh region marked the beginning Chechen tukhums and taips(tai - share). The main taipas still distinguish their sections (shares) on the land of Galanchozh, since it was then first divided by the great-ancestors thousands of years ago.

For many peoples, Gala means to come, i.e. Galanchozh can mean a place of arrival or resettlement from it, which corresponds to reality in both ways.

Both the name of the great-ancestors of the Chechens (Sasens) and the current name of their descendants (Chechens), and their whole history are special. Development of Chechen society differed in many features and in many ways has no analogues.

The Chechens turned out to be very refractory and difficult to change from their ancestors, and for many centuries they retained their language and way of life, and the social structure of their free communities governed by councils, without the assumption of hereditary power. Legendary Turpal Nokhcho, having mastered the bull, harnessed it and taught the Nokhchi to plow, overcame evil and bequeathed to keep the lake, from which the Nokhchi settled, clean, i.e. keep the foundations, language, laws and beliefs received from ancestors pure (without polluting them with alien morals). As long as Turpal's commandments were observed, the Chechens were lucky in history.

Chechens are a North Caucasian people who are the main population. However, Chechens live not only on the territory of Chechnya, they inhabit Ingushetia, Russia, Kabardino-Balkaria and other regions. Today, there are about 1.55 million Chechens in the world, most of whom live in the Russian Federation.

Although the state is part of Russia, Chechens speak mainly their own language, Chechen, which is also the state language. If we talk about, then almost all Chechens profess Islam; representatives of other religions are rare. According to anthropological characteristics, Chechens are representatives of the Caucasian type of the Caucasian race.

The absolute majority of the population of the Chechen Republic are Chechens (95.5%), Kumyks, Avars, Nogais, Ingush also live (other national minorities also live - Kyrgyz, Tajiks). Before the deportation of the Chechens and their subsequent return in the northern regions of the republic, Russians and Russian-speaking (Terek Cossacks) made up the absolute majority of the population; in the city and the Sunzha basin their number was also significant. The pre-war Russian and Russian-speaking population was forced to leave Chechnya during the reign of Dzhokhar Dudayev in 1991-1994, and a significant number died during the period of active hostilities in 1994-1996.

Arslan Ahmed Allaudin - general, twice hero of Jordan.

Abdurakhmanov, Kanti - foreman, participant in the Great Patriotic War, hero of Russia.

Uzuev, Magomed Yakhyaevich - sergeant, defender of the Brest Fortress, Hero of Russia (1996).

Nuradilov, Khanpasha Nuradilovic - sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Enginoev, Duda Edievich - intelligence officer, senior sergeant, full Knight of the Order of Glory.

Sheikh Mansur is a participant in the Caucasian War, a national hero of the Chechen people.

Yamadayev, Ruslan Bekmirzaevich - colonel, Hero of Russia (2004).

Yamadayev, Dzhabrail Bekmirzaevich - lieutenant, Hero of Russia (2003).

Yamadayev, Sulim Bekmirzaevich - lieutenant colonel, Hero of Russia (2005).

Altemirov Ruslan Saidovich, military fighter pilot, colonel, deputy. commander for combat training of the Trans-Baikal Air Force District, died in 1994.


Arsanukaev-Dyshnsky, Inaluk - general of the tsarist army, Grand Vizier of the North Caucasus Emirate (1919-1920)

Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich - Mufti of Chechnya, President of Chechnya (2003-2004), Hero of Russia (2004).

Kadyrov, Ramzan Akhmatovich - chairman (2005-2007), then president of Chechnya (since 2007).

Khasbulatov, Ruslan Imranovich - scientist and publicist, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1991-1993).

Khadzhiev, Salambek Naibovich - Minister of Petrochemical Industry of the USSR (1991).

Albiev, Islambek Tsilimovich - Greco-Roman wrestler, Olympic champion (2008), champion of Russia (2005) and (2008).

Buvaysa?r (Buvaysa?) Khami?dovich Saiti?ev (b. 1975 in Khasavyurt, USSR) - famous Russian freestyle wrestler, six-time world champion, six-time European champion, three-time Olympic champion, five-time Russian champion, seven-time Krasnoyarsk champion tournament named after Ivan Yarygin, winner of the goodwill games. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1995). Chechen by nationality.

Adam Khamidovich Saitiev (December 12, 1977, Khasavyurt, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) is a Russian freestyle wrestler, Chechen by nationality, international-class master of sports (1998), Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000).

Artur Asilbekovich Beterbiev (born 1985, Khasavyurt Dagestan, USSR) is a Russian amateur boxer, Honored Master of Sports, European champion (2006).

Salman Khasimikov 4-time World Champion in freestyle wrestling, European Champion, USSR Champion

Aslanbek Bisultanov - 1973 won the Cup and the personal championship of the USSR among youths in wrestling; 1976 became the youngest champion of the USSR. 1977 European champion 1977 World champion and holder of the title “Best wrestler of the 1977 World Championship” and the cup “For the shortest fight at the championship”

Zaurbek Baysangurov (born 1985 in the village of Achkhoy-Martan, USSR) is a Russian professional boxer, performing in the Light Middleweight weight category, International champion of the WBC in the first middle weight, world champion according to the IBF version. among juniors, Master of Sports of Russia of international class, two-time world championship medalist, two-time European champion, three-time Russian champion among youth and youth, Russian amateur champion.

Treating Kurbanov-1997. . Oyama Karate Championship - 1st place. 1997 Khasavyurt. Open city championship dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Imam Shamil - 1st place. 1998 Kutaisi. International karate-kyokushin tournament - III place. 1998 . International Kyokushin Karate Tournament - III place. In 2000, at the International Tournament in and in 2001 at the European Championships in Hungary, he won first place in the 90 kg weight category.

Public figures

Kunta Haji - saint, pacifist, Sufi sheikh, founder of Zikrism.

Akhtakhanov, Magomet - the first Chechen doctor.

Of all the peoples living in the CIS, it was the Chechens who “distinguished themselves” more than others in helping the United States and NATO, who were chosen by the devilish world government to become an insidious sharp double-edged sword for the mass destruction of the Slavs according to the plan of the international mafia in the present pre-war period and in the future, throughout throughout the 3rd World War.
I often ask myself questions:
- Why did Peres, the former head of the secret government, and Rasmussen, the chief military strategist and mafia leader responsible for implementing the military and terrorist part of the 3rd World War, focus on the Chechen people?

What are the roots of the Chechen people and who is the ancestor of this people?

And why did the Chechens turn out to be so cruel, two-faced and corrupt #NotPeople, who betrayed and sold all of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth to the devilish servants of the secret government, exposing them to a crushing blow. 300 million people?!

Many Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other military personnel and ordinary local residents simply hate the Chechens for their cruelty, violence and arrogance. Yes, and how can you respect those who so insidiously set up their own for the sake of getting quick money and personal privileges? Or do Chechens not consider Russians to be people at all?

I don’t know about you, but when I think about the Chechen people and how they behave towards the inhabitants of our region, delve into their history, I clearly realize that there is something very dark, devilish in the roots of the Chechen people , as if some very terrible person seriously influenced the creation and formation of this people, which today is expressed in such a terrible attitude of the Chechens to life, in their worldview, some traditions and culture, as well as in their relationships with other peoples!

Well, let’s say the Chechens have a long-term conflict with the Russians and they didn’t share something among themselves, harbored a grudge against each other and are trying to take revenge on each other (although I have my own opinion on this matter), but the Belarusians don’t do anything to the Chechens did, and they are preparing a terrible bloody war against my people, a whole series of terrorist attacks throughout the country, a massive multimillion-dollar extermination of our military and civilian population during unrest and war, as well as large robberies, looting, seizure of the personal property of our citizens, real estate and even entire districts in the capital of Belarus!

Many Chechens, apparently, are proud of the fact that it is the so-called. the ancient civilization of the Aryans is the progenitor of the Chechen people, as many sources on the Internet say, some of which I will give below. However, from the point of view of Christianity, these Aryans, described in the Bible as the “sons of Anak” or “sons of God,” are representatives of demonic spirits, fallen angels and messengers of the devil on Earth, although some “philosophers” try to present them as positive demigods. These are demons in the flesh who crossed with beautiful earthling women, who gave birth to a stronger generation of half-demons/half-humans, stronger, tougher and taller than ordinary people, more cunning and strong in military affairs!

This explains a lot to me, for example, why among the Chechens there are especially many demons in the flesh, born in our generation, of whom even fairly strong military personnel around the world are afraid, although there are demons in human form in every nation, but not so many. And also why exactly the wolf is the image of the Chechens, although highly spiritual people of God always associate the wolf with werewolf demons, and the Chechens are proud of their image and even set it as an example to other peoples. Why exactly did this people become a breeding ground for terrorism and was especially chosen by the world satanic government for this role in our region and why are the Chechens trying to seize power over the entire terrorist world of the globe, where Chechens stand out especially and are valued among militants from other countries, and subjugate it to themselves , being controlled by Kadyrov-Avvadnon himself, etc.

I know that Stalin (although I do not have a positive attitude towards him), being from the same region as the Chechens, somehow especially hated this people and therefore at one time deported quite a large part of them to other regions of our planet . And sometimes I catch myself thinking that he understood and knew something very well about the Chechens, but what exactly?

Unfortunately, I still haven't found the answer to this question...

Why Stalin deported the Chechens and Ingush.

Article: "Chechens"

Theories of the origin of the Chechens

The problem of the origin and earliest stage of the history of the Chechens remains completely unclear and debatable, although their deep autochthony in the North-Eastern Caucasus and a wider area of ​​settlement in ancient times seem quite obvious. A massive movement of proto-Vainakh tribes from Transcaucasia to the north of the Caucasus is not excluded, but the time, reasons and circumstances of this migration, recognized by a number of scientists, remain at the level of assumptions and hypotheses.

Version of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Giorgi Anchabadze about the origin of the Chechens and Ingush:

  • The Chechens are the oldest indigenous people of the Caucasus, their ruler bore the name “Caucasus”, from which the name of the area came. In the Georgian historiographical tradition, it is also believed that Caucasus and his brother Lek, the ancestor of the Dagestanis, settled the then uninhabited territories of the North Caucasus from the mountains to the mouth of the Volga River.

There are several other versions:

  • Descendants of the Hurrian tribes (cf. division into teips) who went to the north (Georgia, North Caucasus). This is confirmed both by the similarity of the Chechen and Hurrian languages, and by similar legends, and an almost completely identical pantheon of gods.

  • Descendants of the Tigrid population, an autochthonous people who lived in the Sumer region (Tigris River). Chechen teptars call Shemaar (Shemara) the point of departure of the Chechen tribes, then Nakhchuvan, Kagyzman, North and North-East Georgia and finally the North Caucasus. However, most likely, this applies only to part of the Chechen Tukkhums, since the settlement route of other tribes is somewhat different, for example, Sharoi cultural figures point to the Leninakan (Sharoi) region, the same can be said about some of the Cheberloy clans, such as Khoy (“kh’o” - guard, watch) (Khoy city in Iran)

Part 7. Who are the ancestors of the Chechens and where are they from?

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge after the Great Flood, and in this world Roman (inverted) law and rulers were established, who were constantly destroying any mention ofAryan civilization and their special popular government, instead of which the dominance of new newcomers with an aggressive mentality, with a lower culture and an ugly form of minority power with a whole arsenal of suppression and subordination was established.

Only the Vainakhs, apparently thanks to the military system and strict adherence to the laws of their ancestors, were able to preserve until the 19th centurymoral norms and beliefs of the Aryans and the form of social structure inherited from their ancestors with popular government .

In his previous works, the author was the first to point out that the essence of the Chechen conflict lies in the clash of two different ideologies of public administration and in the special siliconity of the Chechens, who do not completely submit to any losses.

In this unequal and cruel battle that the Chechen people suffered, the Chechens themselves have changed and lost a lot over the last three centuries of what their ancestors had cherished for thousands of years.

The Sasens left their marknot only in the North Caucasus . The Sasinid dynasty in Iran, removing the “new newcomers” from power, restored Aryan moral standards and the religion of Zoroastrianism (Zero - zero, the origin of reference, aster - star, i.e. the stellar origin). In Greater Armenia, the descendants of David of Sasso bravely fought against the troops of the caliphate in the 8th-9th centuries, and the regular Turkish army and bands of Kurds in the 19th-20th centuries. As part of the Russian corps, the Chechen detachments of Taimiev (1829) and Chermoevs (1877 and 1914) stormed the Armenian city of Erzurum three times, liberating it from the Turks.

One of the modified names of the Chechens is Shasheny,in the Karabakh dialect of the Armenian language sounds like “special to the point of madness and brave to the point of madness.” And the name Tsatsane clearly indicates the peculiarity of the Chechens.

Chechen Nokhchi believe (apparently at the call of blood)Nakhchevannamed by their ancestors as the settlement of Nokhchi, although the Armenians understand this name as a beautiful village. The slender, white, blue-eyed warriors on horses among the dark-skinned and short peasants were truly beautiful.

There are traces of Nokhchi in southeastern Armenia in the region of Khoy (in Iran) and Akki in western Armenia in the area between the Greater and Lesser Zab rivers south of Erzurum. It should be noted that the Chechen people and the Vainakh communities that make them up are heterogeneous and include a dozen separate branches with different dialects.

When studying Chechen society it seems that you are dealing with the descendants of the last defenders of the fortress, who gathered in the citadel from different places. Moving for various reasons, the great-ancestors of the Chechens did not go further than a thousand km from Mount Ararat, i.e. they practically remained within the region.

And the great-ancestors of the Vainakhs came from different places - some quickly and with great losses, while others gradually and more safely, for example, like the Nokhchi fromMitanni. Even if in those times (more than three thousand years ago) it was long and lasted for tens and hundreds of years. Along the way, they left the settlements they founded, and some of them moved on, moving north for a reason that is now inexplicable to us, and those who remained merged with the local population.

It is difficult to find traces of the ancestors of the Chechens because they really did not come from one place. There were no searches in the past,the Chechens themselves were content with an oral retelling of the path of their ancestors , but with Islamization there were no Vainakh storytellers left.

Nowadays, the search for traces of the great-ancestors of the Vainakhs and archaeological excavations must be carried out on the territory of as many as 8 states during the period of the end of the second millennium BC.

The arrival of former Aryan guards in separate detachments with families and households in the Galanchozh region marked the beginningChechen tukhums and taips (tai - share). The main taipas still distinguish their sections (shares) on the land of Galanchozh, since it was then first divided by the great-ancestors thousands of years ago.

For many peoples, Gala means to come, i.e. Galanchozh can mean a place of arrival or resettlement from it, which corresponds to reality in both ways.

Both the name of the great-ancestors of the Chechens (Sasens) and the current name of their descendants (Chechens), and their whole history are special.Development of Chechen society differed in many features and in many ways has no analogues.

The Chechens turned out to be very refractory and difficult to change from their ancestors, and for many centuries they retained their language and way of life, and the social structure of theirfree communities governed by councils, without the assumption of hereditary power . Legendary Turpal Nokhcho, having mastered the bull, harnessed it and taught the Nokhchi to plow, overcame evil and bequeathed to keep the lake, from which the Nokhchi settled, clean, i.e. keep the foundations, language, laws and beliefs received from ancestors pure (without polluting them with alien morals). As long as Turpal's commandments were observed, the Chechens were lucky in history.

The self-name of Chechens from ancient times to this day is Nokhchi-Nakhchi, literal translation means "Noah's people» .

Nokhchi-Chechens consider Noah to be their father and prophet.

Nakhchmatyan translated means "the country of the people of Noah» , and "Noah's Gentile People". The Arabs of the Chechens from the depths of history to this day call " shiishan", which means " exemplary". This is where the Russian name for Noah's people came from - Chechens. Georgians, from time immemorial, have called Chechens " dzurdzukami", which in Georgian means " righteous".

Chechens adopted Islam during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. A large Chechen delegation visited the prophet in Mecca was personally initiated into the essence of Islam by the prophet, after which the envoys of the Chechen people accepted Islam in Mecca. On the way back, the Chechen delegation, considering that it was not appropriate to wear a gift from the prophet on one’s feet, in honor of the Prophet Muhammad, from the karakuls donated by the prophet for the journey for making shoes, sewed papakhas, which are still well preserved and are the main national headdress (Chechen papakha) . Upon the return of the delegation to Chechnya, without any coercion, the Chechens accepted Islam, realizing that Islam is not only “Mohammedanism,” which originated from the Prophet Muhammad, but this original faith of monotheism, which made a spiritual revolution in the minds of people and laid a clear line between pagan savagery and true educated faith.

Not a small reason that the Chechens easily voluntarily accepted Islam was the fact that the traditions and customs of the Chechens, unlike other peoples of the world, at that time, as today, are almost completely similar to Islam. The Chechens inherited these traditions and language from Noah himself, whom they consider their father, and later from Abraham, carried them through the depths of centuries and managed to preserve them in their original form.

This means that the laws of Nokhchi originate from the same source as Islam. This source is Archangel Gabriel (Jabrail), who, at the behest of the Almighty, sent down His Divine laws to the prophets. The Bible plainly says that ancient population of Sumerians, came from the Caucasus and these immigrants were the descendants of Noah. From them nations spread across the earth after the flood. The whole earth had one language and one dialect.

Famous historian and linguist Joseph Karst states that the Chechens are sharply separated from other mountain peoples of the Caucasus by their origin and language, are the remnants of some great ancient people, whose traces are detected in many areas of the Middle East, all the way to the borders of Egypt. I. Karst in another of his works called the Chechen language the northern offspring of the proto-language, considering the language of the Chechens, like the Chechens themselves, to be a remnant of the most ancient primitive people.

Georg Friedrich Hegel "Philosophy of Spirit":

The most perfect type, as already said, is Aryan or Caucasian, it alone has its own history and it alone deserves our attention when we study the spiritual history of mankind. It follows that he could never be a barbarian immersed in ignorance, and from the very beginning probably had knowledge even higher than that of which he is now so proud.

One of the greatest German scientists Johann Friedrich Bluebenbach white (Aryan, European) Caucasian race. Many famous scientists note that the Hurrian language and its descendant, modern Chechen, are of the same antiquity as the Caucasian anthropological type, reflecting the appearance of the very first European Cramanians. In the civilized Western world and in other areas of the earth, the white race is called " Caucasoids". In historical science and in the ancient Georgian chronicles, of all the Caucasian peoples, only the Chechens are called “Kafkasions.” The ancient Georgian chroniclers identify the ancestor of the Chechens as “Caucasus” and attribute him to the prophet Noah (the fourth tribe of Noah).

Let's remember the quote A. Hitler about the Chechens. Perceiving scientific works G. Gorbigera, K. Gaushoffer and other scientists from Asia, A. Hitler wrote: " There in the East, a trace of the ancient Germanization of the North Caucasus has been preserved; Chechens are an Aryan tribe "Science defines the descendants of Noah as modern humanity with the term Cro-Magnons. Anthropologists testify that the Cro-Magnons (or, according to the Bible, the descendants of Noah) retained their original physical appearance precisely in the Hurrians and in their descendants, the Chechens.

In particular, the famous Charles William Recherton in one of his scientific works he writes:

After the crushing of France in 1812-1814. Having defeated the also powerful Ottoman Empire in 1829, Russia set about the Caucasians. Among them, the Chechens put up the most fierce resistance. They were ready to die, but not to part with freedom. This sacred feeling is the basis of the Chechen ethnic character to this day. We now know that their ancestors were involved in the formation of human civilization in its primary center in the Middle East. Hurrians, Mittani and Urartu - that's who are listed in the sources of Chechen culture.

The ancient peoples of the Eurasian steppes apparently also included their ancestors, because traces of the relationship of these languages ​​remained. For example, with the Etruscans, as well as with the Slavs. The traditional worldview of the Chechens reveals primordial monotheism, the idea of ​​one god. The system of united self-governing teips centuries ago developed a single body, the Council of the Country. He performed the functions of a unified military command, formed public relations, and carried out state functions. The only thing it lacked for the rank of state was a pan-central system, including prisons.

So, the Chechen people lived for centuries with their state. By the time Russia appeared in the Caucasus, the Chechens completed their anti-feudal movement. But they abandoned the functions of the state as a way of human coexistence and self-defense. It was this nation that in the past managed to carry out a unique world experiment in achieving a democratic society.

Ethnologist Ian Chesnov, notes:
The Chechen nation is the ethnic root part of the Caucasian race, one of the oldest sources of human civilization, the fundamental principle of spirituality, it passed through the Hurrian, Mittan, Urartian cultures and suffered through its history and the right to a decent life, becoming a model of resilience and democracy.

The ancient Armenians were the first to connect the ethnonym "Nokhchi", the modern self-name of the Chechens, with the name of the prophet Noah, as noted above, the literal meaning of which means Noah's people.

Back in 1913, in Tiflis, in the office of His Imperial Majesty’s governor in the Caucasus, a book was published, Konstantin Mikhailovich Tumanov with the title " About the prehistoric language of Transcaucasia". The author, citing as evidence a huge number of toponyms (names of mountains, rivers, ridges, gorges, settlements and other geographical objects), as well as data from the historical works of ancient authors, chronicles, legends, archaeological and other materials, comes to an unambiguous conclusion about that the ancestors of the Chechens were the very first population on the territory of the entire Transcaucasus and further south to the African continent.

The Hurrian tribes trace their origins to Transcaucasia, from places that are currently called the Armenian Highlands. But the ancestors of the Armenians (Khayev) appeared here from the Balkan Peninsula much later than the Hurrians and lived in the Hayas valley. After the collapse of Urartu, in the north of its former territory, the ancestors of the Chechens created a state Nakhcheriya, which included the current territory of the South Caucasus, as well as the cities of Eribun (modern Yerevan) and the city of Nakhichevan. Nakhichevan, whose name in ancient Armenian chronicles is also associated with the name of Noah.

Eastern historians of the Middle Ages left information that the city of Nakhichevan was founded in 1539 BC, that is, founded 3.5 thousand years ago and is one of the oldest cities on earth. It is known that long before the new era, this city minted its own coin with the inscription “Nakhch”.

Nakhichevan translated into Russian literally sounds like a city of Chechens, the inscription on the coin “Nakhch” means Chechen. Nakhcheriya translated from the Chechen language means Chechenia. Eribun is the ancient name of Yerevan, translated exclusively into the Chechen language - in the valley there is a hut, a house, a hut.

Famous explorer V.P. Alekseev in his research he confirms that the Hurrito-Urartians represent not only the physical but also the linguistic ancestors of the Chechens.

The latest edition of materials on the history of the USSR also notes that (Urartian, like Hurrian) belongs to a special language family, the closest to them is the modern Chechen language.

M.L. Khachikyan, Mar.N.Ya. in their scientific works they note that in Ancient Western Asia, from the middle of the 3rd millennium BC to the end of the 1st millennium BC, the Hurrians were the people whose cultural influence on the rest of the peoples of this region in flesh to Egypt and the Northern Mediterranean, was dominant.

The cultural influence of the ancestors of the Chechens (Urarto-Hurrians) on the European peoples was not limited to language. Such world works of literature and folklore as " Creation Myth", "The Myth of Pygmalion", "The Myth of Prometheus"and others, according to the majority of scientists, arose for the first time among the ancient peoples of Mesopotamia, now represented in the Caucasus in Chechnya. It was here in Mesopotamia and in particular in Hurritia, in the state of Urartu, that a school and university arose, where they taught various sciences, writing, counting, geometry, algebra. Cuneiform tablets have been found testifying to the knowledge of the ancient Hurrians in these scientific fields. One of them proves the theorem on the similarity of right triangles, which is attributed to the Greek scientist Euclid. Historians learned that it was accepted in Shadumum (Urartu) 17 centuries before Euclid. Mathematical tables were also discovered with the help of which the Hurrians multiplied, extracted square roots, raised various powers, performed division and calculated percentages (Sadaev D.Ch. history of other Assyria, p. 177).

Thus, Mesopotamia with its peoples, the Hurrians, Sumerians and others, was essentially the ancient cradle of human civilization; almost all the attributes of European civilization originated here - writing, science, literature, art and much more. Publications of the 30s of the German scientist I.Karsta, well-known scientists and linguists say that the fact of the ethnic kinship of the Chechens with the ancient Hurrito-Urartians has been thoroughly proven.

Experts testify that the Hurrian civilization is a direct descendant of the very first Sumerian-Akkadian civilization on our planet, and that the Sumerians are more ancient ancestors of the Chechens than the Hurrians, whose physical, linguistic, genetic and ethnic kinship with modern Chechens has also been fully proven.

The Chechen-Hurrians, more than thousands of years earlier than Egypt and China, created ancient, highly developed civilizations, which in turn were fundamental to the emergence and development of the civilization of Egypt and China. In their development, Chechen-Hurrian civilizations covered vast territories of the Northern and Southern Caucasus, Western Asia, the Middle East, Mesopotamia, and even up to the borders of Egypt. In particular, on the territory of the ancient state of Nakhchmatyan - (the cradle of the first descendants of the prophet and father of the Chechens Noah) - modern Chechnya, as well as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Palestine (Canaan), Lebanon, Israel and Cyprus.

It is noteworthy that the ancient names of modern Cyprus “Alashe”, “Alashye” are translated exclusively into the Chechen language: alashe-kept, guarded, Alashye-keep, guard.

It is well known that after the collapse of Troy, the Etruscans settled the islands of Sardinia and Cyprus. On these islands the pro-Chechens - the Etruscans - left many traces, the names of cities, villages and place names. Ancient name of the island of Cyprus<<Алаше - алашье>> could have happened since the settlement of Cyprus by the Etruscans. As is known, after the victory, the Etruscans, who lost Troy due to their naivety, could give the name when settling Cyprus<<Алаше - Алашие>> which sounds like a call - an instruction to preserve, protect, your new habitat.

The first name of the Italian island of Sardinia, which the Etruscans called Sardegna, is also read in the Chechen language. If you carefully look at the political map of the island of Sardinia - Sardegna, then on the island there are still cities founded by the Etruscans, the name of which is translated exclusively into the Chechen language, this is the modern city of Cugliere (literal translation from Chechen - place of handshake. Kug - hand, whether - give , shake. Ere, are - place, space, plain, valley). The modern city of Cagliare on the south coast of the island.

The geographical location of the city is actually a curved area, which is translated from the Chechen language: kagli - bent, broken. Are - space, plain, valley. It is worth noting that the Etruscan language is predominantly read in the Akkin dialect of the modern Chechen language. The Chechen language consists of ten dialects. Pro-Chechens - Hurrians, starting from the 3rd millennium BC until the beginning of the new era, created dozens of flourishing states.

  1. The most important of which were:
  2. Sumeria,
  3. Shushshara,
  4. Mittany - (Naharina)
  5. Alzi - (Aratsani),
  6. Karahar,
  7. Arrapha,
  8. Urartu - (Nairi),
  9. Troy - (Taruisha) - (Sacred Lyon),
  10. Nakhcheria et al.
The history of Italy, inhabited in the 10th century BC by various tribes (Legurians, Etruscans, Siconians, etc.), began with the Etruscan civilization. (Countries of the world p. 228 Encyclopedic reference book Rusich, 2001.)

It was the Chechen tribes, the Hurrians-Etruscans, who brought to ancient Rome and Greece written, artistic, craft culture, military science, weapons (helmets with crests, which later received the name “Attic”, loincloths reinforced with bronze stripes, etc.) and appearance temples with columns - the oldest temple of this type was built for the first time in the Hurrito-Urartian religious center - the city of Ardini (cf. Chech. аърда, erda - “temple”, “sacred”, “divine”).

By the way, one of the names of the “sacred” Troy is Ardeus. You can learn more about all this from the books of the academician B. B. Piotrovsky "Kingdom of Van (Urartu)" And " Art of Urartu (VIII-VI centuries BC)".

There is hardly an educated person who has not read about this ancient city, whose name was immortalized by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey. “Strong-walled”, “lushly built-up”, “wide-street” - these are just a few of the epithets that Homer bestowed on this city. It is known that hordes of at least ten Greek states unsuccessfully besieged Troy for 10 years and had already decided to return to their homeland, the king of Ithaca, the “cunning Odysseus,” came up with a trick with a wooden horse, inside which Greek warriors were hidden. Trojans in their naivety, inherent in Chechens at all times, dragged this ill-fated “gift” through the walls into the city. The defenders of the city, who believed that the war was finally over, were fast asleep, and at this time, at night, the warriors hidden inside the horse came out, killed the sleeping guards, opened the gates and “sacred Ilion” fell, taken by surprise by fierce enemies.

Pro-Chechens-Etruscans moved from Asia Minor to Italy not immediately after the fall of Troy. Before this, they caused a lot of trouble for Egypt, which had to wage fierce wars with the “peoples of the sea”, among whom the ancient Egyptians were the first to mention the “Tarshish” people. After these wars, from about 1200 BC. the Etruscans are found on the island of Sardinia (the Etruscan kings were called Sardis; just like the throne names of the Urartian kings were Sarduri).

Between 800 and 700 BC e. The Chechen-Hurrian tribe of the Etruscans settled Italy, laid the foundation for the great glory of the Romans and Italy, and built their first 12 cities there, including the capital Rome. They built a number of great architectural monuments in Rome (Circus Maximus, Temple of Vesta, etc.).

From then on, they became a great nation of warriors, traders and sailors. For some time, the military fleet of the pro-Chechens-Etruscans controlled the entire Mediterranean Sea and their colonies reached the Atlantic Ocean (the westernmost city founded by the Etruscans in Spain was called Tarsis, or Tarshish. The Romans never hid that their culture, writing, civil structure , military affairs and many other things they owe to the Hurrian-Etruscans... Such Chechen-Etruscan words as arena (Etr. arn, Hurrian-Urartian aire, Chechen are - “space”, “flat”) came into many European languages ​​(through Latin). place"); mayor (Lat. mar, etr. mari, Hurr.-ur. mari, Chechen mar - “noble, free person”, “man” - see also Chechen. marcho - “freedom”, “independence” ); Saturn (Etr. satre - “unfavorable deity”, Hurr.-ur. sidarni - “spell, curse”, Chechen sardam - “curse”), etc. In scientific work V. V. Ivanova There are many more examples of such borrowings.

The Hurrians invented a war chariot and an astronomy observatory. According to scientists, it was the Hurrians in Northern Syria who were the first in the world to make dishes from colored glass.

The Hurrians in Urartu built the world's first paved roads, formed the first accounting department, and much more. It should be noted that the dazzling queen of Egypt Neffertiti considered until recently to be Greek, according to historians, is an ethnic Hurrian daughter of the Hurrian king Turshratty(late 15th century BC). The beauty's real name was Taduhepa.

The main reasons for the collapse of the Chechen-Hurrian states were:

  1. Centuries-old wars with Assyria, Egypt and nomadic tribes.
  2. The settlement of flourishing Hurrian cities by Semitic, Bedouin and other nomadic tribes, as a result of which the Hurrians were tens of times smaller in number.
The overwhelming majority of the Hurrians, in order to preserve themselves as a nation, began to move to different regions, but some of the Hurrians never escaped assimilation. The blood of the assimilated part of the Chechens (Hurrians) flows in the veins of the same peoples of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Palestine (Canaan), Lebanon, Israel and Cyprus.

After the collapse of the Hurrian states, part of the Chechen-Hurrian tribes soon formed a state in the South Caucasus - Caucasian Albania(Agvaniya, Alvaniya). The newly created state lasted from the 4th century BC to the 7th century AD. But Albania found itself drawn into centuries-long wars with Rome and other large empires, after the collapse of which Chechen-Hurrian tribes formed small states on its lands, including. Tsanarskoe, Ganakhskoe And Dzurdzuketia. They also moved to the territory of their ethnic homeland, modern Chechnya. Some of them went to Europe and the north. In the north, they settled the lands of Ciscaucasia and Crimea and formed the prosperous kingdoms of the Scythians and Sarmatians.

Chechen states in the Caucasus VII-XII centuries AD:

  1. Dzurdzuk Kingdom (Southeastern part of modern Georgia).
  2. Tsanar Kingdom (Southern part of modern Georgia).
  3. Kingdom of Ganakh (Western part of modern Georgia).
There was an ancient state of Chechens in the North Caucasus Nakhchmatyan, which is the cradle of the first descendants of Noah. It occupied vast territories of the North Caucasus, including the modern territory of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, and on its basis the state of Alania was formed. The state of Nakhchmatyan was the grave and the country of the first defeats for many world powers of different eras, the Khazars, the Cumans, the Golden Horde of Genghis Khan, the empire of Tamerlane the Great, the Persian, Russian hordes and other conquerors. It would be fair to note that this state still exists on a small scale in the form of the Chechen Republic (Nokhchiycho).

States of the Chechens in the North Caucasus and the dates of their formation and occupation:

1. Alania and Sim-Sim with the capital Magas on the Sunzha River in the vicinity of the modern Chechen village of Kulary. The capital of Alanya, Magas, was at one time the most flourishing industrial and cultural center of Europe and Asia.

Alania and Sim-Sim, as we wrote above, fell under the blows of the army of Tamerlane the Great.

2. The formation of the Chechen state in the modern history dates back to 1685-1791. This state was liquidated as a result of Russian aggression and annexation of its entire territory.

3. The restoration of Chechen statehood began under the leadership of Sheikh Mansur (Ushurma).

4. In 1834-1859. The Imamate was formed under the rule of Shamil; as a result of Russia’s next occupation of the territory of Chechnya and Dagestan, the state lost its independence.

5. On March 11, 1918, the Mountain Republic was formed, headed by Tapa Chermoev. The Mountain Republic was recognized by the European powers England and Germany, including Turkey.

6. In 1919, another bloody war followed with the troops of Tsarist Russia, and their defeat by the Chechens.

7. In 1920, another occupation took place of the recognized Mountain Republic, which at that time was not recognized by any state by Bolshevik Russia. In 1920, there was an uprising of Chechens led by Said-Bekom against the power of the Bolsheviks.

8. At the end of January 1921, Russia incorporated Chechnya into the Mountain Autonomous Republic, established by directive of the Bolsheviks.

9. In 1990, Chechnya declared independence and proclaimed its statehood.

10. In 1994-96 The Chechen state is being occupied by Russia.

11. In 1997, on May 12, after the end of the war, in the Kremlin, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin and the President of the ChRI Aslan Maskhadov The Treaty on Peace and Principles of Relations between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria was signed.

12. In 1999, the beginning of the second Chechen war (“counter-terrorism operation” (CTO)). In 2003, the liquidation of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and the adoption of a new Constitution of the republic, according to which Chechnya is a subject of the Russian Federation. Official termination of the CTO in 2009