Benefits of swimming in the pool for women. How much you need to swim in the pool to lose weight - effective training programs for men and women

Swimming, like any other sport, should be practiced regularly. The regularity and duration of training should depend both on your physical capabilities and on your goals. For amateurs, the best option is two or three times a week for 40-50 minutes. The ideal option is classes with a trainer (it doesn’t matter - in a group or individually), as an experienced teacher will build the lesson correctly, point out all your mistakes, and stimulate you to perform difficult exercises that will allow you to progress significantly. But if you decide to do it yourself, then you need to remember a number of simple rules. First of all, you need to start classes with a warm-up. If possible, spend at least 5 minutes warming up on dry land. Perform it sequentially, from top to bottom - first you need to gently warm up the neck, then the arms from the hands to the shoulders, the torso (especially the back) and, finally, the legs. By the way, a shower before starting classes, which must be taken in any pool, is also good for your muscles. If there is no opportunity to warm up on land, then be sure to do this already in the water. Warming up in water can be very different - it all depends on what exactly you will dedicate this workout to. Depending on your physical fitness, this can be either a 50 m breaststroke gliding or a 400 m percussion complex at once. In any case, do not try to give everything that you are capable of from the very first seconds - start slowly, listen to your body, gradually increase the intensity of the exercises performed. It is better to think over the main part of the training in advance. Alternate exercises for arms and legs, endurance and strength, speed and technique. A variety of types of exercises can be found both in text format and in the form of video tutorials on the Internet. There you can also find ready-made training plans. Do not neglect exercises with additional equipment - shoulder blades, boards, bowls, fins and other devices. If it seems to you that you are doing something wrong, and there is no one to ask for advice, then ask a friend to record you on (or record yourself using a tripod), look at yourself from the side - mistakes will immediately catch your eye. Try to follow the time intervals you set (whether it's 1 minute of rest or a series of exercises that must be completed in a certain amount of time). To do this, it is not necessary to have a newfangled watch with a stopwatch - in most pools there are clocks on the walls that allow you to track the time of the session, and at the same time control the progress of the workout. After the main, intense part of the training, do not neglect the so-called "payback" - swim at least 50-100 meters slowly, calmly, gradually relax the strained muscles.

Nowadays, everyone knows that swimming is one of the most beneficial sports. If you swim regularly, then your posture will be in order, and there will never be problems with being overweight, and immunity will be at the proper level. But it happens that a trip to the pool does not end in the most pleasant way.

Due to the insufficient cleanliness of the sports pond, some troubles may await you, such as bleach, fungal diseases, venereal infections, etc.

All substances that have a connection with the human body can usually be divided into three groups:

  • excretions of the human body
  • dirt on the human body
  • various cosmetics

In the pool, you can find the following human secretions that contain microorganisms (viruses and bacteria): mucus from the oral and nasal cavities, urine, skin particles, saliva, hair.

Also, many pool users sweat a lot when exercising in the pool, especially if the pool water is warm or hot.

Despite all this, it is enough to follow a few simple rules of hygiene in order to bypass all these troubles with the least effort.

First rule. Wash your makeup before going to the pool.

In any case, no matter how persistent your mascara and blush may be, after 20-30 minutes of swimming in the water, they will flow. It is also worth remembering that bleach and other substances that are used to disinfect water are allergens, and when interacting with cosmetics, they become especially dangerous for your skin.

Second rule. Use an antifungal agent before going to the pool.

Cosmetic or medicinal antifungal preparations based on synthesized or plant components will reliably protect your feet from various nail fungi, which can be easily picked up even in slippers. This is not at all a hassle, because the product can be applied at home.

Third rule. Use safety goggles.

Even if diving is not included in your plans, there are sure to be diving enthusiasts on neighboring tracks. Therefore, you should protect your eyes so that splashes of bleach do not get into your eyes and cause allergic conjunctivitis, which does not manifest itself in the most pleasant way (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, burning, itching and swelling of the eyelids.)

Fourth rule. Don't forget to wear a hat!

Fashionable swimming caps made of silicone are very pleasant in appearance and reliably protect hair from harmful substances. Plus, your head won't get wet, which means you don't have to wash your hair after every trip to the pool. In winter, it is very useful for cold-weakened hair.

Fifth rule. Use intimate cosmetics.

Use intimate cosmetics before and after visiting the pool. Special antiseptic sprays and gels will help protect against bacteria and viruses, which are in abundance in the pool, and maintain an optimal level of moisture in the mucous membranes.

Sixth rule. Do not visit the pool during your period.

These days, the woman's body is especially weak, the immune system is not able to provide reliable protection, so the likelihood of catching a disease or just catching a cold increases greatly.

And finally, do not forget to moisturize the skin before and after visiting the pool, this helps protect the skin from the bad effects of bleach and other reagents. The most optimal choice is a cream containing hyaluronic acid, thanks to which a thin film is formed on the skin, which acts as an impenetrable barrier to the harmful effects of an aggressive environment.

What do you need and even need to take with you to the pool? This question arises for all those who have decided to take up swimming seriously. In this article we will tell you what you will need for exercising in the pool.

Medical certificate
To visit most of the pools in our country, a medical certificate is required (but not all). Such a medical certificate must contain confirmation that you are not a carrier of various infections and that for health reasons you are admitted to swimming classes. A certificate can be easily made from your local doctor at a local clinic, it is enough for him to tell that this certificate will be presented to visit the pool.

Swimming trunks or swimsuit
As everyone probably guessed, they will not be allowed into the pool without swimming trunks or a swimsuit. Men should think about what form of swimming they need: slips, boxers or Bermudas? Bermuda shorts are only suitable for those cases when a man goes to the pool just to swim, and not seriously engage in swimming. When swimming, Bermudas will only interfere with long swims, and make it difficult to move in the water due to their large mass. For training, it is best to opt for slips or boxers. The slips are created according to criteria that include a system called "nothing more". Boxers, due to their large cut, tightly fit the body of the swimmer and do not hinder movement. The most popular, as you probably already guessed, are slips. They are more ergonomic and swimmers feel much freer in them than in other types of swimming trunks. The main thing when choosing swimming trunks is to pay attention to their size. They should also fit snugly on the hips, and in the most ideal case, in addition to the elastic band, they should also have a lace. For a trip to the pool, a woman is best to choose a one-piece swimsuit. It is quite tight around the body. The fabric from which the swimsuit is made must contain at least 10% lycra. Various rhinestones, folds and frills - all this is superfluous for a sports swimsuit. If you still want to emphasize your beauty and slimness, then opt for a swimsuit with contrasting inserts, which visually divides the body into vertical zones. It is very important to choose a swimsuit according to your size and in no case buy a swimsuit that is several sizes too small.

Swim caps
All adult swimming caps are the same size. Hats differ only in one thing - the material from which they are made. It can be fabric, latex or silicone. Caps made of silicone and fabric are less comfortable and are therefore recommended for those who plan to go to the pool infrequently. If you plan regular trips to the pool, then an ergonomic silicone cap is more suitable for you. Also, a rather comfortable cap made of fabric, but with its convenience there is one significant drawback - it has a rather strong friction on the head. There are also hybrid hats. For example, fabric on top and silicone on the bottom.

Some of us assume that swimming goggles are not really needed when going to the pool. Of course, you can do without them, but think for yourself what you are missing. You do not see anything in front of you and around you, and even standing in the water it becomes difficult for you to see anything due to the fact that splashes have got into your eyes and they begin to become cloudy due to the bleach contained in the pool water. Some pool goers dislike glasses because they leave blue circles under their eyes. But today, you can buy glasses with soft neoprene frames. It is a fairly soft material and does not leave any blue circles behind. If you are allergic to the materials that goggles are made from, no problem. Today, in the manufacture of glasses, anti-allergens are mixed in, you just have to consult with the seller and choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

Washcloth, towel, slippers and soap
In addition to equipment and a medical certificate, you must bring slippers and personal hygiene products with you to the pool. In some pools of our country, before entering, they always check the presence of soap and washcloths. Only after that you are allowed into the locker room. It is imperative to take a shower before diving into the pool, so as not to bring with you all the dirt that you have collected all day with your body and hair. It is also necessary to wash after the pool, as no one will give you a guarantee that there are no microbes and bacteria in the water. The towel that you take with you should be large enough to dry your entire body with it. And when you get home, do not forget to wash and dry your towel so that you don’t go to the next workout with wet and dirty. To protect your feet from fungi, move along the sides and paths of the pool in non-slippery slippers.

Now you know all the necessary things that you need to take with you to go to the pool. And do not forget anything from the listed house, it is better to carefully collect everything at once than to later find the missing things upon arrival at the pool. Happy sailing!

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 08:28 16486

It will be done soon! The Universiade is just around the corner! Therefore, the topic of sports is very relevant today and is of interest to everyone. All of them are good and attractive in their own way, but swimming is considered not only a beautiful, spectacular sport, but also very healthy. This is what adults tell their children all the time. They are right: swimming well loads and works out all muscle groups, prevents them from losing their tone and maintains good physical shape.

What gives a person sports swimming

Sports medicine professionals unanimously say that:

  1. Swimming not only strengthens the muscles of the body and keeps them in good shape, but also trains the respiratory muscles. Due to this, the oxygen saturation of the lungs increases in a person, the process of blood circulation improves. Muscles during classes work in a certain rhythm, and breathing has to adapt to it, thus strengthening the entire respiratory system of a person.
  2. Regular swimming lessons help reduce the load on the spine, relieve static stress in the body. Particularly tangible results are obtained by people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Active movement of the legs in the water column helps to strengthen the muscles of the feet, which prevents the development of flat feet.
  4. Swimming helps to improve the activity of the human cardiovascular system, develops the mobility of his chest. Due to which there is an increase in the useful capacity of his lungs.

Surprisingly, swimming helps a person relieve psychological stress. When immersed in the water column, the feeling of internal psychological discomfort decreases. Water relaxes not only the body, but also the soul, calms the nerves, helps to overcome unnecessary fears.

In addition, systematic swimming lessons help a person develop such personal qualities as self-discipline, determination, determination, stamina, willpower.

However, not all people are shown this sport. There are a number of restrictions associated with certain human diseases. Therefore, before purchasing a subscription to a swimming pool for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor and obtain his permission to exercise. And if the specialist has not found contraindications, then you should take the correct dosing of the load seriously.

Not only swimming in its pure form is useful for a person. You can do water gymnastics. But it is better to do it under the supervision of a coach.

One cycle of movements of this gymnastics is performed in one breath and exhalation. This is a very energy-consuming process, and, accordingly, a person needs more inhaled oxygen. The pressure of the water on the chest helps to exhale more fully. This contributes to the training of the muscles responsible for supporting the chest. Regular exercise leads to an increase in human lung capacity, increases the overall endurance of the respiratory system.

In general, water gymnastics is suitable for almost all categories of people who want to improve their health with the help of water sports, subject to a competent approach to dosing the load and the time interval for training.

Overweight people, as well as pregnant women, are not forbidden to engage in water training. They are encouraged to swim more on their backs to ease the strain on the spine caused by heavy weight.

Who shouldn't go to the pool

However, there are contraindications for visiting the pool. Doctors categorically prohibit water sports for people with the following diseases:

  1. dermatological diseases;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. venereal diseases;
  4. malignant neoplasms;
  5. any chronic disease in the acute stage.

Also contraindications are some diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the presence of an allergic reaction to chlorine-containing substances that are added to water for disinfection. It is sad to state that chlorination today is not only the most common method of pool water disinfection, but also the most effective and relatively inexpensive. Ozonation, bromination, ultraviolet radiation have not taken root yet, due to their high cost.

To go to the pool, you should make a list of things in advance and collect accessories from it. Why, you ask, because it is already clear what you need to visit. Not so simple. Our advice - do not rely on your memory, organize everything so that there is no possibility of forgetting the essentials for the pool at home. After all, you must admit it will be very disappointing if you in a hurry forget, for example, a shift, but take a body cream.

It is much easier to purchase a special sports bag with which you will visit the wellness center and make a list of things once. A compiled list is best kept in the pocket of your bag. Things prepared for swimming, folded neatly, will wait in the wings, and after the pool, all that remains is to dry them and return them to the bag. In the future, we recommend that you do not forget to grab a sports bag and be in time for classes.

So what should you put on the list:

a doctor's note

A mandatory attribute of visiting the pool is a certificate from a doctor. There are two reasons for this, and they are weighty, the first is that you yourself can infect someone or catch a disease from someone, do you need it? We are sure not, so visit the doctor yourself and get admission in the form of a certificate and choose a health center where visitors are closely monitored for certificates. And the second reason for a visit to the doctor is to get advice on the presence or absence of contraindications for health reasons to visit the pool.

General list of contraindications for swimming:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Skin and eye diseases, open wounds;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, angina pectoris, arrhythmia;
  • Malignant neoplasms.

Swimming trunks and swimsuit

First on the list of things should be a swimsuit for women or swimming trunks for men. Which to choose? It should be one-piece, athletic, not restricting movement, suitable in size. A swimsuit that is too open, for example, a bikini or with rhinestones, massive jewelry, is not suitable for swimming. It's more like a beach resort. If you want a two-piece swimsuit, choose a tankini, it is especially suitable for women with curvaceous figures. A tankini is a swimsuit consisting of an elongated top and bottoms.

Swimwear is made from lycra, polyamide or microfiber. The main thing is that they should be soft, pleasant to the body, not prickly, without hard threads and inserts. Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable for you to study, you will not be able to concentrate on the lesson.

Swimming trunks for men should not be Bermuda shorts, not shorts with a mesh sewn inside, they are more suitable for the beach, namely sportswear made of elastic material. For swimming, men need regular swimming trunks. They come with a wide or thinner side. It is especially recommended to pay attention to hydroshorts. This is the latest development in the field of sportswear. They are made of fabric with a water-repellent coating containing carbon. Wetsuits are longer than regular sports bottoms, tightly fit the thigh and end slightly above the knee, and have a reinforced waistband.

A swimming cap is the second most important bathing accessory. It is made from different fabrics, but its purpose is the same - to protect the hair from getting wet and exposed to reagents and to prevent contamination of the pool drain with hair.

Swimming caps are:

  • rubber;
  • Textile (fabric);
  • Containing silicone;
  • From combined materials.

How to choose? For aqua aerobics and those sports where you do not actively dive under water, do not dive, light rubber or fabric will do. The main thing is that it does not tighten the head, does not constrain the movements of the head, protects it from water.

Modern textile caps have fashionable colors, are treated with a special composition and do not get wet, you can also use a cap with adjustable Velcro. Another advantage of a textile cap is that it is easier than others to put on dry hair.

Hygiene accessories

According to the rules for visiting the pool, you must take a shower with detergents before and after swimming. This will allow you to wash off cosmetics, creams and lotions will not fall into the water. It is also forbidden to bring anything in a glass container, for example, do not take shower gel in glass with you. Your shower gel or soap shouldn't have a strong scent. This may cause allergic reactions in other visitors.

When choosing between soap and gel, choose a shower gel that includes additives that moisturize the skin. This is very true after chlorinated pool water.

Put a washcloth and a fungus remedy (chlorhexidine, miramistin) in your bag for preventive purposes.

Indoor shoes

Change of shoes is required at almost all public swimming pools. Shoes must be open-toed, suitable for showering, and dry quickly if water gets in. As a change, slates or flip-flops, rubberized sandals with a fixed heel for children are suitable. Such shoes will protect against fungal diseases, and non-slip soles - from falling.


Choose the material from which the towel is made according to how well it absorbs water, it should be of medium density. It can be high-quality microfiber, terry cloth.

Skin cream or lotion

The water in the pool is mainly cleaned with chemicals, and therefore, after taking a shower, rub yourself with a towel and moisturize your skin with a cream or lotion for your skin type.

Hairdryer, linen

If the wellness center does not provide a hair dryer or you are not satisfied with it for any reason, then bring a hairdryer from home. It is especially important to dry the head for those girls and women who have long hair or who prefer a textile cap.

After you've dried off, you'll need a change of clothes, so don't forget to put them in your bag at home.

Sports bag

It is better to immediately choose a specific bag for the pool, it is important that everything fits in it, and it has a comfortable handle and preferably several compartments. Provide a bag inside in which to put your wet things.


They protect your eyes from chlorine and allow you to see underwater. How to choose?

If you are a beginner, then the so-called starting points will suit you. You can do without glasses, but it is better to do diving in water with them.

The set for a child is the same as for an adult, however, after swimming, children may want to drink water or snack, so do not forget to bring a bottle of water or juice and a sandwich with you to the pool.

If your child is attending a scuba diving group, it is important for them not to leave their personal equipment, such as fins, goggles and snorkel.

Tip: if you are swimming with a small child, do not forget to bring special swim shorts with a sewn-in diaper for your baby, this will prevent unpleasant surprises.

After visiting the pool at home, it is not necessary to wash your swimwear, just rinse it off chlorine and hang it to dry on a rope.