Black pea white film between the labia. What is dangerous and how to get rid of white plaque on the head of the genital organ

White plaque on the labia is not considered very rare, and its appearance can be either a normal process or a symptom of a disease. The main question is what accompanying signs appear.

This phenomenon can occur at any age, even in newborn girls. There is an increased likelihood of pathology with such signs during pregnancy. In other words, white plaque on the labia cannot be characterized without conducting an examination and identifying the causes.

The appearance of white plaque on the labia can have completely different etiologies and composition. Most often it is smegma, which is the result of overactive sebaceous glands, and does not pose a health hazard.

Moreover, in some cases, the body protects itself from infection, and sometimes such plaque is a normal composition of the vaginal microflora.

It’s another matter if this phenomenon is accompanied by pain, itching, redness, inflammatory reactions, and signs of vaginal damage. In such cases, it is necessary to raise the alarm and undergo research, since serious pathologies are possible. Whiteness in this case is a trace of pathogenic vaginal discharge, and special treatment cannot be avoided. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the symptom in question in children and women during pregnancy. Self-medication of pathologies with such manifestations is not recommended, and treatment tactics should be prescribed by a doctor.

Physiological nature of the phenomenon

Non-pathogenic physiological causes of white plaque on an intimate organ can occur at any age, incl. The child has. This color is provided by the changed vaginal microflora, which is sensitive to certain external and internal factors. The most typical influence is hormonal changes, which causes the appearance of plaque in teenage girls aged 11-14 years, caused by puberty, and in women during pregnancy, when hormonal changes are very active.

By changing the vaginal microflora, the body reacts to changing hormonal conditions, and this new biological balance of the environment cannot be considered a pathology. This process is the norm and provides an optimal environment that can resist external influences.

Sexual life also contributes to changes in the vaginal microflora. One of the physiological reasons may be the body’s reaction to the onset of sexual activity. Such a reaction can become a defense against foreign microflora of a sexual partner. Other factors may also be the cause: vitamin deficiency, poor diet, wearing tight synthetic underwear, using low-quality personal hygiene products, and violating basic hygiene standards.

When physiological white plaque appears, there is no need for special treatment. Most often, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factors, and everything will return to normal. During hormonal changes, you should not fight the new biological environment - this is the body’s defense.

From a purely aesthetic point of view, only external manifestations should be removed. The plaque should be washed off carefully using vegetable oil or water. In general, treatment consists of ensuring the necessary intimate hygiene. You can use pharmaceutical chamomile or calendula extracts, which will eliminate the risk of inflammatory reactions.

White plaque on the labia may appear in a newborn baby. This is how the sexual crisis begins, that is, the cleansing of the child’s body immediately after birth.

This is a normal process characterized by the elimination of excess estrogens, and the plaque acts as a protection for the extremely sensitive skin in this area. The duration of the phenomenon can be 7-9 weeks after birth.

Pathogenic factors

The high prevalence of the physiological process should not prevent the timely detection of pathological signs. In cases where the appearance of a whitish tint on the labia is accompanied by alarming signs (itching, burning, rash, irritation, redness, pain), a pathological etiology should be assumed. Such symptoms may indicate the penetration of urogenital infections, the emergence of sexually transmitted or fungal diseases.

A number of diseases have largely similar symptoms, so it is impossible to establish the pathology without the participation of a doctor. For the purpose of diagnosis, appropriate studies are carried out: general analysis of urine and blood, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, smear for PCR, smear for microflora, colposcopy, bacteriological culture.

The main pathologies that can cause white plaque on the labia: candidiasis (thrush); vulvovaginitis; vaginitis; genital herpes; vitamin deficiency, sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis) and sexually transmitted diseases; fungal infections.

White plaque in intimate places most often does not pose a danger to women's health, but if additional signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This phenomenon may be a symptom of a serious illness. In general, the best method for preventing such phenomena is considered to be compliance with intimate hygiene requirements; in particular, products such as Citeal or Lactacid can be considered a reliable assistant.

White plaque on the head of the penis can be either a physiological phenomenon or a symptom indicating a disease that will require qualified assistance from a urologist. You can distinguish one from the other only by visiting a doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances - you can only aggravate your condition.

Why does plaque appear on the head of the penis?

All reasons for this phenomenon are divided into two categories:

  • physiological
  • pathological

Due to a man’s lack of attention to personal hygiene, smegma can accumulate under the foreskin. If there is a lot of it, it can lead to the ailment described above. In this case, you just need to pay increased attention to genital hygiene, and the disease should go away on its own.

Poor genital hygiene is one of the causes of diseases on the penis

The pathological causes of white plaque arise from physiological ones: if a man feels problems in his intimate health, but does not take control of the situation, the prolonged presence of smegma under the foreskin begins to cause various diseases that require drug treatment.


In diabetes, a sharp weakening of the immune system occurs, which provokes the pathogenicity of yeast fungi and infection with candidiasis, in which white discharge may occur.


This disease means inflammation of the skin of the glans penis. It is characterized by many symptoms, including white discharge on the head itself. In the absence of adequate and sufficient treatment for this disease, phimosis, tissue scarring, and the formation of gangrenous areas may begin.


Despite the fact that the symptoms of this disease almost completely repeat the symptoms of balanitis, this disease occurs when the head of the penis and the inner layer of the foreskin become inflamed.


A disease that is more typical for women, but men can also become infected with it through sexual contact with a woman whose genital tract contains. In this case, there may also be a white coating on the head of the penis.


When it becomes difficult or even impossible to expose the head of the penis, which leads to stagnation of smegma, and therefore may be the cause of the ailment described above.

In addition to the reasons described above for the appearance of white discharge, they can be triggered by:

  • chronic infections (especially in the acute stage);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes;
  • traumatic situations and severe stress.

Please note: in boys from the age of 12, and especially during puberty - from 16 to 24 years (approximately), such plaque may be a variant of the norm. The fact is that at this age, the formation of smegma increases significantly, and it is extremely important to pay special attention to intimate hygiene, otherwise balanitis may develop.

Types of manifestation of white plaque

The presence of a particular disease is judged not only by the fact of plaque occurrence, but also by its type. The slightest detail can tell the urologist a more accurate diagnosis, as well as adequate treatment for the disease.

During the physical examination, the doctor may see white pellets on the head. Their occurrence indicates the onset of thrush - the uncontrolled proliferation of a fungus of the genus Candida, leading to the formation of cheesy discharge.

The fragmentation of the discharge indicates the degree of neglect of the disease. The larger the surface area of ​​the head is affected, the sooner treatment must begin.
If such symptoms are accompanied by pain in the urethra, this indicates the penetration of the fungus into the urethra. In this case, systematic drug treatment is necessary.

White plaque on the head can appear in the form of discharge that looks like ointment, or in the form of dry crumbs. Outwardly, it resembles small white peas. All this indicates a pathological condition and, in order to detect the presence of a fungus, a smear is prescribed in the laboratory.

Methods for treating discharge on the head of the genital organ

The simplest treatment is increased attention to intimate hygiene. This includes the following:

  • washing at least once a day with soap;
  • change underwear daily;
  • treatment of the head of the penis in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (chlorhexidine, chamomile, hydrogen peroxide);
  • A good way to treat “from the inside” is to avoid fatty and sweet foods.

If after 7 days of such manipulations the patient does not experience positive dynamics, it is necessary to seek a face-to-face consultation with a urologist. In turn, positive dynamics can be observed only in one case - if the cheesy discharge on the head is caused by a large amount of smegma due to insufficient intimate hygiene, and has nothing to do with pathology of the genital organs (for example, a fungal infection).

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! This can only make the condition worse. Therapy of any disease must be carried out under the supervision of a competent specialist.

If you artificially retract the foreskin and hold the genital organ in this state for some time, you can achieve good results in treatment. The advantage of this method is the complete abandonment of the use of medications. Improvement is achieved by drying the dermal part of the head.

Medicinal treatments

To prescribe adequate therapy, the urologist will first take a smear to rule out candidiasis. If the disease is not confirmed, then most likely the patient will be advised to pay attention to genital hygiene in order to reduce the amount of smegma under the foreskin.

If a fungal infection is confirmed, it is prescribed, which may consist of:

  • tablets (Fluconazole)
  • ointments (Clotrimazole);
  • washing the penis with a weak solution of baking soda.

Surgical treatment options

The described condition occurs not only due to poor hygiene. Phimosis is another reason for excessive accumulation of smegma and its subsequent negative effect. This pathological condition can only be eliminated surgically.

It is possible to carry out one of two types of operations:

  • excision of the frenulum of the penis;
  • circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision).

Bacteriological culture helps to identify the pathogen when an infection occurs

What exactly to do is decided by the doctor during the surgical procedure, determining which method will be more effective in this case. Both operations are performed under local anesthesia and last up to half an hour.

Remember: any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. If there are other potentially effective treatments available, try them first, and only agree to surgery if it is the only option.

Disease prevention

Having cured the plaque, it is necessary to take certain measures to prevent a recurrence of this condition. Such measures can be either one-time or systematic.

Sexual intercourse with protection

Quite often, white discharge is evidence of a sexually transmitted disease. Even if your doctor has not diagnosed you with an STD, there is no guarantee that you cannot become infected with it in the future. Therefore, if you are not sure about your partner, use a condom during sexual intercourse. It significantly reduces the risk of your infection, and also allows you to avoid infecting your partner if you are believed to already have an infection.

When choosing linen, preference should be given to products made from natural cotton fabrics

Personal hygiene

Cleanliness creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria to grow, so keep your reproductive organs clean. This includes not only washing daily with soap, but also wearing clean, comfortable underwear at all times.

If you are sick with any infectious disease, make every effort to recover as quickly as possible - after all, an infection can also cause a cheesy discharge on the genitals.

Maintain overall health, and the likelihood of such pathology occurring is minimized.

Urogenital candidiasis is part of a chain of diseases that appear due to the action of fungi. Candidiasis can affect the mucous membrane and adjacent tissue of organs that are located nearby. In women, the lesion occurs on the clitoris and labia. In a more advanced form of the pathology, the groin area and upper part of the buttocks are affected. In many cases, white plaque on the labia appears in parallel with other diseases, such as cystitis.

According to medical statistics, women get candidiasis much more often than men. In most cases, almost 70% of the fairer sex have encountered such problems at least once. In many cases, this disease caused complications or recurrence.

Basically, almost all infections occur due to unprotected sex. Compared to men, women have a 50% higher probability percentage than men. Sometimes white plaque on the genitals occurs in girls who have never had sexual intercourse before (virgins), especially during adolescence.

Classification of the disease

Urogenital candidiasis can manifest itself in three forms:

  • The first form appears in carriers of candidiasis. It can be asymptomatic, but under certain conditions it provokes the transition of the disease to another form - acute.
  • The second form is acute candidiasis, it manifests itself more clearly and painfully. The process lasts about two months.
  • The third form is chronic. In other words, this is recurrent candidiasis. The course is long-lasting, its cause is poor-quality treatment that was previously given.

When primary symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist and dermatologist.

Causes of the disease

In medical practice, there are many reasons why white plaque appears on the labia.

  • The action of yeast-like fungi, which can cause allergies or spread infectious processes to the inside of the body.
  • The vaginal microflora is disrupted, which is provoked by hormonal imbalance, mental disorders, and stress as a result of improper treatment using antibiotic drugs.
  • Changes in the body's hormonal levels, especially during adolescence.
  • During the manifestation of vaginitis or vulvovaginitis.

  • The disease occurs after a primary infectious disease, as a complication.
  • After herpes and during its passage.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • Incorrect wearing of pads during menstruation.
  • Incorrectly selected hygiene products: soap or gels. If used incorrectly, such products can cause allergies and irritation. In the future, this can cause more complex diseases, including candidiasis.

When the appearance of white plaque on the labia occurs suddenly, and no connection with any other disease is found, then there is no need to worry too much - these are protective actions of the body. The plaque may go away on its own.

If, when a white coating occurs on the labia, severe itching, burning, redness or pain occurs in the affected area, then a visit to the hospital will not hurt. A gynecologist deals with this disease. Such manifestations may indicate the presence of other urogenital infections. It is not recommended to take such symptoms lightly, especially when plaque appears on the genitals in the form of white balls and pimples (the first manifestation of syphilis).

White plaque on the labia is medically called smegma. The discharge in question appears thanks to the sebaceous glands. The plaque is removed with a simple swab, slightly moistened in plain water with the addition of soda and vegetable oil. Special products with extracts of plants such as calendula or chamomile are also used. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to treat white plaque?

At the very beginning, it is necessary to determine the causes of plaque, since it may not be a disease. If the symptoms of candidiasis are confirmed and the diagnosis is made, then in modern medicine there are many treatment options. It is worth noting that candidiasis is currently treatable.

Today, different drugs are offered:

  • anti-inflammatory herbs (yarrow, chamomile, calendula);

  • oral and vaginal tablets or suppositories (Difluzol, Fluconazole, Micogal);

  • ointments (Miconazole, Clotrimazole);

  • creams or gels (Lactocide, Citeal).

Once the correct tests are obtained, a diagnosis is made and a further treatment system is determined.

It is important to remember, in order not to become infected with candidiasis, you should use condoms during sexual intercourse.

The appearance of white plaque on the labia is a common occurrence and even healthy women are not immune from it. It occurs in girls in the first weeks after birth, and in teenage girls (11 to 14 years old) there is a light-colored discharge. Pregnant women also experience this stage of plaque due to hormonal changes in their bodies. In women who are sexually active, the body reacts with the appearance of a white coating in response to the flora of their sexual partners. But whether this is considered normal or a pathology remains to be sorted out, since the ability to distinguish one condition from another will help to avoid panic and various problems.

Types of white plaque on the labia

As mentioned above, plaque that appears on the labia can be considered normal or pathological.

  • Normal discharge due to physiology.

As you know, in a woman’s body, throughout her life, hormonal levels change repeatedly and the structure of discharge, its consistency and characteristic odor also change constantly. And a whitish coating on the labia can only indicate another hormonal change. It appears accompanied by a sour odor or without it at all (depending on the composition of the vaginal microflora) and is associated with the physiology of the woman’s body. In this case, the plaque does not cause any harm, and in certain cases, even on the contrary, protects the woman’s body from infection by pathogenic microbes.

The physiological layers of light color that appear between the labia majora and minora of a woman are called smegma. It consists of dead epithelium, sebaceous gland secretions and water. A woman's labia have a large number of sebaceous glands that produce secretions, which in turn generate light-colored layers. Accumulating in the folds of the genital organs, it manifests itself in the form of whitish discharge.

  • Plaque that is infectious in nature. Having discovered a white coating on your labia, first of all you should listen to yourself and determine whether the following symptoms are present or absent:

If at least one of the symptoms occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary tests and examination to identify the cause of the appearance of plaque on the labia. Self-medication in this case is not an option, since resorting to it can only worsen your condition.

Causes of plaque

There are many different reasons why white plaque appears on the labia.

How to treat white plaque

White normal plaque performs a protective function in the female body. It maintains the vaginal microflora in a healthy state and creates a barrier to the entry of pathogenic microbes into the vagina. All that is required to prevent inflammatory processes is to cleanse the intimate area periodically. You can do this yourself using a water jet during intimate hygiene procedures.

If the procedure with water is not enough, you can remove the plaque with a cotton swab dipped in water. It is better not to use soap so as not to cause dryness and discomfort. But chamomile solution and intimate hygiene gels made from natural ingredients are quite suitable for this purpose.

It will not be possible to get rid of white plaque, which is infectious in nature, without an examination by a doctor and the treatment prescribed by him. If you miss time, you can get a more severe form of the disease. The gynecologist must conduct an examination, prescribe the patient for tests, smears, ultrasound and, based on the results of the examination, diagnose a particular disease.

The traditional course of therapy includes the use of medications in the form of tablets for oral and vaginal administration, suppositories, creams and ointments. Some traditional medicine can also be used to treat plaque on the labia as an additional therapy, such as douching with herbal anti-inflammatory solutions, compresses and lotions, but before you resort to them, you need to ask your treating gynecologist about the advisability of their use.

It often happens that women develop a white coating on the labia, but there is no need to panic. Such manifestations do not always indicate the presence of pathologies; sometimes plaque indicates the body’s reaction to external or internal stimuli, while the woman is completely healthy. Despite this, if you detect white discharge in an intimate area, you should consult a gynecologist.

The reason for the appearance of white plaque on the labia

Doctors note that white plaque on the labia appears due to the following factors:

  • Candidiasis is also thrush. A disease caused by a fungus.
  • Violation of the vaginal microflora. May be associated with hormonal imbalances, mental disorders, or long-term use of antibacterial agents.
  • Hormonal imbalance in girls, which is observed before the first menstruation.
  • Vaginitis. Inflammation of the genital organs in women.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Unhealthy and unbalanced diet.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Wearing tight clothing and underwear made from non-natural fabrics.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  • Wearing pads during periods longer than 4 hours.
  • Using soap for washing that contains alkali, which has a detrimental effect on the microflora in the vagina.

Other symptoms of thrush

Damage to the mucous membrane causes a burning sensation when urinating.

White plaque in the vagina is not the only symptom that is characteristic of thrush. Has candidiasis and other symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • fever;
  • change in the smell of discharge;
  • redness in the intimate area;
  • white curdled pellets between the labia majora or minora.

Diagnostic measures

Since white plaque on the genitals provokes more than one infectious and inflammatory disease, before starting therapy it is important to undergo the required diagnostics and pass all tests. If a white coating appears inside the vagina, it is important to immediately visit a doctor who will prescribe the following examinations:

  • ultrasound examination of the genital organs;
  • vaginal smear;
  • examination of the cervix under a special microscope;
  • General analysis of urine and blood.

Pathology therapy

Drug treatment

Plaque on the genitals can occur as a result of an inflammatory process.

If plaque is found on the labia, you should not immediately panic; sometimes it indicates that the female body is working correctly and completely protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogenic microbes. However, in order to protect yourself from inflammation and other pathologies, you still need to get rid of plaque. If it appears accidentally and there is no itching, you can remove the plaque with a stream of water under the shower. If this method does not help, you can resort to using a regular cotton swab moistened with water. With its help, it will be possible to remove plaque from both the labia minora and labia majora. The doctor does not recommend using ordinary soap, which contains alkali, for these purposes. This intimate hygiene product often causes allergic reactions, which will only worsen the formation of plaque in the perineum.

If the patient experiences itching and a white coating in the vagina, and is also bothered by other symptoms, self-therapy may not only be ineffective, but also cause harm to her health. Considering that pellets on the labia may indicate the development of inflammatory processes, they should be treated quickly and efficiently so as not to aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should not delay visiting the gynecologist.

The treatment method for white plaque on the labia depends on what exactly caused its appearance. Often, health care providers prescribe combination therapy, which includes the use of medications for internal and local use. Medications that fight fungal infections are suitable for internal use. For local use, ointments, suppositories, and creams are used.