Drawings of Project 667 BDRM submarines. Nuclear submarines of the USSR

One of the most protected components of strategic nuclear forces is atomic guided missile cruisers, which carry out military service in the ocean depths. Together with the strategic missile forces missile submarines guarantee the security of the Russian Federation. One of these missile carriers is the Project 667BDRM submarine, capable of destroying up to 160 targets equal to half of New York. These were created at the Central Design Bureau for MT " Ruby"in St. Petersburg as the largest series of Soviet missile carriers.

way to create submarine missile carriers

In the early 80s, the arms race pushed engineer Viktor Makeev, a student of Sergei Korolev, to create a unique naval liquid-fuel rocket with a range of 2,500 km. For the first time, it made it possible to attack targets without floating to the surface of the water. It was decided to arm these weapons missile carriers, who received the code 667.

Few people know that initially the designers proposed placing 8 missiles on the sides submarine in a horizontal position. Before launch, twenty-ton products had to be turned 90 degrees. There was even a model made like this submarine to show it to General Secretary N. S. Khrushchev. But at the most crucial moment, the demonstration device failed, and Khrushchev caustically ridiculed the designers. Without knowing it, he saved the submariners from the most difficult pre-launch operation under water. After this, chief designer Sergei Kovalev insisted on a vertical arrangement of missiles inside the body in two rows. This scheme made it possible to double the ammunition load and became a classic in world shipbuilding.

On July 4, 1965, in Yalta, the new head of the country, Leonid Brezhnev, for the first time listened to the Minister of Shipbuilding about the prospects for the development of the industry. The topic of lagging behind the United States was so important that the chief designer of submarines, Sergei Kovalev, was invited to the meeting. He was able to convince the country's top leadership of the reality of creating a nuclear power plant. submarines with 16 ballistic missiles. Brezhnev immediately ordered the drawing up of a work plan for shipbuilders for 10 years in advance and provided unlimited funding.

Design and development of working drawings of the head underwater missile cruiser K-137 was completed at the Leningrad design and installation bureau " Ruby" Construction was carried out at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise. The enterprise's workforce of thousands under the leadership of E. P. Egorov established large-scale construction atomic missile carriers and made a great creative contribution to the creation of formidable military equipment for the USSR Navy.

Project 667A nuclear submarines

Project 667A submarine cruiser "Leninets"

Cutouts with a diameter of 2 meters were made for the missile silos. The welding of the seams, ensuring tightness, was performed with the required precision and attention. This work was entrusted to female welders. To increase the reliability of nuclear reactors, Sergei Kovalev achieved a reduction in the number of pipelines in them and the replacement of stainless steel with titanium. This eliminated the possibility of radiation accidents that happened on the first ones. To increase survivability, the chief designer separated the propulsion turbines into different compartments. More than 300 related enterprises took part in the construction of the first generation missile carrier. It is no coincidence that it was created in an unprecedentedly short time - in just 3 years. On August 25, 1966, the head ship was launched nuclear submarine project 667A. During testing, the nuclear submarine showed high performance and maneuverability with good controllability at all speeds, as well as very stable behavior during missile and torpedo firing. On November 5, 1967, a government commission chaired by Vice Admiral Pitelin accepted into the USSR Navy head underwater missile carrier project 667A, which was given the name " Leninist».

This underwater spaceport amazed everyone. Its height reached the size of a six-story building. For the first time, a characteristic missile deck appeared, hiding nuclear ammunition and conning rudders to maintain depth nuclear submarine during the salvo. The crew's living conditions were dramatically improved, for example, a smoking room for personnel appeared for the first time. In general, the designers' confidence in the reliability of the equipment was so great that they were not afraid to place the cabins and dining room next to the missile silos.

development of Project 667 nuclear submarines

At the end of the 60s, the introduction of combat patrols with ballistic missiles opened a new stage in the development of Soviet strategic forces. Together with RBSN and long-range aviation, naval missile carriers formed the country's nuclear triad. From now on, in classified documents, Project 667 submarines began to be called SSBNs ( strategic missile submarines). Each of them could now influence the outcome of a possible war by delivering more than 100 tons of nuclear warheads to the territory of a potential enemy. Foreign experts gave this nuclear submarines Name " Navaga» (« Yankee»).

With the adoption of naval missile carriers Project 667 developed a new tactic for their use. secretly left the base, overcame NATO anti-submarine lines and patrolled in a given area of ​​the ocean in constant readiness to use ballistic missiles. After the salvo, the nuclear submarine was instructed to attack the enemy with torpedo weapons.

According to estimates of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in the North and Far East, the Soviet navy should have had at least 30 such ships missile carriers, so their construction, in addition to Severodvinsk, was also launched in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Project 667 submarines became the basis of the USSR nuclear forces. They made more than 600 military campaigns, spending a total of over 125 years under water. Today there is not a single Project 667A submarine cruiser left.

In March 1971, the US Navy became part of the nuclear powered submarine « James Madison"with a new missile system" Poseidon", which increased the accuracy of guided warheads, which greatly increased their danger. A new task arose before Soviet designers - submarine cruisers must be capable of delivering long-range strikes without entering the zone of NATO anti-submarine formations. The resulting modified marine missile carrier Project 667B became the most powerful in the world. For the first time, it was armed with R-29 intercontinental missiles with a range of 7,800 km. From now on the Soviet submarine cruisers could keep strategic targets of NATO countries at gunpoint without leaving their territorial waters, and their combat effectiveness more than doubled.

Project 667B nuclear submarine

Increasing Soviet firing range submarine cruisers Project 667B forced the Americans to look for ways to neutralize it. In July 1972, the US Navy entered service with a new high-speed, low-noise class fighter. Los Angeles" It was created specifically to fight the Soviet missile carriers and could quietly sneak up on their bases. The best counter-weapons against such fighters were multipurpose ones, which operated in conjunction with strategic submarines. From that moment on, every exit to the sea of ​​strategic submarine cruisers turned into a large-scale operation of the USSR Navy with the participation of anti-submarine aircraft and surface combatants.

Project 667BD submarine cruiser

Soviet submarine shipbuilders persistently modernized their submarine cruisers as intercontinental missiles improved, which led to an increase in the submarine's displacement. Only the Severodvinsk plant could build such submarines with the new index 667BDR. Therefore, in order to maintain the balance of power between the fleets, a secret transfer operation was developed in the senior naval leadership missile submarines from the North to the Pacific Ocean.

Project 667BDR nuclear submarine

In November 1981, the balance of power among the leading powers changed again not in favor of the Soviet Union. The first one with the new complex was accepted into the US Navy. Trident" She had twenty-four intercontinental missiles on board. But the USSR, which had repeatedly proposed to the West to stop the arms race, was ready for such a turn of events. Within a month, the Soviet Navy was replenished with the first heavy strategic submarine missile carrier « Shark" Their new solid-fuel missile system was on par with the Trident missiles. This one was intended to replace the previous ones submarine cruisers project 667.

In the first half of the 80s, the economy of the Soviet Union already began to show noticeable disruptions. Therefore, the change in the balance of strategic forces forced the leadership to look for less costly defensive measures. A more mobile underwater submarine was created missile cruiser 667BDRM.

The last ship of the “667 family”, as well as the last Soviet submarine missile carrier of the 2nd generation (in fact, “smoothly transitioned” into the 3rd generation) was the strategic missile submarine cruiser of Project 667BRDM (code “Dolphin”), just like its predecessors , created by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of the general designer, academician S.N. Kovalev. The government decree on the development of a new nuclear submarine was issued on September 10, 1975.

The main weapon of the ship was to be the new D-9RM missile system with 16 R-29RM intercontinental liquid-propellant missiles (RSM-54, SS-N-24), which had an increased firing range, accuracy and warhead spread radius. The development of the missile system began at KBM in 1979. Its creators were focused on achieving the highest possible technical level and performance characteristics with limited changes to the submarine design. The set tasks were successfully solved through the implementation of original layout solutions (combined tanks of the last propulsion and combat stages), the use of engines with extreme characteristics, the use of new structural materials, improving production technology, as well as increasing the dimensions of the rocket due to the volumes “borrowed” from the launcher.

In terms of their combat capabilities, the new ballistic missiles were superior to all modifications of the most powerful American naval missile system, Trident, while having less weight and dimensions. Depending on the number of warheads and their mass, the firing range of ICBMs could significantly exceed 8300 km.

The R-29RM was the last missile developed under the leadership of V.P. Makeev, as well as the last domestic liquid-fueled ICBM. In a sense, it was the “swan song” of liquid-propellant ballistic missiles for submarines. All subsequent domestic ballistic missiles were designed with solid fuel.

The design of the new ship was a further development of boats of the 667 family. Due to the increased dimensions of the missiles, as well as the need to introduce new design solutions to reduce hydroacoustic visibility, the height of the missile silo fencing on the boat had to be increased again. The length of the bow and stern ends of the ship was also increased, the diameter of the strong hull also increased, and the contours of the light hull in the area of ​​the 1st - 3rd compartments were somewhat “filled up”.

In the design of the durable hull, as well as the end and intercompartment bulkheads of the boat, steel was used, obtained by electroslag remelting and having increased ductility.

When creating the submarine, measures were taken to significantly reduce its noise, as well as reduce interference with the operation of on-board hydroacoustic equipment. The principle of aggregating mechanisms and equipment, which is placed on a common frame, shock-absorbed relative to the strong hull of the ship, is widely used. Local sound absorbers have been installed in the area of ​​the energy compartments, and the efficiency of the acoustic coatings of the lightweight and durable hulls has been increased. As a result, in terms of hydroacoustic signature characteristics, the nuclear-powered submarine has approached the level of the American 3rd generation SSBN Ohio.

The main power plant of the submarine includes two water-water reactors VM-4SG (90 MW each) and two OK-700A steam turbines. The rated power of the power plant is 60,000 hp. With. On board the ship there are two TG-3000 turbogenerators, two DG-460 diesel generators, two economical electric motors with a power of 225 hp each. With.

The SSBN has low-noise five-blade propellers with improved hydroacoustic characteristics. To provide the propellers with the most favorable conditions, a special hydrodynamic device is installed in the light hull, leveling the incoming water flow.

Project 667BDRM implemented measures to further improve living conditions. The ship's crew had at their disposal a solarium, sauna, gym, etc. An improved system of electrochemical air regeneration by electrolysis of water and absorption of carbon dioxide by a solid regenerating absorber reliably ensured an oxygen concentration of 25% and carbon dioxide of no higher than 0.8%.

For centralized control of all types of combat activities, the boat is equipped with the Omnibus-BDRM combat information and control system, which collects and processes information, solves problems of tactical maneuvering and combat use of torpedo and missile-torpedo weapons.

The SSBN is equipped with a new sonar system “SKAT-BDRM”, which is not inferior in its characteristics to its American counterparts. It has a large-sized antenna with a diameter of 8.1 m and a height of 4.5 m. For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, the 667BDRM project used a fiberglass antenna radome with a ribless design (this made it possible to reduce hydroacoustic interference affecting the antenna device of the complex). There is also a towed hydroacoustic antenna, which retracts into the body when not in use.

The navigation complex "Sluice" provides the necessary accuracy in the use of missile weapons. Clarification of the ship's position by means of astrocorrection is carried out with a subsurface to the periscope depth at intervals of once every two days.

The Project 667BDRM submarine cruiser is equipped with the Molniya-N radio communication system. There are two pop-up buoy-type antennas that allow you to receive radio messages, target designations and signals from the space navigation system at great depths.

The D-9RM missile system, adopted for service in 1986. (after the death of its creator, Viktor Petrovich Makeev), is a further development of the D-9R complex. It includes 16 three-stage liquid-fueled ampuled missiles R-29RM (ZM37, RSM-54) with a maximum firing range of 9300 km.

The R-29RM rocket today has the highest energy and mass perfection in the world. Its length is 14.8 m, its body diameter is 1.9 m, it has a launch mass of 40.3 tons and a throw mass of 2.8 tons (equal to the throw mass of the much heavier American Trident rocket). The R-29RM has a multiple warhead designed for four or 10 warheads (power -100 kg). Currently, missiles with warheads equipped with four warheads are deployed on SSBNs.

High accuracy (CEP - 250 m), comparable to the accuracy of the American Trident 0-5 missile (according to various estimates - 170-250 m), provides the D-9RM complex with the ability to destroy small-sized highly protected targets (silo intercontinental ballistic missile launchers, command posts and other “heavy-duty” objects). The entire ammunition load of a missile cruiser can be launched in a single salvo. The maximum launch depth is 55 m; there are no restrictions on weather conditions in the launch area.

In 1988, the missile system was modernized, the warheads were replaced with more advanced ones, the navigation system was supplemented with space navigation equipment (GLONASS system), the ability to launch missiles along flat trajectories (including from high latitudes) was provided, which makes it possible to more reliably overcome promising missile defense systems potential enemy. The missile's resistance to the damaging effects of a nuclear explosion has also been increased.

According to a number of experts, the modernized D-9RM complex is superior to the American analogue Trident 0-5 - in such important indicators as the accuracy of hitting targets and the ability to overcome enemy missile defense systems.

The new torpedo-missile system installed on the Project 667BDRM submarine consists of four 533-mm torpedo tubes with a fast loading system, ensuring the use of almost all types of modern torpedoes, anti-submarine missile torpedoes and hydroacoustic countermeasures.

Construction of Project 667BDRM boats began in Severodvinsk in 1981. The fleet received a total of seven nuclear-powered ships of this type. Captain 1st Rank Yu.K. Rusakov was appointed the first commander of the lead boat - K-51.

In 1990, special tests were carried out on one of the Project 667BDRM cruisers with the preparation and launch of the entire ammunition load of 16 missiles in one salvo (as in real combat firing). Such an experience was unique both for our country and in the world.

bookmark launching commissioning K-51 "Verkhoturye" 02.23.81 01.84 12.29.84 K-84 "Ekaterinburg" 11.83 12.84 02.85 K-64 11.84 12.85 02.86 K-114 "Tula" 12.85 09.06 01.87 K-117 "Bryan" sk" 09.86 09.87 03.88 K-18 " Karelia" 09.87 11.88 09.89 K-407 "Novomoskovsk" 11.88 10.80 02.20.92

Currently, Project 667BDRM SSBNs (NATO classification - Delta IV) are the basis of the naval component of Russia's strategic nuclear triad. All of them are part of the 3rd flotilla of strategic submarines of the Northern Fleet and are based in Yagelnaya Bay. To accommodate individual boats, there are also special shelter bases, which are reliably protected underground structures intended for parking, as well as for repairing and recharging reactors with nuclear fuel.

Project 667BDRM submarines became one of the first domestic nuclear-powered ships to be almost completely invulnerable in their combat duty areas. Performing patrols in the Arctic seas immediately adjacent to the Russian coast (including under ice cover), they, even in the most favorable hydrological conditions for the enemy (complete calm, which is observed in the Barents Sea in only 8% of “natural situations”), can be detected by the latest American nuclear attack submarines of the Improved Los Angeles class at distances of less than 30 km. However, in conditions typical for the remaining 92% of the year, in the presence of waves and wind with a speed of more than 10-15 m/s, the Project 667BDRM SSBNs are not detected by the enemy at all or can be detected by the BQQ-5 type sonar (installed on the Los Angeles ) at ranges less than 10 km, when further underwater tracking causes an increased risk of boat collision and is equally dangerous for both the “hunter” and the “game”. Moreover, in the northern polar seas there are vast shallow water areas where, even in complete calm, the detection range of Project 667BDRM boats is reduced to less than 10 km (i.e., almost absolute survivability of submarine missile carriers is ensured). At the same time, one should keep in mind the fact that Russian missile submarines are on combat duty actually in the internal waters of the country, which are quite well (even in current conditions) covered by the fleet’s anti-submarine weapons, which further reduces the real effectiveness of NATO “killer” boats.

Characteristics of the Project 667BDRM SSBN

In the early 2000s, if the CHB-II agreement comes into force, the SSBN Project 667BDRM will also become the most “economical” domestic strategic systems, if currently the cost of one warhead delivered to the target by a Strategic Missile Forces missile is 1.4 times cheaper than the warhead of a sea-based ballistic missile, then after the transition of land-based ballistic missiles to monoblock ammunition (as defined by the Russian-American agreements), the “sea” warhead will become 2.2 - 2.3 times cheaper than the “land” one.

In November 1999, the K-51 Verkhoturye missile carrier completed medium repairs (which lasted for four years at the Zvyozdochka shipyard). At the end of May 2000, he arrived at the Northern Fleet to continue his combat service.

On March 6, 2000, on the K-18 Karelia ship, for the first time in the world, the president of the country, V. Putin, went to sea to fire missiles.

Boats pr. 667BDRM are currently used for launching artificial earth satellites into low Earth orbits, including for commercial purposes. With the Project 667BDRM SSBN on the Shtil-1 launch vehicle, created on the basis of the RSM-54 combat missile, in July 1998, for the first time in the world, the Tubsat-N satellite, developed in Germany, was launched (the launch was made from an underwater position) . Work is underway to create a more powerful “boat” launch vehicle “Shtil-2” with a launch load mass increased from 100 to 350 kg.

Apparently, the service of Project 667BDRM missile carriers will continue at least until 2010-2015. To maintain their combat potential at the required level, the military-industrial commission (whose meeting was held in September 1999 under the chairmanship of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin) decided to resume production of RSM-54 missiles. The order is valid for five years. In cooperation with the Makeev State Missile Center (which is currently reorganizing its production), the Miass and Zlatoust machine-building plants, as well as enterprises of Krasnoyarsk, will take part in its implementation.

If the United States unilaterally decides to withdraw from the 1972 ABM Treaty, Russia will be forced to resort to retaliatory measures to maintain a strategic balance. As one of these measures within the so-called. “Asymmetric response”, the possibility of returning to equipping R-29RM missiles with a warhead with 10 individually targetable warheads is being considered.

It is also planned to equip some missiles of this type with a monoblock heavy-duty high-explosive fragmentation warhead with an explosive mass of more than 2000 kg. Such missiles could be used in a non-nuclear conflict for ultra-precise destruction of particularly important stationary targets. In addition, it is possible to equip Russian SSBNs with missiles carrying fundamentally new ultra-small-caliber nuclear warheads (with a TNT equivalent of 5 to 50 tons).

Thus, Project 667BDRM submarines are capable, if necessary, of transforming from a highly specialized means of “nuclear deterrence” into a multi-purpose combat system designed to solve problems in armed conflicts of various categories and degrees of intensity.

Or R-29RMU2.1 “Liner”

Air defense 4 … 8 MANPADS 9K310 “Igla-1”/9K38 “Igla” Category on Wikimedia Commons Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" submarines

Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" submarines- a series of Soviet nuclear submarines, initially armed with R-29RM ballistic missiles, and subsequently re-equipped with R-29RMU2 "Sineva" and R-29RMU2.1 "Liner" missiles.

Project history

Lead missile carrier of Project 667BDRM - K-51 "Verkhoturye"- was laid down in February 1981 at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in Severodvinsk, launched in January 1984, and put into operation in December 1984. In total, between 1990 and 1990, 7 submarines of this project were built, 5 of them are in the Russian Navy, one - K-84 "Ekaterinburg"- in December 2014, it was transferred to the fleet after a major overhaul, and another one is being converted into a carrier of deep-sea vehicles. All ships were built at the Sevmash plant. The last to leave the stocks was K-407 Novomoskovsk.


The project has a classic layout for this class of submarines: a twin-screw power plant, missile silos behind the wheelhouse in a special fence protruding from the hull, horizontal rudders are located on the wheelhouse, torpedo tubes are in the bow.


Military applications

Project 667BDRM cruisers relatively regularly make cruises and participate in shooting exercises. As a rule, launches are carried out from the Barents Sea, and the target is the special Kura training ground in Kamchatka, located several hundred kilometers north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Peaceful use

Project 667BDRM boats carried out two launches (in 1998 and 2006) into low Earth orbits of artificial Earth satellites. With the Novomoskovsk carrier rocket Shtil-1, created on the basis of the R-29RM combat missile, in July 1998, for the first time in the world, the Tubsat-N satellite, developed in Germany, was launched (the launch was made from an underwater position). Work is underway to create a more powerful Shtil-2 naval launch vehicle with a launch load mass increased from 100 to 350 kg.


Tactical number Head No. Bookmark Launching Commissioning Signing the acceptance certificate after a medium repair
K-51 "Verkhoturye" 379 23.02 . 07.03 . 29.12 . 25.12 .
30.12 .
K-84 "Ekaterinburg" 380 17.02 . 17.03 . 30.12 . In service
K-64 (BS-64 "Moscow region") 381 18.12 . 02.02 . 23.12 . 10/24/2016 Sea trials after repair and conversion into a carrier of ultra-small submarines. The nuclear submarine will be transferred to the Russian Navy in 2016.
K-114 "Tula" 382 22.02 . 22.01 . 30.10 . 12.01 .
15.12. arrived at the Zvyozdochka Center to carry out scheduled factory repairs based on technical condition and extend the service life.
K-117 "Bryansk" 383 20.04 . 08.02 . 30.09 . 11.02 .
K-18 "Karelia" 384 07.02 . 02.02 . 10.10 . 22.01 .
K-407 "Novomoskovsk" 385 02.02 . 28.02 . 27.11 . 27.07 .

Current state


To maintain their combat potential at the required level, the military-industrial commission in September 1999 decided to begin production of modernized R-29RMU2 missiles. In this regard, work is underway to equip the Dolphins with the new D-9RMU2 Sineva missile system.

Comparative assessment

941 "Shark" "Ohio" 667BDRM "Dolphin" "Vanguard" "Triumfan" 955 "Borey"
Years of construction - - - - - - (plan)
Years of service -present -present -present -present -present -present
Built 6 (1 in service, 2 in naval reserve) 18 (12 in service) 7 (5 in service, 2 under repair) 4 4 3 (3 in service, 8 planned)
Displacement (t) surface
23 200
48 000
16 746
18 750
11 740
18 200
15 130
15 900
12 640
14 335
14 720
24 000
Number of missiles 20 R-39 (“Bulava” according to project 941UM) 24 Trident II 16 R-29RMU2 16 Trident II 16 M45 16 "Mace"
Throwing weight (kg) range (km) 1150 9300 2800 · 7400
? · 11300
2800 8300
? · 11547
2800 · 7400
? · 11300
? · 6000 1150 9300

The noise level of Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" submarines at a speed of 4-8 knots in the frequency range 5-1000 Hz is 65-85 dB per 1 Pa at a distance of 1 m.

When patrolling in the Barents Sea, the nuclear submarine 667BDRM is detected by a Los Angeles-type boat at a distance of up to 30 km (in complete calm (8% of the year)), under normal conditions (92% of the year) the AN/BQQ-5 station detects the Dolphin nuclear submarine » at ranges of no more than 10 km

see also

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  1. . Press service of the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center (December 19, 2014).
  2. , makeyev.msk.ru
  3. . Dmitry Litovkin, Nezavisimaya Gazeta. nvo.ru (12.05.2000). Retrieved December 18, 2011. .
  4. . RIA Novosti (28.10.2010). .
  5. . star.ru. Retrieved February 22, 2010. .
  6. . star.ru. Retrieved February 22, 2010. .
  7. . www.tass-ural.ru (March 19, 2012). Retrieved March 19, 2012. .
  8. . lenta.ru (March 26, 2012). Retrieved March 26, 2012. .
  9. (Russian) . Lenta.ru (February 9, 2012). - All Russian strategic nuclear submarines will be re-equipped with Liner missiles. Retrieved February 9, 2012. .
  10. Ilyin V., Kolesnikov A.(Russian) // Equipment and weapons. Yesterday, today, tomorrow.... - M., 2000. - No. 5-6, May-June. - P. 69.


  • //tsubmarinaa.narod.ru
  • // atrinaflot.narod.ru
  • on ship.bsu.by
  • //submarine.id.ru
  • // TRC “STAR”, October 28, 2016

An excerpt characterizing Project 667BDRM “Dolphin” submarines

“There is something,” thought Nikolai, and this assumption was further confirmed by the fact that Dolokhov left immediately after dinner. He called Natasha and asked what was it?
“I was looking for you,” Natasha said, running out to him. “I told you, you still didn’t want to believe,” she said triumphantly, “he proposed to Sonya.”
No matter how little Nikolai did with Sonya during this time, something seemed to come off in him when he heard this. Dolokhov was a decent and in some respects a brilliant match for the dowry-free orphan Sonya. From the point of view of the old countess and the world, it was impossible to refuse him. And therefore Nikolai’s first feeling when he heard this was anger against Sonya. He was preparing to say: “And great, of course, we must forget our childhood promises and accept the offer”; but he didn’t have time to say it yet...
– You can imagine! She refused, completely refused! – Natasha spoke. “She said she loves someone else,” she added after a short silence.
“Yes, my Sonya could not have done otherwise!” thought Nikolai.
“No matter how much my mother asked her, she refused, and I know she won’t change what she said...
- And mom asked her! – Nikolai said reproachfully.
“Yes,” said Natasha. - You know, Nikolenka, don’t be angry; but I know that you will not marry her. I know, God knows why, I know for sure, you won’t get married.
“Well, you don’t know that,” said Nikolai; – but I need to talk to her. What a beauty this Sonya is! – he added smiling.
- This is so lovely! I'll send it to you. - And Natasha, kissing her brother, ran away.
A minute later Sonya came in, frightened, confused and guilty. Nikolai approached her and kissed her hand. This was the first time on this visit that they spoke face to face and about their love.
“Sophie,” he said timidly at first, and then more and more boldly, “if you want to refuse not only a brilliant, profitable match; but he is a wonderful, noble man... he is my friend...
Sonya interrupted him.
“I already refused,” she said hastily.
- If you refuse for me, then I’m afraid that on me...
Sonya interrupted him again. She looked at him with pleading, frightened eyes.
“Nicolas, don’t tell me that,” she said.
- No, I have to. Maybe this is suffisance [arrogance] on my part, but it’s better to say. If you refuse for me, then I must tell you the whole truth. I love you, I think, more than anyone...
“That’s enough for me,” Sonya said, flushing.
- No, but I have fallen in love a thousand times and will continue to fall in love, although I do not have such a feeling of friendship, trust, love for anyone as for you. Then I'm young. Maman doesn't want this. Well, it's just that I don't promise anything. And I ask you to think about Dolokhov’s proposal,” he said, having difficulty pronouncing his friend’s last name.
- Don't tell me that. I do not want anything. I love you like a brother, and will always love you, and I don’t need anything more.
“You are an angel, I am not worthy of you, but I am only afraid of deceiving you.” – Nikolai kissed her hand again.

Yogel had the most fun balls in Moscow. This was what the mothers said, looking at their adolescentes [girls] performing their newly learned steps; this was said by the adolescentes and adolescents themselves, [girls and boys] who danced until they dropped; these grown-up girls and young men who came to these balls with the idea of ​​condescending to them and finding the best fun in them. In the same year, two marriages took place at these balls. The two pretty princesses of the Gorchakovs found suitors and got married, and even more so they launched these balls into glory. What was special about these balls was that there was no host and hostess: there was the good-natured Yogel, like flying feathers, shuffling around according to the rules of art, who accepted tickets for lessons from all his guests; was that only those who wanted to dance and have fun, like 13 and 14 year old girls who put on long dresses for the first time, want to go to these balls. Everyone, with rare exceptions, was or seemed pretty: they all smiled so enthusiastically and their eyes lit up so much. Sometimes even the best students danced pas de chale, of whom the best was Natasha, distinguished by her grace; but at this last ball only ecosaises, anglaises and the mazurka, which was just coming into fashion, were danced. The hall was taken by Yogel to Bezukhov’s house, and the ball was a great success, as everyone said. There were a lot of pretty girls, and the Rostov ladies were among the best. They were both especially happy and cheerful. That evening, Sonya, proud of Dolokhov’s proposal, her refusal and explanation with Nikolai, was still spinning at home, not allowing the girl to finish her braids, and now she was glowing through and through with impetuous joy.
Natasha, no less proud that she was wearing a long dress for the first time at a real ball, was even happier. Both were wearing white muslin dresses with pink ribbons.
Natasha became in love from the very minute she entered the ball. She was not in love with anyone in particular, but she was in love with everyone. The one she looked at at the moment she looked at was the one she was in love with.
- Oh, how good! – she kept saying, running up to Sonya.
Nikolai and Denisov walked around the halls, looking at the dancers affectionately and patronizingly.
“How sweet she will be,” Denisov said.
- Who?
“Athena Natasha,” answered Denisov.
“And how she dances, what a g”ation!” after a short silence, he said again.
- Who are you talking about?
“About your sister,” Denisov shouted angrily.
Rostov grinned.
– Mon cher comte; vous etes l"un de mes meilleurs ecoliers, il faut que vous dansiez,” said little Jogel, approaching Nikolai. “Voyez combien de jolies demoiselles.” [My dear Count, you are one of my best students. You need to dance. Look how much pretty girls!] – He made the same request to Denisov, also his former student.
“Non, mon cher, je fe"ai tapisse"ie, [No, my dear, I’ll sit by the wall," Denisov said. “Don’t you remember how badly I used your lessons?”
- Oh no! – Jogel said hastily consoling him. – You were just inattentive, but you had abilities, yes, you had abilities.
The newly introduced mazurka was played; Nikolai could not refuse Yogel and invited Sonya. Denisov sat down next to the old ladies and, leaning his elbows on his saber, stamping his beat, told something cheerfully and made the old ladies laugh, looking at the dancing young people. Yogel, in the first couple, danced with Natasha, his pride and best student. Gently, tenderly moving his feet in his shoes, Yogel was the first to fly across the hall with Natasha, who was timid, but diligently performing steps. Denisov did not take his eyes off her and tapped the beat with his saber, with an expression that clearly said that he himself did not dance only because he did not want to, and not because he could not. In the middle of the figure, he called Rostov, who was passing by, to him.
“It’s not the same at all,” he said. - Is this a Polish mazurka? And she dances excellently. - Knowing that Denisov was even famous in Poland for his skill in dancing the Polish mazurka, Nikolai ran up to Natasha:
- Go and choose Denisov. Here he is dancing! Miracle! - he said.
When Natasha’s turn came again, she stood up and quickly fingering her shoes with bows, timidly, ran alone across the hall to the corner where Denisov was sitting. She saw that everyone was looking at her and waiting. Nikolai saw that Denisov and Natasha were arguing smiling, and that Denisov was refusing, but smiling joyfully. He ran up.
“Please, Vasily Dmitrich,” Natasha said, “let’s go, please.”
“Yes, that’s it, g’athena,” Denisov said.
“Well, that’s enough, Vasya,” said Nikolai.
“It’s like they’re trying to persuade Vaska the cat,” Denisov said jokingly.
“I’ll sing to you all evening,” said Natasha.
- The sorceress will do anything to me! - Denisov said and unfastened his saber. He came out from behind the chairs, firmly took his lady by the hand, raised his head and put his foot down, waiting for tact. Only on horseback and in the mazurka, Denisov’s short stature was not visible, and he seemed to be the same young man that he felt himself to be. Having waited for the beat, he glanced triumphantly and playfully at his lady from the side, suddenly tapped one foot and, like a ball, elastically bounced off the floor and flew along in a circle, dragging his lady with him. He silently flew halfway across the hall on one leg, and it seemed that he did not see the chairs standing in front of him and rushed straight towards them; but suddenly, clicking his spurs and spreading his legs, he stopped on his heels, stood there for a second, with the roar of spurs, knocked his feet in one place, quickly turned around and, clicking his right foot with his left foot, again flew in a circle. Natasha guessed what he intended to do, and, without knowing how, she followed him - surrendering herself to him. Now he circled her, now on his right, now on his left hand, now falling on his knees, he circled her around himself, and again he jumped up and ran forward with such swiftness, as if he intended to run across all the rooms without taking a breath; then suddenly he stopped again and again made a new and unexpected knee. When he, briskly spinning the lady in front of her place, snapped his spur, bowing before her, Natasha did not even curtsey for him. She stared at him in bewilderment, smiling as if she didn’t recognize him. - What is this? - she said.
Despite the fact that Yogel did not recognize this mazurka as real, everyone was delighted with Denisov’s skill, they began to choose him incessantly, and the old people, smiling, began to talk about Poland and the good old days. Denisov, flushed from the mazurka and wiping himself with a handkerchief, sat down next to Natasha and did not leave her side throughout the entire ball.

For two days after this, Rostov did not see Dolokhov with his people and did not find him at home; on the third day he received a note from him. “Since I no longer intend to visit your house for reasons known to you and am going to the army, this evening I am giving my friends a farewell party - come to the English hotel.” Rostov at 10 o'clock, from the theater, where he was with his family and Denisov, arrived on the appointed day at the English hotel. He was immediately taken to the best room of the hotel, occupied for that night by Dolokhov. About twenty people crowded around the table, in front of which Dolokhov was sitting between two candles. There was gold and banknotes on the table, and Dolokhov was throwing a bank. After Sonya's proposal and refusal, Nikolai had not yet seen him and was confused at the thought of how they would meet.
Dolokhov’s bright, cold gaze met Rostov at the door, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.
“Long time no see,” he said, “thanks for coming.” I’ll just get home and Ilyushka will appear with the choir.
“I came to see you,” Rostov said, blushing.
Dolokhov did not answer him. “You can bet,” he said.
Rostov remembered at that moment a strange conversation he once had with Dolokhov. “Only fools can play for luck,” Dolokhov said then.
– Or are you afraid to play with me? - Dolokhov said now, as if he had guessed Rostov’s thought, and smiled. Because of his smile, Rostov saw in him the mood of spirit that he had during dinner at the club and in general at those times when, as if bored with daily life, Dolokhov felt the need to get out of it in some strange, mostly cruel, act .
Rostov felt awkward; he searched and did not find a joke in his mind that would respond to Dolokhov’s words. But before he could do this, Dolokhov, looking straight into Rostov’s face, slowly and deliberately, so that everyone could hear, said to him:
– Do you remember we talked about the game... a fool who wants to play for luck; I probably should play, but I want to try.
“Try for luck, or perhaps?” thought Rostov.
“And it’s better not to play,” he added, and cracking the torn deck, he added: “Bank, gentlemen!”
Moving the money forward, Dolokhov prepared to throw. Rostov sat down next to him and did not play at first. Dolokhov glanced at him.
- Why don’t you play? - said Dolokhov. And strangely, Nikolai felt the need to take a card, put a small jackpot on it and start the game.
“I have no money with me,” said Rostov.
– I’ll believe it!
Rostov bet 5 rubles on the card and lost, bet again and lost again. Dolokhov killed, that is, he won ten cards in a row from Rostov.
“Gentlemen,” he said, after spending some time, “please put money on the cards, otherwise I might get confused in the accounts.”
One player said he hoped he could be trusted.
– I can believe it, but I’m afraid of getting confused; “Please put money on the cards,” Dolokhov answered. “Don’t be shy, we’ll get even with you,” he added to Rostov.
The game continued: the footman, without ceasing, served champagne.
All Rostov's cards were broken, and up to 800 tons of rubles were written on him. He was about to write 800 thousand rubles on one card, but while he was being served champagne, he changed his mind and wrote the usual jackpot again, twenty rubles.
“Leave it,” said Dolokhov, although he did not seem to look at Rostov, “you’ll get even sooner.” I give to others, but I beat you. Or are you afraid of me? - he repeated.
Rostov obeyed, left the written 800 and placed the seven of hearts with a torn off corner, which he picked up from the ground. He remembered her well afterwards. He placed the seven of hearts, writing 800 above it with a broken piece of chalk, in round, straight numbers; drank the served glass of warmed champagne, smiled at Dolokhov’s words, and with bated breath, waiting for the seven, began to look at Dolokhov’s hands holding the deck. Winning or losing this seven of hearts meant a lot for Rostov. On Sunday last week, Count Ilya Andreich gave his son 2,000 rubles, and he, who never liked to talk about financial difficulties, told him that this money was the last one until May, and that is why he asked his son to be more economical this time. Nikolai said that this was too much for him, and that he gave his word of honor not to take any more money until spring. Now 1,200 rubles of this money remained. Therefore, the seven of hearts meant not only a loss of 1,600 rubles, but also the need to change this word. With a sinking heart, he looked at Dolokhov’s hands and thought: “Well, quickly, give me this card, and I’ll take my cap, go home to dinner with Denisov, Natasha and Sonya, and I’ll certainly never have a card in my hands.” At that moment, his home life, jokes with Petya, conversations with Sonya, duets with Natasha, a picket with his father, and even a calm bed in the Cook's house, presented themselves to him with such strength, clarity and charm, as if all this were long past, lost and priceless happiness. He could not allow that a stupid accident, forcing the seven to lie first on the right than on the left, could deprive him of all this newly understood, newly illuminated happiness and plunge him into the abyss of an as yet unexperienced and uncertain misfortune. This could not be, but he still waited with bated breath for the movement of Dolokhov’s hands. These broad-boned, reddish hands with hair visible from under the shirt, put down a deck of cards, and took hold of the glass and pipe being served.
- So you're not afraid to play with me? - Dolokhov repeated, and, as if in order to tell a funny story, he put down the cards, leaned back in his chair and slowly began to tell with a smile:
“Yes, gentlemen, I was told that there is a rumor spread in Moscow that I am a cheater, so I advise you to be careful with me.”
- Well, swords! - said Rostov.
- Oh, Moscow aunties! - said Dolokhov and took up the cards with a smile.

The last ship of the “667 family”, as well as the last Soviet submarine missile carrier of the 2nd generation (in fact, “smoothly transitioned” into the 3rd generation) was the strategic missile submarine cruiser of Project 667BRDM (code “Dolphin”), just like its predecessors , created by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of the general designer, academician S.N. Kovalev. The government decree on the development of a new nuclear submarine was issued on September 10, 1975.

The main weapon of the ship was to be the new D-9RM missile system with 16 R-29RM intercontinental liquid-propellant missiles (RSM-54, SS-N-24), which had an increased firing range, accuracy and warhead spread radius. The development of the missile system began at KBM in 1979. Its creators were focused on achieving the highest possible technical level and performance characteristics with limited changes to the submarine design. The assigned tasks were successfully solved through the implementation of original layout solutions (combined tanks of the last sustainment and combat stages), the use of engines with extreme characteristics, the use of new structural materials, improving production technology, as well as increasing the dimensions of the rocket due to volumes “borrowed” from the launcher installations.

In terms of their combat capabilities, the new ballistic missiles were superior to all modifications of the most powerful American naval missile system, Trident, while having less weight and dimensions. Depending on the number of warheads and their mass, the firing range of ICBMs could significantly exceed 8300 km.

The R-29RM was the last missile developed under the leadership of V.P. Makeev, as well as the last domestic liquid-fueled ICBM. In a sense, it was the “swan song” of liquid-propellant ballistic missiles for submarines. All subsequent domestic ballistic missiles were designed with solid fuel.

The design of the new ship was a further development of boats of the 667 family. Due to the increased dimensions of the missiles, as well as the need to introduce new design solutions to reduce hydroacoustic visibility, the height of the missile silo fencing on the boat had to be increased again. The length of the bow and stern ends of the ship was also increased, the diameter of the strong hull also increased, and the contours of the light hull in the area of ​​the 1st – 3rd compartments were somewhat “filled up”.

In the design of the durable hull, as well as the end and intercompartment bulkheads of the boat, steel was used, obtained by electroslag remelting and having increased ductility.

When creating the submarine, measures were taken to significantly reduce its noise, as well as reduce interference with the operation of on-board hydroacoustic equipment. The principle of aggregating mechanisms and equipment, which is placed on a common frame, shock-absorbed relative to the strong hull of the ship, is widely used. Local sound absorbers have been installed in the area of ​​the energy compartments, and the efficiency of the acoustic coatings of the lightweight and durable hulls has been increased. As a result, in terms of hydroacoustic signature characteristics, the nuclear-powered submarine has approached the level of the American 3rd generation SSBN Ohio.

The main power plant of the submarine includes two water-water reactors VM-4SG (90 MW each) and two OK-700A steam turbines. The rated power of the power plant is 60,000 hp. With. On board the ship there are two TG-3000 turbogenerators, two DG-460 diesel generators, two economical electric motors with a power of 225 hp each. With.

The SSBN has low-noise five-blade propellers with improved hydroacoustic characteristics. To provide the propellers with the most favorable operating conditions, a special hydrodynamic device is installed on the lightweight body to equalize the oncoming water flow.

Project 667BDRM implemented measures to further improve living conditions. The ship's crew had at their disposal a solarium, sauna, gym, etc. An improved system of electrochemical air regeneration by electrolysis of water and absorption of carbon dioxide by a solid regenerating absorber reliably ensured an oxygen concentration of 25% and carbon dioxide of no higher than 0.8%.

For centralized control of all types of combat activities, the boat is equipped with the Omnibus-BDRM combat information and control system, which collects and processes information, solves problems of tactical maneuvering and combat use of torpedo and missile-torpedo weapons.

The SSBN is equipped with a new sonar system “SKAT-BDRM”, which is not inferior in its characteristics to its American counterparts. It has a large-sized antenna with a diameter of 8.1 m and a height of 4.5 m. For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, the 667BDRM project used a fiberglass antenna radome with a ribless design (this made it possible to reduce hydroacoustic interference affecting the antenna device of the complex). There is also a towed hydroacoustic antenna, which retracts into the body when not in use.

The navigation complex "Sluice" provides the necessary accuracy in the use of missile weapons. Clarification of the ship's position by means of astrocorrection is carried out with a subsurface to the periscope depth at intervals of once every two days.

The Project 667BDRM submarine cruiser is equipped with the Molniya-N radio communication system. There are two pop-up buoy-type antennas that allow you to receive radio messages, target designations and signals from the space navigation system at great depths.

The D-9RM missile system, adopted for service in 1986 (after the death of its creator, Viktor Petrovich Makeev), is a further development of the D-9R complex. It includes 16 three-stage liquid-fueled ampuled missiles R-29RM (ZM37, RSM- 54) with a maximum firing range of 9300 km.

The R-29RM rocket today has the highest energy and mass perfection in the world. Its length is 14.8 m, its body diameter is 1.9 m, it has a launch mass of 40.3 tons and a throw mass of 2.8 tons (equal to the throw mass of the much heavier American Trident rocket). The R-29RM has a multiple warhead designed for four or 10 warheads (power -100 kg). Currently, missiles with warheads equipped with four warheads are deployed on SSBNs.

High accuracy (COE - 250 m), comparable to the accuracy of the American Trident 0-5 missile (according to various estimates - 170-250 m), provides the D-9RM complex with the ability to destroy small-sized highly protected targets (silo launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles, command points and other “heavy-duty” objects). The entire ammunition load of a missile cruiser can be launched in a single salvo. The maximum launch depth is 55 m; there are no restrictions on weather conditions in the launch area.

In 1988, the missile system was modernized, the warheads were replaced with more advanced ones, the navigation system was supplemented with space navigation equipment (GLONASS system), the ability to launch missiles along flat trajectories (including from high latitudes) was provided, which makes it possible to more reliably overcome promising missile defense systems potential enemy. The missile's resistance to the damaging effects of a nuclear explosion has also been increased.

According to a number of experts, the modernized D-9RM complex is superior to the American analogue Trident 0-5 - in such important indicators as the accuracy of hitting targets and the ability to overcome enemy missile defense systems.

The new torpedo-missile system installed on the Project 667BDRM submarine consists of four 533-mm torpedo tubes with a fast loading system, ensuring the use of almost all types of modern torpedoes, anti-submarine missile torpedoes and hydroacoustic countermeasures.

Construction of Project 667BDRM boats began in Severodvinsk in 1981. The fleet received a total of seven nuclear-powered ships of this type. The first commander of the lead boat, K-51, was appointed captain 1st rank Yu.K. Rusakov.

In 1990, special tests were carried out on one of the Project 667BDRM cruisers with the preparation and launch of the entire ammunition load of 16 missiles in one salvo (as in real combat firing). Such an experience was unique both for our country and in the world.

bookmark launching commissioning

K-51 "Verkhoturye" 02.23.81 01.84 12.29.84

K-84 "Ekaterinburg" 11.83 12.84 02.85

K-64 11.84 12.85 02.86

K-114 “Tula” 12.85 09.06 01.87

K-117 "Bryansk" 09.86 09.87 03.88

K-18 “Karelia” 09.87 11.88 09.89

K-407 “Novomoskovsk” 11.88 10.80 02.20.92

Currently, Project 667BDRM SSBNs (NATO classification – Delta IV) are the basis of the naval component of Russia’s strategic nuclear triad. All of them are part of the 3rd flotilla of strategic submarines of the Northern Fleet and are based in Yagelnaya Bay. To accommodate individual boats, there are also special shelter bases, which are reliably protected underground structures intended for parking, as well as for repairing and recharging reactors with nuclear fuel.

Project 667BDRM submarines became one of the first domestic nuclear-powered ships to be almost completely invulnerable in their combat duty areas. Carrying out patrols in the Arctic seas immediately adjacent to the Russian coast (including under ice cover), they, even in the most favorable hydrological conditions for the enemy (complete calm, which is observed in the Barents Sea in only 8% of “natural situations”), can be detected by the latest American nuclear attack submarines of the Improved Los Angeles type at distances of less than 30 km. However, in conditions typical for the remaining 92% of the year, in the presence of waves and wind with a speed of more than 10-15 m/s, the Project 667BDRM SSBNs are not detected by the enemy at all or can be detected by the BQQ-5 type sonar (installed on the Los Angeles ) at ranges less than 10 km, when further underwater tracking causes an increased risk of boat collision and is equally dangerous for both the “hunter” and the “game”. Moreover, in the northern polar seas there are vast shallow water areas where, even in complete calm, the detection range of Project 667BDRM boats is reduced to less than 10 km (i.e., almost absolute survivability of submarine missile carriers is ensured). At the same time, one should keep in mind the fact that Russian missile submarines are on combat duty actually in the internal waters of the country, which are quite well (even in current conditions) covered by the fleet’s anti-submarine weapons, which further reduces the real effectiveness of NATO “killer” boats.

Characteristics of the Project 667BDRM SSBN

Maximum length – 167.0 m

Maximum width – 11.7 m

Average draft – 8.8 m


normal – 11740 m3

total – 18200 m3

Working diving depth – 400 m

Maximum diving depth – 650 m

Full submersible speed – 23 knots.

Full surface speed - 13 knots.

Crew – 140 people.

Autonomy – 90 days.

In the early 2000s, if the CHB-II agreement comes into force, the SSBN Project 667BDRM will also become the most “economical” domestic strategic systems, if currently the cost of one warhead delivered to the target by a Strategic Missile Forces missile is 1.4 times cheaper than the warhead of a sea-based ballistic missile, then after the transition of land-based ballistic missiles to monoblock ammunition (as defined by the Russian-American agreements), the “sea” warhead will become 2.2 - 2.3 times cheaper than the “land” one.

In November 1999, the K-51 Verkhoturye missile carrier completed medium repairs (which lasted for four years at the Zvyozdochka shipyard). At the end of May 2000, he arrived at the Northern Fleet to continue his combat service.

On March 6, 2000, on the K-18 Karelia ship, for the first time in the world, the president of the country, V. Putin, went to sea to fire missiles.

Boats pr. 667BDRM are currently used for launching artificial earth satellites into low Earth orbits, including for commercial purposes. With the Project 667BDRM SSBN on the Shtil-1 launch vehicle, created on the basis of the RSM-54 combat missile, in July 1998, for the first time in the world, the Tubsat-N satellite, developed in Germany, was launched (the launch was made from an underwater position) . Work is underway to create a more powerful “boat” launch vehicle “Shtil-2” with a launch load mass increased from 100 to 350 kg.

Apparently, the service of Project 667BDRM missile carriers will continue at least until 2010-2015. To maintain their combat potential at the required level, the military-industrial commission (whose meeting was held in September 1999 under the chairmanship of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin) decided to resume production of RSM-54 missiles. The order is valid for five years. In cooperation with the Makeev State Missile Center (which is currently reorganizing its production), the Miass and Zlatoust machine-building plants, as well as enterprises of Krasnoyarsk, will take part in its implementation.

If the United States unilaterally decides to withdraw from the 1972 ABM Treaty, Russia will be forced to resort to retaliatory measures to maintain a strategic balance. As one of these measures within the so-called. “Asymmetric response”, the possibility of returning to equipping R-29RM missiles with a warhead with 10 individually targetable warheads is being considered.

It is also planned to equip some missiles of this type with a monoblock heavy-duty high-explosive fragmentation warhead with an explosive mass of more than 2000 kg. Such missiles could be used in a non-nuclear conflict for ultra-precise destruction of particularly important stationary targets. In addition, it is possible to equip Russian SSBNs with missiles carrying fundamentally new ultra-small-caliber nuclear warheads (with a TNT equivalent of 5 to 50 tons).

Thus, Project 667BDRM submarines are capable, if necessary, of transforming from a highly specialized means of “nuclear deterrence” into a multi-purpose combat system designed to solve problems in armed conflicts of various categories and degrees of intensity.

The last ship of the "667 family", as well as the last Soviet submarine missile carrier of the 2nd generation (in fact, "smoothly transitioned" into the 3rd generation) was the strategic missile submarine cruiser of Project 667.BRDM (code "Dolphin"), as well as its predecessors, created by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of the general designer, academician S.N. Kovalev. The government decree on the development of a new nuclear submarine was issued on September 10, 1975.

The main weapon of the ship was to be the new D-9RM missile system with 16 R-29RM intercontinental liquid-propellant missiles (RSM-54, SS-N-24), which had an increased firing range, accuracy and warhead spread radius. The development of the missile system began at KBM in 1979. Its creators were focused on achieving the highest possible technical level and performance characteristics with limited changes to the submarine design. The assigned tasks were successfully solved through the implementation of original layout solutions (combined tanks of the last sustainment and combat stages), the use of engines with extreme characteristics, the use of new structural materials, improving production technology, as well as increasing the dimensions of the rocket due to volumes “borrowed” from the launcher installations. In terms of their combat capabilities, the new ballistic missiles were superior to all modifications of the most powerful American naval missile system, Trident, while having less weight and dimensions. Depending on the number of warheads and their mass, the firing range of ICBMs could significantly exceed 8300 km.

The R-29RM was the last missile developed under the leadership of V.P. Makeev, as well as the last domestic liquid-fueled ICBM. In a certain sense, it was the “swan song” of liquid-propellant ballistic missiles for submarines. All subsequent domestic ballistic missiles were designed with solid fuel.

The design of the new ship was a further development of boats of the 667 family. Due to the increased dimensions of the missiles, as well as the need to introduce new design solutions to reduce hydroacoustic visibility, the height of the missile silo fencing on the boat had to be increased again. The length of the bow and stern ends of the ship was also increased, the diameter of the strong hull also increased, and the contours of the light hull in the area of ​​the 1st - 3rd compartments were somewhat “filled up”.

In the design of the durable hull, as well as the end and intercompartment bulkheads of the boat, steel was used, obtained by electroslag remelting and having increased ductility.

When creating the submarine, measures were taken to significantly reduce its noise, as well as reduce interference with the operation of on-board hydroacoustic equipment. The principle of aggregating mechanisms and equipment, which is placed on a common frame, shock-absorbed relative to the strong hull of the ship, is widely used. Local sound absorbers have been installed in the area of ​​the energy compartments, and the efficiency of the acoustic coatings of the lightweight and durable hulls has been increased. As a result, in terms of hydroacoustic signature characteristics, the nuclear-powered submarine has approached the level of the American 3rd generation SSBN Ohio.

The main power plant of the submarine includes two VM-4SG water-water reactors (90 MW each) and two OK-700A steam turbines. The rated power of the power plant is 60,000 hp. With. On board the ship there are two TG-3000 turbogenerators, two DG-460 diesel generators, and two economical electric motors.

The SSBN has low-noise five-blade propellers with improved hydroacoustic characteristics. To provide the propellers with the most favorable operating conditions, a special hydrodynamic device is installed on the lightweight body to equalize the oncoming water flow.

Project 667.BDRM implemented measures to further improve living conditions. The ship's crew had a solarium, sauna, gym, etc. at their disposal. An improved system of electrochemical air regeneration by electrolysis of water and absorption of carbon dioxide by a solid regenerating absorber reliably provided oxygen concentrations within 25% and carbon dioxide concentrations not exceeding 0.8%.

For centralized control of all types of combat activities, the boat is equipped with the Omnibus-BRDM combat information management system, which collects and processes information, solves problems of tactical maneuvering and combat use of torpedo and missile-torpedo weapons.

The SSBN is equipped with a new sonar system "SKAT-BDRM", which is not inferior in its characteristics to its American counterparts. It has a large antenna with a diameter of 8.1 m and a height of 4.5 m. For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, Project 667.BDRM used a fiberglass antenna radome with a ribless design (this made it possible to reduce hydroacoustic interference affecting the antenna device of the complex). There is also a towed hydroacoustic antenna, which retracts into the body when not in use.

The navigation complex "Sluice" provides the necessary accuracy in the use of missile weapons. Clarification of the ship's position by means of astrocorrection is carried out with a subsurface to the periscope depth at intervals of once every two days.

The Project 667.BDRM submarine cruiser is equipped with the Molniya-N radio communication system. There are two pop-up buoy-type antennas that allow you to receive radio messages, target designations and signals from the space navigation system at great depths.

The D-9RM missile system, adopted for service in 1986 (after the death of its creator, Viktor Petrovich Makeev), is a further development of the D-9R complex. It consists of 16 three-stage liquid-fueled ampuled missiles R-29RM (ZM37, RSM-54) with a maximum firing range of 9300 km.

The R-29RM rocket today has the highest energy and mass perfection in the world. Its length is 14.8 m, its body diameter is 1.9 m, it has a launch mass of 40.3 tons and a throw mass of 2.8 tons (equal to the throw mass of the much heavier American Trident II missile). The R-29RM has a multiple warhead designed for four or 10 warheads (power: 100 kg). Currently, missiles with warheads equipped with four warheads are deployed on SSBNs.

High accuracy (COE - 250 m), comparable to the accuracy of the American Trident 0-5 missile (according to various estimates - 170-250 m), provides the D-9RM complex with the ability to destroy small-sized highly protected targets (silo launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles, command points and other “heavy-duty” objects). The entire ammunition load of a missile cruiser can be launched in a single salvo. The maximum launch depth is 55 m; there are no restrictions on weather conditions in the launch area.

In 1988, the missile system was modernized: the warheads were replaced with more advanced ones, the navigation system was supplemented with space navigation equipment (GLONASS system), the ability to launch missiles along flat trajectories (including from high latitudes) was provided, which makes it possible to more reliably overcome promising missile defense systems potential enemy. The missile's resistance to the damaging effects of a nuclear explosion has also been increased.

According to a number of experts, the modernized D-9RM complex is superior to the American analogue Trident 0-5 in such important indicators as the accuracy of hitting targets and the ability to overcome enemy missile defense systems.

The new torpedo-missile system, installed on the Project 667.BDRM submarine, consists of four 533-mm torpedo tubes with a fast loading system, ensuring the use of almost all types of modern torpedoes, anti-submarine missile-torpedoes and hydroacoustic countermeasures.

The construction of Project 667.BDRM boats began in Severodvinsk in 1981. The fleet received a total of seven nuclear-powered ships of this type. Captain 1st Rank Yu.K. Rusakov was appointed the first commander of the lead boat - K-51.

In 1990, special tests were carried out on one of the Project 667.BDRM cruisers with the preparation and launch of the entire ammunition load of 16 missiles in one salvo (as in real combat firing). Such an experience was unique both for our country and in the world.

Currently, Project 667.BDRM SSBNs (known in the West under the nickname Delta IV) are the basis of the naval component of Russia's strategic nuclear triad. All of them are part of the 3rd flotilla of strategic submarines of the Northern Fleet and are based in Yagelnaya Bay. To accommodate individual boats, there are also special shelter bases, which are reliably protected underground structures designed for parking, as well as for repairing and recharging reactors with nuclear fuel.

Project 667.BDRM submarines became one of the first domestic nuclear-powered submarines to be almost completely invulnerable in their combat duty areas. Carrying out patrols in the Arctic seas immediately adjacent to the Russian coast (including under ice cover), they, even in the most favorable hydrological conditions for the enemy (complete calm, which is observed in the Barents Sea in only 8% of “natural situations”), can be detected by the latest American nuclear attack submarines of the Improved Los Angeles class at distances of less than 30 km. However, in conditions typical for the remaining 92% of the year, in the presence of waves and wind with a speed of more than 10-15 m/s, the Project 667.BDRM SSBNs are not detected by the enemy at all or can be detected by BQQ-5 type sonar (installed on the Los Angeles ") at ranges of less than 10 km, when further underwater tracking causes an increased risk of boat collision and is equally dangerous for both the “hunter” and the “game”. Moreover, in the northern polar seas there are vast shallow water areas where, even in complete calm, the detection range of Project 667.BDRM boats is reduced to less than 10 km (i.e., almost absolute survivability of submarine missile carriers is ensured). At the same time, one should keep in mind the fact that Russian missile submarines are on combat duty actually in the country’s internal waters, which are quite well (even in current conditions) covered by the fleet’s anti-submarine weapons, which further reduces the real effectiveness of NATO boats.