Chipping of animals with entry into the international database. How do other veterinary clinics evaluate the results of working with microchips? Can I find a microchip animal via GPS

We would like to talk a little about microchipping animals. Until now, many pet owners do not know what it is. Although this technology (RDIF) originated in the 80s of the last century. And since that time it has been used in many areas of human activity: logistics, mechanical engineering, security systems and other industries where accurate identification of an object is needed.

The first use of electronic animal identification systems was started in the 90s of the 20th century in Holland. On the this moment it can be assumed that more than half a billion animals have already been microchipped, and this figure will only increase from year to year.

Of course, the first microchips were quite expensive, about $100 a piece, but now, with the development of technology, the price of a microchip can vary from $3 to $20 a piece, which makes pet chipping affordable for absolutely all owners.

Why is chipping necessary?

Chipping provides an electronic passport of the animal, which may contain data not only about the pet itself, but also about its owner, as well as many other information (vaccinations, vaccinations, etc.). It is important to note that this passport cannot be lost, so your pet will always carry all the necessary information with him.
It is also worth noting that since 2002, the export of an animal to Europe without a microchip is impossible.

Main elements of the electronic animal identification system

In order to understand how animal chipping works, we will consider what parts this system consists of:

- Scanning device;
- Database, for example, AnimalFace.

All elements of this system form a single model of electronic identification of animals. If any link is missing, the system will not work. Next, we will consider in more detail about each of the components of this system.


A microchip is a microchip that contains information that can be read by a scanner. Microchips can be divided into the following types:

By the amount of memory;
- By frequency (134.2, 125 kHz and other frequencies);
- Ability to record data;
- Housing material (glass, ceramic or other materials).

The size of the microchip is very small (2 mm by 10 mm), so we can take a grain of rice to represent this size. With all the variety of characteristics of microchips, all chips are standardized according to international standards ISO (11784/85).

It is also worth noting that this technology does not stand still, and some manufacturers offer microchips at a frequency of 13.56 MHz, which allows using not only special scanners as scanning devices, but also mobile devices with support for NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. , for example, Samsung Galaxy S III. So in the near future, perhaps we will completely abandon the use of traditional animal tags, such as collars, it will be enough to hold a mobile phone to an animal to get all the information about the animal.
So what information is contained in a microchip? The microchip itself contains only an individual set of numbers. And already according to these data in the AnimalFace database, we can get data about the animal, the owner and other additional information related to this pet.

Microchips are implanted under the skin of an animal using a special syringe with a microchip in the needle. This procedure absolutely safe and painless, comparable to an injection for vaccination.

Scanning device

Next, we will consider the next part of the electronic identification system - a scanning device. Sometimes, for convenience, this device is called a scanner. With it, data is read from the microchip by means of an electromagnetic signal, which is absolutely harmless to animals. After that, the data is displayed on the scanner display or in its memory. The data can then be transferred to a personal computer for further processing. Typically, scanners are needed only for veterinary organizations and ordinary pet owners do not need them at all. It is also worth noting that due to the development of the electronic identification system, the prices for scanners have significantly decreased from 1000 to 300 dollars and even cheaper.


About chipping animals Of course, it is important to understand that data about animals and owners must be stored and processed somewhere for further use. For this, a database of microchip animals AnimalFace was created.

The database is used to:

Search for data about the animal and the owner;
- Uploading data to international animal search systems;
- Communication between owners;
- Entering information about lost and found animals;
- Search for veterinary organizations in your region and much more.

The difference between the AnimalFace database and others:

Our database is the only one in Russia that cooperates with the two largest databases "Petmaxx" and "EuroPetNet". Thus, allowing you to protect your animal from loss as much as possible;
- Reliability and confidentiality of data about the owners of animals;
- Round-the-clock access to data around the world;
- Opportunities for the owner to independently enter data about his pet;
- The card of the animal is fully translated into English;
- Keeping records of animal vaccinations.

By default, when searching by microchip (or NFC tag) number, the system displays the AnimalFace phone (your privacy is important to us). But if you want your personal data to be available to all users during the search, you can customize the display of data in your personal profile.
On the contrary, the fields: Surname, Mobile phone, City phone have an icon in the form of an eye, set the eye is not crossed out.

The option will be available after registering on the site and attaching the animal to the owner's profile.

How quickly will animal data appear in international systems?

Data in the Petmaxx system will appear online after the registration of the animal in AnimalFace, and in EuroPetNet the next day.

Can I find a microchip animal using GPS?

Many owners ask this question, the microchip is a passive device. That is, it does not contain batteries or active transmitters. Therefore, it is impossible to find an animal via GPS using a microchip. For such purposes, there are special collars with built-in GPS transmitters.

But at the moment there are animal face, with which you will be calm for your pet if he runs away. Any finder will be able to read the information using mobile phone. Thus, the probability of returning the animal is greatly increased. It is important to remember that home pet not adapted to "street life", and the first hours are important to return him to his usual surroundings.

And the most interesting option- the tag allows the owner to receive notifications about the location of the animal when it is scanned!

If you just need to track the animal by satellite, then you can on our portal.

Why is the animal not found when searching by chip number?

There can be two reasons: either the animal is not registered in AnimalFace or it is not yet attached to the owner's profile, i.e. it is in the database, but it is not assigned to any of the owners.

How to add an animal to AnimalFace yourself?

Many owners want to bring the animal in on their own, bypassing a clinic or other organization. Therefore, it is for you that we have created a service that will help you enter data about your pet at any time. After that, all information will immediately appear in AnimalFace, Petmaxx and Europetnet. To do this, you need to register as the owner of the animal, if you have not yet registered. After that, you should go to the "" section and click the "Add an animal" button. After that, you will be able to register your pet. Attention paid service!

What is chipping and why is it needed?

Chipping- electronic method identification of animals (electronic passport), which is much more humane than tagging or tattoos.
This method lies in the fact that under the skin of the animal with a special syringe is introduced, the size of which is not larger than a grain of rice. The microchip has unique number, which allows accurate identification of the animal. The chipping process is painless and is an injection under the skin. This operation is essentially similar to vaccinating an animal, but instead of administering the vaccine, a microchip is inserted. The microchip number is read using .

We want to note that in case of loss of an animal, the probability of its return increases many times.

Since 2002, the export of an animal to Europe without a microchip impossible. Also for a number of countries such as: Japan, Israel, UAE, Ireland, Australia and others, the presence of a microchip in an animal is mandatory. And since the end of 2015 in Kazakhstan mandatory chipping cats and dogs.

What should I do if the Login button or other elements are not visible?

Most likely your browser has an enlarged scale. Try setting the scale to 100%. And then you will fully see all the elements on the portal. Or use the mobile version.

How do I add an animal to my profile?

First you need to register as the owner of the animal, if you have not registered yet. After that, you should go to the "" section and click the "Add animal" button and enter the chip number of the animal that you want to attach to your profile. If the animal is found, click the attach button. If, after entering the microchip number, the system displays a message that “This microchip number was not found in our Database”, then you can register your animal as a new one only through paid registration, on the same page.

What to do if the animal is not included in the database?

We strongly recommend that you contact the place where you chipped the animal and ask that your pet's data be entered into the database. It also happens that it is not possible to find an organization for any objective reasons. Then you have the opportunity to add the animal to the database on your own (paid service), for this you should register as the owner of the animal and after that you will be able to add your animal to the database.

What data is contained in a microchip?

The microchip contains only a unique code, usually a 15-digit set of numbers (according to ISO 11784/11785).

That is, no more data in the microchip not contained! Therefore, it is important not only to microchip the animal, but also enter information into the database, in order to link the microchip number with data about the animal and its owner.

How to transfer an animal from one owner to another?

To transfer an animal from one owner to another, follow these steps:

  1. For the current owner, log in to the site and go to the "My animals" section. Next, find the animal that should be transferred to the new owner and select "Unpin" in the "Settings" menu.
  2. Register as a new owner on the AnimalFace portal.
  3. The new owner must log in to the site and go to the "My animals" section, then click the "Add animal" button and enter the microchip number of the animal to be added to his profile.

What to do if you have found or lost an animal?

In order to add information about a lost or found animal, you should register or log in if you are already registered. Next, go to the appropriate section "Lost" or "Found" and click the "Add animal" button, where you can fill out the form, after which the animal will be added to the database.
Also in these sections you can search for already registered animals.
Advice: first try to search in , maybe your pet has already been found.

How to find an organization that works with AnimalFace?

You just need to visit the "Organizations" section, where you can find the organization you need in your region (it is also possible to view organizations in all regions of your country), you can search by entering the name in the appropriate text field or simply see it on the map.

The introduction of chipping dogs has solved many problems. What was not done in different times pet owners to distinguish their pets:

  • branded with hot iron
  • ear piercings and incisions
  • tattooed
  • produced scarring, banding, wool coloring

Today, there is no need to torture a dog in order to provide it with a passport and take care of security. Most experienced veterinarians advise owners to opt for chipping technology.

The first means of electronic identification of animals appeared in America in the 1980s, these were implantable microchips. These devices were innovative, providing effective and safe identification of pets.

Chipping of large animals

For large animals today use "FDX-B" or "HDX" technology. The chips are large and designed to send out a strong enough signal. The use of this technology makes it possible to significantly increase the distance from the scanner to the microchip when reading.

Chipping small dogs

For small pets, the "FDX-B" microchip is used. When sending a signal from the FDX-B reader, communication between the microchip and the reader is continuous. This method provides accurate and fast reading.

How is the process of chipping a dog

Dog microchipping procedure

An electronic chip is implanted in the area under the withers of the dog, the size of which does not exceed a grain of rice. This media contains detailed information about the animal, its state of health, vaccinations carried out, as well as the passport data of the person who brought the dog for chipping.

The implantation of the chip can be performed at any major veterinary hospital. The procedure takes only a few minutes. The dog is given an injection containing, in addition to the liquid solution, the microchip itself, which is enclosed in a bioglass capsule. After the procedure, the animal should not be washed and scratched the injection site for two days. For restless pets, it is better to wear a protective collar.

Thus, in just five minutes, the dog becomes the owner of its own electronic passport, which will be with it throughout its life. Together with the chip, the dog is assigned an electronic number consisting of 15 digits, it encodes the country code, the clinic where this mini-operation was performed.

All information is in a single database of pets, and the owner is issued an identification card. Information from the card and chip is read instantly using a special scanner.

Do dogs need to be microchipped?

Without a chip, it is forbidden to import an animal into the EU countries

The card issued with the chip is legal document. By presenting it, you can prove that a particular dog belongs to you. In the event that a dog was kidnapped or a substitution was made, the court will consider your application only when you prove that the animal belongs to you.

More importantly, however, chipping makes it much easier to find a runaway pet. People who find a “lost” on the street usually turn to a nursery. There, the dog must be scanned, checked for the presence of a chip.

It should be noted that since May 2003, animals have been allowed into the European Union only if they have electronic documents.

The benefits and harms of microchipping for dogs

The chip will not harm the animal at all and will not cause him discomfort. The procedure itself is no more painful than an injection. A chip that is implanted under the skin cannot be lost, information cannot be erased from it. In addition, this “document” cannot be cut, forged or changed.

We help find and return animals to their owners. AnimalFace also makes it possible to keep data on your pet's vaccinations, thereby giving veterinarians full information about the animal. Highly important role we assign the reliability and relevance of the data. And this, in turn, helps in case of loss of the animal with a guarantee to return it to the owner. Applied innovative technologies, help to create an information community for pet owners and organizations whose field of activity is related to animals. Special services have been created for our users to maintain, record and search for data on both chipped animals and those lost or found in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

Our mission- popularization electronic system identification as modern method to protect your animal from loss, as well as to accurately identify the animal when selling or crossing the border. Thus creating the standards of a new electronic passport for the animal.

Chipping cats, dogs and other animals in Europe has long been a mandatory condition for keeping a pet.

Chipping of animals

Until now, many pet owners do not know what pet chipping is. And if someone has heard, they do not quite understand why this is and what it is. Animal identification technology appeared more than a quarter of a century ago in Europe. At first, this technology was very expensive and was used more in an experimental form. But over time, the cost of microchips and readers became cheaper from year to year. For example, before the cost of one microchip reached 100 US dollars.

Fortunately, at the moment the cost of a microchip varies from 4-7 US dollars, which makes it possible to implant chips even in homeless animals for their accounting. There are many manufacturers of microchips on the market at the moment, but we usually recommend buying microchips from well-known European brands. Every year, both in the world and in Russia, the number of identified animals is growing.

Why is microchipping of animals becoming more and more relevant? Undoubtedly, this is influenced by the general trend in the development of information technology, an increase in the number of pets and tighter control by the state (of course, this is still of little relevance to Russia, but work in this direction is also underway in our country).

In fact, the presence of a microchip in an animal means the presence of an electronic passport. It is also worth noting that the import of an animal into European countries without a microchip is currently impossible.

Also, do not forget that an important goal of chipping cats and dogs is the ability to accurately identify the animal and return it to its owner in case of loss or even theft.

The animal identification system consists of only three components:

1. Animal Face Database

2. Microchip

3. Scanner for animals

We will not go into the technical details of how this entire system works, but will only touch on those aspects that are most often of concern to pet owners and veterinarians.

Is chipping safe?

The microchip is very small in size, its migration is minimized. And due to the small size, the introduction of a microchip is akin to an injection with a vaccine. As a rule, vaccination and microchipping of an animal are often combined.

Can I find a microchip animal using GPS?

Many owners ask this question, the microchip is a passive device. That is, it does not contain batteries or active transmitters. Therefore, it is impossible to find an animal via GPS using a microchip. For such purposes, there are special collars with built-in GPS transmitters.

What is the best database to register?

This question is relevant for veterinary clinics. The microchipping of the animal takes place in the clinic and all information about the pet is entered into the database directly by the doctor. At the moment, there are several different databases in Russia. The main criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a database are:

1. Reliability of the base and all its systems.

2. Efficiency of entering data into the database, since the owner often starts the chipping procedure before going abroad.

3. Integration into international databases.

4. Convenient search for a registered animal by microchip number.

5. Ability to add additional information, both on the owner and on the animal.

6. The issue of technical support is very important, both for animal owners and veterinary organizations that use the database to quickly resolve current issues.

7. Other additional and useful features.

Everything is solved in AnimalFace existing problems, given base combines the openness of data, while maintaining the confidentiality of the owner. Card in full English language, which allows you to safely work with two of the largest European databases: Petmaxx and EuroPetNet. At the moment, AnimalFace are the only ones who have been able to achieve such cooperation and are not going to stop there. The resource plans to constantly increase and improve services. Also, for the first time, we combined the search for animals among more than 90 databases.

Chipping of animals - the process of introducing a microchip containing a unique identifier under the skin of an animal. The microchip for implantation is an integrated circuit, the size of a large grain of rice, and uses passive RFID technology.(Wikipedia).

Until now, many pet owners do not know what it is. Although this technology originated in the 80s of the last century.The first use of electronic animal identification systems was started in the 90s of the 20th century in the Netherlands. At the moment, it can be assumed that more than a billion animals have already been microchipped, and this figure is only increasing from year to year.

The electronic animal identification system is quite actively used not only in Europe, but also in Russia.

Why is chipping necessary?

Chipping is mandatory when exporting animals to EU countries.

Identification with a chip or brand is mandatory when participating in exhibitions.

Electronic identification greatly facilitates the search for the owner in case of loss of the animal. If you find someone else's pet, you can find the coordinates of its owner by contacting the database.

In case of property disputes (animals in Russia are property!) You can prove the rights to this property.

Our clinic uses high quality Destron and Felixcan chips, both standard and reduced sizes suitable for chipping small pets.We enter information about animal identification into the Animal-ID database.

Reading of information is made by the FX-PET scanner.

How is chipping done?

Microchip is introduced veterinarian method subcutaneous injection. The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice. Implantation of the capsule is an easy, painless procedure, performed with a sterile syringe. Biocompatible glass ensures no rejection reaction and no chip migration. The usual site for chip insertion in dogs and cats is between the shoulder blades, in the midline.

The chip itself does not transmit any waves without being activated by a scanner. It is impossible to lose, forget or change the identification number. Each chip has its own unique 15-digit number, which is read by a special scanner. This number is entered into the international database and belongs only to this animal.

Any animal can be microchipped: dogs, cats, ferrets, birds and even fish. You can enter a microchip at any age, because. it does not affect its location. It is possible to carry out the procedure simultaneously with the first vaccination.

Benefits of chipping

Summarizing all of the above, we can set out in several paragraphs all the advantages of this procedure, which give the right to call it best method pet identification:

  • painless injection, is a subcutaneous injection in the withers, as a subcutaneous injection;
  • lifetime carrier, excluding chip removal, i.e. "lifetime passport";
  • it is almost impossible to lose or damage the chip;
  • does not cause a response of the body in the form of rejection or allergies;
  • forgery of the microchip is impossible, because the microchip has an individual number, i.e. issued in the singular;
  • makes it easier to find a pet if it is lost.