Will the registration of cats and dogs be paid. Mandatory registration of pets

Four-legged certification: how in Russia they want to control pets

The new bill, submitted to the State Duma, if passed, would oblige Russians to register pets and introduce stiff penalties for violating the rules for keeping them. Soon, citizens can be forced to treat their pets much more responsibly. By at least, this is what the deputies want, who have registered a bill that provides for the introduction of registration of domestic and homeless animals in the country. The authors of the document note in the explanatory note that pets are a constant source of replenishment of the population of homeless animals. Therefore, it is obvious that the regulation and reduction of the number of homeless animals is possible only under the condition of well-established control over the number, first of all, of domestic animals, the authors of the document are sure. Therefore, they propose to introduce a "mechanism of adequate responsibility" for the improper maintenance of animals.

Considering the fact that The State Duma already paid attention to the issue of animal welfare and a law was passed that toughened the punishment for cruelty to animals, this initiative also has a chance to gain support in the session hall. We found out how the rules for keeping animals will change if the law is passed.

Total registration

One of the key norms of the bill is the proposal to register all animals, both wild and homeless and domestic. And if in the first two cases the responsibility rests with the local authorities, then pets will need to be registered by their owners. After registration, the animal will receive a permanent identification number, which will need to be attached to collars, both for dogs and cats. All animals older than two months will have to be registered. If a person bought a cat or a dog, he must register them no later than five days after their purchase. At the same time, notice veterinary service when moving with a pet.

Registration will not be free - you will have to pay approximately 1000 rubles. Truth preferential categories citizens, public organizations and shelters, as well as those who will take animals from shelters, will not have to pay registration fees.

Weddings and funerals

The bill also provides for a ban on breeding pets without a breed, and even purebred pets will not be able to give birth at home. This will be allowed only in licensed breeding kennels and kennel clubs. Still, pets that are "not of pedigree value" are subject to sterilization.

Strict restrictions apply not only to the birth, but also to the death of pets. If the bill is passed, it will not be possible to bury him on his own. After death pet, the owner must notify his veterinary clinic and hand over the body of a pet with a passport and a license plate on his collar. The burial of dogs and cats can only be carried out in special cemeteries and crematoria, which are planned to be created at the expense of local authorities. The sale of animals “by hand” without documents is also planned to be banned. Buying a pet, according to the bill, will be possible only on the basis of a written agreement, and those who sell them in unspecified places will be punished. Punishment will await those who use animals for begging.

untouchable tails

The Russians also want to oblige to regularly monitor the health of their own pets - for this, the bill defines the obligation of each owner at least once every three years to visit veterinarians with the animal and make the necessary vaccinations. Keeping the animal in proper sanitary conditions will also become the responsibility of the owners if the law is passed.

If we are talking about dogs whose breed is recognized as potentially dangerous - among them Rottweilers, german shepherds and Dobermans, then their potential owners will have to undergo a psychiatric examination and training in caring for such animals in a dog training center.

It is also planned to ban making pets surgical operations that will not involve giving them veterinary care. In particular, we are talking about cutting tails, ears, removing claws and teeth and other manipulations in order to change the appearance of the animal. The only exception to this list is the sterilization of pets.

Fines and police

To force citizens to comply with all of the above rules, the bill provides for a system of fines. So, for the use of animals for begging and breeding outbred domestic animals or the birth of offspring at home, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles. Refusal to sterilize an animal can cost the owner 3,500 rubles, and the sale of animals "from hand" - from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles, along with the confiscation of the "goods". In the case of repeated commission of these crimes, it can cost the violator 20,000 rubles. Separately, it should be mentioned that the bill also provides for a fine for not cleaning up dog excrement - this can cost its owner from 850 to 1,700 rubles.

The police have the right to control the implementation of the new rules, which will be able to come home to the owners of animals to check whether their pets have collars with registration number whether their living conditions are appropriate and whether they are having an “unplanned” pregnancy. Police officers will be able not only to impose fines, but in some cases to take the animal from its owners before the court decides.

Registration of pets may become mandatory and even paid. The bill will soon be considered in the State Duma. The new rules will affect cats, dogs and even fish. All of them. How much will it cost the owners, and why are animal rights activists urgently preparing places in nurseries for new guests?

Mustaches, paws, tail are not documents: a draft providing for the mandatory registration of pets is being finalized by the government before the third reading in the State Duma.

Everything today registration actions with beloved cats and dogs are voluntary, and the only obligation of the owners is to vaccinate the pet before going abroad with it. Everything else is absolute amateur performance: both chipping and the so-called "propiska" at the place of registration. By the way, now chipping costs up to 2000 rubles.

They have been preparing for seven years - since 2010. It is officially called the Veterinary Safety Act. It should be written there how to register an animal, whether you need to pay for it, whether chips or some other type of marking of your four-legged property is required for this.

"Therefore, if you look Civil Code, then we have already written there a long time ago that an animal is a thing, a property, respectively, it has an owner. Therefore, I hope that when we pass the law on the responsible treatment of animals, animals will still become living beings. And, accordingly, the status of the owner can be fixed already with the help of state register animals," says Deputy Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Vladimir Panov (United Russia faction).

The final version of the bill has not yet been submitted to the State Duma, but it is known that the tax on animals has not yet been provided. Although animal rights activists believe that it is necessary to levy such a tax on owners of cats and dogs and make compulsory registration paid.

“At least there will be some thought in my head that there is responsibility for everything. That we will need to be responsible for the condition of the animal, at least. If we introduce a tax, if we introduce mandatory registration, at first all volunteers, all shelters will suffocate in animals, because the first wave of discarded animals will be just colossal,” says volunteer, animal rights activist Temnoyara Leontieva.

Each pet at Temnoyara has suffered from irresponsible owners in the past: the cat was tortured to paralysis by the children, the dog was thrown out on the road. The cat was kept in a cramped cage by breeders so that she would give offspring for sale.

With the advent of registration requirements, the final formulation of what animal cruelty is, the responsibility of the owner will be completely different. And many will once again think: are they ready to get a cat? However, the bill provides for all types of pets - and fish, and hamsters, and parrots.

In October last year, the law on keeping pets came into force in the Tver region.

From now on, owners are prohibited from appearing with dogs on playgrounds and leaving them alone for more than a day. In addition, the law obliges owners to walk dogs of medium and large breeds in muzzles and on a short leash, prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring, clean up after animals, and more. etc. But the main thing is that owners must now register each dog at their place of residence.

Where and how to "legalize" four-legged friend, and told readers. about the head of the State Budgetary Institution "Zapadnodvinsk Station for the Control of Animal Diseases" E. O. EGOROVA.

Elena Olegovna, where and how can I register pet?

Only state veterinary institutions have the right to carry out the registration procedure. Residents of Zapadnodvinsk should contact the State Budgetary Institution "Zapadnodvinsk Animal Disease Control Station".

Six months are given for registration from the moment the law enters into force, that is, until mid-April of the current year.

Pet registration can be combined with rabies vaccination. In rural settlements employees of the veterinary service can leave at the request of the owner. The veterinarian will examine the animal, assign a registration number, and enter registration data into a special register of pets in the Tver region.

Every year the animal will need to be re-registered. This will reveal the true number of animals and the percentage vaccinated against common diseases man and animals.

Do cats need to be registered?

Only dogs are subject to mandatory registration. Registration of cats remains voluntary. But, it is necessary to take into account the fact that without a registration document and a passport with a vaccination mark, the owners will not be able to transport the animal by rail or air.

Elena Olegovna, how much does the procedure for registering an animal cost?

Registration is free. You will have to pay only for a blank passport (about 10 rubles). It can be bought at a veterinary institution. This document will include information about the date of birth of the pet, breed and vaccination marks. At the request of the owner, the animal will be given an identification number - a brand, a token for a collar or a chip.

Why do you need an identification number?

The identification number will allow you to identify the animal. For example, if an orphan animal with an identification number is caught on the street, we will be able to identify it and return it to its legal representative using the database created in the Tver region.

Will dog microchipping become mandatory?

Chipping payable service, therefore, it is carried out only at the request of the owner of the animal. For an animal, microchipping is painless and safe. A microchip with a number is inserted under the skin. According to it, it will be possible to determine all the information about the "carrier" - nickname, address, age, full information about the owner. To do this, it is enough to point a special reader at the place where the chip is located.

Few people doubt the necessity of this law, but who will monitor its implementation and what threatens violators?

Veterinary services and local governments will monitor the implementation of the new rules. In the next six months, there will be no punishment for non-compliance with the law. This time is given for people to get used to the new rules, to realize that an animal is not a toy, and to start registering their pets without coercion. And six months later, the law on administrative violations make changes and prescribe the amount of fines.

P.S. As we have learned, soon the State Budgetary Institution “Zapadnodvinsk Animal Disease Control Station” will have its own electronic website (zdsbbj. 3dn.ru). One of its sections will contain information about the animals kept in the detention center that need new owners.

The citizens of Russia were excited by the news of the imminent introduction (beginning of 2018) of the tax on pets. Some news publications and Internet resources have actively connected to the hot topic, talking about an “unprecedented law” that allegedly has already entered into force (or is about to enter into force) and threatens with unthinkable requisitions for everyone who has a cat or dog at home.

The people were alarmed and even panicked, and among the indignant voices, separate sensible calls were lost to not rush and calmly sort everything out.

As it turned out, the law is only being discussed in the State Duma, and it has yet to undergo fundamental changes - after analyzing the opinions of all interested parties, animal lovers, veterinarians, animal rights activists, manufacturers and the rest of the caring population.

In fact, this topic is far from new, the State Duma began to closely deal with the laws on pets back in 2010, but they can’t finish it in any way.

Animal rights activists have long been urging legislators to bring animal legislation to a digestible state. They also offered their own options, but to no avail.

Things got to the point that the president personally demanded "to formalize a civilized procedure for the treatment of animals." He did this in 2016, focusing on the problem of homeless animals and urging parliamentarians to speed up work on this resonant issue.

Essence of the question

Less than a year later, the parliamentarians responded to the president's demand. The law being considered in the State Duma proposes to formalize the relationship of a person with pets and introduce a financial component into them. This may be tax, registration and chipping.

At first, only dogs and cats will have to be registered. The data will be entered into the database, indicating the characteristics of the animal and information about the owner.

Veterinarians and animal rights activists insist on paid registration. Residents agree with them apartment buildings, especially those in whose entrance they live aggressive dogs or a dozen cats in one apartment.

While the parliamentarians are thinking, in some places all this is already working - for example, in the Crimea.

Registering a dog here costs 52 rubles, the procedure includes an examination of the animal by a veterinarian, vaccination against rabies and entering data into a single register for Crimea.

The owner is handed veterinary passport dogs (you have to pay 109 rubles), and the dog can receive, at the request of the owner, a metal token or a chip (764 rubles).

The most consistent supporters of chipping are animal rights activists, veterinarians and breeders. They think that the dog without fail must have a chip. Only in this case the idea makes sense and will protect the animal.

If the dog is lost or injured, it is easy to find and return to the owner. If she messes up, then the owner will have to answer for the fact that he looked after her badly or did not educate her properly.

Most importantly, a chipped dog cannot be thrown out the door, because the owner will be found and punished.

Voluntary chipping is still practiced today, it is done in veterinary clinics, while the data is entered into the international network.

The idea of ​​a tax causes persistent indignation among Russian dog breeders and pet owners, despite the fact that in many countries taxes on dogs have long been introduced and are beneficial.

In Europe

Germans pay a tax of 150-300 euros per year. If there are several dogs, then the fee for the next one increases. More to pay for fighting dogs– 600 euros per year.

The tax on dogs in Holland has the same "progressive" character. If you have one dog, you pay 57 euros per year, but each subsequent one costs 85 euros.

The Swedes pay less, the annual dog tax is 50 euros, the Swiss - 100.

For Spaniards ordinary dog costs a ridiculous amount - 15 euros per year, and potentially dangerous - 35. If you took her from a shelter, then you don’t need to pay tax at all. It is not charged even if your dog complies social function, for example, works as a guide.

In the United States, there is no tax on pets, this duty is assigned to pet food manufacturers.

But paid licensing of dogs is practiced, although in some states it is voluntary. Here it is believed that owning a dog is not only a right, but also a privilege, so this pleasure cannot be free.

Rates for different states are different, but not at all small, and literally everything is paid. For older owners, a discount is usually applied.

In Canada, both dogs and cats are covered by this order, registration is mandatory for all animals. If the owner refuses, he is punished with a fine of $240 to $5,000, depending on the circumstances.


The issue of streamlining relations with animals, apparently, is so ripe that even the neighbors are stirring.

For example, Belarusians introduced an annual tax on dogs, making it dependent on the height of the dog.

In Ukraine, dogs run along the streets of cities, decorated with dog tags on their ears, such dogs were seen in Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson. Chipping is not yet mandatory, but is about to become one. However, there is no animal tax yet.

In Russia, many people like to keep animals next to them, there are about 20 million dogs, and even more cats, 25-30 million.

Now imagine that all these individuals are covered by paid registration, even at the meager Crimean price of 52 rubles. More than 2.5 billion rubles. will go to the budget! True, once.

There is also chipping, which will cost the owners much more. Today, the cost of the procedure ranges from 1000 to 4000 rubles., depending on which region we are talking about (it also depends on the status of the veterinary clinic).

So far, not all owners do it, but you can oblige everyone who has dogs! You will get a substantial contribution to the state treasury.

The financial services have certainly estimated the possible income from the tax on animals, but these estimates are only in theory. In the near future, apparently, they will remain there.

Speculation on a resonant topic, petitions

Fake news about the tax on animals has excited citizens, especially since the topic is painful. As a result, a petition appeared on the international platform https://www.change.org calling for a ban on the animal tax law in Russia.

In general, the whole process of the misadventures of animal laws is accompanied by a heated discussion in society. New initiatives are constantly being born in social networks, often they result in petitions. Their direction is different, it is dictated by the interests of the authors.

Animal rights activists, for example, have been pushing for the introduction of registration and chipization of animals for a long time. On their behalf, a petition has been posted on change.org demanding that they finally pass laws that have been stalling for 20 years.

The word "tax" always causes an unequivocal reaction - a sharp protest. In the comments and on the forums, the inhabitants of the Russian Federation express their opinion directly, without any diplomacy: “Oh, the tax is being introduced again at the numerous requests of the working people!”

And then the deputies and officials go nuts, they are traditionally persuaded, regardless of what kind of tax the conversation comes up.

As for the tax on dogs and cats directly, words in support of it are not uncommon in the comments. It is considered as an effective regulatory mechanism in the relationship between humans and animals. Provided, of course, that the money raised will really go to the creation of shelters, special sites, sterilization of stray dogs and other measures in this direction.

Many do not welcome the idea of ​​a tax, but agree with veterinarians and animal rights activists that the registration of pets should be paid. However, this must be done within reasonable limits, taking into account the social status of the owner.

That is, the tax as a way of withdrawing money from the population, of course, causes unanimous rejection. At the same time, citizens agree to discuss a specific type of tax on pets, and some people perceive it as a thing that is quite useful.

The deputies of the State Duma, after all approvals, will adopt the main document, the law "On the veterinary safety of pets", and the by-law, "Rules for the registration and registration of pets." Also, the bill "On the responsible treatment of animals" is awaiting consideration.

There is no talk of a tax on animals yet at all. Although animal rights activists still consider the introduction of a tax for dog owners necessary measure. They also object to the voluntariness of chipping, insisting that the owner is obliged to pay for the registration of a pet - this will awaken in him a sense of responsibility for his actions.

AT this moment the law under discussion does not specify any amounts, perhaps registration will even be free. As for chipping, it will remain paid and, apparently, voluntary for the time being.

All innovations will not be implemented at once, a transitional period is provided for this. Here jerky movements harmful, since deep ties, multilateral relations are affected. But there is nothing to pull, changes are long overdue.

Animals and people are forced to coexist in one common space, and it must be adapted to ensure that everyone is comfortable. We lack something in life without a cat or a dog. Probably warmth, devotion, affection and just love.

For our part, it is necessary to be guided by the parting words of Saint-Expery: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." In this case, it should be understood absolutely literally, and not to grumble if this responsibility takes on a monetary expression. For example, a pet tax form.

A bill on veterinary safety may be submitted to the State Duma, which will oblige Russians to register their pets for a fee. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Russian Parliament Vladimir Panov.

The creation of the system for registering cats and dogs is provided for by the law “On Veterinary Medicine” adopted in 2015. According to Panov,

a fee is expected to be introduced for the registration process, but he did not name a specific amount. The developed bill also provides for the chipping of cats and dogs on a voluntary basis.

The idea of ​​mandatory registration of pets is also supported by animal rights activists, who are convinced that the current situation “creates an opportunity for unscrupulous owners to abandon their animals and evade responsibility if this animal has caused any damage to property or health of other citizens,” Panov summed up.

Animal rights activists interviewed by Gazeta.Ru positively reacted to the possible reform of the parliament. “For a fee or for free, all animals must be registered. However

you need to take into account the social status of a person: if this is a grandmother who has two or three cats and one dog, there should be some benefits. Families with many children should also provide bonuses.

Registration must be secured on federal level to avoid those cases when, for example, a dog of a “fighting” breed bit a child, and it is difficult for investigators to find out who was the owner of the animal, ”said Vladislav Rogimov, an animal rights activist.

Irina Novozhilova, President of the Vita Animal Rights Protection Center, is confident that chipping and registering animals will help solve the problem of homeless animals. “First of all, it is necessary to block breeding and introduce a mechanism to restrict the activities of two types of breeders - those who breed for the sake of business and those who do not sterilize animals. Without this step, all other reforms will be ineffective,” said the animal rights activist.

The expert was outraged by the fact that the authorities are proposing to make registration mandatory, and chipping optional. “In this case, they will not be able to register all the animals. It is necessary to introduce genetic certification: it is more reliable. The chip can be rearranged or completely removed, ”Novozhilova noted. The very fact of paid registration looks disputable, according to the expert:

“In Russia, people have to save animals for their money: give them shelter in their apartments, sterilize them. Meanwhile, such a service costs about 2,000 rubles, and the authorities offer grandmothers with small pensions to pay for registration as well.”

As for the cost of registering a pet, the amount, Vladislav Rogimov is sure, will depend on the federal district. “It is important to remember that there are also wild animals that are kept by people: they and stray animals also need to be counted. It is necessary to conduct a real census of the population - only among animals, ”the expert is convinced.

Chipping, noted the animal rights activist, will cost cat owners and dog owners much more. “Here, too, there should be benefits. The current cost of this procedure depends on the region and the veterinary clinic: it can range from a thousand to 4 thousand rubles, ”Rogimov believes.

There is already experience in registering pets in Russia. So, since January 1, 2017, this rule has been in force in Crimea. The cost of the procedure on the peninsula is 52 rubles: for this money, the specialist examines the animal, if necessary, vaccinates against rabies and enters the pet into the database.

“If the animal is expensive, and the citizen does not want the token or tag to be attached to the animal’s ear, additional service- implantation of an electronic chip under the skin of an animal. It will cost more,” said Enver Umerov, deputy chairman of the Crimean Veterinary Committee, in an interview with a local radio station. At the same time, after the death of an animal, citizens must report the fact to the veterinary service so that specialists remove the animal from the register.

According to various estimates, there are about 25-30 million domestic cats and about 20 million dogs in Russia. Even without the cost of chipping, Russians spend an average of 4.5 thousand rubles per month on the maintenance of pets: most of the amount goes to feed, the rest of the expenses fall on trips to the veterinarian and caring for the animal.

Even if we take the Crimean 52 rubles for registering an animal as a guide, then, according to Gazeta.Ru, for about 45-50 million registered cats and dogs, the state can receive 2.6 billion rubles to the state budget. Animal rights activist Vladislav Rogimov is sure that not all the money will go to the state treasury. “We must not forget that each animal must be entered into the database. In order to do this, in each region you need to hire specialists who will oversee the sending of funds and do all the paperwork or electronic work”, he said.

The expert also noted that the database of animals should be closed, since it will be possible to “break through” any person by cat or dog: his address, contacts and passport data. “The FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs must control the process so that these databases do not go online. The main thing is that the database is inaccessible to scammers. It should be controlled by the special services, not the regional agricultural ministries, because we have 70% of the population have a pet,” said the animal rights activist. Rogimov is convinced that

most people will not register their animals. “Why is this necessary if the animal does not really leave the four walls and does not pose a danger?”,

- said the specialist, noting that, for example, in the United States, mandatory chipping animals.

“When a dog is lost, it ends up in a shelter, where employees through the database instantly find the owner’s contacts and call him up. In any veterinary clinic, you can scan the chip to determine the owner of the dog or cat,” Rogimov said.

Recall that at the moment, another law relating to pets is under consideration in the State Duma: “On the responsible treatment of animals.” The document proposed by the Ministry of Nature will consolidate the basic concepts and principles of animal rights protection. The law provides for strengthening the fight against cruelty to animals and plans to strengthen control over the keeping of domestic, service and circus animals.

If the bill is passed, the authorities will consolidate the ban on the destruction of homeless pets. However, the second reading of the bill was repeatedly postponed, this red tape causes constant protests in the animal protection environment.

And more recently, on October 8, 2017, it became known that the State Duma will consider a law banning the keeping of wild animals in apartments and closing petting zoos within a few months.

According to the Australian animal insurance organization Pet secure, Russia is in the top five countries in terms of the number of cats and dogs. In the first place in terms of the number of pets, both in the case of dogs and in the case of cats, are the United States. At the same time, in America, as in most other countries, there is a tax on the sterilization of animals. “In London, people who refuse this procedure will be constantly called by specialists from the veterinary clinic. In case of further refusal, the townspeople will be fined,” Irina Novozhilova noted.