Calculate name number online by date of birth. Karmic debt by name and date of birth

Numerology can answer many questions that interest us. For example, knowing the number of our life path, we will be able to better understand our character, find out what task we came into this world with, and also determine what experience we should gain. The life path number, like a numerological passport, personifies our personality, inner aspirations, talents and abilities. In addition, this indicator will help us build harmonious relationships with our partners, relatives, friends and important people.

For example, if a person was born on November 20, 1990, then the calculation will be made as follows: 2+0+1+1+1+9+9+0 = 23 = 2+3 = 5. Accordingly, his life path number is 5 .

Want to know your life path number? Use our online calculation, which will give extremely accurate information about fate and purpose.

Person's date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 February March April May June July August September October November December 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1 958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2 008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

You can calculate your life path number yourself and read its description below:

Unit gives people activity, determination and ambition. Representatives of this life path number are born leaders; they try to lead any society, bringing into it their own views and ideals.

Individual people have enormous willpower, efficiency and an analytical mind. Even in moments of panic and chaos, they manage to maintain a clear mind, finding the most rational way out of the current situation. To fully utilize their potential, these people need to channel their activity into professional activities.

Few people often experience problems in relationships with partners and friends. Possessing enormous inner strength, they unwittingly subjugate those around them, which not everyone likes. In some life situations they need to learn to show gentleness and kindness.

Twos are versatile and sensual natures. They have the ability to capture the moods of other people, they know how to give wise advice in difficult times and support those in need, thanks to which they are known as reliable and loyal friends. But, despite the fact that those around them are drawn to two-person people, they often feel lonely and misunderstood. It’s just that their life path number gives them such high internal emotionality that sometimes these people cannot express their own feelings and desires.

Merciful and good-natured twos are endowed with a strong character and the ability to make every effort to achieve the desired result. However, the talents of these people will be able to manifest themselves provided they are in complete harmony with the world around them.

In love, two people look for strong and active partners who can protect them from injustice and evil.

The number 3 symbolizes joy, celebration and happiness. People whose life path number coincides with this figure are considered lucky in numerology. Fate gives them many chances, which they use with pleasure, achieving truly colossal heights.

Three people have a cheerful and good-natured disposition. Without knowing it, they often become the “life of the party” and role models. At the same time, those who follow this life path never suffer from “star” disease. Three people love life too much and appreciate the opportunities it gives, so there is no room in their hearts for negative feelings.

Representatives of this numerological code are looking for sincere feelings and equal partnership in love. However, their family happiness largely depends on their material well-being.

People with a life path number of 4 can be compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to ancient Greek legend, held the firmament of the earth on their powerful shoulders. This numerology code symbolizes stability, solidity and down-to-earthness. Four people do not have their head in the clouds, because they are able to keep in their heads thousands of important details, thanks to which order is maintained in our world.

The best character traits of Fours are modesty, ambition and sincerity. These people by nature do not know how to lie, which is why they are valued both at work and among friends.

Representatives of this life path are distinguished by some passivity. They do not know how to seduce, captivate and charm, so in relationships with the opposite sex they strive to play the role of a follower.

The driving force of people with personal number 5 is curiosity. Fives are innovators, rebels and disruptors of public order. Numerologists believe that representatives of this life path came to this world in order to speed up the process of evolution, to introduce new colors and foundations into it. Indeed, Fives do not tolerate canons and rules if they seem illogical to them. These people are not afraid to follow their own destiny, focusing only on internal principles and laws.

Representatives of the numerology code 5 often become researchers, writers and travelers. In love, these people need complete understanding and unity of views.

The number 6 endows people with good taste and nobility. These people are called upon to decorate the world, filling it with a piece of beauty and sophistication. Six people have restraint, noble manners and insight, thanks to which they intuitively choose the right path in life.

In numerology, code 6 symbolizes love and family happiness. Indeed, representatives of this number express themselves through sensual relationships. Often these people are characterized by increased amorousness, however, sooner or later they find a worthy candidate for the role of a soul mate and devote themselves entirely to their family.

People with a personal number 7 are introverts who perceive loneliness not as a punishment, but as a blessing. These people devote their entire lives to self-improvement, striving to achieve incredible heights in their chosen activity. It should be noted that they do this very well, because code 7, moreover, gives them good intellectual abilities and developed intuition.

It cannot be said that people-sevens are recluses who avoid communication with the outside world. It is important for them, just like others, to feel the support of friends and partners, however, this should not violate the boundaries of their personal space.

In numerology, code 8 symbolizes talent and determination. These people always know what they want from life and also know how to get it. Eight people do not rely on the help of others, trying to cope with difficulties alone.

Eights often devote their lives to professional and social activities. Thanks to their talents and organizational skills, they can become good leaders. If the Eight works as a subordinate, she will certainly bring her activities to perfection.

In love, Eight people often take a leading position, which their partners may not like. However, their natural ability to look at a problem from the outside helps them resolve even the most protracted conflicts.

9 is considered the most mystical code in numerology. This number consists of three triplets, which endows people with outstanding skills and an unusual destiny. Almost every representative of personal code 9 has the strongest magical abilities. If these talents do not develop, Nines begin to live by inner inspiration, sometimes not understanding why they acted this way and not otherwise.

The inner strength of Nines is complemented by attractive beauty. They easily fall in love with any member of the opposite sex, sometimes playing with feelings, and sometimes plunging into them completely.

One of the most interesting areas of modern numerology is the numerology of fate. Every person has his own purpose in life, but how to determine it if it is not obvious? By date of birth you can find out a special numerical value - the fate code. Everyone has one. It is easy to calculate; you do not have to perform complex arithmetic operations - just simple addition.

Why suffer in an uninteresting job, wake up every day with dissatisfaction, if in order to achieve happiness you need to change only one component of your life? You can develop your talents when you know where to strive. Opportunities for development are open to every person. Don't miss your chance to find happiness and wealth.

Numerology and Stars

When a person is born, he receives a powerful charge of Zodiacal energy. This energy is a combination of many factors:

  • how the Planets and Stars were located at the moment of birth;
  • what position relative to the constellation were the Moon, Sun, Mars and Venus;
  • time of birth (hour is very important).

You can tell a lot by your date of birth. You can’t even imagine how much information the usual date 09/12/1988 can hide. For some, this is an ordinary date, while others celebrate their birthday on this day. Knowing this date, you can find out a person’s code - his special number, which will determine his entire fate until death.

Numerology is divided into two broad areas:

  • Indian (Vedic);
  • Classical (Pythagorean numerology).

Each of these sciences is unique in its own way, but they agree on one thing: each person has a special code - the number of Destiny. It is also called the birth number, the energy code of numerology, the number of a person. There are many names that, in the end, it is this number that affects our entire lives.

Calculating this number is simple - no complex operations are required. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the calculations, take a calculator. It is very important to get the correct result here. It makes a huge difference whether you received a number, for example, 7 or 8. These are completely different codes, different descriptions for numbers.

Human birth code

Everything is very simple. Classical numerology calculates a person’s code in the simplest way - addition. Pythagoras was engaged in pure science, mathematics, and physics. He was attracted by the magic of numbers. At the height of his activity, Pythagoras finds treatises of Egyptian priests. They describe the process of obtaining information about the next reincarnation of the Pharaoh.

Using his date of birth, the positions of the planets, it was possible to determine when the beloved ruler and Father of the people would return to take his place on the throne. It was an interesting but difficult method. Pythagoras had long guessed that numbers also have a reverse, mystical side. After a long study, he develops his own system - Pythagorean numerology.

This science and philosophical movement begins all its calculations by determining a special single-digit number by date of birth. Pythagoras called such numbers “vibrating.” They are obtained in any case - be it a large number or a simple one, by adding the digits a single-digit number is obtained.

When classical numerology is considered, the fate number is obtained from the addition of all components: day, month, year. For example, the date already known to us is 09/12/1988. Let's look at how to get code from it.

Code calculation

The first thing to do is add all the components.

1+2+0+9+1+9+8+8 = 38. This number is still difficult. We need to continue simplifying until we have a prime number from 1 to 9.

We got what we were looking for. A person born on September 12, 1988 now knows that his destiny number, code by date of birth, is two. All other calculations in numerology begin with determining this number. Calculate yours and remember it. In addition to the description, you will need it for further study of this most interesting of sciences, which can be called both accurate and mystical.

Now you need to find out what this code means?

The meaning of fate numbers

It’s amazing, because the people who surround us live in accordance with their birth code. We often laugh at them, scold them, love or hate them, but we don’t always know the reason for this behavior.

It's simple - the birth code gives us traits that we, in principle, did not ask for. They help us or hinder us, but this is our destiny. You can’t escape fate; it’s better to think about how you can use your unique number for your benefit. Are you an inveterate materialist or a dreamer, a philosopher or a teacher in life - all this is for a reason. A person carries a certain mission on his shoulders. Which one? Only the Stars can decide.

Unit: always be first

This man always dreams big. His date of birth contains a love of being first, exploring, finding something new. He finds a great place for himself in science, where there are so many opportunities for development. Surprisingly, people with number 1 are most often very successful even if they just invest money. They are not reckless, but successful. Well, we can wish everyone such a good fate. Of course, being first is not always as easy as it might seem.

Two: the number of the philosopher

They need to know all the secrets of the universe. A person knows how to reason and seek the truth. This is his calling as a philosopher in life. It is easy to recognize such a person - he has lofty thoughts, often divorced from reality. But don’t think that a philosopher is a useless person. He always values ​​life, friends, and family. For him there is the beauty of the world, miracles, fairy tales.

These are compassionate people who bring light to everyone else. It’s easy with them, although if you don’t tune in to the philosopher’s wavelength in time, you risk not understanding what he’s talking about. They can be a lot of fun. So, appreciate a person with a two in the fate code.

Troika: smile through life

For this person, fun and joy are the meaning of life. Why else live if it means spending your days in harsh everyday life and sad thoughts? It’s better to have a blast and act like a child. Everything comes surprisingly easily to such people, it’s even offensive. It seems that with their positivity and smile they can open any door. You never get bored with them.

People of triplets are usually adored by children, because these adults are ready for any eccentricities, adventures, they come up with games and entertainment. And adults don’t hesitate to forget about their problems for an hour in such good company.

Four: important person

The man stands firmly on his feet. He is balanced and firm in his decisions. People of number four are adherents of exact sciences; they do not like to spend time idle. They may not be as much fun, but they are reliable. These are people who are prone to cynicism. But, besides this, they are very responsible and serious. An excellent worker, a careerist.

She loves her family, although she cannot say it directly. But with him it’s like behind a stone wall - nothing is scary. Love your fours, they do everything for your well-being.

Five: finding yourself

Five is the number of joy. To lose everything, but to find themselves - this is joy for them. They are open to the world; such a person can be immediately recognized by their wide smile and mysterious look. Their ideal activity is reading, thinking, walking with an interesting interlocutor. Wherever you can gain knowledge, A's are right there. They seek answers to questions that give rise to other questions.

These are people with many interests in life. I want to sing, dance, draw, sculpt, count, invent. Anything that can help you explore life.

Six: materialist to the core

Six is ​​a controversial number. Some say that three sixes are the number of the beast. Numerology disagrees here. Yes, this is an extremely instinctive number that allows a person to navigate life. They are materialists, value their time and work, and never waste words. A person can be recognized by his attitude towards work. The Six knows that it can cope with this or that task better than others.

He values ​​money, although he doesn’t exactly put it at the forefront. Money is important for the implementation of all plans; it serves as a tool with which the Six gets what it wants.

Seven: teacher

Seven is a teacher. These people have a calling - they bring education, very often by profession, and indeed, teachers. They like to teach, tell stories, explain. They never tire of coming up with something new. Such a person will always be interesting, because his circle of knowledge is very extensive. He is not afraid to share his plans and projects.

Eight: the number of an introvert

If you are an eight by date of birth, then you know everything about yourself. Eights are complex people. They don't trust anyone but themselves. Finding friends can be very difficult, because opening up to others means showing your weaknesses. There is no way this person can be tolerated. You have probably lost friends several times due to betrayal.

This is also why it’s scary to have affairs. If you have gained at least some trust from a Person Eight, you can consider yourself special.

Nine: full of ideas

This is the number of idealists. They have a goal in life, to which they go, sweeping away everything in their path. Such people are used to putting everything on the line, but they achieve their goals. I wonder how long it will take before they gain fame. But such a time will definitely come. They know that their goal is right and worth fighting for. It can be dangerous to get in their way if you don’t want to get your worst enemy.

Our life is full of interesting discoveries. Among your friends, there are probably representatives of all these numbers. Are they right for them? What, The stars have prepared a separate plan for each of us, so we will follow it.

Numerology is the belief that numbers carry information and influence a person. This is a system of views on the world and on the person in it, in which numbers rule us.

The branches of numerology: Pythagorean, Kabalistic, Vedic or the ancestral shaman Baba Klava have been around for many centuries, but there is still no scientific confirmation. Science is almost always a generation or two behind intuitive knowledge and discovery, but remaining unproven for millennia is too long.

Destination numerology is not yet a science. Numerologists are not scientists, but adherents and followers of this philosophical point of view on human destiny. So, it’s up to you to trust her to decide what mission you have on earth or not.

The recommendations are given too high-flying, abstract and with a million different variations and interpretations. The purpose of 7,300,000,000 people was divided into just 9 boxes. Because numerology only works with numbers: from 1 to 9. Don’t expect specifics.

Human purpose in understanding numerology

A person is considered as a player for a very long distance, 50–100 lives. Planetary school: with karmic load, reincarnation and homework that you need to learn in order to move on.

  • I borrowed money in a past life and didn’t pay it back - it’s time to pay it back in this life.
  • You broke your beloved’s heart in the 15th century, but in this century she will break yours.
  • You complained about your bad fate in a previous life, but in this life you will pray that at least they don’t shoot you.

The purpose of a person is to develop, gain experience, and repay the debts of the past. Purpose ≠ a favorite thing and ≠ a professional calling. Purpose is an individual task, mission, meaning. For what purpose did you decide to be born on earth, or so, you just decided to smoke the sky.

Destination is not a profession

If you read the interpretation of your purpose, you will understand that it depends entirely on the worldview of the person who wrote it. There is a joke: there are as many philosophical points of view as there are philosophers. Likewise, there are as many opinions as there are numerologists.

Numerologists will not give two identical descriptions of your purpose. If some woman wrote an article/book, and in her head under the word “creativity” a dirty artist in a hat with a bell appears, your task will be to paint the Eiffel Tower in oil while wandering the streets.

Often, a person’s purpose is simply reduced to a profession in which you can be successful:

  • born on the 7th - engineer or researcher;
  • born on the 19th – artist or poet;
  • and if on the 10th - a janitor or plumber.

Even in tests for professional orientation, everything is clearer and more practical.

Numerology does not give a clear and unambiguous answer to the question “How to find your purpose? », but provides direction and ideas to think about. I hope calculating your birth date will get you thinking about your life from a new perspective.

Calculate your purpose online

“Life path number” is the most consistent with a person’s purpose based on Pythagorean numerology. Let's write down the date of birth and sum up the numbers.
For example: 27 (day), 09 (month) and 1987 (year) – 2+7 + 0+9 + 1+9+8+7 = 4+3 = 7.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1 991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1 941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913

Decoding human purpose

Interpretation according to the book by E. Korovina and according to

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people.

Image: leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter.

Motto: Who if not me?

Like all normal children, you dreamed of “grow up quickly and become big,” because then you wouldn’t have to “listen to your mother.” However, this aversion to a subordinate position, which for others “passes” as early as junior high school, in your case not only did not disappear, but continued to grow with you. The early qualities of a leader fully determined the legitimacy of your desire for independence.

As a rule, the next stage is the formation of organizational skills, the gradual strengthening of one’s position in any team, be it a student group, a work team or an informal youth association. Satisfaction of personal ambitions, self-affirmation, the desire for a state of affairs in which your opinion is decisive in any situation are the key motivations during this period of time.

As for professional opportunities, while you are young, full of strength, ambitious hopes and new ideas, there is practically no area where you cannot find application for yourself. There are many areas where courage, originality of thinking, the ability to take leadership and the willingness to bear responsibility will not only be in demand, but also necessary. The result is rapid career growth, tangible material well-being, and confidence in the future.

Unfortunately, many people have a rather vague idea of ​​what exactly they want to be sure of and what this very “tomorrow” day should be like. Seduced by the imaginary significance of your “everyday victories,” at some point you suddenly realize that your desire for leadership has led you to the position of a link in the chain, a permanent place of residence on one of the steps of the social ladder, where all the neighboring steps are occupied by the same leaders. And you won’t be able to break out of this chain, and you won’t be able to get off the stairs. Because you are a “component”.

If your life path number is “One”, you should always remember that you are a “soloist”, and you can only experience true satisfaction when you do something yourself, and the final result depends only on you .

The purpose is to live among people and mentor them.

Image: a peacemaker, assistant, adviser, contactee, but also an envious gossip, an intriguer or a sticky earphone.

Motto: Contact? There is contact!

Life path number “Two”. Your whole life is a search for generally acceptable solutions, compromises, and peaceful resolution of all emerging contradictions. Over time, you will understand that this seemingly obviously passive position can actually be very, very active if you learn to see situations where it would be appropriate.

The importance of the presence of a wise and balanced peacemaker when various life conflicts arise cannot be overestimated. The most titled of them all is called the Secretary General of the United Nations, but you don't have to aim that high right away. At any level, be it resolving a family conflict, business mediation, social activities related to protecting someone’s interests - all these are areas where you can find yourself, be useful, even indispensable.

Your ability to correctly assess a situation, sympathize with those on whom it adversely affects, and look for the most insignificant opportunity for a dignified resolution of the situation will bring you well-deserved respect, and in most cases, also material reward.

Just try not to let your compassionate attitude lead you into the role of a compromiser, trying to please everyone, regardless of the principles of justice and common sense. This threatens the loss of not only authority, but also one’s own face.

The purpose is to lift the spirits of those around you, to encourage and amuse.

Image: enthusiast, lucky, darling of fortune, representative of the spoiled “golden youth”.

Motto: Smile, gentlemen!

An optimist and lover of life by nature, you will understand quite early that our world is overpopulated with gloomy, nervous, complex people who need positive emotions like air. And, therefore, a cheerful disposition, wit and friendliness are the most popular currency with which you can buy affection, trust, admiration, even adoration anywhere.

For some time this will be enough for you, but only until you see that there is a much more valuable “product” - gratitude. However, you will have to “pay” for it with something more substantial than banal jokes and encouraging glances. Your reserves will be needed - creativity, artistry, innate artistic taste. And then prospects on a completely different level will open up before you. You will understand that you can bring joy to life not only by “bringing to life” another individual neurasthenic, but also on a much larger scale.

This may play a decisive role in choosing a career path in his professional life. You are free to choose among all existing areas of creative activity the one that you like most. Express yourself on paper, on canvas, in music or dance, build palaces and temples, grow unprecedented flowers, create unique stage images - all this is organic for you and can bring incomparable pleasure.

Just never forget that your calling is to give, not to take, to give, not to accumulate. Otherwise, one fine day you risk discovering with surprise and disappointment that “in your soul” you have only junk - past glory, a couple of dozen forgotten friends and the same number of unsuccessful novels. And you never got the most valuable thing - gratitude and love.

Purpose – affairs in the business world, with a practical, technical bias.

Image: worker, practitioner, administrator, hope of this world.

Motto: It's always worth making the effort!

Your whole life is work. Even in your youth, you realized that no blessings in life will come into your hands without effort. You won't see people like them in a slot machine hall or at a kiosk that sells lottery tickets. You will not trample along the seashore in the hope of catching a goldfish that will solve all your problems in one fell swoop.

You initially divided your life into stages. Actions at each stage are clearly defined, a positive result is expected, and failure is absolutely unacceptable. In this case, you will simply find another way to achieve your goal. Your confidence in the correctness of your actions is all-conquering. Any external influences that could negatively affect the course of events you have planned are nipped in the bud.

The qualities listed above will make you a desirable employee in any organization that has more than one person on staff. The fact that any deviation from the rules is completely unthinkable for you will be a guarantee of your reliability for your employees. They will trust you. Thus, you may have in your hands the management of large material and human resources, the distribution of financial flows, and the organization of production processes at any level.

And since your actions at the first stage of life will be aimed at obtaining an education, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, you will not have any difficulties in carrying out the tasks assigned to you. Just don’t turn into a vain and petty bore, for whom following the rules is more important than understanding and meaning. Remain correct in everything, maintain common sense under any circumstances, and then your possibilities are unlimited.

Purpose – movement, travel, fantasy.

Image: freedom lover, adventurer, traveler, warrior, spy, man - a symbol of his era.

Motto: Risk is a noble cause!

To say that you are a leaf that the Wind of Change carries from side to side, not caring at all about choosing a certain direction, would perhaps be too much. But the fact that the desire for change and constant renewal is the main trait of your character is undeniable. The need to determine the right direction at the crossroads of life, which plunges others into a state of sad bewilderment, is for you the moment of highest happiness, since it is precisely this that is a symbol of the opportunity and right to make a free choice.

As a result, your most developed qualities are independence, courage, resourcefulness and foresight. Of course, there will always be someone who will call your courage rashness, resourcefulness resourcefulness, and the ability to foresee the results of certain actions simple luck. Therefore, if you want to work in a team, you will have to constantly prove the legitimacy of your views and actions. But, as you know, dogs hate the wolf precisely because he is free, so you will have a hard time.

However, you will have enough common sense to come to terms with the fact that a free person is lonely by definition and not “cling” to a group. You can choose any type of activity, for which you alone will be enough. Lack of responsibility to the team will give you the opportunity to constantly try yourself in new qualities, never stopping there.

This is how you can realize yourself as an individual and, what is ultimately no less important, bring tangible benefits to others, proving by your own example that freedom is not just a word from a newspaper editorial, but a fundamental right of any person.

Our purpose is to support people.

Image: a mentor is one who cares for the humiliated and insulted and guides humanity on the true path.

Motto: We're the same blood.

Even at a very young age, you looked with disapproval at the thoughtless tricks of your peers and were that “coward” who at the last moment tries to dissuade your comrades from carrying out risky undertakings. The motivating reasons in these cases were not timidity or indecision. You just wanted to protect them from danger and protect them from punishment. Your desire to care for others was born with you and will forever remain the basic principle of existence.

In the early stages of your life’s journey, your characteristic manifestations of rationality, the desire to patronize, teach and advise, can lead to painful disappointments, in particular of a personal nature. Youth is susceptible to manifestations of originality and even some recklessness in representatives of the opposite sex, and is extremely intolerant of all kinds of restrictions and encroachments on freedom of action. Therefore, you should be prepared to be accused of tediousness, inertia and intolerance. Don’t let this bother you - with the onset of maturity, everyone wants to have a reasonable, caring and devoted person next to them. And the more your care was neglected in your youth, the more it will be valued later in your life.

As for professional activity, you should choose a type of work for yourself where your “nanny” qualities would be necessary, and the desire for sacrificial service would meet with understanding and approval. The sought-after types of professions abound in the fields of medicine, pedagogy, religion, sociology, as well as service services at any level.

There is no doubt that as a result of the years you have lived, you will be an admiration of your chosen profession, an excellent family man and a wise adviser, whose opinion will always be taken into account.

Purpose is to understand the world.

Image: seeker of truth, researcher, predictor, human symbol.

Motto: Know the unknowable.

“The ways of the Lord are mysterious” - an aphorism not from your charter. You are not one of those who bow their heads in reverence before the mysteries of existence. If questions arise, then they must be answered - on this principle, in your deep conviction, everything that exists is built. By the same principle you build your own life.

Your desire to get to the bottom of the truth in any case, to reduce a complex situation to simple equality without “unknowns” can play a cruel joke on you at first. In particular, you will not immediately understand that in personal relationships not everything is as simple as you thought it was. As a result, serious disappointments are quite possible. In fact, everything is even simpler than you thought, but understanding this will only come with age.

But professionally, no problems will arise. Moreover, your curiosity and meticulousness in studying the subject that interests you will allow you to become an expert in any, even arbitrarily chosen field. The ability to correctly formulate a problem and subject it to a comprehensive analysis opens up the broadest prospects for you both in scientific activity and in practical work, in a word, wherever clarity of thinking and perseverance in finding the optimal solution are required.

It is likely that by the time you reach adulthood, you will have time to decorate the walls of your office with diplomas from various scientific societies and certificates from patent offices, or, if you are a person more inclined to work with your hands, you will fill all the rooms at your disposal with the “bicycles” you have invented. In any case, in your declining years you will have something to be proud of.

The purpose is to ensure the multiplication and distribution of the energy of money throughout the planet.

Image: owner, self-made man, financier, banker, merchant, entrepreneur.

Motto: Wealth is not a sin; you don’t go to hell for it.

The life path of a voluntarist. The desire to rule, to have the right to make decisions and give orders that are not subject to discussion. And inseparable from this right is the burden of responsibility that will fall on your shoulders as soon as you leave adolescence.

In the early stages of life, your desire for independence and autonomy can lead to conflicts, and in some cases, a complete break in relationships with loved ones. Very soon you will understand that the chosen path is the path of a loner, since using someone else’s help and support will mean losing the opportunity to rule autocratically. In order to avoid such a situation, you will need to strengthen your position with knowledge, arm yourself with the highest qualifications in the field that you choose for yourself. This will have a positive side effect - even those who are not directly subordinate to you, whose work is in no way related to yours, will need your advice and guidance. In this way, if you don’t make friends, then at least increase the number of people who owe you something, respect your opinion, and therefore strengthen your influence.

The field of activity can be chosen arbitrarily, but once you have made such a choice, you most likely will not be able to turn back from your path, since any refusal of power, neglect of duties and responsibilities will inevitably be associated with the loss of everything achieved, with the loss of your own face.

Your marital status will be decent, perhaps even enviable, but hardly prosperous. Your rejection of equality, including in the family, will become the foundation for a relationship in which there will be respect and honor, but not love. However, this state of affairs will not burden you.

The purpose is to create your own happiness, and at the same time transform the ordinary world into a world of beauty and harmony.

Image: a wanderer on his way to perfection, a gardener who has nurtured a beautiful rose bush in the middle of a garden of harmony.

Motto: Stay on the edge! If you fall, get up!

Receptivity, insight, and the ability to penetrate into the essence of things will be the light that accompanies you on the path of life. Regardless of gender and age, you will always be someone’s best friend, confidant, and in personal matters a “shoulder” to lean on. This unique talent will manifest itself in early childhood, so by the time you reach adulthood, you will have no doubt about what you should devote your life to. Your path will choose you.

The fact that your destiny is to do good wherever there is a need for it is absolutely indisputable. Another question is what exactly you should use as a “tool” to fulfill this purpose. Here you should trust your instinct, remember what skill aroused your delight, admiration, and perhaps even envy. It’s not that a mistake in preferences can play a fatal role in your life, depriving you of the qualities mentioned above. You just won’t be able to use them to the fullest, thereby depriving yourself of the fullness of moral satisfaction. And this is important for you.

Your responsiveness and philanthropy will most likely find application in medicine and social work. However, if creativity predominates in you, nothing prevents you from trying yourself in any form of art, not forgetting, of course, that at the heart of all your activities there should be a humanistic emphasis, a socially useful orientation.

Many people succeeded and did it well. Think about a favorite book or movie that didn’t make a strong impression on you. These are the fruits of the labors of people whose mental makeup is in many ways similar to yours. They had their say. It's your turn.

How to understand your purpose and mission on earth

All numbers have a common or direct hit with me.

How to understand your purpose? — You need to follow your interest and be guided by feelings. Watch whether you like/dislike what is happening in life; I want / don’t want to do what I do; must / must not do something to oneself.

First you need to find inner freedom - let go of psychological clamps, remove limiting beliefs and prejudices. Learn to act and think non-stereotypically and consciously.

Then you need to gain external freedom - not to depend too much on the source of income, on relatives, work and other dependencies taken not of your own free will.

Take turns rereading the interpretation of each number and evaluate how similar it is to you. I will do this using my own example.

My Destiny Number is 7. Calculated by date of birth, my purpose is to explore the world. The main feature is curiosity and the search for truth. In general, at the age of 30 I am actively demonstrating these “talents” of fate.

I take another number - 1. Purpose - to be an organizer, to implement a creative work.
I've been busy with this for the last decade. All about me.

The next number is 2. Purpose is to live and instruct.
Oh my God! Also similar to me. Assistant, advisor - why not. Every grandmother at the entrance has this purpose.

Numerology of the number – 3. Cheerful person, cheerful person.
Exactly me! I am also an optimistic life-lover. Born on the wrong day.

Numerology – 4. Mission on earth – to run a business with a technical focus.
They wrote 100% from me. I'm qualified by education and business.

Numerology – 5. Purpose – movement, travel, fantasy.
200% about me. For fun with children, I can invent the beginnings of Alice’s world of wonders, travel into the future, or invent some mythical animal - easily.

Numerology – 6. Purpose – to support and mentor people.
If by the age of thirty I am already fulfilling these roles, then the older I get, the wiser I will be in fulfilling these roles and with more willingness.

Numerology – 8. Purpose and mission – to make money on earth.
I love earning money and paying with it. I am an entrepreneur, my favorite pastime is managing finances in the morning.

Numerology – 9. Purpose – to create goodness and harmony.
Kindness is one of my noticeable qualities, although it is hidden behind jokes.

All this says is that I am a whole person. I implement a full range of roles, showing different character traits. Not crippled and not oppressed by the outside world. A living and active participant in the construction of his destiny. Why find out your purpose if you can create it with your own hands.

Review of numerology by date of birth

I had a personal consultation, and on for $25 I bought access to extended information: numerology of date of birth and name, motivation, profession, periods of life - water diluted with water.

When you read it, it sounds very tempting, but there is no benefit. I’ve been periodically reading for 5 years now, comparing it with what I have, but I haven’t made almost a single decision based on what I read there. Except for one thing - write this review.

If you carefully read the interpretations, not 1-2 articles, but 2-3 books, collecting lines with common sense. Make sure that everything there is about a person’s character, about inclinations, aspirations - such powerful traits of a person that it is difficult not to see in yourself. Numerology does not reveal the secret of your birth, it only hints at the obvious. Moreover, it is inherent in all people, albeit to varying degrees.

Self-analysis, self-observation, consultation with a psychologist, or even banal psychological tests will provide an order of magnitude more information for thought and analysis. And you can collect it for several years, observing yourself, and not just “calculate its purpose” one day. So that later you can catch at least one useful idea from it.

Set your own purpose, and put all your freed energy into its implementation, and not into searching for an answer “from above.”

There is a belief that the fate of every person is already predetermined, and it most often depends on the name and date of birth. We will look at the last option, which helps you discover yourself and understand who you really are using numerology.

Signs of fate surround us everywhere. Numbers help you recognize them, reveal them, and learn a little more about yourself and the world around you. Despite their relatively small number (from 1 to 9), they can say a lot. Finding out your destiny number by date of birth is not at all difficult, as you will see for yourself by reading the article. You will also look at how people belonging to different numbers differ, and you will see what is destined for you from above.

How to calculate the number of fate

Numerology is the science of numbers. It is thanks to her that we can find out the information that interests us. Find out what awaits in the future, what happened in the past, or better understand friends - all this can be done by numerology of numbers.

It's time to get down to business. So, to determine the number of fate by date of birth, we need a piece of paper with a pen, an open document or our own memory. Naturally, the first items are easier to handle and harder to get confused, but remembering a few numbers won’t be too difficult.

Well, may the great numerology help us! The fate number is calculated in this way (with an example for ease of understanding):

  1. First, the date of birth is taken:
  2. Then from each two-digit number you need to get a single-digit number by adding the digits:

    19 is 1 + 9 = 10, 10 is 1 + 0 = 1;
    09 is 0 + 9 = 9;
    1987 is 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 25, 25 is 2 + 5 = 7.

  3. Then you need to apply addition again. This time it is necessary to calculate the common number for all three previously obtained digits:

    1 + 9 + 7 = 17, 1 + 7 = 8.

That's it, the calculation of the fate number is over. It remains to consider the meaning of the resulting figure.

However, it is worth noting that the numerology of numbers has one small clarification. Almost everywhere there are exceptions to the rules, and here they are called master numbers. These include only two numbers: 11 and 22. When calculating, they do not add up (that is, the action 1 + 1 or 2 + 2 is not performed). To make it clearer, let's give an example:

  • Date of birth: 11/02/1971.

    02 = 0 + 2 = 2;
    11 remains as is (master number);
    1971 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9.
    We calculate the number of fate: 2 + 11 + 9 = 22.

That’s it, it’s time for explanations, and numerology will help us with decoding. Everyone has their own destiny number, and you can find it below.

1: career leaders

Destiny number 1 means that the main goal in life for its owners is a career. These people will do anything to achieve their goals, and therefore it can be extremely problematic for representatives of other numbers to compete with them. But the “units” themselves have a hard time, because they are forced to control themselves, stop in time when the dictator wakes up, and simply fight the workers’ egoism. It is often difficult for them to work in a team, but you can be sure that the “units” will not push all the work onto others, but will act themselves, and in most cases successfully.

Representatives of number 1 are born leaders. They find it easy to manage people; they easily explain to others what is required of them. It’s difficult with “ones” because they often automatically begin to suppress those around them, influence their decisions and simply turn into too selfish and fixated individuals. The expression “go over your head” suits these people perfectly. However, if there is a close person nearby who is able to stop the “unit” in time, then nothing terrible will happen.

2: sociable good-natured people

Two people are soft, kind and sociable by nature. They easily win over new acquaintances and keep up the conversation, making it very comfortable to be in the same company with them. Excellent listeners and interlocutors, ready to rush to help at almost any moment - “twos” are not in vain considered the best friends. They can easily resolve a conflict or avoid it if everything goes that way, so it can be extremely difficult to bring the “two” into a serious quarrel. Naturally, thanks to their sociability, they make excellent diplomats and excellent workers if they are supposed to work with people: they know how to persuade and convince others.

Unfortunately, some people eventually begin to take advantage of the kindness of “twos”. The latter usually do not notice this, since helping people (or even doing their work for them) is not difficult for them, even pleasant. They love to perform noble deeds that bring benefits and positive emotions to people, which is quickly noticed by those who like to use others for their own purposes. Usually such actions on the part of others are stopped by a good friend of the “two”, who is capable of either protecting a person from others or opening his eyes.

3: Talented Adventurers

Three people are sociable, cheerful and creative individuals. It is pleasant and interesting to be in company with them; they are often the center of attention. These people are talented in their work and hobbies; they are not afraid to look for unusual, original solutions, which surprises their employers. Despite their enormous potential, “troikas” rarely occupy leadership positions, but this is not at all due to a lack of leadership qualities, but simply because it is too much responsibility. This requires perseverance and complete dedication, and people with the number 3 cannot guarantee this, since adventurism in their blood and a thirst for new things will not allow them to spend their entire lives in one place or at one job. They also quickly grasp new information.

"Troikas" make many friends and are not afraid to meet new people. True, their loved ones sometimes suffer due to lack of attention. “Troikas” can easily switch to another person and forget about their old friend for a while. They love entertainment most of all, but it just so happens that too often they come across people who love comfort and family coziness, which is why there are misunderstandings and conflicts. But it is impossible to be offended by “C” for a long time, and therefore there are few major quarrels and serious scandals in their house.

4: great workers

“Fours” are real workaholics. They are able to work tirelessly for days on end and hardly ever get tired, making them extremely useful mercenaries. Moreover, they like the process, no matter how tedious and long it may seem to others. Unfortunately, most people with this number of fate do not have much imagination, so one can hardly expect a creative approach to work from them. This does not mean that they do everything in a template and according to the standard, no, but still, brilliant ideas that contribute to progress, most likely, will not come from them. But perseverance is present, thanks to which “fours” always manage to achieve their work goals.

For the above reasons, it is better for these people not to occupy leadership positions. It is easier and better for them to do what others say, moreover, they like it themselves. This is because they understand perfectly well what is required of them and strive to do it in the best possible way, which they do very well. “Fours” prefer to work with their hands, so it is better for them to choose professions where they can use their strength.

5: fickle life-lovers

For people whose destiny number is 5, the main character trait is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Frivolity, frivolity, changeability, a thirst for new things - all this is inherent in “A”s, which is why they usually cannot sit in one place. These people travel a lot, love everything new, make various discoveries, and often change partners. The latter is precisely what turns the instability of the “A” into a disadvantage, because throwing away friends, even new ones, is not very good.

But “A”s will not feel sorry for themselves without reason, be sad or worry about trifles. These are light, cheerful people who do not tolerate monotony in life. “Fives” often move from place to place, visit different cities and countries, make new acquaintances, have many hobbies... The latter, unfortunately, is not always good either, because it is difficult for these people to choose a main life goal or profession. They like to make many endeavors and then abandon them, which is why “A”s rarely have lifelong hobbies. However, there are advantages to everything: many people do not dare to try something new, they are afraid that it will not work out, etc. “Fives” are unfamiliar with such feelings; rather, on the contrary, they do not understand how one can refuse to experience previously unknown sensations or try something unusual.

6: peaceful intellectuals

People whose destiny number is 6 have a calm, balanced character and a desire for solitude. Often “sixes” do not like noisy companies and large celebrations, but for the sake of their lovers and very close friends they are capable of much, including sacrifice. The latter backfires on them, because not all people are ready to spend their energy on others, and this hurts the individuals belonging to the number 6. Sometimes it is difficult for them to forget the betrayal of their once loved ones, and because of this it is difficult for them to start new trusting relationships with someone else.

Sixes make excellent students. They are ready to absorb new knowledge throughout their lives, which is often what they have to do. Many “sixes” have two or even three higher educations. These people are polite, tactful, cultured and well-mannered, so others enjoy communicating with them. “Sixes” love harmony and comfort in the home; the family hearth is of great importance to them, and in most cases they successfully maintain it.

7: esoteric treasure hunters

People with the number 7 are interested in adventure and mysticism, and therefore they make excellent archaeologists, sorcerers/witches, ghost hunters, etc. They are attracted to various adventurous, interesting and unusual professions. However, due to their penchant for occult sciences, “sevens” may end up in a sect, where they will not necessarily occupy a dominant position, and therefore they should be careful. But these people turn out to be excellent adventurers: an adventurous character, a penchant for original discoveries, a desire to achieve their goals and see something new help them in this.

However, the above does not mean that the path to esotericism is closed for “sevens”; on the contrary, with a worthy and experienced teacher, excellent results can be achieved. The main thing is not to get into trouble along the way and to distinguish a good teacher from an ordinary charlatan, of which there are many in the modern world.

8: rich craftsmen

People whose destiny number is 8 are excellent at selling and convincing potential clients to take this or that action, so they make ideal businessmen, directors, brokers, marketers, salesmen, etc. And also accountants or cashiers, since these people They know how to not only communicate correctly and beneficially for themselves and their company with others, but also how to handle money. And this applies not only to work, but also at home. “Eights” almost never feel an urgent need for money, they always have something in stock, and if such problems are present, it means laziness is to blame, since they have all the data for earning money.

The negative trait of such people is greed. And this is not surprising, when it comes to money, it is difficult to stop, you want to get more and more. Especially when it works out. If you do not get rid of stinginess as early as possible, there is a risk of being left without a loved one, since not everyone is ready to live with a person who has good income, but creates a scandal over every penny spent. The main thing is to notice the incipient feeling of greed and remove it before it is too late.

9: Spiritual Creators

This is the last single-digit number that numerology deciphers for us. Destiny number 9 means that its owner is a nature striving for spiritual development, highest ideals and mystical sacraments. Often, from childhood, these people begin to be interested in occult sciences in one form or another, but sometimes parents or friends discourage such urges. And this is wrong, because it is the “nines” who are better able than others to understand parallel/immaterial/astral worlds, and the sooner they begin to be interested in mysticism and its branches, the more spiritually attractive people they will turn out to be in the future.

Typically, “nines” easily determine the feelings of others, so it is better not to try to deceive them. They are smart and smart, but the emotional component still outweighs logic. Because of this, nines may be considered “out of this world.” However, the latter do not care much about this, they know their worth and are confident in their abilities, which means they easily manage to achieve their goals, no matter how difficult they may seem at first glance. “Nines” are unlikely to be able to sit in monotonous, difficult work; they are rather born to create. They often become artists, musicians, etc., that is, they are attracted to creative professions where they can express themselves.

11: carefree lucky ones

The main advantage of people with destiny number 11 can be called luck in terms of avoiding negativity and real problems. They rarely quarrel with anyone, get involved in big troubles, or suffer for serious reasons. It is the “elevens” who can deftly avoid a collision when it seemed that it was about to happen, or stop in time literally a second before a brick falls from the roof, as if someone is protecting these people. However, their soul is tender and vulnerable, which is why they feel lonely, unloved, unhappy, or defenseless, although this is not so. Those who manage to get rid of this disadvantage get a long and carefree life with a great family.

The most important thing for 11 is loved ones. For their sake, they are ready to do almost anything. Love, care, protection, affection, trust - “elevens” are ready to give everything to their family and friends, since they are very important and needed. And those around them know it, appreciate it and understand how lucky they are. “Elevens” are excellent friends, if you do not take into account their periodic self-flagellation, which, perhaps, all loved ones will have to listen to. But, of course, it’s better to try to rid them of it, and then everyone will feel better.

22: creators of the universe

People with this number are born to change the world. They help others cope with their problems, reveal themselves, find a way out of current unpleasant situations, and much more. People with the number 22 make excellent teachers, psychologists and politicians, because it is in these areas that they can feel like a fish in water: comfortable and correct. If they have to be inactive for a long time or be away from society, a slight blues usually appears, which can be easily gotten rid of by doing some useful act.

These people see any problem from all sides, moreover, in 90% of cases they know how to fix it. This skill greatly helps them and their loved ones in life. But they do not solve problems for others, they only help them see the situation from all sides and/or push the person in the right direction, so that it will not be possible to climb onto the neck of the people in question and dangle their legs from there. But you are always welcome to come to them for advice and get an excellent hint, the 22nd are capable of this.


By the way, compatibility by fate number can also be calculated, as well as by names, horoscopes, zodiac signs, etc. Another thing is that not everyone needs this, it all depends on how important the written information is to the person, because the main thing is whether there are feelings to each other. Sometimes even the most opposite personalities, to whom everyone has told that their life together is impossible, can come together.

Of course, it is worth keeping in mind that, despite the general data, each person is individual, which means that the numbers will not give all the answers to everyone. For some, their destined professions may not coincide with the real ones, while others will get a completely opposite description (although there are very few of them, usually numerology is not wrong, but helps a person). It is also worth considering that nothing will fall into your hands on its own, and if a person, for example, is destined to get rich, but he does nothing for this, the “prophecy” will not come true, money will not fall from the sky. Although this applies to almost any life situation: in order to get something, you need to act.

So, now you have an idea of ​​what the fate number is, how to find it out, how to calculate it, and you are also aware of deciphering the numbers belonging to a particular person. All you have to do is write down your date of birth, add up the resulting numbers, and that’s it - information is in your pocket, and knowledge is power.

Karma- this is a unique law of the Universe, according to which each of us lives several incarnations, several lives, which are given so that a person can correct the shortcomings of his personality and develop his spirituality to the highest perfection. Everything that a person has done in past incarnations - both good and bad - comes back to him or to his loved ones. Everything that happens to a person in the present is connected with what happened in the past. We can say that karma is a combination of bad and good deeds a person has done in all his lives. Everything bad should be recognized and corrected in subsequent incarnations, and everything good brings a person closer to the perfection of spiritual development.

If in his past incarnations a person did not fulfill his obligations, violated Spiritual laws, took something from others or illegally appropriated someone else’s, ignored the needs of his Soul and its need for development, behaved irresponsibly, in this case Karmic Debts are formed. They will accompany a person throughout his life and cause him a lot of trouble. Karmic Debts will manifest themselves in the form of trials and obstacles, difficulties and problems. That is why it is very important to find out whether a person has his own Karmic Debt.

Karmic Debt, depending on the method of its appearance, can be of several types: own - the one that a person earned in his current life; own - earned by a person in previous lives; acquired - inherited by family. Karmic debt is a kind of barrier that prevents a person from being what he could become.

How to find out if a person has a Karmic debt by name and date of birth?

Find out if a person has Karmic debt, science will help. In numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19. If a person was born on a day with one of these numbers, this indicates the presence of Karmic Debt, but even if there are none of these numbers in the date of birth, Karmic debt can manifest itself when calculating, in intermediate results (until the final figure is reduced to a single digit number).

To find out does a person have Karmic Debt by name or date of birth, it is necessary to calculate the Heart Number, Destiny Number and Life Path Number, but do not reduce the final number to a single-digit number, but use an intermediate two-digit number to interpret the results. Decoding the number of Karmic Debt makes it possible to take into account previous not very successful experiences, realize the results, draw conclusions and take measures that will correct the situation.

Using the online calculation presented on this page, you can find out whether a person has a Karmic Debt by name and date of birth. If you want to find out if there is Karmic Debt for your birthday, use.

Online calculation of Karmic Debt by name and date of birth

Surname Name Surname
Date of Birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900