Clean business, or how to open a cleaning company. How to open a cleaning company from scratch step by step

♦ Starting investment: 192,000 rubles
♦ Payback period for a cleaning company: 14 months
♦ Project profitability: 25%

For housewives, this is a familiar routine. For a workaholic who spends days at a time in the office, it’s a nightmare. And for cleaning company owners, this is an opportunity to earn money by helping others.

Opening your own enterprise in this direction is not so difficult.

The main thing that is required of you is to create one in order to outline the path for its development and obtain the necessary investments from sponsors.

Why should you open a cleaning company?

Interesting fact:
The most expensive service in the cleaning industry is cleaning after a fire. Imagine how high-temperature smoke eats into walls and even the smallest cracks, which subsequently need to be cleaned with special devices and chemicals, taking into account all the techniques, as well as the knowledge of what and how can be cleaned so as not to spoil and what not to.

For a newbie in business, the idea of ​​opening a cleaning company is an ideal solution. First of all, because it will require a very small (compared to other ideas) amount of investment. You can always expand and develop in the future.

But to get started, all you need is a set of cleaning equipment and the desire. After all, even the entrepreneur himself can perform the functions of a cleaner!

Of course, in the future he will take over the management reins, and will hire other people for this work.

There is no need for an office, because the work takes place on the client’s premises. And you can take orders with just a computer and phone.

There will definitely be clients too.

More and more people prefer to shift their worries onto the shoulders of others, although they could perfectly cope on their own.

But why shouldn’t young and ambitious aspiring entrepreneurs take advantage of this?

Business plan for a cleaning company: planning

Business Plan Summary

The current business plan describes a project to open a cleaning company in Ryazan.
Project manager: Ivanov I.I.

Goals pursued:

  1. Providing the population with high-level cleaning services using special equipment and high-quality chemicals at affordable prices.
  2. Making a profit from a cleaning company.
  3. Organization of a company with a high level of profitability.

Marketing section of a business plan for a cleaning company

Like all other types of services provided to the population, this one suffered a significant decline during the crisis period of 2008-2009.

At the moment, the situation has completely stabilized and there is a clear increase in demand for cleaning services.

In such advanced settlements as Moscow or St. Petersburg, the niche is almost completely occupied (excluding highly specialized areas). But in Ryazan there is a place to open a new cleaning company.

Target audience of cleaning companies

If previously the main audience was considered to be people exclusively with a high level of income, now the main contingent is represented in the current business plan by the following categories:

  • level of income – average and above average;
  • men and women – in approximately equal proportions.

This is due to lower prices for cleaning services and an increase in the pace of life in modern cities.

People are increasingly trying to shift routine tasks onto other people's shoulders. However, despite the growth of this indicator among individuals, the main clients of cleaning companies remain commercial organizations.

In this case, the distribution of demand for services according to the business plan looks like this:

  • daily cleaning of premises and territories – 65%;
  • cleaning after special circumstances (fire, installation of equipment, moving) and additional types of services – 20%;
  • garbage removal, snow removal from roofs, washing vertical glass surfaces – 15%.

Advertising campaign

Although the cleaning services market is growing, the number of consumers is not changing significantly. This means that in the current conditions it is necessary to pay special attention to the advertising campaign.

It must be launched before the company opens and be sufficiently financed. When the organization reaches the breakeven level, it will be possible to spend smaller amounts.

Until this moment comes, you can use the following funds listed in the business plan:

  • mailing out lucrative offers to potential clients among commercial organizations;
  • creation and promotion of your own website for a cleaning company;
  • placement of advertisements in periodicals of thematic areas;
  • ordering uniforms for employees with the company name and a memorable logo to increase the level of company recognition.

Competitive advantages

In order for the organization to prosper and firmly occupy its niche in the services market, cleaning company business plan should contain such an item as competitor analytics.

You need to make a selection that will include the names of companies and a brief description of their activities. And the most important thing is to determine what ensures their popularity among clients.

Thanks to this analysis, you can create a list of competitive advantages.

The current business plan includes the following items:

  • availability of exclusive services;
  • attractive price-quality ratio;
  • ordering special cleaning products from leading suppliers;
  • modern cleaning equipment;
  • highly qualified employees.

Services for a business plan for a cleaning company

To fully characterize the future enterprise in the business plan, it is necessary to highlight the following question: what services will you provide to the population?

The list of options is extensive and may include the following items:

  • cleaning of residential premises and offices (after repair work, general, daily);
  • care of different types of floors (parquet, granite, marble);
  • dry cleaning of carpets and upholstery;
  • washing glass and glass surfaces;
  • care and tidying of indoor plants, yard lawns, lawns;
  • removing snow from the roof.

The list in this business plan is far from complete and can be supplemented by your exclusive offers.

In addition, as your business develops, you can connect new, related areas.

For example, often cleaning companies also recruit domestic staff.

Cleaning company staff

Guinness Book of Records:
A man named Terry Boroughs entered the record books. He is considered the fastest window cleaner in the world. He managed to clean 3 standard office glasses (meter by meter) in nine and a quarter seconds using a small mop and a couple of liters of water!

Even in large cleaning companies, as a rule, there is a need for only three positions: personnel officer, manager, cleaner.

At first, the owner can take on the responsibility of selecting specialists for the team. But a growing business will require hiring a visiting specialist who will devote all his free time to this process and will act more professionally.

Rarely any company can manage without a manager. This position is often called an administrator. His responsibilities include monitoring the quality of services, purchasing goods and recording their consumption, coordinating the receipt and fulfillment of orders.

No matter how important the previous two positions may be, the “backbone” of your cleaning company will be the cleaners. Contrary to popular belief, experience and special knowledge are very important for this employee.

You don’t want to pay from your company’s funds for damages for an expensive carpet that was damaged by an employee’s inept cleaning, do you?

But their number is directly related to the load of orders you are planning.

To start, it is enough to hire 3-5 people. Their salaries and positions are indicated in the business plan.

Cleaning company equipment

As with any other project, high-quality professional cleaning equipment is of great importance for a cleaning company.

The standard kit that every cleaner should have includes:

  • floor mop (flat mop);
  • a trolley on wheels with a container for household chemicals and rags, a trash compartment and a wringer;
  • scraper for removing dried dirt;
  • special napkins;

Among the large equipment that is also worth purchasing for the company:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • window cleaning tool;

If you plan to rely on cleaning industrial premises, offices, shopping centers, it will be difficult to do without a special scrubber dryer.

Its cost is quite impressive: 100,000-450,000 rubles. However, such equipment can replace several cleaners at once. In addition, the speed and quality of cleaning with its help definitely increases.

Technical specifications should be included in the business plan.

Business plan for a cleaning company: implementation

“It’s difficult to say what is important in life. Life is meaningless in itself. You just need to find something to do to fill this gap between birth and death. What is the meaning of life? Yes, there is none. Having children is a reproductive function; it lies outside of us. What to strive for? Quantitative factors are unlikely to motivate a person. You can't eat two breakfasts. We need to find something to do. You just come up with some kind of game for yourself, and you play it.”
Entrepreneur Sergey Galitsky

Calendar plan for opening a cleaning company

The calendar plan for opening a cleaning company in a business plan is drawn up both for investors and for the business owner himself.

It allows you to track who is responsible for what, whether you are meeting deadlines and provides additional confidence.

The plan is drawn up in the form of a table:

The essence of the stage1 month2 month
Permits and registration
Conclusion of a premises rental agreement
Purchase of equipment and consumables
Hiring staff
Advertising campaign
Start of work of a cleaning company

Calculating the costs of opening a cleaning company

The most important section of any business plan is the calculation of financial indicators.

Based on them, one can judge the feasibility of opening a cleaning company, the payback period, and the required amount of investment.

Data on the money needed to open and maintain a business is best presented in the form of a table. This makes it easier to study and analyze information.

Opening costs

NameCost, rub.)
Purchase of inventory
90 000
Ordering workwear for cleaners (two types of gloves - rubber and fabric, a pair of T-shirts, a branded cap and protective overalls) - one set for each
7 000
Office furniture
35 000
Washing machine
15 000
Office equipment
25 000
Documentation (permits, registration)
20 000

Based on the information in the business plan, it becomes clear that an entrepreneur needs to have at least 192,000 rubles to open a cleaning company.

Financial section of a business plan for a cleaning company

If a group of five people had similar skills, they could cope with Mary Ax (a huge building in London) in three days, whereas usually 200+ trained people would cope in the same time.

Monthly expenses

NameAmount (rub.)
Renting premises20 000
Utility bills, telephone bills1 000
HR specialist salary15 000
Manager's salary15 000
Cleaners' salary (per person)10 000
Improvement of employee qualifications4 000-20 000
Documentation5 000
Consumables: stationery500
Consumables: household chemicals6 000
Advertising2 000

Thus, the fixed costs for maintenance and development according to the business plan will be at least 78,500 rubles.

P.S. We must not forget about unforeseen expenses. Even if it seems to you that you have thought of everything, include 5% for unplanned expenses in the finished version of your business plan. As practice shows, they happen in any case.

Detailed video about opening a cleaning company from scratch:

calculations, costs, net profit.

Let's take note.

Business plan for a cleaning company: payback

Based on these indicators and the established cost of services, you can calculate the estimated profit for the business plan. If you subtract the amount of monthly expenses from the financial section, you will end up with a net profit.

Download a ready-made business plan for a cleaning company with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

The payback period of a business depends on this indicator and the amounts invested in opening.

On average, the profitability of such a business is 20-30%.

Although opening a cleaning company will require a small amount of capital, you will have to invest enough effort into each stage of the project. However, nothing comes to us in life by itself. And for the sake of a successful and profitable business it is worth trying.

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Many large companies, shopping and business centers are increasingly turning to professionals to perform such an important task as ensuring cleanliness in their premises. To clean large areas, it is necessary to employ a whole staff of cleaners, purchase household chemicals and special equipment. In addition, business personnel, as a rule, are subject to high turnover, and working with such employees can become a real headache for the organization's personnel services. Transferring all these functions to outsourcing allows the company to receive a full range of cleaning services without being distracted by ensuring uninterrupted cleaning of the premises. If cleaning interests you as your own business, read the instructions on how to open a cleaning company.

Competition in the cleaning market is quite high, so entering this business relying only on a flow of one-time orders is a very reckless decision. It’s good if you have a large object in mind with which you can agree on cooperation.

Without a solid foundation in the form of regular large clients, working on small orders does not make much sense. Such an enterprise is unlikely to stay afloat for long. Small offices still prefer to use the services of their own retired cleaners, and individuals are not yet accustomed to inviting cleaning specialists to their apartments. Although putting things in order after moves and renovations, washing windows and other labor-intensive cleaning jobs are gradually becoming more and more in demand among the population. Specialization in such services can take place when the level of competition is low in regional cities.

Where to begin?

If you have already identified potential clients, you can start organizing your business. No licenses are required to clean premises. However, the quality of work performed by a cleaning company must comply with GOST. The main regulatory document for your personnel will be state standard R 51870-2002: “Household services. Cleaning services for buildings and structures."

To officially register your business, select an organizational form and tax regime. To work with large customers, it is preferable to open an LLC using the simplified tax system or the general taxation system.

After registering the organization and registering it with the tax office and extra-budgetary funds, you can take care of the office, personnel and equipment. The number of employees and choice of equipment will largely depend on the requirements of your main customers.

As for the office, it is nominal in a start-up cleaning company and is a small room (about 20 sq. m.) with rooms for storing equipment and chemicals. It is not worth equipping a representative office with offices and good repairs at first; you can save money on this. Meetings with clients can be held on their premises. If things go well, the office can be expanded, offices can be allocated to managers, and a meeting room can be created.


An employee of a cleaning company is not the usual grandmother waving a mop, but a professional cleaner capable of quickly and efficiently performing a fairly large amount of physical work. Modern cleaning is a high-tech process, and it is carried out using special chemicals and equipment. Cleaners must have the appropriate knowledge, so training must be organized for them before starting work. Employees need to be trained to operate cleaning machines and select chemicals depending on the type of contamination and the characteristics of the surface being cleaned.

The number of cleaners hired directly depends on the volume of work. One cleaner should have from 500 to 900 sq.m of cleaned area in large offices or retail areas. Personnel must be provided with special clothing with the symbols of your company.

When starting a cleaning business, you must understand that high staff turnover in this area is inevitable. It is not easy to recruit workers for low-skilled labor. It is better if a separate person does this from the very beginning. Find a smart HR manager who will take on the most difficult part of the job. If you plan to staff your staff of cleaners using migrants, do not forget to settle all formalities with the Federal Migration Service: fines and problems with government agencies are of no use to you.

Cleaners can work either on a salary basis or on a piece-rate wage system. When hiring, everyone must sign a liability agreement, since cleaners have access to premises with goods and other valuables of the customer.

Particular attention must be paid to personnel safety training, since cleaning is an activity with a high risk of injury.

When the business gets back on its feet, hire an account manager who will look for additional orders and develop your company. Then it will be possible to transfer the incoming accountant to the staff.

Purchase of equipment

Cleaning as a business requires a responsible approach to purchasing equipment. The quality of cleaning and the speed of work of your employees largely depend on its choice.

You need to purchase professional cleaning equipment:

  • dry vacuum cleaner;
  • disc machine for cleaning carpets;
  • scrubber dryer;
  • washing machine for washing uniforms and cloth napkins;
  • cleaning carts with bucket, garbage bag holder and wringer;
  • mops, buckets, napkins and rags, other equipment;
  • detergents for floors, carpets and textiles, glass, plumbing; stain removers; protective coatings.

If you service one or two large facilities, the equipment can be stored on their territory, otherwise you need to think about transporting equipment and inventory to customers.

How much does it cost to open a cleaning company?

The costs of opening a cleaning company, depending on the volume of work and services provided, range from 500 thousand rubles. up to 1.7 million rubles, including:

  • State registration and office rental - 30 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of cleaning equipment, inventory, detergents – 500 – 1000 thousand rubles.
  • Additionally, if necessary: ​​office equipment (100 – 150 thousand rubles), purchase of transport (300 – 500 thousand rubles)

Monthly costs (from 260 thousand rubles):

  • for staff salaries, taking into account social contributions - 200-250 thousand rubles;
  • for rent and utility bills - 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of consumables and chemicals - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and other expenses – from 30 thousand rubles.

If you manage to get an 8 thousand square meter facility for maintenance (the area of ​​an average hypermarket), your investment in the business will be returned in about 6 months. These calculations were made based on the average cost of cleaning - 40 rubles per 1 sq. m. m. To work on such an area you will need 9-10 cleaners. Under other conditions, the payback period for a cleaning company can range from 6 months to 2 years.

When drawing up a business plan for a cleaning company, keep in mind that the wider range of services you provide, the faster your investment will pay off. This is due to the fact that long-term cooperation with a large customer, as the basis of business, provides your company with daily employment, but it is also the cheapest. One-time services bring more income due to their high cost, but they are irregular in nature. The same applies to highly specialized work: carpet cleaning, window washing, seasonal cleaning. Therefore, over time, it is advisable for your company to cover all these services.

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business ideas

A cleaning company is a promising business in many Russian cities. Competition in this niche is currently quite weak.

Cleaning is a promising area for starting your own business. In Europe, the business of cleaning apartments and commercial premises has existed for many years, is considered highly profitable, and the niche is almost full. As for the domestic market, the first cleaning companies appeared here at the end of the last century, and the direction itself has only just begun to actively develop.

The cleaning company cleans premises both inside and outside, regardless of their purpose. In simple terms, the activities of cleaning companies are a set of measures aimed at ensuring cleanliness in the premises.

In recent years, this type of service has become increasingly in demand due to the increased demand for professional cleaning, as well as the problems that companies have to face when creating their own services.

Main advantages

The cleaning business has the following advantages:

  • The market is in a stage of active growth, the niche has not been filled, so there is an opportunity for the development of new companies. Despite this, cleaning services have long been familiar to domestic consumers and are in demand among them.
  • The main client base is legal entities seeking cooperation on an ongoing basis.
  • The low level of competition and minimal investments significantly simplify the process of entering the market.

As already noted, you can start with a small investment. Major expenses include funds for equipment, which can also be borrowed or leased, and hiring staff.

How to start a cleaning business

In order to open your own cleaning company, you need to obtain permits, purchase or rent equipment, and hire qualified specialists.

Close attention will have to be paid to employee training, because the main difference between a cleaning company and regular cleaning is high professionalism and the use of specialized equipment. You need to make sure that you have highly qualified specialists working for you who can cope with the tasks assigned to them.

The main mission of a cleaning company is to make the place where people stay not only clean, but also safe.

Franchise business

One of the ways to organize a cleaning business for apartments and premises is to buy a franchise. This greatly simplifies the process of creating a company and allows you to receive full support from the franchisor: development scheme, advertising strategies and plans.

What is it and why is opening a franchise cleaning agency considered the best option for aspiring entrepreneurs?

  1. Opportunity to use the franchisor's experience. He already knows where the biggest problems can arise and how to deal with them. The entrepreneur gets the opportunity to contact the franchisee for information support, rather than solve problems by trial and error.
  2. Launch scheme. Any franchise includes information about where to start a business, step-by-step development and features of organizing work in a new branch.
  3. Discounts or special conditions for the purchase of equipment (provided that the franchisor is its manufacturer).
  4. The ability to use an already promoted website as an advertising platform for your own company.
  5. Profitability. Any franchise usually includes an approximate payback time for the company, which makes it possible to evaluate all prospects and opportunities.

When choosing a franchise, you should definitely pay attention to the ratio of the lump sum fee and what the franchisor offers. For example, if a step-by-step development strategy is not offered, then such a franchise is of no use. Even the possibility of using a corporate identity will not help if a person does not understand how this field of activity works and does not receive help from the head office.

Each company independently determines the cost of a franchise, taking into account many factors: the popularity of the brand, how much effort the head office spends on preparing a partner, etc.

It is easier to develop a ready-made business if there are no competitors under the same brand in a given city or region. Therefore, you should make sure that the central office will not sell the right to establish a cleaning company near you in the near future. Otherwise, part of your effort will be spent competing with a company that follows the same strategy as you.

Business from scratch

Before opening a cleaning company from scratch, you need to carefully study this area of ​​activity, develop a step-by-step development strategy, and only then take action. This will allow you to save money on opening, as well as approximately estimate how quickly the investment will pay off and in what direction you need to move.

What you need to know before opening a cleaning company

The peculiarity is that it can be organized with a minimum of funds and effort. To do this, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, purchase a set of equipment for work, find clients and you can get started. As your clientele expands, you can hire additional employees, buy equipment, etc.

The specifics of the job should also be taken into account. Cleaning is usually carried out on holidays or weekends, especially for large companies. The schedule usually has to be drawn up individually, adapting to the needs and wishes of each client.

Where is the best place to open a cleaning company?

Of course, entering the markets of large metropolitan areas, where dozens of established companies already operate, is difficult and futile. It is best to choose areas and cities where the level of competition is not too high, and the number of clients will allow you to build the necessary client base for payback and profitability.

How to choose your target audience

To select a target audience, you need to decide which clients you plan to cooperate with. Interaction with legal entities is simpler than with individuals. The reason is that large companies are well aware of the importance of professional cleaning, the quality of which largely determines the image and prestige of the company.

But ordinary people rarely hire a cleaning company. This is due to the peculiarities of the mentality: our people are not used to being served by servants. Even if they have the means, most compatriots find it difficult to come to terms with the presence of another person in the apartment.

Accordingly, all novice businessmen who decide to create a cleaning company should focus on mid-level organizations, as well as large commercial structures.

Business registration

To open a cleaning company you do not need to obtain any special permits from government authorities. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, after which you can begin your activities.

Which form of ownership to choose

Initially, you need to decide on the legal form of activity of the cleaning company - LLC or individual entrepreneur? From a legal point of view, there are no restrictions, but the nuances of each form must be taken into account.

Individual entrepreneur Limited Liability Company
Minimum tax and more freedom. The need to submit reports to the tax office and 13% tax.
He is responsible with all his property even after the closure of the individual entrepreneur. Only the founders of the LLC are liable for obligations within the framework of their authorized capital.
Lack of accounting. Since 2013, all companies must maintain and submit accounting records, regardless of the chosen form of taxation.
If there are no employees, then there is no need to submit reports for them. It is necessary to submit ERSV and 4-FSS every quarter.
Registration of entrepreneurs is carried out at the place of residence. Company registration is carried out at the location of the main office. To operate in other cities, you need to register branches.
It is difficult to obtain loans and investments. Investments and loans are more accessible.

When deciding to create an LLC, it is better not to use a sample charter downloaded from the Internet, but to hire an experienced lawyer who can develop it according to your preferences and wishes. But if this is not possible, use the standard document:

Download sample

OKVED cleaning services

When submitting documents to the tax office, you must correctly indicate the OKVED codes:

  • 70.1 – cleaning and maintenance of industrial and residential premises and equipment;
  • 70.2 – cleaning and cleaning of vehicles;
  • 70.3 – activities for carrying out disinfection, pest control, deratization work;
  • 00.3 – cleaning the territory and similar activities.

Sample business plan with calculations

A sample business plan with calculations will help you understand the features of this type of activity, present the work process and payback period. You can create a ready-made business plan for a cleaning company from scratch or use our example.

Business plan

The goal of the project is to open a cleaning company. The main source of income is payment for professional cleaning services.

Expenditure part

Registration of an enterprise costs from 1800 to 5000 rubles. You will also have to spend about 200 thousand rubles on equipment, but these costs can be reduced if you take out everything on credit or lease. You can also save on rent, since there are no special requirements for the condition of the premises: not clients will come to you, but you to them.

When creating a list of initial expenses, you should also take into account the salary for the first time:

  • driver – 20–25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaners – 2–4 people, 18–20 thousand rubles each.
Initial Investment

Before starting a project, it is imperative to calculate how much money is needed to open, taking into account the costs of equipment and technology.

Expense item Price, rub
Cleaning equipment 200 000
Vehicle for transportation 300 000
Marketing 115 000
Registration of a company, preparation of all necessary documentation 6 000
Office equipment 65 000
Working capital 150 000
total amount 836 000

Thus, the initial investment for opening a cleaning company (subject to the purchase of all equipment and not taking out a loan) will be 836,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

So, monthly expenses are determined at the level of 268,700 rubles.

Revenue part

Estimated monthly receipts

In order to understand what kind of profit you should expect, you need to start from the prices for certain services in a given market segment. If we take into account regional prices, we get the following:

Most cleaning companies also have minimum limits on the area to be cleaned - 40-60 square meters. meters. If the territory is more than 150 sq. meters, the client does not pay transportation costs.

Profitability and payback

With such calculations, the profitability of a cleaning company will be about 40%, which is a fairly high figure. Individuals will mainly pay in cash, while legal entities will pay by bank account. Of course, there will be less cash receipts from individuals, so you can take a 40/60 ratio.

Let’s assume that a cleaning company can receive 90 orders from individuals and 20 orders from other companies per month. With revenue of 560,000 rubles, the net profit will be 117,000 rubles. Profitability is more than 20%, and the payback period is 12 months.

Selecting a room

On the one hand, you don’t have to worry too much about choosing a room. Clients will not come to you, and the office is needed only for registering a company, storing equipment, etc. On the other hand, the location will be important if most of the clients are located in a certain part of the city. This will save money on transportation costs.

List of required equipment

The list of necessary equipment depends primarily on the services that you plan to offer to clients. If it's a complete package, then you'll need the following:

  • industrial vacuum cleaner;
  • floor washing machine;
  • floor drying machine;
  • cleaning trolley;
  • bucket on wheels;
  • various cleaning equipment;
  • household chemicals;
  • window cleaning tools;
  • steam cleaners;
  • clothing for staff.

The amount of equipment depends on the number of clients that will be served simultaneously.

How to select personnel for a cleaning agency

The quality of work largely depends on the professionalism of the staff, so close attention should be paid to their selection. Workers must have certain experience. If a newcomer is hired, it is better to temporarily assign an experienced employee to him for supervision and training.

The appearance of the employees will also be useful, as it should evoke pleasant associations of professionalism and respect. Regardless of the qualifications of the personnel, they must undergo training. If a business is organized as a franchise, then the head office usually takes on such concerns.

If a cleaning company is opening from scratch, then you can send staff to specialized courses. There is no point in hiring a special person for training at the initial stage: it is only effective if there is a high staff turnover.

How to find clients

You can promote your own cleaning business both offline and online. In most cases, a new company receives its first orders through personal contacts and connections. It is worth trying to find potential clients through acquaintances, partners and friends.

Advertising of cleaning company and services

It is better to pay close attention to regular customers. One-time orders bring big profits, but instability does not end well. You can look for regular customers in office centers, shopping centers, and entertainment complexes. Communication with administrators, managers, and acquaintances is a proven approach that bears fruit.

It will be effective to use the Internet to promote your own company. This can be done through:

  • A corporate website, where all the information about the company, the cost of services and the features of the work will be provided.
  • Contextual advertising and social networks.
  • Advertising of a cleaning company on thematic platforms.

Ways of business development

Cleaning is a process that includes many areas, so there is a lot to expand on. The development of a cleaning company can take place in the following ways:

  1. On-site dry cleaning of carpets and rugs, upholstered furniture at home.
  2. Professional cleaning.
  3. Cooperation with shopping centers, offices and shops.
  4. Cleaning of windows, facades, etc. is excellent.
  5. Organization of a carpet washing workshop.

If business in one city is successful, the brand has become recognizable, then you can think about expanding. To do this, you need to register a branch in another city and carry out everything by analogy with the original option. In addition, you can offer a franchise for those who want to open a cleaning business under your brand.

  • How to recruit staff

Having appeared in Russia in the 90s of the last century, the cleaning industry has become one of the most highly profitable and profitable, and now the profit of cleaning companies in our country is 2-3 times higher than the same indicators abroad. More and more clients are using the services of cleaning professionals. If at first these were business centers and banks, then gradually they began to be joined by shopping and entertainment centers, industrial enterprises, train stations, airports and hotels.

Most cleaning companies are located in metropolitan areas. Many of them have a large staff and a good client base. In small towns the situation is different. Cleaning companies there are just beginning to conquer the market, proving their advantage over the current staff of cleaners. But even in the regions, cleaning from professionals is beginning to enter the market thanks to a wide range of services, reasonable prices and modern technologies.

Where to start a cleaning business

Before entering the cleaning services market, you should think about choosing your client base, that is, who you will work with:

Cleaning services can be provided:
  • companies and enterprises;
  • shopping and business centers;
  • hospitals and clinics;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • housing and communal services;
  • population with high and middle incomes.

It should be taken into account that the most income is generated by shopping and shopping and entertainment centers, which account for up to 50% of cleaning costs in the country. In second place are hospitals and clinics - 18%, in third place are business centers - 17%. The rest of the sector accounts for only 15% of the costs, which means that the income will be small. It follows from this that you need to primarily focus on shopping malls and public institutions.

What services can be provided?

Since the market for cleaning services in Russia has appeared relatively recently, we have less demand for cleaning. Therefore, along with cleaning, carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning, window washing, you can offer services such as repair and construction services, facility security, catering, consulting services, etc. More range of services means more profit. But the costs of starting a business are considerable. Therefore, we will try to consider a project that does not require large investments and that can quickly pay for itself.

Business registration: what documents are needed?

It would seem that in order to open a cleaning company you do not need any special education or skills. But this is far from the case. If you are not aware of the basics of management and modern innovations in the field of cleaning equipment and cleaning products, it is better to take special courses. They will not require large investments, but will greatly help in organizing a business. You should also study GOST R 51870-2002, which concerns household cleaning services for buildings and structures.

When starting your business, register as an individual entrepreneur or register an LLC and choose a simplified taxation system. If your plans include working with legal entities, then the second option is preferable.

The main OKVED code is 74.70. “Cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment and vehicles” This is where you need to stop when preparing documents. A certificate is not required to organize an activity, but a standard set of documents is required to open a business.

Premises and equipment: what is better to choose?

The premises that will be selected for the office must meet the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and State Fire Inspectorate. An area of ​​20-25 square meters is sufficient. meters, as long as there is space for an office and storage of equipment and cleaning supplies. One more detail needs to be taken into account: how difficult it will be for employees to get to their place of work. Therefore, it is more convenient if the office is located near the city center, from where you can quickly get to any point.

It’s better to stick with new and modern ones, although you can use used ones. Start from your means and capabilities. On the modern market there is enough domestically produced cleaning equipment at reasonable prices:

You will need:

  • scrubber dryer – 70 thousand rubles;
  • flat MOP – 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • professional trolley – 7 thousand rubles;
  • equipment for cleaning windows – 3 thousand rubles;

In addition, you will need damper wipes and scrapers - 300 rubles. That is, you can meet 81,800 rubles. Detergents and cleaning products will cost about 5 thousand rubles per month. You will also need a car to deliver cleaners to the customer service point.

How to recruit staff

When hiring cleaners, you should assume that one employee can, on average, clean an area of ​​500 square meters during a working day. meters. It is quite possible that two or three people will be enough for you to start with. It is advisable that they undergo special training. Such services are provided by large cleaning companies. The average cost is 4 thousand per person. But it’s easier to train newcomers, who will then work for 10-15 thousand rubles, than to immediately hire qualified personnel.

How much does it cost to open a cleaning company and how much can you earn?

Based on the already determined costs, we will calculate how much start-up capital is needed to open a cleaning company.

That is, you can start with an amount of 153,800 rubles. Even if you include wages for employees and tax expenses in the initial expenses, to open a cleaning company you will need no more than 250,000 -300,000 rubles. A cleaning business pays off in large cities within 8-12 months, in the regions - twice as long. Much, of course, will depend on the frequency of orders and your customers. The highest earnings are provided by large five-star hotels, but it is difficult for a newcomer to reach such clients, and the requirements for the quality of services from such customers are very high. At the initial stage, it is better to focus on supermarkets, shopping, entertainment and business centers.

How to create a super profitable cleaning company can be found here

It will be much easier to promote your business if you start working as a franchise. One of the most famous franchisors in this area is City Shine, which has been on the market for more than 10 years. You can also purchase a Clean House Cleaning franchise. The choice is yours. But if you are determined to open a business in the field of cleaning services, you will need a good business plan that will help you organize your work correctly.

Download a business plan for a cleaning company.

This article will discuss how to open a cleaning company from scratch step by step.

To begin with, having registered a business (individual entrepreneur or LLC) with the tax office, you should begin to study:

  • target market;
  • work of competing companies.

What do you need to open a cleaning company? You need to decide who to provide services to:

  • commercial organizations;
  • for private individuals (washing floors, windows, walls, dust control).

More profitable work for legal entities is servicing various industrial buildings, warehouses, and offices. There are fewer private clients (usually quite rich people, or single men busy with work), in addition, the profit here is less. But the first option is more complicated; it will also require more investment.

Cleaning happens:

  • one-time (including capital, including after repairs);
  • daily;
  • specialized (carpet cleaning, etc.).

So, it’s roughly clear how to open a cleaning company business. It is advisable to choose one direction, gradually expanding the scope of your activities. Gradually, a fairly large customer base will be developed. It is necessary to take into account the presence of competition - other companies providing the same services. To begin with, it is recommended to study the activities of companies in this field: the list of services provided, prices, experience in the cleaning market. After this, you need to create a list of services provided, select suitable target objects, think over a business strategy, and resolve the issue of prices, which will allow you to get more profitable clients. You will need to open an Internet page or website with a detailed description of the company’s services (IP) and contact information. It is quite appropriate to advertise on television - it will pay off in just a couple of weeks - a month. Promotion through print media will be even cheaper. The creation of a website must be entrusted to professionals who can create an online cleaning order form. All this will allow you to quickly find new customers. Now it’s roughly clear where to start a cleaning business.

Step one– registering a business, determining the services provided, studying the work of clients, creating a website.

Cleaning company staff


The next stage is personnel selection and training. Employees must be selected carefully because this determines the company's image, customer experience and, ultimately, the income generated. Recommendations from friends or advertisements are suitable for hiring employees. When the recruitment is completed, the employer teaches the cleaners how to properly use modern equipment and detergents, and conducts training. Hiring, training, and control of work can easily be delegated to the manager. Customer requests are accepted by the employer himself or found by a dispatcher.

In total, several groups of employees will be required. Cleaning is better done by women, so teams should be formed of four women aged 25–50 years; the foreman can be a man who can carry heavy loads and move heavy objects. Let the dispatcher take orders. A driver is needed to deliver the work group to the site. A large company will need a director, an accountant, a secretary, and shift supervisors. Personnel turnover is quite likely, especially among cleaners, since this job is not prestigious, and not everyone is able to hold on to it. In addition, for a small payment it is difficult to find decent employees who are not prone to theft (and this is very important, since it determines the reputation of the company). It is recommended to enter into material value agreements with the cleaners. Some companies pay for work in the form of a salary, sometimes it is a percentage of the order amount (usually about 20%).

Initially, it is recommended to hire a minimum of employees and perform administrative functions yourself. This will reduce expenses at first and reduce the payback period. Further, the number of people can be increased depending on the actual size of orders. And if the demand for services increases sharply for a certain period, it is possible to resort to outstaffing - hiring third-party personnel.

The cleaning business starts with people. When searching for them, you need to pay attention, first of all, to having sufficient work experience (maids, cleaners), skills in handling equipment, inventory, benevolence, neatness, pleasant appearance, modesty, and ability to behave, especially if you have to clean the properties of private clients. If the skills are not enough, it is advisable to further train the staff. Inexperienced cleaners need to clearly and in detail explain the principles of organizing modern cleaning. Training is possible independently by the supervisor, or it must be referred to special courses.


When preparing to open a cleaning agency, you should purchase everything you need to carry out your activities:

  • professional vacuum cleaner;
  • battery-powered and corded scrubber dryers;
  • carpet hair dryer;
  • various small equipment;
  • detergents, cleaning products;
  • garbage bags;
  • office equipment.

Most likely, you will need a car (it is better to buy a minibus or several). It should be noted: everything must be of excellent quality, especially since there will probably be orders for cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets, but they are not cheap and require careful handling. It is advisable to purchase products from well-known Western brands. Here's a quick look at how to start a cleaning company from scratch. It is important to foresee all this in advance, before opening the office. If you study the necessary information in detail, think through the nuances of the work, it will be much easier to act later. For example, in a shopping center, the shoes of people who come there in winter leave behind chemicals that are used to sprinkle the city streets. If they are not removed in a timely manner, parquet and marble coverings will become unusable. This can be prevented by treating the floors with solutions at night, and during the day you need to remove any emerging dirt. This is a whole science; before starting an activity, the entrepreneur needs to carefully study it, then explain these nuances to the operating personnel.

Cleaning service

Business plan

Before starting a business, a cleaning company must think through a business plan. Without it, successful activity is impossible. You will need to detail expenses and estimated income. In principle, the cleaning industry is not complicated, the risks are minimal, and no special investments are required. It is necessary to officially register (tax, pension fund) and maintain reports. Most likely, you will need office space, and for it - permission from Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters. There are enough rooms for equipment, a reception area, and a locker room. Of course, you need a business plan from scratch for a cleaning company. It is important to ensure high-quality communications (cell and landline phones, the Internet) in order to accept orders on time and resolve emerging problems with employees and customers.

What is a cleaning company as a business? This is a staff of employees, rented or purchased office space, a set of equipment, inventory, and a valid viable business plan. It's simple. The cost calculation is approximately as follows:

400,000 - equipment, inventory, detergents;
100,000 – office equipment, computer, furniture;
300,000 – motor transport and fuels and lubricants;
20,000 – advertising expenses;
300,000 - advertising company
10,000 - working capital;
50,000 – rental of premises
50,000 - wages to employees;
5,000 – utilities.

Total 1,235,000 rubles.

Cleaning service


In the calculations of income and expenses, they reflect all the little things and try to predict the demand for the service. So, primary expenses will amount to 1,235,000 rubles. In the future, expenses will decrease; they will be approximately 180,000 rubles. per month.

Income is described approximately like this: let the cost of cleaning 1 “square” of area be approximately 25 rubles. There are daily orders - good, that means when you take on 500 sq. m. m, the revenue will be 12.5 thousand rubles. (in a month – already 375 thousand “wooden”). Taking into account expenses, the income will be almost 200 thousand rubles. This is an approximate business plan for a cleaning company with calculations. Be sure to indicate income, expenses, and approximate payback periods. When setting prices and choosing a pricing policy, you should take into account how much consumers of services are willing to pay, and take into account the cost of cleaning from numerous competing companies. If you wish, you can always find examples on the global network in which everything is described in more detail. There you can download a business plan for a cleaning company for free. There are more than enough examples on the Internet. You will need to carefully study them and draw conclusions for yourself. In any case, you should pay primary attention to such an indicator as the profitability of the cleaning company and think through everything carefully so as not to end up losing. Being a winner in practice is not as easy and quick as it seems. You should pay attention to this.

By properly organizing a cleaning business from scratch, you will be able to recoup your investment fairly quickly (a little over six months). Compared to production, it is much more profitable, and you don’t have to wait years for a return on your investment. In addition, there is no threat of a financial crisis.

What's next?

What does a cleaning company do? Cleaning of offices, retail spaces, apartments, private houses, industrial premises. In order to effectively develop a company and attract the attention of potential clients, you need to find your own characteristics in the “pure business”, some kind of zest. It is also important to plan your work effectively. It is recommended to focus on long-term cooperation with customers. The company will be able to earn credibility through the quality of its cleaning. Having gained a reputation, you need to maintain it and constantly improve. Additional services can be gradually introduced. Cleaning services include, in addition to the actual cleaning, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, washing bedspreads, washing windows, facades, stoves, refrigerators, garbage removal, and disinfection. As a result, there will be more clients, although costs will also increase. To ensure savings, it is recommended to rent a not very large office.

It is important to understand that there are possible pitfalls, but you will have to work without interruptions, immediately solve any problems, and maintain the trust of clients (for example, if they are regular, it will be useful to send them greeting cards for holidays and birthdays). So you will need to constantly improve in the areas of marketing and psychology. Employees will have to undergo regular training. They must be able to communicate with clients. Over time, positive recommendations will appear, which are akin to advertising. A cleaning company is a constant struggle for clients. By organizing everything correctly, you will be able to achieve success and profit.


So, the article addresses the question of what a cleaning company is. First of all, these are personnel and a certain organizational structure. In addition, there must be an office, utility rooms, inventory, and necessary equipment. And of course, starting work is impossible without drawing up a business plan, which calculates:

  • expenses
  • income
  • profitability.

What are cleaning services? They can be basic (actual cleaning in a house, apartment, office, industrial enterprise) and additional (carpet cleaning, garbage removal). The list of services varies, and here the management itself chooses what to give preference to. In any case, you need to think through everything carefully, purchase equipment, inventory, select and train employees. Only then can you be sure that the services are provided with sufficient quality, and the client will also be satisfied.

So, what is a cleaning company in simple terms? This is a company that provides frequency alignment services to individuals and organizations, both one-time and on an ongoing basis. Thanks to this business, the company receives a good profit, and the customer receives cleanliness at home, in production or in the office.

It is quite possible to open a cleaning company with minimal start-up capital.