Read online Nikitin controller man from the future. Yuri Nikitin: Man from the Future


Book description: The main character of this fantastic story is Vladimir Lavronov. He believes that more than 90 percent of the world's population is still living in the nineties. He believes that they view everything that is happening today with a kind of restrained hostility. And this is the best that can be assumed. Lately, he is not surprised by the fact that in his own country he has to live as if he were in a minefield, where he needs to take every step with extreme caution. He realized that he had to act very carefully and when meeting the enemy, destroy him quickly and without delay.

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Yuri Nikitin

Controller. Book four. Man from the Future

© Nikitin Yu., 2017

© Publishing House "E" LLC, 2017

Meshchersky looks somewhat out of place. It’s clear from his appearance that something has happened, but this is noticeable only to me and, perhaps, to our staff psychologist.

He nodded to his office, turned on the jammer and said, lowering his voice:

– Vladimir Alekseevich, please sit down. And grab the armrests. Or lean on the table.

I sat down and asked with interest:

- Give me your news.

“You,” he said in an unquestioning tone that I really don’t like, “will have to fly to the States.” Today.

“Wow,” I replied. “So, my prayer that it’s time to establish the tightest ties with their secret services fell into God’s ears?”

He faltered a little, but immediately smiled secularly and almost naturally.

- I got it, Vladimir Alekseevich. Got it. How I got there! Apparently, to make this go better for you, he caused a small earthquake off the coast of America.

He seemed a little embarrassed to me, he is also an intellectual, he worries about the American people, but he answered him with the impartial firmness of a scientist:

– It’s a common thing there, Arkady Valentinovich. In California, there are about a thousand small earthquakes a year, several medium-sized ones and two or three semi-large ones. Apparently something unusual?

“The fact is,” he said, “that the earthquake is underwater...

“Even easier,” I said soothingly. - A small wave will go ashore. If the earthquake is not great, then few people will even notice it on the beach.

He sighed.

- They will notice it.

- Did something happen? – I asked with polite interest.

“Very much so,” he replied. – The fault passed right through our site with atomic mines. Fortunately, not along, but across. But one mine caught firmly. Of course, it couldn’t explode, this is only possible with a signal from us, but it tore it out of the ground and is now rolling towards the shore in waves. He'll kill you in a few hours.

- To the shallows?

– Yes, to the sandy beach area. She will roll out onto land, and there they will quickly stumble upon her. And it is still unknown who will be first.

I would whistle if I could.

- Wow. Local craftsmen will certainly try to quickly dismantle such a curiosity... before the authorities arrive. Local farmers will adapt everything for barns.

He said soothingly:

– There will be no explosion, I repeat, if you thought about it. Even if they dismantle everything right in the barn... But the situation is disgusting, as you understand.

“I’m starting to guess,” I muttered.

He looked straight into my eyes.

– Vladimir Alekseevich, we hope that with your talent for settling sensitive matters you will not only smooth out the impression, but also generally kill, as you usually do, two or even more birds with one stone.

- Arkady Valentinovich?

He explained:

– Establish contacts with the secret services, we will give letters of recommendation... through special channels, and at the same time you will dispel the unpleasant impression due to this... incident. You say, no one was going to use it, this is a bookmark from the times of... well, old times.

- Khrushchevsky? – I asked doubtfully. – It seems that this idea of ​​Academician Sakharov, no matter how hard he pushed it at the top, was rejected?

He answered reluctantly:

– That’s the point, yes, then they rejected it.

- Wow, is the mine newer?

He sighed.

– What could we do when their military bases were getting closer and closer?.. In general, try to smooth out the impression and somehow prevent the situation from getting worse. I am counting on you, you will be able to turn even a losing situation in our favor!.. The ticket has already been ordered. Departure is in two hours. Unfortunately, due to the time difference, you will arrive in the evening, at the end of the working day.

– What about the next flight?

- Tomorrow at the same time. Although there is no direct route that will get you there at lunchtime tomorrow.

I hesitated and shook my head.

- It's better today. Tomorrow a mine might roll ashore, right?

“It’s good,” he answered, “if just beachgoers stumble upon it.” But among them there may be very practical people. This is, you know, the Protestant ethic...

“I understand everything,” I answered. - I'm flying now. True, I didn’t have time to feed the mice...

“You have an automatic feeder,” he reminded. - And a drinking bowl.

“You know everything,” I answered with offense. – Is it possible to keep an eye on your own people so closely?

He looked me straight in the eyes.

– Vladimir Alekseevich, have you not yet felt that you are high enough in our hierarchy?

“Yes, I was joking,” I said. – I understand perfectly well, install cameras anywhere. Soon it will be like this in everyone’s apartments, why would I object to the victorious march of progress?.. But as for America, it seems to me that this is too serious for me to decide such issues as these mines.

Jan 21, 2017

Man from the Future Yuri Nikitin

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Title: Man from the Future

About the book “Man from the Future” Yuri Nikitin

Ninety-nine percent of the population’s thoughts and feelings are still in the twentieth century, therefore people like Vladimir Lavronov are often treated with restrained hostility... And this is at best. It is not surprising that in his own country Lavronov has to live as if in a densely mined territory: look under your feet and around, watch what you say, destroy the enemy quickly and mercilessly, do not take into account collateral losses, because there are eight of these bipeds on the planet billion...

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Man from the Future” by Yuri Nikitin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Man from the Future” Yuri Nikitin

...there is a lot in our lives that needs to be destroyed, blown up with dynamite, to make way for bright dwellings and dark prisons of the future.

A person, when he suffers... is most of all a person.

A person is more dangerous than any beast if he is... a beast.

But one of the archpriests who have survived to our time, Mensheviks or Bolsheviks, fascists or communists, a kind of marvelous relic of the Crimean-Trojan War, wants me, a man of the Internet, to follow their precepts! Yes, yes, so that I might not pray... you can imagine - prayers! - an incomprehensible creature created by the imagination of ancient and ignorant people, or even danced something ritual... But am I not able to come up with a dozen different gods in one evening? Easily. Yes, in any erpegash they are cooler and brighter than the whole of Olympus and Asgard, along with all sorts of bibles, torahs and Zend-Avestas.

The genie, Oleg explained, like the goldfish, like all other magical things, can only give what is already in the world. Remember, neither the genie nor the fish ever gave anyone something that did not exist in nature. They are simply unable to come up with anything new!.. Only the person himself comes up with something new. And he comes up with it only when it’s difficult, hard, bad for him... preferably, generally unbearable. Because when it’s simply difficult, we still tolerate it, that’s our nature, but when it’s unbearable... only then do we begin to look for a way out.
She said sarcastically:
- Do you want people to feel unbearable?
He said coldly:
- People endure everything. That’s the trouble: everyone endures, everyone endures. But there are those who do not tolerate it. So they pull the entire human race... some to revolutions, conquests, others to discoveries. Moreover, some discover new lands where you can go and live happily for a while, others come up with all sorts of wind and water mills, tame horses, cows, dogs, elephants, make shovels...

Resurrection. In the crudest form, as it is stated to console the weakest, this is alien to me. And I always understood Christ’s words about the living and the dead differently. Where will you place these hordes, recruited over all millennia? The universe will not be enough for them, and God, goodness and meaning will have to get out of the world. They will be crushed in this greedy animal crowd.
But all the time the same immensely identical life fills the universe and is renewed hourly in innumerable combinations and transformations. So you are afraid whether you will be resurrected, but you were already resurrected when you were born, and you did not notice it.

Will it hurt you, will the tissue feel its decay? That is, in other words, what will happen to your consciousness? But what is consciousness? Let's consider. Consciously wanting to fall asleep is sure insomnia, a conscious attempt to feel the work of your own digestion is a sure disorder of its innervation. Consciousness is poison, a means of self-poisoning for the subject who uses it on himself. Consciousness is a light that shines out; consciousness illuminates the road in front of us so as not to stumble. Consciousness is the lit headlights of the locomotive ahead. Turn them inward with light and disaster will occur.

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Yuri Nikitin

Controller. Book four. Man from the Future

© Nikitin Yu., 2017

© Publishing House "E" LLC, 2017

* * *

Meshchersky looks somewhat out of place. It’s clear from his appearance that something has happened, but this is noticeable only to me and, perhaps, to our staff psychologist.

He nodded to his office, turned on the jammer and said, lowering his voice:

– Vladimir Alekseevich, please sit down. And grab the armrests. Or lean on the table.

I sat down and asked with interest:

- Give me your news.

“You,” he said in an unquestioning tone that I really don’t like, “will have to fly to the States.” Today.

“Wow,” I replied. “So, my prayer that it’s time to establish the tightest ties with their secret services fell into God’s ears?”

He faltered a little, but immediately smiled secularly and almost naturally.

- I got it, Vladimir Alekseevich. Got it. How I got there! Apparently, to make this go better for you, he caused a small earthquake off the coast of America.

He seemed a little embarrassed to me, he is also an intellectual, he worries about the American people, but he answered him with the impartial firmness of a scientist:

– It’s a common thing there, Arkady Valentinovich. In California, there are about a thousand small earthquakes a year, several medium-sized ones and two or three semi-large ones. Apparently something unusual?

“The fact is,” he said, “that the earthquake is underwater...

“Even easier,” I said soothingly. - A small wave will go ashore. If the earthquake is not great, then few people will even notice it on the beach.

He sighed.

- They will notice it.

- Did something happen? – I asked with polite interest.

“Very much so,” he replied. – The fault passed right through our site with atomic mines. Fortunately, not along, but across. But one mine caught firmly. Of course, it couldn’t explode, this is only possible with a signal from us, but it tore it out of the ground and is now rolling towards the shore in waves. He'll kill you in a few hours.

- To the shallows?

– Yes, to the sandy beach area. She will roll out onto land, and there they will quickly stumble upon her. And it is still unknown who will be first.

I would whistle if I could.

- Wow. Local craftsmen will certainly try to quickly dismantle such a curiosity... before the authorities arrive. Local farmers will adapt everything for barns.

He said soothingly:

– There will be no explosion, I repeat, if you thought about it. Even if they dismantle everything right in the barn... But the situation is disgusting, as you understand.

“I’m starting to guess,” I muttered.

He looked straight into my eyes.

– Vladimir Alekseevich, we hope that with your talent for settling sensitive matters you will not only smooth out the impression, but also generally kill, as you usually do, two or even more birds with one stone.

- Arkady Valentinovich?

He explained:

– Establish contacts with the secret services, we will give letters of recommendation... through special channels, and at the same time you will dispel the unpleasant impression due to this... incident. You say, no one was going to use it, this is a bookmark from the times of... well, old times.

- Khrushchevsky? – I asked doubtfully. – It seems that this idea of ​​Academician Sakharov, no matter how hard he pushed it at the top, was rejected?

He answered reluctantly:

– That’s the point, yes, then they rejected it.

- Wow, is the mine newer?

He sighed.

– What could we do when their military bases were getting closer and closer?.. In general, try to smooth out the impression and somehow prevent the situation from getting worse. I am counting on you, you will be able to turn even a losing situation in our favor!.. The ticket has already been ordered. Departure is in two hours. Unfortunately, due to the time difference, you will arrive in the evening, at the end of the working day.

– What about the next flight?

- Tomorrow at the same time. Although there is no direct route that will get you there at lunchtime tomorrow.

I hesitated and shook my head.

- It's better today. Tomorrow a mine might roll ashore, right?

“It’s good,” he answered, “if just beachgoers stumble upon it.” But among them there may be very practical people. This is, you know, the Protestant ethic...

“I understand everything,” I answered. - I'm flying now. True, I didn’t have time to feed the mice...

“You have an automatic feeder,” he reminded. - And a drinking bowl.

“You know everything,” I answered with offense. – Is it possible to keep an eye on your own people so closely?

He looked me straight in the eyes.

– Vladimir Alekseevich, have you not yet felt that you are high enough in our hierarchy?