Uranus in the horoscope. Uranus in the horoscope: strong, weak, retrograde - what does it mean? What does Uranus represent in the horoscope?

Uranus is the planet of independence and initiative, which encourages you to look at familiar things from a new angle, expanding your consciousness and worldview. The energy of Uranus pushes us into the future - forward, to new achievements, discoveries and new horizons. The desire to find your own path, be it the path of an individual person or the path of all humanity, is characteristic of those in whose horoscope the influence of Uranus is strong. Uranus' motto: “I go forward!”

You will never confuse a person in whose horoscope this planet is actively manifested: his thoughts are aimed at the future, and his dreams are far from rose-colored dreams and, in their specificity, are more reminiscent of clear plans. Uranus in the horoscope makes a person dynamic and mobile, able to respond to changing circumstances (when the time comes, he will not miss his chance!), interested in science, new technologies, inventions and innovations.

True, sometimes the independence and freedom that the planet Uranus bestows can turn out to be its downside, giving rise to anarchy and lawlessness. Violation of traditions, rebellion, rebellion against foundations - all this is also characteristic of Uranus, and is its integral part, energy that must be pacified and directed into a creative direction.

Originality, inspiration, discoveries, science, magic, psychology, the laws of nature and astrology itself - this is just the most general list of what the planet Uranus is responsible for.

The influence of Uranus on the Aquarius horoscope

Together with Saturn, Uranus is the co-ruling planet of Aquarius, and this odd pairing makes Aquarius a man of extremes and contrasts. Saturn, the planet of organization and order, and Uranus, striving to throw off the shackles of any obligations - together influencing the horoscope of Aquarius, they represent an amazing mixture.

The influence of Uranus on his horoscope makes Aquarius eccentric and bright, freedom-loving, inclined towards science, the occult and creativity, open to everything new, be it new people or new ideas. Uranus also gives Aquarius’s thoughts globality and breadth - it is not difficult for him to playfully operate with the categories of all humanity and even the entire Universe, talking about history, politics and science. It is much more difficult to get Aquarius to clean up their desk or go buy bread.

Positive manifestations of Uranus in character and destiny

Independence, determination, dynamism, originality, progressive thinking, inventive mind, agility, quick reaction to changing circumstances, the ability to take advantage of your chances, boundless inner freedom.

In the Zodiac sign in which Uranus is the ruling planet (Aquarius), these positive traits appear especially clearly. In the horoscopes of people of other signs, the influence of Uranus and other planets depends on the location of the stars at the time of their birth.

Weaknesses of Uranus

As a rule, weaknesses are the opposite side of strengths, which can manifest themselves in certain circumstances. For independent Uranus, this could be a rebellious spirit, indiscipline, impulsiveness, inconsistency, denial of rules and authorities.

Orbital period of Uranus

It takes Uranus 84 years to move through all the signs of the Zodiac. This planet was discovered only in 1781, so its astrological influence is not fully understood.

"Uranus in the horoscope", astrologer Nadezhda Zima

The planet Uranus is very important in astrology, and its symbolic counterparts are the color blue, the metal zinc and the stone amber. It influences all possible changes, technology, psychic abilities and intuition. Rules the eleventh house and Aquarius.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and reveals to humanity the secrets of the universe. It is this planet that is a symbol of enlightenment, which sends enlightenment to people and the ability to sometimes see the future.

The planet allows you to ignore restrictions and conventions in life. This force is driving, it encourages people to resist the established order and strive for independence. Uranus helps you become free. If Saturn is closer to a person, then Uranus can cause rebellion and discontent, force one to give up everything and start living from scratch. Only then can a person get rid of complexes and prejudices, learn the true meaning of his existence and realize himself.

A planet in the natal chart shows a person’s desire for radical changes. It can also indicate what needs to be changed and how to do it.

Strong and weak positions of Uranus in the birth horoscope

For Uranus, the weakest position is Leo. Here he encounters the power and stability of Leo, so he cannot resist him fully. Scorpio goes well with Uranus, they transform and strive for change. The fall of Uranus is represented by Taurus. The planet is in search of new forms of existence, and Taurus prefers stability and constancy.

Uranus in the zodiac signs

The energy of uranium shows the differences between generations of humanity. Astrologers are still studying the properties of Uranus and its ability to influence the signs of the zodiac. Uranus spends a long time in each zodiac sign, lasting about seven years. That is why it affects generations of people as a whole, and not an individual.

Uranus here is responsible for temper and activity. The last time the Uranus in Aries generation lived through a rather turbulent period of time. Then came jazz, scientific advances, and depression after the stock market crashed. When Uranus is in Aries, its abilities can make people pioneers and ideological personalities who strive to bring them to life. Sometimes people accomplish incredible feats, and this happens completely suddenly. People of this generation strive to make the world a better place, but without making much effort.

Quite strong Uranus is located here. He is capable of creating an indestructible generation that will strive to conquer new heights and expand their worldview. They strive to improve their financial situation, only then do they feel free. Those people whose horoscope planet is in the position of Taurus, if they are deprived of their usual comfort, this will cause them aggression.


Here the role of Uranus is aimed at striving for new information. Such people quite often become famous for creating something new in science and literature, inventing new systems and technologies. For such individuals, spiritual closeness comes first than blood kinship, so they are capable of breaking off all relations with relatives at one moment.

This generation perceives everything new and unusual, and can understand the occult sciences. Such people do not consider their home a fortress; they are used to meeting friends and like-minded people there. Usually such people strive for the secret knowledge that their ancestors possessed.

Free romance reigns here. Such individuals are in no hurry to tie themselves to marriage and stability. They want to be interesting and bright and demand attention. If a person does not have enough spiritual development, then he becomes a real egoist and does not know how to make compromises. They are often bad parents and do not care about their own children.

There is a generation of real workers and excellent researchers here. Such people have a cool mind and reason, they have good mathematics abilities.

Such individuals have their own opinions about justice and generally accepted norms of behavior. Often such people are very irresponsible and go from one extreme to another.


This generation is the most unusual. Such people are susceptible to emotions and can perform unexpectedly strange actions and discoveries. They can be silent and thoughtful, but are constantly striving for change. Some individuals can develop new drugs to treat dangerous diseases.

Such individuals are completely immersed in the spiritual world. They overestimate religious views and principles and strive to bring something new to the spiritual development of the world. Such people strive for freedom and independence, they can realize incredible ideas, and impose new ideas about moral and ethical values.

The generation constantly challenges established rules and norms. Such individuals will strive to build a new world order and change the existing state of affairs.

Here you can see objective-minded humanists. This generation is quite intellectual, it thinks about the development of humanity and why it is on Earth in the first place. Many people prefer to develop their sixth sense in order to understand the secrets of the universe.

There is a desire for spiritual development here. Such people are not interested in the practical side of life; it does not matter to them that a huge number of people are starving. Often, from childhood, such individuals strive to learn mysticism and religion. Many people are capable of becoming real telepaths and developing paranormal abilities.

Uranus in the houses of the horoscope

Depending on where Uranus is located in the horoscope, a person may be inquisitive and interested in some information. Uranus has been in one sign for a long time, and therefore affects a large number of people. Such individuals can be quite strange; they love to give arguments in favor of their beliefs.

Such people are radically different from those around them and strive to get ahead of their time.

They have their own value system and desire for independence.

Quite talented, inventive and unpredictable personalities.

Tendency to change and fear of loneliness.

Denies generally accepted rules and norms of behavior.

Tense personalities, constantly changing mood and health status.

Personal relationships are full of unpredictability.

They love experiments, and are also constantly looking for material pleasures and sex.

Independent people who love to travel.

Surprises constantly happen at work; they cannot cope with their penchant for justice.

Constantly develops strange ideas and has unconventional friends.

Prefers to be secretive, conflict and demand submission.

Characteristics of the trace planets of Uranus

The planets of the ego are the Sun, Saturn and the Moon. They rule the houses of the trace planets of Uranus. The ego planets are impersonal and personal; the higher planets can be called distant, collective and general. The management of higher planets is quite problematic. Well, personal planets have a direct impact on the life of an individual. The individuality and genius of such individuals must be demonstrated unexpectedly.

Usually people prefer to show their own genius. Trasturn planets are capable of ruling the houses of other planets. If the almuten of the trasturn house is quite strong, then it can connect other planets with each other, the aspects of the planets only increase their influence on a person.

Uranus Oppositions

This aspect is quite difficult. There are a lot of distortions and changes here. A person has to constantly build everything anew, because everything previous is falling apart.

Uranus - Neptune

Here you can expect global catastrophes, coups and unrest. A person will have to constantly be deceived and disappointed.

Uranus - Pluto

This configuration causes unexpected changes in society, these could be uprisings, certain groups, public madness. A person can go through some pretty brutal changes in life.

Uranus - North Lunar Node

It is necessary to constantly restrain yourself, to move in the general mass. Even if a person strives to gain freedom, he should not go against the crowd.

Uranus - Ascendant

Uranus is in configuration with the seventh house. All romantic and personal relationships will arise unexpectedly. Partners attract with their delightfulness and attractiveness. Even if the relationship does not last long, it will still be useful.

Uranus - Midheaven

Frequent moves and changes can be expected here. You need to make your own decisions.

Uranus - Point of Fortune

Here a person strives to gain freedom at all costs, but loses something important in his own life.

Square Uranus in the natal chart

These squares have a great influence on entire generations of people. Well, the individual horoscope of an individual depends on how prevalent Uranus is in the natal chart.

Uranus and Neptune

This generation is witnessing tremendous social upheavals. War or catastrophes can be expected; large-scale disasters are not excluded. Personal life constantly suffers setbacks, thoughts cannot be put in order. Such people strive to impose their own dream on others, but invariably suffer because of this. It will be difficult for such individuals throughout their lives. They will end up disappointed.

Uranus and Pluto

Massive destruction or upheaval occurs here. In their personal lives, such people reject generally accepted values ​​and norms of behavior. Even if a person is born wealthy, it will always seem to him that danger lurks around every corner. Such people will regret missed opportunities, that they could not use their talents correctly and find happiness.

Uranus and Nodes

From time to time, such a person can go very far, alienate others, and then regret it.

Uranus and Ascendant

Such people strive to be unpredictable, but will not achieve the love of others. You must learn to compromise with others in order to find happiness.

Uranus, Midheaven and IC

Such individuals wander through life, constantly moving and changing jobs. They always strive for freedom, but do not understand how to achieve it. You need to figure out what is really important in life, and only then make decisions.

Uranus and Fortune Point

A person's life is constantly changing, it does not allow one to get even a small amount of benefit.

Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Higher powers do not want evidence of their existence to come from science. This aspect affects a person, as a result he does not perceive something higher with due respect. Eg. semi-square Uranus and the Moon helps to diagnose various diseases; if this is done, then a person can comprehend the science of recognizing diseases and treating them with the help of energy.

However, sometimes people simply do not want to put in the effort, study the most complex sciences and refuse to sacrifice their own karma. At a low spiritual level, Uranus sesquisquare shows unwavering stubbornness, strange ideas and unlucky inventors.

Uranus in the solar horoscope

An unexpected event may occur in a person's life. It could be an accident or the discovery of a new life. External circumstances greatly influence the fate of an individual. A person strives for creativity and tries to prove himself.

Unexpected events, inheritance or profit, as well as losses may occur. Your financial situation fluctuates from side to side throughout the year. The person cannot stand firmly on his feet.

You should think carefully before entering into important contracts, because they may turn out to be unprofitable. A person begins to show curiosity and acquires new knowledge in completely unfamiliar activities. There is an interest in high technology and the occult. Communication changes completely, old friends no longer arouse interest, new ones take their place. A person experiences a revolution in the spiritual world and begins to perceive information differently.

Serious changes may occur in your personal life, your place of residence may change. Sometimes problems arise with parents. A person’s sense of stability disappears and he begins to panic. There is a desire for freedom and independence.

Unexpected love affairs and changes in your personal life appear. You can expect divorces or huge scandals. A year may cause a break in relations with children or their departure.

Severe diseases may occur, which can be quickly eliminated, or can lead to serious consequences. In the labor sphere, everything is unstable. A person is able to change the direction of his own activities and achieve success in this area.

Complications may arise in relationships in family life. This may be followed by a breakup or divorce, which will be difficult. It is quite possible that this is due to the unexpected appearance of romantic feelings for a stranger. Everything is stable and good in my work life.

Sometimes this year brings mortal danger, so you should be careful. It is quite possible to restore previous sexual relationships that were not planned. A person has a difficult mental state this year. There may be criminal cases that can lead to death.

Often a person completely changes his worldview and starts traveling. Sometimes betrayal occurs in the family, which provokes the partner to behave inappropriately. Serious conflicts with parents can occur here; a person feels helpless.

A person's life changes unexpectedly. Sometimes he begins to engage in another type of activity, and a change in purpose in life is possible. Sudden events interfere with the implementation of long-planned plans. Success can come completely unexpectedly.

A person’s plans always change, sometimes this is provoked by new acquaintances. Usually this year is unlucky, but a turning point. You should not strive to make your dreams come true, because success will definitely not follow.

Complications and troubles are to be expected here; they usually come from your personal life. A person may also encounter criminal figures, secret activities or blackmail. Usually this year is painful and extremely unpleasant. It brings with it disappointments and failures.

Uranus as the lord of birth

Such people are extraordinary individuals, they strive for freedom and independence, put forward grandiose ideas and go ahead of the rest. People around them often do not understand such people and consider them strange. If Uranus is good, then the person has excellent intuition and is constantly developing spiritually. All his ideas come to life. If Uranus is evil, then it shows a true adventurer and anarchist, capable only of destruction.

Such people are unreliable, do strange things and live in leaps and bounds. Such individuals are completely irresponsible. Most likely, the life of such a person will end completely unexpectedly.

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Uranus is the planet of change and originality, symbolizing the unexpected in your life. Uranus gives rise to sudden events and opportunities. It awakens, it shocks, it revolutionizes. He is responsible for manifestations of human genius, creating new things in art or science.

Do you often do things for no apparent reason? Are you attracted to unusual work and original, bright people? Do you think that you are more creative than those around you? Are you interested in modern science and the latest discoveries? Are you making shocking statements?

A person with a strong Uranus in their birth chart will answer these questions in the affirmative. You need to know what sign your Uranus is in to understand where your originality and idiosyncratic self-expression can best be used.

In ancient times, Uranus was unknown to people; it was discovered only 200 years ago. Uranus is the first of three new planets and the first to be discovered using a telescope. On March 13, 1781, in the English city of Bath, court astronomer Sir William Herschel saw a celestial body, which he considered a comet. After spending a year on careful observations, he established that this was a new planet in our solar system.

Herschel named it George's Star in honor of the English King George III, but this name did not stick. For some time the planet was called Herschel, and then it turned into Uranus. In the symbolic designation of Uranus, the first letter of the surname of the astronomer who discovered it has been preserved.

Uranus is the ancient Roman god of heaven, the first ruler of the universe. In astrology, Uranus is considered the planet of the future, associated with modern science, invention, electricity, human rights movements and revolution. This is a planet of sudden upheavals and rapid, unexpected events. Her sphere of influence is everything new, original, unusual.

Uranus is associated with your inner will and hidden energy. In some respects its power is similar to that of Mars. The difference is that Uranus is an energy deeply hidden within the personality, an unconscious purpose that is revealed throughout life. As the great astrologer Evangeline Adams explains, one person can be strong, even if physically disabled, while another, possessing enormous energy, dissipates it aimlessly. The first person has Uranus in a strong position and Mars in debilitation. The second has strong Mars and weak Uranus.

The position of Uranus in your birth chart indicates whether you have an inventive mind and are attracted to original, idiosyncratic ideas. It speaks about what talent you are endowed with, whether you encounter anything unusual at work, while traveling, in relationships with people, whether sudden and striking events often occur in your life.

If Uranus has a strong position in your chart, you are likely to be independent and resourceful. You can dress in an unusual way, create your own style, invent new accessories. Your cutting-edge way of thinking attracts people to you. You may even have psychic abilities. Uranus is the guiding force behind clairvoyance.

Uranus is also responsible for eccentric behavior, indiscipline, recklessness and perversity. It is difficult to get along with a person influenced by this planet due to his harsh manners, spirit of contradiction, and unpredictable mood swings.

In addition to influencing your personal horoscope, Uranus, along with two other new planets, is influencing an entire generation. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are so far from the Sun that they move very slowly through the zodiac. They stay in each sign for a long time: Uranus transits one sign in 7 years, Neptune in 14, and Pluto in a period of 13 to 32 years. Astrologers believe that these planets influence not only individuals, but also generations. Uranium was discovered during the Industrial Revolution, at the beginning of the modern era. The movement of this planet through the zodiac is connected in time with scientific discoveries. For example, Uranus was in Scorpio from 1975 to 1982. Scorpio is the sign of reproduction, and we are seeing significant advances in the field of genetics and even the creation of human life in a laboratory. Uranus is the patron of the upcoming era of Aquarius.

Uranus brings changes, new situations and acquaintances into our lives. His gifts are always sudden and short-lived; you must immediately seize the chance before it disappears. Uranus tells us to follow the changing life and not be afraid of the future.

Astronomical information

Uranus is the seventh planet in terms of distance from the Sun, located at a distance of 1 billion 784 million 800 thousand miles from this star. Uranus is 4 times larger than Earth, with a diameter of 32,000 miles. The orbit of Uranus is an almost perfect circle, which it circles in 84 years and 7 days. At the same time, Uranus rotates quickly around its axis; A day on Uranus lasts only 10 hours and 49 minutes. This means that a year on Uranus consists of 68,000 local days!

Uranus' axis is oriented in a rather strange way - the angle between it and the orbital plane is 98 degrees. She's actually lying on her side. Therefore, the Sun first illuminates one pole, and then the second (depending on the position of Uranus in its orbit). The opposite pole is in complete darkness. When the south pole is illuminated, the north pole is dark, and vice versa. Day and night on Uranus last for 21 Earth years. Uranus rotates in the opposite direction to the rotation of the other planets in the solar system. On Uranus, the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

These unusual properties of Uranus are consistent with its astrological reputation as an eccentric planet. Uranus is called the “black sheep” of our solar system.

Voyager 2, which flew to Uranus in January 1986, discovered nine dark rings encircling the planet and a corkscrew-shaped magnetic field stretching millions of miles.

Where is your Uranus?

To find out what sign Uranus was in on your birthday, look at the Uranus tables.

Uranus in Pisces

In sensitive Pisces, Uranus's power becomes subtle and emotional. You have a rare talent for understanding and expressing human feelings, which often manifests itself in creative work. Uranus brings you good luck through your deep psychological insights and ability to reveal the secret and unknown. You are endowed with the gift of clairvoyance; many of you are serious students of philosophy, religion, astrology and the occult. In your career and business, your intuition tells you when to act and when others are most receptive to your ideas. However, Uranus in this position does not indicate a strong will. Sometimes you need to get away from society and recharge your mental batteries.

Uranus in Capricorn

In disciplined Capricorn, the energy of Uranus is directed into a creative direction. You have a strong will to win. You need power and have difficulty obeying other people. Uranus in this position promises unexpected changes in career or working conditions. You are able to anticipate upcoming turns and move in a favorable direction. Uranus gives you the confidence you need to free yourself from outdated ideas. You are thoughtful, assertive, and able to organize people. You can also be an overbearing tyrant; You always have a fighting spirit. However, Uranus “dilutes” the seriousness of Capricorn and gives you a lively, caustic wit.

Uranus in Aquarius

Aquarius is a sign ruled by Uranus. This planet emphasizes the ingenuity and originality of Aquarius. You have signs of genius and are able to impress the masses. Your unique mind and progressive thinking attract people to you. You believe in freedom of thought and expression, but you are convinced that only your point of view is correct. Uranus creates unexpected turns in your life. You can work for years to achieve a goal and suddenly find success because of something you barely thought about. Friends and partners bring you success in your career. You are famous for your quirky sense of humor.

Uranus in Sagittarius

In freedom-loving Sagittarius, Uranus manifests itself as a pioneer and adventurer. You are very independent and rebel against everything that is overly ordered and organized. Sometimes you can be restless and completely reckless. You are proud and courageous, often holding unconventional views. Although you don't always seek financial success, Uranus brings it through investing and trading the stock market. Often unexpected events or new people give you favorable chances when traveling. Uranus in this position also gives you the gift of clairvoyance; you are often able to predict important events.

Uranus in Scorpio

In frantic Scorpio, Uranus gains a strong position. Your bossiness has deep roots. You have a magnetic sexuality that turns actors into stars. You are endowed with a discerning mind. Your willpower and concentration can move mountains. Uranus brings you good luck through intuitive insights about the people and situations you are involved with. Throughout your life, you will face financial ups and downs. You can become rich thanks to your partner's money and inheritance. You are sometimes seen as stubborn, secretive and cunning.

Uranus in Libra

In harmonious Libra, Uranus expresses its strength through partnership. With this position of this planet, you are attracted to unusual relationships, and you are often considered an original in your choice of friends and lovers. Uranus brings you good luck through contacts with other people, especially foreigners. Your affairs and marriages begin quickly and end abruptly. Libra is a sign of artistic taste. You have a reputation for having unusual or exotic tastes in art and design. You attract people to you by the way you dress and carry yourself. Uranus gives you the ability to make a memorable first impression.

Uranus in Leo

In expansive Leo, Uranus has a colossal influence. With this position of this planet, you are a strong personality expressing yourself as a leader. You strive to be the main character. Your creative mind is constantly generating new ideas, but seeing them implemented is not enough for you. You yourself must be visible; you want recognition and attention. Uranus in Leo often brings sudden chances through romantic relationships. It also takes you far in search of new and different pleasures. You will have good luck in gambling, especially in sports betting. Sometimes you come across as too cocky and independent.

Uranus in Virgo

In Virgo, Uranus gives you the ability to analyze and use information, a wonderful combination of intuition and common sense. You feel the need to improve the world, strive for complete independence in the implementation of your ideas, rebel against monotony and restrictions imposed on you. Your independence is sometimes expressed so strongly that it seems eccentric to others. Uranus brings you good luck through unexpected work-related changes, often reshuffling staff or moving to a new location. People with Uranus in Virgo are known for their unusual ideas in the field of health and nutrition. You will be among the first to learn new diets for weight loss or rejuvenation.

Uranus in Cancer

In Cancer, the energy of Uranus is expressed through heightened sensitivity to others. You have a developed imagination and subconscious mind, bordering on clairvoyance. Your intuition can be trusted. You make important discoveries through sudden and unexpected insights. You gain chances through the intervention of other people, often through chance encounters. Uranus in Cancer also brings success in activities related to the home - preparing delicacies, collecting antiques, creating interiors. Many of you have a reputation for being eccentric, unpredictable, and artistic.

Uranus in Gemini

In Gemini, Uranus expresses its energy through ideas. You are a man of intellect and imagination. You create a magnetic field around yourself that attracts people to you, and you are able to convince people of the correctness of your views. You spend your enormous energy on intellectual searches. You are attracted to unconventional ideas, supernatural phenomena and inexplicable events. Uranus in Gemini gives rise to a strong need to express oneself through literary work, through speech and the creation of effective, impressive works. Even in everyday communication - conversations on the phone and letters - you show your originality, charm and wit. You love traveling, easily learn foreign languages, and are receptive to music.

Uranus in Aries

Uranus in active Aries favors the formation of an original and inventive mind. You strive for a leadership position and, whenever possible, manage the lives of other people. You can be harsh and straightforward because you believe that you understand everything better than those around you. You want to see every situation clearly and not fall victim to fuzzy thinking. You are in a hurry to put your ideas into action and lack the patience for tried and true methods. You believe that reinsurers usually lose. You often dress in your own inimitable style. You tend to change jobs and places of residence, and love traveling.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus has a strong position and emphasizes willpower and determination. It helps you achieve results through patience and focused effort. You feel the need to build, create, achieve something. You are lucky in the area of ​​finances, especially in acquiring property whose value increases. You are often overwhelmed by a manic craving for new things, and Uranus sometimes throws unexpected discoveries at you. Your love for bright colors and patterns is noticeable in the way you dress and decorate your home. Uranus in Taurus usually promises a happy and prosperous marriage.

When William Herschel discovered Uranus on March 13, 1781, in his nightmare he could not have imagined that this planet will become a symbol of modern astrology, worldview and an entire era. In astrology, Uranus is described as a great rebel, a genius and a madman at the same time. In everyday life of offices, the Internet and washing powders, Herschel’s planet is extremely destructive, bringing sudden crises, destruction, and resets. From this article you will learn how to work out Uranus in astrology. How to set up your personal antenna with space?

Secrets of Star Wars Success

For the old worldview, Saturn personified the boundaries of the universe we know. Behind him begins an alien space, other laws. This is clearly visible in the picture of the modern world. Just a hundred years ago it was impossible to be on the other side of the world in a few hours, not to mention faxes, the Internet, mobile communications, and space flights.

On the higher planets, a whole movie industry has blossomed: the magic wands of Harry Potter, Star Wars, the universe of Marvel comics and films.

In astrology, Uranus opens the door to a new reality of the higher planets - Neptune, Pluto.

  • Uranus: electricity
  • Neptune - psychoanalysis, unconscious
  • Pluto - atom, nuclear energy

For everyday life, the higher planets are extremely destructive. They require going beyond the usual social boundaries and traditions.

It is difficult for a person with a pronounced Uranus to realize himself a diligent office worker according to the scheme: school - work - pension - cemetery. Such a person will find himself at a high level in science, astrology, TV, radio, media, and Internet projects. Low: chaos in life, as soon as I feel for stability, everything suddenly collapses and I have to start over.

How did the first revolution in the universe take place?

In mythology, Uranus is the god of the sky, better known for its endless fertility. He passionately hated his children, some of whom had a terrible appearance. Hiding them in the womb of Gaia the earth, the god of the sky caused her unbearable suffering. The matter ended with the overthrow of Uranus. In collusion with his mother Gaia, young Kronos (aka the Roman Saturn) castrated his father with a sickle.

This myth reveals several main meanings of Uranus in astrology:

  • Revolution. The overthrow by Saturn represents the movement of time - nothing lasts forever. Any order will sooner or later be destroyed.
  • Terrible children. Chaotic flow of thoughts and ideas. If there is no use for them, no elimination, they turn into insane monsters. In astrology, Uranus at a low level means recklessness, insanity, absurdity, chaos.
  • The first of the gods. According to legend, Gaia, having married Uranus, gave birth to the sea, mountains, nymphs, and titans. An idea, a mental impulse that has materialized. The ability to look far, plan, predict. Great architect. Symbolically, Uranus created something that did not exist before. From the void he launched the creation of an entire world.
  • The Gaia Conspiracy. In astrology, Uranus is the freest planet. An ardent opponent of the classical institution of marriage and family. The relationship between Gaia and Uranus is the most equal and free. In the next generations of gods (Cronos and Rhea, Zeus and Hera) there is a predominance of a male figure.

Many astrologists do not see Uranian meanings in this myth. No internet, Einsteins, geniuses or eccentrics. In psychoanalysis there is an idea that the Uranian image is Prometheus. A character who gave people divine fire by sacrificing himself. But Prometheus is more related to Neptune.

Uranian personalities are often hostages of their ideas. They are not interested in the world's good. Moreover, they are not eager to sacrifice themselves. Uranus in astrology is a self-centered, ambitious planet. No brakes.

The clearest example of a Uranian personality: Aleister Crowley.

How does Uranus work in astrology?

We are sailing away from theory towards practical shores. Like the highest octave of Mercury, Uranus in astrology means high intelligence, quick mind, the latest technology-mechanisms, information space, speed.

Astrologers indiscriminately attribute the Internet to Uranian phenomena. The Internet as an invention of mankind, the information space, the development of web applications (as the idea itself) - refers to Uranus in astrology.

The work of a programmer, website layout designer, computer scientist is the sphere of Mars. And if you have problems with the network, Wi-Fi is not connecting, the speed is poor - contact Mercury.

The main meanings of Uranus in astrology:

  • accurate forecasting methods, future
  • genius, science, intelligence
  • car, motorcycle, plane
  • gadgets, any “smart” devices
  • insights, insight, Newton's apple
  • sudden changes, sharp changes plus or minus
  • nullification, destruction
  • sudden rise or fall
  • speed, quickness
  • innovation, update
  • madness, unhealthy shocking, show off
  • freedom, lack of frames, boundaries
  • revolution, riot
  • friendship, teams, society

In natal astrology, the sign of Uranus does not make logical sense. This planet moves very slowly, orbiting the Sun every 84 years. The idea that Uranus in Libra is less self-centered and impulsive is astrological folklore.

How to work out aspects of Uranus in astrology?

Aspects of higher planets to personal ones in most cases bring problems. Especially squares, oppositions and connections.

Let's consider the aspects of Uranus in astrology:

with the moon— there is a splinter inside you that creates nerves, stress, and sudden situations. I want to remake the whole world, break all frames and obstacles. They tell me one thing, and I do another.

Negative: nervousness, difficult to calm down. If a problem occurs, I begin to exaggerate it, come up with a thousand options for the development of the event. Sudden mood swings, hysteria, panic out of the blue. I live by the principle: I clicked something and everything disappeared! Sudden changes of plans.

Not a household aspect. The need for freedom, space, new experiences. If I sit at home for a long time, I start to panic and become angry. Distance in relationships with parents. Talents of a clairvoyant, soothsayer, astrologer, forecaster. The need to stand out, to show off.

One of the instructions to the problem with pets, flowers. From the series: beloved pets disappear or run away.

Uranian Depression- I’m going into a rant. I'm a hooligan, having fun in clubs, with friends. I am changing my life dramatically. From the series: fuck these men, I’m a strong independent woman. I'm leaving work for downshifting.

Recommendation: I use technology in everyday life. An electric broom, a dishwasher that does everything itself, smart light switches. Flights, parachute jumping. Organize emotional shocks: roller coasters, drama films, films with a complex and unexpected plot to think and feel.

with the Sun— I get joy from any show off, shocking, originality, non-standard. When I go against public opinion, I deliberately do everything contrary to words, even if I understand that I am wrong - I feel the meaning of life.

Minus: personality is erased. A person becomes a soulless slave of his idea. Generates a huge stream of thoughts, but they are all useless. Often there is a gap with the father or the father is far away. Changes in happiness: sometimes I feel like the center of the universe, sometimes the world is a living hell for me. These cycles may reverse several times a day.

Recommendation: logic games, puzzles. Shocking self-expression. Unusual name, original image. I am the author of a blog, I create, I am creative, I am actively involved in creativity. I am writing a new Malevich square. Leader of public opinion, movement, organization. I light it up and inspire others. I give a kick to a well-known place. I am creating my own society: club, public, group, community.

with Mercury- quick thinking, flashes of genius are replaced by a period of outright slow-wittedness. The talent to predict, predict through logic, numbers, factors. For example, an economist and forecaster. The ability to shock others with words. At a low level: chaos, rudeness, unceremoniousness in speech.

Minus: chaos in my head. I mentally think through a thousand options for the development of the situation, especially negative ones. I say a lot where it is not necessary. And I turn into a silent fish where I need to speak. Changes in timbre and voice volume. Sometimes I speak quietly, sometimes I shout. Error in details, filling out documents. From the series: I seem to have checked everything a thousand and one times, and suddenly bang! The error is in the clearest place.

The law also works: “I pressed something and everything disappeared.” But this applies more to equipment, computer work, documents, etc. From the series: the email went to the wrong place.

Advice: plan all household chores. Create a blog, a page on social networks. Communicate and write as much as possible in the virtual space. Learn speed reading techniques, train your memory, timed logic games.

with Venus- the need for freedom in relationships. I want a partner, a friend, a like-minded person, a lover, a husband at the same time. Before spending money, I weigh everything, think through the options and ask the main question several times: do I need this?

Astrologers say that this aspect inclines a person to spend thoughtlessly. But in practice it looks exactly the opposite. A person with Uranian Venus in tense aspects will never spend money impulsively. But it’s no problem to blow the minds of the seller or yourself.

Minus: sudden acquaintances and abrupt breaks out of the blue. From the series: today we are best friends, tomorrow we are fierce enemies. Unreasonable spending. I save every penny so I won’t buy a loaf of bread again. Then I go to the store and buy ivory porcelain.

Recommendation: plan expenses, keep financial records, especially plan future expenses and income. In a relationship: find a Uranist partner: electrician, astrologer, scientist, esotericist, blogger, public figure . If you're too lazy to do it— I create freedom in relationships, common Uranian hobbies with my chosen one, constantly bringing new impressions and emotions into the union.

with Mars- the talent to do things proactively, clearly, quickly. I'm acting according to plan. I improvise as I go. Active intellectual activity. Good reaction in sports.

Negative: As soon as I start doing something, catharsis begins! A lot of things pile up, I don’t have time to do anything, I have to speed up several times. Effect: should have been done yesterday. You have to redo the work several times. Sharp outbursts of aggression, anger, fierce anger. Sudden attacks of activity, energy at three o'clock in the morning.

Advice: Plan all your tasks and try to finish them as soon as possible. Team sports. I'm speeding up my work. I create my own schedule and try to get as much done as possible. I pour out my Martian anger into articles, publications, parachute jumps, and intellectual debates.

Aspects of Uranus in astrology to Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn have no psychological significance. They are considered event by House.

Awaken the rebel within you!

It is useless to fight and try to pacify Uranus in astrology. Your task is to find a use for it. Any higher planet always acts on a large scale. It either globally destroys or globally changes your standard of living. Learn to work with Uranus in astrology to speed up your success and maximize your skills. Although who said that this maximum exists?

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> Uranus

Shows how much the desire for freedom and universal abilities is manifested. How strongly is the creative personality manifested, the desire for individuality. Indicates what kind of friends you need to make, how strong the emotional connection with the creative consciousness is.

Uranus enters signs every seven years, which is why the meaning and its influence are rather of historical significance. Shows the true task that is worth completing in this life. The embodiment of the soul in this life, what problem should be corrected, what to pay attention to. How difficult were past sins, and is it worth correcting them in this life?

Uranus in the signs of the Zodiac

Urania or Uranus is recognized as the mythological mother of Saturn. With it begins the series of the highest circular cycle of celestial influence. Its internal structure is the same as that of Mercury. Its physical, lower component includes the elements of Saturn and Mars. The first planet of the first scale is Mercury, Uranus is the eighth in this list. Already in the second octave, Uranus is already first. Accordingly, an assessment of the influence of this planet can only be made at the highest intellectual level.

When, at the moment of birth of a person, Urania rises in a favorable aspect, the beneficent side of the planet manifests itself more strongly, vise versa. We cannot agree with the opinion of those scientists who attribute exclusively harmful effects to this planet. In astrological terms, Uranus could not, until this stage of development, demonstrate the full power of its influence on the human brain. But there are, of course, exceptions. The era of its maturation has not yet come into its own.

The influence of Uranus on the zodiac sign

There are not many people on the planet today who would have the subtlest mind, capable of perceiving the influence of Uranus. And those exceptions to the rules are people with occult and spiritualistic abilities. Uranians always lead their era. They occupy the roles of reformers in human society.

People influenced by Uranus despise social principles. Conversations related to the opinions, customs and foundations of society cause irritation and even contempt in them. This is the reason for their hostility with many people. Thus, they are persecuted not only by public opinion, but by their senior mentors.

Uranus in the zodiac signs - human characteristics

The soul of the Uranian personality never worries about possible consequences. These people show courage, fearlessness and independence. Such character traits make them real opponents, a disturbing force in the lives of artificial, superficial, false people. It follows from this that the world community is not yet ready to accept such an eccentric orb in its full and strong form.

On the intellectual level, the influence of Uranus is manifested by ideal feelings, good perception and a strong imagination. Those who experience the influence of this planet receive exceptional, unlimited opportunities in the social direction. But due to the eccentricity and quirkiness of the talents of these creators and geniuses, they are extremely rarely appreciated. Among them are observant, inventive, sensitive representatives with an exceptionally subtle ability to perform and understand.

Physically, the influence of Uranus manifests itself in the formation of curious, in terms of observation, personalities. They exhibit eccentricity, stubbornness and strange manners. They love to argue everything and prove their importance. They will defend their opinions and ideas with extraordinary enthusiasm and strength.

Experiencing the beneficial influence of Uranus, individuals are able to achieve sudden financial well-being. Accidentally arising wealth, a rapid transition to a completely new level of financial well-being - this is a Uranus-style situation. But when the negative influence of this planet manifests itself, you can lose your fortune just as easily as you can gain it. Unexpected bankruptcy, economic crises, financial falls of banks can lead a person to the poverty line, and this is also the influence of Uranus.

If Uranus foretells an unfavorable development of marriage in the future, then it does not allow such connections to develop. Relationships end before marriage or shortly after it. This is how Uranus manifests itself when it is in the seventh house.