What do passing the volcano give to the pros? Warface: complete walkthrough of the special operation “Vulcan”

Warface: why is the special operation “Vulcan” still relevant? The Vulcan season has long passed, but people still often launch and play this special operation. Let's try to figure out why it is better than others. The special operation “Vulcan” consists of 13 sectors similar to each other, in each of which the player will have to survive and destroy turrets. Slowly but surely, absolutely everyone gets tired of it. Conclusion: “Vulcan” is uninteresting in terms of gameplay. In addition, nothing has changed on it for quite some time, but players do not stop launching rooms over and over again. This means they work hard for the sake of rewards. What is so special that Vulcan can boast of in terms of prizes for winning?

Solid "jackpot"

600-2280 Warbucks depending on difficulty level. Even on the easiest one you will get more than what you get for ordinary “Pro” missions. Thus, when playing this special operation, you will gain profit even without a VIP accelerator.


For completing the mission you will receive weapons with Magma camouflage: Glock, Kukri-machete, ACR CQB, McMillan, Type97 or Six12. If the first two models do not differ in special characteristics from their Warbucks counterparts, then the last four guns will please everyone, because this is the same box don, only you don’t have to pay for it either credits or Warbucks (for repairs).

Weapons are given only for completing “Vulcan” on difficulties “Difficult” and higher, for a period of 3 hours to 5 days. Certain levels are set depending on the level of difficulty.


And these awards are not a conclusion. On top of that, at all difficulty levels the player will receive a helmet for a random class for a period of 1 hour to 6 days (or forever). When completing a special operation on the “Pro” and “Hardcore” difficulties, you have a good chance of getting this outlandish thing forever.

Why imba? Firstly, the helmet has the best head protection in the game. Secondly, it can be repaired “for pennies” and often fails for a long time, which makes it completely free. Thirdly, it protects against blinding. The fourth advantage can be called its ability to restore health after 2 seconds without receiving damage (the highest response speed), although it restores only 2 points, this is quite enough. After all, the main damage occurs to the armor, so it is possible to maintain full HP without the presence of a medic with this helmet. And the fifth indisputable advantage is a unique beautiful design.

Our take on the new PvE mode for the popular online shooter, which should please both game veterans and newcomers.


Any fan should be pleased with what has been happening to the game over the past six months: during this time, it has probably received more updates than ever before. At the end of last year, Mail.ru gave fans of this online shooter several new modes in a set of updates “ Hunting season", and, just as the current year began, another special operation was added to the game. She received the name " Volcano", is PvE in nature, and anyone can try it out for a very modest fee of one access token.

The plot, however, does not shine with originality: the evil scientists of the Blackwood corporation are again playing with fire and experimenting with unknown seismic technologies, simultaneously threatening the entire planet with a series of destructive earthquakes. The villains are based, with the appropriate degree of shockingness, right in the mouth of a huge volcano. But there is no need to worry: five brave fighters of the corporation are enough to sweep through the entire building like a destructive tornado and put an end to the outrageous plans of the insidious scoundrels-eggheads. As you might have already guessed, it is this simple plan that the players will have to implement during the new special operation.

Anyone who follows updates more or less closely will immediately see where the legs grow from " Vulcana" The developers themselves did not hide this - they say that the players really liked “Liquidation”. And the new mode is really very similar to it, but still boasts much more dynamism and variety of scenery. It is clear that the developers worked especially hard on the second point. All thirteen floors of the volcanic complex are significantly different from each other, as is the general mood of what is happening on the screen: as you approach the crater of the volcano, red colors begin to predominate to a greater and greater extent, while on the first floors the picture is dominated by dull and boring colors gray colors.

The further players move deeper into the laboratories, the higher the difficulty will become. There will be more opponents, over time they will exchange batons for ranged weapons, then turrets will appear - at this point it will become completely sad. By the way, there are simply an indecent number of types of turrets here: ordinary stationary, moving, armored, underground, long-range... Even the final boss is a huge turret, which even has its own name. More turrets for the turret god!

In general, to complete the special operation " Volcano“It will take five trained fighters no more than half an hour. This is the optimal time for this mode: thanks to the constantly changing scenery and battle conditions, the shooting gallery does not stop being fun, and the run through the turret domain ends moments before it starts to get boring. Even after several successful passages " Vulcana“The incentive to enter it again does not disappear anywhere: especially for this purpose, fantastically beautiful “skins” for weapons in a volcanic theme were introduced into the game, which are issued upon completion of a special operation. And warbucks and experience certainly haven’t bothered anyone yet, right?

It is clear that the developers spent much more time on “Vulcan” than other modes. The scenery is painstakingly made, and the difficulty is balanced in such a way as not to overly burden the player, but also not to allow him to relax too much. And the coloring for the guns turned out just wonderful!

The long-awaited update, which includes the special operation "Vulcan", has been released on the "combat" servers! A Warface squad goes to an active volcano to investigate a medical laboratory located at its foot. At first glance, the situation seems peaceful and calm, but data on seismic activity in this region suggests otherwise. There is every reason to believe that inside this scientific complex you will encounter something completely new. Your squad will have to uncover the secret of the laboratory. Check your equipment and go on a mission! If you successfully complete the task, in addition to the standard rewards in the form of Warbucks, character experience and supplier experience, unique items await you - weapons and Magma equipment. Of course, there are also special in-game achievements for completing Vulcan.

Complete the mission "Vulcan" on the "Pro" difficulty level as a stormtrooper.

Complete the mission "Vulcan" on the "Pro" difficulty level as a medic.

Complete the mission "Vulcan" on the "Pro" difficulty level as an engineer.

Complete the mission "Vulcan" on the "Pro" difficulty level as a sniper.

Destroy 50 turrets in the Vulcan mission using the FCG-R3 K1.

Kill 10,000 enemies in the Vulcan mission.

Kill 500 enemies in the Vulcan mission with melee weapons.

Kill 10,000 enemies using weapons with the Magma camouflage.

Complete the "Volcano" mission on Hard difficulty.

Destroy 100 turrets in the Vulcan mission using a secondary weapon.

Kill 5000 enemies in the Vulcan mission.

Kill 1000 enemies using melee weapons with the Magma camouflage.

Complete the mission "Vulcan" on easy level.

Destroy 500 turrets in the Vulcan mission.

Complete the mission "Vulcan" on the "Pro" difficulty level without dying.

Kill 1000 enemies in the Vulcan mission.

Kill 10,000 enemies using an additional weapon with the Magma camouflage.

A special operation at the "Easy" difficulty level is available from rank 5, at the "Difficult" and "Pro" levels - from rank 10 and subject to completing the task at a difficult level. To explore Vulcan, you will need one Special Operations access token.

If you are a fan of PvE and go through special operations as they appear, then the mission called “Vulcan” will be available in chronological order after “Dangerous Experiment”. It should be immediately noted that the task is absolutely different from the previous one - from the variety of opponents to the reward received. The only thing that unites them is the same enemy in the person of the terrorist group Blackwood.

Description and features of the special operation “Vulcan”

Warface satellites detected increased activity in the H26 sector near the volcano. There is a huge medical complex in this place. According to the documentation, research on hot springs is being conducted here, but hardly anyone will believe it. Ursula has already visited the center three times in the past week. Hence your task: to find out what experiments are actually being carried out in a medical complex located in the mouth of an active volcano.

Some features:

  • The special operation can be completed at four difficulty levels - “Easy”, “Difficult”, “Pro” and “Hardcore”.
  • You will have to fight both against ordinary opponents (security officers, attack aircraft, snipers, grenade launchers, etc.) and against automatic turrets (and there will also be several types of them).
  • A team consists of five players.
  • The “medical” complex “Vulcan” is divided into 13 sectors (floors) and you have to go through each of them lengthwise and crosswise. Each level is a spacious room, divided into several zones using energy barriers.
  • After you find yourself in the elevator, all dead members of your team will respawn, ammunition, armor strength and HP points will be restored.

Difficulty levels

As written above, there are four difficulty levels in total, with “Hardcore” appearing later than the others. As the difficulty level increases, the number of ordinary enemies increases, somewhere instead of an attack aircraft a sniper appears, an arrow - a special forces soldier, etc. Turrets become much more dangerous: their durability, outgoing damage, agility increase, the “dead zones” that you can use decrease use it, for example, on the easy difficulty level.

Description of all difficulty levels:

  1. Easily. Like all other special operations, at the easy level, “Vulcan” is completed by a team consisting of almost any players. Enemies with firearms are hit “one time in four,” and turrets are destroyed with one or two spent clips. Use this difficulty mode to study the number of turrets in a particular sector, their locations and the sequence of appearance.
  2. Difficult. Enemies become more powerful, and their number increases. We need a more organized and coherent team.
  3. Pro. The complexity increases due to the same factors. Additionally, once you pass the second checkpoint, you will no longer be able to kick players from your team. This is also typical for “Hardcore”.
  4. Hardcore. Globally different from previous difficulty levels. This time the enemies will not be highlighted in red, they will appear much faster. On the other hand, you can receive a unique reward that is not even available on Pro. We are talking about sets of weapons and permanent helmets from the Magma series. Unique achievements are being introduced.

Command structure

If at the easy difficulty level the composition of the team can be arbitrary (at least consist entirely of attack aircraft), then when you select the “Difficult” option, everything changes significantly. At a minimum, the team should have one, or even two doctors. Next, it is advisable to have two attack aircraft, and the fifth person is at your discretion. Stormtroopers are a striking force. They are the ones who must destroy the turrets, while the medics will kill some of the soldiers and at the same time heal their squad.

It is impossible to say with certainty that a group of two attack aircraft, two medics and one sniper is better or worse than a group consisting of four attack aircraft and one medic. Here you must independently work out your tactics, based on individual preferences. But a sniper on the team will come in handy, since enemy shooters with long-range weapons can appear almost in the opposite part of the map.

The secret to destroying turrets (dead zones)

Some useful tips. If things are really bad and you are left alone (or alone with a friend), there is no need to despair. Remember that at any difficulty level you can still find “dead zones” for turrets. And if we are talking about stationary (fixed) machine guns, then there is nothing to worry about at all. Stand behind one of the pedestals so that you can hide from the turret(s) and at the same time have a viewing angle that allows you to observe the movement of opponents from both flanks. Kill the soldiers first until they stop appearing.

Having done this, press yourself against the cabinet (but not too close) and little by little begin to look out from behind it. You need to make sure that you can aim at the weak point of the turret. All turrets have good armor and hitting the lighter, outer areas will not cause them any damage. For example, if you take the Cobra turret, then you should aim for the dark parts that are in both the upper and lower parts of it. You shouldn’t rush headlong, fighting both turrets and soldiers at the same time. It’s better to hide and kill ordinary enemies, and then take on the turrets.

Completing the special operation “Vulcan” (DIFFICULT)

You arrive at the scene by helicopter. As soon as the windows open, you can immediately shoot your opponents. Basically, attack aircraft and a couple of snipers are waiting for you at the entrance to the complex. You will still have to kill them after landing.

After killing everyone, go to the entrance. Inside you will need to go along the winding corridor and kill several shooters, special forces soldiers and shield-bearing shooters. Since these opponents are not new, we will not describe the tactics of combat with each one separately. Soon you will get into the elevator. This is your first checkpoint, where ammunition, armor points and HP will be replenished. It is important that all surviving squad members get into the elevator. Even if you are killed, you will be reborn at the next control point, provided that at least one soldier from your group has reached it.

First sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 4 pieces.

As you exit the elevator, you will immediately see an energy barrier. There will be two or three such barriers in each sector. Moreover, in some cases, barriers appear as one of your squad members approaches the elevator in the opposite part of the room.

Approach the pedestals ahead as soon as the barrier disappears. While staying in cover, shoot your opponents until the first turret, the Cobra, appears in the center. You don't have to hide too much, since there aren't many turrets on the level. As soon as you see her, start shooting at the central area with the whole group.

Three more Cobras are waiting for you ahead - one in the center and two on different flanks. You will have to destroy them all at the same time. Look for such cover that you can see one turret without being seen by the other two at the same time. As soon as you see a green sign ahead that says “Collection,” you can move towards the elevator (it’s open). Remember that this inscription does not mean that there are no ordinary soldiers left in the location.

Second sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 1 piece, “Moray eel” - 14 pieces.

As soon as the doors open, immediately run to the shelter ahead. The barrier will disappear and a new turret will appear - “Moray eel”. If “Cobra” is a machine gun, then “Moray eel” is, one might say, a shotgun. Official sources indicate that it is necessary to fire at the turret immediately from the moment it appears. And she appears really unexpectedly! After a moment, two turrets will appear on the sides. At the same time, do not forget about security officers and shooters.

Do you see the indentation ahead? The next "Moray eel" will appear there. And again, after its destruction, two more attack you, from both flanks. Finally, in the same place there will be one “Moray eel” on the right and two in the recess. In total, at this point you need to destroy six Moray eels.

As you approach the next covers, expect a more serious attack. Two Moray eels will appear behind the cover on the left and right. Don't rush to attack them until you deal with the influx of security personnel.

Next, a “Cobra” will appear near the door of the next lift. This time, this machine gun turret will not only continuously attack visible targets, but also move from side to side. After its destruction, deal with three "Moray eels": two will appear on the flanks and one, at the very end - directly opposite the next elevator.

Third sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Hornet” - 1 piece, “Moray eel” - 12 pieces.

Immediately run to the shelter in the center. In addition to the attack aircraft, you will need to deal with three Moray eels. First, one will appear in the center, and then two will appear on the flanks. Move forward a little and destroy four more turrets. The first pair will attack you from the flanks, and the second pair of turrets will be on the left side, a meter away from each other.

Afterwards, the barrier will disappear, and you can go forward. Don't go too fast, because a new type of turret called a Hornet will appear above the elevator door ahead. The Hornet attacks with one shot with a pause of 2-3 seconds. One accurate shot from the Hornet can kill you if you were previously wounded. As you understand, since the Hornet is constantly moving from side to side, it is pointless to look for “dead zones”. It is worth noting the higher speed of movement compared to the mobile Cobra.

In addition to the Hornet, two more Moray eels will appear on the sides. Stormtroopers will now attack you not only from below, but also from the bridges above. And they do it at the most inopportune moment. Finally, get even closer and destroy the three Moray Eels: on the left, on the right and in the middle. After destroying them, the elevator door will open, but there is no need to rush. First, deal with the remaining security personnel and stormtroopers. There will even be heavy infantrymen and special forces soldiers here.

Fourth sector

At the beginning of the location there will be several shelters at once, and the energy barrier will disappear after Ursula’s voice fades away. Deal with three stationary Cobras: two on the right and one on the left. Do not forget to kill ordinary soldiers at the same time.

Go a little forward and defeat three more Cobras, which this time will be mobile. Moreover, some turrets move in all four directions. After blowing them up, you can go into the elevator.

Fifth sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 6 pieces.

One of the most inconvenient sectors. The fact is that in its first half there are no shelters. Approximately in the middle there is a small pit and an energy barrier. There is no need to rush to approach there, because literally in a few seconds guns will appear behind the barrier. It is best to hide behind the pedestals in front of the pit. Two Cobras will appear at the side walls. These are moving turrets, be careful.

Go through the gate and deal with two more Cobras. Expect attacks from shield bearers, which were not present in previous sectors (only in the initial corridor).

Before entering the lift, you will need to destroy a couple more stationary Cobras.

Sixth sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 1 piece, “Moray eel” - 1 piece, “Hornet” - 1 piece, “Porcupine” - 8 pieces.

Go to the location and wait. After messages from your commander and Ursula, two huge cabinets with horizontal niches will emerge from under the ground. Small round turrets called “Porcupines” move through these niches. They attack in bursts, like machine guns. There are two options for destruction: attack from cover with conventional weapons, or try to throw a grenade into the very niches through which the “Porcupines” move. One thrown grenade can instantly destroy this turret.

It is very important to agree with your squad members about the use of grenades. You need to make sure that only one grenade is thrown into the Porcupine’s niche, since a total of eight such turrets are waiting for you in this location. And you need to throw a grenade not from a distance, but when approaching the turret closely.

Having dealt with them, go forward and wait for two more of the same turrets “in the closets”. But don't let your guard down! Almost immediately after their destruction, a “Hornet” will appear above at the same point. Attack this weapon immediately.

The next two "Porcupines" will appear a little earlier than the stationary "Cobra", which will rise from the ground after their destruction.

At the fourth firing line there will be two more Porcupines. After their destruction, a “Moray eel” will appear in the middle. Having dealt with it, feel free to move into the elevator.

Seventh sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 3 pieces, “Porcupine” - 4 pieces.

The next sector will delight you with the same “Porcupines” mixed with the rest of the turrets. This time the Porcupines will appear from the side. After entering the location, deal with the mobile “Cobra” in the center and the “Porcupine” on the left. By the way, it is not necessary to throw a grenade directly into a niche. If you have done enough damage to the Porcupine turret with small arms, simply throw a grenade next to it.

Next on the left side there will be a stationary “Cobra” and two “Porcupines”. After destroying them, do not rush to run to the elevator. In addition to the fact that you can notice another niche for the “Porcupine” on the left, at least one mobile “Cobra” will appear in the location on the right. Snipers and special forces soldiers attack you from the bridges above, be careful.

Eighth sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 1 piece, “Moray eel” - 1 piece, “Hornet” - 4 pieces.

As soon as the door closes behind you, a “Moray eel” will appear in the center ahead. There will be a Hornet above it, and two more will move along the rail tracks on the right and left. Deal with the turrets first, and only after that kill the regular soldiers.

A Cobra and a Hornet will appear right at the door of the next lift. In addition, you will see special forces whose fighters use experimental energy weapons. You will recognize this weapon by the characteristic blue (blue) projectiles fired. One shot does decent damage, but the reload time for this weapon is longer.

Having dealt with the turrets and soldiers, run into the elevator.

Ninth sector

Approximate number of turrets: none, you fight exclusively against security personnel.

This room will be filled with smoke, significantly reducing visibility. As you understand, visibility deteriorates for you, not your opponents. After the doors close behind you, enemies will run towards you in a few seconds. As you may have already guessed, in such narrow passages between the pedestals, the developers sent security officers wielding batons at you.

When you see the “Gathering” sign ahead, go to the opposite end of the room. But the elevator will be closed for now. Stand with your back to him and wait for the second attacking wave of security officers. If you don't play on Hardcore difficulty, then this sector will seem like an ordinary shooting gallery with moving targets. You have the opportunity to issue a large number of headshots and increase your accuracy percentage.

Tenth sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Moray eel” - 2 pieces, “Hornet” - 4 pieces.

All enemies are located almost at the end of the sector. There are also several smoke grenades that impair visibility. Many special forces are equipped with experimental energy weapons, so be careful. When you kill the special forces, a “Moray eel” will appear in front of the barrier, and a “Hornet” will appear above it. Security officers will run towards you from both sides. In addition, additional smoke grenades will be thrown.

Eleventh sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 4 pieces, “Moray eel” - 2 pieces, “Mammoth” - 2 pieces, “Porcupine” - 1 piece.

Having arrived at the location, blow up two mobile “Cobras” located on different sides. Now be careful! A completely new turret will appear in the center - “Mammoth”. There are only two Mammoth-type turrets in the entire complex. You can see one of them right now. It is almost impossible to penetrate her armor, so attacking head-on will be pointless.

Move along the right or left wall, quickly moving behind the pedestal that serves as cover. Behind the Mammoth you will see red cylinders - this is a power source. Your squad members should be on both sides of the Mammoth so as to attack this energy source. For example, when you start to attack, the Mammoth turns in your direction to fire back. But at the same time, he will position himself with his back to your partners, and you can hide behind a cabinet. Did you get the idea?

Next you need to destroy two “Cobras” and two “Moray eels”. On the left side you can see the Porcupine, but these are all minor things compared to the fact that a moment later another Mammoth turret will appear. It is advisable to run straight to her. Your squad members should position themselves around the turret so that at least one of you can fire accurately at the power source, regardless of which direction the Mammoth's guns are facing. After destroying the second weapon of this type, head into the elevator.

Twelfth sector

Approximate number of turrets: “Cobra” - 3 pieces, “Moray eel” - 1 piece, “Hornet” - 2 pieces, “Porcupine” - 2 pieces.

Destroy the two mobile Cobras in the middle. Don't forget to shoot back from the soldiers appearing both from below and from above. A Moray eel will appear below, which you can destroy before it has time to open fire on you or your partners. Where the Moray eel was, there are two niches on the side for the Porcupine. You already know how to destroy this weapon.

Several Hornets and Cobras are waiting for you ahead. At least two Hornets move along the rails on the right and one Cobra in front. Beware of snipers!

When you hear the words that you have access to the Blackwood secret weapon, go through the doorway ahead. Kill the normal enemies and approach the yellow weapon icon. Pick up the weapon and enter the elevator. All squad members must do this.

Thirteenth sector

Approximate number of turrets: a huge unit churning out an infinite number of Cobra-type turrets.

And here it is, the battle arena with the final boss. You will see a huge colossus suspended from the ceiling. On the side there are several monitors with Ursula's image. There is no point in attacking this device at this moment. Wait there. Deal with literally two or three “Cobras”, after which you will see a green dot appear with the inscription “Collection”. Move the whole squad to the indicated safe place and turn around so that you can see the huge device.

Now Cobra-type turrets will appear on the battlefield. You can destroy them with one hit from the previously selected energy weapon (level “DIFFICULT”).

Please note that at a certain moment a yellow icon with an “exclamation mark” will appear on the unit. At this moment, the door will open slightly, behind which you will see Ursula sitting inside. Attack this madam while the door is open. At one time you should destroy approximately 20% of your total health (at the “DIFFICULT” level).

Run to a new location. Now, in addition to Cobras, special forces soldiers with the same energy weapons will appear at the location. Hide from shots behind raised posts. Repeat the procedure until Ursula is completely destroyed. Throughout the entire battle, you will have to kill exclusively Cobra turrets and special forces soldiers.

Replaced with an equally colorful one under the code name "Volcano".
You are dropped off in front of the entrance to a genetic engineering laboratory disguised in a huge volcano. The Blackwoods are clearly up to something bad, and it's up to you to find out.

Throughout the journey to the final boss, an annoying female voice will ask your squad to leave this private area, but when did that stop anyone... The mission is similar to the one already familiar to everyone "Liquidation". Here, too, you need to clear floor by floor, shoot down waves of enemies, but now new enemies have been added: various mechanical turrets that can even appear from under your feet.

Types of turrets and methods of destroying them:

  • Automatic - high rate of fire, but low damage. It is better to shoot at it while reloading in areas without armor.
  • Melee turrets - fire 3 shots and reload, at this moment you need to destroy it. They can appear from under the floor in the most unexpected places.
  • Sniper - on high difficulties they can kill with one shot. They have one weak spot - the green circle in the center. A sniper can deal with it with one well-aimed shot.
  • Built into the wall is an automatic turret with a fairly large reserve of armor, but if you throw a grenade into the structure in which it moves, this will stop it.
  • Mammoth is an analogue of Juggernaut from regular missions. A large armored turret, absolutely impenetrable to the forehead. It has a fuel tank installed at the back, by exploding which it can be neutralized.

    With each new floor it will be more and more difficult for you to destroy your opponents, and the picture outside the windows will become darker and darker. Behind the glass you can also see various experiments of Blackwood scientists. Perhaps in them you will find a clue to past or future events in the game.

    Walkthrough guide:

    Easy The difficulty level can be completed by any team; it is intended for familiarization with the game. You can admire the various interior details throughout the levels and explore where the turrets appear. You can leisurely walk through the floors. After completing the mission you will receive special rewards.

    Average the level for beginners will seem more difficult, but in fact, 1 good attack aircraft and 1 medic who will heal are enough. The rest are optional. It's quite simple.

    Pro. This requires an experienced team and the right equipment. It is best to take 1 sniper, 2 attack aircraft, 1 medic and 1 engineer.

    And now in more detail:

    Sniper- buy a body armor with an increased supply of ammunition, and if there is no engineer in the team, then it is better to use Combat or Armu (armor regeneration). A helmet with health regen (Combat or Magma), gloves preferably with fast reloading, and boots don’t play a big role. As for weapons, although the set includes the so-called MacMillan bolt action, it is better to take any semi-automatic rifle with 20 rounds of ammunition in the magazine. The sniper's task is to destroy the Hornets. These are sniper turrets, enemies with laser sights and grenade launchers. Well, and, if possible, help the attack aircraft while they are reloading.

    Stormtrooper- main impact force. It is better to choose armor for maximum suppression of damage from enemy bullets. The helmet, again, is for health regeneration, gloves are for reload speed. Weapon - preferably any machine gun or assault rifles with maximum damage. This class does the main work. You shoot at everything that moves, and replenish the ammo supply for your allies as needed.

    Medic must first of all heal, and only then help in destroying opponents.
    This means that it is worthwhile, if possible, to buy a better first aid kit in the game store. Armor or Combat armor. Helmet with increased protection. Weapons - any pump-action or semi-automatic shotgun and precision pistol. If a medic suddenly decides to run forward to kill enemies and dies in the process, we can assume that the game has already been lost. The medic’s task is to monitor the health of his squad and replenish it with the help of a first aid kit if necessary, and also to look for enemies who have come to the rear.

    Behind Engineer several game options. You can help the attack aircraft by shooting enemies who get too close, or run forward to the nearest shelter and from there fully fire on the soldiers and turrets. A bulletproof vest should be taken with an increased supply of ammunition, and a helmet, of course, to restore hit points. A weapon with at least 30 rounds in the magazine and maximum damage.

    Destroy the turrets as quickly as possible. In this way, you will quickly get to the elevator and stop multiple invasions of security guards. Stock up on fragmentation grenades and even stun grenades. They will be useful for fighting Porcupine-type turrets. On the 9th floor it will be quite difficult. Enemies with clubs will come out in droves from all possible doors. There are 2 options: spread out in the corners and shoot enemies, covering each other, or take aim at the enemy’s spawn points and don’t let them get out, killing them on the spot.

    Before the final boss, you will be met by fighters with laser weapons and large amounts of ammunition. They need to be killed with a precise hit to the head from a sniper rifle, otherwise you can lose the entire team in a couple of seconds. You will deal with the final boss with the help of “gifts” from Blackwood’s arsenal.

    For completing Operation Vulcan you will be given special equipment and weapons "Magma" for a period of time. There is a chance after completing the "pro" difficulty to get the helmet from the kit forever. It is similar in properties to the Combat Helmet, but starts regenerating health earlier and more slowly.

    Briefly about the rest:

    A new semi-automatic sniper rifle, Remington R11 RSASS, has been added to the game store;
    - 14 new achievements for completing the special operation "Vulcan";
    - Helmets from the "Magma" set for each class. Issued for completing a new special operation;
    - A new “box of luck” with the opportunity to receive weapons from the “Magma” collection forever;
    - For the M16A3, an under-barrel grenade launcher was added and the firing range was slightly increased;
    - Added 79th rank - Colonel General of the "Gods of War" detachment.