What does lipoic acid do in the body? Alpha lipoic acid benefits and harms

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) or thioctic acid is a natural metabolic product (metabolite) that is involved in most physiological processes directly related to proper metabolism. This feature is explained by the participation of thioctic acid in the composition of the enzyme, which is involved in chemical reactions of transformation of organic acids, and this affects the decrease in acidity in the cells themselves. .

By promoting the formation of coenzyme A, thioctic acid preparations take part in the metabolism of fatty acids. This affects the reduction of the severity of degeneration (fatty) in liver cells, and also activates the metabolic function in the bile department, as well as liver protection, the so-called hepatoprotective properties.

To understand why lipoic acid is needed, it is worth understanding a certain sequence. It accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids, thereby reducing blood lipid levels, exhibiting antioxidant properties, and also prevents cell damage by neutralizing free radicals. In addition, alpha-lipoic acid prevents the development of insulin resistance in the body at the cellular level, which is extremely important for diabetes.

What you need to know about lipoic acid

Many people are interested in what lipoic acid is contained in, as well as in what products it can be found. This practical antioxidant is present in spinach, yeast, cabbage and rice. Also, this substance is found in products of animal origin, for example:

  • By-products (heart, liver, kidneys);
  • Milk products;
  • Beef;
  • Chicken eggs

The fact that thioctic acid is synthesized in the body has also been confirmed. Moreover, the amount of endogenously synthesized substance decreases with age.

Lipoic acid, or vitamin N, is considered an insulin-like substance with powerful antioxidant function. The power of its action far exceeds the standard performance of the body, filling it with a huge amount of additional energy. This element cannot be found in the standard list of vitamins, although it is considered a powerful antioxidant for weight loss, as well as useful for sports and bodybuilding.

It is no secret that lipoic acid (vitamin N) is similar in its functions to vitamin B, namely:

  1. Regulates lipid and carbon metabolism;
  2. Can prevent fatty liver;
  3. Fat and carbohydrate burner on the way to weight loss;
  4. Restores disturbances in vision functions;
  5. Affects cholesterol metabolism;
  6. Increases metabolic rate;
  7. Protects the walls of cells and blood vessels from destruction;
  8. Regulates the coordinated functioning of the thyroid gland;
  9. Provides a protective function against exposure to radiation.

These are not all the beneficial properties of lipoic acid; it can improve concentration and memory due to its participation in carbon metabolism, which results in the nutrition of nerve fibers and the brain. It is worth remembering what lipoic acid contains and consuming these foods daily in order to maintain a comfortable weight and strive for weight loss. Alpha lipoic acid is found in many animal and plant foods. Proper cooking can preserve the portion of vitamin N necessary for the body to obtain its daily requirement with benefits for the liver, as well as the body of a pregnant woman.

It is worth noting that the release form of lipoic acid in pharmacies is presented in 12 mg tablets and 25 mg tablets, as well as in ampoules with a 3% injection solution.

Often, lipoic acid is needed for problems with concentration, rapid fatigue, and many other diseases. It is also used in active sports, pumping up muscle mass and bodybuilding. People suffering from diabetes are prescribed high dosages of this drug, since it can stabilize blood sugar levels.

According to the instructions, there is a certain dosage of lipoic acid depending on the main purposes of its use. To correctly select the required dose, there is an analysis known as “Antioxidant status”. Based on its results, a purely individual dose of the drug is prescribed for treatment or prevention. For preventive purposes, 100 mg of the substance per day is prescribed for a long period. The dose for treatment is about 600 mg per day.

Before taking alpha-lipoic acid, you should know that this substance is a powerful chelator that connects and removes harmful substances, adsorbing them from the body, blood and liver, promoting weight loss. This even applies to salts of heavy metals. That is why taking thioctic acid should not be combined with food or other medications; it is advisable to take it along with plenty of fluids and diet. It is worth knowing that with prolonged use of this tablet, the body runs out of B vitamins. In order to adjust their content, it is worth periodically replenishing the supply.

On the pharmaceutical market, thioctic acid preparations are divided into drugs (Berlition, Lipamide, Lipoic acid, Octolipen, Espa-Lipon, Thiogamma), as well as dietary supplements containing this substance in their composition (Alpha Normix, Alpha D3-Teva, Gastrofilin Plus, Microhydrin , Nutricoenzyme Q10, etc.) This is an incomplete list of alpha-lipoic acid preparations.

The correct daily intake of lipoic acid and its benefits

It is worth noting that, according to the instructions for the drug, lipoic acid during pregnancy and breastfeeding has a number of contraindications. This drug should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation, and the benefits and possible risks should be weighed. We are talking about comparing the possible harm to the baby with the benefit to his mother. Not long ago, laboratory studies of the substance were carried out on pregnant animals. They made it possible to notice a decrease in the likelihood of abnormalities in the fetal nervous system, as well as accidental miscarriage in a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, similar data in humans have not been amenable to similar studies. The penetration of thioctic acid to the fetus through the placenta of a pregnant woman has not yet been established.

It is no secret that a child’s growing body really needs a daily dose of vitamin N in the amount of 12.5-25 mg. In the process of studying, playing sports and nervous tension, the dose of the substance can be increased after consultation with a doctor.

The daily intake of vitamin N in tablets is selected individually, depending on the prevailing lifestyle, as well as physical stress (bodybuilding):

  1. Category from 11 to 55 years and above – from 25 mg to 30 mg;
  2. Men practicing strength training and bodybuilding with weight gain should take at least 100-200 mg of the substance;
  3. Physical exercise for endurance - at least 400-500 mg of the drug per day.

The presence of vitamin N in a woman’s body provides an indispensable service when striving for weight loss and weight loss. The thioctic substance is capable of removing excess fat deposits from the female body, transforming it into energy for productive life. The correct dosage of lipoic acid, a corrective diet and exercise can help with weight loss.

Experts are confident that its daily intake balances between 12.5 mg and 25 mg during active life.

There are certain indications for the use of alpha-lipoic acid, as well as symptoms that indicate an insufficient amount of it in the body, namely:

  1. Muscle cramps;
  2. Polyneuritis;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Frequent and severe dizziness;
  5. Fat deposits;
  6. Failure in the production of bile and disturbances in liver function;
  7. The presence of atherosclerotic deposits;
  8. Vascular plaques.

Overdose and side effects of lipoic acid are extremely rare, since the substance is not toxic in nature and easily leaves the body. Despite this, it is worth remembering that excess dosages of drugs with vitamin N can provoke the following symptoms:

  • Allergic manifestations (rashes);
  • Heartburn;
  • Change in stomach acidity towards increase;
  • Pain in the pancreas;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms.

It is no secret that the human body is capable of producing lipoic acid on its own, but with age, this process becomes more and more difficult for it. Foods that contain acid can improve the situation with the substance content. For example, 300-600 mg of the drug per day cannot harm the body. The modern medical industry has not yet come to a common conclusion regarding the most effective and safe dosage of thioctine tablets. One thing is clear: the benefits and harms of alpha-lipoic acid still exist.

Diabetes mellitus and lipoic acid

It is worth considering that lipoic acid still occurs in type 2 diabetes. Research over the last decade has revealed that to maintain health, it is important to maintain the level of vitamin D required by the body. Otherwise, the body experiences oxidative stress, which must be considered as the main cause of cell wear, aging, an increasing risk of blood vessel and heart disease, and metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus). type 2), as well as the development of cancer. Taking alpha lipoic acid for diabetes increases the body's perception of insulin and has a positive effect on the consumption of sugar by cells. For this disease, the daily dose of the drug according to the instructions is 600-1800 mg, it is administered intravenously. Soon, the regeneration of nerve fibers increases, and the daily dosage often decreases.

Alcohol and thioctic acid

According to the above, ALA protects the body's cells from the oxidative process, which occurs constantly. The use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, heavily fried meat, a huge amount of medications, as well as frequent stress stimulate the formation of harmful free radicals. Lipoic acid is needed to quickly neutralize them.

It is worth noting that the compatibility of lipoic acid and alcohol still exists. Polyneuropathy is considered to be a fairly common complication of excessive and long-term alcohol consumption. According to experts, it has a damaging effect that targets the peripheral nervous system. Despite the fact that this disease is quite complex, it is treated with drugs containing alpha-lipoic acid according to the instructions for their use, which can remove alcohol, but quickly lose their effect. That is why its dosage is increased.

Lipoic acid is considered a fairly powerful antioxidant for hangovers; it can prevent withdrawal symptoms. According to consumer reviews, from 2 to 5 tablets of the drug while drinking alcohol, they begin to remove it from the body. That is why intoxication is not possible.

Healthy facial skin with thioctic acid

In addition to many other beneficial properties, alpha-lipoic acid is considered incredibly effective for facial skin for cosmetic purposes. This applies not only to the successful fight against the aging process, but also to healthy skin color. It is the skin that is considered to reflect the overall health of a person. It can be used to determine age, notice fatigue, relaxation or tension. From a cosmetological point of view, there is a division into painful and healthy color.

The skin itself has a huge number of layers, which, in addition to protective properties, perform many other functions:

  1. Regulate temperature balance;
  2. Protects against microorganisms that cause various diseases;
  3. Adjust sensitivity (tactility).

Cosmetologists claim that its second layer contains about 90% of the thickness of the entire skin, since it contains elastin and collagen. Their main properties are elasticity and strength. The amount of these proteins directly affects the aging process of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

It is worth noting that thioctic acid has also managed to find its application in cosmetology. Using the antioxidant properties of alpha lipoic acid (coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E), the body counteracts the hardness of the skin that can cause wrinkles. For example, lipoic acid is in constant opposition to the breakdown of vitamin E and Q10 in the skin.

Using this drug, according to reviews from specialists and cosmetologists, it is possible to slow down aging in most organs. Scientist Perricone was able to test 15 patients in the age group of 35-55 years in 2001. His anti-aging solution consisted of 1% lipoic acid. Some women noticed the first results after 1-2 days of rubbing the solution. According to reviews, their tear sacs have tightened up a little. After 5 days, the irritating redness of the skin disappeared. After 2 weeks of testing, the patients' pores significantly expanded. At week 12, fine lines and wrinkles disappeared (scars decreased) under the eyes, as well as in other areas of the face without special diets.

Lipoic acid is very necessary to eliminate the following cosmetic problems with facial skin:

  1. Wrinkles and lines;
  2. Skin swelling and lacrimal sacs;
  3. Eliminate dullness and pallor of the skin.

According to reviews, thioctic acid in cosmetology has managed to establish itself as a quickly effective drug that brings benefits at any age. For example, a cream with alpha-lipoic acid, Health Quartet, is a new line of cosmetics with a rejuvenating effect, as well as an impressive antioxidant effect. A successful combination of cream and serum with provitamin D3, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), lipoic acid and phytoestrogens improve skin metabolism, bringing benefits.

Lipoic acid is needed for a slim physique

It's no secret that intense physical training promotes the formation of free radicals, which increase oxidative stress, so it's important to know how to take lipoic acid in bodybuilding or other sports pursuits. Thanks to this substance, the indicators and properties of oxidation are noticeably reduced, the destruction of cells and proteins is slowed down. In other words, athletes and bodybuilders will train with reduced damage in muscle fibers, and also quickly regenerate in places of damage. For them, there is a special sports nutrition with alpha-lipoic acid and other additives.

In order to speed up metabolism, alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine are used in foreign medical practice. It is this combination that is balanced for the transformation of fats into energy. The course of treatment, according to the instructions, is designed for a month. Moreover, this combination of substances, without special diets, will help defeat the main cause of excess weight - slow metabolism.

Opinions and reviews that alpha lipoic acid is for weight loss are not entirely correct. It should be noted that her pills are not intended to combat extra pounds. They are considered a powerful antioxidant that can isolate and deactivate dangerous substances from the body. At the same time, thanks to the drug with the above-mentioned active substance, the process of burning sugar in the blood is noticeably accelerated and metabolism is stabilized.

The human body is capable of producing lipoic acid, but this figure decreases with age. The reason for this is a metabolic disorder. In order to prevent disruptions in the functioning of the body, experts recommend using special supplements with this element according to the instructions.

That is why you should listen to the reviews of nutritionists on how to drink lipoic acid for weight loss, namely:

  • Experts are convinced that its adoption should be accompanied by physical activity (going to the gym, bodybuilding);
  • Selection of an individual diet-correcting diet for the purpose of losing weight;
  • The daily dose of ALA for people aged 25 to 50 years should be about 400-600 mg.

Dosages are prescribed individually depending on weight, age category, as well as the tendency to obesity, etc. Thanks to such a streamlined system of actions, the need for ordinary diets and fasting days simply disappears.

Lipoic acid appears as a light yellow powder and tastes bitter. This compound of sulfur with fatty acid is produced in the human body, but more and more often doctors recommend its additional intake.

The supplement gives energy, helps lose weight, restores the health of internal organs, promotes rejuvenation and is practically harmless. It is worth taking a closer look, to understand in what cases it can be taken with maximum benefit for yourself. Why lipoic acid, why women need such therapy, in what cases it should be avoided and how to choose the right drug, we will tell you in this article.


Lipoic acid is involved in metabolism; in terms of the way it influences processes occurring in the body, it can most easily be compared with vitamins from the B-group. Helps regulate metabolic processes and fats in the body, eases the load on the liver and improves its functioning, removes decay products, toxins and waste from the body. For this property it is used in cases of severe poisoning to quickly remove hazardous substances. Participates in cholesterol metabolism, helps to lose weight due to its lipotropic properties.

Lipoic acid (also called alpha lipoic acid or thioctic acid, vitamin N, lipamide) is an intrinsic scavenger of unnecessary free radicals. Lipamide reduces the amount of glucose in the blood and increases glycogen reserves.

Inside the cells of the body, it affects enzymatic reactions and helps increase the energy received.

The substance controls breakdown, promoting the effective absorption of all necessary substances and removes unnecessary residues from the body.

Lipamide preserves the health of DNA structures, preserves youth and body functions.

This acid is formed in the human body and actively takes part in metabolic processes. With age, its production decreases.

Release form, composition

However, quite a lot of dietary supplements based on lipoic acid are produced, including imported ones. Their prices vary depending on the quantitative content in mg from 500 to 3000 rubles.

In pharmacies, lipoic acid is sold in tablets (12, 25 mg), in capsules 300 mg or in solutions for injections. For example, 50 tablets of 25 mg can be bought for 48 rubles, without overpaying for the necessary medicine in beautiful packaging with expensive delivery.

Indications for use

  1. As one of the components in the complex of atherosclerosis therapy.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Severe poisoning associated with liver damage: poisoning with wild mushrooms, heavy metals, drug overdose.
  4. For liver damage: chronic and viral hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  5. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas.
  6. Heart failure.

Adult women under the age of 35 consume 25-50 mg of acid per day; during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the consumption rises to 75 mg. For girls under 15 years old, 12 to 25 mg is enough. A healthy body produces this amount on its own and does not need additional supplements.

Method of administration: The tablet or capsule is taken on an empty stomach and washed down with plenty of clean water. Tea, juice, and dairy products neutralize its effect. You can eat it an hour after taking it.

Lipoic acid for women over 50

The need for acid increases significantly with age. From 40 to 50 years of age, the antioxidant system becomes depleted and there is a need to fight free radicals, which lead to aging and general wear and tear of the body. The daily dose for prevention is 60-100 mg per day.

With age, the number of diseases of internal organs accumulates, the kidneys, cardiovascular system and other important systems wear out. Under these conditions, lipoic acid is consumed at a high rate, which leads to the need for additional intake.

Oxidative stress, living in big cities, unhealthy diet, addiction to fast food and unhealthy drinks also require an additional dose of lipoic acid. The daily norm can be 200-300 mg.

In situations of heavy physical activity, the menu includes 100 to 600 mg per day.

Daily norms of 300-600 mg are used in the treatment of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, neuropathy, and liver diseases.

The acid is included in complexes that facilitate menopause. During this period, bone loss begins, the supplement increases bone mineral density. According to experts, all older patients who tolerate it well should add it to their diet to combat free radicals and as a preventive measure.

For infertility in women

In case of infertility in women, lipoic acid will help the couple conceive a healthy baby. In men, it improves the quality of sperm, which is important for more confident conception and development of the embryo. Currently, more and more gynecologists are including the drug in their vitamin regimens while planning and preparing the body for pregnancy. Lipoic acid improves the effect of other drugs, cleanses the body of toxins, and reduces chronic inflammation.

Important: During pregnancy, anemia is dangerous for the fetus, and doctors are trying to maintain and increase the level of iron in the body of the expectant mother. Taking alpha lipoic acid lowers iron levels, so it is advisable to avoid it during pregnancy. To improve the general condition of the body, the course is taken at the planning stage; during pregnancy, taking it is possible only if necessary as prescribed by a doctor.

Anti-wrinkle application

Antioxidant properties can be fully demonstrated when it comes to combating visible signs of age. The properties of the acid are much superior to such recognized antioxidants as cosmetology vitamins E and C.

Enrichment of cosmetic compositions with lipoic acid reduces pigmentation, removes circles under the eyes, eliminates small expression wrinkles, smoothes the surface, makes the skin denser, and the shade even and natural.

Lipoic acid for weight loss

Despite the fact that the drug is not considered a means for weight loss, it is most often used during weight loss.

It is believed that taking the supplement reduces appetite, improves mood, burns fat reserves faster and reduces cravings for sweets.

Myths and truths about alpha lipoic acid:

  1. Decreased appetite. The substance normalizes blood sugar. Thanks to this action, appetite is reduced and the diet becomes much more comfortable.
  2. Normalization of carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to the intensive burning of reserves, the weight loss process accelerates, tone increases, and a surge of energy is felt for further activity.
  3. Lipotropic effect. By removing toxins and improving liver function, you feel better.

We can conclude: Acid alone will not cause the body to lose weight. But if you start the process of losing weight by choosing a suitable diet and adding sports activities, alpha-lipoic acid will become a comfortable and pleasant addition.

It is taken 25 mg before or immediately after sports activities and also after meals. Maximum per day - 100 mg, duration of administration 3 weeks.

  • unpolished, brown, wild rice;
  • green vegetables: broccoli, spinach or Brussels sprouts;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • offal: liver, kidneys.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. Individual sensitivity or intolerance.
  2. Preschool age.
  3. Increased acidity, suspected or detected ulcer, gastritis.
  4. Iron deficiency.
  5. Allergic reaction.

Very important: While taking alpha lipoic acid, you will have to stop taking any alcohol, even dosage forms.

In cases where the dosage limit is exceeded (10,000 mg in one dose or in combination with alcohol), the following symptoms may appear: convulsions, severe heartburn and abdominal pain, impaired blood clotting, and hypoglycemic coma is possible.

There is no antidote for lipoic acid; in cases of overdose, they alleviate the condition and monitor the symptoms, do gastric lavage, induce vomiting, and give activated charcoal.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Cisplatin: The effectiveness of cisplatin is reduced.
  • Insulin and hypoglycemic agents: the effect of insulin, as well as anti-hypoglycemia drugs, is enhanced.
  • : the effect of carnitine is enhanced.
  • Ethanol: the effect of the acid weakens or disappears.
  • Complete incompatibility: ethanol, Ringer's solutions, dextrose.

Important: acid removes magnesium and iron from the human body, it is advisable to supplement your diet with the necessary supplements for those who suffer from anemia or need magnesium supplements for stable cardiac function.

Possible analogues

In pharmacies you can find analogs of the usual drug called “Lipoic acid” in the form of tablets, capsules and solutions for injections. They contain the same substance, only the design, degree of purification and dosage and price differ.

It is impossible to find another drug with the same properties, since this is an endogenous substance that is produced by the body itself.

Popular analogues:

  • berlition;
  • octolipene;
  • thiogamma;
  • thioctacid;
  • neurolipon;
  • thiolepta;
  • espa-lipon;

The modern chemical industry produces two analogs of the additive with a mirror molecule, right and left. The name or description of the drugs contains the Latin letters L or R. The “right” option is more expensive, but is completely identical to the substance that is produced by the human body itself. When choosing such a drug, you need to reduce the recommended dosage by half, since it is easily absorbed.

The “left” version has a weaker effect, is less absorbed and has almost no effect on the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

In the case of alpha lipoic acid, the drug seems to be very friendly and natural to the human body, but self-prescription should be avoided. Consultation with your doctor will help you make the right decision, choose the required dosage and the appropriate form of administration.

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Hello, dear beauties of our site. Today we will tell you about lipoic acid for weight loss.

A woman’s dream of a slim and beautiful figure is quite possible if she thinks about taking lipoic acid daily. This substance is considered a natural antioxidant, its effect on the female body is reminiscent of beneficial B vitamins.

What is lipoic acid

Lipoic acid is also known for its unique property of burning excess fat deposits. This occurs due to the substance’s effect on improving metabolic processes in the body and converting sugar obtained from food into valuable energy.

By using this drug together with a properly balanced diet and the physical exercises necessary for the body, you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms in a month.

In nature, the substance has the form of a yellowish crystalline powder with a specific bitter taste and unpleasant odor. Natural lipoic acid dissolves well in liquids containing an alcohol base.

Lipoic acid for weight loss is produced in tablet form and capsules, in powders for the preparation of suspensions and in solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

How to use lipoic acid for weight loss

For weight loss, doctors recommend taking a drug containing lipoic acid, 600 mg per day. It is important to ensure that the specified dose is not exceeded. This amount of lipoic acid is divided into three doses (during the day), each of which consists of 200 mg of the beneficial substance.

If a woman has never used this antioxidant, it is recommended to start taking it with a dosage of 200 mg per day, gradually increasing this dose to the maximum allowable. The minimum dose is 25 mg per dose. If a woman wants to lose more than 5 kg, then a single dose is increased to 50 mg of lipoic acid.

How to take lipoic acid:

  1. In the morning, it is recommended to take the tablets on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.
  2. During the day and evening, you can combine them with food or drink after meals. The tablets must not be chewed; they must be swallowed whole, washed down with mineral water.
  3. Experienced nutritionists note that the effectiveness of the drug will increase if you drink it after active physical activity or immediately before bed.

Taking lipoic acid in excess of 600 mg is strictly prohibited.

If the dosage is not observed, the risk of developing a dangerous disease, hypoglycemia, which develops due to low blood sugar, or thyroid disease, hypothyroidism, which is facilitated by low levels of hormones produced, increases.

When to expect results

The therapeutic course lasts three months.

The effect of using the drug can be expected after the first week of using lipoic acid. After the first two weeks, you can get rid of 3 kg of excess weight. After a month, a good weight loss result is considered to be from 5 to 7 kg.

Studies show that with serious and regular physical activity, a woman taking lipoic acid loses up to 10 kg.

It is important to note that in addition to losing unnecessary pounds, after a full course of treatment with the drug, a woman begins to feel an improvement in her overall health.

Products containing lipoic acid

Despite the fact that valuable lipoic acid is contained in some foods, it should be noted that its concentration in them is small in order to start the process of breaking down excess fat in the body. However, by eating the foods listed below, you can compensate for the deficiency of this substance in the body.

Foods rich in lipoic acid include:

  1. Some types of meat containing red blood cells are steamed veal, lean beef.
  2. Chicken by-products – liver, heart, kidneys. These foods are known to be high in lipoic acid, but they should be eaten in moderation due to their high content of bad cholesterol.
  3. Boiled rice and wheat.
  4. Spinach and celery.
  5. White cabbage and broccoli.
  6. Apples and persimmons.
  7. Almonds and cashews.
  8. Brewer's yeast.

Consuming these foods daily will help replenish the body's natural balance of lipoic acid.

Benefits of use

Medical research shows that a woman's body produces lipoic acid on its own before the age of 30. Women older than this age most often experience a deficiency of this substance, and therefore, representatives of the fair sex begin to notice the appearance of excess weight.

In addition to regulating fat metabolism, lipoic acid also has beneficial effects:

  • to remove deposited waste and harmful toxins from the body;
  • to stimulate the pancreas;
  • to restore metabolic processes in the body;
  • to improve the functioning of the visual organs;
  • on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • to maintain blood sugar and cholesterol within normal limits;
  • to rejuvenate the female body;
  • to increase immunity;
  • to stimulate the nervous system;
  • to improve the condition of the skin.

Lipoic acid actively participates in the vital processes of the body that occur at the cellular level. Regular use of the drug allows you to preserve the youth and beauty of the body for a long time, slowing down the aging process and giving a woman a blooming appearance.

The benefits of the substance for weight loss

People actively involved in sports have long appreciated the positive effect on the body from the use of lipoic acid. When working hard in the gym, muscles require a large amount of energy that enters the cells of the human body from food along with glucose. The supplier of valuable energy is insulin, and lipoic acid also has this property. Therefore, athletes and women who actively engage in physical exercise with the goal of losing excess weight begin to get less tired, and their body recovers faster after grueling workouts.

The second necessary condition for acquiring a toned body and beautiful figure contours is a specially designed diet.

A unique feature of the use of lipoic acid is the reduction of hunger, which is blocked for a sufficiently long period of time without harm to human health.

Mechanism of action on the body

Often women who want to start correcting their figure with lipoic acid have a question: how this substance acts on the body and how the desired effect is achieved in a short time.

Among the main mechanisms of action of the drug should be noted:

  1. Rapid neutralization of free radicals.
    Due to the property of lipoic acid to accelerate the process of removing waste and harmful toxins from the body, soon after the start of its use, an improvement in the woman’s condition is noted. Thus, extra pounds are lost by ridding the body of unnecessary substances accumulated in it.
  2. Maintaining Balanced Glucose Levels.
    Under the influence of lipoic acid, excess sugar is not stored in excess calories, but is converted into valuable energy, making the weight loss process more effective.
  3. Activation of a vital metabolic process.

The effectiveness of preparations containing lipoic acid has been tested in practice. To improve results, it is important to use the drug as a full course, and not in single doses.

Cost of the drug

Despite the fact that lipoic acid is available in different forms, practicing nutritionists advise buying it in capsule form. Research shows that lipoic acid in capsules is absorbed faster by the body, and the effect of its use will be noticeable within a short period of time.

Lipoic acid has another significant advantage: this drug can be purchased at a pharmacy at a fairly low price.

The cost of 50 tablets containing 25 mg of a valuable substance in one piece ranges from 40 to 60 rubles. The low price of the drug should not scare women away. Lipoic acid is a natural antioxidant that does not contain other expensive components.

The cost of dietary supplements that contain lipoic acid will be higher compared to the drug of the same name.

Side effect of use

Sometimes there are various individual reactions of the body to taking lipoic acid. In medical practice, the following side effects have been noted, which are indicated in the instructions for use of the drug:

  • pressing headache in the temporal region;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • slight deviations in the functioning of the visual organs;
  • in a particularly critical situation - anaphylactic shock.

If at least one of the listed body conditions appears, you should immediately stop taking the drug and seek the advice of a nutritionist..


Practice shows that, despite the beneficial properties of the natural antioxidant lipoic acid, there are cases when this substance can cause significant harm to the body. Due to improper use of the drug or ignorance of its contraindications, a woman may experience an exacerbation of some chronic diseases and a worsening of her overall condition.

Lipoic acid is not indicated for use in the following cases:

  1. The drug is not suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. If there are previously identified signs of an allergic reaction to any component of the drug.
  3. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of lipoic acid may only be possible with the permission of the attending physician.
  4. If you have diabetes, the use of the drug to combat extra pounds is not recommended.

A woman who wants to lose weight and is in one of the conditions listed above should seek help from a nutritionist who is monitoring her, who will help her choose another means of losing weight.

Before starting to use lipoic acid, it is also advised to make sure that this drug will be properly compatible with other medications that the woman is currently using.

The following drugs are poorly compatible with lipoic acid:

  • iron-containing preparations;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • cytotoxic drug Cisplastin;
  • insulin.

When treating the body with these drugs, it is worth making a choice in favor of taking each of them or lipoic acid. Otherwise, the body can be harmed.

You need to know that doctors do not recommend long-term use of lipoic acid. Even if the dosage specified in the instructions is not exceeded, a woman may experience skin rashes and malfunctions of the digestive tract, such as heartburn and bouts of diarrhea. Drinking alcohol while taking lipoic acid is highly undesirable.

Application results

It is important to note that it is impossible to achieve a positive result in the fight against extra pounds by taking lipoic acid and leading a sedentary lifestyle with a plentiful, high-calorie diet. This drug will become an active assistant in achieving the desired result only when used in combination with other weight loss methods.

Lipoic acid preparations are sometimes used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. These tools are quite diverse and are used in many areas.

It is worth looking at them in more detail to understand why they are useful.

General information, composition and release form

The manufacturer of the drug is Russia. The drug is classified as a hepatoprotective drug. It is used for various pathologies. Use requires a doctor's prescription and clear instructions regarding use.

The active component of the drug is alpha-lipoic acid (otherwise called thioctic acid). The formula of this compound is HOOC (CH2)4 CH CH2 CH2: C8HuO2S2. For simplicity, it is called vitamin N.

In its original form it appears as yellowish crystals. This component is included in many medicines, dietary supplements and vitamins. The form of release of drugs can be different - capsules, tablets, injection solutions, etc. The rules for taking each of them are determined by the attending physician.

Most often, lipoic acid is available in tablets. They can be yellow or greenish-yellow in color. The content of their main component - thioctic acid - is 12, 25, 200, 300 and 600 mg.

Additional Ingredients:

  • talc;
  • stearic acid;
  • starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • Aerosil;
  • wax;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • Vaseline oil.

They are packaged in contour packs of 10 units. A pack can contain 10, 50 and 100 pieces. It is also possible to sell it in glass jars containing 50 tablets.

Another form of release of the drug is an injection solution. It is distributed in ampoules, each of which contains 10 ml of solution.

The choice of one or another form of release is determined by the characteristics of the patient’s condition.

Pharmacological action, indications and contraindications

The main function of thioctic acid is its antioxidant effect. This substance affects mitochondrial metabolism and provides the action of elements with antitoxic properties.

Thanks to this product, the cell is less affected by reactive radicals and heavy metals.

For diabetics, thioctic acid is useful for its ability to increase the effect of insulin. This promotes active absorption of glucose by cells and a decrease in its concentration in the blood. That is, in addition to protective functions, the drug has a hypoglycemic effect.

This medicine has a wide range of applications. But it cannot be assumed that it can be used in any case. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and medical history to ensure that there are no risks.

Lipoic acid is prescribed for such disorders and conditions as:

  • chronic pancreatitis (developed due to alcohol abuse);
  • active form of chronic hepatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poisoning with drugs or food;
  • cholecystopancreatitis (chronic);
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes.

This drug can also be used for weight loss. But you definitely need to find out how to take it and what the likely risks are. After all, the causes of excess body weight are varied, and the problem must be dealt with correctly and safely.

It is necessary not only to know what Lipoic acid is needed for, but also in what cases its use is undesirable. It has few contraindications. The main one is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. To ensure its absence, a sensitivity test should be performed. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not use this medicine.

Instructions for use

Features of the use of the drug depend on the disease against which it is directed. According to this, the doctor determines the appropriate form of the drug, dosage and course duration.

Lipoic acid in the form of a solution is used intravenously. The most commonly used dosages are 300 or 600 mg. This treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, after which the patient is transferred to the tablet form of the drug.

Tablets are taken in the same dosage, unless the doctor prescribes a different one. They should be drunk about half an hour before meals. The tablets should not be crushed.

In the treatment of diabetes, this drug is used in combination with other medications. The treatment regimen and dosage of the medication are similar to those described above. Patients should follow the specialist's instructions and not make changes unless necessary. If you notice any adverse reactions in your body, you need to seek help.

The benefits and harms of lipoic acid

To understand the effects of Lipoic acid, it is necessary to study its beneficial and harmful features.

The benefits of its use are very great. Thioctic acid is a vitamin and is a natural antioxidant.

In addition, it has many other valuable properties:

Due to all these properties, this drug is considered very useful. If you follow the doctor's instructions, there are almost no negative reactions. Therefore, the product is not harmful to the body, although it is not recommended to use it unless necessary due to contraindications and side effects.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, side effects may occur when using lipoic acid. Very often they arise due to violation of the rules for using the medicine. For example, injecting the drug into a vein too quickly can cause increased blood pressure.

Common side effects of the medication include:

When these symptoms appear, the principle of action is determined by the doctor. Sometimes dose adjustment is necessary, in other cases the drug should be discontinued. If there is significant discomfort, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. There are situations when negative phenomena go away on their own after some time.

Overdose with this medicine is rare.

Most often in such a situation the following features arise:

  • hypoglycemia;
  • allergy;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

Eliminating them depends on the type of reaction and its severity.

Interaction with other drugs

The benefits of this drug depend on many factors. One of them is its proper combination with other medications. During treatment, there is often a need to combine medications, and it must be taken into account that some combinations are not very successful.

Thioctic acid enhances the effects of drugs such as:

  • insulin-containing;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hypoglycemic.

This means that when using them simultaneously, it is necessary to reduce the dosage so that there is no hypertrophied reaction.

Lipoic acid has a depressant effect on Cisplastin, so dose adjustment is also necessary for treatment to be effective.

It is not advisable to use this drug in combination with medications that contain metal ions, since it blocks their action. Do not use acid together with alcohol-containing products, which will reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

Are you looking for an effective and safe weight loss drug? Lipoic acid will not only speed up fat burning, but also reduce appetite. Find out how it helps lovers of flour and sweets lose weight.

In order to lose weight, women are ready to use any means and methods. When it becomes clear that diet and exercise are not leading to the desired results, you have to seek support from pharmacists. Thanks to the efforts of the latter, every year many dietary supplements and vitamin-like products appear on the shelves of pharmacies and sports nutrition stores to model the figure by normalizing metabolism and restoring the balance of nutrients in the body. Only a few prove to be effective and safe. Among them is lipoic acid. It began to be used for weight loss relatively recently, but immediately demonstrated a powerful effect and won many rave reviews. However, there is no need to get too hopeful: doctors warn that “passive” weight loss with lipoic acid is unlikely.


Lipoic acid (thioctic or alpha lipoic, ALA, LA, vitamin N, lipoate, thioctacid) is a vitamin-like substance endowed with antioxidant properties. From the point of view of its effect on the body, that is, biochemical characteristics, it has a lot in common with B vitamins. Outwardly it looks like a light yellow crystalline powder. The taste is bitter. Does not dissolve in water. As a medicine and dietary supplement, it is often produced in capsules, tablets, and injection solutions.

LC was discovered in 1937. Then scientists identified bacteria containing this chemical. The antioxidant properties of lipoate became known several years later. Since then, research on this topic has not stopped. As a result, it was possible to determine that up to a certain age, on average 30 years, LA is produced by the body, but the identified amount is not enough to obtain significant benefits. We compensate for the deficiency of the substance with the help of products containing it:

  • bananas;
  • yeast;
  • legumes;
  • leafy greens;
  • mushrooms;
  • Luke;
  • wheat cereal;
  • beef and meat by-products;
  • eggs and dairy products.

True, there is one “but”: in order to maintain an optimal supply of lipoic acid in the body, you will have to eat exclusively foods from the specified list, while absorbing them in unlimited quantities. It is much easier and more expedient to use pharmaceutical products.

Speaking about vitamin N as a medicine, we can highlight the following properties:

  • protecting the body from free radicals and toxic “agents”;
  • ensuring proper functioning of the pancreas;
  • improvement of visual functions;
  • beneficial effect on the skeletal system;
  • positive effect on blood vessels and heart;
  • reduction of inflammatory markers;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional state and improvement of memory.

Since thioctacid is partially produced by the body, it is absorbed organically by cells.

Initially, ALA was used to protect the liver and restore its cells in case of poisoning, including alcohol poisoning, and then began to be used to build muscle mass in athletes. Today, lipoic acid is of great interest as a means for weight loss. Does it help in this direction? Definitely. Once in the body, alpha-lipoic acid is converted into lipoamide, which triggers fat and energy metabolism, resulting in “accelerating” metabolism. Normal metabolism is a fundamental criterion for a slim figure, since weight loss is based on the difference between energy consumed and energy expended.

Experts highlight three particularly beneficial properties of vitamin N for weight loss:

  • Appetite suppression

Lipoate helps reduce blood sugar levels, thereby blocking the feeling of hunger. It is for this reason that it is prescribed for diabetics. By helping cells absorb glucose and stimulating the production of the pancreatic hormone insulin, LA restores the balance of carbohydrates and activates lipid metabolism. At the same time, a decrease in appetite is considered nothing more than one of the side effects of LC, which those losing weight successfully use for the benefit of their figure.

Scientists have been able to prove that when a sufficient amount of a vitamin-like substance is consumed, the body copes more easily with irritability and is freed from psycho-emotional discomfort. As a result, the need to “eat” stress disappears.

  • Reduction of body fat

Despite the attempt of many dietary supplement manufacturers to present alpha-lipoic acid as a powerful fat burner, this property is not typical for it. In fact, ALA only prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat due to the active transformation of carbohydrates into energy. A number of factors determined by its action allow you to significantly reduce fat reserves when taking thioctacid: removal of waste and toxins, oxidation and elimination of breakdown products.

It is noteworthy that regular use of LA helps prevent the formation of stretch marks, which are characteristic of the skin of those losing weight.

  • Elimination of physical fatigue

Controlling the level of alpha lipoic acid in the body leads to a lower threshold for fatigue. This means that workouts can last longer without feeling overwhelmed. As a result, a person achieves better results and, therefore, faster body modeling.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • in the form of medicines and vitamin complexes is relatively inexpensive;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases the stability of the nervous system;
  • protects the liver from adverse environmental factors;
  • increases endurance, gives a boost of vigor;
  • protects from solar radiation;
  • relieves skin of stretch marks;
  • reduces the risk of eye damage (retinopathy) in diabetic patients;
  • supports the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • can be used by patients with diabetes;
  • promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • does not require dieting;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • is a product of natural origin.


  • if used incorrectly, it provokes the development of side effects;
  • requires several courses;
  • does not guarantee lasting results;
  • cannot be combined with alcohol in any quantity;
  • in the form of dietary supplements is quite expensive.

Instructions for use

In order for body modeling with lipoate to bring results, it is important to know exactly how to correctly calculate the dosage and duration of the course. Thioctacid is particularly chemically active and reacts with other compounds, so you should study the specifics of its use in advance.


Since the substance enters the pharmaceutical market in the form, manufacturers make their own recommendations regarding the dosage of lipoic acid for weight loss. Doctors have established special rules regarding how to use the drug, subject to the law “do no harm”:

  • in the absence of medical indications, the daily dose of ALA is up to 50 mg;
  • a dose of 75 mg can be used exclusively in the complex treatment of liver, heart and kidney diseases;
  • diabetics are usually prescribed at least 400 mg of vitamin N per day;
  • the maximum daily dose of thioctacid for healthy people is 100 mg;
  • with a significant increase in physical activity, the dose of thioctacid can be increased several times, with high-intensity cardio training - up to 500 mg.

If the issue of weight loss is being considered, the minimum dosage for women is 30-50 mg per day (10-15 mg three times a day), for men - 50-75 mg (20-25 mg three times a day). The dosage when administered by intramuscular injection should not exceed 50 mg. Some sources indicate that results can only be achieved by taking 100-200 mg of ALA per day. In any case, in order to prevent the development of a negative reaction of the body, you should start taking it with small doses.

Neurologist D. Perlmutter, who is the author of the “brain nutrition diet,” calls 600 mg of LA a mandatory daily dose for anyone who wants to eliminate the consequences of many years of abuse of fast carbohydrates. In fact, without a doctor’s prescription and the necessary physical activity, such an amount of thioctacid can result in a sharp deterioration in well-being.

The duration of one course of weight loss on lipoate is limited to 2-3 weeks, although to achieve a high-quality result it is possible to increase the duration to 1 month. Further use of the substance without interruption is impossible, as there is a real risk to health. The optimal interval between courses is 1 month, but it is better to maintain two.

special instructions

  1. The best time to take (intramuscularly) LA is morning and evening.
  2. To prevent the development of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, the use of ALA in the form of medicines or dietary supplements should be done after meals.
  3. Dairy products should be consumed at least 4 hours after taking vitamin N as it reduces calcium absorption.
  4. Athletes should consume vitamin N half an hour after finishing training.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to combine lipoate and alcohol. The latter blocks the beneficial properties of vitamin N. In addition, while losing weight with lipoic acid, large amounts of alcohol can lead to the development of nausea and dizziness.
  6. After several weeks of active use of ALA in the form of oral preparations or a solution for intramuscular injection, the urine may acquire a specific odor. This moment should not alarm or frighten, as it is the norm.
  7. It is better to stop taking serious medications while using ALA, but first you should talk to your doctor.
  8. Losing weight with alpha lipoic acid should not be “passive.” To improve your results, you need to exercise and eat right. There is an explanation for this. With intense training, microtraumas occur in the muscles, and when the diet changes, chemical changes are triggered in the body. Under the pressure of these circumstances, oxidative processes are activated in the body, causing an acceleration of the formation of free radicals. Having neutralized them, LA is “restored” and again heads for its antioxidant effect. The result of an integrated approach to weight loss is noticeable after 1.5 weeks from the start of the course. In general, in 3 weeks you can become 4-7 kg lighter.

Side effects

As a rule, side effects when consuming lipoic acid are extremely rare. The exception is an overdose and an excessively long period of use. If the following symptoms occur, taking capsules, tablets and other forms of LA should be stopped immediately:

  • stomach ache;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • skin rash;
  • hyperemia throughout the body;
  • headache;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • hives;
  • skin itching;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • convulsions and double vision;
  • holding your breath;
  • eczema;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Since thioctacid affects the level of thyroid hormones, if used incorrectly, hypothyroidism is likely to develop. The condition is accompanied by the following symptoms: yellowing of the skin, decreased body temperature, decreased blood pressure, chills, anemia, drowsiness, and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

If vitamin N is used in the form of a solution for the preparation of injections, hemorrhage into the mucous membranes and skin is added to the side effects.

Some people who are losing weight think that increasing the daily dosage of the substance will lead to faster weight loss and bring more benefits to the body. This opinion is extremely wrong. Rather, on the contrary: an overdose is life-threatening, as it even leads to hypoglycemic coma and blood clotting disorders. The following methods are prescribed to help in critical conditions:

  • symptomatic therapy;
  • gastric lavage;
  • artificial induction of vomiting;
  • taking activated carbon.

It is important to know that all of these manipulations may be useless, since medicine does not know a specific antidote. That is why, before drinking LA or performing injections with solutions containing it, you need to carefully study the instructions.


Ignoring contraindications to the use of vitamin N can lead to negative consequences for the entire body, so they should be studied with particular seriousness:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years (in some sources – up to 6 or 14);
  • gastritis;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

Drug interactions

Due to the risk of excessively low blood sugar levels, lipoate should not be taken at the same time as insulin. Cisplatin reduces the effectiveness of vitamin N. Also, the ban on simultaneous use applies to vitamin complexes containing calcium, magnesium and iron.

Storage conditions

Thioctacid capsules and tablets should be stored in the original packaging and protected from contact with moisture. Ampoules for preparing the solution are highly photosensitivity, so it is important to avoid direct sunlight. After the expiration date established by the manufacturer, the use of LC in any of the forms presented on the pharmaceutical market is prohibited in order to avoid poisoning.


The drugs containing LA on the market today can be divided into three groups:


Medications with LA are the most primitive group that can, but is not advisable to be used for weight loss due to the high risk of developing negative reactions if used incorrectly. The drugs are often available as tablets (t) and solutions. Particularly recognizable:

  1. Berlition. A drug for regulating metabolic processes. Prescribed for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, hepatitis, chronic intoxication. One of the most popular drugs containing LA.
  2. Lipothioxone. A medication with an antioxidant effect that regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Used for diabetic polyneuropathy.
  3. Thiolipon. The product is an endogenous antioxidant that binds free radicals. Used in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.
  4. Thioctacid. A lipid-lowering drug that has a positive effect on the metabolic process. Used in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes.
  5. Espa-Lipon. A means for regulating metabolic processes, indicated for effectively combating the manifestations of diabetes mellitus.
  6. Octolipen. The metabolite, which normalizes metabolic processes, actively fights existing fat deposits.

The average content of active substance (AL) in the presented products is 300 mg per dose.

It is quite possible that the effect of taking these medications in relation to weight loss will not be noticeable immediately due to the lack of additional substances with fat-burning and metabolic effects, but you will be able to get rid of several kilograms if you exercise and eat properly.

Important! At the pharmacy you can buy a pack of regular lipoic acid tablets, which cost mere pennies. Newfangled drugs from the top list are just expensive “analogs” that act on the same principle and with the same effectiveness.

dietary supplements

It is much more advisable to use vitamin N for weight loss in the form of dietary supplements, additionally enriched with various components. Their range on the market is quite wide, so you can choose the most primitive version or one suitable for professionals. Moreover, each manufacturer clearly notes how and how much to take the drug, which is very convenient.

In isolated form, that is, without additions, ALA is represented by the following drugs:

"Alpha Lipoic Acid" from Evalar

The product of the Turboslim line, marked “Anti-age”, in the production of which raw materials from leading German manufacturers are used, is an easily digestible ALA for antioxidant protection and detoxification of the body. Additionally, it provides the opportunity to protect liver cells, control weight and reduce blood sugar levels. Allowed for children over 14 years old. Each capsule contains 100 mg of the active ingredient, which does not exceed the permissible value.

"Lipoic acid" from Kvadrat-S

A dietary supplement from a Russian manufacturer is supplied to the market in the form of film-coated tablets. Recommended as an additional source of LC. In addition to influencing appetite and reducing weight, it strengthens the immune system and affects lipid metabolism. Each serving contains 30 mg LA.

Despite the low cost, real reviews on the Internet indicate the high effectiveness of the dietary supplement, so it can be recommended as a budget product for weight loss and rejuvenation of the body.

"ALK" from DHC

DHC is considered a leader among Japanese dietary supplement manufacturers. Her product with LA is considered indispensable for everyone who wants to achieve an ideal figure, healthy skin and well-being. It is marketed in capsule form, each containing 210 mg of ALA.

"Alpha Lipoic Acid" by Solgar

The American company Solgar produces a kosher dietary supplement without gluten and wheat, suitable for vegetarians. Each serving contains 600 mg of active substance. There are 50 tablets in a package.

"Alpha-Lipoic Acid" from Doctor's BEST

The American company supplies the market with dietary supplements in three samples - a package of 120 doses of 150 mg of active substance each and 180 doses containing 300 mg or 600 mg of ALA per serving. In the second case, the product can be consumed by vegetarians.

"Active Lipoic Acid" from Country Life

The kosher food supplement is a heat-stable R-lipoic acid (30 mg) combined with alpha lipoic acid (270 mg), which guarantees greater effectiveness when taken and the fastest achievement of results in the form of body rejuvenation and weight loss. R-lipoic is the “right-handed isomer” of lipoate, with a slightly different molecular composition. Doctors are confident that the human body absorbs this type of ALA more efficiently, since the substance has a greater potential for the inherent properties of LA and significantly increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

The list can be continued for a long time, since almost every sports nutrition company strives to release its own ALA drug. These are considered the most effective.

A more modest range of thioctic acid dietary supplements with additives that trigger an accelerated weight loss process and bring maximum benefit to the body.

The best choice among the “mixes” is considered to be the product from the Turboslim line from the Russian company Evalar "Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine". A combination of two substances that accelerates metabolic processes is often used in sports and for weight loss. L-carnitine itself is produced by the body in the same way as ALA, that is, both components are natural. Thanks to levocarnitine, cholesterol and triglycerides are reduced, fat deposits are broken down and the body is provided with energy. The substance increases overall tone, increasing mental and physical activity, and also accelerates muscle recovery after training. The effectiveness of the drug "Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine" in the matter of weight loss is due to the active burning of fats and the release of energy. Additionally, the dietary supplement contains a complex of B vitamins, which enhances the energy-producing properties of the main components and helps improve all types of metabolism.

ALA enhances the fat-burning effect of the natural anabolic L-carnitine.

The dietary supplement is available in tablet form. Each contains at least 30 mg of alpha lipoic acid and at least 300 mg of levocarnitine. The manufacturer recommends taking 2 tablets per day, thereby forming the optimal daily dose of active ingredients for guaranteed weight loss.

If you don’t want to swallow pills, you can choose a dietary supplement from the same manufacturer. This is a fat-burning drink to speed up metabolism, containing l-carnitine. A dietary supplement with a high concentration of natural fat burner is perfect for those who want to shape their figure. Helps speed up metabolic processes, increases training efficiency and restores strength. A special feature is ease of use: since the dietary supplement is not a concentrate, it does not need to be diluted with water. The package contains 6 bottles of 50 ml each.

Another complex with two components indispensable for weight loss - "Acetyl-L-carnitine and ALA"(Acetyll-Carnitin Alpha-Lipoic Acid) from Source Naturals . The dietary supplement from the American pharmaceutical company is intended not only for fat burning, but also for vitality at the cellular level. The content of two nutrients allows you to maintain metabolic functions at the proper level. Acetylcarnitine is a relatively new form of levocarnitine to which an acetyl group has been added. According to the manufacturer, acetyl-L-carnitine has greater bioavailability and is more effective. One tablet contains 500 mg of acetyl-levocranitine and 150 mg of ALA. There is no strictly defined dosage - you can take from 1 to 4 tablets per day. You have to focus on your own goals and well-being.

The American manufacturer Jarrow Formulas offers a special type of dietary supplement - "ALA Extract with Biotin"(Alpha Lipoic Sustain). Extract is a dual-layer, sustained-release format for less GI irritation. Biotin is included for optimal action of the main component. Each tablet contains 300 mg of thioctacid.

Important! Dietary supplements with ALA should be taken strictly in accordance with the prescribed course duration. Otherwise, you can accustom the body to a constant supply of a substance that stimulates metabolism and cause a “withdrawal syndrome,” which results in the body refusing to independently produce thioctacid.


The following complexes are especially popular on the market:

  1. “Complivit” (2 mg) and “Complivit Diabet” (25 mg) from the Russian company Pharmstandard.
  2. Vitamin and mineral complex AlfaVit Effect. Designed for people actively involved in sports and fitness. It contains lipoic and succinic acid, as well as natural energy drinks: taurine, carnitine and plant extracts with a tonic effect. Daily dose – 3 tablets of different colors. A package of 60 tablets will cost approximately 380 rubles. The company also produces the “During the Cold Season” complex, which also contains lipoic and succinic acid.
  3. "Selmevit Intensive", Slovenia. In addition to ALA (25 mg per dose), it contains a loading dose of B vitamins. The complex is designed specifically for people leading an active lifestyle.

Despite the fact that lipoate is one of the few means for weight loss without harm to health, you should consult your doctor before starting the course. If your goal is to lose weight, it is better to use dietary supplements rather than medicine.

Video review from a nutritionist