What to do if your ear blows? What to do if your ear is blown out: how to treat it at home. Your ear is blown out by the wind, what to do.

The child cries, screams, complains of acute pain in the ear and fiddles with it all the time...
The worst thing is that all these symptoms begin to appear in the evening or at night.
Both parents and baby want this torment to end as soon as possible.
But what can you do to help and not harm the baby?

Sharp shooting pain is caused by inflammation of the auditory tube or middle ear. The most common diagnosis is a cold ear, or otitis media.

This is a general name for a whole group of diseases. In serious form, inflammation is accompanied by a temperature of up to 40 degrees and purulent discharge from the ear (pus is localized in the area of ​​the tympanic bridge).

Delayed diagnosis and improper treatment can lead to complications such as hearing impairment, transformation into chronic otitis media, or even facial nerve paresis.

Symptoms and signs

Infants cannot yet tell exactly where and how they feel pain. Newborns and babies up to one year old may refuse to feed, constantly turn their heads and cry.

In such cases, inflammation of the middle ear can be diagnosed by gently pressing on the “tragus” - a protrusion near the auricle. If a child overreacts, then the cause of their concern is pediatric otitis media.

If only one ear is inflamed, the child tries to rub it against his mother’s hand or lie on the pillow on this side. When trying to suck and swallow, the pain intensifies, causing the baby to cry out.

Accompanying symptoms:

  • runny nose,
  • headache,
  • dizziness.

After a few days of illness, convulsions, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting may occur due to toxic substances entering the blood.

Drug therapy

After consulting a doctor, treatment is usually carried out at home. Hospitalize only in cases of suspected mastoiditis, meningitis and other severe consequences.

In the presence of liquid, first of all, it is carried out tympanocentesis– puncture of the membrane to extract pus and analyze it for microorganisms.

The drug course is selected depending on the course of the disease. In general it may include:

  • Antibiotics. Older children are usually not exposed to antimicrobial therapy. For children under 2 years of age with bilateral inflammation and severe signs of otitis media, after examination, the ENT specialist must write a prescription for penicillins or cephalosporins. Injections are recommended; administration in the form of drops or tablets is possible, but less effective.
  • Painkillers.
  • Antipyretic drugs.

Treatment is always carried out comprehensively. Even if traditional methods of combating the disease are used, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the otolaryngologist in order to prevent complications or relapse of the disease.



  • "Amoxiclav" is suitable even for newborns. Up to 3 months of age, the daily dose is 30 mg/kg. It is taken in equal parts every 12 hours. From 3 months (or for body weight up to 40 kg), 25 mg/kg is prescribed, two administrations per day. The maximum dosage is 45 mg per 1 kg. The drug is not prescribed for patients with jaundice, or for those with intolerance or sensitivity to penicillin drugs. Overdose is unlikely.
  • "Augmentin". Children under one year of age are prescribed drops. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 0.75 ml, up to a year - 1.25 ml. For severe otitis, 30 mg/kg body weight is prescribed. You should stop using the antibiotic if an erythematous rash or urticaria appears. Contraindicated in cases of liver dysfunction and in children with allergies.

You can also use Amoxicillin (capsules 3 times a day) or Ampicillin Trihydrate (capsules, powder or tablets). The second remedy has many side effects: headache, allergies, rash, etc.

Second line drugs: Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Cotrimoxazole, Levofloxacin. Used in exceptional cases.

Usually, they are prescribed only to children over 12 years old, because... at a younger age they can cause a rash, allergic reactions, and diarrhea.

Painkillers and antipyretics

  • Paracetamol. Contained in drugs such as Panadol, Calpol, Tylenol, etc. This is the safest product for children.
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen) is useful in cases where paracetamol did not have the desired effect. Nurofen is best suited for infants from 3 months of age. The exact dosage is indicated on the packaging.

Vasoconstrictors against runny nose

  • Phenylephrine (Vibrocil, Rinza) - action for 4-6 hours.
  • Xylometazoline (Otrivin, Adrianol) – average duration (6-10 hours).
  • Oxymetazoline (Nazivin, Nazol, Sanorinchik) – long-term action (10 hours or more).

These drugs reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and are used as emergency aid. Their use for longer than 5 days is not recommended due to the risk of drug-induced rhinitis.

When treating otitis media, they relieve inflammation, reduce pressure on the ear cavity, relieve pain and alleviate the child’s condition. They need to be instilled only in the nose!

Ear drops

  • "Otipax" is indicated for acute otitis media; it is not used for individual sensitivity or damage to the eardrum. Apply 4 drops three times a day.
  • Sophadex is used to treat acute and chronic external inflammation of the ears.

Similar drugs: “Otofa”, “Tsipromed”, “Normax”, “Otinum”.

Folk remedies

Some alternative medicine methods can help relieve ear pain at home. They should be used if unpleasant sensations appear in the evening or at night and it is not possible to use specialized medications or call a doctor at home.

Recipes with onions

Oils for home treatment of ear pain

  1. The pain is relieved with a few drops of almond oil.
  2. Use a garlic press to squeeze out the walnut oil and use it for instillation.
  3. Mix propolis (alcohol extract) with corn or olive oil in a 1:2 ratio. A gauze flagellum is moistened in the resulting suspension and inserted into the ear.


If your ear hurts, the simplest thing you can do is warm it up. Instead of a compress, you can dip a cotton swab in warm water, squeeze the water out of it and hold it in your ear until the pleasant warmth remains.

Compresses can be made from vodka and honey. A pad lubricated with honey is put on, but leaves the ear open. It can be fabric or gauze. You can moisten it in a solution of vodka and water.

A film or paper for compresses must be placed on top, all this is insulated and wrapped in a scarf or bandage.

Homemade medicines

  • 1 tbsp dissolves in a liter of water. spoon of salt. Separately combine 100 ml of ammonia (10%) and 10 g. camphor oil and introduced into saline solution. The jar with the resulting liquid must be closed with a lid and shaken until the white flakes disappear. The mixture needs to be heated, a cotton swab moistened in it, squeezed out, inserted into the ear and insulated. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for a year.
  • 5 bay leaves are poured into a glass of water. The broth is prepared in an enamel pan. After boiling, the vessel is removed from the heat and wrapped in a towel. After cooling, the decoction is instilled into the sore ear (8 drops), 2-3 tbsp. spoons taken orally. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.

Important: When swimming during otitis, the ears should be covered with cotton swabs soaked in vegetable oil. Warming compresses for purulent otitis are strictly prohibited!

Preventive measures

  1. Combating risk factors: colds, large amounts of water getting into the ears while swimming. Tobacco smoke, constant pacifier sucking, and sudden and unfounded refusal to breastfeed have a negative impact. You also need to avoid hypothermia and reduce walks during strong winds. Children's ears are especially fragile and sensitive, so in cold weather, having a hat that is appropriate for the season is a must.
  2. Proper hygiene. When you have a runny nose, you need to use a special bulb, which can be found at the pharmacy. In this case, one nostril must be closed, and before using the device, baby oil must be dripped onto its outer walls. Earwax is removed from the ears only for cosmetic purposes - careful digging can damage the tympanic membrane and the child will be more susceptible to otitis media.
  3. Surgical prophylaxis chronic inflammation: a special drainage tube is installed in the middle ear cavity. The feasibility of this method is consistent with the lore.

Ear inflammation cannot heal itself. Even if the pain was overcome on your own, otitis media needs to be treated. Responsibility for the baby lies with the parents and only they can decide which method is more appropriate to choose. The main thing is not to remain idle and take the child’s feelings and complaints seriously.

What to do if your child has a cold in the ear? An ENT doctor answers this question in a video that we recommend our readers watch.


The appearance of pain in the ear primarily indicates a disorder in the functioning of this organ. Ear pain most often appears as a result of prolonged hypothermia, exposure to a draft, swimming in cold water or walking in cold weather without a hat. These reasons most often cause discomfort in a person, and he realizes that he has a cold in his ear.

Symptoms of ear hypothermia

Unpleasant sensations in the ear area appear a few hours after it has been blown. The most sensitive to such changes is the middle ear, which begins to become inflamed. It is from this inflammation that a person feels lumbago in the ear or a dull aching pain. Usually such sensations intensify in the evenings. As inflammation progresses, body temperature may rise, lymph nodes on the affected side may enlarge, and headaches may occur that progress to severe migraines.

If your ear is blown, you need to consult a specialist - an otolaryngologist treats an inflamed ear. It is this doctor who will conduct an external examination, and based on the totality of symptoms, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Otherwise, if you do not visit the clinic and start treatment, the patient may lose his hearing.

Therapy of the disease

Usually doctors prefer to treat a cold ear with anti-inflammatory drugs - Rinza, Rimantadine, Kagocel. Sometimes the doctor considers it necessary to prescribe Paracetamol or Aspirin if the patient has a fever.

To reduce pain, you can do physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, warming up with a heating pad or irradiating the lines with a lamp. Otipax drops are also often used - they are a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent used in otolaryngology. If necessary, antibiotics may be prescribed if there is an infection in the ear.

Treatment of the ear with traditional methods

Therapeutic measures carried out by doctors in the clinic are not the only way to treat the disease. If a person has a blown ear, traditional medicine will also save him. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the clinic - all procedures can be done at home. If you start treating the ear with traditional methods immediately after hypothermia, then in most cases the disease can be eliminated at the very beginning of its development.

Warming up

In the first hours after hypothermia, it is important to restore the temperature balance in the hypothermic ear. For this purpose, heating is used.

In any linen bag, and best of all, in a warm soft sock, you need to put salt preheated in a frying pan. If the salt is too hot and you can feel it through the bag, you can wrap the device in a towel. Next, the bag is applied to the ear and kept there for about ten minutes. It is better if the patient lies down and covers his ear with a blanket so that the temperature of the bag of salt practically does not drop during these ten minutes.

After the required time has passed, the ear is warmed with a blanket for a few more minutes so that there is no sudden temperature change. You need to treat your ear this way every hour.

Applying flour and honey

To relieve pain in the ear, you can make a special remedy from flour. It is very simple to prepare, and all the ingredients are likely to be found in every home. One tablespoon of flour is mixed with half a tablespoon of honey until a mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained. The resulting mixture is placed on gauze and applied to the ear overnight. To ensure that the thermal effect lasts as long as possible, wrap the ear with a warm scarf.

Treatment with wax turundas

To prepare a life-saving remedy, you will need paraffin. You need to dip gauze into liquid warm wax from a melted candle and make a small turunda out of it. As soon as the wax sticks a little, but remains warm, the turunda is placed in the ear and covered with a warm scarf. At the same time, the wax will transfer heat to the ear, warming it up. With the help of paraffin turundas, you can not only treat approaching otitis media, but also effectively remove sulfur. As soon as the turunda is removed, wax is easily removed from the surface of the ear canal with cotton swabs.

Therapy with propolis tincture

For one part of propolis tincture you need ten parts of vodka or five parts of alcohol mixed with the same amount of water. Dip gauze into the product, wring it out lightly and place it in the ear overnight. If you do this procedure at the initial stage of otitis development, the disease can be cured in a couple of days.

Bay leaf treatment

If your ear is blown, it can be treated with an infusion of bay leaves. To do this, take three to four large bay leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. This remedy should be infused for at least four hours, after which a teaspoon of the infusion is heated until warm and a few drops are instilled into the cold ear, after which the ear is plugged with cotton wool.

Treatment with onion baked in ash

One of the best remedies for a blown ear is a baked onion. This remedy is more accessible to those who live in rural areas or private homes. To prepare, you need to light a fire and bake the onion in smoldering ashes. As soon as the onion becomes soft, it is removed from the ash and wrapped in a soft cloth. The bulb is applied to the affected ear and covered with a scarf. You need to treat the disease with the onion twice a day.

Treatment of a stuffy ear with folk methods at home gives the patient an excellent opportunity to get rid of otitis media at an early stage of the disease. In this case, there is no need to visit a doctor, and the body will cope with the disease on its own.

Inflammation of the middle or outer ear is a common disease, especially in conditions of strong winds. Children are most susceptible to them due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the hearing organ. After hypothermia, when the ear “blew out,” the patient’s general well-being worsens, and fever is common. The best solution would be to refuse and consult a doctor.

Types of diseases

Inflammation of the ear develops against the background of reduced immunity and local hypothermia. - its most common variant. The most common pathogens are cocci bacteria (,),. With diffuse external otitis, you can see a narrowing of the lumen of the ear canal and feel a putrid odor emanating from there. The patient feels a pulsating character.

otitis media

With otitis media, symptoms can be quite varied. In general, shooting pain and swelling are noted. In the initial stages of the disease, patients may hear their own voice and complain of tinnitus.

Sometimes erysipelas transferred to the organ of hearing. Its causes are streptococci and staphylococci. It manifests itself in swelling, redness and soreness of the entire ear.

The same bacteria cause concomitant hypothermia. Patients feel that not only the ear hurts, but also the area of ​​the teeth and neck. The sensations become more intense when pressing on the tragus, talking, or chewing. In this case, boils ripen on the ear and in the ear canal, which may not be visible to the naked eye.

The outer ear can be affected by microscopic fungi, in which case the disease is called. Symptoms increase gradually. The patient is bothered by severe itching and a feeling of fullness in the ear canal.

How to determine if a child has a blown ear

Children most often suffer from otitis media. At an early age, they may not yet be able to communicate symptoms, which can make it difficult to identify the cause of anxiety. You need to contact an ENT specialist if you have the following symptoms:

  • A child up to one year old refuses to take the breast, or takes it, and then abruptly, with a cry, throws it away.
  • Digestion is impaired, loose stools are possible.
  • The baby sleeps a lot and feels depressed.
  • The temperature is often high – 39°-40°.
  • Pain when pressing on the tragus.
  • After six months, a child may try to scratch his ear with his hand or rub it on any surface.


In addition to collecting anamnesis (interviewing the patient, identifying clinical manifestations), the doctor can conduct the following studies:

  1. Examination of the ear using an otoscope. It is quite difficult to see all affected areas without a special device due to the tortuous ear canal.
  2. Study of separated liquid contents. Bacterial culture of pus from the ear will help determine the type of pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.
  3. General blood analysis. Helps to understand at what stage the inflammation is, what caused the symptoms - viruses, fungi, bacteria or allergies.

Treatment of ear inflammation

Pharmacological drugs

Since the most common cause of ear infections is bacteria, your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics. Staphylococci and streptococci can block the action of some drugs, so it is necessary to use products with a special component - clavulanic acid: amoxiclav, arlet, amovycombe, augmentin. In some cases, it is sufficient to use local drugs - with an antibiotic ( otipax, uniflor, candibiotic).

Important! Taking local medications for cracks and ruptures in the eardrum is contraindicated. In the book “Otolaryngology” authored by Palchun T.M. stated: “[Such procedures] have unpleasant consequences: severe pain occurs, ... in addition, the edges of the perforation become calloused, the perforation does not heal.”

Children are required to have vasoconstrictor drugs instilled into their ears.. They are more likely than adults to develop granulations of the eardrum as a result of otitis media, which can impede the outflow of fluid. As a drug, you can use a solution of adrenaline 0.1%, naphthyzin. If the outflow is still difficult, a puncture is made in order to ensure the evacuation of liquid secretions.

For otitis of a viral nature, administration of immunoglobulin is indicated(a protein substance that activates the patient’s immune system) intramuscularly. It is also possible to prescribe interferons. These compounds stimulate antiviral immunity. Similar drugs include arbidol, cycloferon, viferon.

As a last resort, a puncture is performed to administer the medicine directly into the ear cavity. In this way, antibiotics and antihistamines are administered to relieve swelling.

Physiotherapy is prescribed at an early stage of the disease. An important condition is the absence of high fever and purulent discharge from the ear. During therapy, the diseased ear warms up, the activity of the immune system increases, and patients feel relief from their condition. Laser irradiation promotes healing of punctures in the eardrum after medical procedures.

For severe pain, it is recommended to take analgesics. A well-proven drug is solpadeine. It relieves pain, reduces swelling and temperature. Can also be taken (every 6 hours during peak illness) ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Home remedies and methods

It can be done by heating. It is best to carry it out using homemade ones.

If your ear is blown, but still no alarming symptoms appeared in the form of fever, discharge of pus, You can use the following recipes:

  1. Alcohol compress. To apply it, you need to moisten gauze folded in several layers in the solution. It is allowed to use both pure alcohol and regular vodka. The ear is threaded through a slot in the compress; it is wrapped in polyethylene to prevent leakage. You can additionally tie a scarf on top.
  2. Oil compress. The manufacturing technology is similar. It is preferable to use camphor oil. The wearing time of these two compresses is about 4 hours. If you agree with your doctor, you can leave them for a longer time.
  3. Microcompress according to Tsytovich. Important! It can be installed only after consultation with a doctor. Mix 70% ethyl alcohol and glycerin in equal parts. After this, resorcinol (a chemically synthesized antiseptic) is added at a rate of 1:50. A strip of gauze or a thin cotton pad is moistened in the solution and inserted into the ear canal. A piece of cotton wool is generously smeared with Vaseline and plugged into the ear hole. The compress is worn without removing for up to 24 hours.
  4. Warmer. Water at a temperature of 35°-40° is poured into it and applied to the sore ear until it cools (about 30 minutes). Such a measure would be appropriate when it is known for sure that the patient has a cold in the organ of hearing, but there are no first symptoms of the disease yet.

Prevention of otitis media

To prevent inflammation of the middle and outer ear, it is recommended to follow these tips:

Diseases associated with the organ of hearing always contain a risk of complications in the form of or. In childhood, this can lead to developmental delays due to insufficient stimulation of certain areas of the brain. Competent prevention and timely visits to an ENT doctor are the main measures to prevent such consequences.

Video: what does “blown” mean - Dr. Komarovsky

Ear pain is a rather unpleasant sensation. Most often it occurs with a cold. Getting a cold in the ear is quite simple, but treatment requires some time. Fortunately, if the pain is not severe, you can eliminate the problem at home.

Any person should know how to treat a blown ear at home, since there can be many reasons, and complications include otitis media that develops into a purulent form, neck injuries and pathologies that lead to long-term disability. In this case, inflammation can take months to be treated without success. Also among the consequences:

  • partial inability to control your body;
  • diseases of the inner ear;
  • pathologies of the vestibular apparatus;
  • hearing loss;
  • mastoiditis;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

In particularly severe and advanced cases, the disease cannot be cured, which can lead to disability. Therefore, it is important to start therapy immediately.

The expression “blown the ear” is a collective one. In fact, the reason that it is cold may not only be the wind. Here are the most common prerequisites:

  • prolonged stay under air conditioning or fan;
  • being at low temperatures without a hat;
  • driving a car with an open window;
  • being in a draft, even in hot summer weather;
  • swimming in a cold pond;
  • dousing with cold water.

With any hypothermia of the ears, they can easily get cold. Before starting treatment, you need to identify the disease, and then decide what to do.

Clinical picture

If your ear is inflated, the following symptoms may appear:

  • congestion;
  • monotonous noise in the ears;
  • shooting pain sensations. As a rule, they give it to whiskey;
  • partial hearing loss;
  • sometimes there is pain in the muscles and shoulders;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • severe headache that radiates to the teeth;
  • as the disease progresses, the patient’s body temperature rises;
  • weakness throughout the body.

If fluid is released from the ear, it means that the pathology is rapidly developing. In this case, you need to visit a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.

If the patient has a cold in the ear, but the disease has not yet progressed, then you can get rid of the problem yourself.

Home treatment

The first thing to do if a patient has a cold in the ear is to immediately warm it up. For this purpose, sources of artificial heat are used:

  • warmer;
  • calcined salt;
  • heated cereals: buckwheat, rice or peas;
  • warm scarf made of natural wool.

It is advisable to treat not only the ear, but also the neck, since there is a high probability that it is also cold, and the symptoms will appear later. The neck can be lubricated with any pharmacy warming ointment.

Boric alcohol is instilled into the ear 2-3 times a day, and the top is insulated with woolen cloth. It is important that this only applies to adult patients. Boric alcohol can damage a child's eardrum. If fluid is released from a sore ear, warming it up is strictly prohibited.. This can lead to increased inflammation.

To prevent the disease from appearing, you must follow the rules of prevention:

  1. Avoid self-administration of antibiotics. They can cause a significant blow to the human immune system.
  2. In the cold season, insulate your ears.
  3. In hot weather, it is prohibited to be under air conditioning or a fan.
  4. Windows should not be opened wide in vehicles.

If everything is not fine with a person’s ear, and for some reason he cannot visit the hospital, then it is worth using traditional therapy.

Traditional treatment for sore ears

Treatment with folk remedies is possible using different techniques. The most effective is heating. Pour salt heated in a frying pan into a clean sock. If the salt is too hot, then wrap the sock in a towel and keep it on your ear for about 10 minutes. It is better if a person lies down and covers himself with a blanket so that the hot salt does not cool down. After 10 minutes, remove the sock and lie under the blanket for another five minutes so that you don’t feel a sharp temperature change.

Warm-ups are carried out every hour. In addition, there are many more folk ways to treat a cold ear:

A separate question is what to do during pregnancy. During this period, any intervention can harm the patient’s body. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication using traditional medicine is unacceptable.

How to treat an ear if a child has a blowout? A child's disease should also be examined by a doctor. An organism that has not yet formed can suffer greatly due to self-medication.

If the patient is an adult and knows exactly how to treat a blown ear, only then can one get involved in traditional medicine.

Anyone who has experienced a cold in the ear knows how unpleasant this sensation is. Usually the pain is associated with the fact that an inflammatory process occurs inside the auricle or the cause of pain is other pathologies, for example, tonsillitis or sinusitis. In the first case, the pain will be much more intense. In common parlance, this condition is called a cold in the ear, in medicine -.

The main reason is a cold. Frequent hypothermia, throat infections, a general decrease in the immune system, all this is fraught with the development of a cold. Very often, otitis media is a complication of the flu. Especially in cases where a person ignores proper treatment and suffers the disease on his feet.

The disease can also manifest itself for a simpler reason, if the ear is blown. Most often this occurs while driving at high speed or spending time in a draft. As a rule, initially, discomfort in the ear is not given much importance. But over time, the pain increases, and the person can no longer ignore it. During this time, the pathological process has time to spread.

Thus, if the ear is swollen or there is pain in it for some other reason, there is no need to wait for self-healing. Timely measures will eliminate complications and shorten the duration of treatment.


Signs of a cold depend on what stage the pathological process is at:

  1. Initially, patients feel slight congestion in the ear, and the quality of hearing deteriorates slightly.
  2. Then pain appears, which increases at night. The ear does not hurt all the time, and during the day there may be no discomfort at all.
  3. The pulsating nature of the pain increases, the ear aches 24 a day. Shooting may be observed.
  4. At the moment of swallowing saliva or food, an increase in congestion is felt. This may indicate the presence of discharge from the middle ear.
  5. , as a result of the response of the lymphatic system to the process of inflammation.
  6. Weakness and malaise.

The symptoms of a cold worsen extremely quickly, so treatment must be started immediately.


To establish the exact cause of discomfort in the ear, you need to contact an otolaryngologist who will conduct a comprehensive examination of the ENT organs. Initially, the doctor will examine the outer ear and prescribe additional tests if necessary. The main ones:

  • bacteriological study of fluid secreted from the ear;
  • tympanoscopy.

Treatment of inflammation in the ear

As a rule, inflammatory processes in the ear require complex treatment, since the ENT organs are located nearby. Often the cause of discomfort becomes, in this case the doctor removes it, and no additional treatment is required. But what to do if the cause of pain is an inflammatory process? In this case, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, which can be combined with traditional methods.

Drug treatment

Medicines for colds in the ears should be prescribed by the attending physician after an accurate diagnosis has been established. But if the pain is unbearable and cannot wait “until tomorrow”, the following drugs will come to the rescue:

  1. Sofradex. This is a broad-spectrum medicine, available in the form of ointments and drops. But it is important to consider a number of contraindications that it has. These include tuberculosis, fungal and herpes infections, pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Otinum drops. The action of the medicine is aimed at eliminating complications after illnesses (otitis media, tonsillitis, influenza). The active ingredient of the drug is choline salicylate, which has a pronounced analgesic effect and effectively relieves inflammation. Drops are instilled every 6 hours. If after a week's use the condition does not improve, the drug must be replaced.

Severe forms of otitis require the use of antibiotics such as Flemoklav or Tsifran.

Treating a cold at home

Before proceeding with the treatment of otitis using traditional methods, it is important to clarify that severe forms of the disease, accompanied by purulent discharge, require immediate consultation with a doctor. No spontaneous treatment methods are acceptable. With mild forms of the inflammatory process, turning to folk recipes for help will not be superfluous. More than one generation has successfully used the following means:

  1. Propolis tincture. A block of propolis weighing 10–15 grams is ground on a grater and poured into a dark glass bottle. Next, wine alcohol (70%) is taken and poured into the same container. The bottle is placed in a dark place for 10 days, and it is important to shake it several times a day. After the bottle has been infused in a dark place, it is placed in the refrigerator for 1 day, after which the infusion is filtered. To lubricate the ear with the product, you need to take an equal amount of water and tincture into a pipette, then moisten a cotton swab with this liquid and insert it into the sore ear for 20 minutes.
  2. Garlic oil. Everyone knows about the benefits of garlic, but its combination with vegetable oil gives amazing results for otitis media. This product kills germs, disinfects, and fights fungi. To prepare it, you need to crush 2 cloves of garlic in a garlic press and mix with 100 grams of heated (but not boiled) vegetable oil. This product is infused for an hour, after which it is filtered through gauze. Apply 3-4 drops of the product to a cotton pad or gauze and place the turunda in the sore ear for 10 minutes.
  3. Tincture of calendula. There is no need to prepare this remedy at home, since it is sold in pharmacies already prepared. You just need to moisten a piece of cotton wool and put it in your ear, after which it is recommended to lie down. The soaked cotton wool should remain in the ear for as long as possible.
  4. Flax and onion oil. The products are mixed in equal proportions, after which a cotton pad is soaked in it and placed in the affected ear for at least 3 hours.


Most colds are caused by neglect of your body. In some cases, to prevent a cold, it is enough to dress warmly and make sure your feet do not freeze. If you are riding a bicycle, car or other vehicle quickly, you should wear a bandage on your ears or insert a cotton pad into the auricle.

During the cold season, you should not go outside with wet hair, even if it is under a hat. It is also necessary to remember to maintain immunity. Good rest, healthy eating, hardening, giving up bad habits, all these factors play an important role in strengthening the body.

If a cold in the ear cannot be prevented, appropriate measures should be taken at the first symptoms.


In the vast majority of cases, the prognosis for ear colds is favorable. This is due to the fact that ear pain is equivalent to toothache, that is, it is difficult to ignore it. Therefore, patients seek medical help on time and begin treatment.

If the alarming symptoms are ignored, the inflammatory process will spread and lead to the death of the endings of the auditory nerve. In addition, the pathology can be supplemented by purulent discharge. Such conditions require immediate treatment and possibly surgery.