What to do with a license in battle carnival. Preview of Battle Carnival - a crooked craft or a new crazy shooter? Battle Carnival Shooting Basics

Developed and published by Zepetto in 2016, it became available on the gaming platform in Russia and the CIS GameNet the same year. The game is distributed using a free-to-play model.

Battle Carnival features 12 playable characters, each with their own story, passive and active skills, and unique secondary weapons. Each character has a different amount of maximum health and can either move quickly or walk silently.

The release of the game in the CIS countries first became known in August 2016. And already in September, the first stress test of the game took place, which became the first stage of testing, in which ordinary players took part. This was followed by several more stages of testing, after which, during the Alpha test, the game was presented at the Igromir exhibition. On December 16, 2016, the final testing stage began, which was aimed at checking the translation and adaptation of the text, as well as testing game mechanics.


The conflict between the main characters is tied to a mysterious explosion of antimatter. Each of the characters presented in the game is somehow connected with the incident. Some are hunting for antimatter for their own benefit, some want to hide the artifact away from the wrong hands, and some are fighting for antimatter in the name of a common good goal. Some characters, as a result of an anomalous explosion, received superpowers that the player can use during battle.


Cindy is a popular video blogger from Virginia who skillfully handles firearms. She loves to dress stylishly and does only what brings her popularity.

Bigboy- A 23-year-old Australian who enjoys anime and is also a skilled engineer with a passion for weapon modification.

Killjoy- a self-centered psychopath, included in the list of especially dangerous criminals in every country in the world.

Natasha- a secret agent from Russia specializing in contract killings.

Queen- A 19-year-old British woman from a noble family who regularly serves the state and the crown.

Papi- a brave commander of a special forces detachment who puts the lives of his comrades above his own.

Phoenix- Soldier of the US Navy Special Forces.

Rhino- A 30-year-old native of Italy who prefers a good fight to talking.

The Lady- The fastest shooter in the USA.

Rumble Jack- a talented fighter who dreamed of living an ordinary life.

Jimmy King- a rock star from the 60s forcibly frozen in a cryogenic chamber.

Veronica- adherent of the religious cult TGO (transhumanist society).

Voice Actors

Name Voice Actor
Cindy Lisa Martirosova
Bigboy Petr Ivashchenko
Killjoy Daniil Eldarov
Natasha Tatyana Shitova
Queen Polina Shcherbakova
Papi Sergey Vostretsov
Phoenix Yuriy Derkach
Rhino Vladimir Antonik
The Lady Olga Zubkova
Rumble Jack

Made a channel Gaming Everydays, Vladislav is behind the microphone.

Text version:

Studio Zeppetto, what do you know about her? Personally, I heard this name quite recently, which is very strange. For it was this team that created the legendary game. At a quick glance, you won’t immediately be able to tell that it was once on almost every PC. Me and many of my friends hung out in it for a very long time, we didn’t even do our homework...
Perhaps that's why I'm not the smartest at the university now.

The studio decided to enter the market with a new project. Again, this is a shooter, again the same distribution model (), or more precisely, Fan F2P. Let's meet Battle Carnival! Another underplay or a good killer of your time? Today we will find out everything.

The game was announced not so long ago, at the Chinajoy 2016 exhibition in China, held at the end of July. This is a kind of analogue of E3, only with more technology. True, they leaked it back in early July, under the name Project SOW. Then I attached little importance to the game, even taking into account the fact that the first launch would take place in Russia, bypassing the birthplace of the rising sun. I didn’t care who the developer was, who our publisher was (and this, by the way, was GameNet). The first videos about the game did not catch my attention, and all this "humor" disgusted.

Maybe because I didn’t close the session then, maybe the stars didn’t align well, I don’t know. But after I was able to try Battle Carnival Personally, my opinion has changed dramatically. This was influenced by a lot of aspects, it’s impossible to put everything in one sentence, so let’s talk about everything in order.

Heroes, abilities and ammunition

The project differs from its peers: the abundance of heroes, their history and abilities. Many will immediately point the finger at Overwatch, but these games are slightly different types, even though they are online shooters. In most projects, even in a different genre, the developers try to tell an interesting story of the characters and evoke sympathy, but not here. Local personalities are complete scumbags, each with their own cockroaches in their heads, only a tiny part of the characters are distinguished by kindness and at least some logic in their actions.

Let's say the heroine is Lady, a sheriff's assistant. It so happened that she shoots very well, has various cups, with work on "You", in general, well done girl. And one fine day, her friend was wounded, his leg was torn off. The reason for this is the terrorist Kill Joy, who was killed and wanted in all countries of the world. Once he forced the hostages to cut each other, and simply shot the winner, although he promised to let him go. Even his partners were horrified by this act. Now the Lady, having abandoned everything, is chasing in his footsteps, killing everyone in her path.

More or less a standard story, but the world of the game can also present a blogger, whom her criminal father taught to shoot and fight since childhood. One day, someone caught the beating of a guy who was harassing her on camera. The video gained millions and Cindy became a star. By the way, she is also a pop star. There is also Big Boy, who is a fan of geek themes and beat up his boss in the army for a broken figurine. Rumble Jack, dissatisfied with everyone and everything in the military. Russian intelligence officer Natasha and a bunch of other characters with unique charisma and more.

This "Not only" lies in the completely different appearance of the basic set of weapons (gun, knife and grenade). Each one is matched to the style of the skin, which can be purchased in the store for in-game currency, just like the hero himself. Only one character is given for free forever and two for 7 days; you can change them every week (they fly off and you have to choose again).

For a well-known overweight geek, these are exploding chips or soda instead of a grenade. Natasha wields a rose, a wallet and a shoe instead of a knife. The rest, instead of grenades and knives, use a variety of objects: slippers, benches, cubic knives and bazookas, dynamites and maracas.

It’s already more stable in firearms – everyone has pistols. Only some people have two revolvers, some take a PPK with a silencer, but for others a pink mini-pistol is enough (Cindy hides its name). Moreover, more than half of the weapons are modified to their taste and color.

The skills are no longer so crazy and are closer to standard for online shooters. Each hero has two of them - one active, the other passive. Jimmy King can sing a disgusting tune that prevents others from using their skills, and when he dies, a "Requiem" plays, causing damage to nearby enemies. Big Boy increases the amount of ammo and throws grenades endlessly for 5 seconds. Kill Joy hides, Queen puts shields on herself out of combat, and Papi disguises herself as a random object. True, this is not always allowed, and not all skills are equally useful. This is how I move smoothly to the modes.


So far there are 4 of them, but in fact there are 2. It’s just that one part is very similar to the second:
  • Technology War– a team of 6 people must kill the opposing team. Using skills is prohibited here, but there are items scattered around the map: for example, an MGL grenade launcher or an RPG-7. There are also temporary cheats lying around that allow you to see people through walls, shoot without recoil, accelerate, jump high, or even all at once. The team that scores the most points in the allotted time or reaches the limit wins.
  • Destruction– a regime very similar to the previous one, only here everything is prohibited. You have weapons, grenades and a knife. Let's just say it's a classic death match. As in other modes, you can change weapons, even buy new ones; by the way, you can also change your character, but only after death.
  • Detonation– once again we are limited in the use of abilities, and there are no selectable skills. It’s just that one team plants a bomb and the other defends it, then the teams change.
  • Art of War– finally, a regime where everything is allowed. In addition to increasing HP and using the mechanics of the previous "Undermining", abilities available. This is where Papi will find his calling.


Although there are not many differences in the modes, the maps differ greatly. There are quite a lot of them now and there are even legendary ones. “Library” – PB players probably recognized this card. I was as happy as a child when I saw it and ran around it again. “Secret Mansion” was also partially transferred. But Zeppetto didn’t start stupidly plagiarizing her own, in Battle Carnival carriage and small cart of new locations. The war will take you to logging and the desert. To the fish market and to the village where the volcano is raging. You will visit the casino and take a tour of the castle with a warship. Maps of completely different plans - suitable for both lovers of open areas and fans of narrow corridors.

Graphic arts

Finally, we can touch on the store and a little graphics. I’ll start with the second one, since I can’t say anything good or bad, she’s ordinary. The picture, of course, is not suitable for nomination "Best Graphics of 2016", but also for a nomination with the word “worst” too. Overall it's an enjoyable game, but there are some flaws that are hidden by the fast-paced, old-school gameplay.


The store hasn't gotten bogged down in donations yet; it's alpha. The game is going to use three volutes: game money, character points and donation currency. On the benches there are quite a lot of goods, weapons of different types, which, in turn, can be dressed up as a dragon skin, for Halloween, or just for a carnival of colors. Weapon skins are even crazier than the characters.

Bottom line

After viewing materials on Battle Carnival I get strange impressions. But after you try the game yourself, your opinion improves. Simple shooting mechanics coupled with dynamics will quickly appeal to both beginners and experienced players. In the future we are promised more heroes, maps and modes, which will hopefully be just as fun. Once we set out to make a Fan F2P shooter, we need to finish it to the end.

GameNet is currently running an open alpha version of the game periodically, so stay tuned.

And if you have already tried the project, write in the comments: is the game very similar to its competitors, or did Zeppetto manage to add a twist?

All client games are notable for the fact that they have a lot of options for the development of events, and different heroes with their own skills that can immediately change the situation on the battlefield.

Let's look at what capabilities the characters in the cult first-person shooter Battle Carnival have, how they can be used advantageously in battle, and what influences victory in battle.

Coloring of characters and their specificity

Before starting the game, you must choose the main character you will play as. Or two. Fortunately, Battle Carnival even provides for such a course of events. You can even change your characters, though no more than once a week.

When making a choice, do not forget - each hero has his own set of weapons, parameters, strength, and health. The entire further process of the game depends on this. There are also several modes of this game with an online client. Each of them has its own unique features, which will be different for the heroes.


Let's take Cindy as an example. She can build special barricades in battle. Bears can be like that (unusual, right?). But Papi can camouflage himself perfectly - he quickly turns into an object like an iron barrel or box. These were active skills.

Passive skills can help not only one hero, but the entire team together. For example, Cindy can increase the running speed of her brothers. Yes, only for 5 seconds, but it will surprise the enemy and play into your hands. Especially if there are bears ahead of you.

In addition to these skills, heroes have a lot of notable abilities. There is a brave guy, Rino, who masterfully wields a powerful minigun. And Lady can generally shoot without aiming.

All skills, both active and passive, must be used wisely. Therefore, before leveling up each of them, you should think about whether it will be useful when completing each specific mission.

A couple of final points

Of course, each skill is carefully developed by the developers so that the game balance does not suffer. But the most powerful ones are auto-aim and acceleration. They can only be used in one game mode - “Art of Combat”.

Battle Carnival is a rather serious, powerful and dynamic representative of the genre of online shooter games, where there are a lot of brutal battles and exciting fight scenes. And even though it came out not so long ago, a lot of people have already become interested in it. So we recommend that you join too!