What can you do in the 1c program. How to determine the path to the Information Base? What is a Catalog

In our new article we will talk about where a beginner should start mastering 1C 8.3 programs.

The vast majority of enterprises use programs based on 1C 8.3 to record business processes and do accounting. This is convenient and practical, but it is difficult for an untrained user to immediately master all the capabilities of the software, even taking into account the efforts of the developers to simplify the interface. And, first of all, this is due to the user’s lack of subject knowledge. After all, it’s not easy to understand an accounting program if you don’t know at least the basics of accounting itself. Is not it? Various educational materials, as well as lessons on 1C accounting, will come to help you study.

What does a “teapot” have to study?

Before plunging headlong into mastering and developing practical skills, a beginner needs to decide where to start.


Before mastering the program interface and becoming familiar with the functionality, we recommend reading specialized educational literature. , in particular, a large number have been published, so the “teapot” will have plenty to choose from. The textbook 1C: Accounting 8. First steps will be especially useful for a beginner.

Educational versions of programs

To start working with the program, you do not need to buy the full version of 1C 8.3. It will be enough. This 1C program for dummies will allow you to experiment with tools and capabilities, as well as gain the necessary practical experience.

Courses 1C 8.3

If you have a great desire, but lack discipline, you can use 1C 8.3, where teachers will monitor the effectiveness of training.

Free video lessons

When working with various tools or functions, beginners are bound to experience confusion: what sequence of actions is necessary, what buttons to press, where to find this or that tool, and so on. The answers to these and other questions are not always contained in books, and the best assistant in mastering the program on your own will be lessons on.

The short videos contain all the information a beginner needs on working with configurations. Everyone has the opportunity to access free lessons on.

1. What is 1c, the difference between the platform and the configuration.
2. Information storage options.
3. Three-level architecture.
4. Technology support

What is 1c, the difference between the platform and the configuration.

The program is both a business solution software product and a development environment. It has many standard and custom configurations. To make the difference between the platform and the configuration clearer, I will make a comparison with the Word program from the Microsoft office suite. The platform is equivalent to the Word program, and the configuration is equivalent to a file with the extension “*.doc” created in the program.

Those. having only a platform, there is nothing to look at and nowhere to enter data, and having a configuration without a platform, there is nothing to open. As a rule, the configuration covers a certain industry or subject area and solves their problems, for example: Trade management, Enterprise accounting, Salary and personnel management, Motor transport enterprise. As for the development environment, a configuration tool is built into the platform and all existing configurations are created using it. Moreover, understanding the code is simplified due to the programming language - it is Russian. The main interface through which users work is Forms .

What 1s looks like

In recent years, 1c has undergone major changes in the interface, let's follow from version 7.7 to version 8.3 "Taxi"

Information storage options.

Because The main goals of using programs in business are the accumulation of data for control and management, then it is necessary to talk about how 1C does this. There are two types of information storage in databases:

  1. File– this format involves creating a file “1Cv8.1CD” on your computer, which is a database.
  2. Client-server- this format involves the use of a third-party program to store information, and the 1c program accesses it to perform some actions on the data. Instead of the phrase client-server, the word server can be used, as well as a three-tier or three-tier architecture.

Three-tier architecture.

I think there will be no difficulties in understanding the file version of building an accounting system. I’ll tell you more about the client-server. With this implementation option, the software package consists of three levels: Client, 1C Enterprise Server, SQL Server.
Note: The acronym SQL stands for Structure Query Language, which is translated as Structured Query Language, but is often used to denote a type of server.

The main purpose of this option for building a system is to increase reliability and performance. The most famous third-party programs are: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and the latter is free and comes on ITS disks.

Reliability is achieved due to the fact that the database can be worked through a specialized program that monitors the integrity of the data, makes archival copies, optimizes the time of data retrieval, etc.

Performance– due to the possibility of distributing different logical parts of the software package to different computers. In fact, even with the client-server version, all parts of the software package can be located on one computer.
A simplified description of the functions performed by different parts of the software package will look like this:

  1. Client – ​​everything related to displaying on the monitor screen
  2. Server 1C – requesting information to the SQL server in SQL language, imposing restrictions on user rights on the received information
  3. SQL server – storing and changing information.

If we compare versions of 1C from 7.7 to 8.3 and highlight one key difference, we can indicate the following

  • 7.7 is largely a file version, does not work fully with SQL
  • 8.0 single-user system, does not have sufficient parallelism for multiple users
  • 8.1 client system, runs SQL, but most processes run on the client machine
  • 8.2 client-server, but with weak web client functionality
  • 8.3 web client, moving away from modal windows.

Technology support

The 1c platform supports many modern technologies:

  • com - allows you to access other objects regardless of process or machine boundaries, i.e. read data from other applications. For example from Excel
  • ole - allows you to embed parts of other applications into 1C forms.
  • xml - a generally accepted format for data exchange
  • and many others.

Installing 1c is no more difficult than installing any application, the only nuance is the security key.

In conclusion, an interesting fact: the decoding “1C” initially meant no more than one second and was the name of a search engine, and not a company developing business applications.

Any official organization, regardless of its type of activity? This is an endless stream of “paper” work associated with the preparation of numerous reports, the formation of tax returns, issuing invoices to contractors and other time-consuming procedures.

It is especially difficult with reporting when it comes to commercial companies that constantly have to deal with their creditors, suppliers, and customers. Maintaining a competent and correctly executed document flow of a company can take up to eighty percent of its employees’ time. In order to significantly simplify and speed up this process, domestic specialized software developers have long created an almost universal software platform called “1C:Enterprise”, as well as many other similar products running on the 1C platform.

Important: 1C: Accounting is the general name for software shells from the 1C company, aimed at automating accounting processes. It is directly related to configurations based on the 1C: Enterprise complex (part of). That's why, when users want to download the 1C: Accounting program, they are offered 1C: Enterprise instead.

One of the latest versions of the program - 8.3, which recently entered the market, is perfect for preparing correct tax and accounting reports. The program is fully equipped with all the necessary functions for maintaining various forms of accounting in organizations engaged in commercial activities, for example: commission and subcommission trading, production, provision of various types of services, wholesale, retail and the like.

The new version of 1C, a program already familiar to every entrepreneur in the country, has completely preserved the continuity of the previous line of its predecessors, and is also absolutely relevant to the current Russian legislation. The convenient specificity of the accounting program allows you to record each record of a business transaction at a time in different accounting systems: according to the required sections of analytical, currency and analytical accounting, as well as enter transactions on accounting accounts into the data table.

Any user, after a quick acquaintance with the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, will be able to independently make sections of analytical accounts, create sub-accounts, and the like.

The latest version of the program is more improved compared to the previous 7.7 and 8, because it includes as many as six years of continuous experience of official users from a wide variety of areas of trade and production. Therefore, we certainly recommend downloading and installing the latest version of 1C Accounting.

1C: Accounting has become a real godsend for many actively operating companies, because all areas of its application are as concise and automated as possible. The flexible configuration of this software platform makes it convenient for use by any enterprise.

This program is specifically designed for the operational management of an organization, competent budgeting, convenient management of accounts, including foreign ones, preparation of financial and analytical reporting, calculation of salaries to employees and many other mandatory operations designed to expand the automation of company management.

Where to look? How to find? Whom to choose? Directors of enterprises, HR specialists and accountants repeatedly ask themselves such questions. Based on the experience of the CT center in personnel selection, it can be argued that the shortage of 1C programmers in the labor market is even higher than in the IT industry as a whole. However, despite the shortage of personnel in this area, it is possible to find a good 1C programmer.
It makes sense to look for specialists using any opportunities available to you, from advertisements on job sites to personal acquaintances. Let's say you have several candidates from which you need to choose only one.

How to choose a 1C programmer to support and implement 1C programs? First, assess your level of accounting, its scale and complexity of tasks that need to be improved. Secondly, based on the above, formulate for yourself specific requirements for a 1C programmer. Thirdly, create a vacancy description in both a short and full version, for the first level of screening out weak candidates.
Different enterprises use 1C in different ways. Some people just write out documents, while others get the most out of the program. Accordingly, the scale of use of the program is different, not to mention the differences in configurations and components (subsystems) used. Therefore, the requirements for a 1C programmer will be different at this stage. Another parameter is how typical the configuration is or has it undergone changes; accordingly, the competence of the programmer should be high.

Specific requirements for a 1C programmer should include:
- knowledge of certain components (subsystems);
- requirements for the level of knowledge in accounting and tax accounting;
- experience with 1C;
- experience in developing systems similar to those used at the enterprise;
- style of working in a team or alone;
- the required level of additional knowledge, for example, budgeting, process management, etc.

Also in the vacancy you must indicate the configuration used, the number of 1C users and the type of vacancy, i.e. permanent or remote work.
Note that if the enterprise has a qualified system administrator with basic knowledge of 1C, then the company can consider the option of remote cooperation with a programmer, the main advantages of which are saving work space and lower pay compared to a full-time one.
It is not a fact that a company needs a specialist with a high level of knowledge.
Obviously, knowledge of the 1C environment is mandatory from the beginning and is not even subject to discussion. The easiest way to check is the developer's certificate of passing the exam.
If at your enterprise the chief accountant is ready to spend time clearly instructing the programmer, the requirement for the programmer to know 1C tax and accounting can be neglected.
Understanding the basics of managing a 1C CT center programmer will help the manager significantly reduce the time spent explaining the process map to the programmer.

How to put the choice of the best 1C specialist into practice?
Let's start with the performers. Typically, a 1C programmer is looked for by an accountant, director of an enterprise, head of the information technology department, or HR manager. If an accountant is competent in the 1C program itself, that is, he knows how to properly keep records in it, then he is more likely to be able to assess the candidate’s level of competence. A director can more often evaluate a candidate based on the criterion of a general understanding of the tasks and specifics of the enterprise. The division director will be able to make the most qualitative assessment of the candidate’s knowledge. HR managers are rarely able to evaluate a candidate qualitatively.
Of course, we admit the fact that the skills of an expert are confirmed by the tests passed and confirmed by the necessary certificates, but the present again does not mean that he will take root in the team.

In any case, after the best candidate for the position of 1C programmer has been selected, you need to properly organize work with him to reduce possible conflict situations. As practice shows, the most optimal format of work is:
1. The programmer is given tasks in writing (at least in a few sentences to formulate what is required of him and a method for monitoring correct execution), and a person is assigned responsible for monitoring the work performed, that is, checking the functionality.
2. The specialist is notified of problems that have arisen as these problems arise, preferably quickly.
3. The number of tasks in the work is limited, no more than 3-5.
The ideal situation is when tasks are recorded in a journal and then it is clear when they were received and approved, were completed and who checked them.
The recommendations outlined above are suitable both for choosing a freelance specialist (freelancer) to service the system, and for a specialist from a company servicing programs in

The processes of mechanization, automation and robotization of everything that a person does occur constantly. Previously, this consisted of creating wind turbines or those that took on the labor-intensive processing of grain. Now signs of progress can be found in production, management and information exchange. Enterprises are greatly helped by 1C series programs. What are they, what are they and why were they developed?

1C: what is the program intended for?

First of all, it should be said that the full name of this software is “1C: Enterprise”. It is designed to automate the activities of organizations or individuals. Can be installed on any modern computer in an office or home environment. is a program that allows you to automate accounting or facilitate decision-making for an enterprise (family budget). It consists of two parts:

  1. Platform.
  2. Application solution.

The 1C: Enterprise platform is the basis that is installed on a computer and runs the application solution. When you launch this software, this is what is shown first. An application solution is a set of files that contains a specific set of capabilities and reports that are needed to maintain a specific type of accounting and compile all the necessary information base. Although the components work together, they are separate systems. And if necessary, one of them can be replaced. Well, now there shouldn’t be any questions about 1C (“what is it and how is it useful”).

How does accounting automation work?

You can consider an example of automation using the application solution “1C: Salary and HR Management 8”. It allows you to facilitate the work of the HR department, make payroll, contributions to funds, taxes independent of people (it all depends on the number of days worked, salary, etc., so you just need to enter the initial data, and the program will do the rest). The application solution can be used not only within a large organization, but also by an individual entrepreneur who pays personal income tax. For software components, it doesn’t matter what numbers are counted, so the 1C database may be small. Few people know that this application is applicable even for a family budget. And it’s not surprising, because the cost is quite high, and few people can afford it. Software is used to maintain books of expenses and income, as well as other aspects important to the company. It should be noted that the number of application solutions is very large - there are hundreds, if not thousands. Some of them are serial, which can be used by many companies to resolve their issues without additional settings. At the same time, they are the most popular. There are also custom application solutions that are created for specific companies (usually by in-house programmers). But this process is quite labor-intensive, so it makes sense only with a clear understanding of the need to create specific solutions.

Accelerate decision making

Any adopted application solution is implemented by the 1C: Enterprise platform. It is the environment that launches and executes everything. Moreover, these processes occur at the maximum speed that a computer is capable of. Even for large companies, calculating wages for a huge number of employees is not a problem, because 1C is an assistant for such cases. When you start working, the platform will load the necessary application solution into which you must enter data. Everything necessary will be calculated directly by the computer, and only what is the final result will be displayed. It is necessary to take into account that each application solution can only work with the platform for which it is written. Fortunately, it is worth noting that there are few of them, and it is impossible to get confused.

The functionality of the program was briefly reviewed. What does it give people? The benefits of the software for accountants and business managers should be separately considered, although 1C is a tool that can be used by many other people.

Benefits for accountants

The use of this software allows you to quickly make all the necessary calculations, record events and reduce the influence of the human factor. 1 C is a program that provides convenient, compact storage and use of all documentation. And even if the accountant himself is temporarily not working, the employee performing his duties will be able to figure everything out without wasting time. 1C is a useful tool that will make accounting reliable and open.

Benefits for managers

There are also significant benefits for heads of enterprises. The main aspect and value is the ability to control and monitor the current state of affairs. Moreover, all this is done without the need to interrupt specialists from their work. Simply launch the program, select the component that is of greatest interest, and find out the data. For a 1C manager, this is an opportunity to track all changes as soon as they are registered.

Various solutions present in the 1C: Enterprise program

It should be noted that the product is selected based on two criteria: the industry in which it will be used and the functional problem it solves. To present the capabilities of the program, the areas of application will be described here. First the industries of use:

  1. Forestry and agriculture.
  2. Industrial production.
  3. Construction.
  4. Financial sector.
  5. Trade, logistics, warehouse.
  6. Food establishments and hotel business.
  7. Medicine and healthcare.
  8. Culture and education.
  9. Municipal and public administration.
  10. Professional services.

There are more functional tasks, but they also provide significant interest as a tool for achieving the goal:

  1. Document flow.
  2. Managing customer-related processes.
  3. Integrated enterprise resource management system.
  4. Personnel records, personnel management and payroll.
  5. Financial and management accounting.
  6. Transport, logistics and sales management.
  7. Engineering data management.
  8. Project management.
  9. Repair management.
  10. Tax and accounting.
  11. E-learning.


This software, due to its functionality and application capabilities, is important in terms of ensuring speed of interaction and monitoring the current situation. It allows you to automate a number of processes in companies and achieve greater efficiency in managing labor and material resources. Well, now, after reading, we can say that if you hear the phrase “1C program”, what is it, you can already answer.