What is an electronic ticket (e-ticket) and how to use it. Electronic ticket itinerary receipt: what to do with it

If you use air travel services, whether it’s a business trip or a trip, then you need to know what an itinerary receipt for an electronic plane ticket is. Let's try to understand this issue.

The document that confirms that an electronic ticket has been purchased is called an itinerary receipt. From it you will learn almost everything about the flight: time, place of departure and arrival. When you buy an electronic ticket, the airline sends an itinerary receipt to your personal email. Probably everyone imagines a sheet of A4 size (landscape sheet). This sheet contains the following information:

  • air ticket number;
  • reservation code (a very important detail, using it you can check the necessary information about purchasing an air ticket in various help systems and register via the Internet);
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the tourist;
  • service airline;
  • route (flight) number;
  • all about luggage;
  • arrival and departure times;
  • destination;
  • payment information.

Route receipt

This is also a kind of document by which you can check the necessary information about the route. The e-ticket itinerary receipt in the last paragraph describes payment information (this includes: fare, tax, various fees).

Tariffs – the cost of an electronic ticket. Depending on this amount, when returning or exchanging a ticket, various fees and fines are paid. Taxes are established, fixed amounts that are not refundable. Various airline or airport fees and taxes, for example, fuel surcharge. When you return your ticket, you can get something back.

Fees are amounts for a variety of additional airline services.

In 2006, the law “On establishing the form of an electronic passenger ticket” was adopted. Such concepts as “electronic ticket” and “itinerary receipt” appeared.

In 2008, a decision was made on the mandatory introduction of electronic tickets and the possibility of online registration. The routine work of airlines around the world is radically changing due to the introduction of innovative IT solutions.

Itinerary receipt: pros and cons

There are general rules of air transportation, according to which it is not necessary to have an itinerary receipt with you during the flight. However, there are some situations where it is needed. This is one piece of evidence that you are indeed leaving soon, and you may be asked to provide it when entering the airport. Electronic ticket itinerary receipt, what should I do with it?

You should have your itinerary receipt with you when you travel abroad. This proves that you are really flying and have purchased a return ticket, and that you will not stay in this country for a long time. At the embassy, ​​it is enough to have an itinerary receipt to obtain a visa.

There are cases when a person is sent on a business trip, and in order to get the money spent on the trip back, you need to present the route receipt to the accounting department of your organization. Write an application, attach an itinerary receipt and boarding pass and you can count on a refund.

Boarding pass

It should be taken into account that you may be sent on a trip abroad, then the entries on the itinerary receipt will be in a foreign language. Having thought about this in advance, certify the translation of the document for submission to the accounting department.

If you suddenly lost your itinerary receipt, don’t worry, you can print it out again from your e-mail. Even if you can’t, the airline’s database will be confirmation of your purchase of an electronic ticket; present your passport and receive a boarding pass.

The itinerary receipt allows you to reserve the seat you like on the plane and when it’s time to check-in, you will receive a boarding pass with the desired seat. To do this, on the official website, when all the necessary data has been entered, select a place. Usually, for online booking, airlines give you a small number of seats to choose from, and for some you will also need to pay extra.

You can always print your itinerary receipt

Additional Information

It happens that for some reason an error was made in the receipt route. For example, they misspelled the surname, first name, or patronymic in a way that was not written in the passport. Don’t worry, on domestic flights within the Russian Federation, if you present your passport and are verified, you will still be given a boarding pass.

But if there is an error in an electronic ticket for an international flight, then it’s more complicated. First, contact the airline or agency where you bought the ticket and report the errors. If you don’t notify us in time, you may simply not be allowed to board the flight.

Passengers often ask: are an itinerary receipt and an electronic ticket the same thing? Do not be confused, these are two completely different documents: an electronic ticket is not an itinerary receipt. This is a document that confirms that an electronic ticket has been purchased and has some information about the flight.

If the itinerary receipt is delivered to you via email, then the electronic ticket is in the airline's database.

Another question from air passengers: is an itinerary receipt sufficient to board the plane? If you only have an itinerary receipt in your hands, then you will not be able to board the plane.

As already mentioned, it is not necessary to carry an itinerary receipt with you, but at the airport, if necessary, it can be requested. If suddenly there is a failure in the airline’s system or any other problems when checking in for a flight, it will save you, so in printed form it can be useful. You can print it on a regular printer, on ordinary office paper. No special forms are required.
It may happen that you forgot your flight number or departure time, and you don’t have access to the Internet, and you won’t be able to access your mailbox. Just in case, save the scanned itinerary receipt in your phone.

An electronic ticket is a mark in the air carrier’s database

What is the difference between an itinerary receipt and an electronic ticket? An electronic air ticket (e-ticket) is a virtual document. You can book and buy a ticket without filling out any paperwork. It also saves time, because you can buy it without leaving home, in a calm environment, at any time of the day.

And it will cost you less, since you do not use the services of an airline. You can book it first and pay for it later, and the forms of payment can be different: credit card, transfer, cash at the airline or courier. All information is stored only electronically in the air carrier's database.

It is very comfortable. It will not be stolen from you, you will not lose it, you will not forget it anywhere, it will not be damaged. And the itinerary receipt proves the purchase of the ticket. In different airlines, the itinerary receipt differs only in appearance, but the content is approximately the same for all. In contact with

Many service and sales systems have now shifted to the virtual sphere. Today, for example, you can buy a train or plane ticket to anywhere in the world in a few minutes, without even leaving your home! The act of purchase will be confirmed by the mysterious itinerary receipt of the electronic ticket. What functions does it carry? Is it a replacement for a regular ticket? What does it say? We will examine these and other questions in the article.

Itinerary receipt - what is it?

In fact, everything is very simple. An itinerary receipt is a document that confirms your purchase of an electronic ticket. It is in no way a replacement for a regular ticket! However, this is a valuable reminder for the passenger: it contains information about him, the route departure time, flight name, baggage, included additional services, etc.

Usually, after you have gone through the procedure of paying for the ticket, the railway or airline sends an itinerary receipt for the electronic ticket to the mailing address you previously specified. In the English version, the name of the document will sound like itinerary receipt. An option such as an itinerary receipt is also allowed.

Key information in the document

Depending on the company where you made the purchase, the information in the document will be different, as will its design. However, it invariably includes the following:

  • Full name of the passenger.
  • Information about past payment.
  • Comprehensive information about the flight.
  • Information about additional services.
  • Some important flight and travel rules.

What is it for?

"What to do with the itinerary receipt?" - this is an important question. It is not at all necessary to have it with you upon arrival at the station/airport. Registration for a flight is carried out using a passport, “foreign travel document” and other documents. But its value is not only in guiding you along the route. Let's look at cases where the usefulness of this document is difficult to overestimate:

  • If the security in the waiting room is too strict, you can confirm with a document that you are in the room for a reason, but are waiting for your flight.
  • Often it is the itinerary receipt that is the basis for obtaining a visa. If you present such a document for your return flight, you will confirm that you do not intend to stop in another country for a long time, which can significantly simplify the procedure.
  • The document is also important when submitting reporting documents to the accounting department at your place of work in case of a business trip. You need to fill out a standard report form, do not forget to attach your boarding pass, and then calmly wait for payments. However, if the itinerary receipt is in a foreign language, then a translation certified by a notary will be required.

If for some reason you have lost this document, no problem - you can print as many copies as you like from the letter from the airline. For check-in and boarding, we note once again that it is not required - a boarding pass is issued to the passenger using his passport.

How does she look

Having printed the itinerary receipt (standardly it is placed on an A4 sheet), you will see in front of you a document with the following columns and sections:

  • Your ticket number.
  • Number and possibly date of booking.
  • Data about you: Full name, date of birth, passport number, citizenship, etc.
  • Flight number, seats, information about baggage, additional services.
  • Date, time of departure, city, name of departure airport.
  • Time and date of arrival, locality, name of arrival airport.
  • Confirmation of successfully completed payment.

If you have reserved a certain seat in the cabin for an additional fee, paid for the carriage of baggage, additional hand luggage, animals, all this data must also be reflected in the itinerary receipt of the air ticket.

Tax, tariff and fees

The itinerary receipt is a clear and fairly easy-to-understand document, especially if it is written in Russian. However, there is still a section in it that raises questions among passengers - this is payment for the ticket. So, for example, you deposited one amount, but, say, the Aeroflot itinerary receipt contains completely different numbers. What's the matter?

Let's look at what amounts can be indicated here and what they mean:

  • Tariff - the full cost of the air ticket should be indicated here. It is on this basis that you will be charged fines and fees for exchange or return, if such a possibility exists.
  • Tax - this column contains taxes and fees collected by airlines from passengers. The most popular is the fuel surcharge. Please note that you can get only part of them back if you return your ticket. Most are fixed amounts, which, alas, cannot be returned if plans are cancelled.
  • Fees - this includes fees for various additional services: insurance, large luggage, seat selection, etc.

What if there is a mistake?

So, let's imagine the situation. The passenger filled out all the data in the online form and paid for the train or air ticket. He receives an itinerary receipt by email, and when he reads it, he notices with annoyance that somewhere he still managed to make a mistake - in the last name, first name, document number. What to do?

If the ticket was purchased for a domestic, Russian flight, then fewer problems will arise. If you have the wrong last name, you will still be given a boarding pass. But it is still worth consulting about this with the company itself. But if the flight is international, then due to discrepancies in the data you may well not be allowed to fly.

So, we found out that an itinerary receipt is not an air ticket or a boarding pass. You won’t be put on a plane or train with one - you must present the required documents. However, the itinerary receipt is not only a useful reminder, but also a multifunctional document that can even help in obtaining a visa.

In accordance with IATA (International Air Transport Association) resolution from June 01, 2008 IATA member airlines issue only e-tickets .

We would like to explain to our regular customers that this information means the following:

1. You should be prepared for the fact that when purchasing an air ticket, you will not be given a traditional paper air ticket form. You will receive a printout on a regular A4 sheet (itinerary receipt).

2. In principle, to check in for a flight, you do not need an itinerary receipt. It is given to you more for reassurance than for the procedure. You can check in simply by presenting your passport at the check-in counter for the desired flight. That is why it is said that this ticket cannot be lost.


1. What is the difference between an electronic ticket and a regular paper ticket?
The main difference between an electronic ticket is that your flight details are not printed on a paper form, but stored in the airline's computer system.

2. What are the advantages of e-ticket?
- An electronic ticket cannot be lost or stolen.
- In case of non-cash payment for a ticket, there is no need to come or send a courier to our office - we will send you an itinerary receipt by fax or e-mail.
- The procedure for reissuing a ticket in case of changes in the departure date and flights is significantly simplified - if the conditions of the fare you paid do not imply penalties, you can reissue the ticket by phone.
- You can buy a ticket for a person who is in another city - no need to forward the ticket or issue a PTA (prepaid air ticket).
- Checking in for a flight with an electronic ticket is faster. You can also check in for your flight yourself using special counters.

3. What is an Itinerary Receipt?
The itinerary receipt serves as confirmation of payment and registration of your e-ticket and contains the following information:

  • information about the passenger (for domestic transportation - last name, first name, patronymic, name, series and number of the identity document; for international transportation - last name, other information in accordance with international standards);
  • name and (or) code of the carrier;
  • flight number;
  • flight departure date;
  • flight departure time;
  • name and (or) codes of airports/points of departure and destination for each flight;
  • rate;
  • tariff equivalent (if applicable);
  • total cost of transportation;
  • form of payment;
  • fees (if applicable);
  • name and (or) booking class code;
  • booking status code;
  • date of registration;
  • name of the agency/carrier that issued the ticket;
  • free baggage allowance (at discretion);
  • unique electronic ticket number.

4. What to do if the itinerary receipt is lost?
It's OK. Call us and we will send you a new copy.

5. What do I need to present to check in at the airport?
Your passport. It is not necessary to present an itinerary receipt. However, we ask you to keep it until the end of your trip, as you may need it when going through passport control at your destination.

6. Is it possible to issue a paper ticket instead of an electronic one?
It is possible, but airlines charge additional fees for issuing a paper ticket instead of an electronic one (applies only to air travel within the CIS).

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Order N117 of May 18, 2010. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation "ON AMENDMENTS TO THE ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF NOVEMBER 8, 2006 N 134":
"The route/receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation) is a document of strict accountability."
Those. is a reporting document for the accounting department on the expenses incurred.


1. Electronic ticket form
According to paragraph 2 of Order N117 of May 18, 2010. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation "ON AMENDMENTS TO THE ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF NOVEMBER 8, 2006 N 134":
"Establish that the route/receipt of the electronic passenger ticket and baggage receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation) is a document of strict accountability and is used for organizations and individual entrepreneurs to make cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment."
Thus, the printed itinerary receipt is a strict reporting form and an electronic passenger ticket.

2. Explanation of the Invoice

“... when an air transport company provides services for the transportation of passengers issued with air tickets, invoices are not issued. Also, the air transport company does not issue invoices in the case of selling tickets to the public (including legal entities for their employees) through other organizations (agencies) with which it has agency agreements. Tax legislation does not provide for the issuance of invoices by an air transport company when selling air tickets to the public (legal entities for their employees), including through agencies (organizations) with which the air transport company has agency agreements. Therefore, the agency (intermediary) does not have the right to issue invoices when selling tickets to the public.”

3. How to register an electronic ticket?
Option 1. Submit VAT refund.
According to Letter of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow No. 19-11/603 dated January 10, 2008:
“...the basis for deducting tax amounts paid for travel services to the place of business travel and back, including services for the use of bedding on trains, when purchasing travel documents (tickets) to the place of business travel and back (points of departure) for cash by accountable persons and whose destinations are located on the territory of the Russian Federation), is the amount of tax allocated in the travel document (ticket) as a separate line.”
Thus, if VAT is highlighted on a separate line in the itinerary/receipt, then presentation of the itinerary/receipt, boarding pass and payment order is necessary and sufficient for VAT reimbursement.

Option 2. Reduce the tax base. (What to do if VAT is not allocated?)
According to Letter of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow No. 19-11/603 dated January 10, 2008:
“If the settlement documents do not contain a reference to the VAT amounts presented to the taxpayer, the entire amount indicated in these documents is included in the expenses taken into account when calculating income tax.
Consequently, if the tickets confirming the cost of travel for an employee from a business trip to the place of permanent work do not contain instructions on presenting the taxpayer with the amount of VAT for payment, then these expenses are based on paragraphs. 12 clause 1 art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in full relate to other expenses associated with production and (or) sales.”
Thus, if VAT is not highlighted as a separate line in the itinerary/receipt, then presentation of the itinerary/receipt, boarding pass and payment order is necessary and sufficient to attribute the full amount to other expenses associated with production and (or) sales.

An electronic ticket itinerary receipt is a document confirming the purchase of an electronic ticket. This is not an electronic ticket, but a kind of reminder for the passenger about his flight, time and places of departure and arrival. How to obtain an itinerary receipt, in what cases and why it is needed, we will describe below.

What is an electronic ticket itinerary receipt?

So, you purchased an e-ticket and paid for it. Immediately after paying for your ticket online, the airline must send an e-ticket itinerary receipt to your email (sometimes called an “itinerary receipt” or “route-receipt”; these are all identical names for one document). In English, this document is called “itinerary receipt”.

The route receipt must contain the following information:

  • Passenger's full name.
  • Route data.
  • Payment information.
  • Other information.

That is, using this document you can always verify all the data about the intended flight.

Why and when do you need an e-ticket itinerary receipt?

As a general rule, it is not necessary to have an itinerary receipt with you during your trip. But let's look at situations where it might really be needed.
An itinerary receipt may be asked upon entering the airport as confirmation that you are indeed departing soon.

If you are flying abroad, it is better to have your itinerary receipt with you, as it will confirm that you are following the route and have a return ticket; you are not going to stay in this country for long.
In addition, the itinerary receipt of the electronic ticket can be a “confirmation basis” for obtaining a visa, in particular at the embassy.

For example, in many foreign countries there is a certain gradation of visas, depending on the length of stay in the country. If you show an itinerary receipt that contains information about the return flight (that is, confirm that you have purchased a return ticket), then at the airport you will be issued the appropriate visa.

In addition, the itinerary receipt can serve as confirmation of your flight when submitting reporting documents to the accounting department at your enterprise. Attach your boarding pass, fill out the required report form and wait for payments. But here you need to take into account a nuance: your itinerary receipt may be in a foreign language (if you are flying from another country and booked a ticket there). In this case, your organization may require a certified translation of the document to pay for the flights.

The main advantage of an itinerary receipt is that even if you lose it, you can always print a new one from your mailbox. If you still do not have the opportunity to print the receipt again, then do not worry - information that you bought an electronic ticket is in the airline’s database, so upon presentation of your passport you will be given a boarding pass.

What does an e-ticket itinerary receipt look like?

The itinerary receipt is usually printed on an A4 sheet and contains the following columns:

  • Number of ticket.
  • Booking code.
  • Passenger's full name.
  • Flight number, airline name, baggage information.
  • Departure data.
  • Place of arrival.

Using an itinerary receipt, you can even reserve a specific seat on the plane, and when you check in for your flight, you will be given a boarding pass for that exact seat.

To do this, you need to go to the airline’s website and, after entering all the necessary data, select a seat. Typically, airlines provide a limited number of seats to choose from for online booking; For some places you will have to pay extra.

The very last part of the electronic ticket itinerary receipt is information about the payment made for the ticket. As a rule, these lines indicate data on the tariff, taxes and various fees.
Let's explain a little what is what.

The fare is the full cost of the electronic air ticket. Based on this cost, fines or fees will be paid when returning/exchanging a ticket.

Tax - various airport or airline taxes and fees. An example of a tax is a fuel surcharge. Part of the fees can be refunded if the ticket is returned; but most of them are fixed amounts that are not refundable.

Charges are amounts that an airline may charge for various additional services.

Mistakes from which no one is immune

When preparing absolutely any document, errors are possible. The itinerary receipt is no exception.

So, if you entered your full name incorrectly (not in accordance with your passport), what to do and what are the consequences?

First, try not to panic. As a rule, problems do not arise on domestic flights. Even if you entered your last name incorrectly, when you check it with your passport, you will still be given a boarding pass.

The situation is different if you bought an electronic ticket for an international flight. In this case, you must contact the airline or agency where you purchased the ticket and inform them of the error. Otherwise, due to discrepancies between the data and your identification document, you may not be allowed to board the flight.

And further! Let's not confuse two different documents: an itinerary receipt is not an electronic ticket; this is just a document confirming the purchase of a ticket online and containing information about the flight.
The itinerary receipt is sent to your email address, and you can print it out at any time, and the electronic ticket is stored in the airline’s database and you are given a boarding pass when you check in for your flight. That is, you will not get on board the plane with just an itinerary receipt!

Even though it is not necessary to carry an itinerary receipt with you, it may still be required at the airport. Moreover, in the event of a failure in the air carrier’s system or other problems when checking in for a flight, it is the itinerary receipt that will be the document confirming the fact that you purchased an electronic ticket. So don’t be lazy and print it out before your trip.

Electronic air ticket, itinerary receipt - some incomprehensible and frightening words, especially for those who do not fly often. But in reality everything is very simple. Let's figure it out.

Buying airline tickets online has become quite common in recent times. But many are still distrustful and somewhat afraid of purchasing air tickets on the Internet. But in vain! After all, it’s faster, easier and often much more profitable.

What is an e-ticket

Electronic ticket or e-ticket is a technology that allows you to make reservations and purchase tickets without paper registration.

Information about booking and purchasing an air ticket and all air passenger data is stored electronically in the airline’s database. And it's very convenient.

The fact is that no one can steal your ticket, you won’t lose it or ruin it. You won’t lose your plane ticket at cards, you won’t forget it in a taxi, and your child won’t paint your plane ticket with a black marker. What a luck!

Booking a flight ticket occurs in the standard way. The only difference is that information about the flight is given to the passenger not on the ticket form, but in the form of an itinerary receipt.

That is, when you buy an air ticket online, the airline sends you an itinerary receipt by email. This is not a ticket. An electronic ticket is electronic because it is located in the airline’s electronic database. Upon presentation of your passport, the airline employee quickly finds your ticket and checks you in for the flight. Apart from your passport, you don’t need anything else to check in for your flight!

The question arises:

Why do you need a route receipt?

This is what the itinerary receipt looks like. The font and paragraphs may vary depending on the airline, but in general everything will be as shown.

The itinerary receipt contains all the information about the flight:

  • your air ticket number
  • detailed information about the flight - travel time, points of arrival and departure, etc.
  • airfare
  • flight number
  • exact date and time of flight
  • airport name
  • your passport details

It is useful to print out this itinerary receipt and take it with you on the road. What if you forget your flight number or departure time, and you won’t have access to the Internet and you won’t be able to check your email. It's even easier to scan to your phone. In general, keep your itinerary receipt where it is convenient for you.

When else can a route receipt be useful?

  1. When obtaining a visa at the embassy, ​​you will only need to present your itinerary receipt. After all, this is confirmation that you have purchased an electronic ticket.
  2. When paying for business trips, an itinerary receipt will also be sufficient. You will just need to present your boarding pass along with it.
  3. Sometimes airport employees may ask you to show your itinerary receipt. This happens in some countries. For example, at Goa airport, menacing Indian mustachioed employees check for an itinerary receipt before entering the airport.

And finally. If you are interested in electronic airline tickets and itinerary receipts, then you are clearly on to something! A map of the cheapest air flights will help you.