What is scalp psoriasis and how to deal with it: effective treatments, care tips. How to care for the scalp with psoriasis, is male and female care different Daily skin care for psoriasis

How do the properties of skin affected by psoriasis change?

For skin affected by psoriasis, accelerated renewal of the epidermis is characteristic. Normally, it takes 3-4 weeks for a complete renewal of epidermal cells, and with psoriasis, it takes only 4-7 days. Due to dehydration, the skin becomes dry and less elastic. In addition, it becomes prone to inflammation, so the plaques that appear on different parts of the body, especially on the arms, legs, torso and scalp, have a reddish color. Usually plaques are covered with thin whitish scales.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease with an undulating course that usually occurs after 15 years of age.

How can pain and itching be reduced?

In order not to aggravate the inflammation, try not to rub or comb the plaques. When caring for your skin, handle it with extreme care. You should not remove the keratinized crusts that form on the elbows, knees and scalp. It is better if the scales peel off gradually on their own as the skin heals.

How should you wash psoriasis-affected skin?

When washing, try not to rub or stretch the skin.

It is better to give preference to the shower, rather than baths, as they dry the skin. However, to relax, you can sometimes take a bath, but on condition that it is not too long and the water is not very hot - a maximum of 37-38°C.

Soap should be neutral and fragrance-free.

After washing, do not try to remove dead skin on the elbows and knees.

To dry the skin with a towel should be very careful, gently pressing it to the body.

Thoroughly dry all folds and hidden areas of the skin. Pay special attention to the ear canals and skin behind the ears, armpits, skin folds under the mammary glands, the umbilical region and groin, and the skin between the toes.

Can I swim with psoriasis?

You can swim with psoriasis, but not during exacerbations, when the skin is especially vulnerable. Explain to other swimmers that psoriasis is not contagious and they do not risk anything by being near you.

Apply petroleum jelly to your plaques before swimming in the pool to protect them from the effects of chlorine and other chemicals added to the water. After leaving the pool, rinse your skin with warm clean water. Dry the skin with a soft towel, patting it lightly on the body.

What cosmetic and skin care products can be used for psoriasis?

For psoriasis, you can use mild alkaline soaps, deodorants, decorative cosmetics, etc. Products for sensitive or children's skin are best suited. If you are allergic to any perfumes, use the same hypoallergenic products that you used before the first exacerbation of psoriasis. Remember that substances that cause allergic reactions can be found in air fresheners and fabric softeners.

With inflammation of the skin in the armpits, it can be washed with saline. Until the redness of the skin has passed, the use of deodorants is not recommended. Avoid products containing alcohol and fragrances.

You can use regular and waterproof cosmetics for eyes, lips and face.

For hair removal, it is better to use cold wax, which is less irritating to the skin than hot wax, depilatory creams or shaving, especially if the plaques are located on the legs and underarms.

What skin care products should be used for psoriasis?

For those with psoriasis, it's hard to decide which makeup remover or body lotion to use, especially with the ever-growing range of these products. In this section, we will introduce you to which products are suitable for the care of sensitive skin of the face and body.

We will not provide an exhaustive list, but only some of the tools that you can use. Feel free to ask questions to the pharmacist for more information.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often has an undulating course. It is characterized by increased proliferation of keratinocytes leading to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis) and the appearance of inflamed reddish plaques on the skin.

The range of skin care products for psoriasis is far from complete, so it is important to choose products that do not cause irritation and do not have allergenic properties. Irritation of the skin can lead to the Koebner phenomenon, i.e., the appearance of new plaques on irritated skin. Keratolytic products are commercially available to help remove scaling, making it easier for topical drugs (eg, glucocorticoids and vitamin D derivatives) to reach and absorb the damaged skin. Finally, emollients (moisturizers) should be used for psoriasis, as they increase the elasticity of the skin and make it less rough and dry. Particularly suitable for this are products based on water from thermal springs (they have softening and anti-inflammatory properties).

While skin care products cannot replace topical psoriasis medications, both can complement each other. Skin care products improve the general condition of psoriasis patients by reducing discomfort and improving the appearance of the skin. Well-moisturized skin looks better and becomes softer, making psoriasis patients feel more confident. Thus, the use of these remedies can help in improving their quality of life.

Moisturizing body lotions

With psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and rough, the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens significantly. Violation of cellular processes leads to the fact that the skin becomes more and more difficult to retain moisture, and it undergoes dehydration. Therefore, with psoriasis, it is recommended to use emollients that make the skin more plastic. Substances such as urea, amino acids and lactic acid, which absorb and retain water, give these products emollient properties, while petroleum jelly, beeswax, vegetable oils and ceramides, which prevent skin dehydration, give protective properties.

It is better to use products with the designation “O/W” (oil in water) on the packaging, when using which the skin does not become as oily as when using products with the designation “W/O” (water in oil). Patients with psoriasis are usually suitable products for the care of very dry skin and products intended for patients with atopic dermatitis. However, inflammation of the skin in psoriasis does not always lead to dry skin. Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that manifests itself in the form of eczema. Although some of its manifestations (especially redness and itching of the skin) resemble some forms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis does not lead to thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

There is no specific treatment designed for different forms or stages (progressive or stable) of psoriasis. However, all patients tolerate moisturisers that are used after showers and baths well and have a long-lasting effect. It is believed that they can slow down the renewal of skin cells by half and prevent the appearance of new lesions.

It is important to remember that emollients should not be used immediately before skin exposure to UV-A or UV-B, as they make it difficult for this radiation to reach the skin. However, they can be used the day before the procedure or the night before.

Patients with psoriasis, especially if they have itchy plaques, are suitable products for the care of skin affected by atopic dermatitis (fortified with omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids). Although a deficiency of fatty acids is characteristic of atopic dermatitis, there is every reason to believe that they are also necessary in psoriasis, since it is characterized by accelerated renewal of the epidermis.

Keratolytic agents

Keratinization of the skin is a normal process during which the skin is renewed by keratinocytes. Keratinocytes make up the main cell population of the epidermis and produce keratin. With psoriasis, their functioning is disrupted, as a result of which the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens and becomes covered with scales. Since the shedding of keratinocytes in psoriasis is impaired, the skin becomes rougher. To combat hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin), various substances are used, including salicylic acid, urea, lactic acid.

Salicylic acid, which has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect, is an active ingredient that is part of many products used for skin irritation and flaking. Urea acts as a keratolytic and humectant. The so-called alpha hydroxy acids and fruit acids (for example, glycolic and citric acids) have long been used in cosmetics for their exfoliating and smoothing action, as they help to remove excess dead cells. Stronger alpha hydroxy acids (with a lower pH) have a more pronounced exfoliating effect. In psoriasis, only the weakest alpha hydroxy acids, such as ammonium lactate, can be used. Keratolytics are available as creams and emulsions, they help remove obsolete epidermis and scales. These products are especially recommended for thickened and scaly skin on the body and scalp.

Most keratolytic products contain another active ingredient that helps moisturize the stratum corneum of the epidermis. These products can be used as a maintenance treatment to keep the skin hydrated and prevent flare-ups. When the epidermis is damaged, these agents soften it and make it more plastic.

Treatment for weeping skin lesions

In some cases, psoriasis is accompanied by weeping of the skin, in which the affected areas resemble bubbles located on its surface. These vesicles are filled with a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid. When damaged, either spontaneously or by scratching, the skin looks moist and may become crusty. In those places where the skin experiences constant friction, the bubbles reappear after they burst. Weeping can be caused by injury or inflammation.

Facial skin care

If the skin of the face is not affected by psoriasis, any means appropriate for the type of skin can be used to clean it, including soap, water, makeup remover, cleansing milk or gel. In the presence of acne, it is better to use mild cleansing gels. If the skin is dry, it is recommended to use soap-free cleansers, toilet soap and cleansing milk. If the skin is affected by psoriasis, it is necessary to carefully monitor its cleanliness, cleansing it in the morning and evening, and every day (or even several times a day for severe dryness) apply a moisturizer to it. Although there is no ideal treatment for psoriasis-affected skin, those that do not cause irritation should be used. You can treat the skin with steam of mineral water, which helps to remove scales and reduces redness. Dry the skin of the face by gently blotting with a towel. If the skin is affected, visits to beauty salons should be avoided, and at home, the use of masks and facial scrubs, which can increase irritation. In the absence of a lesion, products with a wide variety of active ingredients (for example, anti-aging) can be used as long as they are well tolerated. However, products containing vitamin A derivatives should be used with caution.

Scalp care

With psoriasis of the scalp, the skin in this area may thicken and become covered with red plaques covered with a large number of scales. To remove scales and reduce itching, it is necessary to use keratolytic shampoos that do not contain tar. The shampoo is applied to the hair roots and washed off after 5 minutes. After that, the hair should be rinsed thoroughly and then rinsed again with a shampoo suitable for this type of hair. After the scalp is cleansed of the lesion, it is necessary to use mild shampoos that prevent dandruff. If you use the right shampoo, you can wash your hair daily. Keratolytic creams can be used to remove scales from the scalp. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to apply the cream on the scalp and leave for 2 hours, putting a shower cap on your head. In the absence of an aggravation of psoriasis, you can dye your hair, but at the same time they should not be washed with hot water and dried with hot air.

Sun protection

Although sunlight has beneficial effects on psoriasis skin, it must be protected from the harmful effects of UV-A and UV-B. Special sunscreens are available for patients with atopic dermatitis, such as Mustela SPF50 high protection lotion for children.

For skin affected by psoriasis, accelerated renewal of the epidermis is characteristic. Normally, it takes 3-4 weeks for a complete renewal of epidermal cells, and with psoriasis, it takes only 4-7 days. Due to dehydration, the skin becomes dry and less elastic. In addition, it becomes prone to inflammation, so the plaques that appear on different parts of the body, especially on the arms, legs, torso and scalp, have a reddish color. Usually plaques are covered with thin whitish scales.
Psoriasis is a chronic disease with an undulating course that usually occurs after 15 years of age.

How can pain and itching be reduced?

In order not to aggravate the inflammation, try not to rub or comb the plaques. When caring for your skin, handle it with extreme care. You should not remove the keratinized crusts that form on the elbows, knees and scalp. It is better if the scales peel off gradually on their own as the skin heals.

How should you wash psoriasis-affected skin?

When washing, try not to rub or stretch the skin.

It is better to give preference to the shower, rather than baths, as they dry the skin. However, to relax, you can sometimes take a bath, but on condition that it is not too long and the water is not very hot - a maximum of 37-38°C.

Soap should be neutral and fragrance-free.

After washing, do not try to remove dead skin on the elbows and knees.

To dry the skin with a towel should be very careful, gently pressing it to the body.

Thoroughly dry all folds and hidden areas of the skin. Pay special attention to the ear canals and skin behind the ears, armpits, skin folds under the mammary glands, the umbilical region and groin, and the skin between the toes.

Can I swim with psoriasis?

You can swim with psoriasis, but not during exacerbations, when the skin is especially vulnerable. Explain to other swimmers that psoriasis is not contagious and they do not risk anything by being near you.

Apply petroleum jelly to your plaques before swimming in the pool to protect them from the effects of chlorine and other chemicals added to the water. After leaving the pool, rinse your skin with warm clean water. Dry the skin with a soft towel, patting it lightly on the body.

What cosmetic and skin care products can be used for psoriasis?

For psoriasis, you can use mild alkaline soaps, deodorants, decorative cosmetics, etc. Products for sensitive or children's skin are best suited. If you are allergic to any perfumes, use the same hypoallergenic products that you used before the first exacerbation of psoriasis. Remember that substances that cause allergic reactions can be found in air fresheners and fabric softeners.

With inflammation of the skin in the armpits, it can be washed with saline. Until the redness of the skin has passed, the use of deodorants is not recommended. Avoid products containing alcohol and fragrances.

You can use regular and waterproof cosmetics for eyes, lips and face.

For hair removal, it is better to use cold wax, which is less irritating to the skin than hot wax, depilatory creams or shaving, especially if the plaques are located on the legs and underarms.

What skin care products should be used for psoriasis?

For those with psoriasis, it's hard to decide which makeup remover or body lotion to use, especially with the ever-growing range of these products. In this section, we will introduce you to which products are suitable for the care of sensitive skin of the face and body.

We will not provide an exhaustive list, but only some of the tools that you can use. Feel free to ask questions to the pharmacist for more information.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often has an undulating course. It is characterized by increased proliferation of keratinocytes leading to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis) and the appearance of inflamed reddish plaques on the skin.

List of funds

The range of skin care products for psoriasis is far from complete, so it is important to choose products that do not cause irritation and do not have allergenic properties. Irritation of the skin can lead to the Koebner phenomenon, i.e., the appearance of new plaques on irritated skin. Keratolytic products are commercially available to help remove scaling, making it easier for topical drugs (eg, glucocorticoids and vitamin D derivatives) to reach and absorb the damaged skin. Finally, emollients (moisturizers) should be used for psoriasis, as they increase the elasticity of the skin and make it less rough and dry. Particularly suitable for this are products based on water from thermal springs (they have softening and anti-inflammatory properties).

While skin care products cannot replace topical psoriasis medications, both can complement each other. Skin care products improve the general condition of psoriasis patients by reducing discomfort and improving the appearance of the skin. Well-moisturized skin looks better and becomes softer, making psoriasis patients feel more confident. Thus, the use of these remedies can help in improving their quality of life.

Moisturizing body lotions

With psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and rough, the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens significantly. Violation of cellular processes leads to the fact that the skin becomes more and more difficult to retain moisture, and it undergoes dehydration. Therefore, with psoriasis, it is recommended to use emollients that make the skin more plastic. Substances such as urea, amino acids and lactic acid, which absorb and retain water, give these products emollient properties, while petroleum jelly, beeswax, vegetable oils and ceramides, which prevent skin dehydration, give protective properties.

What are the best tools to use?

It is better to use products with the designation “O/W” (oil in water) on the packaging, when using which the skin does not become as oily as when using products with the designation “W/O” (water in oil). Patients with psoriasis are usually suitable products for the care of very dry skin and products intended for patients with atopic dermatitis. However, inflammation of the skin in psoriasis does not always lead to dry skin. Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that manifests itself in the form of eczema. Although some of its manifestations (especially redness and itching of the skin) resemble some forms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis does not lead to thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Is there a special treatment?

There is no specific treatment designed for different forms or stages (progressive or stable) of psoriasis. However, all patients tolerate moisturisers that are used after showers and baths well and have a long-lasting effect. It is believed that they can slow down the renewal of skin cells by half and prevent the appearance of new lesions.

It is important to remember that emollients should not be used immediately before skin exposure to UV-A or UV-B, as they make it difficult for this radiation to reach the skin. However, they can be used the day before the procedure or the night before.

What means to buy if there are itchy plaques?

Patients with psoriasis, especially if they have itchy plaques, are suitable products for the care of skin affected by atopic dermatitis (fortified with omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids). Although a deficiency of fatty acids is characteristic of atopic dermatitis, there is every reason to believe that they are also necessary in psoriasis, since it is characterized by accelerated renewal of the epidermis.

Keratolytic agents

Keratinization of the skin is a normal process during which the skin is renewed by keratinocytes. Keratinocytes make up the main cell population of the epidermis and produce keratin. With psoriasis, their functioning is disrupted, as a result of which the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens and becomes covered with scales. Since the shedding of keratinocytes in psoriasis is impaired, the skin becomes rougher. To combat hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin), various substances are used, including salicylic acid, urea, lactic acid.

What substances are most effective?

Salicylic acid, which has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect, is an active ingredient that is part of many products used for skin irritation and flaking. Urea acts as a keratolytic and humectant. The so-called alpha hydroxy acids and fruit acids (for example, glycolic and citric acids) have long been used in cosmetics for their exfoliating and smoothing action, as they help to remove excess dead cells. Stronger alpha hydroxy acids (with a lower pH) have a more pronounced exfoliating effect. In psoriasis, only the weakest alpha hydroxy acids, such as ammonium lactate, can be used. Keratolytics are available as creams and emulsions, they help remove obsolete epidermis and scales. These products are especially recommended for thickened and scaly skin on the body and scalp.

Most keratolytic products contain another active ingredient that helps moisturize the stratum corneum of the epidermis. These products can be used as a maintenance treatment to keep the skin hydrated and prevent flare-ups. When the epidermis is damaged, these agents soften it and make it more plastic.

Treatment for weeping skin lesions

In some cases, psoriasis is accompanied by weeping of the skin, in which the affected areas resemble bubbles located on its surface. These vesicles are filled with a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid. When damaged, either spontaneously or by scratching, the skin looks moist and may become crusty. In those places where the skin experiences constant friction, the bubbles reappear after they burst. Weeping can be caused by injury or inflammation.

Facial skin care

If the skin of the face is not affected by psoriasis, any means appropriate for the type of skin can be used to clean it, including soap, water, makeup remover, cleansing milk or gel. In the presence of acne, it is better to use mild cleansing gels. If the skin is dry, it is recommended to use soap-free cleansers, toilet soap and cleansing milk. If the skin is affected by psoriasis, it is necessary to carefully monitor its cleanliness, cleansing it in the morning and evening, and every day (or even several times a day for severe dryness) apply a moisturizer to it. Although there is no ideal treatment for psoriasis-affected skin, those that do not cause irritation should be used. You can treat the skin with steam of mineral water, which helps to remove scales and reduces redness. Dry the skin of the face by gently blotting with a towel. If the skin is affected, visits to beauty salons should be avoided, and at home, the use of masks and facial scrubs, which can increase irritation. In the absence of a lesion, products with a wide variety of active ingredients (for example, anti-aging) can be used as long as they are well tolerated. However, products containing vitamin A derivatives should be used with caution.

Scalp care

With psoriasis of the scalp, the skin in this area may thicken and become covered with red plaques covered with a large number of scales. To remove scales and reduce itching, it is necessary to use keratolytic shampoos that do not contain tar. The shampoo is applied to the hair roots and washed off after 5 minutes. After that, the hair should be rinsed thoroughly and then rinsed again with a shampoo suitable for this type of hair. After the scalp is cleansed of the lesion, it is necessary to use mild shampoos that prevent dandruff. If you use the right shampoo, you can wash your hair daily. Keratolytic creams can be used to remove scales from the scalp. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to apply the cream on the scalp and leave for 2 hours, putting a shower cap on your head. In the absence of an aggravation of psoriasis, you can dye your hair, but at the same time they should not be washed with hot water and dried with hot air.

Sun protection

Although sunlight has beneficial effects on psoriasis skin, it must be protected from the harmful effects of UV-A and UV-B. Special sunscreens are available for patients with atopic dermatitis, such as Mustela SPF50 high protection lotion for children.

Perhaps no other skin disease has been written about as much as psoriasis. But it still remains a mystery. The problem occupies one of the leading places in practical dermatology.

According to rough estimates by experts from the World Health Organization, there are up to 200,000,000 patients with psoriasis in the world, and their number is constantly growing. In developed countries, 1.5-2% of the population suffers from it.

Such a significant spread, especially among young people, a chronic course, the lack of a unified scientifically based theory of occurrence makes us consider the problem of psoriasis extremely relevant. Among the many theories of the occurrence of the disease, the most important is the genetic predisposition.

Manifestations of psoriasis on the skin look like papules, slightly raised above the surface of the skin, which are pink-red in color and covered with white, dry, silvery scales that fall off easily. These papules tend to coalesce into larger plaques. A typical manifestation is itching. Psoriatic rash is usually located symmetrically and is localized on the skin of the elbow and knee joints, shins, buttocks, scalp. It is characteristic that during the period of exacerbation, rashes appear in those places where the skin is injured.

Psoriasis is considered an incurable chronic disease. It is possible to get rid of it for good in very rare cases, but you can learn to keep the disease under control, achieving long periods of remission.

In psoriasis, the skin is usually dry and irritated. Improper care of it can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, proper skin care is extremely important. Professional recommendations will allow patients with psoriasis to reduce the frequency of exacerbations due to improper skin care.

First of all, when taking a shower or bath, do not use hard sponges, give preference to softer ones. Choose pH-neutral (pH = 5.5) products for dry skin. Avoid products with strong scents. Try to keep water procedures short. And after taking a bath or shower, apply a skin care product, preferably natural, to the skin.

During exacerbations of the disease, avoid skin irritation. The more acute the course of the disease, the softer the care should be.

Protect your skin from cuts, bruises, abrasions, and bruises as these can cause new breakouts. Keep your nails short. This will help avoid scratching.

Also try not to roast in the sun. After all, sunbathing dries out the skin. Use moisturizer after sun exposure.

In winter, humidify the air indoors and at work and at home. Limit your time in air-conditioned rooms as air conditioners dry out the air and skin.

Clothing matters a lot. It should be light, spacious, made of natural fabrics.

Psoriasis does not like stress, so try to avoid it. Stress is one of the main factors that can provoke an exacerbation of psoriasis. Therefore, in many cases, herbal sedatives are used to treat patients with psoriasis. The use of medicinal valerian preparations in the complex treatment of psoriasis makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the level of tension and irritability, improve sleep, which entails alleviating the severity of skin manifestations. An effective dosage of valerian officinalis is not lower than 300 mg per dose. It is recommended to take the drug "Valerianovna ®" (capsules of 300 mg of valerian officinalis) 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. The recommended course of taking the drug is at least 2-3 weeks.

Refuse alcohol, because its use exacerbates the course of the disease. According to some data, among people who abuse alcohol, psoriasis occurs 4.7 times more often, and, as a rule, is more acute.

Give up cigarettes. A number of studies point to the relationship between smoking and the incidence of psoriasis.

Of course, there must be appropriate nutrition. Follow your diet. There are many versions that psoriasis is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some general recommendations on which products to look out for:

  • low-calorie diet and elimination of excess weight have a positive effect on the manifestations of psoriasis;
  • a low-protein diet in some cases improves the course of the disease. Try reducing your milk and meat intake. Replace milk with sour-milk products, and meat with white fish;
  • reduce the manifestations of psoriasis can add to the diet of foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids: fatty fish, vegetable oils (especially olive). By the way, supplements containing such acids or fish oil can also be used;
  • increase your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, some fruits can (very individually) cause aggravation. They must be excluded: citrus fruits, vegetables and fruits containing red pigment - tomatoes, strawberries, strawberries, etc.;
  • eat less chocolate and foods containing vinegar.

When diagnosing psoriasis, it is required to immediately begin to actively care for the scalp. You may need to change your permanent shampoo to another one - treatment, baby or cleansing. You also need to reconsider your attitude to painting, combing and styling, and, possibly, change your lifestyle. To the most common questions: is it possible to dye hair with head psoriasis, is there a difference between women's and men's care for this disease, you will find out the answers in our article.

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, the cause of which is difficult to establish. Some experts believe that the root of the problem lies in the action of retroviruses, which are inherited. Others attribute the onset of the disease to a weakened immune system. In any case, the disease is classified as multifactorial, therefore none of us is immune from the appearance of psoriatic papules.

In the early stages, even a narrowly focused specialist cannot distinguish dandruff from psoriasis, because the skin simply peels off and keratinized scales are layered on top of each other. But as soon as the dermis begins to crust, it is immediately possible to suspect psoriasis.

Manifestations of psoriasis:

  • peeling;
  • the formation of psoriatic plaques (papules), the upper part of which resembles a wax film;
  • around each focus, a red or pink outline is visible, which is formed due to the inflammatory process on the dermis;
  • optionally, psoriasis appears only on the skin of the scalp - you can observe papules on the elbows, forehead, neck, groin and other parts of the body.

Interesting to know. With psoriasis, the renewal of the epidermis is accelerated. Standard exfoliation of the upper layers occurs after 28 days, and in case of illness - every 5-7 days. As a result, keratinized scales are layered on top of each other, creating psoriatic plaques with a whitish coating.

Psoriasis is exacerbated in case of severe stress, hormonal disruptions, past illnesses, weakened immunity and metabolic disorders.

How to properly care

If you are overtaken by this ill-fated disease, you should take good care of your hair. Experts recommend:

  • refuse styling products, as well as the use of a hair dryer;
  • in no case do not comb the plaques, because such manipulation can lead to the formation of wounds on the inflamed dermis;
  • do not dye your hair with aggressive dyes;
  • combing curls with wooden brushes and combs;
  • choose a special shampoo for the treatment of the dermis (based on zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, salicylic acid, tar, selenium disulfide, etc.);
  • in the summer, protect your head from UV rays by wearing a hat.

When choosing a psoriasis shampoo, be sure to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. Many drugs can cause side effects, as well as penetrate into the blood. In this regard, most of them are contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Experts believe that you should not remove keratinized scales on your own. Best of all, when they are eliminated by themselves during shampooing, this is how the gradual healing of the skin and the reduction of its injury during mechanical action will occur.

It should be noted that with psoriasis, you simply must lead a healthy lifestyle, unless, of course, you take care of yourself and want to remain beautiful. Give up bad habits, start a balanced diet, do not eat fried food - the main postulates in the fight against the disease. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene.

How to wash

In the process of washing, it is forbidden to actively rub and stretch the scalp. Medicated shampoos and other healing formulations are gently applied with fingertips, and then the skin is massaged a little.

Basic tips for shampooing:

  • baths for psoriasis are not desirable, because vapors can additionally dry the skin;
  • after washing it is forbidden to rub the skin;
  • you need to get your hair wet carefully, while trying to dry all areas of the skin, even hidden ones;
  • special therapeutic shampoos can be applied up to 2 times in one procedure;
  • while visiting the pool, apply petroleum jelly to the papules and protect the head with a special cap;
  • it is best to alternate therapeutic shampoo with tar; for prevention, it is recommended to use baby shampoo without lauryl sulfate, parabens, fragrances and other chemicals;
  • after washing, rinse with either decoctions based on herbs (string, chamomile, burdock, oak bark), or boiled water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice;
  • when washing your hair, use only warm water(in no case hot and not cold);
  • you can not part with washing your hair, otherwise the skin can be significantly affected.

So what are the best shampoos to use? Experts recommend using special shampoos:

  • hormonal(based on ketoconazole and climbazole, which are able to disinfect the skin and stabilize the sebaceous glands, for example, Nizoral, Horsepower, Dermazole and many others);
  • tar(healing suspension softens psoriatic plaques, and also contributes to their gentle exfoliation, - Psoril, Algopix, Friderm Tar, Tana, Psori-shampoo);
  • cosmetic(Clear Vita Abe, Vichy, Friderm Balance, Sulsena);
  • based on zinc pyrithione(Friderm zinc, Libriderm zinc, Skin-cap, Etrivex and others);
  • children's(Hipp, Jhonson's Baby, Buebchen, Mom and I, and others).

It should be noted that men's scalp care for psoriasis is no different from women's. It is enough to observe hygiene, choose the right medical and cosmetic shampoo, as well as resort to healing masks.

How to comb curls

Scalp care for psoriasis requires proper combing. Experts recommend using either wooden combs or special massages with natural pile.

When combing hair, you need to start from the ends of the curls, gradually moving up. In case of exacerbation, try not to touch the skin of the scalp at all.

If you are going to comb out the scales, you can wrap a little cotton wool moistened with 2% boric alcohol on the comb. It is this disinfected softened bristle that will help you carry out the most gentle peeling.

Hair should be combed only after natural drying, when it dries well.

Can hair be dyed

Dermatologists and trichologists prohibit staining in the presence of psoriatic papules at the acute stage. The fact is that aggressive dyes can adversely affect the scalp, exacerbating the situation. Such an event is especially contraindicated for those who have an exacerbation of psoriasis.

But there are some types of gentle staining that can be used even with psoriasis:

  • highlighting, when the master retreats a few centimeters from the hair roots;
  • ombre, suggesting light or contrasting transitions between natural hair color and dyed;
  • hair highlighting, when curls located below the hair are painted in some colors;
  • staining with natural dyes - henna and basma;
  • carry out a full painting with ammonia-free dyes or tint the hair with gentle tint agents.

Important point! If there is an exacerbation, discard any staining. Otherwise, ulcers, severe redness, scars and even blisters are possible, as with a burn.

Masks for psoriasis

If you prepare the masks correctly, then the remission stage may soon come.

Mask based on burdock oil

Everyone knows that burdock oil perfectly nourishes the dermis with vitamins and minerals. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, promoting proper cell division. Calendula, which is part of the following mask, reduces inflammation, so you will quickly get rid of redness and itching.


  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 1 tsp tinctures of calendula;
  • 2 egg yolks.

Preparation and application:

  1. Combine all the ingredients: beat the yolk, stir with a whisk, add oil to it and add calendula.
  2. Distribute this composition in the areas of plaque formation.
  3. Put a plastic bag on top and wrap your hair with a towel.
  4. Leave on for about 30 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.


This is a rather old recipe that has proven itself in the fight against peeling in psoriasis.

You will need:

  • 1 onion;
  • a few drops of juniper ether and tea tree;
  • 1 tsp castor oil.

Preparation and application:

  1. You will need to grate the onion on a grater to the state of gruel.
  2. Introduce ether and castor oil melted in a water bath into the resulting mixture.
  3. Distribute the healing suspension on the skin of the head, tighten the hair with a cellophane film and build a turban from a towel.
  4. As soon as 40 minutes have passed, you can safely wash off the mask with water with the addition of citric acid.

Unfortunately, this mask leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the form of an onion aroma, which does not disappear for several days. Recommended for use 1 time per week.


The preparation of the miraculous suspension is quite simple, but you will have to buy at the pharmacy:

  • dimexide;
  • vitamin A and E capsules;
  • tea tree ether;
  • Castor oil;
  • Burr oil;
  • Birch tar;
  • sea ​​salt (included if you do not have an exacerbation of the disease);
  • any hair mask or balm.

Preparation and application:

  1. Take a few tablespoons of a pharmacy mask and inject dimexide (1 tsp) into it, which enhances the penetration of beneficial components.
  2. In the resulting suspension, add a capsule of vitamins, a few drops of ether, 1 tbsp. l. burdock and castor oil, 1 tsp. birch tar and a handful of crushed grains of sea salt. Mix all ingredients well.
  3. Distribute homemade cosmetics in the places of localization of papules, and comb the rest through the hair.
  4. Create a greenhouse effect by wrapping your hair in a towel.
  5. Rinse with warm running water with the addition of shampoo after an hour.

As the reviews show, this a mask for a month of regular use can relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. Carry out the procedure every 3 days.

Vinegar Essence Mask

We note right away that it is effective, but if it comes into contact with healthy skin, it can cause a burn. It is not so easy to prepare it.

You will need:

  • vinegar essence;
  • egg;
  • 15 mg pork fat (unsalted).

Preparation and application:

  1. Take a 200 ml jar in which you place a homemade raw egg (whole, without breaking it).
  2. Pour in vinegar essence to cover the egg.
  3. Close the jar with a capron lid and leave in a cool place for 2 days.
  4. Remove the egg and start crushing it together with the shell.
  5. Add pork fat.
  6. Wash your hair with laundry soap before use.
  7. Apply the resulting slurry to psoriatic plaques, avoiding healthy areas.
  8. Keep it for an hour, burning is possible.
  9. The agent is carefully removed with a cotton pad or napkin, and the application sites are smeared with an ordinary baby cream.

According to users, after two procedures, keratinized scales are removed completely, only red inflamed skin remains.

Important! Masks should be selected taking into account the type of skin: nourishing masks based on kefir, honey are suitable for oily curls, and various oils and esters, gelatin, aloe juice are suitable for dry curls. If you include oils in the masks, it is better to heat them in a water bath at a temperature of 60 degrees.

In this way, care for the scalp with psoriasis should be regularly and thoroughly. You should not only wash your hair with medicated shampoo from time to time, but also comb your hair correctly, reduce the aggressive effect of dyes to nothing, and adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

Only proper care in symbiosis with a balanced diet and the elimination of stressful situations can quickly eliminate the symptoms of a chronic disease.

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My hair care for psoriasis of the scalp. How do I dye my hair?

How to cure scalp psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a skin disease for which no cure has been found. However, despite the fact that this disease is incurable, its symptoms can be eliminated. The specificity of psoriasis is that its external signs after properly selected therapy may disappear and not appear for a long time. And when they occur, you can effectively minimize them by using the appropriate psoriasis medicated hair shampoos.

Although this disease spares no one and can appear at any age, it mainly affects either young people or those over 50 years of age. Since it occurs due to an abnormality in the immune system and a violation of the keratinization of the epidermis, its cells begin to grow too quickly. As a result, silvery or whitish scales appear, focusing locally on the surface of the head. An important feature of the disease is inflammation.

Where does psoriasis come from and what causes it?

Psoriasis is a genetic condition of the scalp. Scientists have not yet discovered how it is inherited, so it is not known exactly which genotype defect is responsible for its occurrence and, therefore, it is not known how to cure it. However, it is known that the likelihood of psoriasis increases in families whose members have struggled with it even in the third generation. may be inactive for many years and appear suddenly, such as after a complex infection that has a significant impact on the immune system.

What are the signs of scalp psoriasis?

  • Spots on the head (usually pink/red)
  • Silvery white plaques
  • Dry skin
  • Flaky skin that looks like dandruff
  • Inflammation or burning sensation
  • Increase in hair loss
  • Bleeding (from scratching plaques)

Not all symptoms have to be present at the same time, they can also occur intermittently. While there is no cure for this disease, there are remedies that can control flare-ups of scalp psoriasis. In addition, if you take care of your hair and scalp in the right way and avoid provocative actions, you can improve your condition and accelerate the onset of remission.

Psoriasis Scalp Care: What Should I Avoid?

Psoriasis on the scalp can be quite uncomfortable and unsightly. But if you find the right one, and avoid some things, your hair and scalp can be in better condition. Hair and scalp care for psoriasis includes the following:

    Keep your scalp hydrated by using a moisturizing shampoo every time you wash your hair.

  • Never rip off or exfoliate the affected areas of the skin - this will worsen the condition!
  • Cold and dry weather can make symptoms worse, so be sure to wear a hat when needed, both in summer and winter.
  • Tell your doctor about any medications you take and ask if they might affect your psoriasis.
  • Stress is often associated with flare-ups, so try to reduce nervous tension and anxiety. Meditation and yoga are good ways.
  • It is believed that drinking too much alcohol can worsen the symptoms of psoriasis, so you should drink in moderation or avoid alcohol altogether.

What is the treatment for psoriatic lesions on the scalp?

As mentioned before, medications to cure psoriasis have not yet been developed. This is a disease, the treatment of which is only to eliminate the symptoms. However, psoriatic skin requires constant and proper care using specialized preparations and shampoos for the treatment of psoriasis. In addition, dermatologists very often use immunosuppressants in antipsoriatic therapy, which stop the accelerated work of the sebaceous glands and thus reduce the number of keratinocytes. In the difficult fight against scalp psoriasis, ultraviolet radiation is also very useful, which is why patients are very often referred for specialized phototherapy treatments.

How to care for hair with psoriasis and take care of the scalp?

Scalp care for psoriasis and hair care for psoriasis is, above all, the consistent, patient implementation of daily rituals. The first of which is washing your hair with a special shampoo to fight the disease. A medicated shampoo should be gentle, free of preservatives, parabens, artificial fragrances and colors, which are known to irritate sensitive skin. In addition, an effective shampoo for people with scalp psoriasis should be enriched with herbal extracts, such as calendula, nettle and thyme extracts, known for their disinfectant, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory properties. As well as natural oils of flaxseed, tea tree, lavender, almond and others. In some shampoos, you can find vinegar, salicylic acid and lemon, which have the function of softening the epidermis, so that its condition is normalized. To answer the question of how to care for hair with psoriasis, taking care of the scalp, was exhaustive, take these tips into service:

✔ When showering, it is recommended to use cool water, as high temperatures can adversely affect scalp psoriasis.

✔ Limit the use of hot styling tools such as a blow dryer or styler as they can dry out your scalp and worsen your psoriasis.

✔ Naturally, it is best to blot your hair with a towel and let it dry on its own. However, if you must use a hair dryer, then choose low temperatures and airflow rates.

✔ Brushes, combs and other hair accessories need to be cleaned regularly to prevent buildup of skin residue on your personal hair care products. If you don't do this regularly, you will end up putting dandruff back into your hair.

✔ Coloring hair with scalp psoriasis is not recommended. The main reason for the ban is that dyes often contain harsh chemicals that can have adverse effects on sensitive skin.

✔ Keep your scalp moisturized. Apply aloe vera juice, coconut oil, or a lotion recommended by your dermatologist to a damp scalp.

✔ Choose shorter haircuts. The longer your hair, the more difficult it is to treat scalp psoriasis.

✔ If your psoriasis is causing severe flaking, try wearing light-colored sweatshirts and scarves to help hide dandruff.

✔ Before switching psoriasis medications or trying a new hair care product, be sure to check with your dermatologist to avoid another flare-up.

The job of hair care for psoriasis is often based on trial and error. Once you figure out which foods irritate your scalp and which ones cause scalp psoriasis to worsen, you'll know exactly what to avoid and what to use.

Visiting the hairdresser with psoriasis

Living with a condition known as psoriasis can often be overwhelming and uncomfortable. Many of those who suffer from psoriasis wish to hide their condition if possible. However, there are certain situations where it is quite difficult or almost impossible to do this, for example, when visiting a hairdresser. If psoriasis has spread to your scalp, then a trip to the salon for a haircut can cause anxiety because of what the professional will say or think. Here are some tips to make going to the hairdresser easier.

Don't be embarrassed and don't be afraid

First of all, don't be shy and don't be afraid. Psoriasis is a condition that develops through no fault of yours. Having this disease does not make you untidy or contagious. It just makes you a person affected by psoriasis.


Be sure to mention your psoriasis before making an appointment with a specialist. This is good for the hairdresser and for you. By being aware of your condition, you can reduce your concern about how staff, or the hairdresser himself, will react to your illness. In addition, this will give the specialist time to understand what psoriasis is, if he did not initially know about such a disease.

Be honest

When you get to your destination, be honest with the hairdresser and explain all the details of your condition, especially if the person is not familiar with it. Explain that your scalp is very sensitive. Never let your condition confuse you to the point where you can't tell the hairdresser something important about your scalp. If you pay for this meeting, you will be able to enjoy it like everyone else, whether you have psoriasis or not.
Once you have completed all the procedures in the salon, be honest with yourself. Did you like the hairdresser? It's okay to try a different salon if you don't feel comfortable with that one.

General Rules for Maintaining a Healthy Scalp

Remember that any type of psoriasis requires a proper diet. You need to exclude food provocateurs and not eat food that can cause an allergic reaction. Remember that hydration starts from within, so drink plenty of water. It also does not hurt to include more foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. They will help to cope with inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Herbal teas can help you relax, and herbal hair rinses can help soothe the itching caused by psoriasis.