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What is thrush? It's not a secret to anybody. Everyone encounters this disease in the form of various pathologies - thrush in the vagina, stomatitis in the mouth, dysbiosis in the intestines, mycosis of the skin and nails.

Candidiasis, as thrush is called in the scientific world, can be everywhere, and all because it is a conditionally pathogenic flora. Such flora can be useful in small quantities, and causes discomfort when the living conditions of microorganisms are disturbed.

In order for the main pathogen Candida albicans to begin its increased reproduction, it is necessary to create an acidic environment and destroy other microorganisms that inhibit the growth of the fungus. This effect develops when taking antibiotics. They kill all bacteria, including those that should normally be present, resulting in the development of thrush.

As a rule, the intestines and vagina are the first to suffer from antibacterial therapy, because the ratio of microorganisms in them is unique and there are no other protective mechanisms.

In addition to antibiotics, there are many reasons that also disrupt the flora and thus lead to thrush:

  • Chronic diseases(chronic gastroduodenitis, chronic pyelonephritis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic cystitis, diabetes mellitus, etc.).
  • Chronic infections(HIV, untreated chlamydia, gonorrhea, Trichomonas, etc.).
  • Hormonal disorders(cyclical changes, thyroid disease, long-term use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy, obesity, etc.
  • Poor personal hygiene(rarely washing, using sanitary pads every day, lack of protective measures with frequent changes of sexual partners).
  • Diet violation(excessive intake of sweet, salty, fried foods).

Highlight several forms of thrush:

  1. Candida carrier.
  2. Acute candidiasis.
  3. Chronic form (recurrent).

Recurrent candidiasis occurs when newly diagnosed thrush is left untreated or due to non-compliance with doctor's instructions. Also, if the cause is not identified and treated, candidiasis will reappear after a few weeks.

This form of the disease is dangerous because the fungus can spread to surrounding tissues and organs, causing inflammatory processes and, as a consequence, infertility. Therefore, a serious approach to diagnosis and treatment is very important. Interestingly, 30% of all cases of thrush become chronic.

Diagnosis of thrush is simple - they take a smear from the vagina and examine it under a microscope. If the laboratory technician sees colonies of the fungus in large quantities, the diagnosis is confirmed. There are some types of fungi that can also be found in the vaginal flora.

They are more rare and usually the doctor checks for them only if treatment is ineffective, although it is, of course, more correct to investigate their involvement in the disease before prescribing drugs. These are Candida krusei and Candida tropicana.

But the fact is that this requires a more expensive and lengthy examination, with the identification of drugs sensitive to these microorganisms, and as you know, thrush is widespread everywhere and it is best to receive treatment in the acute stage.

So, after diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe you treatment. Doing everything that the doctor recommends is your responsibility to the health of your body.

Treatment of thrush in the acute stage is successful only in 85-90%. During treatment, it is advisable to adhere to sexual rest, a strict diet and monitor intimate hygiene. Treatment is divided into:

  • traditional;
  • unconventional.

Traditional methods of treatment include drugs whose names cannot be counted due to their huge number.

But they all have a common part - these are the main active ingredients: Nystatin (Polygynax), Natamycin (Pimafucin), Isoconazole (Gyno Travogen), Clotrimazole (Canesten), Ketoconazole (Livarol) and others. More often they use an integrated approach, acting on the general body and locally prescribing tablets and suppositories for thrush.

Here you can find treatment with douching with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, oak bark), hydrogen peroxide, lubricating the walls with sea buckthorn and other oils using tampons. But douching is inconvenient because you have to undergo treatment under the strict supervision of a gynecologist.

The newest methods are also well-known to many people due to the fact that the drugs are used to treat many other diseases. These are drugs such as Genferon, Malavit and others.

There is a drug that belongs to traditional medicine. It helps in the treatment of thrush and the inflammatory process that often accompanies it.

The drug "Polygynax" has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Suppresses the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Improves tissue trophism.

Why Polygynax? A wide range of actions, ease of use, and high efficiency allow us to call the drug one of the best in modern medicine, in particular in gynecology.

Release form: vaginal capsules. The forms of these capsules are sold for both sexually active women and virgins. For girls and young women, Polygynax Virgo is available in the form of an elongated capsule, which is cut off and, after insertion into the vagina, the gel is squeezed out.

Polygynax contains: main active ingredients:

  1. Neomycin sulfate 35,000 units is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group, which causes microorganism cells to produce abnormal proteins, thereby killing them.
  2. Polymyxin B sulfate 35000 IU is a polypeptide antibiotic from the polymyxin group. It increases cell permeability, causing lysis.
  3. Nystatin 100 units is one of the main substances that has a detrimental effect on the fungus of the genus Candida albicans.

Moreover, it has been proven that with the combined action of all three components, the drug has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the vaginal walls, improving the recovery process. One of the frequent prescriptions is Polygynax for thrush.

Indications for use

Polygynax is prescribed in complex therapy for bacterial and fungal infections:

  • before and after procedures for cauterization of the cervix, insertion of an IUD;
  • before surgical interventions;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • cervicovaginitis.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Allergies to taking antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group.

Despite the rather strong components, the drug is usually prescribed in a complex manner, since a fairly serious approach to the treatment of candidiasis is required. All prescriptions are given by the doctor. Self-medication is fraught with the transition of an acute form of thrush to a chronic form.

If your doctor has prescribed Polygynax for thrush as a treatment, it should be administered vaginally once a day before bed.

The capsules are inserted deep into the vagina while lying on your back. The course of treatment is 12 days for adults. In the case of prophylactic use, 1 time per day vaginally for 6 days.

Polygynax Virgo is prescribed 1 capsule once a day for 6 days. The instructions for the drug note that taking Polygynax during menstruation is possible and does not reduce its effectiveness, both in the case of regular capsules and when using the gel.

Once in the vagina, the drug envelops the entire mucous membrane, practically without being absorbed into the blood. However, Polygynax should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pharmacologists believe that taking this medication is not safe for the fetus. But sometimes, doctors still prescribe Polygynax before childbirth in the presence of pathogenic microflora to prevent infection of the fetus during childbirth. In this case, the drug is taken under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Features of application

Polygynax, when taken simultaneously with spermicidal agents, can inhibit the latter. Also, during protected sexual intercourse, this medicine can affect the strength of latex condoms or caps.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated, side effects are unlikely. Very rarely, when taking Polygynax, itching, burning, and allergic contact erythema are observed. If you experience such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. With long-term use, a systemic reaction to the action of aminoglycosides is possible.

It is important not to use such suppositories for thrush for a long time, as there is a possibility of resistance and, as a result, lack of treatment effect or reinfection.

Why Polygynax?

Firstly, and quite importantly, the price of this drug is acceptable for most girls. Often, prices for antifungal drugs are unreasonably high. Such an inflated cost does not guarantee high and effective quality.

Secondly, when Polygynax enters the vagina, it envelops the walls of the vagina and nourishes them, thereby facilitating access to the deeper folds of the vagina and improving the effect of the medicine itself.

Therefore, gynecologists often choose Polygynax, both in combination with tablets for oral administration, and separately, only locally.

It is important to take this drug exactly at the time and in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. The course must be continuous.

Prevention of thrush

  • Keep all chronic diseases under control.
  • If an STI is detected, treat it immediately! In addition to thrush, they can have serious irreversible consequences.
  • Use individual personal hygiene products.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic pads and tight underwear every day, especially in the hot season.
  • When taking antibiotics, take probiotics in combination.
  • If you change sexual partners frequently, use condoms.
  • Don't break your diet. Control your consumption of sweets (baked goods), salty, fried, canned foods. Focus on seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Monitor the state of your immunity (pay attention to healthy food, work and rest schedule, do not overcool)
  • Strictly follow your doctor's instructions when treating thrush with Polygynax.

Choosing a medicine that will quickly help get rid of thrush can be difficult. The number of drugs in pharmacies is very large. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake and carry out effective therapy aimed at suppressing the activity of the pathogenic fungus, you need to visit a doctor. Only after collecting anamnesis, examination and tests, the gynecologist will be able to confidently select a medicine based on the individual characteristics of the patient. In many cases, unless there are serious contraindications or other factors, suppositories are prescribed as part of therapy, the beneficial effects of which have long been noted by the fair sex and doctors. This form of the local drug successfully eliminates symptoms, does not cause discomfort and cures the disease. Polygynax is one of the most popular products of this kind. What is so special about this drug?

Features of the drug

Polygynax is an effective and fast-acting drug that is among the affordable drugs in the price category.

Polygynax packaging

Its cost in pharmacies is approximately 400 rubles per package. It is noted that this remedy successfully treats not only various forms of thrush, but is also able to cope with other gynecological diseases that arise independently or against the background of chronic candidiasis. At the same time, suppositories of this brand are among the antibiotics, due to which the instructions should be carefully studied before the first use, and it is also important to remember all the advice of the attending physician.

Polygynax is used for thrush as a mandatory course of treatment. Severe symptoms of fungal pathology usually disappear completely on the third day after the first introduction of the capsule into the body. However, it is impossible to interrupt the started therapy unless there are serious instructions for such an action. Despite the fact that the medicine is classified as an antibiotic, there are no separate requirements that the drug should be administered strictly at the same time. Also, in case of missing a day, treatment should continue without compensation for the “lost day,” but it is recommended that in such circumstances, consult a gynecologist for possible correction of the treatment plan.

The main active substances in this drug are:


  • glycerol;
  • water;
  • gelatin;
  • soybean oil (hydrogenated);
  • typhoid 63.

Suppositories have antibacterial and antifungal effects on the body. Due to this, Polygynax is used not only to correct the condition of thrush, but also in the context of such gynecological diseases as cervical erosion, bacterial vaginitis, cervicitis (bacterial and fungal), and nonspecific forms of vaginitis. The components of the drug quickly block the growth of pathogenic organisms and destroy existing negative microflora. In addition, suppositories successfully cope with itching, unpleasant vaginal discharge, swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Polygynax has almost no side effects

Unlike many other “strong” drugs, Polygynax has virtually no side effects or contraindications, and no cases of overdose with accompanying symptoms have been recorded. Thus, the remedy requires proper administration so that the instructions are followed, only for the reason that, otherwise, the therapy may not bring the desired result. It is noted that when the course is interrupted or medicinal capsules are unsystematically administered, thrush goes into a chronic stage with frequent relapses, and the yeast-like fungus gradually develops “immunity” to the main components of the medicinal drug. Due to this, further treatment with nystatin-based drugs may be completely ineffective.

Minimal contraindications include:

  1. individual intolerance and allergy to the composition of Polygynax;
  2. early stages of pregnancy (first trimester), suppositories should be used with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  3. renal failure; excessive use of the drug can worsen the well-being of such patients;
  4. breastfeeding period.

No alcohol during treatment.

You can use this medicine at the time of menstruation. But you will have to abstain from drinking alcohol throughout the entire course of treatment. Sexual intercourse with a regular partner, who must also undergo therapy against candidiasis, is not encouraged and is permissible only with the consent of the attending physician.

Possible side effects:

  • allergic reaction (itching, skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes, drug-induced urticaria).

During therapy, many women note the presence of copious translucent vaginal discharge in the morning. This is not a pathological reaction or side effect. Therapy should not be interrupted.

Polygynax is available in two forms: vaginal capsules and emulsion. Packages of capsules can be of two types: for 6 pieces and for 12. The color of the candles is milky in color, small in size, quite elastic, oval in shape.

Polygynax Virgo

The use of the drug Polygynax for men is prohibited. A separate form of the drug is available for children called “Polygynax Virgo”.

These suppositories are also prescribed as prophylaxis, before abortions and other surgical interventions.

How to use the drug to treat vaginal candidiasis

In order to feel the necessary dynamics during the treatment process, it is important to use capsules exactly in the quantity and with the regularity prescribed by the doctor. The product is introduced into the body only after all necessary hygienic procedures.

The basic instructions for the product are as follows (excluding individual indications):

  • for targeted therapy against candidiasis and other related gynecological diseases, capsules are used once a day before bedtime; the suppository should be inserted in solid form as deep as possible into the vagina; The duration of the course is 12 days;
  • within the framework of preventive measures, the duration of exposure is 6 days; The medication is also administered once a day, in the evening.

Depending on the course of thrush and the presence of additional pathologies, the doctor may adjust the recommendations for the use of Polygynax.

Effective treatment of candidiasis involves a combined approach, part of which is vaginal suppositories. However, you should not choose a drug based on the advice of friends. Only a competent doctor, based on research results and taking into account the characteristics of the body, is able to draw up the correct plan for correcting the condition.

The drug "Polygynax" for thrush should be taken exclusively as prescribed by a specialized physician, according to the instructions. The drug is aimed at destroying a fungal infection, but the drug is also an antibiotic, which allows it to be used in mixed processes of inflammation of the female genital area. "Polygynax" will help cure thrush in a short time and prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory pathologies.

Composition, mechanism of operation and release form

"Polygynax" is sold in the form of vaginal capsules, packaged in packages of 6 or 12 pieces. The drug is highly effective for candidiasis, thanks to the components included in its composition:

  • nystatin;
  • neomycin sulfate;
  • polymyxin B sulfate;
  • soybean oil;
  • gelatin;
  • distilled water;
  • glycerol;
  • ethylene glycol stearate;
  • Dimethicone

The drug gently kills pathogenic microorganisms without destroying the mucous membranes.

The combined drug for topical use has antifungal and antibacterial effects. Active substances have a detrimental effect on infections of bacterial etiology, and on the following bacteria and fungi:

  • enterococci;
  • E. coli;
  • staphylococcus;
  • ureaplasma;
  • yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida.

After introducing the Polygynax capsule into the vagina, its components penetrate the mucous membrane of the cervix and vaginal wall, where they are evenly distributed and have a healing effect. The absorption of the active ingredients of the drug from the vaginal mucosa into the systemic circulation is practically not carried out.

Indications and side effects


The manifestation of allergies is an individual reaction of the body.

The drug "Polygynax" has a minimum of restrictions on its use. The drug is not prescribed if there is an individual intolerance to its components. The use of Polygynax is not approved for pregnant women or nursing mothers. However, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, suppositories can be used, but only strictly as prescribed by the attending physician after a thorough assessment of the risks and benefits.

Instructions for use of "Polygynax" for thrush

"Polygynax" for thrush is prescribed for 12 days. Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina once a day - in the evening before bedtime. The instructions for the drug indicate that vaginal suppositories can also be used for preventive purposes. To prevent the development of candidiasis, suppositories are administered for 6 days, one piece per day, just before going to bed. Polygynax effectively helps against thrush if used only as prescribed by a specialized physician and after a preliminary diagnostic examination.


Before starting treatment for thrush with Polygynax, you need to inform your doctor about the previously started use of other medications. Thus, there is a decrease in the activity of spermicides if they are used in conjunction with Polygynax. No other cases of incompatibility with other medications have been identified.

Precautionary measures

If you have atypical symptoms while using the medication, you should consult a doctor.

When using vaginal suppositories to treat thrush, it should be taken into account that they can cause rupture of the latex condom used during sexual intercourse. Despite restrictions on use during pregnancy and lactation, at the discretion of the doctor, the medicine can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating mothers. However, women should understand the possible risks and use suppositories with extreme caution, strictly adhering to the dosage, and not exceeding the specified course duration.

Polygynax for thrush is now very popular due to its effectiveness and instant action. The drug Polizhinaks for thrush is presented in the form of suppositories, which are capable of relieving the symptoms of fungal pathology already on the third day.

Composition and properties of Polygynax

Candles consist of such active components as:

  • nystanine;
  • demitikon;
  • neomycin and polymyxin B sulfate.

Naturally, each medication also contains auxiliary substances. In Polygynax, the auxiliary components are:

The drug Polygynax itself is a combined antibiotic that has antifungal, antibacterial, and antimycotic effects.

The combination of all components of the product has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, resulting in improved trophic processes. The active substances also actively affect gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Nystanin has a detrimental effect on fungi of the genus Candida. But Polymyxin increases cell permeability, resulting in bacterial lysis. Neomycin is an antibiotic, and its main task is to act on pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this, fungi of an abnormal type begin to be produced, which subsequently makes the bacteria unviable.

How to use Polygynax for candidiasis

The drug is prescribed by a doctor, who also sets the dosage and course of use of the suppositories. Instructions for use of suppositories also contain information on use. Only the doctor, at his own discretion, can prescribe a different dosage and course of use of the drug. This will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease.

The instructions indicate that suppositories can be used not only for existing diseases, but also for their prevention.

The main thing in the treatment of candidiasis with Polygynax suppositories is continuous treatment. If a woman does not administer a suppository on 1 day of treatment, the treatment may not give a positive result.

How to use Polygynax? The instructions that come with it will help with this. The product is taken locally. The suppository is inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina.

During treatment with the drug, a woman should avoid sexual intercourse, the use of tampons, and barrier contraceptives.

Can suppositories be used during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, the use of Polygynax suppositories for thrush is prohibited. In the second and third trimester, the doctor may prescribe the use of the drug, but only if the woman strictly follows his recommendations, since the drug contains antibiotics, and their effect on the fetus has not been fully studied.

If candidiasis appears just before childbirth, then the use of the product instantly normalizes the microflora, which means that the risk of infecting the baby during childbirth is zero.

One cannot fail to mention the use of suppositories for nursing mothers. When breastfeeding, the drug is strictly contraindicated. But if there is a need for its use, then the woman stops breastfeeding.

Side effects from using Polygynax

Like any other medicine, Polygynax may cause side effects.

Possible side effects include allergies in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, skin irritation, and drug-induced urticaria.

Long-term use of the drug may lead to an increase in the intensity of side effects. As soon as a woman notices at least one unpleasant symptom, the use of suppositories should be stopped and the attending physician should be told about it.