What does a person's psychotype mean? Personality psychotype: classification and description

One of the main aspects of human existence is his self-realization in various fields of activity, among which successful adaptation and productive interaction with other people are of key importance. Since time immemorial, philosophers, and then psychologists, have tried to establish certain patterns in human behavior and attitude in order to make relationships between people more understandable and mature.

Thus, even at the dawn of psychology, the Austrian psychiatrist S. Freud formulated a theory about the structure of the psyche, and the Swiss psychiatrist K.G. Jung, relying on this knowledge and his own many years of work experience, created the first concept about psychological personality types. This teaching today has become the basis for many competent socio-psychological theories and even entire areas of modern psychotherapy.

One of these modern theories is socionics as the doctrine of the interaction between a person and the outside world, depending on the personal characteristics of a particular person, which classify him as one of 16 socionic personality types.

Socionics as a science was created in the seventies of the last century by the Lithuanian scientist Ausra Augustinaviciute on the basis of computer science, sociology and psychology. In the scientific community, socionics is rather not a science, but one of the famous personality typologies, which serves as a diagnostic method in psychological counseling.

K.G. Jung - the forefather of socionics

In the 19th century, K.G. Jung created his famous theory about personality types, the definition of which is based on ideas about attitudes and basic functions of the psyche. He identified two main personal attitudes: introversion, when a person’s interest is directed into the depths of his own inner world, and extroversion, when a person is directed to the outside world. At the same time, there is a concept about a person’s inclination towards a specific attitude, but not about its complete predominance.

Jung considered thinking, sensation, intuition and feeling to be the main functions of the psyche. Sensation means interaction with the world based on the senses, thinking and feeling help to understand these sensations at the level of comprehension and emotional experience, and intuition answers the question of the origin of these phenomena at the subconscious level.

For each person, one of these functions is dominant, and the rest complement it.

These functions have been divided into two groups:

  • rational, to which thinking and feeling belong;
  • irrational (sensation and intuition).

In this case, rationality implies an orientation towards the objective norms of society. Based on these aspects, Jung created a classification consisting of 8 main personality types, which in socionics expanded to 16 psychotypes.

The birth of socionics

To create a new full-fledged typology and highlight more specific personality types, A. Augustinaviciute combined Jung’s concept with the theory of information metabolism of the Polish psychiatrist A. Kempinski. This theory is based on the concept of the exchange of information between a person and the outside world in comparison with metabolism in the body, when information is food for the human psyche, therefore mental health is directly related to the quality of incoming information. Thus, socionics calls personality types types of information metabolism. The presence of dominant characteristics should not be confused with.

Socionic personality types are not a constant, “frozen” characteristic of a person; their definition reflects only the way of information exchange, without affecting the individual characteristics of a person (education, culture, experience and character), which are studied by individual psychology. Accentuation is a pointed character trait of a person, which should be paid attention to as bordering on pathology, but accentuation is not the goal of research in socionics.

Formation of names

How did socionics get its name from specific personality types? The name of the type comes from the dominant attitude (extroversion or introversion), and the two most powerful functions of the four, while the names of the functions have undergone some changes: thinking and feeling became logic and ethics, respectively, and sensation was called sensory.

Rationality and irrationality are determined by the location of functions in the names of psychotypes. If we talk about rational personality types, then the first word in the name will be logic or ethics, and for irrational personality types – sensory or intuition.

The names of the 16 types were added over time by various scientists to provide a clearer accessible description of a person. The most popular names of these types are: formulaic names based on Jung’s theory, pseudonyms of famous historical figures - bearers of the designated characteristics, pseudonyms that characterize a person’s professional predisposition.

Basic socionic types

Jung owns a classification of 8 main psychotypes, on the basis of which socionics proposed a more detailed classification consisting of 16 psychotypes.

  • Logical-intuitive extrovert(LIE), "Jack London", "Entrepreneur". He is able to clearly identify his own capabilities and abilities, is easily inspired and starts new things, and is interested in dynamic sports that give extreme sensations. Feels new trends, takes risks, relying on intuition. Confidently uses new technologies in her work, deeply analyzes herself and the world around her. Tends to communicate closely with people.
  • Logical-sensory extrovert(LSE), “Stirlitz”, “Administrator”. A very efficient, socially adapted type, he always feels the need to bring the work he has started to completion. Plans activities and treats surrounding things practically. Tends to show love and care for loved ones, loves noisy fun and company. He is good-natured, but harsh, can be hot-tempered and stubborn.
  • Ethical-intuitive extrovert(EIE), “Hamlet”, “Mentor”. A very emotional person, prone to empathy and displaying a wide range of emotions. He has expressive facial expressions and eloquence. Able to anticipate various events and prepare for them in advance. Picks up inconsistencies in other people's words and emotions. Often unsure of a partner's love and prone to jealousy.
  • Ethical-sensory extrovert(ESE), “Hugo”, “Enthusiast”. Able to influence people through emotional pressure, he gets along well with them, can cheer them up, is inclined to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of another person and show love and care for loved ones. In his work he achieves everything on his own, loves when other people emphasize his merits.
  • Logical-intuitive introvert(LII), “Robespierre”, “Analyst. He knows how to distinguish the important from the secondary, does not like empty talk, and is prone to clear, practical thinking. In their work, this type likes to use unusual ideas, while demonstrating their independence. Uses intuition where he does not know the exact answers. Does not like noisy companies, finds it difficult to establish relationships with other people.
  • Logical-sensory introvert(LSI), “Maxim Gorky”, “Inspector”. Loves order and rigor, delves deeply into work, analyzing information from different angles. It is distinguished by a certain pedantry. He looks at things realistically and takes on a task only if he knows for sure that he can complete it. Inspires trust, but prefers short business contacts with other people.
  • Ethical-intuitive introvert(EII), “Dostoevsky”, “Humanist”. He subtly senses the nature of relationships between people, attaches great importance to trust, and does not forgive betrayal. He is able to identify the hidden abilities of others and is endowed with the talent of an educator. He is passionate about self-education, people often turn to him for advice. We are very vulnerable, it is difficult to tolerate aggression and lack of love.
  • Ethical-sensory introvert(ESI), “Dreiser”, “Keeper”. Recognizes pretense and falsehood in relationships, divides people into friends and strangers, managing psychological distance. He defends his views and principles. He knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones, and cannot tolerate the moral superiority of other people. Able to deeply analyze himself and others.
  • Intuitive-logical extrovert(ILE), “Don Quixote”, “The Seeker”. He has a wide range of interests, knows how to adapt to new conditions and easily switches to new methods of work. He is a generator of ideas and does not like traditions and routine. Able to explain complex ideas, being a pioneer in them. He is more prone to synthesis in thinking, creates a new idea from ready-made components.
  • Sensory-logical extrovert(SLE), "Zhukov", "Marshal". Tends to use physical force in order to achieve victory at any cost. Obstacles only increase his desire to win. Likes to lead and cannot stand being subordinated. Analyzing the situation, he likes to draw up a specific plan of action and strictly follows it.
  • Intuitive-ethical extrovert(IEE), “Huxley”, “Adviser”. He is able to subtly feel other people and has a developed imagination. Loves creative work and cannot stand monotony and routine. Sociable, likes to give practical advice in the field of interaction with people.
  • Sensory-ethical extrovert(SEE), “Napoleon”, “Politician”. Able to see the capabilities of others, using this knowledge for the purpose of manipulation. Leads over
    weak, clearly identifying their weak points. He likes to keep his distance; in communication he is more likely to be guided by his own interests. In the eyes of others he tries to look like an outstanding, original person, but often he is not.
  • Intuitive-logical introvert(OR), "Balzac", "Critic". This type is an erudite with a philosophical mindset. He is careful, makes a decision only with confidence in its correctness, analyzing the vulgar in its connection with the future. Does not like violent manifestations of emotions, appreciates coziness and comfort.
  • Sensory-logical introvert(SLI), "Gaben", "Master". Sensations are for him the main source of knowledge of the world. Shows empathy, subtly feels and loves other people, rejects artificiality and falsehood. He is distinguished by a technical mindset, loves to work with his hands, while always meeting the required deadlines.
  • Intuitive-ethical introvert(IEI), “Lyric”, “Yesenin”. A dreamy and lyrical person, he knows how to intuitively predict events, has a good understanding of people, loves and “feels” them. He has a good sense of humor and wins the affection of other people. This type attaches great importance to appearance. He doesn’t know how to save money, and while working he likes to rest for a long time.
  • Sensory-ethical introvert(SEI), “Dumas”, “Mediator”. Knows how to enjoy ordinary life, calmly enduring monotony and routine. Gets along easily with people, respecting their personal space, while demanding the same attitude from them. Likes to joke, entertain, avoids conflict situations. He is often a helper and loves to feel needed and significant in the eyes of other people.

Nowadays, developed technologies make it possible for everyone, without exception, to undergo testing and find out their socionic types, but we should not forget that a person’s personality is very multifaceted and ambiguous, therefore only a professional psychologist can qualitatively compose and describe a socio-psychological portrait of a personality during multi-level psychological diagnostics , where socionics is one of the methods.

DataFuel GUIDE

Jung's types, MBTI and psychographics

How do people think?

Jung's psychotypes

"The world hangs on a thin thread, and this thread is the human psyche"


Direction of consciousness

Where is a person’s attention and energy directed?

Extrovert - (E)

Public, for extroverts, will always be above the personal. Sacrifice, the desire to help everyone and to do everything for people - these are some of the main characteristics of an extrovert. In the world, he feels like a grain of sand, but part of something larger and common. People are objects for him, and extroverts do not value relationships very much, since they can easily replace one person with three others in the shortest possible time. These characteristics are based on the attitude towards the perception of information: objective and subjective. For extroverts, I am one of the objects of this world.

To communicate with an audience of extroverts, you can use storytelling, tell a story, captivate the mind, which will subsequently positively influence the desire to make a purchase. Just like with ethics, a common enemy will work great here, take up arms against him, blame him for all the troubles and offer a solution to this pain. Social proof - where would we be without it? Show that he is far from the first who decides to make this purchase, and judging by the reviews, he will not regret it. The fear of losing what an extrovert already has will be a wonderful pain, especially if you sell your offer with subscriptions. The creatives will be similar to the creatives of the ethicists.

Do -> Think -> Do

Incentive - Call to action, Participation in the process, Social proof (recommendations), Fear of loss.

Introvert - (I)

It takes a long time to build relationships, which is why he values ​​them so much introvert is a perfect example of a type who is only interested in himself and his problems. Selfishness and awareness of oneself as the center of the universe, which seems to die every time he closes his eyes and is reborn with their opening, perfectly characterize an introvert. I am the subject around whom the world is built, but at the same time, the built world is incredibly expensive, which is probably why introverts cling so much to relationships and try to fix everything that breaks in their coordinate system.
The motivation of introverts is classic - getting rid of pain and finding comfort, so in texts, as in creatives, you should pay special attention to this. Pain is its complete solution, and the achievement of harmony and comfort. Pay attention to his problems, his personal experiences, make him feel special and convince him that he is the one worthy of an individual approach from your company.

Think -> Do -> Think

Stimulus - Addressing pain, Personal appeal, Problem solving, Individual approach.


How and what information is perceived

Intuit - (N)

Intuition, as opposed to sensory, is the ability not to notice momentary, objectively real things. Intuits They have an amazing ability to look without seeing, and to see without looking. Intuit may not notice the car that almost hit him, but at the same time give all his attention to a thing that is not here, and not even now. Masses of information are often processed subconsciously, immediately discarding the result. In the same time intuitive demonstrate the ability to quickly grasp the essence of the matter. Prospect, hypothesis, unusualness, originality, paradox, sensation, spark, storm, explosion! This type does not feel much awe of authorities, criticizes and questions them. Intuits characterized by a certain intellectual arrogance.

Clickbait, understatement and the desire to know everything play with intuitive bad joke, easily fall for a catchy picture and shock sensation, and unsatisfied interest will spur a purchase. For intuitive The relevance of the phenomenon is important, try to be in trend, at least a little, be it the b2b or b2c segment. Intuit is a bit like a logician, and his brain often tries to simplify and systematize information, so it’s not a bad idea to give a clear structure in the ad so that it is understandable, or at least systematized. One of the controversial and complex triggers is contradiction. Touch on something important intuition topic, or better yet, his belief or value system and speak out against it, and not a minute will pass before he will hasten to object to you! A fairly easy method of viral, unfortunately, can turn into a wave of negativity, so you need to be careful.

Stimulus - New ideas, Abstractions, Relationships, Creativity, Understatement, Relevance.

Sensor - (S)

There is no one more down to earth, albeit in a good sense of the word, than sensory. Feelings of the external, real world are the main thing in their lives. Smells, textures, tastes, all this will be noticed and appreciated. Sensory live in objective reality, a space divided into territories that someone owns, he needs to know why it is hot and not cold here, what it smells like, and who is the owner and who is the guest. Concrete thinking sensory tries to translate any abstract concept into a familiar, or at least hypothetically existing example; for him, it is important to feel the reality of what is happening.

An interesting trigger for sensory there will be a so-called “reciprocal gratitude”; having received something as a gift, he often considers himself obligated to repay with kindness or service. Living in the real world, the world of the tangible and concrete, aesthetic beauty becomes something especially important, so the more beautiful the picture, the greater the response it will find in the heart sensory. And to be sure to get into his soul, highlight the main idea or creative element with a color, frame, or beautiful formatting. sensory will definitely appreciate it. Play with contrast, try using a black and white photo card with a colored product.

More often sensory- realists.

Stimulus - Beautiful picture, Facts, Shape, Bright colors, Contrast, Reciprocal gratitude.


On what basis does a person make decisions?

Logician - (T)

Logicians are not strong in analyzing, understanding and responding to feelings, but they excel in numbers. Logic does not need to be convinced or persuaded; facts, systematized and substantiated, will do everything for him. They even try to systematize feelings, but that’s a completely different story.
To work with the audience logicians Diagrams, graphs and infographics, flowcharts and generally any systematic creatives are perfect. In the text content to logicians There are a couple of simple approaches:
- try to show and logically justify that your offer is better, stronger, faster, and these are not mere words, there are studies, if it is possible to describe by what criteria specifically your product is superior to competitors - logicians will appreciate it;
- approach the ad systematically so that it is logical and complete; the less water, the better;
- the tendency to proceed from bare facts often plays a cruel joke, for example, the higher the price -> the better, according to logicians, the product, anchors are also important, and even if you do not have standard offers of economy business VIP class - come up with them, It will be easier for a logician to make the right choice by seeing what he chooses from.

Incentive - Benefit, Comparison, Numbers, Patterns, Reasons to Try, Value Attribution.

Ethics- not the most difficult segment, but not the easiest either, because you need to convey a thought through emotion. The main carrier of information is people, their experiences, emotions, worries. Ethics What matters is the tone and paraverbal communicative signs first, and only then the content. They often put additional meaning into their words, which they consider possible to convey only through intonation. Ethics The inspiration of the inanimate is inherent, they can easily treat and talk with objects as with people who have their own feelings and emotions.

On any stock photo you will find anger, joy or sadness, tell him how he will like to use your product, or pay attention to the sad autumn outside the window, the feeling is what you need to appeal to when working with this group. It's also worth trying to find your common enemy, everyone has one, just take sides ethics, support him, tell him that you understand his problem, and even found a solution in the form of your product. You can also include social proof, crowd endorsements, or just testimonials to ethicists they are very important. Well, a little general advice: force ethics to feel like he belongs to a group, to a community, tell him that by purchasing a product he becomes part of a large family, this will definitely push him to make a purchase decision.

Do -> Think -> Do

Stimulus - Call to action, activity, participation in any process, Social proof (recommendations of other people), Belonging to a group or community.

Does he plan or act spontaneously?

Rational - (J)

Rational always decisive, as opposed to the perceiving irrational. Rational lives based on the decisions made, tries to transform circumstances so that they suit his decision. Rationals They often have a system of actions and rules that they try to follow strictly in any situation; they try to think in advance about what and how they will have to do. Failure of plans inevitably leads to a serious loss in life and a balanced, albeit frantic, drawing up of a new plan.
Rationals are similar to logicians, and therefore, the more logical and correct the answer looks, the sooner they will choose it. Provide numbers, facts, evidence that your product is better than your competitors, and at the same time try to convey that this is the simplest and fastest solution to their problems, and they will respond to you with love and coin.

Planning, clear structure, rules and instructions.

Incentives - Touch chain, Content marketing, simplicity and clarity.

Surprise and the unknown are a negative incentive.

Irrational - (P)

Irrational will always be perceptive, as opposed to rational. Irrational lives based on current circumstances, makes decisions depending on the situation and always tries to fit in, integrate into it. Irrationals sometimes they also plan, but this is not a structured plan of action, rather a short list of wishes of what they would like, and if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay! Moreover, the plans irrationals often undergo colossal changes in the process of being, and the path of Tao and the flow along the river of life allow them to enjoy a changeable fate.

What do we use? - clickbait and understatement! Irrational wants to be led away by an unexpected headline into the wilds of the Internet, he wants to find out why this kitten is actually crying... this trigger will help both in mailings and during sales, because unsatisfied interest and the desire to lift the veil of secrets are incredibly strong. Irrationals, although they don’t admit it, they love anticipation, teasers, sneak peaks, mentions of bloggers about the product and small announcements several weeks and sometimes months in advance - that’s what you need to warm up this audience! Relevance is also important, you need to be in trend, or even a little ahead of it. Also, don’t be afraid to make limited versions, closed chats and limited batches, nothing is more scary irrational, like the fear of not getting something that will soon disappear from sale.

Incentives - Impulse purchases, Novelty, Understatement, Scarcity/limited supply.
Irrationals respond well to various types of warm-ups.

MBTI Psychotypes

Master of Persuasion
- Logic is not the strongest trait; contradictory judgments often slip through.

Feels the emotions of other people, knows how to persuade well and loves to be the center of attention.

He cannot hold strong feelings in his hands.

Good at predicting events and predicting people's actions.

Decisive and will not avoid conflict.

Loves comfort, does not tolerate discomfort and pain.

Naive, sensitive and emotional, easily offended.

Has difficulty making a choice, especially if there are more than 2 options.

Get everything from life
- He understands people perfectly and charges with his energy.

Sees promising solutions and things ahead.

He feels what people expect from him, knows how to manage the emotions of others and convince.

In disputes, he usually looks for a compromise.

Logical analysis is often difficult, so important things may escape attention; many ideas, flexible behavior.

Lives in chaos, or at least creates it.

Reacts violently even to small conflicts and criticism.

Indecision, inability to make decisions quickly.

A born leader

- Concrete thinking, practicality and business mindset.

He sees prospects, strategic planning is easy for him, and before starting work, all risks are calculated, which allows him to maximize the result. They make money easily.

Realist, can tolerate discomfort, taste in clothes fails “Look the way others want you to!”

Sometimes anger splashes out, does not understand people's feelings well, is insensitive, arrogant, straightforward, criticizes others.

Intolerant of other people's opinions, arrogant.

He is ruthless in his work, personal circumstances are ignored, and he expects the same return from others.

Has difficulty understanding emotions.

Life is full of exciting challenges

Intuition when solving problems, recognizes people's abilities.

Global thoughts, everyday distraction.

Data analysis, theory building, classifications are strengths.

Weak emotional sensitivity to others and resulting tactlessness, inappropriate behavior and mood swings.

Sensations are weakened, disconnected from the real world, and resides in a fantasy world.

Likes to argue with or without reason.

Inherent intolerance and disdain can easily offend the interlocutor.

Lack of concentration, jumps from task to task, rarely finishing due to loss of interest.

Embodied responsibility

He senses people’s moods well, lives by emotions and hobbies; friendly, sociable, knows how to approach people.

Appreciates the feeling of coziness, comfort, dresses with taste, is a realist; pays attention to details and is punctual.

Intuition is weakened, poorly grasps trends in events, the overall picture “Plan everything in advance.”

Logic is weakened; poorly distinguishes between the secondary and the main.

Cares too much about what others think of him. He will go to great lengths to be considered successful and influential.

Has difficulty adapting to changes and is hostile to any “new” views.

Loves compliments and being the center of attention, perceives criticism as a desire to hurt or offend.

Life is given to us only once

Strong will, confident leader, quick, decisive practical and tactical decisions.

Concreteness of perception, sociability.

They understand people’s feelings and know how to manipulate them, easily winning over them.

Weak logic may miss the whole picture of the situation, or parts of it; impulsiveness and illogical behavior often play against this type of people.

Flexibility, unpredictability of behavior.

He does not see the long term and the consequences of his actions, which makes the politician not the best strategist.

He doesn’t know how to concentrate; it’s always important for a politician to move and do something new and interesting.

Master of life

Business logic, practicality; analyzes many details.

Before doing anything, he develops a clear program of action.

Realism and attention to detail.

He is punctual, has a love of aesthetic beauty, and also perfectly notices the mistakes of others.

Does not trust changes and tries to analyze his mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future.

Not always able to control his emotions.

Improvisation is difficult; new and unpredictable things are poorly perceived.
- He is inclined to condemn people who do not share his principles, because he knows exactly what is right and what is wrong.

Fear of not meeting other people's expectations, he constantly thinks about what he must do to be loved and respected.

Realist to the core

Strong will, determination, practicality, flexible decisions, independence from people, toughness.

Logical and concrete analysis of reality; plans the work in detail; shows tight control.

Restrained in expressing emotions, for the sake of achieving goals he can ignore feelings, interests, even the lives of other people.

Flexibility and unpredictability of behavior.

Looks for alternative solutions, changes decisions at the last moment.

Does not attach importance to rules, does not tolerate restrictions and social norms.

Doesn't know how to behave in emotionally stressful situations.

Impatience forces you to constantly switch and change activities in search of something more interesting.

Inspiration for others

Feels people's attitude, does not quarrel, endures for a long time, forgives, helps people.

An excellent teacher, he sees potential in other people, while being moralists.

- “Do not what you want, but what you need!”; loves order, is very demanding and has a strong will.

Often dwells in thoughts and dreams.

He is distrustful and expressive, which does not allow him to open his feelings to other people.

Vulnerable and sensitive in conflicts.

He cannot bring himself to do what he considers unimportant.

Noble service to society

Anticipates events and absorbs new ideas.

Feels the emotions of others, tries not to quarrel, but is sometimes emotionally unrestrained.

Business logic sometimes fails, it is difficult to make a decision, to maintain order in business and everyday life.

Often disconnected from real sensations and remains in prostration.

Idealistic, selfless, forgets about himself and his interests if he is devoted to the cause; fights for ideals.

Shy and closed.

Becomes extremely impractical and dreamy if he is passionate about some business or in love.

Everything can be improved

Analytical thinking, interested in general patterns, ideas, not facts.

Feels the perspective, the essence of things, is capable of non-standard solutions.

They cannot stand pressure, although they defend their opinions to the end.

Stressed, blames others for conflicts

Doesn't like routine work.

High self-esteem sometimes makes the analyst arrogant and unable to tolerate inefficiency or imperfection.

Love of problem solving

- Sees the future many moves ahead, even its small details; the breadth of perception of the world of this type is explained by a broad outlook and the study of everything that seems interesting.

Unpredictability of ideas and behavior.

Efficient, can foresee everything, pedantic, careful, economical.

Poorly senses people's emotions, can be tactless and turn people against themselves; a gloomy, impartial appearance.

Sensory and willpower are weakened.

Absentminded and pays attention exclusively to what he is doing

Lacks determination.

Exceptional sense of duty

- Strong emotions, outwardly restrained and avoids quarrels, values ​​the interests of other people above his own, helps people.

Will, demanding of oneself and others.

Realism, practicality, ability to work with hands, endurance, efficiency, diligence, planning, determination.

Intuition fails, he has a poor understanding of people and possible changes.

Logic is weakened, does not highlight the essential, “does not see the forest for the trees” and prefers clear instructions.

Modest and shy with people, because of this he hides or suppresses feelings.

Perfectionism does not play into your hands, it gains a large number of work and affairs that he is not always able to cope with.

Takes criticism to heart.

Sees everything, but does not interfere with anything

Strives to get positive feelings, values ​​comfort, aesthetics, and tries to find pleasure in life.

He senses people's mood well, knows how to manage them, does not quarrel, does not criticize, and resolves conflicts.

Business logic fails, he cannot force himself to do anything other than his desires.

Has difficulty making decisions and following instructions.

Intuition is weakened.

Low self-esteem due to sensitivity and emotionality.

Likes to compete and can be aggressive.

Doesn't know how to plan, preferring to live here and now.

Do what you have to do

Classifies, analyzes, tries to put everything in order. Practical, business-oriented thinking.

Strong will, realism, rigidity, practicality, exactingness, desire for order, discipline, controls, delving into details.

Intuition fails, he does not foresee events, people’s capabilities, and does not see the big picture.

Suspicious and cautious.

Emotions are weakened, the feelings and interests of other people are ignored, their emotions are suppressed, restrained, and sometimes irreconcilable.

Stubborn and intolerant of criticism, tends to judge others and not notice their feelings, relying on reason and logic in his decisions.

They tend to judge themselves if something they have planned cannot be accomplished.

Personality types and human character types

Everyone has their own individual pattern character and personal characteristics. Attempts to describe personality types created many classifications, starting from reliance on appearance and constitution, then based on temperament, ending with socionics and populist types for women (lover, mistress, etc.).

We suggest considering personality types, consisting of a configuration of innate data: the type of higher nervous activity (temperament), deep-seated drives, character traits and acquired traumas, thanks to which the unique personal style of each is finally formed.

Human character types have specific names, they correspond to the names of known mental illnesses. At the same time, this does not mean that the presented personality types are diseases, no. It's just a name that reflects a certain personality structure and certain human character types normal, not pathological.

It is interesting that the very concept of the boundaries of the norm is extremely conditional. There is most likely no such person who would embody the absolute norm, from whom we could base our descriptions of madness. Each person lives with his own “cockroaches”, quirks and characteristics that make him unique.

The most original, in my opinion, explanation of the boundaries of normality and pathology caught my eye on a social network:

“There are variants of pathology that, in a socially adapted form, correspond to mental types. Each of us, under certain conditions, will manifest the pathology to which we are prone. Can you imagine the layout of the Moscow metro? So, as long as we are within the ring, that is, we are socially adapted, we are conditionally normal, and then everyone goes along their own branch. The branches have become much longer since then, that’s what I’ll say, and soon there will be a second ring...”

There are several such “branches” or personality types: schizoid, narcissistic, paranoid, manic-depressive, hysterical, obsessive-compulsive, psychopathic, masochistic (according to N. McWilliams).

These personality types do not mean a diagnosis or a derogatory mood, they are simply designations of differences, a classification, like subway lines. In cases of acute or chronic stress, each person will regress along his own branch, according to the typology.

Human character types are almost never pure, just as there is no such thing as a pure norm. However, there may be a schizoid or narcissistic person living within us. depressive, hysterical, etc. a part of the personality that may be a greater or lesser part of our psychology.

Alice: I'm crazy, right?
Father: Yes. I'm nuts. I'm crazy. And I just went crazy. But I’ll tell you a secret: madmen are wiser than everyone else.
Alice in Wonderland

There are many books, studies, monographs and descriptions about schizophrenia as a clinical disease. At the same time, interest in her does not subside. This article will talk about the schizoid personality type, which is within the boundaries of the norm, and how a schizoid person can adapt to life while remaining in accordance with his nature.

With a schizoid personality type, at one end of the “branch” there are brilliant, highly effective, socially adapted people with a schizoid personality organization, and at the other end there are mental patients suffering from schizophrenia, incapable of independent social life.

Schizoid children are often described as particularly sensitive, receptive to both physical stimuli - light, touch, sounds, and emotional, displays of strong emotions makes them shrink, tense.

Adults schizoid people They also remain amazingly empathetic, sensitive, gifted with the ability to understand, perceive the world and other people with amazing accuracy and authenticity. People having schizoid personality type They acutely sense lies and falsity in others, like a radar, detecting any insincerity.

One of my colleagues, talented schizoid, interpreted what was happening with the client during training sessions so accurately that one could navigate using it like a tuning fork, tuning one’s professional “inner instrument” for sensitive perception of another person.

Such sensitivity makes the schizoid very vulnerable to external influences, stress, from which they escape into their inner world.

The tendency to withdraw into oneself can also be caused by growing up in the arms of a suffocating, overprotective mother. When teenage schizophrenia is suspected, a mother who violates personal boundaries is often found next to a teenage boy, dragging her obedient son to church, to constellations, or to healers.

If in a family where a sensitive child is growing up - schizoid, emotional insincerity, double messages are practiced, for example, praise and love in public on the one hand, indifference and criticism at home on the other, then sooner or later the child may begin to rely on withdrawal, isolation from others, in order to protect himself from lies, falsehood , causing deep confusion, anger and hopelessness.

At school, I asked awkward questions about the Soviet system, for which I was subjected to hidden aggression from teachers. I left these questions deep inside myself.

From a therapeutic conversation

The need to rely on one’s inner world can also arise as a result of the early isolation of a child who, from infancy, was left alone at home or in a crib, and was not approached at night when he cried, in order to foster “independence.”

As a result, the schizoid child tries to find a way to adapt to forced isolation and chooses “not to need” intimacy, looking more for support in himself and his inner world.

Something pushed me from bus to bus, where I could sit with schizophrenic apathy on my face, immersed in my inner world, and outwardly not stand out among the other passengers busy with their own problems, who indifferently watch the landscapes flashing through the windows.

Barbara O'Brien. An extraordinary journey into madness and back: operators and things.

In general, adults invading the fine boundaries of an initially quite sensitive child, early isolation, loneliness and unempathetic parental care contribute to the emergence of an internal conflict between the desire for intimacy and avoidance of it, the desire to distance itself, which leads to the formation of a schizoid personality type.

A valuable adaptive ability of people with a schizoid personality organization is their creativity. It is only important to find a form for expressing a rich inner world. Most artists, sculptors, and musicians have a schizoid personality.

A healthy person of the schizoid type is able to direct his talents into art, philosophy, science, spiritual research, and some actions in the real world. A more deeply traumatized schizoid experiences enormous suffering from the inability to realize his abilities due to fear, alienation from society, and loneliness.

I found myself diving into the depths of sea life through diving classes. This is an action that I perform in the real world, and which symbolically reflects my habitual dives into the depths of myself.

From a personal conversation

Alienation and loneliness are frequent companions of a person with a schizoid personality type. Because the schizoid people ignore public expectations, are indifferent to the opinion of the majority, then more often suffer from boycott or aggression from this majority.

Therefore, such people often look outwardly dispassionate, contemptuous and ironic in relation to the surrounding mass of people. However, internally they acutely experience their own otherness, difference from others, incomprehensibility for others, and therefore some kind of deep internal irregularity.

For such a person it is vitally important to be understood and heard, but at the same time it may be unbearably scary for him to be too close to another. The schizoid is afraid that if a close loved one fully recognizes him, he will seem like a freak or an eccentric.

As a result, schizoid people often choose isolation and loneliness, avoiding communication with other people. If this happens, then it’s worth overcoming fear, return yourself to communication. Perhaps first in therapy, then in your personal life.

“Come closer, I’m lonely, but don’t come closer, I’m afraid of invasion,” A. Robbins gives an example of the unspoken message of a person of the schizoid type. The conflict between proximity and distance is central to the schizoid personality type.

The fear of invasion and absorption turns out to be stronger than the desire for intimacy. Often in families, when problems arise in relationships, a non-schizoid woman tries to get closer to her schizoid partner, “have a heart-to-heart talk,” and he responds, fearing absorption, by moving away.

In order to take this feature into account and ensure a comfortable existence, a schizoid needs his own safe space. There are people of a different type, other types of human character, who can be guided by the principle “a person really doesn’t need much - a roof over his head, and bread and butter.”

A person with a schizoid personality cannot survive like this, or rather, it is possible to survive, but he will have to constantly experience suffering, spiritual And physical pain. He needs space, distance, air.

Literally with my body I feel this urban closed space of the Khrushchev, the pain from the noise, burning, smells. Here I can’t pull myself together, I’m falling apart...

From a personal conversation

In order to stay in touch with his nature, it is important for a schizoid to find or organize his own place, home, space where he can feel calm and safe. Sometimes you have to work hard to secure such a place, but it's worth it.

At the same time, it is also important to have close relationships and not go into internal or external recluse.

According to my observations, for healthy schizoids, a distance of half a world when using modern technologies will not be an obstacle to a feeling of closeness. Highly functional person with schizoid personality type, can organize his work remotely in order to successfully resolve the internal conflict of distance-proximity.

Work at home in a safe, cozy and personal space, but with the help of modern technologies, keeping your finger on the pulse of the company in which he works. In this case, the person does not feel a great distance at all, since thanks to the sensitivity of the schizoid, it does not interfere with intimacy and maintaining contacts.

In addition, schizoid people experience obvious anxiety about basic safety. Since the world around them seems to be filled with threatening, cramped, noisy, destructive forces that are dangerous to individuality. Sometimes such anxiety may seem exaggerated to other people.

— In Russia you can survive, but truly live... no.
— I’ve lived in Russia all my life – until they killed me...

Overheard dialogue

This anxiety is difficult to deal with; you want to take care of safety, but it still won’t be completely safe. First you need to achieve a feeling of security and comfort in the space of your home and in your relationships with loved ones.

You can then gradually extend this feeling of stability and security to the outside world. There is no need to rush here; the acquisition of the inner promised land will smoothly and timely spread to the outside world.

— Was it good in Cambodia?
- Yes…
“Now find your inner Cambodia.”

From a therapeutic conversation

When there is no internal security, an external search for such a place on earth helps. If there is such a space, then it remains inside you. However, if the external search does not accompany the internal one, then it threatens with endless wanderings like downshifters who are looking for something through the external world, traveling, but as if they do not find the inner world. And vice versa, if there is an “inner Cambodia”, an internal point of balance and peace, then the external situation ceases to be threatening, alarming, destructive.

So, we have identified the following characteristics of a person with a schizoid personality type, and suggested ways to integrate them into life:

  • A rich inner world, which it is important to learn to creatively express outside, overcoming the tendency to withdraw into oneself.
  • Inner sensitivity, sensitivity, sensitivity, which requires psychological hygiene - creating a safe space, the ability to take care of oneself.
  • A conflict between distance and intimacy, the resolution of which requires one’s own safe space, respect for personal boundaries in relationships with loved ones, and the experience of acceptance by another person.
  • Neglect of conventions and social norms, which can provoke an attack by the majority on a schizoid, increasing his fear of absorption. As a result, a person chooses isolation and loneliness, avoiding communication with other people. In this case, it is worth overcoming fear and returning yourself to communication. Even if there are not many contacts, one or three people, this may be enough for a comfortable life.
  • Anxiety about basic security, to extinguish which an internally safe space is created, which gradually spreads to the outside world.

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Society consists of individual people. Each person is individual. However, there is a certain classification based on a person’s reaction to external stimuli. A generalization of research experience in the field of psychology is expressed in the term “psychotypes of personality.” The practical application by managers of knowledge of personality psychology for a certain type will help to competently reveal a person’s potential capabilities and smooth out conflict situations.

The concept of personality psychotype

Personality types are formed under the influence of various factors:

  • Environmental influence;
  • Character traits;
  • Own worldview;
  • Attitude to various events.

Psychology is a rather subjective science. There are many schools of psychology.

In ancient times, Hippocrates divided people depending on their temperament into the following types:

  • Cholerics;
  • Sanguines;
  • Melancholic people;
  • Phlegmatic people.

In the 19th century, Cesare Lombroso put forward a theory about the criminal personality type. The 20th century was very fruitful for psychology in terms of the development of various schools. E. Kretschmer identified the following types of characters:

  • Picnic;
  • Asthenic;
  • Athletic.

W. G. Sheldon proposed his systematization according to the degree of temperament:

  • Mesomorphic type;
  • Endomorphic;
  • Ectomorphic.

Carl Jung divided people into two types of personalities:

  • Introverts;
  • Extroverts.

An expanded version of this Jungian theory became the Myers-Briggs typology.

K. Leonhard put forward a theory of the type of accentuated personality.

Russian psychiatrist Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin proposed the following classification of psychotypes:

  • Asthenic;
  • Cycloid;
  • Antisocial;
  • Unstable;
  • Constitutionally stupid.

These main types were supplemented by subgroups:

  • Emotionally labile;
  • Depressed;
  • Dreamers;
  • Pathological liars;
  • Excitable;
  • Neurotics;
  • Fanatics.

Soviet psychiatrist A.E. Lichko, based on extensive research, identified the following personality types in psychology:

  • Schizoid;
  • Hyperthymic;
  • Hysterical;
  • Cycloid;
  • Psychasthenic;
  • Epileptoid;
  • Sensitive;
  • Conformal;
  • Emotionally labile;
  • Asthenoneurotic;
  • Paranoid;
  • Unstable;

Let us briefly describe personality psychotypes, external signs and behavioral characteristics.

1. The schizoid personality type gives a person duality. They tend to be withdrawn, experience difficulties in interpersonal communication, and are emotionally cold. They have an extravagant imagination. Alcohol is often used as a communication drug.

2. The hyperthymic type is characterized by mobility, restlessness, sociability, noisiness, high spirits, lack of perseverance, and mischief. The importance of their own personality is greatly overestimated, they are drawn to companies, sometimes asocial.

3. Hysterical types aspire to leadership positions. They differ in that they want to attract attention to themselves at any cost (egocentrism). They are very fond of praise addressed to themselves. People of this type are prone to pretense, unnaturalness and posing. Feelings are superficial, willpower is weak and, as a rule, low authority.

4. Individuals with a cycloid psychotype are prone to mood swings. Activity and playfulness on the rise with a tendency to binge drinking can give way to a decline in mood up to subdepression. Such periods are characterized by weakness, lethargy, boredom, and a desire to be alone.

5. Psychasthenics are prone to “self-flagellation” and “self-criticism.” They are indecisive, suspicious, timid, experience obsessive fears, and are angular in their movements.

6. Representatives of the epileptoid type are characterized by the following traits: increased jealousy, angry malice, cruelty, and imperiousness. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, they are capable of aggression, often fall into unconsciousness, and exhibit sadomasochistic tendencies. At the same time, they have accuracy, pedantry and frugality.

7. Personalities of the synthetic type are very worried about their inferiority, are impressionable, and are prone to intellectual and aesthetic hobbies.

8. Conformists, like chameleons, easily adapt to environmental conditions. At the same time, they are weak-willed. In a good team, they make excellent performers. At the same time, they can drink themselves to death “for company” and cannot refuse. The self dissolves in the environment.

9. The emotionally labile type is characterized by extreme changes in mood even for insignificant reasons. Increased attachment to loved ones and relatives, very susceptible to signs of attention.

10. Asthenoneurotics are very capricious and irritable. As a rule, they sleep poorly, suffer from hypochondria and poor appetite.

11. The paranoid type is very distrustful, suspicious, and always on edge.

12. Individuals with an unstable psychotype are characterized by the following manifestations: lack of initiative, easy subordination. They often fall into bad company and are prone to gambling, idleness, pleasure and antisocial behavior.

Basic psychotypes of men and women

Depending on the gender of the individual, the same events may be perceived differently.

Women are more attentive to details, but at the same time they often do not see the whole picture. Men are characterized by a global scale of perception of the world. They are not interested in all sorts of little things that make ladies indescribably delighted.

Female psychotypes have their own specifics and can be divided into the following groups:

  • Mother. Always preoccupied with caring for someone. Takes care of everyone, a pronounced leader in the family;
  • Active woman. Lives for herself, is self-sufficient, requires care and attention for her person;
  • The woman is an altruist. Devoted to her beloved man, ready to give everything for his good;
  • Daughter. Selfish, needs constant care and attention.

Male psychotypes can be divided into the following groups:

  • Caring father. Constantly controls the situation, is demanding of others, and does not accept compromises. Does not admit mistakes;
  • Active man. In the foreground is the benefit in everything. May take risks. Your desires are above all;
  • The man is altruistic. Surrounds the family with care, is a good owner;
  • Son. Egoist. Lives one day at a time, has tendencies towards extravagance. Increased self-esteem.

There are several ways to conduct a personality test. Contacting specialists or self-testing will help satisfy the need to determine your psychotype. There are many different test tasks. Consider the personality type test developed by Susan Dellinger. According to her methodology, five psychotypes of people are identified. The person being tested is asked to choose three geometric figures out of the basic five on paper:

  • in the form of Circles;
  • Square figures;
  • figures in the form of Triangles;
  • various Rectangles;
  • Zigzag lines.

Each figure represents a specific psychotype. The figure that is depicted first gives an idea of ​​the person’s psychotype. The next two images are secondary and reflect the deep hidden essence. Let's decipher the meaning of geometric shapes.


The person who drew the circle is the “life of the party.” They are sociable and cheerful. They are passionate about social work and are good organizers of various kinds of events and parties. Always ready to help and give good advice. They have good psychological abilities. They love jokes, and their speech is always emotionally charged. The world of material wealth is secondary for them. They prefer practical and soft clothes. The workplace is a “creative” mess. Disadvantages include frequent “orientation” to the opinions of others; they easily fall under outside influence.

Figure in the form of a Square

Conservatives and pedants to the core. The appearance is always well-groomed and neat. They love perfect order. They always act within the framework of assigned tasks according to instructions. Reliable performers when working with documents and digital data. As a disadvantage, they are predisposed to intrigue and psychological relationships.


They strive to be leaders in everything. They have good taste and like to surround themselves with expensive and prestigious things. They do not tolerate objections, their speech is correct with imperative intonations. They always think they are right. They are critical of information and know how to work with it. Vanity and despotism spoil the rosy picture of this personality type.

The person who drew the rectangle is an unstable person. They are susceptible to stress and listen to the opinions of others. No independence, many questions, curious. Imitate other people's clothing style. They have not formed their own opinion; they use “other people’s assessments of the world.” In a stressful situation, it is possible to transform into any “geometric figure” from dough. They are tormented by constant doubts and hesitations.


People of this psychotype have unconventional and original thinking. A continuous fountain of ideas. They strive for self-realization. Clothes are given secondary attention. The speech is emotional, incendiary and original. They try to shock and draw attention to their person. Disadvantages include inconstancy and changeability.

With the help of such a simple test, a manager can learn a lot about his subordinates and make adjustments to personnel policies. The personality type test is widely used by HR employees when selecting personnel for a company.

Psychological personality types include those prone to conflict.

Working in a healthy team involves resolving conflict situations with minimal losses for people. Types of conflicting personalities can be divided into the following types:

  • A personality prone to demonstrative conflicts. Seeks to be the center of attention. He puts a lot of effort into wanting to look good in other people's eyes. Inappropriately emotional, takes insults to heart over trifles. Painstaking and systematic work is a burden for him;
  • Rigid type of conflict personality. Straightforward, suspicious, self-esteem is inflated. Needs constant emphasizing of its importance. Intolerant of other people's opinions, painfully touchy, does not suffer from self-criticism;

  • Uncontrollable type of conflict personality. Undisguised aggression, lack of “brakes”. Actions are little predictable. For all failures, he is inclined to blame anyone except himself. Does not learn from mistakes, is not able to work productively independently;
  • Over-anxious type of conflict personality. Pedant at work. Over-reinsurance. Picky about others. Always in a state of anxiety over little things;
  • Conflict-free type of conflict personality. Has no opinion of his own. Like a weather vane. Short-sighted, subject to outside influence, always making thoughtless compromises. Willpower is weakly expressed.

Psychology and determination of the personality of a criminal

Criminologists have been working on the problem of eradicating crime for a long time. The criminal personality typology is intended to assist law enforcement agencies in this work.

The basis for the psychology of a criminal was laid by the Italian psychiatrist Lombroso. The criminal environment is heterogeneous, and so are the criminals.

All sorts of systematizations are carried out according to various criteria. The motives for committing criminal acts, their degree of severity, etc. are taken into account. There is extensive specialized literature on this topic. Those who want to study this section of psychology in more detail can independently find publications of this kind in libraries, the Internet, etc.

Was last modified: December 17th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

Why do people do certain things? What guides them when they utter phrases that are not always clear or perform strange actions? Each person is individual, but everyone belongs to a certain psychotype.

Based on the most striking character traits inherent in seemingly different people, psychologists combine them into several groups called. There are many classifications of psychotypes, because each psychologist who studies them has his own criteria. Therefore, they are all rather arbitrary and subjective.

Psychotypes of people

For example, German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified the following psychotypes:

1. Hyperactive

Here he included energetic, proactive, talkative, optimistic people who cannot stand monotony and loneliness. These are people of action. On the one hand, they are a godsend for the employer and the soul of any company. But on the other hand, it is not easy to deal with such people, because they are authoritarian, they put their own opinion above all else, they do not recognize other people’s rules, which is why they often enter into conflicts with those who disagree with them or try to put them in a framework.

2. Dysthymic

People of this type are the opposite of the previous one. They are laconic, withdrawn, slow and passive. Large and noisy companies are not for them. They are selective in choosing friends, so their social circle is quite small, but it includes people whom they trust and with whom they feel comfortable.

People of the dysthymic psychotype prefer to be led, but they do not blindly follow everyone who claims to be the role. They obey only those in whom they feel sympathy and trust.

Distimniks avoid conflicts and certainly do not initiate them. They can be entrusted with painstaking work that requires perseverance and attentiveness - work that people of a hyperactive psychotype do not tolerate.

3. Cycloid

As the name suggests, the behavior of these people is cyclical and depends on their... If it is bad, they are silent and withdrawn, like people of the dysthymic psychotype. If they are good, they are talkative and sociable, like a hyperactive person.

4. Excitable

You won’t envy someone who lives next door, works or is a relative of a person belonging to an excitable psychotype. At a time when he is calm, you can communicate with him, but this state of his is short-lived. He gets excited easily - and then be careful! He is irritated by other people's children, animals, views, practices. It seems to him that he is being ignored and not respected. And then he gives vent to irritation and anger, grumbles, enters into conflicts, so they try to avoid him if possible.

5. Stuck

Suspicious, touchy, vengeful, vain and incredible. Thanks to these qualities, people of this type are often the initiators of conflicts.

6. Pedantic

Bureaucrats are about people of this psychotype. They love order and precision in everything and sometimes simply harass others with their demands. Employers treat them favorably, but others shun them, considering them boring and annoying, preferring people who are brighter and more interesting.

7. Anxious

The name of this psychotype speaks for itself: these people are timid and lack initiative. In difficult situations, when making decisions, they need support and support. They are characterized by a minor, depressing mood. They are often sad, depressed, melancholic. Loss of spirit and despondency are a common state for them. In a team, they are often chosen as extreme ones - the so-called scapegoats.

8. Emotive

The name comes from the word emotional - emotional. People of this psychotype are impressionable, sensitive, kind-hearted, compassionate and responsive. The main place in their lives is occupied by feelings and experiences. They are efficient and very responsible.

9. Demonstrative

People of the demonstrative psychotype love to be the center of attention and consider themselves the standard of behavior. They are sociable, but at the same time they love intrigue and gossip. Still would! After all, by intriguing and pitting others against each other, they themselves fish in troubled waters: they achieve what they want. Namely - leadership and power. They imitate active activity more than they actually develop it.

10. Exalted

These are people with bright and sincere feelings and experiences. The simplest things and events evoke in them unbridled delight and a violent emotional reaction. They often overestimate both their own appearance, abilities and capabilities, and these same qualities in other people.

But their enthusiasm and liveliness are easily replaced by despair, melancholy and despondency if something does not go as they would like. What other people perceive as a slight disappointment becomes a disaster for people of an exalted psychotype.

A sharply changing mood - from stormy delight to sudden depression - is the main sign of an exalted person. By the way, people of this type are often the owners of good taste, who make outstanding artists, designers, etc.

They are amorous, affectionate, compassionate and talkative. Due to imbalance, they tend to panic.

11. Extroverted

People belonging to the group are united by sociability and sociability. They have many friends and acquaintances, they are talkative, but they also know how to listen carefully. They avoid conflicts or play a passive role in them. They are efficient, but somewhat frivolous and easily fall under the influence of others.

12. Introverted

They are closed, reserved, they are prone to philosophizing and loneliness. They are principled and stubborn, they insist on their own even when they know that they are wrong. They are credited with emotional coldness and lack of attachment to anyone.

Having become familiar with each psychotype, you can identify your own and correct some of your character traits that interfere with your work and personal life. It is worth noting that there is hardly any “pure” psychotype. Each person usually recognizes himself in two, three, or even more psychotypes.


Another interesting division of people into psychotypes was proposed by the American psychologist Susan Dellinger. Psychogeometry is the name of its theory. What does geometry have to do with it? According to Susan Dellinger's theory, each person is associated with a certain geometric figure. Of course, here, too, there is no “pure” psychotype, but a mixed one, in which one main type predominates. So these are circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and zigzags.


These are the people who are called the life of the party: they are cheerful, sociable and... Not a single event, be it a corporate party, someone’s birthday or an ordinary get-together, takes place without their active participation.

They are good psychologists, they are trusted, people come to them to “cry”, get support and good advice. They don’t have enough “live” communication, so they are regulars on social networks, where they have many friends with whom they maintain active correspondence.

Circle people adore wildlife: they have pets, which become almost full-fledged members of the family, and plant flowers. And thanks to these hobbies, they find like-minded people and further expand their circle of acquaintances.

The disadvantages of circle people include a dislike of order and some dependence on the opinions of others, as a result of which they often fall under outside influence.

Triangle people

It is Triangle people who most often occupy leadership positions in business, politics and other areas of life, because they are quick and not afraid to take responsibility. They grasp new information on the fly, know how to operate on it, and are able to simultaneously perform or control the execution of several tasks. It is impossible not to obey their orders: they give them quickly, clearly and competently.

It is not surprising that triangle people prefer expensive things that emphasize the status of their owner, be it clothes, a car, a smartphone, alcohol, etc.

These people do not tolerate objections; they are somewhat despotic and vain.

Square People

These are neat people and pedants. They do not allow themselves to be sloppy in anything: their things do not scream about status, they may be unfashionable and inexpensive, but they are always in perfect order. The same can be said about their workplace: here everything is always in its place. When buying a car or other necessary things, square people primarily consider practicality.

They make good administrators, accountants, business executives, and officials. Numbers, documents, orders, instructions - what bores others, their element, where they feel like a fish in water. They are efficient, reliable, calm and not prone to open expression of emotions.

Rectangle people

These are people with unstable psyches. When everything turns out the way they would like, they are filled with joy and love: “Life is good!” But then the white stripe gives way to black, and their mood changes dramatically. They do not know how to cope with troubles and failures. They give up, and from cheerful optimists they instantly turn into gloomy pessimists and whiners. Theirs changes just as quickly: it either quickly takes off, or falls just as quickly. Their mood can be judged by the state of their desktop: it is either in perfect order or in blatant chaos.

They are somewhat childish, immature and do not have strong convictions of their own. Their opinion fluctuates like a weather vane in the wind, depending on. They tend to copy not only other people's opinions, but also behavior, habits, and preferences. For example, when buying a car, they are not guided by their own interests, but pay attention to what brand other people choose. In the same way, they copy someone else’s style in clothing and manners, because they are unable to define their own.

According to Susan Dellinger, all psychogeometric types under stress become like rectangular people.

Zigzag people

Inventive, emotional, fiery - this is how people of this psychotype can be characterized. Their behavior is unusual and impossible to predict. They are unusual in everything: in the way they speak, dress, and decorate their home. Zigzag people, as a rule, choose creative professions. They like to be different from everyone else and attract everyone's attention. These people, for the most part, are flighty and fickle.

A little humor

You can determine your psychotype by reading the description of each of them. But Susan Dellinger also suggests two funny tests.

In accordance with first You need to select and draw three from the five above-mentioned geometric shapes. The first one, which a person will portray, will determine his main psychotype. The next two figures he drew will show additional character traits, because, as you know, people are not “pure” psychotypes, but mixed ones, with a predominance of one.

In second The test asks you to answer 5 questions and, depending on the answer, determine your psychogeometric type. So, we get on the bus and:

  1. We quickly take empty seats for ourselves and our companion, after which we continue the cheerful conversation, involving others in it;
  2. we choose a better place, then go deep into our thoughts and stubbornly do not notice anyone until we reach our stop;
  3. We are looking for free space. If we find one, we sit down; if there is none, we calmly ride while standing;
  4. we feel uncomfortable because we would prefer a taxi;
  5. We stop near the driver without wanting to go into the middle of the bus. We willingly enter into conversation both with him and with the other passengers.

In the first case, a circle man got on the bus, in the second - a triangle, in the third - a square, in the fourth - a rectangle and in the fifth - a zigzag.