What does a gap between teeth mean? Is the gap between the front teeth an attractive feature or a defect? Pathology in children

In ancient times, they tried to predict fate based on various signs, including appearance. The structure of each person’s teeth has individual characteristics, which have long attracted attention and served as a reason for signs. Now there is a special science - physiognomy, with the help of which one can recognize the character and inclinations of an individual by facial features. Similar methods of predicting fate by teeth existed among our ancestors.

In different countries of the world there were different signs about the gap. Sometimes such superstitions are not only different, but also fundamentally contradict each other.

In Western European countries (England, France, Scotland), gapping was associated with childhood character traits. It was believed that those with this feature have a light, cheerful and open character. According to some signs, the gap between the front teeth means the child's impending wealth and fame.

Shcherbinka in children often indicates a high creative potential of the individual, a penchant for adventure and artistry. Among the famous personalities of show business, quite a few have a similar “trick”, which they consider an undoubted advantage, and not a disadvantage.

Many owners of a less than ideal smile are characterized by enthusiasm, sensuality, a sea of ​​charm and the ability to enjoy life.

Negative meaning

In China, it is believed that people with gaps in their teeth have an extremely unrestrained character, a tendency to gossip and intrigue. Such an innate feature was considered a bad sign and foreshadowed a poor and troubled life. Sometimes such people were not even hired into government service.

In eastern countries, the appearance of a chip is still considered a sign of fate and a warning of impending troubles. People with defective teeth are avoided and suspected of being prone to lies and deception. According to Eastern superstitions, such people cannot be trusted.

If a person has teeth with multiple gaps, this may indicate a weak will, susceptibility to bad influences and a tendency to fall into negative addictions

Among the ancient Slavs, a too large gap or hole in the lower teeth was considered a bad omen. The same went for too many cracks.

It was believed that such people had excess energy that they were unable to keep under control. Such people have a weak will, a tendency to frivolous actions and bad habits.

According to popular superstitions, if a gap between the teeth is combined with large and wide incisors, such a person is the life of the party, kind, open and sincere, prone to travel and broad gestures. If a person with a gap has small teeth, this is a sign of an intriguer who is prone to lies and deception. If the incisors are also sharp, this means a desire to influence people, causticity and sarcasticness.

Gap between teeth in a child, man, woman

It is believed that if a child has a gap at a very young age, this is a sign of future strength and wealth, a penchant for adventure and travel. Moreover, if the gap remains in place with age, a good omen will come true. But if the gap disappears, fate will change, and the child will lose such privileges.

For women, a gap in the front incisors means they are particularly popular with the opposite sex. The character of such women is cheerful and flexible, so it is easy for them to find a husband. Men with such a slight flaw in appearance are considered notorious ladies' men, whom no woman can resist. Such love of love can even lead to problems in the family.

The scientific name for the gap between the upper front incisors is diastema. Dentists divide diastemas into true and false. The latter are temporary large gaps in children and adolescents, which appear due to too early loss of baby teeth, an incompletely formed bite and some other orthodontic phenomena, but disappear naturally over time. True diastemas in children and adults are gaps between the front teeth, which are corrected only after certain treatment.

As for the enlarged spaces between the lateral teeth, they are called trema; they arise due to the beginnings of “extra” teeth and other disturbances during the formation of the bite. Tremas can also appear after the loss or removal of one or more teeth, when the remaining teeth “diverge”, taking up the vacant space.

Why did gaps appear between teeth?

In childhood, a gap between the front teeth most often appears when the frenulum of the upper lip is attached too low - almost between the teeth. This applies to the front teeth. Another common reason why gaps appear between a child’s teeth is the buds of “extra” teeth that form in the jaw bone and prevent the teeth from closing together. However, very often a large gap between the teeth, both front and side, in children and even adolescents is a temporary phenomenon and disappears on its own when the bite is finally formed.

At the same time, in many cases, the gap remains in adulthood, if it is not very large and the rest of the smile is proportional, it is even considered a kind of highlight.

What does a gap between teeth mean?

As we have already said, large gaps between the teeth may mean that there are rudiments of “extra” teeth in the jaw bone. This phenomenon can be easily determined using an x-ray; it can also reveal another reason for the formation of a gap between the front incisors - an overdeveloped bone septum. But most often, diastemas arise from a low-attached frenulum of the upper lip. In many cases, eliminating gaps between teeth corrects not only the aesthetics of the smile, but also functional problems - speech defects caused by diastema, malocclusion and others. In addition, quite often people who are critical of their appearance consider their gaps between their teeth to be an obvious defect, which leads to decreased self-esteem and psychological problems. In any case, diastemas and trema are treatable. At your request, the doctor will always be able to remove the gap between the front teeth, even if your case is not critical and does not threaten health problems.

How to remove a gap between teeth?

If you are unhappy with the gap between your front teeth or want to get rid of three, consult your dentist. At the first appointment, he will determine the reason why you have a gap between your front teeth or gaps between your side teeth, and will draw up a treatment plan. An x-ray or orthopantomogram may be required. Next, the doctor decides how to correct the gaps between the teeth in a particular case.

If the cause of the diastema is the frenulum of the upper lip, then correcting the gap between the teeth will require plastic surgery of the frenulum and minor orthodontic treatment. Trimming the frenulum in modern dentistry is performed bloodlessly and painlessly using a laser, and braces will help “move” the teeth. If you are concerned about your appearance during treatment, the orthodontist will advise you to use lingual braces - they are attached to the back surface of the teeth and are completely invisible. Sometimes you can do without braces at all; in such cases, transparent aligners are used.

If the gap is formed due to an overdeveloped bone septum, the intervention of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon may be required. But, as a rule, the problem of the gap between the front incisors can be solved very quickly by replacing the front teeth with ultra-modern restorations, for example, composite veneers.

Many stars not only do not seek to correct the gap between their teeth, but also insist that this is their distinctive feature, such as Lily Aldridge, who forbids photographers to “Photoshop” her smile. Dentists have different opinions on this matter: some consider the gap between the teeth a defect and insist on correcting it, others believe that if the increased gap between the teeth does not interfere with its owner’s life, then it is not worth touching it and once again injuring the oral cavity.

Cher Lloyd

A popular participant in the English release of the cult show X Factor chose to get rid of the gap between her teeth using aesthetic teeth extensions and, I must admit, she made the right choice.

Zac Efron

The reason why Zac Efron decided to fix the gap between his front teeth is clear. Shcherbinka gave him a too immature look, while the actor dreamed of serious roles in films. And in order for dreams to come true, you have to sacrifice something.


Madonna has never had any serious problems with her teeth, except for a small gap. But over the years, she still needed the help of an esthetician dentist. Madonna had the shape and color of her teeth corrected, but the gap between her teeth remained, which looks very natural and does not spoil her at all.

Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis's charming smile is the result of long-term dental treatment, which included correction of the gap between his front teeth.

Every person who has sparse teeth, too small fangs or, on the contrary, very large ones, dreams of a beautiful smile. Not everyone is naturally given the gift of having perfect teeth. You can often find a person whose teeth stick out sharply, or there is a gap between the front and side teeth. Dentists call it diastema. Why does she appear? How to get rid of it? What do sharp front teeth popularly mean? What if my teeth are small? About everything in more detail in the article.

Types of gaps between teeth

There are two types of interdental gaps in people:

  • false;
  • true.

During the period of changing baby teeth, a false diastema may appear. It received its name due to the fact that after the formation of a permanent dentition, it should disappear without a trace.

A gap between the molars is called a true gap. It will not disappear on its own, and therefore requires correction, which can only be done by a dentist.


A gap between teeth may appear for the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • low location of the frenulum on the upper lip;
  • late appearance of permanent teeth;
  • improper development and formation of excess tooth buds in the fetus during development in the womb;
  • long-term use of the pacifier;
  • habit of biting nails, pens, pencils, etc.;
  • abnormal shape and size of the lateral incisors.

How to get rid of the problem?

In modern dentistry, there are many methods that a dentist can offer to get rid of gaps between teeth. In this case, the specialist must take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the dentition of each patient.

All methods for eliminating interdental gaps are divided into:

  1. artistic restoration;
  2. surgical plastic surgery;
  3. surgical intervention;
  4. orthodontic methods (installation of braces or caps).

Aesthetic camouflage of a defect

This method is also called artistic restoration. The technology is similar to filling. To carry out treatment with this method, the dentist uses a special solution that tends to harden when exposed to ultraviolet light. The doctor creates a partition between the teeth, which helps eliminate the gap. After each layer of solution, grinding is performed, then ultraviolet light is used. As a result of all these actions, the partition will become strong and acquire a natural color.


The method involves installing veneers or crowns. After such treatment, people can boast of all the splendor of a flawless smile without sharp fangs and unsightly gaps. It’s just a pity that the patient’s own teeth have to suffer from this, because some of their front part needs to be ground down.

The process of installing veneers is not accompanied by pronounced pain. These thin ceramic plates hide any imperfections in the dentition. In addition, they have a considerable service life - about 10 years.


Which method of surgical intervention to use (excision of the lips, frenulum or tongue) depends on the pathology of the dentition. In most cases, this method of solving the problem is used in children whose frenulum of the upper lip is located too low.

Modern dentistry uses a laser to carry out such manipulation; the patient is first numbed to the area being operated on. The rehabilitation period after surgical correction is very short. Next, orthodontic structures are used to move the teeth and eliminate the gap, thanks to which the bite is corrected.

Installation of braces and other orthodontic methods

The orthodontic method has its pros and cons. The first refers to safety, the second - duration.

One of the methods of orthodontic treatment of diastema is the installation of braces. The design can cope with any tooth gap. The bite will be perfect after this treatment.

Another method in the fight against chipping is mouthguards. They are carefully placed on the teeth and after a certain period of time should align them. The method is effective only if the interdental gap is relatively small.

Other abnormalities of dental growth and development

Classification of anomalies:

  • anomalies of an individual tooth: number, shape (spike-shaped, teeth of Pflueger, Fournier, Hutchinson, etc.), size (small teeth and large ones), structure of hard tissues (hypoplasia and hyperplasia), timing of eruption (premature and late), position, color ( pigments on enamel or dentin);
  • dental anomalies;
  • abnormalities of jaw development.


Types of abnormal teeth:

Sizes (small, large)

The following types of dental size anomalies are distinguished:

  • giant (macrodentia - deviations from the norm in the upward direction reach 6 mm; typical for central or lateral upper incisors);
  • small (microdentia - teeth of regular shape, but very small in size, with large gaps between them; typical for the upper lateral incisors).

Is it possible to help at home?

It is believed that threads 30 cm long will help eliminate interdental gaps or unfold pointed fangs. All that needs to be done is to tie it up overnight and then tighten the incisors tightly.

The patient may experience discomfort. The procedure will have to be completed over 1-1.5 years. In addition, the problem is only partially solved - it cannot be done without the intervention of a dentist.

Signs: what does psychology say?

According to psychology and folk signs, if a person has:

  • one gap, it means that he has a cheerful character;
  • several spaces between the teeth indicate a lack of willpower;
  • sparse or small teeth indicate that he is stingy and cunning;
  • large front teeth mean that their owner is kind and broad-minded;
  • long or protruding ones mean that in front of you is an aggressive and greedy owner;
  • sharp teeth (fangs) are a sign of energy and a sarcastic character.

20% of the world's population faces a gap between the front teeth or, in medical terms, a diastema.

Surprisingly, many people consider dental defects a feature of attractiveness.

And only those with a noticeable distance between their front teeth try in every possible way to get rid of the aesthetic imperfections of their smile.

Reasons for appearance

But there are other reasons leading to diastema:

  • prolonged use of a pacifier in childhood or finger sucking. The presence of a foreign body in the mouth affects the formation of malocclusion. According to experts, a child should be weaned from “bad habits” starting from 6 months;
  • individual characteristics of the upper jaw. Normally, the teeth grow crowded in relation to each other, but with an abnormal bone structure, there is a lot of space in the dentition, the teeth fill it unevenly, due to which a gap is formed;
  • consequence of periodontal diseases. As a result of weakening of the jawbone, the teeth move to different sides, leaving free space behind them. Pathology usually occurs in female patients;

  • violation of the swallowing reflex. With a “healthy” structure of the jaws, when swallowing saliva, a person rests his tongue on the palate; in a pathological development of events, the tip of the organ constantly affects the upper teeth, or rather, the middle of the dentition. Stable pressure on the incisors leads to the formation of a diastema;
  • late change of primary teeth. The pathology in this case cannot be corrected until the radical rudiments appear on the surface of the mucosa;
  • enlarged frenulum of the upper lip. Abnormal parameters of the connective tissue between the lips and gums do not allow the incisors to close;
  • premature loss of baby teeth. If you ignore the problem of early loss, long before the eruption of permanent units, adjacent teeth will begin to shift towards the defect;
  • minor parameters of the central incisors;
  • the appearance of a tumor between the teeth;
  • pathological arrangement of teeth at the stage of their eruption.


According to the factors influencing the formation of a gap between teeth, experts classify diastema into false and true.

It does not go away spontaneously and, if there is psychological discomfort, it requires the help of specialists who can eliminate the defect in one way or another.

Another classification feature divides the gaps between the front incisors according to their appearance:

  1. A triangular diastema, the apex of which is located at the upper frenulum. With this arrangement, the defect is quite noticeable. Often, a significant gap appears due to bad habits.
  2. Parallel diastema represents the distance due to the incisors shifted in different directions. If the defect width is less than 4 mm, there is no need to resort to its elimination.
  3. Triangular diastema with apex between the sides of the teeth. The cause of the anomaly is pathological formation of bone tissue or the eruption of extra teeth between the central incisors.

How to close?

Be that as it may, dentists, taking into account the patient’s wishes, today can offer several methods for eliminating the defect.


Prosthetics, usually with porcelain crowns, provide a beautiful smile in the shortest possible time. After creating the impression, an additional layer of artificial enamel is made according to the patient’s individual parameters in a special laboratory.

The disadvantage of this technique is the need to grind healthy teeth. The advantages of installing porcelain crowns include the high aesthetics of the products.

Prosthetics cost patients between 15,000-25,000 rubles.

Orthodontic devices

The orthodontic method of correcting a defect can be safely classified as the most gentle way to get rid of a diastema. For this purpose, experts offer two types of structures - braces and mouthguards.

The disadvantages of the method for those with a gap between the front incisors include the duration of treatment. Depending on the age of the patient and the width of the gap, displacement may take from 3 months to 2 years.

At the same time, a minor defect in the child is corrected in the shortest possible time. Accordingly, adults whose jaw has already formed require the maximum amount of time.

The cost of the most common metal braces, on average, is 5,000 rubles. Lingual or ceramic structures will cost more, about 70,000-80,000 rubles.

Mouthguards are removable orthodontic devices that, when put on, apply pressure to incorrectly positioned units.

During the entire course of treatment with this type of construction, the patient requires constant replacement. Over 9 months of use, sometimes you can use up to 20 mouth guards. As a result, you will have to pay about 120,000 rubles for the aesthetics of your smile.

Surgical intervention

Instrumental intervention in most cases is required for children who have been found to have a low-lying superior frenulum.

In a public clinic, if you have a policy, the service is provided free of charge . In private dentistry in the capital, the procedure can cost 3,000-5,000 rubles.


Installation of veneers - thin ceramic plates that can hide a defect, in comparison with prosthetic crowns, requires minimal removal of natural enamel.

At the same time, the cost of one onlay costs patients the same cost as porcelain “caps”. On average, the service life of the plates is 10 years.

Composite restoration

The defect between the front incisors can also be eliminated using conventional enamel extension with filling materials.

The method is the cheapest. Composite restorations today use materials that instantly harden under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp.

This procedure costs about 2,000 rubles.

For information on methods for closing a diastema, watch the video.

Pathology in children

The formation of jaw bones in children lasts up to 6 years. Therefore, if you discover a gap between your child’s teeth at an early age, this should not be a cause for concern.

If the width of the diastema is small, plates are prescribed, the use of which also does not cause discomfort to the child.

The orthodontic technique involves installing a rubber structure that moves teeth after just a week of use. Then the obtained result is secured by installing a carbon retainer inside the tooth, which the child wears throughout the year.

The special design does not provide the teeth with the opportunity to return to their original position. The product does not cause discomfort to the small patient and is installed by a specialist in 15 minutes.

The surgical method of correcting the bite is resorted to in two cases - if it is necessary to trim the frenulum and in the case of placing supernumerary teeth between the front incisors. In the latter case, the excess units are removed under local anesthesia.


A minor defect in the dentition, which many perceive as a “highlight” of the image, can significantly affect the quality of life. The presence of a diastema in certain individuals significantly reduces a person’s social activity; he becomes withdrawn and tries not to smile.

In addition, the defect takes an active part in the distortion of speech; in the owner of a gap between the teeth, diction is impaired, that is, a lisp or a whistling effect appears when pronouncing.

A speech therapist is unable to correct the acquired complication of the presence of diastema in the oral cavity.

Remove or leave?

Many successful and public people are not embarrassed by the gap and continue to actively smile, showing off their diastema to everyone.

Among the most famous celebrities, Vanessa Paradis, Madonna, Ornella Muti, Konstantin Raikin have the defect. Therefore, if you decide not to eliminate the gap, this decision will not surprise anyone today.

The video explains in more detail whether it is worth eliminating the gap between the teeth, and what methods this can be done.


As you can see, correcting a defect requires time and financial investment, which is not always justified. After all, sometimes, by interfering with the naturalness of a smile, you can spontaneously shorten the life of the front incisors.

If you are the owner of a diastema and have decided to get rid of it, share what forced you to take such a serious step by leaving a comment under the article.


How to remove a gap between teeth?

If you are unhappy with the gap between your front teeth or want to get rid of three, consult your dentist. At the first appointment, he will determine the reason why you have a gap between your front teeth or gaps between your side teeth, and will draw up a treatment plan. An x-ray or orthopantomogram may be required. Next, the doctor decides how to correct the gaps between the teeth in a particular case.

If the cause of the diastema is the frenulum of the upper lip, then correcting the gap between the teeth will require plastic surgery of the frenulum and minor orthodontic treatment. Trimming the frenulum in modern dentistry is performed bloodlessly and painlessly using a laser, and braces will help “move” the teeth. If you are concerned about your appearance during treatment, the orthodontist will advise you to use lingual braces - they are attached to the back surface of the teeth and are completely invisible. Sometimes you can do without braces at all; in such cases, transparent aligners are used.

If the gap is formed due to an overdeveloped bone septum, the intervention of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon may be required. But, as a rule, the problem of the gap between the front incisors can be solved very quickly by replacing the front teeth with ultra-modern restorations, for example, composite veneers.

Photos of stars with a gap between their teeth

Many stars not only do not seek to correct the gap between their teeth, but also insist that this is their distinctive feature, such as Lily Aldridge, who forbids photographers to “Photoshop” her smile. Dentists have different opinions on this matter: some consider the gap between the teeth a defect and insist on correcting it, others believe that if the increased gap between the teeth does not interfere with its owner’s life, then it is not worth touching it and once again injuring the oral cavity.

Cher Lloyd

A popular participant in the English release of the cult show X Factor chose to get rid of the gap between her teeth using aesthetic teeth extensions and, I must admit, she made the right choice.

Zac Efron

The reason why Zac Efron decided to fix the gap between his front teeth is clear. Shcherbinka gave him a too immature look, while the actor dreamed of serious roles in films. And in order for dreams to come true, you have to sacrifice something.


Madonna has never had any serious problems with her teeth, except for a small gap. But over the years, she still needed the help of an esthetician dentist. Madonna had the shape and color of her teeth corrected, but the gap between her teeth remained, which looks very natural and does not spoil her at all.


Gap between front teeth

Such a small formation between the front teeth, such as a diastema, is quite common.

First of all, the consequence of a disproportion between the abnormal structure of the jaw and the size of the permanent upper incisors or genetic disorders of a certain nature.

Dental practice divides this type of pathology into two types:

  • True gap allows one to suspect a congenital anomaly as a weak stage of cosmetic deformities and is subject to exclusively special types of orthopedic treatment;
  • False chip is mainly a consequence of dysfunction of the development of the primary dentition, premature rejection of the anterior primary teeth with an unformed bite, acquired orthodontic pathologies. Typically, these disorders resolve over time without requiring special medical intervention.

Over time, when children's teeth are replaced by adult ones, which are much more powerful and larger in size, the level of spaces between the incisors is noticeably reduced.

Moreover, physiologically, permanent incisors are 1.5 to 2.0 times wider and larger than primary incisors.

Therefore, they simply shift during active growth and replacement of the dentition.

Causes of diastema

Despite the fact that this seems to be a common problem and its solution begins to concern only when the daistema acquires truly threatening proportions or becomes a real nuisance in life, the reasons for its occurrence can be very different.

  1. Low attachment of the frenulum on the upper lip, down to the position between the front incisors;
  2. Abnormal development and formation of extra dental buds in the fetus during intrauterine development;
  3. Long-term use of pacifiers, which causes malocclusion in childhood.

In most medical reports of this phenomenon, it does not cause any particular inconvenience to its owners and does not require sufficiently active intervention.

Glossitis symptoms and treatment of this disease are described on our website.

Not many people know how bottle caries develops in children; this article will tell you not only about the causes of this disease, but also about treatment.

Types of tooth gaps

Violations of the upper dentition can be of three types, which depend on the causes and level of damage.

Lateral deviation of the crowns of the upper incisors can be a consequence of childhood neuroses, habits of biting nails, pens and pencils - the most common and quickly cured.

The second most common is a hereditary disorder of the structure of the upper dentition.

Thus, excessive growth of the soft tissues of the jaw, supernumerary teeth, overgrowth of the frenulum, compacted palatal suture or abnormal formation of the position of the lateral teeth in the upper jaw are manifested.

The third type of disorder is considered the most severe in medical practice.

Its appearance depends solely on the fact that the jaw has an abnormal structure with several teeth laid in excess of the norm.

Characterized by synchronous deviation of the roots and crowns of the teeth.

Treatment of gaps between front teeth

In this video, you will learn how to remove the gap between your front teeth. We recommend viewing!

Making a decision to eliminate this defect is quite simple and it is not difficult to contact a specialized dental clinic.

Modern treatment methods can offer several types of relief.

The choice that your dentist will offer you can be quite wide.

The most widely used method is wearing braces as a hardware method for treating this defect. Surgery also allows you to quickly and efficiently straighten the upper row of teeth.

Complex solutions in the form of mixed treatment using surgical-hardware methods give excellent results in complicated forms of pathology.

The most modern and promising is the so-called restoration treatment by building up or gluing the front surface of the teeth.

This is what most stars of shows, pop business and cinema use.


Signs about gaps between teeth among peoples

People who had not one, but several gaps between their teeth did not have willpower and were subject to circumstances, according to physiognomy. There were also many signs associated with them, which are still sacredly believed in by some peoples, for example:

  • If the teeth were small and sparse, such a smile was attributed to a stingy person with a quirky character.
  • Aggressiveness and greed were given to those with long or slightly protruding hair.
  • According to Europeans, a gap between the teeth distinguished its owner with a cheerful disposition, even some frivolity.
  • Kind natures with a broad soul most often have large teeth. Acute - characteristic of energetic people with a sarcastic character.

It was believed that a gap between the teeth could bring both good luck and misfortune to the owner. Definitely, men are very attracted to ladies with gaps, but those who have complexes have to smile with restraint, trying not to show their “flaw.” How did different peoples react to the presence of gaps between teeth?

In various areas of Scotland and Yorkshire there was a sign that God was favorable to people with a gap between their teeth, the gap should be so wide that a sovereign could easily pass through it. There is an opinion here that a child born with a gap between his teeth will be extremely lucky and rich.

But among the Scots living in the northwest, a gap between the front teeth was considered a sign of excessive interest in the opposite sex, an indicator of carelessness. In Russia, it is common to think that a person with a gap between his teeth is smart, generous, and inclined to travel. There was a sign that the owners of small, frequent teeth were petty natures with a quarrelsome nature.

In the East, a gap between teeth was considered a bad sign; people with gaps are still treated with caution. According to Eastern tradition, sparse teeth were considered a sign of dishonesty.

In China, teeth were given great importance; it was generally believed that people with white teeth, close together, were the richest and happiest in fate, quantity also mattered - there must be at least 30 teeth, the more, the richer and luckier the person in love.

In China, a gap between the front teeth is a sign of a person’s lack of restraint and a tendency to intrigue. A poor and unhappy life was predicted for those with a gap. The condition, color, and location of teeth in China determined not only a person’s character and social status, but also their relationship with their ancestors.

According to other teachings, the entire human jaw was divided into areas, each responsible for certain abilities, qualities and personality traits of a person. Eight teeth of the upper jaw were responsible for the ability to analyze. And the lower “eight” is responsible for spiritual qualities, and each “representative” is responsible for a specific one.

Accordingly, if a tooth was affected by disease or was missing, this quality of the soul was considered underdeveloped or did not exist at all. A controversial statement is that the preservation of a person’s teeth depends on a dozen factors: heredity, lifestyle, bad habits, food quality and environmental conditions.

Why does a gap appear between the front teeth?

From a medical point of view, a gap between teeth (diastema) can be false and permanent. A false gap between the teeth is typical for children and disappears during the formation of the jaw. A permanent gap between the teeth remains forever; this feature is inherited, genetically. A permanent gap is formed between the teeth when the lip frenulum is attached low or some teeth are missing.

Also, a gap can appear in the presence of bad habits (for example, gnawing on various objects), or with the late change of milk teeth to molars. Diastema is not a dental defect; surgical intervention is necessary. If you are unhappy with your appearance, remember that this disturbing detail is not a flaw, but a gift of fate.

In modern society, it has been noticed that those with gaps between teeth have great creative potential, love to shock society with extravagant behavior, and achieve their intended heights because they are persistent, energetic and ambitious. Those with a gap hair color love to talk and have diplomatic skills.

Examples of a famous person who has a gap between their teeth include singer Alla Pugacheva, popular American model Lara Stone, Vanessa Paradis and Madonna. Shcherbinka is a real gift that endows its owner with truly outstanding talents!

It is up to the owner to decide how to treat the gap between the teeth. The majority of people are sure that those with a gap-shaped smile are pleasant, sincere people with whom it is interesting to communicate. For most peoples, a chip is a good omen, foreshadowing great fame and luck in everything. So, if there is a gap, don’t be shy and perceive its presence as a drawback. It is a virtue found in few.

It’s not for nothing that people affectionately call this period “the window for happiness” - in most cases this nickname justifies itself! Look at photographs of celebrities with this piquant accent in their smiles and think about how to live your life happily, in accordance with good folk signs.

If you are still unhappy, medicine can help you quickly fix everything. You can choose braces or surgical intervention (artistic restoration). But is it worth getting rid of what Nature has endowed you with?


The concept means “the ability to judge a person’s internal qualities by appearance, and especially by face, and make a conclusion about his character.”

According to this teaching, the shape, size and location of teeth, along with other external features of a person, play an important role in the spiritual characteristics of a person. For example, those with straight teeth are, as a rule, wise and eloquent people, while significant gaps between the teeth indicate a weak-willed person. Cunning (and always fussing) people most often have small and sparse teeth. If the teeth protrude strongly forward, most likely the person is stingy, and those with long teeth are often evil and greedy. The gap between the front teeth - what is called a diastema in dentistry - in physiognomy speaks of frivolity and a cheerful disposition. Large teeth are found in brave and kind people, and different heights of the teeth indicate the thoughtfulness of their owner. Determined and energetic people most often have sharp and strong teeth.

Since ancient times, different peoples have had proverbs emphasizing the relationship between a person’s teeth and his character and destiny. In Rus', it was believed that teeth that were far apart from each other foreshadowed a happy life. In England it was also believed that “a child with few teeth will grow up happy and inclined to travel.” In the English city of Northampton they always said that those with a large gap between the upper incisors would become rich people. And in northeastern Scotland, the same sign indicated a person’s carelessness and excessive passion for the opposite sex.

In China, for a long time, they believed that teeth speak about a person’s relationships with other people and in the family, about the stability of life and the ability to enjoy delicious food. And in all these respects, long, straight, flat and white teeth are the best option. Only owners of such teeth can count on happiness in life and good relationships with people. White or ivory teeth will bring a person a good position in society and a high position, while yellow, dark, small and sparse teeth indicate a short and troubled life, poor relationships with people and an unstable financial situation.

A dental defect in the form of a narrow gap between the front incisors will not please every owner.

How to close the gap between the front teeth? In addition to aesthetics, patients are justifiably concerned about the very presence of the gap and the associated inconveniences.

Gap between the front teeth - what does it mean?

In medical language, the phenomenon is called diastema. Translated from Greek - “distance”. In childhood, the diastema is already noticeable; the child’s teeth do not always shrink during the process of changing milk teeth to molars, and the gap remains. In adults, gradual formation of the lumen is possible.

In essence, diastema is a pathology. The gap between the incisors can reach 1 cm and form on both the upper and lower dentition. Its shape most often resembles a triangle, but can also be parallel or narrowed. Often accompanied by pathologies.

If a gap appears between the incisors, this is a reason for dental treatment, because in addition to external unseemlyness, diastema is fraught with some consequences:

  1. Development of periodontitis.
  2. Speech impairments - dyspalia (impaired pronunciation of certain sounds), lisp, whistling, hissing.
  3. Psycho-emotional discomfort.


Factors influencing the development of the deficiency are speculative. Without reasons and accompanying conditions, diastema does not develop. Why does it occur?

  • Hereditary or genetic cause. The lumen is formed according to the parent type. It is noteworthy that as the child grows up, he may part with the pathology.
  • Presence of pronounced interdental papillae.
  • Low attachment to the lips of the bridle, both upper and lower.
  • Excessive compaction of the cord of the frenulum of the upper lip.
  • Late replacement of permanent milk teeth.
  • Partial, which, in turn, is provoked by improper care and other conditions.
  • Amputation of anterior tooth and long-term absence of a prosthesis. At the same time, neighboring teeth shift, closing the void, and gaps are formed.
  • The bad habit of “pulling” the tongue, stretching it, gnawing objects, which leads to jaw deformation.
  • Periodontal pathologies.
  • Pathologies of tooth position.
  • A certain way of eating that is unusual for many.
  • Some foods, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, provoke oral pathologies.
  • Microdentia, or the patient's teeth are too small, is a genetically determined process.
  • Supernumerary teeth.
  • Congenital anomalies accompanied by slow growth of incisors and others.

Treatment of diastema should not be delayed. Dentistry offers therapy, orthopedics, orthodontics, and in rare cases a surgical solution is required.

Photos before and after

Types and classification of the phenomenon

  • False diastema is a pathology of early age, observed in children when the bite is not yet fully formed. When changing teeth, it can go away on its own without leaving a trace.
  • True - the one that was preserved after the replacement of teeth and the formation of a bite, or developed in adulthood. It does not go away without timely treatment.
  • Symmetrical diastema, a phenomenon in which the central incisors, most often the front row, change position symmetrically to each other with the formation of a gap between them.
  • Asymmetrical diastema is a case in which one of the incisors deviates in any direction, while the second incisor maintains its natural position. The gap between the upper or lower teeth is unequal in relation to each of them.

Classification by tooth position:

  • Only the crowns of the incisors are deviated, the roots are motionless and retain their natural position. This position is called body shift. A common cause is supernumerary teeth. The diastema is rather small than large.
  • The crowns of the incisors are not just inclined, but displaced in space, the roots are motionless, but curved. This is the lateral deviation of the crown.
  • Both the crowns and roots of the teeth are displaced, or there is lateral deviation of the roots. The reason for this phenomenon is supernumerary teeth, congenital or genetic pathologies.

Important: all classifications of the phenomenon are conditional.

How to remove diastema?

The dentist can offer the patient several ways to solve the problem. The need for correction is determined by the type of diastema.

The main methods of correction: artistic restoration, surgical plastic surgery, orthodontics, surgery.

Artistic restoration (aesthetic camouflage of the defect)

Therapeutic techniques are used for such restoration. The interdental tissue is built up using a kind of filling insert, applied in several layers, hardening under ultraviolet radiation. In addition, veneers are used. The procedure has a number of advantages:

  • The patient can choose the shade of the composite material from which the inlay will be made.
  • Filling will completely fill the lumen of the diastema.
  • The procedure does not last long; all manipulations will take about an hour.
  • The restoration is performed without any anesthesia; the use of anesthesia is not indicated in all cases, depending on the specific situation.
  • The technique has no contraindications.
  • Post-treatment care is routine.
  • No complications.
  • The procedure is not prohibited if pregnancy occurs, if the patient is diagnosed with cancer, and in a number of other cases.
  • The restoration is suitable for children.

Of the minuses: traces of treatment are visible to the patient.

Surgical plastic surgery (installation of veneers or crowns)


  • the defect can be visually corrected completely;
  • there are no visible signs of treatment;
  • the patient chooses from metal-acrylic, all-ceramic, metal-ceramic crowns or ceramic veneers;
  • the patient can also choose the shade of the veneers;
  • the technique takes longer than cosmetic restoration, but does not require long-term adaptation;
  • the risk of relapse is minimized.

The downside: the cost of such an orthopedic procedure for the patient can be high.


Indications for intervention are:

  • abnormal tooth size leading to diastema;
  • abnormal shape of teeth;
  • massive, low-set bridle.

Surgical correction is carried out by excision of soft tissues - frenulum, lips, tongue, depending on the type of pathology, with accompanying tooth extraction if necessary. Afterwards, orthopedic and orthodontic treatment methods may be required.

Orthodontic methods

This type of correction has a number of advantages over others.

  • Orthodontics is safe for the patient and occurs without the removal of teeth and tissue.
  • for the correction of diastemas, they have an attractive appearance, like other modern products that pursue similar goals. The mouthguards are transparent and also unnoticeable.


  • Orthodontic treatment methods are the longest lasting of all.
  • Removable products can be created using electronic technology.
  • Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age (with caution).

Braces, modern barely noticeable products made of plastic, ceramics, metal or a combination, are prepared based on a cast of the jaw. They solve problems of abnormal bite and tooth alignment. Some systems are attached to the back of the dentition, some - from the side of the tongue. The course of treatment takes different time periods, which depends on the age of the patient - the older, the longer the treatment takes.

They differ favorably in that they are removable. These are original bags for several teeth or the entire row. The anatomical shape of the tooth (row) of the required size, selected with the help of advanced technologies, and the teeth displacement function allows you to cope with the phenomenon of unnecessary gaps between teeth.

Such products can only be worn before bed, which is important for active adult patients. In addition, the special material from which the product is made allows you to whiten your teeth from the inside. Before eating, the mouthguards are easily removed and do not cause discomfort.

Important: the cost of the chosen treatment method varies greatly. The most affordable technique is cosmetic filling. It will cost more to fill a gap when choosing orthodontics, while metal braces are cheaper than expensive sapphire braces.

What can you do at home?

Some patients are not suitable for one or another way to get rid of the defect with the help of specialists. There is a folk correction method using ordinary sewing thread. Cut a thread up to 30 cm long, tie it around the incisors and tighten it tightly, leaving it in this state overnight. This may cause discomfort.

This method takes from a year to a year and a half. It helps partially solve the problem. However, if the patient wants to do without braces due to the aesthetic side of the issue, or surgical intervention, it is better to get a detailed consultation with an orthodontist and choose the available treatment methods.

Video: gap between teeth - how to get rid of it at home without braces?

Additional questions

How do you know if your child will have a gap between his teeth?

What is clear is that it is worth conducting a genealogical analysis and studying the frequency of occurrence of the defect in the family. When replacing baby teeth, be sure to wait until the canines are replaced. Then, if anomalies of various etiologies are excluded, make a decision on the choice of treatment, preferably no earlier than the child is 7-10 years old.