Colors and their meanings by type. Significance in world culture and mythology

Color... When I think about color, the brain immediately gives out a beautiful rainbow covering the whole sky. Seven colors and an infinite number of shades. BUT what do these colors mean? In this article I want to talk about the meaning of color. Without a doubt, the influence of color on many aspects of our lives is enormous. Such outstanding personalities as Newton, Hegel and Plato were engaged in the study of color in their time ...

Scientists believe that color is a sensation that occurs in the organs of vision when light of a certain wavelength hits them. Accordingly, color affects our emotional and physical state, and our behavior can also be determined from color. In medicine, there is even such a direction as color therapy, and this trend is gaining increasing popularity.

Each person has his own “happy” colors that help him attract confidence, well-being, maintain good health and mood, and promote creativity. They can be determined by a feng shui master by date of birth.

Interestingly, in Feng Shui, the color scheme of the five primary elements is taken as the basis:

Green, primary element Wood- Stimulates development and growth. Awakens awareness of life, restores strength. This color is recommended for use in the treatment of the heart. Green also relieves headaches.

Red, primary element Fire- the color of blood. Symbolizes the flow of vitality, happiness, joy, passion. Mobilizes the whole body. Forms resourcefulness, speed of reaction. Raises blood pressure.

Yellow, primary element Earth- sunny optimism, strengthening hope, a feeling of warmth and comfort. trust and security. Affects the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the body of toxins.

White, primary element Metal- universal color. Reflects all other colors. Releases energy. Nothing can be hidden on a white background. Sincerity, clarity of thought, purity and purity.

Black, primary element Water- absorbs all other colors. Secret. Stimulates mental activity, but all black clothing indicates a lack of hope.

The remaining colors are considered mixed and correlate with one of the primary elements.

Fire collects around itself raspberry, cherry and all very bright tones, giving a feeling of joy. Promising burgundy is a sign of charm and strength.

Earth attracts the whole range of beige-brown, ocher, olive, terracotta, pink.

Metal Corresponds to all very light pastels, greys, silvers and golds.

Water picks up black (water is black at night when not in the sun), navy blue, and all other muted dark tones.

Color can be used to solve a wide variety of problems:

Looking for a job- dress in a green color scheme;

Want to be listened to carefully- dress in dark blue;

If depression or things are not going well- multi-colored bright clothes can significantly improve the situation.

In health care settings, the color of clothing and furnishings may be consistent with the disease profile.

  • In cardiology, green will improve the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs;
  • In the convalescent ward, the color red will be favorable;
  • For nervous and mental patients, the best color is soothing blue, pink, yellow and blue;
  • In infectious rooms, where patients have a high temperature, cooling blue will be useful.
  • Red color is good for inflammation...

You can wear these colors at home if you are sick.

In addition to the primary colors discussed above, there are colors that are no less significant for a person. Let's not leave them unattended and see what the remaining colors mean.

Orange- the color of pleasure. It is obtained by mixing red (blood) and yellow (sun). orange color means health, improves the functioning of the whole organism, relieves feelings of loneliness, enhances the feeling of devotion, drives away fatigue.

Blue- symbolizes depth and coolness, adds peace and confidence. Helps with insomnia, stress, anxiety, lowers blood pressure. Visually expands the space.

Pink- the color of pleasure, love, tenderness, youth. quivering feelings. If you need love, light pink candles more often, “highlighting” this color.

Violet- a very powerful color in its effect. Combines strength and softness. The color of hidden opportunities, as well as the color of protection. Helps to balance emotional instability. Suppresses appetite. Purple candles will calm your nerves and keep your appetite at bay.

Blue- Strengthens self-esteem, decision making. helps with diseases of the eyes, sinuses, has a positive effect on the spine. To successfully pass exams or before a long journey, light a blue candle.

Brown- useful in the house to stabilize the financial situation. if there is a question of relocation or material problems, add this color to the interior design or buy a brown handbag / wallet.

Silver- secret dreams delay in decisive action, waiting. If an important matter has stalled, light a silver candle.

Gold- action, large-scale plans, power. If you are running for president, the golden candles in your house should not be translated.

Now it's more clear what the colors mean. If you remember them and apply them in your life, you can influence many events, your condition, health, mood. Be attentive to the colors of clothing and interior. Your efforts will not be in vain, but will bring harmony and improvements to your daily life.

What does your favorite color say about you as a person? The meanings of colors and their shades carry a hidden message from ancient times. Experts say that the chosen color determines the character of a person, his principles, values, fears and complexes. Let's briefly analyze the meanings of colors and their influence.

Emotions and color

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that some events are strongly associated with the psychology of color, the meaning of color. So, black, gray shades carry information about grief, mourning and tears. Joyful events are associated with brightness and riot of colors. These include orange, yellow, pink, shades of green, blue, and so on. Let's analyze the meanings of colors from two positions: the characteristics of people who prefer one or another shade, and the overall effect on emotions and mood.


Let's take a look at the meaning of black. It does not always carry only a negative message. Everything depends on the situation. If this shade prevails in the drawings of the child, it is recommended to contact a child psychologist. But everything is not so clear. Let's go to the wardrobe. This shade is preferred by wealthy people. Black makes you feel more weighty. A person who prefers black does not seek to be invisible. Just the opposite. He subconsciously tries to attract attention to himself, preferring to remain surrounded by an aura of mystery. Those who love black love to experiment in the love sphere, and they will not be bored in bed with them.


Like black, the meaning of which is not always negative, white combines several characteristics, including, oddly enough, a negative aspect. Everyone knows that he personifies purity, innocence and openness. Also, white is a symbol of freedom and the destruction of stereotypes that prevent you from breathing freely. It acts as a symbol of equality, because it combines other colors. People who prefer it are perfectionists. They love their work with all their hearts and give themselves to it without a trace. They are very open and easily recognize lies. The dark side of this color is that it is able to suppress and personifies emptiness. In some Eastern countries, where there are beliefs about the rebirth of the soul after physical death, white is associated with the afterlife and is considered the color of eternal life. Therefore, clothes of this color are worn at funerals, in contrast to the traditional black in Russia and Europe.


According to polls, this is one of the most unpopular shades of the wardrobe. He personifies the middle between white and black. If a person chooses it, you can be sure that he puts logic, calculation, mind, and not feelings and emotions in the first place. It is considered a symbol of order and balance. It is recommended to be worn by timid people to increase self-confidence. Psychologists assure that lovers of a gray shade are in crisis, emotional and moral exhaustion, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The Grays can help calm those in need. They are very modest by nature and do not like to stand out from the crowd. Although gray is peaceful, it cannot open the prospects for the foreseeable future. It does not have an energy component for beginnings and accomplishments.


If you are constantly overcome by negative thoughts and emotions, you worry and worry a lot, it is pink that can help. It is a symbol of joy, childhood and carelessness. Those who choose it for themselves love attention and try to stand out from the crowd. People who prefer this shade in their wardrobe are very hardworking, but touchy, tearful and somewhat naive. In anime, you can often find characters whose hair is dyed pink. And this is no coincidence or fiction. They are endowed with heroes who are strong, love to break the rules. If we talk about a darker shade of pink, then we can say with confidence that a person does not tolerate violence and cruelty, takes from life what he considers necessary, but does it with caution, and does not go ahead. Unfortunately, "pink" is hard to build relationships with the opposite sex. Potential satellites quickly cool towards them. Pink lovers are often attached to the past and live in memories.


Let's analyze the meaning Brown. Although it is also a dark shade, its influence is much more positive than that of gray and black. If this color predominates in a person’s clothes, then his self-confidence can only be envied. Every person in life has moments when everything seems to go awry, and problems pile up like a snowball. It is on such days that brown will come in handy. It gives hope for the best. It contains red and yellow. Considering the meaning of brown, it is worth noting the following:

  1. The person who chooses this shade loves life, but in the first place he has the mind.
  2. In love, brown lovers are conservatives, and in the first place they have not passion, but emotional harmony.
  3. It combines common sense, reliability and a great propensity for depression.
  4. Tip: when going to an interview or a business meeting, choose brown for yourself. Lovers of this color are honest and love their job. And this is the main thing that the employer pays attention to. In addition, the "browns" remain calm even in critical situations.
  5. Brown colors are popular in decoration. Gift wrapping looks stylish and expensive. It is he who is used in advertisements for high-quality cigars and expensive coffee, so this shade can be considered a kind of quality mark.


Initially, this shade was feminine, not masculine, as is commonly believed today. This is the color of calm, harmony, sincerity, and it is a symbol of fidelity. The blue tint has been present in temples since ancient times. It is believed to attract white powers and protect young children.

Blue has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Normalizes the general physical and psychological state of the body. Those who love the blue color usually have a phlegmatic character, they express a desire for harmony. They don't show too much emotion. They value stability and security. Another interesting fact: jeans, which have become an integral part of the wardrobe, symbolize freedom, equality and unity. That is why they were so popular among hippies.


The meaning of yellow is clear to everyone. It is a symbol of warmth, sun, joy. It disperses a bad mood, relieves melancholy and depression. It has a tonic effect on the body, improves mobility. The meaning of yellow color in psychology expresses the desire to reveal the inner potential, spiritual search, inner freedom, happiness and love. Why are stickers dyed yellow most often? Written text is easier to digest on a yellow background. But you should not overdo it with him. When there is too much of it, excitability increases, and the person becomes more restless. If it is used in clothing, it indicates a strong, driven personality and a high degree of confidence. But there is a negative interpretation of yellow. The meaning of colors is not always clear. So, yellow symbolizes death, illness and the other world, the afterlife.


The main meaning of orange is in the warmth of brightness and celebration. But it is not the only one. This is human warmth, gatherings with family and friends, fire by the fireplace, tangerines and the New Year. What is the meaning of orange for personality? People who choose this color are homely, friendly, open and warm. They are emotional and lively, have a positive outlook on the world. They love life and get pleasant emotions and pleasure from it. These are strong freedom-loving people. They have high self-esteem. Orange symbolizes dreamers. They quickly become addicted to new things, but quickly burn out. If you need to bring people together, use this shade.


The value of green has long been associated with nature. This color is considered the most cheerful among others, symbolizes growth, development and vitality. He is especially revered in Muslim countries. The Prophet is often depicted wearing green robes. It restores strength, normalizes the psychological state. In psychosomatic diseases, green normalizes the general condition of the body as a whole. Doctors also found confirmation of the meaning of green in psychology.


Aggression, impulsiveness, sensuality, passion. You do not need to understand the meanings of colors to understand that all these epithets describe the color red. Psychologists attribute it to the most ancient shade of all existing. Historically, it expresses blood, fire and a fiery feeling of love. Experts note that it is red that ranks first in popularity. Previously, only priests and representatives of the highest authorities could afford to wear it. This color can both warm and excite at the same time. It fills the body with energy, increases blood pressure. The person becomes more mobile. Red color has always brought good luck in battles. It is worn by leaders with an active mind and a vivid imagination, they love to take risks and strive for victory. They have a strong will and independent character. The other side of the coin is that the "Reds" are often selfish, overly stubborn and cruel even to close people. Another negative property of the color red is that it quickly tires if you look at it for a long time.


The meaning of lilac color is associated with the period of growth. When the personality is not yet fully formed and goes through the path of formation and maturation. Another meaning of the lilac color is in the craving for self-expression, for vanity. It expresses the ease of life, openness. These are creative people who set striving for perfection as their life goal. They are very flexible and prone to improvisation. "Lilac" is easy to recognize from the crowd. They seem to radiate from within. This is how specialists, psychologists and masters of art define them. They give others love, warmth and comfort. But lovers of lilac color themselves tend to fall into depression, which can last for quite a long time. Despite the fact that they give the warmth of communication, at such times they need the help of loved ones. They cannot find a way out of depression on their own, or it costs them a lot of effort. They cannot stand painstaking work that requires sitting still for a long time. They love to invent. They make excellent writers, actors and artists. "Lilac" are very vulnerable, tend to underestimate self-esteem and incredibly gullible. They take care of things and memories. Moreover, both to the good ones and to those that hurt them.


The meaning of purple is debatable and ambiguous. It was once considered the color of wealth and aristocracy. He expressed sensuality and passion. But the meaning of colors changes under the influence of time and culture. Violet retained an aura of mystery and tenderness. That is why many books of the genre of fantasy and mysticism are designed in this color. People who prefer this color are melancholic natures, with a pronounced sense of dignity. They are not like the others. They have a rational mindset. Purple is recommended for those who suffer from low self-esteem. Violet people find it difficult to get along with themselves due to the fact that they are too critical of themselves. This shade also indicates that a person needs approval and support. Some people have a negative tolerance for the color purple, because gay people love it very much.


Consider the meaning of blue. If you are going on a date, or you have important negotiations ahead of you, and you want to win over the other person, put on something blue. It inspires trust and respect. It is recommended to use it to emphasize your social position and status. What is the significance Experts believe that this shade has a beneficial effect on employees, causes a desire to work productively, and motivates. People who prefer this color are straightforward and stable. Blue color gives strength to fight physical ailments, which is why it is popular in the design of hospitals.


The burgundy hue combines the willpower and determination of the red hue and a penchant for philosophy, the inner core and resistance from brown. He is chosen by strong-willed individuals. They are conservative and self-confident, good organizers. At the same time, such a person is not inclined to show emotions. Burgundy color can give a person the missing stamina and determination. If it is too much, then this leads to depression and an oppressed state.


Turquoise refers to cold tones. It creates an atmosphere of freshness and coolness. It is also called the color of sterility and purity. Lovers of this shade are strict with others, but it is even harder for them with themselves. They like to lead and live by strict rules. Turquoise speaks of isolation. A dark shade is depressing, especially if a person is prone to neuroses.

Benefits for the individual

The psychology of color, the meaning of color, as already mentioned, can say a lot about the nature of a person, but that's not all. Knowing the messages of shades, you can find out the strengths and weaknesses, achieve success in business, get a long-awaited promotion, attract the right people and find common ground with others based on their color choices. All you have to do is find out the meaning of each color. The key to closed doors can be hidden in the little things. You can improve your life by simply choosing the right colors in the workplace, in clothes, or by arranging a few items in the room.

In contact with


The influence of color on human consciousness has been known for a long time. The meaning of each of them is embedded in different symbols (coats of arms, flags, banners, uniforms in different professions, logos of famous manufacturers, etc.). It is also known that very often people make fateful decisions under the influence of a particular color. Quite a lot of sayings, folk sayings and aphorisms are associated with color. Is this a coincidence or a pattern?

If you think about it, then each person, object, phenomenon or event can be associated with a specific color, each of us has our own associative system by which we can remember or recall an event from our life. Human perception and the meaning of colors in psychology are explained in different aspects. For example, if you take the days of the week - think about what color each of them is associated with? The same can be said about numbers, solemn dates and holidays (remember, March 8 is always associated with colors such as red, orange, green and yellow). From a psychological point of view, each color has a different effect on different people.

When looking at any of them, different people may have different associations, moods and emotions. Which of us and how often thinks why the blue color appears more often in the political sphere, and red in the advertising sphere? Why do traffic lights only use green, red and yellow? Why is it possible to go for green (the color of trust, approval), but not for red (the color of anxiety and danger, forbidding)? What does the expression "I'm purple" or the saying "though the grass does not grow" mean? The source of answers to all these questions lies in the plane of the psychological perception of color by a person.

How does a person perceive colors (perception physiology)?

The perception of color forms the attitude of a person and society to many phenomena and events, however, this attitude itself is often formed under the influence of a particular color. It would be more correct to say that the root cause, after all, will be the physiological component of a person, which then becomes the basis for his perception of colors and the formation of a certain attitude towards each of them.

The main physiological component can be attributed to the human organ of vision - the eyes, the features of their structure and functionality to accurately transmit information in the form of a picture or image. The function of the eye is the perception of color and the instantaneous transmission of information about it to the brain, where a complex process of processing the information received begins, which results in certain signals that the peripheral nervous system of the human body receives.

Any object that the human eye sees has a certain degree and wavelength of refraction, reflection and absorption - we know this from the course of school physics. The longest wave is typical for "hot" (red, yellow, orange and their shades) colors, their perception requires a lot of energy, since these colors are characterized as "actively offensive".

It has been experimentally proven that their impact on a person contributes to an increase in the frequency of pulse, respiration and heartbeat. These are colors that excite his mental and emotional state. Colors belonging to the spectrum of "cold colors" (blue, green and their shades) are characterized by short waves, much less energy is required for their perception, while metabolic processes are reduced. They are able to calm the human psyche, act on him relaxing, comfortable and soothing.

An important role in the life of each of us is played by color communication - the ability to perceive color according to physiology, taking into account examples from our own life experience. For example, going on an important business, as a consultant (adviser, lawyer, assistant), you subconsciously choose a person dressed not in a pink suit, but in a black (gray or brown) suit.

Color communication underlies the arrangement of our homes, plots, interior design of rooms, the choice of clothes and gifts for our loved ones. It is used in all areas of production in their practice, when enterprises carefully consider the design of new products and develop promotional materials in order to attract potential buyers to it.

Psychologists can answer the question of what colors and how a person perceives. In their opinion, the meaning of colors in psychology and the attitude of a person towards them allows revealing the secret of the formation and development of his personality.

Purple color in psychology

This color is considered complex, since it is formed by a combination of the other two - blue and red. During the Middle Ages, purple was associated with repentance, later with pregnancy (remember the paintings of famous artists that they painted from pregnant women). Nowadays, purple is considered a dangerous color that has a negative impact on a person, his psychological and emotional state.

Preference for this color is usually given by people who are quite critical of themselves and tend to rationally control the situation. Such people, as a rule, fail to realize themselves in life, they are dissatisfied with the living conditions, society, laws, they are often irritated, very secretive by nature. However, this color affects them positively, increasing their self-esteem.

Red color in psychology

It is an active and hot, even aggressive color that can cause feelings of anxiety and anxiety. It is usually associated with danger, prohibition and aggression. Red color easily attracts attention, therefore it is often used in the advertising field and in the design of various signs warning of danger. Since it causes an increase in heart rate, respiratory rate and pulse rate, increases blood pressure, it is not recommended to look at it for a long time. For the same reason, designers recommend using it with caution in the interior.

Character traits that are formed under the influence of red color are courage, activity, perseverance, cruelty, selfishness, intolerance, dominance, determination, demonstrativeness, lust, greed, perseverance, sexuality. Also, its carriers strive to be pioneers and dominate everything.

As you can see, the list above contains both positive and negative character traits. The strength of their influence on a person depends on the goal that he pursues and the characteristics of his personality (positive character or negative).

People who prefer this color belong to the category of strong-willed, courageous, active and sociable personalities. He is also preferred by those who want to look sexy or attract the attention of others. Most often, the red color chooses its owner - a "red" person by nature and character. Only such people look harmonious in red and are able to feed on its energy, and not vice versa.

In sexual relationships, "red" people prefer to dominate, they love role-playing games that allow aggression, characteristic of red lovers.

Lilac color in psychology

From the point of view of psychology, lilac shades speak of affection in general, no matter what or who becomes the object of this feeling - another person, animal, piece of clothing or some thing.

Carriers and supporters of the lilac scale are refined natures, they are sensitive, do not tolerate separation and parting with people dear to their hearts and favorite things. These people are classified as creative, they are distinguished by enviable patience and constant readiness to help those in need. Along with such positive qualities, they are prone to stress and depression, however, they cope with them on their own - without outside help.

For many peoples, the lilac color and its shades are associated with meditation, it is the color of alienation and an unearthly perception of life. Traditionally, it is also considered the color of balance, harmony, philosophical attitude to life, reasoning and a certain style.

Carriers of this color are not like others, they are characterized by the presence of ingenuity and excellent mental abilities. Among them, there are often individuals striving for perfection, even allowing for some sophistication. They know how to fantasize wildly, their fantasies are colorful and unrealistic, there is no place for “dark” forces in them, children like their fairy tales.

In communicating with other people, great attention is paid to their appearance. Being themselves aristocratic and refined natures, they seek these qualities from others. They are quite sentimental and romantic, prone to nostalgia. Due to the fact that lilac and purple colors are similar and close, "lilac" people are also the owners of creative abilities and in disputes they always take the position of talented and outstanding people.

Green color in psychology

In almost all the peoples of our planet, green tones are considered soothing and relaxing. Green is the color of nature and life, development prospects. It has a positive effect on the human body, provides relaxation and heals.

The green range of shades of green can mean security, jealousy, fertility, life, purity, ecology.

"Green" people are rational and harmonious, they take life very seriously and appreciate every moment of it, they love all living things, they are very responsive and good-natured. They will not make good warriors, because by their nature they are not capable of harming another living being. Possessing a rich inner world and good nature, they are in no hurry to open it to others, they are cautious and tend to listen. However, calling them secretive and suspicious would not be very correct.

In relations with a sexual partner, in his eyes they look pure and naive, they are somewhat clumsy and awkward, but they have passion, temperamental, gentle and patient. These are faithful companions in the marriage union.

Yellow color in psychology

Yellow shades have a stimulating effect on brain activity and the human nervous system. However, too long exposure to yellow can give a negative result - overload and overexcitation, which will have an extremely negative impact on human health. This is the color of joy, faith, hope and all the best that a person can wish for himself. This is the color of the sun and that says it all.

This color, especially in combination with dark ones (black, and dark shades of blue, green, burgundy) is often used in advertising, as it stimulates the human brain to read what is written in dark letters on a yellow background.

Yellow is associated with intelligence, insight and imagination. He is the personification of honesty, a symbol of holiday fun and joy, but at the same time also sadness, betrayal, sadness and separation. Psychology considers this color as a symbol of madness, it is not for nothing that such a thing as a “yellow house” has long existed, popularly known as a “psychiatric hospital”.

"Yellow" people strive to reveal all their talents and fully realize themselves in all areas of activity and life. They know how to set a goal in front of themselves and go to it in a “bright” way. They are characterized by creativity of thinking and extravagance of actions. Such people are able to concentrate their attention on the main goal, although some absent-mindedness is also characteristic of them. People who love yellow tones can be critical of themselves and others, given that they do not have a tendency to low self-esteem, their opinion of other people can be too cruel.

In a relationship, “yellow” people unconditionally adapt to their partner, creating all the conditions for their positive communication.

Black color in psychology

Black tones in most countries of the world are associated with authority, officialdom, authoritarianism, sorrow. This is the color of weightiness, which is associated with those in power and wealthy people, respectability. It is also considered the color of the mysterious, mysterious, witchy and mystical.

The characteristic of black tones is absolutely opposite to white, black color is able to absorb all colors irrevocably. It denotes mysticism, emptiness, foresight and creation, peace and silence. Able to inspire fear, give strength and keep intrigue.

"Black" people are considered a mystery, without realizing it, they, in turn, attract the attention of others around them with some secret (often imaginary) that the black outfit provides. Man has always been attracted by everything unusual, strange, hidden and frightening. People who dress exclusively in black are not satisfied with their lives (unless they are in mourning). This is an attempt to hide from everything and everyone, to protect yourself from any influence. "Black" people are by default considered gloomy, closed and prone to depression.

World fashion loves this color for its versatility, practicality, comfort and ease of wear. People wearing black clothes are in constant doubt, they are in a state of struggle with the world and with themselves, they are always creative, bright and outstanding personalities.

In relationships with sexual partners, people in black tend to experiment.

Orange color in psychology

Orange, like yellow, is associated with the sun and warmth. This is the color of raising mood, the color of cheerfulness, activity, achieving goals and solving important problems. Therefore, orange tones are also often used in the advertising field, like yellow.

The meaning of orange is associated with joy, warmth, forgiveness, love of freedom, tolerance, energy. And also - with spontaneity, suddenness, deliberateness and pleasure.

"Orange" people love creativity, they are very strong and freedom-loving, they know how to forgive. They themselves exude "solar" energy and are able to charge everyone around them with it; in their arsenal, it is practically inexhaustible. Such people always have too high an opinion of themselves, can be arrogant and give their energy to others against their will, because they often feel the need to dump its excess.

People with an orange color are always excellent athletes. They tend to be easily carried away by novelty and new trends, however, they also quickly “burn out” and lose interest in them.

The intimate sphere is an area where they can open up to 100%. They are not characterized by puritanism, they like to fantasize, seething emotionally and consider themselves excellent sexual partners.

Blue color in psychology

If you want to make a positive impression on someone, dress in blue tones and shades, as this color inspires confidence and respect from others better than others. With it, you can emphasize your own status in society, make it clear that you are an adherent of purity, straightforwardness and stability.

Blue color is calming, it is associated with cooling, peace, tranquility. It is often used to motivate employees to work and orient them towards conscientious work. In offices, the walls of which are painted in blue, there are practically no quarrels and strife, the team is more friendly and purposeful.

The blue color is able to give strength to seriously ill people in the fight against the disease, therefore, in hospitals, the walls are often painted in blue. Athletes who train in a blue gym also perform better in competitions and championships.

Blue color in psychology

Concepts such as transparency, humility, infinity, purity and carelessness are often associated with blue shades. It is associated with harmony, simplicity, comfort, dreaminess, peace and balance.

"Blue" people, who are the carrier of this color by the nature of their inner nature, do not know what "boundaries" or "frames" are. Like the ocean, they are accustomed to act freely and dominate without limit in their possessions or in their field of activity.

In relationships with other people, they can be infinitely generous or deeply indifferent. These are people of the water and air elements - two polar planes, two extremes.

Carriers and supporters of blue look at everything from different angles, they judge something from the point of view of "my bell tower". In this regard, they are able to find a non-standard solution to any, even the most complicated, task. They are harmonious and strong, they attract other people who often doubt and hesitate in life.

"Blue" people are not prone to dreams, they are able to present any reality in several forms - this is their gift. They can be great politicians and diplomats. Friendliness, openness, ease of communication, patience and endurance, innate tact and equanimity - this is their forte.

Sometimes they can drive themselves into a blues, get bored for a long time and languish in idleness, but they also independently find a way out of this state, gaining a new idea and meaning to life.

Pink color in psychology

The color of blunting emotions, aggression and anger is pink, which is also associated with childhood, something soft, warm and comfortable. It can often be seen in the interior of a children's room, in children's clothes. The expression "pink dream" is associated with the same concepts, it means something extremely positive and desirable, not capable of causing harm.

Pink is a symbol of tenderness, softness, romanticism, frivolity, infantilism, something serene and idle.

Pink is associated with kindness, romance, love and passion. It is preferred by those who strive to know the fullness of life, to receive new impressions and sensations. "Pink" people are able to work tirelessly, they are serious about the matter, expecting the desired and expected result.

Some of them are more manifested in the opposite incarnation, when they can be described as frivolous, infantile and uninteresting personalities. But they are always funny, good-natured and harmless. Pink people tend to live in illusions of the past or fantasies of the future. They love publicity, recognition, popularity, they are easy to offend and bring to tears, they are sensual, touchy and whiny, easily controlled. Good imitators of other people, although they always do it with a bit of personality.

Regarding sexual relations, we can say that "pink" people can give less than they promise. By luring a partner quickly, they would also quickly lose him, since he also quickly loses interest in them.

Brown color in psychology

Brown is an integral part of people who are confident in their own abilities. It is associated with difficulties and obstacles that should be eliminated, therefore it is the color of workaholic people, as well as people who are able to "cut the truth-womb". Clothing in brown tones is a favorable factor when trying to find a job.

Brown is associated with common sense, reliability, stability. It is also associated with disappointment, depression, doubt - this is the negative side of brown.

Brown is a complex color because it is formed by two other weighty colors (classic red and dark yellow). It combines the activity, aggression and assertiveness of the red color, the properties of which seem to be extinguished by its second component - yellow.

"Brown people" adore life, accept it in all its manifestations, but are more reasonable and sedate. In critical situations, they are able to show composure, rationalism and pragmatism, but they cannot be called cold-blooded or indifferent. They are always ready to support, smooth out the conflict, extinguish negative emotions and bring the world around them to lasting harmony. They are optimists and hard workers.

In their sexual life, they are more traditional and conservative; for them, the emotional component of relationships between people is much more important than sex.

Gray color in psychology

Gray tones and shades are always associated with neutrality. Few people like this color, it annoys some people, the rest simply do not notice it. This color has a unique property not to distract, not to “pull clothes” on itself, pushing other colors aside.

This is the color of friendliness and calmness, contentment and order, hidden desires, vulnerability, sanity, balance, realism. It personifies the norm of something, any standard. He does not distract from important matters, is friendly, tactful and reliable.

People dressed in gray clothes are self-sufficient, they do not need anyone's recognition, they are satisfied with everything, they feel more confident in their “element”. They are very loyal, tolerant, not aggressive.

The gray color is imperceptible, has the ability to take halftones and smooth out the boundaries, therefore it is often associated with infinity and freedom. Existence on the limit "beyond" forces "gray" people to be careful and constantly control the situation. This is probably where the expression "gray cardinal" came from.

Doctors and psychologists are convinced that people who are on the verge of nervous or emotional exhaustion often wear gray clothes. Sexopathologists argue that “gray” people treat sex as a physiological component that determines the existence of a person in general. Sex is not a great pleasure for them, but they are not inclined to belittle its importance for a person.

White color in psychology

The desire for white is a subconscious human need. This is the color of purity, innocence, new beginnings in any field and relationships between people. This is the color of purity, openness, readiness to reveal all the secrets of the universe, the color of angels and saviors, light forces. White color represents beauty, harmony, joy and celebration, rejoicing, honor, exaltation.

Doctors are dressed in white clothes, as carriers of kindness and disinterested help to all those who suffer. Uniforms of the same color are preferred by culinary specialists and cooks, whose specific work is to feed their neighbor with “daily bread”.

White color is a symbol of disinterestedness, honesty, completeness and perfection. It is associated with the freedom of opportunity, which does not allow any barriers. This is a color that symbolizes equality, since all other colors are included in its structure in equal proportions.

It is impossible to associate white with a certain type of character, since it is an "international" color, or "divine". Many people prefer to wear it, some of them by occupation, some by preference. White color among all peoples is the main one in several national rites.

People who like to wear snow-white clothes can often be pedants and extraordinary bores, prudent bastards and imperturbable swindlers. Since the white color itself is initially conducive to itself, it is often used not only for good, but also with dark intentions.


Color - the property of light to cause a certain visual sensation in accordance with the spectral composition of the reflected or emitted radiation. Light of different wavelengths excites different color sensations; radiation from 380 to 470 nm is violet and blue, from 470 to 500 nm - blue-green, from 500 to 560 nm - green, from 560 to 590 nm - yellow-orange, from 590 to 760 nm - red. However, the color of complex radiation is not uniquely determined by its spectral composition.

  • Hue(color) - color name (red, blue,...).
  • Intensity- the level of color concentration (the predominance of one or another tone).
  • Depth- the degree of brightness or muting of the tonality of the color.
  • Lightness- the degree of whiteness (% of the presence of white and light gray tones in the color).
  • Saturation- % presence of dark gray and black tones.
  • Brightness- characteristic of luminous bodies, equal to the ratio of the luminous intensity in any direction to the projection area of ​​the luminous surface on a plane perpendicular to this direction.
  • Contrast- the ratio of the difference between the brightness of the object and the background to their sum.

Color is a qualitative characteristic of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range, determined on the basis of the resulting physiological visual sensation of color. Color depends primarily on the spectrum.
The sensation of color occurs in the sensitive cells of the retina of a person or other animal - cones. There are three types of cones - "red", "green" and "blue", respectively, each color sensation is represented as the sum of the sensations of these three colors.

Color affects the physiological processes of a person and his psychological state. Knowing the features of each color, you can form a certain image, evoke certain emotions, associations.


Red color (compensating green) is the most active. It is a rich, heavy, hot, bright color. It symbolizes passionate love, power, fire, war. Light shades of red are exciting, dark ones give solidity. Red color corresponds to the planet Mars.

For the Chinese, red is a symbol of good luck, happiness, nobility, and for the Indians it represents life and action.

Stimulates, supplies very strong, but rather rough energy. Promotes activity, confidence, friendliness. In large quantities, it can provoke rage, anger.

Physiology: stimulates the nervous system, releases adrenaline, improves blood circulation, increases the number of red cells in the blood, increases sexuality and sexual desire.
Psychology: gives a sense of security, confidence in the future, helps to cope with troubles more easily. Forms a leader.


Orange color (compensating blue, cyan) low-saturated, warm, light, sexy. Acts exciting. Orange color stimulates the emotional sphere, creates a feeling of well-being and fun. It symbolizes pleasure, celebration, nobility. Orange color corresponds to Mercury.

Releases emotions, raises self-esteem, teaches to forgive. Excellent antidepressant, promotes a good mood. Pastel shades (apricot, peach) restore nervous costs.

Physiology: lies between the red and yellow colors of the spectrum, therefore it has the properties of these two colors. Energizing like red and conducive to the thought process like yellow.
Psychology: clears from unpleasant sensations, helps to accept negative events in life (for example, a breakup in a relationship or the loss of a loved one), helps to forgive another person, let go of an unsolvable situation. If you are at an impasse and are afraid of changes that will open up new horizons in life, turn to orange.


Yellow color (compensating violet) is warm, light, bright, flowing, joyful. It evokes pleasant sensations and symbolizes movement, joy and fun. Yellow color promotes the activation of mental activity. Yellow - stored in memory for a long time. But in combination with other colors, it can evoke opposite emotions. For example, greenish-yellow and gray-yellow shades represent envy, falsehood and act repulsively. Yellow corresponds to the Sun.

In Brazil, this color is a symbol of despair, and in combination with purple, a symbol of illness; Muslims of Syria - a symbol of death. In China, on the contrary, yellow is very popular, as it is a symbol of empire and splendor. For a Russian person, yellow is a sign of separation and betrayal.

Joyful, stimulating color. It is associated with intelligence and expressiveness. It increases concentration, organizes, improves memory, promotes fair and quick decision-making.
Yellow helps to accept new ideas and other people's points of view. This is the color of optimism.

Physiology: treats the digestive system well, ensures its work. It mainly affects the flow of bile, which plays a role in the absorption and digestion of fats. Improves memory.
Psychology: sets feelings in motion, frees from negativity, which undermines self-confidence. Helps to more easily perceive new ideas and accept different points of view. It promotes better self-organization and concentration of thought. For children: increases cognitive interest. Can be used for children's rooms, but in limited quantities, otherwise children will not be able to sleep peacefully.


Green color (compensating red) is rich, calm, fresh, gentle, pacifying, lively. Works soothingly. It symbolizes peace, tranquility, love, salvation. Green color corresponds to the planet Venus.
Green is loved in Mexico, Australia, Ireland and Egypt. In China, green symbolizes a luxurious life and youth; in India, peace and hope.

Life, growth, harmony. It unites us with nature and helps to be closer to each other.

Physiology: helps with negative conditions: imbalance, anger, rudeness, stiffness in emotions and feelings.
Psychology: when you lack green, you lose harmony. Not recommended if you need to make quick decisions, as green is relaxing.


Blue color (compensating orange) is slightly saturated, light, airy, cool, calm, slightly passive. It symbolizes purity, intelligence, constancy and tenderness. If there is too much blue, it can cause laziness, apathy.

Blue color for the Chinese is one of the colors of mourning; in India - a symbol of truthfulness; in Brazil - a symbol of sadness.

Blue is considered the color of creativity and is recommended for classrooms or classrooms. Turquoise hue promotes communication.

Physiology: helps with insomnia, helps to fall asleep, as it acts relaxing. It has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.
Psychology: helps with negative mental conditions: shyness, fear of speaking, bad relationships.
With the help of blue, you can renounce the outside world and, left alone with your thoughts, contemplate and think calmly. It is useful to light a blue candle or a blue lamp when doing meditation practices. Promotes creativity.


Blue color (compensating orange) is very saturated and very cold. It is heavy, strict, mysterious, pure. The first feeling it evokes is a sense of alertness. The blue color symbolizes the universe, space and corresponds to the planet Jupiter.

Calming color. It promotes physical and mental relaxation, creates an atmosphere of security and trust.

Physiology: treats deafness, cataracts, bleeding, insomnia. It is an anesthetic. Helps with sore throats, rheumatism. Affects the endocrine system.
Psychology: develops psychic abilities. Clears thinking, frees from anxieties and fears, allows you to hear the inner voice and make the right decision (intuition). With indigo, it is easier to move to more subtle levels of consciousness. Not recommended for people prone to seasonal depression.


Violet color (compensating yellow) is saturated, cold, heavy, calm, mysterious. It symbolizes wisdom, maturity, higher intelligence. Purple is easily overpowered by other colors, but purple itself is deep and expressive. It gives clothes a solemn and luxurious look. In large quantities, violet causes melancholy. Corresponds to the planet Uranus.

Associated with artistry, great ideas, intuition and mysticism. It promotes inspiration, compassion, sensitivity.

A majestic color, always present in the clothes of kings and clergy. This is the color of inspiration, which is characteristic of healers and creative individuals. It will help you learn to accept everything that happens to you with a calm heart, calm your soul and nourish it with the energy of inspiration. Violet unites the body and mind, material needs with the needs of the soul. From people with a predominance of violet color in the aura, skilled healers are obtained, and if they are engaged in creativity, then their works are distinguished by naturalness and a language that is understandable to everyone. Violet balances the two ends of the spectrum, and also balances the masculine and feminine energies in the human body.

Physiology: treats physiological diseases: concussion, epilepsy, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis. Not recommended for people with severe mental illness and alcoholism.
Psychology: helps with negative mental conditions: neurosis, loss of faith, despair, loss of self-esteem.


Black- : motivated use of force, creation, learning, ability to foresee, content, hidden treasures, destructiveness, use of force as a manifestation of weakness and selfishness, suppression, depression, emptiness, abstinence, restrictions. Black hides what he possesses. A person who prefers it seeks to hide his inner world from others. Black symbolizes the end. Every evening we are happy to return to the night to recuperate. But it is he who gives rise to everything new. Life begins with the unknown. Black is able to control the situation thanks to secret knowledge. Black seeks to retain his power by any means. On the other hand, this person feels the need for external control.
Power, sexuality, complexity, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, discontent, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, subway, good techno color, mourning, death (western cultures).

White- intactness, fullness, self-giving, unity, lightness, revealing the hidden and false, isolation, futility, stiffness, disappointment, stiffness, boredom. The main quality of white is equality. White seeks justice. He is impartial. White symbolizes innocence. This is the color of a real bride, a girl who does not yet know passion. White is characterized by a certain density. Holding a transparent crystal in your hands, you see Radiance in front of you. Picking up a white cotton sheet, you can’t see anything through it. White is one step below the flawless purity of Radiance. White contains all the colors of the spectrum equally, being the result of their mixing. Therefore, white can be used to create certain combinations. All colors in white are equal. In mythology, white is a symbol of unity. White seeks justice. The white wig on the judge's head speaks of his impartiality. White is a spiritual guardian. If white is present, then everything will be fine. A doctor in a white coat pulls a man out of the jaws of death.
Reverence, purity, simplicity, peace, humility, accuracy, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, well, sterility, marriage (Western cultures), death (Eastern cultures), cold, clinical, sterile.

Grey- security, reliability, intelligence, sedate, modesty, dignity, completeness, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness.

Grey, black and white(tones) - are the connecting link for colors. Have no effect. They are the background for colors and increase the intensity of the adjacent color, and when added, they increase the lightness (light gray, white) or saturation (dark gray, black) of the color.

The psychological impact of color

Speaking about the psychological impact of color, it is important to take into account the fact that different societies have different points of view. Even independent research on the effects of color sometimes bears the imprint of belonging to a particular cultural group of people whose opinions have been formed over the centuries.

The symbolic meaning of flowers has evolved among certain peoples over the centuries. Take, for example, black and white. In the West, black is perceived as a serious, dramatic, sometimes sad color. When black is used in decoration, there are often warnings about its depressing effect. Traditionally, black is the color of mourning. White color, on the contrary, is associated with purity, peacefulness, optimism. Therefore, the wedding dress in Western countries is traditionally white. It would never occur to anyone to wear white clothes to the funeral ceremony, and the bride to attend the wedding in a black dress. However, in some countries of the East, it is white, not black, that is the color of mourning.

Each color has its own magical power. After all, it is not just that a wedding dress should be white, because it is a symbol of purity. The roses we give to our loved ones should be red. Each color has its own magic symbol. We invite you to read about primary colors and what they mean.

Color magic


Divine color. A symbol of light, purity and truth. In most countries (in Europe, China, Egypt, etc.) white is the color of mourning clothes. With white clothes, the deceased was initiated into a new life.
It is the color of joy and celebration.
Controversial symbol. Combining light and life on the one hand, and old age, blindness and death on the other. In China, white was associated with treachery and purity at the same time. The Scandinavian goddess of death Hel, who lives in the icy (white) world of death Hel, has a deathly white face.
The expression "white crow" is known to everyone, but what is a "white elephant"? This expression came to us from ancient Siam. To get rid of an objectionable courtier, the king of Siam gave him a large white elephant. The cost of feeding the animal quickly ruined the courtier, and it was impossible to get rid of the royal gift. Since then, a large, impressive, but useless acquisition has been called the “white elephant”. "Lily-colored liver" ("white liver") - the expression comes from the belief that the liver of cowards does not have blood. “Show a white pen” - show cowardice. The expression comes from cockfighting. Red and black roosters have been observed to pluck feathers from the tails of more cowardly white roosters.
Interestingly, the word "candidate" comes from the Latin "candidus" ("dazzling white").
White dove - symbolizes the world, the Holy Spirit.
White eggs - creation.
White flag - voluntary surrender, truce.
White is the color of cleansing from sins, baptism and communion, the holidays of Christmas, Easter and Ascension.
In alchemy, white is associated with mercury.


Blue, like white, is a divine color. Blue is associated with Jupiter, Juno, Amun-Ra, Vishnu and other gods.
In China, blue is the symbol of the Tao. Sacred Path, the principle of existence.
Like white, blue is the color of truth, fidelity, chastity and justice in the Christian tradition.
Light blue is a symbol of the incomprehensible and wonderful.


The symbolism of the yellow color largely depends on its tone. Warm yellow tones are a symbol of indestructible marriage, and cold ones are a symbol of adultery (the color of cuckolds in France).
Yellow is the color of gold, a symbol of the sun and divine power.
In Greek mythology, yellow is the color of Apollo. In China, yellow is the color of the emperor. During the Qing Dynasty, only the emperor was allowed to wear yellow clothes.
In addition, yellow is the color of betrayal, jealousy, cowardice, lies. In some European countries, the doors of the houses of criminals and traitors were smeared with yellow. Judas and Cain are usually depicted with yellow beards. During the Second World War, in Nazi-occupied countries, Jews were ordered to wear yellow “armbands of shame”. Yellow was chosen by Gautama Buddha as a symbol of humility.
Yellow is the color of disease. A yellow cross was placed on plague houses. The yellow flag on board the ship meant that there were infectious patients on board. Now the yellow flag is raised when they want to say that there are no patients on the ship (when entering a foreign port).
In football and in traffic rules, yellow is a warning.


Color and all its shades (color of the earth) Prefer those who firmly and confidently stood on their feet. People who have a weakness for him appreciate traditions, family. When he is unpleasant, then this speaks of pride and selfishness, that this person is secretive, it is difficult to be frank.


Red symbolizes blood, fire, anger, war, revolution, strength and courage. In addition, red is the color of life. Prehistoric man sprinkled the object he wanted to revive with blood.
In ancient Rome, red symbolized divinity. This is the color of the nobility, patricians and emperors of Rome. The symbol of supreme power, which later passed to the cardinals. After the victory, the Roman generals painted their faces (in honor of Mars) red.
The red flag in the British Navy has existed since the 17th century and symbolizes "a challenge to battle."
The red flag was used during the Paris Commune of 1817, in our country during the uprising of 1905, the revolution of 1917 and the next few decades. The term "Reds" is often used in relation to the communists.
Red is the color of anarchy. Supporters of the Italian national leader Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) were called "Red Shirts", as they wore red shirts as a sign of disobedience to the authorities.
The red rose is a symbol of love and beauty. The expression "red day of the calendar" comes from the custom of marking saints' days and other church dates in red ink.
This color is used to warn of danger (for example, road signs).
The area where the brothels are located is called the “red light district”, since such lanterns used to hang in front of such establishments.


Favorite color of people with intuition, passionate dreamers. According to heraldry, this color also means hypocrisy and pretense. In heraldry - the color of meanness, betrayal.


The favorite color of reasonable and distrustful natures, who think for a long time before making any decision. It is also a neutral color that is preferred by those who are afraid to make themselves known too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.


The color of the sky and the sea, a symbol of height and depth. Constancy, devotion, justice, perfection and peace.
In ancient Egypt, blue was used to represent truth. Blue is the color of Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Juno).
The Order of the Garter, the highest order of chivalry in the British Crown, has a wide blue ribbon. The order was established in 1348 by Edward III.
Blue is the color of royalty and noble birth.
The expression "blue blood" for people of high birth originated from the belief that the veins of Spanish aristocrats were "more blue" than those of ordinary people.
The expression "blue stocking" in relation to a learned lady dates back to the 15th century, when a society of men and women engaged in the study of science gathered in Venice, blue stockings were their distinctive attribute of clothing. This custom was adopted by Parisian intellectuals in the 1590s. The term itself originated in England in the 1750s.
Blue is the color of the British Conservative Party.
In Christianity, blue symbolizes sincerity, prudence and piety.


Color speaks of a very great emotionality, sensitivity, high spirituality and delicacy. When it is unpleasant, it is a sign of a developed sense of duty, a desire to live only in the present. This is a typical color of harmoniously developed people.


Black is a symbol of night, death, repentance, sin, silence and emptiness. Since black absorbs all other colors, it also expresses denial and despair, is opposed to white, and denotes a negative beginning. In the Christian tradition, black symbolizes grief, mourning and sorrow.
The custom of wearing black as a sign of mourning and at funerals arose out of prejudice. People believed that at the same time the spirit of the deceased could not recognize them and therefore harm them. The veil on the face was designed to confuse the demons and prevent them from dragging another soul to hell.
The custom of wearing a black band on the left sleeve as a sign of mourning dates back to knightly times, when the lady of the heart put on a bandage on the knight's arm as a sign that he served her. Later, the bandage became a sign of fidelity for the departed wife.
In Japan, black is the color of joy.
In a British court, squares of black matter were torn apart by a judge when pronouncing a death sentence. "Black Death" is the name of the bubonic plague epidemic that killed approximately 25,000,000 people in Europe alone in 1348.

Information is collected, for objectivity, from various sources.
Sources of information:,,,,

The meaning of colors in psychology is an interesting, exciting topic. It turns out that colors have historical symbolism and affect a person at a psychological, physiological level. Color is not so much a manifestation of style, individuality, it can be used to adjust mood and health.
Each color evokes certain emotions that affect a person through the nervous system. How to use colors correctly, what do colors mean in psychology, how do they affect a person?

Color psychology, color meaning

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The meaning of colors in psychology is associated with historical aspects, people are used to associating symbols, emotions with a certain color scheme. The most ancient colors are red, black and white, they were used in rock art. Later they appeared - blue, green, yellow, which gained distribution in the east, in particular - in China. Let us consider in more detail what colors mean in psychology, how does color affect the human psyche?

Red color in psychology is the most ancient among all colors. Historically symbolizes blood, fire, passionate love. Psychologists have noticed that this color is considered the most popular and occupies a leading position. What is it connected with?

Since ancient times, red has been endowed with special power, energy, representatives of the authorities preferred to wear red fabric robes, for a long time only the upper strata of the population or priests could wear such robes. The red color was difficult to prepare, special snails were used in huge quantities, so the fabrics were incredibly expensive, as were cosmetics for court ladies.

Red color, the psychology of colors pays special attention to this color. It affects the state of the body and the psyche - it excites, warms, increases energy, activates the work of the body, and helps to increase blood pressure.

Red also has a positive effect on the psyche - it activates the work of the nervous system, makes a person more mobile, energetic, so this color is useful for setting the mood for achievement. At all times, the red color helped the soldiers in battles, the red flags stimulated the fight, and the Spartans had red clothes, raising morale.

The psychology of colors, red is a special color that active, purposeful individuals like to use in clothes, who like to live at the peak of their abilities, strive for brightness, new discoveries, risk and accomplishments.

The blue color in psychology is a contrast to red and symbolizes peace, namely, the expanses of the sea, the expanse of heaven, peace of mind, solitude, sincerity, fidelity. Blue color has long been used in religion and the interior of temples to attract good forces, as well as to protect babies. The main symbols of blue are the sky, the soul, God.

In Japan they say: "The blue of the sky is reflected in the sea, turning into the blue of eternity."
Indeed, the blue color is mysterious and unearthly, calling and beckoning into the endless distances.
Blue color in psychology means unity, balance, calmness. Blue color contributes to the normalization of the physical and psycho-emotional state, reduces stress, slows down the activity of the heart, and has an inhibitory effect on nervous processes.

The perception of colors, the psychology of the impact of blue - people who prefer this color in clothes and interiors usually have a calm, phlegmatic character, avoid unnecessary emotions, strive for harmony in life and security.

An interesting fact is that initially blue was considered a female color, and red was considered male. Now the edges are blurring, and blue is found in the wardrobe of both men and women. And jeans - symbolize the spirit of freedom, equality and unity.

Yellow color in psychology is inextricably linked with heat, light and the sun. It was the distant light of the sun that fascinated and filled souls with warmth from ancient times, people created gods (Ra, Helios, Sol), which were associated with the heavenly body, symbolized eternal life.

Yellow color radiates joy and light, in nature there is a light yellow hue that carries warmth. The influence of yellow color on a person is positive - it improves mood, helps to get rid of depression, and dispels anxiety. In medicine, the following effects of yellow have been noticed: it tones, invigorates, warms, increases muscle mobility, stimulates the activity of the National Assembly, a therapeutic effect is also observed in digestive diseases, rheumatic diseases.

Yellow color in psychology means - the desire for disclosure, the search for oneself, relationships, happiness, inner freedom. Gold in jewelry and decoration spoke of luxury, and on a psychological level it carries the meaning of “radiant happiness”, fills with solar energy. No wonder this metal aroused respect and high interest at all times.

Green color in psychology has long been associated with nature and life itself, thanks to plants and oxygen, existence on planet Earth is possible. Green color is considered the most cheerful, symbolizes the growth and development of nature and people. The green color is considered special in Islam, the Prophet Muhammad is often depicted in green robes. And evergreens have become widespread among New Year's rites, in the design of burial places, as a symbol of eternal life.

The meaning of colors in psychology, green is a positive color, very close to nature, helps to restore strength and normalize a person’s mental state. Contemplation of nature - green fields, meadows has a calming effect, walks are useful for restoring the emotional state. For various psychosomatic diseases, it is the green color that is recommended, it contributes to the normalization of the mental and general physiological state.

In medicine, they also noticed a positive effect of green on blood pressure, a decrease is observed, capillaries expand, causes calm, relieves stress, reduces the effects of neuralgia, and is useful for migraines, laryngitis, and asthma.

Psychology of color perception - green is the calmest color, it promotes relaxation, does not require movements, thoughts, it is enough to observe and relax spiritually and physically. This color is harmonious and balanced, like life itself.

People who are attracted to this color are distinguished by such characteristics - consistent, self-confident, self-sufficient, have a sense of inner dignity, self-respect, holistic personalities.

Orange color in psychology - is distinguished by its special brightness and light, is a symbol of communication, human warmth, kindness. This color is perceived softer than red, reminiscent of a fire in a home fireplace. Orange can be described as: friendly, kind, mature, cozy, young, sociable, lively.

The meaning of colors in psychology, orange - lovers of this color are usually cheerful people, open to communication and the world, positive-minded, loving life and able to enjoy it.

Orange is reminiscent of the bright sun, it was not by chance that it was chosen as the color of the Caribbean, symbolizing communication and relaxation. This color evokes positive emotions, unites people.

Purple color in psychology - absorbed the harmony of opposites - blue and red. Purple contains the color of flame and ice water, is considered the most mysterious and bewitching. It is no coincidence that it is associated with magic and sorcery. Violet contains the mysterious edge of the transition of mystical life into real life, unites the human mind and animal instincts.

Purple color, meaning in psychology is associated with transient, temporary conditions, so it is loved by teenagers and women during pregnancy. It was actively used in religion - in Christianity and Buddhism, purple clothes are a symbol of mediation between heavenly life and earthly life. In the Middle Ages, it was a symbol of humility and repentance. Purple is a hidden secret.

It is interesting that purple is now revered in underdeveloped countries, and in civilized countries its popularity is declining, preference is given to mono-colors. In Europe, people of non-standard orientation, sexual minorities like to wear purple or lilac. Although there are bursts of fashion among the general population.

What does purple mean in psychology? Do not be afraid of this color, it has sensuality, tenderness, eroticism, mysticism. It is interesting that fantasy books and fairy tales are often made in purple binding, because there is a mysterious world wrapped in a purple haze.

The meaning of colors in psychology, purple - carries sadness, melancholy and dignity, and purple - the color of fantasy, childhood, dreams.

Violet is sensual, people of rational thinking avoid this color, purple should not be abused in the interior, the psyche does not have the opportunity to rest and recover, and in large quantities leads to despondency and sadness.

Brown in psychology is associated with the earth and is considered a reliable and stable color. It is often chosen by conservative people who want to feel clarity and calmness in the coming day. Brown rises above red in terms of energy, embodies the flow of life in a passive manifestation.

The meaning of colors in psychology, brown is the color of home, symbolizes coziness, comfort, familiarity. Who doesn't love a warm plaid blanket to keep you warm on chilly autumn evenings? Interestingly, people who do not like brown also reject physical self-perception, often tend to overlook personal physical needs, or lead an overly active lifestyle. In society, such people strive to be individuals, require attention and recognition from others.
The desire for brown is a search for stability, confidence in our troubled world.

A person who loves brown can enjoy a simple life, lead an ascetic existence, hiding from problems in the shadow of brown things. In the design of gifts and packaging, brown is very popular - it looks solid, tasteful, noble. It is actively used in advertising of expensive cigars, coffee.

Brown is necessary for a person to feel the stability of life and predictability.
Black color in psychology is associated with the dark side of our existence, black is often opposed to white: good - evil, light - darkness, yes - no, life - death. Black initially carries a negative color, it is assumed that at first there was darkness, and then light appeared, and life was created on Earth.

Black is commonly used in many countries as a mourning, although it can be perfectly combined in a wardrobe with other colors, emphasizing their brightness. It allows a person to stand out, to show his Self, to rise above the outside world, it is also found in uniform and business style. Car owners also respect the black color - it looks beautiful, prestigious, noticeable, stylish.

Black is a test, it is important to be able to overcome the difficulties of life in order to open the bright side. Black is a favorite color, psychology - often preferences for black are associated with an internal lack of important points, they are hidden behind a veil of black.

What does color mean in psychology? - Black conceals a mystery, mystery, but it is better to minimize it during periods of depression, despair, exacerbates negative emotions. It is advised to dilute black with other colors, white perfectly compensates for its influence.

White color in psychology is opposed to black, it is created by combining all light waves. Opens up new possibilities and seeks to avoid consequences. It contains a positive beginning - openness, equality, freedom, unity, and a negative side - a feeling of disappointment, detachment.

White should not be abused, a lot of white causes despondency, it is not advised to decorate rooms for children in white, it is better to use a more cheerful range of shades. White symbolizes purity, justice, in medicine - salvation. White is interconnected with the skin and vision.

It is interesting that in the east white is a symbol of eternal life, they believe in the continuation of existence after death through the rebirth of the soul, therefore, they even wear light-colored robes for funerals.

Psychology of color choice - lovers of white subconsciously need to be freed from shackles, unpleasant situations, strive for a free life.

Gray color in psychology - represents the unity of opposites - dark and light, it is not so contrasting, it softens their impact. Gray includes constancy, harmony and loneliness. Gray is able to have a stabilizing effect on the world around him, but he does not see future prospects.

The meaning of colors in psychology, gray - lovers of gray shades avoid emotions in life, try not to show feelings, are prone to exhaustion. He is able to help people who are weak, vulnerable, helps to find inner harmony. Calm gray clothes calm the nervous system, they are recommended for large overloads, the need to restore inner peace.

Gray is also a favorite color of modest people who do not want to stand out, hide behind a neutral color, but there is no energy for accomplishments, achievements, it only gives peace.

Pink color in psychology - has the meaning of romance, kindness, love, passion. Positive impact - there is a feeling of comfort, calmness, excessive anxiety disappears, difficult periods are more easily tolerated, but it has a very high sensitivity.

Light pink symbolizes femininity, friendliness, while it can also be a sign of frivolity, a craving for dominance, and exposure.

Dark shades of pink (purple with red) speak of people: they do not like coercion and slavery, they take the maximum from life with delicacy, caution. Sometimes people live in memories. Contribute to the improvement of the state, but there is also a negative side - impersonality.

Blue color in psychology - is associated with the infinity of heavenly space. The main properties are calming, reliability, helps to relieve tension, is comfortable for perception. Blue helps in expanding space, goes beyond the boundaries of public life. Disadvantages - slows down growth, development, reduces imagination. This color is associated with dreams, daydreams, understanding and peaceful life. Disadvantages - cold color, slows down development, reduces creativity.

The lilac color in psychology is associated with the period of growing up, the inner craving for self-expression, speaks of immaturity, the formation of the inner world, the desire for vanity.
Darker shades (lilac) contribute to calming anxiety, have a beneficial effect on the development of intuitive feelings, have a positive effect on the body, and are useful for strengthening vision.

Burgundy color in psychology - includes a compilation of properties inherent in red shades - the desire for achievement, perseverance, and brown - reflections, internal stability, stability. This color is calmer than bright scarlet. Disadvantage - a person can get hung up on past losses, failures.

Turquoise color in psychology is one of the coldest, contributing to a feeling of coolness and freshness. It can also be called a pure and sterile color. Darker turquoise can depress a person, especially with a tendency to neurosis and weakness of the body. Becomes more severe and speaks of isolation. Turquoise is preferred by people who are strict with themselves and those around them, accustomed to command and live, guided by clear rules.

The meaning of colors in psychology is science and art, our whole life consists of a variety of colors, it is important to learn how to use colors correctly to find peace and harmony, and maybe stimulate action. There is a special color for every situation.

Psychology of color in clothes

The psychology of color is a multifaceted issue, it includes the impact on the psyche and human health, but what are the features of color in clothes? Can colors affect a person's mood, behavior, success, how do colors affect fate?

Psychologists have noticed that the choice of color in clothes is associated with the characteristics of a person’s character or the desire to make the right impression, there are the following observations:

The psychology of colors in clothes helps to understand how a particular color affects a person and the perception of a person by others. Using certain colors, you can communicate (green), inspire confidence (blue, brown), attract the attention of others (red), intrigue (black). A person can change his image in different situations, create his own unique image.

The meaning of colors in psychology is an important issue that is given little attention, believing that the main thing is the sense of taste. Of course, but where do preferences come from, perhaps everything is interconnected on a psychological level?

We wish you to study the symbolism of color and make your life brighter and more beautiful!