Demodectic mange is an eyelash mite. Eye drops list of names Alkaline eye drops instructions

In continuation of the post about test strips for determining Ph levels, I will tell you about antioxidant drops with alkaline minerals to normalize the acid-base balance of the body.

A few words about acid-base balance.

The pH of human blood is approximately 7.35 and remains constant throughout life. The pH level of other liquids (urine and saliva) should tend to the same value. But due to poor nutrition, low physical activity, stress, smoking, etc. for most people this value is 5-5.5

To achieve an acid-base balance, alkaline foods should predominate in the diet, such as vegetables and herbs. It is also important what kind of water you drink. I don’t know what kind of tap water anyone has, but store-bought drinking water in bottles and canisters (except for Arkhyz) is very acidic, pH level 5-5.5.

The drops in question have the ability to alkalize liquids.

4 drops of Alkazone per glass changes the pH of water from 5.5 to 7. If you drink this water several times a day, then the very next day the Ph of urine will become 6.5. With regular use 7-7.5. Just what you need.

For the experiment, I took filtered water from reverse osmosis, it turned out to be acidic, Ph 5.5. 4 drops of Alkazone changed her Ph to 7.

Drops can also be added to coffee and black tea, which themselves acidify the body, and for this reason some people give up their favorite drinks. Drops do not change the taste! They are transparent and tasteless.

For 200 ml you need to add 4 drops. The bottle is enough for 150 uses.
You should drink alkaline water an hour before meals or two hours after meals, and you should not take pills with it.

What are these drops made of?
For those who don’t like to read the ingredients, I’ll put it under the cut))

potassium lactate /potassium lactate/- potassium salt of lactic acid, used in the food industry as a food additive E326 as an acidity regulator, antioxidant, emulsifier, salt substitute and moisture-retaining agent. Potassium lactate is included in dry biscuits, cheese, confectionery and baby food.

tripotassium phosphate / tripotassium phosphate /- emulsifier, buffering agent, complexing agent, antioxidant, additive that increases the potassium content in food.

potassium hydroxide /potassium hydroxide/- In the food industry it is designated as food additive E525, used as an acidity regulator. In the Russian Federation it is allowed in cocoa and chocolate products

potassium bicarbonate /potassium bicarbonate/- a remedy that replenishes potassium deficiency in the body. Helps maintain the necessary intra- and extracellular potassium levels.

potassium citrate /potassium citrate/- potassium salt and citric acid. A remedy that replenishes potassium deficiency in the body. Helps maintain necessary intra- and extracellular potassium levels

magnesium chloride /magnesium chloride/- a sought-after component of many medicines. This substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, reduces inflammation and peeling, and stops violent allergic reactions. It is added to rinses to combat bleeding gums and bad breath. In food production, magnesium chloride acts as a hardening and thickening agent. This food additive has code E511, it is approved and permitted in all countries of the world.

zinc lactate /zinc lactate/- is a lactic acid form of the metal, easily absorbed in the digestive tract. This lactate is used in a variety of areas of human activity, including medicine, as a source of zinc, an element important for the development and functioning of the body.

sodium selenite /sodium selenite/- replenishes selenium deficiency. Sodium selenite has anticoagulant and antitoxic properties; as a strong antioxidant, it reduces and inhibits the formation of peroxides, prevents the overoxidation of fatty acids and the accumulation of toxic peroxides in the body, thereby normalizing metabolism.

calcium chloride /calcium chloride/- calcium salt of hydrochloric acid. Replenish calcium deficiency. Reduces the permeability of cells and the vascular wall, prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, increases the body's resistance to infections and can significantly enhance phagocytosis

I'm not a chemist, but judging by the description, there is nothing harmful; on the contrary, almost everything is useful.

Post about test strips for determining Ph levels

UPD to the post about test strips.
I remembered that I didn’t write about an important moment. You need to test your urine from the second portion. The first one (immediately after waking up) should be sour. It contains all the acids filtered and stored by the kidneys overnight. This is just an indicator that everything is ok, and acids are removed from the body.

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Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a large number of medicines that are widely used in ophthalmology.

The choice is really huge, but most patients would like to choose one that is effective and does not break their pockets.

Such a drug exists. These are Sulfacyl sodium eye drops, its other name is Albucid.

In this article we will take a detailed look at this medicine and review the opinions of people who have already tested its effect on themselves.

Instructions for the drug

Albucid drops are a water-based solution of sulfacetamide with a slightly alkaline reaction, therefore they are safe for the eyes. The international name of the drug is Sulfacetamide.

The drug is an antibacterial (antimicrobial) agent and is actively used in ophthalmology today. This is an antiseptic that differs from antibiotics in the nature of its origin, which they owe to aniline dyes.

Beneficial Therapeutic Properties

Sodium sulfacyl is able to stop the reproduction and development of bacterial microorganisms, which significantly increases the chances of the immune system to overcome the infection. The mechanism of action is quite simple. Microbes require para-aminobenzoic acid to reproduce.

Sulfonamides, which form the basis of the drug, are chemically similar to this acid. Thanks to this, they replace it, reacting with bacteriological organisms, disrupting their vital functions, even to the point of destruction.

Sulfacyl sodium quite easily penetrates into the eye tissues and fluids, and is also able to be absorbed into the circulatory system. It disrupts amino acid synthesis in most known pathogens.

It is active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria: gonococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, pneumococci, actinomycetes, streptococci, Escherichia coli (colibacillary infections), toxoplasma, shigella, etc.


Sodium sulfacyl is an ophthalmic drug, which is an aqueous sterile solution of the main active ingredient.

Eye drops are a homogeneous transparent liquid with a slight odor. The active substance in eye drops is sulfacetamide.

The dosage of this main component varies depending on the age of the patient. Drops for children contain 0.2 g per 1 ml of aqueous solution, the drug for adults – 0.3 g. for the same amount of water.

The drug also contains the following components:

  • sodium sulfidetrioxosulfate;
  • purified water base;
  • hydrogen chloride.

Indications for use of sodium sulfacyl

The drug is prescribed for the following eye pathologies:

  • Purulent ulcers of the cornea - the drug quickly stops the process of suppuration, and then shortens the healing time of the cornea.
  • Gonorrheal eye diseases.
  • Blennorea (eye damage of gonococcal nature) - in addition to treatment, the drug is used as an effective prophylactic against this pathology in newborns.
  • A prophylactic against possible inflammatory processes from the negative effects on the eyes of foreign bodies, sand, dust, etc.
  • A prophylactic agent in the postoperative period, preventing further spread of infection.

Dosage and application features

Sulfacyl sodium is instilled behind the lower eyelids, into the conjunctival sacs, closer to the inside of the eye. For one instillation, 2-3 drops of the product are enough. The procedure should be repeated every 5 hours for a period determined by the doctor. As a rule, the treatment process does not last more than 10 days.

For newborns, the drug is instilled twice - immediately, and then a couple of hours after birth. If the drug is used for the first time, then you need to pierce a hole in the bottle by screwing the cap all the way.

Before carrying out the instillation procedure, it is necessary to heat the drug to body temperature, holding it in your palms.

This way you will significantly reduce the risk of adverse reactions. Then the solution is instilled by lightly pressing the body of the bottle.

An important fact is that sodium sulfacyl is first instilled into the eye with less pronounced symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Even if only one eye is affected, it is still necessary to treat both in order to avoid infection of the healthy organ of vision. The instillation procedure should be carried out in a lying or sitting position, with the head tilted back slightly.

By the way, Sulfacyl sodium eye drops are used not only for the eyes. The drug is often used in pediatrics. Doctors prescribe it to children for the treatment of prolonged runny nose (drop the drug into the nose), as well as acute otitis media (drop it into the ears).


The use of Sulfacyl sodium is contraindicated for people who have individual hypersensitivity to the drug itself or to its individual components.

The drug is harmless during lactation and pregnancy, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Studies have shown the presence of intolerance (cross-allergy) to the drug in people with hypersensitivity to drugs such as Diacarb, Glibenclamide, Hypothiazide, Furosemide and the like.

Important! Drugs such as anesthesin, dicaine, novocaine significantly reduce the effectiveness of Sulfacyl sodium; salicylates and diphenine increase the toxicity of the drug. This medication is incompatible with medications containing silver salts (collargol, protargol, etc.).

Do not use the product when wearing contact lenses. Before instillation, they must be removed, otherwise the lenses will become cloudy. The patient can use them half an hour after the instillation procedure.

Possible side effects

When treated with Sulfacil sodium, patients may experience the following reactions:

  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Unpleasant pain and itching in the eyes
  • Local allergic reactions (runny nose, sneezing, tingling in the eyes, etc.)
  • A whitish coating on the eyelids is not a big deal, it’s just that excess medication flows out of the eyes and dries on the skin.

If the patient overdoes it with the frequency of instillation, then he begins to be bothered by a painful burning and pain in the eyes, tearfulness, and the feeling of a foreign body in the eyes. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist to review the concentration and dosage.

Contact with caustic chemicals in the eyes can be very harmful to your eyesight. The level of damage depends on the area affected and the concentration of the drug. Most often, instinct protects the eyes from massive injuries - if there is a threat of something hitting them, they immediately close. True, this will not protect against chemical burns of the eyelids, which can also be deep and very painful.

Eye burns from alkali can be especially dangerous. Concentrated substances are rarely used at home, however, the burn from them can be very significant. Industrial concentrates can cause partial or complete blindness. Therefore, every person should know how to provide first aid if alkali gets into the eyes.

All causes of eye damage from alkali can be divided into two groups:

  1. Domestic injuries.
  2. Industrial injuries.

When eyes are damaged at home, the “culprit” most often becomes household chemicals, namely cleaning products for kitchen stoves, sinks, bathtubs and toilets, especially preparations for breaking through household blockages in pipes.

The reason for this is simple negligence and reluctance to use personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves and special goggles.

Accidents occur less frequently during repairs - burns from lime, whitewash solutions, plaster, and various alkaline-based dyes.

In production, highly concentrated solutions of alkaline preparations can be used, most often the cause of injuries is caustic soda, or lye and other hazardous substances. If drugs come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes or eyes, the victim must be provided with immediate first aid, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous for human health.

First aid for alkaline burns

Emergency care for eye burns from alkali is provided immediately, since the chemical must be neutralized as quickly as possible. The antagonist of alkali is an acid, so the least dangerous agent for them is used to wash the eyes - a solution of boric acid.

The procedure for providing first aid for alkaline burns is as follows:

  • Carefully remove any chemical residue from the eyelids and surrounding skin.
  • Rinse eyes with clean water to remove traces of alkali. You can use a gauze pad, a piece of cotton wool or a bandage. In case of extensive damage, jet rinsing from a glass or any other container is permissible. The eyes must be open. It is important to wash out all the lye, so it is recommended to rinse for up to a quarter of an hour.
  • Neutralize the remaining alkali by washing with a 2% boric acid solution.
  • Apply a dry, sterile bandage to your eyes.
  • Since eye lesions cause very severe pain, it is recommended to give the victim a painkiller.

While one person strives to rinse the victim’s eyes from the alkali as quickly as possible, the other should immediately call an ambulance, explaining to the operator what exactly happened and what part of the body was injured.

It is also necessary to provide low lighting in the room where the patient is, since severe photophobia develops when the eyes are damaged.

If you don’t have boric acid at hand, you can simply rinse with clean water, saline solution, Ringer’s solution, or even regular milk. It is important to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible, since the alkali remaining in the eye will continue to corrode the mucous membranes and cornea, causing deep damage.

Use of medications

If caustic alkali gets into your eye, you should not use various medications and drops on your own without a doctor’s permission, this can be dangerous. After you rinse your eyes to remove traces of the alkaline solution, experienced ophthalmologists begin treatment.

They may prescribe the following medications:

  • "Atropine". The purpose of use is to relieve pain and prevent the formation of adhesions due to chemical burns. Instill 1-2 drops three times a day as prescribed by the doctor. The drug should not be used if you are allergic to it, in children under 7 years of age, with high blood pressure, with glaucoma and iris synechia.
  • Levomycetin drops. This is a remedy with an antibiotic that will not allow the development of an inflammatory process due to infection. The drug is not prescribed for allergic reactions, kidney and liver failure, or blood problems.
  • "Korneregel".
  • "Ophtagel".
  • "Solcoseryl". Like the two previous drugs, the drug is prescribed to accelerate the healing of the wound surface and restore the function of eye cells. This wonderful remedy must be used without fail, as it will help speed up healing and save the patient from vision-threatening lesions of the cornea, membranes, and eyelids. When instilled, especially at first, an unpleasant pain or tingling may appear, but this is a temporary effect and will soon pass. The patient may also feel cloudiness in the “picture”. This is also normal and will pass quickly. “Solcoseryl” is dripped into the eyes, one drop once a day. For very severe lesions, you can apply drops into the eyes every hour, but this must be given permission by the attending physician.

Drugs for treatment are selected by the attending physician individually, for a specific patient, taking into account the degree of damage and concomitant diseases.


If you do not know what to do if alkali gets into your eyes, do not try to instill the first drops you find into the victim, this can be very dangerous. It is equally risky to try to wipe off the lye with dry things - a towel, handkerchiefs, especially rubbing the substance on the skin. This can only aggravate the damage and spread the “chemistry” over the skin.

If a piece or drop of whitewash, lime, or plaster gets on your skin or eyes, you must first carefully remove it with some object and then rinse the area. If you don’t do this and immediately start rinsing, the alkaline substance will be spread over a large area and the burn will only increase.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid dangerous eye injuries, you just need to follow the simplest rules:

  • Always wear gloves and safety glasses when using household chemicals, especially when unclogging drains and scrubbing toilets.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using chemicals.
  • Store household alkalis in tightly closed, labeled containers away from children.
  • Always use personal protective equipment at the workplace.
  • Make a special place in the closet or use a lockable container to store household chemicals.
  • Do not use industrial cleaners or other hazardous products for household purposes.

Simple precautions and careful attitude towards your health will protect your eyes from dangerous injuries and chemical damage from alkali.

The most effective medicine for demodicosis is eye drops. Basically, acaricidal eye drops are used as a cure for demodicosis of the eyelids. In case of complications with a secondary infection, antibacterial drugs are used. And if allergy symptoms appear, for example, itching on the eyelids, antihistamines are best.

These medications are used to treat the skin around the eyelashes and on the edges of the eyelids, and not to put them in the eyes. When using, apply a couple of drops to your fingertips and massage your eyelids. As a last resort, if the patient experiences severe itching, inflammation and burning, drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac.

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Among acaricidal eye drops, the following deserve great attention:

  1. Carbachol;
  2. Physostigmine;
  3. Phosphacol;
  4. Tosmilen.

Let's look at each of the drugs in more detail:


Therapeutic effect: when massaging the eyelids, this remedy paralyzes the activity of the limbs of mites that cause demodicosis. Instillation of Carbachol into the eyes causes ocular miosis and helps reduce intraocular pressure.

Contraindications to the drug: hypersensitivity.

Side effects:

  • increased salivation;
  • bradycardia;
  • nausea.

The above side effects disappear when the dose is reduced.


Therapeutic effect: After instillation of the drug into the conjunctival sac, intraocular pressure decreases, and miosis of the eye (constriction of the pupil) is observed. When applied to the eyelids, this medicine acts as a paralytic. They paralyze the limbs of ticks - the causative agents of the disease, thereby immobilizing them

Contraindications: The drug is contraindicated for people with angina pectoris, heart disease, vascular disease, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, gastrointestinal diseases, and pregnant women.


Therapeutic effect: Used as a miotic (constricting the pupil of the eye) and antiglaucoma agent (lowering intraocular pressure). The main effect in the treatment of demodicosis is paralysis of the limbs of the causative agents of the disease (ticks).

Contraindications to the drug: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Therapeutic effect: Using Tosmilen as a means for massaging the eyelids, the patient achieves complete paralysis of the limbs of demodex mites (the causative agent of the disease). For severe inflammation and burning, it is used for instillation. In this case, the pupil narrows (the maximum degree of miosis is achieved) and intraocular pressure decreases.

Contraindications: bronchial asthma, irritation of the stomach and intestines, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, bradycardia (heart rhythm disturbance).

Antibacterial drops

These remedies are used for complications, secondary infection. The main effect of such drops is aimed at changing the internal processes of microorganisms, during which they are completely deactivated.

The main antibacterial eye drops used for complications:

  1. Levomycytin;
  2. Levoflaxacin;
  3. Ciprofloxicin;
  4. Tobrex;
  5. Dexa-gentamicin.

We will also look in more detail at each of the drugs:


Therapeutic effect: They fight infection by disrupting the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms, blocking the reproduction process.

Contraindications to the drug: hematopoietic disorders, liver and kidney failure, hypersensitivity to components.


Therapeutic effect: Antibiotic. This drug blocks the enzymatic processes necessary for the synthesis of DNA in microorganisms. The ability to reproduce is lost. Blocking bacterial DNA synthesis leads to changes in the cell wall that are incompatible with the normal functioning of microbial cells. Thus, microorganisms cannot reproduce and die.

Contraindications to the drug: hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the constituent components.


Therapeutic effect: It has a bactericidal effect. The drug inhibits bacterial DNA, which disrupts DNA replication and the synthesis of bacterial cellular proteins.

Contraindications: sensitivity to any drugs from the quinolone group; pregnancy, lactation period, up to 1 year.


Therapeutic effect: Using the drug, the formation of enzymes used to build microbial DNA is blocked. As a result, irreversible changes are observed in the cells of microorganisms that are incompatible with the functioning and vital activity.

Contraindications to the drug: bronchial asthma, irritation of the stomach and intestines, gastrointestinal diseases, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, heart rhythm disturbances (bradycardia).


Therapeutic effect: The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the components included in its composition. Dex-gentamicin is an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug.

Contraindications to the drug: increased intraocular pressure, fungal manifestations in the eyes, hypersensitivity.

Antihistamine drops

When allergic reactions are observed, antihistamine eye drops are good:

  1. Acular
  2. Okumetil
  3. Dexamethasone

More details about them below:


Therapeutic effect: Thanks to the components of the drug, it can be used as an anti-inflammatory.

Contraindications to the drug: individual intolerance, pregnancy.


Therapeutic effect: The drug reduces swelling of the eyelids, thanks to the active substances included in its composition. Histamine receptors are blocked and blood vessels narrow.

Contraindications to the drug: pregnancy and lactation period, hypersensitivity, up to two years; glaucoma, epilepsy, gastrointestinal diseases, dry eye syndrome. Also bronchial asthma, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, thyroid dysfunction, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.


Therapeutic effect: When used, the anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect is strongly manifested.

Contraindications to the drug: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; tuberculous, fungal, viral eye lesions, trachoma, glaucoma, epithelial damage to the cornea.

When using certain medications, you should definitely consult a specialist. The best treatment is under the supervision of a professional!

Often the disease is asymptomatic or in an erased form. It can occur in isolation, affecting only the eyes, or in combination with disease in other areas of the face and body. Many scientists believe that this is not an independent disease.

Reasons for tick activation and the appearance of demodicosis:

  • weakened immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • elderly age;
  • presence of trichomoniasis;
  • in children – diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs;
  • farsightedness.

Provoking factors for exacerbation of demodicosis:

  • stress, nervous overload;
  • unhealthy diet with excess fatty and fried foods;
  • excessive sun exposure;
  • abuse of steam rooms and saunas;
  • fatty creams, ointments for the face;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

All these factors increase the production of sebum, which Demodex feeds on.

Methods of infection:

  • in direct contact with a sick person;
  • through clothes;
  • bed sheets;
  • hygiene items;
  • cosmetical tools.

Sometimes you can get infected in a beauty salon while cleaning your face.

How does eye demodicosis manifest?

Diagnosis of the disease is usually not difficult. The presence of skin mites in the eye area can be observed visually by the following symptoms:

  • eye fatigue;
  • itching, worse in the evening and at night;
  • inflammation;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • hyperemia of the edges of the eyelids, purulent plaque;
  • sticky eyelashes;
  • scales at the roots of eyelashes in the form of a ring.

Scanty discharge, slight swelling and redness of the eyelids, loosening of internal folds, and follicular hypertrophy are observed. Dry eye syndrome develops due to a decrease in the lipid layer of the lacrimal glands: their evaporation increases. Trophic disorders of the cornea and a decrease in its sensitivity appear. The blood vessels of the eyes suffer.

Frequent companions of demodicosis of the eyelids are recurring styes, eyelash loss, acne, rosacea. Mite waste products cause allergy symptoms, rosacea, and seborrhea.


After studying all the symptoms, an analysis is performed to confirm the diagnosis: a quick diagnosis directly in the presence of the patient in the doctor’s office. 4 cilia from the upper eyelid and 4 from the lower eyelid are examined. The same with the eyelashes of the other eye. They are placed on a glass slide, a special substance is dropped on top, covered with another glass, and examined under a microscope.

The presence of a mite and its eggs confirms the diagnosis of demodicosis. Sometimes scrapings are taken from the surface of the affected areas around the eyes and from the edges of the eyelids. To ensure the accuracy of the analysis, the patient should not wash with soap or use cosmetics for two days before the test.

Predisposing factors are considered to be loose, delicate epidermis, prone to redness. Mostly these are blondes and brown-haired women. Men are less susceptible to this disease. Because they use cosmetics less often and constantly shave. When shaving, dead skin particles along with dirt, pathogens, and eggs are scraped off along with the hairs.

You can take the test to determine if you are at risk in the article:.

People who are not in any risk group and have elastic, healthy skin rarely develop demodicosis.

How to treat

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease, because the number of carriers is very large, and ticks constantly pass from one person to another. Therefore, the main goal of treatment is stable remission, the absence of all visible manifestations of the disease.

Preparations for external use that have antidemodex activity are usually used. The main active components metronidazole and tinidazole kill saprophytes. The substances in these medications have the ability to disinfect the affected area, cleanse sebaceous secretions and Demodex waste products, and relieve inflammation.


  • Ointments. Applying a medicated composition to the eyelids often causes problems. They are replaced with eye baths.
  • Gels. They are effective because they do not contain fat; their thin structure allows beneficial substances to penetrate deep into the affected area of ​​the skin. Cool and moisturize the epidermis, relieve symptoms of inflammation.
  • Alcohol or ether based solutions made in a pharmacy. Effective for a short time. You should not use medications containing alcohol for a long time. Alcohol dries out the epidermis, which leads to increased secretion of sebum.
  • To strengthen the body's defenses, treatment with immunostimulants and vitamins is prescribed. Electrophoresis is carried out with medicinal plants. Electricity promotes deep penetration of the medicine, moisturizes, and reduces fat production.

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At the same time, it is necessary to be observed by a dermatologist and cosmetologist. During this period, proper cosmetic care is important. The face is cleansed 2 times a day from sweat and fat released onto the surface of the epidermis, dirt, and mite waste. Moisturize to reduce inflammation on the face.

Improvement of the skin leads to the restoration of its protective properties. The doctors’ task is to bring her to a state where she can cope with demodex on her own.

In parallel, it is necessary to treat concomitant diseases: intestinal diseases, liver diseases, gastritis, endocrinological disorders, seborrhea.

Constantly change bed linen, boil and iron it. Replace pillows made of feathers and down with artificial materials: they are easy to wash, ticks do not like to live in them.


  1. Sauna and steam room;
  2. warming procedures;
  3. cosmetics with honey, as honey dilates blood vessels;
  4. alcohol, sweet, fatty, spicy, salty and very hot food.

Treatment of demodicosis is long-term: 1.5-3 months. All these methods and means do not guarantee complete disposal of saprophytes; they only relieve symptoms. But today there is no effective treatment for subcutaneous mites.

Get rid of it using traditional methods

A whole range of therapeutic measures will help you cope with eye mites. Along with doctor's prescriptions, the use of folk remedies is allowed.

Traditional medicine recommends eating one clove of garlic every day on an empty stomach. The eyes are treated with a solution of dimexide, an aqueous infusion of tansy or tincture of wormwood. Eye drops of zinc sulfate in boric acid are used. 2 drops 3 times a day. Demodex does not like an alkaline environment, so it is possible to use alkaline eye drops.

Folk remedies

  • Aloe juice, which is completely harmless to the body, is used in the form of compresses. Dilute aloe juice with water 1:1, moisten gauze and apply to eyes for 20 minutes. Repeat every other day.
  • Laundry soap. Moisten a cotton swab, apply soap and rub into areas affected by demodicosis.
  • Compresses from chamomile decoction on areas affected by saprophyte.
  • Tomato juice. You can apply lotions to the entire face.
  • fights the symptoms of demodex infection and helps in treatment.
  • Artificial tear. Used to relieve the symptom of dry eye.

To treat the disease, take a decoction of wormwood internally for 6 days. Pour 2 tbsp. l. wormwood with one liter of water. Cook for a few minutes. Take 24 hours a day without breaks: on the first day - 50 mg every 1 hour, on the second day - every 2 hours, on the third day - every 3 hours. You can add honey.

Eyelid massage speeds up the process of treating demodicosis. Do it daily before treatment procedures. It is not recommended to carry out treatment only with folk remedies. The tick does not respond to any one remedy. Complex therapy will help.

If the problem is not solved

When the epidermis around the eyes and on the eyelids becomes clean, treatment cannot be interrupted. In many cases, it is unfinished treatment that causes relapse of the disease.

If left untreated, eyelashes usually fall out, the edges of the eyelids become hypertrophied, and this causes difficulty in closing the eyelids. Eyelashes grow in the wrong directions. Untreated demodicosis causes inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes - blepharoconjunctivitis. This leads to a deterioration in the functions of the cartilage glands of the eyelids. Chalazions are formed - compactions in the cartilage of the eyelids in the form of hailstones. Chalazions can only be treated with surgery.

Keratitis is another complication of this disease. A cataract forms and vision deteriorates sharply. Uveitis develops - inflammation of blood vessels of an allergic nature. Its symptoms: pain, redness, blurred vision, decreased ability to work.

Olga Rosen

If treatment is not completed, a relapse occurs in 10% of cases. The disease spreads to other areas of the face, possibly even to the whole body. Associated complications appear. For example, the skin of the nose becomes covered with bumps and pimples, it becomes like a “potato”. This is called rhinophyma. In other areas, the skin is also deformed and covered with ulcers. Sometimes they give off an unpleasant odor.

Complications of demodicosis are not only physical, but also psychological. The disease leads to social and emotional problems. 7 out of 10 people note that complications cause problems in the professional sphere, including career destruction. Such people are characterized by a feeling of self-doubt, decreased self-esteem, and depression.

How to protect yourself

Prevention of demodex includes a whole range of health measures.

  • Regular deep facial cleansing, hardware and non-hardware.
  • Treatment of problem skin by a cosmetologist. Removal of vascular network on the face.
  • Normalization of diet. Use of plant and dairy foods. Exclusion of all products that cause increased sebum production and inflammation.
  • Disinfection, or better yet, change of all items for applying cosmetics.
  • Strictly individual use of cosmetics and hygiene items. It's better to use disposable ones.
  • Daily linen change with boiling and ironing.
  • Refusal of cosmetics with hormonal drugs, as Demodox likes to feed on hormones.

Our task is to make sure that everything that causes the disease demodicosis goes away. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and good hygiene are what will help you avoid the aggressive behavior of ticks.