When is St. Igor's Day? Igor's name day according to the church calendar: character and current path

(1889 - 1972), Russian and American aircraft designer, one of the pioneers of aircraft construction

Meaning:"Warrior, strength."

Origin: The name is of Scandinavian origin (from the name Ingvar - the god of fertility).

Character: A boy named Igor is a lively and active child. He is very capable, studies well, and is best at mathematics. But due to his restless nature, Igor behaves restlessly in class, and his parents often have to visit the school to communicate with teachers.

The bearers of this name are more like their mother in appearance, and more like their father in character. They are fond of sports and can achieve great achievements. Igors do not always manage to obtain a higher education, as they lack perseverance and perseverance.

By profession, Igor can become an engineer or a turner, a lawyer or a driver, a teacher or a coach. The character is contradictory. Igors are stubborn and slow to adapt to their surroundings. They easily get along with people, but also quickly break up. Igor achieves his greatest success at an older age. They achieve everything through their hard work. Avoid unnecessary people.

They are popular with women and pay a lot of attention to them. Igors are overly jealous, strive for leadership in marriage, and impose their opinions on their spouse.

How to please the birthday boy?

Prepare a delicious holiday dish, for example, “Princely” potatoes!
  • Phonosemantics: The word Igor gives the impression of something good, bright, joyful.
  • Talisman: Pencil
  • Dark-blue colour
  • Stone: Beryl
  • Zodiac sign: The name suits Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius
  • Harmonious relationships with the owners of the name: Angelina, Veronica, Elena, Irina, Natalya, Oksana, Olesya
  • You will have to work hard building relationships with the owners of the name: Alla, Angelina, Elizaveta, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Tamara, Tatyana
  • Name days: June 18, October 2 (why so many dates?)

    Each person can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the day of his birth. Your name day is the date that falls on or follows your birthday itself.

In contact with


Famous bearers of the name:

  • 1871 — 1960

    1871 — 1960
    Russian artist and art critic

    Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar was born (13) March 25, 1871 into a Russian family in Budapest. The family returned to Russia in 1876. Igor graduated from high school, and in 1889 from the Moscow Lyceum. He dreamed of becoming an artist and in 1889 he went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the university at two faculties - law and history and philology. He made his living by writing stories. IN 1

  • 1882 — 1971

    1882 — 1971
    Russian composer, conductor, pianist

    The personality of Igor Stravinsky - a Russian composer, conductor and pianist - is truly unique in the musical space of the 20th century. His work, which absorbed almost all the leading trends and styles of his era, in terms of its impact, scale and significance for his contemporaries and descendants, is compared with the work of Picasso in painting. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky was born (5) June 17, 1882 in Ora...

  • 1887 — 1941

    1887 — 1941
    Russian poet of the “Silver Age”, translator

    Igor Severyanin (real name Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev) was born (4) May 16, 1887 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a military engineer. From childhood, his parents instilled in him a love of literature and music, so the young poet began writing poetry at the age of 8. Igor studied little, graduated from the 4th grade of the Cherepovets real school, then went with his father on a trip to the Far North. This trip inspired the poet -...

  • 1889 — 1972

    1889 — 1972
    Russian and American aircraft designer, one of the pioneers of aircraft construction

    In 1911, Sikorsky came to the conclusion that the future lay not in single-engine airplanes, but in large aircraft. He made this discovery thanks to... a mosquito, which, having flown into the carburetor jet, almost caused the engine to stop. The inventor then almost died, miraculously landing the plane between railway cars and a wall. Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky was born (May 25) June 6, 1889 in Kyiv...

  • 1895 — 1971

    1895 — 1971
    Soviet physicist, Nobel laureate

    Igor Evgenievich Tamm was born (June 26) July 8, 1895 in Vladivostok, into the family of an engineer. In 1898, his family moved to Elizavetgrad. After graduating from high school, Tamm studied at the University of Edinburgh. Before the outbreak of the First World War, he transferred to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, from which he graduated in 1918 with a diploma in physics. Volunteered for the front in...

  • 1903 — 1960

    1903 — 1960
    Soviet physicist, academician

    Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov was born (December 30, 1902) on January 12, 1903 in the village of Simsky Plant in the Urals, now the Chelyabinsk region. His mother was a teacher, his father a land surveyor. He spent his childhood in Simferopol, where his family moved due to the illness of Kurchatov’s sister. Having entered the local gymnasium, he graduated in 1920 with a gold medal. In the same year, Kurchatov entered the physics and mathematics...

  • 1906 — 2007

    1906 — 2007
    Soviet and Russian choreographer, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseev was born (8) January 21, 1906 in Kyiv. His father was a small landed nobleman. Later the family moved to Moscow. Noticing that the boy was strongly influenced by the street, in 1920 his father sent him to the dance studio of V. Masolova, and then, noticing the student’s talent, V. Masolova brought him to the studio at the Bolshoi Theater, where the famous choreographer A. Gorsky taught. ..

  • 1919 — 1999

    1919 — 1999
    Soviet theater and film actor, theater director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Igor Petrovich Vladimirov was born on January 1, 1919 in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnieper, Ukraine). In 1943 he graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, but soon realized that his calling was theater. He entered the acting department of the Leningrad Theater Institute, which he graduated in 1948. After graduation, he was accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad Theater. Lenin Komsomol...

  • 1922 — 2001

    1922 — 2001
    Soviet and Russian small arms designer, weapons engineer

    Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin was born on November 15, 1922 in the city of Aleksin, Tula Region, in the family of a doctor. When the boy was 13 years old, the family moved to Tula. Here, after school, he entered the Tula Mechanical Institute in the weapons and machine gun department. During the Great Patriotic War, he was evacuated to Izhevsk, completed his studies there at the Bauman Higher Technical School and worked at...

  • 1927 — 2008

    1927 — 2008
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    A truly people's artist, whom audiences in our country called “a real aristocrat of the Soviet Union,” Igor Dmitriev is one of the few who managed to master the art of melodic recitation. According to critics, having managed to achieve true harmony of sound and words, the actor resurrected this genre. Igor Dmitriev's voice was his special feature; his polyphonic speech with excellent diction in films and on stage was...

  • 1927 — 2003

    1927 — 2003
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Igor Olegovich Gorbachev was born on October 20, 1927 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad University. He took first place at the All-Union Amateur Show, performing the role of Khlestakov in the play “The Inspector General,” and was invited to play the same role in the cinema. In 1952, Gorbachev was accepted into the troupe of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. M. Gorkog...

  • 1929 — 1993

    1929 — 1993
    Soviet biologist, author of popular science books about animal life

    Igor Ivanovich Akimushkin was born into the family of an engineer on May 1, 1929 in Moscow. After graduating from school with honors, he entered Moscow State University in 1947 at the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science and graduated in 1952, defending his Ph.D. thesis. Akimushkin began publishing in 1956, but his works addressed to children saw their readers only in 1961. He is the author of 96 scientific, artistic, scientific...

  • 1930 — 1997

    1930 — 1997
    Soviet violinist, conductor, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    Igor Semenovich Bezrodny was born on May 7, 1930 in Tbilisi, into a family of violin teachers, so it is not surprising that he began learning to play the violin from early childhood. He graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, then in 1953 from the Moscow Conservatory itself, and in 1955 from graduate school in the class of A.I. Yampolsky. Since 1948, Igor Bezrodny has been the soloist of Moscow...

  • R. 1931

    R. 1931
    Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    Igor Fedorovich Maslennikov was born on October 26, 1931 in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1932, the family moved to the city of Kolpino, Leningrad region. Since childhood, Igor loved to draw, and he was very good at it. Therefore, after graduating from high school in 1949, he went to enter the Academy of Arts, but at the last moment he changed his mind. In 1954, Maslennikov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism...

  • 1932 — 1994

    1932 — 1994
    Soviet songwriter

    Igor Davydovich Shaferan was born in Odessa on February 13, 1932. The talent of a poet awakened in him early, and while still at school, he began to write his first poems. After graduating from school, he sailed for several years as a mechanic on the whaling flotilla "Slava". Then he entered the M. Gorky Literary Institute, from which he graduated in 1960. He wrote his first song while still studying at the institute, together with...

  • R. 1932

    R. 1932
    Soviet and Russian TV presenter, television announcer, People's Artist of the USSR

    The name of the famous and legendary TV presenter Igor Kirillov is primarily associated with the “Time” program, the announcer of which he was for more than 30 years. Igor Leonidovich Kirillov was born on September 14, 1932 in Moscow, into a military family. After graduating in 1955 from the acting department of the Higher Theater School. Shchepkin, he worked for two years at the Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater. Since 1957...

  • 1933 — 2012

    1933 — 2012
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha was born on February 4, 1933 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he went to study to become an actor. In 1955, Kvasha graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and played on the Moscow Art Theater stage for two years. In 1957, he went to work at the Sovremennik Theater, where he worked all his life. He is called one of the founders of this theater, along with Oleg Efremov and Galina Volchek. Kvasha was the leading actor of “Sovrem...

  • 1944 — 2006

    1944 — 2006
    Soviet circus performer, illusionist, People's Artist of Russia

    Igor Emilievich Kio was born in Moscow on March 13, 1944. His father Emil Kio was also an illusionist, and his mother Evgenia Kio was a ballerina, as well as an assistant and assistant in her husband’s attractions. The Keogh dynasty performed in the circus arena for almost 70 years. Therefore, it is not surprising that Igor “fell ill with the circus” from the cradle. For the first time he entered the arena with the Lilliputians. In the USSR, Kyo's popularity was enormous, throughout...

  • R. 1944

    R. 1944
    Soviet and Russian jazz pianist, composer, teacher, People's Artist of Russia

    Igor Bril is a pianist, composer, and popular jazz musician. His creativity is multifaceted. Bril is no stranger to the art of improvisation, and the feeling for the instrument he plays seems innate...Igor Mikhailovich Bril was born on June 9, 1944 in Moscow. He began playing jazz at the age of 15; in 1971 he graduated from the Musical Pedagogical Institute. Gnessins in piano class - studied music with prof...

  • R. 1948

    R. 1948
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia

    Igor Matveevich Kostolevsky was born on September 10, 1948 in Moscow, into a family far from art. His father worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade. After graduating from school in 1964, Igor worked for two years as a tester at the Research Institute of Quartz Industry, and in 1967 he entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. However, in his third year, realizing that it was not for him, he dropped out of college and, having failed...

A saint is a role model to whom one should strive. Perform worthy actions in order to be at least a little worthy of your name. It is advisable to constantly re-read the life of the patron saint.

When planning to baptize a child or receive baptism as an adult, choose the name of the saint you like. The day of his memory will be his name day.

In Orthodox canons, the name is pronounced and written “Igor”.

There are at least two versions of the origin of the name:

  • The first is Scandinavian: it means “warrior” and “guardian of the god Inga”, “strong”.
  • The second version is the Old Russian “igr”: “game” or “fun”.

For Orthodox Christians who bear the name, Blessed Igor Olgovich is considered their heavenly patron. The Grand Duke of Chernigov ended up in a monastery, having become seriously ill in captivity.

There are many variations in the pronunciation of the name Igor in everyday life: Igorek, Igorka, Igoresha, Igoryukha, Igorechek, Gosha, Goga.

How to spend a name day

On the day of the angel, a person spiritually approaches his saint. Orthodox Christians baked birthday cakes and brewed homemade beer on this day. They came to church, ordered a prayer service, and said a prayer. And then, together with their loved ones, they treated themselves to the festive table and distributed pies to their neighbors.

The best gifts for angel's day

  • A personalized icon or icon with the undying face of a saint
  • Art book or prayer book
  • Original candles, embroidery, other needlework kits

The character and fate of Igor

Igoresha is a restless, restless boy. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by independence and hard work. A good student, in the lower grades he receives reprimands for naughty behavior.

The boy is a capable student and has a mathematical mind. Inclined to analysis and logical thinking. He has no goal of getting a higher education; he would be happy to work at a factory.

Can become an engineer, a high-class worker. This is a born speaker, capable of being a teacher, coach, lawyer, and artist.

Igorek is a sporty guy, he is good at many sports. Loves music and plays the guitar.

Stubbornness is a distinctive feature of men named Igor. Sociable, easily finds contact with strangers. He can easily cut a person out of his circle if he is disappointed in him. Does not like unnecessary and irresponsible people.

In his mature years, he will establish himself financially and become a professional. This person is capable of achieving everything on his own. Igor may quit halfway if he loses interest in it.

In his youth, girls like a man, he knows how to look after beautifully, and sings serenades. He achieves the best women, sparing no effort and money. Strives to get into the circle of people with a high standard of living.

Having found a family, he will become jealous and demanding. Comfort and a beautiful home environment are extremely important to him. A thrifty wife, caring and faithful, is an ideal for him.

Illustrious Saint Igor of Chernigov

Prince Igor was born in the twelfth century. At this time, there was a grueling internecine struggle between the principalities of Mstislavovich and Olgovich.

In 1146, Igor was put in charge. He swore to be a just ruler and protector of his people. Igor ruled for only fourteen days. In the next battle, betrayed by his army, he flees. Then he is captured and put in prison.

The prince becomes seriously ill in captivity and is allowed to be sent to the Kiev Feodorovsky Monastery for treatment. After his recovery, Igor remains a monk in the monastery, where he prays and cries all the time.

A year passed, the Mstislavovichs ruled in Kyiv. The Kiev veche, against the will of the ruling prince Izyaslav Mstislavovich, decided to deal with the monk Igor.

The rebels brutally dealt with the former ruler, torturing his already dead body.

In the church, God showed a sign - all the candles were lit at the same time over the body of the murdered martyr. The prince's relics were later transferred to the Spassky Cathedral in Kyiv, and the icon in front of which he prayed is located in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

The name Igor has several variants of origin and meaning of the name. About them and much more in our article.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Igor in Russia is the Scandinavian version. According to this version, the name Igor is a two-root name and originates from the Scandinavian name Ingvarr. It consists of the roots "Ing" and "varr", where "Ing" is the Scandinavian god of abundance Ing (Frey), and "varr" translates as guarded. It turns out that verbatim the meaning of the name Igor is “protected by Ing”, but this is not entirely true. Most often it would be more correct the meaning of the name Igor is “rich” or “lucky”. It is this meaning that is most often suitable if translated not literally, but according to the context of mention.

The second version can be called the Norwegian version. Norway may be a Scandinavian country, but Norwegian culture has its own version of the meaning of the name Igor. According to this version, the name Igor means “archer” or “shooter”, and comes from the Norwegian “ee-vahr”.

Well, the latest version can be called a version of English origin. According to her, the name Igor means “steppe warrior” or “infantryman,” which is very similar in meaning to the Norwegian version of the origin. According to this version, the name comes from the merger of two roots “ing” and “warrior”.

The meaning of the name Igor for a child

Igor as a child is a cheerful and active child. This is a rather restless baby who is prone to narcissism. Depending on the influence of his environment on him, Igor’s pride can be both a driving force and a destructive component of his personality. The boy is endowed with fairly strong strong-willed qualities, but under unfavorable circumstances he may show a tendency towards despotism. At the same time, the child grows up bold and decisive. You can also notice that Igor is a kind and sympathetic child. All these characteristics make Igor an interesting and versatile person.

Igor is a mediocre student, but unfortunately this is not his fault. He is not endowed with the natural perseverance that is so necessary in a modern school. If the child is seriously involved in sports, then it may very well be that by satisfying his physical activity it will be possible to achieve calmer behavior in class. And it is worth noting that he has sufficient hard work and only the peculiarities of the nervous system become a complex, albeit solvable, obstacle on the path to knowledge.

If we talk about health, then we can say about Igor that his health is very good. He gets sick less often than his peers, although of course he doesn’t get along completely without illness. Unfortunately, good health often allows one to neglect preventive measures. If in childhood this does not lead to serious problems, then in adult Igor such behavior often backfires.

Short name Igor

Igoryukha, Igoryashka, Grief, Igosha, Gosha, Goga, Gotya, Igulya, Gulya, Igorka.

Diminutive pet names

Igorek, Igorechek, Igoryasha, Igoryusha.

Children's middle names

Igorevich and Igorevna.

Name Igor in English

There is no name Igor in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Igor.

Name Igor for international passport- IGOR.

Translation of the name Igor into other languages

in Belarusian - Igar
in Bulgarian - Igor
in Danish - Ingvar
in Icelandic - Ingvar
in Spanish - Igor
in Latvian - Igors
in Norwegian - Ingvar
in Portuguese - Igor
in Serbian - Igor
in Ukrainian - Igor
in Czech - Igor
in Swedish - Ingvar

Church name Igor(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Igor.

Characteristics of the name Igor

As an adult, Igor becomes more balanced and calm. His positive traits become more pronounced, which attracts many people to him. However, given the fact that Igor is more of an introvert, his communication with other people is usually superficial. This does not prevent him from having a huge number of friends, because he is still a cheerful and easy-going person. He is just as brave and kind as he was in childhood, and with age, excellent manners are added to this. Igor’s life path is quite complicated, because he often himself looks for problems that he wants to solve. Only the process of struggle makes his achievements meaningful to him. If he gets something without overcoming difficulties, then in his eyes it is not of particular value.

Igor loves and knows how to work. He has a high ability to work, and his hard work is enough for three. Igor loves to work for himself, but he won’t work for long without proper returns. This character trait often leads Igor to the path of entrepreneurial activity. He rarely achieves great success, but he usually does not strive for it.

If we talk about Igor’s family life, then his main characteristic is reliability. He may not be particularly gentle, but his wife will always have confidence in the future. Of course, he will be the leader in the family, but otherwise there simply won’t be a family. She loves her children, but devotes little time to them.

The secret of the name Igor

Igor's secret can be called his great tendency towards despotism. Often having received unlimited power, Igor abuses this power. For a long time he searches for that boundary where he should stop and listen to other people. Usually this path is littered with broken relationships with loved ones, friends and co-workers.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Bullfinches.

Name color- Gray-blue.

Tree- Hornbeam.

Plant- Daisy.

Stone- Beryl.

He can easily cut a person out of his own circle if he is disappointed in him. Does not like unnecessary and irresponsible people. In mature years, he will become materially established and become a specialist.

When planning to baptize a baby or accept the ritual of baptism as an adult, choose the name of the saint you like. The day of his memory will be his name day.

Church form of the name - origin and pronunciation options

In Orthodox canons the name is pronounced and written Igor.

Strives to get into the circle of people with the highest standard of living. Having found a family, he will become jealous and demanding. Comfort and a wonderful home environment are very important to him.

There are many pronunciation options for the name Igor in everyday life: Igorek, Igorka, Igoresha, Igoryukha, Igorechek, Gosha, Goga.

How to spend a name day

On the day of the angel, a person spiritually approaches his own saint. Orthodox Christians baked birthday cakes and brewed homemade beer on this day.

They came to church, ordered a prayer service, and said a prayer. And later, together with their loved ones, they treated themselves at the ceremonial table and distributed pies to their neighbors.

The best gifts for angel's day

  • A personalized icon or icon with the undying face of a saint
  • Art book or prayer book
  • Unique candles, embroidery, other needlework kits

Igor's character and fate

Igoresha is a restless, angry boy. There are many children in his family. Prince Igor was born in the twelfth century.

At this time, there was a grueling internecine struggle between the principalities of Mstislavovich and Olgovich. In one thousand 100 40 6, Igor was put in charge.

He loves music and plays the guitar. Stubbornness is a distinctive feature of guys named Igor. Sociable, he will simply find contact with strangers.

He does not have the goal of obtaining a higher education; he will happily go to work at a factory. He may become an engineer, a high-class worker. He is a born speaker, capable of being a teacher, coach, lawyer, artist. Igorek is a sporty young man, he is good at many sports.

Day of the Angel Igor according to the church calendar

A saint is a role model to strive for. Perform worthy actions in order to be at least a little worthy of your own name.

It is better to constantly re-read the life of the patron saint.

He swore to be a just ruler and protector of his own people. Igor ruled for only fourteen days.

In the next battle, betrayed by his army, he flees and hides. Later he is captured and put in prison.

There are at least two versions of the origin of the name:

  • 1st – Scandinavian: means warrior and guardian of the god Inga, strong.
  • 2nd version - Old Russian igr: game or fun.

For Orthodox Christians who bear the name Igor, Blessed Igor Olgovich is considered their heavenly patron. The majestic prince of Chernigov ended up in a monastery, having become seriously ill in captivity.

An economic wife, zealous and faithful is the standard for him.

He is not a bad student; in elementary school he receives reprimands for playful behavior. The boy is a capable student and has a mathematical mind. Inclined to analysis and logical thinking.

Illustrious Saint Igor of Chernigov

This person is capable of achieving everything on his own. Igor can give up the job halfway if he loses enthusiasm for it. In his youth, girls like the guy, he knows how to look after him well, and sings serenades.

He reaches the best ladies, sparing no effort and money.

The prince becomes seriously ill in captivity and is allowed to be sent to the Kiev Feodorovsky Monastery for healing. After healing, Igor remains a monk in the monastery, where he always prays and weeps.

A year passed, the Mstislavovichs ruled in Kyiv. The Kiev veche, against the will of the ruling prince Izyaslav Mstislavovich, decided to deal with the monk Igor.

The rebels dealt mercilessly with the former ruler, torturing his already dead body.

In the church, God showed a sign - all the candles were lit at once over the body of the murdered sufferer. The prince’s relics were later transferred to the Spassky Cathedral in Kyiv, and the icon in front of which he prayed is located in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Name day is an important day in the life of any person. In the old days, it was customary to name a child in honor of the saint on whose memorial day the baby was born. It was believed that in this way the guardian angel would protect and protect a mere mortal throughout life. When Igor's name day is celebrated, what imprint is left on the character of the child who accepted the help of this saint?

Origin of the name Igor

The word has Scandinavian roots. According to one version, his predecessor was the name Invar, which is translated from ancient Greek as “idiot”, “cretin”. Meanwhile, the particle -ing denotes a certain abundance. The name came into the Russian language with the meaning “one who preserves God.” According to another version, the name has Celtic roots, since the particle -iger is very popular among these peoples.

The meaning of the name Igor

A boy who has been given the gift to “keep God” from birth has a clearly defined, strong character and self-confidence. The child is very active, gets along well with his peers, and loves fun and funny games. He is an average student at school, but he excels better than others. The boy spends little time studying, does not like to do homework, and skips classes. The namesake of the famous prince does not need a higher education; after school he would prefer to go straight to work.

Igor's name day leaves an imprint on his entire fate. A boy can achieve impressive success in sports, of course, if he puts in significant effort. A young man can also excel in music, but due to a lack of perseverance and determination, if success does not come immediately, then the lessons will cease to be interesting. He will give up everything without achieving results. Igor easily finds a common language with different people, he has many friends. However, he breaks up with a person just as easily as he gets along with him.

In the family, Igor is the owner. He prefers to always keep his wife with him, and will never tolerate betrayal. His word in the house is law. Igor’s name day also affects his personal characteristics. He loves everything bright and chic. This applies to both original gifts and luxurious women. It is important for him that everyone envy and be drawn to him. For the sake of a high quality of life and comfort, he is ready to sacrifice a lot. If he is faced with a choice that has a serious impact on his prestige, he will always choose his personal interests, without even thinking about the decision.

Igor's name day according to the church calendar

This name is considered one of the first borrowed words in the Old Russian language. It takes its roots from the times of the Rurikovichs. In those days, only noble people could celebrate Igor’s name day; it had a very limited distribution. The name became frequently used after the October Revolution, and in the 60s it was at the peak of its popularity. Igor's name day, associated with the honoring of saints according to church rules, refers to June 5 (transfer of the relics of Prince Igor) and September 19 (memory day of the blessed

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