The Feng Shui money tree is a talisman of wealth and good luck. Where should the money tree be?

According to Feng Shui, the money tree is popularly called Crassula or scientifically Crassula. It is believed that this plant not only decorates the house, but also attracts wealth. The growth of a tree symbolizes prosperity. Every time a person looks at it, he subconsciously activates thoughts and emotions associated with money and increased well-being.

Origin of the money tree

In appearance, the fat plant looks like a dwarf tree with fleshy silver-green leaves. It belongs to the Crassulaceae family and there are only about 300 species of these plants, most of which grow in Madagascar and tropical Africa. This perennial plant grows up to 3-4 meters in height. At home it will feel great in a flowerpot on the windowsill.

It is believed that it is in the fleshy leaves of the tree, so similar to coins, that the energy of wealth accumulates. The more coin leaves on the money tree, the greater the cash flow. The richer and more solid the expanded money tree looks, the higher your financial position will be.

A Feng Shui master recommends that a purchased mature tree will not bring as much money as a self-grown money tree. So, to attract financial well-being into your life, it is better to grow crassula yourself.

You can buy a young seedling in a store or ask for a cutting from friends who grow indoor plants (preferably from successful ones). The shoot is placed in water until roots appear. When you transplant the sprout into a pot, add a few coins along with the soil to enhance the attractive effect.

Place for money tree

It is best to place a flowerpot with a tree on a window facing southeast. According to Feng Shui, the southeast represents the wealth sector.


It’s nice that the money tree is very easy to care for and grows well. However, it is important to remember that if you were unable to save the money tree, Feng Shui experts do not recommend keeping a wilted or dying plant in the house. After all, money needs to grow, not fade. Rules for caring for toast:

  • You cannot overwater the plant, otherwise the roots will rot and the tree will die. After abundant watering, wait until the soil in the pot dries out and only then water it a second time. Don't worry about the tree, it has accumulated all the necessary moisture in its fleshy leaves. In winter, you should water less often.
  • Do not place the money tree in the sun - direct sunlight can burn the leaves.
  • The toast tree breathes through its fleshy leaves, so dust needs to be washed off from them periodically. Give the plant a shower or wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.
  • Spray the tree with a spray bottle 3-4 times a week - he likes it.
  • Turn the pot on different sides towards the light so that the money tree develops evenly. Otherwise it will grow asymmetrical.
  • As it grows, transplant the plant into a larger pot, since under the weight of the fleshy leaves the tree runs the risk of not being able to stay in the small pot and overturning.
  • Sometimes the money tree blooms, but in an apartment this rarely happens.

To activate the money tree, Feng Shui masters recommend:

  • Hang coins on the tree, for example, the most famous talisman is three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.
  • Tie a red ribbon to the fat woman.
  • Bury a coin or several of the state in which you live in the pot. It is better if its face value contains the number 5.

Treat the plant with care and love, because it is no different in essence from a person. Imagine that you need to build a relationship with another person, what will you do? Caring, kindness and love have never stopped any relationship.

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You can attract wealth and prosperity into your life not only with the help of rituals. In everyday life, we are surrounded by seemingly ordinary things and objects that activate monetary energy and help us get rich. For example, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, an ordinary indoor fat plant - the money tree - provides invaluable help in this.

This modest plant, like a magnet, attracts wealth into the house. In addition to the Crassula, there are other indoor flowers that can attract cash flow, for example, cyclamen and arrowroot. They are united by common features, namely, round leaves resembling coins - a symbol of wealth and well-being.

According to Feng Shui, an artificial analogue can also become a strong activator of financial well-being. For this reason, you can choose a decorative money tree made from coins, stones, beads or other materials.

Which money tree is better according to Feng Shui?

When choosing a money talisman for your home, you should remember that a real tree is more effective than an artificial one. For a person who does not want to worry or waste time caring for a flower, a symbolic figurine of a tree is more suitable. Such a talisman will not dry out or die.

A real living money tree can wither and shed its leaves due to improper care. This sign indicates upcoming large expenses and a possible period of lack of money. Therefore, it is very important that the fat woman feels good. The best option is to acquire trees of both types - an indoor plant and an artificial analogue.

You can make an artificial money tree with your own hands or purchase it in a store or market. At the same time, you should remember that you cannot keep them in the same room - you should distribute money talismans to different rooms. You also need to keep in mind that a money tree made from coins, made independently, has stronger energy.

Sometimes the talisman is made in the form of a money tree made from large denomination bills. Such a product can be presented to the hero of the day or a close relative for his birthday. The gift symbolizes prosperity and success. Below you can find a master class on making a decorative money tree from coins, various materials and banknotes.

A well-groomed fat woman is the key to financial well-being

An artificial tree with pebbles instead of leaves or a money tree made of beads can be purchased at a Feng Shui store. It perfectly attracts wealth and does not deteriorate over time. You just need to make sure that it is positioned correctly. But a living indoor tree requires special care. Its leaves should not become covered with dust, turn yellow or fall off. Otherwise, the preconditions for ruin will be created. This plant should not dry out, so as not to provoke huge waste of its owner.

At the bottom of the pot where the tree of wealth grows there should be five coins of the state in whose territory you currently live. This will ensure constant growth in your material well-being. You will have promising acquaintances, favorable circumstances and new sources of income. At Christmas, the coins must be removed and washed in running water. This is done to update the energy of the talisman and.

Master class - how to make a money tree from coins with your own hands (video):

Another video on making a money tree from coins

Where is the best place to place a money tree?

A money tree made of coins, just like a plant, is endowed with a special meaning, and therefore it needs a special place. According to Feng Shui, the tree of luck should be located in the southeastern sector of the house, that is, in the wealth zone. An excellent place for this talisman is the hallway - in this room the path to cash flow will be best opened. To enhance the effect, place a large banknote under the tree.

This article will tell you about the most common signs and superstitions associated with the money tree.

“Money tree” (“Crassula” or “Crassula”)- a common plant in modern homes. The tree is grown not only because it is easy to care for, but also because there are a number of signs associated with it. In particular, with the well-being and wealth of the house in which it is located.

The most important sign- the tree grows wildly in the house where everyone is prosperous, knows no needs and has good income. And also, on the contrary, he languishes, gets sick and does not give leaves in a house where there are debts and ruin.

Another opinion based on the ancient teachings of Feng Shui states that the one who starts a “money business” in the house attracts prosperity and grace to the house. You can only “maintain” this well-being if you carefully care for the plant, enhancing its growth.

IMPORTANT: “Fast woman” can fit into almost any interior and will develop if it receives all the necessary conditions. However, few people know that the “money tree” is also capable of producing favorable pairs that improve human health.

Crassula - money tree

How to plant a money tree correctly so that it brings in money: conspiracy

One of the signs says: “a plant can take root in a person only when its sprout is stolen from him”. This rule suits the “crassula” perfectly, because it reproduces either by cuttings or by leaves. It is especially good to break off a sprout with aerial roots, so you can be absolutely sure that the petiole will take root.

A sprout that is too large should not be torn off, as the tree itself can be damaged. If you are afraid to injure the grass after a break, you should sprinkle the broken area with charcoal. In addition, you should be sure to comply with all planting conditions so that the tree will definitely take root and contribute to improving the well-being of its owner.

Another condition for proper tree planting is plant the shoot, focusing on the lunar phase (the waxing moon). In addition, it is good to do this at night, when the moonlight can “bless” your action and enhance the effect of the wealth plot. Read the plot confidently and in a low voice. After planting, be sure to tie a red ribbon or red thread to the trunk of the Crassula, which can enhance the unique ability of the plant.

Spell for planting a tree: read three times

Signs for planting and replanting a money tree

An important sign when planting Crassula, which helps to increase wealth, is that it should be placed at the bottom of the flower pot along with drainage and soil.

It is this feature of the “money” tree that will contribute to its will begin to “attract” money into the house. The larger the coin you place at the bottom, the more favorable energy the flower will bring you.

IMPORTANT: If you put a coin with the number 5 on it at the bottom of the pot, you will attract positive energy.

Other signs indicate that The “money” plant must be kept on the windowsill. There is plenty of light there to ensure the tree gets enough sunlight. However, not every window sill is suitable for a fat woman, find a south-east window in your home - it will fit perfectly. The southeastern sector, following the teachings of Feng Shui, is responsible for wealth.

IMPORTANT: Feel free to talk to your money tree, wipe it from dust, moisten it with a spray bottle. In addition, try to grow it symmetrically, pinching the crown and sides.

Important signs when planting a truly “money” tree:

  • Pinch off a sprout from a person who is prosperous.
  • Give the plant enough attention
  • Buy your tree the most beautiful and expensive pot you can find.
  • It’s good if the pot is made of natural material (clay, ceramics) and decorated in red (itself is that color or has a red design).
  • Often real gold is placed at the bottom of the pot (a piece of a chain, a broken earring, etc.).

How to grow a money tree correctly?

Money tree - indoor plant: how to care, signs

A wildly growing money tree indicates the well-being of the family. If you want your plant to always please you with its health, it needs careful care. Fortunately, Caring for a fat plant is not difficult:

  • Water the dry soil
  • Moisten and wipe the leaves
  • Select the appropriate email
  • Allow sunlight to reach the plant

It is believed that something that fades should not be resurrected, because in this way you will not improve your financial situation in any way. In this case, it is urgent to purchase a new plant and plant it in a pot accordingly.

IMPORTANT: If the “money tree” unexpectedly blooms, this is the best sign for you, foreshadowing big profits or an improvement in your financial situation.

Signs associated with the money tree

Is it possible to prune a money tree: signs

It is believed that if “other people’s hands” touch the “money tree”, it will will allow your money to “leak” out of your home. Each tree owner must independently care for his tree, in particular, trim it.

If the plant grows strongly, it should be trimmed a little from the top so that the fat plant gives “strength” to the leaves and stem system. Your money tree must be beautiful, powerful and neat, without crooked branches or mechanical damage.

How to care for a money tree?

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home: signs

According to the teachings of Fei Shui every house or apartment should have a money tree, which can attract positive energy to the family. If you are unable to care for a living plant, make a symbolic tree with your own hands.

The money tree died: signs

The dead “money” tree – the worst sign for your well-being, especially if you grew it yourself from a small sprout. If you bought an “adult” plant, brought it home and after a while it began to wither, it means that it is too early for you to think about your well-being.

A withered tree should not be revived or saved in every possible way, it should be thrown out and all your efforts should be directed to growing a new flower. If fat women do not take root with you often enough, most likely you have problems either with your financial or mental state.

How to make a tree give you well-being?

Is it possible to throw away a money tree: signs

Very superstitious people may think that Under no circumstances should you throw away a money tree. However, this situation should be looked at from all sides. Of course, if a tree that you have grown for quite a long time from a small sprout has withered, this is a reason to be upset and think about your financial situation.

If you've grown a flower long enough (cared for it, watered it, trimmed it, and even talked to it), you “absorbed” a lot of personal positive energy into the tree. There is no point in getting rid of it; it should be “returned to nature.” Therefore, try to find a place and time to simply bury the plant in the ground.

If a tree that you recently brought from the store has withered, you don’t have to worry, but feel free to throw it in the trash. There is another gentle method - just put it in the entrance or outside the yard right in the pot so that anyone else can take it for themselves. The same rule can be followed if you were given a flower.

What can and cannot be done with a money tree?

How to properly throw away an old money tree?

Options for how you can throw away the “money tree” without harming yourself:

  • Put it in the entrance
  • Give it to someone who wants to “resurrect” it
  • Bury in the ground
  • Pinch off the sprout and try to grow it, throwing the plant into a bucket.

IMPORTANT: Before you get rid of the “money tree,” thank the plant for the time it spent with you and say goodbye from the bottom of your heart.

Is it possible to give a money tree from home?

Money Tree - one of the best gifts that can be given on any occasion: just like that, for a birthday or wedding. It is believed that a donated tree will definitely bring good luck and prosperity to a person if he takes care of it.

IMPORTANT: It is good to give and receive a money tree as a gift, not from a store, but from home, grown with your own hands. A gift that was raised in a prosperous home will be favorable.

How to attract prosperity to yourself with the help of a money tree?

Gave a money tree: signs

What signs are associated with the “money tree” if you were given one:

  • Gave a lush big money tree - good luck and prosperity.
  • They gave her a small tree - a present that foreshadows a slow but steady increase in wealth in the family.
  • If you gave a tree with diseases, you have envious people and ill-wishers.
  • If you gave a tree that soon died, you will have temporary financial difficulties.
  • If you gave a “sick” tree that you “brought back to life” - a good omen, you will make a profit.

The money tree has fallen: signs

Other signs regarding the money tree:

  • The tree has bent its trunk - you will have financial difficulties.
  • The tree fell along with the pot - a good omen, your wealth will increase.
  • The tree fell and the pot broke - you should expect people who are envious of your happiness.
  • The tree fell and broke - you will lose your material well-being.

What is the best way to accept and give a money tree as a gift?

Why does the money tree bloom?

Crassula blooms quite rarely. This happens more often in nature than at home. However, if the tree bloomed, this means that it had very pleasant indoor conditions: light, humidity and your love.

A flowering Crassula tree produces buds only when the most favorable period has arrived in your life. You can’t waste this moment and be sure to take advantage of it: take important actions, make decisions, make deals.

Blooming money tree

Is it possible to give a money tree to strangers?

You can give your money tree to a stranger, but only if you do it for the purpose of a gift. Give away the tree with positive emotions and only to those whom you truly love and respect.

Is it possible to borrow a money tree from friends?

You can and even need to take a money tree (leaf or sprout) for yourself, but pay attention to where you take it. It is believed that if you take a flower from “rich” people, you will be able to achieve the same wealth in the future.

Is it possible to buy a money tree from someone else?

You can buy a plant in a store or from hand. If you want it to give you positive energy and promote prosperity, don’t skimp on buying a plant and pay more money for the purchase than required.

Is it possible to sell a money tree?

It is better not to sell your own grown tree. You, of course, can do this, but Feng Shui says it’s easy, and most importantly, to happily make any decision, as well as say goodbye to things. If you are simply breeding crassulas, you can sell the tree without any problems.

Money tree: is it possible to give or donate shoots?

It is possible to give or donate shoots of a money tree, but superstitious people believe that in order for the petiole to “take root,” it must be stolen, preferably where the family lives prosperously and happily.

Video: “To make money flow: how to care for a money tree?”

Let's forget the word "no". The most important thing in attracting finance is the mood, the desire to see them and love them. Are you ready to become a wealthy person? So, it’s time to meet the money tree according to Feng Shui.

The archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a piece of its thousand-year experience in mobilizing wealth, tell you secrets about how to plant correctly and where it is better to place a tree to attract material well-being.

Popular superstitions claim that Crassula is called the money tree because of its coin-shaped leaves. In fact, the secret lies in their unique energy. They instantly absorb all the most useful substances, scrupulously preserving them in the leaves. They pass on the gift of accumulating everything valuable to their owner (if he sincerely cares about his pet).

All about the living money talisman

In all the diversity of the plant world, there is one small tree that has an impact on cash flows. This is what can change your life financially. Meet the Tree Crassula, also known as Cotyledon, Bear's Ear, Crassula or Money Tree.

Crassula. An unpretentious plant, with an easy-going character and easy care. Small in size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, shaped like coins.
But simply placing a purchased plant on a window is not suitable. In order for the luck of the money tree to be revealed to the owner, it is necessary to learn more about Crassula.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui so that it attracts wealth:

How to plant a living talisman

Feng Shui recommends not buying a ready-made plant (it cannot be bought for money at all). It is necessary for the money tree to absorb your energy so that it feels the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to plant the Crassula yourself!
Before planting, you need to talk to the tree and ask for protection and welfare, and also promise that you will always take care of it, and in the future you should always talk to the tree.

  • Break off a leaf or stalk from an adult tree (it would be ideal if you do this secretly, without asking permission).
  • It is believed that a gifted money tree will not bring good luck to either its new owner or the donor.
  • Before planting the cuttings of a money talisman in the ground, keep the cutting in a glass of water for several days (so that it takes root).
  • Have a pot ready in advance. It should be wide and shallow. According to Feng Shui rules, the color of money is the suit of metal and earth. The whole range of brown and black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  • It must be planted (like all plants) on the waxing moon. Transplant day is Wednesday.

    Important tip:
    Before planting, activate the pot. At the bottom of the flowerpot, place several coins of the same denomination with the coat of arms facing up. It is best to use money from the country in which you live. It is advisable to have six or eight of them (to awaken the magic of numbers).

    When stacking coins it is useful to say: “Coin to coin, sheet to sheet” , and then read a money plot on them: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. This is my will. Let it be so!"

  • To plant a plant, buy soil in advance (regular soil for cacti). But it’s better to do it yourself (mix coarse sand, peat, turf, leaf soil in the proportion 1x0.5x1x1).
  • Transplant into a larger pot if necessary. You shouldn’t plant a small plant that has just taken root in a large pot, let it grow in a small one, then transplant it into a larger pot, so the money tree grows for several years.
  • When the sprout is planted, gently compact the soil around the stem with your finger. Water your tree. And in conclusion say: “For you to bloom in wealth, for me to carry your wealth”

I cast a spell on the Money Tree:

Where to put a tree according to Feng Shui rules

The effectiveness of the Feng Shui money tree largely depends on its correct location in the apartment.
The southeastern side of the apartment is responsible for the growth of financial well-being - the wealth sector according to Feng Shui - this is where your money tree should be placed. You can determine it using a regular compass. You can take the front door as a starting point, or you can take the traditional compass determination of the cardinal directions. Use the method that is more pleasant and convenient for you. Also, do not forget that when defining zones in an apartment or plot, you should stick to one method you choose.

Chinese teaching allows you to divide into sectors not only the entire house as a whole, but also individual rooms. You can designate an area of ​​financial wellness in any suitable room.

The south-eastern area of ​​an apartment or central room is an ideal place for a money tree to live.

We create a wealth sector

First of all, free this area from unnecessary things - the energy of finance needs to circulate freely, without obstacles.

Decorate the place where the Crassula will stand in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Tree. We need a tree in this sector. You can place wooden furniture, a stand or a table on which the talisman will be located.
  • Water. According to Feng Shui, water (or its images) contributes well to the revitalization of the financial zone. You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help increase financial flow) or an aquarium with cute goldfish. Have you decided to limit yourself to paintings with water? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoons, floods, powerful waterfalls will simply “wash away” future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary for the tree of wealth to feel the movement of air and strengthen its own flows. It is best to hang a “wind chime” in that area. Please note that there should not be any metal objects there (in the design of the musical-air talisman either).

It would be ideal to place the pot on a red napkin with a Feng Shui hieroglyph of wealth.
To turn your crassula into a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate its branches with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real money talisman for your family.
The fat plant does not tolerate dust - wipe its leaves and the entire money sector more often.

Valuable tips from a Feng Shui master:

Growing a talisman of wealth

Crassula is a fairly unpretentious plant; it does not present any particular vagaries in care. For the successful growth of the fat plant, you need to know a minimum of simple rules:

Procedure What does the plant want? Advice
Watering Money plant doesn't like to drink a lot Water the soil only when it is dry (preferably in the evening).
You can’t overwater the fat plant; the roots may rot and the plant will die. But even in this case, you need to save the money tree: break off a shoot and plant it in the ground, after a while you will get a new tree, which you will take better care of
Top dressing Will gladly accept classic fertilizers for succulents Add nutrients to the pot after each watering
Temperature Does not tolerate extremes (heat, cold, drafts) Normal average temperature, comfortable for humans. You need to place the pot away from radiators and cold glass
Climate Crassula feels good in high humidity Having a water source nearby will help get rid of dry air (or just spray the leaves with water more often)
Lighting Prefers diffused light (not scorching) The ideal place for a tree is a window. Otherwise, add additional lighting sources.
Since this is a plant with rather dense branches, turn it from time to time to the light with different sides. This way your money tree will develop evenly.
Form Form a crown In order for the fat plant to have a beautiful shape, you can shape the crown by fixing the branches that have not yet lignified at different angles. To do this, they are tied to a wooden peg, pulled towards the main trunk or, conversely, moved away from it using a spacer.

But the most important condition is to surround your precious pet with sincere warmth, care and affection. Touch its leaves more often, stroke it, talk, talk about how your day went, ask for advice. “Revive” him!”
And protect the money plant from your bad mood. The fat woman feels everything! She may wither away from irritability and bad thoughts of the owner of the talisman.

It will take a little time and you will feel how she will react to you. When you lose money, you languish slightly. When Crassula begins to grow wildly, a financial flow is rushing towards you.
And sometimes (unfortunately, very rarely) the money tree blooms. This is a reason to rejoice! Great luck and a sharp financial rise await you very soon.

If you think that wealth is for the elite, you are wrong! Opening a financial channel and attracting finance is quite accessible to anyone. Crassula or money tree will help you with this.
The main thing is to remember that in our lives only what we think about happens, and what we believe in works. For Feng Shui and its talismans, this statement is especially true. Just let your money tree make you richer, believe in it, take care of it - and it will certainly change and improve the quality of your life.
Based on materials

Have you long wanted to strengthen your financial well-being and attract decent cash flow into your home? Looking for new sources of income? Have you heard that there are special practices for “attracting” wealth? You should learn a few Feng Shui secrets to attract money!

You will be able to direct the necessary energy into your home if you use the famous money tree.

You can make it yourself by calling on your imagination and purchasing the necessary accessories. A great option is to plant a living money tree. It is the fat woman, beautiful and growing, that will become the best magnet for finance. Remember useful tips, follow the recommendations and act according to the algorithm. You will succeed!

Getting ready to attract money to your home

Of course, when it comes to the money tree, everyone understands: a person has a specific goal. He dreams of financial well-being, stability, and wants to achieve income growth. This is precisely what the well-known money tree is used for.

Have you already decided to achieve success with the help of a money tree? Then you need to prepare to attract finance.

How to attract money to your home:

Be sure to answer a few questions for yourself and get in the right mood for the process emotionally and psychologically. You have to not just plant another plant, but apply one of the most effective Feng Shui techniques.

Ask yourself:

Qi energy is exclusively positive; it will not bring a flow of wealth into the house of unkind people. You need to tune in to the positive, understand that a kind attitude towards others will definitely respond positively.

When you have made the necessary lists, sincerely answered serious questions and restored emotional balance, you can get down to business. It's time to attract financial well-being by planting a money tree.

Money tree: some interesting facts

You need to get to know the money tree better before resorting to its help.

Let's consider basic information about the money tree in Feng Shui, its meaning, and varieties.

  • The money tree has long been the main symbol of wealth in the teachings of Feng Shui. Prosperity is symbolized by Chinese coins; you can attract money by placing miniature fountains in your apartment. Someone puts a large toad with a coin in its mouth in a prominent place.
  • If you decide to attract prosperity with the help of a money tree, it is not at all necessary to plant a living plant. Sometimes people are genuinely upset that they cannot afford a live fat woman. Some people have small children at home, others will not be able to protect the plant from animals. Of course, the symbolic tree must be completely safe! The best option is to make an artificial tree and complement it with appropriate accessories. The technique will remain effective!

There are many ways to attract finance according to Feng Shui, but it is the symbolic tree that remains the main magnet for the flow of money.

  • The best way to attract wealth into your home is to plant a living plant. Crassula grows well, looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye and improves the air quality in the room. Such a tree, which ozonizes and decorates the house, will become indispensable for all Feng Shui fans. This is truly the main symbol of financial well-being.
  • Interestingly, simply making an artificial plant or planting a living tree is not enough. It is important to choose the right place for it and use additional accessories.

Now is the time to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of raising funds using a money tree.

Artificial or living? Choosing the type of money tree

Fans of Feng Shui know very well that inanimate objects can emit and attract energy and become powerful magnets to attract success, money, and love. Therefore, you may well opt for an artificial symbolic tree.

But remember a few nuances:

A great option is to have two types of money trees. However, remember that you cannot place them in the same room! Live and artificial trees should be in different rooms.

We create a money tree with our own hands

You can create your symbolic tree yourself. Feng Shui claims that artificial money trees are also effective in attracting wealth. Many fans of the teaching who have used this method have already confirmed its effectiveness through personal experience.

Stock up on strong wire, preferably golden. Take at least one hundred coins. It would be great if these were special Chinese coins with holes. The base for the tree must be strong. You can choose a solid stone, wrap it with wire and remove the trunk of your tree from it.

Show your imagination, make the branches beautiful and graceful. Let them not be too long or wriggling. Here, subjective taste preferences should give way to the principles of Feng Shui. The money tree is quite wide, with rather short massive branches, abundantly strewn with leaves. A great option is to make a small tree with ten branches, placing ten coins on each.

To decorate a money tree, you will need beads, colored stones, and a red ribbon. Add beads to the branches, attach pebbles to the base on which your tree stands. A red ribbon must be tied to the trunk.

Planting a living money tree

It will be great if you attract wealth into your home with the help of a living money tree.

Crassula is the very plant that is commonly called the money tree. It is the beautiful fat plant with thick, fleshy leaves that resemble coins that can attract financial well-being to your home.

First of all, you should consider how you will get the fatty. Here are some simple rules.

  • Taking a money tree as a gift is not advisable. Feng Shui experts usually suggest simply re-gifting such a plant or placing it in a neutral place, for example, in the office.
  • You can buy a sprout in a store, but this is not the best option.

It’s great if you manage to discreetly pinch off a small leaf with a tiny stem from someone you know. Just remember that your action should under no circumstances upset or irritate the plant’s owners!

  • Some people simply take money trees from each other. When people are friends and have known each other for many years, they may well breed Crassula together. The main thing is that handing over the sprout does not resemble giving a gift.
  • Do you have a wealthy friend? Then it is best to ask him for a small sprout of a money tree, but just be sure to pay a symbolic fee for it. This is a great symbol! In this way, you will receive a charge of positive energy from a home in which financial well-being has already settled.

Features of planting

There are also a few simple tips that will help you plant the plant correctly.

  1. Choose a sturdier leaf or a small cutting with several leaves.
  2. Place it in a small pot with peat and sand. You can simply place the cutting so that the tip is in the water. Wait for the roots to appear.
  3. Prepare the ground well, drainage with pebbles of different sizes.
  4. Take a small pot. There must be a hole in it to drain excess moisture.
  5. Carefully fill up the stones and place soil on top. There should be at least 3 cm from it to the edge of the pot.
  6. Plant your fat plant with roots in a small hole.

Look, how to plant a money tree(plant a sprout):

Remember that you need to water the plant a little. Make sure the soil does not dry out. The fat woman does not like cold, wind, or too dark rooms. But you shouldn’t keep it in bright sun either. Conditions should be moderate.

Making a place for a money tree

The wealth sector in the apartment is located in the southeast side. This is the best place for a money tree. It needs to be formatted accordingly. The zone of financial well-being should be maintained in green, blue and blue tones.

It’s great if you decorate the tree itself with a small red ribbon, and put a red napkin with a few bills under the pot. The wealth zone should be well lit and shine with cleanliness.

Complete the interior with wooden furniture and souvenirs made of wood and birch bark. Install accessories with water. You can choose a fountain, a vase with water, a painting depicting a pond, or a small aquarium.

Attention: too rapid a flow of water “washes away” positive energy. You should refrain from images of mountain rapids and waterfalls.

Now you know how to attract wealth according to Feng Shui using the money tree. Take care of your symbol, living or artificial, complement it with symbolic accessories and properly design the area of ​​​​financial well-being.

See how the money tree (crassula sprout) grows and how to tie a money knot correctly according to feng shui:

Remember that your emotional mood and inner state will play a huge role. You must be willing to accept a lot of money and spend it wisely.