Money tree according to Feng Shui to attract wealth. A money tree made from coins will help you get rich

How to properly plant a money tree (crassula) from a shoot into a pot and care for it at home so that there is money in the house: Feng Shui and advice from flower growers.

Crassula as a means to attract money

Money tree, breadfruit tree, tree of happiness - what beautiful names flower growers have not come up with for the plant, which is correctly called Crassula (Crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has decorative, magical and medicinal properties at the same time.

If you believe, the fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the zone of well-being and attracts wealth to the home. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for it. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

The plant is also believed to purify the air in the home and kill bacteria. Where Crassula grows there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of Crassula that differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, groundcover, bush-like and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers are Crassula ovata and Crassula moss. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

Crassula lycopsum is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, while Crassula ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to plant a money tree in your home

Crassula is not a capricious flower that requires painstaking care and careful attention.

How to plant a money tree cutting in a pot

First of all, let’s figure out how to properly propagate the Crassula so that, taking a shoot from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your home.

Propagation of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drainage holes, then covered with polyethylene. Subsequent care of seedlings consists of regular ventilation and spraying. In 2-3 weeks the first shoots will sprout. This method of breeding Crassula is quite complex.

The method of propagating Crassula by cuttings is much simpler. The cuttings can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The money tree shoot is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some gardeners believe that when planting cuttings in March or April, the likelihood that the money tree will bloom in the future increases. And if Crassula is planted in the middle of summer, the chances of this will be less.

How to choose the right flowerpot for a money tree

Crassula has a rather massive ground part, which means this flower is better suited to a wide and low pot with good stability. This choice of pot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system. For water to drain successfully into the pan, there must be small holes at the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant a money tree shoot in a large flowerpot. To start with, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it needs to be transplanted into a more suitable pot.

How to replant a money tree

To transplant a grown Crassula flower, you need to take a pot of suitable size, fill it one-third with a drainage layer (for example, from pieces of coal or crushed brick), then fill it with earth. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. This will make it easier for the plant to tolerate this procedure. After this, the soil is added to the top.

During the transplantation process, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotten roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After this, the crassula is left to dry for a day.

How to choose land for planting Crassula

Planting a money tree should be done in the ground for succulents, which this plant belongs to. The flower feels best in turf soil. The soil used for growing cacti is suitable, but Crassula can also be successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired, you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, flower growers advise mixing one part each of sand, humus and leaf soil, adding four parts of turf soil.

How to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money in the house?

To ensure that there is always money in the house, when transplanting it into a pot of Crassula, you need to put a coin and tie its branches with red ribbons. It’s good if a crassula grows in your apartment, but it’s important to learn. You can do this even with a small salary.

How to properly care for a money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not labor-intensive and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to be provided with conditions as close to tropical as possible. Crassula has a growing season in spring and summer, and winter is a dormant time. Basic care for a money tree at home is to follow the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many gardeners have a question: how to properly water a money tree? The first rule: do not allow the fatty fish to flood. Excess moisture is detrimental to it. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot and the leaves to begin to fall off. In the warm season, the plant can be watered twice a week; with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. To avoid flooding the money tree, before each watering you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the soil there is dry, Crassula can be safely watered.

If the watering regime is not observed and the soil is excessively moist, the root system is susceptible to fungal attack. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with the earthen lump, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special anti-fungal solution.

However, Crassula can also suffer due to lack of moisture! Ideally, the soil with the flower should be slightly moist.

We wipe the leaves of the fat plant - we attract money!

Flower growers advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the fat plant with a damp cloth to remove dust and spray water on them from a spray bottle. It would be optimal to give your Crassula a warm shower once a week. In winter, such a “wash” can be done once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from getting on the soil, you can cover the soil in the pot with regular cling film. You can’t take a wet fat woman to her place. You need to let the water drain a little.

Where is the best place to put a money tree in an apartment?

Crassula is a light-loving plant, but placing it under the scorching sun is strictly prohibited. Moreover, in this case, the top layer of soil in the pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will grow fully on a windowsill on the south-east side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many gardeners place it on the floor of the balcony, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can cause the plant's stem to stretch, causing it to become misshapen. To prevent this, the fat plant should be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

In summer, temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees are suitable for Crassula. But in winter, the flower will need to lower the temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. A drop in temperature of up to 6 degrees is allowed. If it is not possible to place the plant in a room with such a temperature in winter, then at least you should remove the flower from the radiator.

A negative consequence of incorrect temperature during the dormant period can be the elongation of the Crassula trunk and the falling of leaves located below. Leaves may also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is located. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed to appear. They will only do harm.

The money tree needs to be fed!

Universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used as fertilizers for fat plants. To ensure better absorption of nutrients, plants are fertilized only after watering.

Fertilizers are applied during the growing season - in spring and summer, once a month. In the autumn-winter period, feeding is carried out once every 3 months.

Formation of the Crassula crown

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat plant is rotated in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be trimmed a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant and a new bud begins to form. You need to pinch it off by carefully twisting it with your hands or miniature tweezers.

Each branch of a money tree should have no more than three to four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows, its top will also need to be plucked off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed and new leaves appear, pruning will help. You need to cut the branch above the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in caring for a money tree

Many gardeners complain that the leaves of the fat plant fall off or wither. What can be wrong?

Excessive watering causes leaves to darken, change color, or fall off.

A change in foliage color to dirty yellow can also be caused by a fungal disease caused by waterlogging of the soil.

Watering with cold water is another reason why tropical flowers develop diseases.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

Rot that appears at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the plant’s root system. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off and the flower is grown in a new way.

Money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are many pests that attack the fat plant:

Scale insects form brownish or yellow spots on the leaves. Methods of treatment: “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealybug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Treatment methods: thick solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

Is the money tree blooming?

Flowering in Crassula is a rare phenomenon, so not every gardener gets to see it. Therefore, it is a very common belief that the money tree does not bloom. But that's not true.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They emit a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins during the plant growth stage in spring and lasts 2-3 months. You should not hope that the fat plant will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers after 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that it was provided with proper and timely care.

Flower growers believe that the flowering of the money tree is hampered by lack of lighting. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if a money tree grows well and gets stronger, wealth is just around the corner, but if it withers and its leaves fall off, this promises problems with money.

However, it is not at all necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for a money tree, it can become an excellent decoration for any room, will delight you with its beauty for a long time and will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

So you have acquired a powerful and promising Feng Shui talisman. Now there is a real money tree growing in your house, and, according to ancient Eastern teachings, you are no longer afraid of financial difficulties. However, not all so simple. There is a talisman, but there is no more money! And you start running around the house, placing a flower pot in one place or another and waiting for the talisman to begin to manifest its miraculous properties. But it’s not enough just to have a talisman - you also need to make it work!

Yes, yes, the main purpose of the money tree from the point of view of Feng Shui is to activate the zone responsible for your well-being. Therefore, it is important to be able to find this zone in your home and place the money tree there. Well, when the talisman takes its place of honor, it is also necessary to properly arrange this very area. There is no other way. Otherwise, the money tree will remain just a beautiful and useful indoor plant. So, we are looking for where to place the money tree and help it manifest all its mystical capabilities as a talisman of wealth.

Defining the Wealth Zone

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, your entire home and each room separately are divided into sectors - the so-called zones of influence. Each sector is “responsible” for a certain area of ​​your life. And for each zone there are talismans that activate it. So one of the strong talismans of the Wealth zone is the money tree.

The Bagua grid will help you find the Wealth Zone in your home. This is a special Feng Shui tool that determines the location of zones of influence in accordance with geographical directions. In a simplified version, the Bagua grid is a square divided into nine equal parts:

  • The central square is the Health sector;
  • To his right is the Family sector (east);
  • On the left is the Creativity sector (west);
  • Below is the Glory sector (south);
  • At the top is the Career sector (North);
  • Upper left corner – Assistants sector (northwest);
  • The upper right corner is the Wisdom sector (northeast);
  • Lower left corner – sector of Love (southwest);
  • The lower right corner is the Wealth sector (southeast).

It is in this last zone that the money tree should stand. To find the Wealth zone in your home, you must first determine the cardinal directions in it. You can use a compass or simply determine where the window in the room faces. When you figure out where the north, south, east and west are in your house, draw a house plan and put a Bagua grid on it, combining the cardinal directions on the grid and on the plan. Now you can find exactly where in your home the Wealth sector is located - in the southeast.

It is noteworthy that the teachings of Feng Shui make it possible to divide into zones not only the entire house, but each of its rooms separately. Therefore, if it is impossible to place a living money tree in a room corresponding to the Wealth zone, you can define this zone in a room suitable for the plant. In what room can a money tree be placed so that the plant feels comfortable?

Conditions for placing a money tree

Of course, for good growth, the money tree needs certain conditions. It is very important that your living talisman is always healthy and fresh, otherwise it will turn into an anti-talisman and will not attract, but will scare away wealth from your home. Therefore, it is worth choosing a room for the plant that meets, first of all, the comfortable living conditions of the green pet.

The money tree is a light-loving plant and can withstand even direct sunlight. However, being exposed to the scorching sun for a long time, the tree may begin to shed its leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a well-lit room for it, but shade the crown from the sun’s rays. So, in this regard, a room filled with bright but diffused light would be a suitable room for a money tree.

Another condition for the comfortable existence of this succulent is the temperature regime. In general, the money tree is considered an unpretentious indoor plant, but it does not respond well to strong drafts and sudden changes in temperature. For it you need to choose a warm, but not hot room, as well as a place protected from too warm or cold air flows and drafts.

For the same reason, you should not place the money tree near heating devices and radiators, and in winter, you must remove the flower pot away from the cold window glass. And the humidity regime is easy to maintain with the help of periodic spraying of both the tree itself and the air around it. In addition, the room should be well ventilated and free of clutter. But these are requirements not so much for the conditions for maintaining the money tree, but for the arrangement of the Wealth Zone itself.

Arrangement of the Wealth Zone

So, you have determined where in your home the sector responsible for financial well-being is located, and you have even found the place where the money tree will stand. Believe me, this is already enough for the talisman to start working. However, this miracle tree will be able to fully demonstrate its abilities only in a properly equipped Wealth zone. This means that both it and the talisman need to be activated. How to do it?

You just need to strengthen the magical properties of the zone and the talisman that activates it. The colors and elements corresponding to the zone of Wealth will help with this. The colors of the Wealth zone are purple, green and all shades of blue. You already have green - the color of the crown of your living talisman. Black is also present, at least in the form of soil in a flower pot. This means that you need to add blue and purple colors. If these colors do not fit into the stylistic design of the room, then you can get by with “little loss.” For example, choose a blue flower pot or place a small purple napkin under it. If blue, green and purple colors perfectly harmonize with the style of the room, then let these colors be present in the decoration of the walls, window curtains, furniture or flooring.

The elements of the Wealth sector are wood and water. You ensured the presence of the first element in this zone with a living talisman in the form of a money tree. But solving the water problem is more difficult. If you have an aquarium, then the question of where to put the mascot disappears - they just need to be placed nearby. You can also place a babbling fountain near the money tree or hang a painting or photograph with a water landscape on the wall. It is important to minimize the presence of the metal element in the wealth zone. In any case, all metal objects must be removed as far as possible from the money tree, and the flower pot should not be placed on metal pallets. The only exception is Chinese coins, which increase the power of the talisman itself. Therefore, they can be hung on the branches of a tree or buried in the ground underneath it.

Sharp geometric shapes, as well as clutter in the room itself, are not welcome in this important sector. Therefore, try to maintain order and cleanliness here. Frequently remove dust not only near the flower pot, but also wipe the leaves on the tree itself.

In a word, knowing where to place the money tree according to the rules of Feng Shui, you can make this amazing talisman work in full force. And to do this, you need to find a Wealth zone in your home and make sure that the plant is comfortable in the chosen place. If you can properly arrange this area, the talisman will definitely work. The main thing is to believe! And everything will work out for you.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui? Have you heard that one small indoor plant can bring material well-being to your home and attract cash flow? We will tell you how to do this in this article.

Living money talisman

After this, you can plant the plant and sprinkle it with soil. Ready-made soil for cacti and succulents is well suited for Crassula. You can also prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing coarse sand, peat, turf and leaf soil.

Secrets of growing a money tree according to Feng Shui

To grow a real money tree according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • The flowerpot for planting should be green, red or gold, as these are the colors associated with wealth according to Feng Shui. You can also tie a ribbon of this shade to a mature and strengthened tree.
  • Place the flowerpot on a red tablecloth, under which place a coin.
  • Hang coins and Feng Shui figures, knots or any other money symbols on an adult tree.
  • Near the pot with the plant you can place a dragon figurine, figurines, candles or lamps.
  • Money carries the energy of fire, which is not combined with the energy of water, so the money tree must be placed at a distance from sources of water or its images. Otherwise, water can “extinguish” the flow of monetary energy.
  • Avoid the proximity of the money tree to cacti and climbing plants. They are used to protecting the house from outside energy, so they can also hinder the cash flow.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the southeast side of the house is responsible for financial well-being. Therefore, all magical objects aimed at attracting money should be located in the southeastern part of the home. In addition, such windows will be well illuminated by the sun.
  • Very important! The magic of the money tree can manifest itself in a warm and loving environment. The plant should feel your love, take care of it with pleasure, do not spare your time and attention for it. If you do not love indoor flowers, you should resort to other magical ways to attract wealth.
  • Only its owner can care for the money tree. It turns out that this plant has a very good memory, so it senses the energy of its owner well. If you need to leave, there is no need to worry about this, because the fat plant can not be watered for a couple of weeks.
  • Do not forget to wipe the leaves of the tree, because a layer of dust prevents the free flow of monetary energy.

Do not forget that the money tree is extremely sensitive to the energy of the owner. It feels all his negative thoughts and emotions, so never care for a plant in a bad mood. Fill your magical pet with love, tenderness and kindness, communicate with him, ask him for advice. In this case, you can be sure that the money tree will fully thank you with the fruits of wealth, prosperity and success.

To conclude the topic, watch this interesting video:

An evergreen plant, which is popular due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness, will decorate an apartment, country house, or office. It is believed that it cleanses the surrounding space of negative energy, gives positive emotions, but most importantly, it can bring financial well-being and happiness to the one who raised it.

Whether this is really true can be verified by planting it at home, using instructions and tips on how to plant a Money Tree correctly, as well as observing Feng Shui rituals.

Money tree: description of the flower

It belongs to the genus of succulents and has more than 350 species. Its botanical name is Crassula (lat. Crassula). Translated, “crassus” means “thick,” which is why the flower is also called Crassula.

  • The appearance corresponds to the name: a thick short trunk holds a lush green mass consisting of fragile branches and fleshy, dense oval-shaped leaf plates located at right angles to each other. Glossy emerald green leaves measuring 3-7 cm resemble coins.
  • While the tree is young, it has a grassy green trunk. As it matures, gray bark appears on it, it becomes powerful, stable, capable of holding a large number of crown branches.
  • In nature, the Money Tree grows in South Africa, Madagascar and other places in the Southern Hemisphere. Under natural conditions it reaches a height of 3 m; at home - its dimensions range from a few cm to 1.5 m.
  • It blooms very rarely, but profusely. This usually happens at 5-7 years of age with careful care, compliance with certain temperature and humidity conditions and lighting. tender, small, white, yellow or pink, collected in inflorescences, exude a sweetish cloying aroma. It is believed that if Crassula blooms, it will bring the owners enormous material abundance and the fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Money tree as a talisman to attract money

Crassula is grown not only as a beautiful ornamental plant, many believe that it brings wealth. It’s not for nothing that they call it the Money Tree.

In order for happy hopes to come true, you must follow the rules:

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to plant a money tree at home?

Although the Money Tree is unpretentious, takes root well, grows quickly, and is easy to care for, it still needs help with proper agricultural technology. By choosing the right soil, container, planting time, knowing the features of watering, you get a healthy and beautiful plant.

Selection of planting material

To propagate the Money Tree, cuttings, leaves and seeds are used. Propagation by seeds is a very labor-intensive process, so it is not used in amateur floriculture.

The most common way is:

A type of propagation by leaf is the method of sprouting “babies”. These are leaves with thin roots-layers, formed on an adult bush. They fall to the ground and take root on their own. You need to carefully take the rooted leaf along with a small lump of earth or pick it from the mother plant and plant it in a separate container.

Soil selection

The money tree grows well in any soil. You can buy ready-made soil in the store. Any universal soil will do; the best option is a mixture for cacti and succulents.

must have the following properties:

  • loose, light, porous;
  • slightly sour, close to neutral (ph 6.3-6.8);
  • should not contain water-retaining components such as peat, moss.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made soil, then it is easy to make it yourself.

To do this you will need:

  • turf land (1 part);
  • calcined coarse sand (1 part);
  • leaf soil (3 parts);
  • a handful of humus, broken bricks, ash.

Mix all components thoroughly.

Which pot should I plant the Money Tree in?

Housewives who begin to replant a tree sprout are wondering - what pot should it be replanted into?

Young Crassulas at the initial stage of development are planted in small pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. They can be either ceramic or plastic. As it develops, the trunk thickens and the green ground part grows.

The Money Tree's root system is superficial and its crown is massive, so when choosing a pot it is important to ensure stability for the plant. A plastic pot for a large bush is not the best option; it is too light and can tip over.

Starting from the age of 3, low, wide pots made of clay or ceramics are most suitable. These containers are heavy enough to hold a powerful plant. The roots breathe better in them, excess moisture does not stagnate and evaporates through the pores. The diameter of the pot should be approximately the same as the diameter of the crown.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth to garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

When to plant Crassula?

In autumn and winter, the Money Tree’s growth slows down and it “hibernates”.Therefore, January and February are not the best months for planting.IN In spring, life processes begin to intensify, and from late April to August it can be planted in the soil.

Folk omens attach great importance to planting in accordance with the lunar calendar. This affects the survival rate, rooting and development of the plant. After the new moon, days come favorable for planting. Early in the morning on the “growing” moon, Crassula is planted in the ground.

How to plant a money tree?

The money tree is usually planted in a separate pot, gradually forming a trunk and crown. To create original compositions, several trunks are sometimes placed in one wide container.

The main thing is to place them at such a distance that the roots do not intertwine, and during the formation process, trim the branches so that they do not interfere with each other.

When planting, you must follow certain rules:

How to plant a Money Tree according to Feng Shui?

In order for the Money Tree to bestow wealth on its owner, the rules of Feng Shui prescribe a special ritual when planting, which attracts the energy of money.

To do this you need:

How to care for the Money Tree to attract money?

The Money Tree needs to be carefully looked after, you need to talk to it, and decorate it. Then this living talisman will thank its owner. If the flower looks healthy, it means that the financial condition of the house will soon begin to improve.

Here are some rules of care:

  • The tree should grow in a calm, friendly environment.
  • You need to take care of him with pleasure and love. Do not entrust care to anyone; the plant must know one owner to whom it owes its life and to whom it must thank.
  • You need to talk to him, ask for help to improve well-being, turn different parts towards the light.
  • The room should be clean and quiet. There should be no rubbish, garbage, or unnecessary things near the Crassula.
  • The leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth., this allows energy to circulate better.
  • Do not place the Money Tree next to a cactus. This prickly guard will not allow any energies into his territory, even those promising wealth.
  • When it grows up, decorate its branches with oriental coins with holes, in which a red ribbon is threaded, beads, beads. You can also put paper money, but not curled, but new and straightened.
  • Do not place near water, such as an aquarium. Water extinguishes the fiery energy of money.
  • When the money starts coming in, A dragon should be placed near the tree to protect well-being.

Transplanting a money tree

Over time, the pot in which the Money Tree grows becomes too small for the roots, the soil becomes depleted, loses nutrients, and the need for replanting arises. The first three years during the period of intensive growth is necessary every year. After three years - once every 3 years.

If the Money Tree was purchased in a store and is in a shipping container, then it is replanted 2-3 weeks after purchase. During this time, it adapts to new conditions, microclimate, lighting and can easily transfer to a stationary container.

The pot for replanting should not be too large. In a disproportionate container, the root system will develop to the detriment of the above-ground part. It is advisable to transplant into a pot that is 2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. This should be done in spring or summer, when the plant is in the active phase of development.

Instructions on how to transplant a Money Tree:

Particular attention should be paid to transplanting a large Money Tree. This is done by transshipment, preserving the earthen lump as much as possible. Large branches are supported to avoid damage. The stems and leaves of Crassula are fragile, so you need to handle it very carefully.

What to do if the Money Tree is broken?

A sprout that is too large should not be torn off, as the tree itself can be damaged. If you are afraid to harm the grass after a break, the place where the tree broke should be sprinkled with charcoal.

In addition, it is imperative to comply with all the conditions for planting the plant so that the tree will take root and contribute to the improvement of the well-being of its owner.

Planting and growing a Money Tree is not difficult and anyone can do it. You just need to know certain rules, rituals and follow them. Then it will bring material stability to its owner, delight with its appearance and decorate the interior of any room.