Densitometry of bones clinic of the spine. Densitometry: x-ray, ultrasound and interpretation of results

The urgency of the problem of osteoporosis (OP) in the modern world is growing every year.

This is directly related to the increase in the number of diagnostic methods for its determination.

Their main goal is the earliest possible detection of pathology and an accurate assessment of the state of the bone tissue.

Experts associate the difficulties in diagnosing AP with the presence of several diagnostic criteria for determining this pathology at once, sometimes unrelated.

These primarily include a decrease in bone mass, specific changes in bone structure, as well as an increased risk of fractures.

The availability of some methods for diagnosing AP for practical health care is limited by the need for visual control over the results of the study (radiography), unsafe radiation doses (computed tomography), spread in the range of normative indicators (biochemical studies of the mineral composition), as well as high cost (magnetic resonance method) or inconvenience for patients during the procedure (bone biopsy).

Against this background, a specially developed method for diagnosing OP - spinal densitometry stands out favorably.

What is spinal densitometry

The term is derived from the Latin "densitas" - dense and "metria" - to measure. By means of densitometry, the density of bone structures in the human body is determined. It refers to quantitative methods based on the measurement of the mineral mass of bone tissue in a particular part of the skeleton.

With the help of spinal densitometry (DP), data are obtained on the strength of various segments of the spinal column.

Research methodology

Comparing the results obtained with the normative indicators for each gender and age, the difference between them is revealed and the data is processed using a computer program. Based on the degree of strength of the spine determined in this way, a prediction of the resistance of the bone to mechanical stress is given.

People over the age of 50 have an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. - a method that will allow timely diagnosis of a dangerous pathology.

What is Sheehan's syndrome and how to diagnose it, read.

The mineral selenium is very important for the human body. It prevents oncological diseases, and also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Read more about the functions of selenium.


Densitometry of the lumbar spine and femoral neck is most often prescribed.

DP is a non-invasive research method by which the mineral density of the spinal tissue is determined.

Along with femoral densitometry, DP is a vital procedure to identify possible fractures that most often occur in these areas of the skeleton. They, like no other, are fraught with prolonged immobility and loss of physical activity of patients.

There are several types of DP methods:

  • ultrasound computed densitometry of the spine (echodensitometry);
  • quantitative computer densitometry;
  • quantitative magnetic resonance imaging;
  • x-ray absorptiometry.

In practical medicine, the method of ultrasonic spinal densitometry (UDD) is most in demand. It is based on the principle of measuring the propagation velocity of ultrasonic vibrations through tissues with different densities, which makes it possible to identify areas with varying degrees of mineralization. Thus, osteoporosis of segments of the spinal column of varying severity can be detected.

Densitometry result on computer screen

The received data are recorded by a special sensor and converted by means of a computer system of an ultrasonic scanner (densitometer) into an image on the monitor. In addition, ultrasonic densitometry data can be recorded on various types of information carriers (disk, paper) for subsequent interpretation of the results by a specialist.

The ultrasonic technique of DP is distinguished by high accuracy and sensitivity to fluctuations in the mineral composition of the bone. It can detect minimal deviations in the calcium content (up to 3-4% of the norm), and therefore is effective even in the initial stages of OP.

In comparison, routine X-ray examination captures a deficiency in bone mineralization, starting at a level of 25%.

When do you need to get tested?

The reason for the examination is any suspicion of a reduced level of mineralization of the spine, as well as diseases and conditions accompanied by a change in the axial skeleton.

These include:

  • fractures and other injuries of the spine;
  • violation of posture;
  • the onset of menopause, including early (up to 45 years);
  • old age (over 40 years for women, over 60 years for men);
  • numerous pregnancies and childbirth;
  • lactation;
  • pathology of the parathyroid glands;
  • taking certain drugs that reduce bone mineralization (corticosteroids, contraceptives, sedatives, antipsychotics and tranquilizers, diuretics and anticonvulsants).

In addition, DP is shown:

  • patients receiving therapy with calcium preparations (to assess the dynamics of the state);
  • having a high hereditary risk of developing OP;
  • prone to injury (falls, bruises, etc.);
  • suffering from hypogonadism (with low levels of estrogens and androgens);
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle (including against the background of diseases, immobilization);
  • after prolonged weightlessness;
  • tobacco and alcohol abuse;
  • having professional hazards;
  • experiencing increased physical activity;
  • with poor nutrition (including strict diets, starvation).

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Ultrasonic DP is carried out using a special device - a portable densitometer.

To obtain the most accurate results, a special gel is used to facilitate contact with the skin.

During the DP procedure, ultrasound waves pass through the tissues of the spine, and then their characteristics are recorded using a computer.

X-ray DP is carried out in a horizontal position of the patient, while the lower back is in close contact with the table surface, and the legs are placed on a stand. During the study, it is necessary to hold your breath and try to remain still. Obtaining an image of the spine is achieved by moving the densitometer over the examined area of ​​the body. The duration of the procedure ranges from 10 minutes to 1 hour.


Special preparation for the study is not required. The procedure does not require anesthesia and does not cause pain or discomfort. When using a water densitometer, the patient is immersed in a bath filled with distilled water.

At the first initial study, the patient should stop taking calcium-containing drugs, as well as medications that increase the level of calcium in the body.

Normal bone porosity and osteoporosis

Contraindications for densitometry

An absolute contraindication to X-ray DP is the state of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Relative contraindications may include recent injuries and fractures, the presence of metal implants in the patient's body, inflammatory diseases of the joints, as well as an X-ray study performed no later than 10 days with barium contrast.

Diagnostic results

Interpretation of the results of DP is carried out on the basis of T and Z-criteria for osteoporosis:

the first of them (T) is obtained by comparing the obtained values ​​after the examination with the average value of the bone density of women of childbearing age;

the second (Z) criterion of osteoporosis is the result of comparing the actual value of mineralization with the age standard.


Prices for the medical service of spinal densitometry range from 2000 rubles. up to 2500 rubles, averaging 1800 rubles. for the procedure.

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Densitometry in osteoporosis

The base software includes​If fractures have happened frequently in your life, hurry up for densitometry, regardless of age. Doctors advise the same to those who are forced to take glucocorticosteroids for a long time (for bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis), anticoagulants (heparin), diuretics (hypothiazid, furosemide) and anticonvulsants (phenobarbital). Men are also recommended to check the strength of the bones, but later, after 50 years.

Peripheral zones of the skeleton.

Anyone who has back pain

If a spine scan is performed, the patient is asked to bend their legs and place them on a small stand.

  • The procedure is not applicable for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Conducting a radioisotope study in the previous 2 days.
  • To control the treatment of osteoporosis.
  • The total density of bone tissue is assessed: both compact and cancellous, while, mainly, demineralization of cancellous bone occurs;

Types of studies and indications for conducting

​quantitative computed tomography (QCT).​

Densitometry of the lumbar spine and femoral neck is the most common procedure for diagnosing osteoporosis. It is these parts of the skeleton that are most susceptible to destruction and weakening of bone tissue, therefore X-ray densitometry of the pelvis is performed twice as often as diagnostics of other parts of the body. This procedure has two other names: bone densitometry and osteodensitometry. This is a diagnostic method that is designed to quantify the density of bone mass in various parts of the bones that make up the skeleton of the body. This procedure also makes it possible to study the degree of destruction and loss of bone mass.

pediatric program

  • Densitometry is able to record even minimal 2-5% bone loss. And that means detecting osteoporosis at the very beginning, even at the stage of osteopenia, when the situation can still be corrected.
  • The technique is simple and does not require special training. True, doctors ask before the diagnosis to stop taking drugs containing calcium, warn the doctor about the presence of artificial implants (in particular metal ones), and come in comfortable clothes that do not hinder movement.
  • ​People who have sustained a spinal injury as a result of a fall, accident, impact, and so on.​
  • The femoral neck is fixed in such a position that the heels look outward, this is done using a triangular stand.

Technology features

Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to be examined in this way; without serious indications, scanning is not recommended until 20 years of age.

The results are two values:

In the presence of rheumatoid arthritis.

Survey data and their interpretation

For ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics, no special preparatory actions are required. These examinations are completely painless and are carried out at any time of the day, regardless of food intake or medication. But compliance with some rules is still recommended.

Densitometry is an X-ray procedure that is indicated for existing diseases of the bone tissue, as well as for elderly people for their prevention.

, allowing to make an assessment of bone mineral density in children aged 3 years and above (an indication for

​The results obtained on different devices in different clinics may differ, but not significantly. However, if you are undergoing treatment for osteoporosis, it is advisable to monitor changes in bone density on the same equipment to prevent inaccurate results. This should also be done once every 2 years.

Densitometry of the spine

​Remember, strong, healthy bones are the foundation of a strong skeleton and a guarantee that you will not experience a fracture that will take a long time for the body to recover. Especially carefully you need to take care of yourself for people of advanced age, when the risk of fractures during ice and so on increases many times over. Take care of yourself, listen to the doctors and be happy and healthy!​

What it is?

Timely examination of the spine allows you to identify osteoporosis, find out the nature of spinal pain and reduce the risk of fractures.

Types of densitometry

During the examination, you can not move.

​Does not apply if diagnostic examinations with contrast were performed in the previous five days.​

  • ​T-score is the number of deviations in the patient's bone density indicators relative to those of a young healthy person of the same sex of 30 years old. The norm is when its value is higher than -1. The beginning of osteopenia is indicated by values ​​from -1 to -2.5. If the data is below 2.5, then we can talk about the development of osteoporosis. The T-score is used to assess the development of osteoporosis in patients older than fifty.​
  • The study of the lumbar spine and hip joint has the maximum diagnostic value, since it is in these regions that complications of osteoporosis such as fractures often occur.

The second way to study mineral density is ultrasonic densitometry (bone ultrasonometry). The speed of passage of ultrasonic waves through the bone tissue is determined depending on their density. Used as a screening.​

  • ​Preparation for the examination includes stopping any medications and dietary supplements containing calcium the day before the procedure. Doctors must be warned about such examinations that have taken place the day before, especially if barium or another contrast agent was used during their conduct. It is forbidden to carry out any kind of densitometry during pregnancy or the slightest suspicion of it. During the examination, it is required to remain completely still, this will ensure the clarity of the image and help to conduct the examination in more detail.​
  • Densitometry of the spine and femoral neck is performed more often than others, because these parts of the skeleton are more prone to injury than others. With age, bone density decreases significantly, this is due to the loss of calcium. All this leads to a violation of the microstructure of the bones and, more precisely, to an increase in their porosity, fragility and fragility. The strength of the bones of the skeleton decreases, which leads to an increase in the number of fractures. And most often there is a fracture of the pelvis and femoral neck.

densitometry in children

Patients often have questions. Here are the answers to them.​

  • The examination will take only 15 minutes out of two years of life - it is pointless to conduct it more often. This is densitometry, the most accurate method for determining bone strength, your pass to "Indian summer" without fractures.​
  • There are two types of diagnostics: with the help of the best X-ray and ultrasound. Both are carried out quite quickly, are painless and absolutely calmly tolerated by both adults and restless children. How do they differ from each other?

​Scanning takes at least half an hour.​

  • Direct contraindication - radioisotope study in the previous two days.
  • Z-score is the number of deviations relative to healthy people of the same sex and age. A value less than -2.5 indicates the development of secondary osteoporosis and requires additional examination.​

No special preparation for the study is required. It is enough to follow these recommendations:

Indications for the study


  1. When densitometry of the lumbar region, the patient should lie on his stomach, and when examining the femoral neck, on the side opposite from the joint being examined. Densitometry is carried out on a special table. A sensor moves over the examined area of ​​the body, transmitting information to the monitor screen. The study takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Undressing during the examination is not required, but clothing should be loose and free from metal objects. The data obtained are recorded on a special form by a radiologist, and the interpretation of the examination results is carried out by the attending doctor.​
  2. Decreased bone density is called osteoporosis. According to the World Health Organization, it is the third leading cause of death in old age. It is inferior only to diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology. Both women and men are susceptible to this disease, but the risk of developing it in a strong half of humanity is much lower - only 10-12%. Whereas in women, osteoporosis occurs in 35-40% of cases.
  3. is a referral from a pediatrician or specialist).​
  4. With the help of ultrasound, the density of the bones of the fingers and heels is measured - the patient puts his finger (or puts his heel) in a special recess of the apparatus. But this is a less informative study. On its basis, only a preliminary conclusion can be made and, if necessary, sent for a full-fledged X-ray densitometry of the spine, hip or whole body, after which an accurate diagnosis will be made.​
  5. Ask a question
  6. Osteodesitometry using x-rays has already been called the gold standard of diagnostics by physicians, which allows you to study bone tissue in two places: in the bones of the thighs or vertebrae. The method has gained a good reputation due to the following advantages:​
  7. When re-appointing, it is recommended to undergo the procedure on the same device.


It is physically impossible to examine the bone structures of people who weigh more than 130 kg in this way.

Preparation for the procedure

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic procedure that measures the density of bone structures. During the scan, the machine compares the patient's bone density with similar data in a healthy person.​

  • stop taking calcium supplements in a day;
  • the speed of the procedure;
  • For preventive purposes, it is recommended to undergo this health diagnostic procedure once every two years. This will allow you to identify the disease at the initial stages of development and track changes in bone density over time.​

Osteoporosis is discovered by chance: a fracture of the ridge, radius bones or femoral neck occurs, during the treatment, examinations and tests are prescribed, and a diagnosis is made based on their results.

  1. Bone densitometry in Moscow. Osteodensitometry
  2. Conventional X-ray "sees" only that stage of the disease, at which 30% of bone density is already lost. It is prescribed only for the diagnosis of possible complications. In this case, an x-ray of the thoracic and lumbar spine is performed in a lateral projection. He is unable to identify early signs of osteoporosis.
  3. We often perceive osteoporosis as an age-related disease, the destiny of the elderly. This delusion is relaxing. But already from the age of 30, calcium reserves in the bones begin to decline, by the age of 50 they can reach a critical minimum, and if measures are not taken in time, it will be too late.
  4. high diagnostic accuracy;
  5. Carrying out osteodensitometry

Osteodensitometry is not applicable for pregnant women


During the procedure, the area of ​​the body being examined is exposed to X-ray radiation, but its dose is minimal. This test is painless and non-invasive. With the help of osteodensitometry, an imbalance in the mineral composition of bone tissue can be detected, a decrease in the density of bone structures most often indicates a serious disease.

  • Wear clothes without metal objects for the procedure;
  • ​safety - can be used to examine pregnant women.​
  • Densitometry indicates two parameters: T-score and Z-score. The first is a comparison of the bone density of the examined patient with an indicator that is the standard of a healthy skeleton. A value of one or more is considered normal. With an index ranging from -1 to -2.5, one can speak of low mineral density or osteopenia. A reading below -2.5 indicates osteoporosis present in the body.​

Research results

Early signs of osteoporosis include:

  1. Bone densitometry
  2. Osteoporosis is associated with a deficiency of the female sex hormone estrogen. But even if the analysis shows a decrease in their level, this is not the basis for making a diagnosis, but just a reason for further examination. A blood test for calcium has nothing to do with osteoporosis at all. With this disease, the level of calcium in the blood is normal. Just due to the fact that it is washed out of the bones. So there are no laboratory tests that can be used to make an accurate diagnosis of osteoporosis.

Osteodensitometry: what is it, preparation, how is it done, contraindications

What is the procedure?

Osteoporosis is curable, but only in the early stages. X-ray densitometry helps to detect it.

The ability to carefully examine human bone tissue.

Who is assigned this examination?

It is worth noting that in most cases, the lumbar spine, as well as the hip joint, are diagnosed, since these departments are more prone to fractures due to osteoporosis.


  1. Most often, the state of the bone tissue is assessed using x-rays, but the method of ultrasonic osteodensitometry is also used.
  2. Osteodensitometry is mainly prescribed for the manifestation of primary signs of osteoporosis. This disease is more common in women over the age of 50, who have a change in hormonal levels. Osteoporosis is characterized by a low calcium content, and as a result, a weakening of the bones of the skeleton. With this diagnosis, the risk of fractures and bone fractures increases.
  3. You should warn the doctor about the presence of metal implants.
  4. Disadvantages:
  5. ​Z-score is an index comparing a patient's bone density with an average parameter corresponding to the person's age. If the difference is very large, additional examinations and analyzes will be needed: radiography, biochemical tests, bone tissue biopsy. There are no special contraindications for densitometry.
  6. back discomfort and fatigue;
  7. - The technique is based on the use of X-rays and is an improved, modified form of radiography.
  8. It is enough to ensure that the body receives the daily norm of calcium (1200 mg) from products, primarily from dairy products. If for some reason this doesn’t work for you, you can take extra calcium.​
  9. This method allows you to quickly, safely and accurately determine bone mineral density: the higher it is, the more resistant the bones are to fractures. There is no need to be afraid of the word "X-ray" - the radiation intensity is 400 times less than with conventional X-rays. The densitometer operator does not even use any special protection.​
  10. The disadvantages of the examination include the dose of radiation to which the patient is exposed. T, although it is negligible, it is better to undergo diagnostics once a year, not more often.


  • The radiologist analyzes the obtained images and sends the transcript of the scan results to your doctor. The results of the study will be presented in two indicators:​
  • ​X-ray osteodensitometry is the most informative method, it allows you to assess bone density in two areas of the body - the spine and the femur. The disadvantage of this variety is that it can only assess the overall density of the bones, while cancellous bone is the first to be demineralized. It is worth remembering about the radiation exposure during such a study, the procedure can be carried out no more than once a year.
  • This type of diagnosis is often prescribed to women after the menopause period if they do not take estrogens.
  • Performing X-ray osteodensitometry consists of the following steps:
  • less informative;
This procedure is not performed during pregnancy due to a possible threat to the life of the fetus.

Varieties of osteodensitometry

pain with sudden movements;

X-ray method

​"Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, abbreviated as DXA or DEXA"​

Ultrasonic method

Bone densitometry

How to prepare for the examination?

You, without undressing, lie down on a long wide table, a special screen “floats” above you, which “scans” the entire skeleton in two or more projections, if two-photon densitometry is performed. And only the bones of the hand, forearm and lower leg, if single-photon densitometry. The first is preferable. Of greatest interest are data on the mineral density of the cervical spine and proximal femur - the bone density in these regions is initially lower.​

  • Osteodensitometry by ultrasound is considered safer and is prescribed at the first signs of diseases of the lumbar spine, osteoporosis, any diseases that affect bone strength, reducing its mass.
  • Index T
  • This method allows you to indirectly assess the state of bone structures, it can be used to determine the speed of passage of an ultrasound wave through the bone tissue. Ultrasonic osteodensitometry is of a screening nature. The advantage of the method is that it is safe and takes little time. But at the same time, ultrasound is less informative. In addition, it can only examine peripheral bone formations.
  • Also at risk are fragile and tall women, the study is shown with a height of 175 cm and a weight of up to 56 kg.
  • The patient is placed on a couch, under which there is a radiation source.

Procedure technique:

  • Examination of only peripheral bone structures (heel, tibia, phalanges of the hands).
  • It will be possible to conduct an examination after childbirth. It is also recommended to postpone the examination for a few days if other similar procedures have previously been performed. It will not be possible to perform densitometry in patients who have irreversible changes in the sacro-lumbar region that will not allow him to take the desired position on the table.
  • reduction in human height;
  • ​is a method of measuring bone mineral density in order to determine the "health of bones", assess the likelihood of fractures and develop recommendations for further examination and treatment of patients with identified changes.​
  • The procedure is painless and does not require any preparation. The operator of the densitometer fixes the result and gives the conclusion and pictures. The results are interpreted and the diagnosis is made by another specialist, usually a rheumatologist.​
  • ​The main advantages of ultrasonic osteodensitometry:​
Indicates bone density compared to a young person of your gender who has the highest bone mass. The norm is considered to be the indicator of the T index - above -1. If the indicator is from -1 to -2.5, then osteopenia develops, if below -2.5 - osteoporosis.

Since it is the X-ray type of the procedure that is highly informative and is used most often, we will tell you how to prepare for it:

Deciphering the results of the study

  • A sensor is installed above the couch, which records the degree of X-ray absorption by the bone tissue. Diagnosis of osteoporosis is also possible using quantitative computed tomography - a highly informative method that allows a selective study of the spongy and compact bone substance. However, this procedure is accompanied by a high radiation exposure.​
  • The strength of the bones of the skeleton is determined by the content of phosphate and calcium carbonate in them. A decrease in bone mineral density leads to bone fragility and is called osteoporosis. Densitometry of the spine makes it possible to timely diagnose pathological changes in the vertebral bodies and prevent their fractures, chest deformity.

This is densitometry.

Spinal osteodensitometry

​You can do densitometry in Moscow at "Patero Clinic" using a densitometer from Hologic (USA).​

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Who is prescribed spinal densitometry?

  • safety, which makes it acceptable for examination of pregnant women, children and the elderly;
  • Z index
  • This type of scan does not require a specific diet. The only thing that should be excluded from the diet per day is calcium supplements.
  • Patients taking corticosteroids, anti-seizure drugs, hormones, barbiturates.

When examining the spine, the legs are bent at the hip and knee joints and placed on a stand.

Types of osteodensitometry

Densitometry is indicated for the following categories of patients:

Densitometry is a painless, non-invasive way to determine bone density using ultrasonic waves or x-rays. Used to detect the development of osteoporosis and prevent its complications.​

  • To date, densitometry of the spine and femoral neck is the best way to prevent the development of osteoporosis. The main enemies of a healthy skeleton are age and hormonal changes in the body. That is why women often suffer from brittle bones, because in adulthood they go through a period of menopause, in which bone tissue is severely destroyed due to hormonal imbalance. Thanks to x-ray and ultrasound diagnostics, the disease can be noticed in the early stages, and not when it will not respond to medical procedures.​
  • ​ Currently, bone densitometry ​

Patero Clinic is equipped with a dual-energy X-ray osteodensitometer of the QDR series, model Discovery A, manufactured by Hologic (USA). Equipped with computer programs that allow for additional processing of the received data according to various criteria.​

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affordable price.

  • - allows you to judge bone density relative to people of the same sex and age. An additional examination is prescribed if this index is too high or too low.​
  • Clothing should be loose and comfortable, all metal objects should be put out of pockets.

The study is indicated for people who have type 1 diabetes.

During the study of the femoral neck, the legs are fixed on a triangular stand so that the heels are laid outward.

How is osteodensitometry performed?

As a preventive examination of women and men over 65 and 70 years old, respectively.

  • ​The "gold standard" is the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) method or x-ray osteodensitometry - a method for examining bone density using x-rays. The degree of its weakening by bone structures is assessed at two points - in the bodies of the vertebrae and the femur.​
  • It is recommended to regularly take tests and undergo a medical examination not only in adulthood. Risk factors for osteoporosis include people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a genetic predisposition to this disease, and abuse smoking and alcoholic beverages.​
  • (bone densitometry - DEXA)

Of particular note:

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The result of ultrasonic osteodensitometry of the spine is instantly displayed on the screen of the densitometer device, it is processed very quickly and is not difficult to decipher. This makes it possible to issue a diagnosis directly on the day of treatment and examination.​
  • If the dynamics of the development of your disease is important to the doctor, then the patient will have to undergo several similar procedures, but not in a row. The results of the first and subsequent scans will indicate how quickly osteoporosis is developing.​


All jewelry and accessories must be removed in advance.

Often prescribed to those who have chronic liver or kidney disease.


During the procedure, it is necessary to maintain a stationary position of the body.

With prolonged use of systemic glucocorticosteroids, loop diuretics, anticonvulsants.

Advantages of this type of diagnostics:


  • It is recommended to take tests, undergo X-ray examination or ultrasound diagnostics for women with the onset of menopause, especially early. Increased risk of osteoporosis in people with low body weight (women less than 55 kg, men less than 70 kg). With a lack of calcium and vitamin D, taking corticosteroids, and estrogen deficiency, osteoporosis also occurs more often. Densitometry is a mandatory examination for people suffering from diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism) and rheumatic diseases. Densitometry is a comprehensive examination, including X-ray, ultrasound diagnostics and clinical tests. By type it is divided into:
  • ​This is a standard method for measuring bone density (assessment of bone density loss) and is not an alternative to classic skeletal bone radiography.​
  • FRAX
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  • However, doctors note that the accuracy of the examination results with ultrasound is still lower and inferior to X-ray, in addition, the so-called peripheral bone structures can be examined by ultrasound: phalanges of the fingers, heels, tibia.
  • Osteodensitometry is a modern, non-invasive study of bone tissue using ultrasound and X-rays.


​The patient must notify the physician if they have recently undergone a radioisotope examination, computed tomography with contrast, or a barium examination. It is recommended to maintain a gap between the procedures of such a plan for at least 10 days.​

X-ray densitometry takes about half an hour. It is recommended to undergo repeated examinations on the same device.​

With hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, hyperparathyroidism);

high information content of the study;

Is it possible to do with ultrasonic densitometry and not expose yourself to radiation at all?

​quantitative ultrasound densitometry (QUDM);​

Some prefer to undergo a full x-ray examination, is it more reliable?

The study itself, densitometry, consists in transilluminating the bone with invisible X-rays with a low dose of ionizing load through two energy flows, which allows you to do the study as accurately and quickly as possible. Devices for densitometry are equipped with special software, which contains programs of normative indicators for sex and age. During densitometry, the obtained data are compared with them and deviations from statistical indicators are calculated.​

Is it possible to determine the lack of calcium, and therefore the risk of osteoporosis, by blood tests?

​- an individualized 10-year risk assessment program for hip fractures due to osteoporosis and other fractures, taking into account additional risk factors.​

If the results of densitometry are normal, then preventive calcium intake is not needed?

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Densitometry, Osteodensitometry, densitometry where to do, bone densitometry, Densitometry in Moscow, Bone densitometry, Diagnosis of osteoporosis, Make densitometry

Usually this method is used to study the spine: It allows you to penetrate the very essence of bone tissue and find out how strong it is by determining the ratio of phosphate and calcium. Diagnostics also allows you to determine: how the mineralization process occurs, whether the bone tissue has a tendency to reduce mass. In the case when the bone mass decreases, the risk of fractures increases many times in a person, which requires surgical treatment or a preventive course. After all, as you know: it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Bone densitometry or osteodensitometry is a quick and painless examination!

If a woman is being examined, she should make sure that there is no pregnancy, since radiation is very dangerous for the development of the fetus, it can cause deviations and anomalies, especially in the early stages.

Bone densitometer at Patero Clinic, densitometric examination

It is used for previously diagnosed diagnoses: hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism.

Contraindications for X-ray densitometry are:

  • In the presence of osteoporosis in close relatives. Possibility to examine all bone structures.
  • dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (XRA); Medical indications for densitometry are determined by the following specialists: endocrinologist, rheumatologist, pediatrician, gynecologist-endocrinologist, hematologist, nutritionist, neuropathologist, traumatologist, therapist.​
  • Whole body examination 300 g bananas Loin. men aged 60 and over; The patient lies on the couch in the required position, given that the radiation source is located under it.

When performing densitometry on equipment PATERO CLINIC radiation dose is kept to a minimum and is less than 1/10 of the standard chest x-ray dose.

It is mandatory for patients who have received a fracture as a result of a minor injury.

the presence of pregnancy and lactation; With fractures from minor impacts. The disadvantages include the following points: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI); Main clinical indications for the use of densitometry:- an extended program for analyzing the mineral composition of the body, which also allows you to determine the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue of the body; The information obtained is used by endocrinologists and nutritionists when developing a treatment regimen or evaluating the effectiveness of previously applied treatment. Densitometry should be performed every 2 years for all women after 45 years of age. But these are the norms only for those whose mothers did not suffer from osteoporosis, who do not have menstrual irregularities (including early menopause) and who do not suffer from obvious underweight. If these risk factors are present in your life, you have two or more children, or vice versa, you have never given birth, and also if you have had fractures, get an examination earlier, at 40 years old. Occasionally - bones of the forearm.

in people suspected of having osteoporosis;

The lumbar spine and hip joint are the areas where densitometry is most often performed, where most osteoporosis-related fractures occur, if necessary, bone density of the thigh, bones of the forearm, or whole body densitometry can be done.

Clinical indications for densitometry

​The scan area should be below the upper transducer, which measures how much X-rays are absorbed by the bone.​

​It is used as a measure of complex diagnostics for patients in whom signs of osteoporosis have been identified using similar research methods.​

  • Examination with the use of contrast agents in the previous 5 days;

Densitometry- a method of X-ray examination aimed at determining the mineral density of bone tissue. Densitometry is performed to assess the risk of developing osteoporosis and the effectiveness of therapy that slows down the demineralization of bone tissues. According to the size, thickness and density of the bones, the coefficients T (comparison of the patient's data with an indicator of a healthy young person of the corresponding sex) and Z (comparison with a population of the same sex, weight and age) are calculated. In the process of densitometry, the lumbar spine and proximal femur are usually examined, less often the forearm, calcaneus, or the entire skeleton.

Based on the measurement of the content of the mineral component of bone tissue - calcium, densitometry allows you to explore and evaluate the density, strength of bones and the risk of potential fractures. Densitometry is a highly sensitive method that allows detecting a minimal loss of bone matrix density (up to 2%) with a low measurement error. In the course of densitometry, two streams of X-rays are directed to the studied areas of the bone tissue and their output intensity is recorded with a special device. The denser the bone, the more it blocks the penetration of the x-ray beam, reducing the degree of its permeability. With densitometry, the radiation exposure is low: the radiation dose during examination of the whole body does not exceed the daily dose of natural background radiation.

With the help of X-ray densitometry, modern endocrinology performs a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the bone structure of the axial skeleton and peripheral parts. To obtain more reliable results, densitometry should be performed on at least two different parts of the bones. Most often, densitometry examines the mineral density of the bones of the lower spine and hip. It is in these areas of the skeleton that the greatest loss of bone density is noted, and they are most often at risk of fractures. Peripheral densitometry allows you to assess the density of bone tissue in the distal extremities (wrist and forearm, lower leg and calcaneus). Repeated densitometry is recommended to be carried out on the same parts of the skeletal system using the same equipment. The price of densitometry depends on the studied areas of the skeleton. Densitometry in Moscow is a quick and painless procedure, which is also used to examine children.


Natural age-related osteopenia - bone loss in risk groups provokes the development of osteoporosis. Detection of bone density loss at an early stage using densimetry contributes to the timely prevention of osteoporosis and serious bone damage. Tracking with the help of densimetry changes in bone density during the treatment of osteoporosis, the issue of the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy is decided. In clinical and diagnostic practice, densitometry is commonly prescribed for patients at increased risk of osteoporosis. These include: postmenopausal women (60 - 65 years and older) with risk factors; men over 70; individuals with a history of fractures and increased bone loss; patients with hyperparathyroidism, as well as persons undergoing drug therapy for osteoporosis for 2 years or more.


Since during densitometry the patient is exposed to X-rays, even in a small dose, it is not recommended for pregnant women because of the risk of negative effects of radiation on the fetus. Reasons for inability to perform densitometry may include recent fractures, arthritis of the spine, metal skeletal implants used in reconstructive surgery, an X-ray examination using barium contrast less than 10 days before densitometry.


Before densitometry, it is necessary to remove jewelry made of metal, clothing with metal elements (buttons, buckles). Densitometry is a non-invasive procedure that does not cause discomfort to the patient, has no side effects, takes from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the scope of the study. Bone densitometry is performed using modern x-ray equipment - a densitometer. During densitometry, the patient is on a special table in the supine position with straightened legs or lowered legs. X-rays scan certain parts of the bone skeleton, and a special sensor measures the degree of absorption of transmitted rays, on the basis of which a graph is built. With densitometry, the projection area of ​​the study area and the content of mineral components are measured; then, based on these indicators, bone mineral density (BMD in g/cm2) is calculated.

Interpretation of results

The values ​​of bone mineral density obtained using densitometry are expressed in two indicators - T and Z. The T-scale compares the patient's BMD with the average control indicators of healthy young people (30 years old). The Z-score compares adult BMD to population averages for age, gender, and race. Indicators of bone mineral density during densitometry are expressed in standard deviations from the control value of bone mass. Osteoporosis prediction is based on densitometry T-scores.

Normally, with densitometry, BMD should be at least one standard deviation from the average values ​​in young adults. A BMD between -1 and -2.5 standard deviations on the T-scale is considered low and is regarded as osteopenia, a condition preceding osteoporosis with a moderate risk of fracture. If densitometry shows a decrease in T-score of more than 2.5 standard deviations from the reference value of bone mass, this is consistent with osteoporosis and a high risk of fractures during a fall or injury. Severe osteoporosis, in addition to a low T-value of densitometry, is characterized by the presence of previous fractures.

When diagnosing osteoporosis based on densitometry data, it is necessary to take into account the heterogeneity of BMD in different parts of the skeleton and predict the risk of fractures only in this area under study. A positive standard deviation of a patient's BMD means that their bones are stronger and denser than those of the average young person. Z - densitometry indicators represent standard deviations from the average values ​​for a given age group of people of the same sex and race. Decreased Z-scores also mean that the patient's bone density is reduced compared to most people in this age group.

The cost of densitometry in Moscow

X-ray examination to determine bone mineral density is an inexpensive diagnostic procedure. Not too widespread, performed in specialized medical institutions of the capital and the region. The factors that determine the price of densitometry in Moscow are the form of ownership of the diagnostic and treatment organization (public hospitals, as a rule, set more affordable prices) and the procedure for performing the manipulation (if the patient wants to undergo a study without a queue, the cost increases). When pricing, the prestige and convenience of the location of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and the technical characteristics of the equipment can be taken into account.

Densitometry is an informative medical examination, its purpose is measurement of bone mineral density person. The procedure is non-invasive, painless, allows you to get information about the calcium content in the bones of a child or an adult, which will help to identify it in a timely manner already at the initial stages.

This is how the procedure goes.

Densitometry can be performed in different parts of the musculoskeletal system, but it is most often practiced to examine the following joints:

  • knee joints;
  • spine;
  • hip joints;
  • shoulder joints.

Computer, or complex, densitometry is many times more informative than conventional blood tests and even x-rays. Let us consider in more detail the types of densitometry, what kind of procedure it is, how it is carried out, what results it shows.

Objectives and essence of the study

Complex densitometry will help to identify:

  1. Presence at different stages of the course.
  2. Bone density level.
  3. The amount of mineral compounds in human bones in any area of ​​the musculoskeletal system.
  4. The exact localization of fractures in the spine, the general condition of the spinal column.
  5. Clarification of diagnoses of bone diseases.
  6. Establishing a further prognosis for the development of osteoporosis, determining the risks of hip fracture for several years to come.
  7. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic therapy.

The procedure is performed without anesthesia, it is considered safe, as it does not have harmful radiation on a person. The research method consists in exposure to ultrasonic or X-ray radiation; The data is read by sensors and transferred to a computer. Further, a special program determines the level of human bone density.

Computer densitometry is an accurate informational method for detecting osteoporosis in the initial stages. Exposure to rays can detect even minor deviations in bone structures (it is possible to detect even 2% loss of calcium, which indicates a high accuracy of the study).

How research is done

How is densitometry performed? The research technique depends on the specific type of research, the diagnosed area of ​​the human body.

The general course of the procedure:

  1. The patient takes the necessary position on a special table (it is indicated by the doctor depending on the area being examined).
  2. If the hip joints are examined, then the person's legs are placed in a curly brace.
  3. You need to lie still. Depending on the method of densitometry used, the duration of the procedure can be from ten minutes to half an hour.
  4. During the diagnosis, the doctor may ask the patient to hold their breath.
  5. The X-ray beam during the procedure can pass through 3 points of the bone.

How often can this procedure be done? This is determined individually, based on the general state of health and the presence of a predisposition to bone diseases.

X-ray variety

Two types of densitometry are practiced:

  • ultrasonic procedure;
  • x-ray examination.

An ultrasound method is an examination without the use of rays. Due to the complete safety of the procedure, this type of densitometry is allowed for frequent use even by pregnant women and mothers during lactation.

Such a study is practiced using a special densitometer, which can measure the speed of passage of ultrasound through human bones. The indicator is taken by sensors and processed in the computer program.

Most often, ultrasound examines the calcaneus.

Advantages of ultrasound type of diagnostics:

  1. Duration - no more than fifteen minutes.
  2. No harmful radiation or other negative effects on the body.
  3. Availability.
  4. The accuracy of the diagnostic procedure.
  5. Special preparation is not needed.
  6. The ability to conduct a study, both for primary diagnosis, and for monitoring already conducted therapeutic therapy and evaluating its effectiveness.

If the doctor was unable to obtain sufficient information from the ultrasound examination of the bones, X-ray densitometry is performed.

A more accurate diagnostic method is X-ray densitometry. During the procedure, x-rays are directed to the human bone tissue. They count the amount of minerals in the bone tissue to determine its density.

X-rays can reveal even slight abnormalities in the bones. With densitometry, there is much less radiation than with conventional x-rays, so the negative impact on the body is minimal.

X-rays are most commonly used to examine bone density in the spine, wrists, and hips. Also, this procedure can be carried out for other areas of the human musculoskeletal system.

Due to the fact that this type of densitometry still exposes a person to X-ray radiation, it is not recommended to conduct it too often.

It is impossible to say for sure which is better: ultrasound or X-ray densitometry, since both types of procedures have their pros and cons. However, it is the examination of bones with the help of X-rays that is considered to be a more informational method.

Where can the examination be done?

Densitometry can be done at a medical diagnostic center. Particular attention should be paid not only to the clinic, but also to the qualifications of the operator: the quality of the interpretation of the results will depend on him.

The best clinics to perform such an examination:

  1. Invitro.
  2. Family doctor.
  3. Medsi.
  4. Patero clinics.

Densitometry result

A person who is undergoing an examination for the first time needs to figure out what densitometry shows, what standards of bone density are distinguished by doctors. The main indicators of densitometry:

  1. "T"- This is an indicator of tissue density compared to the norm. The normal score for young people is 1 point and above.
  2. Z is the density of the tissue depending on the age group to which the patient belongs.

For an adult and a child, doctors use different scales to evaluate the results of tissue density.

The interpretation of the results obtained is possible according to the following table:

With the results of the study, you need to contact a rheumatologist who will select a course of therapeutic therapy depending on the indications and neglect of the condition.

The traditional treatment regimen for osteoporosis:

  1. : Alostin, Verpena and derivatives.
  2. Drugs to inhibit bone loss: Bonefos, Xidifon.
  3. Means for stimulating the formation of bone tissue (Osteogenon).
  4. Appointment is practiced with severe osteoporosis.
  5. Preparations with calcium: Elevit, Complivit.

In case of a bone fracture, the limb can be fixed with a plaster cast. In more advanced cases, the patient requires surgery.

Indications for passage

The main indications for densitometry are the following conditions:

  1. . It is important to examine the bones early in this condition.
  2. For preventive purposes The study is conducted for women over 40 years of age. As for men, it is desirable for them to carry out such a procedure every year after 60 years.
  3. Presence of injury or fracture bone history. It is especially important to diagnose bone density in fractures of the spine or hip joints, since they are most often destroyed under the influence of osteoporosis.
  4. The presence of severe thyroid diseases and hormonal disruptions.
  5. Women who have undergone ovary removal(they are at increased risk of osteoporosis).
  6. Patients whose close relatives suffered from osteoporosis.
  7. People who have long taken drugs that affect the leaching of calcium from the bones.
  8. Persons suffering from long-term alcoholism, smokers with experience.
  9. People with poorly balanced diet, with a lack of nutrients and calcium.
  10. Men and women of short stature with low body weight.
  11. Patients who practice fasting for medicinal purposes or for weight loss.
  12. People leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  13. Patients who regularly exert excessive physical activity on the body.

Additional indications for densitometry:

  • diseases of the spine (, varying degrees of neglect, etc.);
  • metabolic disease;
  • increased fragility of bones;
  • undetermined etiology;
  • violation of calcium metabolism;
  • severe endocrine diseases;
  • general control of the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic therapy for osteoporosis;
  • long-term treatment with psychotropic drugs or hormonal contraceptives;
  • pregnancy planning period;
  • obesity;
  • people who drink coffee often.


The ultrasonic type of densitometry is considered safe for humans, so it has no significant contraindications. As for the x-ray examination, due to radiation exposure, it cannot be performed by women during the period of bearing a child, by mothers during lactation. If the patient has severe chronic diseases, then before the study, he must necessarily inform the doctor about this.

Bone Analysis

Bone densitometry (ultrasound, computer) is prescribed by a rheumatologist, however, given the person's condition, the following specialists can recommend the procedure:

  1. Endocrinologist.
  2. Gynecologist.
  3. Orthopedist.
  4. Surgeon.

If the diagnosis of the state of bone tissue is prescribed by an endocrinologist or gynecologist, then the specialist wants to ascertain the root cause of the disease and the presence of complications.

You can find out what densitometry shows (what it is in general), how it is carried out, from a specialist performing such a study. He will give recommendations on how to prepare for densitometry.

You can ask a rheumatologist about how densitometry works, how it is done to diagnose the condition of different joints.

Preparation for the procedure

Features of preparing patients for bone examination:

  1. If the main objective of the examination is to diagnose osteoporosis, a few days before the procedure, you should stop taking calcium in any doses and other drugs to strengthen bones.
  2. Before the examination, it is advisable for the patient to take off all jewelry, make sure that there are no metal objects on the clothes (buttons, zippers, etc.).
  3. If a woman is pregnant, it is important to inform the doctor before the procedure. You need to make sure that the person has no other contraindications to the study.
  4. If the patient has previously undergone radiography with the use of a contrast agent, it is important to warn the diagnostician about this.

Bone Density

Some patients fear the negative impact of such an examination. However, bone density does not suffer during densitometry, because the procedure does not have a devastating effect like human joints.

How often can densitometry be done? Doctors advise screening for osteoporosis twice a year for people who are at increased risk.

As for the prevention of joint pathologies, it is advisable to perform this study once a year to assess the overall bone density. Extraordinary densitometry can be prescribed according to the indications (deterioration of the joints, etc.). Before such a procedure, it is important to consult with your doctor first.

Spine diagnostics

Examination of the spine and its lumbar region, if suspected, is performed in the presence of a hernia, osteochondrosis, or a previous fracture of the vertebrae.

X-ray densitometry is indicated twice a year for inflammatory pathologies in the spine, scoliosis, large joints (for example, with).

Diagnosis in osteoporosis

A bone density test will examine the composition of bone tissue. Indicators for osteoporosis ("T" and "Z") will be -2.0 and below.

If a study for osteoporosis reveals this disease, then its degrees will be classified according to the results of the tests and the conclusion of the doctor.

How often can densitometry be done in case of already diagnosed osteoporosis? The frequency of examinations depends on the stage of neglect of the disease, the rate of its progression.

The price of the examination is determined by its type, specific clinic, area of ​​examination.

The cost of the study is on average 3500 rubles. In some clinics, the price can reach up to 6000 rubles. Undergo densitometry at: timely detected diseases will reduce the risk of developing dangerous and their complications.

Examination of the knee joints

Unlike a conventional x-ray of the knee, densitometry will provide more detailed information about the state of the bone tissue of this joint. The study will reveal even at the stage of inception, when the active patient is not yet observed. This will give the doctor the opportunity to choose a course of treatment for the patient and prevent degenerative lesions of the joint.

Prevention of osteoporosis development

Osteoporosis leads to thinning of the bones and increasing their fragility, which provokes fractures. To prevent bone density loss, you need to follow the doctors:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle. You should completely abandon the use of strong alcoholic beverages, smoking, drinking coffee, since all this contributes to the removal of calcium and its further removal from the body.
  2. Stick to whose diet will be rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Daily menu includes meat or fish, greens, cereals, liver, egg yolks and cheeses. Fermented milk products are useful for bones: cottage cheese, kefir, cream.
  3. Take regularly .
  4. Important for menopausal women take estrogen medications. They will protect against the development of a lack of sex hormones and the negative consequences of this condition.
  5. Regularly exercise on your body to strengthen bones and maintain their density. But if a person has already developed osteoporosis, then physical activity will not be as effective.
  6. Saturate the body with vitamin D. It is recommended to go to sunny regions at least once a year.
  7. Prevent obesity and critically low body weight.
  8. Timely treat any chronic pathologies, especially diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and hormonal disruptions in the body.
  9. Every year, see a doctor and carry out diagnostic procedures for the preventive assessment of bone density.
  10. Avoid strict diets.

The problem of diseases of the spine is very relevant. If warning symptoms occur, it is important to identify the causes of spinal dysfunction in the early stages.

Spinal densitometry is a quick and painless way to assess the condition of the skeleton. Highly sensitive devices make it possible to effectively determine the amount of rarefaction of bones while maintaining their volume.

When is densitometry performed?

This diagnostic examination is especially effective in the following conditions:

  • change in bone tissue in the form of a decrease in the number of bone crossbars, their thinning, curvature, partial resorption;
  • examination of people with an increased risk of fractures (women in perimenopause, menopause, or with prolonged amenorrhea);
  • confirmation of the diagnosis of osteoporosis in people with suspected osteopenia or with a spinal deformity;
  • determining the stage of the disease and monitoring the dynamics of treatment in order to correct therapeutic measures;
  • identification of patients with rapid bone loss.

The video shows the process of examining bone tissue

Important: Densitometry of the spine, as well as other bones of the skeleton, is currently the only reliable method for diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with loss of bone density.

Densitometry methods

There are x-ray, radioisotope and ultrasonic methods. To detect osteopenia, 3 types of X-ray densitometry are used:

  • Dual energy absorptiometry (DEXA) is based on the determination of the extent to which X-rays pass through bone and muscle. The denser the tissue, the worse the X-ray beam passes through it. This method is most suitable for densitometry of the lumbar spine and thigh bones. Accounting for the results is carried out by comparing the level of tissue absorption of x-rays.
  • In the peripheral densitometry method, density is measured using low doses of radiation. It is used to examine the bones of the extremities, but it is not effective for assessing the mineralization of the spine and femur.
  • The quantitative method of computed tomography is also based on the use of x-rays. It is characterized by high radiation exposure, used in case of emergency.

The method of photon absorptiometry is based on the assessment of the absorption of low doses of isotopes. It is divided into 2 types:

  • Monochrome densitometry is used only for the study of peripheral bones.
  • The dichromic method reveals the degree of loosening of the femurs or vertebrae.

Important: There is a direct dependence of bone density on the electrons contained in it. It is their number that determines the ability of body tissues to transmit or attenuate X-ray photons.

Ultrasound densitometry of the spine and other parts of the musculoskeletal system is a safe and very accurate method. Therefore, it is advisable to use it for primary diagnosis, as well as for assessing the effectiveness of treatment of diseases.

Evaluation of densitometry results

Bone mineral density is determined by T- and Z-criteria.

  • T-criterion - the number of deviations from the average bone mass when examining women aged 30-35 years.
  • Z-criterion - the number of deviations from the value of the average age norm. This criterion makes it possible to take into account the normal changes in bone tissue that occur during the aging process.

Measurement of bone density and mineral content in it using densitometers is of particular diagnostic value for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, as well as the prevention of bone fractures.