State Duma deputy Perminov. Omsk municipal libraries

Dmitry Perminov was born on April 3, 1979 in the city of Omsk. After school in 1998 he graduated from the Omsk Technical School of Railway Transport. In December 1998, he was called up for military service in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He served in the special forces detachment of the North Caucasus District of the Internal Troops, known as the “Armavir Special Forces”. Mastered the military specialty of a sniper.

In August 1999, Armavir special forces arrived in Dagestan, in the thick of battles against the gangs of Basayev and Khattab invading from Chechnya. The Armavir special forces company, in which Dmitry Perminov fought on August 29, 1999, after a long-range raid, with a sudden strike captured the fortified positions of militants on Mount Chaban in the Tsumandinsky region of Dagestan.

Perminov and seven other fighters held a perimeter defense on the flank of a position in a large, deep trench. When repelling another attack, one of the militants who approached closely threw a grenade into the trench, which fell on the back of a comrade lying next to him. Dmitry grabbed the grenade and tried to throw it back, but at the moment of the throw it exploded in his hand, completely tearing off his hand. But the lives of his comrades were saved. From painful shock and severe concussion, Dmitry lost consciousness. When I came to my senses, I saw that the hand was missing, the arm was tied with a tourniquet by one of my comrades. The warrior picked up the machine gun and continued to fire with his left hand. Soon reinforcements arrived and the soldiers held out. Perminov was evacuated to the hospital.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 22, 1999, private Dmitry Sergeevich Perminov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia for the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. Due to disability, he was transferred to the reserve.

In 2000, Hero entered the service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Four years later he successfully graduated from the Omsk Law Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He served at the same academy from 2004 to 2006 as a teacher in the department of civil law disciplines, and from 2006 as an adjunct.

In 2009, Perminov was awarded the rank of police captain. Until 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. At the same time, he worked as deputy director of the budgetary institution of the Omsk region “Regional Center for Public Relations”. At the same time, he headed the military-patriotic club named after Hero of the Russian Federation Oleg Okhrimenko. Despite his disability, he successfully plays sports and is a candidate for master of sports in hand-to-hand combat.

In the elections of September 18, 2016, Dmitry Sergeevich Perminov was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian party "United Russia". Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption. Start date of authority: October 5, 2016.

In 1994 he graduated from general education No. 102 in Omsk, in 1998 - from the Omsk Technical School of Railway Transport with a degree in "assistant electric locomotive driver". In 2004 he graduated from the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of Russia, in 2013 - the autonomous institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education "College" Training Center "Orientir".

In 1998, he was called up for military service in the ranks of the Internal Troops (VV) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (now part of the Russian Guard). He served in the reconnaissance company of the 22nd separate operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd region), mastered the military specialty of a sniper. Since 1999, he participated in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan. On August 29, 1999, on Mount Chaban (Buinaksky district of Dagestan), during a battle with terrorists, he threw an enemy grenade out of a trench, thereby saving the lives of himself and seven colleagues. Dmitry Perminov's right hand was torn off by a grenade explosion, but he continued to hold the defense until reinforcements arrived. After treatment in the hospital, he was transferred to the reserve due to disability.
In 2004-2006 - teacher, 2006-2010 - Adjunct of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
From March 11, 2007 to December 4, 2011 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, was elected on the list of the United Russia political party. Worked on the Legislation Committee.
In connection with his election to the legislative assembly, he suspended and in 2010 ended his activities in the internal affairs bodies (total length of service was nine years).
In 2007, he became a co-founder of the Omsk regional public organization "Center for Sports and Martial Arts named after Hero of Russia Oleg Okhrimenko."
On December 2, 2007, he participated in the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the list of the United Russia party (number eight in regional group No. 59, Omsk Region). Based on the results of the distribution of mandates, he did not enter the Duma.
From February 1, 2010 to March 11, 2013, from February 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015 - Deputy Director of the state-owned institution of the Omsk region "Regional Center for Public Relations".
On March 4, 2012, he participated in the elections of deputies of the Omsk City Council of the 5th convocation as a self-nominated candidate in city district No. 3, but did not get into the City Council.
Since September 1, 2015 - assistant to the governor of the Omsk region Viktor Nazarov.
On March 15, 2016, he was elected chairman of the Omsk regional public organization of veterans (pensioners).
On September 18, 2016, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation on the list of the United Russia party (second number in regional group No. 7, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region). Joined the party faction.

Chairman of the Board of the Omsk regional organization of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory "Star" (2005-2015). He headed the board of the regional organization "Public Coalition of the Omsk Region" (2008-2012).
Member of the political party "United Russia" since July 8, 2008.

The total amount of declared income for 2015 amounted to 2 million 101 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 3 million 249 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2017 amounted to 5 million 905 thousand rubles.

Police captain (2009).

By decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin dated October 22, 1999, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal (for courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus). Awarded departmental medals.

Candidate for master of sports in hand-to-hand combat, multiple prize-winner and champion of hand-to-hand combat competitions at the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Omsk Region (among law enforcement agencies).

03.04.1979 -
Hero of the Russian Federation

P Erminov Dmitry Sergeevich - sniper of the special forces detachment of the 22nd separate operational brigade of the North Caucasus District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, private.

Born on April 3, 1979 in the city of Omsk. Russian. He graduated from high school and in 1998 from the Omsk Technical School of Railway Transport.

In December 1998, he was called up for military service in the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. He served in the 22nd separate operational brigade of the North Caucasus District of the Internal Troops (Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd Region). Mastered the military specialty of a sniper.

In August 1999, the brigade's special forces arrived in Dagestan, in the thick of battles against the gangs of Basayev and Khattab who had invaded from Chechnya. Well-trained special forces were constantly in the thick of battle. On August 29, 1999, a special forces company in which Dmitry Perminov fought, after a long-range raid, with a sudden strike captured the fortified positions of militants on Mount Chaban in the Tsumandinsky region of Dagestan. The militants expected to withstand a long defense from Russian troops in these positions, and therefore could not put up with their loss. The company was surrounded by hastily brought up large enemy forces, and after a brutal shelling, continuous attacks began. The soldiers of the Internal Troops steadfastly held the defense, repelling the enemy with fire.

Dmitry Perminov and 7 other fighters held a perimeter defense on the flank of a position in a large, deep trench. When repelling another attack, one of the closely approaching militants threw a grenade into the trench with a powerful throw, which fell on the back of a comrade lying next to Dmitry, who in the heat of battle did not even notice it. Dmitry grabbed the grenade and tried to throw it back, but at the moment of the throw it exploded in his hand, completely tearing off his hand. But even what he did was enough to save the lives of his comrades - at that moment the grenade was already beyond the edge of the trench. Almost everyone in the trench received shell shock and wounds, two comrades died, but five remained alive. Dmitry lost consciousness from painful shock and severe concussion. When I came to my senses, I saw that my hand was missing, my hand was tied with a tourniquet by one of my comrades, and the battle continued to rumble around me. He picked up his machine gun that was lying nearby and continued to fire at the enemy with his left hand. Soon explosions began to sound among the attacking militants - reinforcements arrived. The soldiers survived. Dmitry Perminov was evacuated to the hospital, where he had to undergo serious surgery.

U Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 1999 for the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus to private Perminov Dmitry Sergeevich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Due to disability, Dmitry Perminov was transferred to the reserve from the Armed Forces in 2000, but did not break down, showing great willpower. In 2000, he joined the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2004, he successfully graduated from the Omsk Law Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He served at the same academy from 2004 to 2006 as a teacher in the department of civil law disciplines, from 2006 to 2010 - as an adjunct. Since 2010 - in reserve.

Since 2010, he worked as deputy director of the budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Regional Center for Public Relations". Since September 2015 - Assistant to the Governor of the Omsk Region on issues of veterans' associations and public relations. At the same time, for many years he has been the head of the military-patriotic club named after the Hero of Russia.

Dmitry Sergeevich Perminov - adjunct of the Department of Criminal Law of the Omsk State Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, Hero of Russia.

Born on April 3, 1979 in Omsk. He received a certificate of secondary education in 1994, and in the same year he entered the Omsk Technical School of Railway Transport. Upon graduation in 1998, he received the specialty of an electric locomotive driver and was called up for military service in the Russian army. He served in the Volgograd region, in military intelligence units.

Since 1999, he has participated in establishing constitutional order in the territory of Dagestan. On August 29, 1999, the company of the 22nd Kalachevskaya Brigade, in which Dmitry Perminov fought, was tasked with capturing Mount Chaban in the Buynaksky district, where the militants had a repeater. A group of scouts took the height. But the militants, having decided to recapture it, surrounded the company and, with a tenfold advantage in manpower, rushed to storm it. Eight scouts in one trench took up all-round defense. And suddenly, Perminov saw that an F-1 grenade fell on the back of one of his comrades. Dmitry grabbed her and threw her over the parapet. Only after the explosion did he realize that his right hand had been torn off and that he had saved seven of his comrades from imminent death. Wounded, he continued to hold the line... When there was no longer any hope of escaping from the heights alive, the Rus special forces detachment came to the rescue. The boys were carried out under fire from the militants. Then there was a hospital. 8 months of treatment and disability. Here in the hospital, Dmitry Perminov was presented with an award. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In 2000, D.S. Perminov entered the Omsk State Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2004 he graduated and remained to work at the department of civil law disciplines as a teacher. In 2006, he passed the candidate minimum and entered the adjunct program. In the same year, he became chairman of the board of the Omsk regional public organization of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory “Star” (OROO Heroes “Star”).

On March 11, 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on the United Russia party list. One of the youngest Omsk parliamentarians, he works on the legislation committee.

In 2008, Dmitry Sergeevich Perminov headed the Council of the regional organization “Public Coalition of the Omsk Region,” created in 2001 and including 200 public organizations. The goal of the coalition is the formation of civil society and interaction with legislative, executive and local government bodies. The new leader of the public coalition promised to support the social policy of the state and regional government and to take direct part in the implementation of priority national projects.

Today Dmitry Sergeevich Perminov is involved in a lot of social work. He often meets with young people, helps veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans and widows of Omsk residents who died in local conflicts.

Creators of Omsk history

Perminov Dmitry Sergeevich was born on April 3, 1979 in Omsk. After graduating from high school in 1994, he entered the Omsk Technical School of Railway Transport. He graduated from it in 1998 with a degree in Electric Locomotive Driver.

Then he was drafted into the army. He served in the Volgograd region in military intelligence.

In 2000, he entered the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, from which he graduated in 2004. He remained to work there as a teacher at the department of civil law disciplines.

In 2006, he passed the candidate minimum and entered the adjunct program. In the same year, he became chairman of the board of the regional public organization of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory “Star” (OROO Heroes “Star”).

On March 11, 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on the United Russia party list.

In 2008, Perminov headed the Council of the regional organization “Public Coalition of the Omsk Region” ().

After the end of his deputy term, he was appointed deputy director of the Regional Center for Public Relations. He held this position until September 1, 2015.