Children's project "wintering birds". Short-term project in the preschool educational institution "Wintering Birds

Alisa Kiss

Project "Wintering Birds"

Project type: Cognitive and creative;

Project duration: Short term (1 week)

Project type: group;

Participants: pupils of the older age group, teachers and parents of the group;

Relevance. Winter is taking over. Puddles are covered with ice, the ground is covered with snow, tree branches are silvered with hoarfrost. It's a tough time for the birds.

Birds are the protectors of our gardens, fields, orchards and forests. We must be very careful about the birds, love them. Birds desperately need our care and support, which we show by hanging feeders. Winter feeding saves birds from death.

Purpose: Environmental education and the formation of environmental culture, the involvement of children and parents in environmental work.

To arouse interest in the world around;

To consolidate the children's knowledge of the names of feathered friends that winter in our area;

To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe habits of birds and their adaptability to the environment;

To form the ability to distinguish birds in appearance;

To acquaint with poems, works of art, riddles about birds.

Preparatory stage.

Determining the level of knowledge of children about wintering birds;

Reading fiction on the topic of the project, viewing illustrations, encyclopedias from the cycle "Wildlife"

Definition of goals, objectives of the project.

Selection of literature on the topic.

Main stage.

Game activity:

Didactic games: “One - many”, “Name it affectionately”, “Counting birds”, “Third extra”, “Guess by description”, “Bird's dining room”, “Where is whose shadow”, “Say the opposite”.

Role-playing games: "Birdyard" and "Journey to the Forest".

Outdoor games: "Owl", "Sparrows and cars", "Sparrows and a cat", "Owl and birds"

"How our feathered friends live in winter"

"Bird Menu"

"How children and parents take care of birds in winter"

Birdwatching in winter.

For tits

Behind the crow

Behind the bullfinch

For the pigeon

Reading stories: Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar. January", A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter", S. Marshak "Where the sparrow dined",

Memorizing the poem "Feed the birds in winter."

Solving riddles. Examining illustrations depicting birds.

Exhibition of books and illustrations about wintering birds.

Artistic creativity.

Painting. "Wintering Birds"

Teamwork: Making a collage on the theme "Birds at the feeder."

Project results:

As a result, children's knowledge about wintering birds has expanded;

The level of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity has increased;

It was possible to involve parents in joint activities with children;

The children found out. how to properly feed the birds;

Children learned to empathize, there was a desire to help the birds


Conversation: "What do we know about hibernating birds?", the word "Woodpecker", Speech exercise "Say the opposite"


Finger gymnastics "Flock", watching the educational film "Wintering Birds". D \ I "Tell me a word", split pictures on the topic


Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “Sinichkin calendar. January", P / I "Nimble tit" D \ I "Whose shadow?" D \ I "Bird's dining room" Drawing birds on stencils


Game-staging "Know the bird." Learning the poem “Come the birds in winter” D / I “Birds have arrived”


Collective application "Birds at the feeder", guessing riddles about wintering birds, physical education "Snegirek"


Summary of directly educational activities on the topic: "Wintering Birds"

Objectives: to form an ecological culture in children;

instill a love for birds and cultivate a caring attitude towards them.


Develop skills for the conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement;

Improve dialogical speech;


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds;

Cause a desire to protect them, to help wintering birds.


Clarify and expand children's knowledge of wintering birds;

To develop the skills and abilities of birdwatching.

Equipment: pictures, photographs of wintering birds; visual aid "Wintering Birds"; recording of birdsong; feeder; bird food.

The course of directly educational activities.

organizational part.

Educator. Listen to a poem called "Letters" by A. Taraskin.

In the snow, like on a page,

Pigeons and titmouse write

Writes a flock of bullfinches

Writes a gray sparrow

Letters to Petya and Andryushka,

To make feeders.

Educator. So who wrote the letter? (Birds.)

Educator. And what did they write? On what? (The birds left footprints on the white snow with their paws.)

Educator. This is the letter to be read. What are the birds asking for? (To make feeders.)

Educator. Guys, tell me, please, what time of year is it? What month? What day of the week is today? (children's answers)

Main part.

Educator. So, today we will get acquainted with wintering birds. We will read poems about wintering birds, listen to their voices, remember what they eat, and I will also try to tell you about their life.

Educator. First, we will go with you to the bird show. What is the name of our first guest?

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms.

I do not fly to a warm land,

I live here under the roof

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy

I'm seasoned.


A picture of a sparrow appears on the board.

Educator. What sound does a sparrow make? (Chick chirp)

Sparrow - cheerful, nimble, small. Sparrows build their nests near people's houses. These are very unpretentious birds.

Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

The sparrow jumps along the path,

Collects bread crumbs.

roams at night,

The grains are stealing!

Educator. What bird can coo? (Pigeon)

A picture of a dove appears on the board.

Educator. Pigeons - cooing, gullible birds. They live near people's houses. The popular name of the bird is sizak, sizar. In colloquial speech, the words "ghoul", "ghoul" are often used (hence the saying "with a gulkin's nose", that is, very little).

Educator. How does a dove coo? (gru-gru)

Educator. Our next guest

She does not sit still

Carrying news on its tail.

Maybe they have little use.

But I'm proud of myself...

A picture of a magpie

Educator. Listen to the magpie chirping. (Recorded on CD)

Magpie - white-sided, long-tailed, fidget. She is very curious. He sees something shiny, a coin, a glass, and looks at it with a round eye. Then he grabs and drags him to his nest.

Educator. flew to us

A person known to all

She is a local screamer.

He sees a dark cloud

Will take off on a green spruce

And looks, as if from a throne,

Crow beauty.

Crow picture

Educator. Listen to the crow croaking. (Recorded on CD)

Crow - important, loud-mouthed. Crows are either completely black or black with gray. Crows usually fly in flocks. In each flock of crows, one of the crows always acts as a watchman, warning the rest of the danger.

Educator. What bird are they talking about?

I knock on wood

I want to get a worm

Though hidden under the bark -

It will still be mine!

A picture depicting a woodpecker is placed on an exhibition board.

Educator. Listen to the woodpecker knocking. (Recorded on CD)

Woodpecker - spends most of its time sitting on a tree trunk and tapping on it with its beak to extract insects. The hollow in the trunk serves as a nest.

The woodpecker is the doctor of the forest kingdom,

The woodpecker heals without medicine.

Heals lindens, maples, spruces,

To grow and not get sick.

Educator. Meet the next guest. Guess who it is?

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is.


Picture with the image of a bullfinch

Educator. Listen to the bullfinch sing. (Recorded on CD)

The bullfinch is the most winter bird. When snow falls, the bullfinch becomes very noticeable everywhere, thanks to its red chest. Bullfinches keep on mountain ash, maple, viburnum bushes, picking off berries and pecking seeds.

The child is reading a poem.

scarlet tassel dawn

Paints the bullfinch's breast,

So that in frosts and in a blizzard

He didn't freeze in the snow.

Educator. What is this bird?

Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf.

A picture of a titmouse appears on the slide.

Educator. Listen to how the titmouse sings. (Recorded on CD)

A titmouse is a small bird with a yellow belly and a black cap on its head. These are very nimble and lively birds. Tits do not fly away for the winter to warm lands, but survive the winter, hiding in a hollow. In a snowy winter, there is very little food, and the birds have a hard time. In search of food, they fly to human habitation.

The child is reading a poem.

Let the snow sparkle around

And the winter wind is angry -

Sings without getting tired

Painted tit.

Educator. Guess what we're talking about?

Here is a bird, so a bird,

Not a thrush, not a titmouse,

Not a swan, not a duck

And not a nightjar.

But this bird

Though small,

Brings out chicks

Only in severe winter. (Crossbill)

A picture of a crossbill

Educator. What are we talking about?

Flying all night

Gets mice.

And it will become light

Sleep flies into the hollow.

Sleeps during the day

Flying at night

Passers-by are scared.

Educator. What are the benefits of owls? (children's answers)

Educator. Let's get acquainted with another interesting, beautiful bird.

These birds with a tuft

And beautiful, moreover,

They flew to the mountain ash.

These birds are...


Educator. So guys, what kind of birds are in our bird show?

The teacher shows the bird, and the children name it.

Educator. How can you call these birds in one word? (Winterers) Why? (children's answers)

Physical education minute

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we'll show -

Wings we fold back.

Let's spread our wings

Clean the beak

And we'll all be back.

Didactic game for speech development "Say the opposite"

The crow is big, but the sparrow is what? (little)

Magpie long-tailed, and sparrow - what? (short-tailed)

The woodpecker is long-beaked, and the sparrow is what? (short-billed)

A crow has a large and thick beak, but what does a sparrow have? (small and thin)

The bullfinch has a red breast, and the titmouse has?

The bullfinch flew up to the forest, and the sparrow -?

The bullfinch sits on the top branch, and the sparrow on?

Educator. Birds are good for us. Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Guys, how can we help the birds in winter? (Make a feeder and feed the birds)

Final part.

Educator. Guys, what did you enjoy doing the most today? (Answers of children). What new and interesting things did you learn today? (Children's answers) How can we take care of the birds? (children's answers)


Purpose: Systematization and addition of children's knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, assistance in using previously acquired knowledge and skills to solve a problem situation.

The development of the cognitive interest of preschoolers in the natural world, the development of auditory and visual attention, coherent speech.

To consolidate children's knowledge about food that can be used in feeding birds.

Raising interest and respect for birds in children.

The course of educational activities

Educator: Guys, imagine that you are in a winter forest. There are so many birds around, but why can't we see them? (Children's guesses)

V .: Yes, I also think that the birds were scared, but let's warm the wintering birds with affectionate words.

The game "Call it affectionately."

bird - bird

titmouse - titmouse

sparrow - sparrow

bullfinch - snowman

dove - dove

tick - tick

V: Well done! I hope that the birds heard our gentle and kind words. And even began to look out of their hiding places. And so that they completely stop being afraid of us, let's call them in finger gymnastics.

Sing along, sing along

Ten birds - a flock!

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

sleepy little head

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a bird

gray feather

This one is a finch

This one is a swift

This one is a merry siskin

Well, this one is an evil eagle

Birds, birds home.

Teacher: Well done guys! The birds have become quite bold and even want to show us how they live in winter, what they eat, how they behave. Make yourself comfortable in the forest clearing, let's go after the birds!

Watching the educational video "Wintering Birds".

Q: Guys, did you like the movie? What wintering birds did you see in it? Which bird's name was new to you? What have you learned about wintering birds?

(children's answers)

V .: Let's remember which bird prefers which food!

(children's answers)

V .: All of you are great! Now let's play this game: imagine a flock of birds and a feeder. And now let's try to make as many sentences as possible with the word "fly", let's play with our flock. (children form new verbs from the word “fly” with the help of prefixes at-, y-, for-, sub-, etc.)

V: Very good! Now let's relax a bit!

Physical education "Snegirek"

The snowman sat on a branch,

It rained, he got wet.

Wind blow a little

Discuss the snowman for us!

And now, guys, let's check how resourceful you are. I am writing a poem for you, and you will try to suggest the last word. D \ I "Tell me a word"

What is it - look!

Snow fell, lights on it

These are birds - ... (bullfinches).

Coloration - greyish,

Habit - thieving,

Screamer - hoarse,

Famous person.

This is ... (crow)

In the summer he catches beetles,

Eats worms.

Doesn't fly south

Lives under the roof.

"Chiki-Riki" - do not be shy.

I'll give you some crumbs... (sparrow).

Two huge scary eyes

Head spinning around

You recognize her immediately

And her name is ... (owl)

V .: What good fellows you are! And now let's try to collect from separate pieces beautiful pictures of wintering birds that you see in front of you on the tables! It is necessary not only to collect the picture, but also to name the resulting bird!

(Children collect)

V .: Guys, arrange feeders and bird canteens for your pets. You can hang a plank on the ropes right out of the window and sprinkle food on it: white bread crumbs, seeds of various plants: sunflower, melon, pumpkin, many weeds - burdock, quinoa; millet, oats, millet.

And we, guys, can help the birds in the cold season - we will open a canteen for them, we will make feeders.

I'll hang a simple feeder on a branch,

I will put cookies and drying in it.

Funny birds will eat treats

And the songs will be shared with us.

V .: Now together we will draw up the rules of friends of nature:

Rule 1: When strengthening the feeder, do not break branches, do not damage tree trunks.

Rule 2: Make sure there is no snow in the feeder.

Rule 3: Make sure that the feeder is constantly in the feeder.

Rule 4: Start feeding the birds in late autumn and continue until spring.

5th rule: Do not throw packages and jars in which you carry food near the feeder.

Rule 6: Do not put pieces of rye bread in the feeders, they turn sour in the goiter of birds, especially in cold weather, which can lead to death.

Rule 7: Hang fat on thin branches, tie it with a thread, it is useless to put these delicacies on thick branches - the crows will carry them away.

We hang the made feeders with the children on the branches of trees during a walk.


Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “Sinichkin calendar. January"

Purpose: To introduce children to the work of Vitaly Bianchi.

1. Expand ideas about the life of wintering birds.

2. Introduce children to proverbs that reflect a person's love for his home.

3. Instill love for native nature.

Educator: Guys, today I want to introduce you to the stories and fairy tales of the wonderful writer Vitaly Bianchi.

(Consideration of the portrait of the writer)

You and I have already read a lot of stories by V. Bianchi, for example: stories about the forest, animals. V. Bianchi went on his first forest journey when he was five years old. Since then, the forest has become a magical land for him. Bianki considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to write down his observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales. Bianchi himself called his works "fairy tales-non-tales". There is no “magic wand” in them, or something that does not exist, but while reading them, we seem to live together with birds and animals, listen to their conversations, and participate in their adventures.

2. Reading the fairy tale “Sinichkin calendar. January"

Educator: today I invite you to listen to a fairy tale called: "Sinichkin's calendar." There are 12 months in a year, as you know, today we will start from January, the first month of the year, and every month we will continue to read it.

Teacher reading to children.

3. Conversation on the content of the story.

Educator: And now, I propose to answer the questions.

Who was the main character in this story?

How did it happen that Zinka did not know anything about the New Year holiday? (a fragment of a retelling of events by one of the children who wishes)

Who did the titmouse meet?

Tell us what kind of conversation they had. (fragment of retelling)

What house did the titmouse have?

What interesting things have we learned from this story?

Educator: You are correct, guys. But I see you are a little tired? Then let's play a game.

2. The mobile game "Nimble tit"

Jumping nimble tit (jumping in place on two legs)

She can’t sit still, (jumping in place on her left leg)

Jump - jump, jump - jump, (jumping in place on the right leg)

It twirled like a top. (circling in place)

I sat down for a minute, (sat down)

She scratched her breast with her beak, (stand up, tilt her head left and right)

And from the track - to the wattle fence, (jumping in place on the left foot)

Tiri - tiri, (jumping in place on the right leg)

Shadow-shadow-shadow! (jumping in place on two legs)

3. And now an interesting game awaits you. You will need to find out which winter bird is in front of you by looking only at its shadow!

Didactic game "Whose shadow?"

Educator: You did a very good job with such a difficult task! Let's now remember what we did today? What have you learned? What did you like the most?


Game-staging "Know the bird"

Purpose: development of dialogic speech, maintaining psychological comfort in the team.

Learn to listen to a fairy tale, participate in dramatizations, perform movements in accordance with the text.

To form in children the ability to enter into the image of animals, birds, depicting habits with facial expressions, movements, imitate the voices of animal characters.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of mutual assistance, communication skills.

Development of creative abilities, mental functions, imagination, fantasy, vocabulary activation.

The course of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment

“We differ in color, you will meet us in winter and summer

If we flap our wings, we'll be in the blue sky.

We can chirp, croak, sing and coo.

You feed us in winter.

Children, who are we? name."

To from harmful insects

Blooming gardens did not die in vain

Always, at any time of the year

Take care of all the birds, friends.

Game - staging "Know the bird!"

Educator: The forest is fabulously beautiful on a clear winter day, especially when a sunbeam suddenly flashes and illuminates the tops of trees covered with snow. And among the snow-white flakes on the branches, we see unusual “flowers”. These are… the birds of the winter forest. Guys try to guess what birds live in the forest.

Children come out, each of which depicts his bird. The birds are introduced.

Sparrow: I am a mobile bird with a rounded head, short neck, ovoid body, short and rounded wings. My beak is hard and pointed towards the end. In the cold season, we sit, closely pressed against each other, ruffled.

Titmouse: I am a very beautiful bird. I have a black cap on my head, white cheeks, and a black stripe on my throat - a tie, wings and tail are gray, my back is yellow-green, and my belly is yellow.

Woodpecker: I have a beautiful motley plumage: the upper body is black, there are white spots on the head and neck, the undertail and crown are red, the beak is strong and sharp.

Bullfinch: My top of the head, wings, tail are black, the back is bluish-gray, and the belly is red. The beak is short, thick, conical, black.

Klest: I am a small red bird with tenacious paws and a characteristic cruciform beak.

Magpie: My head, wings, tail are black, but on the sides there are snow-white feathers. The tail is long and straight, like an arrow, and the beak is strong and sharp.

Crow: I have a large oblong body and big strong legs. I take big steps. I have a very large and strong beak. The head, throat and wings are black, while the rest of the body is grey.

Educator: What good fellows you are! Birds are very well portrayed. Your homework was to make a bird feeder for our yard. Do you feed birds near the house? Today I suggest that you learn a poem that you can tell your friends, parents, acquaintances to encourage them to help the birds in winter!

Learning a poem.

Alexander Yashin. FEED THE BIRDS

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.


Collective application "Birds at the feeder ki"

Purpose: to teach how to create holistic compositions, to learn to work together

(Children enter the group and stand on the carpet)

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

Teacher: What season is it now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: We are going on a journey with you.

Here comes the winter. Called the way. We'll go for a walk. We will walk together. Along the path we follow each other in single file. So we came to the forest. Let's stand together in a circle. So beautiful in the forest. Only chilly. Look at the tree guys. There is something hanging here. What is it?

Children: feeder.

Educator: Who could hang it here?

Children: People. Forester. Children.

Educator: Why do you need to hang feeders in winter?

Children: People protect birds in winter. Birds cannot forage for themselves in winter. Ground is covered with snow. The insects hid until spring. To keep the birds from starving.

Educator: Guys, what birds fly to the feeder?

Children: Wintering birds. (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, crows, pigeons, woodpeckers, waxwings)

Didactic game "Birds have arrived."

Purpose: development of phonemic hearing.

- I will now call the birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake and you hear something else, then you need to clap your hands.

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

Birds flew in: pigeons, martens.

Birds flew in: storks, crows, jackdaws and sticks.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Swans, starlings.

All of you are great!

Educator: Guys, I suggest you make a picture "Bullfinches at the feeder." I invite you to our workshop. Look guys, what a beautiful feeder. But the birds haven't arrived yet. But what birds will fly, we will find out now. Listen to the riddle.

Let me be a small bird

I have one habit

When the cold starts

Quickly from the North here.

Black-winged, red-breasted

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of colds

With the first snow right there

Where are you from? Where are you from?

Did the red-breasted one come to us?

I flew all over Siberia.

And my name is...

Children: Bullfinch.

Educator: Right! And today we will invite the bullfinch and other wintering birds, with which we are now well acquainted, to the feeder. On a piece of drawing paper, we will draw tree branches against the sky, draw and cut out a feeder with food and feathered guests.

And so that our fingers work quickly and deftly, let's do finger gymnastics!

Six crows - on a pillar,

Seven crows - on the pipe,

Eight - sat on the poster,

Nine - feeds the crows ...

Well, ten is a jackdaw,

Here is the end of the count!

(A. Usachev)

Children draw, cut out and stick a feeder, bullfinches, sparrows, tits, woodpeckers, magpies, pigeons, crossbills, waxwings. Create a collective composition

After completing the application, the children admire their work and decorate the dressing room with it.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

MBOU Dalisichskaya secondary school

Ecological project: “Wintering birds are our feathered friends”

in the senior group.


Kiseleva S.V.

TYPE: cognitive - research

TERM: short-term (1 week: 12/15/2016 - 12/22/2016)

LOCATION: MBOU Dalisichskaya secondary school, preschool department

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: teachers, children, parents

PROBLEM: insufficient understanding of the life of wintering birds in children

senior age.

SUBJECT:"Wintering birds are our feathered friends."

In the cold season, wintering birds face vital questions: how to feed themselves. Available food is becoming much less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. Children do not have the skills to help birds in winter.
In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschoolers is of particular urgency and relevance. Ecological education of preschool children is of great importance, since during this period the child goes through the most intensive spiritual and intellectual path of development. Most of today's children rarely communicate with nature. A huge role in the environmental education of preschool children is played by practical, research activities in natural conditions. The child receives specific cognitive skills: learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, work in a team - in a word, develop cognitive abilities. Therefore, participation in our project will maximize the enrichment of children's knowledge and ideas about wintering birds, how to help them survive the hungry and cold winter; develop coherent speech, creativity, search activity.

GOAL- To expand and systematize the knowledge of children about wintering birds, to form a humane attitude towards nature and the desire to take care of the birds.
1. Expand children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter, about their appearance, nutrition; know and name wintering birds; learn to recognize birds by the sounds they make, by the way they move; cultivate a caring attitude, interest in the life of birds; to form the ability to find the necessary information from available sources.
2. To form the skills of a listener's culture in children, develop dialogic speech, encourage participation in a conversation, continue to teach answering questions, compose a descriptive story from a picture, build a detailed judgment, conclusion, activate adjectives and verbs characterizing birds in speech.
3. Develop emotional responsiveness to works of art and literature, use figurative words and expressions, expressively read poems about wintering birds by heart, guess riddles.
4. Feed the birds, cultivate respect for nature, living beings.
5. To teach children to draw birds, conveying in the drawing the shape of the body, the color of plumage; develop creativity, consolidate the ability to draw with paints and pencils, hatch.
6. To develop motor activity, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, dexterity, speed of reaction, exercise in running, in the ability to act on a signal, in coordination of movements and speech.
It is expected to obtain results in the field of environmental education of children: education of an emotional, humane attitude towards nature and the desire to take care of birds, feed birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings, instilling skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature.
In addition, the emotional development of the child as a whole, the formation of the ability to think logically, the enrichment of the vocabulary, the development of observation, curiosity, and interest in cognitive activity are assumed.


Setting goals and developing the content of the educational process.
Material grouping:
1. Selection of fiction:
Alexander Yashin “Feed the birds in winter”, A. N. Tolstoy “Magpie”, Maxim Gorky “Sparrow”, V. Zotov “Bullfinch”, V. Bianchi “Titmouse calendar”, V. Polyakova “Titmouse”, V. Burlak “Winter apple", nursery rhymes, riddles and poems about wintering birds, signs.

2. Didactic games: "Find out by description", "Collect a picture", "The fourth extra".

3. Physical education minutes: “What do sparrows sing about?”

"There are crows under the Christmas tree."


"Come on, birds, fly"

"A nimble tit jumps."

4. Finger games: "Sparrows", "Birds", "Where did the sparrow dine?"

Drawing up a project implementation plan.




    Fizultminutka "Nimble tit jumps"

    Cognition "Wintering Birds"

    CHL "Memorizing a poem

    V. Polyakova Titmouse "


    Drawing with the palms "Bullfinches"

    CHL M. Gorky Vorobishko.

    Finger game "Sparrows"


    Application "Funny bullfinches at the feeder."

    CHL "Solving riddles about wintering birds."

    D.I. "Find out by description."


    Cognition "Reporting from the forest edge"

    CHL V. Burlak "Winter Apple", A Yashin "Feed the Birds".

    P.I "Birds"

    Finger game "Where the sparrow dined"


    CHL G. Ladonshchikov "Our friends"

    Rice. "Winter Birds"

    Physical education minutes “What sparrows sing about”, “Come on, birds, they flew.”

    DI. "Lotto "Birds"".

A walk in the kindergarten area - watching wintering birds; folk signs about birds, proverbs about birds
Working with parents:
Advice for parents "Feed the birds in winter"
Homework Accumulate knowledge (media, Internet, encyclopedic literature, etc.)
Observation on walks with children (appearance, habitat, habits, etc.)
Learn a poem about a winter bird
Pick up riddles about a wintering bird
Draw a winter bird with your child
Enrich your child's vocabulary
- Installation of a bird feeder in a kindergarten in a forest belt
- Exhibition of works by children and parents on the theme "Bird Feeder"
- Exhibition of applications, children's drawings on the theme "Our feathered friends (bullfinch)".

The horizons of children about wintering birds have expanded.
The educational environment of the group was replenished with: literature, illustrations, poems, riddles, stories about wintering birds, the music album "Voices of Birds", physical education.
Children developed curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.
Pupils and their parents took an active part in helping the birds in difficult winter conditions.

Photo report on the work done.

GCD on the topic: "Wintering Birds".

Making bird feeders with parents.

Hanging feeders in the kindergarten area.

Hand drawing "Bullfinch".

Application "Funny bullfinches at the feeder."

Reading fiction.

We play didactic games.

Nomination "Methodological work in the preschool educational institution"

The introduction of federal state requirements requires the implementation of the principle of integration in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education. One of the relevant and effective methods that implement this principle is the method of projects. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. Today I will tell you about the implementation of one of my projects - "Wintering Birds".

Project type: information and creative.

Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators of the group.

Project implementation period: short term (1 week).

Project relevance: In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschoolers is of particular urgency and relevance. It is during preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality takes place, the formation of the principles of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken in children an interest in wildlife, to cultivate love for it, to teach how to protect the world around us.

The theme of the project “Wintering Birds” was chosen by me not by chance. After all, it is the birds that surround us all year round, bringing people benefit and joy. In the cold season, available food becomes much less, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach pupils to see this, replenishing their ideas about wintering birds, their habits and lifestyle, and create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world.

Target: formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them.


    Replenish the subject-developing environment on the topic of the project.

    Expand the horizons of children about wintering birds.

    Contribute to the development of creative and intellectual abilities of pupils.

    Involve pupils and parents to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

The project was implemented in three stages:

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory.

    Discussing goals and objectives with children and parents.

    Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

    Long-term project planning.

    Development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.

II stage - the main (practical).

    Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Stage III is the final one.

    Presentation of the result of the project in the form of a presentation.

    Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition "The Best Bird Feeder".

    Conducting the final event "Bird Festival".

On the eve of the weekend, parents are told the topic of the week and given homework:

  • Together with the child, make a feeder.
  • Sprinkling food, develop the vocabulary of the child.

2. Memorize poems about wintering birds.

3. Guess riddles about wintering birds.

4. Consider wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to kindergarten.

5. Looking at books with the children, I set a goal that we would talk about wintering birds all week. With the help of the children, they made a plan for the implementation of the project. Children planned to learn about birds from films, encyclopedias, presentations, etc.

I. Game activity:

  1. Didactic games.
  2. Role-playing games.
  3. Theatricalization.
  4. Outdoor games.
  5. Breathing exercises.
  6. Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

II. Cognitive activity:

  1. Formation of a holistic picture of the world.
  2. FEMP.

III. Conversations.

IV. Solving a problem situation.

V. Bird watching in winter.

VII. Communication.

VIII. Creative storytelling.

IX. Artistic Creativity:

  1. Painting.
  2. Modeling from plasticine.
  3. Application.

X. Music.

XI. Working with parents.

The detailed content of the project implementation is presented in the presentation.

Project type: information and creative.

Project type: group.

Duration: short.

Age of participating children: 5-6 years.

Members: teacher, children and parents of the group.


In the cold season, it is vital for wintering birds to feed themselves. Available food is becoming much less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die.

After conducting a diagnostic conversation, offering the children demonstration material (cards depicting wintering birds), it was possible to establish that out of 22 pupils surveyed, less than half of the group (10 children) recognized and named correctly almost all the birds presented, every third (8 children) was able to recognize and confidently name 6 birds, and every eighth (4 children) could remember and name only 4 birds. It follows that children have little experience of bird watching in nature. Most of the children surveyed do not have the skills to help birds in winter.

Target: expansion and enrichment of knowledge about wintering birds.


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds.

2. Replenish the group's developing environment with materials and equipment related to the project topic.

3. Raise the desire to help birds in difficult times for them.

Preparatory stage

- Determining the level of knowledge of children about wintering birds.

- Survey of parents.

— Definition of the project theme, tasks, strategies and mechanisms.

- Selection of the necessary literature on the topic.

Main stage.

Interaction with children.

1 Week.

Task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds.

Monday - conversation "What do you know about birds?"

Tuesday - didactic games "Birds on feeders", "What kind of birds you will not see in winter".

Purpose. To clarify the knowledge of children about the characteristics of the habitat of wintering birds (what they eat).

Rice. one. Wintering birds.

Reading fiction: V. Zvyagina "Sparrow", S. A. Yesenina "Winter sings, calls out", T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds", Y. Nikonova "Winter guests".

Examination of images of wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Wednesday - Guessing riddles about wintering birds.

The breast is brighter than the dawn,


At the snowman.

I will visit everyone in a day,

Everything I know, I will break.


Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

little black cap

And a strip of scarf.


In a gray feather coat,

And in the cold he is a hero

Name it soon

Who is jumping there?


Like a fox among animals

This bird is the smartest

Hiding in frosty crowns,

And her name is...


These birds with a tuft,

Very bright though.

They flew to the mountain ash,

These birds...


Look at the balcony

He's been cooing here since morning.

This bird is a postman

Any route will fly.


Above the beetle and bark beetle

He always wins.

Knock and knock on the trees:

Who is a true friend for the forest?


Drawing "Bullfinches on a rowan branch"

Target. Learn to convey the appearance of bullfinches.

Thursday - making caps - masks with images of birds for outdoor games.

Rice. 2. Magpie mask.

Friday - didactic games "The fourth extra", "One - many".

2 weeks.

Task: to replenish the developing environment of the group room with materials and equipment on the topic of the project.

Monday - make a selection of literature about birds in the corner of the books.

Tuesday - memorizing the poem "Sparrow" N. Rubtsov.

Wednesday - album design: "Wintering Birds".

Thursday - registration of a card index of riddles, poems about birds.

- keeping a diary of observations of the arrival of birds to the feeder (daily).

Rice. 3. Winter birdwatching calendar. 1 - older; 2 - preparatory group.

Friday - design of the poster "Wintering Birds".

3 weeks.

Task: educate the desire to help the birds in difficult times for them.

Monday - conversation"It is difficult for birds to winter."

Tuesday - memorization of poems by A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches", A. Barto "Whiskers", tongue twisters, counting rhymes about birds.

Wednesday - drawing "My favorite bird".

Friday - reading thin. literature: L. Voronkova "Bird feeders", V. Sukhomlinsky "Like a tit wakes me up", O. Grigoryeva "Tit", A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter";

- preparation of food for birds;

- outdoor games "Flight of birds", "Birds in nests", "Owl - owl";

Interaction with parents

1 Week.

Monday design of the screen "Wintering Birds".

2 weeks.

Consultations "Feed the Birds in Winter" « They stayed for the winter, we will help them.”

The final stage.

Interaction with parents

craft competition- "We make bird feeders"

Photo 1. Birds at the feeder.

Interaction with children.

Quiz "Who knows more about birds?"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, the ability to distinguish them.

Expected Result:

Children have a system of knowledge about wintering birds;

— the necessary conditions have been created in the group for the formation of a holistic view of the life of wintering birds.

The children had a desire to help the birds in winter time of the year.

Project Broadcast:

Speech with a message from the experience of working at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

Project outlook: In the future, I plan to develop the spring project “Migratory Birds”.

Scenario of the holiday "Sinichkin's Day" with children 5-6 years old


  • support and stimulate attempts of independent knowledge of the surrounding world by children, establishing connections between its objects;
  • continue to teach children to take care of the birds that live near us;
  • use environmental knowledge and practical experience in productive activities.

Materials and equipment: laptop, projector, screen, audio recording of the songs “How beautiful this world is” (lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov), “Three titmouse danced” (lyrics by A. Barto, Czech folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger), easel, pictures with images of wintering and migratory birds, a feeder, a birdhouse, sunflower seeds, boiled rice, pork fat, crackers, raw oatmeal, nuts, dried fruits, cheese, a spoon, plastic trays and containers, an apron.

Dictionary activation: wintering birds, Titmouse Day, ingredients, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, rice, container, dried fruits.

Event progress

Sounds likeaudio recordingsong "How beautiful this world is." The music hall is decorated with drawings depicting wintering birds, posters on the theme "Take care of the birds", "More tits in the gardens - less damaged apples."

Educator. Hello guys. It was not in vain that we included the song “How beautiful this world is, look!”. It is she who urges us to stop and look around. Yes, he is really beautiful this world, full of wonders and mysteries. Every day we meet with his secrets. Sometimes, in a hurry, we pass by without noticing them. Sometimes we accidentally try to guess some riddle of nature.

An unusually amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. Without bird chirping, the world would be boring.

The song “Three Titmouse Danced” is performed, words by A. Barto, Czech folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger.

Educator. So the golden autumn died down, the crowns of the trees thinned out. They threw off their colorful foliage. September turned with leaf fall, October rained noisy, November met us with the first frosts.

And as soon as it got cold outside, many birds began to fuss, as if someone had frightened them. Why is this happening?

There are different types of birds

Some are afraid of blizzards

And fly away for the winter

To the kind, warm south.

Others - those people are different:

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

More terrible than a fierce cold.

To their ruffled feathers

Snowflakes don't come

They are under the powder

They frolic for a warm-up.

K. Muhammadi

The children answer.

Educator. Yes, some birds flew to warmer climes, while others, on the contrary, flew to us for the winter. Now we will check if you know wintering and migratory birds.

The game "Find the wintering birds" is being held.

The teacher invites the children to choose for themselves a picture of a bird.

Educator. And now you will turn into a flock of birds. According to the conditional musical sound, wintering birds should gather in one flock, and migratory birds in another. Then each pack looks to see if there are strangers in their ranks.

The game is repeated with the exchange of cards.

Rice. 4. Cards for the game.

Educator. Do you guys know that for a long time in Russia November 12 was celebrated Titmouse day- the day of the meeting of wintering birds. Since ancient times, people have been preparing feeders for this day, reading poems about birds, guessing riddles, playing and just admiring the winter birds. Why is this day called Titmouse Day? Yes, because the people said that "the titmouse for Russia is a bird of God." Previously, in the old days, they guessed at her: they threw bread crumbs, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck at lard, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it begins to peck bread crumbs, then there will be prosperity in the house. The people said "The titmouse bird is small, but it knows its holiday." What other signs related to birds do you know?

The children answer.

Educator. Not only the titmouse stays with us to spend the winter, but other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks. How can we help birds in winter?

Children answer that you can make feeders, bring food, feed the birds.

Educator. Yes, our task is not to let birds die of hunger in winter, to make feeders for them and feed them daily. Feathered friends are beneficial, and who among you knows what?

Prepared children take turns speaking

1 child. Woodpeckers, starlings and tits exterminate a huge number of insects. A tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs itself.

2 child. A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day.

3 child. A family of swallows over the summer is about a million different harmful insects.

4 child. The rook destroys up to 400 worms and plant pests per day.

5 child. Birds peck seeds and fruits of weeds, reduce the weediness of the area.

6 child. Many birds are orderlies and contribute to the improvement of the area.

Educator. And we must do everything so that our feathered friends constantly feel our care.

Educator. The guys with their parents made feeders, let's look at them.

Adults and children show the feeders and tell how they were made.

Photo 2. Bird feeders.

Educator. And now a fun challenge awaits you. Count how many birds flew in at this hour?

We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Nuthatch, forest - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter.
Visit the first day of the week.
The tits have come to us.
And on Tuesday, look
The snowmen have arrived.
Three crows were on Wednesday.
We didn't expect them for dinner,
And on Thursday from all over -
A flock of greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The dove ate porridge.
And on Saturday for cake.
It's seven forty.

Z. Alexandrova "New dining room"

I suggest you simulate this task. Choose pictures of birds in the required quantity and put them in the feeder.

A model of a feeder and pictures of birds are demonstrated. Children attach images of birds to the feeder using magnets.

Rice. 6. Feeder model.

Educator. Count how many nuthatches, tits, sparrows, pigeons, forty flew to our feeder? Answer the questions:
1. What birds flew first to the feeder?
2. On what day of the week did the crows arrive?
3. How many crows flew in?
4. What did the pigeon eat at the feeder?
5. What did the magpies eat?
6. How many were forty on the feeder?
Well done guys, you got the job done!

Educator. Since today is Sinichkin's holiday, then the birthday girls need to prepare a treat. And what is the main treat on the festive table?

Children offer different answers.

Photo 3. Treats for the birds.

Educator. I suggest you make a cake for tits. Our cake will be three-layer, a group will work on the manufacture of each layer. Form three groups and approach the table. On the table are the ingredients you will need to make the cake.

Task for the first group. You will need to prepare the largest layer of the cake. The main ingredient of this layer is melted lard, breadcrumbs and sunflower seeds. Your task is to mix all the ingredients and place in a large container.

Task for the second group. You have to prepare the middle layer of the cake. Ingredients: boiled rice, peeled unsalted nuts, cheese. Mix everything and place in a medium bowl.

Task for the third group. You will prepare the topmost layer - it is the smallest. Ingredients: soaked oatmeal, dried fruits. Mix everything and place in a small container.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. Korzh are ready. Now they need to be placed in the refrigerator for a while so that they freeze. In the meantime, we will have a rest, we will hold a quiz and sing!

The quiz "What do we know about birds" is held.

The adult asks questions, the children answer. The participant with the most correct answers wins.

Questions for the quiz:

1. What is the largest bird on earth?

2. What is the smallest bird on earth?

3. What birds cannot fly?

4. What birds arrange dances in the swamps?

5. Chicks, what bird doesn't know its mother?

6. What bird is called the "forest doctor"?

7. What bird is called the "forest orderly"?

The game "Bird Concert" is held.

Each group of guys from 3 people is given the name of a bird and is invited to demonstrate in chorus how these birds sing:

Sparrows - chirp - chirp.

Tits - ting - ting.

Crow - kar - kar.

Woodpecker - trrr - trrr.

Bullfinch - du - du - du.

Klest - tsok - tsok - tsok.

Waxwing - tyr - tyr - tyr.

Educator. The cakes are ready, now, let's build a cake from three layers and decorate it festively with dried fruits and candied fruits.

Children take out frozen cakes, stack them one on top of the other according to the pyramid principle and decorate them.

Photo 4. Cake for birds.

Educator. Here is our cake. Guys, let's remember that in winter our feathered friends are cold and hungry. Out of 10 tits, only one survives until spring. And our task is to prevent our wintering friends from starving to death in winter. And here comes the titmouse.

Tit(pre-prepared child).

The winter days are getting shorter.
You won't have time to eat
The sun will set behind the fence.
No mosquito, no fly
Everywhere only snow, yes snow.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a kind person.

Y. Sinitsyn

Educator. Guys, here's a family assignment for you. Hang bird feeders in your yard and feed the birds in the winter. And now, when you are all dressed, we will go outside and hang the feeders on the site. When you pour food into them, then say: “Bird, bird, here are crumbs from my palm for you.” At the end of our meeting, I would like to give each participant the booklets "What Birds Love" and "How to Feed Birds". Pass them on to friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Once you start feeding the birds regularly, they will become your regular guests!

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you like home

Stakes on the porch.