Vision diagnostics (computer and others). Diagnosis of eye diseases in ophthalmology: all examination methods Ophthalmological examination

Maintaining good vision requires regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. Even if nothing worries you, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive eye examination once a year so that a possible disease is detected at an early stage and its treatment does not cost a significant amount.

The modern high-tech equipment of our ophthalmological center and the highly qualified ophthalmologists allow us to identify possible pathological changes in the eyes at the earliest stages of the onset of the disease.

The Moscow Eye Clinic provides diagnostics for adults and children (after 3 years):

  • refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism),
  • disorders of the oculomotor system (strabismus, amblyopia),
  • pathologies of the anterior segment of the eye of various origins (diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris, lens),
  • pathologies of the posterior segment of the eye (vascular and inflammatory diseases of the retina and optic nerve (including hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma)
  • traumatic lesions of the organ of vision

    The Moscow eye clinic is under the direction of a doctor of the highest qualification category, a member of the Russian Association of Ophthalmologists

    A unique team of doctors, where each doctor has his own narrow specialization, which guarantees an accurate diagnosis and competent treatment. MGK doctors undergo regular internships abroad.

    We use only the latest ophthalmic equipment and materials from leading ophthalmic brands.

    We guarantee the quality of all manipulations performed and the full control of the doctor and anesthesiologist at all stages of the work.

Comprehensive vision diagnostics - in 1 hour!

Sign up for an initial consultation with an ophthalmologist
for only 2000 rub.

We save your time and money

Maintaining good vision requires regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. Even if nothing bothers you, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive eye examination once a year so that a possible disease is detected at an early stage and its treatment does not cost a significant amount.

Safety and guarantee

The modern high-tech equipment of our ophthalmological center and the highly qualified ophthalmologists allow us to identify possible pathological changes in the eyes at the very early stages of the onset of the disease.

Painless and fast

Conducting all necessary examinations in one place, in 1 hour, on the day of treatment!

In what cases is vision diagnostics needed?

An ophthalmological examination is necessary to assess the general state of visual functions, prevent eye diseases, and also to monitor the progression of the disease. In the latter case, diagnosis helps to select optimal treatment regimens for existing diseases, as well as to avoid serious complications and loss of vision. The examination is also necessary in cases of making decisions about the advisability and type of surgical interventions, if patients need them, in order to provide an opinion to other specialists (antenatal clinic, neurologist, cardiologist, etc.).

How is an ophthalmological examination performed?

"Moscow Eye Clinic" has all the necessary equipment to diagnose any eye diseases.

Diagnostic procedures can last from thirty minutes to one and a half hours, depending on the nature of the patient’s complaints, objective indications and his age.

Additionally, the thickness of the cornea (pachymetry) and the length of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye (PZO or echobiometry) can be measured. Hardware studies also include ultrasound diagnostics of the eyes (B-scan) and computer

Why is it so important to undergo a comprehensive high-tech vision diagnostics?

Comprehensive vision diagnostics is a necessary condition for maintaining visual acuity for many years. The VISION ophthalmology clinic uses innovative diagnostic equipment to detect eye diseases at the earliest stage, and the qualifications of doctors ensure an accurate diagnosis. The experience of our specialists and advanced examination methods guarantee the selection of effective treatment methods. We have been working for more than 11 years so that you can enjoy the bright colors of the world.

Why is early vision diagnostics using innovative equipment necessary?

According to statistics, up to 65% of eye diseases proceed without symptoms for a long time, imperceptible to the patient. Therefore, it is important to regularly examine the entire visual apparatus: check visual acuity, the condition of the tissues of the eyeball, and the operation of the visual analyzer. The VISION clinic has technological capabilities for diagnosing all parts of the eye, including at the cellular level. This allows you to prescribe the necessary treatment in a timely manner and stop the processes leading to loss or deterioration of vision.

We take care of patients by selecting optimal diagnostic and treatment methods

Examination at the VISION clinic is suitable for patients of any age. Thus, the initial manifestations of retinal dystrophy can occur as early as 18-30 years of age. An optical tomograph allows you to obtain a 3D image of the structure of the retina and see the slightest changes in it. After 30 years, the prerequisites for retinal detachment, glaucoma, and the first stages of neoplasms are identified. And after 50 years, you can discover cataracts or macular degeneration - diseases that lead to complete blindness. Diagnosis always includes a consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will select the optimal treatment regimen or recommend surgery to correct vision. Surgical treatment can also be performed by experienced ophthalmic surgeons at our clinic.

Advantages of the VISION clinic

1.Highly accurate diagnostics

Use of modern equipment, including optical tomographs. Some of the diagnostic methods are unique.

2.Qualification of doctors

The clinic employs qualified specialists - ophthalmologists and ophthalmic surgeons who love their work and have expert knowledge. We do not have visiting doctors, only permanent employees.

3.Innovations in treatment

The latest methods of surgical and non-surgical treatment of myopia, cataracts, glaucoma and other pathologies. Compliance with the international quality standard GOST ISO 9001-2011.

4.Top level eye surgery

Ophthalmic surgeons with unique experience and the latest generation operating equipment provide a high chance of preserving and improving vision even in difficult cases.

5.Responsible approach

Our doctors are responsible for the accuracy of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment. You will receive detailed advice about your eye health.

6.Transparent prices

There is a fixed price in accordance with the price list. There are no hidden co-payments or unexpected costs once treatment begins.

7.Social orientation.

Our clinic has loyalty programs and social discounts for veterans, pensioners, and the disabled. We want new ophthalmology technologies to be accessible to everyone.

8. Convenient location

The clinic is located in the center of Moscow, on Smolenskaya Square. From the metro station Smolenskaya Filevskaya line just 5 minutes on foot.

The cost of the examination includes a consultation with a highly professional ophthalmologist.

The level and depth of research enable the ophthalmologist, based on the analysis of the data obtained, to make a complete diagnosis, determine tactics, prescribe and carry out treatment, and also predict the course of certain pathological processes in the vascular, nervous and endocrine systems of the body.

A complete ophthalmological examination takes from one to one and a half hours.

Protocol for ophthalmological examination of patients at the VISION ophthalmological center

1. identifying complaints, collecting anamnesis.

2. Visual exploration anterior segment of the eyes, for diagnosing diseases of the eyelids, pathology of the lacrimal organs and oculomotor system.

3.Refractometry and keratometry- study of the total refractive power of the eye and cornea separately in order to identify myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism with a narrow pupil and in conditions of cycloplegia.

4. Measuring intraocular pressure using a non-contact tonometer.

5. Determination of visual acuity with and without correction, using a sign projector and a set of trial lenses.

6. Character Definition vision (binocularity)- test for hidden strabismus.

7. Keratotopography- study of the cornea relief using automatic computer keratotopograph in order to determine congenital, dystrophic and other changes in the shape of the cornea (astigmatism, keratoconus, etc.).

8. Selection of glasses taking into account the nature of visual work.

9. Biomicroscopy- examination of the structures of the eye (conjunctiva, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, vitreous body, fundus) using a slit lamp - biomicroscope.

10. Gonioscopy- examination of the structures of the anterior chamber of the eye using a special lens and biomicroscope.

11. Schirmer test- determination of tear production.

12. Computer perimetry- study of peripheral and central visual fields using automatic projection perimeter (diagnosis of retinal and optic nerve diseases, glaucoma).

13. Ultrasound of the eye for studying internal structures, measuring the size of the eye. This study allows us to detect the presence of foreign bodies, retinal detachment, and eye tumors in opaque internal environments.

An ophthalmological examination begins with collecting an anamnesis (general and special). For examination, the patient should be seated facing the light. First, the healthy eye is examined. During an external examination, the condition of the eyelids, the area of ​​the lacrimal sac, the position of the eyeball, the width of the palpebral fissure, the condition of the conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber of the eye and the iris with the pupil visible within this fissure are determined. The conjunctiva of the lower eyelid and the lower transitional fold is examined by pulling the lower eyelid when the patient looks up. The conjunctiva of the upper eyelid and the upper transitional fold is examined by everting the upper eyelid. To do this, when the patient is looking down, grab the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, pull it slightly down, moving it away from the eye at the same time; Place the thumb of the left hand (or an eye glass rod) on the upper edge of the cartilage of the eyelid, and, pressing the cartilage down, turn the eyelid upward by the ciliary edge.

To examine the eyeball when the eyelids are swollen or severe, it is necessary, after preliminary instillation of a 0.5% dicaine solution, to move them apart using eyelid lifters inserted behind the upper and lower eyelids. When examining the lacrimal ducts, pressing a finger on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac, the presence or absence of discharge from the lacrimal openings is noted. To examine the cornea, iris and anterior surface of the lens, use the lateral illumination method, focusing the light from a table lamp on the eye with a strong convex lens (+20 D). The changes are even more clearly visible when viewed through a binocular loupe (see). External examination of the eyes ends with the study of pupillary reflexes (see). Next, they examine (see), the fundus of the eye (see), visual functions (see,) and intraocular pressure (see).

Ophthalmological examination
The examination of the organ of vision must be carried out strictly according to plan. This plan should be based on the anatomical principle, i.e., anatomically sequential consideration of the individual parts of the organ of vision.

They start with a preliminary history, in which the patient outlines his complaints (pain, redness of the eye, dysfunction, etc.; a more detailed and targeted history - personal, family, hereditary - should, according to S.S. Golovin, be attributed to the end of the study). After this, they begin to study the anatomical state of the organ of vision: the appendage apparatus, the anterior part of the eyeball, the internal parts of the eye, then they examine the functions of the eye and the general condition of the body.

In detail, the ophthalmological examination includes the following.

General information about the patient: gender, age, profession, place of residence. The patient's main complaint is his gait.

Inspection. General habitus, skull shape, face (asymmetry, condition of facial skin, one-sided graying of eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp hair, etc.).

The eye socket and its neighboring areas. Eyelids - shape, position, surface, mobility; palpebral fissure, eyelashes, eyebrows. Lacrimal organs - lacrimal glands, lacrimal puncta, canaliculi, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal canal. Connective membrane (conjunctiva) - color, transparency, thickness, surface, presence of scars, nature of the discharge. Position of the eyeball [exophthalmos, enophthalmos (see Exophthalmometry), displacement], size, mobility, intraocular pressure (see Ocular tonometry).

Sclera - surface, color. Cornea - shape, surface, transparency, sensitivity. Anterior chamber of the eye - depth, uniformity, chamber moisture. Iris - color, pattern, position, mobility. Pupils - position, size, shape, reactions. Lens - transparency, opacification (stationary, progressive, its degree), position of the lens (displacement, dislocation). Vitreous body - transparency, consistency, hemorrhages, liquefaction, foreign body, cysticercus. Fundus of the eye (see Ophthalmoscopy), optic disc - size, shape, color, boundaries, course of blood vessels, level; periphery of the fundus - color, condition of blood vessels, presence of foci of hemorrhage, exudation, edema, pigmentation, primary and secondary retinal detachment, neoplasm, subretinal cysticercus; yellow spot - hemorrhage, degeneration, perforated defect, etc.

Special methods for studying the organ of vision - see Biomicroscopy, Gonioscopy, Diaphanoscopy of the eye, Ophthalmodynamometry, Ocular tonometry. An electromagnetic test (see Eye Magnets) makes it possible, using hand-held or stationary magnets, to determine the presence of magnetic foreign bodies in the eye or in the tissues surrounding it.

X-ray diagnostics, which is widely used in ophthalmological examinations, can detect changes in the bones of the skull, orbit, its contents (tumors, etc.), foreign bodies in the eye and surrounding tissues, changes in the tear ducts, etc.

Study of visual functions - see Campimetry, Visual acuity, Visual field.

Refraction of the eyes (see) is determined by subjective (selection of corrective glasses) and objective methods (see Skiascopy, Refractometry of the eye).

Accommodation - the position of the nearest point of view, the strength and width of accommodation are determined.

Color perception (see) - color recognition by central vision - is more often studied using the tables of E. B. Rabkin. Light perception - adaptation to light and darkness - is studied using adaptometers (see) and adaptoperimeters by S. V. Kravkov and N. A. Vishnevsky, A. I. Dashevsky, A. I. Bogoslovsky and A. V. Roslavtsev and etc. Eye movements - determination of the symmetrical position of the eyes, their mobility, fusion ability, binocular vision, latent and obvious strabismus, muscle paralysis and other movement disorders. Electroretinography (see) is of known importance in the diagnosis of certain eye diseases.

Connection with common diseases. Examination of the patient's body with the participation of relevant specialists. Laboratory tests - microbiological, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid tests, Wasserman reaction, tuberculin tests; X-ray examinations, etc.

Regular and thorough eye examination is the best prevention of eye diseases. Vision testing in patients under the age of 40 in the absence of complaints and hereditary risk factors should be carried out every 3-5 years. Vision diagnostics in patients aged 40-60 years is carried out once a year. After 60 years, ophthalmologists recommend having vision examinations 2 times a year.

However, if you have such aggravating factors as a hereditary predisposition, previous inflammatory eye diseases or eye trauma, concomitant general somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, rheumatism and others), vision diagnostics should be carried out more often.

A thorough vision diagnosis includes a number of instrumental and hardware examination methods. And if you have never had your vision tested, now is the time. The latest generation diagnostic equipment allows you to measure most of the necessary eye parameters completely painlessly, without touching the surface of the eye. This significantly reduces the risk of any eye inflammation and shortens the time of the vision examination procedure itself.

So, ten reasons to see an ophthalmologist:

  1. Wide range of ophthalmological services provided.
  2. Using the most modern scientific developments, professional modern equipment, high-quality consumables.
  3. Vision examination, full comprehensive vision examination and diagnosis on the day of treatment.
  4. Individual approach to patient examination.
  5. A unified computer system for processing and storing patient information.
  6. Accurate calculations of surgical parameters for myopia, cataracts and other diseases of the organ of vision.
  7. Vision diagnostics, initial consultation, surgery and treatment until complete recovery with one specialist.
  8. Consultations with the involvement of related specialists (neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist) according to indications.
  9. Preparation for surgery and postoperative rehabilitation.

Thanks to our advanced examination and treatment methods, we are able to preserve vision and joy in life for most patients.

Deterioration of vision can be caused by many reasons. Vision diagnostics using modern equipment makes it possible to identify these causes, make the correct diagnosis, decide on the possibility and advisability of performing a particular operation, and determine the tactics of conservative treatment of the patient. Below we will try to give a brief description of the main and most informative methods of examining an ophthalmological patient, performed in our eye clinic.


Computer diagnostics of refraction - determination of the optical power (refraction) of the eye. The vision test is carried out using an autorefkeratometer, which allows you to objectively and accurately determine the degree of refraction of the eye (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism), measure the radius of curvature and refractive power of the cornea, the diameter of the pupils (which is necessary to determine the laser exposure zone for excimer laser correction). Examination data obtained on an autorefkeratometer are necessary for calculating an artificial eye lens (IOL) for cataract removal, refractive surgery for myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, selection of contact lenses and glasses.

Measuring intraocular pressure is of great importance in the diagnosis of glaucoma, as well as a number of eye diseases accompanied by an increase or decrease in intraocular pressure. In clinical practice, tonometry is performed using applanation (non-contact) and impression (contact) methods. With non-contact tonometry, a pneumotonometer, using a directed stream of air, without touching the surface of the eye, quickly and safely measures intraocular pressure. This technology makes the measurement process more comfortable for the patient. The procedure speed is only 3 ms. If necessary, measurement of intraocular pressure is carried out with a Maklakov contact tonometer or Goldman tonometer, which consists of instilling anesthetic drops and measuring the degree of deflection of the cornea under the pressure of a weight (plunger) lowered onto the surface of the eye.

Biomicroscopy of the eye is a method of visual examination of the optical media and tissues of the eye using a slit lamp, based on creating a sharp contrast between illuminated and unlit areas, which allows you to study in detail the condition and identify diseases of the auxiliary apparatus of the organ of vision (eyelids, lacrimal organs, conjunctiva), pathology of the cornea , opacities in the lens under high magnification. The use of special lenses makes it possible to perform gonioscopy (examination of the drainage system of the eye) for glaucoma. Biomicroscopy of the eye allows you to study the condition of the vitreous body during hemorrhages and opacities in it, to assess the nature, scale and prospects for subsequent treatment of retinal pathologies such as vascular lesions of the retina, hereditary diseases of the retina, retinal detachment (retinal detachment), retinal dystrophy, retinopathy.

Ophthalmoscopy is a method for examining the choroid, retina, and optic nerve in rays of light that is reflected from the patient’s fundus. In the clinic, ophthalmoscopy is performed using a direct ophthalmoscope, a head-mounted binocular ophthalmoscope, or using a slit lamp and an aspheric lens or Goldmann contact lens. Ophthalmoscopy is carried out under conditions of the widest possible pupil, which makes it possible to qualitatively examine not only the central parts of the fundus of the eye, but also the peripheral parts of the retina that are difficult to examine, identify peripheral retinal dystrophies, retinal dissection (retinoschisis), subclinical forms of retinal detachment (retinal detachment), then There is a pathology in the fundus of the eye, which is not clinically manifested, but requires mandatory treatment. Short-acting mydriatics are used to dilate the pupil.

This is the so-called “standard complex of primary diagnostics”. If necessary and in agreement with the patient, vision diagnostics can be expanded with additional studies.


Tonography is a method for studying the hydrodynamics of the eye, which consists of graphically recording the results of repeated measurements of intraocular pressure against the background of prolonged compression of the eyeball with a tonometer. Tonography allows you to measure fluctuations in intraocular pressure, the rate of production and outflow of intraocular fluid over a given period of time. Conducting this study is especially important for verifying the diagnosis when glaucoma is suspected and as a control of the effectiveness of treatment for those patients in whom glaucoma was previously identified.


Perimetry is intended to diagnose the state of the visual field - the space that the human eye sees when fixed. Often a person does not notice the appearance of defects (losses) in the field of vision due to the ability given by nature to look at the world with two eyes. Modern perimeter models have a wide range of threshold studies and highly specialized tests, which makes it possible to identify at the initial stages such eye pathologies as glaucoma, retinal dystrophy, retinal vascular pathology (occlusions and thrombosis of retinal vessels), retinopathy, retinal detachment. Diagnostic capabilities for inflammatory and vascular pathology of the optic nerve, optic nerve atrophy, and neuro-ophthalmological pathology are significantly expanding. Perimetry with short screening testing methods is reliable enough to detect even minimal visual field defects without a large investment of time.

Ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit

Ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit is a highly informative, safe, non-invasive instrumental research method that allows one to obtain a two-dimensional image of the vitreous cavity, the posterior segment of the eye and the orbit. A/B scanning provides high-resolution images and allows measuring the size of intraocular structures with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Ultrasound examination of the eye is performed for the following main indications:

  • Measuring the thickness of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, the thickness of the lens, the size of the vitreous body, the anteroposterior size of the eyeball. This information is necessary when performing a variety of operations, including cataract removal.
  • Identification and determination of the size and topography of neoplasms of the ciliary body, choroid and retina, retrobulbar tumors. Quantitative assessment of their changes in dynamics. Differentiation of clinical forms of exophthalmos.
  • Identification, assessment of the height and extent of retinal detachment, detachment of the ciliary body and choroid and their relationship with the vitreous body. Differentiation of primary retinal detachment from secondary retinal detachment caused by tumor growth.
  • Detection of destruction, exudate, opacities, blood clots, mooring in the vitreous body. Determination of their localization, density and mobility, relationship with the retina of the organ of vision.
  • Detection of foreign bodies in the eye due to trauma to the organ of vision, including clinically invisible and X-ray negative ones. Determination of their location in the eye and relationship with intraocular structures.
  • Calculation of the refractive power required for implantation of an artificial eye lens (IOL).

Recently, a new method of acoustic visualization of intraocular structures of the anterior segment of the eye has been introduced into clinical practice - ultrasound biomicroscopy. This method allows you to examine the anterior segment of the eye at the microstructural level. Ultrasound biomicroscopy is a B-scanning ultrasound immersion diagnostic procedure with linear scanning, which provides quantitative and qualitative information about the structure of the anterior segment of the eye (cornea, iris, anterior chamber angle, lens) for the purpose of diagnosing glaucoma, anterior tumors, and the consequences of eye injuries.

Fluorescein angiography with computer registration

Today, not a single clinic in the world can do without this informative diagnostic study. Fluorescein angiography, based on contrasting retinal vessels with a special dye, is the only method of its kind for accurate and effective diagnosis of diseases of the retina, optic nerve and choroid. It reveals the structure of the vascular bed of the retina, gives a clear picture of hemodynamics, the state of permeability of the vascular walls, pigment epithelium and Bruch's membrane, and allows one to differentiate inflammatory changes from vascular, dystrophic and tumor processes.

Fluorescein angiography is performed on a retinal camera both for diagnostic purposes and to determine the indications, tactics and timing of laser treatment, as well as to evaluate the results of the treatment. This study allows us to identify ischemic zones and newly formed vessels, which is important to identify in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, thrombosis of the central retinal vein and its branches, occlusion of the central retinal artery and its branches, vasculitis, anterior ischemic neuropathy, pathology of the central retinal zone (edema, cysts, ruptures), recurrent hemophthalmos and a number of other diseases.

Electroretinography (ERG) is a method for recording changes in the bioelectric potential of the retina, graphically expressing the electrical activity of the cellular elements of the retina in response to light stimulation. Electroretinography allows one to judge the functional state of the photopic and scotopic systems of the organ of vision, regardless of the transparency of the optical media of the eye. The study of the thresholds of electrical sensitivity and electrical lability of the visual analyzer allows us to assess the functional state of the inner layers of the retina and the axial fascicle of the optic nerve.

Electroretinography is performed:

  • if it is impossible to visually assess the condition of the retina,
  • in the presence of an inflammatory process in the eye,
  • if sympathetic ophthalmia is suspected,
  • for early diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa,
  • for the diagnosis of macular degeneration,
  • for acute circulatory disorders in the retina,
  • for early diagnosis of metallosis,
  • in case of poisoning with neurotropic poisons.


Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive method for visualizing biological structures that allows one to obtain in vivo (“intravital”) two-dimensional images of transverse optical sections of biological tissues with a resolution approaching the cellular level (10-15 microns). The technological basis of this method is the measurement of the optical reflectivity of biological structures. The device is based on a new diagnostic technology that allows you to obtain a high-resolution two-dimensional image of a section of the membranes of the eyeball and optic nerve, and measure the thickness of their longitudinal section by analyzing the light signal reflected from the boundaries of biological layers. The device makes it possible to conduct a vision examination even in cloudy environments with minimal strain on the patient’s eye.

What after vision diagnostics?

So, the vision test is completed. What's next? After a thorough and complete examination, our specialist will have a conversation with you and, based on all the diagnostic data received, will prescribe the appropriate conservative or

Ophthalmology includes hundreds of eye diseases. The most common methods for diagnosing the most common human eye diseases are described here.

Ophthalmologists pay special attention to identifying early signs of eye diseases. The importance of early diagnosis of pathological changes in the eyes can hardly be overestimated, since success in the treatment of eye diseases largely depends on the timing of its detection, namely, detection at the stage of reversible changes.

Diagnosis of eye diseases is carried out by an ophthalmologist in a specially equipped ophthalmology office.

There are serious eye diseases that have a significant impact on vision. These are cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and a number of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases is the main way to prevent partial loss of vision and sometimes blindness.

Modern ophthalmology allows you to perform all the necessary studies to make an accurate diagnosis, including the following studies:

  • determination of visual acuity (computer and subjective methods);
  • examination and determination of the condition of the anterior segment of the eyeball;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • fundus examination;
  • computer keratotopography (examination of the cornea for accurate diagnosis of astigatism and keratoconus);
  • fluorescein digital angiography - computer images of the fundus and examination of retinal vessels for selective treatment of areas of retinal damage (diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, etc.);
  • complex of electrophysiological studies;
  • complex of laboratory tests for preoperative preparation.

Special means for diagnosing eye diseases include: computed tomography of the eye, computer perimetry, ultrasound examination of the eye, topography of the fundus, tonography, determination of color vision, gonioscopy, skiascopy.

Modern diagnostic tools in ophthalmology contribute not only to making an accurate diagnosis, but also allow monitoring and effectively managing the process of treating diseases.

Methods of eye examination in ophthalmology

A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist includes the following procedures:

Visometry- This is a measurement of distance visual acuity. In this case, the patient looks at a table with letters, numbers or other signs and names the objects that the ophthalmologist points to. Determination of visual acuity is carried out first without correction, then, if there are violations, with correction (using a special frame and lenses). Decreased vision is an important symptom in the diagnosis of eye diseases.

Tonometry- This is a measurement of intraocular pressure. It can be carried out in several ways (using a pneumotonometer, weights (according to Maklakov), palpation, etc.). This procedure is mandatory for people over 40 years old, because... It is after 40 years that the risk of developing glaucoma increases significantly, which is what this study is aimed at identifying.

Refractometry- this is a determination of the optical power of the eye (refraction). The procedure is currently carried out using automatic refractometers, which greatly facilitates the work of the ophthalmologist and saves the patient’s time. Using this method, refractive errors are diagnosed: myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Color vision testing- this is a method of examining the eyes, carried out using special tables (Rabkin tables) and serves to determine such color vision disorders as protanopia, deuteranopia or color weakness (types of color blindness).

Perimetry is the definition of a person's peripheral vision. The procedure is carried out using special devices, which are a hemisphere, on the inner surface of which light signals are projected. This is an important method for diagnosing eye diseases such as glaucoma, partial optic atrophy, etc.

Biomicroscopy is a method of examining the anterior segment of the eye using a slit lamp (special microscope). Using biomicroscopy, an ophthalmologist can see at high magnification such eye tissues as the conjunctiva, cornea, as well as deeper structures - the iris, lens, vitreous body.

Ophthalmoscopy- this is a study that allows the doctor to see the fundus (inner surface of the eye) - this is the retina, blood vessels. This is one of the most common and important methods in diagnosing eye diseases. The procedure is carried out contactlessly, using a special device - an ophthalmoscope or lens.
Where to get an eye examination

Despite the large number of ophthalmological centers, not all of them have all the necessary equipment and specialists capable of working on it and correctly interpreting the results. One of the few institutions that has the most modern equipment and world-class specialists is the Moscow Eye Clinic. Along with this, affordable prices and impeccable service make this eye clinic one of the best in Russia.

Ophthalmometry- this is a determination of the refractive power of the cornea in different meridians. In this way, the degree of corneal astigmatism can be determined. The study is carried out using a special device - an ophthalmometer.

Determination of the angle of strabismus- this is a fairly simple procedure, an example is the Grishberg method - the patient looks through an ophthalmoscope, and the doctor monitors the reflection of light on his cornea and, depending on this, determines the angle of strabismus.

Probing (bougienage) of the lacrimal canals is a procedure performed for therapeutic purposes, most often in infants, but also in older people, who often experience narrowing of the lacrimal openings. It is performed under local anesthesia using special dilating probes.

Washing the tear ducts- this procedure is carried out for diagnostic purposes if there is a suspicion of obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. It can also be used for medicinal purposes. Special cannulas are inserted into the lacrimal openings on the eyelid, to which a syringe with a solution is attached. If the lacrimal ducts are blocked, the liquid from the syringe enters the nasal cavity, but if there is obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, the liquid pours out or does not pass at all.

As a rule, these methods are quite sufficient to diagnose the most common eye diseases (for example, myopia, conjunctivitis, cataracts, etc.). However, if an ophthalmologist has doubts about the diagnosis, he can use additional methods for diagnosing eye diseases, which require special equipment and are carried out in specialized ophthalmological centers or departments.
Special methods used in the diagnosis of eye diseases

Campimetry- this is the determination of the central field of vision, often in terms of colors. The device for this study is called a campimeter and is a special 2x2 meter screen on which markers are presented to the patient (alternately with the right and left eyes). This method can be used to diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma, diseases of the retina and optic nerve.

Ultrasound examination of the eyeball (ultrasound)
- This is a fairly common research method that has gained popularity due to its efficiency, lack of complications and information content. This study is used to diagnose eye diseases such as retinal detachment, neoplasms of the eye and orbit, and foreign bodies.

Electrophysiological study (EPS)- this allows you to assess the condition of the retina, optic nerve, and cerebral cortex. Those. functions of the entire nervous tissue of the visual apparatus. This method has found wide application in the diagnosis of diseases of the retina and optic nerve.

Tonography is a recording of intraocular pressure (IOP) over time. The procedure takes about 4-5 minutes, but during this time important information about outflow can be obtained.

Keratotopogram is a study showing the surface of the cornea, its “topographic map”. The study is carried out before laser operations on the cornea, if keratoconus and keratoglobus are suspected.

Pachymetry- This is a determination of the thickness of the cornea. This study is mandatory for laser operations.

Fluorescein angiography- this is one of the methods that shows the condition of the retinal vessels. The study is carried out by intravenous administration of a contrast agent and taking a series of images in the retinal vessels.

Examination of eyelashes for demodex- this procedure involves collecting eyelashes followed by examination under a microscope. Depending on the number of mites found, the disease “demodicosis” is diagnosed.

OTC (optical coherence tomography) is optical coherence tomography. Used to assess the condition of the retina and optic nerve. Used in eye examinations for diseases such as retinal dystrophy and detachment, glaucoma, and optic nerve diseases.

Gonioscopy is a procedure in which an ophthalmologist examines the angle of the anterior chamber using a special lens. The study is carried out during examination for glaucoma.

Schirmer test- This is a study that allows you to determine tear production. A special paper strip is placed behind the patient’s lower eyelid, after which it is determined how saturated it is with tears. This test is performed for a disease such as dry eye syndrome.

Fundus examination with Goldmann lens is a method used to evaluate the peripheral parts of the retina that are not visible during normal fundus examination. It is used to diagnose eye diseases such as retinal detachment and dystrophy.

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