Day hospital. Day hospital in the ENT department Day hospital ENT

In Filatovskaya they were in surgery (1 injury), the child was 1.8. They sewed on the phalanx of my finger, and the head doctor did not allow me to stay overnight! The child had to recover from anesthesia alone! They were motivated by the fact that in a ward designed for 7 children under 3 years old! There may be only 2 parents. They have nowhere to sleep, etc. I paid the senior nurse 500 rubles and stayed the night. In the morning, before the round, we were put out on the street, but were allowed to return for breakfast. The hospital is old, some buildings are under renovation. The doctors are very good.
There is a new building in Morozovskaya, a large one. Conditions seemed better. The doctors are also very good.
Speransky No. 9. We often go there because of sore ears. The attitude is ugly, but there are new buildings. Although the ENT department is in an old, 2-3-story building. On January 1, they were there with purulent otitis media, they offered hospitalization, I refused. There is not enough medicine, that in Filatovskaya (they brought their suprastin in tablets and injections, so that if the child was pumped immediately, he is allergic), at 9 my friend was in bed with a child of 2.2, they also brought their own medicines. The rooms are also for several people. But the clinic and ENT specialists at 9 are very good. In the waiting room of the ENT department, allergic crusts in the ears, from Otipax drops, were mistaken for natural formations in the ears. At the same time, they added that you, mommy, have those too. And they told me not to argue with the doctor.
And our private ENT recommended us Tushinskaya, where we will remove adenoids in the fall, we have frequent otitis media due to adenoiditis. By the way, the rooms there are 2-4 beds, for 2 children and 2 mothers. They have a day hospital with an ENT department. Children under 5 years old are placed with their parents. The buildings are new.
I think it’s better for you to find a good ENT specialist and try treatment at home. By the way, how do you treat sinusitis, and how does it resolve in a child? It’s just that I often sit with exacerbations of sinusitis and found such a good site, I’ll give the link below.
I hope I helped you a little. I wish you to get well soon. 05/08/2005 02:11:08, Golden Sun (in system 210778)

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Thank you very much for your help. We are trying to get treatment at home, I’m just asking just in case - the ENT specialist is intimidating. In general, I am satisfied with our doctor; she treated my sinusitis in the fall and quite successfully. And on Friday something really intimidated me, so I got scared :). We are being treated according to a regimen very similar to that described on the website. I think we can handle it. Thanks again. Do not be ill. 09.05.2005 00:04:23,

The clinic is equipped with a modern hospital that meets all modern requirements. During the postoperative period, the patient is in a comfortable room under the close attention of highly qualified doctors on duty and nursing staff.

24-hour hospital

The Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic has at its disposal 24-hour hospital. The stay of patients is organized here with maximum convenience and comfort. At your service are single and double rooms equipped with modern furniture and TVs. After surgery, patients are in the intensive care unit, where electronic monitoring of their condition is provided, combined with care and the use of medications.

Day hospital

All patients day hospital are observed by experienced doctors with emergency care skills. Nurses are fluent in all nursing procedures.

If necessary, specialized specialists can be involved in the diagnostic and treatment process; it is possible to combine treatment with the necessary physiotherapeutic procedures.

In a day hospital, patients with the following diseases can be treated:

  • nervous system (vascular diseases of the brain, polyneuropathy of various origins, osteochondrosis);
  • endocrine system (diabetes mellitus and its complications);
  • digestive system (various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • cardiovascular system (vascular diseases of the lower extremities, etc.);
  • genitourinary system;
  • respiratory system;
  • ENT organs.
After completion of the procedures, patients can leave the day hospital.

It is an intermediate link between outpatient and inpatient medical care for sick children. These structural units are designed to provide patients who do not require round-the-clock medical supervision with therapeutic, rehabilitation, diagnostic and preventive measures during the day. The day hospital has full access to all the capabilities of the treatment, diagnostic, advisory, and rehabilitation units at its disposal.

Essentially, our Center’s day hospital is a comprehensive tool for sick children to receive a full range of medical treatment and rehabilitation services without the need for hospitalization.

In the day hospital, pediatric doctors of all specialties see patients. There are laboratory, diagnostic and treatment departments so that the patient can undergo the necessary procedures, physiotherapeutic or rehabilitation measures during the day.

The day hospital of the National Medical Research Center for Children's Health of the Russian Ministry of Health differs significantly from similar units of the Moscow children's outpatient clinic service in the ability to conduct a wide range of diagnostic and rehabilitation procedures using the most modern equipment, as well as a wider range of rehabilitation measures for sick children. On the basis of our day hospital, complex and effective diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive measures are carried out.

Day hospital specialists also do a lot of work in vaccinating children and conducting preventive examinations of schoolchildren and other children in organized groups.

The undoubted advantage of our day hospital is the close cooperation of pediatricians, psychologists and teachers, which allows children undergoing treatment for a long time to master the curriculum on an equal basis with their peers and receive psychological and pedagogical support.

IN department of hospital-replacing technologies Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation are carried out in the following profiles: allergology, gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, rheumatology.

There is a large selection of convenient comprehensive programs for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The programs include:

  • Diagnosis of a child “Check-up” in 1-2 days;
  • The child's attending physician of a specialized specialty;
  • Individual programs of effective treatment and rehabilitation.

Now comprehensive programs for examination, treatment and rehabilitation of children aged from birth to 18 years in the profiles of allergology, gastroenterology, and neurology have become even more accessible!

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology is visited annually by more than 30 thousand patients with various diseases of the ear, nose and throat. All patients receive highly qualified diagnostic and treatment outpatient care, which includes, among other things, a number of surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, tonsils and upper respiratory tract. The department employs nine doctors of the first and highest categories, including an audiologist-audiologist and a phoniatrist. Patients with functional voice disorders are advised by a phonopedist.

All department offices are equipped with the most modern multifunctional ENT doctor workstations from Atmos, Heinemann (Germany) and Nagashima (Japan), which allow for the full range of necessary diagnostic and treatment procedures, photo and video documentation of identified changes and save it in the patient database. To examine the nose, pharynx and larynx, the department’s doctors widely use rigid and flexible endoscopes, including a diagnostic station from Olympus (Japan), which makes it possible to detect the very initial stages of tumor diseases of the upper respiratory tract using NBI (narrow band) endoscopy. Diagnosis of ear diseases is carried out using microscopes and modern audiometric equipment. For surgical and semi-surgical treatment, ultrasound, radio wave and cryosurgical devices are used, allowing gentle interventions to be performed on an outpatient basis.

Branch services

Diagnostic procedures:

    Endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and larynx (including NBI endoscopy).

    A comprehensive examination for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome:

    • cardiorespiratory monitoring;
    • sleepvideoendoscopy - examination of the respiratory tract during medicated sleep.
  • Multilevel daily monitoring of the acidity of the stomach, esophagus and pharynx and to detect reflux disease.

    Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses using the Sinuscan device if radiography is contraindicated.

    Computer and MRI diagnostics of ENT organs.

    Hearing test:

    • tuning fork;
    • pure tone audiometry;
    • impedancemetry.

Conservative and semi-surgical treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the ENT organs:

  • puncture-free treatment of sinusitis using the YAMIK sinus catheter;

    treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx with the “Cavitar” device - combined irrigation with finely dispersed medicinal aerosols and ultrasonic cavitation;

    vacuum washing of lacunae of the palatine tonsils in chronic tonsillitis;

    cryotherapy on the palatine tonsils and radio wave lacunotomy for chronic tonsillitis;

    radio wave and ultrasound effects on the nasal turbinates for vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;

    coagulation of the vessels of the nasal cavity during repeated nosebleeds;

    balloon sinuplasty for chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses;

    installation of reinforcing implants in the soft palate for the treatment of snoring;

    removal of foreign bodies;

    removal of neoplasms of the mucous membranes and skin of ENT organs;

    opening of infected foci of ENT organs.

Surgical treatment in a day hospital:

    septoplasty, endoscopic correction of nasal septum deformities;

    operations on the nasal turbinates with persistent difficulty in nasal breathing, drug-induced rhinitis (dependence on vasoconstrictor drops;

    endoscopic operations on the paranasal sinuses for chronic and polypous sinusitis;

    removal of paranasal sinus cysts using intranasal endoscopic access;

    Shaver nasal polypotomy;

    shunting of the tympanic cavity and removal of the shunt for exudative otitis media.

Advisory assistance

The department regularly conducts consultations with the scientific director of the department, Professor A. S. Lopatin, examinations and preparation for planned surgical interventions, which are performed both in a clinic and in a hospital.