Additional education: choosing courses and tutors. Additional education club program “Magic Workshop”

Modeling from clay, designing ships, in-depth study of English - today it is difficult to imagine children's development without various clubs and sections. Some parents try to find a tutor for their child, but additional education for schoolchildren can cope with this. It is carried out both at the schools themselves and in various educational centers.

It's no secret that chess player Anatoly Kasparov, actor Sergei Nikonenko, director Rolan Bykov and many other talented people came from additional education institutions. Unlike school lessons, which every student is forced to attend, regardless of his own aspirations, desires and abilities, a child can choose additional education courses independently. They will help him find and develop his talents.

Today, more and more elite educational institutions, be it schools or universities, require an impressive portfolio, which cannot be compiled without taking courses for schoolchildren. Maybe your child has an excellent ear for music and sings well? Or does he like to collect model airplanes? Or wants to become an ecologist? Additional education will help you identify and develop your child’s talents, as well as find friends with similar interests.

Why do schoolchildren need additional education?

In circles and sections
children learn to communicate
and often find themselves
friends with similar interests

The ability to draw beautifully, win chess tournaments, play the violin, run fast - your child will be able to acquire these and many other abilities in institutions of additional education for schoolchildren. In addition, various clubs and sections can also be an excellent help for studying many school disciplines. Additional education can give a child a lot in terms of upbringing, socialization and development.

  • Identification and development of abilities. Does your daughter spend a lot of time drawing, but your son constantly disappears on the football field? Or maybe the student doesn’t know what to do with his time? Activities will help your child find himself and develop his own talent. , art schools, science courses - thanks to the wide range of additional education institutions offered today, a student will be able to choose a club in almost any direction.
  • Socialization. What could be more fun and interesting than doing something in the company of like-minded people?! Clubs are not only a favorite activity, but also communication with children who are passionate about the same thing. Discussing films in a film club, playing basketball and cheering for your team, singing in a choir - additional education courses will help your child make new acquaintances, make friends and interact in society. Often, it is in institutions of additional education that schoolchildren find friends with similar interests, with whom they remain friends for the rest of their lives.
  • Self-discipline. There is no strict control in clubs, clubs and courses for schoolchildren; the child chooses them based on his abilities and aspirations. So the student himself is interested in his successes and achievements, therefore additional education develops self-control, self-discipline and self-development, which will be useful to him both in regular lessons at school and in other areas of life.
  • Career guidance. Whether your child plays tennis or loves to craft with clay, any hobby can develop into a profession. Classes at school, as a rule, are limited to a range of certain disciplines, which do not allow everyone to fully reveal their talents. But this allows schoolchildren additional education. Is your child seriously interested in sculpture or playing chess? Perhaps this is a future sculptor or chess player.
  • Deepening and expanding knowledge in basic and elective disciplines. Additional education courses help not only to demonstrate oneself and one’s talents, but also to improve knowledge in those subjects that students have in the main school curriculum. For example, classes in the law and economics club will help in social studies lessons, and the robotics club will be an excellent assistant in studying physics. A child's tutor can handle the same task. Some courses take .

Areas of additional education

The directions and programs of additional education are completely different, and every child can find something to their liking. According to their specificity, all clubs and courses of additional education are divided into several groups:

  • Artistic and aesthetic direction(creative studios, music and art schools, dance, literary, theater clubs, etc.);
  • Cultural direction(book clubs, museology, art and library circles, historical and cultural centers, etc.);
  • Scientific and technical direction(computer courses, stations for young technicians, clubs for robotics, designing aircraft, ships, etc.);
  • Natural science direction(geographical, physical, chemical circles, courses in astronomy, medicine, etc.);
  • Ecological and biological direction(stations for young naturalists, ecology and local history courses, etc.);
  • Military-patriotic direction(military sports sections, historical and patriotic circles, search work, etc.);
  • Physical education and sports direction(sports sections, physical therapy, orienteering and tourism clubs, classes in gyms, etc.);
  • Social and pedagogical direction(circles dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, charitable organizations, social youth movements, etc.);
  • Economic and legal direction(courses in economics, political science and law).

Mugs make a child
more independent and vaccinate

Additional education organizations and tutors

Continuing education courses can be conducted at the school where the child is studying or in other educational organizations. At the same time, attending courses at school after school will be much more convenient for the child himself. But, unfortunately, in schools the choice of clubs is limited, and they may not have the required course.

A good option would be an educational center with various clubs that have a common focus. For example, your child is interested in natural sciences. Wouldn't it be great if the chemistry and biology clubs were located in the same place?! The same applies to various art schools, where a child can learn to play a musical instrument, sing and dance.

Tutoring plays a special role in the additional education of schoolchildren. This is especially true in high school when preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. Tutoring can also help struggling students. When choosing a tutor, pay attention to the teacher's track record and his recommendations. Often school teachers also provide tutoring. Read how to find a good one on our website.

Watch out, time!

When choosing a tutor
need to pay attention
on his work experience
and manner of communication

Of course, clubs and sections are great: in them, the child can do something interesting to him, develop useful skills and find new friends. Therefore, the desire of many parents to send their child to a club is completely justified. However, today various courses for schoolchildren have become a fashionable trend, and therefore some parents are trying to send their child to as many clubs as possible.

With all its advantages, a lot of clubs will not benefit the child at all, because he will have no free time left at all. Classes in most clubs are held twice a week, while children who are seriously involved in sports train almost every day. And do not forget that the child needs to devote time to homework, walks and rest.

If you want to send your child to a club, be sure to pay attention to the correct allocation of time. A student shouldn’t have a busy week! It is better to limit yourself to one or two circles or sections. If your child is very active, for comprehensive development, teachers recommend choosing three different courses: scientific, creative and sports. A larger number of circles is fraught with overwork.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that the child must choose the direction of additional education independently, otherwise he will quickly abandon his endeavor.

Additional education for schoolchildren

Continuing education courses will become a place where your child will definitely meet new friends and like-minded people. Such training will be personally meaningful and will increase the student’s motivation and self-organization. An interesting circle can become not only a place of work, but also of relaxation, because it is impossible to get tired of your favorite activities.

Designing airplanes, playing the flute or figure skating - additional education for schoolchildren will not only be an interesting pastime, but also an opportunity to realize their talents and dreams. Perhaps your child will turn his childhood hobby of photography or wood carving into a profession in which he will achieve great success.

The program has been accepted I APPROVED

"___" ___________20___

"___" __________2013

“Fantasy Workshop” program

Compilers of the program:

Yusovskikh Nadezhda Aleksandrovna –

Deputy Director for VR,

Rudakova Zinaida Alekseevna –

technology teacher

Nizhny Novgorod


Program Information Card

Full name of the program program

GKOU NOS(K)O boarding schoolIII- IV kind

“Fantasy Workshop” (for children 7-15 years old)

Yusovskikh Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - deputy director for VR, Rudakova Zinaida Alekseevna - technology teacher

Program Manager

Yusovskikh Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Deputy Director for VR

Territory that presented the programs

Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region

Name of the conducting organization

State special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities

"Nizhny Novgorod regional special (correctional) general education boarding schoolIII- IV kind"

Organization address

603114 N. Novgorod, st. Yubileinaya, 5


Form of conduct

Group, individual classes, events

Purpose of the program

Providing students with the necessary information to develop creativity

Implementation deadlines


Official language

Total number of students involved in the program

10 people

Conditions for participation in the program

The desire of the child and parents

Brief summary of the program

Activities aimed at developing the harmonious personality of schoolchildren, the formation of creative thinking.

History of the program

The program has existed since 2013 and is constantly being improved.

Program passport

The name of the program

Educational program

"Fantasy Workshop"

Basis for development


Socialization and adaptation of schoolchildren with vision pathology

Main developers of the program

Yusovskikh Nadezhda Aleksandrovna,

Rudakova Zinaida Alekseevna

Goals and objectives of the program

Purpose of the program:

formation and development of creative abilities of schoolchildren as a necessary condition for their social adaptation


    Create conditions (school, out-of-school) for the development of creative abilities within the framework of the program implementation mechanism;

    provide psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the educational process through a system of valeological activities;

    improve the system of additional education taking into account the interests and needs of students of different age groups

    promote self-determination and self-realization of students through increased activities to develop self-government at the boarding school.

Development of students' creative abilities

Artistic and creative

Expansion of the social zone

Main directions of the program

Timing of the program

Expected results

Ensuring the active adaptation of blind and visually impaired schoolchildren to life in modern society, the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Control system

Analysis of diagnostics of the results of activities of teachers and students on the topic.

Questioning children on topics.

State special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities

"Nizhny Novgorod regional special (correctional) general education boarding school of III-IV type"

The program has been accepted I APPROVED

on the pedagogical council Director

"___" ___________20___

Protocol No._____ dated _________ 2013 ___________ E.D. Morozova

"___" __________2013

Additional correctional and developmental program “Fantasy Workshop”

technology teacher

Nizhny Novgorod


1. EXPLANATORY NOTE______________________



4. PROGRAM CONTENT______________________

5. FORMS AND METHODS OF CONTROL____________________

6. METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT__________________

7. STAGES OF GROWTH__________________________________

8. REFERENCES___________________________



Focus programs - development of creative abilities of schoolchildren.

Relevance This program is the opportunity for students to create beautiful and original products in the process of studying the basics of decorative and applied arts, and to develop their creative abilities. The development of creative abilities is one of the urgent tasks of modern education. Creative abilities are manifested in the ability to adequately respond to ongoing changes in our lives (scientific, cultural, social); ready to take advantage of new opportunities; in an effort to avoid obvious, traditional solutions; in putting forward non-standard, extraordinary ideas; in satisfying one of the basic social needs - the need for personal self-realization.

The novelty of this program lies in:

Use of new technologies,

The content of elements of folk applied art is closely intertwined with the latest trends in modern design,

It also introduces new materials that simplify the manufacturing technology of products and are more decorative.

The “Fantasy Workshop” program is designed for 34 hours and consists of two modules: “Non-traditional materials”, “Revived fabrics”, for which 17 hours are allotted. Educational and thematic planning for the year of study has been drawn up, which reflects the main areas of activity for the development of decorative and applied arts: appliqué, quilling, burning, making artificial flowers from fabric and mixed techniques. The choice of these areas is determined by the following criteria: relatively low costs for materials, the ability to master disciplines in a short period. The main form of training in the program is a lesson in which group and individual forms of organizing the educational and creative activities of students are used. The program is designed for children aged from 7 to 15 years old, and provides for their differentiation according to the degree of giftedness.

Target: acquaintance with the basics of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in such types of decorative and applied arts as applique, quilling, burning, making flowers from fabrics. Introducing students to the independent production of decorative products. Socialization of the child’s personality through introduction to modern types of decorative and applied arts.


- teach basic simple techniques for working with paper, tools, devices; use diagrams, drawings, literature when working in these types of creativity, independently develop individual jewelry according to your own sketch and make them, economical approach to the material, its rational use;

Introduce children to the basic properties and capabilities of the material, the history of quilling and burning;

- develop individual abilities of students, artistic thinking, sense of color, material and texture, interest and love for applied arts based on folk traditions, communication abilities of children in the learning process;

-bring up aesthetic taste, creative attitude to work, accuracy, perseverance, diligence, diligence in work, as well as social and psychological: a feeling of satisfaction from a product made with one’s own hands

Create a favorable atmosphere for informal communication between children who are passionate about a common cause.

Technical equipment: illustrated albums and books, original works of the teacher and children, photo albums, visual aids, samples, handouts: (templates, diagrams), sketches, safety stand when working with scissors and electric heating devices, scissors, zigzag scissors, pencils , rulers, PVA glue, pens, felt-tip pens, cardboard, pieces of fabric, bottles of various shapes, jars, fabric paints, strokes, gouache, acrylic paints, frames, varnish, electric burner, soldering iron, tweezers, awl, irons, balls, hammer, wire of different diameters, wire cutters, burlap (beading), newspapers, paper clips, hairspray, glitter, beads, plasticine, albums, notebook.

The program is designed for junior, middle and senior school age students. This makes it possible to create an interesting microclimate in the team, where the elders help the younger ones, acting as consultants, and the younger children strive to achieve the success of their older comrades.

Number of students in study groups: first year of study - from 10 to 12 people. In a creative group, which provides individual and group training, there are no more than 5 people.

The program is compiled on the basis of knowledge of the age, psychological, pedagogical, and physical characteristics of children and adolescents. Work with students is based on mutual cooperation, based on a respectful, sincere, delicate and tactful attitude towards the child’s personality. The program can be used in the system of additional education (in children's teenage clubs, in children's creativity centers, in schools).

Implementation period additional educational program of the association “Fantasy Workshop”: 1 year.

During the implementation of the program, various forms of classes :

  • practical work with constant, individual counseling of students;




    competition and others.

The program is designed for the following operating mode :

1 year of study- 204 hours per year, 2 hours per week (once a week for 2 hours with a mandatory 10-15 minute break in three groups);

Expected results

By the end of the 1st year of study, students must


Rules of conduct, TB

Fundamentals of Materials Science

Basics of color science

The history of this type of arts and crafts

Basic techniques and techniques for working with various materials

Terminology and conventions

Rules and sequence of manufacturing various decorative products (panels, crafts)

be able to:

Select material for panels and crafts

Combine colors harmoniously when doing simple crafts

Distinguish between threads made from natural and chemical fibers, wool and cotton.\

Burn simple patterns onto fabric

Making flowers from fabric

Make crafts from non-traditional materials (cereals, coffee, paper, etc.)

The forms for summing up the results of the program implementation are:

    exhibitions of children's works, competitions, quizzes;

    open classes, master classes for parents;

    participation in events at various levels.

Control allows you to determine the effectiveness of training, discuss the results, and make changes to the educational process. Control allows students, parents and teachers to see the results of their work and identifies gifted children, which creates a good psychological climate in the team.

Observing the group as a whole, the teacher notes the most successful work of the students and those who cannot cope with the task. In this situation, it is important to use a concrete example to show others the correctness of execution, errors and the possibility of correcting them.

Explanations of theoretical material and practical tasks are accompanied by demonstrations of various kinds of visual materials and products.

To test knowledge and skills, quizzes on theoretical knowledge and skill competitions are held. At the end of the year it is planned to hold a final exhibition of children's works.

To broaden the pupils' horizons, excursions to museums and visits to arts and crafts exhibitions are planned.

Product quality characteristics

■ Accurate execution of the product.

■ Cleanliness and accuracy when working with non-traditional materials

■ Assembly and finishing of the finished decorative product.

Characteristics of artistic level

■ Beauty of the product.

■ Originality

■ Aesthetics of the product.

■ Harmonious combination of color and shape.

■ Warmth and fullness of living human energy.

Pedagogical section

Assessment criteria: knowledge and skills expressed:

excellent "5"

good "4"

satisfactory "3"

bad "2"

Last name, first name of the child _____________________________________________________

Directions of assessment:

●- knowledge of the rules of behavior, TB

●- knowledge of the basics of materials science

●- knowledge of the basics of color science

●- knowledge of this type of arts and crafts

●- knowledge of terminology and symbols

●- ability to work from printed and schematic material

●- ability to organize your workplace

●- ability to work from a finished drawing

Material and technical support of the program

Educational and material base:

    A room with good lighting;

    Tables, chairs;

    Stands for product samples;

    Cabinets for placing visual materials and methodological literature;

    Iron and ironing board, burning machine

    Didactic material and methodological developments;


Premises and equipment.

The room for handicrafts is spacious, bright, meets sanitary and technical standards, and complies with fire safety rules. Beautiful design of the classroom, cleanliness and order in it, properly organized workplaces are of great educational importance. All this disciplines students and helps improve work culture and creative activity.

Educational equipment includes a set of furniture, tools and devices necessary for organizing classes, storing and displaying visual aids.

Tools and devices are stored so that their working parts do not deteriorate. Placement of each type of instrument in various boxes, in a certain order, ensures the speed of distributing them during classes.

Visual aids.

Visual aids are used, which play a huge role in children’s learning new material. Visual aids make it possible to give students a comprehensive understanding of the manufacture of products or the performance of a specific task, which helps to predict the mastery of the material. The main types of visual aids used in classes include product samples, colorful illustrations, photographs, and diagrams.

Materials, tools, devices.

To complete the work, certain materials are required:

    Pieces of fabric;

    Burning device, plexiglass;

    Frames for panels;

    Various cereals, coffee beans, flour, salt;

    PVA glue, Moment glue;




    Colored paper, cardboard;

    Tracing paper, simple pencils, eraser.

    Quilling paper


A harmoniously developed person cannot help but strive to live and work beautifully, i.e. create beauty around you - with your behavior, the design of your life, your appearance.

The author believes that the very specificity of classes in decorative and applied arts reveals wide opportunities for the knowledge of beauty, contributes to the spiritual formation of the individual, his artistic and aesthetic development. After all, it is in works of art in general and in decorative and applied art in particular that moral potential is initially inherent. And by developing the aesthetic culture of the future citizen, we develop high morality in him. The child develops an aesthetic attitude towards the world - and this, of course, is not only the contemplation of beauty, but first of all the desire for creativity according to the laws of beauty, and also the development of individual abilities and the disclosure of creative potential.

The study of arts and crafts helps a child to better understand his people, the history of his country, consciously love, respect, preserve traditions and, by creating something new, bring national flavor to everything.

Basic principles of program development:

    Unity of theoretical and practical classes;

    Connection with other types of handicrafts;

    Encouraging students to create their own creativity and innovation;

    Formation of aesthetic taste;

    Developing the desire to achieve results and work for the common benefit;

    Systematicity and consistency;

    Accessibility and visibility;

    Unity of education and training;

    Taking into account individual characteristics;

    Cooperation between teacher and children.


1st year of study

Name of sections, topics

Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Historical reference.

Materials and tools

Non-traditional materials

Making dough for crafts

Development of decorative drawings.

Making elements for panels (crafts)

Making the panel itself

Making a sketch for a panel from paper (cereals)

Selection and preparation of materials for crafts

Making the panel itself

Fabric burning

Selection of pattern fabric for work

Selection of materials for panels

Drawing on fabric

Burning out a drawing

Making flowers from fabric

Selection of materials for work

Making flowers from fabrics

Design of an exhibition of works



Introductory lesson.

Theory (2 hours):

    getting to know the team;

    familiarization with the schedule;

    discussion of the work plan for the year;

    familiarization with safety rules in the classroom;

    exhibition of works.

Historical reference. Materials and tools.

Theory (2 hours):

    an excursion into the history of one of the oldest types of arts and crafts;

    familiarization with the influence of arts and crafts on the spiritual development of a person;

    familiarization with materials: cardboard, cereal, fabric, plasticine, shells.

    familiarization with tools for making panels (crafts): scissors, pins

Non-traditional materials

Making crafts (panels) from dough

Theory (10 hours):

    preparing dough, working with dough;

    building the composition of the product, determining the center of the composition.

Practice (44 hours):

    working with dough, making parts of the composition, painting parts, making the composition itself.

Production of decorative products from cardboard, cereals, pasta

Theory (14 hours):

    technology for making paintings, panels from cardboard, cereals, pasta.

Practice (44 hours):

    making panels and crafts (pencil holders), frames for photo works

    laying parts on the base, gluing.

Fabric burning

Making panels on fabric

Theory (16 hours):

Reading the drawing;

    Rules for working with a burning device.

Practice (34 hours):

    applying a pattern to fabric;

    burning out a picture;

    decorating the picture.

Making flowers from fabric

Theory (14 hours):

    sequence of product manufacturing;

    rules of technique for working with fabric.

Practice (16 hours):

    cutting out parts for the product;

    assembly of the product (flower).

Design of an exhibition of works



1st year of study

Techniques and methods for organizing the educational process

Technical equipment of didactic material

Summing up form


Introductory lesson


Story, conversation, display of illustrations, books and magazines

Manuals, books, magazines, illustrations

Historical reference


Conversation, demonstration of materials, research, explanation

Materials and tools: scissors, needles, glue, paints

Survey, conversation, viewing samples

Non-traditional materials

Making crafts from dough


Story, illustrations, practical work

Materials and tools; illustrations

Conversation, survey

Production of decorative products from cereals, cardboard


Story, conversation, showing illustrations, practical work

Materials: cereal, cardboard, glue; tools: scissors, hooks, needles; illustrations

Survey, sample viewing, evaluation, exhibition

Fabric burning

Making crafts, fabric panels



Display of samples, illustrations, demonstration of work in progress, practical work

Materials and tools, illustrations, samples, burning apparatus

Survey, viewing samples, assessment, test

Making flowers from fabric

Selection of material for work



Practical work, showing samples, diagrams, visual aids, showing the work being done

Materials and tools samples, diagrams, visual aids

Cutting out parts for the product


Display of samples, diagrams, visual aids, demonstration of work progress, practical work

Materials and tools, samples, diagrams, visual aids

Survey, viewing samples, conversation, quality assessment,

Making flowers from fabric



Practical work, showing samples, diagrams, visual aids, finished products

Materials and tools, samples, diagrams, visual aids, finished products

Survey, viewing of works, conversation, quality assessment, exhibition

Excursions and exhibitions

Exhibition design


Preparation of exhibits

Creative works

Conversation, survey, discussion of scenarios, summing up the holiday


for additional education teachers:

    Convention on the Rights of the Child. Approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (latest edition). - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010

    Technology: Grades 5-7: Textbook for students of general education institutions (option for girls) / Ed. V.D. Simonenko. 2nd, revised – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2007

    Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity named after. V.P. Chkalova. Education through creativity. - N.N., 2006

    Dine G.L. Children's folk calendar. Toy in Russian culture. book 1 – Sergiev Posad: Publishing House “All Sergiev Posad”, 2010

    Zaitseva A.V. The art of quilling.-M."Eksmo", 2008

    Abizyaeva T.P. Tunisian knitting. - M.: “Fashion and needlework”, 2005

    Shawls. We knit, crochet and machine. - M.: “Fashion and Handicrafts”, 2005

    JaneJaysink Patterns and motifs from paper ribbons. - M."Eksmo", 2008

    Knitted flowers and fruits. - M.: ART-RODNIK, 2002

    Exner E. Flowers and fruits all year round. - M.: ART-RODNIK, 2005

Additional educational program

work mug

"Press Center"

Age of children for whom the program is designed: 10-17 years

Duration of the program: one year of study with a load of 1 hour per week

Program implementation point: MKOU Secondary School No. 3, Kambulat village, Turkmen district, Stavropol Territory

Year of program development: 2015


The educational potential of the information space of an educational institution can hardly be overestimated: being the most accessible to the child, adapted to his age characteristics, conveyed by people authoritative for the child , emotionally colored, formed with the participation of the child himself and his friends, the information environment of an educational institution becomes a kind of “filter” of those immense information flows that a child encounters in modern society. This means that the information provided to a child in an educational institution may determine one or another interpretation of events in the surrounding life; form his evaluative position based on the priority value systems of the educational process; to form the child’s ability to self-determination in the modern information space.

In solving these problems, the child’s own experience of participating in the formation of the information environment of an educational institution is of particular importance. In the process of his own analytical and information activity, the child develops ideas about the modern information space, sources and main content blocks of information circulating in it, conditions and degree of its reliability, goals, social significance, evaluation criteria.

The organizer of information activities for children in an educational institution is the press center - a specialized amateur children's association.

Involving children in publishing contributes to self-realization, development of communication, and creative abilities of children.

The “Press Center” circle consists of a group of young correspondents and the Council of the Editorial Board of the school newspaper “Pyatnashka”.

The activity of the “Press Center” circle is the editorial office of a school-wide newspaper, where all responsible positions are distributed according to the wishes of teenagers and their abilities for a particular job (editor, artist, proofreader, typesetter, etc.). During the creation of a newspaper, the theoretical knowledge gained is well strengthened by practice. In addition, notes, interviews and other correspondence of circle members are sent to the regional newspaper “Rassvet” of the administration of the Turkmen district of the Stavropol Territory and published on the website of the press center of the MKOU secondary school No. 3 “School World” ( The collection of material by young correspondents occurs during various school events, sports competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.

Explanatory note

This program aims to determine the main tasks, types and forms, content and organization of the work of the children's press center.

Purpose of the course: expanding the school's information space

The main objectives of the course are:

organization of a children's association (press center) in an educational institution, as a necessary condition for the formation of a social position, the formation of positive moral qualities, the inner spiritual world and spiritual culture, the realization of the creative abilities of students by introducing them to the basics of journalistic skills;

creation of additional space (unification of students based on their interests), in order to actualize the social significance of children's student self-government at school, its development through the school press;

systematic preparation and publication of the information newspaper “Pyatnashka”.

The main tasks of training and education listed above, in turn, determine the content and forms of the circle’s work.

The program is focused on additional education for children aged 10-17 years and is designed for one year of study with a load of 1 hour per week.

The program is aimed at creating conditions for developing the ability to practically identify an event in everyday life, collect interesting information, quickly manage it in the newspaper genre chosen for presenting the material, work with a computer, and the necessary programs

Operating principles of the press center:

the principle of democratic communication;

the principle of objective and correct reporting of information;

the principle of a creative approach to the design of newspaper issues;

principle of efficiency;

principle of independence.

During classes under this program, members of the circle will gain the following knowledge and skills.


main press genres;

the specifics of creating notes and articles of different genres;

laws for constructing an issue of a school newspaper;

principles of organizing a column in a newspaper;

features of the speech organization of the school newspaper.


present the material logically;

create notes and articles of various genres;

conduct surveys, survey students, monitor activities;

conduct interviews and process them;

be able to create series of articles on a specific topic;

construct the text correctly.

Methods of training and education:

Verbal (story, conversation, explanation, persuasion, encouragement)

Visual (demonstration of font samples, notes, wall newspaper design).

Practical (collecting material, preparing articles, newspapers)

Analytical (observation, comparison, self-control, introspection).

Means of training and education:

Material (posters, tables)

Technical (computer, printer, scanner, camera).

Types of student activities:

theoretical classes

creative workshop

working with the press

working with reference books


sociological survey


meetings with journalists

participation in school, city, republican, all-Russian competitions

release of the school newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Organizational structure of the press center
The highest governing body for the activities of the press center is the general meeting of its members.
The exclusive powers of the meeting include:
- adoption of the Charter, amendments and additions to it,
- election of the (chief) editor of the newspaper and assistant (chief) editor,
- determining the main areas of activity, generating ideas for the next issue of the newspaper and leaflets, working with the website of the School World press center (

The decision of the meeting is made by a simple majority of votes present by open or closed voting.

The school press center is an open structure.

Thematic blocks classes involve training members of the press center in the following areas:

♦ journalism (various styles of form and methods of collecting and presenting information);

♦ the art of design and modeling in print and computer design capabilities;

♦ selection and editing of materials;

♦ photo correspondence;

♦ study of public opinion (sociology).

Thematic work plan and main content of the circle program

Lesson topic

Main content




Journalism as an activity and profession

Profession journalist.

The concept of different types of press. An initial idea of ​​the professional ethics of a journalist. Rights and responsibilities of a journalist when collecting and disseminating information. Acquaintance with children's and youth publications.

Analysis of types of information. Media analysis.

Image of a journalist

Journalist behavior culture. Appearance. Manners. Pose. Gestures. Development of rules and a code of honor for members of the school Press Center.

Main genres of journalism, school press

What kind of school newspaper is there?

School press: advantages and disadvantages. Contents of the school newspaper. Information sources. Discussion of the features of a wall newspaper. Discussion and collection of materials for the future wall newspaper.

What is a wall newspaper?

Making a wall newspaper

Basic genres of journalism.

A story with an unusual structure. Humorous story. Feuilleton. Discussion and compilation of a humorous section. Discussion of the created material.

What is an interview?

Rules for preparing and conducting interviews. Drawing up and discussing questions for the upcoming interview. Preparation of interviews.

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Selection of topics for a school newspaper. Processing of the received material and design.

Journalist's assistants.

Acquaintance with technology that helps journalists in creative activities. Recording information by hand. Workshop on working with a computer, printer, copier, camera.


Practical skills of a journalist - computer skills (text editor Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Publisher: typing, formatting, placing text in publications of various formats)

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Selection of topics for a school newspaper.

The art of design and modeling in print and the possibilities of computer design

Placing material in a newspaper. Typing text in different fonts (highlighting the main idea). Selection of illustrations for the article. Presentation of the results for the school newspaper.

Main genres of journalism

"Journalist survey"

The concept of a journalistic survey and the rules for conducting it. Preparation and discussion of questions for the upcoming journalistic survey “Our School”.

"Secrets of the profession"

How to win people over. Methods of collecting information. Games and exercises for acquaintance and unity.

"What? Where? When?"

Methods of collecting information. Own observations, documents, interviews. Sources of information and links to them in the text. Collection of information for journalistic publication.

Creation of journalistic text.

School press

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

The concept of the features of a school small-circulation newspaper. Discussion and collection of possible materials for the future issue of the school newspaper.

The art of decoration

Format and volume of publication. The name and its design. Dividing a newspaper page into columns. Placement of headings. Choosing fonts. Means of highlighting in text.


Prepare your own article for the school newspaper.

"On the hunt for news"

Learn to find main and secondary facts. Learn to navigate the collected information and correctly build a text based on it.

Public opinion research/sociology


Preparation of material for the newspaper based on observation and work with documentation. Preparation of questions for interviews, conversations, surveys. Search and analysis of questionnaires and their results in periodicals. Drawing up a questionnaire with subsequent questioning of classmates.

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Processing the results. Presentation of the results for the school newspaper.

Photo correspondencein the school press

"Newspaper design"

The concept of some features of the design of a newspaper in general and its headings in particular. The role and functions of photographic illustrations and drawings. Drawings in the newspaper. Drawing and discussing pictures for the school newspaper.


Analysis of notes, reports, periodicals. Photo report, its features. Compiling your own note or report. Photo report on a given topic. Presentation of the results obtained for the newspaper.

School press

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Discussion and collection of materials for the future issue of the school newspaper.


Collecting information on a given topic (of the student’s choice). Information processing, article design.


Expected Result

be able to collect, process, analyze information and create journalistic works of different genres (interviews; reports, notes);

master initial skills in handling available technical equipment;

get acquainted with the basics of computer literacy, gain typing skills on a computer, and work with office applications;

plan, edit, correct, layout newspaper issues;

be creative-oriented in any type of journalistic activity and be able to organize and conduct business and role-playing games;

know the specifics of the journalist’s profession, ethical behavior, rights and responsibilities;

know the types of information, methods of collecting information (observations, working with documents, interviews, conversations, surveys, questionnaires);

be able to draw up questions for a conversation, survey, questionnaire; write a newspaper article, report;

make a photo report.

At the end of the training, each student will prepare at least 2 educational materials for each genre, and act as an organizer for collecting or preparing material in one of the selected areas.

Development prospects

Participation of circle members in promoting the work of the press center and its website.

Organizing regular publication of a school newspaper.

Systematic work with the School World press center website

Transferring the accumulated experience to children who wish to take part in the work of the press center.

Creation of a school chronicle.

Coverage of the work of the press center in the media.

Dissemination of experience among schools in the district and region.

Participation in creative competitions of digital design and computer graphics.

    Calendar-thematic plan "Press Center"

Lesson topic

Profession journalist.


Image of a journalist

What kind of school newspaper is there?

What is a wall newspaper? (practice)

Basic genres of journalism.

What is an interview?

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"


Journalist's assistants.



Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Newspaper design and modeling

"Journalist survey"

"Secrets of the profession"

"What? Where? When?"

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"

The art of decoration

The art of decoration




"On the hunt for news"



Practice (preparing material for a newspaper)

Practice (search and analysis of questionnaires)

Drawing up a questionnaire with subsequent questioning of classmates.

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"


"Newspaper design"

Issue of the newspaper "Pyatnashka"


Results of the work done. Approximate work planning for the next year.

School newspaper release schedule"Fifteen"

Newspaper no.

Thematic issue dedicated to the beginning of the school year.


School news

Thematic issue dedicated to the Day of the Elderly and Teacher's Day

School news

Thematic issue dedicated to Constitution Day, the decade of philology and art at school

School news

Thematic issue dedicated to the New Year holidays

School news

Thematic issue dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Thematic issue dedicated to International Women's Day

School news

Issue dedicated to the end of the school year and preparation for exams

Thematic issue dedicated to Victory Day

School news

Press center interconnection diagram

Website of the School World press center

and the school newspaper "Pyatnashka"

Parents, community of the village

Rural library

Governing Council of MKOU "Kambulatskaya Secondary School"

Press center

Administration, teachers, school specialists

Press centers of district schools

Regional newspaper "Rassvet"

Information sources

Tsvetkova I.V. School of social success: Development of education in the system of additional education. Methodological manual for specialists of additional education institutions. - M.: State Research Institute of Family and Education, 2002. -84 p.

Prutchenkov A.S. We teach and learn by playing (Game technology for economic education of schoolchildren). -M.: MPA. 1997. -320 p.

Professional ethics of a journalist: Documents and reference materials. - M.: Galeria, 2002. - 472 p.

Russian media system: Textbook for universities / Ed. Ya. N. Zasursky. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - 159 p.

Tertychny A.A. Genres of periodicals: Textbook. - M.: Aspect Press, 2000. - 312 p.

Elena Vovk. “School wall newspaper and publishing technologies at school / Insert in “BS” No. 13, 15, 16. 2004

Korkonosenko S.G. Fundamentals of journalism. Moscow. 2002.

Prokhorov E.P. Introduction to the theory of journalism: Textbook. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1995.

Gorokhov V. Fundamentals of journalistic skills. M., 1989.

Tsvik V. L. Introduction to journalism. Tutorial

Fedotov M.A. Legal foundations of journalism. - M.

M. Miroshnichenko. ABC of journalism.

Social and pedagogical program of the basic youth association of the “New Day” program. Authors Kosarev A.N., Chernyaeva V.I. Samara. 1999

Pre-professional training program for Lepilkina O.I., Umnova E.Yu. etc. “The ABCs of Journalism”

Rukhlenko N.M. Organization of the work of the circle of young correspondents.//Practice of administrative work at school. No. 6. 2005

Internet resources

SagmanS. Microsoft Office 2000. - M.: DMKPress, 2002. - 672 pp.: ill. (Series “Self-instruction manual”).

Club program "Decorative handicrafts"


Relevance The “handicrafts” program is aimed at the labor and aesthetic education of adolescents, teaching various types of handicrafts, takes into account the interests and age characteristics of students, and promotes the development of creative self-expression through the creation of individual products. To develop the creative abilities of students, to prepare them for modern adult life, to cultivate hard work, to form aesthetic taste, a sense of harmony, to help guarantee the socialization of the individual in society, to introduce folk traditions and customs.

Since ancient times, people have been making various products, striving to make them not only beautiful, but also convenient to use. The material for the work was what the earth gave, what came from nature itself: stone, clay, wood, grass, lard.

Communication of students with works of folk art, their participation in the process of making useful, necessary and beautiful things is very important for the overall artistic development of children, for instilling in them a healthy moral principle, love and respect for work.

Handicrafts are of great importance in the development of a child’s personality. They contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential of the individual, contribute to the process of forming the child’s aesthetic culture and his emotional responsiveness. By acquiring practical skills and abilities in the field of artistic creativity, children have the opportunity to satisfy the need for creation and realize the desire to create something with their own hands.This The program is the implementation of pedagogical ideas for developing the ability to learn in younger schoolchildren - to independently acquire and systematize new knowledge and skills. In this capacity, the program ensures the implementation following principles:

    Development of the individuality of each child in the process of social self-determination in the system of extracurricular activities;

    Continuity of additional education as a mechanism for the completeness and integrity of education as a whole;

    Systematic organization of the educational process;

Classes in the “handicrafts” circle allow you to significantly influence aesthetic and labor education and rationally use students’ free time. Working with plasticine, natural and waste materials, fabric - these are the most common types of decorative and appliedart among schoolchildren. The theoretical part includes brief explanations on the topics of classes and work methods, A practical consists of several tasks. At the initial stage of work, they master the techniques of material processing.It is necessary to instill in children the ability to monitor compliance with the basic rules of work culture, to bring the work started to completion, to teach them to use materials economically and carefully, to use tools and store them. Particular attention in the work of the circle is paid to occupational safety issues. This program is designed to develop children's creative abilities in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities..

Novelty program is that it shows the developing functions of the decorative and applied arts of the peoples of Russia as an integral ethnic, cultural, historical and socio-pedagogical phenomenon. That these functions in their integrated form are aimed at ensuring the personal growth of children. Based on this, the program is built on the aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Combining reliance on cultural tradition and innovative focus

Cel and group work

- comprehensive aesthetic and intellectual development of children;

Creating conditions for student self-realization in creativity;

Formation of practical labor skills;

- development of individual creative abilities.

- development of imaginative thinking and imagination

These goals will be achieved by implementing the following tasks


Children’s acquisition of knowledge on various aspects of arts and crafts;

Training in techniques and technology for making compositions; studying the properties of various materials;

Training in techniques and technology for making compositions;

Studying the properties of various materials;

Learning how to independently develop crafts.

Development of aesthetic discernment and independent judgment when perceiving works of art.


Development of artistic taste and creative potential in children;

Development of imaginative imagination and thinking;

Develop ingenuity, ingenuity and sustainable interest in the work of an artist and designer;

Develop the ability to navigate problem situations;

Arouse curiosity in the field of folk, decorative and applied arts, technical aesthetics, architecture;


To instill love for the homeland, native nature, and folk traditions.

Instilling in children respect and love for the treasures of national and world culture;

Study the rich heritage of domestic masters;

Development of self-confidence, formation of adequate self-esteem;

Be able to see the material, fantasize, create interesting images and compositions;

Develop children's creative imagination, artistic taste, sense of beauty and proportions;

Formation of accuracy in work and diligence;

Development of communication skills and culture of communication with peers.

The program implements the main tasks aimed at improving the development, training and education of the younger generation. The work of students both in class and outside of class contributes to the development of their perception and thinking, plays a big role in education, and also solves the problem of professional training. Creative work, project activities and other technologies used in the circle’s work system should be based on children’s curiosity, which should be supported and guided. This practice will help him successfully master not only general educational skills, but also master more complex arts and crafts techniques and participate in various competitions and exhibitions.

Forms and teaching methods

During classes, various forms of classes :
traditional, combined and practical classes; lectures, games, holidays, competitions, competitions and others.
Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.);

Visual (display of video and multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, display (execution), etc.);

- practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams and templates)

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

Explanatory and illustrative – children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;

Reproductive – students reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;

Partial search - children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;

Research th– independent creative work of students.

Methods based on the form of organization of student activities in the classroom:

Frontal – simultaneous work with all students;

- individual-frontal – alternating individual and frontal forms of work;

- group – organization of work in groups;

- individual th– individual completion of tasks, problem solving.

Age of children participating in this program

The program is designed for children of primary school age 6-9 years old. Everyone is accepted into the circle without special selection.Classes are held4 hours per week, which is144 hour A in year. Classes are held in groups of 15 people. Program implementation period 1 year.

The working hours of the circle are 2 classes per week, 2 hours each.

Requirements for the level of student preparation

During classes, the teacher directs children’s creativity not only to the creation of new ideas and developments, but also to self-knowledge and discovery of their “I”. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the students themselves can realize their own inclinations and abilities, since this stimulates their development. Thus, they will be able to consciously develop their thinking and creative abilities. As a result of studying in a circle under this program, it is expected that students will receive the following basic knowledge and skills: the ability to plan the order of work operations, the ability to constantly monitor their work, the ability to use simple tools, knowledge of the types and properties of materials, mastery of techniques for making simple crafts, broadening their horizons in the field of natural history, fine arts, literature.

Expected results

Personal results studying the course is to develop the following skills:

    evaluate life situations (actions, phenomena, events) from the point of view of one’s own feelings (phenomena, events), in the proposed situations, note specific actions that can be assessed as good or bad;

    name and explain your feelings and sensations from the contemplated works of art, explain your attitude to actions from the position of universal moral values;

    independently determine and explain your feelings and sensations arising as a result of contemplation, reasoning, discussion, the simplest rules of behavior common to all people (the foundations of universal moral values);

    in the proposed situations, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice about what action to take.

Meta-subject results studying the course is the formation of the following universal learning activities (ULAs).

Regulatory UUD:

    pronounce the sequence of actions in class, learn to express your assumption (version) with the help of a teacher explain the choice the most suitable materials and tools for completing the task;

    learn to prepare a workplace and perform practical work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, based on samples, drawings and visual material;

    control the accuracy of marking parts using a template;

    learn, together with the teacher and other students, to give an emotional assessment of the activities of all groups as a whole in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD:

    navigate your knowledge system: distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;

Communication UUD:

    convey your position to others: draw up your idea in the drawings available for the manufacture of products;

- listen and understand the speech of others.

Subject results work in the circle is age-appropriate basic information about technology, technology and the technological side of work, about the basics of work culture, basic skills in subject-transformative activities, knowledge about various professions and the ability to navigate the world of professions, basic experience in creative and project activities.

Summing up forms implementation of an additional educational program

1. Compiling an album of the best works.

2. Holding exhibitions of student works:

in Group,

At school,

3. Using crafts and souvenirs as gifts; decoration of the hall for festive matinees.

4 . Participation in city competitions, exhibitions of children's applied and technical creativity.

4 . Participation (remotely) in all-Russian and international competitions, exhibitions of children's applied and technical creativity.

Basic forms and methods of organizing the educational process

Each lesson is specific in its specific purpose, in its logic and in its structure. The main functions of teaching methods are to ensure the interrelated activities of the teacher and the student to ensure the mastery of educational content in accordance with the task; contribute to the education and development of students, intensify the educational and cognitive activity of the child. Based on this, when choosing certain teaching methods, the characteristics of the population of children are taken into account. Each lesson is a form of implementation of all functions of the learning process, organizes the motivated educational and cognitive activity of each child, the quality of knowledge is formed in the system, individualization of learning is carried out through a differentiated approach by creating conditions for the assimilation of educational material, taking into account the pace and dose individually. In general, the work of a teacher is characterized by a special style and manner of work.

Basic form

Educational task solved in the classroom


1. Educational activity

Transfer of information.

Conversation, story, report, listening

2. Practical lesson to develop a specific skill.

Education. Develop the ability to handle objects, tools, materials. To teach to apply theory in practice, to teach work activity.


3. Independent activities of children

Finding a solution to the problem yourself


4. Creative exercises

Application of knowledge in new conditions. Exchange of ideas and experiences

Exercises, peer review, temporary group work

5. Game form

Creating an entertaining situation

Short game, shell game

6. Competitions

Control of knowledge, development of communication relationships. Correction of knowledge, skills, development of responsibility, independence

A game

7. Exhibitions

Mass information and visual information, promotion of creativity, assessment of skill growth


8. Lesson - competition

Consolidation of skills, knowledge, skills

A game

9. Lesson – business (role-playing) game

Strengthening learning motivation, forming cognitive activity, deepening and expanding knowledge, transferring theoretical educational material into practical activities

Lesson-travel, lesson-excursion, lesson-interview, lesson-presentation, etc.

10. Lesson - lecture

Formation of motivation, setting for active perception

11. Lesson - test

Summing up, identifying awareness of knowledge, increasing responsibility for the result of one’s work

Individual or group lesson, interview, exam

12. Integrated lesson

Developing student interest in the subject

Interview, seminar, conference, role-playing game, summarizing material in the form of tables, bulletins, wall newspapers

13. Modular lesson

Promotes operational assimilation of material, control of knowledge, abilities, skills, and their correction

Independent activity

Creating situations of success for every child is one of the main principles.

Providing conditions conducive to self-determination, self-development, self-realization, and adequate self-esteem of the individual is one of the most important principles of work.

As a result of training, children must know:

    Types of arts and crafts;

    Name and purpose of manual labor tools and devices;

    Name and purpose of materials, their elementary properties, use, application and available processing methods;

    Rules for organizing the workplace;

    Rules for occupational safety and personal hygiene when working with various materials.

Must be able to:

    Organize your workplace correctly;

    Use manual tools, applying acquired skills in practice;

    Observe occupational safety and personal hygiene rules when working with various materials and tools;

    Perform work independently according to technology, using knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the subject of specialization;

    Cooperate with your peers, help a friend, and show independence.

Classes are held in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding, the slightest success of the child is encouraged. Forms of summing up the results of the program: final classes, festive events, games, exhibitions based on the results of training, participation in exhibitions of various levels. Festive events, games– this is a kind of control over the cross-section of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom. Organization of exhibitions- this is control of a child’s growth, a way of expressing creativity, instilling responsibility and a desire to work more interestingly

Educational and thematic plan

1 year of study









Introductory lesson

Working with paper and cardboard

Origami technique

Work with waste material

Working with plasticine

Working with eggshells

Working with colored threads

Working with shells

Working with salt dough

Working with fabric and fur

Final lesson.





Program content

1 year of study

The content of this program is aimed at performing creative work, the basis of which is individual and collective creativity. Basically, all practical activities are based on the manufacture of products. Training is planned in a differentiated manner, taking into account the health status of students. The program provides for the implementation of practical work that contributes to the formation of the ability to consciously apply acquired knowledge in practice in the production of artistic treasures from textile materials. During training sessions during the work process, attention is paid to compliance with labor safety rules, sanitation and personal hygiene, to the rational organization of the workplace, and careful handling of tools and equipment in the process of making artistic products.

Communication with nature, acquaintance with works of art, folk crafts and crafts have a positive effect on the developing personality. In addition, children should not just be passive observers, but also creators participating in the process of transforming natural materials into beautiful products.

Introductory lesson (1 hour).

Conversation, familiarizing children with the features of the circle.

Requirements for student behavior during class.

Maintaining order in the workplace.

Compliance with safety regulations. Conducting incoming inspection.

Working with natural materials (14 hours).

Creating crafts from natural materials and working with shells makes it possible to look at the world around us through the eyes of a creator, and not a consumer. And even if the crafts are not very perfect, they will bring a lot of joy and creative satisfaction to the children. When working with shells and natural materials, not only do creative abilities develop, but also interdisciplinary connections with lessons in reading and speech development, drawing, and mathematics are clearly visible.

Working with paper and cardboard (11 hours).

Both different types of paper and different ways of processing and using it are considered. The applique is made from cut-out parts, the mosaic is made from elements obtained by tearing. The cutting appliqué gradually becomes more complicated. The cutting is done along a curved contour, made by hand or transferred from the pattern. From cut-out parts, children no longer make flat, but voluminous appliqués.

The acquaintance with the art of mosaic continues. When making a continuous mosaic from broken pieces, the picturesque effect of the craft is enhanced. Children learn to create semi-volumetric mosaics by changing the shape of paper elements. After all, V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s creative abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words: the more skill in a child’s palm, the smarter the child.”

Origami technique (20 hours).

Origami develops constructive thinking, the ability to combine, spatial thinking, sense of form, creative imagination, artistic taste; origami also stimulates the development of memory, since in order for a child to make a craft, he must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding; promotes concentration, as it forces you to focus on the manufacturing process in order to get the desired result; introduces children to basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, etc.); develops intuitive thinking, insight and intuition.

Working with waste material (12 hours).

When working with waste materials, children use various types of packaging - plastic and cardboard boxes, cups, matchboxes, various bottles, etc. To create images of animals and fairy-tale characters, cardboard boxes of various shapes are used. Children learn to combine them, comparing sizes, cover them with paper and add the necessary details. All children love sweets. But when candy or chocolate is eaten, in addition to the pleasant taste in the mouth, what is left behind is beautiful shiny paper packaging - foil. And few people know that you can make entertaining crafts from foil that will delight your acquaintances and friends. After all, foil is an excellent material for making all sorts of crafts - useful and exciting, for example, funny animals and decorations that will look almost like real jewelry or dishes from which you can really eat and drink.

Working with plasticine (14 hours).

When working with plasticine, children learn to spread a thin layer of plasticine on a base, onto which they then apply imprints with stacks or other objects, drawings with plasticine flagella, and mosaic elements. Plasticine also appears as a visual medium for creating applications on cardboard and glass. As you become more familiar with this type of work, the technique of applying a plasticine background changes: a plain background becomes multi-colored. The familiar constructive method of modeling is complicated by applying stuck-on decorations to the product. Modeling of animals, people, and dishes is done from a whole piece, and not from individual parts. In the final lessons, children must combine all the methods they have learned in working according to their own ideas.

Working with eggshells (8 hours).

Eggshells are difficult to scratch with a knife and are close to marble in hardness. It is perfectly sanded and polished, acquiring a pleasant soft shine. In oriental lacquer painting, eggshells were pasted where it was necessary to depict a stone wall or rock covered with cracks. A scattering of small shells imitated the blooming of spring gardens. When straightened, the eggshell breaks into many tiny pieces, which do not disintegrate thanks to the thin film located on the inside. Many of the cracks that form between the shells are almost invisible. But as soon as they are developed with the help of some kind of dye, the mesh pattern of cracks becomes visible, turning an ordinary eggshell into an attractive decorative material.

Working with colored threads (16 hours).

Introduction to threads (sewing, darning, embroidery, thick, thin) and their use. Learning how to weave threads. Drawing children's attention to the rational and economical use of materials, color combinations of details, and neatness. Teach children to make crafts from new material (multi-colored threads). Learning how to weave threads. Introduce a new manufacturing method - peeling off three-dimensional shapes with colored threads. Develop interest in work, the desire to complete the work and rejoice with all the children for the successes achieved.

Working with salt dough (12 hours).

Modeling from salt dough is one of the ancient types of decorative and applied art. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used salt dough figurines for religious rituals. In Germany and Scandinavia, it was customary to make Easter and Christmas souvenirs from salt dough. Various medallions, wreaths, rings and horseshoes were hung in window openings or attached to doors. It was believed that these decorations brought good luck and prosperity to the owners of the house they decorated. In Greece and Spain, during the holiday in honor of the Mother of God, magnificent bread wreaths decorated with lush ornaments were placed on the altar. Even in distant Ecuador, craftsmen made products painted with bright colors. Among the Indians, such dough figures used to have a symbolic or mystical meaning. In 17th century China, puppets were made from dough.

Large dough paintings were popular in Eastern European countries. Among the Slavic peoples, such paintings were not painted and had the usual color for baking, which was considered very attractive. The dough was used to make figures in folk tales.

How to make salt dough

The main material for making salt dough products: premium flour - wheat, rye (gives the dough more friability), “Extra” salt. The usual proportion for kneading salted dough: 2 parts flour, take 1 part salt and dilute with water to the consistency of soft plasticine.
PVA or wallpaper glue is used as additives (increases the stickiness of workpieces and the strength of finished products), vegetable oil (increases plasticity, is added to dough intended for sculpting small parts).

To make a small composition, knead the dough in the following quantities:
- Salt - 200 g;
- Flour - 500 g;
- Water - approximately 250 ml (the amount of water depends on the type of flour, the need to add glue or oil);
- Glue - 2 tbsp. spoons.
It is better to use a mixer for kneading. The finished dough should be elastic.
The dough should be stored in a plastic bag to prevent it from drying out.

Working with fabric and fur (26 hours).

Working with tissues in the educational process has
important, as it contributes to the early identification of creative
inclinations and abilities of children. It is interesting to children and gives them great pleasure; is not only an exciting way to spend leisure time, but also a means of solving many pedagogical problems, in particular the development of fine motor skills, which affects the overall intellectual development of the child, including the development of speech. Introduction to different types of fabric. Sewing a soft toy. Making souvenir toys.

Calendar and thematic planning

Lesson topic



Introductory lesson

Circle work plan. Introduction to safety precautions.

Safety regulations. Maintaining order in the workplace. Conversation “Handicrafts in your family”


Working with natural materials


Excursion to the forest to collect natural materials. Demonstration of various types of drying and storage of natural materials.

Roses from maple leaves.

Application “Autumn Bouquet”

Teddy bear and cunning fox made from pine cones and plant seeds

Christmas tree made of pine cones



Panel "Sailboat"

Forest kingdom (team work)

Working with paper and cardboard


Introduction to different types of paper and cardboard and their processing.

My puppy. Broken applique.

Sailboat. Broken applique.

Application “Cockerel and hen”

Origami technique.


Triangular origami module. Manufacturing of modules.



Butterfly. Origami.

Fairy-tale images using origami technique. Snow Maiden.



Fairy-tale images using origami technique. Father Frost.

Working with waste material


Making toys for the New Year.

Bag of candy wrappers.

Designing a house for fairy-tale characters.



Matchbox figures

Working with plasticine


Getting to know the material. Introduction to various sculpting techniques.

Relief image of the zodiac signs. Teamwork.

Panel "At the Dacha"



Plasticine hedgehog.

Plasticine applique on glass according to the students' ideas.

Working with shells and sand


Jar "Sea"

Photo frame"Frozen Sea"

Application "Delphins"


Working with colored threads


Types of threads (cotton, wool, silk, synthetic

Doll made of threads. “Martinichki”

Doll made of threads. "Octopus"

Pompom toy “Chicken”

Pompom toy “Kolobok”

Application from thread crumbs. Panel “In the Village”



Working with shells



"Floral patterns".Panel




Composition based on the fairy tale “Silver Hoof” by P. Bazhov.



Working with salt dough


Acquaintance with a new material for making crafts - salt dough, its characteristic features (soft, elastic, durable during heat treatment).

Toy-souvenir “Snake Queen”

Souvenir toy “Crocodile”

Toy-souvenir “Hippopotamus”

Work according to the students' ideas.

Working with fabric and fur


Introduction to fabrics of plant origin (cotton, linen), silk and wool fabrics; threads (Sewing, darning, embroidery, thick, thin) and their use.

Making souvenir toys.

Sewing a soft toy. Soft toy “Teddy Bear”

Sewing a soft toy. Soft toy "Hare"

Application “Flowers in a vase”

Application "Seascape"



A conversation about the history of patchwork technology.



Sewing a rug from scraps of various fabrics.


Final lesson.



Conducting final control. Exhibition of works, defense of the project.



Techniques and methods for organizing the educational process

The work uses all types of activities that develop personality: play, work, cognition, learning, communication, creativity. In this case, the following are observed rules:

  • types of activities should be diverse, socially significant, aimed at realizing personal interests; children.

    the activity must correspond to the capabilities of individuals, is designed to promote children who have the skills to organize and implement it, help improve the status of individual students in the group, help consolidate the leading official roles of leaders whose influence is beneficial;

    it is necessary to take into account the main features of collective activity: division of labor, cooperation of children, interdependence, cooperation of children and adults.

When determining the content of an activity, the following are taken into account: principles:

    educational nature of work;

    scientific (observance of strict technical terminology, symbols, established dimensions);

    connections between theory and practice (80% of teaching time is allocated to practice);

    systematicity and consistency;

    accessibility and feasibility;

    consciousness and activity;


    strength of mastery of knowledge and skills (achieved by the implementation of all the above principles).

Each type of creativity has its own technology, and a number of general essential provisions of the educational process can be identified:

    compulsory education for children positive motivation to creative activity;

    obtaining new information, new knowledge when solving specific practical tasks;

    enrichment of sensory experience and experience of mental and practical activity not only during academic work, but also outside of school hours, in conditions of interpersonal communication;

    acquisition of labor skills and abilities without coercion;

    employment everyone child throughout the lesson.

Such training makes classes serious and practically necessary. The success of children in the manufacture of arts and crafts gives them confidence in their abilities, a readiness to demonstrate creativity in any type of work is fostered, they overcome the barrier of indecision and timidity in front of new types of work.

The desire to achieve a better result, to surpass oneself, to improve one’s skills arises in children throughout the entire period of education: during educational games, during exhibitions, as a result of a conscious desire for self-improvement and mastery. Larger projects are completed as a team, which speeds up the creative process and gives students the skills to work together. To maintain students’ constant interest in thematic lessons, frequent changes in activities are provided.

Each lesson is planned in such a way that at the end the child sees the results of his work. This is necessary in order to conduct a constant comparative analysis of work, which is important not only for the teacher, but also for the children.




In the process of learning training exercises, students practice basic work skills. Skill is knowledge in action. Every labor action is carried out by the student with careful consideration of each completed element. Understanding and mastered work actions are gradually combined into work techniques. The main goal of the exercises at the first stage is for the child to clearly understand how to correctly perform a labor technique, and to strive to coordinate his actions with existing ideas about the action.

Knowledge and skills (conscious actions) become stable and gradually develop into skills (automated actions). Abilities and skills complement and condition each other. Ultimately, each child masters the following skills: plans the work process, organizes the workplace, carries out technological operations and self-control.

Forms of organizing educational activities:



    group (or in pairs);





The main type of classes is practical.

The following are used teaching methods:

    explanatory and illustrative;



    partially exploratory or heuristic;


Pedagogical techniques:

    Formation of views (persuasion, example, explanation, discussion);

    Organization of activities (training, exercise, demonstration, imitation, demand):

    Stimulation and correction (encouragement, praise, competition, evaluation, mutual assessment, etc.);

    Cooperation that allows the teacher and student to be partners in the exciting process of education;

    Free choice, when children are given the opportunity to choose for themselves the direction of specialization, teacher, degree of difficulty of the task, etc.

Didactic and technical equipment of classes.

Most of the didactic material was prepared by the teachers themselves

- individual sets of didactic material for each student: patterns, stencils, templates, etc.

- tables-memos, classification schemes, technological maps

- albums with samples, photographs, chips and diagrams.

Criteria and forms for assessing the quality of knowledge:

In the arts and crafts department there is no point system in the traditional sense; there are levels of training:

Level I - reproductive,

Level II – independent work with the help of a teacher,

Level III – independent work without the help of a teacher,

Level IV – creative.

The end result of the program is expected for students to reach levels III and IV, participate in exhibitions, shows and competitions at various levels.

Conditions for the implementation of the educational program

1. Methodological work. For students, the office is decorated with:

Pupil's corner.

Stands with schematic drawings.

Samples of practical work.

Magazines and books.

A folder for storing materials is maintained.

2. Logistics, sanitary and hygienic conditions. The circle is held in a special room. The office is well equipped. All materials and tools are stored in a specific place.


1. E.K. Gulyants. What can be made from natural materials. M., 1999

2. N. I. Sokolnikov. Fundamentals of drawing and composition. Obninsk, 1996.

3. K.V. Silaeva. Salty dough. M, 2000

4. Agapova I., Davydova M. “Handicraft school: soft toy” - M., 2007.

5. Begun T.A. “Fascinating handicraft” M., 2005

6. Geronimus T.M. “I can do everything myself” - M., 1998

7. Eremenko T. I. “The needle is a sorceress” - M., 1987

8. Lutseva E.A. “Technology grades 1–4. Program” - M., 2008

9. Molotobarova O.S. “Circle for making toys-souvenirs” - M., 1990

10.V.V. Vygonov “Three-dimensional origami”, SME Publishing House, 2004.

11.N.V. Volkova, E.G. Zhadko “100 wonderful crafts from all sorts of things”, Rosto-on-Don, 2009.

12. D. Lyutskevich. Glass painting. -M.: “Eksmo”, 2008.

13. Yu. Maryina. Collages and panels. -M.: “Niola 21st century”, 2005.

14. Additional education for children: Collection of original programs comp. A.G. Lazareva – M.: Ilexa; Public education; Stavropol: Service School, 2004

15. Gasyuk E. – Artistic embroidery - Kyiv. Head publishing house of the Higher School Publishing Association – 1989.

16. Chuvash patterned weaving: Book-album / V.A. Mineeva. - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Book Publishing House, 2008. - 182 p.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 32"

Considered at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense Agreed Approve:____________

Head: ________Dryukova T.B with deputy. dir. by educational worker________M Atveeva L.S. School Director: V.V. Koneva

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Additional education program for the “My First Projects” circle.

Class 3 "A"

Number of hours: h.

Academic year: 2014 -2015

Teacher: Leus I, R.

Explanatory note

Studying the basics of scientific knowledge about living nature in a modern school becomes especially important. The school is obliged to prepare a new generation of people capable of preventing the danger of crisis situations that arise in nature. Environmental knowledge is especially important because they help ensure the safety of all life, including humans, on Earth.

The additional education program for the “My First Projects” circle was compiled in accordance with the author’s program by Mukhina M.V. "Ecological workshop for elementary school."

The relevance of the “Ecological Workshop for Primary School” lies in the fact that modern environmental education implies a continuous process of training, education and development, aimed at creating a common environmental culture and responsibility of the younger generation.

“Ecological workshop for elementary school” is designed for 1 year of study, in the amount of 36 hours. The program is aimed at younger schoolchildren - 3rd grade students.

The program is built taking into account two ways of connecting a person with the outside world. The first determines a person’s attitude to the environment and life, the second - to his health (physical, mental, spiritual).

The teaching of the “Ecological Practicum for Primary Schools” is based on students acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of ecology under the program “The World Around us” and additional information of a scientific encyclopedic nature.

The goal of this program is to form an ecological culture in the relationship between man and nature.

The program of additional education “Ecological workshop for primary school” is addressed to primary school teachers in preparation for lessons and subject Olympiads, heads of environmental clubs and electives, class teachers as additional material during class hours, teachers of after-school and additional education groups.

Course objectives:


1. educate children to have a caring and responsible attitude towards the environment and all living things;

2. contribute to the development of an active life position in younger schoolchildren;

3. to form a holistic personality, developing in harmony of nature and civilization.


1. generalize and expand knowledge on the curriculum “The World around us”;

2. teach to master methods of practical work with an environmental focus;

3. teach methods of independent search, systematization, generalization of scientific information.


1. develop a natural science worldview, strengthen the connection between learning and life;

2. develop skills in practical work, research and design activities, and creative abilities of students.

The main forms and methods of teaching are conversations, workshops, excursions, experiments, monitoring, search and research activities.

When implementing the program, it is advisable to:

– Apply educational technologies:

developmental training;

problem-based learning;

research, project-based teaching methods;

game learning technology;

cooperative learning (group work);

health-saving technologies.

– The educational material should be adapted as much as possible according to the age and level of training of students.

– Using a variety of teaching methods, pay attention to identifying children’s creative abilities and provide them with the maximum opportunity to realize them.

– Homework is provided exclusively in the form of creative work.

– Monitoring the implementation of the course program is carried out in the form of test assignments and defense of research papers.

For the successful implementation of the program, the following conditions are necessary:

the presence of a classroom with tables, chairs, a blackboard, and special technical equipment for demonstrating video materials;

special library of popular educational and encyclopedic literature;

visual and didactic material (diagrams, posters, dummies, samples of minerals, etc. materials);

handouts for students’ creative work (sheets of paper, pencils, markers, etc.);

Availability of a computer class with Internet access.

The program includes 3 sections. Each section contains theoretical questions and practical work.

A distinctive feature of the program is its practical orientation, during which an active life position is formed in younger schoolchildren.

After training, students should have knowledge:

basic concepts in the field of nature conservation;

modern local, regional environmental problems and options for their solution;


practical ecological and environmental work;

studying natural communities and responsible attitude towards the natural environment;

working with simple tools;

carrying out creative work;

be able to protect them;


systematic, complex thinking, structuring information;

formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle;

responsible attitude towards the environment.

Section 1. “Plants” (13 hours)

Topic 1. “Herbaceous plants” (1 hour)

Variety of plants. The structure of plants. Types of plants. Predatory plants. The importance of plants in people's lives.

Demonstrations: Herbarium of forest and meadow plants. Video film “Plants-predators”.

Excursion to the park near the school.

Practical activity: Compiling a herbarium of herbaceous plants growing near the school. Making crosswords.

Topic 2. “Garden plants” (1 hour)

A variety of shrub and berry garden plants. Methods of propagation of garden plants. Vitamins and their benefits.

Demonstrations: photographs of garden plants taken by the children in the summer. Practical activity: Game “Guess whose fruit?”

Topic 3. “Indoor plants” (1 hour)

Variety of indoor plants. Home of indoor plants. Necessary living conditions for indoor plants in our climate. Features of caring for indoor plants.

Demonstrations: plant care items. Rules for caring for indoor plants.

Practical activity: Compiling a dictionary with the names of indoor plants, an album with drawings of indoor plants.

Topic 4. “Energy of indoor plants” (1 hour)

Energy “donors” and “vampires”. Study of the impact of individual indoor plants on the human body (Tradescantia, geranium, aloe, ficus, golden mustache, violet, crassula, etc.). Phytoncides.

Demonstrations: Rules for arranging indoor plants.

Practical activity: Drawing up a memo for lovers of indoor jungles.

Topic 5. “Trees” (1 hour)

Coniferous and deciduous trees. "Edible" trees. The role of trees in the lives of people and animals.

Demonstrations: Herbarium of branches of deciduous and coniferous trees.

Excursion to the park near the school.

Practical activity: Compiling a herbarium of leaves of some trees. Sketching branches of various trees. Game “Guess whose leaf?”

Topic 6. “Trees that cannot live without animals” (1 hour)

Trees of the tropics. Aspen trees. Trees pollinated by bats. "Rat" tree. Ant trees.

Demonstrations: Illustrations of these tree species in the book “100 Great Mysteries of Wildlife.”

Practical activity: Game “Who is bigger?” (Making natural connections between animals and trees).

Topic 7. “Forest plants” (2 hours)

Diversity of forest plants. Features of growth and flowering. Endangered plant species. Plant protection. Red Book.

Demonstrations: Illustrations of forest plants listed in the Red Book.

Topic 8. “Ecological problems and nature conservation in the forest zone” (1 hour)

Ecological problems of the forest. Causes of environmental problems. That depends on each of us.

Demonstrations: Video material “Forest Fire”.

Practical activity: Drawing up a memo “How to behave in the forest.”

Topic 9. “Medicinal plants” (1 hour)

Medicinal plants. Places where medicinal plants grow. Methods for preparing decoctions for various diseases (colds, vitamin tea). Rules for collecting medicinal plants.

Demonstrations: Illustrations of medicinal plants and demonstration of dried medicinal plants.

Practical activity: Recording recipes and making decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Topic 10. “Primroses” (1 hour)

The concept of "primroses". Features of the structure of primroses, flowering conditions. Protection of primroses.

Demonstrations: Illustrative material depicting primroses.

Practical activity: Compiling crossword puzzles.

Topic 11. “Unusual plants” (1 hour)

"Did you know…". The largest and smallest plants, poisonous plants, dangerous plants, etc. (Information from encyclopedias and the book “Animal Records”)

Demonstrations: Video “Amazing Plants”.

Practical activity: Write a riddle about any interesting plant.

Topic 12. “Mushrooms” (1 hour)

Variety of mushrooms. The importance of mushrooms in the life of the forest. Poisonous mushrooms. First aid for mushroom poisoning.

Demonstrations: Illustrative material depicting mushrooms, dummies of fruiting bodies.

Practical activity: Game “Edible - inedible”.

Section 2. “Animals” (12 hours)

Topic 1. “Pets” (2 hours)

Pets. Livestock industries. Pet breeds. Features of life and keeping pets.

Participation of children in raising domestic animals.

Demonstrations: illustrations depicting various breeds of horses, pigs, rabbits, etc.

Excursion to a private farm.

Practical activity: Drawing up rules for caring for pets.

Topic 2. “Animals of a living corner” (1 hour)

Cats, dogs, fish, parrots, guinea pigs, etc. Conditions of detention. Rules of care and feeding.

Demonstrations: animal care items. Rules of care.

Practical activity: creative work-essay “My favorite”.

Topic 3. “Wild animals” (2 hours)

Wild animals. Conditions of life and survival. Wild animals of the forest zone. Peculiarities of reproduction and nutrition. The importance of wild animals in nature and human life. Poaching. Protection of wild animals.

Demonstrations: “Fauna of various natural zones.”

Practical activity: Drawing up food chains. Work on creating a presentation “Wild Animals”.

Topic 4. “Feathered Friends” (2 hours)

Bird squad. Features of the structure of birds. Birds are the smallest and the largest, flying and flightless. Feeding characteristics of birds (herbivores, insectivores, predators). Birds are migratory, sedentary, nomadic. Birds of our forests. Food chains. Bird conservation.

Demonstrations: “The Red Book. Birds".

Excursion to the park near the school.

Practical activity: Game “Who Lives Where”.

Topic 5. “Amphibians” (2 hours)

Amphibians. Features of the structure of amphibians. Adaptation to living conditions. Benefits and harms of amphibians. Animals listed in the Red Book.

Demonstrations: video film “Amphibians”.

Practical activity: draw your favorite animal.

Topic 6. “Reptiles” (2 hours)

Reptiles. Features of the body structure of reptiles. Habitats. Adaptation to living conditions. Difference between reptiles and amphibians. The largest, bloodthirsty, useful reptiles.

Demonstrations: video film “Reptiles”.

Practical activity: create a crossword puzzle on the topic “Reptiles and amphibians.”

Topic 7. “Unusual animals” (1 hour)

"Did you know…". The largest and smallest animals, the fastest, the most voracious, etc. (Information from encyclopedias and the Guinness Book of Records).

Demonstrations: Video “Amazing Animals”.

Practical activity: Draw an unusual animal.

Section 3. “Nature and Man” (11 hours)

Topic 1. “Nature. The meaning of nature for people" (1 hour)

Nature is living and inanimate. The meaning of nature for people. Protection of Nature.

Practical activity: Compiling riddles about the bodies of living and inanimate nature.

Topic 2. “Air and Water” (2 hours)

Properties of air and water. Air and water temperature. Three states of water, conditions for transition from one state to another. The importance of water in human life. Air and water protection.

Demonstrations: experiments with the transformation of water into various states.

Excursion: to the school yard, determining the air temperature.

Practical activity: tricks using water and air.

Topic 3. “Minerals” (2 hours)

Minerals. Types and properties of minerals. Places and methods of mining. Human use of natural resources. Protection of mineral resources.

Demonstrations: handout – minerals.

Practical activity: studying the properties of individual minerals using instruction cards.

Topic 4. “Underground treasures” (2 hours)

Gems. What are precious stones? What precious stones exist, what do they look like in nature. Organic gems.

Demonstrations: working on the Internet (searching for information and images of precious stones).

Excursion: to the local history museum named after. A.V. Grigorieva.

Practical activity: research work on the topic “What are precious stones?”

Topic 5. “The human body. Organs and systems" (2 hours)

Human organism. Sense organs. Digestive system. Our food and vitamins. First aid for poisoning.

Demonstrations: Video material “Digestive Organs”.

Excursion: to the store (determining the composition of the product, expiration dates, storage conditions based on packaging).

Practical activity: compiling a memo on the content of vitamins in various foods.

Topic 6. “The human body. Circulatory system" (1 hour)

The meaning and functions of the circulatory system. Heart diseases of modern man. Heart training.

Demonstrations: Video material “Blood circulation in the human body.”

Practical activity: Determining the dependence of heart rate on physical activity. Preparation of exercises for training the heart muscle.

Topic 7. “The human body. Body support and movement" (1 hour)

Human organism. Body support and movement. The importance of the skeleton and muscles in the body. Healthy lifestyle.

Demonstrations: Human skeleton: individual bones, their names and purposes.

Practical activity: Drawing up a “schoolchild’s daily routine”, a set of exercises for morning exercises.


Test 1 in the section “Plants”

1. Why are indoor plants always green?

a) people look after them

b) brought from warm countries where there is no winter

c) grow in rooms

2. Which of the following plants reproduce by seeds?

a) potatoes

b) cucumbers

c) currants

3. What is the role of forests in nature?

a) air protection

b) material for making furniture

c) soil-protective

d) resting place

4. Which of the listed plants is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El?

a) chamomile

b) coltsfoot

c) Lady's slipper

5. Cross out the extra word in each group:

a) tradescantia, lily of the valley, begonia, chlorophytum

b) plantain, mint, St. John's wort, aloe

c) daffodil, lilac, tulip, aster

6. Which place should you choose for a fire so as not to harm nature?

a) an open clearing

b) river bank

c) young conifers

d) birch grove

7. Recognize a natural area by its description: “Everywhere you look, there is grass and grass. Trees do not grow here due to lack of moisture. Fescue, feather grass, and wormwood grow in the southern part. The soils are very fertile."

a) tundra

c) forest zone

8. You cut a mushroom and soon you will see that its stem has darkened when cut, but this one never darkens. Even when you dry it. Maybe that’s why the mushroom got its name. Underline the correct answer:

a) boletus

b) porcini mushroom

c) boletus

d) oil can

9. Which of these plants can be used to brew tea? Underline:

St. John's wort, wormwood, raspberry, mint, primrose, linden, crow's eye, currant, dandelion, quinoa.

10. What is the name of the state reserve located on the territory of the Mari El Republic? Underline the correct answer:

a) “Mari Chodra”

b) “Maple Mountain”

c) “Big Kokshaga”

d) “Malaya Kokshaga”

Test 2 in the section “Animals”

1. Domestic farm animals are:

a) mammals, fish, birds, insects

b) animals, birds, amphibians, fish

c) birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish

2. Which group includes animals that spend part of their lives on land and part in water?

b) reptiles

c) amphibians

3. Which of the following animals are reptiles?

b) turtle

c) triton

4. Why should you not touch the eggs in the nests of wild birds?

a) eggs can be damaged

b) the bird will abandon the nest

c) the bird will be scared

5. Why do swallows and swifts fly high in good weather, but above the ground in damp weather?

a) are afraid of rain

b) wings get wet from humid air

c) looking for food

6. What animals will people help if they protect spruce and pine trees in the forest?

a) crossbill, squirrel, woodpecker

b) hazel grouse, elk, hare

c) lynx, bear, hawk

7. Power circuit ends:

a) predatory animals

b) plants

c) herbivores

8. What will happen if people destroy foxes in the food chain “rye – mouse – foxes”?

a) there will be more mice, the rye harvest will decrease

b) there will be more mice, the rye harvest will increase

c) first there will be more mice, and then the rye harvest will decrease, which will entail a decrease in the number of mice

9. Which of the listed birds are listed in the Red Book?

a) snake eagle

b) kingfisher

c) starling

d) black stork

10. Old hollow trees were cut down in the forest. Soon the young forest died. Explain why?

Test 3 in the section “Nature and Man”

1. What are the names of the places where minerals are found?

a) ravines

c) deposits

2. What is the importance of wetlands for the purification of natural water?

a) release chemicals that refresh water and improve its taste;

b) passing through a thick layer of peat, thickets of moss and grass, it is freed from dust, harmful substances, and microbes;

c) there are more useful minerals in the water.

3. Why is smoke from a fire more dangerous to human health than fire?

a) blinds the eyes

b) makes breathing difficult

c) contains toxic substances - combustion products

4. What state does water go into when it is cooled to 0 0C?

a) hard

b) liquid

c) gaseous

5. What stones are called precious?

a) emerald, ruby, sapphire, pearl, amber

b) turquoise, garnet, amethyst, coral

c) rock crystal, emerald, yakhont

6. What is the significance of blood for a person?

a) helps to see the place of the cut

b) transports air and nutrients to all organs of the body

c) helps in the treatment of diseases

d) maintains an upright body position

7. What happens to food in the stomach?

a) chewing food

b) digestion

c) mixing with gastric juice

8. How can you check if the heart of an unconscious person is beating?

a) by the pulse of the carotid artery

b) put your ear to your chest

c) by breathing

9. What information must be on the packaging of a product that can be bought in a store?

a) mass and composition of the product

b) method of preparation and date of manufacture

c) name, expiration date, ingredients

10. Why do you need to know your body?

a) to maintain and strengthen your health

b) so that a person can think, speak, work

c) to skillfully use one’s capabilities

2. Atlas of native nature (book series): A textbook for primary and secondary school students. – M.: Egmont Russia, 2002.

3. Belitskaya N.G. School Olympiads. Elementary School. 2-4 grades. – M.: Iris-press, 2007.

4. Dmitrieva O.I., Maksimova T.V. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”. – M.: VAKO, 2006.

5. Zotov V.V. Forest alphabet. – M.: “Orbita-M”, 2005.

6. Zotov V.V. Forest mosaic. – M.: Education, 1993.

7. Red Book of the Russian Federation. – M., 2001.

8. Book of Nature: Stories/Comp. Yu. Dmitriev. – M.: Det. lit., 1990.

9. Guinness Book of Records 2001: Trans. from English – M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.

10. World of living nature / Ed. T.Nilova. – M.: “AST-Press”, 2000.

11. Rubinshtein N.R. Animal records. – M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.

12. Ecology of Russia. Reader. – M., 1995.