Durian tera. Guide to Bern's laboratory in Tera

To win in this mode, you need to defeat the boss in the arena; the boss appears after the 5th night. But you need to do this no later than the 30th day, otherwise you will lose.

The tactics of the game are simple to the point of impossibility, but still unprepared or late players do not fully understand what to do.
If you log in while the game is running: Ask who is needed, if there is an engineer/assembler, download a military man.

Important: you can win with any selection of teams, but it will be faster like this:
1 engineer, 2 assemblers, 1 military
1 engineer, 1 assembler, 2 military

In the first option, the base will be built much faster.
The second set allows you to kill the boss faster.

If you break the process down point by point:

1. Decide who in the group will be an engineer and who will be an assembler.

Builds and equips the base ONLY engineer, because its buildings are stronger. He is constantly at the base (except when using C4). If you need a warehouse - ask, a turret - please ask an engineer. Constructions of the “why not build” type are not allowed, that’s what an engineer is for, to build.
2. While the engineer is working on the base, the collector runs around and collects resources. It's simple.
3. The military runs around with the engineer and protects him from zombies.

Engineer Tactics
1 night: 2-3 Small generators - Medical station. help - Warehouse - Workplace - Base improvement
Improving your base on the first day will put other players in a good mood, showing that you are serious.
2-4 nights: Medium generator - Communication tower - 4 Turrets or a pair of Flamethrowers - Warehouse if requested - Improvement of shelter.
Nights 4-7: Large generators - Cement plant - Gatling turrets - Machine gun towers.
Then you can build reinforced concrete walls so that the zombies go through 1-2 passages, where Gatling turrets or military personnel on towers with machine guns await them.
7 - to the end: Base maintenance.

Military tactics:
We are pumped into weapons, everyone into weapons. While we are swinging, we run with the collector, killing the zombies that interfere with him. We are saving money for weapons to make it easier to fight back. Upgrading to an airstrike. Then we immediately go to the boss and bomb, trying not to miss. There should be enough life for the airstrike to damage the boss. Try not to miss, because... You won't have time to hit the second time. Wait for respawn and run again.

If you are sure that the base will survive without you, and you have $32,000 with you, then you can reset your engineer/assembler skills and upgrade to a military man, which will allow you to deal with the boss faster.

Attention- when the boss has one last airstrike left, TELL EVERYONE that you went to finish off. If someone is dead, wait. It will be a shame not to receive the well-deserved chest. The boss drops 4 chests for each, you still won’t be able to pick it up, otherwise they will be wasted.

By playing consistently, you can defeat the boss by day 15. The more you delay, the less likely you are to be able to move away from the base.

Somewhere from 8-10 days on the base, the 2nd boss will periodically attack the base, for shooting at him they give a little money, and when killed he drops 2 chests (sort of).

I don't tell you how to play or what to do. I'm for an interesting game. It is not necessary to do everything that is written here, I just explained the basic tactics of survival and passing this mode.

Bern's laboratory will be your first serious test in the latest update and is a completely new dungeon in the game, where you can get decent equipment, in which you can really conquer almost all the PvE content of the game in the future. What horrors and secrets are hidden in the lair of a crazy villain, what achievements await you here?

In the dark corners of the ominous corridors of the laboratory, there are many unexpected surprises hidden for unprepared and weak-willed players. Will you be able to stand on your feet before the evil fiends of the laboratory? You will be prepared for any surprises, because the Tera - Bern Laboratory manual (Hyde) answers most pressing questions.

general information

The dungeon is available to players in two modes: “Tera Laboratory Berna Normal” and “Tera Laboratory Berna Hard”. Moreover, with the latest update to the game raid dungeons are back. And this instance is just one of those. Of the seven people required to pass, there must be one healer, one tank class, taking on the aggression of monsters, and five damage dealers.

At Tera Laboratory Bern Normal will have enough equipment level 397, but it’s possible to get there only through a system of automatic selection of players for dungeons. At Tera Laboratory Bern Hard, you can form a group yourself, in this case there is no restriction on the level of items you are wearing, but if you want to find friends through automatic selection, you will have to have equipment of at least level 409.

Also in the dungeon, traditionally, there are certain achievements. Some require you to find hidden places, some require you to work hard killing monsters, and some require you to collect secrets and items found in the dungeon. We have dedicated a separate section of the guide to the most interesting achievements in the Bern Laboratory: “Tera Bern Laboratory achievements.”

The Tera Laboratory Bern Normal instance can be mastered by almost any player, but if you go there for the first time, deaths from unknown mechanics and other “surprises” are almost inevitable. The healer will have to work especially hard on the second boss, and the lives of all group members depend on the correct positioning of the tanking class at the end of the dungeon, when meeting the Ancient One. The Tera Laboratory Bern Hard instance is much less forgiving towards inexperienced players. Therefore, studying this manual is highly recommended for any beginner.

Reward for completion (drop)


As a reward for completing the Tera Laboratory Bern Normal instance, you will receive:


In Tera Laboratory Berna Hard, players will be able to receive:

First Boss: Veru and Prima


First of all, the article on the game Tera: “Bern's Laboratory Guide” will tell you about the tactics for passing the first boss and the path to it. Players will have to go through a small corridor, along the edges of which there are victims of experiments of the cruel Durion in cages. In addition to the monsters in the corridor itself, some prisoners will also be not entirely friendly and will try to get you right out of the cage with their long paws. However, this section of the path is not anything terrible and you should pass it without any special difficulties.

Main hall with boss

After passing the corridor, you go out onto a long balcony, at the bottom of which Vera and Prima will be waiting for you, located in the spacious hall of the laboratory. You may recognize some of the boss's skills as similar ones from the Archdevan monsters in the lands of Val-Orin (a level 65 location, the capital of which is High Watch). Make sure everyone is ready for battle, the necessary consumables have been used: charms, a potion of a furious beast and a scroll of swift barbarism for tanks and damage dealers, buffs and join the battle. This pair of bosses is especially dangerous in the Tera Laboratory Berna Hard instance, but let’s talk about everything in turn.

The fundamental point that I would like to highlight in the article on the game Tera: Bern's Laboratory Guide is that to kill you only need to deal with one of the monsters. Most players prefer to kill the knight (Vera). But it won’t be so simple, since the archdevan mage, loyal to him, Prima, will help his friend in every possible way. Because her it is advisable to take it aside, so that she does not interfere with the murder of the main boss.

What's remarkable is Prima is susceptible to control effects: sleep, deafness, succumb to fear, etc. things. Therefore, almost any class that has a good arsenal of skills with control effects, or even a healer who can be asked to periodically cast sleep on the magician, will be able to hold it.

The most unpleasant skill of a knight will be poisonous area, which he periodically creates around himself. It deals damage to all players caught in it, so the tank will have to constantly move the boss if he does not intend to expose the group once again.

He should especially carefully monitor his position and the boss in the Tera instance: Berna Hard Laboratory. Since in hard mode dungeons these puddles, in addition to causing very unpleasant damage, also impose a permanent negative effect on the player, greatly reducing his stamina.

Call for help

From time to time, Vera may ask Prima to help him. After which the arch-devil, faithful to the knight, will try to crush his enemies, directing the power of her attacks at them, ignoring the player holding back her aggression(holding aggro monster). Likewise, Prima can ask Vera for help. There is nothing extremely dangerous for Tera Laboratory Bern Normal players in this, but when it comes to hard mode, That It's better to cancel this mechanic, why Vera is necessary hit immediately after summoning with any stun move, since in addition to the damage in the Heavy Laboratory, Veru’s attacks also impose very unpleasant negative effects (debuffs), more about them is written below in the description of Veru’s skills.

Prima's Large Mass Attack

Periodically, including every time after a call for help, Prima will use a special move that pushes all enemies outside the attack area. In normal mode, this skill does not pose any particular danger. The maximum is a small amount of massive damage and knocked down skills. This attack is much more dangerous in the Tera Laboratory Berna Hard instance.

The reason is still the same negative effects, which follow this attack. If you are unlucky and fall under this attack from Prima in the Bern Hard Laboratory, the healer needs to immediately remove the debuff from you. Otherwise you will stunned and unable to do anything for some time.

Last resort

Prima can also hit you with a massive attack with a small area of ​​effect directly in front of her. The skill in animation and principle of operation is very similar to that of the priest, Last resort; the magician and mystic also have similar skills. Players can be knocked down by this skill.

Second Boss: Odon

Finally, the article on Tera’s game “Bern’s Laboratory Guide” came to the next section, covering the fight with the second boss. You will be met at the battle site giant crab. Another test subject in Durion's experiments, with whom you will have to measure your strength in order to advance further.

Chances are you've met something similar before. However, this boss has a whole arsenal of unique and very deadly attacks with a very lethal outcome, in order to deal with you, not allowing you to go into the very depths of the Laboratory. But first, how to get to it.

On the way to the boss

The corridor leading to the site for the second battle is still guarded by some of Bern's experiments. They do not pose any particular danger.

The worst thing what awaits you here is unpleasant negative effect, which can be caught from spit of an unkillable monster on the bridge. In normal mode it does not cause much discomfort, but in Tera Laboratory Berna Hard can be fatal when attacked by monsters and particularly blatant carelessness of the raid.

In addition, large amounts of water will ooze from the walls. drops of poisonous green slurry. Deals moderate damage and is not particularly dangerous. You will easily get through them to the boss.

From time to time, small monsters similar to the main boss will come to the crab's aid. Their main danger not even in the damage they deal, but in what the little crabs inflict when attacking negative effect that slows you down greatly. Can be fatal on certain boss mechanics, described below.

The most dangerous of the boss mechanics, during which Odon invulnerable. Its essence is that the room begins to fill with wide stripes with boiling poison, deadly due not only to the damage from it, but also to the negative effect that the player receives by becoming a victim of this attack.

Effect Split Waste cannot be removed. And it lasts 30 seconds. There are three levels of debuff in total. The more times you are hit by streaks of boiling poison, the more lives you will lose every 2 seconds. Effect stacks up to three times and you cannot get rid of it before the time counted by the timer. Be careful, absorbing the maximum amount of poison, you will most likely not be able to save even all the healing effects of the priest aimed at one target - save healing potions with you for this case. The attack itself visually looks like this.

Don't try to attack the boss during this attack., because he will remain invulnerable until the very end thanks to the effect. Concentrate completely on dodging the stripes. They will appear at a fixed boss health level: 90, 70, 50, 30 and 10%. The most dangerous are those that the boss uses for 10% of his life, because the waves of poison have as many as four attack phases, during which new stripes of deadly green goo appear.

Spitting poison

Odon will periodically turn around to the players hitting him from behind and spit poison at them. The skill deals enough tangible damage, V hard mode For laboratories, this attack is also dangerous because stuns you for a while, leaving you vulnerable to any subsequent mechanics and making you an easy victim for Odon's Creatures. Try to avoid these spits at all times.

Odon's normal attacks

If you have previously encountered giant crabs in the game, you will recognize most of the animations from the boss and other details here for the article Tera: Bern's Laboratory Guide will be unnecessary. Crab very loves to jump high, causing massive damage to all unwary melee classes who did not have time to jump out of the danger zone or use evasion. However, the animation has some delay time, enough to react, and a small affected area. Besides, the boss really likes to hit his claws in front of him. In normal dungeon mode, the danger zones for these attacks are highlighted.

Third and final boss: Bern

The most important section of this article on the game Tera: Bern's Laboratory Guide. After you have dealt with Odon, a short video awaits you in which the main villain will taunt you, promising you a quick death. The boss himself is giant tree, motionless, as befits most gigantic trees, but no less dangerous. The boss fight area looks like this.

Tank positioning

Important Bern has a whole lot of the most interesting mechanics in store for you. It is especially important that the class that plays the role of a tank is always in front of the boss and is alive at the same time. Otherwise, the group risks not completing the dungeon, since the roaring tree, without observing the victim in front of it, is capable of increasing its attack and defense indicators several times thanks to the Roar effect.

I will destroy you all!

The boss shouts an unambiguous threat, promising to destroy all adventurers who dare to sneak into his lair. This can only mean one thing: two laser strips erupt from the base of the ancient, resting on the very edge of the battle arena, and then make a full turn clockwise around the tree trunk. You can dodge an attack only with the evasion skill. Deals lethal damage.

Lasers appear at a certain percentage of the boss' health. In a regular laboratory, they make only one turn at 90, 70, 50 and 30% of the tree's health, and two at the last 10%. In complex mode, lasers always perform several phases of rotation of 360 degrees and each time in a different direction: clockwise or counterclockwise. You always avoid the laser coming towards you.

Explode, Explode!

Another one lethal attack. In Tera (Bern's Laboratory), Normal is a blast of energy spreading from the base of Burn, before the boss shouts "Explode!" The attack deals massive damage and must be dodged. at the moment when you are overtaken by a blast wave. In hard mode, the tree can also shout: “Explode!”- this means that the blast wave will go from the edge of the arena towards the boss.

Mass attacks highlighted with red markers

Periodically, the boss will use attacks that attack over a certain area of ​​the arena, highlighted with red markers. This type of skill can be of several types:

Poison Beam Shot

Bern shoots poison in four different directions. IN in normal mode, an attack can be easily recognized by the backlight zones, which directly indicate an attack. IN In difficult dungeon mode, you will have to determine the characteristic glow around the tree to avoid damage. Deals very significant damage.


Not the deadliest, but a very unpleasant boss attack, pushing you to the far side of the arena. After the message “Get out!” on the screen, you have about 5 second time, after which need to use dodge to avoid repulsion. You can also understand when it is necessary to dodge by the energy flickering that accompanies the attack.

Bern's minions. Arise, my seeds!

Small things can seriously spoil the passage of an instance. boss's minions, whose attacks are capable mix up your motion control buttons, imposing a negative effect on hits, which is why you may not react to an unexpected attack or deadly mechanics.

Other attacks and differences from the Tera Laboratory Bern Normal instance. Skin explosion.

The boss's special mass attack inflicts a negative effect on the player caught in it. Somewhat similar attacks were encountered before in the Deep Temple at the last boss and in the Spire of Fear. If you fall victim to this mechanic, you should stay away from other players, outside the red zone, limited by a radius around you. Otherwise your comrades will receive from your character is very noticeable damage, caused by the “Skin Explosion” effect.

However, no one forbids them to try, because By being a victim of this effect a certain number of times, you can get several achievements at once. There is a spy among us (10 times) and Please stay away! (20 times). We have dedicated a separate section of the guide to the most interesting and specific achievements in the dungeon.

Akasha's Hideout is the seventh Instanced Dungeon in TERA. It is available to players levels 48-54. Best suited for level 50 heroes. In this dungeon you will fight five serious bosses and have the opportunity to experience hard mode.

It is highly recommended that you go through the Golden Labyrinth before it. Because the bosses in it drop holy elixirs of protection, which remove the powerful Akasha’s Withering debuff. It is received by all players who are part of the Akasha’s Hideout instance.

Your mission: kill four bosses, including one of your ancient enemies, before meeting the goddess Akasha.

Due to the fact that the dungeon is available to all characters who have reached level 48, it is part of the Allemantheia storyline, which begins at level 38 in Necromancer Tomb and Golden Labyrinth. That's why you should go to it immediately after these locations.

According to the plot, the goddess kidnaps the archmage Serion, the living embodiment of the Core. Together with your allies Elleon and Fraya, you managed to destroy her plan to steal the power of the Core. But the goddess managed to escape. In the Golden Labyrinth, you used Akashic tools to place the power of the Core into Fraya. After this, Elleon pursued the evil goddess to her underground hideout in the Fyrmount region.

How to get into the dungeon?

The tactics below were suggested by Tera players themselves. It does not guarantee 100% success. The entrance to the dungeon itself is located deep inside the Molten Reach cave. Elleon sends you to look for a glowing blue cave in the southeast of Fire Base Valor. The teleporter is inside.

The first quest is called Search and Destroy. The minimum character level is 48. NPC - Fraya. Please note that hard mode is only for Tera veterans.

The structure of Akasha's Hideout is very simple. From the central hall there are 4 halls. One of them has an entrance. In the other three, bosses of remarkable strength await you and you will need to kill them. Before going further into the dungeon, use the elixir of protection against the Akasha’s Withering debuff, which takes away your strength.

As you progress, you will encounter more undead. Some of them are just minions. But there are also those who guard access to closed doors. If you notice large barrels near an enemy, approach carefully. They explode when attacked. It's better to shoot them from a distance when your opponents are close to the barrels.

Adanok is the giant boss of the Sanguinarium - the hall between the entrance to the dungeon and the central hall. His minions will wake him up as soon as you step on the threshold. So be prepared for a fight. It is best for tanks to push the boss to the wall before the healers and DPS take their positions. Have time to dodge or block when the boss attacks. Otherwise you will get a bloody debuff. Healers should check their allies after each Adanok attack to make sure no one bleeds out.

When a long-range attack icon appears above the boss, it means he wants to blow you up. Wait for him to freeze and run out of range. When Adanok's health drops to 75%, he will begin using a three-bomb attack. He attacks from the center of the room. So when he gets there, use the following sequence of skills: sleep, stun and knockdown. If you don't have time, run away from the attack zone!

Your next meeting will be with Karascha. The first time you fought him was on the Island of Dawn in the Dark Revelations quest. Then he said that he would come back. His turn has come to leave Thera forever. The tanks should throw him to the far wall while the rest of the group takes their positions. When Karascha pulls his arms back and begins to growl, he is preparing for a Leaping Strike. Tanks and melee DPS should block or run out of range of his attack. When he enters a rage state, he uses a triple combo: leaping strike, frontal jump, leaping strike. When firing a fireball, he inflicts a stun debuff or in hard mode bleed. When his HP drops to 75%, he applies the Words of Unmaking debuff, which has three stages. They are capable of killing your entire team. If you managed to survive after this, use the combo: sleep, stun and knockdown.

After Karascha dies, a flying stone with a strange seal will appear. Use it to summon Gilgash's Pylon to open the door to Lugribar, or Akalath's Pylon to open the door to Shagrim. More powerful bosses await you there.

Shagrim deals wide range attacks. Long range DPS and healers should stay 10 meters away from him. His most terrible attack is a sword stuck into the floor, poisoning all players in the area with poison. In this case, you can only run. Lancer blocking Shagrim is not protected from the poison. Therefore, he should immediately move to the left. Mystics can end the boss skill with Regression. When the boss's health drops to 50%, he summons a priest. Try to prevent him from realizing this.

The next quest is Purging the Plague. Objective: defeat Akasha. Having killed the goddess's lieutenants, you have very little left to get to her herself. Return to the central hall and interact with the objects to open the final chamber of the dungeon.

Goddess Akasha was part of the god Thulsa's plan to restore power to the gods. Even though she failed to gain the power of the Core, she remains a powerful goddess. Her attacks are simple, but her speed and power are amazing. She uses the following skills: Rush, Sleep (sleeping gas), Poison Spray and Summon Servants. She summons her servants when her HP drops to 75%, 50% and 15%. They attack with Rush, Sleep and Poison. When her servants appear, healers should constantly heal their comrades. DPS should move as quickly as possible and kill the goddess's servants so that they can return to the fight with her. Try to lead the servants to the exploding barrels. After Akasha's death, her surviving servants disappear.

Cultists' Sanctuary

In the Dark Cathedral, Lok's minions had long ago discovered a secret dungeon - the "Vault of the Cultists" - and firmly established themselves there, using it as a secret hideout to carry out the sinister plans of their master. They are trying to find the power of the ancient Giant in the deserts of Val-Aurem in order to subsequently resurrect their fallen warriors. Your task will be to thwart Lok's plans by destroying all his servants in the Dark Cathedral.


Location: Val-Aurem, Dark Cathedral (in the basements)

Level: 35 - 40

Number of players: group of 3-5 people and solo passage

Difficulty mode: ordinary

Average completion time: 25 min

Dark Cathedral

In order to get inside the Criminal Code, you need to go through the Dark Cathedral. It is a one-story building with a deep basement, in which all the rooms are filled with Imps and Cultists of Lok.

During the course of the Cathedral you will take on many quests in which you will need to kill all these monsters, including the story quest - Race in the Dark(Tulufane is taken from lvl 35). It must be completed otherwise you will not be able to take the next one - Dark dreams, which is performed in the dungeon itself. You shouldn't have any problems with these quests, just run through the rooms and halls and kill Lok's servants, focusing on the highlighted places on the map. If you don’t want to gain additional experience, or you’re already level 39-40, you can run straight ahead and take quests for UK from NPCs who are at the entrance to the dungeon.

1st floor basement

Walkthrough of the Cultists' Shelter (UC)

For a group of 3-5 people

Ideally, the MC is completed with five people, but if all members of your group are experienced and they have lvl 38+, then you can get by with 3 players: a tank (Berserker or Lancer), a healer (preferably a Mystic), and an RDD (Mage or Archer).

1 hall Entering the Dungeon and running a little along the main alley, you will see NPCs who give quests (regular, story and reusable). Having taken them, run to the central hall, where there will be an obelisk guarded by a strong mob and his assistants. In this room you need to be careful because of the spikes coming out of the floor. After killing the guard, go to the pillar and open the East Gate.

NPC with quests Obelisk that opens doors

Hall 2 After passing through the gate, you will see a huge number of skeletons standing near barrels of gunpowder that will need to be blown up. If this is not done, skeleton archers will begin to focus players wearing light armor and will quickly kill them without healing. In this room, the quests require you to kill skeletons and collect “chests with Cultist weapons.”

Hall 3 The next hall is quite simple and quickly traversed. It contains groups of demons, and 4-5 strong mobs that cannot move. According to the quest here you need to kill demons and also collect chests with weapons.

Hall 4 Next there will be a room with a story quest. You need to kill 6 strong monsters and approach Davina. After talking with her, a 5-minute time countdown will begin. During this period, you will need to protect Davina from the monsters attacking her.

she needs to be protected


Hall 5 In the outermost hall there is boss - Galanos(Shurian strongman). You don't need any special knowledge to kill him. Players with light armor attack and heal from a maximum distance, the tank aggravates Galanos on itself, and the damage dealers respectively attack while standing behind him. The boss can throw force fields (an orange hoop stands out on the ground), causing significant damage to the hero who enters him and knock him down, when he has half his health left, he calls on a group of demons to help him. Quickly kill the henchmen and switch back to the boss. Melee heroes should also be careful because of the enemy’s crushing damage. After killing Galanos, do not forget to click on the obelisk at the end of the hall to open the western gate.

Hall 6 After going through the entire eastern half of the dungeon, you return to the beginning (where the NPCs are), turn in the quest, get a new one and run through the opened gate. Groups of mediocre mobs are waiting for you there: War Skeletons and Magi Skeletons. Start with Warriors, then Mages. If you hit the Mages first, then all the monsters will attack you and it will be difficult to deal with them.

Hall 7 In the next room there are strong Skeletons and their assistants - Scorpions. The difficulty here is that when mobs attack you, they throw a debuff that changes your orientation in space (press “W”, he runs back, etc.)

Mistress of the Shadow

Halls 8 and 9 The next section is very simple, there are groups of assistants who are quickly killed, and after that the boss is waiting for you - Mistress shadows(Frightened woman). This boss, like the first one, is quite simple, except for the circles on the ground that do not do bad damage, she attacks melee and that’s all. She can be properly pinched and killed quickly.

Mistress of Deceit

Hall 10 Next, another boss awaits you - Mistress of Deceit. Now he’s getting more serious. This huge monster inflicts colossal damage to nearby players with its tentacles, quickly moves from one end of the room to the other, while knocking them down, like all the previous ones, casts circles on the ground and the worst thing is that it can silence and slow down. Before entering the room, if there is a mystic, then he must sketch out the spheres of HP and MP and do not forget about buffs. You need to hit him carefully; magicians and other players who are not able to block and dressed in light clothing need to stay behind him. As soon as the boss draws fire circles on the ground, jump away immediately, the same should be done when he moves around the hall. If you heal in time and dodge attacks, you will quickly deal with him. After killing him, blow up the stone( in the picture on the left), this will be a story quest( turn it in there, an NPC will appear) and also you will open the door to the last boss - Argon