If the road markings contradict the signs, what to follow. What signs allow you to make a U-turn?

The Supreme Court of Russia on Tuesday was unable to decide what comes first: the road sign or the markings. The rule of law, which gives priority to the sign, is being challenged by a resident of Sergiev Posad. A decision is expected tomorrow

The Supreme Court of Russia on Tuesday, July 26, began to consider the question of what is primary for the driver: a road sign or markings. The investigation was initiated by a resident of the Moscow region, Artem Kikot. He was faced with the fact that on a section of the highway near the village of Mishutino, Sergiev Posad district, Moscow region, there was a sign prohibiting overtaking of vehicles, and the markings allowed this to be done, including driving into oncoming traffic.

Artem Kikot, who is a practicing lawyer, pointed out that due to this “discrepancy”, several drivers lost their licenses for various periods.

The lawyer challenged in court subparagraph 20 of paragraph 1 of the amendments to the Traffic Rules, which were introduced on May 10, 2010 by decree of the Russian government. They determine that “in cases where the meanings of road signs, including temporary ones (placed on a portable support), and horizontal marking lines contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by the road signs.”

We are talking about situations when the markings are not visible due to wear and tear of the road surface, pollution, snow, repairs, etc.

According to the applicant, this provision contradicts the federal law “On Road Safety”, which excludes the possibility of conflicts between road signs and road markings. “However, the introduced norm essentially legalizes the possibility of such a contradiction,” the plaintiff pointed out. Kikot added that, according to GOST, road markings are a priority. In his opinion, the legal act he disputes “may be the basis for creating emergency situations,” as well as for unjustifiably bringing drivers to administrative liability.

In turn, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, speaking in court on behalf of the Russian government, admitted that “situations when road markings and signs may conflict occur in our country.” However, he believes that the disputed document gives clear indications of what comes first. “Now the driver must be guided by the requirements of the road sign,” said a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, it does not matter whether the sign is temporary or permanent. “At a speed of 60 km/h the driver still cannot understand this,” the defendant believes. According to him, the previously existing norm, which spoke only about temporary signs, was less specific, and therefore the head of the road safety department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Kiryanov, even had to issue an information letter, which was sent out locally. It stated that all doubts should be interpreted in favor of the motorist. “Now, when the markings show that you should go right, and the sign shows you should go left, the driver should not think, but should follow the road sign,” said the representative of the defendant. In his opinion, the driver should also not delve into existing GOSTs. It is enough for him to know only the rules of the road.

How are they

It is noteworthy that none of the participants in the process could answer Judge Vladimir Zaitsev’s questions about what international law gives priority to. “How are they doing there? Otherwise, we declared the priority of international law. Are there similar rules there? - the judge asked.

However, the applicant, as it turned out, had only been to Egypt from foreign countries, and the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs admitted that he had not checked international standards.

The prosecutor involved in the case asked to be given time to prepare a report. Having granted her request, the judge instructed the parties to also prepare an answer to his question.

The trial will continue tomorrow and, possibly, the court will make a decision on the same day.

If everything is aligned

Meanwhile, lawyer for the Za Rulem magazine, Sergei Smirnov, believes that the court’s decision will not be in favor of the applicant. “If road markings contradict the signs, then you must follow the requirements of the road sign. This is understandable from a logical point of view.. - Another thing is that the driver may not notice the sign, but the markings are always visible. And there are often situations when traffic police officers set up this kind of trap and submit documents to the court to deprive the driver of his license.”

According to Smirnov, cases where a permanent (rather than temporary) sign and permanent markings contradict each other occur quite often throughout Russia. “And here we need to talk about preventing this from happening. If the traffic police believes that there is an emergency section of the road, a lot of accidents occur there, and puts up a sign prohibiting overtaking, and not temporary, but permanent, I don’t understand why they don’t put a continuous marking line. Thus, they mislead drivers,” the expert believes. In his opinion, organizations that maintain roads and do not bring signs and markings into line with each other are often to blame for contradictions. The traffic police are not monitoring this.

The question as to which is more important or the sign is often not raised. This is due to the fact that these provisions under the familiar Code of Administrative Offenses complement each other. The movement continues according to established rules and nuances about priority do not arise in practical activities. However, in some situations, designations are established in a different way, then the motorist needs to know how the issue regarding the priority of the provisions in question is resolved. A motorist needs to know what to do in a given situation.

Often, motorists are faced with an issue involving markings on the highway. In particular, this is due to the fact that the marking or sign is more important. Situations arise when such explanations are required, since there is a contradiction in the designation of the sign and what is reflected on the road surface. Drivers can encounter this problem both in the city and outside it. You need to know what to do in such a situation and how to behave correctly. Motorists cannot understand what to follow while driving: signs or markings on the highway.

In practice, markings and signs can be divided into the following types:

  • portable or temporary in nature;
  • those that are permanent or stationary.

The basic rule is that the distinctive feature of temporary signs is that they are applied to a yellow background. Their location is associated with the installation of a portable stand. In most situations, they are located in areas where road repair work is taking place. Similar rules apply to situations where a traffic accident occurs on the road. This is due to a disruption in the normal rhythm of movement along the highway.

According to the explanations, the base of the temporary sign is presented in the form of reinforcement made of iron. It has a crossed shape, located at an angle of 90 degrees. Requirements are also established regarding the length of the bases of the sign in question; it is equal to 50 centimeters. Proper resistance from gusts of wind and cars passing nearby can be ensured through the use of components made of metals. In some situations, it is possible to mount a load at the base, which allows for greater stability of the signs.

A weight made of metal or a stone of concrete origin can also be used for the same purpose. It is worth noting that the type of signs under consideration does not include those that are attached with tape or a nail to trees and other bases. Road markings mean paint located on the surface of the road surface. It is applied to regulate the movement of vehicles in a certain area of ​​the terrain. Speaking about the fact that markings or signs are now a priority, it is worth pointing out that a distinctive feature of temporary markings is that they are applied for a relatively short time period. Orange paint is used for this. Roads will be marked this way quite rarely, but drivers should keep these provisions in mind.


Permanent signs located on traffic lanes contain information necessary for the movement of motorists.

The distinctive features compared to the temporary variety are that:

  1. They are applied with paint of a different color. Such signs cannot be yellow.
  2. A different installation method is used.

To install these signs, you need to dig a hole that has a certain level of depth. The direction is determined directly on the ground. The base of the sign is placed in the hole, after which it is filled with concrete. At the final stage, you will need to let the concrete harden and fill the hole with soil. In the future, such a sign will be almost impossible to move in relation to each other and other directions. Priority is due to the fact that it is installed for a long period of time.

The paragraph regarding permanent marking indicates that it is also applied for a long time. The design is realized using a thick layer of paint. White color scheme is used. Over the past year, traffic tickets have often asked questions regarding this marking. It will be almost impossible to erase it from the road surface. It is used for the safe movement of vehicles along the highway. Installed on a specific section of the route. The symbols used are similar to those used when applying temporary markings. However, the application in the situation under consideration will be somewhat broader.

When considering the question of what is more important on the road, signs or markings, it is worth considering that you need to rely on the rules in force on the roads. The controversial issue is resolved using the traffic rules article. In a situation where there is a discrepancy between stationary and temporary signs or markings, the latter type is given priority. This suggests that motorists should be guided by signs installed for a short period of time. The rules stipulate that temporary differences in markings and signs always have higher priority than permanent ones. In some cases, this is a stop line and other types of markings. The priority is due to the fact that it is much easier to apply or install temporary signs than permanent ones.

Markings or priority signs are also established in the following situations:

  • carrying out repair work that takes a short time;
  • creation of emergency situations.

IN In this case, there are no alternatives to using signs. If we consider the list of road signs in descending order, it looks something like this: in the first place there are signs that are temporary in nature, then there are permanent signs, markings on the roadway of temporary significance, and then there are permanent markings.

You can be fined both for incorrect parking and for incorrect compliance with the provisions in question. The legislator indicates that temporary signs have priority in the event of repair work on the highway. This also includes elements of road improvement. When a situation arises that a sign contradicts the markings, including those that are temporary, what is reflected on the sign is considered important.

Considering the question of what is more important: a sign or a marking on the road, it is worth saying that if there is a contradiction between permanent markings and temporary lines, motorists will need to be guided by what is reflected on the temporary markings. It is understood that temporary lines on the road take precedence over what is reflected on the temporary markings. If a controversial situation arises as to what is more important on the highway: markings or signs, you need to remember the previously reflected list. It should also be taken into account that temporary markings cannot be considered as an advantage over permanent signs on the road.

To make it easier to use road signs, markings and other provisions at present, experts have proposed a division into permanent and temporary. These varieties also have other names that are associated with a stationary installation or not. The legislator points out the impossibility of using permanent signs due to the temporary factor. This is required to distinguish them from a figurative sign. If necessary, dismantling is used.

To install the varieties in question, a special installation method is used. It is understood that signs are installed for a long period of time, for this reason special attention is paid to installation. Experts say that we need to dwell on this issue, since signs and markings should not be influenced by factors that are classified as external.

The installation of the elements in question on the roads is carried out by specially trained people. They are privy to the intricacies of this process. Temporary signs are erected on a certain section of the highway when there is a need to interfere with the normal flow of traffic. Often, repairmen or those who eliminate the consequences of an emergency use these types of signs in order to be able to inform the motorist that he is approaching a section of the highway where movement is difficult.

A mandatory feature of the signs in question is that they are equipped with portable stands. As a base, experts suggest using the previously described reinforcement. They say that such actions are carried out in order to preserve the original location of the sign and its stability. In this way, the sign is protected from external factors. In some situations, this may be a vibration coming from the surface of the earth. The reason for this is cars passing near the signs. Motorists are allowed to ignore signs that are attached to poles or trees, this is due to the fact that such signs are not given due legal force. If a driver is fined for failure to comply with such a sign, he has the right to file a complaint with a judicial authority. The likelihood that the fine will be challenged is one hundred percent.

It is worth paying special attention to the color scheme of the background of the sign. Legislative provisions indicate the presence of a white background on permanent types of signs, while temporary ones have a yellow background.

In some situations, you can see a certain direction of movement on the sign. In this situation, it is necessary to comply with the reflected rules, since in case of violation the driver risks creating a danger not only to his health or life, but also to other persons. The sign has priority; you must move according to the rules depicted on it, and not on the markings. The updated rules indicate the priority of signs over markings. However. A reservation is made according to which you should move along the markings if there are no signs.

Elements of road arrangement

It is worth pointing out that the signs and markings in question on the roadway must be located in accordance with established rules. Signs are placed in such a way that motorists can read them both during the day and at night. It is stipulated that signs should not be covered by billboards depicting advertising, trees or some other objects. In addition, you need to take into account that similar rules apply to markings applied to the road surface.

When it is not possible to see the markup, the reason is:

  1. The weather conditions are bad. It could be heavy rain, snowfall, fog, etc.
  2. There is no way to update lines.

In these situations, it is necessary to install signs on the roadsides that display the information according to which cars are moving. When the road is equipped with several lanes along which cars move, it is recommended to place signs not only along the edges of the road, but also above it. The installation location may be a strip with a dividing value. It has been established that in such a situation there should be no less than two lanes of oncoming traffic where cars are moving.

The listed elements are considered as elements with the help of which the improvement of the route is implemented. They must be installed in the appropriate order. In a normal situation, markings and signs complement and duplicate each other. However, in some cases it is possible that they contradict each other. In this situation, the motorist must understand what is more important. According to the amendments made to the traffic rules, the legislator established the priority of signs over the lines marked on the road surface. At the same time, it is written that the first place is given to temporary signs, only after that can we talk about the action of permanent ones. In last place are road markings.

To be able to maintain your safety on the road, you need to remain vigilant while driving. In addition, it is recommended to be calm and use your attention in a certain direction. The provisions reflected in the new traffic rules should be taken into account.

In a normal situation, road signs and markings either complement each other or duplicate. Thus, no contradictions arise and the question of the priority of road development elements is not relevant.

But if it happens differently, every driver should understand how to act in such a situation.

Quite often, both on the highway and in the city, motorists are faced with the fact that installed road signs contradict the markings on the same road.

At the same time, it becomes unclear what is more important, the road sign or the markings, what should be followed while driving.

According to the installation method, road signs and markings can be divided into:

  • permanent or stationary;
  • temporary or portable.

A distinctive feature of temporary signs is their yellow background.. Temporary road signs are installed on a portable stand.

In most cases, they are used in areas where the road surface is being repaired or when a traffic accident occurs, as this interferes with the normal movement of traffic in the area.

The basis of the temporary sign is crossed iron reinforcement at an angle of 90 degrees. The length of the base elements is 500 millimeters.

The resistance of the element to wind and vibration from vehicles passing nearby is ensured through the use of metal components.

Sometimes, for reliability and higher stability, a weight is mounted at the base of the sign. For this purpose, a metal weight or a concrete stone can be used.

It is worth considering that temporary road signs do not include those that are taped to a post or attached to a tree.

Road markings are paint on the surface of a highway or highway, applied to regulate the movement of vehicles along a given area.

The peculiarity of temporary road markings is that they are made for a short period of time and are applied to the road surface with orange paint. Rarely used, but worth knowing about.

Permanent signs provide necessary information to the driver. They differ from temporary ones in color and installation method. It cannot be yellow.

To install them, a hole of the required depth is dug, into which the sign is placed and filled with concrete. After the concrete mixture has hardened, the hole is filled with soil - this is the final stage of installation.

It is almost impossible to move, so it is installed for a long period of time.

Permanent road markings are also applied over a long period of time and decorated with a thick layer of white paint.

It is almost impossible to remove it from the road surface, since it must be constantly present on the road surface and facilitate the fast and safe movement of cars on a given section of the road.

It has the same purpose as temporary, but is characterized by a wider distribution.

Based on the traffic rules, it is easy to determine what is a priority, a road sign or markings.

If the meaning of temporary road signs and stationary ones contradict each other, motorists must be guided by the temporary signs.

Temporary road signs always have the highest priority level. Therefore, they are quite easy to install and dismantle if necessary.

In case of an emergency or short-term road work, there is no alternative to its use. The list, in descending order of priority, of the road arrangement elements looks like this:

  • temporary road signs;
  • permanent road signs;
  • temporary road markings;
  • permanent road markings.

The traffic rules state:

  1. A temporary sign is more important than all elements of road construction.
  2. If a sign contradicts the markings, including temporary ones, or when they are not sufficiently distinguishable, then the sign is more important.
  3. In cases where permanent marking lines and temporary marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the meaning of the temporary markings.
  4. Temporary markings take precedence over permanent markings.

If a situation arises that is unclear to the driver, what is more important on the road, a road sign or markings, it is important to remember the list of priorities of road design elements and note that temporary markings cannot be more important than permanent road signs.

Sometimes a traffic sign clearly defines the direction of movement of the vehicle, for example, only straight, and in accordance with the road markings you can drive straight or make a maneuver to the right or left.

In this case, the driver must give priority to the sign and drive according to its rules.

Since the updated traffic rules clearly define what is more important on the road, the road sign or the markings.

But if there is no sign, then you should move along the road markings.

Road signs and markings must be placed on the road surface in accordance with traffic rules.

Road markings must also have good visibility at any time of the day.. In places where markings are not visible due to weather conditions or cannot be updated, signs should be installed that carry the relevant information. It is also expected that there will be more duplicate signs on the roads.

In areas where there are several lanes in one direction, it is necessary to install a sign not only on the side, but also above the roadway, on the dividing strip or on the other side of the road. But at the same time, there should be no more than two lanes of traffic in the oncoming direction.

Thus, only road design elements installed in the appropriate order are perceived as traffic rules.

In a normal situation, road signs and markings perfectly complement or repeat each other. But in some situations they may conflict.

It is important to understand the sign or marking, which has priority. In accordance with the new traffic rules, which are still in force in 2019, it follows that any road signs are more important than any markings.

In the first place are temporary road signs, then come permanent ones, after them temporary road markings and at the very end - permanent road markings, which are the least priority.

Video: Moscow parking: signs are more important than markings

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    Traffic regulations allow overtaking a vehicle at an intersection with a secondary road. However, at all such intersections on the highways a continuous line is applied. Traffic rules are allowed, but road workers prohibit them. Whom to obey?

On our roads, although rarely, there are situations when one of the designations given in the traffic rules contradicts another. In this case, a question arises that is of a logical nature: “What is more important: a sign or a marking?”

Classification of signs

To find out what is more important - a sign or a marking, you need to find out the features of each of the designations under consideration. The first are divided into permanent and temporary.

The permanent sign is installed with reinforcement in the ground to the required depth. In order for it to stand firmly, a concrete mixture is poured into the hole, and soil is poured on top, after the latter has hardened.

Temporary signs are mounted on portable stands. As a rule, they are used during road construction work or in the event of an accident. The base of the sign is an iron reinforcement crossed at right angles. Sometimes, for greater reliability, a load in the form of a concrete stone or metal weight is installed in it.

If a sign is taped to a base or to a tree, it is not recognized as temporary according to the current national standard.

Classification of markings

It is a designation that is applied to the road surface using paint to assist in regulating traffic rules without signs. Similarly to the latter, markings are classified into permanent and temporary.

The latter is applied for a short time interval. It has not found wide use in our country. Permanent is applied for a longer time due to the use of more durable paints. Permanent and temporary markings differ in color. The first is applied in white, and the second in orange.

This, in general, corresponds to the signs. The background of permanent ones is white, while temporary road signs are yellow.

A priority

What is more important: a sign or a marking? In accordance with the current edition of the traffic rules - sign.

Among them, the first in the ranking list are temporary due to the fact that it is quite easy to install and dismantle in case of road construction work or in the event of an emergency.

In the absence of these, the next most important is based on constant. It serves to regulate it on the roads, while it has a more stable paint that is not affected by car tires, like markings that can wear off over time.

Next in priority is time marking. It is applied quite rarely, and therefore it can itself cause an accident, but, nevertheless, temporary markings are third in the ranking precisely due to the fact that they are designed to prevent these accidents, but due to the fact that they do not find Frequently used, therefore it is located after the signs in the list.

At the very last place there is a permanent marking. It is applied in a thicker layer, so it lasts for a longer period of time compared to temporary.

So, when several signs are present on the road at the same time, it is necessary to remember that first of all the requirements of temporary signs are met, then permanent signs, which are more important than any markings, the ranking of which is carried out in the same order as the signs.

This classification can be found in most articles that are located on the global Internet.

Is everything so clear?

The traffic rules indicate that priority is available only if temporary signs are installed. If it is not there, then there should be no contradictions. When asking the question: “What does the marking have?” one must proceed from the fact that in the presence of contrary requirements from the design indicated in the question, there is a violation of the regulatory requirements of the national standard.

A sign installed not in accordance with GOST indicates the absence of the objective side of administrative offenses.

What are drivers charged with?

Basically, a violation of clause 1.3 of the traffic rules. But it does not contain a reference to the corresponding national standard, and the length of validity of road signs with explanations is not indicated. Only sign No. 3.20 is installed on those sections of roads where visibility of an oncoming vehicle is not ensured, and its effect extends to the entire length of the dangerous section.

Consequently, in the absence of “Validity time” signs, it is assumed by default that the sign is mounted in this area due to limited visibility, and therefore it should be valid only in this area. In this case, a road sign is installed with the explanation: “Validity area of ​​the sign,” or one can be installed called: “End of the no-overtaking zone.” Without such mounting, the sign is valid until the first intersection or the end of a populated area in the absence of intersecting roads.

Actions of a traffic police inspector upon detection of contradictions between a sign and markings

If any discrepancies in markings and signs are detected, the inspector must report this fact to the appropriate authority, and must ensure traffic regulation on this section of the road to prevent the creation of traffic jams and emergency situations.

Cases from practice

Back in mid-2008, the traffic police introduced certainty in the interpretation of cases in which marking requirements contradict those of signs. In this clarification, it was established that there may be priority markings in the event of a discrepancy between the requirements of different traffic rules objects.

This may apply if a road user finds himself in a controversial situation due to conflicting rules regarding signs and markings. At the same time, the resolution of the situation was prescribed in favor of these participants.

Incorrect installation of signs

If, while following the highway, you see a sign from the traffic rules “End of the no-overtaking zone”, and after 10-20 meters another one called “Overtaking is prohibited” is installed, then the last one is illegal, since the current GOST stipulates that the minimum distance between them in populated areas is at least 25 meters from each other, and outside them - 50 meters.


In the case of a combination of a temporary “Left Turn” sign and a double solid line in the marking, the first has priority. It is in accordance with it that it is necessary to act in order to prevent the creation of an emergency situation.

If a permanent sign “End of the no-overtaking zone” is installed, but a continuous horizontal stripe continues, then in this situation the priority goes to the markings. The sign shows the section where overtaking is prohibited, and then you need to move along this section until the beginning of the broken line.

On some highways, the markings are erased or may be covered with snow in winter. Unscrupulous traffic police inspectors can take advantage of the situation to issue a fine for crossing a double line in a given location. In such situations there must be

If they are absent and a violation report is issued, the motorist must prepare to assert his rights. It is necessary to record the area by taking photographs and/or videos that will show street names, house numbers, and visible markings. In this case, the protocol will need to be signed, but a note is made in it that the person for whom it is registered does not agree with the punishment.

After which you need to go to court and request an examination. She must identify errors in the installation of road signs and prove their non-compliance with the requirements of the relevant national standard.


On the global Internet you can find many simple recommendations when the question arises: “What is more important: a sign or a marking?”, boiling down to the fact that the priority is reduced from signs that have a temporary status to permanent markings. However, there are some nuances that must be taken into account. They are reflected in this article.

Signs and road markings for cars complement each other or contain the same information that is completely identical. In such situations, motorists do not have controversial questions about the possibility of performing maneuvers or actions on the roads. However, quite often there are situations in which such methods of regulating DD may contradict. What should motorists do, what should they be guided by, and how can they understand what is more important: a sign or a marking?

Purpose of DD regulation methods

What to do if the markings contradict road signs? When answering this question, it is worth mentioning that, as a rule, the same information is provided by those designations and markings that are already constant. Contradictions and the need for drivers to determine what is more important arise in situations where new elements appear that are temporary in nature - temporary markings and temporary signs.

How to recognize among the established road signs that they are temporary? A distinctive feature of such temporary images is that they are designed exclusively on a yellow background; in addition, in most cases they are installed on stands that are portable by design. Most often, signs are used on those sections of the highway where road repairs are being carried out or in connection with a significant accident, when it is necessary to install separate signs to further ensure the movement of other vehicles. The basis of the sign, which is installed temporarily, is reinforcement made of durable material (iron), consisting of two elements and connected at right angles by additional components, which by their presence ensure the strength of the structure.

It is necessary to understand that signs that are temporary and installed by traffic police officers cannot include those that are attached to trees or attached using improvised means to third-party objects.

What about road markings? This method of regulating traffic consists of applying distinctive lines and various figures, separately specified in the current edition of the traffic rules, on sections of the route and adjacent road and pavement elements. Temporary markings along the highway can also be easily distinguished from those that are applied on a permanent basis - they have a characteristic orange color.

So, what should a motorist do in a situation where signs and markings contradict each other? First of all, the driver driving the vehicle must understand that, in principle, there can be no contradiction between such designations - you do not have to think about whether the sign or the markings according to the traffic rules are a priority. In such situations, relying solely on the rules, especially those sections that relate to methods of regulating traffic, namely road signs and road markings, you can easily determine what to do in a given situation and which maneuver can be performed in a given situation. moment.

When determining the priority of methods for regulating traffic control, a motorist must rely on the following provisions of the rules:

  • If there are established graphic symbols of a permanent and temporary nature, the driver must be guided by those that are temporary. First of all, this factor is due to the fact that temporary dismantling can be carried out with the least amount of time, effort and money;
  • In the work of State Traffic Safety Inspectorate inspectors, the most correct option is to use temporary designations - their use provides significant assistance in the event of emergency situations on the highway, especially those related to the occurrence of an accident;
  • The traffic rules contain information that reveals the priority of different types and methods of regulating traffic regulations, including those related to their characteristics for short-term or permanent action. The highest priority belongs to signs of a temporary nature, followed by permanent graphic images installed in accordance with the requirements of traffic regulations, followed by orange markings (temporary) and the list is closed by the method of regulation with the lowest priority value - permanent road markings;
  • If there is a contradiction between an established sign and the designations on the highway, you must always be guided only by the meanings of the sign. This fact is even connected with the fact that the marking is a kind of adjustment element that is subject to wear much faster than installed graphic images, regardless of whether they are temporary or permanent;
  • If permanent and temporary markings show completely different things, then in such a situation the driver should pay attention only to the orange lines. In such a situation, it will be precisely this that will indicate the possibility of carrying out certain actions, the strict implementation of which will ensure road safety;
  • Given the various information that relates to traffic regulation (if there are contradictions between the designation and marks on the road surface), it is always necessary to act exclusively according to the standards indicated by the road sign.

When driving on the roadway, it is also necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • Even if the designations and signs contradict each other, showing completely opposite things, we should not forget about the established priorities regarding the various ways of adjusting the DD;
  • Giving priority to the necessary element, it is worth realizing that due to some confusion that may arise among people who have recently gotten behind the wheel, when performing maneuvers in accordance with traffic regulations, it is always worth making sure that they are safe before performing them. Sometimes it is better to give way to a car that is clearly not moving according to the rules in order to avoid an accident that can lead to damage to property and personal health;
  • In the event that the location of traffic rules signs is not made in accordance with current rules and regulations - they are not visible from a certain distance, they are covered with objects, motorists will not be guilty of non-compliance with traffic rules.

Video: Priority of signs over road markings