Is there its. What is ITS and why is it needed? ITS has other very useful and pleasant features

22.12.2014 Is a subscription to 1C:ITS mandatory for all companies?

As you know, 1C: ITS, especially some types of this service, seems to many companies to be unnecessarily expensive. That is why the question quite often arises: is it necessary to subscribe to ITS? Is it possible to do without an accompaniment? The answer is clear: subscription is not required. So, if you want to buy 1C in Moscow , no one will force you to buy a subscription to ITS. However, there are some aspects worth knowing.

Firstly, only those users who have basic versions of the programs can update their software products to new releases without subscribing to ITS. Basic versions are updated free of charge via the Internet.

Users who use versions of programs higher than the basic ones can update them only if they have an ITS - a valid subscription to information technology support. Why is it not recommended to refuse to update programs altogether? Each new program update contains a number of improvements. This could be improvements in functionality, security system, program performance, fixing any errors or security holes. It is recommended to install each update immediately after its release, without waiting for a situation when your program starts producing one error after another.

Secondly, ITS is not a useless service, as many company managers believe, wanting to save at least something. Why shouldn't you save on ITS?

Because access to ITS will give your company a lot, namely:

  • ITS 1C subscription is a regular, legal update of programs obtained from official sources;
  • 1C: Lecture hall, thanks to which your company’s specialists will be able to learn about innovations and accounting rules from the best 1C specialists and invited experts. Here you can ask questions on the topic. This tool is simply necessary if you want your employees to regularly improve their professional level;
  • The ability to send reports to the Pension Fund of Russia, the Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Tax Service directly through 1C: Reporting - secure communication channels. For PROF level ITS subscribers, this service is provided free of charge;
  • The ability to study teaching materials in the Internet version of the ITS, which is very convenient for most users;
  • The 1C: Taxcom service will allow you to establish electronic exchange of documents with counterparties. In the ITS PROF version, this service is also free;
  • Questions for auditors. From time to time, every accountant has such a need. With ITS you will not have a problem where to find a knowledgeable specialist. In addition, consultation can be obtained on a special “1C” line;
  • Technical support and additional services from 1C partners. A full list of services that come with an ITS subscription can be found from the franchisee company with which you cooperate.

So, ITS is certainly a useful service. But how much your company needs it is up to you to decide. The main thing is that the programs work well, and that employees have the opportunity to keep them up to date and in working order, receiving both updates and useful information about certain innovations on time.

Currently, more and more organizations are working on licensed software products from 1C. This has huge advantages, including high-quality support, good documentation, the ability to regularly update the program, etc.

Maintaining the relevance of licensed programs from 1C requires a mandatory agreement for Information Technology Support (ITS). But many clients treat this too formally and the real advantages of ITS are less obvious to them. We will try to explain in a little more detail why ITS is needed and how to use it to the maximum.

ITS - Information and technological support "1C:Enterprise" is the comprehensive support that 1C and partners provide to users of 1C:Enterprise programs.

The 1C:ITS information system is intended for managers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists.

1C:ITS includes:

  • professional information system for users of 1C programs on the Internet and on DVD;
  • 24/7 access to current software releases;
  • useful services for convenient work in the program, such as “1C: Counterparty”, “1C: Reporting”, “1C: EDO”, etc.
  • consulting services of the company "1C";
  • consulting services for 1C partners;
The exact composition of the support depends on the chosen tariff option:

ITS subscription validity period

An ITS agreement can be concluded for a certain period according to the following options:

1 month3 months6 months12 months24 months
ITS Techno - -

“8+4” scheme for preferential ITS PROF

For users who have a coupon for a preferential ITS PROF for 3 months (issued when purchasing new programs, with the exception of educational and basic versions), the “8+4” contract scheme is available. This scheme implies that the user can receive instead of 3 months of free support = 4 months by concluding an ITS PROF agreement for 12 months.

Thus, the company can use the services of ITS PROF for 12 months, while paying only for 8 months.

Why ITS?

It often happens that in his work an accountant performs the same operations with different frequencies. But life does not stand still. An accountant may change his place of work, the company in which he works is starting a new activity, or it is necessary to reflect in the 1C program an operation that an accountant performs extremely rarely. In addition, legislation changes and, as a result, software products also change.

Of course, he can turn to colleagues, trusted Internet sites and magazines for help. And here various BUTs arise:

  • There are a huge number of sites on the Internet, and it can take a lot of time until you find the right source that is trustworthy.
  • Even if you have trusted sites that you trust, then most likely it will not say how to perform this or that operation in the 1C program, but only general recommendations.
  • You can turn to friends and colleagues, but this is not always convenient. In addition, it is unlikely that a friend will be able to explain in detail over the phone, step by step, how to reflect this or that situation in the 1C program, or it will take a lot of time. But several questions may arise.
  • You can call a programmer you know or a 1C partner who services 1C software products. But there is one very important point here. 1C partners do not have the right to work with clients who do not have a valid ITS agreement, which means you can hardly count on help.

And is it worth torturing yourself if you have a reliable and proven assistant right at your fingertips, especially since when you purchase the program, the first 3 months of service are provided free of charge.

It is during this period that it is advisable to learn all the advantages of 1C: ITS, in order to calmly pay for support in the future, making maximum use of the capabilities of both the ITS disk itself, the site, and the services provided by 1C and partners “ 1C" under the ITS agreement.

One of the interesting functions of ITS PROF is that you can call our company’s consultation line. However, it often happens that even if there is a qualified specialist on the other side of the phone who knows how to help you, it can take a lot of time to explain the step-by-step algorithm of actions, and it is usually not as clear as seeing the pictures before your eyes.

In situations where 1C users ask how to reflect this or that operation in the program correctly, the consultation line employees explain how to find a detailed answer (the necessary material) on the disk/website At the same time, it will be described in great detail how to solve this or that issue. The user, using detailed instructions and screenshots from the program, can independently or with the help of 1C specialists figure out the solution to the problem.

ITS has other very useful and pleasant features:

  • ITS-Prof users can ask questions to the 1C consultation line and auditors.
  • On-line access to the Internet version of the ITS on the site will make working with the information system more accessible. After all, in large organizations there are many employees, but there is only one subscription per organization, which makes working with one disk inconvenient. Moreover, such access will allow you to use all materials on the website both at work and at home.
  • You can improve your knowledge, get acquainted with the materials of economic publications and store many issues of magazines on one single disk.
  • For employees who keep records in several small companies and work in standard 1C programs, for example, "1C: Accounting 8", it is possible to independently update their programs by downloading new releases on another 1C website -, without waiting for the 1C service engineer to arrive.
  • Available ITS services that allow you to optimize work processes: assessing the risks of working with counterparties, sending 1C Reporting, connecting EDF, automatically filling in counterparties, remote work with programs, etc.
  • Free attendance at lectures from 1C experts, which discuss issues of legislative innovations and their reflection in 1C programs, as well as the most pressing issues that arise for accountants and HR specialists.
See instructions on how to register on the websites and

The opportunities provided by information technology support are much greater than those described above. You can always contact our specialists to get more detailed information about the services and capabilities of the ITS service. Also, our managers, taking into account all your needs, will select the optimal tariff for you.

is comprehensive support for 1C:Enterprise users in all areas, provided by official partners of 1C. And, first of all, this is the regular provision of a range of services by professional consultants and 1C experts for comfortable and efficient work on accounting and enterprise management.

1C technological support for working in 1C programs is provided through expert consultations and technical maintenance. The main thing that allows you to connect to an ITS agreement is the ability to receive legal updates and work with electronic services that significantly expand the capabilities of working with 1C programs. We provide support services for 1C:Enterprise at a price regulated by 1C.

By concluding a support agreement (ITS), users of 1C programs receive:

  • legal updates;
  • professional information system 1C:ITS, integrated with the program;
  • service and consulting services of the 1C company and its partners.
The amount of information and service provided depends on the level of the contract and the selected package. We offer to connect a full support package to provide users of 1C:Enterprise programs with the maximum amount of information and services provided by 1C. but you can always package the minimum level, and have only the update, without using the various developer services. Services include: 1C Reporting, 1C Reconciliation, 1C DirectBank, 1C Cloud Storage, etc. For more information about support services, see

Important! Maintenance and legal updating of professional versions of 1C:Enterprise software products is possible only if there is a valid support agreement. In its absence, the right to use the full functionality of the 1C program remains, but the user will not be able to legally install updates released after the end of the contract (when purchasing software, the user is provided with a grace period of support). At the same time, he retains the right to independently change the program code.

A 1C support agreement can be concluded by:

  • Only official registered users of 1C:Enterprise programs (persons who purchased the legal version of the program and registered it with 1C);
  • Only with official partners of the 1C company (companies certified by the 1C company specifically for this type of service). Support services are provided only by certified and certified specialists from certified companies.
  • Regular updating of standard 1C configurations;
  • Free connection of services (1C: Counterparty, 1C: Link, 1C: Cloud Archive, 1C-EDO, etc.), according to the tariff;
  • Training on working in 1C programs;
  • Expert line of consultations from us.
There are various customer needs, each of which requires a specialist of a certain profile (certain knowledge, qualifications, experience and certification). We have employees who have the necessary competencies and experience in various fields; you will be able to receive high-level 1C technical support. All services are provided in accordance with the requirements of 1C company standards for each area of ​​activity. Installation is possible remotely (via the Internet) and in person (at the customer’s or contractor’s office).

How to draw up a 1C support agreement?

In order to receive all guaranteed services under a support agreement, you must follow the rules for its execution. The support agreement is drawn up in two stages:

  1. An agreement for information and technological support of 1C:ITS for the selected support package is concluded between the user and the official 1C partner.
  2. The official partner registers this 1C:ITS support agreement with the 1C company.
1C (ITS) support price is fixed for all franchisees of the 1C company, and can only be changed by expanding tariffs and additional services for 1C support. The provision of 1C support services is carried out from the moment of concluding a support agreement and paying the tariff for the selected period.

1C:ITS Industry is a service that is part of the comprehensive support for 1C:ITS that 1C, together with its partners, provides to users of 1C:Enterprise programs. It is intended to support users of certain industry and specialized solutions using various means of communication (hereinafter referred to as Industry Software). Users and partners can find a list of solutions with a Service Support Category, respectively, in the user’s Personal Account Partner Account.

User support.

After activating the 1C:ITS Industry service, in addition to the services provided under the main 1C:ITS contract, users will have access to the following services:

  • line of consultations for the developer of an industry-specific or specialized solution (hereinafter referred to as the software developer) using: the 1C-Connect system, email, telephone and the Skype electronic communication system. Users and partners can find the coordinates of the consultation line for developers of Solutions supported by the 1C:ITS Industry service, respectively, in the User's Personal Account (for registered products) and in the Partner's Account;
  • setting up electronic communication tools with the software developer and training in their use;
  • setting up data exchange with GIS Housing and Communal Services (State Information System for Housing and Communal Services) in 1C solutions for housing and communal services;
  • access to the service “Industry solutions 1C via the Internet”.


  • Prompt user support provided by Industry Software developers;
  • contacting the LC of the developer of the Industry Software using any of the listed methods, which is the most familiar and convenient for the user;
  • strengthened control of the 1C company over the quality of support for Industry software;
  • the opportunity to directly influence the development of the functionality of the Industry Software by assessing the quality of the solution, the quality of its support in the user’s personal account, and also expressing their wishes for development.

Conditions of receipt

Registered users of Industry software can activate the 1C:ITS Industry service. The service is not an independent type of 1C:ITS support contract and is considered active only if the user has a valid 1C:ITS contract (except for Basic versions of Industry Software). Instructions for activating the service by the user are posted in the “Additional Information” section.

To provide support for the 1C:ITS Industry software service for different Industry software, a separate activation of the service is required for each Industry software. For legal entities and organizations that consist of several legal entities (with an extensive branch structure, for retail chains, holdings, etc.) that have acquired several Industry Software of the same name, in order to receive service for these Industry Software, it is enough to register one 1C service: ITS Industry.

When activating the 1C:ITS service, the Industry user indicates the period in which the service will operate. The start of the service can be specified from any date of any month, but not earlier than the 1st day of the current month.


The 1C:ITS Industry service can be purchased through partners of the 1C company and in the 1C-Online online store, please note that the cost of the service depends on the chosen purchase method.

The cost of support for the 1C:ITS Industry service depends on the complexity of the development and maintenance of the Industry Software (price Category of the service), one Category is defined for each Industry Software. Users and partners can find a list of solutions with a Service Support Category, respectively, in the user’s Personal Account (for registered products) and in the Partner’s Account.

Cost of the service (including electronic delivery) when purchased through partners of the 1C company:

12 months
6 months
3 months
1 month
Preferential on
12 months
(scheme 8+4)
1 1C:ITS Industry Basic 6 800 3 600 1 900 900 4 600
2 1C:ITS Industry 1st Category 13 700 7 200 3 800 1 800 9 200
3 1C:ITS Industry 2nd Category 27 400 14 400 7 600 3 600 18 400
4 1C:ITS Industry 3rd Category 54 800 28 800 15 200 7 200 36 800
5 1C:ITS Industry 4th Category 82 200 43 200 22 800 10 800 55 200
6 1C:ITS Industry 5th Category 109 600 57 600 30 400 14 400 73 600

Cost of the service when purchased through the 1C-Online website:

12 months
6 months
3 months
1 month
1 1C:ITS Industry Basic, Electronic version 7 480 3 960 2 090 990
2 1C:ITS Industry 1st Category, Electronic version 15 070 7 920 4 180 1 980
3 1C:ITS Industry 2nd category, Electronic version 30 140 15 840 8 360 3 960
4 1C:ITS Industry 3rd category, Electronic version 60 280 31 680 16 720 7 920
5 1C:ITS Industry 4th category, Electronic version 90 420 47 520 25 080 11 880
6 1C:ITS Industry 5th category, Electronic version 120 560 63 360 33 440 15 840

Technical support

For questions related to the operation of the service, please contact: [email protected].

Categories of support and coordinates of consultation lines for software product developers supported by the 1C:ITS Industry service (with the corresponding Information Letters) can be found by users and partners, respectively, in