Eve online which ships are the best. Industrial ships

They are a demonstration of military might. They are capable of destroying an entire fleet with one salvo. To manage them, the pilot must be trained for years. Their price is so great that they are available only to the richest industrial corporations and the strongest military alliances. They are titans, the largest and most destructive ships in EVE Online. But even such giants are vulnerable, and the death of each such ship is a real tragedy for thousands of players.

space kings

Titans didn't always exist in EVE. For a long time after the release, pilots explored space on small frigates and cruisers, and the most powerful warship was the battleship, which cost incredible money at that time. There was no talk of any mass battles and global division of territories. Players flew in small groups, fought only with neighbors and slowly learned the art of war. But the further EVE developed, the larger and more perfect the ships became.

First, the developers added ordinary cruisers of the second techno-level, then fighters and battle cruisers, then dreadnoughts - giants capable of destroying heavy equipment and bases. A free update was released in December 2005 Red Moon Rising, which introduced three new types of flagships: aircraft carriers, motherships, and titans.

Although the first two giants gave little shivers to any pilot, nothing could compare to a titan. A huge hold, where a whole fleet was placed, XL-class cannons and torpedoes, a respawn device, a mechanism for creating jump gates for quickly transferring ships over long distances, a Doomsday weapon of mass destruction, useful bonuses for allied ships - one could only dream of. But not everyone could manage such a ship. It took a year of real time to master the necessary skills, and the same amount more to fly it effectively. The construction of the ship lasted several months, required special docks and an incredible amount of resources. At that time, titanium was worth about 90 billion ISK (Interstellar Kredits - interstellar credits) in game currency, or almost $10,000 in real money, and that's without the cost of installed modules! The world of EVE Online is frozen in anticipation.

ASCN and the birth of titanium

By the time the Red Moon Rising addon came out, the game's universe had changed a lot. The players managed not only to scout the “nulls” (territories outside the Empire), but also to divide them among themselves.

The main argument in EVE has always been strength. Key sectors went to alliances that had the most powerful ships and experienced pilots; small corporations succumbed to rent pressure.

One of the largest and most influential alliances over time has become Ascendant Frontier (ASCN) under the control of a charismatic leader CYVOK. ASCN was not a purely military organization: ore miners, merchants, builders and diplomats united in the union. Turning billions, the alliance could afford to maintain a fleet of warships. Every month ASCN only expanded, capturing more and more systems, and many had no doubt that this alliance would be the first to build a titan. And so it happened.

On September 25, 2006, the EVE Online community spread the news about the appearance in the AZN-D2 system, owned by ASCN, of the first titan - the "Avatar" of the Amarr race. The construction went on for eight months, and all this time the location of the docks was kept in the strictest confidence, and only three pilots knew about the real purpose of collecting resources. Such a large organization had many enemies, and if they found out the plans of ASCN, all forces would be thrown into the destruction of the shipyard.

The pilot was the leader of the CYVOK alliance, who promised that the advent of the titan "will forever change wars as we knew them before." Then he himself did not know that only a few weeks remained to fly the first titan.

First blood

Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, another major alliance was developing - Band of Brothers. Here, unlike ASCN, fierce battles were preferred to peaceful gathering. Following the lead of their exorbitant ambitions, WoW fought with everyone, and one day the pilots of the alliance found that none of the neighbors wanted to quarrel with them. But a military alliance without war is like a fish without water, and BoB attacked the only organization capable of competing with it in military power - ASCN.

Never before has the world of EVE Online seen such a massive war. On the side of the ASCN were unlimited financial opportunities and numerical superiority. And BoB, in turn, had a well-equipped battle fleet and the best pilots in the game. The forums constantly published reports from the fronts and the ratio of murders. It is not known how long the war would have lasted if on December 11, 2006 an event had not occurred that changed the course of EVE history.

It all started with a simple military operation in which ASCN assembled a flotilla of ten dreadnoughts and laid siege to a BoB base in the C9N-CC system. The battles went on around the clock, and the number of ships in this sector exceeded two hundred. To turn the tide of the battle, the leaders of both alliances brought titans into the game. The CYVOK Avatar was confronted by a newly built BoB titan under the control of a pilot Shrike. Here, for the first time, the Doomsday weapon was used, capable of destroying all life within a radius of several kilometers. It can only be activated once per hour and costs millions of ISK per shot, but it has an amazing effect if you hit it right.

Firing a volley at the battleships of WoW, CYVOK took his ship out of the fire and put it away from the battlefield. And then one of the enemy pilots on the “carpet” (a Covert Op class ship specializing in searching for objects in space) accidentally stumbled upon a hidden titan. He flew up to the CYVOK Avatar and was surprised to find that the owner of the titan had gone offline, despite the aggression timer hanging (so that cunning pilots did not flee when someone attacked them, the developers came up with an “aggression timer”: the time in during which the ship remains on the map, even if the player is offline). Astonishing news reached BoB command and all capital ships immediately set course for the lifeless giant. Under heavy fire, it was reduced to rubble in five minutes.

Having learned a little later about the death of his priceless ship, CYVOK sent a petition to the developers, in which he complained about technical problems and demanded that the titanium be restored. But CCP withstood the onslaught and refused to return the ship.

This undermined the spirit of CYVOK and all of ASCN. In a matter of weeks, the BoB fleet had captured all enemy systems, and the largest industrial alliance fell apart. CYVOK himself has announced his departure from EVE Online, although rumor has it that he still plays and runs a small corporation somewhere in the depths of the Empire.

Death in battle

Despite the absurd death of the first Titan, these ships were still considered almost immortal. Complete immunity to electronic traps allowed the titan to leave the battlefield at any moment, and the opponents could not do anything about it. To bring the game back to its former glory, in early 2007 CCP installed an update Tranquility, which made the Titans as vulnerable to capture as any other ship. It was only necessary to throw a special Warp Disrupt Probe device next to it (in the game they are called “traffic jams”), which blocked the operation of the warp engine (a mechanism that allows you to make a hyperjump within the star system), and the clumsy giant found himself in a trap. Now the Titan pilots have become more cautious and have ceased to meddle in battle without a huge fleet of support. But the death of the second titan was still a matter of time.

2007 marked the beginning of a new large-scale war. This time BoB and their allies were confronted by Russian Red Alliance and the largest alliance in the game GoonSwarm. GoonSwarm served as excellent cannon fodder, while Russian pilots were engaged in risky sorties and thoughtful tactical castling. The war was fought on several fronts, and almost all major alliances were involved in it.

On June 22, BoB drove more than 70 battleships into the 77S8 system, where the enemy bases were located. At the head of this flotilla was the titan pilot Shrike. The Doomsday shot rang out, covering dozens of cheap frigates, and the titan went into camouflage mode to hide from scanners and prying eyes. But a second before that, a Russian intelligence officer spotted the coordinates of Shrike and handed them over to his command. The rest was a matter of technique. Red Alliance and GoonSwarm amassed a fleet of dreadnoughts and took up position next to the enemy titan, while the small craft bravely threw themselves into the fire, blocking their escape route with their remains. Due to the accumulation of debris, Shrike was unable to get the titanium out of the range of traffic jams and was doomed.

BoB Leader Sir Molle did not write petitions, recognizing that the titan died in a fair fight. He later commented: " For some, the loss of such a valuable ship could be the end. She will only strengthen us.».

Weeks and months passed, and the war between the most powerful powers in EVE Online continued. Feeling that the enemy could not be defeated on his own, Sir Molle signed a contract with the largest mercenary alliance Mercenary Coalition. This organization enjoyed great prestige, as it had experienced pilots and its own fleet of dreadnoughts and aircraft carriers.

With the support of new allies, BoB decided to strike at the strategically important FAT sector. The alliances based in the area could not withstand the onslaught, so they turned to Red Alliance for help. New ships quickly began to arrive in the FAT-6P system. A furious skirmish was unavoidable. At that moment, the server was preparing for maintenance (it happens daily and lasts exactly an hour), and literally a minute before the shutdown, the Russian pilot broke through to his commander: “ I scanned the titanium!» The ship Thulsa Doom belonged to the leader of the MC Seleene and hid in the darkest depths of space. Thanks to the upgraded scanning skill, the excellent equipment of the ship, and many years of experience as a pilot, the exact location of the titan was found out in less than a minute.

While preventive maintenance was going on, the leaders of the Russian alliances were excitedly drawing up a plan for further action. It was not so easy to catch this particular titan: he could activate the Doomsday weapon at any moment and demolish all the obstacles preventing him from hyperjumping, and a set of expensive implants made him quite nimble, despite his gigantic size. The Titan could well fly out of the range of traffic jams before his armor burst.

A key role in this battle was played by the special equipment of the interdictor (a special type of ship designed to launch traffic jams and hold targets), never before practiced in EVE. The ship was designed so that the fragile vessel could withstand the volley of the Doomsday. When the explosion thundered, destroying all life within a radius of tens of kilometers, the unique interdictor managed to put a new plug in time and close the trap.

Seleene later recalled: " Until the last moment, I was not afraid for my ship. Even as the screen in front of me filled with red dots of enemy ships, I was confident that I could get away. The sight of the surviving interdictor simply shocked me. Comrades were already rushing to help, but I knew my ship too well to understand that it would not be possible to save it. Our enemies brilliantly planned the operation and deserved this victory, even if luck played an important role in it.».

* * *

Gone are the days when the titans in EVE seemed like a miracle, and only a few could boast of such a ship. Now these giants are actively used on the battlefield and are indispensable when you need to quickly transfer the fleet over vast distances. In the BoB alliance alone, there are already thirteen titans in service!

Many players believe that CCP should limit the power of the giants, as victory is less dependent on the skill of the participants, and wars turn into an arms race: whoever has more titans is right. Not only military blocks are trying to acquire a ship, but also small corporations that do not need it at all.

The developers have not yet responded to the requests of the players to stop the titanium fever. But the hour is not far off when even more powerful ships will appear in EVE - the Death Stars (yes, hello to Star Wars), capable of destroying entire planets and star systems.

In the universe of EVE Online pilots are waiting for a huge range of spaceships. EVE Online's ships vary greatly in size and purpose, from agile frigates to giant titans. Each of the playable races in Eva Online has a fleet of all the main classes of ships, while maintaining racial specializations and weapons.

Spaceships in EVE Online are necessary for all kinds of activities - battles, mining of valuable ores, transporting cargo, and even hacking into the technologies of disappeared civilizations. In EVE Online, spaceships are tools of creation and destruction, thanks to which capsuleer pilots can solve certain problems and achieve their goals.

Attention Register in EVE Online to be able to try this masterpiece of digital culture today. Additional experience points for your character will serve as a good start to your career in space!

Overview of models and actual ship sizes in EVE Online

Comparison of the sizes of all ships in Eva Online with real objects

Gallente Federation ships in EVE Online

The ships of the Gallente federation are mainly specialized in the use of drones, which for other empires are at best a secondary weapon.

Ships of the State of Caldari in EVE Online

The ships of the Caldari State are significantly better equipped to use energy shields as the basis of defense and much better at using missiles as their main weapon.

Ships of the Minmatar Republic in EVE Online

Ships of the Minmatar Republic in EVE Online typically represent speed and firepower, combining lightweight hull construction with firearms.

To prepare a post about the transportation of goods in Eve Online, I will make an excursion into the types of spikes.

Ships in Eve are divided into 2 large groups - capital and ordinary.

In both groups there are several types of different technology.
In particular, capital ships can be fractional, tech 1, tech 2, but ordinary ships have one more modification in addition to those listed - tech 3.

Industrial types of ships are suitable for transporting goods. As a rule, the main bonus of such ships is associated with an increase in the volume of the cargo compartment.

Types of capital ships intended for transportation - freighter (Tech 1) and jump freighter (Tech 2), there is also only one capital fractional (ORE) freighter - Bowhead (designed to transport assembled ships inside).

Types of ordinary ships for transportation - ordinary (tech1), transporters (tech 2), ships of the ORE faction.

The ORE faction creates highly specialized ships. For example, Noctis has bonuses for tractors and salvagers, there are also 3 ships (Rorqual, Orca, Porpoise) that give bonuses for resource extraction - ore, ice. I wrote about Bowhead from ORE above.

The most interesting for a professional carrier are freighters, jump freighters and transport ships (they, in turn, are divided into blockade runner transports and DST (DST - Deep Space Transports).

A feature of the blockade is that you can fit a carpet cloak on them and, accordingly, warp in invisibility, and this is very important for flying in zeros, because. you can hit the bubble, but at the same time remain invisible to enemies. However, a blockade with a carpet cloak does not give a 100% security guarantee, because. if an object closer than 2 km appears next to the ship, then the invisibility will subside.

Also a very important feature is the non-scannable cargo compartment, that is, you can carry very expensive cargo and no one will know about it, because. the hold cannot be scanned. Unfortunately, the blockade does not have a large hold, but it is convenient to carry small but expensive things. These can be implants, skill extractors or injectors, as well as various faction modules.

DST. This type of ship has an excellent fleet hangar capacity of 60,000 m3 (with maximum skills). Also has a native strength of +2 to resist diss or scrambler. You can fit into a decent tank. For safe flights, the pilot must be able to do the MIA + Clock trick. This will allow camping in lowsecs. And if you fit the MZD, then you can bypass the bubbles.

A short video (not mine) with a demonstration of clock + intercity + going to warp 88 km from the gate.

Well, everything is clear with freighters and jump freighters - they have the largest holds. A jump freighter can also jump 10 light years at a time. And for a j-frater, zinc is needed as a second accumulator, or if it is in zeros, then the cinogen is at the POS.

Ships in EVE Online are something that no player can do without. You can't walk much in space on foot :). In this part of the guide, we will talk about all the main types of aircraft and their purpose. The description will use common slang in Eve, so that in the future you will not get lost in the game when you hear unusual names. For simplicity, slang designations will be given in brackets after the official ones.
To begin with, each race has its own line of ships, which means that to pilot each of them you will need the appropriate driving skills. Simply put, the learned skill of piloting the Galentian frigates will not give the opportunity to fly the Minmatar. In addition, if in ordinary MMORPGs you hung armor, weapons and magical artifacts on your character, here the ship plays this role. And what is remarkable, the icon of armor or a power shield is stylized as a knight's armor - obviously for clarity, although this is where all the visual similarities with their fantasy sisters at Eve end.

Capsule (Egg)

The escape pod in which the pilot finds himself after the loss of the ship. Serves only to move to the place of purchase of a new aircraft. No additional modules can be installed on it. It is destroyed very easily, but due to its small size and instantaneous warp, it is quite difficult to catch it. If the capsule is destroyed, the pilot is reborn at the station where the clone was purchased (a copy of the pilot that allows you not to lose skills in case of death). Clones can be purchased at all stations where the pilot can land and where the necessary equipment is called "cloning". The more skills the pilot learns (the count goes through the number of skill points), the larger the amount you will have to pay for your copy.

Rookie ship (nubship)

The simplest ship given out for free at the station at the very beginning or in case of a successful return to the "egg". Practically useless and serves simply to get acquainted with the game. Any even the cheapest frigate is much more useful.

Frigate (Frigate or frig)

A light fighter that is available from the start. It is on it that you will gain the basic experience of piloting and conducting combat operations. It is lightly armed, poorly protected, but has decent speed and maneuverability. Only the weakest protection systems and class S weapons are suitable for installation. The main purpose is to intercept and “hold” enemy warships, finish off ejected enemy pilots, reconnaissance, destroy transport ships (which he can do alone), etc. Each race has several types of frigates; the higher the required level of piloting, the better the ship, as a rule. In battle, as additional equipment, special devices are installed on frigs - scramblers / disruptors, which block the enemy's jump drives, preventing him from leaving the battlefield. Such an opportunity makes these nimble ships almost indispensable, and given the low cost, they are very popular among pilots - from seasoned aces with an impressive list of victories to naive newcomers who just came to the world of EVE just yesterday.

Almost every type of ship in the EVE universe has a T2 modification that is very different from the base sample. Improvements are specialized in nature depending on the purpose. In the case of frigates, there are currently 4 types.

Interceptor (interceptor or inter)

The fastest ship in the game, the parameters of the power shield and armor have been improved, the configuration of the equipment slots has been changed. All this makes interceptors indispensable for searching, intercepting, and destroying enemy light ships of a similar class or transport ships. Working in pairs, they can emerge victorious from battles with ships of a higher class. Also, inters perfectly hold any ships due to their amazing speed, maneuverability and better survivability compared to frigates (it’s just harder to hit them). However, you have to pay for all this in hard currency - their price is hundreds of times higher than the cost of the original model. For example, the most popular Minmatar frigate, the Rifter, can be purchased for 150,000 ISK, while an Interceptor will cost at least 5-6 million.

This is a leisurely armored combat platform, stuffed to capacity with weapons. It is distinguished by a fair amount of survivability and an excellent defense/attack ratio, so it is intended for shooting any ships of its class. Although, with the proper skill of the pilots, he is quite capable of going out against the cruiser. In terms of price, assaults are comparable to or exceed the cost of interceptors.

Covert Ops (cover, carpet)

Its main feature is the use of an invisibility generator (cloaking device). Its other task is to detect a hiding enemy, for which special probes are used, which are installed only on this type of ships. While under the invisibility hood, the covert can fly, perform intrasystem jumps, direct the fleet to the target. But in order to start shooting or turn on the scrambler, you will have to appear in front of the enemy. Coverts are poorly armed and protected, they have not very high speed, but for reconnaissance and search for the best option is not found. Their price is comparable to the cost of interceptors (about 10 million), although a frigate of similar characteristics can be bought for 100-200 thousand ISK. But the worst is yet to come. For the amount you shell out for the invisibility device (85 million ISK), you can easily buy a battleship. Flying these ships, searching for enemies with probes, is quite difficult, but the reward for the pilot will be the universal respect of his comrades in arms. Indeed, without a cover, any fleet is simply blind, and in most cases the outcome of the battle depends on accurate intelligence. Invisibles are also very convenient for transporting expensive cargo - usually they carry things worth from 100 million to several billion.

Stealth bomber (Bombers)

It is a heavy missile frigate that can use a stealth generator and has the ability to mount cruse missiles on board. Before the appearance of this type of ships, only battleship class ships could boast of such weapons. However, this did not make bombers very popular, since they also have enough disadvantages: weak protection, huge aiming time, low speed, high equipment price. On the other hand, with appropriately developed skills, cruise missiles can easily destroy any frigate, interceptor or cruiser in one salvo, and also damage a battleship quite well. These ships are intended mainly for single hunting for transport ships.

Destroyer (Destroyer)

The next type of ship, which is an intermediate link between ships of the frigate class and cruisers. Destroyer, has more powerful protection compared to the frigate, but less speed and much less maneuverability. Its main advantage is the number of guns on board - you can install 8 gun systems on such a ship at once, in contrast to the 4 available for a frigate. The other side of the coin was the reduction of slots for additional equipment and the decrease in the rate of fire. However, all this is partly offset by the low price and the ability to destroy any ship of a similar class with one volley. But the disadvantages still outweigh, and these ships are rarely seen in the open spaces of EVE.

Interdictor (Announcer)

T2-modification of the destroyer, but how this type of ship differs from the original! More powerful protection, fewer guns, higher speed and maneuverability. It would seem that there are no cardinal changes. However, only the announcer can generate "traffic jams", that is, artificially created fields of a certain size, in the coverage area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the operation of the warp generator is disrupted. Unlike field generators permanently installed by any ship (mobile warp generator - "mobile phone"), the interdictor is able to "throw" traffic jams in the right place and at the right time. Both the mobile phone and the traffic jam serve the same purpose - to prevent the enemy from leaving, but the announcer solves this problem much more efficiently. And if we recall the quite good indicators of speed and maneuverability, it becomes clear why the most popular ships of this type cost from 20 to 30 million. Just like the covert, the announcer is a must-have ship in any fleet. But it is not easy to fight on it, there are not rare cases when the inept actions of the pilot led to the death of his entire group, stuck in his own traffic jam.

cruiser (Cruiser or Kruzak)

Medium-class ships equipped with M-class weapons and protection systems. They are focused on fighting similar ships, but they can also cope with all types of frigates no less successfully. Accordingly, they are often used to defend heavy ships from light attack aircraft. A good ratio of gun and defense systems, combined with a low price (even less than an interceptor) make cruisers very popular among pilots. No less attractive is their versatility. On Kruzaks, you can shoot frigates and interceptors, destroy transport ships, jam enemy guidance systems, dig, complete missions, and much more. Well, you can’t even mention the possibility of a group shooting a battle. Cruisers, in turn, are divided into several subtypes.

Heavy Assault Cruiser (Hack)

Heavy assault cruisers. The most powerful defense and excellent firepower made the hack one of the most sought after and at the same time expensive ships in Eve. In terms of its parameters, it is significantly superior to a conventional cruiser. And the ability of the hack to destroy or seriously damage almost any target in combat is so tempting that most novice pilots want to purchase this particular vessel. However, after getting acquainted with the cost (from 100 to 250 million) and the list of skills necessary for learning, the opportunity to ride on such a ship quickly shifts beyond the horizon. Only very wealthy and developed pilots can afford such a luxury. But in the end, the hack is worth all the effort spent on it.

Recon ship (recon)

This modification of the cruiser in its functionality is in many ways reminiscent of a covert. The use of a stealth generator, good protection parameters and the ability to use M-class weapon systems make it very popular among pilots. Free hunting, reconnaissance, the destruction of singles (up to ships of their class) - this is an incomplete range of applications for recons. And good bonuses of this type of ships can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy. And even if their cost exceeds the price of asault and interceptor, they are still far from a hack, which makes them more accessible.

Battlecruiser (BC)

Battlecruisers are more powerful ships than cruisers, with good attack and defense bonuses. This makes them very tenacious, and therefore a popular type of vessel. BC will cope with any cruiser without any problems, but the outcome of the duel with the hack is more likely to be decided by the skill of the pilots. However, the Heavy Assault Cruiser's better stats still give it some edge in combat.

Command ship (commands)

T2-modification of the BC, which differs from the usual version by the presence of bonuses for the use of special modules that improve various parameters of friendly ships. Another nice feature is the increased characteristics of protective fields and armor, which makes it noticeably more tenacious than the original. Sometimes teams are used even in solo missions - experienced pilots hunt them for lone enemy battleships. True, the price bites, and there are also quite a lot of requirements for skills. But these are the only shortcomings that are more than offset by the ability to change the defense of the entire battle group by 15 percent, which can be a decisive factor in the battle.

Battleship (Battleship, Battle)

"Battles" are the main ships used in EVE both for PvP and for working for agents or mining. The strike force of any combat grouping battleships have a huge number of configurations and can be configured to solve almost any task. Each race has 3 types of such ships, differing, as usual, in price and bonuses. For example, the Caldari Scorpion is ideal for electronic warfare, while the Raven is the best missile platform in its class. And the battleship Rokh, which was given to this race with the latest patch, allows you to install previously inaccessible hybrid weapons.

Distinguished by great firepower, the battleship is capable of single-handedly destroying any ship/group of ships of a lower class, and sometimes even of a similar class. However, heavy weaponry makes it vulnerable in combat against a group of light fighters, which are simply impossible to hit. In such cases, combat robots (drones) come to the rescue, which every reasonable pilot keeps in the hangar. These machine guns are divided into several types: fast "scouts" with weak weapons to repel attacks from light enemies; medium, able to cope with any ships up to the cruiser; heavy - slow monsters that gnaw through the armor of a large ship in just seconds, but shamelessly smear on "small prey". There are also a bunch of specialized drones: security (in fact, a stationary firing point with excellent striking ability); repair drones that will help your comrades restore armor and shields: robots designed to conduct electronic warfare and other minor mischief to the enemy. Not bad helps against annoying fighters and the s-class strike rocket launcher with a high reload speed and flight of light missiles.

A group of battleships, supported by frigates and cruisers, can effortlessly block any busy highway, forcing everyone in the area to look for detour routes or turn off the computer. Only a more powerful squadron can try to knock out intruders from the gate. There are simply no other options. I would like to add that a well-played group of experienced pilots is capable of destroying a much larger fleet. It's all about the ability of commanders to navigate the situation, the competent work of the players and the thoughtful equipment of the ships.

Dreadnought (Dreadnought, or Dread)

Giant super-heavy strike platforms that serve to destroy enemy POS's (stationary space station that can be installed by any player) and ships of a similar class. Due to their size, dreadlocks cannot use normal jump gates, so they mount their own warp generator. The cost of a fully equipped dreadnought is from 2 to 4 billion ISK, depending on the configuration. And that is not all. In order to sit on this monster, it will take at least a year to pump the necessary skills. And if you want to shoot, and even hit, feel free to add a couple more months.

However, not a single operation to capture key enemy systems is currently complete without these giants. High requirements for pilot skills and a huge cost (only the skills to drive such a monster cost about 1 billion ISK) make this type of ship an elite one. Only wealthy pilots can afford such a luxury. Although usually this is not without the help of a corporation, because for personal use a dreadnought is practically useless.


A real aircraft carrier, carrying a lot of automatic fighters (“fighters”) on board, control over which can be transferred to any pilot in the combat group. And while the rest are fighting, the karier himself can quietly sit behind the shield of the POS. The cost of such a ship ranges from 1 to 2 billion ISK, the same amount in total it costs to master the skills of its driving. Carriers are also quite convenient for transporting goods - a warp generator (the same as that of dreadlocks) allows you to make hyperjumps over long distances, and the hold has a large capacity. Most often, they are used to transfer fuel to combat POS's. In addition, careers are indispensable for restoring the shields and armor of flagships (battleships and dreadnoughts) under massive fire. To do this, they install special energy pumping modules. In addition to the usual, there is an improved version of this type of ship - "masership", which has stronger armor, increased hangar capacity and more fighters. Also, this modification is not affected by any means of electronic warfare, and a module for maintaining clones and standard ships can be installed on board. However, combat tests of such ships were carried out infrequently, since at a price (up to 30 billion ISK) it is equal to 15–20 ordinary carriers, which not even every corporation can afford.


The largest ship in the game, which looks really impressive from the side. Only a few of the largest EVE Alliances currently have this megamonster. It was first built by the Ascendant Frontier (AF) - a large industrial Alliance, which was popularly called "hobbits". The construction took several months of hard work of dozens of people and more than 100 billion ISK. This gigantic amount would easily be enough for 80 dreadnoughts complete with pilots. Each module was built separately and transported to the assembly site, which was kept secret from everyone. One can envy the patience of the builders of this "Tower of Babel", it is a pity that the fate of their creation turned out to be just as sad. Not so long ago, the first titan of Eve was destroyed by the forces of the WWII alliance, after which the head of AF Cyvok left the game, having previously unsubscribed that he was disappointed with the game mechanics, which allows him to destroy a powerful ship in 5 minutes. Indeed, the combat capabilities of these behemoths were not as impressive as it seemed before. And the meaning of the real application is generally lost. A shot from a Titan's superweapon has a 100% chance of destroying only ships of light classes. While battleships, with the right use of configuration options, may well survive such a test. Drenouts are practically not affected at all. And even though the monstrous salvo of a titan belonging to the LV & V alliance vaporized 190 frigates and cruisers in the 1V system at once, the sad experience of creating the Ascendant Frontier is hard to forget.

In addition to warships, there are several specialized classes designed to mine ore, transport cargo, or support a flotilla. Most of them cannot boast of serious armor or high speed, and it’s not worth talking about weapons in general. However, this does not make them less popular, because without trade, equipment production and mining, life in Eva would hardly have been so fun and eventful.

Industrial Ship (Hindu)

Very common ships designed exclusively for the transport of bulky cargo. Their extremely weak defense, armament and speed are compensated by a huge hold. A very low cost (maximum at the cruiser level) and low skill requirements make Indians the most popular among merchants and diggers. However, high availability, weak protection and a capacious hold full of goodies make this type of vessel a tasty prey for pirates. We described the classic attack procedure in the first part of the guide, so we recommend trusting especially valuable goods with stronger ships. The saying “the miser pays twice” describes this situation perfectly. Each race has 5 types of Hindus, differing in price, number of slots for additional equipment and skill requirements.

Transport Ship (transport)

The T2 modification of the Indian is more suitable for the transport of valuable goods than the original. This type of ship has seriously improved defense systems, in addition to thicker armor and power shields, some variants are also equipped with an anti-interception system - Warp Stab. This device prevents enemy ships from hyperjumping. Each race has 2 types of such ships - one is designed exclusively to carry the maximum possible amount of cargo, the second is more suitable for flying in dangerous areas often blocked by pirates. It is he who can boast of the presence of Warp Stabs, and a not very large hold is compensated by increased speed and maneuverability. Transport prices vary greatly. If some can be bought at the price of an interceptor, then for others you will have to pay the cost of a battleship. But because of the increased safety, this type of vessel is chosen by all, without exception, professional diggers, traders or manufacturers. They are not afraid of even the significant costs of the required skills. For example, to just buy a very expensive skill for driving transport ships, you first have to learn Indian piloting up to level 5.

Freighter (frater)

These are the real titans of the merchant fleet. Huge size, a hold of a million cubic meters, armor and shields almost like those of a carrier, terribly low speed and monstrously low maneuverability - these are the hallmarks of a freighter. To match the dimensions and skill requirements and price - for all together you will have to pay about one and a half billion claims. However, the costs are well worth it. After all, these ships allow you to transport any cargo (both in weight and volume) throughout the inhabited universe of EVE in almost complete safety. In fact, it is to purchase a freighter that any normal merchant or manufacturer should strive. It is almost impossible to defeat such a mastodon without a well-trained fleet. And the complete destruction of the cargo after the freighter's explosion makes them absolutely uninteresting for pirates.

Logistick (Logistician)

Highly specialized ships designed purely to support the fleet. They are used to quickly repair the armor of other ships or restore damaged POS's. Another example of the use of logistics is the increase in aiming speed for sniper ships, which greatly increases the chance of hitting a target. Otherwise, more than half of the ships will probably have time to calmly fly away on their own business, simply leaving the radius of destruction. However, it is not so common to meet logisticians, because usually the commander of any large formation tries to include the maximum number of warships in its composition. After all, some repairmen are unlikely to be able to destroy the enemy squadron.

Mining barge

Clumsy vessels designed exclusively for mining ore. They have corresponding bonuses and, as a result, weak protection in the absence of weapons. Ideal for asteroid mining. Some of their T2 modifications allow you to significantly increase the amount of ore obtained by installing unique equipment. The requirements for skills are not easy, so usually, when pumping onto barges, novice diggers fly on special “digging” frigates and cruisers.

Every EVE Online player can pilot absolutely any ship in the game, depending on whether he has skills for this type of ship or not. However, many players usually specialize in a certain type of ship, which depends on the chosen direction of the gameplay. It is unlikely that a pirate will learn the principles of ore processing, and an industrialist - the skills of managing strategic cruisers.

Some EVE Online players prefer to pick up a ship designed specifically for a particular style of combat. As an example, some ships have a bonus for firing long-range lasers, while others have a bonus for controlling drones. Some ships may have more powerful energy shields, while others may have armor.

Try playing EVE Online and you will see a significant difference with other MMORPGs. Yes, this game is not for a wide range, but every gamer on this planet must try it!

In total, there are many types of ships available in EVE Online. In addition to mining and industrial ships, all warships are usually divided into the following classes:

  • Frigate - frigate
  • Destroyer - destroyer
  • cruiser
  • BattleCruiser - battlecruiser
  • BattleShip - battleship
  • Capital Ship - flagship ships, among which the Titans stand apart

Most ships have separate subclasses, which usually consist of specialized ship designs (T2). In the class of frigates, such ships are:

  • strike frigates
  • frigates for special operations
  • interceptors
  • electronic-technical patrol frigates
  • special purpose bombers

All ship classes in EVE Online from battleship rank and below have one or another of their specialized versions and can be used by any pilot as soon as he learns the necessary skills.

In this section of the site you will find guides to the various types and classes of ships available in EVE Online.

Ship identification system from Interbus Corporation

Ship identification system from Interbus Corporation ( Interbus Ship Identification System, ISIS) will show in detail the scheme with which you can determine any ship in EVE Online. All the ships in it are presented in an interactive way, demonstrate the requirements for the skills that are required to use them, and also show all the ships currently available for the player to control.

With the help of this system, the player can easily and quickly decide which ship of a particular faction, type and class he wants to strive for. ISIS called through the button on the panel on the left side of the game window or by pressing Alt+1 .

Where can I buy new ships and equipment?

You can buy new equipment and ships through the contract system or on the EVE Online market. Also, you can search for the ships or items you are interested in, both in the contract system and in the market.

With the help of the contract system, you can sell any item - damaged, with additional modules, while only packaged items with clear parameters are sold on the market. Also, some items can only be sold through the contract system.