Evgeniy Bolotov before and after. Collection of Russian freaks and bodymodifiers

Sometimes you meet people on the street, the sight of whom makes you want to cross to the other side of the road and call ghost hunters - they look so terrible. And the point is not that Mother Nature deprived them of beauty, but that they do all this to themselves. Now the most prominent representative of people who experiment with their appearance is a young man named Evgeny Bolotov.

Problems since childhood

Evgeniy was a very shy guy since childhood, and during his school years he had no friends. Evgeniy hated school; for him, school was equivalent to a real concentration camp, and he often played truant.

The desire to somehow realize himself came at a very young age, but his parents forbade him to change his appearance. Then the guy began to get interested in piercings and often dyed his hair. The parents could still tolerate this and hoped that their son would come to his senses and become a normal person again when he grew up.

After graduating from school, the unique child, at the behest of his parents, went to study at the academy, but soon simply abandoned it. The guy made his choice at the age of eighteen, considering that he was already quite mature and could make his own decisions.

Uncontrollable son

Evgeniy, now known as the “platypus man,” was a completely normal guy in appearance, but he tried in every possible way to prove to his parents that he was an independent person. He dropped out of school because he believed that he did not need management or another profession at all, and he would be able to achieve success in a different direction, through his modification.

Parents and grandmothers oohed and aahed when the guy came with new “decorations”, but eventually they came to terms with it, because they understood that it was simply impossible to control this man. Now there is harmony in their family, and the guy is accepted for who he is.


Now the guy is distinguished not only by his strongly stretched lips, but also by his earlobes and nasal septum. The guy chose stretched lobes as his first “decoration”. He admits that those that are available now are too small, only 16 millimeters, but there were forty-three. I was just young, froze them, and had to be stitched.

Then he switched to his lips. The lower lip was the first to be affected when the guy inserted a disc into it. Bolotov admits that this is just the beginning. The guy’s lower lip is already stretched by 60 millimeters, and his upper lip by 33, but he dreams of two hundred!

Subsequently, the young man switched to the nasal septum, which haunted him with its appearance. Now it’s practically gone - it’s so stretched out.

Evgeniy got tattoos on his eyebrows a long time ago, he also has a design on his arm, leg, and partly on his back, but he dreams of a tattoo on his whole body. He says that even in clothes he feels naked, he wants to completely cover his body, so that even the smallest piece of skin is tightly wrapped.

Evgeniy has discs on his lips of his own making, he is proud of this, he creates them in different colors, which, like suits, he changes for each appropriate occasion.

By the way, he completely rejects going to professionals and stretches the skin on his own. He enjoys the process itself. Evgeny Bolotov says that his body is plasticine, from which he himself molds what he wants. He prefers to get tattoos done in a tattoo artist’s salon, since he doesn’t yet know how to do tattoos on his body.

Why "platypus"?

Evgeny Bolotov is a body modifier, that is, a person who experiments with his own appearance. He chose a nickname for himself - Platypus, which translates from English as "platypus". Since childhood, he liked these Australian animals, and he even created a group on the Internet with the same name. All the people who look like Eugene come there.

Evgeny Bolotov himself says that he does not dream of completely turning into this animal, he just really liked it.

Is it difficult to communicate with people with this appearance?

Stretched lips, dreadlocks, tattoos - Zhenya Bolotov loves everything. He says that on the street many people make fun of him and point fingers at him. It’s easy for him only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in his native Perm he has to completely cover his face with a scarf to avoid stupid questions, for example, about how he manages to eat, talk, etc. In the evening, Evgeniy Bolotov prefers to be at home, as he is afraid of meeting informals or simply “correct” boys. He believes that these people are capable of tearing him apart.

The guy has no problems with girls, he has become popular on the Internet, and the most attractive representatives of the fairer sex call him a real handsome man, especially his eyes. For more than a year, Evgeniy has been communicating with one girl and says that their relationship is serious. She doesn’t force him to stop in “self-improvement”, she loves to kiss!

How does the guy eat?

At first, stretched lips made it difficult to eat normally, this continued until the guy got used to it. However, he still completely changed his diet and now prefers only raw vegetables and fruits.

Once, carried away by a raw food diet, the guy almost died, losing up to thirty kilograms with a height of one hundred and seventy centimeters. In this condition he was taken to intensive care. Then he ate nothing but fruits and didn’t even drink water. Now he has included raw vegetables, sprouted buckwheat in his diet, and started drinking water. Coffee, tea, boiled or baked foods simply ceased to exist for him. Today Bolotov weighs 57 kilograms.

How does Bolotov make a living?

The ugliest man, as many call him, does not starve, since he earns his own money. He lives with his parents, but does not allow himself to be supported. The guy makes designer discs for lips, ears and other body parts. He makes them on his own lathe for himself and to order.

Evgeniy also works part-time as a model! He is invited not only to pose in front of photographic lenses, but also to clothing shows. He admits that he liked the modeling business and is ready to work at the invitation of designers.

Now Bolotov has a new hobby - he began to engage in bodybuilding. Photos of the muscles and sculpted abs that have appeared can be seen on his personal page, or by joining the “platypuses” group.

Psychologist's opinion

And yet, such a modification gives rise to thoughts about a person’s mental state that is not entirely normal. Here we have collected all the reasons that, according to the psychologist, could prompt a guy to such a fanatical change in appearance:

  1. Fame, big money. This is the very first reason given by a professional. The psychologist says that this type of business is equivalent to selling one’s own body. In this case, the person does not know how to do anything else and decided to gain fame and good money by changing his appearance. Indeed, Evgeny Bolotov receives good fees for photography; his plans include becoming the “face” of some famous brand.
  2. Sadomasochism also has a place here. Evgeniy said that he stretches his own skin, and it gives him pleasure. Poking around in your own body, causing yourself pain, seeing your own blood - all these are signs of a serious mental disorder.
  3. Unhealthy pride is the third reason. If a person strives to make himself a “one-piece specimen” and admires his achievements in the mirror, then this indicates that he is a sick person, too in love with himself.
  4. Sexual problems hidden deep in the soul. Perhaps someone in the past greatly upset the guy, caused him psychological trauma, or refused him a relationship. Evgeny Bolotov could become a unique person only because somewhere in the recesses of his soul he is not sure of his attractiveness and masculine strength.

Be that as it may, this guy is not the only one of his kind. More and more young girls are changing their appearance, but they are unknowingly disfiguring themselves by pumping up their faces with Botox. They think they look amazing, but in reality they are simply terrible. Anyone who strives to change something in themselves should think twice and turn to specialists in order to completely get rid of the feeling of inferiority.

MSTU). In 1907, Bolotov was awarded a master's degree in applied mathematics for his work. N. E. Zhukovsky’s review of this work has been preserved, where it was noted that the main merit of its author is geometric analysis, which made it possible to fully explain all the mechanical aspects of the movement of the material platform.

In 1909-1910, Bolotov taught a course on the theory of elasticity at the Moscow Technical School (his lectures were transcribed and prepared for publication by V.P. Vetchinkin, but were never published). Bolotov wrote textbooks on courses in mathematical analysis (published in 1912) and analytical geometry, which he taught for many years. Simultaneously with their reading, he taught exercises in the course of theoretical and analytical mechanics, taught by N. E. Zhukovsky.

Zhukovsky highly appreciated Bolotov's lecture skills:

... His (E. A. Bolotova) brilliant lecturing abilities are remembered with pleasure by his grateful students at the technical school. He was always able to indicate in the simplest form the essence of the problem being analyzed. His scientific works “The problem of decomposition of a given screw”, “On the motion of a material flat figure with connections with friction”, “On the Gauss theorem” are distinguished by their simplicity of presentation and originality of thought. The second work was submitted for a master's thesis at Moscow University and served to clarify many paradoxes in the issue of dynamics with friction. Finally, his last essay on some application of Gauss’s theorem could be accepted as a doctoral dissertation...

In 1914, on the recommendations of professors A.P. Kotelnikov, D.I. Dubyago, D.A. Goldgammer, N.N. Parfentyev, Bolotov was invited to Kazan University to head the department of theoretical and practical mechanics. From that time until 1921, he was an ordinary professor at Kazan University in the specified department.

In 1917, E. A. Bolotov was approved as vice-rector of Kazan University; On October 19, 1918, he was elected, and on November 12, he was confirmed as rector of Kazan University. Resigned from the professorship on January 1, 1919, resigning as rector; however (after Bolotov was re-elected in February as a professor in the Department of Mechanics), on February 22 of this year he was again elected to the position of rector.

On January 22, 1921, he retired from the post of rector of Kazan University. In the same year (after N. E. Zhukovsky, who headed the department of theoretical mechanics at the Moscow Higher Technical School, died on March 17, 1921), E. A. Bolotov was again invited to the Moscow Higher Technical School to head this department. Bolotov agreed and on December 15, 1921, he was elected professor in the department of theoretical mechanics, but he headed it for less than a year: on September 13, 1922, he died.

Scientific activity

Scientific research by E. A. Bolotov is devoted to various sections of theoretical and analytical mechanics. His contribution to the theory of propellers was his first scientific work - an article in 1893, in which he solved the problem of decomposing a given propeller into two propellers with the same parameters. Also of interest are the works of E. A. Bolotov in the field of hydromechanics, in which the movement of heavy incompressible fluid and the influence of wind on the speed of propagation of small waves along the surface of the fluid were studied.

The most important place in the scientific heritage of E. A. Bolotov is occupied by his article “On Gauss’s Principle,” published in 1916 in Kazan and representing a monograph devoted to a thorough logical analysis of the most general of differential ones - Gauss’s principle of least coercion and a number of its generalizations. In this work, highly appreciated by N. E. Zhukovsky, Bolotov generalized the Gauss principle to the case of freeing a mechanical system from part of the connections - later this line of research was continued by other representatives of the Kazan school of mechanics: N. G. Chetaev, M. Sh. Aminov and others.

Let us consider, following Bolotov, a number of generalizations of the Gauss principle.

The Gauss principle in the Mach-Bolotov form

E. A. Bolotov rigorously proved the indicated generalization of the Gauss principle, extending it to the case of the presence of nonholonomic connections linear in velocities. At the same time, he was the first to point out the need for a strict definition of the concept of possible movement when applying differential variational principles of mechanics to nonholonomic systems. Later N.G. Chetaev in 1932-1933. gave a new (axiomatic) definition for the concept of possible movement and showed that principle of least coercion in the form of Mach - Bolotov also applicable for nonlinear nonholonomic systems.

The considered generalization of the Gauss principle is of significant practical interest. For example, it is used in computer modeling of the dynamics of systems of rigid bodies, when when calculating the constraint (which is minimized by mathematical programming methods), the connections between the bodies of the system are discarded, but not the connections between the points that make up each of the bodies. This generalization is presented in a number of textbooks on theoretical mechanics.

Gauss principle in Boltzmann-Bolotov form

The idea of ​​further generalization of Gauss's principle was put forward in 1897 by L. Boltzmann. He pointed out that in the presence of one-way connections, the statement of this principle will remain valid if partial exemption from connections is applied, discarding All one-way connections and an arbitrary number of two-way connections; however, Boltzmann’s justification for the position he put forward was not clear and caused a number of reproaches.

Bolotov rigorously proved this generalization of the Gauss principle (now called the principle of least constraint in the form of Boltzmann - Bolotov), while making a remark important for the practical use of the principle.

To formulate it, we write down (assuming that the restrictions imposed on the speeds of points by one-way connections are made in the form of equalities; those connections that are weakened in speeds do not in any way limit the movement of points in the system at the current moment in time) the conditions imposed by two-way and one-way, respectively connections to acceleration points:

a_s\;=\;0\,\;\;s\,=\,1,\, \dots ,\,l\,;\;\;\;\;a_s\,\geqslant\;0\, \;\;s\,=\,l+1,\, \dots ,\,r\,;

Here l- number of double-sided, and r-l- number of one-way connections; non-negative scalars a_s, called accelerating weakening of ties, have the form:

a_s\;=\;\overset())(\overset(N)(\underset(\nu=1)(\sum)))\,\,(\mathbf(c)_(s(\nu))\ ,\,\mathbf(w)_(\nu))\,+\,d_s\,

where are the quantities \mathbf(c)_(s(\nu)) And d_s depend on state and time, and when minimizing coercion they are constants; parentheses denote the scalar product of three-dimensional vectors.

The essence of Bolotov’s mentioned remark is that by minimizing coercion Z among all kinematically feasible movements, only those for which the acceleration of weakening of each of the one-sided connections should be considered not less accelerations of their weakening in actual motion.

Bolotov illustrates the procedure for applying the generalized Gauss principle to problems with one-way connections in relation to the problem of the movement of a weighty homogeneous rod whose end A rests on a smooth horizontal plane Oxy, and the end B can slide along the intersection of two other smooth planes Oxz And Oyz, perpendicular to the first plane and to each other. Bolotov conducts a complete analysis of this problem and determines the conditions under which one or another end of the rod breaks away from the plane on which it rested. This problem is interesting because, when applied to it, the method for identifying a weakened connection, proposed in 1838 by M. V. Ostrogradsky in his memoir “On instantaneous movements of systems subject to variable conditions,” gives incorrect results; An error in Ostrogradsky's reasoning was discovered in 1889 by A. Mayer.

Gauss' principle in impact theory

E. A. Bolotov showed that the generalized Gauss principle is also applicable to a number of problems in the theory of impact, but these results are less general in nature, and it is limited only to the case of an absolutely inelastic impact. Bolotov illustrates his method on the already mentioned problem of a weighty homogeneous rod (assuming that a given shock impulse is applied to the center of mass of the rod).


  • Bolotov E. A. The problem of decomposing a given propeller into two propellers with equal parameters. Izv. physics and mathematics Society at Kazan University, Ser. 2. - 1893. - T. 3.
  • Bolotov E. A. On the Gauss principle // Izv. physics and mathematics society at Kazan University. - 1916. - P. 99-152.

Write a review of the article "Bolotov, Evgeniy Alexandrovich"


  1. , With. 114-115.
  2. , With. 115.
  3. , With. 40-41.
  4. , With. 41.
  5. , With. 42.
  6. , With. 114.
  7. Dimentberg F. M. - P. 14.
  8. , With. 297.
  9. Rumyantsev V.V. Variational principles of classical mechanics // Mathematical Encyclopedia. T. 1. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1977. - 1152 stb. - Stb. 596-603.
  10. , With. 18.
  11. Drong V. I., Dubinin V. V., Ilyin M. M. et al. Course of theoretical mechanics / Ed. K. S. Kolesnikova. - M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N. E. Bauman, 2011. - 758 p. - ISBN 978-5-7038-3490-9.. - P. 526.
  12. Markeev A.P. Theoretical mechanics. - M.: Nauka, 1990. - 416 p. - ISBN 5-02-014016-3.. - pp. 89-90.
  13. , With. 188.
  14. Mach E. Die Mechanik in ihren Entstehung historischkritisch dargestellt. - Leipzig, 1883.
  15. , With. 528.
  16. , With. 43.
  17. , With. 256.
  18. Chetaev N. G. About the Gauss principle // Izv. Phys.-math. about-va at Kazan. un-those. Ser. 3. 1932-1933. T. 6. - pp. 68-71.
  19. , With. 524.
  20. Vereshchagin A. F. Gauss' principle of least coercion in the dynamics of robot actuators // Popov E. P., Vereshchagin A. F., Zenkevich S. L. Manipulation robots: dynamics and algorithms. - M.: Nauka, 1978. - 400 p.- P. 77-102.
  21. , With. 526-528.
  22. Boltzmann L. Vorlesungen über die Principien der Mechanik. - Leipzig, 1897.
  23. , With. 250-251.
  24. , With. 250.
  25. , With. 61.
  26. , With. 253.
  27. , With. 65-66.
  28. Ostrogradsky M. V. Mémoire sur les déplacements instantanés des systèmes assujettis à des conditions variables // Mémoires de l "Académie des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. VI sér., sciences math., phys. et nat., 1 , 1838. - P. 565-600.
  29. Pogrebyssky I. B. From Lagrange to Einstein: Classical mechanics of the 19th century. - M.: Nauka, 1964. - 327 p.- pp. 245-246.
  30. Sinitsyn V. A. On the principle of least coercion for systems with non-restraining connections // PMM. 1990. T. 54. Issue. 6. - pp. 920-925.
  31. , With. 256-258.
  32. , With. 267-270.


  • Berezkin E. N. Course of theoretical mechanics. 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing house Moscow. University, 1974. - 646 p.
  • Veretennikov V. G., Sinitsyn V. A. Theoretical mechanics (additions to general sections). - M.: Fizmatlit, 2006. - 416 p. - ISBN 5-9221-0703-8..
  • Dimentberg F. M. Screw theory and its applications. - M.: Nauka, 1978. - 328 p.
  • History of mechanics in Russia / Ed. A. N. Bogolyubova, I. Z. Shtokalo. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1987. - 392 p.
  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics. Main stages of development (1878-2003). - M.: Ex Libris-Press, 2003. - 192 p. - ISBN 5-88161-137-3..
  • Kilchevsky N. A. Course of theoretical mechanics. T. II. - M.: Nauka, 1977. - 544 p.
  • Klokov V.V. Essay on the history of the development of mechanics // . - Kazan: Kazan State. univ., 2009. - 132 p. - ISBN 978-598180-721-3.. - P. 108-122.
  • Markeev A.P. On the Gauss principle // Collection of scientific and methodological articles. Theoretical mechanics. Vol. 23. - M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 2000. - 264 p.- P. 29-45.
  • Theoretical mechanics. Derivation and analysis of equations of motion on a computer / Ed. V. G. Veretennikova. - M.: Higher School, 1990. - 174 p. - ISBN 5-06-000055-9..
  • Tsyganova N. Ya.. - M.: Nauka, 1969. - 88 p.


Excerpt characterizing Bolotov, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich

- That's how it is! And I puffed up, bg"at, why"a, like a son of a bitch! - Denisov shouted, without pronouncing the word. - Such a misfortune! Such a misfortune! As you left, so it went. Hey, some tea!
Denisov, wrinkling his face, as if smiling and showing his short, strong teeth, began to ruffle his fluffy black thick hair with both hands with short fingers, like a dog.
“Why didn’t I have the money to go to this kg”ysa (the officer’s nickname),” he said, rubbing his forehead and face with both hands. “Can you imagine, not a single one, not a single one?” "You didn't give it.
Denisov took the lit pipe that was handed to him, clenched it into a fist, and, scattering fire, hit it on the floor, continuing to scream.
- Sempel will give, pag"ol will beat; Sempel will give, pag"ol will beat.
He scattered fire, broke the pipe and threw it away. Denisov paused and suddenly looked cheerfully at Rostov with his sparkling black eyes.
- If only there were women. Otherwise, there’s nothing to do here, just like drinking. If only I could drink and drink.
- Hey, who's there? - he turned to the door, hearing the stopped steps of thick boots with the clanking of spurs and a respectful cough.
- Sergeant! - said Lavrushka.
Denisov wrinkled his face even more.
“Skveg,” he said, throwing away a wallet with several gold pieces. “G’ostov, count, my dear, how much is left there, and put the wallet under the pillow,” he said and went out to the sergeant.
Rostov took the money and, mechanically, putting aside and arranging old and new gold pieces in piles, began to count them.
- A! Telyanin! Zdog "ovo! They blew me away!" – Denisov’s voice was heard from another room.
- Who? At Bykov’s, at the rat’s?... I knew,” said another thin voice, and after that Lieutenant Telyanin, a small officer of the same squadron, entered the room.
Rostov threw his wallet under the pillow and shook the small, damp hand extended to him. Telyanin was transferred from the guard for something before the campaign. He behaved very well in the regiment; but they did not like him, and in particular Rostov could neither overcome nor hide his causeless disgust for this officer.
- Well, young cavalryman, how is my Grachik serving you? - he asked. (Grachik was a riding horse, a carriage, sold by Telyanin to Rostov.)
The lieutenant never looked into the eyes of the person he was talking to; his eyes constantly darted from one object to another.
- I saw you passed by today...
“It’s okay, he’s a good horse,” Rostov answered, despite the fact that this horse, which he bought for 700 rubles, was not worth even half of that price. “She started falling on the left front...,” he added. - The hoof is cracked! It's nothing. I will teach you and show you which rivet to use.
“Yes, please show me,” said Rostov.
“I’ll show you, I’ll show you, it’s not a secret.” And you will be grateful for the horse.
“So I’ll order the horse to be brought,” said Rostov, wanting to get rid of Telyanin, and went out to order the horse to be brought.
In the entryway, Denisov, holding a pipe, huddled on the threshold, sat in front of the sergeant, who was reporting something. Seeing Rostov, Denisov winced and, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb into the room in which Telyanin was sitting, winced and shook with disgust.
“Oh, I don’t like the fellow,” he said, not embarrassed by the sergeant’s presence.
Rostov shrugged his shoulders, as if saying: “Me too, but what can I do!” and, having given orders, returned to Telyanin.
Telyanin was still sitting in the same lazy position in which Rostov had left him, rubbing his small white hands.
“There are such nasty faces,” Rostov thought as he entered the room.
- Well, did they tell you to bring the horse? - Telyanin said, getting up and looking around casually.
- I ordered it.
- Let's go on our own. I just came in to ask Denisov about yesterday’s order. Got it, Denisov?
- Not yet. Where are you going?
“I want to teach a young man how to shoe a horse,” said Telyanin.
They went out onto the porch and into the stables. The lieutenant showed how to make a rivet and went home.
When Rostov returned, there was a bottle of vodka and sausage on the table. Denisov sat in front of the table and cracked his pen on paper. He looked gloomily into Rostov's face.
“I’m writing to her,” he said.
He leaned his elbows on the table with a pen in his hand, and, obviously delighted at the opportunity to quickly say in words everything he wanted to write, expressed his letter to Rostov.
“You see, dg,” he said. “We sleep until we love. We are children of pg’axa... and I fell in love - and you are God, you are pure, as on the pieties day of creation... Who else is this? Drive him to Chog’tu. There’s no time!” he shouted at Lavrushka, who, without any timidity, approached him.
- Who should be? They ordered it themselves. The sergeant came for the money.
Denisov frowned, wanted to shout something and fell silent.
“Skveg,” but that’s the point,” he said to himself. “How much money is left in the wallet?” he asked Rostov.
– Seven new and three old.
“Oh, skveg” but! Well, why are you standing there, stuffed animals, let’s go to the sergeant,” Denisov shouted at Lavrushka.
“Please, Denisov, take the money from me, because I have it,” Rostov said, blushing.
“I don’t like to borrow from my own people, I don’t like it,” Denisov grumbled.
“And if you don’t take the money from me in a friendly manner, you’ll offend me.” “Really, I have it,” Rostov repeated.
- No.
And Denisov went to the bed to take out his wallet from under the pillow.
- Where did you put it, Rostov?
- Under the bottom pillow.
- No, no.
Denisov threw both pillows onto the floor. There was no wallet.
- What a miracle!
- Wait, didn’t you drop it? - said Rostov, lifting the pillows one by one and shaking them out.
He threw off and shook off the blanket. There was no wallet.
- Have I forgotten? No, I also thought that you were definitely putting a treasure under your head,” said Rostov. - I put my wallet here. Where is he? – he turned to Lavrushka.
- I didn’t go in. Where they put it is where it should be.
- Not really…
– You’re just like that, throw it somewhere, and you’ll forget. Look in your pockets.
“No, if only I hadn’t thought about the treasure,” said Rostov, “otherwise I remember what I put in.”
Lavrushka rummaged through the entire bed, looked under it, under the table, rummaged through the entire room and stopped in the middle of the room. Denisov silently followed Lavrushka’s movements and, when Lavrushka threw up his hands in surprise, saying that he was nowhere, he looked back at Rostov.
- G "ostov, you are not a schoolboy...
Rostov felt Denisov’s gaze on him, raised his eyes and at the same moment lowered them. All his blood, which was trapped somewhere below his throat, poured into his face and eyes. He couldn't catch his breath.
“And there was no one in the room except the lieutenant and yourself.” Here somewhere,” said Lavrushka.
“Well, you little doll, get around, look,” Denisov suddenly shouted, turning purple and throwing himself at the footman with a threatening gesture. “You better have your wallet, otherwise you’ll burn.” Got everyone!
Rostov, looking around Denisov, began to button up his jacket, strapped on his saber and put on his cap.
“I tell you to have a wallet,” Denisov shouted, shaking the orderly by the shoulders and pushing him against the wall.
- Denisov, leave him alone; “I know who took it,” Rostov said, approaching the door and not raising his eyes.
Denisov stopped, thought and, apparently understanding what Rostov was hinting at, grabbed his hand.
“Sigh!” he shouted so that the veins, like ropes, swelled on his neck and forehead. “I’m telling you, you’re crazy, I won’t allow it.” The wallet is here; I'll take the shit out of this mega-dealer, and it will be here.
“I know who took it,” Rostov repeated in a trembling voice and went to the door.
“And I’m telling you, don’t you dare do this,” Denisov shouted, rushing to the cadet to hold him back.
But Rostov snatched his hand away and with such malice, as if Denisov were his greatest enemy, directly and firmly fixed his eyes on him.
- Do you understand what you are saying? - he said in a trembling voice, - there was no one in the room except me. Therefore, if not this, then...
He couldn't finish his sentence and ran out of the room.
“Oh, what’s wrong with you and with everyone,” were the last words that Rostov heard.
Rostov came to Telyanin’s apartment.
“The master is not at home, they have left for headquarters,” Telyanin’s orderly told him. - Or what happened? - added the orderly, surprised at the upset face of the cadet.
- There is nothing.
“We missed it a little,” said the orderly.
The headquarters was located three miles from Salzenek. Rostov, without going home, took a horse and rode to headquarters. In the village occupied by the headquarters there was a tavern frequented by officers. Rostov arrived at the tavern; at the porch he saw Telyanin's horse.
In the second room of the tavern the lieutenant was sitting with a plate of sausages and a bottle of wine.
“Oh, and you’ve stopped by, young man,” he said, smiling and raising his eyebrows high.
“Yes,” said Rostov, as if it took a lot of effort to pronounce this word, and sat down at the next table.
Both were silent; There were two Germans and one Russian officer sitting in the room. Everyone was silent, and the sounds of knives on plates and the lieutenant’s slurping could be heard. When Telyanin finished breakfast, he took a double wallet out of his pocket, pulled apart the rings with his small white fingers curved upward, took out a gold one and, raising his eyebrows, gave the money to the servant.
“Please hurry,” he said.
The gold one was new. Rostov stood up and approached Telyanin.
“Let me see your wallet,” he said in a quiet, barely audible voice.
With darting eyes, but still raised eyebrows, Telyanin handed over the wallet.
“Yes, a nice wallet... Yes... yes...” he said and suddenly turned pale. “Look, young man,” he added.
Rostov took the wallet in his hands and looked at it, and at the money that was in it, and at Telyanin. The lieutenant looked around, as was his habit, and suddenly seemed to become very cheerful.
“If we’re in Vienna, I’ll leave everything there, but now there’s nowhere to put it in these crappy little towns,” he said. - Well, come on, young man, I’ll go.
Rostov was silent.
- What about you? Should I have breakfast too? “They feed me decently,” Telyanin continued. - Come on.
He reached out and grabbed the wallet. Rostov released him. Telyanin took the wallet and began to put it in the pocket of his leggings, and his eyebrows rose casually, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he was saying: “yes, yes, I’m putting my wallet in my pocket, and it’s very simple, and no one cares about it.” .
- Well, what, young man? - he said, sighing and looking into Rostov’s eyes from under raised eyebrows. Some kind of light from the eyes, with the speed of an electric spark, ran from Telyanin’s eyes to Rostov’s eyes and back, back and back, all in an instant.
“Come here,” Rostov said, grabbing Telyanin by the hand. He almost dragged him to the window. “This is Denisov’s money, you took it...” he whispered in his ear.
– What?... What?... How dare you? What?...” said Telyanin.
But these words sounded like a plaintive, desperate cry and a plea for forgiveness. As soon as Rostov heard this sound of the voice, a huge stone of doubt fell from his soul. He felt joy and at the same moment he felt sorry for the unfortunate man standing in front of him; but it was necessary to complete the work begun.
“People here, God knows what they might think,” Telyanin muttered, grabbing his cap and heading into a small empty room, “we need to explain ourselves...
“I know this, and I will prove it,” said Rostov.
- I…
Telyanin's frightened, pale face began to tremble with all its muscles; the eyes were still running, but somewhere below, not rising to Rostov’s face, sobs were heard.
“Count!... don’t ruin the young man... this poor money, take it...” He threw it on the table. – My father is an old man, my mother!...
Rostov took the money, avoiding Telyanin’s gaze, and, without saying a word, left the room. But he stopped at the door and turned back. “My God,” he said with tears in his eyes, “how could you do this?”
“Count,” said Telyanin, approaching the cadet.
“Don’t touch me,” Rostov said, pulling away. - If you need it, take this money. “He threw his wallet at him and ran out of the tavern.

In the evening of the same day, there was a lively conversation between the squadron officers at Denisov’s apartment.
“And I’m telling you, Rostov, that you need to apologize to the regimental commander,” said a tall staff captain with graying hair, a huge mustache and large features of a wrinkled face, turning to the crimson, excited Rostov.
Staff captain Kirsten was demoted to soldier twice for matters of honor and served twice.
– I won’t allow anyone to tell me that I’m lying! - Rostov screamed. “He told me I was lying, and I told him he was lying.” It will remain so. He can assign me to duty every day and put me under arrest, but no one will force me to apologize, because if he, as a regimental commander, considers himself unworthy of giving me satisfaction, then...
- Just wait, father; “Listen to me,” the captain interrupted the headquarters in his bass voice, calmly smoothing his long mustache. - In front of other officers, you tell the regimental commander that the officer stole...
“It’s not my fault that the conversation started in front of other officers.” Maybe I shouldn’t have spoken in front of them, but I’m not a diplomat. Then I joined the hussars, I thought that there was no need for subtleties, but he told me that I was lying... so let him give me satisfaction...
- This is all good, no one thinks that you are a coward, but that’s not the point. Ask Denisov, does this look like something for a cadet to demand satisfaction from the regimental commander?
Denisov, biting his mustache, listened to the conversation with a gloomy look, apparently not wanting to engage in it. When asked by the captain's staff, he shook his head negatively.
“You tell the regimental commander about this dirty trick in front of the officers,” the captain continued. - Bogdanych (the regimental commander was called Bogdanych) besieged you.
- He didn’t besiege him, but said that I was telling a lie.
- Well, yes, and you said something stupid to him, and you need to apologize.
- Never! - Rostov shouted.
“I didn’t think this from you,” the captain said seriously and sternly. “You don’t want to apologize, but you, father, not only before him, but before the entire regiment, before all of us, you are completely to blame.” Here's how: if only you had thought and consulted on how to deal with this matter, otherwise you would have drunk right in front of the officers. What should the regimental commander do now? Should the officer be put on trial and the entire regiment be soiled? Because of one scoundrel, the whole regiment is disgraced? So, what do you think? But in our opinion, not so. And Bogdanich is great, he told you that you are telling lies. It’s unpleasant, but what can you do, father, they attacked you yourself. And now, as they want to hush up the matter, because of some kind of fanaticism you don’t want to apologize, but want to tell everything. You are offended that you are on duty, but why should you apologize to an old and honest officer! No matter what Bogdanich is, he’s still an honest and brave old colonel, it’s such a shame for you; Is it okay for you to dirty the regiment? – The captain’s voice began to tremble. - You, father, have been in the regiment for a week; today here, tomorrow transferred to adjutants somewhere; you don’t care what they say: “there are thieves among the Pavlograd officers!” But we care. So, what, Denisov? Not all the same?
Denisov remained silent and did not move, occasionally glancing at Rostov with his shining black eyes.
“You value your own fanabery, you don’t want to apologize,” the headquarters captain continued, “but for us old men, how we grew up, and even if we die, God willing, we will be brought into the regiment, so the honor of the regiment is dear to us, and Bogdanich knows this.” Oh, what a road, father! And this is not good, not good! Be offended or not, I will always tell the truth. Not good!
And the headquarters captain stood up and turned away from Rostov.
- Pg "avda, chog" take it! - Denisov shouted, jumping up. - Well, G'skeleton! Well!
Rostov, blushing and turning pale, looked first at one officer, then at the other.
- No, gentlemen, no... don’t think... I really understand, you’re wrong to think about me like that... I... for me... I’m for the honor of the regiment. So what? I will show this in practice, and for me the honor of the banner... well, it’s all the same, really, I’m to blame!.. - Tears stood in his eyes. - I’m guilty, I’m guilty all around!... Well, what else do you need?...
“That’s it, Count,” the captain of staff shouted, turning around, hitting him on the shoulder with his big hand.
“I’m telling you,” Denisov shouted, “he’s a nice little guy.”
“That’s better, Count,” the headquarters captain repeated, as if for his recognition they were beginning to call him a title. - Come and apologize, your Excellency, yes sir.
“Gentlemen, I’ll do everything, no one will hear a word from me,” Rostov said in a pleading voice, “but I can’t apologize, by God, I can’t, whatever you want!” How will I apologize, like a little one, asking for forgiveness?
Denisov laughed.
- It's worse for you. Bogdanich is vindictive, you will pay for your stubbornness,” said Kirsten.
- By God, not stubbornness! I can’t describe to you what a feeling, I can’t...
“Well, it’s your choice,” said the headquarters captain. - Well, where did this scoundrel go? – he asked Denisov.
“He said he was sick, and the manager ordered him to be expelled,” Denisov said.
“It’s a disease, there’s no other way to explain it,” said the captain at the headquarters.
“It’s not a disease, but if he doesn’t catch my eye, I’ll kill him!” – Denisov shouted bloodthirstyly.
Zherkov entered the room.
- How are you? - the officers suddenly turned to the newcomer.
- Let's go, gentlemen. Mak surrendered as a prisoner and with the army, completely.
- You're lying!
- I saw it myself.
- How? Have you seen Mack alive? with arms, with legs?
- Hike! Hike! Give him a bottle for such news. How did you get here?
“They sent me back to the regiment again, for the devil’s sake, for Mack.” The Austrian general complained. I congratulated him on Mak’s arrival... Are you from the bathhouse, Rostov?
- Here, brother, we have such a mess for the second day.
The regimental adjutant came in and confirmed the news brought by Zherkov. We were ordered to perform tomorrow.
- Let's go, gentlemen!
- Well, thank God, we stayed too long.

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, destroying behind him bridges on the rivers Inn (in Braunau) and Traun (in Linz). On October 23, Russian troops crossed the Enns River. Russian convoys, artillery and columns of troops in the middle of the day stretched through the city of Enns, on this side and on the other side of the bridge.
The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The vast perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood protecting the bridge was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge, on both sides of which masses of Russian troops poured, crowding. At the bend of the Danube one could see ships, an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; one could see the left rocky bank of the Danube covered with pine forests with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. The towers of the monastery were visible, protruding from behind a pine forest that seemed untouched; far ahead on the mountain, on the other side of Enns, enemy patrols could be seen.

Komsomolskaya Pravda asked colleagues from different parts of our vast country to talk about fellow countrymen who amazed, fascinated or shocked them - and perhaps even forced them to reconsider their views on what is considered the norm. Faktrum publishes the resulting list of amazing personalities.

1. Platypus Man from Perm

Evgeny Bolotov is a body modifier; he experiments with his appearance. He has plates on his lips, the lower one is stretched by 60 mm, the upper one by 33 mm. And he plans to stretch them “to infinity.” He also stretches the earlobes, made tunnels in the nose, and now even a pencil can easily fit between the nostrils. He also pierced his nasal cartilage, and now his nose bends like plasticine. Zhenya is very proud that he is the only owner of such a piercing on the planet.

No, children don’t cry,” laughs the 27-year-old Perm designer. “People sometimes point, smile when they see me, and ask to take a photo with them.

True, the guy complains: in dangerous Perm regions you have to cover your face just in case. It’s still unclear how real boys will greet you on a dark street: not everyone in the Urals understands and accepts such “beauty.”

2. Snow Maiden from Tolyatti

From the back, Galina Kutereva can be considered no more than 20 years old: a slender girlish figure and long hair. Only upon closer inspection is it noticeable that they are gray. Seeing her walking through the snowdrifts in a sundress and sandals in the cold, people get scared. Drivers stop and offer warmth and a ride. Many men are ready to take off their jacket and walk her home. But Galina Kutereva always just laughs in response. “I’m not cold in winter and not hot in summer. I am a real Snow Maiden."

But this was not always the case: as a child, Galina was allergic to frost, and over the years a whole “bouquet” of diseases appeared: from joint diseases to cancer. She enrolled in a longevity school, received treatment for several years, doused herself with water, and did exercises on her joints. And now he feels great. She also saves on clothes, because in winter she doesn’t need a fur coat or a down jacket. As a last resort, a warm angora sweater.

3. Janitor-artist from Izhevsk

During his 52 years, Semyon Bukharin worked as both a firefighter and a miner. He retired three years ago. Got a job as a janitor at a school. Then I didn’t think that it was here that he, a decorator by training, would find his calling. Instead of a brush - a shovel. Instead of a canvas - a school yard. The idea to create in the snow came spontaneously - the schoolchildren gave it the idea. They also became grateful spectators. Semyon Bukharin is not eager for fame. He says it's all for children. Shkolota responds by calling him a great artist.

4. Boy magnet from Omsk region

Second-grader Kolya from the village of Vodyanoye, which is located 160 kilometers from Omsk, became an Internet hero. The news about a schoolboy who had coins, spoons and ladle “glued” to his body spread all over Russia and even appeared on the pages of foreign publications. “We celebrated 4 years, played around with spoons, it stuck to my nose. Then I remembered and tried again,” Kolya answers the question of how he discovered his superpowers.

5. Lady Gaga's double from Samara

Now Sasha Guseva definitely doesn’t look like a boy: long straight hair, thin waist, high breasts, bright makeup. This is how the surgeons made it. At the age of 17 she changed her gender. I found a doctor in a Novosibirsk clinic: hormonal preparation, a complex operation costing 900 thousand rubles and long months of rehabilitation. Then there were three more operations and 9 corrections of the face and body. Now the girl is not called anything other than Lady Sasha. This name “stuck” to her thanks to the new image. The girl performs in a look-alike show, imitating Lady Gaga. The first performances went with a bang. And now the Samara resident, using her resemblance to the star, makes good money at corporate events. She designs the images herself, and her mother helps her sew stage costumes.

6. Girl with a tattoo on her face from Saransk

Russian tattoo artist Ruslan Tumanyants from Saransk became infamous throughout the world after he drew 56 stars on the face of a teenage girl from Belgium, and on the face of his new girlfriend - his own name in large Latin letters. Ruslan’s new “victim” is called Lesya, they were born in the same city. The girl allowed herself to get a tattoo on her face just a day after they met. The guys met on Facebook. Now Lesya has the name “Ruslan” on her face, written in large Gothic font. Lesya explained that she did this out of love and devotion to her lover.

Over the course of a month of chatting, we realized that we had great feelings for each other and common goals for life,” said Lesya. “The meeting in Moscow only confirmed our love and desire to be together all our lives. I chose a font and drew a sketch. Why on the face? Because I wanted to show that the most important thing in my life is my love and the name of the most important person in my life, Ruslan. I wear his name proudly on my face! I love him very much!

Ruslan Tumanyants

7. 83-year-old strongman from Dagestan

Abdurkhaman Abdulazizov set a world record, managing to lift a load of 81.5 kg. This is almost thirty kilograms more than the previous weight of 53 kilograms, which the athlete from Poland Johanna Sawicka lifted with her hair in 2011. Abdulazizov's record was recorded with all rigor and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

8. A girl with a Barbie face and Ken muscles from Saratov

Huge eyes that span half her face, plump lips and a head of curly hair - about Julia Vince’s face you just want to say “a girl is such a girl.” Now let’s look lower: biceps, triceps, abs on the stomach... and the back is generally mountainous. A girl from Saratov can pick up and lift an adult man over her head, even two, if they are not too plump. In training, this doll-faced athlete lifts 100 kilograms in the bench press, 160–180 kilograms in the deadlift, and 170 kilograms in the squat. Moreover, the powerlifter herself weighs only 64! And she's only 18 years old!

Now the girl who took up powerlifting because she was bullied at school has more than 9 thousand friends on social networks. Many of them call themselves fans of Julia. Admirers from all over the country declare their love for her, and programs are made about her in Japan, China, and America.

9. Lucifer from Perm

In Perm, a young couple named their son Lucifer.

We’re not goths, we’re just informal,” mom Natasha laughs.

She is generally very cheerful, despite her aggressive spiked jewelry, shaved head and black robes. And these desperate people had their wedding on Friday, December 13, 2013.

My husband wanted to name his son that, and at first this choice was too bold for me. But I had a very difficult time giving birth to Lucik; he was born suffocated and lived for a day connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. And then I turned to Lucifer for help. I promised him that if the baby survived, I would name my son after him. So Lucifer became the patron of our son.

10. King of kopecks from Novosibirsk

60-year-old pensioner Yuri Babin is a well-known character in Novosibirsk. Back in the 1990s, he began collecting one-kopeck coins, and got so carried away that his entire house was covered in small change. It is everywhere: on the floor, in flower pots, on windowsills. In total, Babin has no less than 7 tons of coins! Journalists jokingly nicknamed the unusual numismatist the King of Pennies. Babin was even invited to the Congress of Eccentrics in New York, however, due to financial problems, the Siberian had to refuse such a tempting offer. The former military man decided to change his last name to a very unusual one - President-of-Great-Russia-Babin. That's right, in four words and with a hyphen! The registry office employees refused him this, citing the fact that a surname cannot consist of several words in different cases. In general, it seems that only the court will resolve the family dispute.

11. Chimney sweep Lvovich from Kaliningrad

Alexander Lvovich Smirnov (or simply Lvovich, as everyone calls him) is a man who walks around the city in a chimney sweep costume, not missing a single major Kaliningrad holiday. “Nobody invites me to these holidays - I come there myself,” he says. The house of the main Kaliningrad chimney sweep has been turned into a fortress, which continues to be built every day. Lvovich decorates the windows with crazy shapes with homemade tiles. He also makes furniture himself. Over the past year, a house has appeared on its territory, which Lvovich calls the “Chimney Sweep Museum.”

Inside the fortified house there is something like a theater studio, the costumes for which are made from household waste and foam. According to our hero, he is now planning to shoot a film in which his nymphs will also take part - girls in fancy outfits who accompany him everywhere.

12. Tongue Twister Man from Novosibirsk

In fact, from his parents the guy got a completely simple Russian name - Alexey, but now according to his passport he is none other than Lomion Horvegraug Morion Nornoros Yaere, a’Moritanon. Total 45 letters! Since childhood, the heroes of the boy’s favorite books were knights, and at the university he became an avid role-player and reenactor, even making medieval chain mail and helmets. And one day, he says, he thought about his roots. Allegedly he found the names of long-standing ancestors who were Poles and put them into a new verbal construction. True, it turned out to be a long one - there were many ancestors. Even after all the possible abbreviations, the name turned out to be such that it would break your tongue. When the eccentric came to the registry office to change his passport data, the employees, of course, were puzzled. But they scratched their heads, looked through the laws and... accepted the application. Where to go? According to the law, a Russian has the right to be called whatever he pleases. Soon the knight's name took its rightful place in the passport - somehow it fit there. But friends call him simply and without any regalia - Morionich.

13. Man-jaws of steel from Tolyatti

Ravil Kravchukov, nicknamed Rav the Magnificent, in front of the crowd, pulled out three cars with his teeth with a total weight of more than four tons - and dragged them as much as 20 meters! “For me, dragging 4 tons is not a record at all,” the athlete shares. - I still can’t do that! In 2002, at the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, I pulled a double-decker bus carrying one hundred passengers with a total weight of about 7 tons. This achievement was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records commission. By the way, I was the only Russian who performed there.” To achieve an impressive result, Ravil devoted 20 years to extreme sports. First, the athlete lifted weights with his teeth, then 10 and 50 kg plates, and eventually trained his jaw muscles to such an extent that he could hold a barbell weighing 120 kg! True, Ravil’s teeth broke during stunts, so he had to have implants inserted.

14. Vedevashnitsa Yulia from Yekaterinburg

The father of two children, a passionate football player and a famous sports journalist in Yekaterinburg suddenly changed his gender. And this is not a joke. Yura worked for many years as a sports columnist for the newspaper “Na Smenu!”, then in the press service of the Sverdlovsk police, from where he left for the “Ural Worker”. Quite a nice, well, maybe a little gloomy guy, a football player, a sports fan. And then it was as if he had been replaced. He began taking hormonal pills, which erase the beautiful masculine features from his appearance. He preferred pink skirts to khaki army trousers. Finally, he began to ask his acquaintances to call themselves Yulia.

Yura is a former paratrooper. Twice married, twice divorced, two children. “I changed girls like gloves!” - Yura’s former colleagues discuss behind his back. Or Yuli...

15. 78-year-old student from Kiselevsk

A pensioner from Kiselevsk (Kemerovo region), Alexander Kuzmich Trusov, is already receiving his fourth diploma (the first in the humanities - after three technical ones). Now he is in his second year. And when he receives his diploma, he will already be 82 years old! But he himself does not consider himself a super student, an extreme person, an original and an eccentric. And he treats the increased interest in him from students and the exclamations addressed to him patiently, like a grandfather treats his grandchildren.

Yes, everyone is free to do whatever they want with their body, but one question arises - why mock what nature and your parents gave you? Nothing to stand out or low self-esteem? Fad or stupidity - that is the question...

The Freak subculture was formed in the 20th century in North America. Until now, her followers adhere to one main idea - to stand out among the crowd of surrounding people. The term Freak comes from the English word Freak, which means strange person. The emergence of piercing culture among the masses led to piercings in all sorts of places, and with the advent and accessibility of tattoos, many places began to be filled with various drawings, inscriptions and patterns.

Bodymodifiers - from English. body (body) and modify (modify), literally the one who modifies his body. There are many different methods of modification: piercings, tattoos, cutting the tongue, deliberately cutting off body parts, scarring, etc.

Tattoo artist Ruslan Tumanyants

Known for his scandal, where the girl claimed that he made as many as 56 stars on her face instead of the 3 ordered ones. However, later the girl admitted that she had made up the story, but the name of this tattoo artist had already become famous. By the way, he found a girl who happily tattooed his name on her face...

Evgeniy Bolotov - designer and bodymodifier

Evgeny Bolotov is a body modifier; he experiments with his appearance. He has plates on his lips, the lower one is stretched by 60 mm, the upper one by 33 mm. And he plans to stretch them “to infinity.” He also stretches the earlobes, made tunnels in the nose, and now even a pencil can easily fit between the nostrils. He also pierced his nasal cartilage, and now his nose bends like plasticine. Zhenya is very proud that he is the only owner of such a piercing on the planet.

Ilya Gubarev (Bomber)

Having ideally chosen the image of Satan for themselves, Ilya Gubarev and his wife Chloe, who got married in 2012, grew fangs. Bomber was the first from his circle to get a tattoo on the whites of his eyes. As a result, it is impossible to make out the facial expression and understand who he is currently looking at. Most recently, the grand opening of his tattoo studio “Beat Will Be” took place.

Stanislav Aksenov

Stanislav Aksyonov is the first person in the world to combine rope jumping and base jumping with hanging from hooks, as well as an instructor in parachuting and base jumping. He jumps on a parachute, which is implanted in his back with hooks.

Mikhail Durov - model and bodybuilder

Vladislav Nikolaev - bodymodifier

Sevastiana Kuperman - writer

Vladimir Thomas

Chelyabinsk Zombie Boy Vladimir Thomas works as a specialist in search engine optimization of websites, is passionate about tattoos and does not consider his image to be plagiarism from the famous zombie boy Rick Jenets.

Vladimir Kovalev - veteran piercer

Vladimir Kovalev, born in 1959. Occupation: informal driver. Has been doing body punctures, piercings and tunnels since 1986.

Alexander Kuvaldin - bodymodifier

Dobrydina Galina - Esme Meowsy

Alexander Shpak

Alexander Shpak began the transformation of his body a long time ago, behind the first tattoos appeared silicone lips painted with lipstick, custom vampire fangs, a hairstyle in the style of the Mortal Combat movie character warrior Thoreau, manicure on nails, tinted eyes, breast and buttock implants, earrings in the ears, nipple tattoos . Today, Alexander Shpak’s videos can be found on his channel on YouTube and Instagram, where Sasha very competently and clearly explains all the intricacies of bodybuilding, nutrition, physiology, and training. Social networks also closely monitor his family life.