Physical education lesson in the middle group “Kolobok and a dexterous ball. Physical education classes in kindergarten Middle group

— Now we have in our hands not just a stick, but a hockey stick. And with a stick you can not only play hockey, but also perform various exercises.

Look at me and listen to how to do 1 exercise correctly.

I.p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold our club in your hands, hands down. On the count of 1, we raise the club up above our head; on the count of 2 – lower your hands with the club to chest level; on the count of 3 – we raise up again; on the count of 4 – i.p.

Get ready! Take the starting position! Start the exercise!

— Next exercise (……)

Take the starting position! Start the exercise!

Next exercise (….) .

We hold the stick with outstretched arms, the handles are straight. Squat, back straight. Well done!

Next exercise (…..).

I.p. accept! Start the exercise!

We raise our hands with a club and our legs at the same time, together!

Next is her exercise (….).

I.p. accept! Start the exercise!

We stretch the stick to the toe, without bending our legs. Well done!

Next is her exercise (…)

I.p. accept! Start the exercise!

We jump over the stick sideways and land softly.

We form a column one by one. Step march! Passing by the teacher, the gymnast. they give the sticks to him.

A diagram of the flow method is attached at the end of the abstract.

- Children, look at how to correctly perform the following exercises - we stand on the edge of the bench face forward, arms to the sides and walk to its end, we jump off it correctly: we move our arms back, swing our arms and jump, land on 2 legs, softly, extend your arms forward. The next one jumps only after the previous one jumps off the bench. . In front of you are 5 multi-colored Olympic rings (hoops).

We approach the first ring, legs in a half-squat, move our arms back, make a swing, push off and so jump from ring to ring until the end. Then we take the ball in the basket, get on all fours and

roll the ball like a snake between the Olympic torches. We put the ball in the empty basket and climb into the tunnel. Here is a gymnast again. bench.

- Get ready! Start exercising!

Well done boys!

Let's put everything back in its place and play the game “Two Frosts”.

- Let's divide into 2 teams, one team will live in the left city, the other in the right city. We will also choose 2 Morozov -

Red nose and Blue nose. (children stand in a circle, the teacher in the center of the circle with his eyes closed and arms extended forward, spins, suddenly stops, whoever his hands point to will be the Red Nose, they also choose the Blue Nose; the rest are calculated by 1.2 and thus divided by 2 teams).

- Now the teams occupy their cities, and you, Frosts, stand in the center of the hall and say your words together: “………”

And you, the residents, answer them: “…..”

After that, you start running from city to city. And you, Frosts, don’t yawn, catch and freeze those running.

- Get ready! Let's start the game!

(the game is familiar and loved to children, so everyone knows the words of the rules by heart).

(Next time the Frosts will be those chosen by the previous Frosts.)

- Well done everyone! The frosts did their best and froze a lot of residents. And those who have never been caught by Frost, well done too! Friendship won!

Compiled by: Mishakina.K.G, teacher of the 1st qualification category of MBDOU "Kindergarten 116".

Summary of a physical education lesson in the middle group “The Bunny Got Lost”

Target: Creating conditions for nurturing children's interest in physical education.


Wellness tasks

  • Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
  • Preservation, strengthening and protection of children's health; increasing mental and physical performance, preventing fatigue.
  • Formation of the musculoskeletal system and correct posture.

Educational objectives

  • To form motor skills and abilities as individual motor actions and in combination, to develop the ability to move from performing some movements to performing others.
  • Promote the development of spatial orientation in statics and dynamics.
  • Create conditions for the development of dexterity, flexibility, gross and fine motor skills.

Educational tasks

  • Arouse and maintain interest in physical activity.
  • Cultivate friendly relationships with peers in joint physical activity.
  • To form basic skills of self-organization in physical activity.

Equipment and materials:

Arches for climbing, cone, skittles, cardboard.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall accompanied by music and form a line.

Educator: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, look, guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

Turn on the crying hare.

Educator: Oh guys, who do you hear crying?

Children: Yes, we hear.

Educator: Let's look for who is crying like that.

Children: Let's go.

The teacher and children are looking for a hare.

Educator: Guys, this is a bunny crying. Let's quickly ask the bunny why he is crying?

Children: Bunny, why are you crying?

Hare: I went out for a walk and got lost. I'm sitting here alone and don't know where to go. I'm cold and want to go home.

Educator: Don’t cry, bunny, we will help you find your way home. Guys, let's help the bunny?

Children: Yes, we will help.

Educator: Guys, I have a map that will tell us the way. The teacher looks at the map and says: “The road will be long, through the forest.” At the same time, we’ll see how the forest inhabitants live. Well, hurry up and follow me.

Walking exercises:
(musical accompaniment -):

- walking on toes, arms to the sides; (baby squirrels in a hollow)

- walking on your heels, hands on your belt; (the wolf cubs ran out for a walk.)

-walking on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt; (the bears are basking in the sun)

-walking with high knees, arms bent at the elbows; (the moose calves also went for a walk)

Educator: Now run so that the fox doesn’t notice us

Running exercise:

- easy running with energetic work of arms bent at the elbows in a column one at a time (musical accompaniment “Every little child”

Educator: Well, guys, we ended up in a forest clearing. Let's relax with you, get some fresh air, the bunny will also rest with us, let's sit him down, take a deep breath with the nose of the hand up, exhale with the mouth of the hand down and one more time.

Educator: Guys, we have come part of the way, but now we need to overcome the most difficult challenges. But before we set off, let's see if there is a fox on our way?

General developmental exercises.

I.P-legs apart, arms down, turn the head to the right = left.

IP-legs apart, arms down, shoulders up - no fox.

Maybe she's hiding somewhere in the bushes, let's take binoculars and take a look.

3) IP - legs apart, arms down, tilt down.

4) I.P legs together, arms bent at the elbows (no fox)

Educator: Guys, there is no fox and we can move on.

- Look at the forest swamp ahead, so that we don’t fall through, we need to walk over the hummocks.

— Guys, be careful with the tall bushes.

Look at the dark cave.

— fallen trees on our way.

Educator: The guys walked for a very long time and reached the house.

Bunny: Oh, thank you guys for helping me find my way home. And lastly, I want to play with you

Educator: Guys, do you want to play with the bunny?

Children: Yes we want.

Educator: Well then, hurry up and sit on the bench.

Game "Fox and Hare"

The children are jumping like hares in a clearing to the music, but suddenly a fox appears and the children run to the houses.

Educator: Now, guys, let’s rest.

Hare: Guys, I really liked how well you did and played, and I want to give you such beautiful carrots.

Educator: Did you guys like our lesson today?

Educator: Tell me what animals we saw today?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, let's say thank you to the bunny, but it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Well, quickly close your eyes. Let's count together one two three, we've come to kindergarten, open your eyes.

Physical education lesson notes

with middle school children

Prepared by: teacher

Type. Physical education and health.

View. Physical development.

Form of conduct. Journey into a fairy tale.

Subject. Strengthening the skills of crawling on your stomach on a bench, somersaulting forward, jumping from hoop to hoop.


Improve the skills of basic types of movements: the ability to crawl on your stomach on a bench, perform somersaults over your head, jump from hoop to hoop, teach children control and self-control.

Continue to develop the skill of orientation in space, using different options for children’s motor actions.

Form correct posture, culture of movements, pantomimic abilities.

To develop children's strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, and coordination abilities.

To promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music.

To cultivate a child’s desire to pay attention to himself, his body and his body. Contribute to the creation of a stable, cheerful, active mood.

Equipment. Gymnastic bench, hoops, mat.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall in a column one at a time. They line up.

Educator. Hello guys!

Hurray for physical education, hurray!

We are a healthy family.

Morning - open your eyes

And wear sneakers.

Walking, running and jumping

We've gathered with you for kindergarten,

We are friends with physical education,

Hip-hip to you, hurray, hurray!

Educator. Today I offer you an unusual activity, a journey into the fairy tale “Kolobok”, it is familiar to you. And who can name the heroes of the fairy tale (children name the heroes of the fairy tale), Well done! So Kolobok himself sent us a telegram. Listen to what's in it. (reads the telegram)


“Hello to everyone from Kolobok, a cheerful friend!

Today I wanted to come myself, but now I’m on the road again!

I am interested in physical education, I go in for swimming,

To be healthy like me, and flexible - like a snake.

Very dexterous - like a monkey,

Both girls and boys need to play sports!

In gratitude, to you, friends!

The Kolobok family will prepare a treat

To the surprise of all the guests.

And now it’s time for everyone to hit the road, see you in a fairy tale... kids!

Educator. Well, the guys agree to travel. That's great! Now let’s check the muscles of our legs and arms, what are they? (children's answers). That's right, they are soft, weak, I suggest you start training, Ready, then let's go!

Introductory part.



1. walking in a circle

Educator. (Walking in circles)

We all walk along the path, and we strengthen our health and maintain our posture.


Exercise “Cockerel” with high knees, arms to the sides.

...Here comes the cockerel, proudly raising his comb.


Exercise “Chicken” on toes, hands on waist

... The chicken went out for a walk to pluck some fresh grass.


Exercise “Duck”: walking on the outside of the foot, hands behind the back.

...The duck waddles, leading her little ones.


Exercise “Goose”: walking in a squat, hands on knees

...And our goose doesn’t lag behind and follows the duck

Gander, gander, thin legs, lead the children along the path


Exercise “Doggy” walking on all fours

... And now the dog walked along the road with us


Exercise “Crocodile” (arms straight, resting in front, torso parallel to the floor, legs straight dragging along the floor.)

A crocodile swims in the river, I will be on an equal footing with him.


Exercise “Frog” jumping forward.

... Frogs live in the swamp, they are like friends to me.


Exercise “Deer”: walking in a circle, arms straight up.

...Here is a handsome deer, slender, noble and calm


(Endurance running, with a stop).

….And now we’re running in a circle, catching up with each other


Guys! On our way we met charming women, these are our teachers, greet them. (children say hello and wave)

Educator. Let's march.

(Stop on signal. Inhale, exhale.)

Guys! Nurse Rosa Alexandrovna went on a trip with us, welcome her. (Good mood wishes to the children's nurse)

Educator. Let's march.

(Stop on signal. Inhale, exhale.)

Educator. Guys! look out the window! The sun went on a journey with us, and it rejoices, looking at you, how healthy, slim, and resilient you are, greet the sun (“Hello, sunshine.”)

Educator. step march.

... The march is not leisurely, as the weather is good.

Guys! How are you feeling, are you tired? Well done! We continue our journey.

Walking with circular movements of the arms to restore breathing.

Forming in a circle

Smile at each other.

Guys, check your leg muscles, they are tense, they have received a load, but not only them, our whole body is working, our body has warmed up, I suggest we continue our journey.

1. eye exercises (10 times).

On 1 – close your eyes

On 2 - open your eyes

2. Exercises for the cervical vertebra (10 times):

"Head tilts"

And. n. (same thing, hands on the belt) - head tilts to the right, left

3. “Look out the window” (6 times).

And. p. (the same, hands up “ring”)

On 1 - head forward

On 2 – and. P.

2.Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

1. Exercise “Surprise” (10 times)

I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body

On 1 – raise your shoulders up, turn to the right.

On 2 – lower your shoulders, turn your torso to the left.

2. “Show your palms” (10 times)

And. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, in a semicircle in a “lock.”

On 1 - arms straight, hands turned back

On 2 – and. P.

3.For the torso

1. “Tilts” (10 times)

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

Tilts right, left

2. “Bend over” (6 times)

I. p. – legs together, hands on the belt

On 1 – sit down, touch the floor with your fingertips,

On 2 - stand up, straighten your arms and legs,

On 3 - sit down, touch the floor with your fingertips,

On 4 - and. P.

4. Exercises from a sitting and lying position.

1. “Pinocchio” (5 times)

And. p. – sitting, legs to the sides, straight

Alternating bends to the right and left legs

2. “Bicycle” (10 times)

And. n. – lying on your back, arms along the body, palms down

Circular movements with legs

3. “Scissors” (7 times)

And. p. – lying on your back, hands behind your head.

Alternately raising legs, parallel to the floor (or crosswise)

4. “Vanka-Vstanka” (6 times)

And. p. – sitting cross-legged, hands on the floor, palms down

On 1 – bend over, touch your forehead to the floor

On 2 – and. P.

5. Jumping (10 times)

I. p. – legs together, hands on the belt.

On 2 legs

On one

Right left

Back and forth

6. Bee breathing exercise

I. p. - standing, left hand on chest, right hand on stomach.

On 1 – inhale through the nose

On 2 – exhale through the mouth with the sound w-w-w.

(with head tilted left and right).

Creative gymnastics. (Creative game aimed at developing imagination and creative initiative of children).

Gym teacher. Guys, let's remember and show with movements how grandma baked kolobok. (children perform imitation movements to the text)

1. First you need to pour flour on the table

2. took a jug and poured milk

3. salt, sugar, egg, vanilla

4. kneaded the dough and made the bun

5. put in the oven

Igroplasty. (express your emotions, openness and inner freedom.)

Gym teacher. While the bun is in the oven. Let's do the exercises for the soul.

Worm. - Leo is gray with his tongue hanging out. - Snake. - Fish

1. crawling on your belly on a bench

2. jumping from hoop to hoop

3. somersault over the head

formation in a circle.

Educator. Guys, now touch the muscles of your arms and legs. They are tense. This means that you have received a load on the whole body and become stronger and healthier.

Educator. While we were studying, our bun was baked. We take the bun out of the oven, how good it is.

Psycho-gymnastics (study “Hot Bun”)

Educator. So we ended up in the fairy tale “Koloboka”, and he prepared for us a game of “soap bubbles”, they are friends with the sky, the sun, and the wind. Catch the bubbles, jump higher, you must catch them all.


...Look at the sky

There you will see balls

Jump higher and grab

Get the health ball!

(music plays, children must jump and pick the balls that are suspended from the ceiling by strings)

Educator. Sit down on the carpet. You are happy? Did you like the game? Tired? But even if someone is tired, the fatigue is pleasant. Touch your body, it is warm and moist. Drops of labor sweat gathered on his forehead. This means that you worked from the heart with love and diligence. What exercises do you remember? Which exercise was easier to do and which was more difficult? Which of the guys performed the exercise better? Who will praise a friend? What exercise would you like our guests to do? Our fabulous journey has ended. But that is not all. There's a gift for you from grandma and Kolobok. For your success today.

(basket with gifts, letter reads out)

Letter from grandmother: “I baked you pies, not small, not too big, soft, rosy, just from the heat, help yourself kids, I treat you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all good health, I invite you to visit a fairy tale.”

Grandma and Kolobok."

Educator. Thank you guys for the lesson, Goodbye, see you again.

Maria Bugrova
Summary of a physical education lesson in the middle group


Assigning main views movement: crawling on a gymnastic bench, jumping from hoop to hoop, rolling the ball between objects;

Development of attention, dexterity, motor reactions of the child’s body; orientation in space.


1. Exercise children in walking and running in circles while completing tasks.

2. Strengthen the skill of crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours with support on your palms and knees.

3. Exercise children in jumping from hoop to hoop.

4. Develop dexterity in exercises with the ball.


Balls for each child, gymnastic bench, 3 hoops, 3 cones, baskets for balls, tambourine, whistle.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part

Children enter the hall in a column one at a time and stand along the wall.

Educator: - Hello guys! Let's remember our motto: "WITH physical education We are friendly - we are not afraid of diseases!”.

We straightened up, straightened our backs, toes together. Follow the guide Danila, march in a circle! (children march in a circle to the sound of a tambourine).

At the teacher's signal: "Mice!"- walking with small mincing steps, hands on the belt.

On signal: Butterflies! - they start running, flapping their arms like wings.

On signal: "Bunnies!"- stop and jump on two legs.

And now we can easily run in circles (to the sound of a tambourine). While running, your arms are pressed to your chest and your elbows are bent. At the signal from the tambourine, stop, turn around in the other direction and continue running.

Let's take a step and inflate the balloon.

Breathing exercises: inhale through the nose, arms through the sides up, exhale through the mouth on the sound (sh-sh-sh).

Stand still, one or two!

General developmental exercises with a ball.


Now everyone will take a ball.

Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and play?

Well, then pull yourself up! Don't yawn and don't be lazy!

Get ready to warm up!

Go into circles. (Children stand on the marker dots).

1. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands below. Raise the ball forward, up, look at it, lower it forward and down, return to i. P. (4-6 times)

2. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands at the top. Tilt the torso to the right, return to i. p., tilt to the left, return to i. P. (4-6 times)

3. I. p. – stand with your feet as wide as your feet, with the ball at your chest. Squat down, bring the ball forward, rise, return to i. P. (5 times)

4. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, ball in front of you. Lift up, bend over, touch the ball to the floor as far as possible, straighten up, return to i. P. (4-5 times)

5. I. p. - sitting, legs together, the ball lies on the soles of the feet, hands at the back. Raise your legs straight, roll the ball onto your stomach, catch it; return to i. P. (5 times)

6. I. p. - jumping on two legs with a ball in hands, alternating with walking.

Main types of movements.

Educator: - Please put the balls in the basket. They lined up in a column one at a time. Danil and Styopa, prepare a gymnastics bench. Lisa, bring 3 hoops, Snezhana, prepare cones, please. (The teacher arranges the shells together with the children).

Today, guys, we will practice crawling on a gymnastics bench on all fours, jumping from hoop to hoop with both feet together, and strengthen the ability to roll a ball between objects. Zlata will show us the first exercise. You need to kneel down, grab the bench with a side grip, and move forward on all fours.

Emil will demonstrate jumping from hoop to hoop. I.P. - legs together, hands on the belt, jumping forward.

Stepa will show you how to properly roll the ball between the cones. We take the ball from the basket, palms made "With a scoop" and roll the ball between the cones. Then we put the ball in another basket.

The teacher reminds the children that exercises should be done in turns.

After completing all the stages, you need to stand at the tail of the column.

At the teacher's command: "Let's start!"

children, one after another, perform crawling on all fours, move on to jumping on two legs, and then begin the exercise with the ball. Repeat 2-3 times.

As children perform basic types of movement, the teacher coordinates the accuracy and precision of completing tasks.

The exercises are finished. Well done! (Inventory is put back in place).

Let's continue class. I suggest you play the game "Homeless Hare". I remind you of the rules games: from among the players we choose "hunter"(Lisa, the rest of the children - "hares", they are in "minks" (hoops). Quantity "mink" one less number "hares". During the day "hares" walking, on team "hunter!"- hide in "houses". The hunter tries to catch "hare", left without a house. If "hunter" will catch "hare"(touches, then they change roles. (The game is repeated 2-3 times).

Final part

Low mobility game "Guess who called".

Educator: - Let’s stand, guys, in a circle. Danya will guess by voice, close your eyes!

Children walk in circles and They say:

We had a little fun

Everyone was settled in their places.

Guess the riddle

Find out who called you!

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Educator: - Is our the lesson has come to an end. They lined up in a column one at a time. Children go to group.

Olga Rodionova
Summary of a physical education lesson in the middle group “Let’s help Kolobok return home”

Summary of physical education classes in the middle group.

« Let's help Kolobok return home»

Target classes

Type classes: Educational knowledge consolidation lesson, abilities, skills.




4. Strengthen the ability to work with non-standard equipment when throwing a paper ball into the distance.

Developmental quality


Educational: Cultivate interest in lesson through a game plot help the hero.

Equipment: - gymnastic bench – 2

Balls average size - for each child

Soft balls – 3

Ribbed board – 1


White paper - for each child

Stages classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory part.

3. Main part. Breathing exercise.

4. Outdoor game. Breathing exercise.


Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the gym.

I. Introductory part.

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you! Tell me you love fairy tales. Today we will all go to a fairy tale together, and guess which one? riddle:

It was baked from flour,

It was cold at the window,

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox.

"Appears" toy Kolobok.

Guys, Kolobok really wants to return to his grandparents. We'll help should he find his way back? But we need to be very careful, the animals in the forest have prepared tests for us.

Stand at attention. To the right, march along the hall. We have a long way to go, we need to warm up properly, listen to me carefully, help negotiate offers:

(I pronounce the text, and the children do the exercises).

One day, walking along a forest path column along

The animals went to water. alone.

Following the mother fox Walking on tiptoes.

A little fox was sneaking around. Hands up, one by one

clench and unclench fingers

Following Mama Bear Walking on your heels.

A bear cub was walking.

Following the mother squirrel Walking high

The baby squirrels jumped, knees, arms, fists

Following the mother moose Walking with a stomping step.

The elk calf was stomping.

Follow the mother hare Jumping on two legs with

Slanting hares. moving forward.

The she-wolf walked with long strides.

the wolves are following them.

All mothers and children walking after each other

they want to be together

Guys, let's run for Kolobok.

(Running in column one at a time by a sound signal - change of direction of movement).

Guys, we were running and tired. Let `s have some rest.

Breathing exercise « Kolobok – round side» : inhale - show with your hands which one Round gingerbread man, exhale – arms slowly down.

II. Main part.

Guys, look what he has prepared for us Kolobok. Balls. We'll show you Kolobok, what exercises with the ball can we do?

Stand on the green circles.

(Reformation in 2 ranks).

General developmental exercises with a ball.

1. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother in a clearing by the river.

(I. p. - basic stance. The ball is in the hands in front of the chest. 1-hands up, 2-behind the head, 3-up, 4-i. p.) 3-4 times

2. And they loved it very, very much with sour cream koloboks.

(I.p.-o.s., arms with the ball extended in front of you, 1-2 - turn to the right, 3-4 - turn to the left)

3. Although the grandmother has little strength, the grandmother kneaded the dough.

(I. p. - sitting on your knees, the ball is on the right side, 1-4 - rolling the ball to the right with your fingers, back straight, looking forward, 5-8 - to the left)

4. Well, what about grandma’s granddaughter? Rolled the bun in the hands.

(I. p. – sitting on the floor, legs together, 1-2 – rolling the ball along the legs forward to the toes, 3-4 – I. p.)

5. Came out even, came out smooth, not salty or sweet.

Very round, very tasty, we even feel sad about eating it.

(I.p. – lying on your back, holding the ball with both hands on your stomach, using your legs one by one to describe a circle in the air)

6. The ruddy one was rolling along the path bun,

And he sang a cheerful song like could:


(I.p. - main stance. Squats, ball forward, squat - "La")

7. Our little bun is in no hurry, runs up the path,

And now he’ll roll down, it doesn’t matter...

Very much to all the guys like:

"Yes Yes Yes!"- jumping in place on two legs

Breathing exercise.

Well done guys, you are very clever, put the balls in their place. It's time for us to move on.

Main types of movements.

1 So we came to the clearing,

The bunny is waiting for us early in the morning.

He beats the drum loudly,

"Hare leapfrog"– jumping over balls while moving forward.

2. The wolf has a task for us invented:

(crawl along the bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms.)

3. Well, Mishka is clubfooted,

You saved the board for us, guys.

We will walk to the plank -

Let's stretch our legs - walking on a ribbed board.

Circuit training – 3 laps.

4. Fox comes out - a teacher wearing a mask. She holds white sheets of paper in her hands.

The fox asks the children what they can do with the sheets? Then the instructor shows how to make balls of paper and throw them into the distance.

Throwing balls of paper from one side of the hall to the other, with the right and left hands - 3 times.

And because the guys are so smart and skillful, Lisa prepared an interesting game.

Outdoor game "Find a Pair" with checkboxes (by color)

Run in all directions around the hall, without bumping into each other. On signal - find a pair.

We play 2 times.

Final part.

The little fox ran away and we played together.

Breathing exercise "Look left and right". To the right - inhale, tuck your shoulders, straight - exhale, also to the left (where is grandma and grandpa's house)

Grandma and grandpa look out from the house and thank the children for Kolobok brought and treated to sweets.

Well done guys, you've done a good job, it's time to go back. Built in column one at a time, follow Yegor step by step.

Did you like traveling to a fairy tale? If you liked it, give your smile to the guests and wave your hand to them. This is our class is over, Goodbye.

Introspection classes.

Class was carried out with children of the second year of study.

Target classes: through the creation of a game situation, to consolidate children’s existing motor skills and abilities.

Type classes: consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities.

View classes: class journey into a fairy tale.

Sanitary conditions carrying out: wet cleaning, ventilation, sufficient lighting.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions: the teacher is ready, the outline is ready, musical accompaniment has been prepared.

Material support: children are fully provided with equipment.

To achieve this goal, the following were put forward: tasks:

Educational: 1. Walk one after another on toes, heels, with high knees, run one after another, changing direction at the sound signal.

2. Practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, jumping over objects, pushing off with both legs, achieving lightness and landing in a half-squat.

3. Strengthen the ability to crawl on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands (when standing on the floor, arch your back).

4. Practice crawling under the arches on all fours, arching your back.

5. Strengthen the ability to work with non-standard equipment when throwing a paper ball into the distance.

Developmental: Develop orientation in space, coordination of movements, balance. Develop psychophysical quality: speed, agility, endurance. Develop gross and fine motor skills of the hands using kinesiological exercises.

Wellness: 1. Develop skills of correct posture, developing the musculoskeletal system.

2. Strengthen the respiratory organs and abdominal muscles.

3. Carry out exercises to prevent flat feet.

Educational: Cultivate interest in lesson through a game plot. Cultivate friendships and desire help the hero.

Let's look at the stages classes, and what problems were solved on each stage:

Stages classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Formed an interest in lesson through a game plot, a riddle. The children were given a goal - help Kolobok get home, the goal is accepted by the children.

2. Introductory part.

She reinforced walking one after another on toes, heels, with high knees, running one after another with a change of direction at the sound signal, thereby developing auditory attention, reaction speed, and balance when turning. I practiced jumping on two legs, moving forward, achieving a push with both legs. She also used elements of finger kinesiological exercises to develop interhemispheric connections in children’s brains.

3. Main part.

1) Used outdoor gear with balls to warm up the muscles of the body, thereby developing dexterity, fine motor skills of the hands, strengthening the respiratory organs and abdominal muscles.

2) I practiced jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop, achieving a push with both legs and ease in jumping.

3) Strengthened the ability to crawl on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands (when standing on the floor, arch your back, achieving full straightening of your arms when pulling yourself up, developing the strength of your arm muscles.

4) I practiced walking on a ribbed board to prevent flat feet.

5) I practiced crawling under arches on all fours, arching my back, thereby developing the plasticity of the spine.

6) Reinforced the throwing of a paper ball into the distance (working with non-standard equipment in order to consolidate the properties of paper (lightness, you can crumple it, and also let the children feel the force of the swing and throw so that the ball flies further).

Breathing exercise.

4. Outdoor game.

In outdoor play, she consolidated the ability to run randomly around the hall, without bumping into each other, dodging each other, developed orientation in space, based on a sound signal - children found a pair by the color of the flag, thereby developing auditory attention, visual perception through knowledge of colors and shades. She also developed her reaction speed. Developed friendly relationships and the ability to negotiate when exchanging flags.

5. Final part. Bottom line classes.

In the final part, we conducted an exercise to restore breathing. The children were met by fairy-tale characters (grandparents, thanked for their good deed, and treated to the children. Their attitude towards the event occupation the children expressed it through a smile, a welcoming gesture to the guests, and applause.

I believe that during all classes The tasks I set were solved in full. Methods and techniques are appropriate for the age of the children. Throughout classes I worked on the children’s active and passive vocabulary, reinforced spatial concepts (right, left, forward, backward, recalled fairy tale characters, children answered questions.

To solve the assigned problems, I believe that the form of organization was chosen very successfully children: circuit training. This made it possible to increase motor activity children and improve motor density classes, all the children were in sight. The children's tasks were varied according to the degree of difficulty. I think that the game technique (a journey into a fairy tale to help the character) allowed children to become interested and maintained interest throughout classes.