Furadonin in gynecology. Will the use of furadonin have an effect on prostate inflammation?

Cystitis is an infectious disease of the bladder. Furadonin is often prescribed for its treatment. Uroantiseptic is effective against many microorganisms that cause inflammation in the bladder. Furadonin should not be taken for cystitis without a doctor's prescription.

The bactericidal medicine is available in tablet form. The tablets have a characteristic yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tint.

The medicine is also produced in the form of a suspension. For cystitis, adults are recommended to use uroantiseptic in tablet form.

Nitrofurantoin is the main active substance, which is a derivative of nitrofurans. One tablet contains 50 mg (Furadonin Avexima) or 100 mg of the active ingredient.

Furadonin is a uroantiseptic with an antimicrobial effect. Directly used as a remedy for urinary tract infections, including cystitis. It starts to work from the first dose.

Therapeutic effect

The main component of the product leads to disruption of the proteins of pathogenic agents, inhibiting their membrane. It quickly helps eliminate the inflammatory process due to its high effectiveness against many pathogens of cystitis.

Yellow tablets for cystitis cope with groups of bacteria such as Proteus, staphylococci, E. coli and Shigella.

Today, the therapeutic effect of the drug is not so pronounced, because over time, microorganisms develop resistance to certain antibiotics. However, in most cases, the drug provides rapid treatment with the elimination of acute symptoms of the disease. Women note relief in their condition just a few hours after the first dose. The advantage of uroantiseptic is that it is mostly excreted unchanged, that is, it can have a therapeutic effect directly at the site of the disease.

Before drinking Furadonin for cystitis, adults must undergo a diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will be able to determine the effectiveness of the medicine. Self-medication is dangerous, especially with the use of nitrofurantoins.

Treatment regimen

The tablets are taken whole orally with a glass of water or milk. Chewing or crushing the medicine is not recommended.

During therapy, it is important to increase the drinking regime. Fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas and even plain water will help you overcome the inflammatory process faster.

  • In acute cases - one or two tablets (100 mg or 50 mg, respectively) 4 times a day. The recommended course is 7 days.
  • For prevention – 1 tablet before bedtime. Duration – from 12 weeks to a year.

Read also: Nitroxoline for cystitis in women: instructions for use

The effectiveness of nitrofurantoin is increased when taken with food. If possible, tablets should be taken at regular intervals (every 6 hours).

When using a suspension, the contents of the bottle must be shaken. The solution can be washed down with any liquid except black or green tea.

Incomplete treatment will become a factor of relapse and increase the likelihood of the disease becoming a chronic process with frequent exacerbations. You can determine exactly how many days to take the drug by repeating the analysis after completing the first course.

Treatment of acute cystitis with severe pain and impaired urine output lasts up to 10 days. Afterwards, medications are prescribed to prevent the re-development of the infectious process. Treatment of chronic cystitis lasts longer, with interruptions.

Treatment with Furadonin is stopped when the result of a bacteriological study shows the complete absence of the pathogen. After the main course of treatment, the specialist may recommend taking a bactericidal medication to prevent re-infection.

Who is not suitable for uroantiseptic?

Thearpy with nitrofurantoin is not carried out in the following cases:

  1. Insufficiency of kidney function. An absolute contraindication would be a pathology that occurs in an acute form. This is due to the fact that this organ removes part of the medicine, and this can aggravate the serious condition. In patients with kidney failure, the likelihood of neuropathy increases. The dose for any violations is adjusted by the doctor, depending on the severity of the condition. The instructions also do not recommend using Furadonin for cystitis in case of other severe kidney pathologies, including oliguria.
  2. Disorders of the hepatobiliary system. Most of the medicine is eliminated by the liver. Taking Furadonin can cause hepatic coma if there are abnormalities such as cirrhosis, fibrosis, hepatitis.
  3. Time of gestation and lactation. The active component penetrates into milk and through the placenta. Taking it during pregnancy becomes a factor in intrauterine formation abnormalities. Treatment of pregnant and lactating women should be carried out exclusively by a specialist.
  4. Children under 3 years of age should not take the product. Until the age of 6, the medicine is prescribed with caution under the supervision of a physician. In this case, the minimum dosage of the drug is selected. If possible, safer antibacterial agents are prescribed.
  5. In case of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, the use of the drug is extremely dangerous. Other kidney and liver diseases require individual dosage selection, which is carried out after examination.

You should not take the uroantiseptic if you are hypersensitive to the components in the composition. It is also prescribed with caution to patients suffering from high blood pressure.

During therapy, you should avoid drinking alcohol. Nitrofurans are incompatible with ethyl alcohol.

The drug Furadonin acts gently for cystitis, its positive effect is observed from the first day, and is fixed after 5-7 days. However, if you are intolerant to drugs in this group, undesirable effects may clearly manifest themselves. This will be a signal to stop treatment and visit a specialist.

Read also: Herbal paste for cystitis Phytolysin: instructions for use

After completing a course of treatment for cystitis with Furadonin, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations to prevent re-infection.

Important to remember! An untreated infection is a risk of developing complications due to the spread of pathogenic microflora to other pelvic organs. In this case, treatment may take several months.

Negative Impact

Before taking Furadonin, you should carefully study the body's possible reactions to the active substance. They can appear at any dosage of the drug. The most common are:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders. During therapy, a feeling of nausea, frequent loose stools, and increased gas formation sometimes occur.
  2. Problems in the functioning of the biliary tract and liver. If there are undiagnosed pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, there is a risk of cholestasis and hepatitis. These conditions are life-threatening, and when they occur, therapy is stopped.
  3. Central nervous system disorders. There is a risk of developing headaches, neuropathy, and dizziness. Such reactions to taking Furadonin appear very rarely. However, the medicine may cause drowsiness and irritability.
  4. Negative reactions from the respiratory organs. Bronchospasm may develop, which causes hypoxia. This condition can provoke active spread of infection.

If adverse reactions or allergies to Furadonin occur, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will relieve the symptoms and select a different antibacterial drug or adjust the dosage.

Instructions for lactation and pregnancy

Tablets for cystitis Furadonin are not among the most toxic, but taking them during pregnancy is contraindicated. The reason for this will be the penetration of the main active ingredient through the placenta. This can become a factor in the development of congenital anomalies in the unborn child. However, this drug belongs to group B.

Group B are medications that have not been sufficiently studied; they can be used during a woman’s pregnancy, but in extreme cases.

An absolute contraindication is the first 12 weeks of gestation. In the second trimester, treatment can be carried out after research has been carried out and the need for antibacterial therapy has been identified.

Furadonin is also not taken during breastfeeding. It passes into milk, causing a negative effect on the baby. However, if it is necessary to treat cystitis with this particular remedy, a woman should stop breastfeeding for a while and return to it after the medicine is completely removed from the body.

Compatibility with other drugs

Before taking Furadonin for cystitis, drug interactions should be taken into account. Taking some medications will limit the use of uroantiseptics.

Nalidixic acid and antacids can reduce the antibacterial effect. Furadonin is not compatible with fluoroquinol antibiotics. Calcium secretion blockers also reduce the effect of the drug. In addition, the latter increase toxicity.

Drugs that promote urine alkalization reduce the therapeutic effect of the uroantiseptic.

How to replace uroantiseptic

Analogues of Furadonin in composition and principle of action are:

The high incidence of prostatitis among the male population is one of the serious problems in urological practice, because this pathology can lead to the development of infertility and cancer. Treatment of prostate inflammation is a rather long and complex process, which includes the prescription of antibiotics and some other medications. It is worth talking in more detail about the role of the drug Furadonin in the treatment of prostatitis.

Furadonin is a uroantiseptic belonging to the group of nitrofurans

The role of the prostate in the body

The prostate is a small internal reproductive organ in men. It has only two functions: producing the liquid part of the semen and blocking urination during an erection. The last point is achieved partly due to the peculiar location of the prostate gland - it is located under the bladder and surrounds the urethra like a ring at its very beginning.

If an infectious agent penetrates into the tissues of this organ (during diseases of the kidneys and bladder, unprotected sex, etc.), this leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate, which is called prostatitis.

The most common causative agent of prostatitis is Escherichia coli.

E. coli enters the prostate from the nearby rectum

With iron disease, the iron gradually increases in size due to swelling and infiltration of its tissues, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain of varying intensity in the groin, anus and/or inner thighs;
  • deterioration of urine outflow;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet, especially at night;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • small portions of urine (up to a few drops per visit to the toilet);
  • feeling of bladder fullness.

Timely consultation with a doctor guarantees quick relief from the disease

If a man has noted one or more of the above symptoms, then it is best to consult a urologist, who will prescribe the necessary tests and advise on further actions.

Action of Furadonin

Treatment of any infectious and inflammatory pathologies, which include bacterial prostatitis, cannot be done without the use of antimicrobial agents. The choice of drug usually depends on the type of pathogen and a number of other nuances, since different groups of antibiotics are unequal in their effectiveness.

Furadonin is a uroantiseptic and not a systemic antibiotic.

Uroantiseptics include other drugs for the treatment of urinary tract diseases

Furadonin belongs to the group of nitrofurans. It has a fairly wide spectrum of action on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, due to the fact that its active substance (Nitrofurantoin) can disrupt the formation of DNA and RNA in microbial cells. This leads to the death of bacteria and inhibition of their reproduction. Its effect is most pronounced in an acidic environment, and in an alkaline environment its antiseptic activity is greatly reduced.

Indications for use

Despite the fact that Furadonin has almost the same wide spectrum as antibiotics of various groups, it cannot be used as widely as, for example, Ciprofloxacin. This is explained by the peculiarities of the drug’s metabolism: most of the drug after oral administration is filtered by the kidneys and is able to exert its effects only in the urinary system.

Furadonin is mainly used for inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder

Therefore, the scope of use of Furadonin is limited to the following pathologies:

  • pyelitis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis.

The medicine is used for prophylactic purposes during urological operations, bladder catheterization and cystoscopy.

Furadonin for prostatitis is not prescribed as monotherapy, but can be used in combination with another antimicrobial agent.

For prostatitis, complex treatment is most effective

This tactic is explained by the low penetration of Nitrofurantoin into prostate tissue. In addition, with this pathology, the pH in the prostate tissue shifts to the alkaline side, which further reduces the effectiveness of Furadonin.

Contraindications to taking the drug

If you are allergic to nitrofurans or auxiliary components of the drug, the use of Furadonin is strictly prohibited. It should not be taken in case of oliguria and anuria, renal and/or heart failure, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, acute porphyria and deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. This drug is also contraindicated for persons undergoing hemodialysis or suffering from neuritis or polyneuropathy.

Use the product with caution in elderly people, as well as in patients with diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis, anemia, and deficiency of B vitamins.

For patients with diabetes mellitus, the drug is prescribed only after consultation with an endocrinologist.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is available in the form of tablets of 0.1 g and 0.05 g. Depending on the disease, adults can be prescribed 0.1 g 2 to 4 times a day, but the course of treatment is no more than 7 days. To prevent urological infections after operations or examinations, 0.1 g is prescribed twice a day of the procedure and for another 3 days after it. It is better to take the medicine with food, this will reduce possible adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

There is no treatment regimen for prostatitis with Furadonin. Firstly, such therapy should last at least 4 weeks to completely cleanse the prostate gland of bacteria, and, secondly, to obtain the desired effect, a multiple increase in dosage would be required. Both of these nuances would lead to a significant increase in the risk of side effects, which are quite dangerous with Furadonin.

Self-medication not only does not bring benefits, but can also be dangerous to health

You should not self-medicate - this can lead to an even worsening of the condition.

Side effects

First of all, like many other antimicrobial agents, Furadonin causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain; rarely, taking the drug can lead to pancreatitis.

Furadonin can also affect the central nervous system: patients complain of headache, drowsiness, confusion, a feeling of euphoria or depression, nystagmus and increased intracranial pressure are noted. The drug also affects peripheral nerves: neuritis and polyneuropathy may occur, which are manifested by a burning sensation or numbness in the limbs or weakness in the muscles.

Polyneuropathy is one of the most dangerous side effects of taking Furadonin

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking Furadonin and consult a doctor, as some neuropathies may be irreversible.

Other side effects may also occur:

  • shortness of breath, coughing fits and chest pain;
  • hepatitis and cholestasis;
  • intolerance reactions: from urticaria to angioedema and exfoliative dermatitis;
  • the appearance of pain in muscles and joints;
  • blurred vision;

With long-term use of the drug, it is necessary to monitor the indicators of a general blood test

  • changes in blood tests: decreased number of red blood cells, platelets or white blood cells;
  • reversible hair loss.

It is worth remembering that Nitrofurantoin turns urine brown or dark yellow.

The use of Furadonin for prostatitis is inappropriate. This opinion is shared by most urologists. This medicine, as monotherapy, is not able to effectively eliminate the pathogen from the gland, and with increasing dosage or duration of the course of administration, it often leads to the appearance of pronounced negative side reactions.

For more information about nitrofurantoin, the active ingredient of Furadonin, watch the video:

Contents [Show]

  • insomnia;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • allergic rashes;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • up to 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • glucose deficiency;
  • nursing women;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • fibrosis of lung tissue;

What does Furadonin help with?

“Furadonin”, what does this bactericidal and bacteriostatic drug help with? The medication is actively used in urology. The instructions for use recommend taking the medicine “Furadonin” for cystitis and urethritis.

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, powder and suspension. The active element of the drug "Furadonin", which helps with infections and inflammations of the urinary tract, is nitrofurantoin. Calcium stearate, starch and other substances promote better absorption of the product.

The drug "Furadonin", which helps with urological diseases, has antimicrobial, bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. The active element disrupts protein reproduction in bacteria. The medication is active against E. coli, Shigella, streptococcal, staphylococcal infections and other gram-positive and -negative bacteria. The effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of urinary tract infections has been proven, and bacterial resistance to the drug develops in rare cases, but resistance is still possible.

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of the following infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract:

The medication is prescribed to prevent infections during cystoscopy, urological surgery, and catheter placement.

The tablets are taken after meals with plenty of liquid. It is not recommended to bite into the medicine as it is bitter. Adult patients are prescribed 100 #8212; 150 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day. The maximum daily dosage is 600 mg, you can drink no more than 300 mg at a time.

For infections, use 50 mg of the drug three times a day. For the treatment of urological ailments, the course of therapy is 7–10 days. If there is no improvement, the drug is discontinued.

Before taking Furadonin, you must carefully study the instructions. The medicine gives the best results when acting in an acidic environment. Thus, it is recommended to eat protein foods during therapy.

Furadonin tablets help well against cystitis. The treatment regimen involves taking 3-4 capsules per day. Before taking Furadonin for cystitis, you should consult a specialist.

Furadonin tablets are prescribed to children based on body weight. The daily dosage includes 5-6 mg per 1 kg of child’s weight. The resulting amount of the drug must be taken 4 times a day. For preventive purposes, the volume is determined according to the scheme of 1 mg per 1 kg of weight per day.

The instructions for use prohibit the use of the product "Furadonin" for:

  • chronic heart or kidney failure;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug "Furadonin", which can cause an allergy;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • infants up to 1 month;
  • acute porphyria
  • during breastfeeding;
  • during pregnancy.

The medicine "Furadonin", reviews and instructions indicate this, can cause the following negative reactions of the body:

  • myalgia;
  • asthenia;
  • chest pain;
  • skin rash;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • arthralgia;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergies;
  • shortness of breath;
  • eosinophilia;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • cough;
  • angioedema;
  • pancreatitis;
  • abdominal pain.

Medicines with similar composition are not available. A synonym is “Furadonin Avexima”, which helps for identical indications. In terms of therapeutic effect, analogues of the drug are: “Furamag”, “Furagin”, “Furazidin”. You can buy Furadonin tablets, the price of which is 60 rubles for 10 pieces of 50 mg, without a prescription.

There are good reviews about the drug "Furadonin". Patients indicate a high effect of the medication. For cystitis, the medicine helps within 2-3 days. A positive aspect is the reasonable price of the product. However, patients often complain of headache and nausea after taking the pills.

Many people ask: “Furadonin or Furagin - which is better?” The drugs have similar indications and side effects. Doctors note a milder effect of the analogue. To the question: “Furadonin” is an antibiotic or not, doctors answer that the drug is not an antibiotic.

Furadonin for cystitis

Cystitis is a fairly common disease that affects both sexes. But the female half of the population encounters this unpleasant disease more often, due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of their genital organs.

One of the drugs that is still widely used in the treatment of cystitis. is Furadonin. The positive side of using Furadonin is that it can fight the most common causative agent of the disease - E. coli.

The drug is well absorbed and at the same time is excreted from the body in the urine in a short time. If the drug is used in recommended dosages, then, as a rule, it does not have a high level of concentration in the blood.

In addition, treatment of cystitis with Furadonin tablets is quite inexpensive. This is also an undeniable advantage of this drug.

When should you not drink Furadonin?

If you have cystitis, you should not take Furadonin if you have diseases such as anuria, oliguria, or an allergy to this drug. Also, the drug cannot be used if there are problems with the kidneys, liver, or if there are disturbances in the excretion of urine from the body. If a woman has had jaundice or is in the ninth month of pregnancy, then the drug should not be used either.

Patients with diabetes mellitus, anemia, vitamin B deficiency, electrolyte imbalance, genetic enzyme deficiency, as well as in the presence of any chronic disease should be careful when taking Furadonin. In these cases, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required about whether or not to drink Furadonin for cystitis and how best to do it, or about replacing it with another drug.

According to the instructions, Furadonin tablets for cystitis should be taken orally with 200 ml of water.

For children, this form of medication is provided as a suspension. It can be mixed with fruit juice, milk or plain water. The drug is taken 50-100 mg four times a day for seven days.

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken once at night, 50-100 mg.

If a child under 12 years of age is ill, then this medicine for cystitis is prescribed to him at the rate of 5-7 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight (4 doses). For children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed twice a day, 100 mg for a week.

To improve the absorption of the medicine, the instructions for Furadonin recommend taking the tablets with meals.

Side effects of Furadonin

When taking this medicine, various side effects may occur, which may include:

  • chills, fever, body aches;
  • shortness of breath, diarrhea, dry cough, sudden pain or discomfort in the chest;
  • peeling, rash, pale skin;
  • tingling, numbness or pain in the extremities;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, yellowing of the eyes and skin, decreased appetite;
  • headache, eye pain, confusion, blurred vision, ringing in the ears;
  • vaginal discharge and itching in the genitals.

If Furadonin is taken in doses exceeding those recommended by the doctor, this may cause an overdose of the drug, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting. In such situations, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids and undergo hemodialysis.

Special instructions for Furadonin

Only a doctor can prescribe the drug. After recovery, which is demonstrated by appropriate tests, Furadonin must be taken for at least another seven days under medical supervision.

When using this medicine for a long period, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and lungs should be monitored.

Inside, with plenty of water, adults— 0.1-0.15 g, 3-4 times/day; children- at the rate of 5-8 mg/kg/day, the daily dose is divided into 4 doses. Higher doses for adults: single - 0.3 g, daily - 0.6 g.

For acute infections urinary tract treatment duration is 7-10 days.

Preventive, anti-relapse treatment lasts, depending on the nature of the disease, from 3 to 12 months. The daily dose in this case is 1-2 mg/kg.

Nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions (lupus-like syndrome, arthralgia, myalgia, anaphylaxis, chills, eosinophilia, rash), dizziness, headache, asthenia, nystagmus, drowsiness, interstitial changes in the lungs, broncho-obstructive syndrome, fever, cough, chest pain , hepatitis, cholestatic syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, rarely - abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Contraindications for use

chronic renal failure;

heart failure stage II-III;

cirrhosis of the liver;

chronic hepatitis;

deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;

acute porphyria;

lactation period;

children under 3 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Use for liver dysfunction

The use of the drug in patients with liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis is contraindicated.

Use for renal impairment

The use of the drug in patients with chronic renal failure is contraindicated.

Use in children

The use of the drug in children under 3 years of age is prohibited.

Children over 3 years old the dose is prescribed at the rate of 5-8 mg/kg/day, the daily dose is divided into 4 doses.

The effect of the drug on the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (if dizziness and drowsiness occur).

Treatment: Taking large amounts of fluid leads to increased excretion of the drug in the urine. Dialysis is effective.

The simultaneous use of nalidixic acid and antacids containing magnesium trisilicate reduces the antibacterial effect. Incompatibility with fluoroquinolones. Medicines that block tubular secretion reduce the antibacterial effect (by reducing the concentration of nitrofurantoin in the urine) and increase the toxicity (increases the concentration in the blood) of the drug.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25C. Shelf life: 4 years.

After the expiration date, do not use the drug.


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Furadonin is a drug from the nitrofuran group that has antimicrobial activity due to the ability to disrupt the permeability of the cell wall and protein synthesis in the bacterial cell.

The active substance, international nonproprietary name of the drug is nitrofurantoin. Furadonin is prescribed for cystitis and other lower urinary tract infections.

1. Indications and dosages

2. Use for chronic cystitis

3. Spectrum of activity of the drug Furadonin

Table 1 - Sensitivity of E. Coli isolated during UTI infections to antibacterial drugs (I. S. Palanin, 2009)

Monural - powder for the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis

4. Place of nitrofurantoin in the pharmacological market

  1. 6Other severe reactions (neurological and hematological disorders) were even less common, occurring in approximately 0.0007% - 0.0004% of cases.

There is a third form of nitrofurantoin - nitrofurantoin MV (modified release), consisting of macrocrystals and monohydrate. It has a gel-like structure and is released even more slowly.

The incidence of adverse events in these studies ranged from 5 to 16%. This is comparable to drugs from other groups, and sometimes even lower.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, especially disturbing at night and accompanied by pain - symptoms of cystitis, familiar to almost every adult, are especially alarming for women. Inflammation of the bladder requires immediate treatment. Furadonin for cystitis is an effective remedy in the fight against microbes that cause inflammation.

Cystitis is a pathology of the urinary system that has no gender or age restrictions, although it is more common among the fairer sex.

It has been proven that cystitis is a microbial disease caused by E. coli, staphylococcal infection and sexually transmitted pathogenic microorganisms. At the first signs of cystitis, it is recommended to take furadonin, which can fight pathogens, is well absorbed by the body and is quickly excreted in the urine.

The main active ingredient of Furadonin for cystitis is nitrofurantoin, which is a synthetic antimicrobial agent and copes well with infections of the urinary system.

It is available in tablet form, which allows the drug to be absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted by the kidneys within 4 hours. Nitrofurantoin, being in the lymphatic system and reaching the source of infection, blocks the action of microbes, disrupting the exchange of bacterial cells, leading to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by its selective effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (for example, Shigella sonnei (Shigella), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (saprophytic staphylococcus), Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), Enterobacter spp (Enterobacter), Proteus spp (Proteus), Klebsiella spp (Klebsiella) The advantage of the drug over antibiotics is the preservation of intestinal microflora.

The growth of pathogenic microorganisms stops due to the active medicinal effect on the urinary system, increasing the degree of protection of the body and improving the immune system.

The positive therapeutic effects of furadonin on the kidneys, urethra, urinary ducts, as well as the external female genitalia have been proven. Actively acting as an antiseptic, nitrofuratonin promotes the healing of internal lesions (injuries, cracks, ulcers, fistulas).

When starting treatment with furadonin, the patient must make sure in what cases the use of the drug is indicated.

Medical professionals prescribe furadonin in the following cases:

  • treatment of genitourinary infections such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis and urethritis;
  • therapy for chronic bladder pathology;
  • preventive measure during urological and gynecological examinations (cystoscopy, catheterization, minimally invasive urological operations).

Before using the drug, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will select an individual treatment regimen.

Different dosages of furadonin require taking into account age characteristics, features of pathology and the cause of the disease.

In order to calculate how to take a single dose of the drug, you need to remember that 5-8 mg is indicated per 1 kg of body weight. Then everything is simple: for example, your weight is 62 kg, you must multiply it by 8 mg and divide by 100. The result is 4.96 mg. – this is your single dose. Considering that the tablets contain 50 - 100 mg, then at one time you are advised to take 1 tablet of 50 mg or half of 100 mg of furadonin.

In the instructions for use for cystitis, there are methods of administration calculated by doctors:

  • adults (over 18 years old) 1-2 tablets three times;
  • children over 12 years old, 1-2 tablets 2 times a day;
  • for children under 12 years of age, take ½ tablet four times.
  • pregnant women from the 13th week: 0.1-0.5 mg four times a day.

The duration of the course is on average 1-2 weeks and depends on the attending physician.

The dosage of medications and the duration of the course also depend on the stage of the disease:

  1. Acute cystitis is treated for up to 10 days. Take 50 mg of furadonin every 6 hours (for adults).
  2. Chronic inflammation of the urinary system, cystitis, can be treated with a one-time dose of 50-100 mg of nitrofurate. Individual, long-term therapy (up to 3 months) is prescribed by a doctor.
  3. To prevent relapses, take 100 mg of the drug at night.

To treat cystitis with furadonin in women and men, in the first three days of the disease, take four times 100 mg of the drug. Timely treatment started after the first dose of the medicine reduces pain and normalizes urination, acting instantly.

It is mandatory to consult your doctor before starting to take furadonin. If a course of treatment has been started, then you should take furadonin responsibly, trying not to miss taking the drug and keeping the same time interval. Do not take two doses at the same time to avoid side effects.

Pregnant women should use the medicine with extreme caution, as fetal intoxication is possible. When taking nitrofurate during lactation, refrain from breastfeeding.

Take furadonin tablets with plenty of water. During the treatment period, it is recommended to increase the amount of drinking.

The drug begins to act actively, showing a therapeutic effect, after two to three days.

Tablets for cystitis Furadonin are well tolerated by the majority of patients. Cases of side effects have been recorded:

  • pain in muscles, chest area, head;
  • insomnia;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • allergic rashes;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.

If one of the signs is detected, you should stop taking nitrofurate and seek advice from a specialist.

To prevent the manifestation of the above symptoms, you should undergo a tolerance test and follow the instructions: take the medicine with or after meals with plenty of water or milk.

The instructions for the use of furadonin for cystitis indicate that the use of the drug is prohibited in the following cases:

  • up to 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • newborns in the first month of life;
  • chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, porphyria);
  • heart failure grade 2.3;
  • glucose deficiency;
  • nursing women;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • fibrosis of lung tissue;
  • increased drug sensitivity.

Elderly people should take Furadonin for cystitis with extreme caution. The drug is incompatible with alcohol.

Modern pharmacology has a wide range of drugs indicated in the treatment of genitourinary inflammation. Long-term studies and patient reviews prove the effectiveness of furadonin for cystitis.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • unlike antibiotics (amoxicillin) does not suppress the immune system;
  • nitrofurantoin, which is the active ingredient of furadonin, disrupts the protein synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms and simultaneously activates leukocyte activity;
  • positive effect on the adsorption abilities of the liver and spleen, improving the binding properties of blood;
  • The recommended dosage of furadonin is not addictive;
  • a small dose of medication settles in the blood, unlike antibiotics;
  • no adaptation of bacteria to nitrofuran was observed in the treatment of cystitis and other urinary infections, which allows repeated use of the drug even in case of relapses;
  • has no structural analogues;
  • available to everyone without exception due to the optimal price-quality ratio;
  • few side effects and contraindications compared to antibacterial agents for the treatment of cystitis;
  • treatment of children older than 1 month is possible;
  • simultaneous rapid bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects.

The above advantages of the drug make it possible to use it to treat people with a sufficient number of chronic diseases.

It has been clinically proven that when interacting, some drugs negatively affect Furadonin, reducing its therapeutic effect. These include:

  • acid-reducing agents (gastal, almagel);
  • antacid preparations containing magnesium trisilact and nalidixic acid;
  • fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin);
  • drugs that block tubular secretion (phenylbutazone);
  • sulfinpyrazone and probenecid reduce the process of furadonin release.

The use of Furadonin together with the listed drugs increases its concentration in the blood, increasing the toxicity of the drug, which can cause side effects.

The main active substance of furadonin, nitrofurantoin (or nitrofuran), is unique and has no analogues.

Medicines such as furamag, furasol, furazidin, furagin are considered similar in their therapeutic effect. They are derivatives of nitrofuran.

Experts advise using derivatives for cystitis only if a urine culture test is performed to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. A significant disadvantage of drugs with similar treatment mechanisms for cystitis is their inability to kill bacteria (unlike Furadonin). They only stop their growth and reproduction. In any case, the decisive word in prescribing medications for cystitis will be the word of a urologist, gynecologist or therapist.

Patients who have personally experienced the effects of furadonin note its positive properties: rapid onset of relief (one hour after administration), convenient form of administration (you can take a tablet anywhere), availability (you can always buy it at a pharmacy at a “reasonable” price) , the possibility of treating children and pregnant women.

Among the negative aspects, only side effects were noted (vomiting, dizziness, headaches), but they are recorded in rare cases.

Please note: furadonin is a toxic drug, so it should be taken after a medical prescription.

Reading time: 6 min.

Furadonin is a drug from the nitrofuran group that has antimicrobial activity due to the ability to disrupt the permeability of the cell wall and protein synthesis in the bacterial cell.

The active substance, international nonproprietary name of the drug is nitrofurantoin. Furadonin is prescribed for cystitis and other lower urinary tract infections.

Independent and uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents leads to increased resistance of uropathogenic flora, so you should not take this drug without consulting and recommending your doctor.

Today, Furadonin is used directly for the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis, as well as for the prevention of bladder infection during cystoscopy and catheterization.

It reaches therapeutic concentrations only in the lower urinary tract, which makes it impossible to use for pyelonephritis or prostatitis.

The regimen for taking Furadonin for acute uncomplicated cystitis according to the Russian clinical guidelines of 2016 and the official instructions for use: 100 mg tablets 3-4 times a day, orally, with plenty of water. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

The bioavailability of the drug is high (more than 50%), and the rate of absorption is fast. Taking Furadonin with food increases the bioavailability of the drug and increases its effectiveness.

Macrocrystalline nitrofurantoin (Uvamin retard, not registered in the Russian Federation) is used in a dosage of 100 mg 2-3 times a day.

This is due to the fact that the macrocrystalline form has a delayed release of the active substance. Microcrystals do not appear in any of the foreign recommendations, and on the Russian market, on the contrary, the macrocrystalline form is not registered.

Antibiotics and regimens used to treat cystitis in women, men, children and pregnant women

For chronic recurrent cystitis, it is possible to use antibiotic prophylaxis using Furadonin (EAU 2015).

The regimen for taking the drug to prevent exacerbations is as follows: take 50 mg tablets once a day (the duration of the course is selected individually by the attending physician, usually 3-6 months).

Antibiotic prophylaxis for chronic cystitis should not be prescribed independently. The use of antibiotics is a last resort when all other types of preventive measures have proven ineffective (herbal uroseptics, Uro-Vaxom, etc.).

Before starting antibiotic prophylaxis, it is mandatory to obtain a negative urine culture.

It must be remembered that long-term use of Furadonin increases the likelihood of severe adverse reactions.

Tablets and other medications for the treatment of cystitis in women and men

The most common (in 65-80% of cases) causative agent of acute cystitis is Escherichia coli (E.Coli). This microorganism is sensitive to many types of antibiotics, however, due to the frequent and uncontrolled prescription of antibacterial agents in medical practice, E. coli has been able to develop drug resistance to most of them.

The widespread prevalence of antibiotic resistance today significantly limits the choice of drugs for the treatment of cystitis.

Furadonin (nitrofurantoin) is one of the few antibiotics active against E. coli, as well as Enterobacter, Klebsiella, staphylococci and streptococci.

The resistance of E. coli to nitrofurantoin is quite low and ranges from 1.2-4.3% in Russia, depending on the sample of patients.

Table 1 - Sensitivity of E. Coli isolated from UTI infections to antibacterial drugs (I. S. Palanin, 2009)

At the same time, almost all strains of Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Actinobacteria are resistant to nitrofurantoin (according to EUA data from 2011).

These microorganisms are rarely the causative agents of acute cystitis, but we should not forget about the possibility of inflammation caused by polymicrobial associations.

Monural - powder for the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis

The first drugs of the nitrofuran group appeared on the pharmacological market in the 1940s.

Nitrofurantoin was approved by the US FDA in 1953 as first-line treatment for uncomplicated urinary infections.

It has been actively used to treat acute cystitis for almost two decades, but with the development of pharmacological production and the advent of drugs such as trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, fluoroquinolones and B-lactam antibiotics, its popularity has sharply declined.

Nitrofurantoin is one of the oldest antimicrobial drugs, however, the resistance of Escherichia coli to it remains quite low to this day.

This slow development of resistance to the drug is due to the presence of not one, but several mechanisms of action. That is why bacteria must have not one, but several mutations, which is evolutionarily more complex.

By the early 2000s, increasing resistance to fluoroquinolones and B-lactams led to renewed interest in nitrofurantoin.

According to modern aspects of the choice of antibiotics, nitrofurans, including Furadonin, can be taken for cystitis as first-line drugs.

In domestic (2016) and European (2015) urological recommendations, nitrofurantoin is one of the three drugs of choice for the treatment of acute cystitis (evidence 1a, recommendation A).

Despite the fact that nitrofurantoin was one of the first available antibiotics for the treatment of urinary tract infections, the drug underwent serious clinical trials two decades after its release (in 1970).

The purpose of these studies was not to study nitrofurantoin, but to evaluate the effectiveness of new antibiotics in comparison with the “gold standard” of that time.

In total, in the 70s, 24 randomized studies were conducted that proved the effectiveness of nitrofurantoin and new generation antibiotics, which led to the displacement of the “outdated” Furadonin into the background.

The second peak of randomized clinical trials of nitrofurantoin occurred between 1990 and 2000. They demonstrated the high effectiveness of a 5-7 day course. However, it was found that the drug is ineffective if taken for three days.

Thus, in an open controlled study, Hooton et al (1995) compared three- and seven-day courses (at a dosage of 100 mg 4 times a day). 6 weeks after the end of treatment, the effectiveness of a 3-day course of nitrofurantoin was only 61%. However, the effectiveness of five- and seven-day courses varied in the range of 80-92%.

To date, although there are many randomized trials that included male patients, baseline demographic data have not been disclosed and results have not been stratified by gender. Thus, the pharmacological effectiveness of Furadonin in men cannot be assessed.

Nitrofurantoin appeared on the drug market in an era when the requirements for reliability and methodology for the development of antibiotics were not yet clearly regulated. Despite its widespread use, there is still uncertainty regarding its likely toxicity.

A comprehensive meta-analysis of studies on nitrofurantoin found the following:

  1. 1The main adverse events with nitrofurantoin were symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Moreover, the toxicity of the drug was mild and quickly reversible. When the drug was stopped, the symptoms quickly stopped.
  2. 2None of the studies analyzed documented serious or irreversible effects with duration of use of less than 14 days.
  3. 3Rare, severe and truly dangerous side effects of nitrofurantoin (pulmonary fibrosis, hepatotoxicity, autoimmune disorders) have been reported in patients receiving the drug for many months and years.
  4. 4Timely diagnosis of severe complications and autoimmune disorders, as well as timely discontinuation of the medication led to rapid reversal of symptoms and recovery.
  5. 5The estimated incidence of pulmonary fibrosis and liver damage with long-term use was 0.001% and 0.0003%, respectively, which is no higher than that of other antibiotics in this group.
  6. 6Other severe reactions (neurological and hematological disorders) were even less common, occurring in approximately 0.0007% - 0.0004% of cases.

Based on this meta-analysis, we can conclude that the toxicity of Furadonin is quite low if the duration of administration is no more than 14 days.

As mentioned above, nitrofurantoin can be microcrystalline (Furadonin, Furadonin Lect) and macrocrystalline (Uvamin retard).

The earliest (1983) studies of nitrofurantoin were aimed at comparing the toxic effects when using micro- and macrocrystalline forms of the drug. They showed a 50% reduction in the risk of adverse reactions when using the macrocrystalline form.

When using the macrocrystalline form of nitrofurantoin, the risk of adverse reactions is lower, and the effectiveness of treatment is higher. This is due to the delayed release of the drug; unfortunately, this form of the antibiotic is not available in the Russian Federation.

The microcrystalline form, that is, Furadonin, is quickly absorbed, which often leads to gastrointestinal disorders.

There is a third form of nitrofurantoin - nitrofurantoin MV (modified release), consisting of macrocrystals and monohydrate. It has a gel-like structure and is released even more slowly.

Almost all foreign clinical trials used only macrocrystalline nitrofurantoin. In most studies, the drug was recommended to be taken for 5-7 days, rarely for 10-14 days.

The incidence of adverse events in these studies ranged from 5 to 16%. This is comparable to drugs from other groups, and sometimes even lower.

Excessively widespread use of Furadonin is unjustified, despite its high efficiency. This is due to an increased risk of adverse events from its use, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatotoxicity.

This drug should not be prescribed together with fluconazole (Flucostat), as the toxic effect on the liver increases. Contraindicated in cirrhosis, liver failure and G-6-PDG (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency.

Furadonin effectively affects even resistant microorganisms; its disadvantage is the need for a longer course compared to other first-line drugs.

Previously, Furadonin was one of the antibiotics of choice for the treatment of acute cystitis during pregnancy. With the advent of fosfomycin trometamol (Monural, Urofoscin) on the pharmaceutical market, the drug was relegated to the background.

Today it is used for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women and has been moved to the group of alternative drugs for acute inflammation of the bladder (MONIKI 2014).

The safety of the drug during pregnancy has been proven in many population studies; it belongs to FDA safety class B, but its use is permitted only in the second trimester. It is strictly contraindicated in later stages due to the high risk of hemolytic complications in the fetus.

Cystitis is a rather unpleasant disease; it can occur unexpectedly and causes terrible discomfort to a person. Causes frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen and other unpleasant symptoms. One of the most effective medicines that eliminates the disease is Furadonin. Reviews for cystitis about it are very different. Some felt relief after the first pill, others suffered from side effects.

The drug “Furadonin” has been used for a long time and reliably in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. The release form of the drug is tablets. Contains the active ingredient nitrofurantoin. Produced in concentrations of 50 or 100 mg.
Additional components in the composition of the drug are:

  • potato starch;
  • Aerosil;
  • stearic acid;
  • polysorbate-80.

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, which have a flat-cylindrical round shape. Equipped with a chamfer. Painted yellowish. Packed in a blister of 10 pieces. There are from 10 to 50 pieces in a cardboard box.

"Furadonin" refers to antimicrobial agents. Its shelf life is four years, after which it cannot be used. The product is stored in a dry and ventilated room, at a temperature of no more than +25 C.

Reviews note the high effectiveness of the drug “Furadonin” for cystitis. The medication is an antimicrobial agent. It is a derivative of the nitrofuran group. Used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary system. The drug blocks protein synthesis, which occurs in pathogenic bacteria and disrupts the permeability of the membranes of diseased cells. Its activity is observed both against gram-negative bacteria and against gram-positive microorganisms. The medication does not affect the bacteria Enterococcus spp., Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The tablets also do not work on Candida fungi.

The drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug is 50%. Eating food increases the degree of its bioavailability. The medicine interacts with blood proteins by 60%. Metabolized in the liver and muscles. The half-life lasts about 25 minutes.

The drug can penetrate the placenta and into breast milk. 100% is excreted by the renal system, including 50% of the drug is excreted unchanged.

The medication is prescribed in several cases. These are diseases of the urinary system caused by pathogenic bacteria. Among such ailments are pyelonephritis, cystitis, pyelitis and urethritis. Tablets are prescribed for preventive purposes, before urological surgery, as well as during examination of the urinary tract. “Furadonin” has strictly defined indications and in other cases its use is extremely undesirable.

The instructions for use for cystitis recommend taking Furadonin tablets, but not for all patients. Thus, patients with hypersensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug, especially to nitrofurans or nitrofurantoin, are prohibited from taking the drug. People with severe kidney disease, renal failure and oliguria should not take the medicine.

The medicine is prohibited for children under three years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women. In the latter cases, there is a risk of hemolytic anemia in the newborn child and fetus, since the red blood cell system is not yet mature enough. Contraindications to taking tablets are chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. No medications are prescribed for chronic cardiac and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Furadonin is not prescribed for porphyria in the acute stage of development.

Tablets for cystitis are taken orally. Since food increases the bioavailability of the drug, it is recommended to take it during meals with water.

If there are no other medical prescriptions, then adults with infectious diseases of the urinary tract that occur without complications and are in a mild to moderate stage are prescribed 50 mg 4 times a day. How much to drink "Furadonin" in this case? As a rule, the therapeutic course lasts a week. If the disease is in a severe stage of development and is recurrent, then it is recommended to drink 100 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

If the drug is used in maintenance treatment, it should be taken once a day at a dosage of 50 mg - 100 mg.

For surgical urological intervention and examination of the urinary tract, the medication is taken four times a day at a dose of 50 mg. In this case, the tablets are taken on the day of the urological procedure and for three days after these events.

In childhood - from 3 years - for diseases of the urinary tract that are infectious in nature and proceed without complications, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 3 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight. The calculated dosage is taken 4 times a day. The course in this case lasts about 7 days. To prevent urological diseases, the medicine is taken at a rate of 1 mg per kilogram of weight and only once a day. The suspension is recommended for use by children weighing no more than 25 kg.

When using the drug "Furadonin" in the treatment of cystitis, side effects sometimes appear. These include nausea, vomiting, and allergies. Sometimes patients experience dizziness, drowsiness, pain in the head, asthenia, body chills, anaphylaxis, skin rashes, eosinophilia.

Negative reactions include broncho-obstructive syndrome, hepatitis, and cough. Pain in the chest, pancreatitis, and diarrhea were detected. Cyanosis and pseudomembranous enterocolitis were observed when taking the drug. Cholestatic syndrome, optic neuritis and peripheral neuropathy were recorded. In some cases, abdominal pain occurs.

Tablets for cystitis "Furadonin" are taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise an overdose may occur. A symptom of this condition is vomiting. In this case, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible. Dialysis is used.

The drug "Furadonin" is discontinued at the first symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, that is, when paresthesia occurs. In this case, the development of this effect can be very dangerous.

You should not take pills if the diagnosis has not been established, but there are certain abnormalities in the functioning of the lungs, liver, and there are also problems with the nervous and vascular systems. If even minor symptoms of lung damage appear while taking the drug, stop taking the drug.

During therapy with Furadonin, constant monitoring of the functioning of the pulmonary system is required. This is especially true for older people and patients on long-term treatment with Furadonin.

Side effects from the gastrointestinal system will be minimal if the medication is taken with food or milk. Reducing the dosage will help reduce the likelihood of side effects.

The tablets cause urine to turn yellow or brown. Patients using Furadonin in therapy sometimes exhibit false-positive symptoms for determining glucose in the urine.

Negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract can be minimized when taking the drug with food, milk or by reducing the dose.

It is strictly contraindicated to use the drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It is not yet recommended to prescribe the medicine to children under 3 years of age.

Furadonin is prescribed with caution to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and a deficiency of B vitamins.

Caution should be exercised by persons with diabetes mellitus, anemia, electrolyte disturbances, or deficiency of B vitamins, as the neurotoxic effect of the drug may be enhanced.

"Furadonin" is prohibited for use in liver pathologies. Tablets are not prescribed for purulent prostatitis and paranephritis. It is forbidden to use the medicine if the patient has impaired renal function. Especially for the treatment of parenchymal infection of one non-functioning kidney. The drug may affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate moving machinery, as there is a possibility of drowsiness or dizziness. When treated with Furadonin, it is prohibited to drive a car or various complex moving mechanisms.

"Furadonin", unfortunately, does not have complete structural analogues. But this drug can be replaced with drugs whose mechanism of action is similar to Furadonin. Such medications include nitrofuran derivatives, these are:

  • "Furamag."
  • "Furazidin".
  • "Furagin."
  • "Furasol".

"Furagin" is the closest analogue of "Furadonin" in composition. The indications and contraindications for use of these drugs are the same. This invariably raises the question of what is better for cystitis: Furagin or Furadonin. Both drugs are derivatives of nitrofuran. Both have antimicrobial properties. They come from the same group. Medicines act on the body in the same way and have similar indications for use.

Despite the similarity of the drugs, patient reviews still note that Furagin in some cases turns out to be a more effective medicine. This is due to the fact that it has less negative effects. Patients say that this is a milder drug than Furadonin. Despite this, you should not make a choice on your own, but rather seek advice from a doctor, especially since these medications are quite old and are used less and less in urological practice. They were replaced by more modern drugs, such as Nolitsin, Norbactin and others. In any case, the choice of medicine must be made by the doctor, and the patient must only follow his instructions.

The drug "Furadonin" is distinguished by its affordable cost. So, 50 tablets of 50 mg will cost 60 rubles, 10 tablets of the same dosage will cost about 40 rubles, and the price of 20 tablets of 100 mg is 80 rubles. Buying medications online will cost a little more.

The drug "Furadonin" has both positive and negative reviews for cystitis. Those people who have been helped by the medication note that the pill works almost immediately. The medicine has an affordable price, and you don’t need many pills for a course. In case of cystitis, many people take these pills and do not think about changing them. In addition, almost all of them note that with this medicine you can forget about cystitis for a long time.

There are also negative reviews. For cystitis, “Furadonin”, in principle, as some believe, can be taken, since it is quite effective, but many people are frightened by its strong side effects, which some of them have experienced. Among them are nausea, severe headaches and pain in the stomach area, dizziness. Moreover, negative symptoms directly depend on the frequency of use of the medicine. The more often people used it, the worse they felt. Many people associate this phenomenon with the high toxicity of the drug. And they note that you need to be careful with this medicine. And if possible, they advise choosing a more gentle remedy.

In general, the medicine has proven itself well. Nevertheless, in order not to harm, but to help yourself get rid of cystitis, you need to follow one rule: the medicine should be prescribed only by a doctor, and the course of treatment should be at least seven days.

Each disease has its own characteristics. Thus, cystitis very often occurs in a chronic form. For this reason, everyone strives to choose a treatment that is not only effective, but also affordable. Furadonin tablets for cystitis in a dosage of 50 or 100 mg are perfect for these requirements.

Furadonin is an affordable and effective remedy against cystitis

The drug is effective against pathogens such as staphylococci, gram-positive bacteria and E. coli. They are a common cause of inflammation. You can take Furadonin for cystitis in men, women and even children from the first days of the disease, as well as with an increased risk of relapse due to the chronic course of the pathology.

The active component of Furadonin for cystitis is the derivative Nitrofurantoin. Due to this, the drug is classified as an antimicrobial agent used to identify certain bacteria. It is used in the presence of pathogens such as ischerichia, enterobacter, protea, and so on. In more rare cases, the medicine can be used for enterococci, staphylococci and aerobes.

Immediately after entering the body, the active component of the drug is absorbed by almost 95%, while its concentration in the blood is insignificant. The drug dissolves easily in all biological fluids. This explains the change in urine color to darker during therapy.

The drug is highly digestible and helps with concomitant diseases

The medicine is available in the form of yellow tablets. They taste bitter, but due to their small size they are easy to take with water. For children, you can pre-mix the tablet with sweet syrup or a spoonful of jam.

The drug can be used not only for cystitis, but also for such concomitant pathologies as pyelitis, urethritis, nephritis, and so on. It is especially beneficial to take Furadonin 50 mg after catheterization or surgery to prevent inflammation.

The tablet form of the drug makes it easily digestible. Immediately after the tablet enters the digestive tract, it is absorbed by the intestinal villi and within 3-4 hours it begins to act, even if only 50 mg was taken. As a result, the active substance enters the lymphatic system and reaches the source of infection through it. This prevents infection of other organs.

At the same time, the medicine disrupts the process of hydrogen transfer of bacterial cells, metabolic processes change, which causes the destruction of pathogenic cells.

The drug can also improve kidney function

An important advantage of the drug is its selective effect on pathogenic cells, which eliminates microflora disturbance. This is the main difference from antibiotics, widely used in the treatment of cystitis in women and men.

When using Furadonin for cystitis, there is an improvement in the condition of neighboring organs: kidneys, urethra, ducts, and so on. In addition, at the same time, inflammatory processes of the external genital organs in women are eliminated.

Due to the acceleration of wound healing, the medicine can be taken for cystitis caused by catheterization, injuries and in the presence of ulcers and fistulas.

To eliminate cystitis in women and men in the first days of the disease, it is recommended to take 100 mg of the drug per dose up to four times a day. It begins to act within a couple of hours, which immediately has a positive effect on the general condition of the patient. If you start treatment in time at the first symptoms of the disease, after the first tablet there will be a noticeable reduction in pain and normalization of urination.

Only the doctor will determine how many days the treatment should continue. The absence of symptoms does not indicate complete elimination of inflammation and is not a reason to discontinue the drug.

Furadonin is also indicated for the treatment of children

For children, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 5 mg per kilogram of the baby’s body weight. The resulting dosage should be divided into 3-4 doses. The duration depends on the severity of the disease.

Due to the specific composition, treatment with Furadonin in some cases turns out to be more effective. This is explained by the fact that the active components act on certain pathogens and when they are identified, it is recommended to use this particular drug. In addition, by prescribing the drug to children, you can reduce the risk of developing a chronic form. The same applies to women, whose cystitis often worsens during pregnancy.

If you take the drug in the indicated dosage and do not exceed it, no side effects will occur. In rare cases, the following symptoms are observed:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea and vomiting;

Taking the drug may cause dizziness

In order to eliminate negative consequences, it is enough to find out from your doctor how many tablets you can take during the day and how long you need to continue treatment. Please note that Furadonin is available in both 50 mg and 100 mg dosages. Accordingly, the frequency of administration and the number of tablets will differ.

If abnormalities appear, it is important to see a doctor and stop treatment. Taking the drug with food will help reduce the likelihood of side effects. In addition, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages until treatment is completed. Furadonin is used in the treatment of cystitis in men and women, and it is also often prescribed to children. But while carrying a baby, it is recommended to choose a different medicine.

Despite minimal contraindications, the drug is not prescribed to pregnant women

Benefits of the medicine

Even if you take Furadonin for a long time for cystitis at a dosage above 50 mg, there is no violation of immunological resistance. This makes the drug especially advantageous compared to other antibiotics. In addition, the medicine, on the contrary, helps strengthen the defenses by stimulating the action of leukocytes. The drug also has a positive effect on the adsorption abilities of the liver and spleen, and also improves the binding properties of blood.

Compared to antibiotics, when using this drug, the dosage can be reduced, since there is no addiction or adaptation to the active components. This makes Furadonin especially beneficial in the treatment of chronic cystitis in men and women, as well as with reduced immunity. The drug copes with acute processes especially quickly, regardless of the severity of the course.

Due to the large number of advantages, the drug can be used to treat people with a large number of chronic pathologies, and it can also be given to children.

You can find out about other drugs that can help with cystitis below:

Cystitis is a disease that every third woman knows about; it is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder, the causes of which are as follows:

  • Infection (specific, nonspecific bacterial, viral, fungal)
  • Decreased immunity (diabetes mellitus, taking hormones, cytostatics, radiation therapy, pregnancy)
  • Disorders of the blood supply to the pelvis
  • Stagnation of urine due to prostatitis, urolithiasis, the habit of not urinating for a long time, or in the absence of conditions for regular urination.

Accompanying frequent relapses of cystitis:

  • Frequent constipation, intestinal dysbiosis
  • Infectious bowel diseases
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, prostatitis in men
  • Hypothermia, stress, overwork
  • Pregnancy, abortion.

Many women with chronic cystitis are interested in the question: is the medicine for cystitis Furadonin effective? To find out, you need to determine the causative agent of cystitis and its sensitivity to Furadonin.

In 80-90% of cases of cystitis, the causative agent is E. coli, a small percentage belongs to staphylococcus - 3-15%, and very rarely the bacteria that provoke cystitis are Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella spp. Also, sexually transmitted infections can influence the development and exacerbation of chronic cystitis.

So how to treat cystitis? At the first symptoms of cystitis, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible to get tested, determine the cause of inflammation, the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics, and only then begin complex treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

What tests are taken for cystitis?

  • General urine test; with inflammation, the number of leukocytes will be increased. There will be bacteria floating in the urine, red blood cells and a small amount of protein may appear.
  • Urine according to Nechiporenko, in this analysis the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and cylinders is determined.
  • The most important analysis is bacteriological urine culture. The result of this analysis will have to wait approximately 7-10 days, but the information obtained with its help is of utmost importance, since the effectiveness of the therapy directly depends on the sensitivity or resistance of the pathogen to certain antimicrobial agents. If treatment is carried out without such an analysis “blindly”, the therapy may not be effective. Today, bacterial resistance to many antibiotics has increased significantly, and those drugs that effectively helped against cystitis 30 years ago may simply be powerless today, therefore, the inflammatory process drags on and becomes chronic. In the absence of laboratories and funds for analysis, they are treated with broad-spectrum drugs.
  • Additionally, sexually transmitted infections should be excluded; for this purpose, PCR tests are performed for: herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis. Since STIs are provoking factors for the development of cystitis.
  • Vaginal flora smear in women.
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary organs to determine possible concomitant diseases.
  • Hormonal imbalances also have an impact on inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system; if the patient has any hormonal abnormalities, the doctor will prescribe appropriate hormonal diagnostics.

How to take tablets for cystitis Furadonin

For cystitis, specialists very often prescribe Furadonin, since this antimicrobial agent is primarily used to treat urinary tract infections.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance and the Latin name of the drug is Nitrofurantoin, which is effective against bacteria that cause cystitis, pyelonephritis - Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus spp., Shigella sonnei, Proteus spp., Streptococcus spp. The mechanism of pharmacological action of this drug is due to the still weak acquired resistance of bacteria to nitrofurans, so Furadonin is a fairly effective remedy.


Furadonin is used for bacterial urinary tract infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to it:

  • pyelonephritis
  • pyelitis
  • urethritis
  • prevention of infectious complications after surgical operations and instrumental urological examinations.
  • Individual intolerance, hypersensitivity
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period
  • The drug should not be taken by children under 1 month of age.
  • Acute porphyria
  • Use with caution and under medical supervision for people with diabetes, anemia, vitamin B deficiency and other chronic diseases.
How to take Furadonin

When taking the tablet form of the drug, you should take the drug with plenty of water, without chewing it during meals. When taking the suspension, before use, the bottle should be shaken, measured with a measuring spoon, and can be mixed with milk, juice, or water.

  • For cystitis in adults - 1 tablet. (50 - 100 mg.) 3-4 times a day for 7 days.
  • Children under 12 years old - 5-8 mg/kg/day divided into 4 doses
  • Children over 12 years old - 100 mg. 2 times a day for a week
  • Furadonin is used prophylactically for cystitis 1 time per day. at night 50-100 mg.
Side effects
  • Nervous system: headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, asthenia, nystagmus.
  • Digestive system: pancreatitis, vomiting, abdominal pain, colitis, diarrhea, hepatitis.
  • Respiratory system: cough, interstitial changes in the lungs.
  • Allergic reactions - rash, arthralgia, anaphylaxis, chills, fever, chest pain.

Suspension and tablets for cystitis Furadonin - price: 1 tablet of Furadonin contains 50, 100 mg. nitrofurantoin, covered with an enteric yellow coating, and Furadonin is available in the form of a suspension. This medicine is used for systemic use strictly as prescribed by a doctor. The average price in pharmacy chains is 30-80 rubles.

The tablets also contain colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, and calcium stearate.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, suspension and powder for internal use. The tablets are coated with a coating that dissolves in the intestines. The package contains 12, 20, 30, 40 or 50 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine belongs to the group nitrofurans , it is an antimicrobial drug. Bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects are achieved by disrupting the process of protein synthesis in bacteria and the permeability of the cell membrane. Furadonin demonstrates activity against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (this Shigella , streptococci , staphylococci , and etc.). Effective in the development of urinary tract infections.

During treatment with this drug, bacterial resistance rarely develops, but with prolonged use of the drug, resistance is still possible.

The most pronounced drug activity is observed in acidic urine. If the urine pH is 8 or more, the bactericidal activity of the product is noticeably reduced.

Answering the question whether it is Furadonin or not, it should be noted that this drug is not an antibiotic.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The active component of the drug, nitrofurantoin, is actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Its bioavailability is 50%, and food intake increases the level of bioavailability. The substance is 60% bound to plasma proteins. Metabolism occurs in the liver as well as in muscle tissue. The half-life is 20-25 minutes. Nitrofurantoin crosses the placenta, the blood-brain barrier, and enters breast milk. The substance is excreted from the body by the kidneys, approximately 30-50% is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use of Furadonin

Before starting treatment, the patient must understand what Furadonin tablets are and what they help with. The following indications for the use of Furadonin are determined:

  • infectious-inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, which are provoked by microorganisms sensitive to Furadonin (pyelitis);
  • for the purpose of prevention it is used for cytoscopy , urological surgical interventions, catheterization .

Before you start treatment with Furadonin, you should find out from a specialist what these tablets are for and how to take them.


The following contraindications to the use of the drug are determined:

  • to medicine;
  • chronic;
  • chronic heart failure of the second or third degree;
  • acute porphyria ;
  • hepatitis in a chronic form.

Also contraindications to taking Furadonin are the period of pregnancy and lactation, the age of the child under 1 month.

Side effects

During treatment with this drug, the following side effects may develop:

  • (chills, , and etc.);
  • disorders of the respiratory system (cough, eosinophilia, pain in the chest, pulmonary infiltrates, decreased respiratory function, asthma attacks in people with a history);
  • disturbances in the functions of the digestive system (vomiting, anorexia, nausea, epigastric discomfort, in rare cases - hepatitis, jaundice);
  • disorders of the nervous system ( , , );
  • disturbances in the functioning of the hematopoietic system (granulocytopenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, anemia);
  • skin reactions (erythema multiforme, );
  • other violations (arthralgia, anaphylaxis, myalgia, drug fever, superinfection of the genitourinary tract).

If the side effects described above occur during treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Furadonin tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Furadonin stipulate that the drug should be taken with plenty of liquid, preferably taken after meals. Since the tablets have a bitter taste, chewing them is not recommended, especially for children. The highest daily dose for adult patients is 0.6 g, a single dose is 0.3 g.

Instructions for use for adult patients include taking 0.1-0.15 g of medication 3-4 times a day.

For uncomplicated infectious diseases, Furadonin should be taken 50 mg three times a day.

Patients with acute urological diseases take the drug for 7 to 10 days. If no improvement in the patient’s condition is observed during the period of therapy, further treatment with the drug is not advisable. In order to prevent relapses of diseases and for prophylaxis, the drug should be taken in a dose of 1-2 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Instructions for use for children

For children, the medicine is prescribed at the rate of 5-7 mg per 1 kg of child weight per day. The total dose should be divided into 4 doses. With long-term use for the purpose of prevention, it is enough to take a dose of 1 mg per 1 kg of weight per day.

Those who are interested in how to take Furadonin should note that the effect of the drug on the body becomes more pronounced in an acidic environment, so it is recommended to prefer protein foods during treatment.

The medicine Furadonin is widely used for cystitis. A specialist will tell you in detail how to take Furadonin for cystitis in each specific case. Furadonin tablets are used for both acute and chronic forms of the disease. As a rule, taking 3-4 tablets of the drug per day is indicated (unless the doctor has prescribed a different regimen on how to take tablets for cystitis).


If Furadonin tablets or another form of the drug was taken in a large dose, the patient may experience vomiting. Dialysis is recommended, as well as drinking plenty of fluids.


You should not take Furadonin and antacid medications containing magnesium trisilicate , and nalidixic acid , as this reduces the antibacterial effect of the drug.

Do not combine medicine with fluoroquinolones .

Drugs that block tubular secretion due to a decrease in the concentration of nitrofurantoin in the urine reduce the degree of antimicrobial effect of the drug and also increase the concentration of this substance in the blood, which leads to increased toxicity of the drug.

The antibacterial effect of Furadonin decreases in alkaline urine. Therefore, there is no need to take this remedy in parallel with medications that increase urine pH.

The process of excretion from the body of Furadonin is reduced Sulfinpyrazone and, therefore, the simultaneous use of these drugs is undesirable.

Terms of sale

Can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage requires a dry and dark place, temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Best before date

special instructions

It should be taken into account that in people suffering from hypovitaminosis B, anemia, diabetes, electrolyte imbalance during treatment with Furadonin, the likelihood of developing peripheral neuropathy .

Not used for the purpose of treatment, purulent paranephritis .

To reduce the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be taken with food or milk.

Should not be prescribed nitrofurantoin together with medications that can cause kidney dysfunction.

Furadonin's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Furadonin or Furagin - which is better?

Furagin belongs to the same group (nitrofuran derivatives). The indications for use of both drugs are similar, and at the same time they provoke the development of almost identical side effects. It is generally accepted that Furagin is a milder medicine. But the final decision on the choice of drug should be made only by a specialist, which requires consultation with a doctor.

For children

For children, it is used to treat urinary tract infections. Furadonin is prescribed to children over 1 month of age. A dose is prescribed at the rate of 5-7 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. Adolescents over 12 years of age should take 100 mg twice daily. Therapy lasts from 5 to 7 days.

With alcohol

It is forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment with this drug.

Furadonin during pregnancy and lactation

Furadonin increases the risk of developing hemolytic anemia in an infant. The active substance passes through the placenta and has a toxic effect on the fetus. In some cases, Furadonin is used to treat pregnant women after 12 weeks, but only strictly as directed and after comparing the possible risks and benefits. If you cannot practice treatment with this remedy, since its active substance passes into breast milk